A Sharper Focus

The Truth about Life and Death, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000063

00:22 Hello, friends, and welcome
00:23 to another Wednesday Night Bible Study
00:25 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:28 By the way, our local audience
00:29 wants to welcome you with a hearty amen.
00:31 Can we do that? Amen.
00:33 Thank you for tuning in,
00:35 and I'll thank you all for being here tonight.
00:36 I see you've your lessons and your Bibles,
00:38 and we encourage you also
00:40 to get your lessons and your Bibles.
00:41 If you like a copy of our lesson,
00:43 we're continuing on the topic of the truth about death.
00:46 What does the Bible say about life and death?
00:50 Everyone wants to know
00:51 what the Bible teaches about that.
00:53 But if you want to follow along with the lesson,
00:55 go to this website, don't put www,
00:58 put asf.3abn.org
01:03 and download lesson number 19
01:06 "The Truth about Life and Death,"
01:07 and you'll be able to follow along.
01:09 Invite your family and friends and those who are with you
01:12 at your home or your church to sit down for the next hour
01:14 as we continue the topic
01:16 of what the Bible teaches about life
01:19 and what the Bible teaches about death.
01:21 And what happens in between
01:23 and really, what happens when the Lord comes.
01:25 But before we do anything, let's bow our heads tonight
01:28 and invite the Lord's presence to be with us.
01:31 Our Gracious Father in heaven, we thank You that tonight,
01:34 we can open our hearts and open our Bibles
01:36 and thank You for Your presence here
01:39 that will be our teacher
01:41 for Your Holy Spirit that will be our guide.
01:44 For the fact that the truth of God
01:45 is ever unfolding, it's like a book
01:46 that never loses its inspiration,
01:49 but there are some who are tuning
01:52 into this program that may not understand
01:53 everything the Bible says about this very important topic.
01:57 And we want Your truth to be understood
01:59 and to be lovingly shared.
02:01 So speak to our hearts,
02:03 we pray this night in Jesus' name.
02:05 Amen.
02:07 Now by the way, we sing here
02:09 and for those of you who know the song
02:10 "Victory in Jesus,"
02:12 we'd like you to join us as we sing our theme song.
02:14 It'll be on the screen for us, and we'll sing
02:16 so that those who are tuning into the program
02:18 can join us with this song.
02:20 Let's sing our theme song for tonight "Victory in Jesus."
02:29 I heard an old, old story
02:33 How the Savior came from glory
02:36 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:40 To save a wretch like me
02:44 I heard about His groaning
02:48 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:52 Then I repented of my sin
02:55 And won the victory
02:59 O victory in Jesus
03:03 My Savior, forever
03:07 He sought me and bought me
03:10 With His redeeming blood
03:14 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:18 And all my love is due Him
03:22 He plunged me to victory
03:26 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:29 I heard about a mansion
03:33 He has built for me in glory
03:37 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:41 Beyond the crystal sea
03:45 About the angels singing
03:48 And the old redemption story
03:52 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:56 The song of victory
03:58 Key change.
04:00 O victory in Jesus
04:03 My Savior, forever
04:07 He sought me and bought me
04:11 With His redeeming blood
04:15 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:18 And all my love is due Him
04:22 He plunged me to victory
04:26 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:30 He plunged me to victory
04:34 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:40 Amen.
04:42 That's our theme song.
04:43 And I did say last week that I will put the words up,
04:46 I must rebuke myself tonight,
04:49 I didn't put them on the website yet,
04:50 but they will be up.
04:52 We'll try to get them up tomorrow.
04:53 So for those of you who don't know
04:55 the lyrics to the song "Victory in Jesus"
04:56 and some have asked for the lyrics,
04:58 we'll go ahead and make it available to you.
05:01 But tonight, once again,
05:02 we're talking about the subject of life and death.
05:04 What is the subject? Life and death.
05:07 And, you know, there are a lot of things
05:09 that are being said about this topic in the world.
05:12 Unfortunately, most of it is not true.
05:14 And many of the things that we believe
05:17 are being shaped by what people hear in the media,
05:20 by what they're told, by movies that they watch,
05:24 by maybe a news broadcast.
05:27 Unfortunately, somebody sometimes would be...
05:30 Their life would be taken in a terrible car accident.
05:32 And sometimes, somebody would say,
05:33 "Well, the Lord needed another angel."
05:36 Kind of make God sound like a hit man.
05:38 And these things are not true.
05:40 So we want to make sure that we understand clearly
05:42 what the Bible teaches about what happens
05:44 when a person dies,
05:46 what are we made of, are we a soul,
05:49 do we have a living soul,
05:51 is the body and the soul separate,
05:54 are we three parts, body, soul, and spirit.
05:56 I mean, what actually is going on,
05:58 what survives death if anything.
06:00 And we're going to turn to the Bible
06:02 to make sure that's clear.
06:04 But I want to begin
06:05 by going to one of the most important books in the Bible,
06:07 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
06:10 What book did I say?
06:11 1 Corinthians and Chapter 15.
06:14 Now the reason this chapter is important
06:18 is this is one of the chapters in the Bible
06:20 where Paul takes as it were 58 verses,
06:26 58 verses,
06:28 and he talks about the resurrection,
06:31 he talks about death,
06:33 he talks about the earthly body,
06:35 the heavenly body,
06:36 he talks about how we are prior to the resurrection,
06:41 how we will be after the resurrection,
06:43 he talks about the first Adam, the last Adam,
06:46 he talks about the spirit, he talks about the soul.
06:49 He makes it very clear what we are.
06:51 And sometimes,
06:53 this great topic about the resurrection
06:55 is often left out.
06:58 In Christianity today, most of the topics, we hear is,
07:01 well, they've died and they've gone to where?
07:03 They've gone to heaven.
07:05 But we have to be clear about what the Bible teaches.
07:07 Now we're all going to go.
07:09 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
07:10 That is if you've given your life to Jesus,
07:12 and you're waiting for the coming of the Lord,
07:14 we are going to go to heaven when Jesus returns.
07:17 But death is not a detour.
07:20 Death is not another exit prior to death.
07:24 In the discourse of Jesus with His disciples,
07:26 Jesus made it very clear, when He said...
07:28 Matter of fact, hold your hand here,
07:30 we're going to spend a lot of time
07:31 in 1 Corinthians 15.
07:33 But I want to just dive into John Chapter 14.
07:36 Go there with me. That's before.
07:39 John Chapter 14. Let's go there.
07:42 I want to show you something what Jesus said,
07:44 okay?
07:47 John Chapter 14.
07:49 Okay?
07:53 Okay.
07:58 Okay?
08:02 And this is probably
08:04 one of the greatest promises ever made
08:08 because Jesus was about to ascend
08:10 and go back to heaven.
08:12 And there He was facing His disciples,
08:14 and they were wondering,
08:16 "Well, if You're leaving, are You taking us with You?"
08:19 And obviously the answer was what?
08:20 No.
08:22 But He made a statement that I want to break down
08:24 from verse 1 to verse 3,
08:26 and then we're going to look at a number of other statements
08:28 that Jesus made when He said to the disciples,
08:31 "Hey, I know where I'm going, but you cannot come right now,
08:34 you cannot follow Me, you cannot go with Me."
