A Sharper Focus

How to Live a Servant's Life, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000047

00:03 Music...
00:20 Hello Friends and welcome to another
00:22 Wednesday Night Bible Study here in Thompsonville
00:25 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:27 We thank you for tuning in tonight and for joining us
00:30 for our continued study on how to live a spiritual life
00:33 in a natural body and so, get your Bibles
00:35 and invite your friends and family members
00:37 to sit down and enjoy the study with us
00:39 as we continue on the topic, "A Servant's Life. "
00:42 A lot of people want to serve the Lord
00:44 but we must have a servant's life in order to serve the Lord
00:49 so, tonight in our study,
00:50 we're going to cover what the Bible says
00:52 about living a servant's life.
00:55 If you'd like a copy of the lesson,
00:56 here is the website you can go to... to follow with us,
00:59 it's Lesson Number 15, go to ASF.3abn. org
01:04 and download the lesson for tonight,
01:06 we call it Syllabus but it really is a lesson
01:09 and with that you can follow along
01:11 and answer the questions with us
01:13 so invite your family members and those who are with you
01:15 to enjoy this study, all you need is a Bible,
01:17 a willing heart... a pen... and hopefully a lesson
01:21 to make the lesson interesting and a blessing to you
01:25 but right now, bow your heads with me
01:26 as we invite the Lord's presence to be with us tonight.
01:29 "Our heavenly Father, we thank you
01:31 that your blessings are always available to us.
01:34 We thank you that your Holy Spirit will teach us,
01:36 guide us, open our hearts and minds
01:39 and strengthen our resolve to look to Christ.
01:42 We thank you that tonight as we open the Word
01:45 that you will be our teacher,
01:48 that you will strengthen our resolve
01:51 to not only understand
01:52 but also to walk in the footsteps of a servant
01:56 so Lord, send your Holy Spirit tonight
01:58 to empower our hearts and minds
02:00 and give us that willing heart that each of us needs
02:04 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
02:07 Now, this lesson is interesting to me for a number of reasons,
02:11 one in particular is,
02:13 we find there is a warning the Bible gives
02:16 in the book of Matthew and not everyone who serves the Lord
02:21 is serving the Lord.
02:24 Or maybe I should say it a different way,
02:26 not everyone that's involved in service
02:28 that impacts God's kingdom is in essence serving the Lord.
02:33 It sounds kind of strange to say that,
02:36 but what I like to begin tonight by doing is
02:39 going to the book of Matthew, Matthew chapter 7,
02:42 Jesus warns us in... in the area of getting connected
02:48 to just doing things for God.
02:50 There's something vitally important
02:52 that each of us must experience in order for our actions
02:56 to be connected to our relationship.
02:58 Now, I remember years ago when I was working in New York City,
03:02 my dad... that is before he passed away...
03:05 he was involved in the Music Industry for many, many years
03:09 Jazz musician...
03:10 but he was also sometimes involved in photography,
03:13 he was involved in politics,
03:16 he worked as a campaign manager
03:19 for one of the congressman in Brooklyn
03:21 and I remember being hired one summer for a summer job
03:25 to... to lead out in a campaign.
03:28 My job was to lead out in a particular area of Brooklyn
03:31 and get all these young people with me
03:33 I was one of them at that time, I was a teenager
03:36 but I was supposed to make sure that every one of them
03:38 covered an entire neighborhood,
03:40 there were buildings... maybe 12... 13 stories
03:43 and we had to go to every floor and every apartment
03:46 to pass out campaign flyers.
03:48 Now, I didn't know who I was working for,
03:51 I just knew his name
03:52 and I could... I could remember the name...
03:54 I don't want to mention it over the air
03:55 because somebody may know exactly who I'm talking about,
03:57 but... I was...
03:59 I was doing service for someone that I didn't even know
04:03 and... at that point to me it was a job, you know,
04:07 get these flyers out... pass out the information...
04:10 make sure that we impact the campaign...
04:12 we had a lot of fun...
04:14 young people like to have fun together
04:15 but the point I want to make is,
04:17 I didn't know the person I was working for
04:19 so it really didn't make a difference
04:21 but one evening, my dad said, "Hey, we've got an invitation"
04:24 and he told me that we were going over to the home
04:27 of the person that was running for congressman
04:29 in that particular section of Brooklyn
04:31 and I said, "Well, whose house are we going to?"
04:33 And he told me, "It was the guy you're working for"
04:35 and when I went over there
04:37 and met the congressman and his family and his children...
04:41 when I went out on that following Monday,
04:43 it made a huge difference
04:45 because I now knew the person that I was working for...
04:48 I now understood a lot about him,
04:50 I was able to look him in the eye...
04:51 and... still a teenager...
04:53 I didn't understand a whole lot about politics
04:54 it didn't really make that much of a difference to me,
04:58 but I was now excited about putting flyers under doors
05:01 and in apartment buildings
05:02 and wherever we were allowed to put them
05:04 for this individual because now I had a personal...
05:08 what's the next word?
05:09 I had a personal connection
05:11 and a relationship with this individual...
05:13 I knew now exactly who I wanted to win the next campaign
05:17 so it really empowered me to get behind those who are in my...
05:22 on my team and say,
05:23 "Guys, let's make sure we cover our whole area"
05:25 and for those of you who may be watching from Brooklyn,
05:28 I was covering Ocean Parkway all the way by Sheepshead Bay
05:31 on the way to Coney Island
05:33 and many of you that are here may not know where that is
05:35 but that was my area of work
05:38 but what made the difference was
05:41 I knew the person I was working for
05:43 and when you look at Matthew chapter 7,
05:44 go there with me, I think you're already there,
05:47 I told you to go there and you guys beat me there,
05:50 but in Matthew chapter 7, we find these words of Jesus,
05:56 Matthew 7 verse 21 and we are going to look together
06:01 to verse 23...
06:05 Matthew 7 verses 21 to 23
06:09 and notice what the word of the Lord says,
06:11 what are the first two words we read...
06:13 let's say that together, what?
06:14 Audience and Pastor: Not everyone...
06:17 that means, not everyone who is passing out campaign flyers
06:21 for Jesus... knows Jesus.
06:23 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'
06:28 shall enter the kingdom of heaven"
06:30 but what's the qualification?
06:32 "but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. "
06:37 So, let's say the campaign ends,
06:39 let's go ahead and use this text,
06:41 the campaign ends and it says,
06:43 "Many will say to Me in that day,
06:45 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
06:47 and cast out demons in Your name,
06:50 and done many wonders in Your name?'
06:52 And then I will declare to them... "
06:54 what are the four words?
06:56 "I never knew you;
06:58 depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"
07:02 or as the King James Version says, "who work iniquity"
07:05 and as I was going on,
07:07 I remember something really important about our meetings.
07:09 We didn't sing... you guys want to sing?
07:11 Audience: Yes.
07:13 I know our viewing audience and our listening audience
07:15 looks forward to the song, "Victory in Jesus"
07:18 and if I go any further without that,
07:19 I am going to get e-mails that say,
07:21 "How come you didn't sing my song...
