A Sharper Focus

John 3:16, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000058

00:21 Hello, and welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:24 We're here in the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:27 on a Wednesday evening to present to you a Bible study
00:31 based on the Word of God.
00:32 We want to welcome you from wherever you are tuning in
00:35 around the world,
00:36 it's a pleasure for us to be with you.
00:39 But we invite those that are close
00:40 to the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:42 in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:44 to join us here in our church
00:47 where we have this Wednesday night Bible study
00:49 at 7 pm Central time.
00:52 And we also invite you to join us
00:54 for our other services, Saturday morning,
00:56 we are here beginning at 9 am
00:58 and it will be a joy to receive you in the area.
01:02 So if you're in the area of the Thompsonville
01:04 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:05 come on by and join our family of believers here
01:09 in the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:11 So we praise the Lord for your participation today.
01:15 Today is a,
01:16 what you would call a second part of something
01:18 we started.
01:20 If you're watching the live broadcast,
01:22 it was about two weeks ago that we began a study
01:25 on John 3:16.
01:27 And at the beginning of the first part,
01:30 we try to let you know that
01:32 we may not be done in the first part,
01:34 so we weren't.
01:36 So we are continuing today
01:37 with part number two of our study on John 3:16.
01:41 We will try to get as far as we can, again,
01:43 to try to finish John 3:16,
01:46 'cause we're also looking at the text
01:49 and kind of taking in portions of the text
01:53 to try to understand a little more
01:55 what God is trying to tell us in John 3:16.
01:58 One of the most well known scriptures
02:02 of Bible verses in the world.
02:05 I would say that in practically any language,
02:07 this is one of the verses that more people remember
02:10 or memorized than any other scripture.
02:13 And so besides, "In the beginning God created,"
02:17 John 3:16,
02:18 is one that many people have dedicated to memory
02:21 and it has a powerful message.
02:23 Besides committing it to memory,
02:24 we want to encourage you to ask God
02:26 to help you understand this text.
02:28 And what we shared today,
02:30 I will leave what would just be a contribution
02:32 to what God will continue to show you
02:34 as you look at this text and other scriptures
02:37 in God's Holy Scriptures.
02:39 So before we begin,
02:41 we'd like to invite you to pray and join us
02:43 as we go to God's throne of grace.
02:46 Let us pray together.
02:49 Our loving Heavenly Father,
02:51 we want to thank You, Lord,
02:53 for Your goodness and mercy to us.
02:55 And, Father, we once again open the scriptures
02:58 to seek for understanding.
03:01 We come to You as searchers, students,
03:06 those that want to learn more from You.
03:08 So we ask for Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
03:13 And we pray for everyone here present to be blessed.
03:16 And we also pray for all of those
03:17 that join us by radio, internet, television,
03:22 or whatever means they are listening.
03:24 We pray for Your name to be glorified
03:26 and that You will lead us into a closer walk with You
03:30 and a deeper understanding of the scriptures.
03:32 We ask You, Father,
03:34 for these blessings in Jesus' holy
03:36 and blessed name, amen.
03:39 Well, what about if we joined together
03:41 in quoting John 3:16, to get us started?
03:44 John 3:16, says,
03:46 "For God so loved the world
03:49 that He gave His only begotten Son,
03:52 that whosoever believeth in Him
03:55 should not perish but have everlasting life."
03:59 Amen. I say praise the Lord to that.
04:02 John 3:16.
04:03 The last time we were together we looked at for God,
04:07 and we talked about that it is God,
04:09 the Almighty God that
04:11 this verse is talking about, the Creator God.
04:14 And we talked about His power to create.
04:16 He created the world in six days,
04:18 and rested on the seventh day.
04:21 We continue by saying, "For God so loved the world,
04:25 and that God does love the world."
04:28 And furthermore loves you as an individual,
04:31 singles you out, so to speak.
04:34 And it's interesting that when you gaze upon the sun,
04:39 it seems like there are beams going in different direction,
04:41 but there seems to be a beam of light
04:43 directed to you.
04:44 So I would say to you, we look at the scriptures
04:46 that kind of help us understand
04:48 that God takes interest in each one of us
04:51 as individuals.
04:52 He goes on to tell us and one of the scriptures
04:54 we shared was that "Even the very hairs
04:57 over our head are all numbered."
04:59 And we suggest to you that if God takes time
05:01 to count the hairs on your head,
05:04 He will surely know your name, and know who you are,
05:07 down to the very cell.
05:09 And so God is intimately interested in you,
05:14 very interested.
05:16 And we shared up scriptures and a few stories
05:19 to illustrate that.
05:20 "For God so loved the world."
05:22 So I would say to you, as we said,
05:23 last time, you can place your name there.
05:25 For God so loved Jerry, for God so loved Mary,
05:27 for God so loved Martha,
05:29 that He gave His only begotten Son.
05:33 So we talked about God is a giving God.
05:35 Every day He gives,
05:36 every day of your life God has given you something.
05:39 And if you want to just count your blessings,
05:42 so to speak,
05:44 you can thank the Lord that it is
05:45 that you have fresh air to breathe,
05:47 God gives us fresh air.
05:49 Your heart is beating
05:51 and you really don't do much to make that happen.
05:55 You really don't do anything to make that happen.
05:57 As a matter of fact, God has blessed us
05:59 so much that even that if you say,
06:02 "I'm going to just hold my breath
06:03 until I die."
06:04 You can't do it.
06:06 Eventually your body will say, "Fresh air!
06:07 I need fresh air!"
06:09 And you have to take a deep breath.
06:11 And so God has put some things into motion to keep you alive,
06:15 your blood circulates
06:16 without any type of decision on your part.
06:20 Your blood continues to go throughout your body,
06:22 and bringing healing and bringing energy
06:26 to all your system, all your vital organs.
06:29 It is God that continues to give every day.
06:32 And so even though the earth has been marred
06:35 or attacked by sin for several thousand years,
06:38 we still have the blessing that plants still grow
06:42 and produce fruits, produce vegetables,
06:45 grains, and things that
06:48 that God allows to grow or makes grow,
06:51 so that we can have nourishment.
06:53 And I will say to you that you can be thankful
06:56 that you have food upon your table
06:57 because it is God
06:58 that has been involved in the process
07:00 of you getting that food.
