A Sharper Focus

The Transformed Life, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000042

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome to another A Sharper Focus,
00:23 Wednesday night Bible study here
00:25 in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:26 Thank you for tuning in.
00:28 I hope you have your Bibles,
00:29 your pens, your family, and your friends
00:32 to join us for the next hour
00:34 when we get into the Word of God.
00:35 Our overall theme is continuing to be
00:37 how to live a spiritual life in a natural body.
00:42 That's what God has called us to do
00:44 until we get a new body, that's when the Lord comes.
00:48 And so tonight, we're going to talk about the secret,
00:50 the power from the Word of God, the Holy Spirit,
00:54 and the forces of heaven that makes a difference
00:57 in living that spiritual life in this mortal, natural body.
01:01 But we're going to continue on our topic tonight,
01:03 the transformed life.
01:04 And if we get far enough and finish that lesson,
01:08 we're going to talk about the empowered life.
01:10 To be transformed is not enough,
01:12 you got to have power for that transformer
01:15 to continue to go forward.
01:16 And so before we go any further
01:18 and have our opening song tonight,
01:19 if you like a copy of the lesson,
01:21 here is the website that you can go to.
01:23 Don't put www, go to ASF.3ABN.org,
01:28 and download lesson 13
01:31 which is the one we're finalizing tonight.
01:33 And if we get further enough,
01:34 you want to have lesson number 14
01:36 which is the empowered life.
01:38 Thirteen, the transformed life and 14, the empowered life.
01:43 And if you missed the former broadcast,
01:45 you can also get a chance at that same website
01:47 to view the prior broadcast and then catch up with us.
01:51 But let's pray tonight
01:52 and ask the Lord to continue with us.
01:54 Let's bow our heads.
01:55 Heavenly Father, we thank You
01:57 that tonight we can call on the name of the Lord,
02:01 we can invite the power
02:03 and presence of Your Holy Spirit
02:05 to be here,
02:06 and we can claim the promise that
02:08 He, the Spirit of truth, will lead us,
02:10 and guide us into all truth.
02:12 And so, Lord, tonight, come near to us,
02:15 open our hearts, and our minds,
02:17 and our understanding of Your Word.
02:20 Give us not only intellectual knowledge,
02:22 but give us the power to live
02:24 according to the power that is found in Your Word.
02:28 We pray in Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
02:31 Now, you know, we all sing our theme song,
02:33 it's on the screen here for those of us who are local.
02:36 If you know the story which is the Victory in Jesus,
02:39 you can sing along with us from wherever you are.
02:41 Let's sing the song tonight.
02:51 I heard an old, old story
02:55 How the Savior came from glory
02:59 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:02 To save a wretch like me
03:06 I heard about His groaning
03:10 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:14 Then I repented of my sins
03:18 And won the victory
03:21 O victory in Jesus
03:25 My Savior, forever
03:29 He sought me and bought me
03:33 With His redeeming blood
03:36 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:40 And all my love is due Him
03:44 He plunged me to victory
03:48 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:52 I heard about a mansion
03:55 He has built for me in glory
03:59 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:03 Beyond the crystal sea
04:07 About the angels singing
04:10 And the old redemption story
04:14 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:18 The song of victory
04:20 Key change.
04:22 O victory in Jesus
04:26 My Savior, forever
04:29 He sought me and bought me
04:33 With His redeeming blood
04:37 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:41 And all my love is due Him
04:44 He plunged me to victory
04:48 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:52 He plunged me to victory
04:56 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:02 Can you say amen to that?
05:04 Amen. Wow.
05:05 Well, tonight, we're talking about the transformed life.
05:09 Say that with me, the what? Transformed life.
05:13 And that transformed life can be encapsulated
05:16 in the scripture, in the Bible.
05:18 Go with me there to 2 Corinthians.
05:21 What book did I say? 2 Corinthians.
05:24 We have a couple of spaces here,
05:26 if you want to fill in.
05:27 2 Corinthians, this single scripture,
05:30 singular scripture encapsulates the transformed life.
05:35 2 Corinthians 5:17.
05:41 2 Corinthians 5:17.
05:44 Now if you think about the titles
05:45 transformed life and empowered life,
05:49 you have to keep in mind that...
05:50 I got my degree in electronics.
05:54 And transformers
05:56 and power supplies were very significant.
05:58 Now a transformer has absolutely no value
06:02 unless there's a power supply.
06:04 You follow me carefully?
06:06 So if there's no power,
06:07 then there could be no transformation.
06:09 The transformer does absolutely nothing
06:12 unless there's power that's present.
06:16 Now you have step-up transformers
06:18 and you have step-down transformers.
06:21 Now if you go
06:23 to some of the power lines in town,
06:24 we have phase one, phase two, phase three power.
06:27 I think that's my knowledge goes that far.
06:30 And if you try to plug a little shaver
06:35 into a three phase power
06:36 without a step down transformer,
06:38 what's going to happen?
06:40 You going to get fried, not just the razor,
06:43 but you're going to get fried.
06:44 Some don't, if you plug it into one side of the plug.
06:47 Well, yeah.
06:48 But, you know,
06:49 we're not getting technical like you are, Glen.
06:51 Glen is also, has got
06:52 a lot of background in that area too.
06:54 But the fact of the matter is,
06:56 there needs to be a stepping down of the power
06:58 in order for those things,
07:00 those devices that take 6 volts, 12 volts,
07:04 and whatever
07:05 the power recommendation may be.
07:08 And when you think about the almighty God,
07:13 thankfully there is a step down transformer
07:15 between Him and us
07:17 because the Bible says our God is a consuming fire.
07:20 So unless there is something to temper the power
07:23 that the almighty has, then each of us will fry.
07:28 That's why,
07:29 living this spiritual life in a natural body
07:33 or a mortal body is an amazing thing.
07:36 Because the spiritual life is from a power source
07:40 far beyond our ability to understand,
07:44 far beyond our ability to even connect to one to one.
07:48 That's why, when you find in the Bible,
07:49 we'll read the scripture in just a moment.
07:50 That's why, when you find in the Bible
07:52 when Moses asked for the Lord to give him a glimpse of Him,
07:56 He says, "Are you sure?"
07:57 And I'm paraphrasing.
07:59 He says now,
08:00 "Okay, if this is going to be done
08:01 with no detriment to you,
08:04 you go ahead and hide in the cleft of the rock,
08:06 and when I pass by, you just peek.
08:08 Don't look too long
08:11 because that power is so potent."
08:14 Even just that little glimpse when Moses came down
08:16 from the mountain, what had to happen?
08:19 They had to put Venetian blinds over their face.
08:21 Not really.
08:23 Just they had to put an apron over his face
08:24 because the power was so great.
08:26 The veil
08:28 that kept the glory of God from blinding
08:31 those who were not in the presence of God.
