Participants: Pr. John Lomacang
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000068
00:22 Hello and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:24 Bible study here at the 3ABN Worship Center, 00:27 and I like to welcome you for tuning in tonight 00:30 and joining us for this very important topic. 00:32 We're continuing the study on the Bible Sabbath. 00:36 Now we've talked about the Bible Sabbath quite a bit. 00:39 And there are many who understand the Sabbath 00:42 in different ways. 00:43 But we thank you that you have your Bibles with you 00:46 and we thank you that you are inviting the Lord 00:49 to guide you and to speak to you. 00:52 And tonight, if you're joining us 00:53 from one of the local churches, welcome. 00:56 Also want to say, 00:57 welcome to some of the people in our local area. 00:59 I was out today, 01:01 and I met a lady who lives in the local area, 01:05 and she says, "I'm watching." 01:08 And she does not attend our church. 01:10 She says... 01:11 I said, "I'd like to invite you to come." 01:13 She says, "Well, 01:15 my husband has a little different view, 01:17 and it's hard to move him." 01:18 But she said, "But I'm listening." 01:20 And she said, 01:21 "It amazes me how you remember all that stuff." 01:26 And she's been searching the Bible. 01:27 So can we say Amen to that? Amen. 01:29 There are people that are watching, listening, 01:31 wanting to know what the truth of God's Word 01:33 is really saying to them. 01:35 And tonight, if you want a copy of the lesson, 01:37 if you have access to the Internet, 01:39 you can go to this website, 01:44 download lesson number 21. 01:47 And I said we were going to begin on question number 14. 01:50 But we're going to begin on question number 13. 01:52 It's a really important question. 01:54 I kind of raced through it last week, 01:56 and I want you to get the full gist of its importance 01:58 as a full context of a question. 02:00 And we're going to cover that tonight in our beginning. 02:02 But before we do anything, we're going to have prayer. 02:04 We prayed before we went on the air, 02:06 but we'd like to include you in our prayer. 02:07 Let's bow our heads. 02:09 Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us. 02:12 Thank You for the truth as it is in Jesus. 02:16 It's not enough to know the truth. 02:18 We have to love the truth. 02:21 Jesus is the way the truth and the life. 02:23 We love Him as our Lord and Savior. 02:25 And we love His Word and what it teaches us. 02:28 And so tonight, 02:29 guide our hearts and minds that we may be drawn closer 02:32 to you in our walk, in our relationship 02:35 that we won't have a casual but a dedicated relationship. 02:39 And we also pray, Father, 02:41 that tonight Your Holy Spirit will remove from us any offense 02:45 that may come as a result of this topic. 02:47 The intention is not to offend or to cause anyone to be upset 02:52 but to simply share those things 02:53 that are found in the Word of God 02:55 that we might have a greater understanding 02:57 of His will for our lives. 02:59 So bless us tonight as we continue 03:01 in Your presence, in Jesus' name, amen. 03:05 Now we're going to sing our theme song. 03:06 What's the name of our theme song? 03:08 "Victory in Jesus." 03:10 So join us as we sing our theme song tonight. 03:20 I heard an old, old story 03:24 How the Savior came from glory 03:28 How He gave His life on Calvary 03:31 To save a wretch like me 03:35 I heard about His groaning 03:39 Of His precious blood's atoning 03:43 Then I repented of my sin 03:47 And won the victory 03:49 Chorus. 03:50 O victory in Jesus 03:54 My Savior forever 03:58 He sought me and bought me 04:02 With His redeeming blood 04:06 He loved me ere 04:08 I knew Him 04:09 And all my love is due Him 04:13 He plunged me to victory 04:17 Beneath the cleansing flood 04:21 I heard about a mansion 04:24 He has built for me in glory 04:28 And I heard about the streets of gold 04:32 Beyond the crystal sea 04:36 About the angels singing 04:40 And the old redemption story 04:43 And some sweet day 04:45 I'll sing up there 04:47 The song of victory 04:50 Key change. 04:51 O victory in Jesus 04:55 My Savior forever 04:59 He sought me and bought me 05:02 With His redeeming blood 05:06 He loved me ere 05:08 I knew Him 05:10 And all my love is due Him 05:14 He plunged me to victory 05:17 Beneath the cleansing flood 05:21 He plunged me to victory 05:25 Beneath the cleansing flood 05:31 What do we say? Amen. 05:33 Amen. Praise the Lord. 05:34 That is the message of righteousness by faith. 05:38 Victory in... 05:40 Jesus. In Jesus. 05:41 But thanks be to God who giveth us 05:44 the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 05:45 1 Corinthians 15:57. 05:49 Tonight, if you're just joining us 05:51 and you like a copy of the lesson, 05:52 go to the website, 05:56 download a copy of lesson number 21. 05:59 And there are also the connections 06:02 or the links to the prior lessons 06:04 as well as the videos if you've missed any of them. 06:08 Now tonight the topic is of great importance. 06:11 I want to just quickly review what we covered so far. 06:15 And when I say review, 06:16 just there are those who may be tuning in 06:18 for the very first time 06:19 and they just downloaded the lesson 06:21 and they know that we're beginning on 13, 06:23 they're wondering what we covered so far 06:26 in our 12 questions. 06:28 First of all, 06:32 the Sabbath was made 06:33 on the last day of creation week. 06:38 Now let me ask you the question, 06:39 you have to tell me what number day that was. 06:41 Somebody tell me what number that was? 06:43 Seven. 06:44 There was only six days use for creating physical things. 06:48 Everything that we could see 06:50 was created on the first six days. 06:52 But, you know, we have a seven-day week. 06:55 Why need a seven-day week? 06:56 Why have a seven-day week 06:58 unless you intend to do something with it? 07:00 Well, in Genesis 2:1-3, 07:02 the Bible says, "The Lord rested, 07:04 blessed and sanctified the seventh day." 07:07 And then when He gave the commandments, 07:09 He says, "Remember the Sabbath day 07:11 to keep it holy." 07:12 Four in six days, 07:13 the Lord made the heavens and the earth. 07:15 So Jesus connected the day that He sanctified 07:18 with the seventh day of the week 07:19 and He called it the Sabbath. 07:22 So here's the point I want to make, 07:24 very important tonight. 07:25 If sin never entered the world, 07:29 there would be no issue about the Sabbath. 07:32 But also if sin never entered the world, 07:34 there would be no issue about marriage. 07:37 And in our world today, 07:38 two things that God established before sin entered the world 07:42 or under the vehement attack, the family, the marriage, 07:47 and I don't say traditional marriage, 07:48 I say biblical marriage. 07:50 Amen somebody? Amen. 07:51 Because this phrase is used in traditional marriage. 07:53 Well, you could break traditions. 07:56 Traditions, just as good as the society 07:58 in which you live. 07:59 It's not traditional, it's scriptural. 08:01 The Sabbath is not traditional, it's scriptural. 08:04 The family and the marriage is not traditional, 08:06 it's scriptural. 08:08 That's what's wrong with our world today. 08:10 They're getting away from the Bible. 08:11 And so when they argue tradition, 08:13 I heard the story about a lady who once used to cut off. 08:16 And we don't need ham. 08:18 But it fits into the story here 08:19 because this is the context of the story. 