A Sharper Focus

Face the Challenges, Part 4, How to Carry My Cross, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000036

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome
00:22 to another Wednesday night Bible study
00:23 here in Thompsonville, Illinois at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:27 Thank you so much for tuning in.
00:29 We pray that you have your Bibles, your pens,
00:32 your family, your friends,
00:33 all of those individuals that want to join you
00:36 and as right now as we study the Bible together.
00:39 I'm always excited about Wednesday night
00:40 because it's not a sermon, it's a teaching time,
00:43 and I believe that teaching is vitally important for us
00:46 to understand not just what said,
00:48 but how it applies to our lives,
00:50 and how we can benefit not only intellectually
00:52 but spiritually.
00:54 And as we study the theme of the cross tonight
00:57 it's so vitally important
00:58 because we say so many things about the cross,
01:01 and I'll discuss that a little further
01:03 what actually is the message of the cross.
01:06 If you'd like a copy of the lesson tonight,
01:08 go to the website ASF.3ABN.org and download lesson number 12,
01:14 entitled Carry My Cross.
01:16 How to carry my cross?
01:18 And if you're busy,
01:20 just take the next 57 minutes or so,
01:22 and this lesson will go by as quickly
01:24 as you can possibly imagine,
01:26 but the blessings are abundant.
01:29 Before we do anything, before we even sing tonight,
01:30 let's have a word of prayer.
01:32 Bow your heads with me.
01:34 Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, that tonight,
01:35 we can open Your Word and as we open the book,
01:38 we pray that You'll open our book,
01:40 read our hearts, read our lives,
01:43 help us to see Jesus more clearly,
01:45 and where we stand in our journey,
01:48 and our relationship with Him.
01:50 May this message about the cross
01:53 be very clear tonight, but, Lord,
01:55 also we pray that You'll hide us
01:57 under the shadow of the cross
01:58 and help us to walk in the newness of life.
02:00 We pray in Jesus' name.
02:02 Amen.
02:04 Now we always like to sing our theme song,
02:06 it's Victory in Jesus,
02:08 the words will appear on our screen.
02:09 And if you tune in before, you like to sing,
02:12 just turn your volume up and sing along with us
02:15 as we speak about the theme song
02:17 of where our victory is found.
02:18 Let's sing together.
02:27 I heard an old, old story
02:31 How the Savior came from glory
02:35 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:39 To save a wretch like me
02:43 I heard about His groaning
02:46 Of His precious blood's atoning
02:50 Then I repented of my sin
02:54 And won the victory
02:58 O victory in Jesus
03:01 My Savior, forever
03:05 He sought me and bought me
03:09 With His redeeming blood
03:13 He loved me ere
03:15 I knew Him
03:16 And all my love is due Him
03:20 He plunged me to victory
03:24 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:28 I heard about a mansion
03:32 He has built for me in glory
03:35 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:39 Beyond the crystal sea
03:43 About the angels singing
03:47 And the old redemption story
03:50 And some sweet day
03:53 I'll sing up there
03:54 The song of victory
03:58 O victory in Jesus
04:02 My Savior, forever
04:06 He sought me and bought me
04:09 With His redeeming blood
04:13 He loved me ere
04:15 I knew Him
04:17 And all my love is due Him
04:21 He plunged me to victory
04:25 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:28 He plunged me to victory
04:32 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:39 Can we say amen to that?
04:40 Amen.
04:42 That song has become a favorite song of those
04:45 who tune into the program
04:47 because it really is all about the victory
04:49 that we find in Jesus.
04:51 Tonight, our topic is "How to Carry My Cross."
04:54 Let's say that together, "How to Carry My Cross."
04:59 Now I want to begin tonight in a very different way
05:02 because the topic of the cross, we say...
05:05 There's a song I enjoy singing "The Old Rugged Cross."
05:10 And that song has been sung by so many.
05:12 I think it's a very, very, very famous song.
05:15 Then there's another one
05:16 "The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference."
05:18 And so much is focused on the cross.
