A Sharper Focus

How to Carry My Cross

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000038

00:19 Hello, friends, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 Sharper Focus Bible study here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:25 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:26 Thank you for tuning in, and by the way
00:28 Happy New Year to those of you
00:29 who are joining us for the first time in 2013.
00:33 Actually, this is our first broadcast
00:35 for 2013,
00:37 can you imagine we are in 2013, can you all say amen to that.
00:40 The Lord has seen fit to sustain us for a new year
00:44 and also for a new walk in Him.
00:47 So join us for the study tonight.
00:49 We're continuing and hopefully
00:51 finalizing our lesson on "Carry my Cross."
00:54 If you'd like a copy of that, go to our website,
00:56 don't put www, put asf.3abn.org
01:01 and download lesson number 12.
01:04 And follow along with us, get your Bibles,
01:06 get your pens
01:08 and we are going to tackle the Word of God together.
01:10 But before we do anything else,
01:12 we always invite the presence of God to be with us,
01:13 so bow your heads as we go to the Lord in prayer.
01:17 Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity tonight
01:19 to study Your Word.
01:21 We know that we need to study the Word of God.
01:23 It is our only source of strength.
01:26 We know that in the Word of God we find not only information
01:30 but we find the living, nurturing, strengthening,
01:33 bread of life that every one of us
01:35 is in need of.
01:36 And if Christ needed the word
01:38 to be victorious against the enemy,
01:41 how much more do we need the word in our lives.
01:44 So come near to us Lord
01:46 and speak to us of the importance of carrying
01:49 the cross of Christ day by day, we pray in Christ's name, amen.
01:56 Now once again, lesson number 12
01:57 is the lesson we're starting on tonight.
02:00 Actually, the one that we are finishing
02:01 and we're going to begin with question number 12,
02:04 how many...
02:05 what question did I say?
02:07 I actually meant question number ten.
02:10 You know, I had the number 12
02:11 in my head from the lesson number,
02:13 but we're going to begin with question number ten.
02:15 Let me lay just a little bit of foundation
02:17 why this lesson is so vitally important.
02:19 A lot of times we talk about the cross and people say,
02:23 "Well, this is the cross
02:25 that God has called me to bear,"
02:27 and sometimes they're talking about their trials,
02:30 their difficulties,
02:31 there could be financial, spiritual,
02:34 relational, all those...
02:35 those incidences that are part of our daily life.
02:38 However, the cross that Christ calls us to bear
02:41 is not so much our trials alone,
02:44 those are the things that are going to happen
02:45 because of the results
02:47 and the presence of sin in the world.
02:49 So I want to be able to answer the question,
02:51 what does it really mean to carry the cross.
02:54 "Well, when you think about it,
02:55 what did it mean to Christ
02:57 when He carried and bore the cross
02:59 that really did not belonged to Him
03:01 but belonged to us.
03:03 I'm going to ask a big question,
03:04 I want you to all think about this before you answer,
03:06 but where was Christ going if the cross was ahead of Him,
03:11 where was He going?
03:16 Well, that's been a really easy one.
03:18 He was going to be...
03:20 Let's try that again with someone.
03:22 He was going to be crucified.
03:24 He was going to the crucifixion.
03:26 If the cross is ahead of Him
03:28 and Christ was going to the cross,
03:30 the question is where was He going
03:31 if the cross was ahead of Him?
03:33 He was going to His crucifixion.
03:35 What many of us don't know is day by day
03:38 there is a cross waiting for us
03:40 when we wake up in the morning.
03:42 What did Christ do
03:44 when He was nailed to the cross?
03:46 What happened to Him?
03:48 Say it again. He died.
03:51 And on that cross is where Christ met death.
03:56 The death that He died really was our death.
03:59 The life that He lives now is by His blessing
04:03 and gift to us His life.
04:06 He died our death, now He extends to us His life.
04:10 And so in order for us to have this victorious life,
04:13 we have to find out how to do that,
04:14 but before we do anything else we should sing a song,
04:16 what do you think?
04:18 Want to sing a song?
04:19 Let's sing our song tonight, the song is Victory in Jesus.
04:21 I almost forgot because we hadn't done this
04:23 since last year, but a long time ago, right?
04:28 But let's sing our song tonight,
04:29 the victory that we have in Christ.
04:31 If you want to join us,
04:32 listen as we sing the song together,
04:34 Victory in Jesus.
04:42 I heard an old, old story
04:46 How the Savior came from glory
04:50 How He gave His life on Calvary
04:54 To save a wretch like me
04:57 I heard about His groaning
05:01 Of His precious blood's atoning
05:05 Then I repented of my sins
05:09 And won the victory
05:11 Together.
05:13 Oh victory in Jesus
05:16 My Savior forever
05:20 He sought me and bought me
05:24 With His redeeming blood
05:28 He loved me 'ere
05:29 I knew Him
05:31 And all my love is due Him
05:35 He plunged me to victory
05:39 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:43 I heard about a mansion
05:47 He has built for me in glory
05:50 And I heard about the streets of gold
05:54 Beyond the crystal sea
05:58 About the angels singing
06:02 And the old redemption story
06:05 And some sweet day
06:07 I'll sing up there the song of victory
06:11 Key change.
06:13 Oh victory in Jesus
06:17 My Savior forever
06:21 He sought me and bought me
06:24 With His redeeming blood
06:28 He loved me 'ere
06:30 I knew Him
06:32 And all my love is due Him
06:36 He plunged me to victory
06:40 Beneath the cleansing flood
06:43 He plunged me to victory
06:47 Beneath the cleansing flood
06:54 Amen.
06:55 Now it feels more complete, don't you think?
06:57 We missed our song that really infuses us
07:00 and reminds us of our theme
07:02 and if you forgot our overall theme
07:03 that's how to live a spiritual life in a what?
07:07 In a natural body.
07:09 Who, you guys?
07:10 It's cold here in Thompsonville by the way,
07:12 if it's warm where you are, send us some heat,
07:14 we really need it.
07:15 But tonight I'd like you to turn with me
07:17 to question number ten,
07:18 that's where we're beginning tonight
07:20 and the title is, How to carry my cross?
07:23 How to carry my cross?
07:25 Question number ten is as follows:
07:28 At what point in the plan of salvation are we reconciled?
07:33 And we're going to go to Romans 5:10.
07:37 Romans 5:10, and as you know the answer
07:41 will be on the screen.
07:44 By the way if you want to send us any questions
07:46 you can also send questions from our website there,
07:49 asf.3abn.org
07:51 or if you have 3ABN's regular website,
07:54 just click on the link that shows you
07:56 where A Sharper Focus is located.
07:59 But at what point in the plan of salvation are we reconciled?
