A Sharper Focus

How to Become a Christian, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000057

00:20 Hello, friends.
00:21 Welcome to another Wednesday Night Bible Study,
00:23 here in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:26 You know, we say Thompsonville, we say West Frankfort.
00:28 Well, if you've ever visited 3ABN,
00:30 they're just one thin line apart
00:32 in two different little towns.
00:34 But this is the 3ABN Worship Center
00:35 and we thank you for tuning in tonight
00:37 to continue with us in our study,
00:39 how to live a spiritual life in a natural body,
00:41 and we're going to be transitioning into a new series
00:46 and it is entitled,
00:47 "How to know the truth about the truth."
00:51 And you probably tilted your head to the side like a puppy
00:53 huh.
00:55 What does he mean by that?
00:56 Well, you'll find out when we get there,
00:57 but tonight if you'd like to follow along
00:59 with our lesson,
01:00 go to this website
01:02 asf.3abn.org
01:05 and download lesson number 17
01:08 as well as lesson number 18.
01:11 Now our attempt will be to finish lesson 17
01:14 and transition to lesson 18.
01:16 But in the event that we don't, you'll be ahead of us.
01:19 And that is, you'll be able to study out lesson number 18
01:21 and be prepared for the next broadcast.
01:24 But invite your friends and family members
01:26 to sit down with us
01:28 for a thoughtful hour
01:29 as we walk through our Bibles together.
01:31 Can we say amen to that? Amen.
01:33 It's no better thing to do than to spend time
01:34 in the Word of God.
01:36 And we'd like to thank you for tuning in from around the world
01:39 to make this broadcast as special as we believe it is,
01:42 from the Word of God, led by His Holy Spirit.
01:45 So tonight,
01:46 let's bow our heads and invite God's presence to be with us.
01:49 Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your goodness,
01:51 for Your mercy and always for Your grace,
01:55 for we discover that Your grace
01:58 truly is sufficient for us
02:01 and we also know Lord that in our weakness,
02:03 your strength is truly made perfect.
02:07 Tonight, Father, as we open Your Word,
02:08 we pray that You'll open our hearts
02:10 and our minds and unite us around the world
02:13 together in the study of Your Word,
02:15 and may Your Holy Spirit
02:17 who promises to lead us and guide us into all truth,
02:21 prepare us for the reception of truth.
02:23 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
02:27 Well, you know we'd like to sing our theme song
02:29 and you'd like to join us if you can.
02:31 Now you know our theme song is victory in Jesus,
02:34 the words is on our...
02:35 The words will be on our screen, won't be on yours,
02:38 but I know that many of you have joined us
02:39 as we sing the song.
02:41 So let's sing our song tonight,
02:42 "Victory in Jesus."
02:52 I heard an old,
02:54 old story
02:56 How the Savior came from glory
03:00 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:03 To save a wretch like me
03:07 I heard about His groaning
03:11 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:15 Then I repented of my sins
03:19 And won the victory Together
03:22 O victory in Jesus My Savior,
03:28 forever
03:30 He sought me and bought me
03:34 With His redeeming blood
03:37 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:41 And all my love is due Him
03:45 He plunged me to victory
03:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:53 I heard about a mansion
03:56 He has built for me in glory
04:00 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:04 Beyond the crystal sea
04:08 About the angels singing
04:11 And the old redemption story
04:15 And some sweet day
04:17 I'll sing up there
04:19 The song of victory
04:21 Key change. Are you ready?
04:23 O victory in Jesus My Savior,
04:28 forever He sought me and bought me
04:34 With His redeeming blood
04:38 He loved me ere
04:40 I knew Him And all my love is due Him
04:45 He plunged me to victory
04:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:53 He plunged me to victory
04:57 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:03 Amen.
05:05 Amen.
05:06 We are about to get a flood here in Southern Illinois,
05:08 we've been getting a lot of rain.
05:10 And I don't know
05:12 if it was like this in the days of Noah,
05:14 because they had never had rain before.
05:16 But at the sight of clouds,
05:18 those who live in places like Oklahoma, in Texas, in Kentucky
05:23 and Tennessee and Illinois,
05:26 we kind of hunker down
05:27 because we know that it could bring with it
05:30 a lot of other things, and even forecasted possibility of hail,
05:33 strong winds,
05:35 but the only wind that we're waiting for tonight
05:37 is the wind of God's Holy Spirit.
05:38 Amen? Amen.
05:40 And we are here, though not many in number,
05:42 we are glad that you are making up the difference
05:44 as we joined together around the world.
05:47 We have been studying the topic how to become a Christian.
05:50 And that may seem strange
05:52 because those of us who are studying
05:54 are 'Christians', at least in our labels we are,
05:59 but there's a lot more that pertains to being a Christian
06:03 than just having the label
06:05 whether the denomination is a small one,
06:09 or a large one, the most confused place
06:11 in the world today is among Christians.
06:15 That's why I'm beginning a new series on the heels,
06:18 heels of this one call,
06:20 how to know the truth about the truth.
06:22 Because when I study, you know, different religions,
06:26 I don't spend a ton of time on that.
06:28 But sometimes you think of, and I'm going to be kind,
06:31 but I talk, I think about the 1.2 billion Catholics.
06:35 And I think for the most part,
06:36 they all believe the same thing,
06:39 that is, you know, you have charismatic Catholics
06:41 and you have other branches, but for the most part,
06:44 the 1.2 billion members of the Catholic Church
06:48 whether infants or adults,
06:50 tend to be under one creed,
06:52 one banner,
06:53 and one set of beliefs found in
06:56 The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrines.
06:59 But then, when you mention the word Christian,
07:01 people say what flavor?
07:04 What brand?
07:05 Or what denomination?
07:07 Because the word Christian doesn't mean
07:09 what it did in the Bible.
07:11 The word Christian in the Bible meant there was one Lord,
07:13 one faith, one baptism, one God, one Father of all,
07:16 one set of beliefs that were unifying
07:18 all Christians together.
07:20 They were just Jews and Gentiles.
07:21 There was just truth.
07:24 There was just error and truth.
07:27 There was falsehood, and there was light,
07:29 there was no massive diversity.
07:31 And in the context of Christianity nowadays,
07:34 people say, "Well, I'm Christian
07:36 and to me that really doesn't mean anything."
07:39 Because Christianity is a lot larger than just having a label
07:43 and that's why the next series is going to really
07:45 put a great highlight on
07:47 the importance of knowing the truth about the truth.
07:52 Now people may say, okay,
07:54 sounds like a redundant statement
07:56 to know the truth about the truth.
07:58 But let me just go ahead and give you a preview
08:00 so that you can prepare yourself.
08:02 And tonight we'll see it also fit into this topic
08:04 on how to become a Christian
08:06 or what it means to be a Christian.
08:09 I mentioned to you the word Christian.
08:11 What is a Christian, somebody tell me?
08:12 Let's say this together, what is a Christian?
08:14 A follower of Christ.
08:16 That's the easy definition,
08:17 the most appropriate definition,
08:19 the true definition,
08:21 a Christian is a follower of Christ.
08:24 And Jesus mentioned in Matthew
08:26 Chapter 7,
08:27 that the way that leads to eternal life
08:28 is a narrow path, and few there be that find it.
08:33 But He also in that very same context,
08:35 I thought it was not unusual, but how appropriate,
08:39 in the passage where he mentions,
08:40 you will know them by their fruits.
