A Sharper Focus

The Empowered Life, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000044

00:01 Music...
00:18 Hello Friends, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 Bible Study here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:25 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 We thank you for taking the time to tune in
00:28 and we're going to continue tonight in our topic,
00:31 "How to Live... "
00:33 let me... let me check our local audience,
00:35 "How to Live a Spiritual Life in a... "
00:37 Audience: Natural Body...
00:38 Pastor: In a natural body.
00:40 That's what we have to do until the Lord comes
00:41 and changes our bodies but thank you for tuning in.
00:44 If you'd like to follow along with us tonight,
00:47 let me give you the website very quickly.
00:49 Go to ASF.3abn. org
00:52 and download Lesson Number 14.
00:54 Now, some of you may have already downloaded that
00:57 and you may say, "I already have it... "
00:58 well, you have Questions Number 1 to 9
01:00 but tonight there are 10 to 16 so if you want to follow along,
01:03 download Lesson Number 14, "The Empowered Life"
01:08 and you can follow along with us.
01:10 Now, whatever you're doing right now, take the time
01:13 because this is not just a... this is not a sermon...
01:15 this is a Bible Study
01:17 so get your Bibles and get your pens...
01:19 get a lesson and follow along tonight
01:21 so you can find out how to live that empowered life.
01:25 Now, we always sing but before we sing,
01:27 we begin with prayer so let's bow our heads together.
01:29 "Our heavenly Father,
01:31 we thank you for the opportunity tonight to open your Word
01:34 and find in it a power outside of ourselves...
01:38 beyond ourselves...
01:40 and Lord we begin tonight by thanking you for that power
01:44 for without it we can absolutely accomplish nothing
01:48 and so Lord, lead us tonight
01:49 not only to understand intellectually,
01:52 but to connect to the power that converts...
01:55 the power that transforms...
01:58 and also, that empowers us to live that sanctified life,
02:03 we pray in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:05 Are you guys ready to sing?
02:07 Well, tonight we sing the song, "Victory in Jesus"
02:11 it's our theme song by-the-way
02:12 and if you would like to join us as we sing it,
02:16 you are welcome to do so, let's sing the song tonight,
02:18 "Victory in Jesus. "
02:19 Music...
02:27 I heard an old, old story,
02:30 How the Savior came from glory,
02:34 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:38 To save a wretch like me;
02:42 I heard about His groaning,
02:45 of His precious blood's atoning
02:49 Then I repented of my sins;
02:53 And won the victory.
02:57 O victory in Jesus,
03:01 My Savior, forever.
03:04 He sought me and bought me
03:08 With His redeeming blood;
03:12 He loved me ere I knew Him,
03:16 And all my love is due Him,
03:19 He plunged me to victory,
03:23 Beneath the cleansing flood.
03:27 I heard about a mansion
03:31 He has built for me in glory.
03:34 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:38 Beyond the crystal sea;
03:42 About the angels singing,
03:46 And the old redemption story,
03:49 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:54 The song of victory.
03:57 O victory in Jesus,
04:01 My Savior, forever.
04:05 he sought me and bought me
04:08 With His redeeming blood,
04:12 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:16 And all my love is due Him,
04:20 He plunged me to victory,
04:24 Beneath the cleansing flood.
04:27 He plunged me to victory,
04:33 Beneath the cleansing flood.
04:37 Now, what do you say?
04:39 Audience: Amen.
04:40 Well, tonight as we get into our lesson...
04:43 the lesson is entitled, "The Empowered Life"
04:45 "How to Live the Empowered Life. "
04:49 Now, power is a very amazing resource to have.
04:54 We need power for everything.
04:56 Every device in your house that has a plug or battery
05:00 needs some kind of power to be able to function
05:04 and so, when we think about power tonight,
05:07 I want you to think about it in a practical sense...
05:09 in a sense that without power we cannot operate.
05:13 As a matter of fact, our modern society is probably
05:16 at one of its most crippling stages in its existence
05:20 because now more than ever before, we rely on what?
05:23 Or what word am I using tonight?
05:26 We rely on power... without power...
05:31 if there was as some scientists predict,
05:34 if there was ever a sun flare...
05:36 most of us will be in the Dark Ages in a matter of seconds
05:40 because each of us needs power.
05:42 If the sun flare happened in the 1700s... no problem...
05:45 just blow the candle out and go to bed.
05:47 Audience: Laughter...
05:48 But now-a-days, it's quite a bit more complicated than that
05:51 and with remote devices and infra-red devices
05:55 and Bluetooth devices...
05:56 power resounds in all manners and all forms
06:01 in our modern society today
06:03 but tonight, I want to lead with the quotation...
06:05 it's not on the screen, I want to share with you...
06:08 just so I don't get you distracted,
06:09 it's from Abraham Lincoln
06:11 and I chose to... to select this quotation
06:14 because it really makes a lot of sense to me.
06:17 You've heard the one before, "Power corrupts...
06:20 and absolute power corrupts... " how?
06:23 "absolutely"
06:24 so, I didn't want to use that one
06:25 because that's a one that we've heard before
06:27 but this one... you may have heard of it before
06:29 but hear it anyway.
06:31 "Nearly all men can stand adversity,
06:35 but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. "
06:39 Pause.
06:41 "Nearly all men can stand adversity
06:44 but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"
06:46 and then the other one comes in,
06:48 "If he can't handle it, power corrupts...
06:50 and absolute power corrupts... " how?
06:52 "Absolutely. "
06:54 People are tested when power is connected
06:57 to whatever they want to do.
06:59 In fact, when you read the Bible,
07:00 all throughout the Old Testament,
07:03 I'd like to encourage you to do a word study.
07:04 Just put in the word "Power"
07:06 it's a five-letter word
07:07 but when you think of all the things
07:09 that God was able to accomplish through His power,
07:12 when you think of all the things that God was able to prevent
07:15 by His power,
07:16 when you think of all the things that were done wrongly
07:19 and the abuse of power...
07:21 or things that were not able to be accomplished
07:25 in the absence of power,
07:26 you begin to understand that power is vitally important
07:29 but tonight,
07:30 the context in which we're going to talk about power
07:32 is living the Christian life.
07:33 Is living... what?
07:35 Audience: Christian life. Pastor: Living the Christian life.
07:36 Every one of us needs power and the reason for that is
07:38 because we don't do anything on our own strength.
07:42 The Bible says, "Without me... "
07:44 without Christ, we can do... how much?
07:47 We can do absolutely nothing.
07:48 So, in order for us to live this life that is not our life,
07:52 as a matter-of-fact, go with me tonight to Galatians 2:20
07:55 I was going to go to Question Number 6
07:57 but I want to begin with Galatians 2 and verse 20.
08:00 Galatians 2 and verse 20, okay,
08:05 this text really spells it well
08:09 because the Christian life is a life that begins with death.
08:15 It begins with... what? Death...
08:17 it begins with not physical death
08:19 but it begins with spiritual death.
08:21 In other words, until we die, as the Lord says,
08:25 "Except a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies,
08:29 it abides alone. "
08:31 The Christian life is a life is a life that begins with death.
