A Sharper Focus

How to Know the Truth about the Truth, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000060

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:23 Bible study here at 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 It's hot, that is, outside it's hot and inside,
00:29 we are waiting for the Lord to warm us up.
00:32 Can all of God's people say amen to that?
00:34 Amen. Thank you for tuning in.
00:36 I know that people...
00:37 As we travel around the world, people say,
00:39 "Hey, I watch Wednesday night."
00:41 We get that from people in Australia,
00:44 people in California,
00:46 other parts of the nation down in Florida, in New York.
00:49 Everywhere we go, people say,
00:51 "Keep up sharing the Word of God.
00:53 We are tuning in."
00:55 Sometimes, we get emails about comments
00:57 or sometimes people call and they say,
00:59 "I need extra lessons."
01:00 So we want to just thank you very much for being supportive
01:03 of this program because we do believe
01:05 that the most important thing is to know
01:07 the truth of God's Word.
01:10 So what you're going to need tonight is your Bible.
01:12 If you'd like to get a copy of the lesson,
01:14 go to the following website, asf.3abn.org.
01:20 Don't put www, you won't find it.
01:23 asf.3abn.org, and download for tonight,
01:27 lesson number 18,
01:29 and then we're going to begin lesson number 19.
01:32 And the new thing we've started with is
01:34 how to know the truth about the truth
01:37 and we always want to know the truth of God's Word.
01:40 We've transitioned out of how to live
01:42 a spiritual life in a natural body,
01:44 which was all about the nature that we receive
01:47 when we follow the Lord with sanctification,
01:50 justification, glorification, what they all are.
01:54 And so at that very same website,
01:56 if you've missed any of the studies,
01:57 download the lessons
01:59 and you can also see the videos,
02:00 the links are there also.
02:02 But now invite your family and friends,
02:04 if you're joining us from a church,
02:05 welcome, but we're going to pray right now
02:06 and ask for the Lord to bless
02:08 and then we're going to sing our theme song,
02:10 Victory in Jesus.
02:11 Let's pray together.
02:12 Our Father in heaven,
02:14 we thank You for Your goodness to us.
02:16 We cannot overestimate how good You are.
02:20 We really won't know until eternity rolls to see
02:23 the many times that You have been
02:25 there for us in our lives
02:27 over our shoulders as we study the Bible,
02:30 Your Holy Spirit impressing our minds to expand
02:32 and understand Your will and Your Word for our lives.
02:36 And so tonight, we invite You again
02:38 to be the active agent, to be the one to teach us.
02:41 Lord, send Your Holy Spirit that He may lead us,
02:44 that He may guide us that we may understand
02:47 the truth of Your Word and in that study
02:49 that we may find a closer walk with Christ.
02:52 This is our prayer, in Jesus' name we pray.
02:55 Amen.
02:56 Join us on our song, Victory in Jesus.
03:09 I heard an old, old story
03:13 How the Savior came from glory
03:17 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:21 To save a wretch like me
03:25 I heard about His groaning
03:28 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:32 Then I repented of my sins
03:36 And won the victory
03:40 O victory in Jesus
03:43 My Savior, forever
03:47 He sought me and bought me
03:51 With His redeeming blood
03:55 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:58 And all my love is due Him
04:02 He plunged me to victory
04:06 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:10 I heard about a mansion
04:14 He has built for me in glory
04:17 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:21 Beyond the crystal sea
04:25 About the angels singing
04:29 And the old redemption story
04:33 And some sweet day
04:34 I'll sing up there That song of victory
04:38 Okay, Andy, key change.
04:40 O victory in Jesus
04:44 My Savior, forever
04:48 He sought me and bought me
04:51 With His redeeming blood
04:55 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:59 And all my love is due Him
05:03 He plunged me to victory
05:07 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:10 He plunged me to victory
05:14 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:21 Can you say amen to that?
05:22 Amen. Amen.
05:25 Tonight as we continue in our study
05:27 "How to know the truth about the Truth,"
05:31 We will go on to this sub theme,
05:33 "How to know the truth."
05:35 You know, a lot of times,
05:37 people think about the truth of God's Word
05:40 but they think of the small T-R-U-T-H,
05:45 not the large T-R-U-T-H,
05:49 and you may be wondering,
05:51 "Well, what's the difference between the small truth
05:53 and the large truth?"
05:54 Well, the reason why the title had it written
05:57 "How to know the T-R-U-T-H small T,
06:00 about the T-R-U-T-H large T
06:03 is that until you know Jesus, all that you learn in the Bible
06:08 will be just a source of gathering information.
06:11 The Lord wants us to know Him first.
06:13 Can you say amen to that?
06:15 So when you know the person...
06:16 I heard a story that was really interesting.
06:18 It just came to my mind right now.
06:19 It's amazing how they come back when we need them.
06:22 Story of a young lady who had gone to dinner
06:24 with a young man
06:25 and they just went out for their first time together
06:29 and getting to know each other,
06:31 finding out their likes and dislikes.
06:33 She said to him, "What do you like to do?"
06:35 And he described to her his hobbies
06:38 and the ways he spent his time and she said...
06:42 And he asked her, "What do you like to do?"
06:43 And she's like, "Well, I like to read."
06:44 She said, "Well, right now
06:46 I'm reading this very boring book.
06:48 It just, ah, boring means, just bores me."
06:52 And he said, "What's it about?" And she told him the title.
06:56 He said, "Well, what's the name of the author?"
06:57 And she told him the name of the author and he says,
07:01 "I'm sorry to say that's my book.
07:02 I wrote that book."
07:05 And you know what?
07:07 When she went home and read that book,
07:09 the very next day you know what she said?
07:11 "That's the best book I've ever read."
07:13 What made the relationship? What made the difference?
07:16 I gave you the answer. What made the difference?
07:18 The relationship.
07:19 Knowing the person of the book
07:21 is the first step in loving the book,
07:24 ain't that right?
07:25 So if you're going to know the truth about the Sabbath,
07:27 about the state of the dead, about the second coming,
07:29 about what happens when you die,
07:31 all those things are very important,
07:32 but if you don't know the person of the book,
07:34 this book could be pretty frightening
07:36 because it's filled with plagues and judgments
07:39 and there are lots of terrible things
07:40 that could happen.
07:42 First of all in your mind,
07:43 there could be some agony there
07:45 if you don't know the truth about the truth.
07:47 And so this first study,
07:49 we're going to wind up on the last of five questions,
07:52 we began with question number one
07:56 all the way to four, and tonight,
07:57 we're going to begin with question number five.
08:00 So I want you to make one correction,
08:02 if you've downloaded that lesson,
08:04 just make one very quick correction
08:07 on question number seven.
08:08 I want you to make sure that you don't have Romans 6:4,
08:12 which you did have printed, but write down instead of that,
08:15 cross out Roman 6:4,
08:17 and put 3 John 1:4 for question number seven.
08:21 We'll get there together in just a moment.
08:24 But the most important thing
08:25 about learning the truth is knowing the person.