08:42 He mentioned the road to eternal life is narrow.
08:45 Then He also said, not everyone that says to me,
08:47 Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven.
08:49 Only those who do the will of My Father which is in heaven.
08:53 So what He in essence is saying is,
08:55 there's a lot more to being a Christian
08:56 than just saying you're a Christian,
08:58 but He wants those who are willing to do the will
09:01 of His Father in heaven.
09:04 And then when Jesus came, He says, I came into My own,
09:07 and My own did not receive me.
09:12 And we'll find out, I don't want to jump ahead.
09:14 I'm just kind of holding the brakes,
09:16 because it's just flowing over.
09:18 I don't want to go to the books
09:19 that I've put in the new lesson.
09:21 But you'll discover that,
09:23 how to become a Christian
09:24 brings with a tremendous benefit.
09:26 So our topic tonight,
09:28 although it's our theme is how to live a spiritual life
09:31 in a natural body.
09:33 Our topic is how to become a Christian.
09:36 And we left off on question number 12.
09:39 So that means tonight,
09:40 we're going to go ahead
09:42 and begin with question number 13,
09:44 setting this stage and this question is as follows.
09:48 It's on our screen,
09:49 and you will see it also on your screen.
09:52 The question is,
09:53 what major change will there be after I become a Christian?
09:59 What major change will there be after I become a Christian?
10:04 And we're going to go to the Book of John,
10:06 what book did I say?
10:07 John.
10:09 My book.
10:10 John 17 and we're going to look together at verse 3.
10:14 You know, John is a powerful book.
10:17 In that, there's John,
10:20 there is first, second, third John, then there's Revelation.
10:24 And a lot of people look at the Book of John
10:27 as the book from the one that was most beloved by Christ.
10:31 He was the youngest of the disciples,
10:33 yet he was one of the sons of Thunder.
10:36 Meaning He was loud.
10:38 But He learned how to tone it down and allow Jesus to...
10:42 I'll not refer to anybody in my presence here, we have brother.
10:47 It's okay to be loud for Jesus, isn't that right?
10:50 As long as you're thundering the gospel,
10:52 but in essence, he learned to love Jesus.
10:55 He learned to communicate with tones of love.
10:58 He was the one that was the last disciple to die,
11:01 and he died of natural causes,
11:03 because God as Pastor Doug Batchelor says,
11:06 until God is finished, finished with you there,
11:08 you are immortal.
11:10 That is,
11:11 nobody could do anything to take your life
11:14 until God has done with you.
11:15 That's the immortal sense, not that you have immortality.
11:18 But then if anything happens to you,
11:20 you have the gift of immortality,
11:22 which we'll all put on when Jesus comes.
11:24 But let's look at what the major change will be
11:27 after we become Christians?
11:29 John 17:13.
11:31 And the answer is, verse 3, John 17:3.
11:36 Thankfully, you all have your lessons in your Bibles.
11:38 And let's read the first one together.
11:40 And it reads as follows: "And this is" what?
11:43 "Eternal life, that they may know You,
11:47 the only true God and Jesus Christ
11:51 whom You have sent."
11:53 Now this verse brings into view two persons of the Godhead,
11:59 the Father and the Son.
12:01 So when the Bible says, and this is life eternal,
12:03 that they may know You,
12:06 the only true God and Jesus Christ
12:09 whom You have sent,
12:12 it's hard for anybody to think of Jesus
12:15 in or God in three manifestations.
12:18 You know, there is this belief
12:19 that God manifests Himself in different ways,
12:22 or God metamorphosized from God, the Father,
12:25 then he metamorphosized like a butterfly into God,
12:27 the Son,
12:28 and then He left His shell like an aphid
12:31 and left behind the Holy Spirit.
12:33 There are those who believe in three manifestations of God,
12:36 rather than the persons of the Godhead, the Father,
12:39 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
12:41 So what this text is, in essence, is saying to us
12:43 and I'll go ahead and show you
12:44 the answer, you could write it down.
12:46 The answer is,
12:48 you have a personal relationship with God.
12:51 And you have that personal relationship
12:53 with God through whom?
12:55 Somebody tell me, through whom?
12:57 Through Jesus,
12:58 because you're no longer,
13:00 you're no longer coming straight to God.
13:02 But as Jesus says,
13:04 "No one comes to the Father except through Me."
13:07 Go with me to the Book of John Chapter 10.
13:09 You're putting the answer down,
13:11 you have a personal relationship
13:14 with God.
13:16 In other words, the door is open now,
13:18 for us to have access to the Father.
13:21 There's only one way to the Father,
13:23 and that's through the Son Christ Jesus.
13:26 That's not a very popular statement nowadays
13:29 because people think there are many different ways,
13:33 but there's only one way to the Father.
13:36 Okay, John Chapter 10.
13:38 And
13:41 I want to look at verse 1,
13:46 verse 1, I'm not going to read too many of them,
13:48 but I'll select the verses that are most appropriate
13:51 to the point I'm trying to make.
13:53 Because Jesus is the way,
13:54 Jesus is the one that connects us to the Father.
13:56 John Chapter 10,
13:57 and I'm reading from the New King James Version,
13:59 but the translation is really not that important.
14:02 It says, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
14:04 he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door,
14:09 but climbs up some other way, the same is a" what?
14:13 "Thief and a robber.
14:16 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
14:22 To him, the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice.
14:27 And he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out."
14:32 You should rejoice when you read that text
14:33 because Revelation 18 talks about another call coming out,
14:36 "Come out of her My people."
14:38 And the only way that He's going to lead them out
14:40 is by them hearing His voice,
14:41 that's so instrumental in the topic that's coming up.
14:44 And he goes and says in verse,
14:48 verse 4,
14:51 "And when he brings out his own sheep,
14:54 he goes before them and the sheep follow him,
14:56 for they know his voice."
14:58 They not only know him, but they even know his voice.
15:02 And those of you who get phone calls,
15:03 sometimes you get a phone call
15:05 and maybe somebody you haven't heard from in a long time,
15:08 but the moment you hear their voice, you say, "No.
15:13 Tell me this is not Jeffrey."
15:16 "Yup, this is Jeffrey."
15:17 You say, "You sound a little older,
15:18 but I could never forget that voice."
15:20 Have you ever had that experience before?
15:21 Sometimes you talk to people that you haven't heard
15:22 from in a long time.
15:24 And you say,
15:26 I can't believe this is who I think it is.
15:28 Is this and you mentioned their name?
15:30 And how do you know them?
15:32 How do you know them over the phone, by their?
15:33 Voice.
15:35 By their voice unless you have one of those new phones
15:36 that have video, but for the most part,
15:38 and the very same thing happened
15:40 with Mary when she waited in the garden
15:42 for the resurrection morning.
15:43 She thought that Jesus was the gardener
15:45 until He said her name.
15:47 And then she thought, "Wait a minute,
15:49 is this who I think it is?"
15:52 She identified Jesus by His voice.
15:54 Very important point I'm making here.
15:56 You see, a lot of people think
15:57 that the voice of God is audible,
15:59 but the voice is God is also written.
16:01 Amen?
16:03 God spoke these words,
16:07 holy men of God
16:10 spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
16:14 These words was spoken.
16:17 These words were written,
16:18 but they came forth from the Father,
16:20 they came forth from the Christ,
16:22 they came forth through the work of the Holy Spirit.