07:22 I was waiting for you to say the word, 'Key Change'"
07:24 so tonight, we're going to join with your hearts and your voices
07:29 around the world as we sing our theme song tonight,
07:31 "Victory in Jesus" Let's sing that song.
07:34 Music...
07:41 I heard an old, old story,
07:44 How the Savior came from glory,
07:48 How He gave His life on Calvary
07:52 To save a wretch like me,
07:56 I heard about His groaning,
07:59 of His precious blood's atoning
08:03 Then I repented of my sins,
08:07 And won the victory.
08:11 O victory in Jesus,
08:15 My Savior, forever.
08:18 He sought me and bought me
08:22 With His redeeming blood,
08:26 He loved me ere I knew Him,
08:30 And all my love is due Him,
08:33 He plunged me to victory,
08:37 Beneath the cleansing flood
08:41 I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory
08:49 And I heard about the streets of gold
08:52 Beyond the crystal sea,
08:56 About the angels singing,
09:00 and the old redemption story,
09:04 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
09:08 The song of victory.
09:10 Key change...
09:11 O victory in Jesus,
09:15 My Savior, forever
09:19 He sought me and bought me
09:23 With His redeeming blood,
09:26 He loved me ere I knew Him,
09:30 And all my love is due Him,
09:34 He plunged me to victory,
09:38 Beneath the cleansing flood
09:42 He plunged me to victory,
09:47 Beneath the cleansing flood.
09:52 Amen.
09:53 Now, we got started...
09:55 just a moment ago, I was wondering,
09:57 "What was missing?"
09:58 There was something about the meeting
10:01 that was lacking and...
10:03 in fact, I know what it was, it was singing.
10:05 It does our hearts well to warm up to singing for the Lord.
10:10 Our topic tonight is entitled, "How to live a servant's life. "
10:16 Say that with me together, "How to live a Servant's Life. "
10:21 As I mentioned just a moment ago,
10:23 one of the most important variables
10:26 or I should say... not variables
10:28 or one of the most parameters to working for the Lord
10:31 is knowing Him... is what?
10:34 Audience: Knowing Him.
10:35 He said, "Many will say to me"
10:37 and you know, when you think about
10:38 what He is associating service with,
10:40 He said, "Many will say they cast out demons... "
10:43 so you got to thinking about,
10:44 "It's possible to cast out demons
10:46 and not work for the Lord. "
10:48 Many will do wonderful works in the name of the Lord
10:53 and He'll say to them at the end of all their work schedule,
10:56 "I didn't know who you are... I didn't know you"
10:58 and so, one of the most important things
11:00 is it's important to know the Lord
11:02 in order for our work for God to be effective
11:05 but now I want to go back to the book of Exodus.
11:07 What book did I say? Audience: Exodus.
11:09 Go with me to Exodus chapter 7,
11:11 I want to see something very important
11:12 about the parameters of service.
11:15 There's another aspect that we learned last week
11:18 and it is reflected in... it is reflected in Question Number 1
11:24 and I want to lay the foundation by reading this question
11:28 and then elaborating it on...
11:30 elaborating on it a little further.
11:32 First of all we said,
11:34 "Knowing the Lord" is the first parameter
11:36 but there's something else that precedes serving God.
11:40 There's something else that precedes...
11:42 in other words, this is important to come
11:44 before you serve God.
11:46 So, unless... unless the Lord has done this for you,
11:49 then, serving God pretty much doesn't have the right context
11:55 and you may impact
11:57 or do good things for the kingdom of God
11:59 but there's something that is a prerequisite to serving God.
12:03 Let's go ahead and read Question Number 1
12:05 and then we'll spend some time in the book of Exodus
12:07 but let's, Question Number 1 goes as follows
12:10 and I know we covered this last week
12:11 but I want to cover in its entirety... I kind of cut it off
12:15 because we transitioned from one lesson to this one
12:17 tonight we're going to cover that in its entirety.
12:19 Here's Question Number 1.
12:21 "What request did God make of the Pharaoh of Egypt?"
12:31 And this is in Exodus chapter 9 and verse 1
12:33 and the Bible says, "Then the Lord said to Moses,
12:39 'Go in to Pharaoh and tell him,
12:43 "Thus says the LORD God of the Hebrews"
12:48 let's read the next part together... you ready?
12:52 "Let my people go, that they may serve Me. "
12:56 "That they may serve me... "
12:58 so what's the prerequisite to serving God?
13:00 One of the prerequisites is, being set free...
13:02 is being set free.
13:04 If the Lord doesn't set you free,
13:06 that is, if you don't have a freeing relationship,
13:09 then you're still bound to something.
13:11 The Lord did not want the children of Israel
13:13 to serve Him in Egypt.
13:15 It was a foreign land
13:16 and the service for God in Egypt was hindered
13:19 because they were under task masters... they were slaves
13:22 and so, here's the point, anybody who is a slave to sin...
13:25 as a matter of fact, go with me to John chapter 8,
13:28 go there with me... I want to show you the context,
13:30 anyone who's a slave to sin, cannot serve the Lord.
13:33 Somebody once said to me,
13:35 and maybe you've heard this before,
13:37 pause...
13:40 and I don't want to give this as a blanket statement
13:42 but sometimes... sometimes when people are drunk
13:45 they talk about God.
13:46 Audience: Smiling.
13:48 I was raised in New York City
13:49 and so that's giving some context to it,
13:51 ah... some of the most fever-pitched conversations
13:55 I witnessed in my home
13:58 and I... I... I've known people that smoke... that drink...
14:02 and I've even seen family members getting inebriated
14:06 that's a... that's a very esoteric word for drunk.
14:09 Audience: Laughter.
14:11 And... and when they get drunk,
14:13 when they get alcohol in their blood
14:15 they talk about God...
14:16 and they sometimes even argue Bible topics
14:19 but I know they're not serving the Lord
14:22 because they're bound by the very thing that they are...
14:25 that they are consumed by their alcoholism in their lifestyle
14:28 so what Jesus made it very clear
14:31 that in order for us...
14:32 in order for us to be able to serve Him,
14:35 in the proper way,
14:37 that freedom is connected to something.
14:40 They were not just set free because they wanted to be free
14:43 but there's something that the Lord gives to us,
14:45 that causes our relationship to be now a free relationship
14:49 look at John 8 and verse...
14:52 my wife knows exactly where I'm going,
14:53 that's what happens when you're married 29 years.
14:56 John 8 and verse 32,
14:58 notice what the freedom is connected to.
15:00 "Let my people go, that they may serve me"
15:02 Hebrews 9... I mean, Exodus 9:1
15:04 but now, what is that freedom based on?
15:06 John 8:32, the Bible says,
15:10 "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall... " what?
15:14 "make you free"
15:17 and a lot of people say, "set"
15:20 but you've heard me argue the point,
15:22 there's a difference between being "set free" and "made free"
15:25 being "made free" is a mind... is an attitude of the mind...
15:27 if I set a bird free,
15:29 if the bird is so used to me feeding it,
15:32 it's going to come back
15:33 but unless the bird has a...
15:36 a source of food and nourishment from somewhere else,
15:38 it's going to come back.