08:29 My wife and I used to write letters to each other.
08:32 We don't write them anymore
08:33 because we now live with each other.
08:36 But before we got married,
08:38 and she was away at college and I was in New York City,
08:41 I would write her letters to her school
08:43 and I would paint the front of the envelope
08:46 with all different kinds of colors
08:47 with a magic marker.
08:49 Back then I played a guitar.
08:51 Back then I played a guitar and so I had
08:53 all these different shaped guitar picks,
08:55 some triangle ones, heart shaped ones,
08:57 and oval shaped ones,
08:58 and I would shape those guitar picks,
08:59 fill them up with colors,
09:01 and spray the envelope with cologne.
09:04 So every time a letter came to her,
09:07 people would say,
09:08 "Angela, another letter for you."
09:10 'Cause it just stood out like a sore thumb
09:12 or I should say like a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
09:15 And that's what God's Word is like.
09:19 You know, the Word of God is a wonderful fragrance
09:23 to those of us who study the Word of God.
09:25 We should look forward to reading it,
09:27 we should look forward to receiving it.
09:28 So when we open our Bibles every Wednesday night
09:31 or wherever you are, if you're in Australia,
09:33 it's maybe Thursday afternoon,
09:35 when we open our Bibles together,
09:37 it's a time to understand
09:39 the sweet smelling fragrance of God's Word.
09:42 So let's begin tonight on question number five.
09:46 The title "How to know the truth about the truth,"
09:48 the subtitle "How to know the truth,"
09:50 But question number five
09:51 is where we're going to begin tonight.
09:53 And this is a very important question.
09:55 Let me tell you why.
09:56 Because many people say they love the Lord.
09:58 Have you heard that before? People say, "I love the Lord.
10:01 All that matters is that I love the Lord."
10:03 And what's happening nowadays is it's almost becoming
10:06 a replacement to following what God's Word says.
10:09 A person that may disagree with God's Word,
10:11 they may say,
10:12 "Well, all that matters is I love the Lord."
10:14 Well, that's why the question is framed in the way it is.
10:16 Here it is.
10:18 How can we know that someone loves the Lord?
10:21 How can we know that?
10:23 Let's go to the Book of 1 Corinthians
10:27 and we're going to go to Chapter 13.
10:30 For those of you who are students of the Bible,
10:33 you know that 1 Corinthians Chapter 13
10:35 is called what chapter?
10:37 The love chapter.
10:39 So if you're going to get an answer
10:40 about a question pertaining to love,
10:43 it surely is going to be in this chapter.
10:45 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. I'll open my Bible there.
10:49 I'm there. Yes, I am. Okay, here we are.
10:53 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. How can you know?
10:56 Now there are lots of answers in this verse,
10:58 but one of the key ones that I'm going to focus on
11:01 is found in verse 6.
11:03 Verse 6. Notice what the Bible says.
11:06 And it's going to be on our screen.
11:08 And, you know,
11:09 since it's our first scripture tonight,
11:10 I'd like all of us here at the local site
11:12 to read this together.
11:13 What's on the screen? Let's read it together.
11:15 "Does not rejoice in iniquity,
11:19 but rejoices in the truth."
11:23 Do they just bear the truth?
11:29 Do they just say, "Okay, that's the truth."
11:32 What does the text say when it comes to the truth?
11:34 They do what? They rejoice in the truth.
11:38 If somebody told you the truth...
11:39 And let me just give you an example.
11:42 Growing up in school, we all had combination locks.
11:44 Do any of you remember that? In the gymnasium?
11:47 Everybody had a combination lock
11:48 and whenever we went to gym for the first day of school,
11:51 the gym teacher would say, "Now make sure
11:52 you have your combination lock."
11:56 And what we used to try to do
11:57 is try to find out somebody else's combination number.
12:00 It's just a part of playing pranks
12:01 on people in school.
12:03 But if somebody found out your combination number,
12:06 it'd be terrible.
12:08 So people used to ask, "What's your combination?"
12:09 And we wouldn't tell them the truth.
12:11 But when they found out the truth
12:13 about somebody else's combination, they rejoiced.
12:15 "I got it. I know his number." They rejoiced in what?
12:19 The truth about his number.
12:22 Well, if you rejoice in something
12:23 that's so temporal,
12:25 should we not much more rejoice in the truth of God's Word?
12:27 Amen? We rejoice.
12:29 So the key is, we don't just say,
12:30 "Well, that's the truth.
12:32 It works for you, this works for me.
12:34 That's your belief, this is my belief.
12:37 That's what your church teaches,
12:38 this is what my church teaches."
12:40 No.
12:41 If it's from the Word of God
12:42 and the truth is revealed to us,
12:44 we should do what?
12:45 Say that word together, Rejoice in the truth.
12:49 And if you add to that, Paul the Apostle says,
12:51 "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice."
12:56 So rejoicing is very much a part of knowing the truth.
12:59 If somebody has a wonderful dinner
13:00 for you and they say, "This Thanksgiving,
13:03 there's going to be lots of desserts."
13:05 And you don't have the true directions to their house,
13:07 you won't be rejoicing.
13:10 Will you? No.
13:11 But when you find it,
13:13 you pull up in front of the house and say,
13:14 "I know this is the place.
13:16 I can smell the food."
13:18 Taste and see that the Lord is good.
13:22 The Word of God is food, it's the bread of life.
13:25 Jesus said, "I'm the bread that comes down from heaven."
13:28 His word also is the bread and He said,
13:31 "If He cast His bread upon the water,
13:33 it shall return after many days
13:34 and His word will not return unto Him void."
13:38 It will always accomplish what He sends it out to do.
13:41 So the answer there is,
13:42 how can we know that someone loves the truth?
13:44 They do what, my friends? They do what?
13:46 They rejoice in the truth.
13:48 Don't just rejoice
13:50 that you're a member of a church,
13:51 that's a dime a dozen nowadays.
13:53 Not everybody's telling the truth.
13:55 Matter of fact, I'm always researching something,
13:58 that's a problem I have.
13:59 I'm always trying to find out an answer
14:01 to some kind of dilemma,
14:03 and right now we're stuck into these new ages
14:06 finding its way into the Christian Church.
14:09 So instead of searching diligently
14:11 the scriptures for truth,
14:13 we've got gurus and life coach, teachers,
14:17 and psychologists and "bestselling" authors
14:22 all giving information to churches
14:24 and giving them ways to get a better financial plan,
14:27 how to have a good productive future,
14:29 how to get the career you've always wanted,
14:31 how to speak success into your life,
14:34 but that's not what the Lord is saying.
14:37 He says, "Those things will come
14:38 if you seek something else first."
14:40 Now let's go to the next one.
14:41 You'll see this.
14:43 Question number six. Question number six.
14:45 After accepting Jesus how do we learn the truth?
14:51 After accepting Jesus how do we learn the truth?
14:57 John 17:17.
15:01 Can't miss that one.
15:03 John 17:17.
15:07 Wonderful scripture.