16:25 These words were not born in the minds and lives of men.
16:28 It was communicated through their experiences,
16:32 but these are the words of God.
16:34 And we'll find out that in just a moment,
16:36 but let me go and finish this, I wanna end the point here.
16:40 Let's go down to verse 7 of John Chapter 10.
16:44 Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you,"
16:48 what's those four words?
16:50 I am the door.
16:53 "I am the door of the sheep.
16:58 And whoever came before me, are thieves and robbers,
17:03 but the sheep did not hear them.
17:06 I am the door.
17:07 If anyone enters by Me, he will be," what?
17:10 "Saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."
17:17 So we see right away this personal relationship
17:19 that we have with the Lord is very important.
17:21 Because if you have this personal relationship,
17:23 you're not just in a relationship
17:25 with Him by name.
17:26 There's some people, you heard of people
17:27 that are called name callers, you ever know people like that?
17:31 When you mention it, yeah I know him.
17:34 So what's his nickname.
17:36 I do that.
17:37 And somebody did that once.
17:39 And I show you about a personal relationship.
17:41 Not that we want to minimize Jesus in any way.
17:44 But usually if you say to somebody,
17:46 oh, I know. I know.
17:49 And you mentioned the person's name.
17:50 I want to be vague so I don't really bring out.
17:52 Okay, let me use myself as an example.
17:57 I know this is going to, this is going to happen
17:59 when I go all over the world, people start calling me this.
18:02 If anybody ever calls me, Junior,
18:06 they have to know me from way back
18:08 when I was a little boy.
18:10 They had to know me from Madison Street in Brooklyn.
18:14 Now, let me even go further.
18:15 If anyone calls me Junjun, they had to know me
18:17 when I was a little boy, a tiny tyke,
18:21 because that was what my sister called me
18:23 before she was able to say John.
18:25 She would say Junjun.
18:27 And I discovered that was not an accident,
18:31 but it's traditional in some Filipino families.
18:33 The name Junjun is very common.
18:35 But, so Junjun,
18:37 when a little boy Junior, growing up,
18:40 but John as an adult.
18:42 I remember somebody, one day,
18:43 my sister was with us and somebody said,
18:47 as they saw me as a pastor, and they said, Junior,
18:50 she said, he's a pastor now, you need to call him John.
18:54 He's not Junior anymore. He's grown up.
18:56 He's a pastor now, you need to call him John.
18:58 There's some connection to that.
19:02 Jesus had such a personal relationship with His disciples
19:06 that He said,
19:08 let's kind of get off of this master thing, disciple.
19:11 Let's call each other friends.
19:13 See, He referred to,
19:15 they referred to Him as friends.
19:17 And they're those, my good friend,
19:20 Pastor Dwight Nelson
19:21 always speaks about the forever friend,
19:24 Jesus our forever friend, a friendship with Jesus.
19:27 So that's where that personal relationship comes in.
19:29 You know, why is this important?
19:31 If you have a personal relationship with Christ,
19:33 you are never in the dark,
19:36 because friends stay in touch.
19:38 The best way to stay in touch with Jesus is through prayer,
19:43 through the reading of His Word,
19:44 and through the listening to hear Him speak to us.
19:47 When I read the Bible, I study the Bible.
19:50 You'll find many references to after people had prayed,
19:54 they waited to hear from the Lord.
19:56 They waited for the Spirit of God to guide them
19:59 and lead them and impress them strongly
20:01 on what they had studied in the Word of God.
20:03 So having a personal relationship with God
20:05 is extremely important.
20:06 That's number 13.
20:08 Now, number 14, let's go to that one.
20:10 Number 14.
20:11 Why is it important to have more than the Christian label?
20:15 Why it is important?
20:17 Why is it important to have more than the Christian label?
20:20 Let's go to Titus 1:16.
20:23 Titus 1:16.
20:25 Okay.
20:27 This Christian label.
20:29 I mean, I've met people that nowadays actually, sometimes,
20:33 we talked about flavor, hey, what flavor are you?
20:38 Christianity nowadays has been reduced down
20:40 to a brand of cereal,
20:42 and then but the challenge that's going to come out
20:45 in the next topic we talked about.
20:47 The problem with that is,
20:50 people minimize their beliefs
20:54 and they maximize the word Jesus.
20:58 Now, let me take a minute on that.
21:01 They minimize what they believe,
21:04 but they maximize
21:06 the fact that we all have the same God.
21:08 You've heard them say that, you've heard people say that,
21:11 but Jesus taps them on the shoulder and say,
21:13 wait a minute, are you talking about Jesus?
21:16 You all have Jesus in common?
21:18 Yeah, yeah, we have Jesus in common.
21:20 Well, aren't we all called by his name?
21:23 Are you seeing where I'm headed?
21:24 And as therefore one says, wait a minute.
21:27 But you have your own, Jesus would say,
21:29 but you have your own bread.
21:31 You have your own, you have your own doctrines
21:32 that are not connected.
21:34 You have your own apparel,
21:35 your own method of righteousness.
21:37 But all you really want from me is my name,
21:40 and that's not enough.
21:41 That's why when we do the series on
21:43 how to know the truth about the truth,
21:45 it's going to open your mind to see,
21:47 it's not just important to emphasize the fact that,
21:51 oh, we all didn't really matter what we believe,
21:53 you know we all love Jesus.
21:57 James, James completely obliterated that ideology
22:02 that all you have to do is believe.
22:04 Because he said, even the devil's believe,
22:06 and what did they do?
22:08 They are more convinced that there is a God
22:09 than many of us are.
22:11 They're so convinced that
22:13 He exists that they're warring against Him every day.
22:16 And some of us are so convinced that He exists,
22:19 we don't even call on Him every day.
22:21 So let's see.
22:23 Why is it important to have more than a Christian label?
22:26 Titus 1:16. Look at what it says.
22:29 It says, "They profess to," what?
22:31 "Know God, but in works they," what?
22:34 "Deny Him, being abominable,
22:38 disobedient and disqualified for every good work."
22:43 Isn't that amazing?
22:44 That's a powerful passage.
22:46 They profess to know God.
22:47 Somebody once was on the radio
22:49 on I forgot what channel it was,
22:50 but I was driving in the car,
22:52 and whatever the talk show host was.
22:56 Whoever the talk show host was,
22:57 they were talking about people
22:59 that say they know Michael Jordan.
23:01 And he said, well, what does that really mean?
23:06 He said, okay, if you first meet him,
23:07 you don't call him Mike,
23:09 because you're not on that basis with him.
23:11 You say, Mr. Jordan, or Mr. Michael Jordan,
23:15 you address him at the point of respect.
23:18 And then if you go further,
23:19 you can say if he lets you in the circle,
23:21 you could say, Mike, and then if you go any further,
23:24 he said, you can call him Boo.
23:27 Whatever nickname he has, people are like that.
23:30 Each of us are known in our family circles
23:32 with different names.
23:34 So if somebody professes to know somebody,
23:36 you say, okay, if you know him that well,
23:38 okay, could you get us into this event?
23:41 Could you get us into this gala event?
23:42 Could you get us into this party?
23:44 Well, I don't know him on that level.
23:46 See, so the Lord is saying in this verse,
23:48 people profess to know God,
23:51 but if you look at their actions,
23:53 their actions don't connect to somebody
23:56 that claims to have that kind of connection with God.