08:03 This is really important because when you think
08:04 about a will,
08:06 when you think about a will, a last will in testament,
08:11 the last will in testament often goes in effect when?
08:16 When the person who wrote the will dies, right?
08:20 So I want you to keep that in your mind
08:22 because the plan was in place for a long time.
08:28 But the question is...
08:30 And we'll answer this after this question is answered.
08:33 At what point was the plan effective?
08:37 The plan was in place for a long time
08:39 but at what point was the plan effective?
08:42 Well, let's first answer the question.
08:44 At what point in the plan of salvation
08:46 were we reconciled?
08:47 Romans 5:10 reads as follows.
08:50 And it says, let's read this first one together,
08:53 are you ready, here we go.
08:55 "For if when we were," what?
08:58 "Enemies we were reconciled to God
09:00 through the death of His Son,"
09:03 I like the next two words, "much more,
09:06 having been reconciled, we shall be," what?
09:09 "Saved by His life."
09:11 In other words if the Lord brought you in
09:13 when you were an enemy,
09:16 if the Lord extended His grace to you
09:17 when we were not even in harmony with Him,
09:20 if the Lord extended His salvation to us
09:22 in the gift when we were at odds
09:24 with each other,
09:26 how much better will He treat us now
09:27 that we are reconciled together.
09:30 So let's give a great example.
09:33 You know there's this big argument now
09:35 in Congress and in society in general,
09:39 it's all about rights.
09:40 People are saying,
09:42 well, everybody in America should have the right to,
09:44 and then they state what they feel
09:47 they should have the right to do right now.
09:49 I don't really want to talk about it,
09:50 but there's these issues over marriage,
09:52 who has the right to marry whom and what the genders are,
09:54 and it's just a very sad atmosphere.
09:58 And the whole issue that they base it on
09:59 is everybody should have the right.
10:04 But what this is in essence saying to us
10:06 is before we even had the right,
10:10 the Lord had extended to us
10:11 the opportunity to be reconciled.
10:14 He says, in other words, your name is there
10:17 but in order for the plan of salvation
10:20 to be a benefit to you,
10:23 you have to accept the plan of reconciliation.
10:27 In other words, the Bill of Rights is there
10:30 for every American citizen,
10:32 but in order for it to benefit you,
10:33 you have to be an American citizen, right?
10:37 People that come from foreign countries,
10:39 when they are on American soil
10:41 they have to abide by all of America's laws,
10:44 but they don't get all the benefits
10:45 of an American citizen.
10:48 When we become citizens of the kingdom,
10:50 all the benefits that Christ
10:51 has available are made available to us,
10:53 can you say amen to that.
10:55 All of the benefits are made available to us
10:58 while we're citizens,
10:59 but if we look at this text, it's saying,
11:01 we're on the right soil, we've been reconciled,
11:05 we're on the right soil but the benefit is greater
11:09 after we have been reconciled.
11:11 But here's the answer,
11:12 at what point of the plan of salvation
11:14 were we reconciled?
11:15 The answer is highlighted in yellow.
11:17 Write that yellow answer down. When we were, what?
11:22 Enemies, when we were enemies.
11:25 Wow, you think about that.
11:29 It reminds me of a story
11:30 and I cannot remember the year it was,
11:31 but it was in the early 1900s during Christmas time
11:35 when the war was still going on overseas
11:38 and this was on the continent of Europe.
11:41 For a brief moment
11:43 they on December 24th that evening,
11:47 they declared a truce between all the two fractions
11:51 that were warring against each other.
11:53 They declared a truce.
11:54 And so the enemies came out of their foxholes.
11:58 And for one brief moment, a few hours during that night
12:04 they got together traded stories,
12:07 there's a pictures I have of that particular,
12:10 they got together,
12:11 traded stories and for a brief moment
12:14 they were just men on a different continent,
12:17 men on two sides of a conflicting issue,
12:22 but they had pictures of them hugging together,
12:24 they were smoking together, they were drinking together,
12:26 they were singing songs together
12:28 and they were celebrating Christmas together
12:32 and when the command came the next day to go back to war,
12:37 many of them couldn't do it.
12:39 They couldn't do it.
12:40 So in order to get the war started back up,
12:43 the generals on both sides of this conflict sent new men
12:47 to the front lines that had no camaraderie,
12:50 you know what that says?
12:51 When we find a place of camaraderie.
12:53 it's hard to be enemies with each other.
12:57 And when you look at this the Lord is saying,
12:59 if we were reconciled when you were an enemy,
13:03 how much greater now and how much more blessing
13:05 is the reconciliation now that we are not enemies,
13:08 we are one with Christ.
13:09 But I want you to see something,
13:10 go to verse 8 in Romans Chapter 5.
13:12 Romans 5:8, this gives you an even more beautiful picture,
13:18 but notice this.
13:20 Oh, let's start with verse 6.
13:24 "For when we were still without," what?
13:28 Strength.
13:29 Romans 5:6, for when we were still
13:31 without strength in due time, what did Christ do?
13:35 He died for the ungodly.
13:38 And this puts it together wonderfully.
13:40 For scarcely for a righteous man
13:43 will one die, yet perhaps,
13:46 just got to work that word, yet perhaps,
13:48 maybe, maybe for a good man someone would even dare to die.
13:54 In other words they're saying,
13:56 give me a reason why I should die for you,
13:57 what good have you done
13:58 that I should give my life for you.
14:00 Christ didn't even ask that question.
14:02 He says, look at the verse that follows, but...
14:06 Verse 8, "But God demonstrated His own love towards us
14:12 in that while we were yet," what?
14:16 "Sinners, Christ died for us."
14:21 Isn't that an amazing thing?
14:23 While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
14:25 He didn't wait for everything to be reconciled,
14:27 He didn't wait for us to get good, Pastor Jim.
14:29 He said, "You need help now."
14:33 And when you realize the help that has been extended to you,
14:36 then the relationship will begin.
14:39 Matter of fact the text that we all repeat so often,
14:42 I like you to go with me to Revelation 13:8,
14:44 this is not the text,
14:46 but the text that we often repeat,
14:48 the text that goes around in our mind over and over
14:51 and over is one that tells us the true story,
14:54 for God so loved the...
14:56 How much of the world did God love?
14:59 How much of the world did He love?
15:01 All the world.
15:02 How much of His salvation is made available,
15:04 to how many people
15:05 is His salvation made available,
15:06 to how much?
15:08 To the whole world.
15:09 The grace of God that brings salvation,
15:12 Paul says, has appeared to all men.
15:16 So there is no...
15:17 There is no narrow plan, but I want to show you
15:20 that the plan was in place a long time,
15:23 but the reason why some people have not received
15:25 the benefits of the plan
15:26 is because they have not received
15:28 the invitation to be reconciled with God.