08:33 It begins with the necessity of death,
08:36 that's what baptism symbolizes
08:38 death to the old life...
08:40 burial of the old life
08:42 and a resurrection to walk in the newness of life,
08:44 now, here's question before we read the text,
08:46 "If you're going to be able to live after you die,
08:50 isn't it natural to conclude
08:53 that the life has to come from somewhere else?"
08:54 Pause.
08:56 Right...
08:57 if you expect to live after you die,
09:00 then the power to live again has to come from somewhere else.
09:06 Right?
09:07 It can't come from you.
09:09 As a matter-of-fact, I have a battery at home
09:10 when the winter comes,
09:11 I take the battery out of one of...
09:13 one of my old cars I have a car that's...
09:14 John knows that I've had it since 1995... a Nissan Maxima
09:19 and it has its issues
09:21 but I don't leave the battery in during the winter time
09:23 because cold weather tends to kill a battery
09:25 and the battery is fairly new
09:27 but what I've discovered...
09:28 and this is something that has a spiritual application too,
09:31 what I've discovered is...
09:32 if you don't keep a battery continually charged,
09:35 it even dies...
09:37 and so, the same way in the Christian life...
09:39 unless we have been replenished every day,
09:41 that which we have will seep out
09:44 and because we're not getting a re-charge
09:47 from a divine connection, what we have will die.
09:50 There'll be no activity and I always say,
09:52 "The most expensive car won't go anywhere
09:54 without a $50 battery. "
09:56 Or whatever it costs... all right...
09:59 without a battery... even a Bentley...
10:02 give me a Toyota with a battery
10:05 over a Bentley without a battery.
10:07 Am I right?
10:08 But look at the text, Galatians 2 and verse 20
10:10 talking about dying...
10:13 talking about the entrance into the Christian walk
10:17 and it talks about it in the context of death
10:19 because when you go to the cross, you will die.
10:21 Together... "I have been... " what?
10:23 "crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who... " what?
10:28 "lived... lives... but Christ lives... " where?
10:31 "In me... " pause...
10:34 "and the life which I now live in the... " what?
10:37 "flesh" what kind of flesh?
10:39 Pause.
10:40 What kind of flesh?
10:42 Mortal flesh...
10:43 the life that I now live in the flesh as mortal flesh...
10:47 I live by faith in the Son of God who did... what?
10:51 loved me and gave Himself for me.
10:55 So, before we dive into all the questions and answers,
10:57 let's conclude tonight
10:58 that if we don't have life outside of ourselves,
11:00 we're not going to be able to live the life
11:03 that Christ intends for us to live.
11:05 In other words, Pastor,
11:06 we can't just say we're Christians...
11:08 that power to live that Christian life
11:10 has to come from Christ
11:11 because the Christian is a follower of Christ.
11:15 A disciple is a disciple of Christ.
11:17 A person who's living the new life,
11:20 cannot live the new life
11:22 if that power doesn't come from another source
11:25 and when we are in Christ, 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 17,
11:29 "Old things have passed away
11:31 behold all things have become... " what?
11:32 Audience: New.
11:33 So, we need new batteries after we become Christians
11:36 because the "Adam battery" has been taken out
11:39 and we've got to get the "Jesus battery" on the inside,
11:42 am I right? Audience: Yes.
11:43 Okay now, let's go to Question Number 6 for tonight,
11:45 Question Number 6,
11:46 this is how we get the "Jesus battery. "
11:48 Question Number 6, here it is,
11:52 "After we commit our lives to Jesus,
11:55 what gift does He impart to us?"
11:58 "What gift does He impart to us?"
12:01 And for most of you, you know the text already
12:04 but we're going to go there,
12:05 we're going to go to Acts chapter 1 and verse 8
12:08 to find the answer to the question.
12:10 "After we commit our lives to Jesus,
12:13 what gift does He impart to us?"
12:16 All right...
12:18 Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 is where we'll find the answer.
12:21 Acts chapter 1 and verse 8,
12:23 okay, let's read this first one together,
12:25 It's on the screen, are you all ready?
12:27 Here we go, "But you shall receive" what?
12:31 "power when the Holy Spirit has... " what?
12:34 "come upon you
12:36 and you shall be witnesses to me... " in where?
12:40 "Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,
12:44 and to the end of the earth. "
12:47 Or the ends of the earth... so what do we...
12:49 what do we receive as a gift
12:51 after we commit our lives to Christ?
12:54 Say it Gwen... power... right?
12:56 In other words, we're submitting our...
12:59 and this is a kind of an unusual way to look at that...
13:03 but if you're walking...
13:06 if you're aiming to walk in Christ,
13:08 you've got to enter the relationship with Christ
13:11 through a grave...
13:13 am I telling the truth?
13:16 you got to enter that new life...
13:19 you got to enter it through a grave...
13:21 we call it "the watery grave"
13:23 and whatever goes down in the grave,
13:26 we hope... what? we hope it stays down there
13:29 because if it comes up, we're in trouble.
13:32 As a matter-of-fact
13:33 the only thing that comes up from the watery grave...
13:36 let me just ask the question...
13:37 somebody tell me... what comes up from the watery grave,
13:40 what survives the death...
13:42 what comes up... what survives...
13:45 what doesn't change?
13:47 pause
13:50 aah... come on say it... our mortality...
13:53 my friend is here tonight, John Stanton,
13:56 by-the-way, for those of you who watch 3ABN,
13:58 you know we do a Bible Program together...
13:59 right... right... John: Right.
14:03 We do a Bible Program together but now, he's in the audience,
14:05 pause
14:07 if he stood up here,
14:08 you'll see how really ridiculously short I am
14:11 compared to somebody who's 6... 10...
14:15 He always says, 6... 9-1/2
14:16 but he's never barefoot when he comes to 3ABN
14:19 but good to have you here tonight, John,
14:22 so, I'll tell you... that life that...
14:26 the thing that survives the grave is mortality... is what?
14:30 Mortality... it survives the grave...
14:34 so... so when we come up,
14:37 we come up to walk in the newness of life
14:39 but in that new walk, we bring something old with us.
14:42 That's why power is so vitally important.
14:45 The power that we get though
14:47 is not to empower us to live like we used to...
14:50 go with me to Romans chapter 6,
14:52 it's not to empower us to live like we used to...
14:56 and I tell you, this is where the battle comes in,
15:00 Paul the apostle... when you look at the book of Romans,
15:04 the book of Romans is a book that will grab you by your ears
15:08 and it will be very easy for me...
15:09 grab you by your ears and speak into it and say,
15:13 "This is the life that you must rely on me to live. "
15:17 Look at this... Romans chapter 6,
15:21 all right... and I'm going to look together
15:24 at verse 4 down to verse 7,
15:29 it says, "Therefore, we were... "
15:32 and the next word, "buried with Him through baptism. "
15:36 into what? "death
15:38 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
15:42 by the glory of the Father,
15:43 even so we also walk in the... " what?
15:46 Audience: Newness of life.