23:59 So here is why it's important to have more than a label.
24:02 The answer, our works must what?
24:06 Match our profession.
24:09 Our works must match our profession,
24:13 the answer to number 14.
24:16 So the works, which is how we live our lives
24:19 must be in harmony with what we profess
24:21 to believe or who we profess to be.
24:23 Ain't that right?
24:25 Okay, let's go on.
24:27 Let's try to get as much as we can in tonight,
24:29 and hopefully transition to the next one.
24:31 I'm just so excited about it.
24:33 I don't want to be next year before I get to that one.
24:35 You know, how that goes.
24:38 Okay.
24:39 Number 15.
24:41 What must we include in our lives
24:43 after becoming Christians?
24:45 What must we include in our lives
24:47 after becoming Christians?
24:50 Lot of people are Christians, but not really.
24:54 Okay, now let me get down to the nitty-gritty.
24:56 We're taken our shoes off.
24:58 We're taken our socks off.
24:59 We're walking on ground,
25:01 you can't tell if the ground is hot or cold
25:02 if you have on shoes and socks,
25:05 but if you take your socks off and your shoes off,
25:07 you are where the foot meets the road.
25:11 This text or this question
25:14 brings the foot in touch with the road.
25:17 In other words, it brings the label Christian
25:20 in touch with whether or not you're really walking
25:22 that Christian life.
25:24 Question again.
25:25 What must we include in our lives
25:26 after becoming Christians?
25:28 John 9:4, turn there with me,
25:30 John 9:4,
25:34 John 9:4.
25:37 There's something that must be in our lives
25:39 after we become Christians.
25:41 I remember when I joined the baseball team
25:43 in high school,
25:44 it'd years ago.
25:45 I was so skinny in high school,
25:47 they gave me a baseball uniform.
25:48 I was trying to find a small one,
25:50 but they gave me a baseball uniform
25:51 that was so oversized
25:53 that I had to sew up the end seams
25:55 just so I didn't look like I had on pajamas,
25:59 but follow what I'm saying.
26:00 Once you join the team, you got the equipment,
26:04 you got the uniform, you got the emblem,
26:07 you got your number,
26:08 you were assigned to a particular position
26:10 to fill.
26:13 And then you were included in the game.
26:16 You follow me?
26:18 So if you are on the baseball team,
26:20 what a lot of our guys in schools say,
26:22 hey, let me see your cleats,
26:24 what kind of cleats did you get?
26:25 Let me see your uniform.
26:27 Let me see your glove. What kind of glove do you have?
26:29 They look for evidences that you are connected to the team.
26:33 So if I said, "I'm on the team." they'd say,
26:34 "Where's your uniform?" "Well, I don't have a uniform."
26:36 "Well, then you're not on the team.
26:38 What position are you playing?"
26:39 "Well, I haven't gotten a position yet."
26:40 "Then you're not on the team."
26:42 Anybody on any team has been assigned a position.
26:46 If they don't have a position, they're not on the team.
26:50 Right?
26:51 Then you also have practices.
26:53 When is your basketball practice?
26:55 I don't even know. Aren't you on the team?
26:56 Yeah, but everybody else has a schedule.
26:58 How come you didn't get a schedule?
27:00 Well, I am on the team, but I didn't get a schedule.
27:03 Now everybody got their schedule,
27:05 so you're not on the team.
27:07 We used to say in the city, you're fronting,
27:09 that means you're not telling the truth.
27:11 Well, let me say something here
27:13 and this is a very powerful point.
27:16 To say that we are Christians,
27:18 there's something we must include in our lives
27:20 after becoming Christians,
27:22 or else by not including this we are saying,
27:25 we are not on the team.
27:29 It's not, you've got to play if you're on the team.
27:34 And if you're on the team, you can get on the field.
27:38 And those who are not on the field
27:40 are not getting any championship trophies.
27:42 They're not getting any paycheck
27:44 when the championship happens.
27:45 They're not getting any remuneration of any kind,
27:47 because they're just sitting in the stands.
27:50 I think I laid enough foundation.
27:51 Here's the answer to John, in John 9:4.
27:55 Here's the answer.
27:56 John 9:4.
27:58 Let's read this together.
28:00 "I must work the works of Him who," did what?
28:05 "Sent Me while it is day," why?
28:08 "The night is coming when no one can work."
28:15 Okay, perfect timing for this one
28:18 because the basketball season just ended.
28:21 So if anybody says to me,
28:23 they're going to an NBA basketball game,
28:25 I'm going to say,
28:26 you need to go back to bed and wake up again
28:28 because there are no NBA basketball games.
28:31 There are none till way down in the later part of September.
28:36 If anybody says, "I got tickets to a basketball game,
28:38 do you want to go with me?"
28:39 I'd say, "Which basketball game?"
28:42 There are no games happening until later on in the year.
28:45 Here's my point.
28:47 There is a work that God has chosen every one of us
28:50 to be involved in if we are Christians.
28:53 Notice the word.
28:55 Notice the second word in this statement.
28:56 What's the second word? Somebody tell me.
28:59 Does it say you should?
29:01 Does it say you should think about it?
29:03 What does this say?
29:05 Say it with some gusto, what does it say?
29:07 Must,
29:08 you must work the works of Him
29:11 who sent me while it is day.
29:15 Anybody that say they are Christians
29:17 and not involved in working for God is not a Christian.
29:22 Can I say that with authority?
29:24 You cannot be a Christian
29:26 and not be working for the person that has hired you.
29:30 He didn't hire you to listen to sermons.
29:34 He didn't hire you to be parts of socials,
29:37 or just to be involved in sitting down.
29:40 You know, we call it,
29:41 one writer said if there's a fog
29:42 and if there's a mist in the pulpit,
29:44 there's a fog in the pews.
29:48 You know, you know, the frozen chosen,
29:52 the inactive, active.
29:53 I mean, there's no such thing.
29:55 The Christian world is the only place
29:56 where you can do nothing and expect to go to heaven.
30:00 Ain't that terrible?
30:02 Go with me to Revelation Chapter 22.
30:04 I don't want to start preaching,
30:05 but I just might.
30:08 Look at Revelation Chapter 22.
30:09 Very powerful verse.
30:11 We gotta realize God hasn't chosen us
30:13 how to become a Christian.
30:14 I'm a Christian, but what are you doing
30:16 for the Kingdom of God?
30:17 Nothing.
30:18 I'm just waiting for Him to come, I'm at the bus stop.
30:20 I'm waiting for the train to come.
30:21 I'm waiting for the cloud support.
30:23 That's why people that are inactive.
30:25 This is an amazing thing.
30:26 People that are often inactive doing nothing,
30:28 they get tired of waiting.
30:30 So those are the people that say,
30:31 I can't wait till Jesus comes.
30:34 Well, that's all you've been doing is waiting.
30:37 Haven't been doing anything.
30:39 And then you ask people who do stuff,
30:41 ah, I don't know.
30:45 You do that same thing at work?
30:46 Your boss asked you to do something.
30:48 I don't know.
30:50 You don't know?
30:52 I've hired you.
30:53 I'm paying you.
30:54 You're going to tell me you don't know?
30:58 Well, look at the word,
30:59 Revelation 22
31:01 and we're going to look at verse 12.
31:04 We're going to look at verse 12,
31:06 verse 12, verse 12, completely.