15:32 As a matter of fact, as ambassadors,
15:34 Paul says, that's our message to be reconciled with God.
15:37 We go forth our message
15:39 should be to those who don't know,
15:40 do not know Christ be reconciled to God.
15:43 See, but look at Revelation 13:8,
15:46 tells you how long this plan was in place.
15:48 Revelation 13:8 reads as follows.
15:52 We're not going to get into the whole lamb
15:54 or the beast and all that but notice this,
15:56 "And all who dwell on the earth will worship him
15:58 whose names have not been written
16:00 in the book of life of the Lamb,"
16:03 read the next part with me, "slain from the" when?
16:07 "Foundation of the world." Got to ask the question.
16:11 Did Jesus die at the foundation of the world?
16:13 Yes or no. Absolutely not, He didn't.
16:16 So what is this text saying?
16:19 It's saying the plan,
16:21 the plan was in place from the time
16:23 the world was established.
16:25 God did not wait for the emergency to arise
16:28 for the plan to be put in place,
16:30 God put the plan in place
16:32 from the foundation of the world.
16:34 So in other words when do you put the...
16:36 When is the best time to put the plumbing system in
16:38 as you build a house?
16:40 Come on, somebody tell me.
16:43 First, from the foundation?
16:45 Can you imagine building a house and say,
16:46 "Oh, you know what?
16:47 Forgot, we don't have any water."
16:49 And then say,
16:51 "Well, how are you going to do that?"
16:52 You got to break up the foundation.
16:53 At best drill holes in all the walls
16:55 around the side of the house
16:57 to get the pipes to come in, the Lord did not wait,
16:59 but for the emergency to arise He put everything
17:02 that would be needed,
17:04 if man chose the course that was chosen by Lucifer,
17:07 He gave them everything they would need in the event
17:10 that man would sin
17:12 from the foundation of the world.
17:14 Okay, let's go to number 11, number 11, all right.
17:18 And the answer by the way is while we were yet sinners.
17:21 The number 11, here is the question.
17:23 What difference should reconciliation make
17:26 in our characters?
17:27 This is a very good question to start the new year with.
17:30 What difference should reconciliation make
17:33 in our characters?
17:34 I always like to challenge the congregation
17:39 whether there are local congregation
17:41 or those tuning and viewing on Sabbath.
17:44 I always like to challenge them,
17:46 but there should be a difference,
17:48 you know, we wait often times for the new year
17:51 to begin to establish our New Year's resolution.
17:55 We'll say, okay, for the new year,
17:57 here's what I'm going to do.
17:58 And at best we try all we can
18:02 and all the commercials start coming on television.
18:05 What's the number one thing
18:07 that people want us to do when the new year begins?
18:09 Say it again, everybody wants to lose weight,
18:12 everybody wants to get in shape and right now, two for one
18:15 and, you know, the prices are cut low
18:17 for everybody to act now and then even the stores say,
18:21 the sale is between 8 and 11 and then between 2 and 3
18:24 it is going to go up high, in between 3 and 5
18:25 it's going to be back to normal prices.
18:28 They all aim at things that...
18:29 because they know that people like to make new resolutions
18:33 when the new year begins.
18:35 What's wonderful about this text,
18:38 it's saying that,
18:39 as the marketers know that there is a difference
18:43 in our mindset when the new year begins
18:45 as compared to when the old year is leaving,
18:48 they try to capitalize on the new mindset.
18:51 So in the very same way there should be a difference
18:54 that those who are reconciled to God
18:57 should display in their lives.
18:58 What difference does it make?
19:00 Let me ask you in a very simple way.
19:02 What difference would it make to you Glenn
19:04 if somebody treated you nicely?
19:06 Would you want to treat them nicely?
19:08 Okay, so what difference should it make
19:10 when we think about the gift of eternal life?
19:13 Let's look at the text, Colossians 1:21-22,
19:18 Colossians 1:21-22.
19:22 All right, and on the screen here it is,
19:25 21-22, and it says, "And you..."
19:28 I could see that Paul pointing his finger out.
19:30 "And you, who once were," what?
19:34 "Alienated and enemies in your mind," and why?
19:39 "By wicked works, yet now he has done," what?
19:44 "Reconciled in the body of his flesh
19:48 through death to," what?
19:51 "Present you..."
19:52 Let's say this together, "holy and blameless,
19:55 and above reproach in His sight."
19:59 So when you think of this plan of reconciliation,
20:01 he is saying that because of our wicked works,
20:03 we were enemies.
20:05 I want to go back on this very quickly,
20:07 just so that we could look at this here,
20:08 because of our wicked works we were alienated
20:12 and enemies in our mind by our wicked works.
20:15 In other words, the works that we had were showing
20:17 that we were enemies with God.
20:19 The question is what difference did it make?
20:22 So where should the difference show up,
20:24 in our minds or in our work?
20:27 Think about it.
20:28 Where should the difference show up,
20:30 in our mind or in our work?
20:36 Well, since you can't read my mind
20:37 where should it show up?
20:41 I know you guys, ah, pastor, now where should it show up.
20:46 Exactly.
20:49 I specifically phrased it that way,
20:51 where should it show up?
20:53 Because a lot of people say,
20:55 you don't know what's in my heart,
20:57 you know how I know, how do I know?
21:00 By your works.
21:01 Let's go to Matthew, let's go to Matthew.
21:04 Go with me to Matthew.
21:05 Lot of people say,
21:06 well, you don't know what's in my mind,
21:08 I don't need to know what's in your mind.
21:10 The Lord doesn't call us to read minds,
21:12 He calls us to examine fruit, right?
21:16 Matthew 7.
21:18 Matthew 7, so what difference should reconciliation
21:21 make in our character?
21:23 The difference should be in our works.
21:25 If you want to answer that, in our works,
21:28 that's where the difference should be.
21:29 In other words, don't say one thing
21:32 and do another,
21:33 all right here it is, Matthew chapter 7,
21:36 and let's start with verse 16.
21:42 "You will know them by their" what?
21:44 "By their fruits.
21:45 Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes
21:48 or figs from thistles?"
21:50 And the answer is what? "No.
21:52 Even so every good tree
21:57 bears good fruit,
22:00 but a bad tree bears," what?
22:02 "Bad fruit.
22:03 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
22:06 nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
22:09 Every tree that does not bear good fruit
22:11 is cut down and thrown into the fire."
22:13 Let's read the verse 20 together.
22:16 "Therefore, by their fruits you are," what?
22:19 "Know them."
22:20 So people are not called to read our minds,
22:24 but brothers and sisters, first of all,
22:25 let's put this into categorization
22:27 because a lot of times, I've heard people say this
22:29 and this always kind of makes me,
22:32 maybe make me uncomfortable for this particular reason.
