A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Sabbath, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000067

00:19 Hello, friends,
00:20 and welcome to another Wednesday Night Bible Study
00:22 here at 3ABN Worship Center.
00:25 Welcome to A Sharper Focus, where we are back on schedule.
00:29 If you've been watching 3ABN for the last
00:33 two or three weeks or almost four weeks,
00:34 Pastor Ron Halverson has been preaching
00:35 every Wednesday night,
00:37 and we've enjoyed it tremendously.
00:38 And so we're getting back on schedule tonight.
00:41 So I'm kind of like Philip,
00:43 the one that has been commissioned by the Lord
00:46 to be an evangelist.
00:47 And the Lord sent him into the wilderness,
00:49 and he found a lone Ethiopian.
00:51 So we're not great in numbers tonight,
00:53 but we know that you're tuning in,
00:54 and we praise the Lord for you.
00:57 We're still going to...
00:58 As a good cook, I'm still going to cook
01:00 as I normally would for 1,000 people.
01:02 That means I'm still going to share
01:04 the Word of God with the power and conviction
01:07 that the Holy Spirit calls for us to communicate.
01:10 So thank you for tuning in and joining us tonight.
01:13 Get your Bibles, invite your family and friends.
01:15 And maybe if you're joining us from a church,
01:18 just tell everybody, get together
01:19 because now we're going to be going to the Lord in prayer.
01:23 And then we're going to have our theme song,
01:25 and I'll tell you
01:27 how to get a copy of the lesson tonight,
01:28 so you can follow us along in our study.
01:32 But let's bow our heads as we invite the Lord
01:35 to begin with us, and invite His presence
01:38 through a word of prayer.
01:40 Heavenly Father, we thank You
01:42 that You are here tonight with us.
01:44 We thank You that Your Word is true on any given day,
01:49 or at all times.
01:50 And we pray that even this evening, Lord,
01:52 we'll open it and expect the power from on high to come
01:56 and fill our hearts as we study this Word together.
02:00 May the topic about the Sabbath become clear
02:02 to those who may not have understood it,
02:05 may have never thought about it
02:08 or maybe wandering their way through it,
02:10 wondering what relevance it has.
02:13 And so, Lord, lead us and guide us,
02:15 and may Your name be honored and glorified.
02:18 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
02:21 Now if you'd like the copy of the lesson tonight,
02:23 go to this following website.
02:25 Don't put www, it's asf.3abn.org
02:30 and download lesson number 21, number 21.
02:35 Now we began with that lesson
02:37 on the Sabbath all about five weeks ago,
02:39 but as I mentioned
02:41 because of the It Is Written evangelistic series,
02:43 we were preempted,
02:45 and now we're getting back on track.
02:47 Hopefully you will have the full lesson that's there.
02:50 The original one just went to nine questions,
02:52 but we've updated that,
02:54 and if you have the one that's been updated,
02:56 you should have a 21 question lesson for tonight,
03:00 which is entitled "The Truth about the Sabbath."
03:04 How to know the truth about the truth?
03:06 But tonight, let's begin with our theme song,
03:08 which is "Victory in Jesus."
03:10 So by the way,
03:11 you could also download the lyrics from the website.
03:15 It's been put there.
03:16 Some people have asked what are the words for that?
03:19 About a month and a half ago,
03:20 we were doing an evangelistic series
03:22 in New York City,
03:23 and it just so happened that the theme song they chose
03:25 was the same as
03:27 what we're going to be singing tonight.
03:28 So let's all sing together that song, Victory in Jesus.
03:39 Okay, well, maybe not.
03:48 I heard an old, old story
03:51 How the Savior came from glory
03:55 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:59 To save a wretch like me
04:03 I heard about His groaning
04:07 Of His precious blood's atoning
04:10 Then I repented of my sin
04:14 And won the victory
04:18 O victory in Jesus
04:22 My Savior, forever
04:25 He sought me and bought me
04:29 With His redeeming blood
04:33 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:37 And all my love is due Him
04:41 He plunged me to victory
04:44 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:48 I heard about a mansion
04:52 He has built for me in glory
04:56 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:59 Beyond the crystal sea
05:03 About the angels singing
05:07 And the old redemption story
05:11 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
05:15 The song of victory Key change
05:18 O victory in Jesus
05:22 My Savior, forever
05:26 He sought me and bought me
05:30 With His redeeming blood
05:33 He loved me ere I knew Him
05:37 And all my love is due Him
05:41 He plunged me to victory
05:45 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:49 He plunged me to victory
05:52 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:59 Can we say amen? Amen.
06:02 You know, that's the truth of the fact
06:04 about the victory that we find in Jesus.
06:06 Lots of Christians think
06:08 that they must fight for the victory,
06:10 but the Bible says, "But thanks be to God,
06:13 who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
06:16 1 Corinthians 15:57, amen for that.
06:20 We don't have to fight for the victory.
06:21 If we join the winning side, we are on the side of victory.
06:26 And as the Lord said to the children of Israel,
06:28 "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
06:31 When we submit ourselves to Christ,
06:33 day by day He fights our battles for us,
06:37 and that's what's good about giving our hearts to Christ.
06:40 Now tonight the topic is entitled,
06:42 "The Truth about the Sabbath."
06:43 What is it, friends?
06:46 Come on, you guys have more caffeine
06:47 than that in your systems.
06:49 I know you don't drink caffeine,
06:50 but let's say that again, the what?
06:52 "The Truth about the Sabbath."
06:54 I say caffeine
06:55 because that kind of gets you going,
06:57 but we don't drink caffeine for the record,
06:59 we are vegan vegetarians, and we wanted to stay healthy.
07:02 Amen?
07:04 However, what is so wonderful about this topic,
07:07 "The Truth about the Sabbath"
07:10 is the truth about the Sabbath is really not told.
07:13 There are many that believe that Sunday is a holy day.
07:18 Some people have been taught that the Sabbath
07:21 was nailed to the cross.
07:23 Some individuals believe that it's only Old Testament,
07:26 no longer relevant for New Testament Christians.
07:29 And so lots of things that are told about the Sabbath
07:32 are not really true, that's why we entitled it,
07:34 "The Truth about the Sabbath."
07:36 What I'd like to do tonight
07:38 is begin by going to the Book of Genesis Chapter 2,
07:42 Genesis Chapter 2.
07:44 We're going to look at a story in the Bible
07:49 about the end of creation week.
07:51 And many of you might know that...
07:54 Well, let me ask our audience here.
07:56 How many days did the Lord used to create the world?
08:00 How many days? Six.
08:02 How many days are there in a week?
08:04 Seven.
08:05 Okay, so if the Lord used six days
08:08 and the week has seven days,
08:11 there's got to be a reason why there's an extra day.