07:01 In some way or another, you may think,
07:04 "Well, it's because I work that I got my food."
07:06 No, that may be true that you have been willing to work,
07:10 but it is God that kept your going.
07:12 What if God says, "You're willing to work?
07:13 That's wonderful.
07:15 What if I stop the fresh air from coming to you?
07:17 What if I stop your heart from beating?"
07:20 So yes, God is involved even in your very being.
07:24 As a matter of fact, the plants grow by God's power.
07:29 It's a miracle that seeds can be planted
07:32 and they grow.
07:33 It is God that gives life
07:35 and it is God that keeps life going.
07:38 So God is a giving God, and we looked at the text
07:41 that is going to bring us now
07:43 into where we're going to start from.
07:46 "For God so loved the world that He gave,"
07:49 and the next part that we're looking at is,
07:51 "His only begotten Son."
07:55 His only begotten Son.
07:56 So look at John 3:16, and look at this text,
08:00 "For God so loved the world
08:02 that He gave His only begotten Son."
08:06 So when you look at this word, "only begotten Son."
08:10 is singling this individual
08:13 out of all the others individuals
08:15 because it's saying, only begotten Son.
08:18 So that means that Jesus Christ is unique.
08:22 As a matter of fact, we must point something out
08:24 that our Bibles,
08:27 whether you are looking at it in whatever language it is,
08:31 we're looking at English in this particular moment.
08:33 And in the King James Version, he uses the word,
08:36 "only begotten."
08:38 But when you look at that word, begotten,
08:40 and you try to compare it with the Greek,
08:43 you will find that that is not the correct
08:47 or the best word to illustrate Jesus Christ
08:51 and whom He is.
08:53 Because the word Greek word is,
08:58 I'll try to spell it for you M-O-N-O-G-E-N-E-S.
09:04 That's where the word begotten is...
09:08 That's the word begotten
09:09 that is translated in your Bibles
09:11 as begotten.
09:12 But the Greek word does not really bring that
09:15 He was begotten in that particular text.
09:17 What it's actually saying
09:19 is that Jesus Christ is the only
09:21 and unique Son of God.
09:24 It is made up of two Greek words,
09:26 one, M-O-N-O, mono
09:28 and genes or henes which is kind of single.
09:32 Mono mean one or single,
09:35 and genes or henes as being kind.
09:39 So He's unique and He's kind.
09:41 There's no one like Him.
09:43 Would you say amen to that? Amen.
09:45 There's no one like Him.
09:46 So you ask yourself, "How did this word begotten
09:48 get into the King James Version?"
09:50 If you do a little digging,
09:52 you will find that the translators were influenced
09:57 by the Latin translation of the New Testament
10:01 and in trying to combat
10:03 something that was going around back in those days
10:07 in which a group of Christians
10:09 were trying to figure out Jesus Christ,
10:11 because He is quite a unique individual
10:15 or a person, if I may say.
10:17 And some came up with the idea that in some time in the past,
10:21 Jesus Christ was a creative being.
10:24 But that is not the case,
10:25 we're going to look at some scriptures
10:27 that help us illustrate that.
10:28 So that's where they say, "Well, no, He was not created."
10:31 So we must find out another word
10:34 to illustrate that He was not created.
10:36 So the word begotten slipped in,
10:39 to try to help combat the idea
10:42 that Jesus was created because He was not created.
10:45 As a matter of fact, He is the Creator.
10:47 Amen?
10:48 We praise the Lord for that.
10:50 So we like to first invite you to look in your Bibles at...
10:56 Let's look at John 3:16-17 again.
10:59 So that we can see the background of Jesus Christ
11:02 and whom He is and why He came.
11:05 John Chapter 3,
11:06 "For God so loved the world
11:07 that He gave His only begotten Son,
11:10 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
11:14 but have everlasting life."
11:16 Verse 17,
11:18 "For God sent not His Son into the world
11:22 to condemn the world,
11:25 but that the world through Him might," what?
11:29 "Be saved." That's good news.
11:32 That is good news.
11:33 Because the Bible says that, "All have sinned,
11:36 and come short of the glory of God."
11:38 So for me, that's good news to know that
11:40 Jesus Christ was sent not to find things
11:43 to condemn me,
11:44 but to try to save me by dying for me on the cross.
11:48 And we'll develop that a little further as we go on.
11:50 So now, I invite you to go to Hebrews Chapter 1 with me.
11:57 We're going to read several scriptures there,
11:59 Hebrews Chapter 1.
12:00 We're actually going to read all the way to verse 8.
12:03 Look at the marvelous description
12:08 of Jesus Christ in Hebrews 1:1-8.
12:12 It continues into Chapter 2, but we're going to for the...
12:17 Because we have limited time, we have to go only to verse 8.
12:19 So join me in reading in verse 1.
12:23 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
12:27 spake in time past unto the fathers
12:30 by the prophets,
12:32 hath in these last days spoken unto us
12:34 by His Son,
12:36 whom He hath appointed heir of all things,
12:39 by whom also He made the worlds."
12:42 So here it is bringing out
12:43 that Jesus Christ is the creator.
12:47 "Who being," notice this, "the brightness of His glory,
12:51 and the express image of his person,
12:54 and upholding all things by the word of His power,
12:57 when He had by himself purged our sins,
13:00 sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high."
13:04 Really at the right hands
13:05 is showing significant position,
13:08 one as equal with the one sitting to the left.
13:14 So here continuing on, verse 4,
13:18 "Being made so much better than the angels,
13:20 as he hath by inheritance
13:22 obtained a more excellent name than they.
13:25 For unto which of the angel said he at anytime,
13:28 'Thou art my Son," notice,"
13:31 this day have I begotten thee?
13:34 And again, I will be to Him a Father,
13:35 and He shall be to me a Son?
13:38 And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten
13:40 into the world,' he saith,
13:42 'And let all the angels," what?
13:47 Worship.
13:49 "Worship Him.'"
13:52 You see, He is worthy of worship,
13:54 because He is God.
13:58 Notice,
14:01 "Let all the angels worship."
14:03 Now verse 7, "And of the angels he saith,
14:05 'Who maketh his angels spirits,
14:06 and His ministers a flame of fire.'
14:08 But unto the Son, "Notice," he saith,
14:11 'Thy throne, O God,
14:14 is forever and ever,
14:16 a sceptre of righteousness is a sceptre of thy kingdom.'
