Sharper Focus, A

The Transformed Life, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000040

00:19 Hello friends and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:22 Bible Study here in Thompsonville, Illinois at the
00:24 3ABN Worship Center. Thank you for tuning in and thank you for
00:27 taking the time to study with us. We are always blessed by
00:30 you joining us and we always know that by joining together
00:34 the Spirit of God will unite our hearts not only in purpose
00:38 but in study of His word. So get your Bibles, get your pens
00:42 invite your family and your friends; did not intend to
00:45 rhyme that and also if you'd like a copy of our lesson
00:48 tonight to follow along go to this website
00:53 don't put www. Download lesson number 13, titled
00:58 The Transformed Life and then you can follow along with the
01:02 questions and the answers, as well as following those
01:04 questions and answers that will appear on your screen tonight
01:07 But before we do anything we'd like to always invite the
01:10 presence of God to continue with us so let's bow and pray
01:13 together. Our heavenly Father we thank you tonight for your
01:16 goodness and for Your word. We all need to be transformed
01:20 tonight as we study this very important topic. But You'll
01:24 speak to our hearts about how You are remaking us and molding
01:28 us and how you are shaping us to become more like Christ
01:32 So Lord take Your Word and bring it to light that we may
01:36 understand, that we may comprehend and that we may
01:40 take hold of the power to transform our lives, in Jesus
01:44 name, Amen. Before we do anything though we always like
01:48 to sing our song. The song is Victory in Jesus, and that's
01:52 the only way that we can find victory so if you know the song
01:55 or if you've heard it sung before and would like to join us
01:57 we'll sing that song right now. Victory in Jesus
02:07 I heard an old, old story How the Savior came from glory
02:15 How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me
02:23 I heard about His groaning And the precious blood atoning
02:30 Then I repented of my sin and won the victory
02:38 On victory in Jesus, my Savior forever
02:46 He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood
02:53 He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is to Him
03:01 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood
03:08 I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory
03:16 And I heard about the streets of gold, beyond the crystal sea
03:23 About the angels singing, The old redemption story
03:31 And some sweet day I'll sing up there, the song of victory
03:39 Oh victory in Jesus My Savior forever
03:46 He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood
03:54 He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is to Him
04:01 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood
04:20 Amen. We are talking about transformation. Tonight the
04:26 title is How to live a what kind of life? Transformed Life
04:33 Now we've heard about transformation and transformers
04:37 and what it means to be transformed. A number of years
04:41 ago something started in America that I think may have
04:44 taken hold around the world. A toy was made, I don't know
04:51 if they're still around or not because I never bought one
04:54 Matter of fact I was too old at that time to buy any toys
04:58 but I heard about these toys called transformers
05:02 And the whole gist of it was it had two different appearances
05:07 one completely different from the other.
05:09 And the reason why I'm gonna choose to begin with this
05:12 tonight, I'm going to show you some pictures actually
05:14 If you go to the screen here's a picture of what the transformer
05:16 often looked like. It started looking like a car, a jeep or
05:22 so to speak a military style jeep but I guess obviously some
05:26 kind of machine gun on top of that. And when the car was
05:30 transformed this is what it looked like.
05:33 And it's hard to think when you look at one
05:36 how you can get this out of the other and I think of the
05:40 manufacturers, they had to be geniuses, what do you think?
05:43 I mean to be able to fit that to get that out of something
05:48 that was completely shaped, totally differently. You could
05:51 never look at this image and think that it would originally
05:55 be a jeep with a Gatling gun on top of it, it really wouldn't
05:59 make any sense. And they began to take hold all around the
06:02 world. You'd see little kids with green ones and red ones
06:05 blue ones and whatever the color of the vehicle was
06:08 that was the color of the transformer, the robot.
06:12 But the gist of the story tonight is as follows:
06:17 We don't yet appear what we're gonna look like, matter of fact
06:22 go with me in the Bible, I want you to see this just before I
06:24 go to the next slide because I have another picture of the
06:26 transformation. We don't yet appear, as a matter of fact I'll
06:30 let my television production crew, I want to go to the next
06:34 slide before I read this Scripture. I want to go to the
06:38 next slide before I read this Scripture because it's very
06:41 interesting to see how we're going to be as compared to how
06:46 we are. Here's another picture one I think we're more familiar
06:51 with. The whole process of a caterpillar to a butterfly
06:56 You go from, in some cases, a kind of odd looking, crawling
07:02 creature to a beautiful looking, flying creature and this picture
07:08 actually follows the processes. Caterpillar decides to hang out
07:11 that's how it all begins, by hanging out. Then it goes inside
07:16 puts a coat on, builds around themself and you begin to see
07:19 the process as it goes all the way through. And it's called
07:22 transformation or the real word is metamorphosis
07:26 So in other words a transformation is metamorphosis
07:31 We go through a process. We begin one way and we end up
07:35 another way. It's called transformation. So how we are
07:39 now, the good news is, we're not gonna look like this in eternity
07:44 can somebody say Amen? And the Bible says here
07:47 I'm gonna look at it right now Okay, oh, 1 John. Did I say
07:54 turn to 1 John? Yes 1 John
08:00 Ok 1 John chapter 3 verse 2 1 John 3:2
08:05 This text fits right into what we saw on the screen.