22:34 I've heard people say, and sometimes in churches
22:36 we as members have conflicts with each other.
22:39 And I've heard people that are kind of,
22:41 I call this the parachute of excuses, they would say,
22:44 "I could go to that club in town
22:46 or the bar in town and people treat me nicer there
22:49 than they do in church."
22:51 Well, you know why?
22:53 Because the devil is not having a fight down at the bar.
22:56 He's fighting where?
22:58 In the church,
22:59 because he doesn't want these works to show up
23:02 where they should show up, he wants the place
23:04 that we should not be looked like the place
23:07 that we are welcomed.
23:08 And he wants the place where we should be welcomed
23:11 looked like a place where we should not be
23:13 and where does he do it?
23:14 He makes those who say
23:16 they are good trees bear bad fruit.
23:20 What did Jesus say about the vine?
23:22 I am the vine, you are the, what?
23:24 Branches.
23:25 How much can you do if you abide in Him?
23:28 How much can we do if we abide in Him?
23:30 Okay, everything. You got to listen tonight.
23:33 We can do everything if we abide in Him,
23:35 but if we don't abide in Him how much can we do?
23:38 Nothing.
23:40 As I say, "Man, my car ran out of gas five feet
23:44 from the gas station."
23:46 Now is your car going to run
23:48 because it's close to the gas station?
23:50 Absolutely not.
23:51 You can run out two feet from the gas pump
23:54 and it's not going to move
23:56 until there's a connection between the power
23:59 that is available in that fuel
24:03 when it's put into that vehicle.
24:05 So we could say we are with Christ
24:07 but unless there's a connection between us
24:08 and Christ these things that should be removed
24:11 from our lives as the text says,
24:13 the wicked works that are there,
24:15 first happen that the transformation takes where?
24:18 First of all in the mind, we all know that, right?
24:20 If the mind is renewed,
24:22 then the body begins to act out
24:26 what is resident in the mind.
24:29 If the heart is transformed,
24:31 the mouth begins to communicate what's in the heart.
24:35 The Bible makes that clear.
24:36 Out of the abundance of the heart
24:38 the mouth speaks.
24:40 So when people say things, they, well, I don't mean that,
24:41 well, it came out, so that means
24:43 they had to be in there, right?
24:46 So what the Lord wants us to do,
24:47 the difference that should be made
24:49 in our lives.
24:50 And I want to just emphasize
24:52 just a little bit more to our viewing audience
24:53 and listening audience.
24:54 For this new year we've got to make some spiritual goals.
24:57 If our spiritual goals are not on paper
25:00 or if we're not praying about our spiritual goals,
25:03 I always say to people, if you have no goals,
25:06 don't get upset if you don't reach those goals.
25:09 You cannot reach goals that you don't have.
25:12 You cannot say, Lord,
25:14 I want to have a stronger study life
25:15 or a stronger prayer life or I want to have
25:17 a more victorious walk with You unless we know that
25:20 and begin to plot our course spiritually
25:25 to experience that.
25:26 Because what we say
25:27 and what we do are not always the same thing,
25:29 that's what verse 21 talks about.
25:31 But let's go to question number 12,
25:33 all right?
25:36 What difference should reconciliation make
25:38 in our character?
25:39 We saw that just a moment ago.
25:40 Now let's go to question number 12,
25:42 and here's the question.
25:44 What act on our part is involved
25:47 in declaring us righteous?
25:49 In other words,
25:50 what do we have to do, what must we do.
25:55 Okay, and we're going
25:57 to look together...
26:01 At Romans 5:17.
26:03 What do we do,
26:05 while we're preparing to answer the question,
26:07 where does righteousness come from?
26:09 Somebody tell me.
26:10 From whom does righteousness come?
26:12 From Christ, all right. So it's not ours first of all.
26:15 So if somebody comes to you,
26:17 well, Christmas just passes a perfect setting.
26:19 If somebody comes to you, Hannah, and says,
26:21 I have a gift for you.
26:24 What do you have to do for the gift to be yours?
26:27 Accept it.
26:28 Okay, okay, we're getting somewhere,
26:30 you have to do what?
26:31 Accept it. Accept it.
26:32 Now let's go to the text, Romans 5:17.
26:35 The gift is available, what you have to do?
26:37 You got accept a gift.
26:38 Here it is, Romans 5:17, what act on our part,
26:42 it says, "For if by one man's offense death reigned
26:46 through the one,"
26:47 in other words if death reigned through Adam,
26:49 and let me ask the question, has death reigned through Adam?
26:53 On everyone, "much more those who,"
26:58 say the next word,
27:01 "receive abundance of grace
27:05 and of the gift of righteousness
27:09 will reign in life through One, Jesus Christ."
27:13 Let me break that down and make it very, very clear.
27:16 Each one of us
27:17 has either one father or the other.
27:19 Somebody tell me what our father's name is?
27:22 What's your father's name?
27:26 What was your first father's name?
27:28 Oh, thank you, say it again. Adam.
27:32 If you go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 15,
27:34 you'll find that,
27:35 your first father's name is Adam
27:37 and your last father's name is Adam,
27:40 the first Adam and the last Adam.
27:44 Some people say second, but there's no more after him.
27:48 The first is the Adam,
27:49 the natural man, the sinful man.
27:52 Go with me to 1 Corinthians, I want you to see this,
27:54 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
27:57 You want to write the answer down.
27:59 What act in our part is involved
28:00 in declaring us righteous?
28:02 Put the answer down, "Receive."
28:04 We must receive, we must receive.
28:08 The gift is available but you have to receive it.
28:11 That's why a lot of times
28:13 when you think about a package coming,
28:15 how many of you ever stay home
28:16 when you know this very important package
28:18 is coming.
28:19 You kind of put notes out on the door.
28:22 Leave the package on my front door,
28:23 I'm waiting for this you get that slip, you missed it,
28:28 and what do you do?
28:31 Can I come and pick it up.
28:32 We get excited about temporary things,
28:35 we get excited about things
28:37 that are going to lose its value
28:39 in the course of time,
28:41 but this is a gift that does not lose its value
28:43 in the course of time.
28:45 Let's look at our two fathers.
28:46 1 Corinthians, most of you are there,
28:49 I'm on my way there.
28:50 1 Corinthians Chapter 15, let's look at the two.
28:52 We can only have one of two categories.
28:55 We can only have one of two fathers, all right?
29:00 1 Corinthians, 15:45.
29:08 Verse 45 reads as follows, "And so it is written,"
29:11 the Bible says, "the first man,
29:16 Adam became a living," what?
29:18 "A living being, the last Adam became a," what?
29:22 "Life giving spirit."
29:25 Go to verse 47,
29:26 see if the first Adam and the last Adam,
29:29 you get it?
