A Sharper Focus

The Truth about the Resurrection, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000065

00:19 Hello, friends, welcome to another A Sharper Focus,
00:22 Wednesday Night Bible Study.
00:25 Here at the 3ABN Worship Center,
00:26 we have a wonderful audience tonight.
00:28 And they all want to welcome you
00:29 with a hearty amen.
00:31 Amen!
00:32 And if you're tuning in from here locally,
00:35 we'd like to encourage you to come,
00:37 if you're in the
00:38 Southern Illinois area, whether...
00:39 We're in Thompsonville, if you're in Franklin County,
00:43 we'd like to invite you to come down and join us.
00:45 We've had guests come periodically,
00:47 and know that you are invited anytime you arrive.
00:50 We believe in studying the Bible
00:52 and tonight is no exception as we continue
00:55 studying the Word of God together.
00:57 So get your Bible, get your families,
00:59 sit down and join us for this thoughtful hour
01:02 through the Word of God.
01:04 After we have our opening prayer,
01:05 I'll give you some more information
01:07 about how you can get a copy of the lesson
01:09 and how you can follow us along tonight.
01:11 But let's begin with a word of prayer.
01:12 Let's do that tonight. Are you ready?
01:14 Our heavenly Father, we thank You for Your goodness,
01:16 we thank You for Your Word.
01:19 We know that Your Spirit will teach us and guide us,
01:21 and open our hearts and minds
01:23 to understand the truth as it is revealed in Your Word.
01:27 In this day and age where tradition has largely replaced
01:31 what you've said in the Bible, we pray that we can
01:33 get back to the root of our faith.
01:35 That is the Word of God.
01:37 So help us to settle for nothing but the truth,
01:40 the whole truth and nothing but that truth
01:42 revealed through Your Holy Spirit.
01:44 Speak to us tonight, Lord,
01:46 and bring us into an understanding of
01:48 what You will have us to do.
01:49 In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
01:53 Now, lesson number 20 is what we're discussing tonight.
01:56 Lesson number 20 is, "The Resurrection."
01:59 What is the title, friends? "The Resurrection."
02:01 If you'd like a copy of that, go to this website.
02:03 Don't put www, just go asf.3abn.org
02:10 and download lesson number 20,
02:12 "The Truth about the Resurrection."
02:15 The Truth about the Resurrection.
02:17 And we have started well into the lesson,
02:20 it is 21 questions.
02:22 Tonight we're going to begin at question number 11.
02:25 But first, what are we going to do?
02:28 What are we going to do? Sing.
02:29 And what's our theme song?
02:31 "Victory in Jesus,"
02:32 let's sing that together tonight.
02:34 I've heard an old, old story,
02:36 we're going to talk about the victory that all of us has
02:39 in Jesus Christ.
02:40 Let's sing that song together. It'll play on our screen.
02:49 I heard an old, old story
02:53 How the Savior came from glory
02:56 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:00 To save a wretch like me
03:04 I heard about His groaning
03:08 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:11 Then I repented of my sin
03:16 And won the victory
03:19 O victory in Jesus
03:23 My Savior, forever
03:27 He sought me and bought me
03:30 With His redeeming blood
03:34 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:38 And all my love is due Him
03:42 He plunged me to victory
03:46 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:49 I heard about a mansion
03:53 He has built for me in glory
03:57 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:01 Beyond the crystal sea
04:04 About the angels singing
04:08 And the old redemption story
04:12 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:16 The song of victory
04:20 O victory in Jesus
04:23 My Savior, forever
04:27 He sought me and bought me
04:31 With His redeeming blood
04:35 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:38 And all my love is due Him
04:42 He plunged me to victory
04:46 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:50 He plunged me to victory
04:54 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:00 And all the people said...
05:01 Amen. That's our song.
05:03 That's our theme song, and we have been singing
05:05 that from week to week because truly
05:07 there is no victory outside of victory in Jesus.
05:11 Now tonight, we're going to dive into a topic,
05:14 how to know the truth about the truth,
05:16 or more specifically,
05:17 the truth about the resurrection.
05:19 The truth about the resurrection.
05:22 You know, there's so much that is being taught about
05:24 what happens when a person dies.
05:26 Let me give you some examples.
05:27 Just recently, I attended a funeral
05:30 and funerals are often the place
05:35 where error is admissible.
05:38 Where you can tell an untruth,
05:43 my mama used to raise me,
05:44 she said, "Don't say the word lie.
05:45 It sounds too harsh."
05:47 You can tell a lie
05:50 and it seems okay at a funeral.
05:53 You can frankly misrepresent what the Bible teaches.
05:58 And people have no choice
05:59 but to sit there and just digest,
06:03 have you noticed that?
06:04 And I've been to so many funerals,
06:05 just recently the one that I was sitting at
06:08 and somebody said to me, you know, I came a little...
06:10 We gauged our timing
06:12 and got there about 10 or 11 minutes
06:14 after the funeral started.
06:16 And I was kind of...
06:17 I became like kind of sick after hearing all the things
06:21 that were said by the preacher that we're not in the Bible.
06:26 And somebody said, "If you feel sick now,
06:28 you should have been here in the beginning."
06:30 And I thought, man,
06:31 I'm glad I wasn't there in the beginning.
06:33 Because it was just, oh, it's just,
06:36 the things that were said and the favorite scripture
06:39 in the Bible that many of those who believe that you die
06:41 and go straight to heaven.
06:42 The favorite verse they use is,
06:44 "To be absent from the body is..." to be what?"
06:46 Present with the Lord." And I thought,
06:49 "Please, read the whole story."
06:51 Has nothing to do with death at all.
06:55 And then...
06:57 then their favorite scripture in John Chapter 11
07:00 without reading the whole context, you know,
07:02 "He who lives and believes in me shall never die."
07:05 And without reading the verses
07:07 before that and the verses after that, and I'm thinking,
07:08 will somebody please tell the truth.
07:11 Those of you who are old enough,
07:13 you may remember, years ago
07:14 there was a show on television called,
07:16 "To Tell the Truth." Anybody remember that?
07:19 I wish that there would be a bulletin sent out
07:22 from on high that God would send an email
07:25 to all earthly pastors and simply say this,
07:28 "Tell the Truth,"
07:29 because the truth is not being told at all.
07:32 And so, you know, he cited a text in Revelation,
07:35 he cited a text in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4,
07:38 you know, "The dead in Christ will rise first."
07:41 And so I thought about that and I said,
07:45 "Yes, yes."
07:46 "And then we which are alive and remain
07:48 shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air."
07:50 "Yes, yes, I'm thinking finally..."
07:54 Then he paused.
07:56 And when the resurrection takes place,
07:57 the soul is going to come down from heaven and join the body,
08:02 and the body and the soul are going to go back together.
08:05 And I'm thinking, "No, no,
08:08 please don't say that."
08:11 And I left out of there with vertigo.
08:13 I had to just sit down
08:15 and think about it for a moment.
08:17 But you know, in reality, many Christians don't know
08:20 where this thought came from.
08:22 Many Christians wonder,
08:23 how did this ideology get injected into Christianity.
08:27 Because it didn't just come from nowhere,
08:28 everything that is embraced by Christianity
08:31 has come from somewhere.
08:32 Do you know that?