31:08 I've adopted this word tonight
31:10 completely obliterates the idea
31:12 that Christians should be inactive.
31:15 Look at what Jesus says.
31:18 And behold, I am coming quickly.
31:21 And my reward is what?
31:24 With me to give to everyone according to His?
31:27 Work.
31:28 According as his work shall be in the King James Version.
31:31 You're going to get a reward according to your work.
31:34 In other words, no work.
31:38 Say it again, no work, no reward.
31:41 It's like you don't go to work and on Friday,
31:43 you show up and stand in line.
31:45 I used to remember those pictures
31:47 at construction sites.
31:48 You know construction site is a strange thing.
31:49 There's no really established office.
31:52 But on Friday, all the guys take their hard hats off
31:54 and they're all standing in line
31:55 in front of the foreman's shelter.
31:57 You know how that is, they are standing in line
31:59 and somebody turns up and says,
32:00 hey, Mike I haven't seen you all week.
32:02 Been sick.
32:04 So, do you know what line this is?
32:05 It's the paycheck line, yeah.
32:07 So why are you standing in this line?
32:09 Oh that's what this...
32:10 And you get to the front of the line
32:11 and the foreman says,
32:13 Hey, Mike, good to see you.
32:15 Why are you here?
32:17 Well, everybody else got a check.
32:18 Mike, we pay people for the work they do.
32:24 This may sound like a revolutionary idea.
32:27 But God calls Christians to work, amen, somebody?
32:30 Amen.
32:31 I'm just tired of this whole idea.
32:34 I'm tired of this whole idea of Christians
32:37 that just don't want to do anything.
32:38 And they're, well I'm a Christian,
32:40 and they mention their denomination.
32:43 Anyway, John 14:12,
32:46 my good buddy, he was on the battlefield for the Lord
32:50 told me look at John 14:12.
32:51 Look up John 14:12.
32:54 Okay, that's right.
32:56 What good one, see you could, he just been,
32:59 anyway I'm gonna put that up little higher,
33:01 but he has been in the church little more than a year
33:03 and out there on the field working for the Lord.
33:05 That's why these texts are popping out at him.
33:07 John 14:12.
33:09 Notice what it says,
33:10 Jesus speaking to His disciples.
33:12 He's comforting them and telling them,
33:14 I'm leaving now,
33:15 but there's something you must do.
33:16 Verse 12, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
33:19 He who believes in me,
33:23 the works that I do,
33:25 he will do also and greater works
33:29 than these he will do."
33:30 Why? "Because I go to My Father."
33:32 In other words, the Lord is saying,
33:34 I'm getting out of the way.
33:35 But you know what you are gonna do
33:36 while I'm gone?
33:38 You're gonna do what I've done and even more.
33:40 In other words, I'm just one man.
33:43 But there are 12 of you.
33:45 And after the day of Pentecost,
33:46 there's gonna be a whole lot more and you know,
33:48 the rest of the story, 3000, 5000
33:51 and the church clerk lost it
33:52 and couldn't even keep up with the numbers
33:54 and just wrote down the word multitudes,
33:57 that's how God does it, right?
33:59 Just multitudes, but why did the gospel
34:01 get to the world then in only 34 years?
34:03 You know why?
34:05 Because they believe so much in the coming of the Lord.
34:07 They got together and worked
34:09 in preparation for the coming of the Lord.
34:12 They said, even John,
34:13 as he was on the Isle of Patmos,
34:15 he was so diligent to finish his work.
34:16 He wrote, even so come Lord Jesus.
34:20 'Cause he know he was busy working for the Lord.
34:22 You got me in prison, but you can't stop me
34:24 from writing the Book of Revelation.
34:27 They worked in prison,
34:28 Paul and Silas in prison singing.
34:30 They had a choir rehearsal at midnight.
34:33 They broke, God broke them out of jail,
34:35 and they baptized the jailer.
34:38 I mean, they were so...
34:39 They didn't even stop them.
34:41 And then somebody said, Paul, if you do this again,
34:43 we're gonna whip you.
34:44 That's okay. I've been whipped already.
34:46 So he says, he says,
34:49 I must press toward the mark
34:51 for the prize of the high calling
34:53 of God which is in Christ Jesus.
34:55 He pressed, he didn't sit, he pressed, he had a goal,
34:58 and so many people could become Christians
35:01 and the evidence of a Christian,
35:02 here's the point I want to bring up.
35:04 We must involve ourselves in working for the Lord.
35:08 This ideology that we could be Christians,
35:09 just wait for Jesus to come.
35:11 It's insipid.
35:12 It's like warm milk.
35:15 Can you imagine drinking milk in a container
35:17 that's been left outside on 100 degree day?
35:21 We don't drink milk as it is.
35:22 Even if it's rice milk, it tastes bad.
35:25 Oh, you know, warm, where's the milk?
35:27 In the back of your car?
35:29 My wife whenever we go to the airport,
35:30 we put extra bottles of water in the car,
35:32 because we know we're gonna,
35:33 you know how it is when you leave home,
35:34 you get thirsty like halfway to the airport.
35:37 So we put like four bottles, drink two on the way going.
35:40 We'll have two in the car coming back at least.
35:42 So she said,
35:43 but while the cars at the airport
35:45 it's gonna get warm.
35:46 I said honey, we're coming back at night.
35:48 So it might be cooler, at least it will be room temperature.
35:53 Lord have mercy if you come back during the day
35:55 in the summer,
35:56 because no one wants warm water when you're thirsty.
36:00 You see, Jesus has the very same position about Christians
36:04 that just don't do anything.
36:06 He says, I'm gonna, I can't drink you.
36:07 I can't even digest your profession.
36:10 The only thing I can do is spit you out of my mouth
36:12 because you're not hot.
36:13 You're not doing anything for Me.
36:15 You're not cold.
36:16 You're not even against Me.
36:18 You just taking up space.
36:20 And we got all these Christians taking up space.
36:24 And I'm just looking pretty, waiting for Jesus to come.
36:29 This is the Bible study, not a sermon.
36:32 But I'm making the points here.
36:33 That's what it's all about.
36:35 Those of you, who are watching,
36:36 get involved in your church's mission.
36:38 Do not get uninvolved
36:40 thinking that somehow when God comes back,
36:41 he's going to say, you know what,
36:43 I'm gonna let you pass.
36:45 I'm going to give you eternal life
36:46 even though you did nothing.
36:48 Oh, that's not why He calls us.
36:51 Ephesians 2:10,
36:53 "For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus
36:56 for good works,
36:57 which God prepared beforehand
37:01 that we should walk through therein."
37:02 He's got all these positions,
37:04 but He's looking for people to hire.
37:05 What did he say to Isaiah?
37:07 He was talking about, man, there's so many people,
37:09 I need, we got so much to do, who shall I send?
37:12 And Isaiah said, what did he said?
37:14 Here I am, Lord, send me.
37:17 And then Jesus, Old Testament and New Testament,
37:19 He said to His disciples,
37:21 I send you forth as lambs among wolves.
37:24 He doesn't call us to sit down, He calls us to send us,
37:27 calls us, trains us sends us, right?
37:30 Number 16.
37:32 I'm having a sneaky feeling
37:33 we might not get to the next lesson tonight.
37:35 'Cause somehow this has transitioned
37:37 into an exciting study.
37:39 Question number 16. Here it is.
37:40 How do we declare to the church
37:44 that we are connected to Christ?