08:13 And by the way if you look at the cycles
08:18 that we live by every day,
08:20 for example there are 365 days in a year
08:25 or as many people say 364 days and 53 seconds,
08:29 whatever that may be,
08:31 but we have a leap year to make up for the time
08:35 that's not particularly accurate.
08:37 My point is this,
08:39 if you look at the cycle of the sun, the moon, stars,
08:44 you can find in the heavens a 24 hour period,
08:47 23 hours and 56 seconds, I'm told.
08:51 You can also find the 365 day year,
08:55 you can also find the full, the half, the three quarter,
09:00 and back to the full moon.
09:02 You can also find that there are cycles a month.
09:06 We have how many months in a year?
09:07 Twelve.
09:09 How many seasons do we have?
09:11 Except if you live in Florida.
09:14 But you cannot find in the sun,
09:16 the moon or the stars a seven day week.
09:20 The only place documented for a seven day week is where?
09:25 Say it again.
09:26 The Bible.
09:28 So therefore, if you live on this planet,
09:30 and you honor a seven day week,
09:33 the only place that you can find a seven day week
09:36 is in the Word of God.
09:38 Can we say amen to that?
09:39 Now that shows that
09:42 the Bible is valid, and it impacts all of humanity.
09:47 But the most significant event about the reason
09:49 why it does impact all of humanity
09:51 is found in the story of creation.
09:54 Now let's go to Genesis Chapter 2, all right.
09:57 And by the way, Genesis 1:31
10:01 is where we're going to peek first.
10:03 Genesis 1:31
10:06 is where we're going to peek first.
10:07 The reason why we're gonna look at that verse
10:09 is we're going to transition,
10:10 and we're going to discover some very important things
10:12 about the order of the days.
10:13 All right, verse 31,
10:16 this is at the end of creation week
10:17 in Genesis Chapter 1.
10:20 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
10:23 and indeed it was," what are those next two words?
10:27 "Very good."
10:29 So the evening and the morning were the sixth day,
10:34 the sixth day.
10:35 That means when the Lord finished creation,
10:38 He looked around.
10:39 And if you look at the rest of the Book of Genesis,
10:41 it ended,
10:43 the evening and the morning was the first day,
10:44 the evening and the morning was the second day,
10:46 the evening and the morning were the third day.
10:48 So let's look at the cycle very quickly.
10:50 What comes first, morning or evening?
10:53 Evening, according to the Bible,
10:55 its first dark, and then it is light.
10:57 Today in our society, we go by the watch,
11:00 or the clock, or digital devices.
11:03 But in fact, according to the Bible,
11:06 the day begins at the dark part,
11:08 and then goes into the light.
11:11 If you look at the Bible timing,
11:13 when the sun set, the day end, and then another day begins.
11:18 So if the sun sets at 6 pm in the evening,
11:22 and the sun rises at 6 am in the morning,
11:25 what is between 6 pm and 6 am right in the center?
11:29 Someone tell me? Midnight.
11:32 What is it called? Again say that word.
11:34 Mid, mid night, which means the night already started,
11:39 we're in the middle of it.
11:40 So when we hit 12 o'clock at night,
11:42 it's not the beginning of another day,
11:44 it is mid night.
11:47 But in America or all around the world,
11:50 we always count down when New Year's Eve comes,
11:53 and we're already middle of the night, we say at 11:59,
11:57 in the middle of the night,
11:59 we think the new day's about the begin,
12:01 it's already six hours old or whatever the sun has set.
12:05 And the reason why I mentioned that is
12:07 because much of the Bible is misunderstood
12:11 when you miss that very important point.
12:14 You miss how many days
12:16 there are really in the resurrection of Christ,
12:18 you miss when He went to tomb
12:19 and when He rose again
12:20 because of that very important fact.
12:22 So let's go ahead and look at that again.
12:24 The evening and the morning were the sixth day.
12:28 Now that His creation had been done,
12:31 but God did something else, He added one more day.
12:34 Now, here's the point I want to make.
12:38 Everything that God made on the first six days
12:41 had a physical dimension, height, width, and depth,
12:45 also had mass weight, it weighed something.
12:49 The oceans were wide, deep, high, mountains were high,
12:53 the trees all had physical dimensions.
12:55 So everything that had physical dimension,
12:57 everything that you could see was created from the first day
13:00 to the what day?
13:02 To the sixth day.
13:03 So why add another one?
13:05 Look at the reason why.
13:07 And keep this in mind.
13:09 When God did
13:11 what I'm about to share with you,
13:13 there was no sin.
13:15 So therefore there was nothing wrong
13:17 with what God is about to do.
13:19 There was no sin connected to it.
13:21 Let's look at Genesis 2:1.
13:24 The Bible says,
13:25 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
13:27 and all the host of them were," the next word,
13:32 "finished, and on the seventh day
13:34 God ended His work which He had done,
13:38 and He rested on the seventh day
13:42 from all His work which He had done.
13:45 Then, God," what's the next word?
13:47 "Blessed the seventh day," and what else?
13:50 "Sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work
13:55 which God had created and made."
13:58 Now when you look at the Genesis record.
14:00 If you are a Christian, you believe in creation,
14:02 we all believe in creation.
14:04 All Christians believe in creation.
14:06 At least, last I check,
14:08 all Christians believed in creation.
14:11 So we believe in a valid seven day week.
14:15 We also believe that on that seventh day,
14:17 God made nothing with physical dimensions.
14:19 But if you're reading the text very carefully,
14:22 He ended the work, He rested, He blessed,
14:25 and He sanctified the seventh day.
14:28 When you bless something, and you sanctify it,
14:31 what has just happened?
14:32 It's been made, what?
14:34 It's been made holy.
14:35 So here's why the seventh day was added.
14:37 God blessed what day?
14:41 Talk to me, what day?
14:43 The seventh day.
14:44 Did He bless the second? No.
14:46 Did He bless the fourth? No.
14:48 Is He God of all those days? Yes.
14:50 He's the God of all creation.
14:52 He's God of the trees, the mountains and rocks,
14:54 He's the God of all of that,
14:56 but He did not bless any day but the seventh.
15:00 So now if that's the end of His work,
15:03 and in order for us to find any other day blessed,
15:08 we got to find out where God did it.
15:11 Do you follow what I'm saying?
15:13 He only blessed the seventh one.
15:15 So therefore if you go back to the Genesis record,
15:17 somewhere else beyond this chapter,
15:20 after Genesis 2:1-3,
15:22 in order for the Sabbath to no longer be relevant,
15:26 God has to delete that and bless a new day.
15:29 So according to what the Bible says,
15:33 the validity of the Sabbath
15:35 continued from that day until this
15:38 because God did not bless any other day, right?
15:43 Now let's go to our first question
15:45 for tonight, question number seven.
15:46 Since in the last time we went
15:48 from question number one to six,
15:49 look at question number seven.
15:51 Here it is.
15:53 To what special event does God connect the Sabbath?