15:08 And then I'm going to add an extra credit
15:11 one to that for you.
15:13 But John 17:17, there is a significant word
15:16 that leads into the verse that is synonymous
15:20 to what we studied prior to the topic
15:22 of how to know the truth about the truth.
15:25 John 17:17 reveals this.
15:29 What is the very first word?
15:31 "Sanctify them by Your truth."
15:35 Your what?
15:36 "Your word is truth."
15:39 Your word is truth.
15:41 First of all, in the beginning
15:42 was the word that's showing you how it works.
15:45 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God.
15:48 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
15:50 So that Word is who? Tell me. That's Jesus.
15:53 That's the big T, right? That's the big T.
15:57 But then now going to the other T,
16:01 not the insignificant T,
16:02 but the T that's connected to the big T,
16:04 the small T that's connected to the big T, right?
16:08 Picture that in your head.
16:11 Then He says, "I give you My word."
16:14 So whatever comes out of His mouth,
16:17 if it's coming from the truth, what is it?
16:20 It's truth. So it is.
16:22 He speaks...
16:23 Whatever He speaks is truth. So how do we learn the truth?
16:28 Whatever proceeds from the mouth of God
16:30 is the truth and this is the Word of God.
16:34 All scripture is given by inspiration of God
16:39 and is profitable.
16:40 Let's go to the Book of Timothy, okay?
16:43 So the answer there is, how can we...
16:46 After accepting Jesus how do we learn the truth?
16:49 By studying His Word.
16:52 It's amazing to me nowadays
16:53 there are some people that say...
16:57 I want to first go to 2 Timothy Chapter 4.
16:59 We're going to look at a couple of things.
17:01 2 Timothy Chapter 4
17:03 is the first place I want to go.
17:08 We're going to see in both
17:10 1 and 2 Timothy for a brief moment,
17:11 but we're going to first to 2 Timothy Chapter 4.
17:15 And the reason why this topic is so vitally important is
17:18 as Paul wrote to Timothy,
17:20 and Timothy recorded these words,
17:22 he's describing the times in which we live,
17:24 the times that we have come up to.
17:26 Notice what he says.
17:27 And I'll first begin with verse 1.
17:31 He says, "I charge you therefore
17:34 before God and the Lord Jesus Christ,
17:37 who will judge the living
17:39 and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom."
17:43 What's the next three words that we read in verse 2?
17:47 Let's say that together. Do what?
17:48 "Preach the word.
17:51 Be instant or be ready in season
17:54 and out of season.
17:56 Reprove, rebuke, exhort,
17:59 with all longsuffering and doctrine."
18:01 That's the King James Version I just quoted.
18:03 But it says in the New King James,
18:05 "Convince, rebuke,
18:06 exhort with all longsuffering and teaching."
18:10 Why? Get this. Did he say sing the Word?
18:17 Did He say preach the song?
18:19 What did He say? "Preach the Word."
18:22 Now the reason I said that is
18:23 because the Word is being replaced
18:25 with music today.
18:27 You find many places you go, you got a ton of music
18:31 and you get a slice of bread if so much,
18:34 and you get a thin slice like Pepperidge Farm.
18:38 If you know Pepperidge Farm, you know what I mean.
18:40 They're the only pieces of bread,
18:42 you know, you get like...
18:43 We did this comparison
18:44 the other day, it's really funny.
18:46 We were going through the grocery store
18:47 looking at labels, some people do that,
18:48 we just had that for fun last week.
18:52 I forgot I got a nice healthy loaf of bread
18:55 and I looked at how many calories
18:57 are in each slice and I was surprised,
18:59 one slice of bread was like 120 calories.
19:04 One slice of bread.
19:05 So if you put peanut butter and jelly with that,
19:07 which is my favorite,
19:08 and two pieces of bread together,
19:09 that's at least 240 calories plus
19:11 the peanut butter and jelly.
19:12 And my wife said, "It's that much?"
19:14 So she went for Pepperidge Farm,
19:16 which is only about 40 calories per slice.
19:18 So it takes three slices of Pepperidge Farm
19:23 to equal one slice of the bread that I like to eat.
19:26 But the point of the matter is what am I talking about,
19:28 nourishment in God's Word.
19:30 See, the Apostle Paul
19:32 was communicating very carefully,
19:34 and if this is true in his day,
19:37 how much more true is it in our day?
19:40 He said, "Preach the Word." Why? Look at verse 3.
19:43 He tells us the reason why the Word must remain
19:46 the central focus
19:47 of our relationship with Christ.
19:49 He says, "For the time will come
19:52 when they will not endure sound doctrine,
19:56 but according to their own lust or desires,
20:00 they will heap to themselves teachers,
20:02 having itching ears and will turn away
20:04 from the truth and be turned to..."
20:06 What? "Fables."
20:08 But he says in verse 5,
20:10 "But you be watchful in all things,
20:12 endure affliction, do the work of an evangelist,
20:16 make full proof or fulfill your ministry."
20:20 He is saying clearly we're coming down to a time
20:22 when the Word of God will not be accepted.
20:26 They will not endure sound doctrine.
20:28 You find some churches that say,
20:30 "We don't teach doctrine.
20:32 We don't teach doctrine." And I'm thinking to myself.
20:34 "Run for the hills."
20:35 If you attend a church that does not teach doctrine,
20:38 run for your life because all that doctrine means
20:41 in the Greek is teachings, and teachings about whom?
20:45 About Jesus.
20:47 You read the Word, you study about Jesus,
20:48 you read the Word, you learn about Jesus.
20:51 If a church is not teaching doctrine...
20:52 I saw a little video clip the other day,
20:56 you know, that says,
20:58 "We're not sure that everything we teach is the truth,
21:00 however we are a loving community."
21:03 You are not sure that everything you teach
21:06 is the truth?
21:08 Be sure, right?
21:10 If you're following the Lord, be sure.
21:12 Here's another one.
21:14 2 Timothy Chapter 2. Look at verse 15.
21:18 2 Timothy 2:15.
21:21 This is an amazing...
21:24 It's amazing how Paul the Apostle
21:25 just really drives this point home repetitiously.
21:29 What he says in verse 15?
21:30 "Be diligent to present yourself
21:34 approved to God,
21:35 a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
21:38 rightly dividing the..."
21:39 What? "Word of truth."
21:43 The Word and truth cannot be separated.
21:47 They always go together, and here's the reason why.
21:50 2 Timothy 3:5, 7. Verse 5 and 7.
21:56 The conditions of the last days are outlined right here.
22:00 Look at verse 5.
22:02 In the last days, he says, "Having a form of..."
22:06 What?
22:07 "Godliness, but denying the power thereof."
22:09 Then verse 7.
22:11 "Ever learning or always learning,
22:13 and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
22:16 It's amazing.
22:18 You can go to churches
22:19 that give seminars on everything,
22:21 how to make a life simple all the way up
22:22 to how to start a nursery.
22:24 I mean, really, there's some programs...