14:19 "So here in this scripture, it points Jesus Christ,
14:22 the Son, as the Creator,
14:25 and as God,
14:26 because the Lord said to Him,
14:29 "Thy throne, O God,"
14:30 here the father's addressing the Son as God.
14:34 But let's look into another scripture that helps us
14:37 illustrate this a little more.
14:38 For this, we have to go to John Chapter 1.
14:41 In John Chapter 1,
14:42 we have a scripture that helps us see a little more
14:46 about the one that we are talking about.
14:51 For God so loved the world
14:52 that He gave His one and only unique Son.
14:58 Notice in John Chapter 1, beginning in verse 1.
15:01 We're going to look at John Chapter 1,
15:03 and all the way to verse 3, in this moment.
15:06 And thus it is written, "In the beginning was the Word,
15:10 and the Word was with God,
15:13 and the Word was God."
15:16 Right on here in the beginning of the Book of John,
15:19 it tells us that the Word was God.
15:23 It continues in verse 2, and tells us,
15:25 "The same was in the beginning with God."
15:29 So I would say to you stopping here for a moment,
15:32 "The same was in the beginning with God,"
15:35 which beginning?
15:36 It doesn't really tell us what beginning this was.
15:41 But since He is God, Jesus Christ,
15:44 if you had the capacity will look in eternity past,
15:49 looking for a time
15:50 when Jesus would appear upon the scene,
15:53 and you could keep going,
15:55 and going into the past and going into the past.
15:57 And I will say to you, there was no point
16:00 in the history of the past when Jesus did not exist,
16:03 because in the beginning was the Word
16:06 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
16:10 So He has existed from eternity past,
16:13 and will exist to eternity in the present.
16:16 And so continuing in verse 3, then we have,
16:19 "All things were made by Him,
16:21 and without Him was not anything made
16:24 that was made."
16:26 Now follow me,
16:27 interestingly enough in verse 14.
16:30 Notice,
16:32 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
16:38 and we beheld His glory,
16:41 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
16:46 full of grace, and truth."
16:49 Praise the Lord.
16:51 In this scripture, if we had time to look into it more,
16:53 you would notice that it is making a declaration
16:57 that there was a point in time when the Word that was God,
17:01 and continues to be God became human flesh.
17:05 In other words, He was not human flesh before.
17:08 And the Word was made flesh,
17:11 the Word existed before being made flesh,
17:13 or becoming or taking upon Him humanity.
17:17 And so this scripture tries to bring out
17:21 that even though He became flesh,
17:23 He continued being divine.
17:27 And this is illustrated sometimes,
17:29 perhaps you may remember John Chapter 8.
17:32 Here is Jesus inside a house.
17:34 And inside this house, He is talking to the people.
17:39 And people found that Jesus was there.
17:42 So they started going
17:43 and more people start going to the house
17:45 and the house was crowded,
17:46 so that people were looking through the windows,
17:48 people were at the door.
17:50 And there was a man
17:52 that wanted to see Jesus.
17:54 And he was desperate to see Jesus
17:56 because he was very sick.
17:58 And being very sick, he tried to see Jesus,
18:02 it was urgent for him.
18:05 So he tried to get through.
18:07 And they were carrying him because he could not walk.
18:11 And as he tried to get through there seemed to be no way,
18:14 nobody wanted to give up their spot,
18:17 to be able to see and hear Jesus.
18:20 And even though perhaps they say,
18:21 "Excuse me, could you let us through?"
18:23 Oh, no, I need to stay right here
18:25 because I'm listening and seeing Jesus Christ.
18:29 And so eventually, the story illustrates
18:33 that they were so interested and desperate to get in
18:36 that they decided to do something
18:38 that perhaps will not be easily done today.
18:41 They decide to do what? Go on the?
18:43 On the roof.
18:44 And back then you could take a roof apart rather easily.
18:48 And so this was done.
18:49 They take the roof off.
18:53 And they lower the man to Jesus.
18:56 And so once they take the roof off,
18:58 everything stopped, "Wait a minute,
19:00 what's going on?"
19:01 So I tell you that somebody
19:03 starts to take the roof off right here,
19:04 everybody's going to look up.
19:07 And they see this man lowered.
19:10 And as he's lowered before them,
19:12 Jesus says something amazing!
19:16 Now, Jesus and everyone could tell
19:19 this man needs medical attention.
19:23 And the scriptures does not reveal
19:24 that the man asked Jesus for anything.
19:27 But Jesus looking at him, He knew
19:31 and says to him,
19:33 "My son, be of good cheer.
19:36 Thy sins be forgiven thee."
19:39 Wow!
19:40 Wouldn't you like to hear Jesus say that to you?
19:43 Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
19:45 And we have good news because in 1 John Chapter 1,
19:48 it tells us that, "If we confess our sins,
19:50 He is faithful and just to forgive us for our sins,
19:54 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
19:55 Amen? Amen.
19:57 But here's this man going back to that scene
20:00 hearing those wonderful words.
20:02 And that would say to you that he was at peace
20:04 when he heard that.
20:06 Oh, it's peaceful.
20:07 And he believed Jesus.
20:10 But there were some standing by they didn't believe.
20:13 As a matter of fact, the scriptures tell us
20:15 in there in John Chapter 8.
20:16 I didn't think of bringing that scripture to you.
20:19 So I will say to you, in John Chapter 8,
20:23 it is somewhere in there,
20:27 but let me continue the story.
20:31 Those nearby were thinking,
20:32 "Who is this man who can forgive sins,
20:37 but God alone?"
20:42 Now this was a thought in their mind.
20:44 And Jesus says to them,
20:47 "Why do you think evil in your heart?
20:52 So that you may know
20:54 that the Son of Man has power on earth
20:56 to forgive sins."
20:59 He says to the man, "Rise up and walk.
21:02 Rise and take up your bed and walk."
21:04 Praise the Lord!
21:06 And so when Jesus says that to him,
21:09 he already had peace in his heart,
21:10 but now he receives another blessing,
21:12 which is being healed.
21:14 The man immediately gets up,
21:16 and everybody's amazed to see this man getting up.
21:21 Amen?
21:23 Amazing!
21:25 I like the way I think it was Pastor Pearson
21:31 that the man is walking out with his bed,
21:33 "Hey, aren't you the guy that was critical?"