15:58 To what special event does God connect the Sabbath?
16:03 All right,
16:04 let's go now to the book of Exodus Chapter 20,
16:07 Exodus Chapter 20.
16:09 To what special event does God connect the Sabbath?
16:13 This is really important.
16:15 Exodus Chapter 20,
16:19 Exodus Chapter 20.
16:21 And...
16:24 very, very important
16:26 because by the time the Lord introduced
16:28 to the children of Israel to the Sabbath,
16:30 by the time He reminded them of the Sabbath,
16:33 this is very important,
16:35 God didn't begin the Sabbath with Israel,
16:37 He reminded them of the Sabbath.
16:40 After being in bondage for 400 years,
16:42 And when they came out of the land of Egypt,
16:44 he reminded them of the Sabbath,
16:47 He didn't just begin the Sabbath,
16:49 very important point.
16:50 Okay, let's look at this.
16:52 To what special event does God connect the Sabbath?
16:54 Exodus 20:11 is on the screen, the Bible says,
16:57 "For in six days the Lord," did what?
17:00 "Made the heavens and the earth, the sea,
17:03 and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
17:09 Therefore the Lord blessed," what?
17:11 "Sabbath day and," did what else?
17:14 "And He hallowed it."
17:15 Now when you read the text in Exodus 20:11,
17:18 notice what the Lord says.
17:19 He refers to the seventh day as the day He blessed.
17:23 He also refers to the seventh day
17:25 as the Sabbath day, very important point.
17:29 He doesn't call any other day the Sabbath day.
17:33 He doesn't call any other day a blessed day.
17:37 That's very important
17:39 because Christians today
17:40 that honor the first day of the week,
17:42 and they give all these different reasons,
17:44 and we'll talk about that at another time,
17:46 but the Lord never transferred
17:49 the solemnity of the seventh day
17:53 to any other day.
17:55 He never did it, and nobody else could do it.
17:59 And here's the only thing you need to be able to do
18:01 to be able to bless another day.
18:03 You need to be able to be a creator.
18:05 Can we say amen to that?
18:07 If you're not a creator, then you cannot bless anything.
18:12 And what God blesses is blessed forever.
18:16 A couple of other things God did in
18:18 before creation was done is God blessed the marriage.
18:24 A marriage is still blessed in the sight of God today.
18:27 Yes or no?
18:28 Of course, they are.
18:29 That was way back in the Garden of Eden.
18:31 Although they're trying to redefine marriage,
18:34 and now men and men are marrying,
18:35 and women and women.
18:36 You go back to the original record
18:38 in the Bible,
18:39 it was man, a man to a woman.
18:40 God blessed that institution.
18:42 Everything that God blessed, the devil has attacked,
18:46 so we're not really bewildered as to why
18:50 there's such an attack on the seventh day Sabbath.
18:54 And when you go back...
18:56 We're in Exodus 20:11,
18:58 but look at verse 8 just briefly.
19:01 Look at verse 8
19:02 in Exodus Chapter 20 very briefly.
19:04 I want you to notice something.
19:05 It's very significant that God began this commandment.
19:10 Now if you reading the King James Version,
19:11 all the other commandment says,
19:13 Thou shalt, thou shalt, thou shalt.
19:16 But this one in every translation
19:19 begins with what word?
19:20 Remember.
19:22 So if I said to somebody remember,
19:24 what am I saying?
19:25 Don't forget.
19:27 And we have a tendency to forget.
19:29 So God, what God did is God build a cadence.
19:33 You know what a cadence is?
19:34 A cadence is like, if you felt your heart,
19:37 if you don't have arrhythmia, or if you're not running,
19:39 or if you're not out of breath,
19:40 or if you don't have an illness,
19:42 there should be a cadence to your heartbeat.
19:44 That's if you're not exhausted.
19:45 The faster you run, the cadence increases.
19:49 Goes on.
19:50 But if you're sitting and you have a resting pulse,
19:51 you should be able to feel your heart,
19:54 and there's a cadence to it.
19:55 God built a cadence into the week.
19:58 So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
20:03 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
20:07 One more time, one, two, three, four, five, six, what?
20:11 Seven.
20:13 It's a cadence, it doesn't change.
20:15 So if you go down to six, you say, I know what's next,
20:17 seven.
20:18 After seven, we go back to what?
20:20 One, it's a repetitive cadence.
20:22 Look at your calendar, the cadence is there.
20:26 The devil has done quite a bit to try to change God's cadence.
20:30 I remember working for
20:32 when I was a teenager in high school,
20:35 I worked for a company, I was a messenger.
20:39 I worked at the Old World Trade Centers
20:42 on the 21st floor.
20:44 And we worked with companies
20:46 that shipped packages on large,
20:51 what do you call those?
20:53 Not cruise ships, what do you call them.
20:55 Freighters, thank you very much.
20:57 That word just went out of my mind.
20:58 Freighter.
21:00 But whenever those packages wherever they left,
21:01 and they went back,
21:03 I had to go down to the docks in New Jersey periodically,
21:06 and deliver the bill of lading to these docks.
21:10 And when I was down there once, I got a calendar.
21:12 And what was to my surprise,
21:15 I have discovered that in Europe,
21:17 many of the calendars had been changed.
21:20 They call the maritime calendars.
21:23 They put Monday as the first day,
21:26 and they put Sunday as the seventh.
21:28 And I asked why did you do that?
21:30 And they said,
21:31 "Well, it fits better for business purposes.
21:35 It fits better for business purposes.
21:37 And many of you may buy software
21:39 like Microsoft Word
21:40 or you may download a calendar from the internet.
21:43 And some of the calendars you download,
21:45 they squish Saturday and Sunday on the last part of the week
21:50 because they say that's the end of the week,
21:51 and they put Monday at the very beginning.
21:53 Look at that very carefully because these are things
21:55 that subliminally communicate to people
21:59 that the days had been changed.
22:01 But the most reliable record is the Bible.
22:04 Can you say amen?
22:05 The most reliable record is the Bible,
22:07 and if you feel that the Bible has somehow
22:10 doesn't have enough support, get to your dictionary,
22:13 your Encyclopedia, your Britannica,
22:16 and if you're really confused, ask the entire nation of Jews.
22:21 What day is the Sabbath? We know that.
22:24 Ask the Ethiopians,
22:25 they are the only other nation outside of the Jews
22:27 that have been keeping the Sabbath the longest,
22:30 and you may wonder why.
22:31 Philip, when he met the Ethiopian eunuch
22:33 in the wilderness, he preached him Isaiah 53,
22:37 he got baptized and took the gospel to Ethiopia.
22:40 And in Ethiopia to this very day,
22:42 they call the Sabbath Qamis day.
22:45 That's the day of the child, Qami meaning the child,
22:50 Qamis day, the child, who? Jesus.