08:33 It didn't just float along
08:35 and become an ethereal belief in the Christian world?
08:37 It was actually inserted.
08:40 It was actually delivered to the Christian world,
08:42 it was actually borrowed
08:44 from paganistic philosophies and views.
08:46 Let me give you an example.
08:48 Go with me to the Book of John Chapter 11.
08:50 I want to show you, John Chapter 11.
08:53 All right?
08:55 And I want to show you one of the stories in the Bible
08:58 that really establishes
09:02 one of the most beautiful illustrations
09:05 of the fact that,
09:09 the fact that the Lord does not support the belief
09:14 in the immortality of the soul.
09:18 The Lord does not support the belief
09:20 in the immortality of the soul.
09:23 Now,
09:25 this story of the raising of Lazarus,
09:29 the raising of whom?
09:30 Lazarus.
09:31 It has in its content a very significant belief
09:37 that an action Jesus took in order to debunk a philosophy
09:42 called Neoplatonism.
09:46 Say that with me, what is it?
09:47 Neoplatonism.
09:50 You write that down and do some research
09:51 on the internet.
09:53 You'll discover one of the great resources
09:54 is Wikipedia, but so much is taught on.
09:57 So much information can be found on the internet
09:59 about this particular beliefs, this particular belief.
10:02 Now in the word, in the phrase Neoplatonism,
10:07 what word do you hear that identifies a person?
10:09 Plato. Plato.
10:11 Plato was a philosopher,
10:15 and there was a group of individuals
10:18 that followed him called Platonists.
10:21 You know, like Lutherans followed Martin Luther.
10:27 Well, those who embraced the teachings of Plato
10:29 in the third century became Platonists.
10:33 But what he did was,
10:35 Plato embraced the belief that was taught in Egyptology.
10:39 And what he did, he mixed his teachings,
10:42 the immortal soul, a transcendent soul,
10:46 he mixed Platonism with Egyptology
10:50 and inserted it into Jewish into Jewish theology.
10:55 So by the time of Jesus,
10:58 there was a belief that was embraced
10:59 by the Jews of his day,
11:01 it was taught in the schools
11:03 of philosophy and theology in the days of Christ.
11:07 Later on, it was expanded by the Greeks.
11:10 Matter of fact, when Paul the Apostle
11:11 spoke to Christians,
11:13 he never spoke to Romans about the body,
11:15 soul and spirit,
11:17 because they were affected by the idea
11:20 that these were three separate entities.
11:22 But Neoplatonism simply taught that there were three worlds,
11:28 the invisible world, what world did I say?
11:31 The invisible world, the phenomenal world,
11:35 and the eternal world.
11:38 And the belief was when a person died,
11:42 his or her soul left the body and had a choice.
11:46 They could go to the invisible world,
11:48 they actually inhabited the invisible world,
11:51 but they could go to something called a phenomenal world.
11:55 And then they also can choose to inhabit the eternal world.
11:59 Now when you look at these three aspects,
12:02 each of them, if you were to summarize all of them,
12:04 each of them were ethereal, and what I mean by that is,
12:06 they had no time nor space,
12:08 they just simply meant anywhere.
12:10 So when Lazarus died and Jesus heard about it,
12:16 how many days did Jesus stay away
12:20 before He came to raise Lazarus?
12:21 Say it again. Four.
12:22 Say it together, four.
12:24 The reason why He stayed for four days
12:26 is because in Neoplatonism,
12:27 they believed and they taught that the soul
12:33 having this soul ability to continue to exist,
12:36 they believe that the soul continue to exist,
12:39 and for three days in a row,
12:41 the soul made repeated attempts
12:44 to come back and unite with the body.
12:46 And if it were successful, Mike,
12:47 the body would come back to life.
12:50 So Jesus did not stay away because He didn't care about
12:54 Lazarus, or Mary, or Martha.
12:56 He stayed away to let everyone know
12:58 that life is only possible after death
13:02 by the power that exists in Jesus.
13:04 Can you say amen?
13:06 He wanted to make it clear
13:07 that I am the resurrection and the life.
13:10 So that phrase was not just,
13:11 "Hey, you know, I create people."
13:13 That phrase was, "If that soul...
13:15 If that body is ever going to come back to life,
13:17 it is only because I have the power
13:20 to allow it to come back to life."
13:21 Not because the soul was successful.
13:23 That's why Martha was so concerned
13:25 and Mary was so concerned and they said,
13:27 "Lord,
13:31 you want us to take the stone away by now?"
13:34 Our brother, he's stinking, he's starting to decay,
13:39 and the danger with that was Neoplatonists
13:42 taught Karen that,
13:44 "If decay began, it was not possible
13:48 for that soul to get back in the body."
13:50 So that's why funerals were often
13:52 conducted right away.
13:54 And still today in many Jewish cultures,
13:57 they bury the very next day.
13:59 So as was the case with Lazarus, when he died,
14:02 he was buried, immediately.
14:05 And for three days, this belief inhabited the minds
14:08 of all those who existed during the time of Christ,
14:11 except this family,
14:14 this family knew the truth about it.
14:15 So let's pick up the story and where it becomes obvious
14:21 that Jesus finally arrives.
14:23 And in the journey,
14:26 Jesus is kind of meandering with His disciples
14:29 and they're wondering, "Hey, how's Lazarus doing?"
14:31 And Jesus, let's pick up the conversation
14:33 between Jesus and His disciples.
14:35 In John Chapter 11,
14:37 and let's start with verse 11.
14:43 Start with verse 11.
14:44 John 11:11.
14:47 Okay, matter of fact, let's go to verse 5, verse 5.
14:56 Let's go to verse 4.
14:58 Okay, right there. Okay.
15:00 Some of you guys,
15:01 you want to get the context, right?
15:03 Okay, verse 4, When Jesus heard that he...
15:06 "When Jesus heard that he said, 'This sickness,"
15:10 speaking of the sickness of Lazarus is not unto what?
15:14 "Not unto death, but for the glory of God,
15:17 that the Son of God may be glorified through it."
15:21 How was he going to be glorified?
15:23 He's gonna let them know, wait a minute,
15:26 there's no soul that's going to accomplish
15:27 the resurrection,
15:29 I am the one that's going to accomplish it.
15:30 So what happens? Look at verse 5.
15:32 Now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister,
15:36 Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
15:42 So when he heard that he was sick,
15:44 he stayed how many more days?
15:46 Two more days in the place where He was.
15:50 Then after this, He said to His disciples,
15:53 or to the disciples, let us go to Judea again.
15:57 The disciples said to Him,
15:58 "Rabbi, lately the Jews sought to stone you
16:02 and You are going there again?"
16:05 That's not where you need to go.
16:07 Now it continues, in verse 9, "Jesus answered,
16:11 'Are there not 12 hours in a day,
16:13 if anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble,
16:16 because he sees the light of the world.
16:19 But if one walks in the night, he stumbles,
16:22 because the light is not in him."
16:25 Speaking of Himself, these things, He said,
16:27 and after that, He said to them,
16:29 let's read this together, "Our friend Lazarus," what?
16:33 "Sleeps, but I go, that I may wake him."
16:36 Now, this is beautiful.
16:37 Jesus illustrated right there,
16:39 He knew what was the condition of Lazarus.