08:09 So the encouraging thing is this. You may have a family
08:12 member that just joined the church, just became a Christian
08:15 and you're wondering they have so many bad habits how on earth
08:19 are they gonna get from that to what Christ intends for them to
08:22 be. Here's the encouraging text. 1 John chapter 3 verse 2
08:26 It says, Beloved, what is the next word? Now we are children
08:33 of God. When are we children of God? The moment you accept
08:37 Christ, the moment that justification happens we are
08:40 children of God. But notice the process.
08:43 It has not yet been revealed what we shall be
08:49 but we know that when He is revealed we shall be like Him
08:54 for we shall, together, see Him as He is.
08:59 So right now, the King James Version says it does not yet
09:04 appear, or it has not been revealed. In other words
09:07 you can go home and stand in front of the mirror for the next
09:09 two years, who you see is not how you're gonna look in
09:14 eternity, am I right? Because it has not yet been revealed.
09:18 It does not yet appear, we don't even know.
09:20 So you can look at that transformer truck or that
09:23 whole process from the transformer truck to the robot
09:26 or from the caterpillar all the way to the butterfly
09:29 and the butterfly probably when it came out saw the caterpillars
09:33 crawling along the ground and said what's that?
09:36 Not knowing he used to be one of those things.
09:40 And so what happens is the Lord is saying to us as we lay the
09:43 foundation for this lesson about transformation is,
09:46 transformation is so complete and so amazingly hard to imagine
09:52 that the Lord is saying you cannot imagine what I'm going to
09:56 make you out to be. So don't get discouraged by what you see
10:01 So how we are now Larry is not going how we're going to be
10:04 eternally. Amen for that. So let's begin by diving in.
10:09 To the first question tonight: Question Number 1
10:13 Question No. 1. This is a powerful Scripture
10:23 Will you go with me to 2 Corinthians chapter 3 and
10:28 we're going to look at a couple of verses here. 2 Cor 3:18
10:32 That's the one that's gonna be on the screen, or on your screen
10:37 and let's read this together. Since this is the first one
10:39 I'd like us to walk through it together.
10:41 And those of us who are here let's follow along as I lead
11:05 So how does the Bible describe the new life?
11:08 We're being transformed. Write that down - we are being
11:11 transformed. Now there's a certain part of the Scripture
11:14 that I want to spend a little bit of time on. And it's
11:17 actually if I go back to the beginning of the verse
11:20 it says, but we all with unveiled, what the King James
11:26 or other translations say, open face, unveiled face
11:32 in other words there's nothing covering our sight
11:38 and so what I want to spend a few moments on is to dig out
11:41 the beauty of this phrase unveiled face
11:45 Now follow along. If you've heard about the Sanctuary
11:50 the Temple, the portable Temple that was erected as the children
11:53 of Israel traveled through the wilderness. There was a Holy
11:57 Place and then there was the Most Holy Place
12:01 and between the two there was a what? A veil.
12:05 And we know, let's follow carefully what happened
12:09 when Jesus died. According to Matthew 27:51, the veil was
12:15 torn in two from top to bottom. Now the High Priest that went
12:21 behind the veil, what condition did he have to be in, or in
12:26 other words what provision did he have to make before he went
12:29 behind the veil. He had to make sure of what?
12:33 Well not a lot. He had to make sure his sins were confessed
12:37 and there was a sacrifice for his sins. Or so to speak,
12:41 an atonement. He had to go back there making sure that
12:46 before he went into the presence as we see in this text
12:50 the glory of the Lord, before he was in the very presence of
12:54 God which is the glory of the Lord, his sins had to be atoned
12:58 for. Or else what would happen? He'd die. So he couldn't go
13:03 into the presence of God unless his sins were confessed
13:06 and atoned for. So you had the Holy Place and you had the
13:10 Most Holy Place. Now when Jesus died what was the purpose
13:15 of this curtain being torn from top to bottom?
13:20 Ah in other words the earthly high priest, his job had ended
13:24 now transferred to our heavenly high priest who's who? Christ
13:28 And when Jesus left He entered into the Holy and then later on
13:36 into the Most Holy, alright? What I'm gonna point out is a
13:41 couple of Scriptures in the book of Hebrews. Go with me to
13:44 Hebrews. I want you to see the beauty of this because what
13:47 happened, Paul talks about this in Ephesians and also in
13:50 Colossians. He says, having removed the middle wall of
13:53 partition. There's a middle wall of partition that was
13:57 removed. So therefore could anyone go behind that curtain
14:01 or just the high priest? So what happened when that curtain
14:05 was removed? Was it open for all to see?
14:12 So therefore there was no need to hide what was behind that
14:15 The glory of God was now no longer hidden.
14:19 Correct? Ok, follow along. I said go to Hebrews, didn't I?
14:22 So why am I in 1 John? Here we are. Hebrews chapter 6
14:30 This is such a beautiful way of seeing this.
14:34 Ok. Hebrews chapter 6, verse 19 and verse 20
14:46 This hope we have an anchor of the soul. We have this anchor
14:55 that keeps the soul. Notice how it says, both sure and steadfast
15:00 I want to follow the hymn, steadfast and sure
15:05 and which enters the presence behind the what? behind the veil
15:12 where the forerunner is entered for us, even Jesus having
15:18 become a priest forever according to the order of the
15:22 high priest forever according to the order of who?