15:39 A lot of people have been set free from prison
15:42 or incarceration but they've come back
15:44 because their minds have not been "made free. "
15:46 So the truth doesn't just set you free,
15:49 the truth does what? It makes you free
15:52 and I... and I know about that
15:53 because a lot of people have been
15:54 raised in different churches
15:57 and sometimes different denominations
16:00 and different belief systems and when they discover the truth,
16:03 I've asked... I asked the family once,
16:05 I said, "Have you ever thought about going back?"
16:08 And they said to me, "My mind won't let me. "
16:12 Why? Because they've been made free
16:14 not only in what they understood
16:16 but they've been made free, where?
16:18 In their mind... the truth which is embedded in our minds
16:21 and our hearts makes us free.
16:24 So, one of the first answers you're going to put down tonight
16:26 is, "What request did God make of the Pharaoh of Egypt?"
16:30 "Let me people do... " what?
16:32 "Let them go that they may serve me. "
16:34 And you'll discover that when a person is set free...
16:37 when the truth sets a person free,
16:39 as you see the statement made,
16:42 the Lord made it very, very clear in John 8 and verse 36,
16:47 "If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. "
16:52 So, the One who sets us free is Christ.
16:54 What does He use to set us free?
16:56 He sets us free by His blood and by the truth.
16:59 As a matter of fact, John... go with me to John...
17:03 we're in the book of John, let me turn to the chapter
17:06 and I'll tell you exactly where to go,
17:07 okay, here we are...
17:12 John 17:17... some of you know exactly what text that is.
17:15 How many of you know just by the raising of hands...
17:18 don't shout it out... John 17:17,
17:21 it's a beautiful text, okay,
17:23 set... what... when a person is set free,
17:26 there's something else that is involved in that,
17:29 they're not just set free in the physical sense,
17:31 but the Lord does something,
17:33 let's read this together, John 17:17,
17:35 in the Bible says, together,
17:37 "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. "
17:42 So when a person is set free,
17:43 they're not just set free physically,
17:45 because if a person is set free
17:46 and doesn't have a new connection...
17:48 they're going to go back
17:49 but when they're set free
17:50 and the word of truth is their connection,
17:52 they're not going back,
17:53 they're connected not just to a creed, "I'm free"
17:56 but something is keeping them free
17:58 and that's sanctifying.
18:00 By the way, the word "sanctify" means to set apart...
18:02 to separate from...
18:04 so when God sets us free by His Word and by the truth,
18:07 he's not setting us free just to hang around and say, "I'm free"
18:11 that's why this lesson is so vitally important,
18:13 He doesn't just want us as Christians to say,
18:15 "Hey, guess what? I'm free. "
18:17 "So, what are you going to do?"
18:18 "Nothing... I'm free. "
18:19 There's something God has to do...
18:21 there's something that God has
18:23 for everyone He has set free,
18:25 there's a work that God has for us to do.
18:28 Now let me ask you the question before I turn to the next text,
18:30 are we set free by work? Yes or no?
18:34 Pause.
18:36 Let me... I'm trying to... I'm trying to...
18:39 I know you answered the question already,
18:42 didn't hear you... but are we set free by our work?
18:45 Okay, I didn't... I know some of you think very, very deeply
18:49 are hesitant to answer the question,
18:50 we're set free by the work that Jesus has done
18:54 but the word "work" is continued in our...
18:58 in that action of freedom.
19:00 Go with me to the book of Ephesians...
19:02 what book did I say? Ephesians.
19:07 Pause.
19:10 And by-the-way, Ephesians 2 verse 10.
19:17 Pause.
19:23 When you read that word in verse 10
19:24 and I'll go back and elaborate on that,
19:27 the Bible says, "For we are His... "
19:29 what's the next word?
19:30 Audience and Pastor: Workmanship.
19:32 You know what "workmanship" is?
19:33 Have you ever seen something made out of wood?
19:35 Pause.
19:37 We use the word "Craftsmanship"
19:39 but work... workmanship is... really good.
19:41 We say, "Wow! what a good job?"
19:43 Whatever is made and now-a-days
19:45 things are pressed together by molds and machines
19:47 and plastic molds and...
19:49 so, they all look the same...
19:51 but if somebody takes the time to do something by hand,
19:54 we say, "Wow! what good workmanship
19:57 has gone into this. "
19:59 I was talking to somebody today that's making baskets now.
20:01 Amazing! wonderful skill...
20:04 and what makes it more amazing is... the person said,
20:06 "I don't like making baskets,
20:08 I don't even know what I'm doing"
20:10 wonderful...
20:11 and I said, "Look at the workmanship"
20:13 because God has put that...
20:14 that gift and that desire in that person's heart
20:17 but it says, "We are His workmanship
20:19 created in Christ Jesus"
20:21 what are we created for?
20:22 Verse 10, we are created for what?
20:25 For good works which God prepared beforehand
20:30 that we should walk in them.
20:31 So... so God sets us free by His workmanship
20:34 pause
20:36 but He sets us free for work.
20:38 He works to set us free so that we can work
20:42 and set others free.
20:44 So, you've seen that commercial years ago...
20:47 I mentioned commercials... some of you are too young.
20:50 Years ago there was a commercial where it says,
20:52 "You tell two friends and they tell two friends
20:54 and so on and so on and so on and so on...
20:56 and it kept multiplying exponentially
20:58 until the screen was too...
20:59 the pictures were too small to even count.
21:01 That's how the work of God is... He sets us free...
21:04 that we could lead someone else to that freeing relationship
21:07 that they can lead someone else to the freeing relationship,
21:09 thus we go to the second question.
21:11 Pause.
21:13 The relationship is one that sets us free
21:16 by the work that God has done
21:18 through Jesus Christ.
21:20 Look at Question Number 2,
21:22 "What was the message that Jesus delivered to Satan
21:28 in the wilderness?"
21:30 Matthew 4 and verse 10, what was the message?
21:33 Okay,
21:40 got it? I like that,
21:42 we even have that text on the screen
21:44 but everybody has a Bible, wonderful!
21:46 Here it is, "Then Jesus said to him... "
21:48 that is... to Satan, "Away with you, Satan!
21:51 For it is written,
21:52 'You shall worship the LORD your God,
21:56 and Him only you shall serve. "
22:01 Have you ever had a challenge during the week
22:04 between what you want to do and what you do?
22:08 Raising hand... all right,
22:10 so, if it's what you want to do, you're serving yourself.
22:13 If it's what God wants you to do you're serving the Lord.
22:16 In this context, what Jesus was laying out is,
22:19 there... there's more than one kind of service.
22:23 That's why He says, "Him only shall you serve"
22:27 and you'll discover as we go further on,
22:29 the answer to the question,
22:30 "What was the message that Jesus delivered to Satan?"
22:33 And you can put it in your own words
22:35 but in fact it's this.
22:36 Only serve God.
22:38 When we are set free... we are set free to be servants of God.
22:44 We're serving Him.
22:46 As a matter of fact,
22:48 go with me to Revelation chapter 7 verse 13 to 15.
