A Sharper Focus

Can We Have Assurance of Salvation?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kevin Hart


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000050

00:19 Welcome to a Sharper Focus.
00:21 Our Wednesday night Bible study coming to you live
00:24 from the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:27 in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:29 We want to welcome our viewing audience,
00:32 and we want to invite you if you are local,
00:34 please do feel free to come down and join us
00:37 right here in our classroom.
00:40 Our address is 3577, Angel Lane,
00:43 Thompsonville, Illinois 62890.
00:46 So you can google that.
00:47 If you're in the area, come on down.
00:49 And I want to welcome my classroom.
00:51 Welcome, everybody.
00:52 Thanks for joining us tonight.
00:54 I'm actually filling in for the pastor tonight
00:56 because Pastor Lomacang just recently got back from India
01:00 and as you can imagine with all the travels,
01:02 he is thoroughly exhausted.
01:04 So I'll be filling in for him tonight.
01:07 Now remember, if for some reason
01:09 we go off the air,
01:10 we are experiencing crazy weather around here.
01:13 All afternoon there has been a tornado watch,
01:16 not a warning, a warning is worse,
01:18 but we've been on a tornado watch.
01:19 So if we go off the air, please do pray for us.
01:21 You don't want us to be
01:23 spinning around in the clouds somewhere
01:24 looking at flying cows and houses.
01:27 So please do pray for us.
01:28 And hopefully, the airwaves will stay open
01:31 because I believe tonight's topic
01:32 is going to be a blessing to you.
01:34 Why don't we open up with a word of prayer?
01:37 Father, we do want to thank You so much for life.
01:40 We want to thank You for Jesus,
01:43 and we want to thank You, Lord, for salvation.
01:46 We want to thank You for all that You have done for us,
01:49 all that You have promised to do for us,
01:51 and just to know, Lord,
01:53 that as we lay down our heads on our pillows at night
01:56 and find rest,
01:57 we too can find rest in our Savior
02:01 and be sure that He will see us through to the end.
02:04 We thank You for these things tonight, Lord,
02:06 and we just ask all these things inviting Your presence
02:09 in Jesus' name, amen.
02:11 Amen.
02:14 The question we want to answer tonight
02:17 is a very important question.
02:20 Can we have assurance of salvation?
02:23 Yes.
02:25 A pretty important question, isn't it?
02:27 Now several dictionaries define assurance,
02:31 in fact, a lot of dictionaries do,
02:32 and one thing they all have in common is that
02:35 very simply put
02:37 assurance is freedom from doubt,
02:40 and some dictionary say freedom from self-doubt.
02:43 But in the Christian experience,
02:45 self-doubt is actually a good thing.
02:47 So we just want freedom from doubt.
02:49 Is that not correct?
02:50 Amen. Amen.
02:52 You know, we all want certainty in our lives.
02:55 When we get in the car in the morning,
02:57 we're just going to hope as it starts, right?
02:59 We're hoping that when we turn that key,
03:01 that car is going to fire it up.
03:03 When we get our paychecks at the end of the week,
03:05 we want assurance that
03:07 not only will we have enough money to pay the bills,
03:10 but we want the assurance that
03:11 we're also going to have a little bit of money
03:12 to put some food in the fridge.
03:14 Our children, as parents,
03:16 parents want assurance
03:19 that their kids when they grow up
03:20 are going to make wise decisions, right?
03:24 We get a lot of calls in the pastoral department
03:26 from parents who are worried,
03:27 sick about the choices their kids are making,
03:29 so we want assurance.
03:31 Assurance is a very good thing.
03:33 Assurance, kind of, sound like insurance,
03:35 but I guess assurance is kind of like insurance too.
03:38 But, you know, we all want assurance of good health.
03:42 You know, when your health fails,
03:43 it just seems like everything falls apart.
03:45 So we want assurance of good health.
03:48 And it's no different
03:50 when it comes to our eternal salvation.
03:53 In a world where everything seems as unpredictable
03:57 as the shifting sands on the seashore,
04:00 there is one thing above every other thing
04:03 we want assurance of.
04:05 And that's our salvation.
04:07 Now I want to ask the question
04:09 what causes us to doubt our salvation.
04:13 What causes these dark foreboding feelings
04:17 that we have about the future?
04:18 And I'm not talking about the events of this world,
04:22 we know that things eventually in this world
04:23 are going to go belly up.
04:25 I'm talking about
04:27 what causes us to doubt our assurance in Christ.
04:31 Where does the problem lie?
04:33 Well, I'm going to tell you right now
04:35 where the problem lies.
04:36 It lies right here, right here.
04:40 This is the problem.
04:42 I'm the problem, right?
04:44 And if you were to ask yourself that question,
04:45 you wouldn't be pointing at me,
04:47 you'd be pointing hopefully back at you, right?
04:50 So the problem about assurance when we don't have it,
04:54 I'm proposing to you tonight is right here.
04:57 The problem lies in our own experience.
05:00 Now with that in mind, please do turn with me to
05:02 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 in your Bibles,
05:05 I hope you all have them.
05:07 And I would like to remind our viewing audience,
05:08 we have a lot of scriptures
05:09 we're going to go through tonight.
05:11 So please grab a paper, grab a pencil or pen,
05:14 write down these scriptures,
05:15 you're going to want to keep track of them
05:16 because assurance is such a, not only a precious thing,
05:19 but a most sought after thing indeed.
05:23 1 Corinthians 13:1,
05:27 Paul says,
05:29 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
05:32 but have not love,
05:34 I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."
05:38 You tell them, Paul, right?
05:40 "And though I have the gift of prophecy,
05:42 and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
05:46 and though I have all faith,
05:47 so that I could remove mountains,
05:50 but I have not love, I am nothing."
05:54 Preach it, Paul.
05:56 You know, we as church members sometimes,
05:58 when we read the Bible,
05:59 we're like, "Preach it, brother."
06:01 And sometimes when the guy's sitting next to us
06:02 in the pew and we feel like
06:04 they're the ones who need to be convicted,
06:05 we're like,
06:07 "That's right, Paul.
06:09 You're reading it?"
06:11 You know, we don't want to look at ourselves.
06:12 We want the next guy over to be convicted.
06:15 So preach it, Paul.
06:16 That's our attitude so often.
06:18 And Paul goes on,
06:19 "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
06:22 and though I give my body to be burned,
06:24 but have not love, it profits me nothing."
06:28 Amen. You tell them, Paul.
06:30 Sick that spiritual dog on that, right?
06:34 "Love suffers long and is kind,
06:39 does not parade itself..."
06:42 Boy, I wasn't very kind to my wife this week
06:45 when she said that little thing
06:47 that just kind of got on my nerves.
06:49 Uh-oh!
06:50 "Love does not parade itself."
06:52 Okay, I got no problem with that.
06:53 I'm not a look at me kind of guy.
06:56 "Love is not puffed up,
06:57 love does not behave rudely..."
07:00 Yeah, that's right.
07:02 I called I came in the other day.
07:03 That guy wanted to argue about
07:05 the second coming in all the events I had.
07:07 It kind of got on my nerves a little bit,
07:09 and I just fired back all the scripture texts,
07:11 you know.
07:12 I'm not doing too good now.
07:14 "Love does not seek its own, does not behave rudely,
07:18 does not provoke, that thinks no evil."
07:20 Verse 6, "Does not rejoice in iniquity,
07:22 but rejoices in the truth."
07:24 Amen.
07:26 Amen to that.
07:27 "Bears all things," God bear all things,
07:30 "believes all things, hopes all things,
07:32 endures all things.
07:35 Love never fails.
07:36 But whether there are prophecies,
07:38 they will fail,
07:39 whether there are tongues, they will cease,
07:41 whether there is knowledge,
07:42 it will vanish away."