15:26 Melchizedek. Now Melchizedek's priesthood was not the Levitical
15:30 priesthood. Melchizedek's priesthood as the Bible speaks
15:33 about, Thou art a priest forever according to the order of
15:36 Melchizedek. It was not established in the Levitical
15:39 priesthood. It was not temporary like the Levitical priesthood
15:42 So Christ is now being compared to Melchizedek, King of Salem
15:47 And so now let's go to chapter 10. Because what's happening now
15:51 is this veil, we've gotta understand what this veil is
15:54 What is this veil that we could now see because the veil is
15:59 no longer hidden, our faces are unveiled.
16:01 We saw by faith into the Holy of Holies. But now there's
16:08 something that's been established for our faith
16:13 to be even strengthened by the removal of this veil
16:17 Let's go now, I'm trying not to give you too much.
16:20 Let me go to chapter 10 and I'll give you the last 2 verses
16:23 Chapter 10 verses 19-22.
16:30 How, what is this veil that we had an opportunity to see
16:37 This is speaking about by faith. For those who lived in the time
16:40 of Christ this is an actuality. Hebrews 10:19, Therefore
16:46 brethren having boldness to enter the holiest by the
16:51 blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which he consecrated
16:56 for us, read the rest, through the veil that is His flesh
17:03 and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw
17:09 near with a what kind of heart? true heart, in what? full
17:14 assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil
17:20 conscience and our bodies washed with what? pure water
17:25 Now the last part. Hebrews chapter 4, verse 16.
17:30 And then we'll put it all together.
17:37 You see, this altar, the um
17:46 where the Shekinah glory was continued to be displayed
17:51 the Ark of the Covenant was the place where because our sins
17:56 were being atoned for, the grace of God was found there.
17:59 But we couldn't go because we were not the High Priest
18:03 But now because of our brother Christ who is our High Priest
18:11 He has now become the one who removed the veil because the new
18:16 veil is His flesh. What kind of flesh does He have?
18:21 Someone tell me.
18:25 Pure, glorified. After the resurrection He made it very
18:29 clear. Pure, glorified. All power is given unto me. So now
18:34 through Christ there is no need for an earthly priest. There is
18:38 no, there's no barrier there between us and God. We could
18:42 now come into the presence of God through Christ. So after
18:45 that veil was removed, what kind of encouragement were we
18:48 given? How are we told to come into the presence of Christ?
18:54 Hebrews 4 verse 16. Ok
18:59 Well I gotta read verse 14 because you know it really fits
19:02 it all together. Because let us therefore in verse 16 kinda
19:06 completes the sentence. It says, seeing then that we have
19:09 a great High Priest. Not just a High Priest, great High Priest
19:13 who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God
19:17 Let us do what? Hold fast to our confession, for we do not
19:22 have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses
19:25 but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin
19:30 Now here it is, therefore let us come, how? Boldly to the
19:35 throne of grace that we may obtain what? mercy and find
19:39 grace to help in what? time of need. When that veil was
19:43 removed, the glory of the Lord as it says, but we all with
19:46 unveiled faces beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord
19:51 when we see the glory of the Lord what does that glory do?
19:54 it transforms. It is the transforming glory of God
20:00 that was only visible to the High Priest, but now that glory
20:05 is revealed to us through who? Through Jesus. That's why when
20:09 He was with His disciples and they said show us the Father
20:12 He said, have I been with you so long and you haven't seen
20:16 the Father. He came to reveal the glory of the Father. He is
20:21 the express image of the Father. He came to reveal that
20:24 So now there was no longer, to come into the presence of
20:27 God, what was Jesus called when they spoke of His birth?
20:33 Called His name Jesus, called His name Immanuel meaning
20:38 God with us. He bridged the gap. There was no longer a gap
20:45 Now He's our mediator between us and God but now we could see
20:48 in Christ the very express image of the very glory of
20:52 the Father. One day, now this is the good part of it, we'll see
20:55 it as we get close to the end of the lesson, if we get to
20:58 the end of the lesson tonight, but I want to make this very
21:01 very clear there's a glory that is yet to be revealed
21:04 that comes at the end of this process of sanctification
21:06 that we have not yet seen, but by faith tonight because of
21:10 Christ we can come boldly before the throne of Grace
21:13 through our Brother Christ. So now that transforming grace
21:18 is the reason why the veil is no longer there.
21:23 That veil has been removed. Christ came to remove the
21:26 partition between us and the Father and connect us
21:29 through Himself. Alright? Question Number 2
21:33 Lemme see, Question No. 2 is on the screen
21:49 And we're looking at 1 Corinthians 2:2
21:52 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and we're going to look together
21:56 at verse 2.
22:00 Through what method?
22:05 Here's what the apostle Paul says. He says:
22:17 The method of transformation is accomplished through Jesus
22:21 Christ. But not just through Jesus Christ because had He
22:26 not been crucified the transformation couldn't take
22:29 place. That's why the Devil tried to defeat Him before
22:32 the Cross. That's why he tried to defeat Him on the cross
22:35 because if that sacrifice wasn't acceptable the transformation
22:39 could not take place. So you find not only to know Christ
22:43 there are many people that know Jesus Christ but get this
22:46 there are many people that don't know the crucified life.
22:49 I want you to hear this very carefully. We talked about
22:52 carrying my cross before this The carrying of the cross
22:56 was a part of the journey to the transformation stage
23:01 Jesus couldn't say all power is given unto me except
23:06 first the carrying of the cross the crucifixion, the cross
23:12 the burial, the resurrection, the glory.
23:15 So I want you to follow the transformation process
23:20 Unless we carry our cross we cannot be crucified with Christ
23:25 If we're not crucified with Christ we're still alive
23:28 But if we're crucified with Christ, Galatians 2:20
23:31 it's no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us.