08:34 And so you find
08:36 that when we talk about the transformed life,
08:38 the reason why the next topic follows this one
08:40 in a perfect sequence is because in order for us
08:43 to have a transformed life,
08:45 we've got to connect to the power.
08:47 We've got to connect to the what?
08:48 To the power.
08:50 You just can't have a transformer,
08:52 you can't buy...
08:53 Matter of fact,
08:54 a whole house filled with transformers
08:56 is of no value
08:57 unless there is a power source present, all right?
09:01 But now let's read this text together,
09:03 the transformed text, the transformed life.
09:06 2 Corinthians 5:17.
09:09 And notice what it says.
09:10 It says, "Therefore, if anyone is," where?
09:15 "In Christ," he is a what? "New creation."
09:19 That means life is transformed. How transformed is it?
09:23 Together, "Old things," have what?
09:26 "Passed away.
09:27 Behold all things have become new."
09:30 Notice, old things are placed by all things.
09:35 All things replace old things.
09:37 All new things replace all old things.
09:41 The transformed life is a life of transformation.
09:44 So tonight, our title
09:46 "how to live a transformed life"
09:48 is so vitally important to our topic tonight.
09:50 So let's begin by going to question number 16
09:53 because there is a way that we can know
09:55 that we are connected to that transformed life.
09:58 And sometimes,
10:00 when we go from lesson to lesson,
10:01 sometimes a Bible verse may show up more than once.
10:05 And while the content of the Bible verse
10:07 is not going to change, I've used the same verse
10:10 for different application, right?
10:11 So if you see it more than once in our upcoming lesson,
10:14 I've used it to pull something extra out of that text
10:17 proving the power of inspiration.
10:19 Okay, question number 16, here it is.
10:22 How do we know
10:24 that we are following God's transformation plan?
10:28 How do we know that we are following
10:30 God's transformation plan?
10:33 Question number 16, go to John 15:7.
10:37 John 15:7 is where the answer is found,
10:41 the transformation plan.
10:44 I remember the school that I attended in New York
10:48 to learn about...
10:50 One kid came to the class and the professor asked,
10:54 he says, "Why are you here?"
10:55 And he said, "I want to learn how to work with electricity."
10:58 And being a novice just starting out,
11:01 he says, "I hope you don't play with electricity
11:04 because it will kill you."
11:05 So you cannot...
11:07 You have to understand
11:08 the properties of the transformed life.
11:10 We have to understand where our authority ends
11:14 and where God's authority begins, right?
11:18 And I say that because a lot of times,
11:21 we cannot think in the same way that a little small shaver
11:26 doesn't have the ability to harness the power
11:29 that's in the phase-three voltage
11:31 unless it stepped down.
11:32 You can't just connect them too directly
11:34 and expect them to be no damage to the smaller device.
11:38 In the very same way,
11:39 we have to acknowledge the power
11:40 that's resident in Christ in order for us
11:43 to have a respectable relationship with Him.
11:45 Never think that God is our equal,
11:47 He will always be our superior.
11:49 Amen? Amen.
11:51 Look at the answer, John 15:7.
11:54 How do we know that we are following
11:56 God's transformation plan?
11:58 Here it is on the screen, let's read this one together.
12:01 He says, "If you do," what?
12:03 "Abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
12:08 you will ask what you desire, and," what?
12:11 "It shall be done for you."
12:14 Sometimes people have taken that text and said,
12:15 "Okay, well, I'm abiding in God's word.
12:17 So I'm going to pray for a boat."
12:19 That's not what that is about.
12:20 God is not giving you boats unless you're on an island.
12:24 And I say that because God understands
12:26 each of our needs.
12:28 Case in point, when we live in Orlando, Florida
12:31 and my wife and I had an old Toyota Corona, 1976 JR,
12:36 and it was dying slowly, it got to the point
12:38 where it was just really falling apart.
12:41 And we were trying our best to do
12:42 all kinds of things to keep it together.
12:45 And we never knew
12:46 where we were going to be living
12:47 about a year and a half later or almost two years later,
12:50 and we bought a Toyota 4Runner
12:51 which is a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
12:53 And you don't need
12:54 a four-wheel drive vehicle in Orlando, Florida.
12:57 Why? Major reason, tell me somebody.
13:00 No snow, no hills.
13:01 The highest point in Florida is 400 feet
13:04 and I haven't found it yet.
13:06 I keep thinking, that's a control tower.
13:08 But the Lord knew,
13:11 He allowed us to get this Toyota 4Runner,
13:13 He allowed us to qualify for a loan
13:15 to get a Toyota 4Runner
13:16 when we couldn't qualify for a loan to get a bed.
13:21 Amen?
13:22 Lord, please get us the loan to get some furniture.
13:25 No.
13:27 Lord, please get us a loan to get a Toyota 4Runner.
13:30 Yes. You know why?
13:32 Because He knew,
13:33 two years down the road when we were asked
13:35 by the Northern California Conference,
13:36 after we moved there,
13:41 what kind of church would you like?
13:42 I said, "It really doesn't matter to me."
13:44 And so we went to interview at this church
13:45 and one of the first things the member said is,
13:47 "I hope you have a four-wheel-drive vehicle."
13:49 And God knew that two years earlier.
13:51 Can you say amen? Amen.
13:52 So God will supply your need, not always your want.
13:58 Every now and then,
13:59 a want would slide through there
14:01 and the Lord will bless that and honor that.
14:03 But for the most part, God wants to provide our need.
14:05 And the greatest need we have
14:07 according to this text is abiding not only in Christ,
14:11 but abiding in what?
14:13 Abiding in His Word where the power is resident.
14:16 You'll see this come up again in the next lesson.
14:18 So here's the answer.
14:20 How do we know that we are following
14:21 God's transformation plan?
14:22 Two things, we are abiding in who?
14:28 We are abiding in who? Christ.
14:32 Say it again, Jerry. Christ.
14:33 We're abiding in Christ first and foremost,
14:36 and then we are abiding in His Word.
14:40 And this is His Word
14:42 which means we're spending time in His Word.
14:44 When you abide, the word abide
14:46 is different than the word stop by, right?
14:50 Stop by, I'm going to stop by your house.
14:51 That's different.
14:53 But if somebody says,
14:54 "I'm coming to abide at your house,"
14:56 they don't really mean live.
14:58 When we abide in Christ, we live in Christ.
15:01 That text we just read a moment ago,
15:03 2 Corinthians 5:17,
15:04 could adequately be read this way.
15:07 "If anyone abides in Christ, He is a new creation."
15:11 See?
15:12 So what I want you to get,
15:14 it's not just saying that we are in Christ
15:15 that makes us new creations,
15:17 but it's staying in Christ that makes us new creations.
15:21 Not just abiding,
15:23 not just stopping by as some people say,
15:24 "I want to give my life to the Lord,
15:26 but I don't want to be a member of a church."
15:30 You know, I want to play for the 49ers,
15:32 but not in the actual game.