22:26 You can go to churches that are open 24 hours a day,
22:27 7 days a week,
22:29 they do everything for the community,
22:30 but they will never talk about any doctrines in the Bible.
22:33 They'll omit those things that have to do
22:35 with eternal life and righteousness,
22:37 and how to live and what to avoid,
22:39 and what not to eat and how not to dress,
22:41 and how not to be diluted by your worship.
22:45 And they say that,
22:46 "We don't want to offend anybody
22:47 or you know what?
22:49 If you didn't give me the truth to where you live..."
22:51 And I go back to the former example,
22:53 "And you said you have really good dinner
22:55 for Thanksgiving
22:56 and you gave me the wrong directions,
22:58 I would be a pretty upset."
23:00 Well, the Word of God is more important
23:03 than directions to a good Thanksgiving meal,
23:05 it's talking about directions
23:06 for eternal life, ain't that right?
23:08 So make sure that where you go,
23:10 the truth of God is being taught.
23:13 And one last one, 1 Timothy.
23:18 1 Timothy 4:16.
23:23 Why is the Word of God important?
23:25 Why is it important to even study doctrine?
23:32 1 Timothy 4:16.
23:34 "Take heed to..."
23:36 Who? "Yourself and to the doctrine.
23:40 Continue in them,
23:42 for in so doing or for in doing this
23:45 you will save both yourself and those who hear you."
23:49 Isn't that amazing?
23:50 He says, "Okay, if this is the right direction,
23:53 make sure for yourself first and then make sure
23:57 that those who hear you follow what they know...
24:00 What you know to be truth because you'll save yourself
24:03 and them by hearing you will also be saved."
24:07 So you got to know that the Word of God
24:09 is sanctifying us and we are taking heed,
24:12 we are learning the doctrine for ourselves.
24:15 Go to question number seven.
24:17 So the answer is, in number six,
24:19 we already know the answer, study God's Word.
24:21 After accepting,
24:23 you got to study the Word of God.
24:25 Question number seven. Here it is.
24:26 What position does Jesus have
24:30 towards those that follow His Word?
24:33 3 John 1:4.
24:36 3 John.
24:40 3 John.
24:45 Right.
24:47 But, you know, when you put in the Bible...
24:48 When you put it in the Bible, they say 3 John.
24:54 Well, it only go to nine, that's it.
24:56 And then we go to the new one.
24:59 Okay. 3 John.
25:03 It's the only one chapter and we gonna look at verse 4.
25:07 Let me just go and put on the screen for you.
25:09 Here we are.
25:11 And the Bible says, "I have no greater joy..."
25:14 What does it say?
25:16 "I have no..."
25:17 What? Let's try that again. Are you ready?
25:20 "I have no..."
25:21 What?
25:23 "Greater joy than to hear that my children walk..."
25:26 What?
25:27 "In truth."
25:29 Now I want us to get that in the beautiful context.
25:34 Go with me to...
25:37 Oh, man.
25:38 I have to wait till the next question
25:40 because it's the next question.
25:42 But here's the thing, if you had children,
25:45 would you want your children to walk in the lie?
25:47 Yes or no?
25:48 No, you didn't hear what I said.
25:50 Would you want your children to walk in a lie?
25:55 You guys are so anxious to say yes.
25:57 You say, sure, I want them to walk in a lie.
26:00 No.
26:01 Would you want them to walk in a lie?
26:03 No.
26:04 You will say, "Now make sure
26:06 that you know your way to school."
26:09 If you give them the wrong directions,
26:10 they won't find that.
26:12 If they get lost, they'll say,
26:13 "Mom, the directions were not true."
26:14 This was not the truth about,
26:16 "I didn't get the right directions."
26:17 Here is the...
26:19 But when you know that your children
26:20 are going the right way, even as they get older,
26:23 "Oh, I'm so glad that I train my children right
26:25 because they're going the right way."
26:27 Another word for truth is right.
26:30 And that's why Philippians 4:8 says...
26:32 Let's go there.
26:33 I could quote it but I want to ahead
26:35 and give you the Bible.
26:38 And you all know it.
26:39 Here it is. Philippians 4:8. Look at this.
26:45 You know, the Holy Spirit is very faithful.
26:48 He just pours into my head when this program begins.
26:51 It's like I feel there's a Holy Spirit's cup
26:54 just pouring into my head
26:56 and all these Bible verses just flood into my mind.
27:00 Philippians 4:8.
27:01 Notice what Paul writes to the Philippian believers.
27:06 "Finally, brethren, or finally, my brethren,
27:08 whatsoever things are..."
27:10 What?
27:11 "True, whatever things are noble,
27:13 whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
27:16 whatever things are lovely,
27:17 whatever things are of good report,
27:19 if there be any virtue
27:20 and if there is anything praiseworthy
27:23 or worthy of praise, meditate on these..."
27:25 What? "Mediate on these things."
27:27 So what does he say in the beginning?
27:28 "Whatever things are..."
27:30 What? "True.
27:31 If it's true, meditate on that."
27:33 You know why?
27:34 Let me tell you the most important thing.
27:37 You cannot remember a lie.
27:42 If it's not true, you won't remember it.
27:44 But if it's true, you will remember it.
27:46 Isn't that amazing?
27:47 God has created us so that you remember the truth.
27:50 That's what the lie detector is all about.
27:53 It knows that physiologically you cannot remember a lie,
27:56 so your mind tries to construct a lie
27:58 and you tell that lie different ways over and over
28:01 and over again and that's how they catch you in a lie.
28:06 "You keep changing your story."
28:07 But now if you tell the truth...
28:09 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
28:11 Can you change that?
28:13 Every time you say it,
28:14 it's going to be the same thing.
28:15 God has designed us so that when our hearts
28:18 are in tune with the Lord's heart
28:22 and we tell the truth, we remember that.
28:24 Why do we remember the truth?
28:26 Because the Holy Spirit said,
28:28 he will bring back to our remembrance
28:31 whatever we have learned
28:33 and he will not bring a lie back
28:34 to our remembrance.
28:35 So in other words, he said,
28:37 "You're on your own in this one."
28:38 But when you tell the truth and study the truth,
28:40 it'll come back to your mind
28:41 not because you've got a great recall,
28:44 but the spirit is the one now hitting that remember button.
28:47 Here it is, right?
28:49 And so it brings joy to the Lord
28:51 when we walk in the truth.
28:52 That's what we want to do.
28:54 Bring joy to the Father by walking in the truth.
28:58 Now go to question number eight.
29:00 Question number eight.
29:02 How does the Bible describe
29:04 the benefit of following the truth?
29:07 How does the Bible describe
29:08 the benefit of following the truth?
29:11 By the way, when people get a job,
29:13 they always ask about the benefits.
29:14 What are the benefits?
29:16 "Well, you got health insurance,
29:17 you got dental, you got car insurance."
29:21 People want to know the benefits.
29:23 If we are following the Lord,
29:24 we need to know that there is a benefit, right?
29:28 Nobody follows anybody for nothing.
29:32 Human nature always says, "What's in it for me?"
29:34 Well, here's what's in it for you.