08:37 Look at John 14:1.
08:39 And by the way, just to be very clear
08:41 about who this was directed to.
08:43 This was directed specifically to Peter
08:46 because Peter was just about to deny Jesus.
08:49 Peter was just about to deny Jesus.
08:51 And we know in the Bible
08:53 that there were no chapters and verses.
08:54 So right after Jesus talked to Peter
08:56 about the denial that was going to come.
08:57 He said to Peter,
08:59 "Let not your heart be troubled."
09:01 Now while it applies to all of us,
09:03 it applies with particular force to who?
09:06 To Peter because He's talking directly to Peter.
09:09 But notice what He says.
09:11 Matter of fact, let's read this together.
09:12 It says, "Let not your hearts be," what?
09:15 "Troubled.
09:16 You believe in God, believe also in Me.
09:19 In My Father's house are many," what?
09:22 "Mansions.
09:23 If it were not so, I would have," what?
09:25 "Told you.
09:27 I go to prepare a place for you.
09:30 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
09:32 I will do," what?
09:34 "Come again, and receive you to Myself,
09:38 that where I am, there you may be also."
09:44 And He says in verse 4.
09:45 "And where I go you know, and the way you know.
09:50 And Thomas said to Him,
09:51 'Lord, we do not know where You are going,
09:54 and how can we know the way?'"
09:56 And this is where you find that statement.
09:58 "Jesus said to them or to him,
10:00 'I am the," what?
10:01 "The way, the truth, and the life.
10:04 No one comes to the Father except through Me or by Me.'"
10:10 And so you see clearly,
10:12 couple of things that are pointed out.
10:13 First of all, Jesus says, "I'm going to do," what?
10:15 "Prepare a," what?
10:16 "Place."
10:18 So is there a place being prepared for us today.
10:19 What is that place called? It's called heaven.
10:22 He says, "He's going to get that ready."
10:24 But then He made it very clear, He says...
10:27 How we're going to get there?
10:29 Somebody tell me how we're going to get there?
10:31 Somebody?
10:33 He will come again.
10:36 Now get this, He came the first time,
10:39 and He said He's going to come what?
10:40 Again.
10:42 And when He comes again,
10:43 that's when the gathering is going to take place.
10:46 So lot of times people don't understand
10:48 there's a gathering that's going to happen
10:50 when Jesus comes again.
10:52 And then He says, "That where I am,"
10:56 present tense,
10:57 "there you may be also."
10:59 That is going to happen in the future.
11:01 So we have reservations.
11:02 Amen to that? Amen.
11:04 We all got reservations in heaven,
11:05 but we're not going to heaven when we die.
11:08 Oftentimes, we just bypass the process
11:10 of the return of Jesus.
11:12 The good news is Jesus is coming again.
11:15 Say that with me. Jesus is coming again.
11:19 We could never grow weary of that truth
11:21 because when you grow weary of that truth,
11:24 He says in Matthew Chapter 24,
11:26 "In such an hour as you think not,"
11:28 what's going to happen?
11:29 "The Son of man is going to come."
11:30 So we're living in a world, we're living in a day and age
11:32 where people are getting...
11:37 When is He going to get here?
11:39 How long is it going to be?
11:43 "Oh, man, would you please hurry up?
11:49 Tired of waiting.
11:50 And then we look at the wars, and disasters, and earthquakes,
11:53 and financial instability, we'll look at death,
11:55 and crime, and violence, and kidnappings
11:57 and all this perversion
11:59 that's going on in the world today,
12:01 and we say how bad does it have to get
12:03 before Jesus comes back.
12:05 But what many of us don't know here in America is this,
12:07 that there are people around the world
12:09 that don't know the name of Jesus yet.
12:11 So He's got to get into all those corners
12:13 of the world
12:15 and doesn't have to take long to do that.
12:17 He's not going to take as long as we think
12:19 because the Bible says, "He will cut the work short
12:21 and finish it in righteousness."
12:24 Finish it for our sake. Amen to that?
12:26 Now let's go to 1 Corinthians 15.
12:29 We want to lay some foundation here
12:31 to get you to see that this whole idea about death...
12:34 And people often use the writing
12:35 of the Apostle Paul to say what he didn't say.
12:39 Even sometimes, people use the writings
12:41 of the Apostle Paul to battle what Jesus said
12:43 because you find Paul says one thing,
12:47 and it appears that Jesus says something else,
12:49 but He doesn't say something different than Paul says.
12:52 He says the same thing
12:54 because he is an apostle of Christ.
12:57 Apostles don't say things that are opposite
13:00 to the one who sends them, all right?
13:03 Now let's go ahead.
13:05 And I want to begin down at verse 12.
13:09 I want to begin down at verse 12
13:11 because there was a big controversy
13:14 among the Corinthians and some of the Pharisees
13:17 had said the resurrection already happened,
13:19 some of them said
13:21 there is no resurrection of the dead,
13:22 so Paul is setting the record straight.
13:25 And what are you going to find in this study,
13:26 particularly, what are you going to find
13:27 as we read this is this.
13:29 You are going to find that Paul talks
13:30 about who was resurrected.
13:33 He's going to talk about
13:35 when we are going to be resurrected,
13:37 that is, if we die before Jesus comes.
13:38 But I told you already,
13:40 I'm praying to be alive when Jesus gets here.
13:42 Anybody else? I thought I have more people.
13:46 Somebody want to be dead? I want to be ready.
13:49 I want to be alive when Jesus comes.
13:51 Anybody else? Yes.
13:52 I hope it's soon.
13:53 I mean, I'm not looking for the Lord to come
13:55 in 200 more years?
13:57 We don't need floating cars before He gets here.
13:59 You know, it's bad enough, you know?
14:02 "Even so come, Lord Jesus," I want to say.
14:04 But it's going to be an amazing challenge.
14:07 But notice verse 12 of 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
14:11 The Bible says, "Now if Christ is preached
14:17 that He has been raised from the dead,
14:20 how do some among you say
14:23 that there is no resurrection of the dead?"
14:25 Now I'm laying the foundation this week
14:27 because the next topic
14:29 is going to be on the resurrection.
14:30 But I felt it necessary tonight to go and say,
14:33 "Well, why is it that in the Christian world
14:35 the resurrection is kind of left out?"
14:37 Do you hear sermons about the resurrection?
14:40 I watch many televangelists,
14:41 you don't hear sermons about the resurrection,
14:43 but you hear about this alternate route to heaven,
14:45 "Well, they're in heaven now,
14:47 my mom is up there with the Lord,
14:48 my daddy used to sing for Jesus now he's up there in heaven,
14:51 plan the banjo for Jesus."
14:53 I don't want to be irreverent, or don't want to be cynical,
14:56 but it sounds ridiculous and you ask the questions,
14:58 "Well, how did he get his banjo to heaven?"
15:01 Think about it. How did he get up there?
15:03 How did he take all the...
15:04 Playing the piano on the streets
15:06 of the New Jerusalem.
15:08 These are fables.
15:10 Look at the next verse.
15:11 How is it that some people say there's no resurrection.
15:13 Verse 13.