23:34 So in other words in order for this glory to be revealed
23:37 that will be revealed when Christ comes
23:40 in us, we've got to live that daily life. We have to be
23:43 willing as Paul says, how frequently do we have to go
23:46 to the cross? Somebody tell me. Everyday. When you wake up
23:49 in the morning there's still the factor that reminds us
23:52 we need to go to the cross and what is the factor?
23:56 Good, pinch it. What is the factor? the flesh.
24:01 How to live a spiritual life in what kind of a body?
24:04 natural body. So Jeff we still have this to contend with.
24:07 Even though we accept Jesus we still got this problem
24:10 right here. It's gonna be with us until we are transformed
24:14 I don't wanna go ahead of myself, alright?
24:17 We may get to it next week, but one day these bodies
24:19 are gonna be transformed that they may be fashioned like
24:22 unto His glorious body. But the glory of Christ can, and here is
24:27 here's what I want you to catch. The glory of Christ
24:35 is so powerful that He wants to reveal that glory through
24:39 human flesh. He wants to say to the world
24:46 Has anyone considered my servant Job?
24:49 He wants to say to the world, look, look, look
24:54 lot of people say, well how do you know that Jesus lives?
25:00 The best testimony you can give is a transformed life.
25:05 Somebody may say, well ok I'm not gonna tell you by facts that
25:10 Jesus lives but you knew me when? Look at me.
25:14 Somebody says, yeah that's. When I go back to Brooklyn, NY
25:18 I've gone there a few times. When I go back to Brooklyn, NY
25:21 I remember this distinct encounter I had with one of my
25:24 hangout friends that I used to play pool with.
25:27 And the club is still there and everybody's still hanging out
25:30 in front of the pool hall and as I go by and the door opened
25:33 I can hear and I can see the smoke and I can hear the music
25:35 and I can see some of the same guys in there, almost
25:38 synchronis synchronization let's try not to get too deep here
25:43 with some amazing timing Dan one of our friends came out
25:46 he says, Hey Jun Jun, that's what they used to call me
25:50 Lend me 5 bucks. I mean I know when you say lend in the city
25:54 you're not gonna get it back. And he said, Hey John you look
25:58 like you're doing good for yourself. Is that you? And I
26:00 said, well in DNA it is but No I'm not the same person
26:06 cause I was able to walk past that pool hall, walk past the
26:09 life I lived and not even have a tinge of temptation
26:13 to wanna participate in that. So the best evidence of
26:17 transformation is that the glory of Christ is being
26:19 revealed in us now and the complete, perfect image of God
26:25 through Christ will be revealed in us when He comes.
26:27 When the immortal, you know the whole thing mortal will put on
26:30 immortality and so on and so forth. So how Paul is saying
26:33 here is not enough to know Jesus Christ, that's the problem
26:37 with the Christian church nowadays. Paul didn't just
26:40 wanna know Jesus Christ, he wanted to know Him crucified
26:44 Because even atheists know about Jesus else they wouldn't
26:49 be campaigning for us to forget Him.
26:52 It's not enough to know Jesus but we need to know the
26:55 crucified life. That's where the new life starts.
27:00 Are you following? So don't minimize that text.
27:04 People say I know Jesus, what do you know Him crucified?
27:07 Is the crucified life the life you're living?
27:09 Because when you look at Romans go there very quickly with me
27:14 when you look at Romans, Romans puts it together
27:16 right like that. Romans lays it out. Romans chapter 6
27:20 it lays it out.
27:23 It lays it out, ok
27:29 Romans 6:4, this is why baptism is so important for people to
27:32 understand. People say well I want to become a member
27:34 Well membership is 1/10th of what baptism's all about
27:37 Transformation is 9/10ths of what it's all about
27:42 It says, therefore, in verse 4 well verse 3, do you not know
27:47 that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were
27:50 baptized into His death. That's what baptism is all about
27:53 baptized into that death. Therefore we were buried with
27:57 Him through what? baptism into death. The death that's talked
28:01 about is the death on the cross. That just as Christ was raised
28:05 from the dead by the glory of the Father, we just read that
28:10 in verse 18 of 2 Timothy chapter 3, by the glory of the Father
28:14 even so we also should walk in what? Newness of life.
28:20 For if we have been united together in the likeness of
28:24 His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of
28:28 His what? Resurrection. There it is. Christ crucified
28:33 Then the resurrection. He comes forth with greater power
28:37 than when He went in. What people have to understand is
28:39 baptism is so beautiful that when you go in you should come
28:42 out with greater power than when you went in. That's God's plan
28:45 To go in, as someone says, we don't fully understand what's
28:49 expected in the baptismal process we can go as a dry
28:52 sinner come out a wet sinner! and no change made
28:56 there's an intention to transform our lives. Amen
29:00 Question number 3, question number 3.
29:03 So if you've put down the answer to number 2
29:04 through what method is the transformation accomplished?
29:08 Christ and Him crucified. That's the key.
29:12 Not just knowing Jesus. I know Jesus, but are you living a
29:16 crucified life, okay? Here it is.
29:24 What difference should it make to the believer.
29:28 2 Corinthians 13:4. What difference should it make
29:33 to the believer? You know nowadays I sit down every now
29:36 and then, I'm driving or I'm on a plane or and I have so many
29:39 thoughts going through my mind Johnny that I was thinking of
29:43 and I'm always thinking but I just don't even have time to
29:45 think of other projects but I do pastor, I think of other
29:49 projects and I'm thinking of a book that starts with this
29:53 particular phrase, What has happened to Christianity?