22:52 Revelation chapter 7, verse... just to show you...
22:57 just to... just to affirm that very thought
23:00 and I... I tell you what? If we're not...
23:03 if we don't become accustomed to serving the Lord down here,
23:08 then, there's really no place for us in the kingdom
23:10 based on this text...
23:13 Revelation 7 verse 13 to verse 15.
23:17 Okay, verse 13:
23:19 "And then one of the elders... " speaking of the great multitude:
23:25 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me,
23:28 "Who are these arrayed in white robes,
23:31 and where did they come from?"
23:32 And I said to him, "Sir, you know. "
23:34 So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of... "
23:37 what? "out of the great tribulation,
23:40 and washed their robes and made them white
23:42 in the blood of the lamb. "
23:44 And this is the verse,
23:45 "Therefore they are before the throne of God,
23:50 and served Him monthly... "
23:51 Audience: Day and night.
23:53 Pastor: "And serve Him occasionally... "
23:56 what does it say, let's read it...
23:58 "And serve Him... " what?
24:00 "Day and night in His temple.
24:03 And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. "
24:06 So, how... how often should we serve the Lord as Christians?
24:10 Our life is a life of service.
24:13 As a matter of fact, Paul the apostle understood it,
24:17 not only did John understand it
24:18 but Paul the apostle made that very, very clear.
24:20 In other words, here's my point.
24:22 If you want to give your life to the Lord,
24:25 please include in that, "I want to serve the Lord,
24:28 I just don't want to just join the church"
24:31 because God doesn't need people that don't do anything.
24:35 Right?
24:37 Anybody could buy a football jersey
24:39 but that doesn't mean they're playing on the team.
24:41 Anybody can say, "I'm a Christian"
24:43 and not even impact at all the kingdom of darkness.
24:47 Romans chapter 12
24:49 just to verify this point,
24:51 they serve the Lord day and night...
24:53 they serve the Lord day and night.
24:55 Look at Romans 12, this... this concept...
24:58 this teaching... this...
25:00 this life is affirmed over and over in the Bible.
25:04 Romans 12 verse 1 and 2,
25:07 notice how Paul... he even puts this in a...
25:10 in a sense where he's saying,
25:12 "There is an altar that we've got to go to"
25:14 there's an altar that we are taken to
25:17 so service can begin in our lives.
25:21 Romans 12 verse 1, he says,
25:23 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
25:24 by the mercies of God,
25:25 that you present your... " what?
25:27 "bodies a living sacrifice"
25:30 the altar... he's talking about right here.
25:32 You've got to die to self
25:34 in order for you to be able to decide to serve God,
25:36 a living sacrifice... how?
25:38 "Holy, acceptable to God, which is your... " what?
25:42 "reasonable service. "
25:44 NIV says, "spiritual act of worship"
25:46 your reasonable service
25:48 and then he says, "And do not be conformed to this world
25:51 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
25:55 that you may prove what is that good and acceptable
25:59 and... " what else?
26:00 "perfect will of God. "
26:02 So, in other words he says,
26:03 "He wants us to be a living sacrifice that we may prove
26:06 what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. "
26:10 But how is that done? Through reasonable service.
26:13 So when a person says, "What are you doing?"
26:15 "Oh, I'm... I'm working for the Lord"
26:18 oh really? What does that mean?
26:21 "I'm serving the Lord. "
26:22 Let me ask you the question,
26:24 if a police officer is off duty, is he still a police officer?
26:27 Audience: Yes.
26:28 I heard a terrible story once on the news
26:31 about some Emergency Medical Technicians
26:34 that were having lunch
26:36 and a lady in a restaurant was under cardiac arrest
26:42 or some terrible condition and it made the news
26:48 and they appealed...
26:49 they saw the EMTs sitting and having lunch
26:52 and they said, "This lady needs help!"
26:55 they said, "We're on lunch... we're having lunch...
26:58 we need... we need some... "
27:00 they refused to help her.
27:02 So they had to flag down...
27:04 they had to call the police... 9-1-1
27:07 and do you think they got reprimanded?
27:09 Because in the Hippocratic Oath in the medical field,
27:13 you are on the job how often?
27:16 24... 7...
27:18 you are always a medical professional...
27:20 you are always a police officer...
27:22 you are always a Christian...
27:25 you are always serving the Lord...
27:29 because you're living a life... a living sacrifice.
27:33 So everything you do
27:35 should leave an impression for somebody.
27:36 "Wow! man... "
27:38 our lives are like... as the Bible says,
27:40 "We are the salt of the earth... if the salt loses its savor,
27:44 then what use is it?"
27:46 Just throw it out on the street...
27:48 so, would you keep salt in your cabinet
27:51 if it doesn't taste like salt?
27:52 "What is that?"
27:54 "I don't know but I don't... "
27:55 it's in the salt shaker... it doesn't have any use...
27:56 you get rid of it.
27:58 So in essence, when the Christian comes to Christ,
28:00 he or she is now... dedicated themselves to a life of service.
28:05 Look at Number 3, look at Number 3...
28:07 David the Psalmist...
28:08 we're going to get to where we started last week
28:10 and then again fly... fly down to Number 9
28:13 but let's not rush, all right,
28:15 "How does David the...
28:18 the patriarch describe the service of God?"
28:21 He was also the Psalmist but David the Patriarch...
28:24 how does he describe the service of God?
28:26 Psalm 100 and verse 3.
28:28 Pause.
28:30 Audience: Our service to God.
28:34 Pastor: Yeah, well, you'll find it...
28:36 am I correct? It's verse 3.
28:39 Yeah, I know it's on the question, it says...
28:41 but on the screen it is correct.
28:43 that's correct? On the screen right, okay good.
28:46 Here it is, yeah, okay well, let's read it together,
28:52 it should be "to" right?
28:53 Psalm 100 verse 2, it's correct on the Syllabus.
28:56 Let's read it together.
28:57 "Serve the LORD with... " what?
28:59 Audience and Pastor: gladness...
29:01 "come before His presence with... " what?
29:03 singing.
29:04 Now, don't forget, we like to sing
29:06 but he's saying, "Don't just like to sing...
29:09 be glad to serve. "
29:12 You know...
29:15 we have a Retirement Plan that's out of this world...
29:17 until the Retirement Plan is in effect,
29:19 we are all hired to labor for the Lord, isn't that right?
29:22 The Retirement Plan is out of this world.
29:25 I tell people, "I sell life insurance and fire insurance"
29:28 when people ask what I... "What do you do?"
29:30 "I sell life insurance and fire insurance... "
29:33 well, we do right?
29:35 Save people from the fire and give them life eternal.
29:39 Right, now, I do say, "I'm a Pastor"
29:41 I don't try to cop out and say,
29:43 "I sell Life Insurance and Fire Insurance. "
29:46 But in fact... so what does a pastor do?
29:48 "He sells life insurance and fire insurance. "
29:50 It's the best plan, it's out of this world
29:52 but we've got to serve the Lord with what?
29:54 Gladness... we've got to be glad to serve the Lord
29:57 and if you saw Jesus... if you saw Him face to face
30:01 and He asked you to do something,
30:03 would you say, "I mean, really?