15:15 "But if there is no resurrection of the dead,
15:17 then Christ is," what?
15:19 "Is not risen.
15:20 And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is," what?
15:24 "In vain and your faith is also vain.
15:28 Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God,
15:33 because we have testified of God
15:36 that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up,
15:39 if in fact, the dead do not rise."
15:42 Now I want you to get this.
15:43 There's a text here that's so vitally important,
15:46 the context of this is, who raised up Christ?
15:50 Let me get the answer. Who raised up Christ?
15:53 Say it again, Robert? God raised up Christ.
15:56 If He didn't raise Him up,
15:58 then there is no resurrection of the dead.
16:01 If there is no resurrection of the dead,
16:02 then we need to start preaching.
16:05 Right?
16:06 And our faith is in vain.
16:07 He says, "You've got this hope that means absolutely nothing."
16:10 If there's some place right now
16:12 where the bones of Jesus still is,
16:14 then you are in trouble.
16:15 And I want to declare tonight there is no place
16:17 that has been found
16:19 where the body of Jesus is to this day.
16:21 What do you say? Amen.
16:22 There's no place. The tomb is empty.
16:24 People argue that it's one location or the other.
16:26 It doesn't really matter where it is.
16:28 I know where He is. That's all that really matters.
16:30 But now let's go on. Let's go on.
16:34 And then He says in verse 16,
16:36 "For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen.
16:41 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile,"
16:45 that is in vain,
16:47 "and you are still in your," what?
16:48 "Sins!"
16:50 Let me stop right there and make a point
16:51 of what He's saying.
16:52 He says,
16:54 "Yes, the death of Jesus was important."
16:55 Aren't we glad He died for us?
16:57 But even more than His death is His resurrection
16:59 because lots of religious leaders died,
17:02 but only one conquered the grave.
17:05 Amen? Amen.
17:06 So if He just died for us, then He's like everybody else.
17:12 But Jesus not only died for us, but He rose again.
17:16 You see, death was the payment for our transgression.
17:23 The resurrection was the assurance
17:26 that our transgression won't have the last word.
17:29 You see if Christ just paid the debt
17:31 but could not deliver us,
17:33 it's like somebody buying a car,
17:34 but they can't drive it off the lot.
17:37 Think about it for a moment.
17:38 It's like somebody buying a house,
17:40 but they will never be given the right to inhabit it.
17:42 Let's somebody paying a big prize,
17:44 but it's not yours.
17:45 Jesus not only paid the price for our ransom,
17:49 but He also is victorious over the very thing
17:51 that would have been our sentence
17:54 had He not paid the price for our salvation.
17:59 But He goes on now in verse 18, he says,
18:03 "Then also those who have done" what?
18:06 "Fallen asleep in Christ have," what?
18:08 "Perished."
18:10 Well, now let's see what he means by that.
18:12 "And if in this life only...
18:15 This is one of my most repeated scriptures,
18:18 I like the way that it says in the King James Version,
18:20 I'm going to try to remember that by heart.
18:22 But it says, "If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
18:25 we are of all men most miserable."
18:29 Ain't that a terrible word?
18:31 It sounds a little more depressing than pitiable.
18:35 "If we only have hope in this life,
18:36 we are of all men the most,"
18:38 say it, "miserable."
18:39 Have you seen miserable people?
18:41 You want to see miserable Christians?
18:43 Tell them that Christ has not been risen.
18:46 And if a Christian believes that,
18:49 it's a miserable existence because here we are,
18:52 I want to just give you a terrible description here.
18:54 Somebody once said,
18:55 "It's a sad thing to miss out
18:57 on all the fun the world has..."
19:02 Now follow carefully,
19:03 I'm going to qualify this in a moment.
19:05 Lot of people says, "It's terrible to miss out
19:07 on all the fun the world has and not have eternal life."
19:10 Let me just tell you this.
19:15 I like the way the songwriter said it,
19:16 "If heaven was never promised to me,
19:19 neither God's promise to live eternally,
19:24 it's been worth
19:25 just having the Lord in our lives."
19:27 Amen somebody? Amen.
19:28 He's made a major difference a sane life, a clear life,
19:33 a sane mind, a respectable individual.
19:36 And what the world is missing today
19:38 is not just people that have a constitution,
19:40 but people that have the presence of Christ
19:42 in their lives.
19:44 Live a healthy life.
19:45 If you only get one, live a very healthy life
19:47 but thank Spirit of God,
19:48 we don't just get one go around,
19:49 we get a second chance because of Christ.
19:51 Amen.
19:53 But let's go on further and see.
19:54 Now Paul is going to get into the specifics.
19:57 He's going to talk about when Christ was rose,
20:00 when Christ was raised,
20:01 and when we are going to be raised.
20:03 Very important.
20:04 "But now," verse 20,
20:06 "Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the," what?
20:11 "Firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."
20:14 That's the harvest language.
20:17 Firstfruits mean when the harvest time comes,
20:19 He's the first one.
20:21 It's like the first crop of apples
20:22 off of the apple tree.
20:24 It's like the first basket of oranges
20:25 out of the orange grove.
20:27 He's the first one, which means,
20:28 He represents a whole lot more that have not yet been picked.
20:32 So Christ is the first one that's been risen,
20:35 that means there's whole lot more
20:36 that have not yet been risen, right?
20:38 He's the firstfruits.
20:39 Now let's go to the next verse 21.
20:41 "For since by man came," what?
20:44 "Death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead."
20:48 Now does your Bible have the word
20:50 the second Man capitalized?
20:52 Yes.
20:54 It should be capitalized
20:55 because that second Man is Christ.
20:57 If both of them are small M's, you want to correct that.
21:00 I like the way the New King James Version
21:01 corrected that.
21:03 The second M should be capitalized.
21:05 "For since by man," small M, "came death,"
21:07 that's sinful man, "by Man," that is Jesus,
21:11 "also came the resurrection of the dead."
21:14 And verse 22.
21:15 "For as in Adam," how many die?
21:18 "All die, even so in Christ,"
21:20 how many shall be made alive? "All..."
21:23 What's the next word after all?
21:25 "Shall be made alive."
21:28 This is something you've got to get the process.
21:31 Paul is talking about process here.
21:32 "Shall be made alive,"
21:35 which means they're not alive yet.
21:36 Where are they then? They are in the grave.
21:39 They shall be made alive.
21:42 The Bible is making it very clear.
21:44 But now this is the crux of the passage.
21:48 Verse 23, "But each one in his own order."
21:54 Who's the first one?
21:56 "Christ the firstfruits,
21:59 afterwards those who are Christ's," when?
22:03 "At His coming."
22:06 1 Corinthians 15:23.
22:08 So one of those who are resting in Jesus
22:11 going to come forth from the grave.
22:12 Say it, really quickly, as the Bible says.
22:14 "At His coming."
22:16 Say that with me, "At His coming."
22:20 Not before.
22:22 Christ was the only one to come out.
22:24 He says in Revelation,
22:25 "I've got the keys of death and of the grave."
22:27 So when is that grave going to be opened up?
22:31 And we're going to find out that in the next lesson.