29:56 What, with a question. What has happened to Christianity
30:01 It is now a religion that thinks less than any other religion
30:06 on the earth. It is now the entertainment religion
30:09 It is now a religion that wants to be entertained, wants to be
30:13 in other words we're entertained wants to, the least amount of
30:18 thinking possible is the new brand of Christianity
30:22 It has been, oh yeah. It is no longer intellectualized
30:25 it has now been socialized. That's the new form of
30:29 Christianity. People don't want to think and when you make them
30:32 think somehow it gets to many where they're not happy about
30:37 the fact that they must think and study the Word of God.
30:40 It was never intended by Jesus for Christianity just to be
30:43 socialized because He said, As a man thinks, what?
30:48 so is he. So now, the answer to the question what difference
30:52 should a crucified life make to a believer. Here it is
30:55 2 Corinthians 13:4.
31:19 I want you to get this. What is the weak part?
31:21 It says, for we also are weak in Him. That kinda makes you
31:24 wonder what does that mean? What does that mean, weak in Him
31:28 Ok, say it again Larry. We're weak. The Spirit is willing
31:34 but the flesh is weak. You gotta get that. If you think
31:38 that somehow your flesh is strong you're in trouble.
31:41 The flesh is the weak factor we must deal with until these
31:45 bodies are replaced. But the beauty of being weak is to
31:50 recognize, as Paul went on to say, for I know that in my flesh
31:55 for I know that in me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good
31:58 thing. He understood that the flesh was weak and so there's
32:00 nothing good in it so I can't trust in it.
32:03 But even though we're weak, we're in Him and with Him
32:09 the power of God is revealed. The power of God is being
32:13 revealed through weak vessels, through earthen vessels
32:17 Now if the power of God is being revealed through earthen
32:20 vessels just imagine how beautiful we're going to appear
32:23 how much power will be resident in us when our bodies are fully
32:27 transformed. So right now the beauty of the Gospel is
32:30 in essence being said that I don't have to make them perfect
32:33 yet but my transforming grace and my daily power to live
32:39 above sin is so magnificent that I could still reveal
32:41 myself through the weakest vessel. And we've heard the
32:44 phrase, the weakest saint... can you continue it?
32:50 when the weakest saints pray not even the strongest evil
32:56 angel can cause that person to fall.
32:58 When the weakest saint draws near to God and God draws near
33:04 to him the devil cannot come into the presence of God because
33:09 the weakest saint has that instant divine protection
33:13 So even though we are weak in the flesh sense, we are strong
33:17 by the power of God through Jesus Christ.
33:20 So here's the answer: What difference should the crucified
33:23 life make to the believer?
33:27 What difference?
33:30 The power of God. The difference should be the power of God
33:34 revealed. The power of God revealed.
33:38 It can only be revealed through the crucified life.
33:44 Let's go to question number 4
33:57 We're going to the book of Ezekiel. What decision is
34:03 is involved in dying to self and living the daily crucified life?
34:08 You have to make a decision. Like you make, what am I gonna
34:11 eat today? What am I gonna wear today? What are my plans for
34:14 today? You gotta make spiritual plans, spiritual decisions
34:17 because on the heel of that decision there's a result that
34:21 awaits. But if we make no spiritual decisions, or if we
34:24 don't make any decisions at all then we cannot expect results
34:28 that have not been forethought in our own lives.
34:31 What difference, what decision is involved?
34:34 Ezekiel 18. Look at the decision that is involved.
34:39 Right, are you ready? Ezekiel 18 verse 31
34:46 The Lord says in His word, what are the first 2 words?
35:03 Do you like the way he says that? Daily we have to make
35:07 the decision to cast away the transgression and then He has
35:10 two new things for us - a new heart and a new spirit
35:14 How many of us need new hearts? David said, create in me a clean
35:19 heart, a new heart. Create in me a clean heart and renew
35:23 a right spirit or steadfast spirit. The heart and the Spirit
35:28 are interchangeable. And now why the heart? Because the
35:31 heart is the place of, the seat of affections. You never
35:33 see, whenever you see I heart you that means what?
35:37 And then kids nowadays have this thing, they go like this
35:40 I've seen this new thing, they go like this
35:43 You know they can't yell it so they make this little heart
35:45 symbol, right? and that's the seat of affection.
35:49 So if our affections are on Christ and His Spirit is working
35:54 in us that's where the transformation comes in. By
35:56 the way let me make it very, very clear. In order for us to
35:59 want to cast away our transgressions we have to pray
36:02 for God to give us the heart to want to do that.
36:05 You can't just make an intellectual decision, well
36:07 today I need a new heart and a new spirit, so I'm gonna
36:10 use my own human reasoning to cast away my transgressions
36:14 You couldn't do that because human reasoning is in harmony
36:17 with your transgressions. The human reasoning says
36:19 that's what I want to do. What should we do? Well let's do that
36:23 and then ask for forgiveness and then ask for this new heart
36:26 and new spirit. It doesn't work that way. You gotta have
36:28 in essence, a new heart and a new spirit to want to cast away
36:32 from you all the transgressions which you have committed
36:36 And the context of this simply is, the Lord is looking at the
36:39 children of Israel and He's saying to them, Look at your
36:42 past. Look how littered it is with sin and transgression
36:47 I have something that I want to do in your life. I'll give
36:50 you a new heart and a new spirit and all those transgressions
36:53 will be cast away from you. That's the only that way we can
36:58 desire to get rid of those things.