08:22 Lady was married, and she said to... 08:24 She'd always cut off two inches of the ham before she baked it. 08:28 And her husband said, "Why do you do that?" 08:30 "So my mother does that. 08:31 I think it maybe adds to the taste." 08:33 She asks the same, "Mom, why do you do that?" 08:36 "Well, that's my grandmother did that. 08:38 And I don't know, let's ask grandma." 08:40 It just so happened that grandma was still around. 08:42 They asked grandma, "Why did you do that?" 08:45 She said, "It was too big for the pan." 08:49 But it was a tradition. 08:51 Sometimes people do things they don't know why. 08:54 They just do it because somebody else did it. 08:56 I remember years ago when I was in California, 08:58 Pastor Doug Batchelor and I and Alan Reinach, 09:02 I invited him to join me on a program, 09:04 where we discussed the Sabbath. 09:05 And I was amazed that the pastor who invited us 09:08 said he's an honest man, and he is, 09:11 but he did not know 09:13 what the Bible taught about the Sabbath. 09:14 And so he introduced us and had that program. 09:17 What we want to make sure tonight 09:18 is that everything we do is found in God's Word. 09:22 Is that okay? 09:23 Because that's the best foundation, 09:24 that's the only foundation. 09:26 So we find on the last day of creation week, 09:28 God blessed that seventh day. 09:30 And by the way, 09:31 the only place you can find seven days 09:34 in the week is in the Bible. 09:36 So for the fact that we have a seven-day week 09:38 is affirmation that God is the Creator. 09:42 What do you say? 09:43 That's the affirmation. 09:45 Nobody could have created the seven-day week but God, 09:48 so whether you are a person who honors God or not, 09:51 God exists. 09:52 He's impacted all of humanity from the very dawn of creation. 09:56 Also, the Sabbath is a sign not only of lordship, 10:01 the Sabbath is a sign between us and God. 10:03 But it's also a sign of sanctification. 10:06 As the Sabbath was set aside from all the other days 10:08 of the week, 10:10 when we honor the Sabbath, 10:11 it sets us aside 10:13 from all the other days of the week. 10:16 The Sabbath is a blessing to us 10:18 because God calls us to physical rest 10:20 and what other kind of rest? 10:22 Spiritual rest. 10:23 Whenever my wife and I celebrate our anniversary, 10:25 we kind of turn everybody else off. 10:28 That's what we like to do. 10:29 It's a special event. 10:31 We say, "Well, this is the day that we were blessed. 10:33 This is the day that we were sanctified." 10:35 So we keep that day just to us. 10:38 Now keep this in mind. 10:40 The Sabbath is not a sanctified hour. 10:43 It's not a sanctified two hours, 10:45 you don't just go to church, 10:46 and then go to the baseball game, 10:48 and to the basketball game, and to the beach, 10:49 and to shopping malls, 10:51 and all that other outdoor activity 10:53 or the Super Bowl. 10:54 The Sabbath is a 24-hour period, 10:57 sanctified by God that belongs just to Him. 11:00 The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. 11:04 So the question is, if you find out... 11:08 if you find out what day is the Sabbath, 11:12 then you answer the question who is your Lord. 11:16 So it's not about just a day, 11:18 any more than May 22 is just about another day. 11:20 It's an anniversary for us. 11:22 When the Sabbath comes around, 11:23 the Lord says, 11:24 "The seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord thy God." 11:27 So the question is not what day fits. 11:29 But the real question is who is your Lord. 11:33 Ain't that important? Yes. 11:34 If He's your Lord, you don't pick stuff out. 11:38 You choose what He has given to you. 11:40 He blessed it. 11:41 And by the way, you can't bless any other day. 11:43 You can't sanctify any other day, 11:45 only God has the power to bless and to sanctify it, 11:48 ain't that right? 11:49 The other thing we learned 11:50 is the Sabbath was the first commandment given. 11:52 Do you know before sin into the world, 11:54 God established the Sabbath. 11:56 There was no thou shalt not kill, 11:57 thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery, 11:59 thou shall not dishonor your parents, 12:01 don't take the name of the Lord our God in vain, 12:03 all those things were still a principal aspect 12:05 of God's government. 12:07 But there was no need to say it 12:09 because man had not yet fallen into violation. 12:12 So if men never fell into violation, 12:15 there would be no need to change the Sabbath. 12:17 And by the way, 12:18 there is no need to change the Sabbath. 12:20 But they felt that, 12:22 "Well, you know, since citizens of world, 12:23 we just might as well go ahead 12:24 and discombobulated God's constitution." 12:27 We have to leave God's constitution 12:28 the way that God made it. 12:29 Amen? 12:31 The other thing we learned 12:32 was the Sabbath was kept before Sinai, 12:34 Abraham, Genesis 26:5, 12:36 Abraham who was not a Jew... 12:40 The reason why God blessed Abraham 12:42 in Genesis 26:4-5 12:45 is because Abraham kept God's commandments. 12:49 So the commandments existed long before Sinai. 12:53 And before the children of Israel got to Sinai, 12:56 in Exodus chapter 16, 12:57 God tested them 12:59 to see whether not they would be faithful 13:01 to the Sabbath, before they left Egypt. 13:04 Exodus chapter 3, 13:05 Moses reminded them that there is one day 13:08 in seven you must rest. 13:10 And that's why Pharaoh became angry 13:12 and made them make brick without straw. 13:15 So the Sabbath was continually there, 13:17 it was always a sign from creation 13:19 all the way through. 13:21 The other thing we learn is the Sabbath 13:23 is the only commandment with the word, what? 13:25 Remember. Remember. 13:26 What does remember mean? 13:28 Don't forget. 13:31 I know that as a Pastor, sometimes I forget. 13:32 And people say, "Pastor, you didn't remember." 13:37 I stand guilty. 13:38 But I remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. 13:40 Amen? 13:41 You see, if you forget me... 13:44 If I say remember me and you forget me, 13:45 you've lost nothing. 13:47 But if you forget God, you've lost everything. 13:48 Remember the Lord, 13:50 remember His Sabbath to keep it holy. 13:52 The other thing that's really important to me 13:53 about the Sabbath is I want to do what Jesus does, 13:55 anybody else? 13:56 Yes. 13:58 We all want to be followers of Jesus. 13:59 That's what a Christian is a follower of Christ, 14:01 one who emulates what Jesus does. 14:04 Can you imagine being lost because you did what Jesus did? 14:09 That just makes me shudder. 14:14 Why did he lose his salvation? 14:15 'Cause he followed Jesus. 14:17 He did what Jesus did. 14:20 All of those that are arguing whether or not 14:21 it should be Sunday or Saturday, 14:24 ask yourself which one did Jesus honor? 14:27 He honored the Sabbath, Saturday. 14:31 And the Bible says, Luke 4:16, "As his custom was," 14:35 Paul followed the custom of Jesus. 14:37 As Paul's custom was... 14:38 And we're going to see that today 14:39 in the Book of Acts. 14:41 Jesus didn't do it because it was tradition. 14:43 He did it because He established the Sabbath. 14:46 He kept what He set up. 14:48 Amen? 14:49 The other thing we learned, 14:51 Jesus said, "It's lawful to do good on the Sabbath." 14:52 You know, one of the things that Jews did was, 14:54 they made the Sabbath a burden. 14:56 They made it so legalistic that today, 14:58 many Christians say, 15:00 "Oh, you are still bound to the Sabbath. 15:02 You're in bondage." 