07:46 Now I was doing pretty good in the beginning
07:48 because Paul was preaching above the crowd.
07:52 But when I got to all the expressions of
07:54 what love really...
07:55 About how love really expresses itself,
07:58 something happened in me
07:59 where I suddenly my confidence just kind of crumble.
08:03 Why?
08:04 Why did my confidence crumble?
08:07 Because now I'm not looking at everybody else,
08:10 I'm looking at my works, right?
08:13 I mean, when I compare myself to 1 Corinthians 13,
08:16 all of sudden I'm not fairing too good, am I?
08:19 And I'm thinking to myself
08:22 if only I could master these traits,
08:24 I could say to myself, I'm saved, right?
08:28 If only I can master this,
08:29 if only I could somehow reflect this 1 Corinthians 13
08:32 in my own life,
08:33 then I can have the assurance that I'm saved.
08:36 If I could mirror this,
08:38 then I could have the assurance that God accepts me, right?
08:42 But herein lies the problem.
08:43 Remember, the problem is right here.
08:46 Because the problem with this thinking
08:49 is called righteousness by works.
08:52 You see, for some reason on some level,
08:54 I've come to believe in my experience,
08:56 and reason I share this 'cause
08:57 I think there's a lot of other people out there
08:58 who feel the same way.
09:00 On some level,
09:01 I have come to believe that my good works merit salvation.
09:07 You know, it's like a stack of golden coins.
09:09 You know, the more better things I do,
09:12 the more good things I do,
09:14 and all the things that I know to be right,
09:15 the more I do is like that stack of coins
09:17 just kind of gets higher and higher and higher.
09:19 And then one day when I get to the Pearly Gates,
09:21 I'm just going to go to little coin slot,
09:23 and hopefully, I'm going to have enough coins
09:24 to pop in there, right?
09:26 And then the gate is going to creak open.
09:28 I may have just enough.
09:29 And if that gate just gets open enough,
09:31 I'm going to slip on through, right?
09:33 Crazy, isn't it?
09:35 But, you know what, a lot of us have this kind of thinking,
09:38 if we could just be good enough.
09:42 Many feel like they're standing with God is like a door.
09:45 You know, you do a few good deeds
09:47 and the door is wide open.
09:49 You do few bad deeds, and the door slam shut.
09:52 Repent, doors back open,
09:55 mess up, doors shut again, right?
09:58 I mean, a lot of people have this concept
09:59 of their relationship with God.
10:01 Some feel like in the end,
10:03 Jesus is going to take out His behavior scale, right?
10:07 And He's going to take all of Dick's good deeds,
10:11 all the good things Dick has done in his life,
10:13 and He's going to put them on one side of the scale,
10:16 and then on the other side of the scale,
10:17 He's going to take all those bad things that Dick has done,
10:20 and He's going to put them on both sides,
10:22 and then we're going to look at the scale,
10:23 Dick's going to look at that scale
10:25 and if it just tips above
10:27 and if the good just goes
10:28 a little further down than the bad,
10:30 Dick is safe, right,
10:32 'cause he's got more good works than bad works, right?
10:35 But if for some reason,
10:37 he's got more bad deeds than good deeds,
10:39 then that scale's going to tip the other way.
10:41 Sorry, Dick, you're out of here.
10:44 You know, crazy, isn't it? Yeah.
10:46 But don't so many of us think like this?
10:50 Or, you know, and I'm using myself as an example.
10:52 It's almost like we imagine the book of life.
10:55 You know, the angels leaning over the book of life,
10:57 and he's got the pencil in his hand.
10:59 You know, and he's leaning over there,
11:01 and Kevin wakes up,
11:02 remember, I'm using myself as an example.
11:04 Kevin wakes up.
11:05 You know, it's a beautiful day outside.
11:07 I mean, it's sunny, the birds are singing.
11:09 You know, the air is clean and smells great.
11:13 I can see the mountains in the background.
11:14 Kids are quiet.
11:16 You know, my wife's in a great mood,
11:18 she woke up on the right side of the bed,
11:19 I woke up on the right side of the bed.
11:21 You know, and it's just a good day,
11:22 and I get in my car,
11:24 and I'm heading down to the gas station
11:25 to put some gas in the car.
11:27 And as I get to the gas station,
11:28 I notice there's a homeless man leaning against the dumpster.
11:32 And I decide to hop out, and I got to help this guy.
11:36 You know, so I run into the gas station,
11:38 I get him sandwich.
11:39 Now my angel yells up to the other angel
11:42 over the book of life and says,
11:44 "Kevin is buying a sandwich for the homeless guy."
11:48 And the angel says, "Good man.
11:51 Keep that name there."
11:53 But then all of a sudden Kevin comes out
11:54 and the angel looks at the sandwich,
11:55 he says, "Wait a minute.
11:57 It's got ham on it.
11:58 It's got ham on the sandwich."
12:01 Now the angel's like, "Oh, no, ham on the sandwich.
12:04 What do I do about that, Lord?
12:05 Doing something good, but he's got ham on the sandwich."
12:09 And then I go over to the homeless guy,
12:10 and I give him the sandwich.
12:12 And the guy thanks me.
12:14 Well, I gave him the sandwich.
12:15 So okay, I'm about to, wait a minute, wait a minute,
12:17 the ham slipped out of the sandwich
12:18 and it fell in Kevin's foot.
12:20 Now he's muttering under his breath.
12:21 He looks real mad.
12:22 Well, I mean, that went easy.
12:24 Let me just erase his name again, right?
12:27 Man, come on, Kev, get it together.
12:30 And on the way back home, as I'm driving back home,
12:32 I notice there's an old lady getting out of a car
12:34 and she's struggling,
12:35 and I decide to go over and help her out, right?
12:37 Now I'm going over to the car
12:39 and the angels smile and he sees me
12:40 and I'm helping the old lady, and I help her into the house.
12:42 And God bless you, I go back home.
12:44 And angel says,
12:46 "Kevin just helped an old lady out of the car.
12:48 Wow. Praise the Lord. I put his name back in there.
12:51 Man, I wish he just get it together though
12:52 'cause I'm running out of erasers here.
12:54 You know, and honestly if that's how it really was,
12:58 then he would run out on eraser
12:59 because when I look at my experience,
13:03 you know, it seems sometimes like such a rollercoaster ride,
13:07 and as funny as that is and it is funny.
13:10 But the sad part about that is do you know that
13:13 there are millions in this world
13:15 who view their relationship with God like that.
13:19 You know, it's a constant roller coaster of
13:21 save, lost, save, lost, save, lost,
13:23 door open, door shut, door open, door shut.
13:25 You know, name in the book, name erased,
13:26 name in the book, name erased.
13:29 So the problem is us, right?
13:33 It's righteousness by works.
13:34 What kind of assurance can you have
13:36 if you're constantly looking at your behavior?
13:38 Turn with me to our second scripture today.
13:40 Ephesians 2, everybody knows this scripture.
13:44 Ephesians 2:8.
13:46 We've got a lot to cover tonight.
13:48 I hope we can.
13:49 This is just one of those topics
13:51 that not only does it open up a can of worms sometimes,
13:56 but it brings up so many other issues in the process
13:58 that you just can't cover everything.
14:00 I'm going to do my best
14:01 to cover the most important aspects of it,
14:03 touch base on a couple other ones.
14:05 And if we are able to deal with this again,
14:07 maybe we can spend some more time.
14:08 But anyway, go to Ephesians 2:8-9,
14:12 and we all know this text.
14:15 And the Bible says, "For by grace
14:17 you have been saved through faith,
14:21 and that not of yourselves,
14:24 it is the gift of God,
14:26 not of works, lest anyone should boast."