15:34 I want the uniform,
15:36 but I don't want to get down on the field.
15:37 So the key is first abiding in Christ,
15:39 and secondly abiding in His Word.
15:41 So write that down for number 16,
15:43 how do we know we're following God's transformation plan?
15:47 We are abiding in Christ and we also are abiding, how?
15:51 In His Word.
15:54 When you wake up in the morning...
15:57 By the way, since we've gotten this new program,
16:00 it's available for PCs and Macs.
16:02 So I'm not pushing any particular platform.
16:04 But there's a program called Bible.is.
16:07 And every night my wife listens,
16:09 she puts it on.
16:10 And last night, she listened to like 11 chapters.
16:13 She listened to seven of them consciously
16:15 and four of them unconsciously.
16:18 Because there she was,
16:20 I heard the Bible reading, Leviticus 11.
16:28 She heard seven of them.
16:30 And I'm thinking...
16:31 You know, how it is, guys.
16:32 If you turn it off, she'll wake up.
16:34 So I just left it on,
16:35 and she's snoring while it's reading.
16:37 And I heard all 10 chapters
16:39 and she heard seven of them consciously.
16:42 But that's what it means.
16:43 What happens is...
16:44 Let me just make it real.
16:46 You've got to make your home, the place you dwell,
16:48 a place where God's Word is welcome.
16:52 Not periodically, but make it a frequent visit.
16:56 And if it's frequent, it's no longer a visit,
16:59 it's abiding in.
17:01 Morning, you wake up in the morning,
17:02 even if you are in a hurry,
17:04 open the Bible, "Lord, talk to me."
17:07 I said, "Lord," and I turn to a Bible text today,
17:10 "Lord, allow me today, use me today,
17:13 give me words to encourage someone today."
17:15 And I'll be amazed.
17:17 Day to day goes by
17:18 and the Lord brings to me
17:20 people that need to be encouraged.
17:22 And then He gives me the words.
17:23 And I prayed today a specific prayer
17:25 and that prayer was answered.
17:26 You don't even know it.
17:27 But I prayed, "Lord, send someone to me today
17:29 that I could talk to about Your Word."
17:31 And I got a phone call today
17:32 and I'll introduce you a couple in just a moment.
17:34 But I tell you, it's amazing how God works.
17:38 But the Word of God has to be a place
17:39 that we are so frequently there,
17:42 it's like a restaurant.
17:44 When people go to the same restaurant
17:45 over and over again, what happens?
17:47 The patrons know you by your name.
17:50 "Hey, have a seat. Go wherever you want to go.
17:53 Sit wherever you want. Yeah, you know the rules."
17:56 And then they get to the place where they shake your hand,
17:57 and they spent time and talk with you.
17:59 That's what we have to have.
18:00 When the Word of God is a regular part of our lives,
18:04 it shouldn't feel like you open your Bible
18:06 and it's a major event.
18:08 What is today? Just a regular day.
18:11 Well, why is your Bible open? You should never feel that way.
18:14 It should not be like a Christmas celebration,
18:16 or Easter, or some kind of,
18:18 "I'm only studying my Sabbath school lesson.
18:20 Oh, I'm just getting ready for a particular,
18:23 you know, test."
18:24 It should be so frequent that our Bible says,
18:27 "Hey, good to see you today.
18:29 Good to see you tonight. Have the Word of God."
18:31 And by the way,
18:33 I suggest for that to be a reality
18:34 in your experience, keep it close by your bed.
18:39 The reason I say that, we have a library of Bibles
18:41 that belong to people
18:42 that don't know their Bibles are here,
18:45 in our lost and found.
18:47 I don't know how they do it, but some people leave church,
18:51 and they forget their Bibles,
18:53 and they don't come back next week and ask,
18:55 "Did you find my Bible?"
18:57 So if you don't have a Bible, we could send you one.
19:01 Please don't call at the same time.
19:03 Number 17, make the study of God's Word
19:07 a regular exercise in your life.
19:09 Number 17, here it is.
19:12 What is the special sign connected to those
19:15 that abide in God's Word?
19:18 What is that special sign connected to those
19:22 that abide in God's Word?
19:24 We're going to go to John 8:31. John 8:31.
19:29 This is a particular sign.
19:31 Some people say,
19:34 "I used to buy a lot of computer magazines,
19:39 I don't anymore,
19:40 because when I was cleaning up the basement,
19:42 Brother Dick, I pulled out a pile
19:45 of Photoshop magazines and InDesign magazines.
19:50 You know what I did?
19:51 I added up the amounts on each of those magazines."
19:53 I said, "Man, I spent that much in one year on a magazine."
19:57 And so what I did now,
19:59 I took advantage of the Internet.
20:00 Go ahead and view them for free.
20:02 At least, get as much of the article
20:03 as you can
20:04 without having to throw off $5 every time
20:06 or sometimes $6.95.
20:08 And how long does it take us to go through a magazine?
20:11 Most of us who are connoisseurs of whatever magazine we like,
20:13 we go through it really quickly,
20:15 and lay it down,
20:16 and there is $6.95 down the drain.
20:18 So I decide to become more economical
20:20 and decided not to do that.
20:21 But the point is,
20:23 if you continuing to read computer magazines,
20:26 people could come to you and ask you a question
20:27 just like that and you pretty much
20:29 have an answer, right?
20:31 And so somebody
20:33 may even categorize you and they say,
20:35 "You are a computer...
20:38 Come on. Say it, Larry. Geek.
20:40 I like that other one better, computer whiz.
20:42 That's really nice, computer whiz.
20:44 That sounds nicer, but geek.
20:47 Ask him, he is the computer geek around here.
20:49 And a lot of guys at 3ABN have that label.
20:52 I'm going to say, I dodge it every now and then
20:53 because I just call myself a gadgetarion.
20:57 However, there is a title linked to those
21:00 that are connected to abiding in God's Word.
21:03 Here it is, in John 8:31. Okay.
21:07 "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him.
21:11 He said, 'If you abide in My Word,
21:16 you are My disciples indeed.'"
21:21 John Chapter 8 was a very amazing passage
21:24 because Jesus was confronted by Jews
21:28 who had been so far removed from Abraham
21:31 that they never considered themselves
21:32 to ever be descendants of slaves.
21:35 They said, "We've never been in slavery."
21:37 And Jesus made it very, very clear to them.
21:39 As a matter of fact, if you look at John 8:32,
21:43 look what at He says there in John 8:32.
21:45 This is not in the lesson,
21:47 but right along the train of thought.
21:49 He says, "And you shall know the," what?
21:51 "Truth. And the truth shall," what?
21:54 "Make..."
21:56 Does anybody have the word "set" in their Bible?
21:59 Set.
22:00 See, some translations say set, some say make.
22:03 I tell you the difference in the Greek word.
22:04 The Greek word actually is suggesting the word make.