30:04 Really Jesus, like right now?
30:06 My favorite Show is coming on"
30:08 Would you say that? We absolutely wouldn't do that,
30:12 we've got to keep the mindset that He's always with us.
30:16 Our lives should be a continual life of service.
30:18 Let's go to Number 4, go to Number 4
30:21 and now there's a flipside to that
30:23 because the Bible talks about the liability...
30:26 what word did I use? The liability...
30:29 in other words, the downside of not serving the Lord.
30:32 Here's the question, "How does the Bible describe
30:36 the liability of not serving God?"
30:38 Pause...
30:40 This very text by-the-way reveals the fact
30:44 that service to God for a Christian
30:47 is not an optional thing.
30:49 So, when a person is called on to serve,
30:53 they said, "Well, do I have to?"
30:55 No you don't... no you don't have to do anything
30:58 but remember this,
31:01 what you don't do, is how you will be rewarded
31:06 and what you do is how you will be rewarded,
31:10 didn't Jesus say that in Revelation 22 verse 12?
31:13 "Behold, I come quickly, and My reward is with Me,
31:16 to give to every man according as his work shall be. "
31:20 So, no you don't have to do anything
31:22 but... but pay day comes, don't look for a check.
31:25 Right and I heard one person say,
31:28 "People stop looking for work when they find a job. "
31:31 You'll get it tomorrow.
31:33 A job and work are not the same thing.
31:37 Some people want a check but they don't want to work.
31:40 Work and a job is not the same thing
31:42 but look at this text,
31:43 the liability of not serving God.
31:46 Starting in Deuteronomy 28 verses 47 and 48.
31:50 here's how it reads,
31:52 "Because you did not serve the LORD your God with... " what?
31:56 "joy" and what else?
31:58 "gladness of heart"
32:00 in other words, they served Him but it was drudgery,
32:02 "for the abundance of everything,
32:05 therefore you shall... " do what?
32:08 "Serve your enemies,
32:10 whom the LORD will send against you,
32:13 in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness,
32:16 and in need of everything,
32:18 and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until... " what?
32:23 "until He has destroyed you. "
32:25 Is that sad?
32:27 You know, the Lord is in essence saying to the Israelites,
32:29 He was saying, "I've called you to serve
32:31 but you don't want to... you're not even glad to serve me,
32:33 as a matter of fact, you're serving
32:34 but it's not even a joy, okay, I'll tell you what,
32:35 since you don't want to serve me,
32:37 you go and serve the enemy. "
32:38 That's one of the reasons why the Israelites
32:41 ended up in Babylon.
32:42 That's one of the reasons
32:43 why that city was burned to the ground
32:45 because they did not want to serve God and He said,
32:47 "If you're going to live like the Babylonians
32:48 and serve the Babylonians,
32:49 you're not going to serve the Babylonians in Jerusalem.
32:52 Serve them in Babylon
32:53 and that was one of the reasons why
32:56 the Israelites were led into captivity.
32:58 They serve... they served...
33:00 and many of them were destroyed during the time of service.
33:03 You find in the book of Exodus, it begins,
33:05 "There arose a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph"
33:08 and boy! the taskmasters of Egypt
33:11 are not like God.
33:14 See God will discipline us
33:16 but He does it with love, doesn't he?
33:18 But your enemies will not discipline you with love.
33:21 It's a fearful thing to fall into the hand of a...
33:24 an almighty God
33:26 but I'd rather be in God's hands
33:28 than in the hands of the enemy
33:30 so what's the answer here?
33:31 How does the Bible describe the liability of not serving God?
33:35 It will destroy you...
33:37 just simply... it will destroy you.
33:39 There are those individuals that... they live a double life.
33:44 During the week, six days or seven days
33:47 or five days a week,
33:48 they're living a completely different life,
33:50 they're serving the enemy
33:51 and then they try to come to church on Sabbath
33:53 and "serve" God
33:55 and they get it mixed up
33:56 thinking that in the bulletin where it says, "Church Service"
33:59 they think that means you're serving God...
34:02 no... that's just Church Service.
34:04 That's the order of the service but that's not service
34:07 any more than the...
34:08 any more than seeing the sign "Gas Station"
34:11 means your car is filled up you see,
34:13 then you got to connect.
34:15 You got to get that in-filling you got to...
34:19 but you don't fill your car up and just drive it home
34:21 and leave it in the garage.
34:22 For us to come to church on Sabbath
34:24 and be filled with the Holy Spirit
34:25 and be filled by the message,
34:27 it's a travesty to just go home and just park ourselves.
34:29 He says, "This is the place where...
34:32 the... the... the coaching...
34:34 this is where the... where the Lord is encouraging you
34:36 and empowering you,
34:37 you got to do something beyond this moment
34:39 in order for your life to be enhanced
34:41 and so, that's how it is
34:43 when people get something or buy something new,
34:45 I've... I've seen a lot of the young people around here
34:47 when they get a new gadget
34:49 and I must say... I'm not in the category of young people,
34:52 but I do get excited when I get a new gadget,
34:54 we all know what that's all about, right?
34:56 What do we do? We talk about it,
34:58 we describe it, we demonstrate it,
35:00 if the Lord has made us new, 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 17,
35:04 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation... "
35:07 we should live it... we should demonstrate it...
35:09 we should not only talk about it but share it
35:11 and... and you'll discover, more people will be transformed
35:15 by Christians who are not ashamed to let the world know
35:19 that they're connected to Christ
35:21 and I think that's one of the biggest things today
35:23 is that the world has a lot of Christians
35:25 but you can't pick them out.
35:26 You can't pick them out.
35:28 A number of years ago, a pastor said to me,
35:31 "When you go to a restaurant, do you pray
35:34 or do you hide yourself with the menu while you're praying?"
35:36 Audience: Laughter.
35:38 No, we always bow our heads and pray.
35:39 I'm... I'm always impressed too
35:41 when I see people that are at other tables
35:44 and they hold hands together and they pray
35:46 and sometimes I open my eyes and there is the waiter
35:48 or waitress standing right there with our food
35:50 waiting for us to finish praying.
35:52 It's a witness
35:54 and we've had instances in restaurants where we've gone
35:56 and we've frequented the establishment
35:58 and people have said,
35:59 "You know, I'm having surgery next week,
36:01 would you pray for me about that?"
36:03 "Okay, I'll do that. "
36:04 I'm a part of a Flying Club here in southern Illinois
36:08 and a couple of years ago,
36:10 one of the gentlemen was having a surgery in his family
36:13 and he said, "Hey, you know, I... I... I know...
36:17 I mean... you know... " he was trying to work it out...
36:19 "you know, I'm not really a Christian"
36:20 he's trying to fix it...
36:22 I said, "That's... that's okay... "
36:23 he said, "Well, you know,
36:25 could you remember me in prayer?"
36:26 And I said, "Why don't we pray right now?"
36:28 and there we were right there on the... on the...
36:30 on the flying field...
36:31 everybody else in there in their team shirts
36:34 and their... their club shirts...
36:36 and we just bowed our heads and prayed together.