15:48 Pastor: "We also should walk in the newness of life.
15:50 For if we have been united together
15:53 in the likeness of His death,
15:55 certainly we shall be in the likeness of His resurrection"
15:59 and how? Look at the next verse, verse 6.
16:02 "Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him,
16:09 that the body of sin might be done away with,
16:12 that we should no longer be... " what?
16:14 "slaves to sin. For he who as died has been... "
16:18 what? "freed from sin. "
16:21 And I must add verse... I must add verse 8...
16:24 "For if we died with Christ,
16:25 we believe that we shall also" what?
16:28 "live with Christ. "
16:29 And this is not just talking about
16:31 "live with Him in the sweet by and by"
16:34 this is talking about living with Christ... when?
16:36 Now... every day... here and now...
16:38 that's the life that He wants us...
16:39 He wants us to live with Him now...
16:41 and I'll tell you what?
16:42 How much easier would it be
16:44 if Jesus would just show up at our house in the morning
16:46 and say, "Hey, Brother Dick, good morning,
16:48 good to have you here,
16:49 hey, why don't you live your... live your day with me?"
16:52 How many of us would really like that?
16:54 Wouldn't that be nice?
16:55 If we had a visible... He's in the car talking with us
16:58 about the glories that shall be hereafter
17:00 and when He is with us when the temptation comes,
17:02 He says, "Hey, remember, ah... don't do that"
17:05 I mean, I... wouldn't that be amazing?
17:08 Audience: Yes.
17:10 Well, what we don't know is He is with us...
17:12 He says, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you"
17:14 but when you walk that... when you walk that faith walk,
17:17 when you're living that faith walk...
17:19 you are in the presence of Christ
17:20 how often during the day?
17:22 Audience: Continuously. Pastor: Continuously,
17:24 so in the morning, we've got to...
17:25 we've got to put this picture in our mind,
17:29 when we wake up in the morning,
17:30 the Lord is right there
17:31 and He says, "Good morning, Marlena,
17:33 how was your rest?"
17:35 Audience: Laughing.
17:36 "Good morning who...?"
17:38 "Good morning, Marlena... "
17:40 "Good morning Cynthia, how's it going?"
17:43 "Ahh... I was tossing and turning... "
17:46 "Don't worry about it,
17:47 My mercies are new every morning. "
17:49 "Good morning Dave, how is it?"
17:52 "Man, I had some bad dreams. "
17:54 "Don't worry about it, it's a new day. "
17:55 Wouldn't it be nice
17:56 if we had that kind of connection in the morning?
17:58 Well, you know what? You can...
18:00 Audience: Amen.
18:01 If you keep your Bible by your bed,
18:02 the Lord will talk to you in the morning, wouldn't He?
18:05 You got to have the power nearby because...
18:09 I got to tell you this story...
18:10 my wife and I replaced our ceiling lamp in our home,
18:13 we did some refurbishing...
18:14 we had a fan that didn't work at all
18:16 and so she said, "Well, if you get a new one...
18:19 don't spend a lot on it but I want one with a remote. "
18:22 Audience: Laughter.
18:24 And Greg, yesterday... was it today?
18:28 it was today...
18:29 we woke up this morning...
18:33 you know when you wake up you're just lying there...
18:36 but you haven't gotten out of the bed yet
18:39 and the light came on...
18:41 and I thought she turned it on
18:42 and she thought I turned it on
18:44 and I said, "Why did you turn the light on?"
18:46 She said, "Why did you turn the light on?"
18:48 and I'm looking on my dresser
18:50 and I have the remote on my side but I haven't moved.
18:53 I'm thinking, "You didn't turn it on?"
18:54 "No... " I didn't turn it on either,
18:56 and I want to think pure thoughts and so I said,
18:58 "Maybe God turned it on. "
19:00 See, because in the morning
19:02 there's a light available when you wake up, right?
19:04 And the light is in His Word.
19:05 I didn't give any life to that because some people will say,
19:08 "Well, Honey, if you didn't turn it on,
19:10 then what's in our house?"
19:11 See, I don't want to go down that dark road...
19:13 I said, "Maybe the Lord turned it on
19:15 to wake us up this morning. "
19:16 Because I don't believe in all that stuff,
19:18 we know there's evil in the world
19:19 but I don't give any light to that
19:21 and so, when you think about the text we just read,
19:22 when we come into that walk with Christ,
19:24 the reason why we need that light
19:26 or that power as He says we will receive,
19:28 is because we don't have the power that we used to have.
19:31 As long as that old man stays dead...
19:33 as long as we make sure he has died...
19:36 pause...
19:37 we're going to need the power from somewhere else, right?
19:40 So, what answer do you put there... Number 6...
19:42 "After we commit our lives to Jesus,
19:44 what gift does He impart to us?"
19:45 Put the word there... what? Power... p-o-w-e-r
19:49 Dunamis... from which we get the word... what?
19:52 Dynamite... very powerful...
19:55 Question Number 7...
19:57 Question Number 7,
19:59 "What is one of the benefits of the power of the Holy Spirit?"
20:05 Romans 15 and verse 13... one of the benefits.
20:08 now there are... there are many, many benefits
20:10 but I want to tell you this,
20:12 it's important not to connect yourself to Christ
20:14 for the materialistic benefits
20:16 because if you connect yourself to Christ
20:18 for the materialistic benefits,
20:19 then we find ourselves becoming people that want to horde...
20:22 want to keep Christ like a Bank Account or an ATM Machine.
20:26 All those things are transient, all those things are temporary
20:30 the power that He wants to entrust to us
20:33 is far abounding... far greater in benefits
20:36 than temporary things that we can buy
20:37 because you know what?
20:39 I don't know if any of you experienced this
20:40 but I have a lot of gadgets
20:42 and when I first bought some of these gadgets...
20:44 I mean I had gadgets...
20:45 I can't wait till spring to have a yard sale
20:47 because hopefully my junk will be somebody else's treasure.
20:50 Am I right?
20:52 And how we get excited about our gadgets...
20:54 as time goes on... that thing that thrilled our hearts
20:58 not just takes up space and becomes non-functional
21:02 but when you get the power from Christ,
21:04 it's never non-functional.
21:06 so look at one of the benefits.
21:07 Romans 15 verse 13... and the Bible reads as follows.
21:10 "Now may the God of hope... " what are the next two words?
21:16 "fill you...
21:18 with all joy and peace in believing,
21:22 that you may abound in hope" how?
21:26 by the power of the Holy Spirit. "
21:29 Now I want you not to run past that
21:32 because what that's in essence saying to us
21:35 is... without the power of the Holy Spirit,
21:37 we can't even have hope.
21:38 Have you seen people that are hopeless?
21:41 Do they look powerful?
21:43 People that are hopeless... they are bent over...
21:46 their countenance changes... they look lethargic...
21:49 pause
21:51 am I right?
21:53 you never see a person, "Hey, I am hopeless!"
21:56 Audience: Laughter.
21:58 Do you ever see that?
21:59 You never see that.