21:35 Jesus made me well.
21:37 Jesus can make you well.
21:39 Amen?
21:41 Spiritual healing, physical healing,
21:43 all come through Jesus Christ.
21:45 So Jesus is God,
21:48 did not stop being God by becoming a man,
21:51 continued to be God.
21:53 There's more we can illustrate,
21:54 but let's go to another scripture
21:58 concerning Jesus, the one and unique Son of God,
22:01 the only begotten Son of God.
22:04 Now we go to Galatians Chapter 4.
22:08 Galatians Chapter 4.
22:13 Galatians Chapter 4.
22:16 In Galatians Chapter 4
22:17 we're going to read verses 4 and 5.
22:19 Galatians 4:4-5.
22:24 And this is what we have there.
22:26 "But when the fullness of time was come,
22:30 God sent forth His Son, made of a woman,
22:34 made under the law," to do what?
22:38 "To redeem them that were under the law,
22:42 that we might receive the adoption of sons."
22:46 Amen.
22:48 So there was a point in time when Jesus Christ became flesh,
22:52 the Word became flesh,
22:55 when the fullness of time God's prophecy being fulfilled,
22:59 and Jesus Christ became a helpless human being.
23:03 It's an amazing miracle that we don't fully understand.
23:08 But when the fullness of time had come,
23:10 Jesus became a man
23:12 and to redeem us from destruction.
23:16 But this scripture in verse 5 tells us something,
23:18 it's interesting that we might receive what?
23:21 The adoption of sons.
23:23 You see, Jesus Christ is the one
23:28 and unique Son of God
23:32 became a human being,
23:36 and He became the Son of God at the point in time,
23:42 declared by God.
23:43 But we can become adopted to become sons of God.
23:48 Amen?
23:50 And this is why John marveled, and he says, behold what?
23:54 Manner of love
23:56 the Father has bestowed upon us,
23:57 that we should be called sons of God.
24:00 So we can be adopted into God's family.
24:04 And when we are adopted into God's family,
24:07 you are family.
24:10 You are family.
24:12 And that is marvelous. Amen?
24:15 Now, let's look in Revelation 13:8.
24:18 Revelation 13:8.
24:21 Because we're talking about Jesus Christ
24:24 redeeming us from death,
24:28 redeeming us from destruction.
24:30 And in Revelation 13:8,
24:33 it makes a powerful declaration,
24:36 which we are going to look at briefly.
24:39 Notice what is written in Revelation 13:8,
24:42 "And all that dwell upon the earth
24:44 shall worship him,
24:45 whose names are not written in the book of life
24:48 of the lamb slain
24:50 from the foundation of the world."
24:54 Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God.
24:58 And here in this text, it says that the lamb was slain from,
25:01 when?
25:02 From the foundation of the world.
25:04 So as soon as there was a sinner,
25:07 there was already a savior.
25:09 Because God looking into the future,
25:12 foresaw that sin would enter into this world
25:16 and made a plan of salvation.
25:18 And the plan of salvation was activated
25:20 as soon as there was a sinner.
25:24 And that is why Adam and Eve
25:28 and we are promised that a seed would come.
25:32 We don't have time to develop this part,
25:34 the seed would come.
25:35 And the scripture says in Genesis 3:15
25:39 that serpent will bruise the heel,
25:42 but the Jesus Christ was what?
25:44 Bruise the serpent's head.
25:46 That deadly wound will be given
25:48 to the serpent which is the devil.
25:50 And the one to do that
25:51 is the one and only Jesus Christ,
25:54 amen.
25:56 Now, let us look in 1 Timothy Chapter 3,
25:58 moving quickly.
25:59 So we're still in John 3:16,
26:03 and we'll move into 1 Timothy 3:16.
26:06 Notice this marvelous scripture.
26:10 "And without controversy
26:12 great is the mystery of godliness.
26:15 God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit,
26:20 seen of angels, preached unto Gentiles,
26:23 believed on in the world, received up into glory."
26:28 That is a mystery.
26:30 God was manifest in the flesh.
26:34 John says, and we beheld His glory,
26:37 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
26:41 full of grace, and truth.
26:44 All people marveled that were around Jesus,
26:47 those that were receptive to the Holy Spirit of God.
26:51 Do you remember the time
26:52 when spies were sent to find something
26:55 to trap Jesus in,
26:58 and they came back saying,
26:59 "Never a man spoke like this man."
27:03 Marvelous!
27:05 Join me please, as we continue in Matthew Chapter 1.
27:08 In Matthew Chapter 1,
27:09 a lot of scriptures that we are looking at.
27:12 In Matthew Chapter 1,
27:14 we're going to read verses 21 to 23.
27:18 Matthew Chapter 21, I'm sorry, Matthew 1:21-23.
27:22 Notice what happened here,
27:26 picking up in verse 21.
27:29 "And she," that is Mary, "shall bring forth a son,
27:32 and thou shalt call His name Jesus,"
27:37 or Yeshua as some people are trying to pronounce these days,
27:41 "For He shall save His people from their sins."
27:45 He's trying to save them from what?
27:46 From people from their sins.
27:50 "Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled
27:52 which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
27:55 'Behold, a virgin shall be with child,
27:58 and shall bring forth a son,
28:00 and they shall call his name Emmanuel,
28:04 which being interpreted is, God with us.'"
28:09 God with us.
28:11 We don't have much time to be able to dedicate here,
28:14 as I mentioned to you, each one of these segments
28:16 or sections is a whole sermon time.
28:20 And so we would have really dedicated
28:22 all the time that we have left in this program
28:24 to just talk about God's unique Son,
28:26 that He is God, that He is the Creator,
28:29 but we have to move on into John 3:16,
28:31 just trying to get as far as we can,
28:33 "For God so loved the world
28:34 that He gave His only begotten Son."
28:37 Now He gave Him completely,
28:43 He gave Him to die for us,
28:45 so that we can have what?
28:47 Eternal life.
28:49 In 1 John 4:10...
28:50 Let's go there. 1 John 4:10.
28:54 1 John 4:10.
28:58 If we were not in a live program,
28:59 we had a microphone actually,
29:01 maybe we should do that another time.
29:02 Get a microphone and have you do some of the reading as well.
29:06 1 John 4:10.