15:03 Absolutely not. 15:04 They say, "You being saved." 15:06 You're trying to be saved by works. 15:07 Hey, let me remind you, the Sabbath said, 15:09 thou shall not do any works. 15:12 So the Sabbath is not a sign 15:13 of working your way into salvation. 15:15 The Sabbath is a sign of rest in Jesus. 15:20 Cease from your labor as He ceased from His. 15:24 Not a day to work our way into salvation. 15:26 Never think of the Sabbath as a legalistic 15:28 because it was distorted by the Jews. 15:32 Marriage is distorted by people today. 15:34 Do we stop performing weddings? 15:36 Absolutely not. 15:37 We just keep it between a man and a woman. 15:38 Amen. 15:40 Not only that, Jesus said, 15:41 "The Sabbath would exist after His ascension." 15:43 Matthew 24:20, 15:46 He said, "Pray that your flight 15:47 not be in the winter nor on the Sabbath day." 15:50 Jerusalem was destroyed 15:52 39 years after Jesus made that statement. 15:55 In His own admission, 15:57 He admitted that the Sabbath would be in existence. 16:00 Thirty nine years after his ascension, 16:02 which means if it was still in effect 16:05 after His ascension 39 years later, 16:07 it was never changed 16:09 'cause only the Lord has the power to change 16:11 what He has established. 16:13 And lastly, we're going to go to that right now. 16:16 Question number 13, 16:17 we'll discover that the Sabbath was kept at His death, 16:21 the Sabbath was kept at the death of Jesus. 16:23 Look at question number 13 tonight. 16:25 How does the Bible show 16:27 that the Sabbath was kept at the death of Jesus? 16:31 We're going to go to the Book of Luke chapter 23. 16:33 Let's go to the Book of Luke. Turn there. 16:36 Turn there with me. 16:39 Matthew, Mark, Luke. 16:41 Luke chapter 23. 16:43 I want to show you the entire account 16:44 because if you read this in a way 16:46 that is actually written, 16:48 you'll discover that this settles all the arguments, 16:51 it gives you all three days, right, Mike? 16:54 It gives you the day before the Sabbath, 16:55 the day after the Sabbath, 16:57 and the day in the middle of those days, 16:59 before the Sabbath 17:00 and after the Sabbath is the Sabbath. 17:03 Now Jesus had been crucified. 17:06 Let's go ahead and look at verse 50, 17:11 verse 50, all right? 17:14 The Bible says in Luke 23:50, we'll get down to the answers. 17:18 The question is how does the Bible 17:20 show that the Sabbath was kept at the death of Jesus. 17:22 Here's verse 50. 17:23 "And behold, there was a man named Joseph, 17:25 a council member, a good and just man. 17:29 He had not consented to their counsel and deeds. 17:34 He was from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, 17:37 who himself was also waiting for the kingdom of God. 17:42 This man went to Pilate 17:43 and asked for the body of Jesus. 17:46 And he took it down, wrapped in linen, 17:49 laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock, 17:53 where no one had ever lain before." 17:57 And verse 54. 18:00 And it says, verse 15, 18:04 "And that day was the," what? Preparation. 18:07 "Preparation and the Sabbath drew near." 18:10 Okay? 18:12 Now verse 55 is where we're going 18:13 to start reading now. 18:15 It says, "And the women who had come with Him 18:19 from Galilee followed after and they observed the tomb 18:23 and how His body was laid. 18:26 And what did they do? 18:28 "Then they returned and prepared," what? 18:31 "Spices and fragrant oils. 18:34 And they rested on the," what day? 18:36 Sabbath. 18:37 "Sabbath according to the..." 18:39 Commandment. "Commandment. 18:41 They rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment." 18:44 Now the question I must ask, 18:46 we must ask 18:48 is what commandment requires rest? 18:55 The answer is in the text. 18:56 What commandment requires rest? 18:59 It's in the text. 19:00 Just tell me the word. 19:01 Sabbath. 19:03 Sabbath. 19:04 The Sabbath. 19:05 Even at the death of Jesus, these women rested. 19:08 They could have easily gone back to the tomb 19:10 and applied the fragrant oils 19:12 whereas the King James Version says the ointments, 19:15 the embalming methods, 19:16 they wanted to embalm the body of Jesus. 19:19 But the reason why they did not need 19:22 to embalm the body of Jesus, 19:24 according to the prophecy of the Psalms, 19:27 the Father would not allow His body to see corruption. 19:30 He would not get to the point where He began to stink. 19:33 Lazarus got to the point where he began to stink, 19:36 his sister said it, 19:37 "By now, don't open that thing, four days." 19:42 But Jesus never got to that point. 19:43 Amen? 19:45 Amen. 19:46 And when they got there, 19:47 now I want to point something out. 19:49 Now I want to just briefly look at Luke 24:1, 19:51 it's not on the screen, 19:52 but I want us to look at it 19:54 because you had the day that His body 19:56 was taken down in verse 54. 19:59 That's the preparation and the Sabbath drew near. 20:02 So that's the day before the Sabbath, 20:03 the preparation day, 20:04 that's the day they finished their preparation. 20:07 This is very important. You got to learn this. 20:08 The Jews didn't begin. 20:10 The Christians didn't begin their preparation on that day, 20:14 they ended their preparation on that day. 20:16 They started their preparation from Wednesday, 20:19 the middle of the week, on dawn. 20:21 So by the time the Sabbath was coming in, 20:24 they were done. 20:25 That means, it wasn't the day to begin to prepare, 20:28 it means the preparation was done, all right? 20:31 And then now look at Luke 24:1. 20:39 "Now on the first day of the week, 20:41 very early in the morning, 20:42 they and certain other women with them came to the tomb, 20:45 bringing the spices which they had prepared. 20:48 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 20:52 Then they went in and did not find 20:54 the body of the Lord Jesus." 20:55 Now why do you suppose they didn't find him? 20:58 Because what? He was gone. 21:00 Now what day did he get up? 21:02 The first day. 21:04 What day did He get in there? 21:05 The preparation day. 21:07 What day is between the preparation day 21:08 and the first day? 21:10 Come on tell me, really quickly. 21:11 Sabbath. The Sabbath. 21:13 So today, the whole world, 21:15 the Christian world and even the regular world, 21:18 when the resurrection weekend comes around, 21:20 some people call it the Passion Week, 21:22 some people call it other terminologies. 21:24 But you have Good Friday observed by many Christians 21:28 in the Catholic faith. 21:29 You have Palm Sunday, which was before that. 21:33 You have Good Friday, 21:35 then they call that the Passion Week, 21:36 then you have Easter Sunday, the Day of Resurrection. 21:39 What day is between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? 21:42 Come on, tell me. 21:43 The Sabbath. The Sabbath. 21:44 So if you're ever confused, this is what's confusing to me. 21:48 And I remember 21:50 meeting a young man in Orlando, Florida. 21:51 We had a dear church member that spoke to a young man. 21:54 He was confused. 21:55 He said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, 21:57 you're confusing me because," 21:58 she asked him the very question, 21:59 "Is Sunday the Resurrection Day or is it the Sabbath?" 22:03 He said, "Wait a minute, you're confusing me." 22:04 She said, "No, my brother, you're already confused. 22:07 I'm trying to clear it up because the Resurrection Day 22:09 and the Sabbath cannot be the same day." 22:11 Can somebody say amen? Amen. 22:13 It cannot be the same day, but many Christians... 