05:22 But oftentimes,
05:23 when trials come our way and difficulties come our way,
05:26 people say, "Well, that's the cross
05:27 that I have to bear."
05:29 "Well, there's my cross is."
05:31 And oftentimes, we apply the message of the cross
05:35 to incidents in our lives
05:37 that are not necessarily applicable to the cross.
05:41 So I want to really make it very clear
05:42 what it means to carry our cross.
05:46 Let's begin by showing you some pictures.
05:48 These are some familiar pictures.
05:50 When you see this picture,
05:52 it opens to your mind these three crosses,
05:54 we think about the crucifixion.
05:57 One thief, another criminal, and Jesus in the middle.
06:03 The man on the cross, the man in the middle.
06:07 I think this is probably one of the most famous renditions
06:10 of the cross, especially,
06:12 during the time of year
06:14 when people talk about the resurrection of Christ.
06:16 They always have three crosses.
06:18 But if you think of the...
06:20 If you think of the jewelry industry,
06:23 crosses have been abused, have been misused,
06:26 have been reinterpreted,
06:28 in the occult world they turn the cross upside down,
06:31 in the occult world they had
06:33 so many other dimensions to the cross
06:34 which really does not apply to the Bible at all.
06:37 It takes the meaning of the cross and dilutes it
06:39 and distorts it and, at best,
06:42 misinterprets the message of the cross.
06:44 So as I thought about putting this
06:47 presentation together,
06:48 I said, "Well, let me show them a cross
06:50 that people wear around their neck."
06:52 Well, when I think about that, I'm reminded of the phrase,
06:56 my good friend, Doug Batchelor said to somebody who asked,
07:00 "Is it okay to wear a cross?"
07:02 He said, "Well, if you could find
07:04 support of the Bible,
07:05 because the Lord didn't say, wear a cross,
07:07 the Lord said what?
07:08 "Bear a cross."
07:10 And so we've seen crosses, and people often wear that,
07:13 you've seen cross earrings and cross tattoos.
07:16 Sometimes you've seen crosses on back of a leather jacket
07:19 with the skull in the middle of it.
07:21 And the cross has been so misused and so abused
07:24 but that's probably one of the most famous renditions.
07:26 However, I'm kind of...
07:28 I take to this one,
07:29 this next one because this one is found in Southern Illinois.
07:34 Some people may have heard about the Bald Knob Cross.
07:37 Now this cross is 116 feet tall,
07:39 and I have not necessarily seen this one, I heard about it.
07:43 So I chose tonight to share this one.
07:45 Southern Illinois boasts one of the biggest crosses
07:47 in the nation.
07:49 And I want to say it's bigger than the next cross
07:51 I'm going to show you but sometimes
07:52 if you're driving down the Highway 57,
07:55 where 57 and 70 meets, do you know what city that is?
08:01 Okay.
08:02 Ha? Effingham.
08:03 Effingham.
08:05 We're right in the City of Effingham
08:06 just before you get there, you see this massive tall,
08:08 tall cross.
08:11 Right. A big old metal cross.
08:14 Well, this one is bolstering a higher height than that one,
08:18 the Bald Knob Cross.
08:20 But this is probably
08:22 one of the most famous cross images.
08:25 The cross of Christ and Christ Himself
08:28 are there on the hills
08:29 over that great City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
08:34 So when we think about the cross,
08:37 depending on where you are, many images come to your mind.
08:40 You could be in a church where cross is very popular,
08:43 some churches have crosses on their steeple,
08:45 some churches have crosses right in the center
08:48 as the person walks into church,
08:50 and some people in their religion
08:51 they always make the sign of the cross.
08:53 The cross means a lot to a lot of different people.
08:56 The cross means a lot to people that are religious,
08:58 people that are Christians,
09:00 and people that are not necessarily Christians.
09:03 Sometimes, you'll see a rock group wearing a cross,
09:05 and you say, but their music, it doesn't match the symbol.
09:08 But a lot of people don't know that in the occult world,
09:11 one of the reasons why rockers wear that cross
09:13 is because they take pride as Satan worshippers
09:16 to wear the symbol upon which Jesus was crucified.