29:07 Here, it is written, "Herein is love,
29:11 not that we loved God,
29:13 but that He loved us,
29:16 and sent His Son to be the propitiation
29:19 for our sins."
29:22 And He was the only one that could do that.
29:25 He sent to be the sacrifice, the atonement for our sins,
29:29 so that we can have forgiveness of sins.
29:32 Now, if you turn quickly to...
29:35 You may want to write these down
29:36 and look at them later with more time.
29:39 If we go to now Romans 5:8, some of you may already say,
29:43 "Ah, I know that scripture."
29:45 Romans 5:8.
29:48 In Romans 5:8,
29:50 we have the scripture is telling us,
29:54 "But God commendeth His love toward us,
29:58 in that, while we were yet sinners,
30:01 Christ died for us."
30:04 So we're talking about here is that when God gave His Son,
30:10 He gave Him as a gift, so that He could die for us.
30:14 And that's why it says,
30:15 "God commendeth His love toward us,
30:17 in that, while we were yet sinners,
30:19 Christ died for us."
30:21 This is really a longer study.
30:24 And we're cutting in some somewhat down,
30:26 because here in John 3:16,
30:28 when we talk about that God gave His Son,
30:32 we're talking about Jesus Christ
30:33 coming to live a life from a baby,
30:38 growing up,
30:39 tempted in all points, like as we are,
30:42 yet without sin became, I'll say the word,
30:45 became the Lamb of God to die for us
30:50 without spot or blemish of sin upon Him.
30:54 Because in no time in His earthly existence
30:57 as a human being,
30:58 that He sinned by thought,
31:00 by word or by actions.
31:04 And if He had,
31:07 you and I would be lost forever.
31:10 So praise God that He was victorious.
31:12 Amen?
31:13 Amen.
31:14 "So God commendeth His love toward us,
31:16 in that, while we were yet sinners,
31:18 Christ died for us."
31:20 In John, Book of John,
31:22 the gospel according to John Chapter 1.
31:27 And the,
31:29 John the Baptist picks up on this and he says,
31:32 verse 29,
31:34 "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him
31:38 and saith, 'Behold, the Lamb of God,
31:41 that taketh away the sin of the world.'
31:47 " As we know, as you look at the scriptures,
31:48 you remember
31:50 that thousands of lambs were sacrificed
31:55 looking into the future,
31:56 because the lambs were a symbol of Jesus Christ.
32:02 And since the wages of sin is death,
32:03 someone had to die.
32:06 And the lamb for a period of time,
32:08 a helpless lamb,
32:11 without blemish or spot,
32:15 who was taking the place of the sinner.
32:17 Question.
32:20 When the sinner sinned,
32:22 and he went looking for a lamb,
32:24 did the lambs volunteer?
32:26 No. No!
32:29 He went looking, he examined the lambs,
32:31 he said, "I'll take this one.
32:33 This one doesn't have any blemish,
32:34 this one doesn't have any spot, I'll take this.
32:37 This is the one that is fit for my sin,
32:41 to be sacrificed for my sin."
32:43 The lamb had no idea what was going on.
32:46 The lamb was taken from his family,
32:49 or separated from its comfortable setting.
32:52 The lamb would go where he was taken.
32:55 And the lamb having no idea what was going on.
32:58 Eventually, a knife came down upon it,
33:02 realizing that death was coming.
33:09 No choice in that matter.
33:11 But Jesus Christ had a choice.
33:14 Jesus Christ volunteered.
33:16 Jesus Christ chose to come to this world
33:20 to save the human race,
33:21 to save you and me.
33:23 He had a choice.
33:25 Every step of the way, every single day,
33:27 He had a choice.
33:29 And He could have said,
33:31 "I think I'll go back home.
33:34 It is more pleasant there.
33:36 There's peace.
33:37 There's joy.
33:38 No suffering.
33:40 I'm not going to get spit on.
33:42 Nobody's going to buffet me.
33:45 Nobody's going to push Me around.
33:47 Nobody's going to drag Me.
33:49 Nobody's going to pull My hair.
33:50 Nobody's going to nail Me to a cross.
33:53 I'm going back home.
33:54 I'm trying to teach these people
33:55 and they're hardheaded.
33:57 They won't listen.
33:59 I'm bringing them salvation
34:01 and they refuse to listen."
34:03 He could have turned, return home.
34:06 But He made a choice,
34:08 every step of the way.
34:10 Choice, I'll stay here, I'll suffer,
34:12 I'll suffer hunger,
34:14 I'll suffer the heat, I'll suffer the cold,
34:16 went all the way to Gethsemane.
34:18 And there's a moment
34:19 where He struggling with that moment of decision,
34:23 "Do I die for them or not?
34:26 Do I die for them or not?"
34:28 And this is why you see that struggle.
34:30 "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me,
34:34 nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
34:36 Struggled with that decision.
34:39 Because the moment of decision had come,
34:41 cross the line,
34:43 and there's no turning back,
34:48 to give himself into the hands of sinners,
34:51 to be sacrificed for us.
34:54 He had a choice.
34:55 The lambs didn't have a choice,
34:56 but the Lamb of God had a choice
35:00 and chose to die for us.
35:02 So when you see that it says, for God so loved the world
35:05 that He gave the Son, Jesus Christ,
35:09 also gave all for us.
35:12 And when the Father gave the Son,
35:13 He gave all of heaven in that one gift to save us.
35:17 Horrible, wicked, sinners,
35:21 deserving of death,
35:24 worthy of death, because of our sins.
35:27 But God so loved us
35:30 that He chose to give His Son.
35:33 And Jesus chose to die for us,
35:36 taking our place,
35:37 so that we will not have to die.
35:39 So when He gave,
35:41 He gave because He loved.
35:44 Amen.
35:47 So in Romans 3:23, we'll just quote it,
35:51 I think you know it by memory,
35:52 "For all have sinned,
35:54 and come short of the glory of God."
35:56 So all that have walked upon this earth
35:58 have needed a savior
36:01 and that Savior is Jesus Christ.
36:03 Amen? Amen.
36:05 I invite you now to turn in your Bibles
36:07 to 1 Timothy Chapter 1.
36:10 1 Timothy Chapter 1.
36:13 "For God so loved the world
36:14 that He gave His only begotten Son."
36:18 In 1 Timothy Chapter 1, actually,
36:21 we're going to look at verse 15.