36:59 Okay, so what decision is involved? Cast away
37:03 if you want to use that phrase cast away all your transgression
37:10 Okay, let's go on. In the book of Ezekiel continually here
37:14 Question No. 5.
37:24 Ezekiel chapter 11. We're moving at a good pace tonight
37:28 We're actually down to, we're at Question No. 5.
37:32 That's amazing. We only have 16 more to do in 20 minutes
37:41 Stay tuned for Part II. Ezekiel 11:19-20
37:45 How does God desire to bless and change our lives?
37:48 Here it is.
38:18 You notice the transformation there. Something has to be
38:21 removed in order for something to come in. He takes out the
38:24 stony heart gives them a heart of flesh, and the word there
38:28 flesh means a heart that can feel. Because you know what
38:31 happens to sin, it hardens the heart. You know what happened
38:34 to Pharaoh, the reason why he continued to deny the power
38:38 of God? Because God hardened his heart. And God did not say
38:42 I wanna destroy him so I'm going to make his heart hard
38:45 but it's continual rebellion against the commands of God
38:51 was what made his heart hard. And you know what? That reminds
38:55 me of what Paul says in 2 Thessalonians, where he says
38:59 because they received not the love of the truth that they
39:01 might be saved, God sent them a strong delusion that they
39:04 will believe a lie that they may all be condemned who believe not
39:08 the truth but has pleasure in unrighteousness.
39:11 Pharaoh pleasured in unrighteousness. He enjoyed
39:15 enslaving the people of God. So God said, payback time
39:19 Let them go that they may serve me, if you choose not to
39:22 this is Plan B and Pharaoh's heart was hardened
39:25 But God desires to give us a new heart, a new spirit
39:29 and what happens then, notice the relationship connection
39:31 then there is this God and people relationship. Point of
39:38 the matter is we cannot have a relationship with God with old
39:42 stony hearts, can't. That heart has to be softened. There's some
39:49 people, I mean I cringe at some of the things I used to do
39:51 Any of you?
39:55 I told a story once and I felt embarrassed because I talked
39:59 about how I used to live and I felt embarrassed and I thought
40:02 did I actually do that? I did do that. And I talked about it
40:06 I shared it as a testimony, as an example in a sermon
40:08 and I thought why am I sharing that? That sounds horrible.
40:11 Pick another story. And what happens, we come to the
40:14 realization of who we were before this new heart
40:17 and who we are after this new heart, and then this is where
40:20 the, this is where the consciousness comes in
40:24 we have to keep in mind that if we think we are at the place
40:28 where we have become good enough then that old man comes
40:32 back to life. Not gradually, but amazingly he comes back full
40:38 strength in a time lapse that we cannot imagine. The Bible
40:42 says, 7 more demons worse than the other one can come in
40:45 So we have to keep in mind that the safety that we have in
40:48 Christ is because we desire to continue to give ourselves
40:52 to Him. Ok, we're up to number what now?
40:57 Number 6? Okay.
41:01 Well I actually, let me just give you the answer
41:04 according to the Bible where does the new heart come from
41:07 Christ's grace.
41:14 Well on the screen, just follow Number 6. According to the
41:17 Bible where does the new heart come from?
41:22 Oh on Number 5, let me give you Number 5 very quickly
41:25 How does God desire to change our lives?
41:27 The answer to Number 5, He gives us a what?
41:31 Heart of flesh, He gives us a what? A new spirit
41:35 He takes out the heart that is of stone and gives us a new
41:39 heart. Ok? Now let's go to the screen again. Number 6
41:43 According to the Bible where does the new heart come from?
41:47 Where does the new heart come from?
41:49 Go to Psalms 51 verse 10. Psalms 51, verse 10.
41:55 It's on our screen slide, I didn't include it in mine here
41:57 We'll go to that in the Bible. I just actually gave you the
42:01 answer, I quoted it didn't I?
42:05 Do we need to go there? Of course we do. Let's say it
42:07 together. Psalms 51 and verse 10
42:14 The little kids used to say, you get there first read it
42:21 Okay, are we ready? Create in me a what?
42:30 So where does a new heart come from? God is the one
42:33 that creates it. Create in me a clean heart.
42:36 Renew, I like the, the word steadfast is nice
42:40 but I like the phrase "a right spirit". Because the spirit
42:45 was wrong before that. When God came and replaced it He took out
42:50 the stony one and put in the heart of flesh. He took out that
42:53 carnal spirit and put in a spiritual spirit. So what was
42:57 wrong was made right. Renew a right spirit within us.
43:02 So the answer to Question No. 6 where does the heart come from?
43:05 It comes from God. Now Number 7. Okay, Number 7.
43:12 What happens to us if we try to change apart from the power
43:24 Jeremiah 2:22.
43:32 What happens to us if we try to change apart from the power
43:37 of God? A text you may not have read before but it's a,
43:42 it speaks to the issue. Jeremiah 2:22 reads as follows
44:00 Now what kind of righteousness is he talking about here?
44:03 The kind of righteousness that we try to get for ourselves
44:06 They go so far, no I wouldn't do this, don't try this at home
44:11 they wash themselves with lye and use a lot of soap
44:15 He says, even if you did that you could not wash away your
44:18 transgressions. So what happens if we try to remove our
44:22 transgressions apart from the power of God?