22:16 And I want to say this clearly, 22:18 many sincere first day Christians are taught 22:22 that Sunday is the Sabbath. 22:23 Then when Easter comes around, 22:25 I don't know how they don't get it. 22:27 How can Sunday be the Resurrection Day 22:29 and the Sabbath according to the Bible, 22:31 they're separated by one day, the day before the Sabbath. 22:35 The next day, Jesus was gone. 22:37 You know, how He was gone? 22:39 He had work to do. 22:40 The first day of the week is a work day. 22:42 Even Jesus at His death, rested on the Sabbath. 22:46 The women did it. 22:47 Now this is powerful. 22:49 Jesus didn't want anybody to say, 22:51 "He left on Sabbath." 22:53 That shows that He's now working. 22:56 He even rested in the tomb on the Sabbath. 22:58 Amen. Ain't that wonderful? 23:00 So there's no confusion there. 23:01 So here's the answer to number 13. 23:03 How does the Bible show that the Sabbath 23:04 was kept at the death of Jesus? 23:06 How was it? 23:07 The women kept it and Jesus kept it. 23:10 Jesus honored it. 23:12 And the women who followed Him, honored it. 23:16 He didn't change it. 23:18 He said, "I will not change it." 23:19 Matthew 5:17-19, 23:21 "I'm not going to change any of My laws." 23:25 Matter of fact, just for the quick reference, 23:27 I'm going to go there 23:29 and we're going to move fast through this, 23:30 go to Matthew chapter 5 'cause I often make references 23:33 but I don't always show it. 23:36 And by the way, in the very beginning, 23:37 when I was going over those points, 23:39 if you see the broadcast before this one, 23:42 on the early part of the Sabbath, 23:43 you will understand in specifics, 23:45 question number 1 to 12 23:46 is what I was recapping in detail. 23:48 Look at Matthew chapter 5:17, all right? 23:53 And then we're going to go down to verse 19 23:55 'cause a lot of people say, Jesus got rid of the law. 23:57 That's not what the Bible says. 23:59 Look at Matthew 5:17, 24:01 Jesus said, "Do not think or think not," 24:04 I like that in the King James Version, 24:05 think not, then that sound authority, 24:07 think not. 24:09 "Do not think that I came to destroy the law 24:13 or the prophets. 24:15 I didn't do it with the Old Testament 24:17 and I'm not getting rid of my law. 24:19 I did not come to destroy but to," what? 24:21 "Fulfill." 24:23 You know what fulfill means there in the Greek? 24:24 To magnify. 24:26 Jesus magnified the law and made it honorable. 24:31 You know what magnify means? 24:33 He said, okay instead of just killing somebody, 24:37 being guilty of killing somebody, 24:40 you could be guilty of plotting their murder. 24:43 Isn't that true in our society today? 24:45 People get put in jail for years 24:48 for plotting someone's murder, 24:50 even though they didn't carry it out. 24:53 So there's Jesus magnified the law, 24:56 it's not just the actual law but the spirit of the law. 25:00 What do you say about murder? 25:02 If you hate somebody, you what? 25:03 You are a murderer already? 25:05 Did He shrink it or did He magnify? 25:08 Which one? Magnified. 25:09 He magnified it, He made it broader. 25:11 He said, "If you look upon a woman to lust after her, 25:14 you've committed adultery in your heart already." 25:17 He said, "If you covet, you don't have to take. 25:22 But if you covet your neighbor's car, 25:24 you're guilty of covetousness." 25:27 And we know nowadays, God's name is so dishonored. 25:32 So Jesus didn't shrink it. 25:33 But then He says in Matthew 5:18, 25:37 "For assuredly, I say to you, 25:38 till heaven and earth pass away, one jot," 25:41 that's the dotting of the 'i' "or one tittle," 25:43 the crossing of the T, 25:45 "will by no means pass 25:46 from the law till all is," what? 25:48 "Fulfilled. 25:50 Whoever therefore break 25:51 one of the least of these commandments," 25:55 this is dangerous, "and teaches men so, 25:58 shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. 26:01 But whoever does 26:03 and teach them shall be called," what? 26:04 Great. 26:06 "Great in the kingdom of heaven." 26:07 Now it doesn't mean that you're going to be there 26:09 and your name will be mentioned less. 26:11 What it means actually the way it's read in the Greek, 26:12 it says, "You'll be the least one well think about 26:15 in the kingdom of heaven." 26:17 That means you will be... 26:21 You don't have a chance. 26:23 If you teach people to break God's law, 26:25 if you violate it, 26:27 and you teach people to violate it, 26:28 this text is necessary. 26:29 You don't have a chance. 26:31 Why is it important to be called in heaven? 26:33 Because Jesus confesses our name before His Father. 26:36 He's not going to confess the name of someone 26:38 who teaches the violation of His law 26:42 and then violates it himself. 26:44 All right, let's go on to the next one. 26:46 Number 14, let's going to go through very quickly here. 26:49 How did the apostles show 26:51 that the Sabbath was not discontinued? 26:54 Let's go to Acts chapter 13. 26:56 Acts chapter 13. 26:57 This is a wonderful story about Paul and Barnabas. 27:00 Paul and Barnabas. 27:04 They were traveling. 27:06 Paul and Barnabas, 27:08 and they were preaching in the city of Antioch. 27:10 And that sermon was so good. 27:13 Sermon was so good 27:15 that the people in town heard about it. 27:18 And notice what they said. 27:20 Verse 42, it says, 27:23 "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, 27:27 the Gentiles," what's the next word? 27:29 Begged. 27:30 "Begged that these words 27:31 might be preached to them," when? 27:35 "The next Sabbath." 27:36 Notice Jews and Gentiles. 27:40 "Now when the congregation had broken up, 27:42 many of the Jews and devout proselytes," 27:46 that's converts, "followed Paul and Barnabas, 27:50 who speaking to them, 27:52 persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. 27:55 On the next day," on the next what? 27:58 "Sabbath, almost the whole city came together 28:03 to hear the Word of God." 28:04 Amen? Amen. 28:06 In that city was Jews and Gentiles, 28:09 other nationalities, it's like any city, 28:13 multiple nationalities. 28:15 Now we don't have a ton of nationalities 28:17 in Thompsonville. 28:18 But in most places, you have like a New York City. 28:23 If the whole city came together, 28:24 how many people will be there? 28:26 There would be no space for them. 28:28 So I'm assessing that Antioch wasn't as big as New York. 28:35 And the nationalities were huge. 28:37 All different races, 28:39 different classes of people came together. 28:41 But here's the key, somebody said, 28:43 and I read a book recently that just kind of fried my brain 28:46 in the sense that it was just so amazingly inaccurate. 28:50 Somebody said, 28:51 "Well, because the Sabbath is mentioned here 28:53 doesn't mean that this is a reaffirmation 28:55 of the Sabbath." 28:57 Well, to the contrary, 28:58 because the Sabbath is still being affirmed 29:02 and honored here is an affirmation 29:05 that the Sabbath continued. 29:06 Amen? 29:08 They wouldn't be getting together 29:09 preaching on the Sabbath if it did not exist. 29:13 Paul and Barnabas would not be preaching on the Sabbath 29:17 if it did not exist. 29:18 Then somebody will say, 29:19 "Well, they preach on the Sabbath 29:21 because it was the Jews." 29:22 Well, not only every... 29:24 There was no issue with the Sabbath. 29:25 There was no chiseling away at the Sabbath. 29:28 There were only Christians and pagans. 