36:24 1 Timothy 1:15.
36:27 "This is a faithful saying,"
36:31 in other words, this is true,
36:33 "and worthy of all acceptation,"
36:35 all should accept this,
36:37 "that Christ Jesus came into the world
36:39 to save sinners,"
36:42 and Paul says, "of whom
36:44 I am Chief."
36:45 I am the worst of the bunch.
36:47 Perhaps there's one, sometime in your life,
36:49 you have said, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, Paul,
36:52 I am worse than you are."
36:57 But even if you have committed just one sin,
37:00 the Lamb of God will have come to die for you.
37:04 Even if you claim you are the worst of sinners,
37:06 Jesus Christ came to die for you.
37:09 And really, I,
37:10 there's a scripture that
37:14 I thought to put in here, but I did not.
37:18 And that is the scripture that says,
37:21 "He's able to save to the uttermost
37:25 all they come to Him."
37:26 That's found in the Book of Hebrews, I believe.
37:30 All that come unto him
37:31 can find salvation in Jesus Christ.
37:34 All that come to him, no one will be turned away.
37:38 Moving on, let's go to Hebrews Chapter 4.
37:41 Hebrews Chapter 4.
37:43 In Hebrews Chapter 4,
37:45 this Jesus that gave Himself for us,
37:47 eventually, would have to continue His ministry
37:51 in the heavens above
37:53 to bring us a complete restoration,
37:56 complete salvation.
37:59 In Hebrews Chapter 4,
38:00 we invite you to look into verses 14 through 16.
38:03 Hebrews 4:14-16, thus it is written,
38:06 "Seeing then that we have a great high priest,
38:10 that is passed into the heavens,
38:11 Jesus the Son of God,
38:14 let us hold fast our profession."
38:16 Don't give it up.
38:19 Hold fast. Hold on to it.
38:21 "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched
38:23 with the feeling of our infirmities,
38:25 but was in all points tempted like as we are,
38:29 yet without sin.
38:31 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace
38:34 that we may obtain mercy,
38:37 and find grace to help in time of need."
38:41 Praise God!
38:43 Wish we had time to go into further study
38:45 of this passage of Scripture.
38:48 He was tempted in all points, like as we are.
38:52 And I know that devil has given you special attention,
38:56 if you want to call it that,
38:57 special attention to make sure
39:00 to attack you each and every day.
39:02 Question.
39:03 How many of you have gotten one day break from the devil?
39:06 One day where the devil did not harass,
39:07 raise your hand?
39:09 Nobody. Nobody can raise your hand.
39:10 Every single day, the devil is harassing us,
39:13 attacking us, trying to lead us astray,
39:16 trying to persuade us to sin,
39:18 every single day.
39:20 And some people may say,
39:22 "I have been tempted more than I can bear."
39:26 But you see, God places limits on the devil
39:28 that he's not allowed to tempt us above
39:30 what we can bear otherwise,
39:32 He will take, make sure that he will tempt you above
39:35 what you can bear.
39:37 And unfortunately,
39:41 we have sinned.
39:43 But Jesus Christ was tempted
39:46 more severely than any human being
39:50 has ever walked upon the earth.
39:52 I have seen some people suffer difficult situations.
39:57 But as difficult as they may have been,
40:00 none has faced such a difficult challenge of temptation
40:06 as Jesus Christ.
40:09 I would dare to say 100 fold more
40:12 than you have been tempted,
40:14 not to belittle your experience.
40:18 But thanks be to God,
40:20 that Jesus Christ was victorious
40:22 and we can have salvation.
40:23 Gave Himself for us, so that we could be saved.
40:26 The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
40:30 Let us move now to the next part of John 3:16,
40:34 "For God so loved the world
40:35 that He gave His only begotten Son,
40:37 that whosoever believeth in Him."
40:41 Amen.
40:42 Whosoever believeth in Him.
40:45 With this one, we start in John 6:37,
40:48 looking at the words of Jesus.
40:50 John 6:37.
40:52 We're looking at that whosoever believeth in Him.
40:57 The first thing we want to talk about is
40:59 "the whosoever" part.
41:01 Whosoever is really including everyone,
41:03 no one is excluded.
41:05 And this is why in John 6:37, Jesus says,
41:09 "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me,
41:12 and him that cometh to me
41:16 I will in no wise cast out."
41:21 This is a declaration that we should keep before us.
41:26 Because like I said,
41:27 the devil is trying to tempt us,
41:29 to think all kinds of terrible things.
41:33 And one of them is,
41:35 if you go to God, He will not accept you.
41:37 You are too much of a sinner.
41:39 You should be ashamed of yourself.
41:41 You're not worthy for God to accept you.
41:44 But Jesus says,
41:46 "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."
41:50 No one, no matter how filthy,
41:52 how dirty, how horrible,
41:54 how many years, how many sins,
41:57 if they respond to the call of the Holy Spirit,
42:00 will not be turned away.
42:03 And the door of mercy is still open today.
42:06 And I don't know if someone is listening to this
42:08 and feels that there is no opportunity,
42:12 there is opportunity,
42:13 and there's mercy in Jesus Christ.
42:15 So come to Him today.
42:17 He is waiting with open arms.
42:19 So everyone can have the opportunity of salvation
42:23 and forgiveness of sins.
42:24 And the marvelous thing is,
42:27 I don't know if we fully comprehend that,
42:30 the marvelous thing is that you can be
42:31 as filthy as filthy can be,
42:33 and God tries to help us understand this in Isaiah,
42:36 we'll try to look at that.
42:39 As worse of a sinner as you can be,
42:42 greater is he a Savior.
42:44 Praise the Lord.
42:45 Praise the Lord.
42:47 And so we were in John 6:37.
42:50 Now let's move to Hebrews Chapter 7.
42:52 I did have that scripture. Here it is.
42:54 Praise the Lord.
42:55 Hebrews 7:25.
42:59 Hebrews 7:25.
43:01 And there,
43:03 we invite you to read with us in Hebrews 7:25,
43:08 these wonderful words.
43:14 "Wherefore He," that is Jesus Christ,
43:16 "is able also to save them to the uttermost
43:21 that come unto God by him,
43:24 seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
43:30 For them?
43:31 For them?
43:33 Yes, for them.
43:34 But for me,
43:37 He ever lived to make intercession for me.