16:41 But He called death what?
16:43 Sleep.
16:45 That's why when the Lord comes back,
16:46 all those who sleep in Christ, that's why...
16:49 The reason why it's called sleep
16:51 is because it's not the final death.
16:53 He's going to wake up those who are sleeping in Jesus.
16:54 But let's go on further
16:56 because they didn't understand yet
16:57 what the situation was.
17:00 And then verse 12.
17:02 Then His disciples said, "Lord, if he sleeps,
17:05 he will get well."
17:06 However, Jesus spoke of his death,
17:08 but they thought that
17:10 He was speaking about taking rest, in what?
17:12 In sleep.
17:13 Then Jesus said to them plainly, what?
17:16 Lazarus is dead.
17:19 Okay, now, so he's on his way to meet Mary and Martha.
17:24 He finally makes up his mind that,
17:25 "Okay, now the time is right, let me go ahead,"
17:28 and go to this family in their distress.
17:31 Let's pick it up, verse 20.
17:35 Then Martha, as soon as she heard
17:36 that Jesus was coming, went and met him,
17:39 but Mary was sitting in the house.
17:41 "Then Martha said to Jesus, 'Lord, if you had been here,
17:44 my brother would not have," what?
17:46 "My brother would not have died."
17:48 But even now I know that whatever you ask of God,
17:51 God will give it, Jesus said to her,
17:54 "Your brother will," what? "Rise again."
17:56 This is why this topic is so vitally important.
17:59 She understood the topic of the resurrection.
18:01 And she said in the very next verse,
18:02 Martha said to him,
18:04 "I know that he will rise again in the," what my friends?
18:07 "In the resurrection," at the what day?
18:09 "At the last day."
18:11 Then Jesus said to her in verse 25,
18:14 "I am the resurrection and the life.
18:17 He who believes in me, though he may die,
18:21 yet he shall live." So do people die?
18:24 Yes or no? Yes.
18:25 So this text is not saying that people don't die,
18:27 it says even if they die,
18:29 I'm the one that can bring them back to life.
18:31 And then he added the other injunction,
18:32 "And whoever lives and believes in me
18:34 shall never die."
18:35 Do you believe this?
18:37 He dealt with two topics,
18:39 the physical death and the eternal death.
18:42 Lazarus physically died, that was a fact.
18:45 She said he died.
18:46 So the physical death is a reality,
18:48 but the death that each one of us
18:50 wants to avoid is the second death.
18:51 What do you say?
18:53 We don't want to be affected by the second death.
18:55 Revelation 20:6.
18:58 "Blessed and holy is he
18:59 who is part in the first resurrection
19:01 over such the second death has no power."
19:03 So what we're going to pick up tonight here is the fact that,
19:07 as they are tussling and wondering what to do...
19:11 What to do,
19:14 Jesus comes to the place where Lazarus has died
19:17 and then he makes this command.
19:19 Let's go down to verse 38.
19:22 Let's go down to verse 39.
19:24 Jesus said...
19:26 What did he say?
19:28 "Take away the," what?
19:29 "Stone, Martha."
19:30 The sister, Martha,
19:33 the sister of him who was dead, said to him,
19:36 "Lord, by this time there is a," what?
19:40 "Stench, for he had been dead for" how long?
19:43 "Four days."
19:44 So this whole philosophy of Neoplatonism
19:46 was about to be upset by Jesus.
19:47 And here's one of the things that I want you not to miss
19:50 in the story.
19:52 It was after the raising of Lazarus
19:53 that something happened in the mind
19:55 of the Jewish leaders.
19:56 From that moment, they determined
20:00 that because of what Jesus just did, he's got to die.
20:06 Now you know why?
20:07 Because this act completely upset the theology
20:11 that was being taught in their schools.
20:15 Oh no, he just, and I'm going to...
20:17 I'm going to use a completely disconnected philosophy.
20:20 It's like teaching heresy in the...
20:22 In Andrews University.
20:24 "Oh no, we got to get rid of him."
20:26 Not kill him. Amen.
20:27 But he's got to get, "Oh, forget it.
20:29 He'll not ever teach here ever again."
20:32 From that day on, they determined
20:34 that Jesus must die
20:37 because He completely obliterated the idea
20:39 that they had come to embrace
20:41 that the soul continued to exist,
20:43 for four, for three days
20:45 and attempt to get into the body
20:47 for that particular time.
20:48 So that's why tonight as we go into the lesson,
20:51 we will understand something very important.
20:54 In order for the resurrection,
20:56 in order for us to be ready to go to heaven,
20:58 something must occur in the resurrection
21:00 that prepares us for existing
21:05 in the kingdom of heaven.
21:07 So tonight, let's catapult ourselves
21:09 and we will cover it.
21:10 I'm pretty sure of that.
21:12 Let's catapult ourselves to question number 11,
21:15 keeping in mind that the only way
21:18 that we will ever have a resurrection
21:21 that is through the power resident
21:23 only in Christ.
21:25 Here's the question for tonight,
21:27 question number 11.
21:28 In what way does the Bible teach
21:31 we will be changed?
21:32 In what way does the Bible teach
21:34 we will be changed?
21:36 We're going to go to the Book of Philippians Chapter 3
21:40 verse 20 and 21.
21:44 Philippians 3:20 and 21.
21:50 All right?
21:51 And I'm going to show it on the screen here
21:53 for those of you who are here, but here's the answer.
21:57 The Bible reads as follows.
21:58 Let's read this first one together.
22:00 Are you ready? It says, "For our," what?
22:03 "Citizenship," is where?
22:05 "In heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
22:10 the Lord Jesus, who will," do what?
22:12 "Transform our lowly body,
22:15 that it may be conformed to His," what?
22:18 "Glorious body according to the working
22:21 by which He is able even to subdue all things," what?
22:25 "To Himself."
22:27 There's a transformation that has to take place
22:28 before we even enter the kingdom of heaven,
22:30 that does not take place at death.
22:33 This transformation is called,
22:35 it's called being conformed to His glorious body.
22:38 Let me go back on the former screen.
22:41 "Christ will transform our lowly body."
22:44 Now there's something about us is in heaven.
22:48 Something about us is in heaven.
22:50 Can somebody tell me what about us is in heaven?
22:52 Look on the board.
22:55 Come on, say it together. Our what?
22:57 Our citizenship, we are citizens of heaven.
23:00 Amen.
23:02 Heavenly citizens,
23:03 that's where our citizenship is.
23:05 Our names are written there,
23:07 but our bodies are not there yet.
23:09 When I went over to Africa,
23:10 when my wife and I were over overseas,
23:13 we were in India, but our passport says,
23:15 we are citizens of the United States.
23:17 The Word of God,
23:18 although we are down here on earth,
23:20 the Word of God says
23:21 we are strangers and pilgrims, where?
23:23 On the earth, because what?
23:25 Our citizenship is where?
23:27 In heaven, but our bodies are not there yet.
23:30 In order for us to get from India
23:32 back to the United States,
23:33 we had to get on an airplane
23:35 and fly back to the United States.
23:37 That flight that we're going to take
23:40 as 1 Thessalonians describes it, Chapter 4.
23:42 When we meet the Lord in the air
23:44 and thus shall we ever be...