22:53 So this special connection that God did in six days,
22:58 made the heavens, He blessed the seventh day,
23:01 therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day.
23:03 This is where you find the seventh day,
23:05 and the Sabbath day connected.
23:08 Somebody may say in Genesis, it doesn't say that.
23:10 Well, the Lord connected the seventh day
23:12 and the Sabbath day in Exodus 20:11.
23:16 Let's go to question number eight.
23:17 I'll move a little faster.
23:19 Question number eight, question number eight.
23:23 What special prohibition
23:25 has gotten enjoined to the Sabbath?
23:28 Now, we're gonna go back to Exodus Chapter 16
23:30 for a very important point.
23:32 Exodus Chapter 16 shows us
23:36 what happened
23:37 before the Israelites got to Mount Sinai
23:41 because a lot of people think that the Sabbath started
23:45 from Mount Sinai forward, but that was not the case.
23:49 If you read the record of the Israelites in Egypt,
23:53 one of the reasons why Pharaoh was upset with the Israelites
23:57 is they rested on one day.
24:00 When Moses came to Israel,
24:02 when Moses came to the Israelites in Egypt,
24:05 he restored amongst them a day of rest.
24:08 And that so infuriated Pharaoh that he said to them,
24:11 that they now must make brick without straw.
24:15 The Bible says,
24:16 he gave them one day in seven to rest.
24:18 Well, the word there rest in the Hebrew is sabbayoth,
24:21 which is Sabbath.
24:23 Moses reminded them while they were in Egypt.
24:27 Get back to the Sabbath. Can you say amen to that?
24:30 So when they left Egypt, on their way to Canaan,
24:35 they stopped along the way.
24:37 And during the wilderness journey,
24:39 the Lord fed them every day.
24:42 But He said that
24:43 there's something He did not want them to do.
24:45 And let's look at the story.
24:47 I'll try to go through the story
24:48 very quickly, all right?
24:50 Let me just go ahead and give you some of the,
24:52 so I don't read the whole thing.
24:54 The Lord gave the children of Israel every day sustenance.
25:00 Notice what it says in 16:29 and 30,
25:03 I'll read the screen first. It says, "See!
25:05 For the Lord has given you the Sabbath,
25:07 therefore He gives you on," let me put it here,
25:10 "therefore He gives you on the sixth day bread for, "
25:14 how many days?
25:15 "Two days, let every man remain in his place,
25:20 let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.
25:24 So the people rested on the seventh day."
25:28 Now that's not the whole story.
25:30 Some of them rested on the seventh day.
25:33 But let me give you as, as Paul Harvey says now,
25:36 the rest of the story.
25:39 Let me go ahead and give you the context.
25:40 Every morning the Lord rained from heaven bread,
25:45 and it was all over the ground like frost.
25:48 It was called manna.
25:49 What was it called? Manna.
25:51 And so when the people went out to get their food,
25:54 they looked at it and said, "What is it?"
25:57 And they said, "Exactly."
26:01 What is it? Exactly.
26:03 Because manna means what is it.
26:07 God named it, what is it.
26:10 So when you say, "What is it?"
26:11 Exactly, it's manna.
26:14 But if they waited too long, it evaporated, it dried up.
26:19 There was none at noon.
26:21 But the Lord says,
26:22 make sure when you go out there,
26:23 every day only take one portion,
26:25 and don't keep any overnight.
26:27 Because if you do, it's going to get worms,
26:30 it's going to smell.
26:31 And when people walk past your tent, they'll say,
26:33 "Oh, they got extra manna in there."
26:36 However, when Friday came, when the sixth day arrived,
26:42 notice what the Lord said, okay?
26:45 Uh, let's look at verse...
26:52 Let's look at verse 22. Let's look at verse 22.
26:59 Verse 21, verse 21.
27:01 "So they gathered it every morning,
27:03 every man according to his need,
27:05 and when the sun became hot," what happened?
27:08 "It melted.
27:09 And so it was on the sixth day
27:12 that they gathered twice as much bread,
27:15 two omers for each one,
27:18 and all the rulers of the congregation
27:20 came and told Moses.
27:22 Then he said to them,
27:24 'This is what the Lord had said,
27:27 'Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord.'
27:32 Bake what you will bake today, and boil what you will boil,
27:37 and lay it up for yourselves
27:39 all that remains to keep until morning.
27:42 So they laid," verse 24,
27:44 "they laid it up till morning as Moses commanded,
27:47 and it did not stink
27:49 nor were there any worms in it.' "
27:52 Now let me stop and say what's happening here.
27:55 Notice what the Lord is doing to show
27:57 how much He honored the sanctity
28:00 and the blessing of the holy Sabbath.
28:02 He said, I'm going to bless your provision
28:04 on the sixth day, so when the seventh day come,
28:07 you don't have to go out looking for bread.
28:10 Now, another word for money today we call bread.
28:13 Remember that term?
28:15 People say, how much bread do you have?
28:16 How much bread?
28:17 Well, let me see how much bread I had.
28:19 I got a 10, 15, a $25, that's how much I got.
28:24 We used to use that term in New York.
28:25 You got any bread? I need to borrow some bread.
28:27 We didn't mean physical bread, we meant money.
28:30 In the very same way
28:31 the Lord gave them bread to eat.
28:33 So those who took
28:36 what they should have on the sixth day,
28:37 it lasted.
28:39 But if you try to take twice as much
28:41 from the first to the sixth,
28:42 from the first to the fifth day,
28:44 what happened?
28:46 It rotted. What happened?
28:48 There was some...
28:49 And when the Sabbath came, they went out.
28:53 Now let's look at verse 26.
28:57 "Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day, "
29:01 which is the Sabbath, "there will be," how much?
29:04 "None."
29:05 Now what happened
29:07 that some of the people went out
29:09 on the seventh day to gather,
29:11 but they found none.
29:12 Those who ate a whole lot said,
29:16 "We don't have enough, let's go get some more."
29:19 And notice what the Lord said.
29:22 I think I'm going to jump ahead of myself if I don't do this.
29:25 Yeah, I'm going to jump ahead of myself.
29:27 Let's go ahead and go to the very next question.
29:29 So this is where the answer comes, all right?
29:33 What did God say, question number nine,
29:36 when the people looked for food on the Sabbath?
29:40 What did God say?
29:42 Here's the answer, verse 28.
29:45 "And the Lord said to Moses,
29:47 'How long do you refuse to keep My," what?
29:52 "My commandments, and My laws?' "
29:55 Now this text is huge
29:58 because now this is what the Lord did.
30:01 Not only did He attached the Sabbath
30:03 to the seventh day in Exodus Chapter 20,
30:06 tying us back to creation,
30:08 but now He tied the Sabbath to the commandments.
30:14 This is really important.
30:17 Creation, boom, God blessed the seventh day,
30:20 and then He wrote the commandments
30:22 on tablets of stone,
30:24 which we're going to get to, and He said,
30:26 the seventh day is the Sabbath, the last day of creation week.