43:40 And this is one of the things
43:42 that John 3:16 is trying to tell us,
43:44 yes, He loves the world, but He loves you,
43:48 and He died for you in particular.
43:51 And so He ever liveth to make intercession for them
43:55 and for me.
43:56 Praise be to God.
43:59 So what we're talking about here,
44:01 that whosoever, everyone is included.
44:04 But the next part of the verse says,
44:06 "Whosoever believeth in Him,"
44:10 and we must talk about there for a moment.
44:13 What is this, whosoever believeth in Him?
44:16 Is it enough to say, "Oh, yes, I believe in Him,
44:19 I believe He exists."
44:21 Will that brings you salvation?
44:25 No, it is not enough to just say,
44:27 "Oh, yes, I believe in God."
44:29 I've had many people, they have said,
44:32 "Oh, I believe there's a God.
44:35 But I don't know if He loves me.
44:37 I don't know if He cares about me."
44:38 You see, they believe He does exist.
44:42 Matter of fact, I'm thinking of an atheist
44:43 that said that to me a few years ago.
44:47 "I believe there's a God.
44:49 I just don't know that He really cares."
44:53 He does care.
44:55 And so I tell you that this belief is something
44:58 that has to be considered.
44:59 And that's why we have to look at this particular text
45:02 that says something interesting.
45:05 James Chapter 2.
45:07 James Chapter 2.
45:08 If you're in the Book of Hebrews,
45:11 we were looking Hebrews 7:25 last.
45:14 Now we invite you to turn the page over,
45:16 a few pages over and find James 2:19.
45:20 And James 2:19, tells us,
45:23 "Thou believest that there is one God,
45:27 thou do as well.
45:31 The devils also believe and tremble."
45:38 Why do they tremble?
45:40 Because they know
45:42 they have separated themselves from God,
45:44 and they don't have a belief unto salvation.
45:46 They believe and know that God exists
45:48 because they were created by Him.
45:50 They believe and know, because they have seen Him.
45:53 But they rebelled against them and decided to disobey,
45:56 and now they find themselves in a condition
45:59 where they tremble
46:02 because of their condition.
46:05 But you don't have to tremble.
46:07 Your heart can be warmed and opened up to accept
46:11 that He's offering the hand that can help you.
46:14 He's opening the doors wide, so that you can come in.
46:20 So what is this belief?
46:21 It is a belief unto salvation.
46:24 It is a belief that brings you to an action
46:27 towards salvation and towards repentance.
46:30 This is a belief different from the demons,
46:33 because the devils believe and tremble,
46:34 but they don't believe unto salvation.
46:36 They believe unto perdition.
46:39 They believe in God.
46:40 Let's look at some scriptures, and that help us with this.
46:45 So that we understand that is not just belief,
46:47 you must believe and act upon that belief.
46:49 So the first one we're going to look at is Mark Chapter 16.
46:53 Mark Chapter 16.
46:56 Mark Chapter 16.
46:59 And so, in Mark 16:16...
47:04 Mark 16:16.
47:08 Hear the words of Mark 16:16.
47:13 I said Mark, right?
47:15 "He that believeth and is," what?
47:18 "Baptized shall be saved."
47:20 So here in this text,
47:22 it is including something else besides just belief.
47:24 "He's that believeth and is baptized
47:26 shall be saved,
47:27 but he that believeth not shall be damned."
47:31 So those that believe
47:33 and believe unto salvation
47:35 must take the step of being baptized.
47:39 Not stand outside the fence,
47:42 and say, "I believe in God,"
47:43 and leave it there.
47:45 They must believe and be baptized.
47:48 And this being baptized brings you
47:50 into a new relationship with God.
47:52 You adopted into the family of God,
47:54 and God is there with you
47:57 each and every step of the way.
47:59 He's the one that led you to repentance
48:01 in the first place.
48:02 It is the gift of God that leads us to repentance,
48:04 the Bible says.
48:07 So he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
48:11 Besides that,
48:12 we must point out other scriptures
48:13 that help us understand.
48:15 This in Hebrews 11:16,
48:18 Hebrews 11:16.
48:21 Belief or faith is trust in God.
48:27 That's in the simplest terms, trust in God.
48:30 Hebrews 11:16.
48:32 I'm sorry, verse 6, actually, verse 6.
48:37 Hebrews 11:6.
48:41 All right, here we go.
48:43 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
48:48 for he that cometh to God must believe that He is
48:52 and that He is a rewarder of them
48:55 that diligently seek Him."
48:59 Who is He a rewarder of?
49:02 Of those that diligently seek Him.
49:06 And the word diligently means...
49:11 that you have some interest and you're making effort
49:13 with great interest.
49:16 Diligently seek Him,
49:18 and we must diligently seek Him each and every day,
49:21 each and every day.
49:24 I'm not sure what the time clock says
49:26 because I see different times on there.
49:28 But anyway,
49:29 we will get that straightened out soon.
49:31 Here we go now in Ephesians 2:8.
49:35 Ephesians 2:8-10.
49:38 God communicates to us how we are saved,
49:42 and we're going to read all the way to verse 10.
49:45 Ephesians 2:8-10.
49:48 Thus it is written...
49:51 We'll depend on hand signals, I guess.
49:53 Ephesians 2:8-10, here we have,
49:56 "For by grace are ye saved through faith,"
50:02 faith is involved in the process,
50:04 "And that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
50:09 So when you say it is a gift, everything else is excluded,
50:13 that you would think, "Oh, because I do this,
50:15 I deserve salvation,
50:17 or I can win salvation or earn salvation."
50:20 No, it is a gift of God.
50:24 "Not of works, it says in verse 9,
50:26 clarifying, "lest any man should boast.
50:30 For we are His workmanship,
50:31 created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
50:34 which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
50:38 So while it is important to have good works
50:45 through Jesus Christ,
50:47 the word good works do not save us,
50:49 it is salvation through faith,
50:51 it is the gift of God.
50:53 Amen?
50:55 Amen. Praise the Lord!
50:57 In John 14:12,
50:59 clarifying,
51:01 a belief unto salvation leads us to action,
51:04 leads us to leave a wicked way of life
51:08 and follow Jesus.
51:10 That's why Jesus said that,
51:12 "They cometh unto me,
51:14 I will in no wise cast out.