23:46 That's the flight that we all must take
23:48 in order for us to get to heaven.
23:49 Amen? So here's the question.
23:51 In what way does the Bible teach,
23:53 we will be changed?
23:54 We will be transformed,
23:57 we will be conformed to His glorious body.
24:00 Write that down. We will be what?
24:03 Conformed to His glorious body.
24:05 That means the body that Jesus had when He rose
24:09 is the body that each of us is going to possess
24:11 before we ascend to meet the Lord in the air.
24:17 And so we're going to see that in the very next passage,
24:19 we're going to see that in the very next passage
24:21 under question number 12,
24:23 the Bible makes it very, very clear.
24:25 And Paul the Apostle leaves no room for doubt.
24:29 I feel bad for the Apostle Paul.
24:31 I actually wish he was still alive.
24:32 You know why?
24:33 Because Paul would be able to defend himself,
24:36 he has been so lied about, it's a travesty.
24:39 Have you noticed that?
24:40 Paul has been used to debunk the Sabbath.
24:45 Paul has been used
24:46 to change the teaching on the resurrection,
24:48 to be absent from the body is to be present in the lord.
24:50 Paul has been cited in so many instances
24:53 for things that he is not guilty of.
24:58 That's why if Paul was alive today,
25:00 he would say, "Can I answer for myself?"
25:03 Because Paul made it very, very clear
25:04 that the coming of the Lord is very necessary,
25:06 we cannot go to heaven until we are changed.
25:09 What words did I just use until we are what?
25:11 Changed.
25:12 You got to be changed, you can't go like this.
25:15 Can't exist in the presence of an immortal God this way.
25:18 Question number 12. Question number 12.
25:20 How does the Apostle Paul
25:22 describe the details of the change?
25:26 How has this change come about?
25:28 How does he describe the details of this change?
25:31 We got to be changed, right?
25:35 We must be changed, but how?
25:37 1 Corinthians Chapter 15
25:39 verse 53 and 54.
25:43 1 Corinthians Chapter 15
25:47 verse 53 and 54.
25:53 People really get upset
25:54 when you mess with their beliefs.
25:56 Let me just say this right away.
25:57 The Jews, in verse 53 of John Chapter 11, it says,
26:01 "Then from that day on,
26:03 they plotted to put Him to death."
26:05 When Jesus completely destroyed
26:07 a key element of their theology,
26:09 let's look at the verse here.
26:10 1 Corinthians 15:53 and 54.
26:13 Here's what the Bible says,
26:14 this is the change that's talked about.
26:16 "For this," what?
26:18 "Corruptible must put on," what?
26:21 "Incorruption,
26:22 and this mortal must put on," what?
26:25 "Immortality.
26:27 So when this corruptible has put on," what?
26:30 "Incorruption, and this mortal has" what?
26:33 "Put on immortality,
26:35 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written.
26:39 'Death is," what?
26:40 "Swallowed up in victory.'"
26:44 Death is what?
26:46 Swallowed up in victory.
26:48 So who beats who?
26:53 Death loses, come on, say amen.
26:56 Death has been winning for millennia,
26:59 but death itself is gonna lose the final battle.
27:02 Death is going to be swallowed up in victory.
27:04 And when you read the passage,
27:05 when Paul talked about to be absent from the body
27:07 is to be present with the Lord.
27:08 If you continue reading that, you'll see that Paul said,
27:11 "Oh, my greatest desire is that mortality
27:14 might be swallowed up by life."
27:16 My greatest desire
27:18 is that mortality will be swallowed up by life,
27:21 and in the very same way,
27:22 death is swallowed up in victory.
27:25 Mortality is death.
27:27 Victory is life. Amen?
27:30 Mortality...
27:31 What's the mortality rate? Somebody tell me.
27:33 What percentage of people die?
27:35 One hundred percent.
27:36 That's why funeral parlors are going to be in business
27:38 until it all comes crashing down.
27:42 Funeral parlors, if you are a funeral director,
27:45 you got a solid career.
27:47 We lived in a small...
27:49 I got to tell the story.
27:51 Angie and I lived in a small town up
27:52 in northern California a number of years ago,
27:54 small town called Weaverville,
27:55 if you're watching from Weaverville,
27:57 I want to say hello to you.
27:59 And there was a funeral parlor there, and this is small town,
28:03 so unless people are dying in that small town
28:05 then the funeral doesn't have very much business.
28:08 And so there's a guy that came to town.
28:11 This black guy came to town
28:12 and the reason I use that description is because
28:14 in that mountain community of Weaverville,
28:17 they were only four minorities.
28:19 Angie and I were two of them.
28:21 There're only two others,
28:22 and there's a gentleman that came down,
28:25 he moved up to Weaverville to work at the funeral parlor,
28:29 and we got to meet him
28:31 and Angie's mother-in-law invited him over dinner
28:33 and all and was having conversation.
28:35 And we said, "How's business?"
28:36 He says, "Man, unless somebody die,
28:37 we ain't making no money."
28:40 He said, "Business is slow.
28:41 We're gonna have to put a hit out on somebody
28:43 to makes some money.
28:45 Now obviously they wouldn't do that,
28:46 but he's just illustrating the fact that, unless people...
28:49 If people keep on dying,
28:51 funeral parlors stay in business.
28:52 That's right. Am I right?
28:53 But if people don't die, they are out of business.
28:56 I'm always exciting...
28:57 I'm always excited
28:58 when I drive through West Frankfort
29:00 coming back to Thompsonville,
29:01 and I don't see anybody's name on the marquee.
29:03 Amen.
29:04 I'm always glad.
29:06 But the people they're worthy or not?
29:08 I can imagine.
29:09 "Man, nobody died this week."
29:12 It's a sad.
29:13 It's a sad occupation to have.
29:15 Isn't that right?
29:16 They wait for people to die.
29:17 That's how they make their business.
29:19 But one day
29:20 death will be swallowed up in victory.
29:22 Praise the Lord for that.
29:23 So what's the answer?
29:24 What does the apostle describe?
29:26 How does he describe the details of the change?
29:28 Here it is,
29:29 corruptible puts on incorruption,
29:32 and moral puts on, what?
29:34 Immortality.
29:36 Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written.
29:41 Praise the Lord for that.
29:43 Now let's go on over to question number 13.
29:46 Question number 13.
29:49 "In what way does the Bible describe
29:52 the blessing of the change?"
29:54 Oh, this is a great scripture.
29:56 There's a blessing,
29:57 whenever the Lord builds anything into His Word,
29:59 a blessing comes along with it, isn't that right?
30:02 There's a blessing. Why...
30:05 Why are we all waiting for this change?
30:07 There's a blessing connected with that.
30:09 Revelation 20:6.
30:12 Revelation 20:6
30:16 is where the answer is buried,
30:19 no pun intended.
30:22 The answer is buried in Revelation 20:6.
30:26 Okay,
30:27 you all there?
30:30 Here it is.
30:35 "Blessed and holy
30:38 is He who has part
30:40 in the first resurrection.
30:44 Over such the second death has," what?
30:48 "No power,
30:50 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
30:54 and shall do," what?
30:56 "Reign with him," how long?
30:58 "A thousand years." I want to pause.
31:01 We've read that scripture so many times,
31:03 but just imagine, one day we're going to experience
31:05 what it means to live for 1000 years.