36:38 I went to my car... gave him a... gave him a CD
36:40 and gave him a booklet and... that...
36:43 that puts a seed there but how ready should we be
36:47 in order to be servants of God?
36:49 Huh...
36:51 be ready in season and what else?
36:54 out of season...
36:55 in season... out of season...
36:58 a police is a police officer when he's on duty
37:01 and when he's not on... in season and out of season.
37:03 We're never not a Christian.
37:05 All right...
37:06 Number 5... Number 5
37:08 we're diving into a new area now.
37:10 Here it is.
37:12 "How is the transition made from inactivity to service?"
37:18 From inactivity to service, how is the transition made?
37:23 Pause.
37:26 We can simply say it's a decision... and that's true
37:29 but you have to decide between one thing or the other.
37:34 There's always more than one thing to decide.
37:37 When you come to the place where you decide
37:40 there's something really you have to decide against
37:43 and there's something you have to decide in favor of.
37:46 Joshua 24:15...
37:49 this is a wonderful text because it was at a point where
37:52 there was a lot behind the Israelites
37:54 but there was so much more ahead of them
37:57 and the challenge came to the one
37:59 to whom the mantle had been passed
38:02 and the decision had to be made
38:04 and there's a reason why the text reads the way it does.
38:08 Let's look at this text in Joshua 24:15
38:10 because for whatever reason,
38:12 some people felt serving God was a laborious thing.
38:15 That's why we read just a moment ago
38:17 in Deuteronomy 28.
38:19 He had to get into the minds of the Israelites
38:20 that serving God is not a labor
38:22 but look at the text,
38:24 that's why it begins the way it does,
38:26 he says, "And if it seems... " what?
38:28 "evil to you to serve the LORD... "
38:31 can you imagine that?
38:32 "and if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD,
38:36 choose for yourselves this day whom you will... " what?
38:40 "serve... " and look at the two categories,
38:43 "whether the gods which your fathers served
38:45 that were on the other side of the River,
38:48 or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell... "
38:54 let's read the rest of it together...
38:56 the personal commitment is,
38:58 "But as for me and my house, we will do... " what?
39:02 "serve the LORD."
39:04 You've got to make that decision.
39:05 One of the things I liked about the patriarch's lives
39:07 and I read about... you know, Job and Abraham
39:10 and many of the patriarchs of old...
39:13 they served the Lord not just for themselves
39:16 but they made provision for their families to serve the Lord
39:18 and what God has called...
39:20 that's called not only being a patriarch
39:22 but that's called being a priest of a person's home
39:24 so the priest... the head of the household
39:25 must make the decision...
39:27 must make the stand that all of those under my roof...
39:31 if you have guests in your house for example,
39:35 we just say, "Well, you know, normally we have family worship
39:38 but let's not do it tonight, we may upset our guests. "
39:40 No... I'm talking about the practicality of it,
39:44 lead your guest into... "Well tonight,
39:46 you know, right after dinner we usually have family worship,
39:48 you can join us... "
39:50 "What's family worship?"
39:51 Plant a seed and they'll discover
39:54 that what makes your family different
39:56 from other families that they have probably visited
39:59 is that the Lord is the Head of your household.
40:01 The Lord is the one that's in the midst of your household
40:03 and it's enjoyable
40:05 and some people that have visited us have said,
40:07 "Wow! I like that... I mean, that was nice"
40:09 and sometimes, we've had a guest that will say,
40:12 "Can I read something tonight?" or "Can I sing a song?"
40:15 But we have to make up our own minds
40:18 because there's the two categories...
40:21 the gods that were on the other side of the river
40:24 or the gods in whose land we dwell.
40:26 Now, the reason why this is so significant
40:28 is they didn't make it into Canaan yet.
40:31 They were in the land of the Amorites
40:32 and so there was a lot of them...
40:34 they were surrounded by a lot of things
40:36 that they could decide to do
40:38 so Joshua said, "If it seems evil to serve God,
40:43 you can decide to serve those in whose land you dwell,
40:46 but as for me and my house, I'm going to serve the Lord. "
40:49 Amen.
40:51 And that was the difference between Joshua and Caleb.
40:53 They always had their minds set...
40:55 there was nothing impossible...
40:56 once we are servants of God,
40:58 there's nothing that we should turn down
41:00 when it comes to serving the Lord.
41:02 They made up their minds.
41:03 Go with me to 1st Timothy chapter 3,
41:06 I want to show you something here,
41:08 very important... the category of service.
41:12 You'll discover that when a person goes from
41:16 just being a follower of Christ
41:18 to being involved in service for Christ,
41:24 I've often said,
41:29 "Everybody can't do everything
41:31 but everybody can do something. "
41:33 All right.
41:34 God hasn't given everybody every gift
41:37 but everybody can do something.
41:39 It was interesting how... how Paul the apostle
41:42 in his letter to Timothy talks about service
41:45 and... and bear with me
41:46 because we're talking about the qualifications of a Deacon here
41:50 but the principles really do apply in the sense of service.
41:54 1st Timothy chapter 3, I want to look to verse...
41:57 Verse 10 to 13 all right and actually I want
42:02 to go ahead and read just verse 10
42:04 because I want to apply that principle to all genders.
42:09 It says, "But let these also first be... " what?
42:15 "tested... then let them serve. "
42:20 A person... when the Lord is about to put somebody in service
42:24 He allows them to be tested.
42:28 The word there is also proved.
42:31 So the word that is being applied here...
42:34 when a person is being chosen for service,
42:36 one of the things we do as a church...
42:39 we have what's called Nominating Committee, right,
42:42 we try to make decisions to put people in positions
42:45 where we say, "Now, I've watched that person,
42:47 I've seen them in difficult situations,
42:49 I've seen them in comfortable situations,
42:52 I think that person can be in that difficult position. "
42:55 And so, if we feel that they're not ready for that position,
42:59 we say, "Well, now they could do that
43:00 without losing their Christianity.
43:01 We can put them in that particular area...
43:03 let's get them involved in something
43:05 that's not going to put them too...
43:07 too severely in a position to be tested
43:08 where they may lose their Christianity... "
43:10 because not everyone is able to be in every position.
43:13 Huh... see... even...
43:16 even... even before a person is baptized
43:18 we look at that person's life
43:20 and the commitment is made on the basis of test... try...
43:24 see where they are.
43:25 Don't just throw them into a category
43:27 or throw them into a scenario
43:29 that they are not at that point willing
43:30 to be able to live up to the requirements of.
43:33 So, one of the things that you'll find in serving the Lord
43:37 is that people will sometimes be tested
43:39 and so when the test comes,
43:41 what do you think God is preparing you for?
43:44 I just told you, say it together... service.
43:49 See... who brings the tests your way?
43:52 Huh... no He allows them,
43:57 "Let no man say when he's tempted...
43:59 he's tempted by God" okay...
44:04 where do most of your tests as Christians come from?
44:07 Pause.
44:11 That's not what I hear,
44:14 okay... I'm... I'm trying to draw it out of them,
44:16 you just follow along,
44:17 where do most of our tests come from as Christians?