29:31 And the pagans honored anything 29:33 trees, rocks, stones, you name it. 29:36 But those who honored the true God 29:38 did not see the need to remove any of the commandments of God. 29:42 It stayed intact. 29:43 So there was no... 29:45 Well, that didn't mean the Sabbath was... 29:47 It was there. 29:48 That was the day they worshiped on. 29:50 That's why they gather together 29:51 in Antioch on that particular day. 29:53 So how did the Apostles show 29:54 that the Sabbath was not discontinued? 29:56 Jews and Gentiles met on the Sabbath together, 30:01 Jews and Gentiles. 30:04 It's amazing to me how many of the week Bible verses, 30:07 and after this one, 30:11 we're going to show the text that people try to use 30:13 to try to annul the Sabbath. 30:14 It's amazing how people can twist things. 30:17 You know, you see, 30:18 it's like me putting my hand around the wall, 30:20 you only see three fingers and somebody says, 30:22 "He had two fingers amputated." 30:25 Because you don't see them doesn't mean they're not there. 30:28 That's one of the keys in the Bible. 30:30 A lot of times, people say, 30:31 "Well, the Lord did not reemphasize 30:33 all of His commandments in the New Testament." 30:36 Yes, He did. 30:38 The one that you have to kind of pull out 30:40 is where it says, 30:41 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." 30:43 He talked about that in Matthew chapter 7 though, 30:45 he talked about vain repetition, 30:47 don't use vain repetition as the heathens do. 30:49 And what they meant... 30:51 But they would... 30:52 Like they did one, Mount Carmel. 30:53 The Mount Carmel showdown, 30:55 they called on their God all day long. 30:57 But all Elijah did was just one simple prayer. 31:01 Now, because that commandment, 31:02 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain," 31:04 doesn't mean that Jesus now is endorsing 31:07 that His name should be taken in vain. 31:09 But the reason why it was not mentioned there 31:11 is because Jesus' name was so holy 31:13 that when the scribes wrote His name, 31:16 they would put down their regular pen 31:18 and pick up one just to write the holy name of the Lord 31:21 and put it down 31:22 and continue writing the rest of what they were scribing. 31:25 There was no need, 31:26 the principle was continually there 31:28 and the actual event itself, okay? 31:31 How do they Apostles show that 31:32 the Sabbath is not discontinued? 31:34 The Jews and the Gentiles kept it. 31:36 Let's go to the next one. 31:37 Number 15. 31:38 What did the Apostle Paul do that verifies 31:42 the continuance of the Sabbath? 31:45 What did he do? 31:46 What did he do that verifies the continuance 31:50 of the Sabbath? 31:53 Acts 16:13, okay? 31:58 What did he do? 32:00 Here it is, here it is. 32:02 "And on the Sabbath day, 32:03 we went out of the city to the riverside, 32:07 where prayer was customarily made, 32:10 and we sat down and spoke to the women 32:12 who met there." 32:14 Now somebody may ask the question, 32:15 "Why did the women meet down by the riverside?" 32:18 According to the way that they established churches, 32:21 there had to be at least nine men 32:23 in order for a church building to be erected. 32:26 So the women didn't have nine men 32:28 yet among their congregation, 32:29 so they honored the Sabbath down by the river. 32:33 Now you get it. 32:34 If you were thinking, 32:36 "I'm going to lay down my burdens," where? 32:37 "Down by the riverside." 32:39 That's from this story. 32:41 Down by the riverside. 32:42 This is the story that that comes from. 32:45 Jesus met them down by the riverside. 32:48 And He did that, when? 32:50 On the Sabbath. 32:51 So you see clearly Acts chapter 13, 32:54 Acts chapter 16. 32:56 So here's the answer. 32:58 What did the Apostle Paul do 32:59 that verifies the continuance of the Sabbath? 33:01 Let's go on. 33:02 He not only met with the Jews and the Gentiles 33:05 but he met with the women down by the riverside, 33:08 regardless of nationality and gender, 33:10 they were honoring the Sabbath, all right? 33:13 Once again, another evidence. 33:15 And by the way, and I mentioned this, 33:16 and I'll talk about this little later on. 33:19 We will in one of our studies present the only 12 texts 33:21 in the Bible, 33:23 in the New Testament that talks about the first day, 33:25 we're going to go through them very, very quickly. 33:27 And you'll discover in all 12 of the texts, 33:29 only 12 in the New Testament that mentions the first day. 33:32 But they are on the contrary, 60 that mentioned the Sabbath. 33:37 That's five times more. 33:38 So if anybody says to you the Sabbath is not talked about 33:41 in the New Testament, they have not read their Bible, 33:44 no matter what degrees or letters they had behind 33:46 or in front of their name, 33:48 they are not telling you the truth. 33:50 The Sabbath is mentioned 60 times 33:52 in the New Testament. 33:54 The first day is only mentioned 12 33:56 and 8 of them deal with the resurrection. 34:00 Three of them... 34:01 Well, I don't want to do it tonight. 34:03 I'll do it another night, okay? 34:04 Let's go on. 34:06 Question number what? 34:07 Sixteen. Number 16. 34:08 Here it is. Number 16. 34:11 How frequently did the Apostles honor 34:14 the Sabbath day? 34:16 How frequently did the Apostles honor 34:20 or the Apostles honor the Sabbath day? 34:24 We'll start with Acts 17:2. 34:27 Acts 17:2, and by the way, 34:29 it's called Acts but the longer name 34:32 is Acts of the Apostles, all right, 34:34 just narrowed down to Acts. 34:36 And the Bible says in Acts 17:2, 34:39 "Then Paul, as his custom was, 34:44 went in to them and for three Sabbaths 34:48 reasoned with them from the scriptures." 34:51 How many Sabbaths? 34:52 Three. Three. 34:54 So now here's what I want to make a point on. 34:57 Some people pit Paul against Jesus. 35:01 Some people say, "Well, what did Paul do? 35:06 What did Jesus do?" 35:09 Let me ring the bell. 35:10 Ting! 35:11 Paul ain't, as we say in New York, 35:14 ain't in controversy with Jesus. 35:17 Paul is a convert of Jesus, amen somebody? 35:19 Amen. 35:21 Paul is not setting up some new thing, 35:23 but they misinterpret 35:24 the writings of the Apostle Paul. 35:25 But somehow give credence more to Paul than to Jesus. 35:29 They say, "Well, Jesus said, 35:31 'Baptize in the name of the Father, 35:32 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.'" 35:34 But the Apostles say, 35:36 "Baptized in the name of Jesus." 35:37 "So which one should we do?" 35:39 And they make a doctrine out of that. 35:40 Well, just baptize in the name of Jesus 35:42 'cause that's got to be more important, 35:43 'cause the apostles said it. 35:46 When you baptize in the name of the Father, 35:49 and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 35:51 some people miss, 35:52 they're not talking about look for name like John, 35:54 Gary, and Ed. 35:56 The word name there means that in the authority of. 36:01 So when I knock on somebody's door, 36:02 they say, "Who is it?" 36:05 This is the highway patrol for the State of Illinois." 36:08 That's more important than this is John. 36:10 Ain't it right? 36:12 Am I telling you the truth? 36:15 "This is George." 36:17 "Who is George?" 36:18 "I'm the former president of the United States." 36:20 Oh, that's different. 36:22 His authority escalates. 36:24 Am I telling the truth? 36:25 So when you baptize in the name of the Father, 36:27 the Son and Holy Spirit, 36:28 you're not baptizing in people's names, 36:30 you're baptizing in the authority 36:32 that crosses the board from all of them. 36:34 So if you say baptized in the name of Jesus, 36:36 His authority is not different 36:38 from the Father and the Holy Spirit. 