09:20 They're not wearing it because they are religious,
09:22 they're wearing it, bolstering that,
09:24 "We crucified Him on this cross."
09:27 Then you see the cross upside down,
09:28 which is a distortion of the message of the cross.
09:32 And then, as I said earlier, sometimes people say,
09:36 "Life is just so difficult for me.
09:37 I guess this is the cross, I'm called to bear."
09:41 But I want you to go with me right now to Matthew 27
09:44 before we go to question number one.
09:46 Matthew 27.
09:54 Matthew 27,
09:55 and we are going to look
09:59 at probably one of the most moving stories
10:01 in the Bible,
10:03 "The crucifixion of Jesus."
10:09 All right, let me just cut down how much I was going to read.
10:14 Let me start with verse 21.
10:17 Verse 21.
10:23 This is where Barabbas is freed,
10:26 and they choose to crucify Christ,
10:29 and let Barabbas go free.
10:32 "The governor..."
10:34 And I'm reading in the New King James Version.
10:35 "The governor answered and said to them,
10:38 'Which of the two do you want me to release to you?'
10:42 They said, "who, 'Barabbas!'"
10:47 And by the way,
10:49 when you think of
10:50 who the question is being asked to,
10:52 it's being asked to those who should have chosen Jesus,
10:54 the people that have been carrying His message,
10:58 the chief priest.
10:59 "Who do you want?
11:01 Barabbas?"
11:02 And he thought this would be a no-brainer.
11:04 "Who do you want this criminal over here
11:07 or this man that really you have nothing
11:09 to convict Him of?
11:11 Who do you want?"
11:12 And they chose a criminal over Jesus.
11:16 Pilate said to them in verse 22.
11:20 "What then shall I do with Jesus
11:23 who is called Christ?"
11:25 "What I'm going to do with Him?"
11:27 "They all said to him, 'Let Him be,' what?"
11:30 'Crucified!'
11:31 Then the governor said, "'Why, what evil has He done?'
11:36 But they cried out all the more, saying,
11:38 'Let Him be crucified!'
11:41 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all,
11:45 but rather that a tumult was rising,
11:48 he took water and washed his hands
11:50 before the multitude, saying,
11:52 'I am innocent of the blood of this just Person.
11:56 You see to it.'"
11:57 Well, actually he had the power to release Him
11:59 so putting water on his hands didn't change his standing,
12:02 did not change his decision.
12:05 And says in verse 25.
12:07 "And all the people answered and said,
12:09 'His blood be on us and on our children.'"
12:13 If you follow the history of those who rejected Christ,
12:17 there is an appointment that they have.
12:19 It's talked about in Revelation 1:7.
12:22 "Every eye shall see Him,
12:24 and those also that pierced Him."
12:27 That appointment was made on this occasion
12:29 because when they mocked Christ,
12:30 and they reviled Him, and they rejected Him,
12:34 and they said to Him,
12:35 "If you're the Christ, save yourself."
12:37 They adjured Him to confess that He was the Christ.
12:40 He says, "I am, and you will see me again
12:44 coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
12:47 So the good news tonight before we go any further
12:49 is the cross was not the defeat for Christ,
12:51 the cross was the place of victory for all of us.
12:55 It was not the place of defeat for Christ,
12:58 but you'll find it exactly why He had to go there.
13:01 And finally, go down to verse 26.
13:04 And I'm going to go very quickly here
13:05 because I want to cover it.
13:07 "Then they released Barabbas to them."
13:08 Verse 26.
13:10 "And when he had scourged Jesus,
13:13 he delivered Him to be crucified.
13:16 Then the soldiers of the governor
13:17 took Jesus into the praetorium
13:19 and gathered the whole garrison around Him.
13:23 And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him."
13:28 Verse 29.
13:29 "When they had twisted a crown of thorns,
13:32 they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand."
13:37 And they bowed the knee before Him
13:40 and mocked Him, saying,
13:42 "Hail, King of the Jews!"