31:07 Come on, say amen.
31:10 And we're not going to get old,
31:12 we're not going to have aches in our elbow.
31:15 We're not going to be walking around saying,
31:16 "How old are you? I'm 650."
31:18 You know, we're not going to have
31:19 anything that's connected to this life.
31:21 Amen?
31:22 You ought to be more excited about that.
31:23 I mean, I can't imagine after 500 years,
31:25 I'm like, "How are you doing? I'm just fine."
31:28 Vigor, no sign of death, no sign of rickets.
31:32 No sign of needing contact lenses,
31:34 isn't that right, Mark?
31:35 Just perfect health.
31:37 Do you remember my name?
31:39 I remember your name and her name,
31:40 and his name and her name and that,
31:41 no diminishing of the mind.
31:43 So when the Bible says,
31:45 we shall live and reign with Christ a 1000 years,
31:47 we ought to say hallelujah.
31:48 I'm looking forward to reigning with Christ,
31:50 and for that matter a 1000 years, brother.
31:52 Isn't that great?
31:54 To be in heaven for a 1000 years.
31:58 How many of you would like to be on a cruise
31:59 for 1000 years.
32:01 Come on, somebody.
32:02 Identify with me on that.
32:04 How many of you like to relax
32:05 and not work another day in your life,
32:07 and not have to worry about a thing?
32:09 Amen?
32:10 Let me just make this real to you.
32:12 How many of you would like to go to the bank
32:13 and just ask for any amount of money and get it?
32:17 I'm not even touching heaven yet.
32:19 You see, you see, there's a gold standard.
32:21 At least we used to have one,
32:23 and they say, in America,
32:26 our government is shutdown right now, we're in trouble,
32:29 but there will be no government shutdown
32:30 in heaven, what do you say?
32:32 So we're talking about being in heaven for a 1000 years,
32:35 no pain, there'll be no hospitals.
32:38 Nobody will have funerals, nobody will be driving by,
32:40 there'll be no hearse in heaven.
32:44 There'll be no chickens running away from us
32:45 in heaven either.
32:47 There'll be no more death.
32:49 There'll be no thanksgiving turkeys.
32:52 Even the turkeys will be glad that eternity has ruled.
32:56 It's going to be a beautiful thing.
32:58 We're going to be in heaven for a 1000 years.
33:00 Come on, say amen somebody.
33:02 I don't know what I've experienced.
33:04 I can't even live long enough down here
33:06 to experience anything good for a 1000 years.
33:09 Can you imagine,
33:10 nothing but a 1000 years of good.
33:13 And that's just the beginning.
33:15 I remember years ago when Pastor Batchelor
33:16 was talking about this,
33:18 and he and I were in evangelism together.
33:19 And one evening, it just, he just,
33:21 he put forth this illustration
33:23 that almost made my brain explode
33:25 as I was sitting down.
33:27 He said, he said...
33:31 "If a bird went to the beach,
33:37 and with his beak picked up a single grain of sand,
33:40 and flew that grain of sand all the way to the sun,
33:43 93 million miles one way, and 93 million miles back,
33:48 and came and picked up another grain
33:50 and flew that one 93 million miles to the sun
33:53 and 93 million miles back,
33:55 and each grain represented a 1000 years
33:57 and that bird did not stop
33:59 until there was no more sand left on earth.
34:01 He said, "If each of those represent the time
34:03 we will live, we've just begun to live."
34:08 And I thought, "No, he didn't just say that."
34:13 All the grains of sand
34:15 on all the beaches of the world,
34:18 93 million miles one way and back,
34:21 gets another grain, goes and comes back.
34:23 And he does nothing but that throughout his existence,
34:26 after he's removed
34:27 all the grains of sand carrying,
34:29 and each one of them represent a 1000 years,
34:30 we've just begun to live, what do you say?
34:33 So I can't run past this when it says,
34:35 we will only be in heaven a 1000 years, is that it?
34:40 Is that it?
34:41 And then heaven is going to come down to earth.
34:43 I know that's not the topic tonight.
34:45 But I'm pausing just to think
34:47 of how beautiful it's going to be.
34:48 No more of the things down here.
34:50 So when it says, we shall be priests of God and of Christ
34:53 and shall reign with Him a 1000 years.
34:55 What a day of rejoicing that's going to be.
34:58 Well, okay, let's go back to the study tonight.
35:01 Come back to earth,
35:02 we've been in heaven for a long time,
35:04 come back to earth.
35:05 Here we are. Question number 14.
35:08 How does the Bible...
35:09 And by the way the answer there in number 13,
35:11 in what way does the Bible describe
35:12 the blessing of the change?
35:15 Second death has no power, that's the answer.
35:18 Thank you, Karen.
35:19 Number 14, How does the Bible teach
35:21 that we finally take on the character of Christ?
35:25 How does it teach that we finally take
35:27 on the character of Christ?
35:29 It's a beautiful illustration that Paul the Apostle
35:31 in Romans 6:8 and 9, you find the answer there.
35:36 This illustrates it so wonderfully.
35:38 This text has a dual meaning by the way,
35:40 it doesn't just have an eternal application
35:42 but it has a spiritual application.
35:45 Okay? Romans 6:8 and 9.
35:49 Here it is on the screen, all right?
35:53 "Now if we died with Christ,
35:56 we believe that we shall also," what?
35:59 "Live with Him," died with him,
36:01 that's what the Bible says, those who sleep in Jesus,
36:04 "Knowing that Christ,
36:05 having been raised from the dead,
36:08 dies no more."
36:10 Say that word. No more.
36:12 That's why there's no more sorrow, no more death,
36:14 no more crying, no more.
36:15 And then finally, "Death no longer has," what?
36:20 "Dominion over Him."
36:22 Here's the answer.
36:24 How does the Bible teach that we finally take
36:25 on the character of Christ?
36:27 Death no longer has dominion over us,
36:32 will not be heard of the second death,
36:34 will not be...
36:35 Death no longer has dominion over us.
36:38 There won't be any more death.
36:40 Death itself will be put out of business.
36:42 Death won't have any power over us.
36:44 As a matter of fact, you know what?
36:47 Not only will death not have any power,
36:49 but death won't even exist anymore.
36:51 That means flowers won't die, right?
36:55 That means that fragrance,
36:56 if you are a botanist or love roses,
36:58 or love that fragrance
36:59 that God has placed in the gardens.
37:01 We cannot imagine or fathom the beauty of a flower
37:05 that just blossoms and blossoms and blossoms.
37:08 And by the way, thank you, my wife, my honey said,
37:11 there'll be no more allergies.
37:13 Come on, amen, somebody.
37:14 You'd be able to go like this.
37:18 What a beautiful smelling rose.
37:20 And there'll be no sneezing in heaven either.
37:22 Man, there's so much look forward to,
37:24 I can't imagine it.
37:25 But here's the answer to number 14.
37:28 Death no longer has dominion over Him,
37:31 if we take on the character of Christ,
37:34 and are we made in His likeness,
37:36 death will no longer have dominion over us.
37:39 No more funerals, no more goodbyes,
37:41 no more I wonder whatever happened to so and so.
37:44 Praise the Lord for that.
37:46 He knows exactly how to fix this thing.