14:31 If we want assurance of salvation,
14:33 it seems to me
14:35 that the first thing we need to do
14:37 is to realize that we can't save ourselves.
14:43 Is that not true?
14:45 I mean, the text is so clear.
14:48 It's by grace that we've been saved.
14:49 What is the definition of grace?
14:51 Unmerited favor, everybody knows that, right?
14:53 The definition of grace is unmerited favor.
14:56 And we have been saved through faith, right?
14:59 Faith is belief.
15:00 You choose to believe, that's faith.
15:02 It is the gift of God. Can you purchase a gift?
15:06 I mean, wouldn't you feel hurt
15:07 if you went to your loved one and you gave them a gift
15:09 and they said, "Let me give you 50 bucks for that."
15:11 You know, I mean, if I bought my dad a shirt for his birthday
15:14 and he sent me in a check a mail for $35,
15:16 I mean, I feel kind of insulted, wouldn't I?
15:19 "Dad, what is wrong with you?"
15:21 This is a gift.
15:23 You can't purchase a gift.
15:25 It is the gift of God it says,
15:27 and then it goes on to even more profound,
15:30 "not of works, lest anyone should boast."
15:33 If salvation was of works, I could walk around
15:37 and look at all my good deeds, right?
15:40 And probably, I'm looking at my good deeds
15:41 and have that forgetful memory, that selective memory thing,
15:43 forget all my bad deeds.
15:45 If we could do that, we'd be walking around,
15:46 saying, "Yeah, I'm safe.
15:47 I don't know about Bob,
15:49 I saw him get upset with that guy the other day."
15:50 You know, and you imagine what kind of relationships
15:52 we have with each other if it was by works?
15:55 "Not of works, lest anyone should boast."
15:58 Paul is extremely clear.
16:01 You know, in the garden,
16:02 Adam and Eve, when they sinned,
16:04 what's the first thing they did?
16:07 They grabbed the fig leaves, right?
16:09 And they try to make themselves coverings
16:11 because they knew they were naked.
16:13 And what does the Bible say a little bit later?
16:15 It says that God made tunics out of animal skins,
16:20 so the covering that Adam and Eve made for themselves
16:24 was not sufficient, correct?
16:26 That's right.
16:28 So God had to intervene
16:29 and make something that was sufficient,
16:31 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
16:35 Amen.
16:37 Turn to Romans 3:10.
16:45 Romans 3:10.
16:51 Going to delve a little deeper into
16:52 why we can't save ourselves.
16:55 Why salvation is a gift?
16:58 Okay, Romans 3:10.
17:00 It says,
17:02 Paul's writing, "As it is written,
17:05 'There is none righteous, no, not one.
17:09 None who understands," verse 11,
17:12 "There is none who seeks after God."
17:15 Now turn over to Romans 3:23,
17:19 Romans 3:23.
17:23 "For all have sinned," the Bible says, Romans 3:23,
17:26 "and fall short of the glory of God."
17:31 We've got a fundamental problem here, don't we?
17:34 Turn to Isaiah 64:6.
17:38 Same lines, we're talking about the human condition here.
17:42 Isaiah 64:6.
17:48 Isaiah says,
17:49 "But we are all like an unclean thing,
17:55 and all our righteousness are as filthy rags.
17:59 We all fade as a leaf,
18:00 and our iniquities, like the wind,
18:03 have taken us away."
18:05 "Hey, Dick, I got a runny nose, can I have a tissue?"
18:06 "Yeah, sure, Kevin, here you go.
18:08 I just used it couple of minutes ago."
18:10 Dirty rag.
18:12 It's disgusting, right?
18:14 All of our righteousness is like that,
18:17 a filthy rag.
18:19 And this is the human predicament.
18:22 We are not inherently righteous.
18:25 I mean, this is the most fundamental thing
18:27 about the plan of salvation, right?
18:29 It's the fact that we can't save ourselves.
18:32 The fact that God had to step in and do something
18:35 that we could never have done, right?
18:38 And the Bible says in the verses we just read that
18:40 we don't naturally seek after the Lord.
18:43 So I guess that means that
18:44 even when I am seeking after the Lord,
18:46 I'm thinking I'm doing pretty good,
18:47 I wake up, I read my devotionals every morning
18:50 and we start to think that
18:52 we've got this thing down pat.
18:55 But if we don't naturally seek after the Lord,
18:57 then who is doing the prompting?
18:59 God is.
19:00 So even at our best
19:02 when we're doing our Bible studies in the morning
19:03 or reading the text during the day and we're praying,
19:05 it's still God that is prompting us
19:07 to do all those things because Isaiah says,
19:09 we don't naturally seek after God.
19:11 There's none who understand, right?
19:14 And this is the beautiful thing about
19:16 understanding the fundamental human condition of sin.
19:21 You see, if I accept the fact
19:25 that I cannot save myself,
19:28 I am released from the inconsistent,
19:31 unpredictable trail that I have in my life
19:36 of good works and bad works, right?
19:39 If I accept that fundamental fact,
19:41 then I am free from the burden of looking at my behavior
19:45 to gain assurance.
19:47 Good works that are manifest in my experience
19:50 and then negated by bad works,
19:51 like constant rollercoaster.
19:53 Now let's turn to a parable that Jesus...
19:55 Actually, it wasn't really parable...
19:56 But let's turn to Luke 18:9.
20:01 Oh, my, our time flies.
20:03 Luke 18:9.
20:06 Luke Chapter 18.
20:11 I thought I was going to talk really slow
20:14 but as I'm looking at the clock,
20:16 I may have to hit my normal speed
20:17 and hopefully, I won't be going too fast.
20:20 Okay, Luke 18:9.
20:22 Okay, "Jesus also spoke this parable
20:25 to some who trusted in themselves,"
20:27 we're in verse 9 of Luke 18,
20:29 "that they were righteous."
20:30 Luke right off the bat doesn't even wait for the discussion
20:36 that Jesus gives to explain us.
20:38 He just says right off the bat.
20:39 Jesus said this because of this, right?
20:44 For those who trusted in themselves.
20:46 "Two men went up to the temple to pray,"
20:48 Jesus says,
20:50 "one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
20:52 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself..."
20:55 interestingly enough, he prayed with himself,
20:57 he didn't pray with the Lord, right?
20:59 Praying with himself.
21:01 He stood far off and prayed thus...
21:02 I mean, "Stood and prayed thus with himself,
21:04 'God, I thank You that I am not like other men,
21:07 the extortioners...'"
21:08 Oh, yeah, we compare ourselves with extortioners,
21:10 we came up pretty good, right?
21:13 "Adulterers,"
21:14 I've been faithful in my marriage to my wife.
21:15 When I compared myself to
21:18 one of the guys who is cheating on his wife,
21:19 I'd fair pretty well, right?
21:21 Thank God, I'm not like that guy.
21:23 You know,
21:24 "Adulterers, or even as this tax collector."
21:28 Remember, the tax collector was at the bottom of the heap.
21:30 I mean, if you come after the list of extortioners
21:33 and adulterers and then as the tax collector,
21:35 you know how they felt about tax collectors.
21:37 You know it wasn't tax collector first
21:39 and then it get worse and worse,
21:40 he was the last dude.
21:41 Mentioned, okay, "I fast twice a week,"
21:43 looking at the good works,
21:45 "I give tithes of all that I possess,"
21:47 all that I posses.
21:48 You know, I don't only give tithes of my income,
21:50 but if I have 50 oranges, Lord, I will always give you 5.
21:52 You know, if I get 150 grapefruits,
21:54 Lord, I'll give you 15.
21:56 You know, so I tithe in all that I possess.