37:47 How do we declare to the church
37:49 that we are connected to Christ?
37:51 How do we declare that?
37:53 This is another one.
37:54 I'm just really swinging tonight.
37:58 Not from a lamp,
38:00 but I'm swinging in the Holy Spirit.
38:01 Just you know though, you know that winnowing tool
38:03 that God had in His hand,
38:05 swept away all the tares, gathering the wheat.
38:08 How do we know?
38:10 Malachi 3:10 is where we're all turning.
38:12 Malachi 3:10, how do we declare
38:14 to the church that we are connected to Christ?
38:17 This one has always baffled me and my brother.
38:20 You know where I'm headed, right?
38:21 So I'm not going to get there yet.
38:22 We're going to wait till we read the text
38:24 and we're going to make reference.
38:25 But here it is, Malachi 3:10.
38:27 This is called minimal Christianity.
38:29 What's the word that I used?
38:31 Minimal.
38:32 This is the minimal requirement
38:34 of a person who says they're connected to Christ.
38:36 This is the bare minimum.
38:38 This is not the maximum, this is what you got to do.
38:41 This is what you must do as you connect with Christ.
38:44 Here it is, together, Malachi 3:10,
38:47 "Bring all the tithes into the," what?
38:51 "Storehouse,
38:52 that there may be food or meat in my house
38:55 and prove me now or try me now in this,
38:57 says the Lord of hosts,
38:59 if I will not open for you the windows of heaven
39:02 and pour you out such a blessing
39:04 that there shall not be room enough"
39:05 to do what?
39:07 "To receive it."
39:08 I know that in the King James Version by heart,
39:09 that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
39:11 A lot of people think of as tithing as well,
39:13 okay?
39:15 I'm going to pay my tithes.
39:16 No, no, no, cut,
39:19 you don't pay tithe, you return it, right?
39:25 Because God owns everything.
39:27 Somebody once said, Lord, if you then I will.
39:29 How could you bargain with somebody
39:30 when you don't own anything to bargain it with Him with?
39:34 God, if you do this for me, I'll do that for you.
39:37 It's like an ant saying to a big,
39:39 a big 18 wheeler,
39:40 If you do this for me, I'll clean your tires.
39:44 I mean, think about that.
39:46 An ant, an ant compared to an 18 wheeler
39:49 is not even a good comparison
39:50 because we're smaller than that
39:52 when it comes to compared to God.
39:55 It's like an ant trying to take an 18 wheeler on his back
39:58 and say, well, we need some more ants to do this.
40:00 No matter how many ants you get,
40:02 you are not going to move an 18 wheeler,
40:04 no matter how many of us joined together,
40:05 we cannot move God.
40:07 But the point of the matter
40:09 is a lot of Christians nowadays,
40:10 what they have what's called,
40:12 and let me just put the answer on the board
40:13 while I'm emphasizing the important point.
40:17 We must support the work financially.
40:20 We must support the work financially.
40:22 You notice how this is different
40:23 from all the other topics.
40:25 We talked about sanctification,
40:26 justification, glorification,
40:28 we talked about pressing toward the goal.
40:29 We talked about studying our Bibles,
40:31 all the facets of Christianity
40:33 and the important aspects to it.
40:35 But this is now saying, okay,
40:36 let's get down to the brass tacks of it.
40:38 You are a Christian,
40:39 do you support the church financially?
40:42 Well, whenever I have money to, well,
40:46 you know, the reason why you may not have money to,
40:48 is because that's not a part of your heart.
40:50 The Bible says where your treasure is,
40:51 there will your what?
40:53 Heart be also.
40:54 You know, God has a habit of multiplying
40:56 what we give to Him.
40:58 So if you give a little,
41:00 He'll take it and multiply it
41:04 and you will have much.
41:06 Now, let's go ahead and qualify that.
41:10 God is not going to say I am an investment project.
41:13 But God promises as David the Psalmist says,
41:18 I was young,
41:21 now I am old,
41:23 and I have never seen the righteous forsaken,
41:27 nor their seed begging for bread.
41:30 Paul, Philippians 2,
41:33 I believe it's verse 12.
41:35 He says, "And my God shall supply all my needs,
41:38 according to his riches," where?
41:41 In glory through Christ Jesus,
41:43 this God's got a bank.
41:44 We always worry about the economy,
41:46 I'm not worried about the economy.
41:48 Not at all.
41:49 You know, my retirement may go up and down but then,
41:53 the government hasn't been making a difference
41:54 in my life to this point.
41:56 God has been supplying all my need.
41:58 When Elijah was out there running from Ahab and Jezebel,
42:01 God sent him air mail.
42:02 God sent him Federal Express food, a raven,
42:06 brought him his lunch
42:07 all the time he was out there.
42:09 He had, air mail coming in every day.
42:13 He never starved.
42:15 Ain't that right? So we gotta.
42:17 We gotta show people,
42:18 we got to show the church and the Lord,
42:20 by our actions.
42:22 Let's go to the next one, number 17.
42:23 Gotta support your church financially.
42:26 I was amazed and I point to my brother Richard here.
42:30 How, as treasurer in Fairfield,
42:34 and he's been my head elder for many years.
42:36 And also now he's over here in Thompsonville,
42:40 the percentage of members
42:42 that literally support the church
42:45 hovers around 25% to 30%.
42:49 That's in tithing.
42:50 And then some of them tithe,
42:52 this is the other thing that really blows me away,
42:54 some members tithe
42:56 because they know in the Adventist Church,
42:58 that all that money goes directly to the conference,
43:00 but they won't give offering because they don't like
43:03 what the church does.
43:05 So they, I'm only gonna give offering
43:08 if I like the sermons or if I like the members.
43:14 Well, let me tell you something,
43:15 you don't do that, you could do it
43:16 because you love the Lord.
43:18 Amen, somebody? Amen.
43:19 Will a man rob God?
43:25 And they had the audacity to ask God,
43:28 how, in what way have we robbed Thee?
43:30 He said in tithes and in offerings.
43:35 The curse comes to you not at the church,
43:37 God will sustain His church, ain't that right?
43:40 So for those of you who think that, you know, okay,
43:42 if I must do it, I'll do it.
43:44 But let's look at this next question.
43:45 How would our Christian walk become acceptable to the Lord?
43:48 How will our Christian walk become acceptable to the Lord?
43:51 2 Corinthians 9:7, it is a good lesson,
43:55 there's a sermon right here.
43:57 2 Corinthians 9:7.
44:00 I said 11, I think but I mean verse 7,
44:03 2 Corinthians 9:7.
44:06 How does your Christian walk become acceptable to the Lord?
44:09 Because God doesn't need anything.
44:14 But He is established a system whereby the church on earth
44:17 will have all of its needs provided, that is,
44:21 through the people that are members of it.
44:23 But He always relies on the heart.
44:26 God doesn't say, Okay, now that you're a member,
44:28 give me your 1040, give me your 1099,
44:30 give me, give me a W2.
44:32 So I'll figure out how much you make
44:34 and I have direct deposit.
44:35 No, God doesn't do that.
44:36 If you want to do that you can.
44:38 But God says, "Wait a minute,
44:39 I'm gonna see where your heart is."
44:42 I wanna see where your heart is,
44:43 like a mother who give us some 10 oranges,
44:45 and he goes to school,
44:47 and one of the kids asked for one, he said,
44:48 "No, these are my oranges."