22:00 People that are hopeless... there is a power drain,
22:02 it starts showing up... "Are you okay?"
22:05 "I'm fine... "
22:07 "You're all right... did you get rest?"
22:10 "Yeah. "
22:11 And then, they have this commercial
22:14 that always talks about... I hope I get it right...
22:17 Newnesta...
22:18 I don't know if I'm right or not but
22:20 don't... don't quote me on that...
22:22 but it talks about people who deal with... you know, they...
22:24 they're just like going through the battles of life...
22:27 and they need a... a boost
22:30 and then, when they get that boost
22:32 which in some cases is very necessary,
22:34 it connects them now to a spiritual power
22:37 that keeps the power going
22:40 and so the Lord's in essence saying here,
22:42 you look at that... "all joy and peace in believing"
22:46 believing is the thing that connects you...
22:49 that belief in a God who you cannot see
22:51 connects you to the power source that's readily available to us.
22:57 "that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"
23:02 so here is the answer...
23:03 what is one of the benefits of the power of the Holy Spirit?
23:06 What would you put?
23:08 pause...
23:09 Greg: Boost... boost...
23:11 Pastor: Ah... you got to pick one Bob...
23:13 let's... you can put as many as you like
23:15 but there are many answers there,
23:17 but... but the one that I want to get...
23:18 "you may abound in hope"
23:20 that's what I want to give you,
23:21 the one that you benefit from is hope...
23:24 people need hope...
23:27 they have joy and peace... we've heard that a lot...
23:30 but hope... that you may abound in hope
23:33 is what I want to focus on tonight.
23:35 One of the benefits is hope... we all need hope in our lives.
23:39 as a matter of fact, when hope dies...
23:40 no matter what you have,
23:44 it just doesn't make any sense anymore.
23:45 You lose interest in the very things in your house...
23:47 you could look at your television...
23:50 you don't turn it on...
23:51 the radio is turned off... the curtains are shut...
23:53 you don't really want to eat
23:55 because you've lost hope,
23:57 but if you have hope,
23:59 joy and peace is going to accompany that, right?
24:03 Number 8... Number 8...
24:06 "How does Paul the apostle describe his transformation?"
24:13 How does he describe his transformation?
24:17 Ephesians 3 and verse... let me check...
24:20 I have 7 and I have 17...
24:22 I want to make sure that I am correct,
24:25 Ephesians 3
24:27 pause
24:30 and we're going to look at verse 7...
24:34 ignore your lesson, cross out the 1...
24:38 it's Ephesians 3 and verse 7,
24:40 I have it correct on the screen, Ephesians 3 and verse 1,
24:44 all right...
24:45 okay, the question is,
24:47 "How does Paul the apostle describe his transformation?"
24:51 And by-the-way, as you read the answer
24:52 it is also our transformation.
24:54 All right, here it is.
24:56 The answer is here...
24:57 Ephesians 3 and verse 7,
24:59 he speaks of which...
25:01 "Of which I became a minister
25:06 according to the gift of the grace of God
25:10 given to me by the effective working of.. " who?
25:15 "His power. "
25:17 I want you to get this because to be a minister...
25:19 and by-the-way, let me just say something,
25:21 every one of us is a minister, can you say, "Amen" to that?
25:23 Audience: Amen.
25:24 People say, "Well, is the minister here?"
25:26 I... well if you're here and you're a Christian...
25:30 the minister is here.
25:32 Each one of us is ministers
25:33 we've got to get that in our reality...
25:35 we've got to connect to that,
25:36 each one of us is called to be a minister.
25:38 Pause.
25:39 But we cannot be ministers without the power of God
25:44 and Paul was such a minister, that's why he was able to say,
25:48 "Man! this power of God is effective. "
25:51 He used the phrase,
25:52 "The effective working of His power. "
25:56 I have a... I have a battery charger...
25:59 anybody has a battery...
26:01 anybody have battery chargers?
26:02 Okay, you don't really have to have one,
26:04 but you notice how much you need it when something dies.
26:08 So, I have a battery charger
26:10 and in specifics...
26:12 the one I'm talking about is a car-battery charger,
26:15 so when the season comes up, I have to charge my lawnmower,
26:18 charge my car battery... and you set on that thing,
26:21 you just plug... analyze...
26:23 you set with the "analyze" button, Cathy,
26:25 it sits here and analyzes the battery
26:27 and determines how much power it needs.
26:29 Now, every day, not all of us...
26:32 need the same amount of power to get our day going
26:37 but whatever power we need is made available through whom?
26:44 through Jesus Christ.
26:46 So, Bob may be farther ahead
26:51 than some others in their Christian walk
26:53 and some may be brand-new Christians
26:55 just trying to get going
26:56 and Bob is on a good stride in his walk with Christ,
27:00 so... but the power that he needs
27:02 and the power that you need
27:04 is going to come from the same source... the same power...
27:06 and God doesn't measure it...
27:08 there's no measurement of his power,
27:10 but what he does and I want to make this clear,
27:12 God... between us and God,
27:14 there's something I call a "step-down transformer"
27:17 have you ever seen that before?
27:18 Because if God connected Himself directly to us,
27:21 we'll go up in smoke...
27:22 am I right?
27:24 Our God is a consuming fire
27:27 as I did, whenever we go to Australia, I finally learned...
27:31 Janice, I finally learned...
27:33 so, when I go to Australia, I don't take my...
27:37 my shaver that I use,
27:39 you know that little shaver that you
27:40 kind of edge out your mustache and your...
27:42 I've... I've blown two of them
27:44 and I thought, "Oh, maybe my...
27:46 maybe my converter wasn't strong enough. "
27:48 I had one of those 240 to 120 converters
27:50 but still was not enough
27:52 because the power in Australia is amazing...
27:53 burned out two...
27:55 so, what I do now, so I take a battery-powered one
27:57 right, and then I bought a...
28:00 purchased a blow dryer so when I go over to Australia,
28:02 I don't take my American blow dryer...
28:04 for whatever reason,
28:05 our appliances are not made well enough
28:07 to handle the power in Australia.
28:10 Australia is a lot more powerful than us...
28:12 in some senses they are but here's the point,
28:15 without that transformation... without that transformer between
28:19 that's why the lesson before this
28:20 was "The Transformed Life. "
28:22 There has to be a transformation before there's an empowerment.
28:25 The Lord knows exactly what kind of transformation is necessary
28:29 for us to be able to connect to that power.
28:31 So, the answer you put here is,
28:33 "How does Paul the Apostle describe his transformation?
28:36 Effective working of His power...
28:40 effective working of His power, all right...
28:44 and by-the-way,
28:46 you could put many of the components of the Scripture,
28:49 you can also say the gift of the grace of God,
28:51 but what I want to focus on because of the topic,
28:54 "The Empowered Life"
28:55 is the effective working of His power.
28:58 So, here is what I want to emphasize even further,
29:00 when you wake up in the morning and you think,
29:02 "Well, am I going to be able to get the power I need?"
29:05 If you read your Bible you will.