21:59 "But the tax collector,"
22:01 Jesus makes it the contrasts,
22:03 "standing afar off,
22:04 would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven,
22:06 but beat on his breast, saying,
22:07 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!'"
22:10 And what is Jesus' conclusion about the whole thing?
22:13 I tell you this, we lost the lights here.
22:16 "I tell you, this man went down to his house
22:19 justified rather than the other.
22:22 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
22:25 and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
22:29 Let there be light.
22:31 Amen.
22:32 So Jesus gives an example of two guys.
22:36 The first guy's trusting in his works, right?
22:38 And by all external appearances,
22:40 he looks pretty good.
22:41 But Jesus says,
22:43 his attitude is what matters, okay?
22:46 He's looking at himself, he's looking at what he's done
22:48 and he's saying, I've got it under control.
22:50 Meanwhile, the tax collector is standing afar off
22:52 beating on his breast, saying,
22:54 Lord, have mercy on me
22:57 because when I look at my own life, I'm a mess.
23:00 And Jesus says that
23:01 that's the one who went down justified.
23:05 If we like the tax collector,
23:08 come humbly to Jesus and recognize our predicament,
23:11 the predicament we just read about in Isaiah and in Romans,
23:14 and say, God be merciful to me, a sinner.
23:18 I can't save myself, Lord.
23:20 I can't lift myself up on my own bootstraps.
23:23 God who is plunges in mercy will show us mercy,
23:25 is that not beautiful?
23:27 Praise God.
23:28 Okay, another scripture, Titus 3.
23:30 Turn to Titus.
23:33 Titus is that one you always fly right over
23:35 when you're trying to find it.
23:37 Right before Hebrews.
23:39 Sneaky little,
23:41 sneaky little book hiding between Timothy and Hebrews.
23:44 Okay, Titus 3:3.
23:49 Titus 3:3,
23:53 "For we ourselves were once also foolish,
23:56 disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures,
23:59 living in malice and envy,
24:03 hateful and hating one another.
24:04 But when the kindness
24:06 and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared,
24:09 not by works of righteousness
24:12 which we have done, but according to His..."
24:15 What?
24:17 "His mercy He saved us,
24:19 through the washing of regeneration
24:20 and renewing of the Holy Spirit..."
24:22 Not by works of righteousness, which we have done,
24:25 we've got to stop looking at our past efforts and actions
24:29 to try to find assurance of our salvation.
24:32 True?
24:34 Because any time our assurance,
24:37 and confidence, and salvation
24:38 is based on a review of our good works,
24:40 like the Pharisees,
24:42 it's false assurance, right?
24:46 Isn't that the parable that Jesus said?
24:47 It's false assurance.
24:49 If you're looking at your life
24:50 and you're saying, "You know what?
24:51 I line up pretty good with the Word of God."
24:54 It's false assurance because salvation is a gift.
24:58 It's a gift.
24:59 You know, I mean, we may help the poor,
25:02 we might encourage others,
25:03 we might pray three times a day, like Daniel did,
25:06 and we might even eat rice and beans every day
25:07 so that our neighbors can have food on their table,
25:10 but all these things as good as they are
25:12 and they are good things, they are good deeds,
25:14 they can never merit salvation.
25:17 It's false assurance, right?
25:19 I mean, at the very best these works
25:23 are indicators of an evidence
25:25 and evidence of a great relationship with the Lord.
25:27 And sometimes when I didn't have indicators of that
25:29 because you've got all kinds of wealthy people in the world
25:31 who are pouring millions of dollars into,
25:34 you know, help the children funds
25:35 and all these other things
25:36 trying to outdo the other guy.
25:38 You know, I know they're not all like that,
25:39 I don't want to say all wealthy people
25:41 who are helping the poor are corrupt
25:42 and doing it for selfish motives.
25:44 You know, but the fact is there are a lot of people.
25:46 So good works are never an indication
25:49 of your status with God, correct?
25:50 Amen.
25:52 Now if you're a Christian there should be evidence
25:55 of a growing relationship.
25:57 And I need to say something real quick about that.
25:59 Good works, we always say that as Christians,
26:02 it's fruit, right?
26:04 And so we should have fruit in our lives.
26:07 Turn with me real quick to John 15.
26:09 We want to just briefly touch base on this
26:12 because good works are important.
26:16 John, I'm going wrong way.
26:20 John 15, what did Jesus say?
26:23 John 15:5,
26:25 "I am the vine,
26:27 and you are the branches," right?
26:30 "He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit,
26:33 for without Me you can do nothing."
26:34 Wow, there it is again.
26:36 Without me, you can do nothing.
26:37 So if we're doing something,
26:39 it's not because of us because we can't do anything,
26:40 it's because of Jesus who is doing it through us, right?
26:43 So the good works that we are doing as a result of
26:46 God's Spirit in our life still can't merit salvation.
26:49 You know, as good as those words are,
26:52 you can't stack them up, throw them in a bag,
26:54 and when you get to the Pearly Gates, say,
26:56 "Here's my good works. Please, let me in."
26:59 Because ultimately how do we bear fruit?
27:01 We're just branches, right?
27:03 We're not the stalk. We're not the root.
27:04 So it's the root that causes the branches to bear fruit.
27:07 Okay, enough said on that.
27:11 You know, the Lord told Israel
27:13 a lot of things in the Old Testament.
27:16 You know, what was one of the warnings
27:18 that the Lord gave Israel in the Old Testament?
27:21 Well, He gave them a lot of warnings, didn't He?
27:23 Lots of warnings.
27:24 And like us, there are always fumbling around.
27:26 But there's one in particular
27:27 we want to check out real quick.
27:29 It's Deuteronomy 8:11.
27:34 It seems like I'm catching up with myself here,
27:35 moving a little faster.
27:37 Okay, Deuteronomy 8:11.
27:40 You're going to get there before I do.
27:42 Deuteronomy, Numbers.
27:48 Look at that, the students get there quicker than the teacher.
27:51 Numbers, Deuteronomy,
27:53 I always get those guys confused.
27:54 Deuteronomy 8:11.
27:57 Once again, I'm going to kind of read fast
27:58 'cause it's one of those verses we got to read not just one,
28:01 but you kind of got to read the surrounding parts.
28:03 Deuteronomy 8:11,
28:05 "Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God
28:07 by not keeping His commandments,
28:09 His judgments, and His statutes
28:10 which I command you today,
28:11 lest, when you have eaten and are full,
28:13 and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them,"
28:16 I'm still trying to work on that one,
28:17 "and when your herds and your flocks multiply,
28:19 and your silver and your gold are multiplied,
28:21 and all that you have is multiplied,
28:23 when your heart is lifted up,
28:25 and you forget the Lord your God
28:28 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
28:30 from the house of bondage,
28:31 who led you through that great and terrible wilderness,"
28:34 oh, that's mouthful,
28:35 "in which were fiery serpents and scorpions
28:38 and thirsty land where there was no water,
28:42 who brought water for you out of the flinty rock,
28:45 who fed you in the wilderness with manna,
28:47 which your fathers did not know,
28:49 that He might humble you
28:52 and that He might test you, to do good in the end,"
28:56 I got to think about this one,
28:58 "then you say in your heart, 'My power and my mind,"
29:03 I mean, "the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.'"
29:07 And the most critical verse is verse 18 right here.
29:10 "And you shall remember the Lord your God," why?
29:13 "For it is He who gives you power to get wealth,
29:18 that He may establish His covenant
29:20 which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."
29:23 And don't we have a problem with that sometimes?
29:26 You know, for those of us who have nice houses,
29:28 those of us who have good jobs,
29:29 those of us who have savings accounts.
29:32 You know, I mean, the temptation,
29:34 I would assume the temptation
29:35 it's because I won't have those things.
29:38 I'm happy with what I have,
29:40 let me just say that off the record.