22:32 When he blows the trumpet, when the earth quakes,
22:36 when the dead in Christ rise first,
22:38 and then we which are alive
22:40 are caught up together with them
22:41 to meet the Lord in the air.
22:42 That means, we haven't met Him yet.
22:44 And to show you that Paul was very clear about this.
22:46 Notice, what he says in the very next verse,
22:48 in the very next verse.
22:49 He ends with the phrase,
22:51 "Those who are Christs at His coming,"
22:53 And then in verse 24 just to verify it,
22:55 "Then comes the," what?
22:57 "End, 'when He delivers the kingdom
23:00 to God the Father,
23:02 when He puts an end to all rule and,"
23:05 how much authority?
23:06 "All authority for and the power.
23:09 For he must reign till He has put,
23:11 how many?
23:13 "All enemies under His feet."
23:14 And verse 26. Let's read that together.
23:17 "The last enemy that will be destroyed is," what?
23:21 "Death."
23:22 So if that last enemy
23:25 that's going to be destroyed is death,
23:27 how long is death going to reign?
23:31 Somebody tell me? To the end.
23:34 To the end. Until it is, what?
23:36 Until it is, what?
23:39 Look at the verse. Until death is what?
23:41 Destroyed. Say it again.
23:43 Destroyed.
23:44 Death is going to reign until death is destroyed.
23:48 So has death been destroyed yet?
23:50 No. So death still happens.
23:53 All have sinned,
23:56 the wages of sin is what?
23:58 Death. That's the fact.
24:01 Death is still in effect today.
24:02 Sad reality, it's still in effect today.
24:05 But now let's go to the very end
24:07 of this passage.
24:08 I want to show you something.
24:10 I don't want to go to the middle part,
24:11 I'm going to leave that for the major purpose.
24:12 But let's go to the very last verse
24:15 in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
24:16 Actually the...
24:22 Okay.
24:23 Yeah, let's go to verse 54, verse 54.
24:29 Okay. Okay. Verse 54.
24:34 "So when this corruptible..."
24:35 No, verse 55. That's the one I'm getting.
24:38 Yes. Are we ready?
24:39 What verse did I say?
24:41 Fifty five. This is the one.
24:42 First of all, death is going to be destroyed,
24:45 and then after death is destroyed,
24:46 notice what Paul writes about death.
24:49 It's almost like he's speaking to death.
24:52 And he says, "O Death, where is your," what?
24:55 "Sting? O Grave, where is your," what?
24:59 "Victory?"
25:00 So let me just make this clear.
25:02 As we talk about the difference between life and death,
25:04 the truth about life and death.
25:06 Let me make it very clear tonight
25:07 at the beginning of the study,
25:09 death will not have the final victory, life will.
25:13 What do you say? Amen.
25:15 The final victory is life. The final victory is not death.
25:20 Death seems to be winning now
25:22 but the last knockout punch is death itself
25:25 is going to be defeated.
25:27 Death itself is going to be eliminated.
25:30 Death itself is going to be destroyed.
25:32 Until then,
25:35 we will have all be in one way or the other
25:38 affected by this stalker
25:41 that walks the planet from home to home,
25:44 from family to family, from situation to situation,
25:47 from life to life,
25:48 and knocks on the door of somebody's house
25:51 at some point in their existence,
25:53 a sad reality.
25:55 But I want to go ahead and dive
25:56 into question number 15 tonight.
25:58 If you have that question...
26:00 Question number 15.
26:01 And if you don't have a copy, we have a few copies down here
26:03 if anybody wants one.
26:06 Question number 15. Notice what the Bible says.
26:10 And by the way,
26:11 last week what we discovered as we read the Book of Job,
26:15 we...
26:16 Matter of fact, go to the Book of Job
26:17 that's where we're going to find our answer.
26:19 I want to bring up question 15 tonight.
26:20 And here it is.
26:23 How long does the Bible teach
26:27 that the dead will remain in their graves?
26:30 How long does the Bible teach
26:32 that the dead will remain in their graves?
26:36 What book did we say? Job.
26:37 We're going to go to the Book of Job.
26:40 Now what I want to do just because of last week,
26:42 I want to reiterate? a couple of passages,
26:44 but we're going to start with Job Chapter 14.
26:47 And I know the answers of verse 11 and 12,
26:50 but I want to begin with verse 10.
26:53 I want to begin with the verse 7.
27:00 Okay, I apologize.
27:02 We did verse 7 and 10 earlier,
27:03 but I want to begin with verse 7,
27:05 and then we're going to get down to verse 12, okay?
27:07 So let's look at this.
27:09 Now if you're thinking about this,
27:11 every one of us has seen a tree cut down before.?
27:14 Have we all?
27:15 Even if you haven't seen it cut down physically,
27:17 you've seen a tree stump
27:20 I'm facing the sad reality that
27:22 last year I had a good friend of ours,
27:25 come to our house, visited us, he's a landscaper,
27:27 and he cut of,
27:28 right by the pond in our backyard,
27:30 right at the base of the pond
27:32 where the water meets the ground.
27:34 You know all these weeds, they just fall into the water,
27:36 and then they just grow before,
27:38 you know, they become a tree,
27:39 and then it gets so big that you can't really
27:41 cut him down easily.
27:42 They start as a small fledgling plant,
27:44 but then they continue growing and growing.
27:46 Well, last year, my pond looks so nice,
27:48 it was clear all along the edges.
27:52 But you know what happened.
27:53 When he cut them, he left the roots in there.
27:56 And he didn't put that killer stuff on top of the...
28:00 He said there's supposed to be something,
28:01 you paint on top of the roots so it dies.
28:03 He didn't put that there.
28:05 And now they're coming back, they're coming back.
28:10 You see the point of the matter
28:11 is when you begin to read this passage,
28:14 Job is going to say,
28:15 "Learn the lesson about life and death from the tree."
28:19 Let's start with verse 7.
28:23 "For there is hope..."
28:25 Job 14:7,
28:26 "For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down,
28:31 that it will sprout again.
28:34 And that its tender shoots will not cease
28:38 Though its root may grow old in the earth,
28:43 and its stump may die in the ground,
28:46 yet at the," what?
28:48 "Scent of water it will bud
28:51 and bring forth branches like a plant."
28:55 Now the question was how long does the Bible teach that man,
28:59 that the dead remain in the graves.
29:01 Look at verse 10.
29:04 "But man dies and is laid away.
29:07 Indeed he breathes his last,"
29:10 and what are the next four words?
29:11 "And where is he?"
29:14 Now let's say together. "And where is he?"
29:18 That's the question. "Where is he?"
29:19 When he breathes his last breath,
29:21 you go to the hospital, unfortunately,
29:23 sometimes people gather around the bed
29:25 of their loved ones
29:26 and, it's always a sad thing when the person is expired
29:30 or anything happens in a person.
29:32 And somebody once said, "There's always that point
29:35 where they breathe their last breath."
29:38 Some people have said, "I was right there,
29:40 when he breathed his last breath.
29:42 I was right there,
29:43 when she breathed her last breath."
29:45 So Job is saying,
29:47 "When he breathes his last breath,
29:50 where is he?"
29:53 Because this is the point where the preachers have said,
29:56 "Oh, he's on his way to heaven."