30:29 Now, when they went out and looked on the Sabbath
30:33 for food and there was none, the Lord said,
30:35 "How long do you refuse to keep My commandments
30:39 and My laws?"
30:40 So now God connects the Sabbath to the commandments
30:44 and get this before they got to Sinai.
30:47 They didn't get there yet.
30:48 Sinai was still a journey ahead of them.
30:51 So before they got to Mount Sinai,
30:53 before He wrote
30:54 The Ten Commandments on tablets of stone,
30:56 He connected the Sabbath to the commandments.
30:59 Now here's a very important point.
31:02 If God connected the Sabbath to the commandments
31:05 before they got to Sinai, this says the Sabbath
31:09 and the commandments existed before Sinai.
31:16 Do we have any evidence that the commandments
31:18 existed before Sinai?
31:20 Some people say, no.
31:21 Oh, don't be too quick.
31:23 Genesis Chapter 26, let's go to Genesis,
31:29 and let's visit a man
31:30 that many of you know very well.
31:38 Okay, Genesis 26:4 and 5.
31:43 "Remember, you got to keep in mind,
31:45 keep this text in mind because the Lord says to Moses,
31:48 "How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?"
31:52 "How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?"
31:55 I want to ask our production team,
31:57 just put that text back up on the screen again,
31:59 the one we just saw, and I want to read that,
32:01 so that those who are viewing the program can see it
32:03 as we transition.
32:04 Here it is. Exodus 16:20.
32:06 Notice what the Bible says, how long,
32:09 "And the Lord said to Moses,
32:10 'How long do you refuse
32:12 to keep My commandments and My laws?' "
32:14 Remember that.
32:16 Okay, thank you very much.
32:17 Now, we're going to look at a man
32:19 by the name of Abraham.
32:20 Now we know, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
32:25 Jacob had 12 sons.
32:27 Jacob, when he wrestled with the Lord,
32:29 his name became Israel.
32:31 His sons was the beginning of the nation of Israel.
32:35 Then they got into bondage for 400 years.
32:40 So long before the nation of Israel
32:43 was even born,
32:45 notice what God says to Abraham,
32:48 verse 4 of Genesis Chapter 26,
32:50 "And I will make your descendants
32:53 multiply as the stars of heaven."
32:57 I will give you descendants...
33:01 "I will give to your descendants
33:03 all these lands, and in your seed
33:07 all the nations of the earth shall be, " what?
33:11 "Blessed."
33:12 Here's the reason why.
33:14 Verse 5,
33:16 "Because Abraham obeyed My voice,
33:19 kept My charge."
33:21 Come on, say the rest with me, "My commandments, My statutes,
33:26 and My laws."
33:28 So long before Israel was even born,
33:32 God said Abraham was a commandment keeper.
33:36 So if God connected, once again,
33:38 if God connects the Sabbath to the commandments,
33:42 which it is in fact the fourth commandment,
33:44 and Abraham kept the commandments,
33:47 let's go and add a few more.
33:49 Was it wrong to kill before Mount Sinai?
33:52 Come on, tell me, yes or no?
33:54 Was it wrong to kill before Mount Sinai?
33:56 Yes.
33:57 Okay, was it wrong to lie before Mount Sinai?
34:01 Yes.
34:02 Was it wrong to commit adultery before Mount Sinai?
34:06 Was it wrong to covet
34:09 what your neighbor had before Mount Sinai?
34:12 Was it wrong to take God's name in vain before Mount Sinai?
34:15 Was it wrong to bow down and worship idols
34:17 before Mount Sinai?
34:20 Do you know something,
34:22 outside of The Ten Commandments,
34:26 the Bible doesn't talk about covetousness in Genesis.
34:31 Many of the commandments, matter of fact,
34:35 none of the commandments are as old as the Sabbath.
34:39 The Sabbath was the first commandment mentioned.
34:44 Genesis Chapter 2, the Sabbath was instituted,
34:47 it was put right there.
34:49 Now you know why?
34:51 Let me tell you why? This is huge.
34:52 You know why the Sabbath was the first commandment
34:54 to be mentioned?
34:57 This is huge.
34:59 There was no need for any other because there was no sin.
35:03 Come on somebody say amen.
35:05 This is a deep thought.
35:07 Because when the Sabbath was blessed,
35:09 there was no murder yet, nobody committed adultery yet,
35:13 nobody killed, there were no false gods to bow down
35:17 and worship, there were no neighbors,
35:20 Adam and Eve, just Adam and Eve,
35:22 they had no neighbors, nobody to covet anything from.
35:26 There were no honoring of father and mother
35:28 because Adam and Eve didn't have any children yet.
35:31 It was a perfect setting.
35:33 And get this,
35:34 if there was never any entrance of sin,
35:39 the other nine commandments would not even be needed.
35:41 The only one that would be
35:43 existing still today is the Sabbath.
35:45 Come on and say amen.
35:46 Ain't that deep?
35:47 So when sin entered the world,
35:50 God added nine more.
35:55 He added nine more to the Decalogue
35:58 because there was no need for man
36:00 to look at something and say,
36:02 "You cannot do this," when I didn't do it.
36:05 There was no need to remind me of what not to do
36:09 when I didn't do it.
36:13 When sin entered,
36:16 then God reminded man of His law.
36:19 And by the way,
36:20 I want to make a very important point.
36:22 So somebody may ask the question,
36:24 "Well, did God just come up with the commandments
36:27 after man sinned?"
36:28 No, if you read the Bible,
36:30 the commandments
36:32 are a part of the government of God.
36:34 He is the governor of the universe.
36:39 So law and order is in God's government.
36:43 And our world is not the only world.
36:49 When God created the earth,
36:51 the only commandment that was spoken of
36:56 in Exodus, in Genesis Chapter 2 was the Sabbath.
37:02 Now, what do you think the next one was?
37:08 He reminded Adam and Eve of the danger
37:11 that was lurking.
37:12 He said, "In the day
37:14 that you eat of the tree
37:15 of the knowledge of good and evil,
37:17 you shall surely," what?
37:19 "Die."
37:20 So there He was saying,
37:21 "Be careful because someday it's going to change
37:23 if you disobey."
37:24 And as we all know the story,
37:26 Eve was deceived,
37:28 Adam went in too with his eyes wide open,
37:30 and here we are,
37:31 "All have sinned
37:33 and fall short of the glory of God."
37:34 So now let me go back to the original context,
37:36 this is very powerful.
37:38 Lord gave me this, it's not in the notes.
37:41 When there is no more in heaven...
37:43 In the new earth, there's no law going to be,
37:47 don't kill if you need to,
37:48 don't lie, Angela, don't steal, don't.
37:51 There's no law going to be that,
37:53 you know why?
37:54 Because there'll be no more sin.