22:07 Let me tell you why that's so significant.
22:09 When a prisoner is set free
22:16 unless he's made free in his head,
22:19 he's going to end up back there.
22:21 So the whole context of being set free
22:25 or being made or being free is being made free.
22:30 God doesn't want us to go back to where we were before.
22:33 And so that's why,
22:34 the key significant point of this verse is truth.
22:37 If you know the truth, the truth shall, what?
22:40 Make you free.
22:42 It's in the context of those who could be on trial,
22:46 those who were enslaved.
22:48 And Jesus made it clear,
22:49 "Well, if you really abide in My Word,
22:52 you will be made free."
22:53 And He repeats that again in verse 33.
22:56 And you know the conversation goes on and on and on,
22:58 because they're tallying back and forth with Christ.
23:01 So here's the answer to number 17.
23:03 What is the special sign connected to those
23:05 that abide in God's Word, they are, what?
23:08 They are His disciples.
23:11 Write that word, they are His disciples.
23:16 We. Yeah, we.
23:18 We. Thank you. That's right, make it personal.
23:23 I am His disciple.
23:29 The Disciples of Christ.
23:30 We have some that came in.
23:32 Could someone help out and get a couple of lessons
23:33 in the back for me, Larry?
23:35 Since you're a floor manager,
23:36 you can move around real quickly.
23:37 All right.
23:39 Let's go on to question number 18,
23:40 question number 18.
23:43 Okay.
23:48 Wow.
23:50 This one is important. And let me tell you why.
23:53 As I read the question...
23:55 Before I read the question, I want to just set the stage.
23:58 A lot of times, people say...
24:02 Let me narrow it down the people say.
24:05 Sometimes, you'll meet a Christian
24:07 and that person would say...
24:13 "I believe in the Word of God."
24:16 And then I would follow that up by saying,
24:19 "Would you like to study it together?"
24:21 And they say, "No."
24:24 As somebody once recently said, "I know, you and I,
24:31 we have a different philosophy."
24:33 I'm communicating someone's story.
24:36 "I know we both love the Lord,
24:37 but we have a different philosophy
24:39 about His Word.
24:40 So let's not talk Bible."
24:41 And I thought to myself,
24:43 since when did philosophy enter into the study of God's Word?
24:47 It's not about philosophy
24:48 because the Bible talks about philosophy
24:50 in vain deceit.
24:52 See?
24:53 So the Bible does not support philosophy
24:55 above the Word of God.
24:57 If we both read the same Word of God,
25:01 then we can both come to the same conclusion,
25:03 if we do what this text is going to suggest.
25:06 So how does the Bible describe
25:07 the mind of one being transformed?
25:10 Here is the answer. Acts 17:11, Acts 17:11.
25:17 And it reads as follows, "These were more," what?
25:21 "Fair-minded than those in Thessalonica,
25:25 in that they," did what?
25:28 "Received the word with," what? "All readiness."
25:32 You know what that means?
25:33 I'll read it and come back to it.
25:35 "And they," did what else?
25:36 "Searched the Scriptures," weekly?
25:39 Daily. Monthly?
25:40 Daily. Yearly?
25:42 Daily. Come on, together.
25:43 How did they do it, they did it what?
25:44 "Daily to find out whether these things were so."
25:49 Okay. So let's answer the question.
25:50 How does the Bible describe
25:52 the mind of one being transformed?
25:54 Two things they did.
25:57 They received the Word with all readiness.
26:01 According to the Word,
26:02 "They received the Word with all readiness."
26:05 They were ready to receive the Word.
26:08 You've got to be ready to receive the Word.
26:10 If you're not ready, it's like being a backup,
26:13 it's like being a catcher in a baseball game.
26:15 If the pitcher throws you the ball
26:16 and you're not ready, you'll know it.
26:20 Am I right? How would you know it?
26:24 You get hit, 90 miles an hour, 85 miles an hour.
26:29 Exactly.
26:31 That's why they wear those face masks
26:32 for all those catchers that are not ready
26:35 or for whatever.
26:36 I remember playing baseball,
26:37 and most of the guys in the neighborhood
26:40 didn't want to be the catcher.
26:41 And so when we finally bought a mask
26:45 because we want to be catchers without a mask,
26:46 and you know, that's what you call
26:48 in neighborhood.
26:49 And we had all the kind of hits and they're hitting everything.
26:50 But when we got the mask,
26:52 more people want to be the catcher.
26:54 But the key is here,
26:56 receiving the Word of God with, what?
26:57 All readiness.
26:59 And not only that, what else did they do?
27:01 They search the scriptures how often?
27:04 Daily.
27:05 You know what's happening in our society today?
27:07 And this is something
27:08 that didn't happen in Bible times.
27:11 You know what it is?
27:13 The Thessalonicans
27:14 didn't go to the local Christian bookstore and say,
27:16 "I need to buy this book that was recently written by...
27:20 I don't want to mention names.
27:21 I want to be respectful."
27:23 Because in every book, you can get something good.
27:24 These books are not all bad.
27:26 But what's happening in our world today is,
27:28 we're reading what people say
27:30 about the Bible rather than the Bible itself.
27:35 And so depending on the window from which they are peering out
27:39 because there are so many schools of thought
27:43 as to what a specific scripture says,
27:46 that that person will give this interpretation,
27:48 and that interpretation, and this interpretation.
27:50 They may be from this seminary, or that university,
27:53 or this college.
27:55 They may have that many degrees,
27:56 and this many years of experience,
27:58 and taught many classes that way.
28:00 But what happens is,
28:01 if you go right to the Bible itself,
28:06 then you get the Word of God full force,
28:10 not diluted but fully concentrated.
28:13 And so when you search the scriptures,
28:15 how frequently?
28:16 Daily, you are exposing yourself
28:18 to something that will transform you daily.
28:22 And then it makes your mind ready.
28:24 Sometimes people are depressed and they say "Well, ah man!
28:27 You know, I really am having a hard time."
28:28 Write the answers down
28:30 as I share this example with you.
28:31 How does the Bible
28:33 describe the mind of one being transformed?
28:36 How does it describe that?
28:38 They have a ready mind
28:40 and they searched the scriptures daily.
28:43 Their minds are ready. I'm ready.
28:45 They're kind of leaning forward in the Bible study.
28:49 They're leaning forward when the preacher is preaching.
28:51 They're leaning forward
28:53 when the Word of God is going forth.
28:55 They're not like...
29:01 That's not a ready mind.
29:03 When the Word of God is going forward
29:05 and somebody is there.
29:06 That's why the Bible says to us,
29:08 we should not for...
29:09 Go with me to Hebrews Chapter 7.
29:13 My wife knows exactly where I'm going.
29:15 Yes, I do. Right?
29:18 Hebrews Chapter 7.
29:34 And let me see right here.
29:45 Let me look it up here in just a moment.
29:46 I'll get back to you.