29:41 But the temptation is the thing
29:43 and there are so many people who do this.
29:44 I've worked my whole life for this.
29:46 You know, I worked my whole life for this savings
29:49 and because of a lot of things are going in the government
29:50 sometimes, they're gone,
29:52 and they feel how dare you, I worked, and true.
29:55 Yes, obviously, effort was there,
29:57 and the strength was exercised by that person.
30:00 But what does the Bible say?
30:02 It's God who gives us strength to get wealth to do good
30:06 and all these other things, right?
30:07 And the same thing is true for salvation,
30:10 it's God who gives us strength to do these things.
30:14 Boy, Israel really needed to learn that one, huh?
30:16 And don't we all ourselves.
30:19 If we are seeking assurance in our walk with Christ,
30:21 we need to stop looking at our good works
30:26 and stop trying to find assurance
30:28 based on our behavior.
30:31 And I know what some of you are thinking out there.
30:33 You're saying,
30:34 I hope you say something about...
30:36 We'll get there, don't worry
30:38 'cause that's a scary subject sometimes for people.
30:41 Anyway, you know,
30:43 so we can't look at our good works and find assurance.
30:47 And if you don't have any good works,
30:49 you're going to be discouraged anyway.
30:50 You're going to be depressed
30:52 because they would be throwing dust and ashes
30:53 on your head all the time.
30:54 You know, 'cause you've got nothing to even
30:56 put in that little arsenal
30:57 where you're trying to find confidence from.
30:59 Okay, we need to transition.
31:00 Do we all agree that we can't save ourselves?
31:02 Amen. Okay.
31:04 We all agree that
31:05 assurance is built on what God does, correct?
31:08 Through us, it's never ourselves.
31:10 Okay, let's transition.
31:13 A word about a...
31:15 Something I want to say about assurance.
31:18 Assurance in any situation
31:22 is always built up on the credentials
31:25 of the one who has promised to do something.
31:29 Would you agree? Right.
31:30 If I tell my kids in my house that in the summer,
31:34 some point in the summer, we are going to go on vacation,
31:37 Garrett, right?
31:39 That we are going to go on vacation
31:42 Garrett can have assurance, why?
31:45 Because I said it, right?
31:48 My kids can have assurance
31:49 that at some point in the summer
31:51 we're going to go on vacation, why?
31:52 Because my word carries the most authority
31:55 in the house, true?
31:57 Well, there are times
31:59 where my wife's word overrides my authority,
32:02 but usually in good circumstances.
32:05 You know, somebody wants...
32:06 I think, some sweet lady,
32:08 See I was preaching a sermon somewhere
32:09 and we're talking about this and some lady said
32:12 that's true, the husband is the head of the house,
32:15 but the life is the neck and the life and the neck
32:19 always turns the head wherever it goes,
32:21 wherever it wants to.
32:23 So kind of silly but sometimes it's true, you know.
32:25 And that's okay, if you got a good marriage
32:26 and your wife loves the Lord, right?
32:28 Okay, I don't mind that.
32:29 As long as my wife loves Lord, as long as she is doing,
32:31 making me do is not crazy or irrational.
32:34 So anyway,
32:36 but the assurance my son and my kids can have
32:39 is because I have said it, right,
32:41 because my word has the greatest authority,
32:44 not because some church member told him that
32:45 we might go on vacation in the summer,
32:47 not because some guy on the street told them,
32:48 but because I told them,
32:50 that's why they can have assurance, correct?
32:53 Okay, so assurance is always based on the authority
32:56 and the credentials of the person
32:58 who gives that promise.
32:59 Now we got to ask ourselves a very elementary question,
33:01 it's almost the no-brainer.
33:03 You know, who is the author of salvation?
33:06 Jesus, right?
33:08 Hebrews 12:2, looking unto Jesus,
33:11 you don't need to turn there, looking unto Jesus,
33:13 the author and the finisher of our faith, right?
33:16 Okay, so Jesus is the author of salvation.
33:20 So if we want to have assurance,
33:21 we need to have that assurance come from the person
33:24 who's got the credentials
33:25 to deal with our assurance of salvation, right?
33:27 And since Jesus is the author of it,
33:29 we got to hear what Jesus has to say about it, right?
33:33 That's right.
33:34 Because we can't have confidence on our own words
33:36 so it's got to be based on something else.
33:38 We're getting a little further along
33:39 in the road to having assurance.
33:42 What is this book called that I'm holding in my hand?
33:44 Holy Bible.
33:45 The Holy Bible. That's correct.
33:47 But we also call it what?
33:50 The Word of God, right?
33:54 The Word of God, right, that's the Bible.
33:56 But we call it the Word of God, why?
33:58 Because holy men of old spoke as they were moved upon
34:01 by the Holy Ghost, right?
34:03 This is just no ordinary book that you pull out of your shelf
34:04 and read it for a good time.
34:06 This is the Word of God. It's God's word for us.
34:08 It's God's thoughts for us. Okay, good.
34:10 Now what does Peter say about the Bible.
34:12 Obviously, they didn't have the Bible in Peter's day,
34:13 but what did he say about what was available,
34:17 all the scrolls and the letters that are being written.
34:20 Turn to 2 Peter 1:2-4.
34:28 2 Peter 1:2-4.
34:30 Thanks for praying for us by the way, audience.
34:32 We're still here.
34:34 And the storm has not unleashed its fury.
34:37 So that is a good thing.
34:39 We are looking for at the Book of
34:41 2 Peter 1:2-4.
34:48 Okay, what does Peter say about the Word of God?
34:54 Right. Okay.
34:55 "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God
34:58 and of Jesus our Lord," sometimes I talk too fast,
35:03 "as His divine power has given to us all things
35:06 that pertain to life and godliness,"
35:07 praise the Lord,
35:09 "through the knowledge of Him
35:10 who called us by glory and virtue,
35:12 by which have been given to us
35:14 exceedingly great and precious promises,
35:18 that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature,
35:21 having escaped the corruption in the world
35:22 that is through lust."
35:24 Jesus is the author of salvation,
35:27 Peter being inspired by the Holy Spirit.
35:29 You know, sometimes we trip up over the actual author saying,
35:32 "Oh, Peter said this, Paul said that."
35:34 And yes, those are the ones who wrote the book,
35:35 but ultimately who said it?
35:37 God said it, right? Jesus said it.
35:39 So when we're reading Peter's words,
35:41 we don't need to think, oh, Peter said it,
35:43 did he really mean that,
35:44 if God was speaking through Peter,
35:45 and what does the Lord say about his own book?
35:48 It's full of precious promises, true?
35:50 Yes. That's good news.
35:52 This book is a book full of precious promises.
35:55 You know, and if you're discouraged,
35:57 anybody knows
35:59 who has gone through trial and trouble in their life
36:02 and sorrow and the loss of loved one
36:05 who has in that deep remorse
36:08 and grieving pulled out this book.
36:12 Everybody can testify that
36:13 it's full of precious promises, right?
36:16 Because there is nothing that gets you through a bad time
36:19 like God's word, God's word can.
36:22 Okay, now this book is full of precious promises.
36:26 Now I'm not going to talk about the word faith tonight,
36:28 even though faith,
36:29 we will find is really synonymous with assurance.
36:32 You know, it's really, they're intrinsically linked,
36:34 you can't separate faith from assurance.
36:37 Keep saying insurance.
36:38 You can't separate them.
36:39 Let's turn to Philippians 1:6.
36:42 That clock is scaring me again.
36:44 All right, Philippians 1:6.
36:48 "Being confident of this very thing..."
36:50 What is God's word full of? Promises.
36:53 What is a promise for us tonight?