44:24 What happens Larry? Nothing. You couldn't scrub away sin
44:28 because the transformation is not external only but it's first
44:31 where? Internal. According to Psalms 51:10, first the right
44:35 heart and the right spirit brings about the external change
44:38 This is really important because a lot of times we feel that if
44:42 a person could look right on the outside they must be right
44:44 on the inside. Isn't that right? That's why we have phrases
44:48 like, well you know you look like a Christian.
44:51 I could imagine when the Lord Jesus first chose these
44:54 fishermen and these boisterous, I should call them uh
45:00 the dynamic dozen, problems galore!
45:06 You study their lives, terrible.
45:10 Fishermen. I know my brother's a fisherman down in the Virgin
45:13 Islands and I know you hang out with other fishermen
45:16 they sure don't have English degrees.
45:20 Saying it plainly. And these men struggled with some of
45:23 the same issues. You had a converted tax collector that
45:26 was at best a thief, hiking up prices just to pad his own
45:29 pockets and all kinds of replete situations. You have a guy that
45:32 couldn't talk and a guy had no faith. I mean there was so much
45:35 You had two brothers who just loved, Sons of Thunder, they
45:38 were louder than Peter but they weren't talked about very much
45:41 because I think Peter was always the pre-eminent one. He always
45:45 wanted to say something. His mind and his heart were not on
45:48 the same gear. But the change that took place on the inside
45:55 took a little while to show up on the outside.
45:59 Right? Even after being with Christ in ministry they still
46:02 denied Him during the time of the cross.
46:05 But He said to them, to Peter when you're converted,
46:09 strengthen the brethren. So He knew that the conversion was
46:12 coming later. The transformation is a gradual process
46:15 Now we're justified instantly but we have to keep in mind
46:18 as we have learned to do evil we have to now begin a whole
46:22 new life process. Sometimes people want to transfer us
46:26 or transform us overnight.
46:29 Matter of fact, not even the Lord transforms us overnight
46:31 It is we are being transformed Remember the first text, we are
46:35 being transformed. We are ceasing to do evil, we're
46:39 learning to do good, right? But the one thing that give us
46:45 courage is that, John we read earlier, 1 John 3, verse 2
46:51 says that we are children of God now while the transformation
46:55 is taking place we're children of God now Glen, we're not
46:58 going to be after the transformation is done
47:00 When you plant a seed in a plant pot is it a plant?
47:09 What is it?
47:11 What kinda pot is it in?
47:14 What kind of pot is it in?
47:17 A plant pot. Why put a seed in a plant pot if you, if it can't
47:23 become a plant? Right? My point is you see what it's going to be
47:28 long before it gets there. The Lord puts us in Him,
47:32 little seeds. He continues watering us, nurturing us
47:36 every day until we grow into that beautiful plant which is
47:39 His righteousness that's the point I want to make.
47:41 We put a seed in a plant pot, is it a plant yet?
47:44 No. We do that because we know that that's our intention
47:48 and we nurture that, water it nourish it to make sure that it
47:53 comes to the completion stage and it grows, and it grows
47:58 and one day we look back and say
48:02 can't imagine that's the seed my grandmother gave me
48:03 Look what it turned out to be. It's amazing what God can do
48:07 in our lives if we commit to the transforming process, but don't
48:11 fool yourself and try to think, try to change yourself
48:14 The reason that's important is there's a lot of people that are
48:16 watching the program and some of them may have said, well
48:20 you know when I get it together I'll go back to church
48:23 Read the text, you can't get it together.
48:26 Even if you start washing yourself now with lye and use
48:29 a whole lotta soap you can't get it together.
48:31 You gotta go back. It's like a person who's deathly ill and
48:35 says when I get it together I'll go to the hospital.
48:37 No. 911, prayer, Jesus help me.
48:41 Then He'll do the transforming change, amen.
48:43 Try not to do it yourself. Okay, number 8
48:56 What happens to us if we try to change apart from the power
48:58 of God, for Number 7 put We Fail.
49:03 You can't do it even if you just, you can't do it.
49:07 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, you can't do it.
49:10 Leopard, his spots, You can't do it.
49:20 I know you know the answer, I just wanna give you a Scripture
49:24 See Job 14:4
49:32 This is a continuation of what we just read a moment ago
49:35 That text in Jeremiah 2:22. This is a continuation of this
49:38 but this is in the book of Job everybody has a statement to
49:41 make about how we cannot save ourselves. Look at what Job says
49:44 Let's read this together.
49:57 If we gave it our best effort we couldn't do it.
50:00 Because the change needs to take place in the heart.
50:04 Can, now this will give you a kind of a deeper understanding
50:07 Has anyone ever performed a heart surgery on themselves?
50:15 We can no more change ourselves Lorraine than a doctor can give
50:20 himself a heart transplant. He could be the best surgeon
50:25 on earth. He cannot give himself a heart transplant.
50:30 Because you literally have to die to get a new heart.
50:35 Only through the miracles of medicine do they keep the heart
50:38 alive while the person is literally dead.
50:41 Now we know all the other stuff, don't get technical. We know
50:44 about the blood and all that, that's now what I'm talking
50:46 about. But in other words, when that heart is out he's not
50:49 get up and going anywhere until he gets a new heart
50:51 That's the point. In the spiritual life until the new
50:54 heart is in there, we're not going anywhere.
50:58 So that's a very simple, to the point answer.
51:00 If we give it our best effort how much change can we make?