29:07 If you pray you will
29:09 and if it doesn't come quickly, go back to your Bible
29:13 and pray again
29:14 because I tell you,
29:15 you cannot spend an effective amount of time in your Bible
29:18 and walk away lethargic and weak
29:21 as you did when you first opened your Bible.
29:23 Really, because there's no other book on the earth
29:26 that's a living book.
29:28 If you can see the Bible... if you can look at the Bible,
29:31 you don't see it but there's a...
29:33 there's an invisible connection between the words in here
29:37 and our heavenly Father.
29:39 Right? The mind... the heart...
29:43 but, the living Word... "the Word became flesh"
29:51 the living Word...
29:52 this is the only book that you can read the same statement
29:55 over and over and over again
29:57 and all of a sudden, one day, it makes sense.
29:59 Like... we were... we were... we had a Bible Program
30:02 that we were working on the other day, John and I...
30:04 and we were talking about,
30:05 "If you love me, keep my commandments. "
30:08 And all of a sudden it dawned on us,
30:10 that it's not just an act of keeping the commandments,
30:14 but we are finally at the place where the Lord feels safe
30:17 to entrust His commandments to us,
30:18 so He says to us, "Okay, now that you're converted
30:21 I can give you my commandments because now you can keep them. "
30:25 Did you get that?
30:27 Now that you're converted, I can give you my commandments
30:30 because now you'll keep them, you won't throw them away.
30:34 So, folk that are not converted He won't...
30:36 He won't entrust them to him... to that individual...
30:40 because they won't keep them...
30:41 and when you hear people say,
30:42 "We can't keep the commandments of God"
30:44 well, He won't... He won't entrust them to you
30:46 but you will be responsible for them
30:48 because even though He doesn't physically extend
30:50 tables of stone,
30:52 where are they located? Come on...
30:54 mind and heart.
30:56 So, when you say, "We can't keep the commandments"
30:59 it's like you got a power source in your head
31:01 that you don't even understand
31:03 is vital to your daily existence.
31:05 "If you love me... keep it... "
31:07 I don't want to say too much about that
31:09 because I may be developing... developing a sermon...
31:11 so John also will be developing a sermon on that revelation
31:15 and it was so amazing... we almost spoke simultaneously,
31:18 we said, "What a revelation!"
31:20 And we said, "Wow! that was a divine moment"
31:23 but it's one of those things,
31:25 only the Bible has that kind of power
31:27 but you'll never know it unless you read it
31:29 so, I'm suggesting here today,
31:31 if your life is a life that is devoid of power,
31:34 I would strongly suggest... I can guarantee you
31:37 a person that does not spend time studying God's Word
31:41 will be a person that is missing out on the power of God.
31:44 Really it is...
31:47 because the Bible also refers to the Word of God as bread.
31:49 "Man shall not live by bread alone"
31:53 what happened in the journey of the children of Israel,
31:56 every morning they had manna from heaven.
31:58 You've ever heard of that phrase at camp meetings...
32:00 when they get up at 6:30 in the morning
32:03 what do they call it? "Early morning manna"
32:06 because the Word of God is there
32:09 and by-the-way, you cannot get early-morning manna at noon.
32:13 Audience: Laughter... Amen.
32:15 Right?
32:17 You can't make up at noon for the Bible Study you missed
32:20 when you woke up in the morning.
32:21 If you don't get some of this in there,
32:23 you may get all your cereal,
32:25 you may get your seven vitamins,
32:27 you may get your medication,
32:29 you may get all the things you need in the physical world
32:32 but without the spiritual institution,
32:35 without the spiritual injection,
32:37 you'll be a healthy sinner
32:40 am I right?
32:42 Empowered to do nothing.
32:44 Let's go to Question Number 9,
32:47 Question number 9,
32:50 here it is, "What was the driving passion
32:56 in the life of the Apostle Paul?"
32:59 What was the driving passion in the life of the Apostle Paul?
33:04 You know what? If you don't have a passion
33:06 get one...
33:07 did you hear what I said?
33:10 and make sure that passion is divinely led.
33:13 Can you say, "Amen" to that?
33:15 Because passion is a bad thing when it's not divinely led.
33:19 It could destroy your life really quickly.
33:22 Everyone has a passion
33:24 but not everyone has a passion for good.
33:27 Every one of us has a passion... something drives every one of us.
33:31 If that's not the case, then you are barely existing.
33:36 If you don't have any hope when you wake up in the morning,
33:39 if nothing thrills you to wake up in the morning,
33:41 if there's nothing waiting for you on the other side
33:43 of your daily resurrection,
33:46 then, what a boring life, that's why some people say,
33:51 "If you're going to do this for the rest of your life, Janeck,
33:55 at least do something that you enjoy. "
33:57 Am I right?
33:58 Some people go to work and they walk through the doors
34:02 and they're saying to themselves everyday,
34:05 "What am I doing here?"
34:07 Pause.
34:10 And to those people I say, "Quick, find a passion,
34:13 go to the Virgin Islands and stay there for a month
34:16 and pray. "
34:18 Isn't that a great place to pray?
34:21 Get some sun on your face
34:23 lie on the beach... get your toes wet...
34:26 and say, "Lord, give me a passion or take my life. "
34:30 No, don't pray that one...
34:31 but give me a passion to live my life
34:34 and as Martin Luther King Jr. said,
34:37 pause
34:39 "Those who will not die for what they believe
34:42 are not fit to live. "
34:43 So if you don't have something that you're willing to...
34:47 to invest yourself in,
34:49 then your life is just a daily existence
34:52 and how boring 24 hours a day can be
34:54 and by-the-way, even if you go to the other extreme,
34:57 there are some people that don't have a job
35:00 and... some people think it's a blessing, they use the System
35:03 I know a guy that didn't have a job
35:05 and he just waited for that monthly check to come
35:09 from Social Services and he was excited about it
35:13 and he had a motorcycle
35:15 and if he wasn't on his motorcycle,
35:16 he was playing video games all day long
35:18 if he wasn't playing video games and on his motorcycle,
35:20 he was just walking down the streets aimlessly
35:22 and I thought to myself, "What a boring life!"
35:24 See, God has never intended for us
35:26 to live our lives unto ourselves,
35:28 when we read that text a few moments ago
35:30 that talks about a minister,
35:31 if our lives are not lived for the benefit of someone else,
35:34 then our lives are meaningless
35:36 and the Lord never calls a Christian
35:38 to live a meaningless life
35:39 and the Lord never calls a Christian
35:42 to live life unto himself or herself.
35:46 It's always for the edification and benefit of somebody else.
35:50 Let's look at the driving passion of Paul the Apostle
35:52 Philippines 3 and verse 10,
35:54 you already turned there right?
35:56 And some of you already read it but here it is,
35:57 I like this, he says, "That I may know Him
36:03 and the... " what?
36:04 power of His resurrection,
36:07 and the fellowship of His sufferings,
36:10 being... " what?
36:11 "conformed to His death. "
36:14 The passion that drove Paul...