29:30 Look at verse 47.
29:32 "The first man was of the earth made of dust,
29:36 the second man is the," who?
29:38 "Lord," from where? "Heaven and get this."
29:41 That's why this is...
29:43 What difference should it make?
29:44 Verse 48.
29:46 As was the man of dust,
29:50 so also are those who are made of dust
29:54 and as is the heavenly man,
29:57 so also are those who are heavenly
30:01 and here is the wonderful gift.
30:03 As we have borne the image of the man of dust,
30:07 we shall also bear the image of the, who?
30:09 Heavenly Man.
30:11 So should there be a difference
30:12 if we say that we're connected to Christ.
30:14 Should there be a difference in our lives, yes or no?
30:16 As we look like the first man,
30:18 because we were connected to the first man,
30:20 we should look like the second one
30:22 or the last one.
30:23 If we look like Adam, the earthly one,
30:26 our lives should now resemble Christ,
30:29 the heavenly one, you get the following.
30:33 So people should be able to look at life and say,
30:37 not that your works or your boast,
30:39 because it is Christ who works in us both to will
30:42 and to do of His good pleasure,
30:44 but our works should be evidence
30:46 that we are not connected anymore
30:48 to the earthly man,
30:49 but we are now connected to the who?
30:51 To the Heavenly Man.
30:52 By their fruits, finish it, you will know.
30:56 So when people say,
30:57 you don't know what's in my heart,
30:59 I don't have to know, right Bud?
31:01 Don't have to know, right Dan? Don't have to know.
31:04 If I see the works, it's impossible to say
31:07 that you are connected to the Heavenly Man,
31:12 yet your works are fruits of the earthly man.
31:16 Go with me to Romans Chapter 7.
31:20 Lord is pointing me to verses in the Bible
31:22 that are so significant.
31:24 See the last Adam and the first Adam, only two.
31:27 And I like that statement where Ellen White talks about,
31:31 "In the kingdom made new,
31:34 there's going to be a meeting of the first Adam
31:37 and the last Adam."
31:39 What a meeting that's going to be.
31:40 Adam, the one who failed us is going to meet Christ,
31:43 the One who redeemed us.
31:46 What a reconciliation that's going to be.
31:47 What did I say to go, Romans chapter, what?
31:50 Romans Chapter 7, all right?
31:53 Romans Chapter 7, and this is why you read this,
31:55 and I want you to get this very quickly,
31:56 Romans Chapter 7 verse...
32:00 I don't want to give you too much of it.
32:04 Okay, verse 2-4, right.
32:10 Okay, good, verse 2-4.
32:12 Remember by their fruits, you will, what?
32:15 Know Him, all right.
32:16 Okay, now what do you need to...
32:18 Okay, I want to just pull
32:19 this out little bit Dan, look up,
32:20 just look up, everybody look up.
32:22 When you eat a fruit,
32:23 what do you find on the inside of the fruit
32:25 that you don't eat.
32:26 Seed. Okay.
32:27 Now what does that seed have the capacity to do.
32:31 Create more fruit.
32:32 So if you held that seed, if you plant that seed,
32:35 is there a chance that more fruit
32:37 is going to grow.
32:38 Why? Because that seed does what?
32:40 Produce fruit,
32:42 that's what it's for, all right.
32:44 We have to keep this in mind, each of us,
32:47 there's a seed that has been planted in us
32:51 from the time we were born.
32:53 The seed was, the Bible refers to the corrupt seed.
32:58 But when we are partakers of a new nature,
33:00 when Christ now becomes the new man in our lives.
33:04 That's a different seed all together.
33:06 So follow this very carefully.
33:08 Would it make sense
33:10 that I say I'm married to Christ,
33:12 yet the seed produce fruit
33:15 that doesn't resemble Christ, yes or no?
33:18 Does it make sense?
33:19 So somebody say,
33:20 "Well, look at the fruit, they say, that's an apple,
33:22 I thought you said you got that from an orange tree."
33:24 I did.
33:26 There's no possible way,
33:27 as you cannot get an apple from an orange tree,
33:29 don't go too far with this
33:31 those of you are thinking of grafting,
33:32 I understand, I could hear you.
33:33 Some of these guys a technical.
33:35 Well, if you graft it together,
33:37 we're not talking about a, what do you call it...
33:41 We're not talking about apple orange,
33:43 we're talking about an orange tree
33:44 and an apple tree.
33:46 You can't get an apple
33:47 from an orange tree and vice versa,
33:49 but look what has to happen in order for these to show up,
33:52 and this is where the cross comes
33:53 into the picture.
33:55 Look at verse 2.
33:56 "For the woman who has a husband is bound
33:58 by the law to her husband as long as he does," what?
34:02 "As long as he lives." Romans 7:2.
34:04 "But if the husband dies,
34:06 she is released from the law of her husband."
34:08 So in other words,
34:10 as long as that husband is alive,
34:11 what is she connected to?
34:13 How is she connected to her husband?
34:15 How is she connected to her husband?
34:16 Three letter word, you read it.
34:19 Say it again,
34:20 by law she is connected to her husband.
34:22 What has to happen in order for her
34:24 to be disconnected from her husband?
34:26 He has to die, and then what happens,
34:28 what no longer binds them together, the law.
34:32 Lot of people read that text and say, see,
34:34 that's why God's law has been done away with.
34:36 That's not what it's talking about,
34:37 a different law all together.
34:39 Look at verse 3.
34:40 "So then, if while her husband lives,
34:43 she marries another man,
34:46 she will be called an adulteress,
34:48 but if her husband dies," she is what?
34:51 "Free from that law so that she is no adulteress
34:58 though she has married another man."
35:02 So what has to happen in order for her
35:03 to be free now?
35:05 Let's go ahead and put the picture together,
35:07 in order for us to be free, to be connected to Christ,
35:12 what has to happen?
35:14 We all know, we just said it. The man dies.
35:17 The man dies, which man dies?
35:19 I just gave you his name a moment ago, say it again.
35:22 The first Adam has to die in order for us to be married
35:26 to the second Adam,
35:29 the last Adam, thank you, honey.
35:31 So now let's go to the very next verse,
35:33 the very next verse.
35:35 Verse 4, "Therefore, my brethren,
35:39 you also have become dead to the law
35:44 through the body of Christ
35:46 that you may be married to another,
35:49 even to him who was raised from the dead,"
35:53 that we should do what?
35:55 "Bear fruit to God."
35:58 Now the reason why this is brought up
35:59 in this chapter about Christ in being dead, the man...
36:04 How many people, this is an old term
36:05 that we used to use back in the '90s, '80s.
36:07 I don't want to go too far back,
36:09 because I'm a child of the '70s and '80s,
36:13 that's when I was in my heyday teenage years.