36:55 "Being confident of this very thing that
36:57 He who has begun a good work in you will complete it
37:00 until the day of Jesus Christ."
37:02 So what does God tell us through Paul?
37:05 Be confident that the good work
37:07 I've begun in your life, I'm faithful to complete.
37:10 You know, there's a lot of projects
37:11 that I've begun in my life.
37:12 Anybody started a project and not finished it?
37:15 Yeah, Greg.
37:17 He knows what I'm talking about.
37:18 When my wife and I were living in New York,
37:20 we bought an old farmhouse.
37:21 It was a big old farmhouse.
37:23 It was built in 1860.
37:24 You know, we like the old houses, you know.
37:27 And we bought it because we have a lot of vision.
37:30 You know, the Bible says,
37:31 without vision, the people perish.
37:32 But sometimes you have too much vision.
37:34 And in this case, we have too much vision.
37:36 The outside looked great, the inside need a lot of work.
37:38 We knew it, we had vision.
37:39 So we went forward, we bought it.
37:41 Would you know that at one point
37:43 I have the whole entire kitchen ripped apart,
37:45 totally got in,
37:46 I had the wood floors
37:47 on the process of redoing the wood floors.
37:50 I had half of the barn demolished,
37:51 the part that was rotten.
37:53 We had a huge barn in the back.
37:54 I was redoing the closet.
37:56 We have a larger garden we're trying to tend to,
37:59 all these things.
38:00 You think I finished all those projects?
38:02 No.
38:04 No, because I got overwhelmed, you know.
38:07 Maybe part of the problems
38:08 I had too many irons in the fire as they say,
38:11 but I didn't finish those projects
38:14 because I got overwhelmed.
38:15 Do you think the Lord gets overwhelmed
38:17 when He is working on us?
38:18 No.
38:19 Well, if I was working on me, I would be overwhelmed, right?
38:22 But God says, be confident of this one thing
38:25 that He, I, the Lord,
38:27 who has begun a good work in you
38:29 is faithful to complete it.
38:31 Does that sound like assurance? Yes.
38:33 You better believe it sounds like assurance.
38:34 Amen.
38:35 You should get excited about that.
38:37 Amen.
38:38 God is faithful to complete His good work.
38:39 Jesus says in John 10:27-28,
38:42 "My sheep hear My voice, and they follow Me.
38:46 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish,"
38:49 that's John 10:27-28,
38:51 "neither shall any pluck them out of My hand."
38:54 Wow, sounds pretty good to me, right?
38:57 Now the only person
38:58 who can pluck out of Jesus' hand is us, right?
39:02 In fact, we can't even pluck ourselves,
39:03 or we're going to jump out, you can't pluck yourself.
39:06 But we're the only people who can walk
39:07 out of covenant relationship with the Lord, true?
39:10 Amen.
39:12 1 John 5:13, and this is...
39:14 Wow, this is just such a great verse.
39:17 1 John 5:13.
39:24 Feel like I'm talking 100 miles an hour,
39:25 forgive me.
39:27 1 John 5, we just got so much to cover.
39:30 1 John 5:13,
39:35 "These things I have written to you..."
39:36 Who is writing these things?
39:38 John, the beloved disciple, the one whom Jesus loved,
39:40 but really it's the Lord speaking through John.
39:42 "These things I have written to you
39:43 who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may,"
39:46 doubt that you "have eternal life?"
39:48 No.
39:49 That you should double question it? No.
39:51 He says, "That you may know that you have eternal life."
39:55 Sounds like John wants us to be confident, doesn't he?
39:58 It sounds like John is confident himself, right?
40:00 I mean, and maybe that's part of the problem,
40:03 actually that is one of the biggest problems.
40:05 When you don't have assurance of salvation,
40:07 how can you share the Lord with someone
40:09 who doesn't know the Lord,
40:11 when you're not even sure
40:12 if you're in a covenant relationship with Him, right?
40:16 Miserable.
40:17 Doesn't work. Right.
40:19 I mean, you can tell all the facts,
40:20 and a lot of people are good at telling facts.
40:22 I mean, you can read the Bible,
40:23 you can study and you get all the facts.
40:25 Yes, Jesus is this...
40:27 You know, and they would maybe
40:29 because the Word of God is living and powerful
40:31 and God's grace and mercy,
40:32 you know, it might do them some good.
40:35 But ultimately, what really wins people's hearts
40:37 is when they see that
40:39 you do have a connection with the Lord,
40:40 you are confident of this one thing,
40:42 you know I'm confident that
40:43 when Jesus comes as Job said, you know.
40:46 My redeemer lives in at last day,
40:48 you know, I shall see Him in my flesh.
40:51 Right, John is confident.
40:53 John 14:1-3, lot of verses here but they're important.
40:57 This is Bible study, right?
40:59 Maybe that's why we have so many verses.
41:01 John 14:1-3,
41:06 John 14, one of my favorite passages.
41:08 John 14:1-3.
41:11 The disciples have one doubt, they're getting the sense
41:13 that something bad is about to happen.
41:15 You know, Jesus has shed a little light on the road
41:17 that he is about to travel.
41:19 He senses it and what does Jesus say to him,
41:21 "Let not your heart be troubled," John 14:1,
41:25 "you believe in God, believe also in Me.
41:28 In My Father's house are many mansions.
41:29 If it were not so, I would have told you.
41:32 I go to prepare a place for you.
41:35 And if I go, I will come again."
41:38 It sounds like the Lord wanted them
41:40 to be have assurance, right?
41:42 Didn't the Lord want them to be sure to have confidence?
41:46 Amen.
41:48 Now do we have any biblical examples of the characters
41:53 who had assurance?
41:55 I mean, that'd be a bumbler if we don't
41:56 because it seems like the whole thing will break down.
41:57 Well, if you can't find an example in the Bible,
42:00 you know, then it seems like
42:01 the whole thing would just break down.
42:03 Well, two dudes, two guys, forgive me, dudes.
42:06 Two guys I want to consider.
42:08 My son calls me dude sometimes, I don't know if I...
42:11 Maybe it's because I talks sometimes about my old days
42:14 skating the ramps and stuff.
42:15 But anyway, two guys, Paul and Peter, okay.
42:21 Now let's turn quickly to Romans 7,
42:25 in fact, yeah, Romans 7.
42:27 Everybody knows this chapter.
42:29 Paul is considering the human condition,
42:31 the condition that we talked about earlier
42:33 in the beginning part of the Book of Romans.
42:35 Paul is considering the human condition
42:37 and he realizes, what does he say,
42:39 the things I want to do, I don't.
42:41 The things I don't want to do, I do, I can't figure this out.
42:44 He says, I find them because of these things
42:47 that there is a law within me at war against my...
42:50 Allow my members at war against the law of my mind, right?
42:53 And what does he conclude
42:54 after this horrible assessment of the human condition?
42:58 Romans 7:24,
43:00 "O wretched man that I am!
43:03 Who will deliver me from the body of this death?"
43:05 Doesn't sound too confident, does he?
43:06 No.
43:08 And we can argue with
43:09 post-conversion, pre-conversion,
43:10 but the point is Paul felt that way.
43:13 Okay, Paul felt that way.
43:14 1 Timothy 1:15, we don't have time to turn there,
43:17 we got to move little bit faster here.
43:18 Turn 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul says to Timothy,
43:21 "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance,
43:24 that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,
43:27 of whom I am chief."
43:29 Right?
43:30 Paul felt this way about himself,
43:32 post-conversion, right?
43:34 I am chief, he didn't say I was chief,
43:37 I was chief sinner when I was persecuting all the Christians,
43:39 he said I am chief.
43:40 I mean, this is after all the missionary work
43:42 that Paul has done, right?
43:43 All the good deeds that Paul has done.