36:17 he says, "that I may know the power of His resurrection. "
36:19 when Jesus came forth from the grave and said,
36:22 "All power is given unto Me"
36:25 it didn't really make a whole lot of sense
36:28 to those who tried to prevent Him
36:30 but just to give you an amplified understanding
36:33 of the power,
36:34 no matter how many Roman Centurions
36:36 they tried to guard that tomb with,
36:38 there was not enough Roman Centurions
36:40 to keep Jesus from coming forth from the grave.
36:42 Right?
36:43 I mean, even if all Rome... huh...
36:47 just... can you imagine angels came by and said,
36:52 "Roll away the stone"
36:55 and by-the-way if the... Jesus could have done it.
36:57 He said I have power to lay down My life
37:01 and I have power to do... what? Take it again.
37:03 But there was not enough power in all of Rome...
37:06 there was not enough power in all of the kingdom of darkness
37:08 to prevent Jesus coming forth from that grave
37:11 that's why when He came forth... and I tell you...
37:13 we won't understand the power of this statement
37:16 or the implications of the statement
37:18 until we see the world re-created.
37:21 I want to be there, what about you Pastor?
37:23 I want to see what the Bible meant when it said,
37:28 "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made. "
37:33 Audience: Amen.
37:34 "And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. "
37:37 "He spake and it was done,
37:39 He commanded and it stood fast. "
37:42 And then you go on top of that,
37:44 He has so much power, He knows all the stars by name.
37:46 Pause.
37:49 Don't think on that too long...
37:53 but Paul was allowed
37:55 and each one of us is, by-the-way, allowed
37:57 to have the...
38:00 to understand and know the powers of His resurrection
38:02 the fellowship of His suffering
38:04 as we are being conformed to His death
38:07 being conformed to His death
38:09 because it is by entering that death
38:11 that we now are available...
38:13 that the power of God is now made available to us
38:16 so, we put the answer down for Question Number 9,
38:19 what was the driving passion in the life of the Apostle Paul?
38:23 he wanted to know Christ and the power of His resurrection,
38:27 he wanted to know Him and the power of His resurrection.
38:30 And by-the-way, you don't just want to have power
38:33 because power without a personal relationship with Christ
38:37 is useless...
38:38 what do you need power for? To do what?
38:41 Pause.
38:43 To live the empowered life
38:46 and that empowered life is to give you a relationship
38:49 one with another... that relationship with Christ
38:52 and I tell you, one of the things
38:53 we have to prevent against is getting too busy
38:56 because the busy life could drain the essential elements
39:01 from the empowered life...
39:02 we can sometimes get so busy working for God
39:05 that we don't get connected to God.
39:08 See...
39:10 as a worker...
39:13 sometimes... I heard a story about a worker
39:14 that was packing the shelves... packing the shelves...
39:16 he kept getting a call...
39:18 "Come to... come to Human Resources
39:21 come to Human Resources"
39:23 and he's busy packing the shelves...
39:25 he's busy packing the shelves and he..
39:27 the announcement, "Come to Human Resources...
39:30 come to Human Resources... "
39:31 and the announcement goes out again,
39:33 he says, "Wait, I'm packing the shelves
39:35 and I get paid by how many boxes I put on the shelves"
39:37 and the announcement again, "Come to Human Resources,
39:40 come to Human Resources... "
39:41 and what he didn't know
39:43 was the boss was so impressed by his work
39:45 that he was going to give him a bonus.
39:47 Here he is working his head off
39:50 and there's a gift waiting for him in Human Resources
39:53 and on that day,
39:55 it wasn't dependent on how many boxes he put on the shelves,
39:58 sometimes, God wants to empower us and give us a gift
40:01 and we're working... so busy for Him
40:04 that we don't stop and listen to the voice,
40:06 "Come to Divine Resources...
40:09 come to Divine Resources... there's a gift waiting for you,
40:12 come... "
40:13 so don't ever get too busy for Christ
40:15 that we forget to respond to the voice of Christ, amen.
40:19 Knowing Him and the power of His resurrection...
40:22 now, let's go to Number 10.
40:24 Number 10... okay...
40:29 "How does Paul describe the essence
40:33 of the Gospel?"
40:35 How does Paul describe the essence of the Gospel?
40:38 You know, when somebody asks you,
40:40 "Okay, what's the essence of the gospel?"
40:42 Well, we know who the focal point of the gospel is
40:45 and the focal point of the gospel is Christ
40:48 but when you use the word "Essence"
40:51 I could use another word in the sense...
40:55 well, if I use the other word, I'm going to give it away.
40:57 so let's read the... read the Scripture...
40:59 we're going to go to Romans chapter 1 and verse 16
41:01 talking about the essence of the gospel
41:03 in other words... let me think of...
41:05 let's think of the essence in some sense like the spark plug.
41:08 You know we say, "Well, what's wrong with the car?"
41:10 And I remember when I rebuilt my car years ago
41:14 in Orlando, Florida and I put the...
41:16 put everything back...
41:19 I had never rebuilt an engine before,
41:20 finally rebuilt this engine...
41:22 put all the Piston Rings back finally...
41:29 and by-the-way, when I did this...
41:31 having never done it before, David,
41:32 when I took that engine apart, I was terrified
41:35 so what I did is... everything that I took out,
41:38 I put a piece of white tape around it and numbered it.
41:42 Number 15 on this tape...
41:44 and where it came from, I wrote, Number 15.
41:47 So it was like putting a puzzle back together,
41:49 you see, Number 15 goes to Number 15...
41:51 I think I've told you this story...
41:53 when I was done, I had two extra screws left.
41:55 Pause...
41:58 and what happened was... speaking about the power...
42:02 I put everything back together but I forgot to align...
42:07 you know those line-up marks
42:08 they say you've got to line up top-dead center
42:11 and you got to make sure that all that stuff is correct...
42:14 Audience: Timing marks...
42:16 Pastor: The timing marks...
42:17 I was off by just a little degree
42:19 and no matter how many times I tried to get... brrr...
42:22 brrr... and I discovered years later
42:27 that that's how it is sometimes if we're not aligned with Christ
42:31 you can try your best... your efforts may be ever so pure
42:35 but unless you are aligned with Christ,
42:37 the power keeps evading you.
42:39 So in the morning, we have to align ourselves with Christ,
42:41 you know, "Lord, take my life for I cannot give it...
42:45 empower me... for I have no power of my own"
42:49 Ellen White has a beautiful prayer about that...
42:50 dedicating ourselves to Christ every day...
42:52 make that the first work of the day...
42:54 but what was the essence of the gospel
42:56 according to the Apostle Paul?
42:58 Here it is, Romans 1 and verse 16,
43:01 look at what he says,
43:02 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"
43:07 for it is the what? "power of God to salvation
43:13 for everyone who... " does what?
43:15 "believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. "
43:19 So, what was the essence of the gospel?
43:22 the essence of the gospel, huh...
43:25 the power of God...
43:27 the power of God to salvation,
43:31 the essence of the gospel is the power of God to salvation.
43:34 We got to think about that in the sense...
43:36 what... what leads me... and by-the-way, let me just...