51:04 The answer is nothing. No one can do it.
51:09 That's why it's not good, let me put a caution here
51:12 that's why it's not good to idolize any Christian and say
51:16 you know what, I wanna be like him.
51:22 I used to wanna be like Jill until she confessed one day
51:25 she had problems. Jill has problems?
51:29 Unbelievable! She said there was 5 people she didn't like
51:33 I would have never fathomed that. My point is every one of us
51:37 has problems, right? Now there's people that are really nice
51:41 I've heard people say, Oh if sister so and so prays things
51:45 happen. And everybody wants to call sister so and so like,
51:49 you know, prayers are us. God answers your prayers
51:53 He answers the prayers of those who simply say, Lord save me
51:58 If you could do that, you get results. A heart, a sincere
52:01 heart, a heart in the time of trouble, He says you will call
52:04 me and I will answer you. So let's not make man our idol
52:08 That's why it's important. Nobody is clean, nobody is
52:11 cleaner than Christ. Let's make Him the object of our affections
52:16 Number 9. We're really doing good tonight, don't you think?
52:20 This is amazing. Something's got a hold of me.
52:25 Even with a long, lengthy question no. 1 we're up to
52:29 Number 9. Okay.
52:48 Romans 8 verse 8-9.
52:54 Okay, here's the answer.
53:25 A second aspect of transformation is not just a
53:28 new heart but a new spirit. Want to spend some time on the Spirit
53:33 because you know we pray some times, Lord give me strength
53:36 today to do what's right, live right, to be kind to people
53:38 but you know we all, what we should also pray?
53:41 Lord fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
53:46 Because the Holy Spirit is the one who's the active agent
53:49 the Holy Spirit is the active power in our lives
53:52 However, when He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead you
53:56 and guide you into all truth. The Spirit cannot be left out
53:59 of the equation. The Father sent the Son, the Son sent the
54:02 Spirit. Jesus left, He sent the Comforter. Now day by day
54:06 and didn't Jesus say and I believe the text was read today
54:10 I think it was today, it's so nice to know that you've heard
54:15 so many Scriptures read during the week that you can't tell
54:17 what day it is or remember, isn't that good? But simply put
54:23 if we being evil know how to give good gifts, how much more
54:28 will our Father in heaven give the Spirit to those who ask?
54:32 So day by day our prayers should not just be Father
54:35 help me, but Father I'm weak I can't do it, fill me with
54:39 Your Spirit. For it is God who works in us both to will
54:43 and to do of His good pleasure. Let the power come in.
54:46 It's like a little, it's like an electric shaver praying
54:49 I need just two volts, two volts that's all I need
54:53 When all you gotta do is just plug it in, right?
54:57 Can you imagine?
54:59 We've got to connect ourselves day by day to a power beyond
55:03 ourselves. When we connect to a power beyond ourselves
55:06 we don't walk away with just enough power. We walk away with
55:10 all the power we need and then some. Because it's not our
55:15 power, it's the power of God.
55:17 The power of God unto salvation. Paul said that. He's unashamed
55:22 for it is the power of God unto salvation. That power is through
55:25 the Holy Spirit. Lot of people say they're in the Spirit
55:28 but he's not talking about jumping in the Spirit, he's
55:31 talking about living in the Spirit, walking in the Spirit
55:34 and when you walk in the Spirit Paul says in Romans 7, when you
55:37 walk in the Spirit you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh
55:40 why? Because you're not in control. The Holy Spirit is in
55:44 control, any more than a glove can pick up what it wants
55:49 A glove can't pick up what it wants. Who does the picking up?
55:52 You and the glove gets the credit for touching it first.
55:56 See, that's how it is with Christ. The glove represents us
56:01 The hand, the whole body behind it, the force behind that hand
56:05 the movement, the power all comes from the active agent
56:08 that abides in us. Christ in you, the hope of glory.
56:12 And let me see, do I want to go to 10 tonight?
56:14 No, I don't actually want to go to 10 tonight
56:16 I have about a minute and 47 seconds
56:18 I'll let you peek at it just to get your taste buds ready
56:22 for the next study. Let's just look at Question No 10 for
56:25 the night and we'll use this as a springboard into the next
56:30 lecture. Question No. 10
56:46 I think I could give you the answer. We have about a minute
56:48 or so. You want the answer? Ok, let's go to that.
56:51 Matthew 16:25. There's some people that won't get a chance
56:54 to tune in next week but will be able to get this on the
56:56 website: Here it is. How does it differ?
57:01 For whoever desires to save his life will what? lose it.
57:05 But whoever loses his life for my sake will what? Find it.
57:09 The difference is you gotta be willing to lose you
57:12 to gain Christ. And you know what's so nice about that
57:16 Just like Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac
57:18 he was able to keep his son Isaac and became the father of
57:22 a blessed nation. God wouldn't take from us what's for our
57:25 best. God would not rob us of the blessing He intends to give
57:29 us. If you really want to preserve your life you gotta
57:33 be willing to give your life. If you want to give your life
57:36 then the Lord will transform it and give you back a better life
57:40 than you gave to Him. The difference between the
57:43 transformed life is God finds us where we are but never
57:47 leaves us the way He finds us. So when people say
57:50 The Lord loves you just as you are, that's true. But does He
57:53 leave you as you are? What's the answer? Absolutely not
57:56 Continue studying God's Word and what doesn't make sense
57:59 will one day come into a sharper focus.
58:02 God bless You.


Revised 2017-05-31