30:01 This is what you've heard on the news,
30:03 this is what preachers have taught in your churches.
30:05 Many of you that are watching this program,
30:06 this is what your preacher may have said just last week.
30:08 "They're in heaven now, they are absent from the body,
30:12 they're present with the Lord."
30:14 We'll discuss that passage in a moment.
30:15 And by the way, it's just a hint,
30:17 that passage says nothing about death,
30:19 not a single word death is mentioned
30:21 in that entire passage.
30:23 So Job's answering, "Where is he?"
30:25 Look at verse 11.
30:27 "As water disappears from the sea..."
30:30 This is the verses on the screen.
30:32 "As water disappears from the sea,
30:34 and a river becomes," what?
30:37 "Parched and dries up, so man lies down and," what?
30:43 "Does not rise."
30:46 He, what? "Does not rise."
30:51 "Man lies down and does not rise
30:55 till the heavens..."
30:57 And I'm reading the Bible verse here.
30:58 "Till the heavens are no more,
31:00 they will not awake nor be roused
31:04 from their sleep."
31:07 Is that clear?
31:08 "They will not awake nor be roused
31:10 from their sleep."
31:11 So where they're going to be?
31:12 They're not going to be awaken, nobody's going to wake them up.
31:14 They're going to be there.
31:15 They're going to stay in that grave,
31:17 they will not be awakened nor roused from their sleep.
31:20 What does that mean roused?
31:22 Has anybody have been roused from their sleep?
31:25 Somebody tell me? What does that mean?
31:28 Awaken. Wake up?
31:31 And what you do when you wake up?
31:36 When you wake up, do you say, "Oh, why do you wake me up,
31:39 I was just on my way to the mall?"
31:42 Did you say that?
31:44 But according to what happens when we die,
31:46 we make it appears that when a person dies
31:48 they had all this new activity going on.
31:50 "Wait, wait, wait, wait, don't wake me up now,
31:52 I'm just singing a song to Paul or singing a song to Jesus."
31:56 They kind of talk like the moment you die,
31:58 "Hey, oh, I'm so glad to be here."
32:01 That's not what the Bible teaches.
32:03 "They will not awake nor be roused
32:07 from their sleep."
32:09 And I want to go ahead. So let's answer question 15.
32:12 How long does the Bible teach that the dead
32:14 will remain in their graves?
32:16 Till the heavens are no more. Till the heavens are no more.
32:22 And the Bible talks about the coming of the Lord.
32:24 The heavens will pass away with a great noise
32:28 and the elements will melt with fervent heat,
32:32 until that day,
32:33 that's at the second coming of Christ,
32:35 until that day they're going to be in that grave.
32:39 Until that day, they're not going anywhere.
32:43 They're right there.
32:45 So let me encourage you because somebody may be saying,
32:49 "I've just found this out.
32:50 I've just learned this for the first time.
32:52 What do I do about the fact that I've been thinking
32:54 my mama's up there all these years?"
32:56 Let me encourage you.
32:58 You and your mama are going to go to heaven
32:59 to see Jesus together.
33:01 Can we say amen to that? Amen.
33:02 Mamas up there saying,
33:04 "Oh, man, I wonder whatever happened to Jeffrey."
33:08 And what's even worse, what's even worse
33:12 is that they make it appear
33:13 as though mom is looking down on us.
33:17 Well, let me tell you about my mom,
33:19 when my mom was alive,
33:20 she couldn't see around the corner,
33:22 she couldn't see through walls.
33:24 Anybody else? Come on.
33:28 If I was on a block, the best I could do is,
33:31 "Can't tell who that is."
33:32 But all of a sudden, now this is the devil's lie.
33:34 All of a sudden, now that you die,
33:36 you've got this super human ability
33:39 and that's the lie he told to Eve.
33:41 "You will be like God. You will be like God.
33:46 If you disobey, you'll be like God.
33:48 You won't really die."
33:51 Genesis 3:4, "You won't really die."
33:54 That's a lie. Adam died.
33:56 I want to say what somebody said last week,
33:58 and this is great.
33:59 I think Kim talked to me about this last week.
34:01 She said, "How long is a day for God?"
34:04 While the Bible says, Peter says,
34:06 "A day with the Lord is as a 1,000 years,
34:10 and a 1,000 years is as a," what?
34:12 "Day."
34:13 Now we're not saying a day and a 1,000 years
34:14 are the same thing but for the Lord,
34:16 a day is like a 1,000 years, a 1,000 years is like a day.
34:19 And the Lord says,
34:20 "In the day you eat thereof it, you shall surely die."
34:22 And old was Adam when he died?
34:25 Nine hundred and thirty, he died within the day.
34:28 Did you get that?
34:30 If a day for God is like a 1,000 years,
34:31 and a 1,000 years is like a day,
34:34 Adam died before the day was over.
34:36 He didn't even make it to 1,000 years.
34:39 Methuselah got really close 969,
34:43 but he didn't make it,
34:45 he died within the day.
34:46 The point of the matter is death reign to all,
34:50 for all have sinned.
34:52 Death reign to all because all have sinned.
34:55 So according to the answer here,
34:58 how long will they be in there?
34:59 Tell me the answer? Till the heavens are no more.
35:04 Till the coming of the Lord.
35:05 Now question number 16. Question number 16.
35:10 What does the Bible say...
35:12 What does the Bible say
35:14 we must pass before the dead are raised...
35:17 Sorry.
35:19 What does the Bible say must pass
35:20 before the dead are raised?
35:22 I looked at my own question
35:23 and added another word in there.
35:25 What does the Bible say
35:26 must pass before the dead are raised?
35:30 Stay in the Book of Job. Stay in the Book of Job.
35:35 Some of you guys are really on top of it tonight.
35:38 Job answers the question.
35:39 You know what? Well, let me just say,
35:41 isn't it good to know the Bible has the answers?
35:42 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
35:44 It's so good to know
35:45 that we don't have to sit and say,
35:46 "Well, now let me see,
35:48 what does my theological professor say?
35:49 What does the pastor say on television?
35:51 What does that church say?
35:52 What does that denomination say?"
35:53 No. What does the Bible say?
35:55 Whatever happened to the Bible? Forget about, it sounds good.
36:00 If it's a lie, it shouldn't sound good.
36:02 Never allow a lie to sound good.
36:05 Amen. "Well, it's so comforting."
36:07 Don't get comfort from a lie.
36:12 And what's happening in our world today
36:13 I've seen this on television.
36:14 There are some channels on television
36:16 that will lie to you and ask you to send the money.
36:18 Let me say something, 3ABN will not lie to you,
36:20 and ask for your financial support.
36:22 Amen somebody? Amen.
36:23 This is the channel of truth.
36:26 The whole truth and nothing but the truth.
36:29 So if you don't want the truth, then watch some other channels.
36:34 But if you want the truth, you're at the right one.
36:35 Come on say amen.
36:37 Because we're going to tell it like it is.
36:38 The comfort is knowing this that when Jesus comes back,
36:42 everybody who is in the grave resting
36:44 will go to heaven together to meet the Lord.
36:47 That's why we look forward to the second coming of Christ.
36:53 I apologize if I'm excited tonight.
36:56 But I like to the truth. Anybody else?