29:36 1 John 1:7.
29:37 How does the Bible describe
29:39 the benefit of following the truth?
29:41 Beautiful passage.
29:45 Since you're looking at the screen,
29:47 let me go and put it there.
29:49 "But if we walk in the light
29:51 as He is in the light, we have..."
29:54 What?
29:56 "Fellowship with one another,
29:58 and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son..."
30:02 Does what?
30:03 "Cleanses us from..."
30:04 How much? "All sin." Notice this.
30:08 In order to have fellowship, and this is powerful now,
30:10 there is friendship, there's camaraderie,
30:14 and then there's fellowship.
30:16 Some people come to church looking for friends.
30:18 "You know what?
30:19 I don't have any friends in that church."
30:21 I've heard people say.
30:22 But Jesus says, the Lord says,
30:25 "But if you walk in the truth and they walk in the truth,
30:27 you'll have something bigger than friendship.
30:28 You'll have..."
30:30 What? "Fellowship." Koinonia.
30:32 Some people look for friends, here's how you get it.
30:35 If you walk in the light
30:37 and the other person walks in the light, you have what?
30:41 Fellowship one with another
30:43 because you're on the same path.
30:46 Have you ever been any place
30:47 where somebody was in the same aisle
30:49 in the store that you were in
30:51 and you struck up a conversation
30:52 because you were...
30:54 I was doing this one day. I don't know.
30:56 What's that thing that you had me looking for?
30:57 Little green vegetable? Oh, I forgot.
31:00 It starts with the letter P. Ladies, you know it.
31:06 No, it's in a little bottle.
31:07 When you come up...
31:08 I don't even know where to look in the store.
31:10 Anyways, I met many people looking
31:11 for this one vegetable,
31:13 my point is,
31:14 and they will give me all the wrong directions.
31:16 It's like...
31:18 Pimientos. Yes!
31:19 Thank you for remembering. See, none of you helped me.
31:23 But pimientos, pimientos, my wife was making...
31:27 They go in the olive.
31:29 So I was playing charades, they look like, you know...
31:32 They go in the...
31:34 Nobody knew what pimientos were.
31:36 I'm thinking, "Surely, that cannot be the only thing
31:38 this store doesn't sell."
31:40 So I said, "Okay, let me really ask."
31:42 So one person pointed me to that aisle,
31:44 and these are people that work there,
31:45 and then finally somebody that did not work there said,
31:48 "Sir, it's not in that aisle.
31:50 Believe me.
31:51 I come to this is..."
31:53 And the guy is telling, "It's in this aisle."
31:54 The guy that works
31:55 there is arguing with the person that shops.
31:57 So who do you believe?
31:59 The guy that works there or the guy that shops there?
32:00 Who do you believe? The guy that works there.
32:03 But this time, the guy that shopped there was right.
32:06 "Sir, it's on this side."
32:08 So I'm going aisle eight,
32:09 aisle seven, aisle eight, aisle seven.
32:12 I finally found it in aisle eight
32:15 and I said to the person,
32:16 when I got back over, they said, "Told you.
32:19 It was in this aisle." Found pimientos.
32:24 Never had we bought pimientos until that day.
32:27 Didn't know what to look for.
32:29 I got partial pimientos
32:30 that were already stuck on the olives.
32:31 My wife says, "No, I just want the pimientos by themselves.
32:35 Honey, what does a pimiento look like?"
32:39 Finally found it. Here's the key.
32:42 When you find the truth
32:44 and you know what the truth looks like,
32:47 nobody could deceive you about
32:49 what it should be that you're looking for.
32:51 When this person finds pimientos
32:54 and you find pimientos, all of a sudden,
32:56 you have a fellowship that you didn't have before
32:59 and you will talk to a person that you never met,
33:01 and all of a sudden you are kind and courteous
33:05 and accommodating.
33:06 Let me tell you something, my brother.
33:08 If you want to have a kind and a courteous
33:09 and accommodating relationship with anybody,
33:12 you both have to decide
33:13 we're going to both walk in the light.
33:15 Amen?
33:16 When you walk in the light,
33:17 you don't have to forge a friendship,
33:20 you have it because you're in the light.
33:22 That's just how God set it up. So here's the answer.
33:26 How does the Bible describe the benefit of following Jesus?
33:29 What do we do? We walk in the light.
33:32 That's the first benefit.
33:33 The second benefit is fellowship
33:35 and the ultimate benefit is not only do
33:37 we have fellowship with Jesus
33:39 but He's cleansed us from all our sins.
33:42 That's the good news about walking in the light.
33:45 And by the way,
33:46 the light reveals your true condition.
33:48 That's why one of the reasons
33:50 why the devil doesn't like the light of God's Word
33:52 to be shined in churches
33:53 because people are more concerned
33:55 about temporal things than their own condition.
33:59 Matter of fact, go with me to the Book of John.
34:02 Oh, man, I tell you.
34:03 Pastor Brooks...
34:05 I was listening to his sermon that he preached in 1979.
34:07 Let me tell you something.
34:09 The power of the truth,
34:10 that sermon is 40 plus years old.
34:13 '79, okay, '89, '99...
34:17 Thirty plus years old, 34 years old.
34:20 That sermon is 34 years old.
34:22 And if you listen to that sermon,
34:23 it's still true.
34:29 And he said in the sermon,
34:32 "God does not get upset with you
34:36 that you were in darkness,
34:39 but He's upset with you when light comes
34:41 and you rather darkness than light."
34:45 That's the condemnation is not that you are in darkness
34:48 but that light comes
34:49 and you rather darkness than light.
34:52 Ain't that terrible?
34:53 All of a sudden
34:55 if somebody tells you the truth,
34:56 you didn't know it all this time,
34:57 they finally tell you the truth,
34:59 and you say, "I don't want that.
35:01 Keep me in the dark." Here it is.
35:03 Okay.
35:08 John 1. Okay.
35:13 I tell you.
35:17 And this is the condemnation.
35:29 Okay, here...
35:33 Okay, here it is.
35:35 1 John...
35:36 Oh, not 1 John, but John Chapter 1.
35:39 Let's start with verse 4.
35:47 "There was...
35:48 In Him was life, and the life was..."
35:50 What? "The light of men.
35:53 And the light shines in the..."
35:54 What?
35:55 "Darkness, and the darkness..."
35:57 What? "Did not comprehend it.
36:00 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John."
36:02 Praise the Lord. I like that.
36:04 "This man came for a witness, to bear witness to the..."
36:07 What?
36:09 "Light, that all through him might..."
36:11 Do what? "Believe."
36:12 But he says in verse 8, "He was not that Light,
36:15 but was sent to bear witness of that Light."
36:19 And verse 9.
36:22 "That was the true Light which gives light to every man
36:25 who comes into the world.
36:27 He was in the world,
36:28 and the world was made through Him,
36:30 and the world did not..."
36:31 What? "Know Him." But look at verse 12.
36:35 "But as many as..."
36:37 Do what?