29:47 But the text I'm looking for,
29:49 maybe some of you could help me as I'm looking at this.
29:51 "Forsake not the assembling of ourselves together
29:56 as the manner of some is, as the manner of some is."
29:59 There are some
30:00 that when Bible study is going forward,
30:02 you know what happens?
30:05 I can't say that about any of you
30:07 that are here tonight by the way.
30:08 When Bible studies are going forward,
30:11 what happens?
30:12 Those whose minds are not ready for the study, what happens?
30:16 Somebody tell me what happens. What happens?
30:21 They forsake the assembling together.
30:24 And so therefore,
30:26 when the Word of God is going forward,
30:27 and their minds are not ready,
30:29 and they don't want to search the scriptures,
30:31 they absent themselves from the study of God's Word.
30:35 So in the Book of Hebrews, we'll find it in just a moment.
30:36 Verse 27.
30:38 Is it not Hebrews 10?
30:40 Ten.
30:42 Okay.
30:45 Somebody gave me the answer.
30:46 Where was it? 10:25. I know it was 25.
30:52 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves," how?
30:56 Together, Hebrews 10:25.
30:58 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together
31:01 as is the manner of some,
31:04 but exhorting one another," and what?
31:07 "So much the more as you see the," what?
31:10 "The day approaching."
31:11 In other words,
31:12 the closer the coming of Christ gets,
31:14 the more we should spend time together
31:16 in the study of God's Word.
31:18 Isn't that right?
31:19 So in other words,
31:21 if you know the exam is coming as a student,
31:23 let's put that in a contemporary setting.
31:25 If you know the exam is coming in a week,
31:27 do you spend less time in study or more time in study?
31:29 More time in study. Okay.
31:31 If it applies to the regular world,
31:32 it should apply also to the spiritual world.
31:34 Spend more time together.
31:36 And what we used to have in school was,
31:38 we had study groups.
31:39 So what some of the students would say,
31:41 "Okay, anybody has a final in literature next week?"
31:44 All the kids will say,
31:45 "Let's get together tonight after class,
31:47 and we'll all study literature."
31:49 And they all glean off of each other.
31:51 That's what the study of the Word of God is all about.
31:53 When you get together in a group setting,
31:56 you're able to glean from somebody else,
31:59 what they're learning about the same topic.
32:00 And oftentimes,
32:01 you'll learn something from their perspective
32:03 that you didn't see,
32:04 but on the very same topic, all right?
32:06 So the answer to number 18.
32:11 I think we already gave you the answer, right?
32:13 Let's go to the next one, question number 19.
32:18 We're moving at a good pace tonight.
32:20 I appreciate all of you.
32:22 See how important it is to have your own Bible.
32:25 There are certain verses in the Bible
32:27 that jump out at me.
32:28 I was thinking Hebrews 7:25, Daniel 7:25.
32:31 And that's where my mind went right away.
32:32 But that was Hebrews 10:25.
32:35 Okay, question number 19.
32:38 What role does searching
32:41 the Bible fulfill in our transformation?
32:45 What role does
32:47 searching the Bible fulfill in our transformation?
32:52 Matter of fact, if you think about it this way,
32:54 if you only had one book to leave your house with...
32:57 If somebody says, "You only have one book.
32:59 You can only leave your house with one book,"
33:01 what book should it be?
33:02 It should be the Bible. That's right.
33:05 I once...
33:06 As you're turning to John 17:17
33:08 and all of you pretty much know the answer already.
33:10 But wait till I get there.
33:12 I remember being in the Heritage Singers
33:13 and we gave a concert,
33:16 Sunday afternoon concert at a church.
33:19 And we always had worship before the concert.
33:21 And sometimes,
33:22 another group member will do worship.
33:24 But that particular day,
33:25 I was the one doing the thought.
33:27 And as we were driving away, as we got on the bus,
33:30 Heather, and the church was all locked up.
33:33 As the bus was pulling away, I said, "Stop.
33:37 I left my Bible in the church."
33:40 And I went and tried all the doors.
33:43 And every door was locked.
33:46 And I was miserable.
33:48 I mean, the bus was driving away
33:49 and we were in a different state altogether.
33:52 And we had gone to so many churches.
33:54 I think, five to six concerts a week.
33:59 And I was miserable.
34:00 And we went all the way back to Placerville.
34:02 And people said...
34:05 This is in California, they said,
34:07 "John is really quiet."
34:09 Somebody said, "Because He lost his Bible."
34:11 I mean, I felt like I just...
34:13 All the energy had been taken out of me.
34:15 And when my Bible came by Federal Express, he said...
34:18 Everybody started clapping, "John's got his Bible back.
34:20 Now we can talk to him." I mean, I felt so disconnected.
34:23 I felt so discombobulated
34:25 because the book that you spent time with,
34:28 it was like losing a part of me.
34:31 And this is what happened
34:33 when I spent time in the Word of God.
34:36 So what role does searching the Bible
34:37 fulfill in our transformation?
34:39 This is a short one, let's read this together.
34:41 Together, "Sanctify them by Your truth.
34:45 Your word is," what? "Truth." You know what sanctify means?
34:48 Powerful word.
34:50 Because the focus has been to us truth, truth.
34:53 But let's see what this is actually saying.
34:56 The truth sanctifies you.
34:58 You know what the word sanctify mean?
34:59 It doesn't just mean made holy. Say it again, Kim.
35:03 It sets you apart from a person
35:04 who just wants to meander in the maze of mediocrity
35:08 and wants to have an anchor
35:09 and a foundation in the Word of God.
35:11 So when you are anchored,
35:14 all of a sudden, you're set apart.
35:16 That's like being chosen out of a great line up.
35:19 And basically, the knowledge you have,
35:22 the relationship you have, the connection you have
35:25 to the Word of God sanctifies you.
35:27 It sets you apart from the regular Christian,
35:29 from the regular person.
35:30 So just to say
35:32 you are a Christian is not enough.
35:35 But studying the Word of God, understanding the truth,
35:38 then something happens.
35:40 You become sanctified, you're set apart.
35:43 I remember many Bible studies I've had with people
35:45 and some people would say, like...
35:49 This has happened more than once.
35:51 I met a person that...
35:53 And I get excited about Bible studies.
35:55 Sometimes, I'm in a Bible study and I say things
35:57 that I wish I recorded
35:59 because the Holy Spirit comes on,
36:01 it just flows through the person's mind,
36:03 flows through my mind.
36:04 And I think, "Man, that was amazing,
36:05 I should have taped that."
36:07 But I didn't because it wasn't me,
36:08 it was the Spirit of God.
36:10 But the promise the Lord has made is,
36:12 if you study the Word of God when you need it,
36:15 He's going to bring it back to your remembrance.
36:18 So studying God's Word
36:20 is not just for the searching of truth,
36:21 but it's like filling up a hard drive
36:23 with information, it's there when you need it.