37:55 Can you say amen?
37:57 But what will continue to exist is the reminder
38:02 that from creation,
38:04 from Eden lost to Eden restored,
38:08 there'll be an unbroken line of the Sabbath.
38:10 Amen for that.
38:12 That's how important this commandment topic is.
38:15 It's not just about another day,
38:16 it's about a continuous relationship
38:18 and recognition
38:19 that God is not only our Creator.
38:21 As we did in the other lesson,
38:23 and I know you downloaded a copy,
38:24 I would remind you to go
38:26 to question three in your own time,
38:28 and you see the Sabbath as a sign between us and God
38:31 that we know that He's the one that sanctifies us, all right?
38:36 So here it is for question number,
38:39 I think it was number nine.
38:41 We just did that.
38:42 What did God say
38:44 when the people look for food on the Sabbath?
38:45 How long are you going to refuse
38:47 to keep My commandments?
38:48 That's what He said.
38:50 You are breaking My commandments.
38:52 And keep this in mind a point I made
38:54 that may have been lost in the exchange,
38:56 they didn't get to Sinai yet.
39:00 And He's saying the Sabbath
39:01 and the commandments are connected.
39:03 Okay, question number 10.
39:05 Question number 10.
39:06 Was the Sabbath only observed in Old Testament times?
39:12 Was the Sabbath only observed in Old Testament times?
39:17 Let's look at the best example.
39:19 Luke 4:16, Luke 4:16.
39:24 I'm so encouraged.
39:25 I got an email from people in Greece,
39:27 we periodically get emails,
39:29 and we know that the world is watching,
39:30 amen if you're joining us from Greece or Australia.
39:33 We go down to the islands, and people say,
39:35 "Oh, I tune in every Wednesday night
39:37 for A Sharper Focus.
39:39 Praise the Lord.
39:40 So there's a world audience out there,
39:42 and many people are looking for the truth of God,
39:45 and this is the place to find it in God's Word.
39:48 Look at the example, Luke 4:16,
39:51 and we're going to find out about...
39:53 I know who this guy is,
39:55 He's my Lord and my Savior.
39:57 What example can we find better
40:00 to the answer of this question than Jesus.
40:04 Look at Luke 4:16, the Bible says,
40:06 "So He came to Nazareth,
40:09 where He had been," what?
40:11 "Brought up.
40:12 And as His custom was,
40:15 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day
40:19 and stood up to," do what?
40:21 "To read."
40:22 He stood up, and He read.
40:23 He read Isaiah.
40:26 He read the very text
40:27 that we often read in Isaiah Chapter 60 and 61,
40:30 He talked about the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
40:32 He has anointed Me.
40:34 And when He read it that day, the Jews,
40:37 the religious leaders were there
40:38 and they thought,
40:40 "How could this young man be saying,
40:41 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
40:44 for He had anointed Me.'"
40:46 They're saying, "Who is this guy?"
40:47 Jesus was announcing His Messiahship
40:51 when He stood up on the Sabbath to read.
40:54 So the answer to the question,
40:55 was the Sabbath only observed in the Old Testament?
40:58 Let's give a single answer.
40:59 What's the answer?
41:00 No. Put down the word no.
41:02 And you can put next to it, Jesus.
41:04 And notice it didn't say He kept one Sabbath,
41:06 it says, "As His custom was."
41:10 Now the question we have to ask ourselves is,
41:14 was Jesus a trendy guy
41:16 or was Jesus doing what was right?
41:19 Which one was He?
41:21 He was doing what was right.
41:22 You'll never...
41:24 This is where...
41:25 I like to go this direction sometimes.
41:27 And if you ever have a question about what you should do,
41:32 do what Jesus did.
41:35 You'll never go wrong
41:36 if you do what Jesus did.
41:39 Years ago, there was a little acronym WWJD,
41:42 what would Jesus do?
41:44 I like to change it, W, what did Jesus do?
41:48 WDJD, what did Jesus do?
41:53 Jesus kept the Sabbath, and it was His custom.
41:56 So every week He stayed in line with the cadence.
41:59 You know why He stayed in line with the cadence?
42:02 Very simple, He created the cadence.
42:05 He stayed in line with what He created.
42:07 He created something, He stayed in line with it.
42:10 And, friends, you have to keep in mind,
42:11 as Christians,
42:13 we should never get upset
42:15 by following the example of Jesus.
42:19 If you are a follower of Christ,
42:21 you'll do what Christ did, and Christ kept the Sabbath.
42:27 All right, let's look at question number 11.
42:31 In what way did Jesus
42:32 acknowledge the existence of the Sabbath?
42:37 Let's go to Matthew Chapter 12.
42:39 I was reading, I did a lot of research,
42:42 and I'll tell you,
42:44 when I'm finally done this book,
42:47 you cannot rush.
42:48 And let me just say this to the viewing audience.
42:51 I know many of you have sent emails,
42:53 when will we get the book, Sunday Mask?
42:57 You cannot rush that book.
43:00 If you... When you get it,
43:02 you'll understand the research that's gone into it.
43:03 You cannot rush a book
43:05 that's going to be out there till Jesus comes,
43:08 because it's going to be scrutinized, and criticized,
43:11 and people going to follow every reference.
43:13 I got to make sure I dot every I, and cross every T
43:16 and by the time it gets out there,
43:18 and from the most esoteric theologian,
43:23 if he puts it in front of him, I got to make sure it is solid,
43:27 so that the Word of God and the glory of God
43:30 is not blamed falsely
43:32 for something that we have been producing.
43:34 So be patient, be patient.
43:37 Because I can't say, "Oh, I forgot that,
43:39 oh, I didn't remember, oh, it was a mistake."
43:41 You cannot do that.
43:42 The Bible says we have to rightly divide
43:45 the word of truth.
43:47 And I like the way that Paul says it
43:48 that the workman needeth not to be ashamed.
43:52 So when it comes out, I'm not going to be ashamed,
43:54 I'm making sure that it is in harmony with God's Word.
43:56 Praise the Lord for that.
43:58 Now let's go to answer the question.
43:59 The reason why I mentioned that
44:00 is because there are some individuals
44:02 that say, "Well, you know,
44:04 we shouldn't keep the Sabbath
44:06 because of what the Jews did to it."
44:11 And what they mean by that
44:13 is the Jews had so polluted the Sabbath
44:17 that they made the Sabbath a burden.
44:20 They made laws, upon laws, upon laws
44:23 that were not a part of the Ten Commandments,
44:26 so they could violate
44:28 whatever law they wanted to,
44:29 kind of like our government to be frank about it.
44:33 We make laws, and we break them,
44:35 but we just make the laws for the people.
44:38 And when it doesn't fit us, we change it,
44:41 so it only fits them.
44:42 Well, the Pharisees and the scribes did that.
44:44 They made laws, they made the Sabbath a burden.