36:38 "Received Him, to them He gave the right
36:40 to become children of God,
36:42 to those who believe in His name.
36:44 So what happens is when the Word
36:45 that became flesh came and they accepted the Word,
36:49 what do they become all of a sudden?
36:50 They become what? Children.
36:54 Now children, you can't miss that
36:57 because earlier we read in 3 John 1:4,
37:01 "I have no greater joy than to hear
37:03 that my children walk in truth."
37:07 Accepting the word,
37:08 accepting Christ, we become children.
37:10 And what happens with children?
37:12 Go with me to the Book of...
37:15 Oh, I tell you right now. Slow my mind down.
37:17 Are you ready to say slow down?
37:19 Go with me to the Book of Thessalonians.
37:29 Okay, here we are.
37:36 Okay.
37:43 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
37:52 I'll tell you. And verse 10.
37:58 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
38:02 Let's look at that together.
38:03 And the Bible says,
38:05 and with all speaking of the lawless one,
38:08 speaking of the one who deceives,
38:11 notice what the Lord says.
38:12 And by the way, let me put context to this
38:14 before I go into the rest of it.
38:17 This verse talks about the falling away
38:18 that's going to come.
38:20 Let me ask you the question.
38:21 When is the falling away going to come?
38:24 Can we say the last days? Let's say that. The last days.
38:29 That day the coming of the Lord
38:31 shall not come except there comes a what?
38:34 Falling away first.
38:37 Falling away from what? Look at verse 10.
38:40 "And with all unrighteous deception..."
38:42 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
38:45 And it says, "And with all unrighteous deception
38:47 among those who..."
38:48 Do what?
38:50 "Perish, because they did not..."
38:51 What?
38:53 "Receive the love of the truth, that they..."
38:55 What? "Might be saved.
38:58 And for this reason
38:59 God will send them strong delusion
39:01 that they should believe..."
39:03 What?
39:04 "The lie that they all may be condemned
39:06 who did not believe the truth but had..."
39:08 What? "Pleasure in unrighteousness."
39:12 When you look at this whole ideology
39:14 or the whole...
39:15 I wouldn't even say philosophy,
39:17 but the whole teaching of God's Word,
39:19 He is saying truth.
39:21 Have you seen it over?
39:22 Truth, truth, truth, truth, truth.
39:25 Something that is being chiseled away,
39:28 it's eroding away.
39:30 Why?
39:31 Because the Lord said that's what's going to happen.
39:33 You know, I was really taken aback
39:35 when the hurricane hit the coast of New Jersey
39:39 and they had this amusement park
39:41 that stood for more than 100 years.
39:44 And what happened? Everything fell away.
39:47 The roller coaster was in the ocean,
39:50 the boardwalk was blown away, and why did that happen?
39:55 Can somebody tell me?
39:56 I'm going to ask...
39:57 I want you to think about that question.
39:59 I'm going to come back to you.
40:00 Why did all those things fall away so easily?
40:03 I'll come back to that.
40:04 I want you to think about the answer, okay?
40:06 Let's go to the next question. Not going to give you this one.
40:09 Maybe I'll give it to you just before we end,
40:11 but I'm gonna let you think about it.
40:12 Why did all those things fall away so easily?
40:15 But let's look at question number nine.
40:17 And I'll give it to you
40:19 before we go to the very last one.
40:20 Question number 9. Here it is.
40:23 What about those that seek to ignore...
40:26 What? The importance of truth.
40:29 What about those that seek to ignore
40:31 the importance of truth?
40:34 Let's go to 2 Timothy 13:8.
40:40 2 Corinthians 13:8.
40:43 I looked right at it and called it Timothy.
40:45 So glad that you all are here because, man, I tell you.
40:49 If you didn't have your Bible or the lesson,
40:50 we'll be in a different book.
40:52 2 Corinthians 13:8.
40:57 What about those that seek
40:58 to ignore the importance of truth, okay?
41:03 That should be the last question
41:04 on lesson number 18.
41:06 And you know what's going to happen next?
41:08 We are going to transition to number 19.
41:11 Does anybody not have 19? Do we all have 19s?
41:18 Okay, well, no, there's number two.
41:19 There's only page one, okay?
41:24 So here we are, 2 Corinthians 13:8.
41:27 Let's read this together,
41:29 our last scripture for question 18.
41:30 Together. Here we are.
41:32 "For we can do..."
41:33 What?
41:35 "Nothing against the truth, but..."
41:36 Only what? "Only for the truth."
41:41 So question, can you stop the truth?
41:44 Can you destroy the truth? Can you put the truth out?
41:48 Can you get rid of the truth? Can you replace the truth?
41:52 Let's see. Can you burn up the truth?
41:55 Can you delete the truth?
41:57 Can you corrupt the truth?
42:02 Okay, I want to leave that till latter to see
42:04 how many of you kept saying no.
42:07 The devil couldn't destroy it, couldn't burn it,
42:10 couldn't get rid of it, couldn't delete it,
42:12 so what did he do?
42:14 Corrupted it.
42:16 That's the day and age in which we're living.
42:17 He has tried for millennia to get rid of it and he can't.
42:24 So what he has done is he seeks to corrupt,
42:28 he seeks to pervert, that's what he does.
42:32 He deceives the whole world. Revelation 13.
42:35 He deceives the whole world.
42:37 The text we just read in 2 Thessalonians
42:39 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness,
42:44 he talks about that, deception.
42:46 That's the day and age in which we're living.
42:48 So the truth has not been diluted,
42:50 deleted, burned up,
42:52 thrown away, it's been corrupted.
42:56 It's still there,
42:58 but if you don't listen to the Word of God
43:00 over the word of man,
43:02 then the corruption is going to be much deeper
43:04 than it could have been.
43:06 So what do we do now?
43:07 I'm going to go back to the question.
43:09 Our last question for this lesson was,
43:11 how much can you do against the truth?
43:13 How much can you do against it? Nothing.
43:15 You could try to corrupt it,
43:16 but if you search the Word of God,
43:18 it's not corrupted there.
43:19 So here's my spiritual advice.
43:21 If you are studying the Word of God
43:24 and you read something in the Bible
43:26 and you are under the leadership of a pastor
43:27 that says, "I know what the Bible says, but..."
43:31 Change your church.
43:32 Did you hear what I said? Run for the hills.
43:36 "I know what the Bible says, but..."
43:39 Now you know why that's vitally important?
43:41 Because the Bible says,
43:42 "They are sheep and they are..."
43:43 What? "Goats." You know what a goat does?
43:48 But.
43:50 That's how you can know,
43:51 that's how you can know you are a goat
43:53 in the making.
43:54 You know what God's Word says, but...
43:57 You know the Sabbath is true, but...
43:59 You know you don't burn in hell forever, but...
44:05 You know that the Lord
44:06 has not changed His Sabbath, but...
44:08 Look out.
44:10 That's an evidence
44:11 that you are not following the Word of God.
44:13 Pray for hearts to be molded by the Word of God.
44:16 So my question I just asked.