36:16 There's a phrase that we used to use in...
36:18 Girls mostly used to use that and she would say,
36:21 I'm going home to my...
36:25 Come on, say it honey, to my old man.
36:27 How is your old man?
36:28 People said, how's your old man doing?
36:30 Ever heard that phrase before,
36:31 it's an old kind of phrase of affection,
36:32 how's your old man doing?
36:34 He's fine. Well, let's go to Romans 6.
36:37 Where did you get this now,
36:38 because I want you to understand
36:40 this whole thing about death and life,
36:41 in order to enjoy life you've got to understand
36:43 why death is so necessary,
36:45 that's what the message of the cross is all about.
36:47 Death is necessary in order for there to be life.
36:50 Let's go to this death now.
36:51 How do we know about this death?
36:53 Romans 6:3, well, Romans 6:3.
37:04 "Or do you not know that as many of us
37:06 as were baptized into Christ,
37:08 Jesus were baptized into His," what?
37:10 "Death.
37:11 Therefore, we were buried with Him
37:13 through baptism into death
37:15 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
37:18 by the glory of the Father
37:20 even so we also should walk in the," what?
37:23 "Newness of life."
37:24 In other words, when that life is,
37:25 when a person dies
37:27 they can't live the way they used to,
37:28 it's not possible.
37:29 You can't say that you're dead and you're living the way
37:31 that you used to live when you were alive.
37:32 What that simply means in the spiritual sense is,
37:34 if we say that we are living then we are the one
37:37 that is doing the work,
37:39 if we say that it's no longer I who live
37:41 but Christ lives in me, Galatians 2:20,
37:44 then we said that Christ is doing the work,
37:47 you get it, but let's keep going.
37:51 "For if we have been united, verse 5,
37:53 in the likeness of his death,
37:55 certainly we also shall be in the likeness of his, what?
37:58 Resurrection, knowing this that our,
38:02 together, old man was crucified with him
38:07 that a body of sin might be done away with
38:10 that we should no longer be," what?
38:12 "Slaves to sin."
38:13 In verse 7 together,
38:14 "For he who has died has been" what?
38:17 "Freed from sin."
38:18 That's what Jesus meant when He said to the Jews
38:20 in John Chapter 8.
38:24 "If the son therefore shall make you free,
38:26 you shall be" what?
38:28 "Free indeed." Freedom comes only in Christ.
38:30 When that death is something that we experience,
38:32 that new life in Christ.
38:34 So when we asked the question, go to question 13 very quickly.
38:38 Question 13, so the answer to the question number 12 is,
38:41 what act on our part, the word is receive.
38:44 Question number 13, here it is.
38:47 What happens to us
38:49 when we decide to join Christ at the cross?
38:52 All right, Romans 6:6, I just gave you the answer.
38:56 Okay, Romans 6:6, I just gave you the answer.
39:01 What happens when we decide to join Christ at the cross?
39:04 Let's look at that verse on the...
39:06 Since I just read it to you,
39:07 let me go and show it to you on the screen, okay.
39:08 Just to save some time, here it is,
39:10 "Knowing this,
39:12 that our old man was crucified with Him
39:13 that the body of sin might be done away with,
39:16 that we should no longer be," what?
39:18 "Slaves to sin."
39:20 So if you go back and ask the question,
39:21 what happens to us
39:22 when we decide to join Christ at the cross?
39:27 The last part.
39:30 No longer slaves to sin.
39:34 You ever hear when people get excited,
39:35 they say you know what?
39:38 I got delivered from drugs and alcohol,
39:42 and pornography and cigarettes, and stealing and lying.
39:46 You know what they're saying, they are no longer, what?
39:49 Slaves to sin. But you know what?
39:53 This is even deeper than that,
39:55 this is even deeper than the act.
39:57 This is going all the way down to the nature
40:01 because the act is produced by the nature...
40:08 But when we come into this new relationship
40:10 with Christ,
40:12 there's only one thing that survives.
40:15 The baptism, the burial,
40:18 and the resurrection to new life.
40:19 There's only one thing that survives that
40:21 and somebody tell me what that is.
40:29 I guess my point is not as powerful
40:31 as I wanted it to be.
40:33 The body of sin might be done away with.
40:38 What body? Whose body? Whose body?
40:42 Right, these natural inclinations
40:45 and natural tendencies.
40:47 So now let's get this together,
40:48 I don't want this text to go over your head.
40:52 The changes that take place in us, in our thinking,
40:56 in our behavior, happens not
40:58 because we've learned new behavior,
41:01 but because there's a new nature
41:05 that is in charge.
41:07 The nature that is in charge is not the old Adam,
41:09 it is the who?
41:11 The new Adam or the last Adam, Christ.
41:14 So when the Bible says, Romans Chapter 12,
41:17 turn there very quickly, this is what happens.
41:20 Romans Chapter 12.
41:22 This is what happens.
41:29 All right, look at verse 2, this is what happens.
41:32 A lot of times people say,
41:34 I want to know how to prove what God's will is.
41:37 It says, "Do not be conformed to this," what?
41:41 "To this world but be transformed
41:42 by the," what?
41:44 "Renewing of your mind that you may prove
41:46 what is that good and acceptable," in what?
41:50 "Perfect will of God."
41:52 What happens is the mind is renewed,
41:54 you get a new mind.
41:55 Many of you that were here for our New Year's Eve worship,
42:01 we read that devotional where it says,
42:03 the Lord gave us a brand new clean page.
42:07 And it was unsullied and unstained
42:09 and we said it's up to you
42:10 to write your story for the new year.
42:13 When the mind is renewed,
42:15 then the works are going to follow that
42:17 because we read earlier,
42:19 the mind and the wicked works are connected together, right.
42:22 But when the mind is renewed, what kind of works are evident,
42:26 huh, righteous works,
42:30 and the fruits of Christ begin to show up.
42:32 What is the fruit of the spirit?
42:33 Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
42:36 meekness, patients, the works are there
42:38 because Christ is now
42:40 the one working through that mind,
42:42 because we have the mind of Christ.
42:44 As Paul says, let this mind be where?
42:46 In you which is also in Christ Jesus,
42:49 very big question, it is not in here
42:50 but let me ask you the question.
42:53 How do you get to the mind of Christ to be in here?
42:59 What's the answer?
43:02 Right, this is where Christ's mind
43:04 is revealed in His Word.
43:06 So think of a hard drive.
43:09 How do you get information on a hard drive, Lori,
43:12 how do you do it?
43:14 Right, really, actually uploading.
43:16 Okay, she's real close,
43:18 because she's technical she said downloading,
43:19 it's downloaded from Christ to us.
43:22 But is uploaded to us, okay.