43:39 let me amplify... amplify this a little further
43:41 because we say,
43:42 "Okay, the power of God to salvation. "
43:44 You got to look at this in the context of justification,
43:46 sanctification and glorification.
43:49 In other words, you are saved...
43:51 you're being saved... and you will be saved.
43:55 What propels you forward...
43:57 the power of God to salvation
44:00 keeps you moving towards the perfect image of Christ.
44:04 You don't just get justified and stay there
44:06 you get... you get justified...
44:09 daily you are being sanctified...
44:11 by what? The power of God for salvation
44:15 and then, finally at the very end
44:16 you are what? Glorified...
44:18 the power of God to salvation...
44:20 in other words, this sounds really strange
44:22 but don't misunderstand what I'm saying.
44:25 Every day we're becoming more and more...
44:27 at least we should...
44:28 be becoming more and more
44:30 like the image of Jesus, am I right?
44:32 We should be because we're not standing still
44:34 the Christian life is not a static life
44:37 you begin some place but you got a goal.
44:39 Paul says, "I've pressed more the goal of the prize
44:43 for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. "
44:45 So, if you're standing still...
44:46 if you're content with just being justified...
44:48 it's a measly existence.
44:51 Every day I want to be stronger than the day before, right?
44:54 and surely if I've been a Christian for 15 years,
44:56 I should be well on my way
44:59 to becoming more like Christ 15 years later
45:02 struggling with less things 15 years later
45:05 than I was, 15 years earlier.
45:06 That's how you know.
45:08 I remember once... somebody once said,
45:11 "If the things that you used to do
45:14 begin showing up in your life,
45:15 you're going backward...
45:18 can I tell you a story?
45:20 Pause...
45:21 Because you guys didn't get that that quickly.
45:24 We left Texas on our way to California
45:27 when we were moving out there for the first time,
45:30 we stopped in Texas
45:31 because you can't drive through Texas in one day.
45:34 It's 880 miles from end to end
45:36 unless you have nothing else to do,
45:39 so we stopped mid-way in Texas
45:41 got up in the morning
45:43 with our trailer
45:46 pulling ourselves on the way to California.
45:50 Fifteen minutes into the drive, Angie said,
45:54 "Wow, that restaurant looked familiar"
45:57 I said, "Well, Honey, this is Highway 10,
46:00 there are probably many of them.
46:02 "That hotel looked familiar. "
46:04 Well, maybe it's part of a chain"
46:07 I was in denial for 25 minutes
46:10 what I didn't know and I... I learned then...
46:13 I didn't learn...
46:14 I learned this because that was not...
46:16 that was probably our second time
46:18 but I didn't catch...
46:20 see what you don't know is if the mile markers...
46:22 I learned this... if the mile markers are going up,
46:25 which direction are you moving?
46:26 Huh?
46:29 East...
46:32 if the mile markers are going down,
46:34 what direction you're going? West.
46:36 The mile markers were going up and I didn't realize it,
46:40 I had been going in the wrong direction for 25 minutes.
46:44 Thus... thus the story...
46:47 if the things that you used to do
46:49 start showing up in your life again...
46:52 you're going in the wrong direction.
46:55 All right... so when you're justified,
46:57 you're being sanctified...
46:59 you have to pray that the things that you used to do
47:00 or struggle with... are not showing up in your life again
47:02 because that's an indication
47:04 you're going in the wrong direction and you know what?
47:06 It happens sometimes ever so imperceptibly
47:08 and sometimes it happens when you're completely honest
47:11 because you think you're going in the wrong direction
47:15 thus the phrase,
47:16 "There's a way that seems right unto a man
47:18 but in the end thereof is the way of... " what? "death. "
47:21 I think that's Proverbs 16:25 or Psalms...
47:25 check it out for me somebody, don't quote me on that one
47:27 but I know it's in the Bible more than once, all right.
47:31 So, the answer here is according to Question Number 10,
47:34 "How does Paul the apostle
47:35 describe the essence of the gospel?"
47:38 The power of God to salvation...
47:40 the power of God to salvation.
47:43 All right, look at Number 11, Number 11...
47:47 here we are...
47:49 Number 11...
47:50 ready Enoria, check this out, Number 11,
47:52 pause
47:54 "What does the Bible describe as the 'Message of the Cross?'"
47:58 What does the Bible describe as the "Message of the Cross?"
48:03 pause
48:05 What does the Bible describe as the "Message of the Cross?"
48:07 Go to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 18,
48:10 the message of the cross...
48:12 Audience: That verse is in Proverbs 16:25.
48:15 Okay, praise the Lord, it's Proverbs 16:25...
48:18 that's what came to my mind, all right.
48:21 What does the Bible describe as the message of the cross?
48:26 Now, let me tell you, when we... when we...
48:29 when we go to this answer,
48:30 let me tell you why this answer is so vitally important,
48:32 this is not just to give you information,
48:34 but if somebody says to you,
48:36 well, let me just put this in a... in a testimony,
48:40 there's nothing that is a better testimony or evidence
48:43 that there is a power outside of ourselves
48:46 than a changed life.
48:48 Than a... what kind of life?
48:50 Audience: Changed life.
48:51 Somebody said, "Okay, how do you know that God exists?"
48:54 Say to the people that knew you, "Look at me...
48:58 I mean, really, we hung out together right?
49:02 We partied together, didn't we?
49:04 We drank together, didn't we?
49:06 We smoked together, didn't we?
49:08 We robbed stores together, didn't we?
49:10 We were criminals together, didn't we?"
49:12 Okay now, what could you possibly
49:14 attribute the change to?
49:15 Pause...
49:19 Not to anything on our part
49:21 because human nature cannot bring that kind of change.
49:23 Right?
49:24 So, look at this, the message of the cross,
49:26 in other words, when you speak to somebody about the cross,
49:29 you got to have something that they desire to have
49:32 and will be encompassed in the life that you live,
49:35 notice what Paul says here
49:36 in 1st Corinthians 1 and verse 18
49:38 he says, "For the message of the cross... " is what?
49:42 "foolishness to those who are perishing,
49:46 but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. "
49:54 So, what is the message of the cross?
49:56 The message of the cross is the power of God.
50:01 At the cross... at the cross where I first saw the light
50:05 and the burdens of my heart rolled away...
50:07 at the cross the power was being made available to us
50:11 but Jesus had to die that death to take us to the cross with Him
50:15 then bury us in that watery grave with Him
50:18 that we can come forth from the grave
50:21 and experience the power of God
50:23 so when you say, "Well, what is the message of the cross?"
50:27 In a nutshell, the message of the cross is the power of God.
50:30 Pause.
50:32 Now for people that are being lost, it's foolishness,
50:34 they say, "What do you mean the message of the cross?"
50:36 But when you... when you commit yourself to Christ,
50:38 all of a sudden, that which appeared to be foolish
50:41 when you were in... walking in the flesh,
50:43 is now a joy to those who are now walking in the...
50:48 to walking in the... walking in the Spirit.
50:52 It now makes sense to those who are walking in the Spirit.