44:18 Why did the boardwalk
44:22 and the amusement park
44:24 break away so easily?
44:29 Thank you, Dan.
44:31 Somebody's got their head on tonight.
44:32 It was built on sand.
44:34 If you build on the foundation of God's Word,
44:37 it will not erode, it will not break away.
44:39 Amen. It will not. It will stand the test of time.
44:42 The winds and the waves will come,
44:44 persecution will come,
44:46 compromise will come, corruption will come,
44:49 but if you are filled...
44:50 If you are based on God's Word,
44:52 it will not remove your foundation.
44:54 It is just like a strong light house
44:56 in the midst of a North Atlantic Ocean.
45:00 The light will shine in the darkest night,
45:02 in the greatest storm,
45:04 the light will continue to shine.
45:06 Amen for that?
45:07 That's what God's Word is, a light house.
45:09 Don't start singing it now.
45:11 But God's word is like a lighthouse, it doesn't...
45:14 And that's why Jesus says,
45:15 "Thy word is a lamp unto My feet,
45:17 a light unto My path."
45:20 Keep in the Word of God. Now we're going to transition.
45:23 How much we'll cover I don't know,
45:26 but we're going to go to the next lesson,
45:28 lesson number 19.
45:31 And the answer to number nine was...
45:36 The answer to number nine is...
45:39 What about those that seek to ignore the importance
45:41 of the truth?
45:42 You can't do anything against it.
45:44 You can't do anything against it.
45:47 Can't get rid of it.
45:49 Okay, look at the title of our next lesson.
45:51 "The Truth about Life and Death."
45:55 "The Truth about Life and Death."
45:57 This is probably one of the most corrupted
46:03 teachings in modern times.
46:06 If I were to boil this all up
46:10 and try to bring them to the top,
46:11 this one is probably the most corrupted one
46:15 because its corruption is almost 6000 years old.
46:19 Its corruption goes way back to the initial lie
46:23 told in the Garden of Eden.
46:25 That is the first lie told to Eve.
46:27 It goes all the way that far back.
46:31 But tonight, I want to lay some foundation
46:34 about the truth about life and death
46:36 just to give you some preparatory statements.
46:41 There are some that believe
46:42 that something about man is immortal.
46:45 There's a teaching that when a man dies,
46:47 he goes on to live in a different place,
46:52 that's reincarnation.
46:54 We were in India at the Hindu temples,
46:57 we saw the path, the journey of man's life,
47:01 and if they didn't learn that lesson
47:03 in that first life, that is, if they didn't recite
47:08 the mantra of Hare Krishna Krishna Hare,
47:09 if they didn't recite that perfectly at the end
47:11 of their lives, they would have
47:13 the unfavorable task of coming back
47:18 and starting all over again for another shot
47:23 at getting this thing right.
47:25 We went to the Salt Lake City and we saw the path of light,
47:29 we saw the journey of man.
47:31 There is a teaching that men were souls
47:33 that started in heaven
47:35 and they were sent down to earth to occupy bodies.
47:38 This is not taught in the Bible.
47:40 Can I be straight? Can I be straight here?
47:42 Because I want people to not be in the dark.
47:45 I want people to be in the light
47:46 about what God's Word says.
47:48 They are those who teach that man had a preexistence
47:52 and they came to earth to occupy bodies
47:55 and when if they learned their lesson
47:58 in that occupied body,
47:59 then they have earned their way to one of the levels of heaven.
48:07 So you see these spirit babies.
48:10 And that's where people get this ideology
48:12 that when the sons of God came into the daughters of men,
48:16 they used that scripture and said,
48:18 "Oh, heavenly beings, impregnated earthly women,
48:23 and thus spirit babies were born."
48:26 There are those that are teaching...
48:27 and I'm going to be very candid about this time
48:29 because I want this error to be destroyed.
48:32 Amen?
48:33 There are wonderful people that are...
48:36 Their minds have been corrupted on this teaching
48:37 of what happens,
48:39 what the nature of man is all about,
48:41 what happens when a man dies, his preexistence...
48:44 There is no preexistence of man.
48:47 Matter of fact,
48:48 the only preexistence of man is dust.
48:52 "From dust thou art to dust thou shalt return."
48:55 Okay?
48:57 But there is no spirit hanging out waiting to see,
48:58 "Oh, man, I wonder if Bob and Kim
49:02 are going to have another baby
49:03 so we can come down to earth and have another..."
49:06 You know, it's crazy when you think about that.
49:09 "I wonder if Dan and Cindy are going to have another child
49:14 so we can send another spirit baby down."
49:16 That's corrupted. That's not scriptural.
49:19 Then there are those that believe
49:22 that you never die,
49:23 you just go over and over and over and over
49:25 and you're on a merry go round called life
49:28 until somebody pulls the plug and say,
49:29 "That's the last ride."
49:34 But now let's go to the Christian world.
49:36 There are those who teach in the Christian world
49:37 that once you die,
49:39 you're immediately gone to heaven.
49:41 You're up, up and away. You're on your way there.
49:44 You get there so fast
49:46 that by the time of the funeral,
49:47 you're looking down.
49:49 Momma is looking down, papa is looking down.
49:51 And they go to the cemetery every Memorial Day.
49:54 I know some people that go there out of obligation
49:56 because they don't want their mom to think
49:57 that they are ignoring her
50:00 so they go to the Memorial Day,
50:01 every year they go to Memorial Day,
50:03 carry those flowers.
50:05 Then there are those that believe every time
50:07 they have these rituals in certain cultures,
50:09 they take fruit to the cemetery to give it to the dead.
50:12 You want fruit? You want fruit and vegetables?
50:15 Wait for that time of the year,
50:16 you get fruits and vegetables for free.
50:19 No disrespect to those who believe that,
50:21 but I know some people that in the city of New York
50:23 they would do that
50:24 because certain cultures would do that,
50:26 take fruits and vegetables and put at the gravesite
50:28 and they say this is an offering
50:30 to the dead.
50:31 The dead are not having anything
50:32 to eat after they die.
50:35 No disrespect.
50:37 We've got to understand what the Bible teaches
50:39 because you know why?
50:40 It is not that...
50:42 It is not that any belief suffices,
50:44 it's that what you teach about the nature of man
50:47 and what happens after he dies
50:49 is directly connected to whether
50:51 or not Jesus is telling us the truth, right?
50:55 It's not about whether or not you figure
50:56 that out in the Bible,
50:58 it's did Jesus tell the truth or not.
51:00 And so I want to begin with a text tonight,
51:03 not in our lesson
51:05 but it's a wonderful text to begin this study with.
51:09 Go with me to John 14.
51:11 And I think those of you who know your Bible know
51:12 where I'm headed.
51:14 John chapter what? Fourteen.
51:20 Beautiful verse.
51:22 I want to begin with a passage that most people quote,
51:25 but they just kind of miss the details of it.
51:28 This is the passage that has such beautiful details
51:30 that you cannot afford to miss it.
51:33 If you miss it,
51:34 you'll come away with all kinds of teachings.