43:46 I'm chief of sinners, Paul says.
43:48 Doesn't sound too confident, does he?
43:50 But then we get to 2 Timothy.
43:52 Let's look at 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
43:59 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
44:01 In the midst of all this, view himself in life,
44:04 what does he say in 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
44:09 He says, you know,
44:10 he is renewing the end of his life,
44:12 he is writing to Timothy,
44:13 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,"
44:15 okay, good so far, yeah, okay,
44:16 he might be confident, "I have kept the faith."
44:18 Sounds confident to me.
44:20 "Finally, there is laid up for me
44:21 the crown of righteousness,
44:23 which the Lord, the righteous Judge,
44:24 will give me on that Day, and not to me only
44:27 but also to all who have loved His appearing."
44:31 That's a big claim.
44:32 There is laid up for me the crown in heaven,
44:34 not I hope there is.
44:35 I hope after all this work, after all this self-sacrifice
44:38 that there might be a crown for me when I get up there,
44:40 would be big disappointment.
44:41 He says, there is a crown laid up for me.
44:43 Paul had assurance, right?
44:46 Okay, what about Peter?
44:48 Good old Peter, you know.
44:49 Peter who denied his Lord three times
44:52 in front of all the other wicked men, right,
44:54 something we say we would never have done
44:55 but the truth is that if we're in Peter shoes,
44:57 we probably would have done the same thing, you know.
45:00 Peter who denied his Lord, okay, well,
45:02 we understand that Peter didn't have confidence
45:05 then he needed conversion, right?
45:06 That's right.
45:08 And then Peter does get converted
45:09 because the Lord not only brings him
45:10 back into the buddies,
45:12 brings back into the, you know, the group,
45:14 but Peter gets converted, does some great stuff,
45:18 Peter have a perfect record.
45:20 No.
45:21 And some would say, well,
45:23 you know, this is pre-conversion, Peter.
45:26 Of course, he wasn't confident
45:28 after all that nonsense, you know.
45:31 But if I remember correctly there was a story
45:32 in Galatians 2:11
45:35 where Paul had an issue with Peter, right?
45:37 Yeah, that's right.
45:39 He says, "When Peter had come to Antioch,"
45:41 Paul is writing,
45:42 "I withstood him face to face, because he was to be blamed."
45:45 Okay, this is Galatians 2:11-13.
45:49 "For certain men would come from James,
45:51 and he would eat with the Gentiles."
45:53 So Peter is eating with all his gentile buddies,
45:54 yeah, it's great, love the Lord.
45:56 Good time, you know.
45:57 I love the Lord.
45:59 And when the other Jews show up,
46:01 Paul says, "But when they came,
46:05 he withdrew himself and separated himself,
46:07 fearing those of the circumcision."
46:08 So when the Jews showed up, all of a sudden Peter,
46:11 "Hey, what am I doing here?"
46:12 You know, he runs over and sits with the Jews.
46:14 And Paul basically,
46:16 he got really upset about it, right?
46:17 He said he played the hypocrite.
46:19 This is post-conversion Peter, correct?
46:22 Okay.
46:23 Well, what does Peter say in 1 Peter 5:1?
46:27 Is Peter confident of his salvation
46:30 in light of not a perfect track record?
46:32 1 Peter 5:1,
46:35 "The elders who are among you I exhort,
46:37 I who am a fellow elder
46:38 and a witness of the sufferings of Christ,
46:41 and also a partaker of the glory
46:43 that will be revealed."
46:45 Amen.
46:46 How do you partake of something that hasn't been revealed?
46:49 That's called assurance.
46:51 I'm a partaker of something
46:52 that hasn't even been revealed yet.
46:54 Peter's saying he's partaker of the glory
46:56 that hasn't even been revealed, right?
46:59 Exactly. Faith.
47:02 Faith and assurance, they're hand in hand,
47:04 you can't separate the two.
47:06 Okay, we got to move on here.
47:09 We ran a bunch of promises, didn't we?
47:11 We read a bunch of promises from the Word of God,
47:14 but you're feeling a little more confident?
47:16 Are you feeling like you have a little bit more assurance?
47:19 Okay, why?
47:20 Because we can't save ourselves.
47:21 Why?
47:23 Because we're dependent on the merits of a crucified
47:24 and risen savior.
47:27 Is that enough to be confident and have assurance?
47:30 Probably, but I'm gonna say no
47:32 because there's one more thing.
47:34 There's a lot of things
47:35 you need to really look into the subject,
47:37 but there's a biggie that I see,
47:39 you can't have assurance without.
47:41 It's called prayer, you know?
47:43 I mean, you can know all about what the Lord did for you.
47:46 You can know all from A to Z, the whole plan of salvation.
47:49 You can know it in theory in your head
47:51 called existential knowledge, right?
47:54 It's knowledge that is just kind of like out there.
47:57 You figure it out, okay?
47:58 You know you know it, you can recite it,
48:00 but you don't really know the person of Jesus
48:04 just because you know about him, right?
48:06 So prayer is what animates the facts of the gospel, true?
48:12 Prayer brings to life
48:14 what would otherwise be merely existential knowledge.
48:18 And I'm not saying that prayer
48:20 in and of itself has power, okay?
48:22 Prayer does not in and of itself have power.
48:25 It's not like the act of prayer has some inherent power.
48:28 Someone called prayer, the breath of the soul.
48:31 I'd like to read my famous quote about prayer
48:33 and this comes from a little mini book
48:35 called Steps to Christ.
48:36 All of us in here know that book.
48:39 She says, Ellen White says,
48:41 "Prayer is the opening of the heart
48:42 to God as to a friend.
48:44 Not that it is necessary in order to make known to God
48:46 what we are,
48:47 but in order to enable us to receive Him.
48:50 Prayer does not bring God down to us,
48:52 but brings us up to God."
48:55 Prayer.
48:57 So how can you have assurance
48:58 if you're not spending time
49:00 with the Lord of salvation, right?
49:02 And that's what prayer is.
49:03 It's the opening of the heart,
49:04 opening of the heart to God as to a friend.
49:08 So you can know all the facts of the gospel,
49:11 but if you don't have a prayer life
49:12 and spending time with Him,
49:14 then those facts are just facts.
49:16 They're lifeless facts.
49:17 You know, I know the Word of God
49:19 is living and powerful, blah, blah.
49:20 True.
49:21 But as far as our experience is concerned,
49:23 they're just facts, right?
49:26 We've got to have a prayer life.
49:28 When my wife and I got married, we had our vows.
49:31 Everybody does when they get married, right?
49:33 For richer, for poorer, for better, for worse
49:35 till death do us part.
49:36 You know, these days it seems like anything does us part,
49:39 you know, until I see another prettier woman
49:41 going down the street that does your part
49:43 or the woman sees a good man
49:44 who is richer than the current husband,
49:46 that'll do them apart, you know, right?
49:48 But the real vow is supposed to be
49:50 until death do us part, right?
49:52 So these are the vows my wife and I took when we got married.
49:56 What?
49:58 How can I find?
49:59 How can I have assurance in these vows?
50:01 The only way I can have assurance
50:02 about the vows we took way back when
50:04 is to spend time with her, right?
50:06 Because the more time I spend with my wife,
50:08 the more I realized that the vows we made are living.
50:11 You know, she does love me.
50:13 She has chosen to be with me till death do us part, right?
50:17 That's right.
50:18 And so it's not just facts,
50:21 they've got to have time and experience
50:24 and time with the Lord and experience with the Lord,
50:27 otherwise these are just facts
50:30 and you won't have assurance.
50:31 And the more time you spend with the Lord,
50:33 the sweeter it is.
50:35 One of my favorite hymns
50:36 is called sweet hour of prayer, right?