36:27 And have ever looked...?
36:28 How many of you have more than one computer,
36:30 let me see your hands.
36:31 Have you ever search one computer
36:32 only to find out that what you're looking for
36:34 is on the other computer?
36:36 That's why they have this new thing
36:37 nowadays called the Cloud.
36:39 Have you heard about that?
36:40 A lot of companies
36:41 have things now called the Cloud.
36:43 Apple came out with the word called the Cloud
36:46 which means whatever you put on your iPhone
36:48 shows up on your iPad,
36:50 and shows up on your iMac.
36:53 And they say, "Where is it?" "It's in the cloud."
36:58 And until I know where the cloud is,
36:59 I'm not connected
37:01 'cause the cloud really is a singular place
37:03 where they store all your information.
37:05 And I'm thinking, "You mean, all of my contacts,
37:11 all of my important documents?"
37:14 They said, "Yeah, it's stored.
37:15 Just in case your house catches on fire,
37:17 it's going to be in the cloud."
37:20 The only thing I'm looking for in the cloud
37:22 is seeing Jesus come in the cloud.
37:24 Because I'm a little leery
37:26 about all my information being out there and,
37:27 "Where's the cloud?
37:29 Can I call the cloud? Just call the cloud."
37:33 But the Word of God sanctifies you,
37:35 sets you apart.
37:37 David didn't say,
37:38 store the Word of God in the cloud.
37:40 He said store, where? In your mind.
37:42 "Thy Word have I hid in my heart
37:45 that I might not sin against Thee."
37:46 And I would suggest to you
37:48 that more people will be stronger
37:49 in their walk with Christ
37:51 if they had more of the Word of God hidden
37:53 in their minds and in their hearts.
37:55 The difference between just putting it in your mind
37:56 as you've remembered intellectually,
37:59 but when it becomes special to you,
38:00 it's in that heart.
38:02 When you read the Word of God
38:03 and it just thrills your soul, it's in your heart.
38:08 When you've read the same story over and over, and this time,
38:10 you see something new in it, it's in your heart.
38:14 It's like a very well made dessert
38:17 that you request.
38:20 Number 20, number 20.
38:24 Why is the Word of God
38:25 the safest measurement of transformation?
38:30 Why is the Word of God
38:32 the safest measurement of transformation?
38:36 And the reason this is significant here is
38:38 because we are living in the age of...
38:43 I don't even know, I think I've lost count.
38:45 I knew at one point,
38:46 how many different Bible translations there were.
38:49 But they're not just different Bible translations,
38:51 but then you have some Bibles
38:54 that are not necessarily in harmony
38:56 with the original Greek and Hebrew,
38:59 that are sometimes a paraphrase.
39:01 Then you also have Bibles that are not inspired.
39:05 I don't want to be too insensitive here.
39:07 But you have like a translation called
39:09 the New World translation
39:11 which is specific to a particular denomination.
39:14 Then you have the Book of Mormon
39:15 which is specific to a particular denomination.
39:18 But they all claim inspiration.
39:20 And see, what happens now, so you asked the question,
39:22 "Well, which inspired Bible should I read?"
39:25 And what happens is,
39:27 if you have too many points of measurement,
39:29 then something could occur that God never intended.
39:33 Stay with the canon.
39:34 Stay with the what? The canon.
39:36 When it's native to specifically
39:39 a total denomination and not open to others,
39:43 then the question should be,
39:45 "Does it measure up to the Word of God?"
39:47 Okay, here's the answer. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
39:51 Be careful because we're living in this day and age,
39:54 we've got to make up our minds,
39:55 this is the day and age in which we're living.
39:57 "For such are," what?
39:59 "False apostles," what kind of workers?
40:02 "Deceitful workers,
40:03 transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.
40:08 And no wonder!"
40:10 Or no marvelous as the King James Version says,
40:12 "For Satan himself does," what?
40:15 "Transforms himself into an angel of light.
40:21 Therefore it is no great thing if His," what?
40:25 "Ministers also
40:26 transform themselves into," what?
40:29 "Ministers of righteousness,
40:32 whose end will be according to their works."
40:36 Wow.
40:37 I mean, that's a heavy scripture
40:39 because it's accusatory to some degree.
40:40 Now good thing, I didn't write it
40:42 because somebody would have an issue with me.
40:44 "How could you say that, John?"
40:46 I'm glad it's inspired by God's Word.
40:47 Amen? What is being said?
40:50 There are angels that are not angels of light.
40:53 There are ministers
40:54 that are not ministers of righteousness.
40:57 And who is behind it? Satan.
41:01 And the Bible says that in Matthew 24,
41:02 the Bible talks about that very carefully.
41:05 "Many false christs
41:06 and many false prophets will arise
41:08 and will deceive many."
41:11 So be very careful.
41:12 So when somebody is in a Bible study with you,
41:16 instead of saying, "What do you think about?"
41:19 And they want a question answered from you.
41:21 Instead of giving them your opinion,
41:23 give them, what?
41:24 Tell me.
41:25 Give them a "thus saith the Lord."
41:28 I actually got a minister frustrated with me once.
41:32 He said to me,
41:33 "Why can't you just tell me what you think?"
41:37 I said, "Because what I think doesn't matter."
41:39 Right?
41:40 If our doctrinal base was based on what I think,
41:43 then we could
41:44 have Larry McLucas University of thinkers.
41:48 Right? Right.
41:51 You got to think according to what...
41:53 Let your thoughts be governed and guided by the Word of God.
41:58 That's the safest place.
41:59 When you're planting in your mind the Word of God,
42:02 it's like each of us following the same course
42:06 as each of us in a caravan.
42:08 I like to think of the Christian life
42:10 not in such a uniform way, but in this sense,
42:12 not that we're all identically alike.
42:14 But if you're following the Word of God,
42:15 if each of you is following the Word of God,
42:18 you are like a train that passes
42:20 through what's freckled with 200 cars.
42:25 He's connected to him, connected to her,
42:27 we're all connected.
42:29 The Word of God keeps us all, what?
42:31 Connected.
42:33 But if somebody else is connected
42:34 to a different book,
42:36 somebody else is connected to a different philosophy,
42:37 somebody else says,
42:39 "Well, that's not the way I see it."
42:40 And all of a sudden, you have a train that's coming
42:42 through with one car each.
42:44 Is that all the train?
42:46 "No, there is another one coming."
42:48 "How many cars?" "One." And you say, "What's going on?"
42:50 Disconnected trains
42:52 are like disconnected Christians,
42:55 all claiming to have
42:56 the same faith in the same book,
42:59 but not connected
43:00 because somehow people have been artfully
43:04 able to lead people away from the study of God's Word
43:08 because they're not following the principles
43:11 established in the study of God's Word,
43:13 right.
43:15 So be careful where you get your information from.
43:17 Because it's really well put together nowadays.
43:20 What's out there is very well put together.