36:42 I want to preach tonight. 36:45 It's not different. 36:46 It's the same. 36:48 The three are one, 36:49 their authority is across the board, all right? 36:53 So what did Paul do? 36:55 How frequently in this context, 36:57 three Sabbaths reason from the Scripture? 36:59 But now look at Acts 18:4. 37:02 Acts 18:4, and the Bible says, 37:05 "And he reasoned in the synagogue 37:10 every Sabbath and persuaded both," what? 37:15 Jews. "Jews and," who else? 37:18 Greeks. "Greeks." 37:19 There we go. 37:20 Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, women and the apostles. 37:25 So now are we saying, "Well, that's incidental?" 37:28 I mean, we could delete those because we still think 37:31 that's somewhere we can find a new day of worship. 37:34 I'm not trying to be offensive at all. 37:35 So please don't take offense. 37:37 But what I'm saying is, 37:39 if you want to establish yourself 37:40 on anything, 37:41 the safest thing to do is establish yourself 37:44 on what the Bible says, not what man says. 37:47 Can I get an amen? Amen. 37:49 So many people are saying, 37:50 "Well, I know what the Bible says, 37:51 but my pastor says this." 37:54 Sorry, follow a "Thus saith the Lord," 37:58 because a lot of folk have their own interpretation. 38:01 But you cannot argue with the Bible. 38:04 The Bible is the final authority, 38:05 isn't it? 38:06 "Thus saith the Lord." 38:08 If the Bible says it, 38:10 I believe it, and that settles it for me. 38:13 That's the safest place. 38:14 You will never fall into controversy 38:17 when you read what the Bible says. 38:18 Let's look at another one. 38:20 This one is grossly misunderstood. 38:21 We'll get back to this one again 38:23 in the following study 38:24 because this is one of the texts 38:25 that they try to add something to it 38:27 that is not really there. 38:28 Question number 17. 38:30 Question number 17. 38:32 How did the Revelator, that's John... 38:35 How did John the Revelator 38:37 confirm the Sabbath in the New Testament? 38:40 John the Revelator. 38:43 We should sing a song like that 38:45 in the Heritage Singers Quartet loved it. 38:47 John the Revelator saw Jerusalem coming down. 38:51 Love it. 38:53 Revelation 1:10. 38:55 This text is so grossly misunderstood, 38:59 so violently misapplied. 39:04 I'm reading some of the doctrinal books 39:06 that were written by other denominations. 39:08 And they would use this text to somehow come up 39:10 with the idea 39:11 that this is the first day of the week. 39:12 Now let's go to Revelation. 39:14 Are we all in Revelation? 39:15 Yeah. 39:16 Easy to find, last Book of the Bible. 39:18 And I want you to tell me in this, 39:21 if you let your Bible read... 39:22 If you read your Bible 39:23 and let the Bible speak for the Bible, 39:25 you can come up with anything pertaining 39:27 to the first day of the week, all right? 39:30 Revelation 1:10, here it is on the screen. 39:32 Here's the answer. 39:33 "I was in the spirit on," what day? 39:35 Lord's Day. 39:36 "The Lord's Day, 39:38 and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet." 39:43 Now what day was John in the spirit? 39:46 Whose day? The Lord's Day. 39:47 Whose day? 39:49 The Lord's Day. The Lord's Day. 39:52 He was in the spirit on the Lord's Day. 39:55 Couple of texts you want to write down very quickly. 39:56 Got your pens? 39:57 If you get your pens, write this down. 39:59 Mark 2:27-28, 40:05 okay? 40:07 Mark 2:27-28, which simply says what? 40:13 Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. 40:17 The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. 40:21 Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. 40:25 The Lord of the Sabbath. 40:27 So is Lord of what day? 40:29 The Sabbath day. 40:31 Now I don't want you to miss this. 40:32 He is Lord all the time. 40:34 But when He identifies himself with a day, 40:36 he's not saying just pick a day 40:38 and that you could apply that to me. 40:41 John is saying he was in the spirit 40:43 on the Lord's Day, 40:45 not a Lord's Day. 40:47 Very, very important. 40:48 Now when you begin to emphasize this, 40:50 another text you find in Exodus 20:8-11, 40:55 "For the seventh day is the Sabbath 40:59 of the Lord thy God." 41:01 What day is the Lord's Day? 41:04 Come on, say it? Sabbath day. 41:05 The Sabbath day. 41:06 The Lord identifies us all through the Scriptures. 41:10 So if somebody... 41:12 I tell you... 41:13 Have any of you ever put a puzzle together? 41:16 Yes. 41:18 Have any of you not put a puzzle together? 41:20 People like puzzles. 41:21 I don't know what possesses people 41:23 to get together with a 5,000-piece puzzle. 41:25 I just think that they have nothing else to do. 41:28 You know, this little tiny piece 41:29 is trying to figure out a sky. 41:31 What part of the sky does it go to? 41:32 Who cares? 41:34 Five thousand pieces, 41:36 you got to be in an asylum 41:39 to have that much time on your hand. 41:41 Okay, I retract that. 41:44 You just have to love puzzles that much 'cause that's... 41:47 I know, I've seen people do this. 41:49 You know, you go to their house and they have this big table 41:51 dedicated to just the puzzle. 41:52 They say, "Please don't touch my table." 41:54 And it's like there for nine months. 41:56 "What piece are you on?" 41:58 "Piece number 1,500." 41:59 "You mean you got 3,500 pieces left?" 42:02 "I don't know." 42:03 But anyhow, the Bible is not a puzzle. 42:05 But here's my point. 42:07 All you got to do to figure these out 42:09 is put the pieces together. 42:12 And the Bible gives you enough pieces 42:14 to come to a conclusion. 42:16 That's what evidence is all about. 42:18 So you present this in court. 42:19 "Give me the evidence 42:21 that the Sabbath is the Lord's Day." 42:22 Well, that's the one He rested on to start out. 42:26 And He blessed it to start out, 42:28 and He's sanctified to start out, 42:30 and He said, He hallowed it to start out. 42:33 "That's one evidence. 42:34 Okay, some more." 42:35 He said it's a sign between Him and us, 42:38 that He's the Lord that sanctified us 42:39 when we honor that day. 42:40 "Okay, I get that." 42:42 "The seventh day is a Sabbath of Lord thy God," 42:43 Exodus 20:11. 42:45 "I get that." 42:48 And then you continue going on and on and on 42:50 and then you eventually bump into this text. 42:53 Go to the next question. 42:54 Here it is, question number 18. 42:56 How do we know 42:59 that the Lord's Day is the Sabbath day? 43:03 Go with me to Isaiah 58. 43:06 What text did I say? 43:08 Isaiah. Isaiah. 43:12 Esaias, as they say. 43:16 Isaiah chapter 58. 43:23 Oh, I tell you. 43:26 You know, I'm encouraged to do topics like this. 43:27 Let me tell you why. 43:29 There are people that are watching this program 43:31 that meet me periodically in the store, 43:33 I could be in Carbondale, I could be in Marion, 43:36 I could be in various parts of the country 43:39 or various parts of the world, 43:40 and people that are just reading their Bible 43:45 and looking at TV. 43:46 You know, like I met Bill in Walmart. 43:48 And Bill's here tonight. 