50:39 And real briefly to read the one verse.
50:42 It says... Sweet hour of prayer!
50:43 Sweet hour of prayer!
50:45 Thy wings shall my petition bear
50:47 To Him whose truth and faithfulness
50:50 Engage the waiting soul to bless
50:53 And since He bids me seek His face
50:56 Believe His Word and trust His grace
50:59 Unmerited favor.
51:00 I'll cast on Him my every care
51:02 And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!
51:05 Is that not beautiful?
51:07 Spending time with the Lord. That's what makes it real.
51:09 There's another promise. John 5:24.
51:15 John 5:24.
51:22 Six minutes.
51:24 Okay, John 5:24.
51:26 Not a lot of time left.
51:27 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
51:29 he who hears My word and believes in Him
51:31 who sent Me has everlasting life,
51:34 and shall not come into judgment,
51:35 but has passed from death to life."
51:40 If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
51:42 if you have chosen to make Him your Savior,
51:43 if you seek Him daily,
51:45 you can have assurance
51:47 that your name is written in the Lamb's book of life.
51:49 Anybody know why it's called the Lamb's book of life?
51:52 Because it's the Lamb's book of life, right?
51:56 It's not Abraham's book of life.
51:57 It's not Sarah's book of life,
51:59 it's not the Jeroboam's book of life,
52:01 it's not Gabriel's book of life,
52:03 it's the Lamb's book of life.
52:04 And Jesus knows those who are His.
52:07 That's assurance to me. It's the Lamb's book of life.
52:10 To know there's not an angel up there
52:12 writing my name and scribbling it out,
52:13 writing it in, erasing it out.
52:14 You know, it's the Lamb's book of life.
52:19 We are nearing the end,
52:20 and I have to say something about this
52:22 because somebody's griping on the other end and I know it.
52:25 There is a problem with assurance.
52:28 Anybody know what that problem is?
52:29 Well, it's us, but within us it's sin, right?
52:35 There is one obstacle to having assurance
52:39 in your relationship with God,
52:41 and it's called cherished sin.
52:46 Cherished sin, we know this term, right?
52:48 We can never have assurance in our relationship with God
52:51 if we have cherished sin.
52:54 You know cherished sin, what is that?
52:56 It's the sin you don't want to give up.
52:59 It's not the sin...
53:00 And I need to be very clear here.
53:01 It's not the smoker who can't stand smoking
53:04 and they want to give up but they're addicted to it
53:06 and drive them crazy and are praying
53:07 and they're begging God to deliver them.
53:09 That's not cherished sin.
53:12 It's not the alcoholic
53:13 who has the same problem, right?
53:15 It's not even the guy addicted to pornography
53:18 who has the same problem.
53:19 At least if they, if they desire to be released from it,
53:23 but they're so addicted to it, they find within themselves
53:25 that they are powerless to deliver themselves.
53:27 No, cherished sin is
53:28 when I know all the facts of the gospel,
53:30 I have, I know the Lord, I knew the Lord at one point,
53:33 but for some reason I'm saying, Lord, I want salvation.
53:37 I believe everything you say, but I just can't give this up.
53:41 That's cherished sin
53:43 and you're never going to have assurance of salvation
53:46 if you're cherishing sin.
53:49 Now, how do you overcome?
53:50 I've got to say this real quick
53:52 because a lot of people want victory over sin
53:55 because it's that cherish, it's that struggle with sin
53:58 that gets in the way of assurance, right?
54:00 Absolutely.
54:01 So in the most simplistic form I can put it.
54:04 If I put a bowl of candy over here
54:06 and a bowl of lima beans,
54:08 I hate lima beans.
54:09 Actually, I don't hate them as much as
54:11 I used to when I was a kid.
54:12 And I put them right there and I told my six year old boy,
54:13 pick one.
54:15 What do you think he's going to pick?
54:17 The candy. Why?
54:19 Simply because he likes candy more than lima beans, correct?
54:22 Absolutely.
54:24 How do you get victory over your life over sin?
54:27 You focus on the Word of God. You focus on the cross, right?
54:30 What does Paul say about the cross
54:32 in 1 Corinthians 1:18?
54:34 The message of the cross is foolishness
54:35 to those who are perishing,
54:36 but to us who are being saved, it is what,
54:39 the power of God.
54:41 The love of God is the power we need in our lives.
54:43 And I guarantee you, if you look at the cross,
54:46 if you contemplate the cross,
54:47 if you contemplate the depths of the love of God long enough,
54:51 you're going to like lima beans more than candy, right?
54:57 I mean, candies will give him once a while,
54:58 I'm not saying candies a sin, but you know what I'm saying?
55:01 The more you contemplate the love of Christ,
55:03 eventually it's going to outweigh itself.
55:05 You're going to love Christ so much
55:07 because you have a recognition of what He's done for...
55:10 We would have recognition of what He's done for us,
55:13 that sin that you're struggling with so much,
55:14 it's going to look so heinous and so disgusting
55:17 in the light of Jesus' love
55:19 that you're going to gravitate toward Christ
55:21 and eventually you'll get the victory.
55:22 I mean, it's most simplistic form.
55:24 That is the truth of the gospel, is it not?
55:26 Absolutely is.
55:29 I wish we could spend more time on that.
55:30 I mean, that's just a totally different study.
55:32 But you want victory in your life over habits,
55:36 look at Christ.
55:37 No one can pull themselves up by their own bootstraps,
55:40 even Jesus said,
55:41 who of you by worrying can add one measure to a stature.
55:44 You know, stop looking at the problem and look at Christ
55:48 and let the love of Christ pervade your experience so much
55:51 that you don't want to have anything to do with it.
55:53 You know, the hymn says, how does the hymn go?
55:57 Look full in his wonderful face
55:59 and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
56:02 in the light of His glory and grace, right?
56:04 Same principle.
56:06 Okay, we got to wrap up.
56:08 We all want assurance, do we not?
56:10 We desperately desire assurance because we should have it.
56:15 The Lord has done so much
56:16 to pay for the price of our redemption.
56:17 Why shouldn't we have assurance?
56:20 Okay,
56:21 and a sincerity really is what God wants, right?
56:24 If you're struggling with sin, God just want sincerity.
56:27 If you're sincere, it's not going to.
56:28 He knows you're sincere.
56:29 He knows that if you had the power within you,
56:31 you dropped that that sin from your life,
56:34 and so He offers power.
56:37 Okay.
56:40 Love is power.
56:43 It is God who works in us both to will and to do
56:46 according to His good pleasure.
56:48 Closing thought.
56:51 I don't want to make it sound like reading the Bible,
56:55 praying and recognizing that
56:58 we cannot save ourselves is works
57:01 because some people will even look at that.
57:02 I mean, the sticklers.
57:03 You know, well, you're still saying you're doing work,
57:05 so he's got to pray this, no,
57:07 those are not worth that merit salvation.
57:09 They facilitate assurance, correct?
57:11 Amen.
57:12 Okay, so we got to get our eyes off of ourselves.
57:15 Put our eyes on Jesus.
57:17 Then we'll find assurance.
57:19 There is a phrase. I don't know who did it.
57:23 I don't know who said it.
57:24 I think I heard CA say at one time,
57:25 and it just clicked and I've never forgotten it.
57:28 It's a simple, simple phrase
57:30 and it goes something like this.
57:33 It says, when I look at myself,
57:40 I don't see how I can be saved.
57:44 But when I look at Jesus,
57:49 I don't see how I can be lost.
57:53 Is that not the truth of the gospel?
57:56 Get our eyes off of ourselves
57:58 and look full in His wonderful face.
58:00 Look full in His wonderful face.
58:02 God bless you.
58:03 Thank you so much for joining us this evening.


Revised 2018-11-29