50:55 For those who are walking in the flesh, it's foolishness
50:58 because people that have money, they say, "Money is power. "
51:01 Other people say, "Knowledge is power"
51:04 so what do they do?
51:05 They get degree after degree after degree
51:07 because they think power is intellectual
51:09 there are other people who have bank accounts
51:11 and they have multiple millions and some billions
51:14 because they say that money is power
51:17 but I say, the gospel is power, right?
51:21 It is the only... it is the only transforming grace,
51:24 it is the only transforming experience that we will have
51:28 because money... it transforms people
51:30 but not necessarily for eternal life.
51:32 Right?
51:33 Intellectual stimulation transforms people
51:37 but not necessarily for eternal life.
51:39 There are going to be some very intellectual...
51:41 very wealthy people that are going to be lost
51:43 because they rely on their riches and their intellect
51:47 rather than the power of God which is to salvation
51:50 so Paul says, "Man! it's not foolishness to me any longer,
51:54 it's the message of the cross. "
51:57 Go with me to Romans chapter 1, we... I think we read that...
52:01 yeah, we read that already, it was Question Number 10
52:04 or was it Question Number 10, let me go back
52:07 I want to make sure that...
52:09 Audience: It was Romans 1:16.
52:10 Okay, let's go to Romans chapter 1, all right,
52:13 pause...
52:20 more pause
52:25 okay, we read Romans 1 verse 16 but I want to...
52:30 I want to read verse 17, I did not include that,
52:34 it's a very important verse to include in the...
52:38 in the...
52:41 in the gamut of understanding this very carefully
52:44 because he says in verse 16,
52:47 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
52:50 for it is the power of God to salvation
52:52 for everyone who believes"
52:54 and when you go back to that and you begin to see this...
52:56 it goes... it goes back and makes sense,
52:59 it is the power of God to salvation
53:01 and then we just read,
53:02 it is the message of the cross is the power of God...
53:06 not just the power of God
53:07 but the power of God to salvation
53:09 and notice verse 17, "For in it... for in it...
53:13 the righteousness of God is... " what?
53:17 "revealed... " from what? "Faith to faith
53:21 therefore, the just shall live by... " how? "Faith... "
53:26 that faith walk is what makes available to us
53:28 the power of God
53:29 because you can't see it
53:31 but you can experience it if you connect yourself
53:34 in that daily relationship with Christ.
53:37 You can know it's there
53:38 if you connect yourself in a daily relationship with Christ
53:41 and for those of us who sometimes get busier
53:44 than we need to be,
53:46 it's imperative that we slow down
53:49 and connect ourselves to the only source
53:51 that will keep us going beyond our activity.
53:54 When the evening comes,
53:55 I'm going to miss my wife for this...
53:58 and now I've got to download it for myself
54:00 because every evening...
54:01 my wife is now visiting her mom in Florida,
54:04 every evening we... this is no commercial
54:07 but for those of you that have Androids or iPhones or iPads,
54:14 no matter what system you're on,
54:15 there's a beautiful App called Bible. is
54:19 you can get it for free
54:21 whether you have an Android device
54:22 or whether you have an Apple device
54:24 and what we do every night
54:25 is we listen to the Bible together.
54:29 We're now in the book of Deuteronomy
54:32 and we made this kind of contract
54:35 so while you're away, don't listen to the...
54:38 keep up with me... don't go too far ahead of me,
54:40 let me know how many chapters you listened to tonight
54:43 so, we could stay together in pace...
54:44 you know why that's so important?
54:46 Because sometimes, at the end of our day
54:48 we could be exhausted.
54:50 Anybody get exhausted?
54:51 At the end of the day, do you really want to...
54:54 I mean, let's get real...
54:55 how many of you want to get into a concentrated Bible Study
54:58 late at night?
54:59 Now, I want to confess here,
55:02 sometimes, when we're reading the Bible...
55:03 I could be tired but my wife... or I would read a text
55:07 and that's two more hours for me
55:09 because while she's falling asleep,
55:11 she'd say, "John, turn the light off"
55:13 I'd say, "Well, Honey, I just found something,
55:14 I can't let it go, I've got to... "
55:16 and I stay up about an hour and a half more
55:18 writing all the things that God reveals in my heart
55:21 but on the human side of that,
55:23 on the frail side of that,
55:24 sometimes we're exhausted at night.
55:26 My good friend, Doug Batchelor,
55:27 he still does this to this very day,
55:29 When we were on the road back then
55:32 when they had cassette tapes
55:33 he said... we'd pray together
55:35 and then, he'd put on this little cassette tape
55:39 with... Scourby... what's this guy's name?
55:42 Audience: Alexander Scourby...
55:44 Alexander Scourby... "Matthew chapter 5"
55:48 and while we're falling asleep,
55:50 we'd hear him reading the Bible in the background.
55:53 Now what's so wonderful about that?
55:55 Isn't it wonderful to fill your mind
55:58 with things that you can meditate on
56:00 even while you're sleeping
56:01 and you wake up in the morning, you say,
56:03 "I don't know who said it
56:04 but I think there's a verse in Matthew... I remember that. "
56:07 The last voice you heard was the Word...
56:09 the last... the last connection you had
56:12 was the power of God's Word before you went to bed,
56:15 but you know, so many of us go to bed
56:17 and the last thing we saw was the news
56:19 or the last thing we read was a magazine...
56:21 or the last thing we heard
56:23 was a terrible bit of news on television
56:28 or we saw a show that got our blood so agitated
56:30 that we can't sleep for another hour
56:32 and one psychologist said,
56:35 "You should not have the television on
56:38 on things that are highly exciting
56:41 two hours before you go to bed"
56:44 because you can't
56:46 the body has to slow itself down
56:49 and get into the cadence and the rhythm
56:50 for you to get a good night's rest.
56:52 So...
56:54 Audience: Bible... what?
56:55 Pastor: Bible. is
56:56 Bible. is
57:00 okay, we just did Question Number 11, right?
57:02 I'm not going to go on to question number 12 tonight
57:05 but I'll just read it for you
57:07 so we can have a lead-in for the next one.
57:09 All right... I'll I have a lead-in
57:11 so that when we continue this study next week,
57:14 you could see that we've laid the foundation
57:16 through Question Number 12.
57:18 So, tonight, let me ask you the question,
57:20 is there any doubt in your mind
57:22 that we are all in need of a power outside of ourselves,
57:25 yes or no? Audience: Yes.
57:26 And the power is from where?
57:28 The power is from Christ.
57:30 "I am the vine, you are the branches,
57:34 if you abide in me, you can bear fruit
57:38 for without me, you can do... how much?
57:41 You can do absolutely nothing
57:43 and so, Friends, here at A Sharper Focus
57:45 and here at 3ABN
57:46 our commitment is to the study of God's Word...
57:49 to the empowerment that is found in God's Word
57:52 and we encourage you to study
57:54 and understand what God has in store for you
57:56 and when you continually study God's Word,
57:59 one day... what is not clear will come into a sharper focus.
58:02 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-15