44:47 And I read one of the churches,
44:49 I won't mention with the church right now,
44:50 you see it in the book, one of these churches,
44:53 they observed Sunday, they said,
44:54 "We should not honor the Sabbath
44:56 because the Jews polluted it."
44:58 And I think to myself, "Polluted it?"
45:03 Should I not drive because of car accidents?
45:08 I mean, do you get my point?
45:10 It doesn't make sense.
45:12 Because somebody use something for a wrong reason,
45:15 or for a wrong thing,
45:16 or somebody did something wrong to it,
45:18 it should not make me
45:22 turn away from that which is right.
45:25 Like... Okay, beautiful.
45:27 Thank you, Vanita. Like marriage.
45:28 Look what's happening in the marriage nowadays?
45:30 Should we stop performing weddings
45:32 between a man and a woman?
45:33 What's the answer? No.
45:35 It's still blessed, man and woman in sight of God.
45:38 So this is an example in the Bible.
45:41 But the Pharisees had a hard time with Jesus,
45:44 and what He did on the Sabbath day.
45:46 Now verse 11 and 12 is where the story picks up.
45:49 But I'm going to go ahead and read a little earlier,
45:53 all right?
45:54 Verse 9, just to get into the story.
45:57 "Now when He had departed from there,"
46:00 that is Jesus.
46:02 And by the way, this whole Sabbath is...
46:03 This whole chapter,
46:06 many examples are controversies over the Sabbath.
46:10 It says in verse 9,
46:11 "Now when He had departed from there,
46:13 He went into their synagogue.
46:16 And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand.
46:21 And they asked him saying,
46:23 "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"
46:26 And notice why they asked the question.
46:28 The Bible says that they might do what?
46:30 Accuse Jesus.
46:32 They want to accuse Him.
46:33 Then He said to them,
46:35 "What man is there among you
46:37 who has one sheep,
46:39 and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath,
46:42 will not lay hold of it and lift it out?"
46:46 See, no, this is just here,
46:48 I'm going to bring it up in just a moment here.
46:50 Okay, yeah, matter of fact, yes, it is on the screen,
46:52 sorry about that.
46:53 Then he said to them, here's the answer,
46:56 "What man is there among you who has one sheep,
47:00 and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath,
47:02 will not lay hold of it and lift it out?
47:05 Oh, how much more value then is a man than a sheep?"
47:11 Let's read the last part together.
47:12 "Therefore it is" what?
47:14 "Lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
47:20 It's lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
47:22 I listened in horror to a television program,
47:25 I was watching a religious program.
47:27 And the Sabbath question came into this group of pastors,
47:31 and a pastor responded by saying,
47:34 "Well, if we kept the Sabbath," this person said,
47:37 and by the way it was a female pastor.
47:39 She said, "If we kept the Sabbath,
47:43 if we live according to the commandments,
47:47 we'll be breaking the Sabbath when we preach
47:50 'cause that's the day we work."
47:52 And I thought,
47:53 have I ever heard something so distorted
47:56 that by preaching, you're violating the Sabbath.
47:59 What a distorted discombobulated approach
48:02 to the violation of the Sabbath.
48:04 She says, "If we..."
48:06 Because, you know, she said in...
48:07 Because this is the most...
48:09 This is the busiest day for pastors,
48:10 it's the busiest day for me as a pastor.
48:11 Saturday, Sabbath is the busiest day for me,
48:14 but it's not a violation.
48:15 Worship, and praise, and honor,
48:17 and fellowship is not a violation of the Sabbath.
48:19 What do you say?
48:23 Jesus did it?
48:24 If you look at all the examples of His life,
48:26 He not only healed the withered hand,
48:28 He restored sight.
48:30 Oh, He did so many things on that day.
48:32 A lady, a woman who had been bleeding for 18 years,
48:35 He healed on the Sabbath day.
48:37 And the Pharisees had a hard time,
48:38 a man who was a bit lame,
48:40 He restored his legs,
48:41 and He ran into the synagogue jumping and shouting,
48:43 and they said, "Not on the Sabbath,
48:45 you do not praise God on the Sabbath."
48:49 What a violation?
48:51 Today, we have these distorted theologians
48:54 who think that,
48:55 "Well, since the Jews made it a burden,
48:57 we should avoid it all together."
48:59 Oh, no, we should restore the beauty of the Sabbath.
49:02 It was beautiful at the end of creation week,
49:04 it was beautiful for Christ, and His disciples,
49:06 and the apostles,
49:08 and it's going to be beautiful in heaven.
49:09 Why should it lose its beauty now?
49:14 So here's the answer to question number 11.
49:18 In what way did Jesus
49:19 acknowledge the existence of the Sabbath?
49:21 He said, "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
49:25 What does that mean, lawful?
49:28 If you got a neighbor,
49:30 if you have a person who has a burden...
49:33 Now the Sabbath is not a time to mow the lawn
49:37 when you could do it another day of the week,
49:39 the Sabbath is not a time to paint the house
49:42 when you could do it another day of the week.
49:43 Let me give you a wonderful example.
49:45 Here in Thompsonville, when we had some strong winds
49:47 go through about 120 miles an hour,
49:48 about three or four years ago,
49:50 trees were down everywhere,
49:52 roads were impassable,
49:54 what do you think
49:55 our gentleman did on the Sabbath?
49:56 They got their chainsaws out,
49:58 went out and they helped their neighbors,
50:00 clear the roads, cut those trees.
50:01 It's lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
50:04 There were people shut in, couldn't get water,
50:06 didn't have lights, it's lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
50:11 But if you can do something another day or two,
50:12 if there's somebody hungry, somebody needs help,
50:15 somebody is in dire straits, you don't wait,
50:18 "Well, you know, wait till the sunset,
50:20 and I'll bring you something to eat."
50:22 It's lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
50:24 In many places, the Lord
50:26 talks about lifting a person's burden
50:28 on the Sabbath.
50:30 So let's not get the Sabbath mixed up with something
50:32 that the Jews distorted it by.
50:36 It's really sad.
50:38 So let's go to question number 12, all right?
50:41 How did Jesus
50:43 teach that the Sabbath was not being abolished?
50:47 The reason I'm staying with Jesus
50:49 is because, man,
50:50 people could say to other people,
50:51 "Oh, that was just Paul, that was Barnabas, that was..."
50:53 No, let's use Jesus
50:55 for the best example, ain't that right?
50:58 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
51:00 You cannot say that we don't talk about Jesus.
51:03 Look at, how did Jesus teach us
51:05 that the Sabbath was not being abolished?
51:09 Now let me go ahead
51:10 before we go to this next question,
51:11 or next answer,
51:13 let me go and read Matthew 24:20,
51:14 and then I'll tell you the context of this.
51:16 Matthew 24:20, here it is.
51:18 And Jesus said,
51:19 "And pray that your flight may not be in,
51:23 " what?