43:22 But if it's not from the Word of God,
43:24 be very leery.
43:27 All right. Number 21.
43:30 We are actually going to get to the second one tonight.
43:32 So the answer for number 20,
43:34 why is the Word of God
43:35 the safest measurement of transformation?
43:38 Okay, you won't be deceived.
43:41 You can't be deceived.
43:46 You can't be deceived
43:48 if you demand a "thus saith the Lord."
43:57 I watched a program once.
43:59 Matter of fact,
44:01 Pastor Doug Batchelor was on this program,
44:02 they were interviewing different pastors
44:03 around the world about end time events.
44:07 It was on PBS.
44:09 And it was on another channel a few years ago.
44:14 And one of the subject matters that were being discussed,
44:17 about three or four pastors reading the Word of God,
44:21 and reading something
44:23 that the Apostle Paul says in Romans 1.
44:24 I'm not going to get specific about it right now.
44:27 But they said the reason why Paul wrote that
44:28 is because Paul had a problem with women.
44:32 And I thought, "He did?"
44:36 Not in the sense of promiscuity.
44:39 But they were saying that,
44:40 "Well, Paul didn't really like women
44:42 so that's why he wrote that.
44:43 So he had an issue with that gender.
44:45 So it was only conditional to the time,
44:47 but it does not apply today."
44:49 And I'm thinking,
44:50 "How much else of the Bible is that way."
44:54 And I was amazed.
44:55 And there was a survey that went out
44:56 that was done by a theological university,
44:59 I won't give the name of that.
45:01 I have to be really sensitive being on television now.
45:03 But they said,
45:04 "Out of the ministers that were interviewed,
45:06 12 percent of them believed
45:08 in the literal second coming of Christ.
45:12 But only seven percent of them
45:13 believe that heaven was a literal place."
45:16 Seven percent.
45:18 If you only had 100 people interviewed,
45:20 that 7 out of 100
45:21 believing that heaven is a literal place.
45:24 Out of the 12 that believe the second coming
45:26 was a literal event,
45:28 some of them believe that it was a spiritual event.
45:30 In other words, Christ can come into your heart
45:34 or and others believe
45:35 that Christ was already here, arrived in 1916.
45:40 So you have to be very, very careful
45:42 when you try to find the place that that thought was born,
45:45 you don't find it in God's Word.
45:48 All right.
45:49 Now let's go on before we transition
45:52 from the transformed to the empowered life.
45:55 Question number 21, here it is.
45:59 What is the end result of living a transformed life?
46:03 This fits right into our topic
46:04 about how to live a spiritual life
46:06 in a natural body.
46:08 What is the end result of living a transformed life?
46:11 Philippians 3:20
46:17 and 21.
46:20 Philippians 3:20 and 21.
46:27 All right, here is what it reads
46:29 or how it reads.
46:31 "For our," what?
46:33 "Citizenship is in heaven,
46:36 from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
46:41 the Lord Jesus, who will," what is the next word?
46:45 "Transform our lowly body that it may be confirmed
46:52 to his glorious body,
46:54 according to the working
46:57 by which He is able even to subdue,"
47:00 how many things?
47:02 "All things to Himself."
47:05 "By which He is able to subdue all things to Himself."
47:11 So this transformed life,
47:14 the last thing that's going to be transformed
47:16 by a person whose mind is transformed
47:20 and whose life is transformed.
47:22 What's going to be the last piece transformed?
47:25 Come on, say together. The what? The body.
47:29 So until then, we've got to live
47:31 a spiritual life in what kind of a body?
47:33 A natural body
47:35 because the transformation hasn't taken place yet.
47:38 This transformation,
47:39 the final transformation is going to be,
47:41 the Lord is going to change our vile bodies,
47:44 this mortal body that it may be fashioned
47:47 like unto His glorious body,
47:49 conformed to His glory of glorious body
47:52 according to the work in by which He is able
47:55 even to subdue all things to Himself.
47:58 God is the great gravitational pull of all humanity.
48:01 He pulls all of us to Himself.
48:04 All of those who are being transformed
48:06 by Christ will be gathered.
48:07 In another word here for the word
48:10 even able to subdue all things,
48:15 all evil things come to an end.
48:17 All good things are set for ever eternity,
48:23 existing without end, subduing all things,
48:26 subduing evil,
48:29 eradicating evil.
48:32 And then good begins to reign for ever more.
48:35 "Able to subdue all things to Himself."
48:39 So now let me ask the question,
48:41 how many of you are looking forward
48:42 to the transformed body?
48:46 Any particular reason why?
48:48 I guess we could take that for the rest of the night.
48:54 I know, you don't have to worry
48:56 about your knees anymore, right?
48:58 We don't have to worry about each of us
48:59 as being patched up as best we could down here
49:02 but when the Lord comes back, all that stuff we had,
49:04 all the, you know, the extra glass eye
49:06 that we had to put in, or the new knees,
49:09 or the hearing aid, or whatever we got,
49:12 the plate in our head,
49:13 all that stuff would be subdued.
49:19 And that's right. Jerry recently lost his wife.
49:22 And Dick lost your wife last year.
49:25 That's right.
49:26 What reunions are they going to be, right?
49:28 When the Lord transforms our lowly bodies
49:31 that maybe...
49:32 Hey, I want to tell you this, Jerry,
49:34 your wife is going to look a lot prettier
49:35 than when you married her.
49:37 So hold on.
49:40 He is too, he said.
49:41 You're going to look more handsome.
49:43 More handsome. Yeah, there you go.
49:45 But he's going look prettier you said?
49:49 He's going to look more handsome.
49:51 The beauty of it is, friends, here is the key.
49:52 And I want to wind this up
49:54 as we transition into the empowered life.
49:57 If we're not being transformed day by day
50:00 and empowered day by day,
50:03 if we're not being transformed day by day,
50:05 then there's really nothing that we're planning for
50:09 because we almost have arrived
50:10 to the place of being content.
50:12 A life that is not content with the way the world is,
50:16 is a life that is planning for that final transformation.
50:19 And the only thing that's going to remain...
50:21 This sounds really amazing. Go with me to Revelation 22.
50:25 There's something that's going to remain.
50:29 That's why this study is so vitally important
50:33 because you just can't wait to the very end.
50:35 I know some people that...
50:37 Well, this sounds really sad,
50:38 but I know some Christians that say,
50:40 "Well, it doesn't really matter what I do to my body
50:42 because I'm going to get a new one anyway."
50:45 It's not that simple.
50:46 You can't abuse this body
50:48 just because you're going to get another one.
50:50 Because we have to give an account
50:51 as to how we handle the body that the Lord has given to us.
50:55 But Revelation 22:11,
50:57 the reason why this is so important
50:58 to get ready for the transformed life
51:00 or that final transformation is,
51:02 there is something that is happening day by day.
51:05 Okay? Look at verse 11. "He who is unjust," what?