44:21 Doesn't it come from other Christians?
44:24 Huh...
44:26 Do you come to church by yourself?
44:27 Do you... do you serve...
44:29 do you worship in a place where there are people
44:32 of different temperaments?
44:33 Different likes and dislikes, am I getting close here?
44:37 People that may agree with you or may not agree with you,
44:40 are we all growing together?
44:41 So, the reason I use the question...
44:44 the reason I phrase the question...
44:46 as Christians, where do most of our tests come from?
44:50 That is... in the house of worship...
44:52 I... maybe I should have put that in the question,
44:54 sometimes it comes from those who are in our own households.
44:58 Sometimes it comes from those that we worship with
45:01 and those we sing with
45:03 and those that we work with during the week.
45:05 If you're involved in that kind of ministry.
45:07 So, when those tests come,
45:09 we have to always think of ourselves
45:12 in a position where we're being tried and proven
45:15 to see whether or not we are worthy or fit
45:17 to be put into a position of responsibility,
45:20 where we can be trusted to represent Christ
45:23 because when you serve, you're not serving yourself.
45:26 That's why I've heard people say,
45:27 "Oh... I... I... I think I've gotten over this now,
45:30 but two years ago...
45:31 I think I've dispelled the idea of the... of the fallacy. "
45:34 Some people have said
45:36 when I've asked them to do certain things as a Pastor,
45:38 they say, "But you get paid for that. "
45:39 And I said, "Really... "
45:42 we all get paid, right?
45:44 And what is the payment?
45:46 Audience: Eternal life.
45:48 Pastor: Eternal life.
45:49 If you read Matthew when the...
45:51 when the owner of the vineyard came,
45:53 how much did he give everybody?
45:55 How much did He give everybody?
45:57 Audience and Pastor: Same amount... a penny...
45:59 which means that the gift of eternal life is for everyone.
46:04 Never serve thinking that you're serving the Pastor
46:08 but you always serve the Lord
46:11 but look at some of the categories,
46:13 look at Number 6.
46:14 Look at some of the barriers to service.
46:16 Number 6... Number 6...
46:20 I've got to go a little faster here now,
46:21 "What does the Bible list as a barrier to serving God?"
46:25 What does the Bible list as a barrier to serving God?
46:28 And this is very real.
46:30 I... I sometimes think if we paid...
46:32 if our church operated differently
46:35 and people were paid to serve, we'd have a larger...
46:37 we have a lot of service in this church right?
46:39 Am I telling the truth Dan,
46:42 if people got like $12 an hour to go pass out tracts,
46:44 how many people will be passing out tracts?
46:47 "Pastor, you have any more neighborhoods
46:48 for me to go into?"
46:50 Man! we'd be paying out money like left and right
46:52 but notice this,
46:54 service should never be based on
46:57 what Dr. Luke describes here.
46:59 Okay, here's the question,
47:01 what does the Bible list as a barrier to serving God?
47:05 Luke 16 beginning with verse 13
47:07 and it says, "No servant can serve... " what?
47:11 "two masters... " why?
47:14 "for either he will hate the one and love the other,
47:20 or else he will be loyal to the one
47:23 and despise the other.
47:25 You cannot serve God and... " what?
47:27 "mammon. " What's mammon?
47:29 Mammon's money... huh...
47:31 earthly things...
47:33 some people say, "Mammon"
47:35 but it's earthly things
47:36 and money was one of those significant categorical areas,
47:41 serving... some people say,
47:42 "Hey, how much does it pay?"
47:44 Pause.
47:46 "Well, if we think about it... it pays really well,
47:48 it pays eternal life...
47:50 that's the end result, eternal life...
47:52 but notice what's happening here,
47:54 the battle is, "What is it going to do for me?"
47:57 And that's the category here
47:59 that the Lord wants to make very clear to us,
48:00 "What am I going to get out of it?"
48:02 It should never be self-centered,
48:04 it should be what? Christ centered.
48:06 Everything we do should be focused beyond ourselves
48:11 and focused to Christ.
48:12 You never really get the blessing
48:14 if you're thinking about just what is going to benefit you,
48:17 how it's going to benefit you.
48:18 If you're thinking about blessing somebody else,
48:20 you have to keep that principal in mind
48:22 it's more blessed to give than to receive.
48:24 If we're thinking about enhancing somebody else's life,
48:27 then the servant's heart is there...
48:28 if we're living the servants life,
48:29 but if we're thinking about what just to get out of it for us,
48:32 then we're not at the place where the servant's life
48:34 is being lived
48:36 and we don't have the servant's heart.
48:37 Don't make a choice between
48:39 whether or not it's of benefit to you
48:41 and don't allow money to sway you from serving the Lord.
48:45 I know people that will work on Sabbath
48:48 in a... in a viable position,
48:51 they may be nurses or doctors in the medical field,
48:53 but they'll make the decision based on the fact that,
48:55 "Hey, I get time-and-a-half,
48:57 I get double time if I work on the Sabbath... "
48:59 and I know of somebody that left the medical field
49:02 and went into private in-home medical work
49:04 because they said, "You know, after a while,
49:06 even though I wasn't violating the Sabbath
49:09 by working as a nurse,
49:10 after a while, I lost the significance of the Sabbath,
49:14 it just became any other day
49:16 because I was serving man... "
49:18 and then they said, "But... "
49:20 So I said, "Well, what happened before you quit?"
49:22 They said, "You know what happened?
49:24 Whatever I made on Sabbath,
49:25 I dedicated it to some ministry in the church. "
49:28 How many people would work in the medical field
49:31 and say, "It's not about money, it's about service"
49:34 and give what they make on the Sabbath
49:36 to some ministry in the church?
49:38 Not very many people would do that.
49:39 But then, once again, people that would get to that place,
49:42 have a servant's heart.
49:44 Look at Number... where are we now?
49:46 Number 7... Number 7,
49:48 "How does the Bible describe those that know,
49:52 but choose not to serve God?"
49:56 How does the Bible describe those that know,
49:59 but choose not to serve God?"
50:03 Pause.
50:05 Okay, by the way, Question Number 6,
50:10 the answer there was...
50:12 what does the Bible list as a barrier to serving God?
50:14 Earthly things because if you just put money
50:19 it's more than money that tempts people from serving God,
50:22 it's more than money that's a barrier.
50:23 They have interests that may steal their hearts
50:28 from the time that God wants to spend time with them in study,
50:31 I know a lot of times on Wednesday night
50:33 I remember somebody... years... this is years ago
50:36 we used to have a challenge, I was pastoring a church
50:40 and that's way back in the days when they had this Show
50:44 it was in Texas... this big old wealthy family
50:47 huh... it was called Dallas, right, Dallas
50:51 and I remember one Wednesday night, I was like,
50:54 "Man! where is everybody?"
50:55 And on Sabbath, I said, "Where was everybody?"
50:59 And they said, "Didn't you know that Wednesday night
51:01 was a finale in the Dallas Series?"
51:03 Because the big question was, "Who shot JR?"
51:08 Well, nobody... he's right here...
51:10 Audience: Laughter.
51:11 We have our very own JR...