51:24 "Winter or on the Sabbath."
51:26 Now what was He talking about?
51:28 If you look at Matthew Chapter 24,
51:29 it'll give you the context
51:31 because sometimes people will see that scripture
51:32 and they say, "What does that mean?"
51:34 Well, the destruction of Jerusalem
51:37 and the end of the world
51:39 was wrapped up in the discourse that Jesus shared
51:42 with His disciples and the multitude.
51:44 When the multitude left,
51:45 Jesus told His disciples specifically
51:48 what was going to happen.
51:49 And so He was saying to His disciples here.
51:52 When the destruction of Jerusalem comes,
51:55 pray that it doesn't happen on the Sabbath.
51:58 You know why? Where would they be?
52:00 Somebody tell me?
52:02 They would be worshiping on the Sabbath.
52:05 If they were a Jew,
52:06 they'd be worshipping in the synagogue.
52:07 But if they were Christians,
52:09 like the New Testament Christians,
52:10 they didn't all worshiped in synagogues,
52:12 they worshiped in many other places.
52:13 The synagogue specifically
52:15 was the meeting place for the Jews,
52:16 but not just the Jews,
52:17 you'll find in the New Testament,
52:19 get ahead of myself here, but it was,
52:21 the Sabbath was not just honored
52:22 by the Jews in the New Testament.
52:25 But He said, "Pray that
52:27 it doesn't happen on the Sabbath or in the winter."
52:28 Why in the winter?
52:30 If you have to run for your life
52:31 when destruction comes and it's winter,
52:33 like it is now, "Oh, terrible, tragic."
52:37 Or if it happens on the Sabbath day,
52:41 they could easily find you,
52:42 they'll know exactly where you are,
52:45 worshiping on the Sabbath day.
52:49 Now let me make the point.
52:51 How does this prove that
52:52 Jesus said the Sabbath
52:54 is not going to be abolished?
52:56 This prophecy was given by Jesus in the year 31 A.D.
53:00 Jerusalem was not destroyed
53:02 until after Jesus ascended to heaven,
53:04 39 years later in the year A.D. 70.
53:08 Now follow the point.
53:10 If Jesus was going to get rid of the Sabbath
53:13 at His crucifixion,
53:16 He would not be making reference to it
53:18 after He ascends to heaven.
53:21 He would not be saying,
53:24 "Look out when destruction comes,
53:26 hope it doesn't happen on the Sabbath,"
53:28 if He was planning on getting rid of it
53:30 at His crucifixion.
53:32 The point is made clearly.
53:34 Jesus is making the statement
53:36 that even after I go back to heaven,
53:38 the Sabbath will still be honored.
53:40 So pray that when destruction comes,
53:42 39 years from now,
53:45 it won't happen on the Sabbath day.
53:47 What better evidence
53:48 can you find than the words of Jesus
53:50 over and over and over again.
53:52 Now let's look at another example.
53:55 Question number 13.
53:56 So the answer,
53:57 how did Jesus teach
53:59 that the Sabbath is not being abolished?
54:00 By the prophecy
54:02 of the destruction of Jerusalem,
54:03 and also the end of the world.
54:05 Okay, let's see how many more we can get before we're done.
54:07 Question number 13,
54:09 and we may have to put some off for next week.
54:11 But I think the teaching tonight was very important.
54:14 Number 13.
54:15 How does the Bible show
54:17 that the Sabbath was kept at the death of Jesus?
54:22 How does the Bible show that?
54:23 Quickly, let's go to the very next question.
54:28 I mean, let's go to...
54:30 Let's go to Luke 23:55-56.
54:38 Let's look at that.
54:39 I'm going to turn my Bible here.
54:41 Okay, verse 55 and 56,
54:45 and the Bible says, here it is.
54:52 And it says, "Then He took it down,
54:55 wrapped it in linen."
54:58 Well, let me read, "And the women
54:59 who came with Him from Galilee followed after,
55:05 and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid.
55:10 Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils.
55:15 And they rested on the Sabbath day
55:18 according to the commandments."
55:20 That's verse 55 and verse 56.
55:23 Okay, I didn't have it on our screen,
55:24 but it was on television, praise the Lord for that.
55:27 Notice what happened?
55:28 The women who had come with him, verse 55.
55:30 Now these were not women
55:32 that just were arbitrary followers,
55:33 but these women had...
55:35 They knew Christ,
55:36 they were followers of Christ.
55:40 So they knew, why did they rest.
55:42 And notice verse 56, it says,
55:44 "They return," that is to their homes,
55:46 and the reason why they prepared fragrant oils
55:49 is because that's how they embalmed the body.
55:51 So they were getting ready,
55:53 but they said, "We'll just do this,
55:54 and we have to rest, and then we'll go back
55:57 after the Sabbath and do this."
55:59 And notice what it says,
56:00 "And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment."
56:04 Let me ask you, what commandment?
56:06 Let's look together. What commandment?
56:09 What commandment? The fourth.
56:11 So at the death of Jesus,
56:13 they rested according to the commandment.
56:16 So now here's a very important point.
56:18 If anyone would know,
56:20 if anyone would know that the Sabbath
56:22 is no longer relevant,
56:24 it would be those who followed Jesus.
56:28 What we're going to do at the next program,
56:29 we're not gonna do this tonight
56:31 because of the interest of time.
56:32 I want to make the point very, very clear.
56:34 So far Jesus kept the Sabbath,
56:36 Jesus said the Sabbath would continue to exist
56:39 even after He's ascended to heaven.
56:42 Jesus showed the relevance
56:43 of how important the Sabbath is.
56:44 It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
56:49 And then in the beginning of our lesson,
56:51 Mark 2:27 and 28,
56:53 the Bible says,
56:55 "That Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath.
56:57 The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath,
57:01 therefore the Lord, therefore the Son of Man
57:05 is Lord of the Sabbath."
57:08 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
57:11 So here's the point.
57:12 So far we have found that
57:14 what the Lord blessed at creation
57:15 is still blessed today.
57:17 Can you say amen?
57:19 And we'll discover in the next broadcast
57:22 that when the Bible uses the phrase the Lord's Day,
57:27 as many Christians today say,
57:29 "Well, we honor the first day of the week
57:31 as we believe it is the Lord's Day."
57:32 You'll discover that the Bible does not teach
57:35 that the first day of the week is the Lord's Day.
57:38 You'll see the scriptures and the reference.
57:40 But here's the point, my friends,
57:42 and we'll reiterate this over and over again.
57:44 If you love the Lord, you'll follow His example.
57:47 If you love the Lord,
57:49 His commandments won't be a burden to you.
57:51 If you use Him as your example,
57:52 you can never go wrong by walking as Jesus walked.
57:56 So study the Word of God, and if it doesn't make sense,
57:59 sooner or later
58:00 it will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-01-28