13:44 I don't know if you caught that,
13:45 the next time they bow their knees before Him,
13:47 it's going to be quite a different story,
13:49 what do you say?
13:50 "Every knee will bow,
13:51 every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
13:56 But I'm giving you the picture of the cross
13:57 before we dive into it.
13:59 In verse 30.
14:00 "Then they spat on Him,
14:02 and took the reed and struck Him on the head.
14:06 Then when they had mocked Him, they took the robe off Him,
14:11 put His own clothes on Him,
14:14 and led Him away to be crucified."
14:18 And finally, verse 32.
14:20 "Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene,
14:23 Simon by name.
14:25 Him they compelled to bear His cross."
14:30 You find when you read the gospels,
14:32 when you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
14:34 you only find two examples or two instances
14:36 where it talks about, "Bearing His cross."
14:39 But you'll never find a place in the writings of the gospels
14:42 where Jesus ever said the cross was His.
14:47 Jesus never claimed the cross was His.
14:50 Because what was the purpose of the cross?
14:51 Somebody tell me?
14:53 What was the purpose of the cross?
14:55 Crucifixion.
14:56 That was the purpose of the cross.
14:58 The cross, that cruel act of taking a person's life
15:02 was brought into existence by the Persians,
15:05 the Medo-Persians,
15:06 then it was later adopted by the Romans,
15:09 and they refined the process
15:14 of persecution on the cross.
15:16 They made it so that,
15:17 whoever was persecutor on the cross,
15:19 they could get the maximum amount of pain
15:21 before that person expired or before they died.
15:25 But when you find out tonight about the cross,
15:28 this was the mission of Jesus.
15:31 "For God so loved the world
15:33 that He gave His only begotten Son,
15:34 that whoever believeth in Him should not perish,
15:35 but have," what?
15:37 "Everlasting life."
15:38 Jesus had to come to perish that we don't perish.
15:41 Jesus had to come to die
15:43 so that we can have eternal life.
15:46 And this cruel act that we see, when you go to Isaiah 53,
15:51 the Bible says, "He was wounded for,"
15:53 whose transgression, "our transgressions."
15:56 When you look at the whipping, He was bruised for our, what?
15:59 Inequity.
16:00 The chastisement of our peace is upon Him.
16:03 In other words, what that means is,
16:04 you're getting the peace, and He's getting the lashing,
16:08 it should be the other way around.
16:10 The reason why you have peace
16:12 is because He's taking the lashing for us.
16:14 The reason why we have peace
16:16 is because He's taking what we deserve,
16:18 we're literally trading places.
16:21 I want you to get that in your mind, we are what?
16:23 Trading places.
16:25 In other words where He should be is where...
16:28 We should be.
16:31 I want you to keep that thought in mind, we are trading places.
16:36 Now let's dive into question number one.
16:39 We are trading places, okay?
16:44 Question number one.
16:47 What condition does Jesus attach
16:51 to being a follower of Christ?
16:55 Matthew 10:38.
16:58 In our last broadcast,
16:59 we began here but just to give
17:01 the complete picture of the lesson,
17:03 I want to start with this tonight
17:04 because this is a very important text
17:06 as it relates to laying the foundation
17:08 for the verses that come after that.
17:10 What did Jesus say is imperative the condition
17:13 for being a follower of Christ.
17:14 Matthew 10:38 reads as follows.
17:16 Let's read this first one together.
17:18 Are you ready? Here we go.
17:20 "And he who does not take his cross
17:24 and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."
17:29 Now I want you to get this picture.
17:31 Here it is the day of crucifixion,
17:33 and Jesus is on His way to the cross.
17:35 Now what we didn't catch
17:38 when I read that verse in Matthew 27 is,
17:42 they chose a man to carry the cross of Christ
17:47 because in reality what was being illustrated
17:50 there is this very verse.
17:53 Simon was carrying the cross,
17:56 and he was following Jesus.
18:00 And what we didn't catch in that very illustration?