37:47 And I'm excited about it.
37:49 Right?
37:50 Number 15, moving right along.
37:52 Moving right along.
37:54 What great privilege
37:56 does the resurrection present to the righteous?
37:59 What great privilege
38:01 does the resurrection present to the righteous?
38:04 Number 15.
38:05 All right, let's turn to 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17.
38:10 I know your brains are already there,
38:12 but get your fingers there too.
38:14 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17.
38:18 Look at this beautiful illustration.
38:20 What wonderful privilege,
38:22 what great privilege does the resurrection
38:23 present to the righteous?
38:26 You know, a lot of times when you get something,
38:28 you want to know what the benefits are.
38:30 Well, the resurrection has benefits,
38:32 it is going to allow us to do something
38:33 that we've never done before.
38:36 Okay, here it is.
38:38 Are you ready?
38:39 Here we are on the screen.
38:41 "For the Lord Himself
38:42 will descend from heaven with a shout,
38:46 with the voice of an archangel, with the trumpet of God.
38:49 And the dead in Christ will rise," when?
38:52 "First.
38:53 Then we who are alive
38:56 and remain shall be caught up," how?
39:00 "Together with them in the clouds,"
39:04 and here comes the privilege, to do what?
39:05 Let's say it together, "To meet the Lord in the air.
39:10 And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
39:13 Now the focus is...
39:15 Praise the Lord for the amen.
39:17 The focus is...
39:19 What's the privilege?
39:20 Will be caught up in the clouds, to do what?
39:22 To meet.
39:24 To do what? To meet.
39:26 He's not coming down here to meet us,
39:28 we're going to meet Him up there.
39:31 This ideology is,
39:32 that people meet Him when they die...
39:34 No, they don't.
39:35 As the kids we used to say when we were growing up,
39:37 "Uh-uh."
39:38 You know, or as the little kids speak, "Uh-uh."
39:41 No, we don't meet Him when we die.
39:44 We meet Him in the resurrection.
39:47 And this is the beautiful thing about it.
39:49 Those who never die are caught up with those
39:52 who are resurrected
39:53 and together in this beautiful union.
39:55 The resurrected saints meet the living saints
39:58 and we are caught up...
40:00 What's the next word?
40:01 Together with them to meet the Lord in the air.
40:07 Jesus is going to say, "How are you doing, Richard?
40:10 How are you doing, Yannick?
40:11 Good to see you.
40:12 Buckle up, we got a seven-day flight."
40:15 Amen somebody.
40:17 "Buckle up, we got a seven-day flight.
40:18 Good to see you, Lorraine.
40:20 Oh, you look fine.
40:22 I guess I took care of all those ailments
40:24 you struggled with down on earth."
40:25 Amen.
40:27 "Lorraine, no more doctors."
40:28 Amen. Amen, Lorraine?
40:29 No more doctors.
40:31 That would be the biggest blessing I could ever have
40:33 is no more surgeries and no more doctors.
40:37 Praise the Lord. No more.
40:39 No more surgeries, no more doctors.
40:40 We could add to that.
40:41 No more pain, no more suffering,
40:43 no more death.
40:44 Oh, what a wonderful thing it's going to be.
40:46 "Hannah. Good to see you, Hannah.
40:47 I'm Jesus.
40:49 I was looking forward to meeting you."
40:50 Amen, Hannah?
40:51 What a wonderful day that's going to be.
40:53 We're going to meet the Lord, and people are going to say,
40:55 "I never imagined. He looks so wonderful.
40:59 Look at Him, our Savior."
41:01 But have you noticed
41:04 there's that mark that they talked about,
41:06 the thorn, there's the mark that they talked about.
41:09 When He shakes our hand,
41:10 we're gonna say, "Hey, don't forget.
41:12 Look at His hand.
41:13 There it is. There it is.
41:15 He's going to forever be the mark of our redemption."
41:17 Oh, what a humbling thought.
41:18 But how beautiful it's going to be,
41:20 and then we're going to hear these words,
41:22 "Come, ye blessed of My Father,
41:25 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
41:27 from the foundation of the world."
41:29 And then Isaiah says there's a declaration
41:32 that's going to be made, "Open wide the gates,
41:34 that the nation that keepeth the truth may enter in."
41:37 Amen, somebody? Amen!
41:39 Oh, how wonderful it is.
41:40 And as we're entering the city,
41:42 I'm on a totally different topic right now.
41:44 As we're approaching the city,
41:46 Jesus is going to send a shout to the angel at the gate.
41:50 He says, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates,
41:53 and be ye lifted up the everlasting doors,
41:56 and the King of glory shall come in."
41:58 And he's going to echo back, "Who is the King of glory?
42:00 Lord is going to echo back, "The Lord.
42:02 He is the King, the Lord, strong and mighty,
42:04 the Lord, mighty in battle.
42:06 Lift up your heads, O ye gates."
42:08 And Ellen White says...
42:09 This is powerful. Let's go behind the scenes.
42:11 Ellen White says when we get to the gate,
42:13 there's going to be a golden card
42:15 that each of the saints are going to have
42:16 to allow them entrance into the Golden City.
42:18 You know what that golden card is going to be?
42:20 The righteousness of Jesus. What do you say?
42:22 I'll tell you how wonderful it's going to be
42:24 when we finally make it there, when we meet the Lord,
42:26 and then we look behind us for the last time.
42:30 He said, "Just take a peek at that.
42:32 Remember that
42:33 'cause what I'm going to show you next
42:35 is going to blow your mind."
42:37 That's one of the reasons why you got to be immortal
42:39 because what you see
42:40 is going to completely mess up your thought.
42:42 You have never seen anything like this ever.
42:45 You're going to be four days into flight
42:47 and God is going to say, "Put on your divine sunglasses,
42:50 it's going to get bright from here onward
42:52 'cause it's going to get bright."
42:54 As the songwriter said,
42:55 "I see the gleams of the golden morning
42:59 piercing through this night of gloom."
43:02 And then somebody else is going to sing.
43:03 "O it must the breaking of the day
43:05 that night is almost gone, the day is coming on.
43:08 O it must be the breaking of the day.
43:10 And then the angel is going to join us and sing.
43:12 Lift up the trumpet loud let it ring."
43:15 What a day it's going to be.
43:16 See, this is more than a topic to me.
43:18 This is a reality.
43:20 This is why I live and thrive and breathe
43:22 to teach a message
43:23 that I want people that are misunderstanding this
43:27 to be delivered into this beautiful truth.
43:31 The mom is not up there crying because her husband's missing
43:34 or crying that a baby is going through pain.
43:36 No. No.
43:37 She's waiting in the grave
43:39 waiting for that glorious reunion.
43:40 Mom is going to come forth and say,
43:43 "Look forward to seeing you."
43:44 "Mama, welcome.
43:45 Look forward to seeing you."
43:47 Celestine is going to be united with her mom.
43:48 She's going to be like, "Mom, let's go."
43:50 And they're going to all sing together.
43:51 And you know what?
43:52 Everybody's going to be able to sing then.
43:54 What do you say?
43:55 We're going to all have wonderful voices
43:57 as we all ascend singing the song of Moses
43:59 and the song of the lamb.
44:00 What a day that's going to be.