36:57 Amen. Nothing but the truth.
37:00 So let's answer the question.
37:02 Job 14:13,
37:04 and it's going to be on the screen.
37:06 Look what Job says,
37:07 "Oh, that You would," do what?
37:09 "Hide me," where?
37:11 "In the grave,
37:12 that You would conceal me until Your wrath is," what?"
37:16 "Past, that You will appoint me a set time, and," what?
37:20 "Remember me!" So here's the answer.
37:24 What does the Bible say must pass
37:27 before the dead are raised?
37:29 Say it? God's wrath.
37:32 God is going to hide Job. Now, I want to get this.
37:35 This is a powerful statement.
37:37 When you read the Book of Job, the Bible says of Job,
37:41 there was not a person in the earth like him.
37:45 He's a righteous man.
37:46 So if anybody qualified based on that
37:52 to go right to heaven was what?
37:53 Job.
37:55 The Bible says, "He was a man that shunned evil,
37:58 he was a righteous man."
37:59 And He even said to the devil,
38:01 "Have you considered my servant Job
38:03 that there is none like him on the earth."
38:07 But Job is not in heaven. Yes.
38:09 And the thief on the cross said...
38:11 Okay.
38:13 See my wife is right on top of that.
38:14 See we lived together 30 years, I know where she's headed.
38:17 She knows where I'm headed.
38:19 Now I want to get this now.
38:20 The very same thing that Job said
38:23 is the very same thing the thief on the cross said.
38:28 We often look at the phrase where he says.
38:32 Where Jesus responds and says,
38:34 "Today you will be with Me in paradise."
38:35 We know that the comma has been incorrectly place
38:38 because that's not the answer to the question
38:42 that the thief asked.
38:43 He said to Jesus,
38:45 "Remember me when You come into Your kingdom.
38:51 Remember me when you come into Your kingdom."
38:53 Did we just read in 1 Corinthians 15
38:54 where Paul says,
38:56 "Then the kingdom is delivered up " when?
38:59 "At the end."
39:01 Then comes the end
39:02 when the kingdom is delivered up.
39:03 And the thief on the cross said to Jesus,
39:06 "Remember me when You come in Your kingdom."
39:09 And Jesus made the promise to him that day
39:13 that He will be with him in paradise.
39:14 He didn't say, "You are going to paradise
39:16 with Me that day."
39:17 But somebody may say, "But, yes, He did."
39:19 Well, let me ask you the question.
39:21 Did Jesus go to heaven that day?
39:23 Yes or no? No.
39:25 Because after He was raised,
39:26 and Mary was there in the garden,
39:28 and she began to hold on to Christ
39:30 when she recognized Him by His voice.
39:32 He said to Mary, "Do not cling to Me,
39:36 I have not yet," what?
39:38 "Ascended to My Father and to your Father.
39:43 I haven't gone yet, this is third day.
39:45 I haven't gone yet."
39:47 So how could Jesus say it to the thief,
39:48 "We're going today."?
39:51 He didn't say that
39:52 because when He rose on the third day,
39:55 Jesus Himself said, "I haven't gone yet.
40:01 I haven't gone, don't hold me, Mary,
40:03 I haven't gone to My Father and to your Father."
40:06 So the Bible is clear,
40:07 when the wrath of God is passed,
40:09 then the Lord...
40:11 And get this, the text says,
40:13 "Appoint me a," what type of time?
40:16 "A set time." What is that set time?
40:18 Somebody tell me? I know you got your hats on.
40:19 What's the set time? Second coming, resurrection.
40:23 Thank you. Say it together. Second coming, resurrection.
40:26 If you said either one of those,
40:27 you're correct.
40:28 The set time is the second coming
40:30 and the resurrection.
40:31 That's the set time. That's the set time.
40:34 God's got His time set.
40:36 It's like, "Okay, time to wake up."
40:39 The time is set.
40:41 He's got that divine alarm and voice is going to be loud,
40:46 voice is going to be loud.
40:48 David says in, I think in Psalms 25:9.
40:51 I think it is,
40:53 "My Lord shall come and shall not keep silent."
40:57 What does Paul say He's going to do
40:58 when He come back?
41:00 He's going to come back with a trumpet,
41:02 the voice of the archangel, with a shout.
41:05 That's the set time.
41:07 He is going to wake up everybody that's resting in.
41:09 Amen? Amen.
41:11 Let's go to the next one. Nothing is secret.
41:13 Okay, nothing is secret about that.
41:15 That's right. Nothing is secret about that.
41:17 My wife is helping me teaching. I praise the Lord.
41:19 My wife is on fire tonight. She's excited about the topic.
41:22 I appreciate that, honey.
41:24 Question number 17,
41:25 how does the Bible describe the condition of Adam?
41:29 How does the Bible describe the condition of Adam
41:32 to be after his death?
41:34 Okay?
41:35 Little typo there but that's all right.
41:39 How does the Bible describe the condition of Adam
41:42 after his death?
41:43 Take out the word be.
41:45 I was getting excited and typed faster
41:46 than I thought I should have.
41:48 Genesis 3:19. Genesis 3:19.
41:53 All right, let's go there.
41:55 Genesis 3:19. Got to go quickly.
42:01 Okay, here it is. It's on the screen.
42:04 Look at what the Lord said to Adam, Genesis 3:19.
42:08 He says, "In the sweat of your," what?
42:12 "Face you shall eat bread till you,"
42:15 say it together, "return to the ground,"
42:19 and get this, "for out of it you are," what?
42:23 "Taken for dust you are, and to," what?
42:26 "Dust you shall return."
42:29 Did you see the word return, return twice?
42:31 Return, where he's going?
42:33 Returning to where he came from.
42:34 Where did Adam come from? The ground.
42:35 He's not returning to heaven
42:37 because Adam didn't come from heaven,
42:39 God came from heaven.
42:40 We're going to go to heaven, we're not returning to heaven.
42:44 But there are some denominations
42:45 that teach that this,
42:46 they started in heaven as some spirit babies,
42:49 they came down and inhabited bodies.
42:51 I'm going to tell like it is tonight.
42:53 Spirit babies all populated up in heaven
42:57 waiting for another body, and they came down
42:59 and went to the body to learn their lesson,
43:01 then they go back and complete the cycle.
43:03 That's not true. That's not scriptural.
43:06 We didn't start in heaven,
43:07 God started in heaven. Amen?
43:10 The only one that came out of heaven,
43:12 that's not God, it's the devil and his angels.
43:15 They got kicked out. They got evicted.
43:20 And by the way,
43:21 they are not able to procreate.
43:24 We had no beginning there.
43:26 The Lord formed us from the dust of the ground
43:28 and that's why He says, "From dust you are..."
43:31 "For dust you are,
43:32 and to dust you shall," what?
43:34 "Return." Very, very clear.
43:37 Is that correct? Very clear.
43:39 So where're we going? Where're we going?
43:42 We're going back to the ground.
43:44 That's why we go to the cemetery.
43:46 We return people to the ground.
43:49 Except if you have ashes,
43:50 you know, in an urn or somebody may have
43:53 an above ground crypt like in the Virgin Islands.