51:16 And if any man will come after Me,
51:18 he must take up his cross daily and follow Me."
51:22 In John 14:12,
51:24 we have the words of Jesus telling us the following,
51:27 "Verily, verily,
51:29 I say unto you,
51:31 He that believeth on me,"
51:32 what is he going to do?
51:34 "The works that I do shall he do also."
51:39 What kind of works did Jesus do?
51:42 Good works.
51:43 He served the Father,
51:45 and obeyed every commandment.
51:49 Notice how it continues,
51:51 "And greater works than these shall he do,
51:54 because I go unto My Father."
51:56 So here he is telling us
51:58 that we must follow the footsteps of Jesus.
52:03 And if you look at the life of Jesus,
52:05 He will tell you,
52:07 "I have kept all My Father's commandments."
52:11 Now we don't have the scripture written.
52:12 But that is the scripture I'm quoting to you.
52:15 I mean, that is not a scripture I presented to you,
52:17 which I didn't quote specifically where it's found.
52:20 Notice in John 14:15,
52:23 we're in verse 12, now let's go to verse 15.
52:26 Jesus said, "If ye love Me,
52:30 keep My commandments."
52:33 If you don't, then what?
52:35 Don't keep.
52:37 But if you love Me, keep My commandments.
52:40 Now let's go to verse 21.
52:42 All of the scriptures are important.
52:44 But we, unfortunately,
52:45 do not have enough time to read them all.
52:47 Here we go in verse 21,
52:49 "He that has My commandments,
52:51 and keepeth them,"
52:53 He's showing, what?
52:55 "He it is that loveth Me.
52:58 And he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father,
53:01 and I will love him,
53:02 and will manifest Myself unto him."
53:06 Praise be to God.
53:07 That if you choose to walk in a relationship with Him,
53:11 He will manifest Himself to you.
53:16 Praise be to God.
53:17 So I now because time is quickly flying,
53:20 we must go to the next scripture.
53:22 Romans 2:13.
53:26 Going a little further in your Bible,
53:27 Romans 2:13.
53:31 A lot of scriptures,
53:32 I hope you're not offended.
53:34 Are you happy? Oh, I'm happy about that.
53:36 A lot of scriptures that point out God to...
53:38 There are more scriptures we could even share.
53:40 But we have to limit the amount.
53:44 Here in Romans 2:13,
53:47 we have this understanding from this verse,
53:50 "For not the hearers of the law are just before God,
53:54 but the doers of the law shall be justified."
53:57 It is not enough to hear the law of God and say,
54:00 "The law is good.
54:01 The law is wonderful."
54:03 But if you walk in disobedience to them,
54:06 you're not going to be justified
54:08 is the doers of the law,
54:10 hear the law and walk according to the law.
54:14 There are many scriptures
54:15 we could bring out in this particular point,
54:17 but we must move to the next one.
54:19 That it's in Matthew 7:21.
54:23 Matthew 7:21,
54:25 Jesus speaking to us here very clearly,
54:29 and in words that should not be misunderstood.
54:33 Very simple.
54:34 "Not everyone that saith unto me,"
54:38 Matthew 7:21,
54:40 "Not everyone that saith unto me,
54:42 Lord, Lord,
54:43 shall enter into the kingdom of heaven,
54:47 but he that doeth the will of my Father
54:51 which is in heaven."
54:54 So you see, this is a belief unto action,
54:57 "For God so loved the world
54:58 that He gave His only begotten Son,
55:00 that whosoever believeth in Him
55:03 should not perish but have everlasting life."
55:05 So this is a belief unto salvation,
55:07 a belief that moves the person in a direction
55:11 of following the Lord Jesus Christ
55:14 with all of his heart.
55:15 So now, I invite you to turn to Isaiah Chapter 1.
55:22 Isaiah 1:18
55:27 and we're going to include verse 19,
55:30 Isaiah Chapter 1,
55:34 and we're going to verse 18 and 19.
55:37 "Thus it is written,
55:39 'Come now, and let us reason together.'"
55:42 I like that invitation.
55:43 Because it says right now, it doesn't say come next week,
55:47 come in a 1000 years, come next month.
55:49 It says, come now.
55:51 Jesus says, "Come now,"
55:52 God tells us, "and let us reason together,'
55:55 saith the Lord,
55:57 'Though your sins be as scarlet,
56:00 they shall be as white as snow,
56:02 though they be red like crimson,
56:04 they shall be as wool.'"
56:06 And this is a message for you today,
56:07 listening forever, wherever you are,
56:09 and those that are here present,
56:10 come now
56:13 and receive the blessing of,
56:15 if your sins are scarlet,
56:16 they shall be as white as snow,
56:18 though they be red like crimson,
56:20 they shall be as wool.
56:22 Praise to God.
56:24 Notice verse 19, "If you be willing,
56:27 and obedient,
56:30 you shall eat the good of the land."
56:32 So as much as God is willing to forgive you,
56:36 if you come and reason with Him,
56:39 He also tells you,
56:41 "If you be willing and obedient,
56:43 you shall eat the good of the land."
56:45 And He has much good to give us.
56:48 But there must be a belief unto salvation.
56:50 We must be willing and obedient,
56:53 the scriptures tell us to walk with Him,
56:55 and follow Him in all things that he tells us.
56:58 And every one of those things He tells us
57:00 are for our own good.
57:02 Amen?
57:03 Unbelievable as they may be, we have one minute left.
57:07 "For God so loved the world
57:10 that He gave His only begotten Son,
57:12 that whosoever believeth in Him
57:14 should not perish,
57:16 but have everlasting life."
57:17 Perhaps another time we'll finish the rest of this,
57:20 John 3:16.
57:22 But this message is a message that has encouraged many people
57:27 throughout history to realize
57:29 that God so loved the world,
57:31 that God so loved me, you as an individual
57:33 that He gave His only begotten Son,
57:36 and to know that He that comes to Him
57:39 will not be cast out,
57:40 and invites us to come
57:42 and reason together with Him.
57:43 That even though your sins may be as scarlet
57:45 or they may be as dark as crimson,
57:49 they should be as white as snow,
57:51 they should be as white as wool.
57:53 We invite you to continue studying this scripture,
57:55 John 3:16 and all the Bible
57:57 and there you will find salvation
58:00 and hope in Jesus Christ.


Revised 2019-09-10