51:37 Now we're going to break it down together.
51:39 Are you already? Say amen. Here it is.
51:42 "Let not your hearts be..."
51:43 What? "Troubled.
51:45 You believe in God, believe also in Me."
51:48 That's verse 1.
51:49 First of all, what's Jesus saying?
51:51 The Jews believed in God, they didn't believe in Him.
51:54 There are those cultures that believe in God,
51:56 but they don't believe in Jesus.
51:58 First of all, you cannot just believe in the Father
52:01 and delete the Son
52:03 because the way to get to the Father is what?
52:05 Through the Son.
52:06 So if there is a culture of those
52:08 maybe watching this program and they say,
52:09 "We do believe in God, but Jesus...
52:12 Don't have much space for Him."
52:13 Jesus said, "You believe in My Father,
52:15 you got to believe in Me also."
52:19 All right? Now this is the reason why.
52:22 "In My Father's house are many..."
52:23 What? "Mansions.
52:26 If it were not so, I would have told you.
52:30 I go to prepare a place for you."
52:33 So where is Jesus right now? Preparing a place for us.
52:37 Now according to the word
52:39 that's plugged into this scripture,
52:40 what kind of place is He preparing for us?
52:43 Come on, say mansion. Come on, say it.
52:45 Mansion.
52:46 And don't have a problem saying mansion
52:48 because you don't have to pay for it,
52:51 you're not building it.
52:54 Now let me ask you a question.
52:56 Let me tell you why this is just sinking
52:58 in my mind tonight.
52:59 We went to India and we went to the Taj Mahal.
53:02 The Taj Mahal was built
53:06 after the king's wife died.
53:10 It was built to her honor.
53:13 Can I say it's a mansion?
53:16 It's a mausoleum to her memory.
53:19 It's massive, it is referred to as the number one
53:23 of the seven wonders of the world.
53:25 Symmetrically perfect, architecturally pristine.
53:30 It's massive.
53:32 People travel from all over the world
53:33 to see that building.
53:35 Now, if a king did that for his bride,
53:39 what is the Lord going to do for His bride?
53:43 Amen?
53:46 And He's not going to build it for those of us who are dead,
53:49 He's going to build it for those of us
53:51 who are going to live eternally, eternally.
53:54 If men can do that...
53:57 You go to Buckingham Palace, we were there, we were there.
54:00 Angie is English, she was born in England, my wife that is.
54:03 You go to Buckingham Palace and you find out
54:05 how many rooms are there and your mind is like...
54:08 But how many people live there? Two.
54:13 And you wonder,
54:15 can they ever go to all those rooms.
54:18 Pomp and circumstance and...
54:20 Now let me put this in context.
54:23 It's not that we're going to heaven
54:24 for our own personal Buckingham Palace, right?
54:27 Let me tell you something.
54:28 I'll be happy in heaven with a nylon tent.
54:33 No matter what I'm in, as long as I'm in the kingdom.
54:37 I'm not going because I'm going to get a mansion,
54:39 I'm going because I want to see Jesus.
54:41 You know, like some people at the World Series,
54:43 they don't care if they get a seat or not,
54:45 World Series is baseball game, could I just get in the park?
54:47 I'll be glad to stand for 9 innings.
54:49 That's humans.
54:51 So heaven is going to be far more beautiful than that.
54:53 So he says, "I go to prepare a place for you."
54:56 Now let's get to the truth of this.
54:58 Father and the Son,
55:00 the Son has gone to the Father's house
55:03 to get a place prepared for us, a mansion.
55:06 Key verse, verse 3.
55:09 "And if I go and prepare a place for you..."
55:11 Let's say the four words together.
55:13 "I will come again..."
55:16 Is Jesus coming again? Yes. This is a fact.
55:19 No culture on earth denies the fact
55:21 that there was a man on earth named Jesus,
55:23 but you know what?
55:25 They don't know where He is right now.
55:27 Do we know where He is? He's in His Father's house.
55:31 They're looking all over the world.
55:32 Where would...
55:33 Some cultures say after He left the Middle East,
55:35 He came to America.
55:38 Okay, let's just put that to rest.
55:40 He went to His Father's house and because He's there,
55:43 He said, "I will come again and do..."
55:44 What?
55:46 "Receive you to Myself that where I am..."
55:47 What? "There you may be also."
55:50 So where are we hoping to go?
55:53 We're hoping to go where Jesus is, right?
55:57 That doesn't happen when you die.
55:59 He says, the key to these three verses is,
56:02 "I will come again and receive you."
56:05 So as we enter the topic of what happens
56:07 when a person dies,
56:08 let's go ahead and hit one question tonight.
56:10 We may get two, but let's start with one question tonight.
56:13 I want to get this because we're going
56:15 to begin with first the nature of man,
56:17 we're going to begin at the beginning.
56:18 That's the best place to begin, at the beginning, all right?
56:21 Here we go. Question number one.
56:24 What does the Bible teach about the creation of man?
56:27 What does the Bible say to us?
56:29 We're going to go to Genesis 2:7.
56:32 Genesis 2:7. Beautiful passage.
56:36 Very necessary and in the interest of time
56:38 we're going to go there together.
56:39 And I'm reading this from the King James Version
56:41 and the reason why is because this is the book
56:43 that people used to create the confusion.
56:46 There's a certain word used in this translation alone
56:49 that has been used to create the confusion.
56:51 Here it is.
56:53 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
56:57 and breathed into his nostrils the..."
56:59 What?
57:01 "Breath of life and man became a..."
57:02 What? "Living soul." Very quickly.
57:07 I'm going to reiterate this on our next broadcast,
57:09 but I must hit this tonight just to plant the seeds.
57:11 Dust of the ground, the body, look at that, breath of life,
57:16 which is the spirit,
57:18 equals the living soul or the human being.
57:21 You're going to see that in our next broadcast.
57:23 We're going to talk about the body,
57:24 we're going to talk about the dust,
57:26 we're going to talk about the breath of life.
57:27 We're going to talk about how man is created
57:31 and what we have to look forward to
57:34 at the end of this journey called life.
57:37 We're going to see what the Bible says
57:38 about our nature.
57:40 Are we naturally mortal or immortal?
57:43 Do we immediately whisk off to heaven?
57:45 I said, no, we'll find out based on what the Bible says
57:48 whether or not that is in fact the case.
57:51 And how do we know that we don't go to heaven?
57:52 We'll find out what the Bible says about that.
57:54 So, friends, as we study about life and death
57:57 and the nature of man, if it doesn't make sense,
57:59 keep studying and it will come into a sharper focus.
58:03 God bless you. Let us pray.
58:06 Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your goodness
58:08 and for the study of Your Word.
58:11 It truly is a light that keeps us in the light,
58:15 it doesn't lead us down the wrong path.
58:18 It doesn't deceive us, it just keeps us enlightened.
58:21 The entrance of Your Word gives light.
58:24 So, Father, as we study,
58:26 help us to be mindful and also humble.


Revised 2018-11-26