43:55 You can't dig too far down because you'll hit ocean,
43:59 lot of water.
44:00 When you live on an island that's only 32 square miles.
44:02 Hello, all those in the Virgin Islands.
44:04 That's my hometown, my family there.
44:06 When you're in a place that is shallow
44:08 as the Virgin Islands,
44:09 you don't dig six feet under,
44:11 your relatives will float away or they'll be in water.
44:16 And the coffin would,
44:17 you know, corrode from the moisture.
44:19 They built it above the ground so they build up.
44:23 But as it is, the Bible makes it clear.
44:26 We came from dust when He formed us in Genesis,
44:30 when He breathed into our nostrils,
44:31 the breath of life.
44:33 And then when that breath of life ceases,
44:34 we go back to the place that we've come from.
44:37 All right, now let's go to question number 18.
44:40 When we cease to breathe and we die where do we go?
44:46 We just got the answer. But you know what?
44:48 We want to see with the Bible says
44:49 in other places.
44:50 Don't you know that?
44:52 When we cease to breathe and we die,
44:56 where do we go? Psalms 104:29.
45:01 Where do we go? Where do we go?
45:03 Let me see how quickly you can get there.
45:05 Where do we go? That's right.
45:08 David the psalmist said it so clearly.
45:11 Psalms 104:29.
45:12 Okay, here it is on the screen.
45:14 Just for the benefit of all of those
45:15 of you are here.
45:16 He says, the Lord says, "You hide Your," what?
45:18 "Face, they are," what?
45:20 "Troubled. You take away their," what?
45:23 "Breath, they," do what? "Die and return to," what?
45:26 "Their dust."
45:28 Their dust because that's where we came from.
45:31 I hope I'm not being repetitious here.
45:33 I'm using various Bible verses.
45:36 You see one of the principles of establishing truth
45:40 is that you don't just use one verse
45:41 and build an entire house on it.
45:43 You go from verse to verse to verse to verse,
45:46 Isaiah 42:21.
45:47 Here a little, here a little, there a little, there a little,
45:51 line upon line, line upon line,
45:54 precept on precept, precept on precept.
45:56 And from the Old to the New Testament,
45:58 it's very clear,
45:59 that they die and return to their dust.
46:01 That's why the Lord calls us out of the dust
46:04 when He returns.
46:05 Let's look at another one. Psalm 115:17.
46:10 Psalm 115:17. Wow! This is so clear.
46:16 Man, I didn't know these were here.
46:17 I've heard people teach
46:19 on the subject of death before...
46:20 You know what I've also discovered,
46:21 they have left out 99%
46:25 of what the Bible teaches about death.
46:27 You never hear them teach.
46:28 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6,
46:30 "The living know that they will die,
46:31 but the dead know nothing."
46:33 You never hear those verses.
46:34 But look at Psalm 115:17.
46:36 The Bible says, this is powerful,
46:39 "The dead do not," what?
46:41 "Praise the Lord,
46:42 nor any who go down into," what?
46:45 "Silence."
46:46 Notice, down into silence not up into praise.
46:50 In heaven praising God, uh-oh, they will be,
46:54 but they are not now.
46:57 We're going down into silence.
46:59 And by the way, there is no block party
47:01 going on in the grave.
47:03 Nobody passing out CDs in the graveyard.
47:06 Nobody saying, "Hey, how long you've been here?"
47:08 "Well, it's been like 750 years, I think.
47:10 Check the calendar."
47:12 There's no communication in the grave.
47:14 None whatsoever. They're silent.
47:16 Go to the graveyard at night.
47:19 For those of you who believe the dead are really dead,
47:21 you should fear nothing.
47:22 And take a tape recorder
47:24 and record all the conversations
47:26 happening in the graveyard.
47:28 You're going to come home with a blank cassette, I hope.
47:34 Because the devil could play tricks on you.
47:37 I'm not going to give him any glory at all.
47:39 But I've been to cemeteries, and I tell you,
47:41 it's the quietest place in the city of New York.
47:44 You want to get some quiet, go to Evergreens Cemetery,
47:48 go to Cypress Hill Cemetery, it's going to be quiet.
47:51 If you want to get away from the hip-hop music
47:52 and the rock music, go to the cemetery,
47:55 no parties in there.
47:56 Amen somebody?
47:58 Because they go down into what? Silence.
48:00 You could be the most prolific singer.
48:01 You ain't singing when you die.
48:04 You could be the most wonderful dancer,
48:05 you're not dancing after you die.
48:07 When you go to heaven you might.
48:09 And that's a glorious stance.
48:10 You think they would be hip-hopping
48:12 on the streets of gold.
48:14 But until that happens,
48:15 we'll all be down at the silence,
48:18 one day we'll all ascend, and we'll all together
48:21 when we meet the Lord in the air,
48:22 we'll be up on the praise.
48:24 Amen? Amen.
48:25 Number 19. Let's move on. We just got two more.
48:27 We're going to get it.
48:30 When death comes
48:32 do the righteous and wicked go to separate places?
48:35 When death comes
48:37 do the righteous and wicked go to separate places?
48:41 I tell you, this is a beautiful passage.
48:43 What I like about it is, Solomon includes in this,
48:47 the fact that the Lord made the righteous,
48:50 the Lord made man differently than He made beast.
48:55 Look at Ecclesiastes 3:20.
49:01 All right?
49:03 Here it is on the screen just for the benefit of time.
49:05 And I think we'll have a little bit time
49:07 to move around here because I want to add
49:08 a few more verses to this, okay?
49:10 Look at Ecclesiastes 3:20. Let's read this together.
49:15 "All go to," what? "One place.
49:18 All are," what?
49:20 "From the dust, and all," do what?
49:22 "Return to dust."
49:26 What do we all come from? Dust.
49:29 Now, is there a difference between man and animal,
49:32 please somebody say yes?
49:34 Oh, yes. Okay. Say yes.
49:37 There is a difference between animal and man.
49:40 Now we're animals formed in the image of God.
49:44 Yes or no? No.
49:46 So how did they get here?
49:47 He spake and it was done,
49:49 He commanded and it stood fast.
49:51 Animals were called into existence,
49:54 but God literally formed man.
49:56 Did God breathed into the nostrils of animals?
49:58 Yes or no? No.
50:00 He simply called them into existence.
50:01 So that's why the breath that God gave to us
50:05 came from Him,
50:07 but the breath that keeps animals alive,
50:08 God simply called into existence,
50:11 He spake and it was done.
50:14 I want to say this reverently.
50:15 There is no animal breath going back to God
50:18 because they are of a different fabric than us.
50:22 They are of a different method of creation.
50:24 By the way, just to emphasize that,
50:26 look at this.
50:27 Look at verse 19 and verse 20 and then verse 21.
50:31 "For what happens to the sons of men
50:34 also happens to the beasts.
50:36 One thing befalls them, as one dies, so," what?
50:40 "Dies the other.
50:42 Surely, they all have," what?
50:45 "One breath, man has no advantage
50:47 over beasts, for all is," what?
50:49 "Vanity.
50:50 All go to one place, all are from the dust,
50:53 and all return to the dust."
50:54 And then he adds in verse 21.