51:13 but everybody wanted to know who shot JR...
51:16 and it was going to be revealed in the finale of Dallas
51:19 and I'm thinking, "You got to be kidding me,
51:21 you wanted to know more about who shot JR
51:24 than who crucified Jesus. "
51:26 You see, that's not...
51:28 that's not the issue but that's what's happening
51:30 so when the Bible uses the word "Maman"
51:32 it's not just finances... it's not just money...
51:34 but all kinds of interests pull us away from our service to God
51:39 and I like it here because in our church,
51:42 I love the fact that our women are involved in ministry,
51:44 they work at the...
51:46 they go to the prisons during the week,
51:48 our men... many of them go to the prisons
51:50 sometimes during the week but on the weekends
51:53 to various Institutions
51:54 and there are a lot of things that can be done
51:56 but the motive should be, "What can I do for you Master,
52:00 because of what you've done for me. "
52:02 Here's what the Bible says,
52:04 "How does the Bible describe those that know God
52:06 but choose not to serve Him?"
52:07 Here it is, Romans 1:25 and it reads as follows,
52:10 what do they do?
52:11 "Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,
52:14 and they worshiped and served the creature
52:17 rather than the Creator, who is blessed... " how long?
52:20 "Forever. "
52:21 We lived in northern California
52:23 and this kind of rings a bell for me
52:24 because we lived up in the area
52:26 where they have some of the most beautiful trees,
52:28 the Redwoods...
52:29 I mean, trees that were in some cases, hundreds of years old
52:33 and in some cases, more than a 1,000 years old.
52:36 I remember there was a tree that had a... a...
52:38 a graft picture showing way back... as far as Egypt
52:42 and I'm thinking to myself,
52:43 "How can a tree be around that long?"
52:45 And... but one of the things that came to me
52:49 as I read this text is, there were those that... they
52:53 we call the... I'm trying to be delicate here
52:56 they were more concerned about the trees...
52:59 preserving the trees than preserving a knowledge of God
53:03 and I know that we who believe in Creation
53:06 and are mindful of our environment,
53:09 don't want to be insensitive
53:12 and just, you know, just start clear cutting
53:14 and killing off Creation,
53:16 but what is being said here
53:18 is they knew God but they chose to worship the...
53:22 worship the creature rather than the Creator.
53:26 There are some people that are environmentalists,
53:29 there are some people that are
53:30 so concerned about the color of the grass,
53:32 there are people that want to have really clean neighborhoods,
53:34 the Lord said, "That's great and fine
53:36 but let's not leave off serving God,
53:38 just to deal with things that are temporary. "
53:41 They understood...
53:43 they exchanged the truth of God for the lie
53:46 and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator
53:49 once again, listing another barrier between serving God
53:53 and just serving and living for our environment.
53:56 Let's try to get to Numbers 8 and 9 before we finish tonight.
53:59 Number 8... I... I just love this one.
54:02 Ah... okay... exactly... the answer is,
54:05 "How does the Bible describe those that know...?"
54:07 They serve creation rather than the Creator.
54:10 they're more concerned about Creation than the Creator
54:13 and right now, there's a big environmental movement...
54:15 there's a whole big thing about global warming,
54:18 it may be true, it may not be true,
54:20 that's not the issue here,
54:21 but I'm more concerned about the Lord that's going to take us
54:23 out of this planet that's falling apart.
54:25 That should be our Number one concern.
54:27 Look at Question Number 8,
54:30 "In what spirit does the Bible describe
54:32 the life of the servant?"
54:34 In what spirit does the Bible describe
54:36 the life of the servant?
54:37 Oh, turn with me to Colossians 3,
54:39 we don't want to miss this one tonight,
54:42 Colossians 3 and verse 23 to verse 24.
54:45 Beautiful text,
54:47 pause
54:49 okay, here we are, it's on the screen.
54:51 And the Bible says, let's read this one together,
54:54 let's make this our own personal testimony,
54:56 "And whatever you do, do it... " how?
55:02 "heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
55:07 knowing that from the Lord you will receive... " what?
55:11 the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. "
55:17 So, when we are called to service, who are we serving?
55:20 Say it together, we're serving the Lord.
55:22 That's why David said, "Serve the Lord with gladness
55:26 come before His presence with singing. "
55:29 We've got to always keep that in mind because if we think,
55:31 "Well, what has God done for me?"
55:33 He's done so much for me that I want to serve Him...
55:36 I want to serve Him joyfully,
55:37 I want to serve Him with a glad heart.
55:40 So here's what you put down,
55:42 "In what spirit does the Bible describe
55:44 the life of the servant?"
55:45 Pause.
55:47 Huh...
55:48 we serve God heartily...
55:50 with our hearts... the seat of affection.
55:53 we do it heartily.
55:54 Have you ever heard somebody laugh heartily?
55:56 That's a hearty laugh,
55:58 it wasn't a "he... he... he... he"
56:00 it was more like a "Pastor-C.A. laugh. "
56:02 Audience: Laughter.
56:03 You know, he laughs heartily,
56:05 I can't even duplicate that, but it's heartily,
56:07 it's got some robust there,
56:08 you know some people laugh so heartily
56:10 that they make you want to laugh when they laugh.
56:12 Well, here's my point,
56:14 some people serve God so heartily
56:16 it makes you want to serve God when you see them serve.
56:19 Other people sneeze and it makes you sneeze
56:23 or people yawn... and it makes you yawn
56:26 let's make our service to God as contagious
56:30 and a lot more exciting than a yawn or sneeze...
56:33 a sneeze and a laugh.
56:34 Last one, very significant, very significant,
56:38 "How does Paul the apostle describe the battle of service?"
56:43 How does he describe the battle of service?
56:46 This is going to be our transitioning point
56:48 we'll pick up on the next time
56:50 and this is Romans 7 verse 25.
56:52 Romans 7 verse 25, our last text for tonight,
56:54 we'll get it in here, it's on the screen,
56:56 he says, "I thank God... through Jesus Christ our Lord!
57:01 So then, with my mind...
57:03 with the mind I myself serve" what?
57:06 "the law of God, but with the flesh... " the what?
57:10 "law of sin. "
57:11 During the week, my Brother and my Sister,
57:13 if you're watching this Program or listening tonight,
57:15 you've got to make a decision
57:16 where your service is going to be
57:18 because during the week,
57:20 you're going to have a battle between the mind...
57:22 that is the spiritual life and the flesh,
57:25 how to live a spiritual life in a natural body
57:28 and whatever decision you make is going to impact
57:31 whether or not you're going to serve the Lord.
57:33 Whatever decision you make on the side of Christ
57:34 will lead you to "heartily service"
57:37 joyful service... glad service...
57:39 but if you make a decision against serving God
57:42 and going down the path that tends to rob you of the joy,
57:46 then you will not be able to experience
57:48 the blessing that God intends for you,
57:51 so when the flesh calls, ignore it...
57:54 when the Spirit calls, respond...
57:56 and whatever doesn't make sense,
57:58 one day we know will come into a sharper focus.
58:01 God bless you.


Revised 2018-12-05