51:10 "Let him be unjust still,
51:13 he who is filthy let him be, " what?
51:15 "Filthy still,
51:16 he who is righteous let him be," what?
51:18 "Righteous still,
51:20 he who is holy let him be," what?
51:22 "Holy still."
51:24 And Jesus said to His disciples,
51:26 "Be ye therefore holy
51:29 as your Father in Heaven is holy."
51:31 The transformed life means, every day we are desiring,
51:36 and by the power of Christ living a holier life.
51:40 We're living a more righteous life.
51:44 Now am I saying, Robert,
51:46 that we becoming more righteous every day
51:48 because you can't be more righteous than Christ?
51:50 But what in essence is being said is,
51:52 we are becoming more like Christ day by day.
51:56 So right now, we're in the middle of painting
52:01 and putting in new floors.
52:02 I want to tell you,
52:04 it really is a transformation process.
52:06 You know, when you got to take out all the carpet,
52:09 take out this at our home, take the padding out,
52:12 all the prep work, Larry, plugging up all the holes,
52:17 making sure you have the right paint color,
52:21 taping around the window
52:22 so the paint doesn't get everywhere.
52:23 It's all in my head right now.
52:25 And somebody said,
52:27 "When you're done, I want to see it."
52:31 That's the transformed life.
52:33 When the Lord finally changes these lowly bodies
52:36 that is fashioned like unto His glorious perfect body.
52:41 When the transformation happens,
52:43 I want to see it.
52:45 Amen? Amen.
52:46 It's going to be far greater
52:48 than any of us can ever imagine,
52:50 far more lovely
52:52 than any of us can ever imagine.
52:55 But you don't have to wait
52:56 till then for the transformation
52:59 to take place.
53:00 You are being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
53:04 You are being transformed by the what?
53:06 Renewing of your mind.
53:08 So you don't go from a horrible, evil,
53:11 desperate person today to a perfectly righteous saint
53:15 when Jesus comes.
53:17 Those thoughts have to be cleaned out.
53:18 The reason I read this text
53:20 is because what's being talked about here
53:22 is the person that has been saved,
53:24 the person who is in
53:26 a saving relationship with Christ
53:27 has taken the time
53:29 to develop the mind of a person that's holy,
53:33 the life of a person that's holy.
53:35 They have pushed out the filth that was there.
53:38 They have pushed out all those things
53:40 that were unjust
53:42 and put the things that were righteous
53:44 and the things that were holy there.
53:47 That's the responsibility that the Lord has given to us.
53:51 Now let me ask you the question,
53:53 which category does that fit into,
53:55 justification, glorification, or sanctification?
54:01 Come on, don't be afraid. Sanctification
54:03 Sanctification.
54:05 Sanctification is the day by day, by day,
54:06 by day process of growing to be more like Christ.
54:10 But some churches teach, once saved always saved.
54:15 "I'm saved, I'm going to go to heaven
54:17 whether I want to go or not."
54:19 That's not the case. It's a life you live every day.
54:21 You've got to be transformed every day,
54:24 that transformation is happening,
54:26 God is making us more and more like Him.
54:29 And you see such in the scriptures,
54:30 those who work for Christ,
54:32 many of them had to be transformed.
54:35 You think about Peter.
54:38 Even up to the time of the crucifixion of Christ,
54:42 Peter still needed to be transformed.
54:45 Matter of fact, go with me to John 21.
54:47 I want to dive into the new lesson,
54:48 but I'm kind of guarding the time
54:49 because I don't want to break open a new can
54:51 and not be able to even feed you
54:52 any of it.
54:54 That's kind of what I'm going to do.
54:56 So I'm going to use the time here
54:57 to show you a couple of examples
54:58 in the scripture
55:00 that the Lord talked about very carefully.
55:01 John.
55:03 Here we are.
55:06 And by the way,
55:07 whenever the Lord is transforming us,
55:09 don't be concerned about those around us
55:11 that He's working at a different pace than us.
55:13 That's the reason I'm sharing this with you.
55:15 All right? Okay.
55:18 John Chapter 21.
55:21 So John 21:15. Look at this.
55:26 This is the dialogue between Christ,
55:30 and Peter, and John.
55:34 "So when they had eaten breakfast,
55:36 Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah,
55:40 do you love Me more than these?
55:42 He said to Him," what did he say?
55:45 "Yes, Lord, you know I love you.
55:48 You know I love you.'" He said to him," do what?
55:52 "Feed My lambs."
55:54 He said to Him again a second time.
55:56 'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?'
56:00 He said to Him,
56:02 'Yes, Lord, you know that I," what?
56:05 "Love you." He said to him," what?
56:08 "Feed My sheep or tend to my sheep.'"
56:10 Then verse 17.
56:12 "He said to him the third time,
56:14 'Simon, son of Jonah,
56:17 do you love Me?'
56:19 Peter was grieved
56:21 because He asked him the third time,
56:24 'Do you love Me?'
56:25 And he said to Him, 'Lord, You know all things.
56:29 I mean You really do. You know that I love You.'
56:31 Jesus said to him," what? "Feed My sheep.'"
56:34 Now let me give you an understanding.
56:36 Some of you may know
56:37 what this dialogue is all about.
56:38 When Jesus ask him
56:40 the first time, "Do you love me?"
56:41 He said, in the Greek, "Do you agape?"
56:43 Say that word, agape.
56:44 "Do you love me without condition?"
56:46 Our love for Christ...
56:47 His love for us is unconditional.
56:49 But not everyone is at the place
56:51 where they love other people unconditionally.
56:54 And this story is evidence of that, he first said,
56:56 "Do you agape me" was the phrase first Greek word
56:59 that the Lord used.
57:00 And Peter said, "Lord, you know I love You.
57:02 I philia you. I love You like a brother."
57:05 Then He asked him again, "Do you agape me, Peter?"
57:08 And he said, "Lord, you know I philia you.
57:10 I love you like a brother.
57:12 I don't love you unconditionally yet."
57:14 And then he said, "Okay."
57:15 Third time, "Okay, Peter, if you philia Me,
57:18 if you love Me like a brother, let's start there,
57:20 then go ahead and feed my sheep."
57:23 And so the key is, not every one of us
57:25 is at the place where Christ wants us to be.
57:27 Not every one of us loves
57:28 the other person unconditionally.
57:31 The transformed life takes you
57:32 from the natural way of loving somebody
57:35 to the divine way of loving somebody.
57:37 And it can only be done by the study of God's Word.
57:41 The transformed life takes you
57:42 from the mundane human limitations
57:45 to the spiritual side
57:47 that really doesn't have any limitations.
57:49 And we know the story, what happened?
57:51 Peter eventually was converted
57:53 and he was able to strengthen the brethren.
57:55 So those of you are studying the Word of God,
57:57 keep this in mind, keep trusting God
58:00 and that transformed life will become
58:01 a life of your experience.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-12