44:02 Caught up to meet the Lord in the air,
44:03 and thus shall we always be with the Lord.
44:07 Okay. Question number 16.
44:09 I don't know if I gave you the answer for number 15,
44:11 but the privilege of the righteous
44:13 is meeting the Lord.
44:14 Say that together.
44:16 Meeting the Lord.
44:17 That's the privilege of the righteous.
44:19 Number 16. Number 16.
44:23 David the Psalmist ask and I pose the question.
44:26 What great hope
44:28 did the Patriarch David hold on to?
44:31 What great hope
44:33 did the Patriarch David hold on to?
44:36 You know, when you read the Bible,
44:37 in the Old Testament and the New Testament,
44:39 you find this phrase repeated several times.
44:42 It's repeated over and over and over again.
44:45 David died and was buried and he rested with his fathers.
44:50 All the prophets of old died and were buried,
44:54 and you see that repeated over and over and over and over.
44:58 Slept, slept, slept, slept, died, slept with his fathers,
45:01 that he is placed in the grave
45:03 waiting for the coming of the Lord,
45:05 waiting for the Resurrection Day.
45:06 But what did David say?
45:08 What great hope did he hold on to?
45:10 Psalms 17:15.
45:12 Here it is.
45:13 He says, "As for me...
45:15 As for me, I will see Your face," in what?
45:19 "Righteousness."
45:21 Now get this,
45:22 "I shall be satisfied when I," what?
45:25 "Awake in Your likeness."
45:28 Is that clear? Yes.
45:30 When I awake, which means, what's he doing now?
45:32 Somebody, tell me.
45:34 He's sleeping. He's sleeping. David knew it.
45:37 David knew the teaching.
45:39 By the way, go with me very quickly
45:41 to the Book of Acts.
45:42 That's why Dr. Luke wrote
45:44 what he did in the Book of Acts.
45:46 He wrote what he did in the Book of Acts
45:48 because of this very text.
45:50 Okay. Acts.
45:52 Okay, I'm almost there now.
45:55 Okay, John, slow your fingers down.
45:58 Here they are.
46:00 Okay.
46:02 Acts 2:29.
46:05 David the Psalmist said,
46:07 "I will be satisfied when I awake in your likeness."
46:10 He knows he's not going to come out of the grave
46:12 the same way he went in.
46:13 Praise the Lord for that.
46:15 That's why Dr. Luke was able to write what he did
46:16 in Acts 2:29.
46:18 Notice what he said. Notice what he said.
46:22 He said, "Men and brethren,
46:24 let me speak freely to you of the patriarch," who?
46:29 "David that he is both," together,
46:32 "dead and buried and his tomb is with us to," what?
46:36 "This day."
46:38 So somebody may read that.
46:40 Those people, nowadays, that read that say,
46:41 "Well, his body is dead and buried,
46:44 but he's in heaven."
46:45 Oh, no. The Bible didn't stop reading.
46:46 The Bible didn't stop writing. Amen for that.
46:48 Let's go to verse 34. Let's go to verse 34.
46:52 You see, the Bible is so complete,
46:53 it doesn't leave any room for doubt.
46:55 Look at verse 34, verse 34.
46:57 "For David did not," what's the next word?
47:01 "David did not ascend into the heavens,"
47:04 but he says," The Lord said to my Lord,
47:07 'Sit at My right hand
47:08 till I make your enemies your footstool.'"
47:11 So has David ascended, yes or no?
47:14 No. What's the truth about David?
47:15 He is both dead and buried.
47:18 And his sepulcher or his tomb is with us to this very day.
47:23 If you want to find out what David...
47:24 Now it may be tougher now, thousands of years later,
47:27 to find the exact spot.
47:29 But when this was written, when this entry was written,
47:33 they could point out where David was buried.
47:35 He's both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us
47:38 to this day.
47:39 And they said, "But wait a minute."
47:41 The reason why the apostles were careful
47:43 to continue to reiterate this
47:45 is because still it took some time
47:47 to completely dispel the ideology
47:49 that men died and went to heaven.
47:51 They were still battling with it that day.
47:53 Even go to the Book of Corinthians
47:55 and there was an argument.
47:56 Some of the Pharisees and scribe
47:58 said the resurrection already passed,
47:59 and Paul had to deal with it again.
48:01 So David is dead and buried,
48:03 and David did not ascend to heaven.
48:04 That's why he said,
48:06 "I will be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness."
48:09 Praise the Lord for that.
48:10 Moving right along, moving right along.
48:13 Number 17, number 17.
48:15 We're doing a lot tonight. Ain't that amazing?
48:17 Number 17. Here's the next one.
48:20 Okay.
48:21 How does Paul the Apostle describe
48:24 the divine likeness we will receive?
48:29 How does he describe it,
48:32 that divine likeness that we shall receive?
48:36 1 Corinthians 15:49. 1 Corinthians 15:49.
48:44 This Bible, a catalog of books,
48:47 all harmoniously weaved together.
48:51 1 Corinthians 15:49.
48:54 You always wonder what we're going to look like.
48:55 You know, the other thing I want to also point out.
48:57 No matter how much you read,
48:59 we're still going be blown away when we see what we look like.
49:02 Ain't that right?
49:03 I mean...
49:05 You know, I consider myself in pretty good shape now,
49:07 but, you know, I'm frail still.
49:08 I got hit in my chest last week and it still hurt.
49:12 Right there, it's still in pain.
49:15 However, we're not going to have to worry about that.
49:17 We are going to be so physically fit
49:20 when we get to have no more pains anywhere.
49:23 So this beautiful analogy, this beautiful representation,
49:26 this beautiful description of how we're going to be
49:28 when the Lord comes, it just amazes me as I see
49:31 what the Bible reveals to my mind.
49:33 Let's look at 1 Corinthians 15:49.
49:36 Here it is on the screen.
49:38 How does he describe the likeness?
49:41 "As we have borne the image of the man of dust,
49:47 we shall also bear the image of the," what man?
49:51 "Heavenly Man."
49:52 Who's the man of dust?
49:54 Adam.
49:56 We right now have the first Adam's body.
50:00 Even though we are made over in the righteousness of Christ,
50:03 even though we've accepted
50:05 and are partakers of His divine nature,
50:07 we still have this whole body to mess with.
50:09 When you wake up in the morning,
50:11 "Oh, what is that?
50:12 Adam's body is defective," right?
50:15 "Oh, what happened?
50:16 Adam's shoulder is defective."
50:18 "Are you okay?" "Adam's legs are defective."
50:21 When we wake up,
50:22 we're not going to have any of that, right?
50:24 We will bear the image of the heavenly Man.
50:27 And I want you to know, when Jesus rose,
50:29 when Jesus rose, it's like,
50:32 "Whoo, this feels good."
50:35 Not that He didn't know what that was,
50:36 but I want to let you know something.
50:38 When Jesus was in heaven,
50:41 He had no dimensions of...
50:43 He had no human body.
50:45 He was purely, totally, only divine.
50:48 But when he condescended, the Bible says,
50:50 "A body thou has prepared for me."
50:53 He came in the likeness of sinful flesh.
50:57 He took on the role that we all wear every day.
51:00 But He was victorious over sin in that robe.
51:02 And when He came forth,
51:04 He represented a body that each of us will have
51:07 when we come forth from the grave
51:08 and reflect His glory.