43:49 Met Bill the little more than a month ago. 43:51 Met right there, he said the Lord told him 43:53 what part of the store to go to. 43:55 And Lord told me what part of the store to go to. 43:58 And we met Bill, and here's Bill, 44:00 studying with us tonight 44:01 because Bill wants to know what's in God's Word. 44:04 See we want to invite you, 44:05 if you're in the local area, Thompsonville, 44:08 if you're in the Southern Illinois area 44:09 and you got gas in your tank, 44:12 or vehicle, or if you need a ride, 44:15 just get in touch with those of us 44:16 who are here at 3ABN, 44:17 Wednesday night, 44:19 the best Bible study on the planet. 44:21 Amen? Amen. 44:23 That's why I'm here. 44:25 I'm committed to this. 44:26 The best Bible study on the planet, 44:28 Wednesday night at 7 o'clock, Central. 44:30 You couldn't beat it with a stick. 44:32 So don't try. 44:34 But the point of the matter is God's Word is clear. 44:36 Is it not clear? Yeah. 44:37 If you want the Word of God, tune into this station, 44:40 the undiluted three Angels' messages 44:43 one that will counteract the... 44:44 Counterfeit. Counterfeit. 44:46 That's what our job is. 44:47 We love everybody. 44:49 But we are surely going to work against the devil 44:52 to keep people out of darkness. 44:56 Walk in the marvelous light. 44:57 How do we know... Question number 18. 44:59 How do we know 45:00 that the Lord's Day is the Sabbath day? 45:03 We're all in Isaiah now, aren't we? 45:04 Yeah. 45:05 Isaiah chapter 58. 45:07 And we're going to start with verse 13. 45:10 Well, yeah, start with verse 13, okay? 45:15 And it's on the screen. 45:16 I'm going to read it from the screen 45:17 because I put it in particularly 45:19 in the King James Version. 45:20 I just... 45:21 I could quote this, 45:23 I mean, I've been doing this all my life. 45:24 "If thou turn away thy foot from the," what? 45:28 "Sabbath, from doing that pleasure on," whose day? 45:31 "My Holy Day and call the Sabbath a delight, 45:36 the Holy of the Lord, honorable and shalt honor Him, 45:42 not doing thine own ways, 45:44 nor finding thine own pleasures, 45:47 no speaking thine own," what? 45:49 "Words." 45:50 What did the Lord say in verse 13? 45:53 From doing thy pleasure on my holy day 45:57 and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of the Lord. 46:01 Isaiah makes it very clear. 46:03 The answer to question number 18 46:06 is how do we know 46:07 that the Lord's Day is a Sabbath day? 46:09 Because that's what he calls it. 46:11 He calls it My holy day. 46:13 What does he call it? Say it together. 46:15 My holy day. 46:17 I know you guys are right, 46:18 but we need a little bit more octane than that. 46:20 What does He call it? 46:21 My holy day. My holy day. 46:23 He doesn't say, your holy day. 46:26 That's the reason I asked the question. 46:28 Because people have said to me, "You've got your day. 46:31 I've got My day." 46:33 Let's hit the delete button. 46:35 You don't have a day nor do I have a day. 46:40 I've got a Lord. 46:41 And He's got a day. Amen. 46:44 If you find the Lord, 46:45 "Lord, what do you want me to do? 46:47 Which day is the holy day that I must honor week by week 46:52 as a sign that we are connected?" 46:55 It's always amazing to me that people say, 46:57 "I got my day, you got your day, 46:59 you have your day, you have your day." 47:01 Yanette, when did you make a day? 47:04 Don't even try to answer that. 47:05 Because you didn't. That's why he got stunted. 47:09 "I don't remember when," 'cause you never did. 47:11 That's the point. We don't make days. 47:13 God makes days, isn't that right? 47:15 So we don't have to come up with something say... 47:17 You know, if you prefer a different day, be honest. 47:22 "I prefer Sunday 'cause it fits better my schedule. 47:26 I could go to church, couple of holy hours, 47:30 then go to the mall, got football game. 47:33 Go to the mall." 47:35 Did I say the mall? Yes. 47:36 Yeah, a lot of people go to the mall, 47:37 so I said it twice. 47:39 "But I could do whatever I want after I go to church." 47:42 And it's almost like we're saying to God, 47:44 "I love You, Lord, 47:45 but You're going to have to accept my program." 47:50 I think we won't be surprised 47:52 when we stand face to face before God 47:54 and realize who God is. 47:57 "My ways are not your ways. 48:00 My thoughts are not your thoughts, 48:02 as high as the heaven is above the earth 48:05 so are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts about," what? 48:11 "Your thoughts." 48:13 God makes it very, very clear. 48:16 So when the answer is given here 48:18 on the question number 18, 48:20 how do we know 48:22 that the Lord's Day is a Sabbath day? 48:24 Very simply, He calls it that. 48:26 He says, "My holy day." 48:29 How can it be simpler, Brother Richard? 48:31 How can that be? 48:32 "My holy day." 48:33 "Is that your car? This is my car. 48:36 Which one is this car? 48:37 That's my car." 48:39 Amen? Amen. 48:40 So when you call something my 48:42 and you connect Sabbath to it, 48:44 that's the day that John was in the spirit 48:46 on the Lord's Day. 48:47 And by the way, you'll find if you do your homework, 48:49 you'll find the reason why many Christians call 48:53 the first day the Lord's Day. 48:54 It was first titled that by a Roman Catholic, 49:00 it was not done by the Bible. 49:02 It was done by a... 49:05 I'll give you the references, not tonight. 49:07 I do not want to misquote the reference. 49:09 But we'll talk about that. 49:10 How did these days and titles come into popularity? 49:14 And nowadays, people just roll it off their lips, 49:17 "Well, I heard that the first day of the week 49:19 is the Lord's Day 49:20 or the day that God now that we should honor." 49:23 No, no, that was given that title, 49:25 as like I could say, you know, two and two is six. 49:28 Like the ham. 49:29 You know, it's like the ham, exactly. 49:32 You know, cut that thing off, but if you follow further... 49:34 Far back enough, you discover it is nothing by tradition, 49:37 and tradition can hang around so long, 49:39 it almost sounds sanctified. 49:41 That's what's happening today in our world. 49:43 All right, so let's look at the next one. 49:46 Number 19. 49:47 Number 19. 49:48 What evidence do we have 49:51 that the Sabbath will be kept in heaven? 49:55 What evidence do we have 49:56 that the Sabbath will be kept in heaven? 49:57 Isaiah Chapter 66 50:00 and verse 22 and verse 23. 50:05 Isaiah 66:22-23. 50:09 This is powerful. 50:11 This is just really... 50:12 Praise God, it's in His Word. 50:14 All right? 50:15 And I'm going to go to Isaiah 66. 50:18 Since this is the last Book of the Bible. 50:20 And I'm going to talk about a trend, there's a trend, 50:23 there's a trend here that's continuing 50:25 to go from one text to the next. 50:26 Here's the answer. 50:28 "'For as the new heavens and the new earth 50:30 which I will make shall remain before me,' 50:34 says the Lord, 50:36 'so shall your descendants and your name remain. 50:40 And it shall come to pass 50:43 that from one new moon to another, 50:45 and from one,'" what? 50:47 Sabbath. 50:48 "'Sabbath to another, 50:49 all flesh shall come to worship before Me,' 50:54 says the Lord". 50:55 How many people? Four. 50:57 You know, when you follow this, my brother and my sister, 50:59 when you follow this, what evidence do we have 51:01 that the Sabbath will be kept in heaven? 51:03 All flesh as the new heavens and the new earth 51:06 is going to make remain, so will the Sabbath remain. 51:08 Now get this. This is powerful. 51:10 So you want to put on your thinking cap now 51:13 to get this. 51:15 Sabbath kept at the... 51:16 Established at the end of creation week. 51:19 When? 51:20 End of creation week. 51:21 Sabbath kept all through the Old Testament. 51:27 Sabbath kept all 51:30 through the New Testament. 