50:55 The fact that this spirit
50:57 that God put into our nostrils came from God,
50:59 and it returns to God at death.
51:02 Ecclesiastes 12:7, and we also read in Job 27:3.
51:06 "All the while my breath is in me,
51:09 and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils."
51:12 So the breath that God put there,
51:14 the living breath of life returns to God.
51:17 Look at the verse that says. Now look at verse 21.
51:21 "Who knows the spirit of the sons of men,
51:23 which goes upward, and the spirit of the beast,
51:27 which goes," what?
51:29 "Down to the earth?
51:30 So I perceive that there is nothing better
51:33 than that a man should rejoice in his own works,
51:36 for that is his heritage.
51:38 For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?"
51:45 No one can. So watch this now.
51:48 When man dies, his spirit returns to God.
51:52 Follow carefully,
51:53 his spirit returns to God and where is the Spirit of God?
51:57 In His nostrils,
51:58 not a separate entity floating around roaming the earth.
52:03 Job 27:3, you must look at that.
52:05 "All the while my breath is in me,
52:09 and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils."
52:11 Now I'm going to try to be heroic
52:13 and hit the last two questions.
52:15 And I think we can do that. Question number 20.
52:18 Here it is. Question number 20.
52:22 What must happen to determine the destination of those
52:24 who have, that have died?
52:26 What must happen? What must happen?
52:29 John 5:28 and 29. Can I turn there?
52:33 John 5:28 and 29.
52:37 And if I have time, I want to include
52:38 what happened to David the patriarch.
52:40 If not this week, next week.
52:42 Very powerful passage. Here it is.
52:44 The Bible says in John 5:28, "Do not marvel at this,
52:48 for the hour is coming in which all who are," where?
52:52 "In the graves will hear His voice and,"
52:54 will do what?
52:56 "Come forth."
52:58 What has happened to those, after that,
53:00 "Those that have done evil, to the resurrection of life,
53:05 those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
53:08 and those who have done," what?
53:10 "Evil, to the resurrection of," what?
53:14 "Condemnation."
53:15 I didn't have it on my screen,
53:16 but they have it on 3ABN's screen.
53:18 Praise the Lord for that.
53:19 "Those that have done good, to the resurrection of," what?
53:21 "Life, those that have done evil,
53:23 to the resurrection of," what?
53:24 "Condemnation."
53:26 How many conditions will there be
53:27 in the resurrection?
53:34 I just threw you a curve, there can be two resurrections,
53:37 there be two conditions, the resurrection of life,
53:40 the resurrection of condemnation.
53:43 You're only going to be in one condition
53:44 in the resurrection.
53:46 You got to be in the resurrection of, what?
53:47 Life, on the resurrection of, what?
53:50 Death. That's it.
53:51 The second death.
53:53 Revelation 20:6. Blessed and holy...
53:56 Go quickly now. You got to get this.
53:59 Tonight, we are turning our Bible pages very quickly.
54:02 Revelation 20:6.
54:07 It says, "Blessed and holy is he
54:10 who has part in the first resurrection.
54:14 Over such the second death has no power,
54:18 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
54:20 and shall reign with Him," how long?
54:22 "A thousand years."
54:23 So which resurrection do you want to be in
54:27 if you die?
54:28 First. Come on say first. First.
54:29 That's the one we want to be in.
54:31 Now let's go ahead and get question number 21,
54:34 question number 21.
54:36 We're going to wind this up tonight.
54:38 Through what event does the Bible say
54:41 that the dead will come back to life?
54:43 Through what event? Through what event?
54:46 Let's look at that together.
54:48 We're going to go to John 11:24.
54:52 You know what's so wonderful about the friends of Jesus,
54:54 Mary, Martha and Lazarus
54:56 is they understood the topic of death,
54:58 they made it so clear.
54:59 Jesus had no earthly home, but Mary, Martha
55:02 and Lazarus were close friends of His.
55:05 So when Lazarus died,
55:08 she knew as she met Jesus as He returned,
55:11 as He came to their home
55:12 after Lazarus had been dead for four days,
55:14 they had this discussion about Lazarus
55:16 and his whereabouts.
55:18 And they never said Lazarus was in heaven.
55:20 Matter of fact Jesus said, "Show me the place
55:21 where he lay."
55:23 And then Mary, I mean, Martha discussed the topic
55:26 that was very clear,
55:28 she was clear about what would happen.
55:32 So through what event does the Bible say
55:33 the dead will come back to life?
55:35 Look at it.
55:36 "Martha said to Him," that is to Jesus.
55:38 Come on together. "I know that he will," what?
55:42 "Rise again in the resurrection at the," what?
55:45 "Last day."
55:47 See, that's when he's coming back to life,
55:49 not before that time.
55:51 Matter of fact, write this down for extra credit.
55:54 If you can turn your Bibles quickly there,
55:55 I'll give you time, I'm going to do that.
55:57 Acts Chapter 2, Acts Chapter 2.
56:00 You Bible students, you know exactly where that is,
56:02 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts.
56:05 Acts Chapter 2, look at what the Bible
56:06 says about David.
56:08 "Men and brethren..." What verse?
56:10 Verse 29. Acts 2:29.
56:13 "Men and brethren," he says,
56:14 "Let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David
56:18 that he is both dead and buried,
56:20 and his tomb is with us to this day."
56:23 Somebody says, "Well, his tomb is there,
56:24 but he's not...
56:26 I'm not done reading.
56:28 Verse 34,
56:29 "For David did not ascend into the heavens,
56:35 but he says himself, 'the Lord said to my Lord,'
56:38 'Sit at My right hand,
56:40 till I make Your enemies Your footstool.'"
56:42 So what does the Bible say, "David," what?
56:44 "Did not ascend into the heavens."
56:47 The Bible said, "David was a man
56:49 after God's own heart.
56:50 Job was a righteous man."
56:52 Job said, "Hide me in the grave until your wrath is passed.
56:55 Appoint me a set time and remember me.
56:57 Men will lie down and will not rise again
56:59 till the heavens are no more."
57:00 Is the Bible clear? Can you say amen?
57:02 Amen.
57:03 Friends, what all we've got to do
57:05 to understand the difference between truth and error
57:08 is read the Bible, study the Bible,
57:13 trust the Bible.
57:14 There's no other book.
57:16 No matter how wonderful it sounds...
57:18 As one young lady said to me,
57:19 "If it's not from the Bible, it's not for me.
57:22 If it's not from God's Word, it's not for me."
57:25 So here's the point,
57:26 you may have a loved one that has been laid to rest.
57:29 Comfort yourself with the fact
57:31 that they are not in heaven today without you,
57:34 they're not rejoicing,
57:36 there is no party going on in heaven,
57:39 there is no celebration in your absence,
57:42 they're not looking down wondering whether or not
57:44 things are going just fine for you,
57:46 they're not sad that you're not there,
57:48 they are waiting in the grave until Jesus comes.
57:50 And you know what?
57:52 Together with them, if you are faithful,
57:54 you will rise to meet them in the air.
57:55 So, friends, keep studying God's Word.
57:57 And let me tell you, if it does not make sense,
58:00 keep on studying and one day it will become A Sharper Focus.


Revised 2019-01-28