18:02 If you look at Matthew 27:32, "They found a man from Cyrene,
18:07 Simon by name.
18:09 Him they compelled to bear His cross."
18:12 They applied the cross to Jesus,
18:14 but the first illustration of the journey to the cross
18:17 was not Jesus carrying the cross,
18:19 but who carrying across? Simon carried the cross.
18:25 Oftentimes, you see in these illustrations
18:28 quite a different, you know, movies do a lot of things.
18:31 But Simon, when they got to Golgotha,
18:33 Simon was the one that took it there
18:35 because in reality Matthew 10:38
18:38 was being illustrated very carefully off the bat.
18:41 "If anyone will come after Me, let him take his cross and,"
18:45 do what?
18:46 "Follow Me."
18:48 Simon was carrying the cross that belonged to Simon,
18:50 it didn't belong to Jesus.
18:53 He was going to be crucified on it,
18:55 but it really was Simon's cross.
18:57 Simon was the first man to follow Jesus
19:01 that carried his cross.
19:04 So Simon was living this verse out in
19:08 order for you to get to the life
19:09 that I have in store for you,
19:12 you've got to carry the cross that belongs to you.
19:16 So right away, I want you to put this down
19:18 in response to the question,
19:20 what condition does Jesus attach
19:22 to being a follower of Christ?
19:24 Carry your cross.
19:27 Write that down.
19:28 We must carry our cross.
19:30 I want you to make it personal,
19:32 "Carry my cross. I must carry my cross."
19:40 Outside of being wrongly accused,
19:43 everyone that went to the cross was a criminal.
19:45 If you checked out Jesus' record,
19:48 did He have any crimes?
19:49 None at all.
19:51 So how was He deemed a criminal?
19:54 How was He deemed a criminal?
19:59 Oh, say it again, honey?
20:01 Our sins. Our sins.
20:05 He was bruised for our iniquity.
20:08 In the judgment hour,
20:10 He was beaten for something we did.
20:13 He was about to be crucified for something
20:14 we were guilty of.
20:16 So if you really want to think about this thing
20:17 about salvation by works,
20:19 there are some places around the world,
20:21 and I can say this,
20:22 you know, so my roots are from the Philippines
20:24 but yearly around the time of Easter
20:29 so many people in foreign countries,
20:31 there's a tradition in some places,
20:33 and I saw some of the video.
20:35 This happens in portions of the Philippines
20:37 where some young men
20:39 find it a great honor to put hooks in their backs,
20:42 some of them find it a great honor
20:43 to literally be nailed through their hand
20:46 and hung up on the cross.
20:47 They find it a great honor.
20:50 They jostle for that position.
20:51 They want to be literally nailed
20:53 to the cross.
20:54 They want those nails to be pierced.
20:56 Some of them would just serve the purpose
20:59 of just having multiple hooks in their backs,
21:01 and they will be lifted up slowly
21:03 like a fish being taken out of the water
21:05 and just hang there to receive the accolade of his willing
21:09 to be crucified like Christ.
21:12 I want to say at the very beginning,
21:14 I'm glad that's not what Jesus wants us to do.
21:18 Amen? Amen.
21:22 What He wants us to do is far more,
21:24 far more difficult than that.
21:29 Did you get what I just said?
21:31 That's easy to do.
21:33 What He wants us to do is far more difficult
21:35 than having nails driven through our hands
21:38 once a year or having fishhooks in our backs
21:40 that are going to eventually be healed.
21:42 He wants us to do something a lot more effective than that.
21:46 Let's go to question number two.
21:48 Let's go to question number two
21:49 and find out how relevant this is.
21:51 Question number two reads as follows.
21:54 What was the principle that led Jesus to the cross?
21:56 There was a principle that was applied there.
21:59 What was that principle?
22:01 And we're going to turn to Philippians 2:8.
22:04 Philippians 2:8.
22:07 You know, the bearing of the cross
22:08 is very principle based,
22:10 it's not necessarily emotional based.