44:52 You think you're gonna lose vitamin C
44:54 by giving away one orange, really?
44:57 We think somehow that,
44:59 and you know what?
45:00 God is better than all the stores.
45:03 God is better than the restaurants,
45:04 they want 15% gratuity, ain't that right?
45:08 But look what kind of heart God looks for.
45:10 2 Corinthians 9:7,
45:12 here it is on the screen,
45:14 2 Corinthians 9:7.
45:17 "So let each one give as he," what?
45:21 "Purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity
45:28 for God" together, "loves a cheerful giver."
45:33 That word cheerful
45:34 is a powerful word in the Greek.
45:35 In other words, people are happy to give.
45:38 What else can I do, Lord?
45:39 What can I give Thee,
45:41 for all Thy benefits towards me?
45:43 Anything else I can do, Lord? Sure.
45:45 You know what I love as a pastor,
45:46 I like people that have a good attitude
45:48 when he asked them to do something.
45:51 And I'm thinking even the people
45:52 that have bad attitudes,
45:53 like other people to have good attitudes
45:55 when they ask them to do something.
45:56 Did you get that?
45:58 Some people have a bad attitude,
45:59 but they want people to have a good attitude
46:01 when they ask for something.
46:05 You know, I gotta go home.
46:07 What do you need?
46:09 Never mind, go home.
46:11 I got it.
46:12 I sometimes, remember once a night here,
46:14 I'm a once walking
46:15 and I was just like so loaded down,
46:18 trying to get the church door open,
46:20 and I got an umbrella, I got my briefcase,
46:23 I got my backpack, my Bible and it is raining
46:26 and the rain is pulling sideways
46:27 and on my clothes I'm trying to keep from getting wet.
46:30 And I'm standing at the door of this particular entrance
46:33 and I'm trying to find a way to get in
46:34 and there are people standing on the other side of the door
46:36 looking at me, is he gonna do it?
46:38 Is he gonna do it?
46:40 But, I got, I got five dollars he's not gonna do it.
46:43 It looked like they were betting on
46:44 to see weather and I walked through,
46:46 almost slipped on, the floor's totally wet.
46:48 And I'm thinking, what were you thinking?
46:52 And that's what Jesus meant when He says,
46:53 he that is not with me is what?
46:55 Against me.
46:56 He who was not gathering with me is what?
46:59 Scattering abroad.
47:00 God doesn't need anything, if you don't like to do it,
47:02 God says forget it.
47:04 I get somebody else to do it.
47:06 God didn't need Judas, Judas needed God.
47:10 You see, he thought, well, Lord,
47:12 I'm the treasurer of the group.
47:14 That's why you're in trouble,
47:17 because you don't see your need of me.
47:19 And that's an amazing thing.
47:20 God wants cheerful givers.
47:22 So here's the answer. It's kind of a long one.
47:24 We will have a positive attitude
47:26 about giving to the Lord
47:28 and notice I didn't just say giving money to the Lord,
47:30 but giving our time, giving our talent,
47:34 giving our testimony, and also giving our treasure.
47:37 That's the fourth T,
47:38 time, talent, testimony and treasure.
47:43 Why say testimony?
47:44 Some people, if it's up to some Christians,
47:46 the world will never know
47:48 that anybody has done anything for us.
47:50 Because some people never test
47:51 about testify about God's goodness.
47:53 Some people never say that God has done anything for them.
47:57 And the Bible says
47:58 let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
48:01 So somebody said, what has God done for you?
48:07 And it's like,
48:09 has he done anything for you in the last three weeks?
48:11 They go back to 17 years ago.
48:15 Is that the last thing he did for you?
48:18 What has God done for you yesterday?
48:21 If all you can say is He woke me up,
48:25 He gave me a mouth to eat,
48:28 and a tongue to taste it when I swallow my food.
48:31 My legs are working.
48:33 He woke me up and I'm functioning.
48:35 Although I don't have as much as I'd like to,
48:37 everything that I have I'm thankful for it
48:39 because of somebody else, see.
48:41 That's right.
48:43 That's right and my honey say,
48:44 any day above the ground is a good day,
48:45 ain't that right?
48:47 People gotta learn.
48:48 Yeah, my wife says we must educate our lips to praise God.
48:54 But some people, you wait for testimony.
48:57 And while people are listening, hey, that's the point.
49:00 They want to hear what the Lord has done for you.
49:03 There may be somebody across the room
49:04 or in the other side of the church
49:05 that needs to hear,
49:07 Oh, boy, I know that brother was struggling.
49:08 God.
49:10 If God did that for him, I'm going to trust God
49:13 to do what He needs to do for me.
49:15 But when you don't talk about it,
49:17 God does not need silent majority.
49:19 You know in the world, you walk into the mall,
49:20 you don't even ask for it, you walk in the mall,
49:22 and the music is piped into your ears.
49:24 You don't even ask for it.
49:25 You hit the stoplight
49:27 and there's profanity coming from the car
49:28 or the vehicle next to you, you don't ask for it.
49:30 That's why I like what my good friend
49:32 Doug Batchelor, and I've taken this up
49:33 ever since he told me that years ago.
49:35 If you're next to somebody
49:37 and they're blasting their music,
49:39 turn up yours.
49:40 But make sure it's Christian.
49:42 Amen.
49:43 One day Doug Batchelor was at the light
49:44 and he heard this car next to him
49:46 and he opened his window and C.D. Brooks
49:47 is preaching it away.
49:49 And C.D. Brooks says, repent!
49:51 He said, perfect timing.
49:53 We've got to educate ourselves to,
49:55 you know we got to educate our lips to praise the Lord,
49:57 am I telling you the truth?
49:59 The world is not afraid,
50:00 the world is not afraid of the garbage that's there.
50:04 Yet Christians are so quiet.
50:06 Are there Christians in your community?
50:08 I have no idea.
50:10 They never knocked on my door.
50:12 I don't know, I see somebody going in other houses,
50:14 that a Christian?
50:15 I guess so.
50:18 We must have a love for the people even around us,
50:20 right?
50:21 We will have a positive attitude
50:23 about giving to the Lord.
50:25 You want to write this down,
50:26 time is the hardest thing to give,
50:29 people could give money,
50:30 that's the last thing on the list.
50:32 Your time, valuable.
50:34 The most important commodity God gives us is time,
50:36 ain't that right?
50:38 Give your time, your talent.
50:40 Don't ever think that your talent,
50:42 you could put your talent on hold for the next year
50:44 because you're tired of working for God.
50:46 You know what to say to people when they say that?
50:48 Quit your job?
50:49 Say to your boss, I'm tired.
50:52 I'm tired every day 7:30 to 5:30,
50:55 I'm tired.
50:56 I'm quitting for the next two years.
50:58 You just keep paying me, I'll figure out,
51:02 I'll figure out when I need to come back.
51:04 But I ain't working for the next year
51:06 because I've been doing this for 17 years.
51:07 There's some people that have that attitude about God's work.
51:10 Pastor, do I have to do this again?
51:13 And I'm thinking, who do you work for?
51:15 It's not me,
51:17 because I don't have a dime to give you
51:18 at the end of this road.
51:20 But when I think about the Lord,
51:21 He's going to be standing there with a crown and say,
51:23 this is what I want to hear.
51:24 I want to hear well done thou good
51:25 and faithful servant.