51:33 Sabbath will be kept in heaven. 51:36 Where was the break? 51:40 In the dark ages, 51:43 you'll find out how it got in there. 51:45 You see, the devil is sneaky. 51:47 He turns a light off. 51:48 They put things in. 51:50 That's why it's called the dark ages. 51:52 He turned the light off and snuck some things in. 51:55 So when the light came back on, people saw stuff in there 51:58 and they thought it was put there by God. 52:01 That's another concept. 52:02 Turn the light off 52:04 and put somebody else's furniture in my house. 52:06 I turn the light on and say, 52:07 "When did we get new furniture?" 52:09 And I think that my wife put it there. 52:12 The devil put it there. 52:13 He turned a light off during the dark ages. 52:17 From 538 to 1798, he turned off the lights. 52:21 And when the light came back on in the late 1700 and 1800s, 52:26 actually the Protestant Reformation on, 52:28 these things just were there, 52:29 when the light started coming on and people thought, 52:31 "Well, this has been there all the time. 52:33 We just didn't notice it." 52:35 Uh-uh, not at all the truth. 52:40 Amen? 52:41 Let's go to the last two tonight. 52:43 And then I'm going to give some application 52:44 in just a moment here. 52:46 Question number 20. 52:47 Question number 20. 52:49 Why is the Sabbath commandment being attacked? 52:53 Well, now let me ask you the question, 52:55 who will attack it? 52:56 Who has an attitude? 52:57 Who has an issue with the Creator? 52:59 Who does? Somebody tell me. 53:01 Satan. Satan does. 53:03 There was war in heaven. 53:04 He started to fight in a perfect environment. 53:07 He said, "Lord, you want to fight?" 53:09 God said, "Don't start it 53:11 because I'm going to finish it." 53:12 And he got kicked out. 53:13 Amen? Amen. 53:15 When we get to heaven, devil's not going to be there. 53:16 He fought against God. 53:18 He wrongly accused God, 53:20 and you find that in Revelation chapter 12. 53:22 Let's look at that very quickly. 53:24 And then we're going to see the end of this story. 53:26 We're gonna have one more right after that, 53:27 so we'll make it tonight. 53:29 The devil always likes to fight. 53:32 And he doesn't fight. 53:33 He never fights on the basis of truth 53:36 because he's fighting the one who established the truth. 53:39 Revelation chapter 12. 53:41 Let's look at this very quickly. 53:43 And here it is. 53:44 The Bible says in verse 7, 53:45 "And war," no, verse 7 to start, 53:48 don't put the text up yet, and the Bible says, 53:50 "And war broke out in heaven. 53:52 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon 53:55 and the dragon and his angels fought, 53:57 but they did not prevail nor was a place 53:59 found for them in heaven any longer. 54:01 So the great dragon," verse 9, "was cast out, 54:04 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, 54:07 who deceives," who does what friends? 54:09 "Deceives the whole world. 54:11 He was cast to the earth 54:12 and his angels were cast out with him." 54:16 What did he do since he got cast to the earth? 54:18 He's a deceiver. 54:19 What is he? Say it again. 54:21 A deceiver. 54:22 That's what he does. But who is he angry with? 54:24 And this is powerful 54:25 because when you read this text, 54:27 you got to ask yourself the question, 54:28 if I do something that get the devil angry, 54:30 I must be doing the right thing. 54:32 But if I do something that gets the devil happy, 54:36 I'm doing the wrong thing. 54:38 Who is he upset with? Here's the answer. 54:41 Who is he upset with? Revelation 12:17. 54:43 Now we bring the text up. 54:45 "And the dragon," the Bible says, 54:48 "And the dragon was wroth," that is angry, 54:51 "the dragon, the devil was wroth, 54:53 angry with the woman," that is the church, 54:55 "and went to make war with a remnant of her seed," 55:00 the last day church, and what are they doing? 55:03 "Which keep," come on, read together, "which," what? 55:05 "Keep the commandments of God 55:08 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." 55:12 If you keep the commandments of God 55:13 and stay faithful to the testimony 55:15 of Jesus Christ, you'll be an overcomer. 55:17 They overcame him by the blood of the lamb 55:19 and by the word of their testimony. 55:22 If you keep the commandments of God, 55:24 the devil will be angry. 55:25 But here's the dangerous thing, my brother, 55:26 if you belong to a church where your pastor says, 55:28 "You don't have to keep the commandments," 55:29 he's on the devil's side. 55:31 I want to be very clear. 55:33 It's too late to mince words. 55:34 If your pastor teaches the commandments 55:36 are done away with, 55:37 and the Bible says that's what the devil teaches, 55:39 you're on the devil's side. 55:41 1 John 2:3-4, "He who says, 'I know him,'" look it up," 55:45 He who says, 'I know him' 55:46 and does not keep His commandments 55:49 is a liar and the truth is not in him." 55:51 That's New Testament, 1 John 2:3-4. 55:54 But now let's end with the last one tonight 55:55 because we're going to end on the note 55:57 that motivates us all to keep the commandments of God. 55:59 Last question number 21. Here it is. 56:01 What should motivate us to keep all Ten Commandments? 56:05 What should motivate us, my friends? 56:07 Let's look at the answer together, 56:08 and we're going to all read it, John 14:15. 56:10 Let's all say it together. 56:12 Here it is. 56:13 "If you love Me, keep My commandments." 56:18 Why do we do anything? 56:20 Shouldn't be out of love? Yes. 56:22 It's not out of legalism. 56:24 It's not out of tradition. 56:26 It's not because we are bound or under the burden of the law. 56:30 No, no. 56:31 It's because we love the Lord. It's because what, my friends? 56:33 Love. 56:35 If love is not the motivating factor, 56:37 then don't do it. 56:39 Even if you honor the right day 56:40 and you don't love the Lord is of no value. 56:42 The issue that motivates us to do what's right 56:44 is because we first love the Lord, 56:46 if you love me, notice he didn't say, 56:49 keep my commandments, then you'll love me. 56:51 He says, "But if you love me," do what? 56:53 "Keep My commandments." 56:55 Now there's a natural flow there. 56:57 The commandments will be an issue with you 56:59 if you don't love the Lord. 57:00 The Sabbath will be an issue, it'll actually make you angry, 57:03 this program will anger somebody 57:05 if you don't first love the Lord. 57:07 This program makes folks hot under the collar 57:10 and they want to change the channel 57:11 because they don't love 57:13 or understand the impact of the obedience on love. 57:17 Obedience and love is the same thing. 57:19 If you love the Lord, my brother, 57:21 my sister, my pastor, 57:22 whomever is watching the program, 57:24 don't get upset, get obedient. 57:25 Come on, say amen. Amen. 57:27 Don't get upset, get obedient. 57:30 If you are willing and obedient, 57:32 I mean, Isaiah 1:18-20, 57:34 "If you are willing and obedient, 57:37 you eat of the fruit of the land. 57:39 But if you refuse and you rebel, 57:41 you will be devoured by the sword 57:43 for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it." 57:46 Tonight, the Sabbath is a sign of loyalty 57:49 and love for the Lord. 57:51 If you love Him, if you love Him, 57:52 only if you love Him, no other reason, 57:55 if you love Him, honor His commandments 57:58 and then He will bless you. 57:59 And one day if it doesn't make sense, 58:01 it will come into A Sharper Focus. 58:03 God bless you. |
Revised 2019-05-16