51:11 We shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.
51:15 But I want to go ahead and insert something there
51:17 very quickly.
51:18 Write that down.
51:20 How does Paul the Apostle describe the divine likeness?
51:21 We receive the image of the heavenly Man,
51:25 the image of the heavenly Man, Jesus.
51:27 If you put that down, "The image of Jesus,"
51:29 that's good enough for me.
51:32 All right.
51:33 Now this next one...
51:35 Oh, I love it.
51:36 You know, there's not any I don't love really.
51:38 But...
51:40 Let's go to question number 18.
51:42 I think we can do. We have six minutes.
51:44 If not, we'll go ahead and do it again
51:46 on the next program.
51:48 But number 18.
51:49 What promise has the Lord made through the Apostle John?
51:54 This is so beautiful.
51:56 What promise has the Lord made through the Apostle John.
51:59 He's made a promise to us.
52:01 Let's go ahead and see that promise
52:03 because the Bible says, "We shall bear the image,"
52:05 but let's go ahead and see that promise being fulfilled.
52:07 1 John 3:2.
52:09 It's on the screen now.
52:10 Here it is.
52:11 "Beloved, now we are the children of," who?
52:15 "God." Now that's...
52:17 When are we the children of God?
52:18 When? Now.
52:19 "And it has not yet been revealed
52:23 what we shall be..."
52:26 We don't know what that image is going to look like,
52:28 "But we know that when He is revealed,
52:31 we shall be," what?
52:33 "Like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
52:41 We're going to say, "Angie, you look like Christ.
52:44 She's gonna say, "John, you look like Christ."
52:46 Perfect bodies.
52:48 We're not going to be photocopies of Christ.
52:50 Each of us is going to have our own description.
52:52 Matter of fact, Jesus was so changed
52:54 that Mary couldn't recognize Him.
52:56 But His voice...
52:57 His voice "Hey, that sounds like Yannick's voice,
53:03 but he doesn't look like Yannick."
53:05 Yannick's gonna say, "It's me."
53:08 I'll tell you how beautiful it's going to be.
53:09 We're going to all look like Jesus finally.
53:11 We're going to bear that beautiful image
53:14 that can only be given to us by the divine Son of Man.
53:18 Praise God for that. Amen.
53:19 Let's try to make this.
53:21 We've got a few more.
53:22 So the answer to that is...
53:24 What promise has the Lord made through the Apostle John?
53:28 We shall be like Him. Okay?
53:31 We, at the bottom, shall be like Him.
53:34 That's the answer.
53:35 We shall be like Him.
53:37 That's why that song The Heritage Singers
53:39 sang years ago.
53:40 We shall be like Him
53:42 Any day now
53:45 We'll be goin' home
53:48 Okay, that was extra credit.
53:49 No payment required for that.
53:52 Number 19.
53:53 Moving right along at a wonderful pace.
53:55 Here it is.
53:56 How does the Apostle Paul
53:58 compare mortality and immortality?
54:02 How does he compare the two?
54:04 Romans 6:5.
54:06 How does he compare the two?
54:08 Let's look at that together.
54:10 All right. On the screen.
54:12 I'm going to put that there just for the benefit of time.
54:14 I know many of you are still turning,
54:16 and I appreciate all the pages.
54:17 Keep doing that.
54:18 But here's what the Apostle says,
54:20 "For if we have been united together
54:22 in the likeness of His death," what is the very next word?
54:26 "Certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His," what?
54:31 "Of His resurrection."
54:33 Now are we in the likeness of His death?
54:35 Yes.
54:37 That's what that whole new birth experience is all about.
54:40 Since you went through that,
54:42 you will also be in the likeness
54:43 of His resurrection.
54:45 Amen.
54:46 Death to self, burial,
54:47 come forth in the newness of life,
54:49 one day that qualifies us
54:50 to be in the likeness of His resurrection.
54:52 That's the beauty of that. We shall have that experience.
54:56 So the answer, how does the apostle
54:58 compare mortality and immortality?
55:00 We shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.
55:03 We shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.
55:06 Now let's look at the next one.
55:07 I think we're going to make it.
55:08 I almost think we're going to make it.
55:10 Number 20. Here we are.
55:12 Number 20.
55:14 All right.
55:15 What assurance have we received...
55:19 What assurance have we received
55:22 if we remain faithful?
55:24 If we remain faithful.
55:26 That word is supposed to be if.
55:27 I got excited and my hands
55:29 got crossed on there, but that's okay.
55:30 You know what I mean?
55:32 What assurance have we received
55:33 if we remain faithful?
55:35 And the text is 1 Corinthians 15:42,
55:38 1 Corinthians 15:42.
55:42 What verse did I say?
55:44 Forty two.
55:46 Paul keeps us in that book.
55:47 What a powerful...
55:49 What a powerful section of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15,
55:51 very amazing.
55:53 The whole issue is dealt with there.
55:54 Here's what he says.
55:56 "So also is the resurrection of the dead.
56:00 The body is sown in," what?
56:02 "Corruption, it is raised in," what?
56:05 "Incorruption."
56:07 Those are all the things that don't happen when you die.
56:10 They happen when you are raised.
56:12 What I want you to notice,
56:14 there's a constant thread in all of these passages.
56:18 And they are all about the what?
56:20 Resurrection.
56:21 "So also is the resurrection of the dead.
56:23 The body is sown in corruption,
56:25 it is raised..."
56:26 We're talking about the resurrection,
56:28 something that doesn't happen when you die.
56:30 Okay?
56:31 So let's go to the very last one.
56:32 We can make it.
56:34 Here it is.
56:35 What has the Apostle Paul
56:36 held out as the greatest blessing to us?
56:39 What has he held out as the greatest blessing to us?
56:43 And I'm going to go right there
56:45 since we have a little bit more than a minute.
56:47 All right, here's the answer.
56:50 This is beautiful,
56:51 and I want to end with this one.
56:52 "That I may know Him and the power of His," what?
56:56 "Resurrection,
56:57 and the fellowship of His," what?
56:59 "Suffering, being conformed to His," what?
57:02 "Death.
57:03 If, by any means," I like this,
57:05 "I may attain to the," what?
57:08 "Resurrection of the dead."
57:12 Paul is saying, "What I want more than anything else
57:15 is to attain to the resurrection of the dead."
57:19 Did Paul teach that
57:20 you're dying and going straight to heaven?
57:21 No.
57:23 He taught that we are all going to be changed
57:25 in the resurrection.
57:26 And Paul's greatest desire
57:28 is to know the power of His resurrection
57:30 so that one day he may attain
57:32 to the resurrection from the dead.
57:35 So where's the Apostle Paul right now?
57:37 Somebody tell me. Grave.
57:39 He's in the grave.
57:40 David's in the grave.
57:42 All the faithful prophets are in the grave.
57:44 All those who serve Jesus, the disciples are in the grave.
57:47 All of our loved ones who have been laid to rest
57:49 are in the grave.
57:50 And, friends, what's so wonderful about this
57:52 is the Lord has something wonderful
57:54 in store for all of us.
57:55 So keep studying.
57:56 It may not make sense,
57:58 but if you trust the Word of God,
57:59 what does not make sense will come into A Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2019-01-28