51:27 Don't you want to hear that?
51:28 That's what I want to hear. But well done.
51:29 What did you have? What have you done?
51:31 Nothing.
51:33 But I want to be in heaven.
51:34 What have you done? Nothing.
51:36 Although we're not saved by works,
51:39 we deny Him by our works.
51:42 And where there is no works, there is tremendous denial.
51:46 I'm glad I'm on your team,
51:47 but don't ask me to do anything.
51:50 Well have a positive attitude about giving to the Lord.
51:53 Look at the next one.
51:54 The next one, number 18.
51:59 Okay,
52:03 what is the difference about the Christian
52:05 when compared to the world?
52:06 I was typing so fast.
52:07 The word the was too short for me to wait.
52:10 What is the difference about the Christian
52:12 when compared to the world?
52:15 Okay?
52:18 What's the difference? What's the difference?
52:20 Colossians 3:2,
52:22 Colossians 3:2.
52:27 Okay, look at that one,
52:29 Colossians 3:2.
52:32 I'm ahead of the curve.
52:34 I don't think I'm gonna get to the next lesson tonight.
52:35 But that's okay.
52:37 You can still do it in preparation
52:38 for the next broadcast.
52:39 Colossians 3:2. Here we are.
52:42 Even though I have it right in front of me,
52:44 I like to turn to because there's some extra stuff
52:45 in there that you don't want to miss.
52:47 But okay, Colossians 3:2, reads as follows.
52:51 Let's read this short one together.
52:52 Are you ready?
52:54 "Set your mind on things above,
52:58 not on things on the earth."
53:04 Some people say, you're so heavenly minded
53:06 that you're no earthly good.
53:08 That's not my concern sometimes.
53:09 Sometimes people are so earthly minded
53:11 that they are no heavenly good.
53:13 You see the Lord is saying the challenge in the church
53:15 in the last days,
53:16 is it going to be so earthly minded
53:18 that they're no heavenly good.
53:20 I have not met very many people that are so heavenly minded,
53:24 that they're no earthly good.
53:25 I've met people that are so earthly minded
53:27 that they're no heavenly good.
53:31 And they're so concerned about the world
53:33 so concerned and so enamored by the world
53:35 that God even if you try to use them,
53:37 they're like, you know, like a cog out of tune.
53:40 They're like a piston that's chamber has been blown.
53:43 They just have no connection.
53:44 It's like they've missed their connection with God.
53:47 But when we said, I like the way the King James says it,
53:50 it sets your affections.
53:53 What does affection mean?
53:54 When you say somebody is an affectionate person,
53:56 what do you mean?
53:57 Huh?
53:59 Loving.
54:00 That means it's not just in their head.
54:02 It's not them, it's not them saying I like John Dinzey,
54:04 you say, you know, I really like John Dinzey,...
54:06 man I Boy, I appreciate John.
54:08 That's affection.
54:10 You know when you say to your wife, I like you.
54:13 Any guy could say that.
54:14 But you say, Honey I, oh,
54:16 my affections are wrapped up in you.
54:19 When the Lord says set your affections
54:21 on things above, you know what he's saying,
54:22 Get your mind set for the place you're headed.
54:26 When we go on vacation, you know what we do?
54:28 Man, when we finally figure out where we're staying,
54:30 we look at that brochure.
54:32 And when we get there and we come back to,
54:34 you should have seen where we were.
54:38 When people get excited about vacation,
54:40 don't they tell other people?
54:42 Don't they have a smile on their face?
54:44 Ah, I'm gonna miss you guys,
54:46 but I'm not gonna be thinking about you
54:47 'cause I'm gonna be gone.
54:49 I'm gonna relax.
54:50 I'm not going to do my hair.
54:52 I don't use hairspray when I go on vacation.
54:54 I have no sandals on, I mean the sandals.
54:57 You know, I go to the,
54:59 I don't go to Alaska for vacation neither.
55:00 I go where it's warm.
55:02 But the point of the matter is my affections are altered
55:04 when it's on the place I'm headed.
55:07 That's what's happening here in this text.
55:09 If your mind is on heaven,
55:11 it ought to alter the way you think.
55:14 You ought to say now, Jesus is coming.
55:16 You know what? I think I should get to work.
55:20 Amen.
55:21 I think I should do something, He's coming.
55:23 Didn't the Lord say?
55:26 Blessed is a servant, who when the master comes,
55:30 he finds doing.
55:32 Right?
55:33 Then He'll say blessed is the...
55:35 Hold, Lord,
55:37 I'm almost done this Bible study,
55:38 wait a few seconds.
55:40 We should be so excited about the coming of the Lord
55:42 that we're working up to the very moment.
55:44 Come on, sir accept Jesus
55:46 I mean, I can tell by the rumblings of the world
55:48 they're not going to be long.
55:51 Get excited about the coming of Lord,
55:52 set your affections on things above
55:54 and here's the answer to that one, 18,
55:56 our focus is on things that please, that do what?
56:01 Please the Lord.
56:03 So many people are into pleasing themselves.
56:06 We've got to be more connected to pleasing the Lord,
56:08 ain't that right?
56:10 Man, I don't know what happened to me,
56:12 I must have, the Lord guided me,
56:14 I prayed, and the Holy Spirit jumped in.
56:17 And that's why I'm so fired up about this.
56:20 Number 19,
56:21 number 19. Here it is.
56:22 Let's try to get this one in.
56:24 Number 19.
56:25 How do fellow Christians experience
56:27 the change in our lives?
56:29 How do fellow Christians
56:31 experience the change in our lives?
56:33 You know, your life ought to mean something
56:35 to somebody else.
56:36 Ain't that right? You shouldn't be.
56:38 There's no such thing as disconnected Christians.
56:40 When you read the Book of Acts, the Book of Acts is a powerful,
56:44 is a powerful blueprint for how Christians ought to be,
56:48 you know, they all have possessions,
56:49 but nobody considered his possessions his own.
56:52 If somebody else had a need, they said, you got it.
56:55 If somebody, if they didn't have a need,
56:57 if they had a need, somebody else gave up,
56:58 somebody else had a need they gave.
57:00 They considered everybody had,
57:02 they were disconnected from all those things.
57:04 Let's get the last text for tonight.
57:06 How do fellow Christians
57:07 experience a change in our lives?
57:08 Here's the answer,
57:10 read that together,
57:11 bear one another's burdens and so, what?
57:14 Fulfill the law of Christ.
57:17 Oh man, I'd tell you this.
57:19 This is an inspired lesson here.
57:20 I'm gonna use this for a sermon
57:22 but I'm not gonna tell you when.
57:23 But I tell you this is gonna be a Bible study sermon,
57:26 we should understand that the presence of Christ
57:29 in our lives should alter our affections,
57:32 should alter our love for the Lord,
57:34 should also activate our desire to do something
57:36 for the advancement of His Kingdom,
57:38 for the saving of souls,
57:39 for the lifting of one another's burdens.
57:42 But the one thing you don't want to do,
57:44 you don't want to be a Christian,
57:46 and just sit down and have no use to heaven
57:49 and no use to earth.
57:52 That's not what Jesus is coming back for.
57:53 So, friends, keep on trusting God,
57:56 focus on what He's called you to do.
57:58 And one day whatever is not clear
57:59 will come into a sharper focus.
58:02 God bless you.


Revised 2020-03-02