43:25 Downloaded from Him, uploaded to us.
43:27 Am I correct, Dan, is that the right terminology.
43:29 Six of one, half a dozen of the other, right?
43:33 Somewhere along the lines, right?
43:34 The point of the matter, it doesn't come from us,
43:36 when these words start to fill that old mind,
43:42 what happens to that old mind?
43:44 It's renewed, it's renewed.
43:47 So how do we begin to change our behavior, we can't.
43:51 Go with me to James.
43:53 You guys are asking me too many questions.
43:57 Okay, James talks about this whole idea.
44:02 Okay, I'm on the way to James, you guys need be there.
44:05 I'm just about...
44:09 there, okay.
44:15 Oh, I tell you.
44:20 James Chapter 1, okay.
44:26 Talking about this whole process,
44:27 life and death and birth and all those everything.
44:30 Okay, verse 13, verse 13.
44:33 James 1:13, we're moving pretty quickly here,
44:36 but I want to make sure this topic is clear.
44:38 Let no one say when he is tempted.
44:41 I am tempted by God.
44:42 God is not a tempter, the devil is a tempter.
44:47 For God cannot be tempted by evil
44:49 nor does he himself tempt anyone,
44:51 so where does this trouble come from?
44:54 Let's look at this in James 1:14,
44:56 now it says,
44:57 but each one is tempted when he is drawn away
44:59 by his own desire, and what?
45:01 Enticed. You know the word enticed mean?
45:05 You know the word enticed means?
45:11 It's the thing you go like this,
45:12 when you're about to eat something
45:14 that you realize you are...
45:18 My brother-in-law always does that,
45:20 when he is excited he goes.
45:24 It's an excitement to do wrong
45:26 that all of a sudden it springs up.
45:29 Each one is tempted
45:30 when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed,
45:32 and look at the process.
45:34 Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to what?
45:39 Sin, and sin when it is full grown
45:42 brings forth what?
45:43 Death. So let's now substitute.
45:47 I'm not going to...
45:48 I'm not going to add to the Bible
45:50 what it doesn't say,
45:51 but now let's take out the bad desires
45:54 and put in the good desires, so look at verse 15 again.
45:59 Then when desire has conceived,
46:02 if the desire is good would it give birth to sin
46:05 or would it give birth to life?
46:07 Okay, see, so what do you have to have in order for there
46:10 to be life, you've got to have what?
46:12 Come on, the world is there, you got to have what?
46:15 When...
46:16 Say it again, desire.
46:18 So the question is, what do you desire?
46:21 Your desires will be shaped by the things
46:23 you expose yourself to, by the things
46:25 that begin to influence you, it creates a desire.
46:28 Somebody says, you have a walk around,
46:30 somebody says, Man, I need a cigarette, right now.
46:34 Somebody say, man I need a stake right now,
46:36 somebody walks past a restaurant,
46:38 man I need some French fries.
46:41 You get my point,
46:42 these desires are activated by our environment.
46:45 If you put yourself in the environment
46:47 where your desires begin to change,
46:49 the outcome is also going to be different.
46:52 The outcome is also going to be different,
46:55 because the Lord does not ever awaken
46:57 within you a desire for bad things.
46:59 Every good and every perfect gift
47:01 comes from above.
47:03 Now let's go to question number 14,
47:06 all right.
47:08 The answer to question number 13,
47:09 what did you put down.
47:12 Exactly, no longer slaves to sin.
47:15 We want to break that slavery connection.
47:17 Question number 14, moving right along.
47:19 How does the Bible describe
47:21 our condition prior to the cross?
47:23 How does it describe
47:24 our condition prior to the cross?
47:26 Romans 6, okay,
47:30 Romans 6:20 and 21.
47:37 Okay, see it.
47:41 This is huge and I'll break it down,
47:43 Romans 6:21 reads as follows.
47:46 "For when you were slaves of" what?
47:49 "Sin" there on the screen, "you were" what?
47:52 "Free."
47:54 Now get this, when you were slaves to sin,
47:55 you were what?
47:56 Free in regard to righteousness.
48:00 What fruit did you have then in the things
48:04 of which you are now ashamed,
48:06 for the end of those things is" what?
48:09 "Death."
48:10 Now going back to that, if you ask the question,
48:12 what does the Bible describe,
48:14 how does the Bible describe
48:16 our condition prior to the cross?
48:21 What's the last word?
48:26 It simply puts it, our condition is,
48:28 we were free in regard to righteousness.
48:31 Now get this, we were slaves but we were free,
48:35 let me make this clear.
48:36 Paul said and I'll give you the example of this.
48:38 Let's just say a person doesn't know Jesus at all.
48:43 He doesn't have any guilt
48:48 in doing what's wrong,
48:50 because it comes out naturally.
48:54 Oh, man.
48:55 Let me just tell you my own story
48:57 very, very briefly.
48:58 I look back at how I used to be when I was a young boy,
49:01 and for those of you who are tuning in,
49:02 this is time for confession, good for the soul,
49:05 hard on the reputation.
49:06 Dan, when I was young man, I was a very angry young man.
49:10 I remember buying a guitar, my wife remembers this guitar,
49:12 I had a blue guitar.
49:14 Sky blue guitar with sparkles all over it.
49:17 It was imbedded in the acrylic paint
49:19 and there's a guy came over my house
49:21 and just before Christ came in and I told him
49:26 he was about to sit on the edge of the stool in my bedroom
49:29 there and I said, now don't sit on my guitar.
49:32 And he threw my guitar on the floor, Dan,
49:35 and I knocked his two front teeth in.
49:37 Now let me tell you, I cringe.
49:41 When I think of that,
49:44 I literally cringe to think did I actually do that.
49:50 I can't even picture myself today.
49:55 Coming up with any reason
49:57 that I would ever want to hit somebody
49:58 in their mouth.
50:01 But you know what this text is saying.
50:02 When you were slaves, let me go back.
50:05 When we were slaves to sin, nothing, nothing held us back.
50:11 Nothing held us back from doing wrong
50:13 because we were slaves to sin.
50:15 In other words, righteousness wasn't even a thought,
50:18 that's why it says you were free
50:19 in regard to right...
50:20 You could care less about doing what's good.
50:25 And those things when you think back on them now
50:28 of which you are now, what?
50:31 That's what that text is saying.
50:33 Did I actually do that,
50:35 when the Lord comes into our lives,
50:36 there is a godly shame
50:38 that should be experienced by us,
50:40 if you are truly converted,
50:42 there's a godly shame that says I cannot believe I did that.
50:47 Now here's the danger.
50:49 If sin is something that you're not ashamed of,
50:54 then you are not a son of the last Adam,
50:58 but if sin is something that is your desire...
51:01 See, am I breaking this down here clearly.
51:03 If sin is not something we're ashamed of,
51:05 then we have not yet been married to Christ.
51:08 And the fruits of His righteousness
51:11 have no responsibility of showing up,
51:14 because what we're doing now
51:15 the end of those things, His death.
51:17 Yet we don't even know about it,
51:19 we don't even care about it
51:20 because we have no desire at all
51:22 to even want to do anything that's right.
51:23 That's what the attitude of most of the world is,
51:25 but when they become a Christian
51:26 and they look back a year and a half later,
51:28 two years later, five years later,
51:29 ten year later, they say,
51:31 I can't believe that I used to do that.
51:35 So many people,
51:36 Doug Batchelor, David Asscherick,
51:38 the list goes on and on and on of people.
51:40 James Rafferty, I never thought
51:41 that James Rafferty was a gang member in L.A.
51:45 When he tell me, there's a James Rafferty,
51:46 don't even look like
51:47 he could have been a gang member.
51:49 What a change God makes in our lives.
51:51 Can you say amen to that.
51:53 And you know what's nice about someone
51:54 who go back to the original text,
51:56 I want you to catch this now
51:57 because a lot of times people say,
51:59 well, sooner or later, I'll be reconciled to God.
52:00 The good news is this, I want you to catch this.
52:03 The good news is this.
52:05 The Lord opens the invitation to us
52:08 even before we accept the invitation.
52:10 He says, "Come on in, be reconciled.
52:13 I've made provision for you to be reconciled."
52:16 So here's the question.
52:18 So the answer to number 14 is,
52:20 how does the Bible describe
52:21 our condition prior to the cross?
52:23 Slaves of sin. Slaves of sin.
52:27 But now let's move to question number 15,
52:29 question 14, the answer, how does the Bible
52:31 describe our condition prior to the cross?
52:33 Slaves to sin.
52:35 Those things that we do,
52:36 we don't really want to do them,
52:37 but that's why the word slave is used
52:40 because slaves don't want to do
52:41 what they do, but they are what?
52:43 Slaves, all right. Question number 15, here it is.
52:49 How is our condition described after the cross?
52:53 That's what we're all interested in,
52:54 and we're going to go to Romans 6:22, 23
52:59 to get the answer for that.
53:01 Romans 6:22, 23.
53:05 All right, we talked about
53:06 before the cross we were slaves,
53:08 what about after the cross.
53:10 In the interest of time,
53:11 I'm going to go right to the answer,
53:12 are you guys okay with that?
53:14 Here we are Romans 6:23...
53:16 22 and 23.
53:19 It starts with one word,
53:21 but it's given us some good news,
53:23 it's given us news better than the verse
53:24 that we just read, but now having been together,
53:29 set free from sin and having become what?
53:34 Slaves of God, you have your fruits to, what?
53:38 Holiness, and the end is what? Everlasting life.
53:44 And this is the context of the text we often repeat,
53:47 for the wages of sin is what?
53:49 Death, but the gift of God is eternal life
53:51 in Christ Jesus our Lord.
53:53 So that's what he's saying to us.
53:55 The answer is,
53:56 how is our condition described after the cross?
54:00 How is it described?
54:03 Free from sin, slaves of God.
54:08 Why is the word slave not a bad word in this text?
54:14 Let me give you the right context.
54:20 When a couple has a baby,
54:23 and the baby comes out looking like the dad,
54:26 does the wife say,
54:30 "If I wasn't your slave, he wouldn't look like you."
54:34 Did you say that to Dan, Cynthia?
54:37 No. What happened there?
54:38 Because the fruit,
54:40 the seed bore the image of the man,
54:44 therefore the son looked like the man from which he came,
54:49 that's in essence saying,
54:51 when you look at the fruit of righteousness,
54:53 you don't say, oh, I don't want to be God's slave,
54:55 because the fruit of God is always beautiful.
54:59 The fruit of God is always right,
55:01 the fruit of God is always His glory
55:03 being revealed in us, Amen to that.
55:06 So how does the good show up in our lives?
55:08 By us giving our lives to Christ
55:10 and then we realize the things
55:12 that show up in our lives happened
55:14 because it's no longer us who is doing it
55:17 but Christ who is doing it within us, right?
55:20 Let's go to this text.
55:21 I don't want to go to the very next verse.
55:24 How is our condition just described after the cross?
55:27 We are what? Free from sin.
55:29 We are now slaves of God, that gift of eternal life.
55:32 Go with me to Galatians 2:20.
55:36 Wish I had my another Bible here today,
55:38 but it's very important text, because I want you to see this,
55:40 so much the Bible talks about seed,
55:43 righteousness, sin, godliness, okay.
55:49 Here it is.
55:55 That's right honey.
55:57 And when you put the whole picture together,
56:00 this is this verse, Galatians 2:20 to me
56:03 is just like another John 3:16, isn't it?
56:07 Look what it says in verse 20.
56:09 "I have been crucified with Christ..."
56:12 The King James version says nevertheless I live,
56:14 I like that.
56:16 "I have been crucified with Christ,
56:17 it is no longer I who live but Christ who does," what?
56:22 "Live in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh,
56:28 this mortal body.
56:30 I live by faith in the Son of God
56:34 who does what?
56:36 Who did what?
56:37 Loved me and gave Himself for me.
56:41 So now, what showing up in my life
56:44 is not because I found a new way of living
56:47 or a new way of talking,
56:49 is not because I have adopted a new plan
56:51 or decided to follow
56:53 the seven highly effective habits
56:56 of successful Christians.
56:58 It's not because I found a new spiritual guru
57:01 to suggest what kind of behavior
57:03 you should follow in the pattern of my life,
57:05 but it's because who's doing the work.
57:06 Come on tell me who's doing the work?
57:08 It is no longer I who live, but tell me again,
57:11 but Christ who lives in me.
57:13 So Jeff and April, and Marlina
57:16 and Dan and Hannah and Cynthia, Angie.
57:20 The list goes on and on.
57:21 What shows up in our lives shows up
57:23 because Christ is the one in there living through us.
57:29 So if you've accepted Christ, go home tonight
57:32 and stand in front of the mirror
57:34 for a little longer than you normally would
57:37 and just see if you could see Christ peeking out.
57:41 I'm in here, don't get discouraged,
57:43 I've started some work,
57:45 you may see some dust every now and then,
57:46 you may hear some hammering and sawing
57:48 and some things breaking.
57:49 I'm just getting rid of the old remnants
57:51 of the old man,
57:52 because Christ is on the inside.
57:54 It's so wonderful to know friends,
57:55 if you keep your life in Christ hand,
57:57 what is not clear right now,
57:58 one day will come into a beautiful
58:01 and wonderful sharper focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-05