22:13 I was sitting in the NRB convention,
22:16 my wife was there,
22:17 Pastor Batchelor was there,
22:18 and number of other pastors was there,
22:20 it was a massive interdenominational
22:22 gathering that happens
22:24 at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention,
22:26 the year one when the movie The Passion came out,
22:30 and they had a preview of it.
22:32 And there was, oh, few thousand people in there.
22:35 That place was packed from side to side
22:37 when they decided tonight
22:38 they're going to preview this showing
22:40 to all these religious leaders.
22:42 And you can hear a pin drop in there.
22:46 But then over the quietness of the crowd,
22:47 you can hear people weeping in different corners of that room.
22:53 Weeping for the cross is an easy thing to do,
22:59 being nailed on the cross is an easy thing to do.
23:03 I want you to see what was the principle
23:05 that led Jesus to the cross.
23:07 Philippines 2:8.
23:09 Okay, look at this again.
23:11 "And being found in appearance as a man..."
23:16 What are the next two words?
23:17 He did what?
23:19 "Humbled Himself
23:22 and became obedient to the point of death,
23:27 even the death of the cross."
23:31 Now let me spend a little bit of time on that.
23:33 When you read Fox's Book of Martyrs,
23:35 probably one of the hardest books to read,
23:37 it's not a book that you want to read if you cannot handle
23:39 the atrocities that were perpetrated
23:41 on Christians during the Dark Ages.
23:43 And it's very descriptive.
23:46 But if you look at this verse and you begin to understand
23:49 why Christians went through what they went through,
23:51 they in many cases were willing to experience
23:55 the death of the cross
23:56 because they refused to be disobedient.
24:00 See, obedience requires something.
24:03 It requires a humble heart,
24:05 and a person willing to be obedient.
24:07 My wife and I, every now and then,
24:11 we saw this broadcast,
24:12 I think it's on HD television,
24:14 they talk about Million Dollar Rooms.
24:16 I got to share this Million Dollar Rooms.
24:18 And we were looking at this program
24:21 Million Dollar Rooms,
24:22 not million dollar houses, Million Dollar Rooms.
24:28 Wrap your head around that.
24:30 Twenty thousand square foot houses,
24:32 palatial in every respect,
24:34 and I sat on the edge of the bed,
24:35 and I sat there, and I got more and more disgusted
24:39 every Million Dollar Room I saw.
24:42 And I was thinking to myself,
24:43 "This is just a new version of the lifestyles
24:45 of the rich and famous."
24:47 And I'm sitting there on the edge of my bed...
24:52 And I'm thinking,
24:54 "This is sick, this is torture."
24:57 But all of a sudden, the Lord, Cynthia,
25:00 the Lord dropped a little drop of heavenly wisdom in my mind,
25:06 and he said, "That's nothing compared
25:07 to what I have in store for you."
25:09 Okay?
25:11 That's nothing.
25:13 And I thought to myself,
25:14 "Honey, let's cut that off and let's read our Bible."
25:18 And I opened...
25:20 We opened up Ellen White's writings
25:22 and began to read the scriptures of heaven.
25:24 And she said, "When I got a glimpse of heaven,
25:28 I had to lay my pen down
25:30 because words cannot describe what my eyes saw."
25:37 You know how they do the gold fixtures,
25:39 "These fixtures are made of 24-carat gold,
25:41 and they're..."
25:42 This chandelier was imported from Italy,
25:47 and this countertop was made from a hard...
25:51 What do they call that stuff?
25:53 "Granite that was hewn out of a rock
25:55 that has to be centuries old
25:57 because you see the fossilization in the rock.
26:00 And these tiles on the floor, my wine cellar in the basement
26:03 are all from the streets of Bethlehem,
26:07 they must be at least 2,000 years old,
26:09 and chances are Jesus and His disciples
26:11 walked on these cobblestones."
26:13 And he puts them in a wine cellar.
26:17 And I'm thinking, "Okay, okay. Next?"
26:20 Then a guy shows a movie theater
26:22 he had in his house,
26:23 $2 million movie theater in his house,
26:25 $600,000 sound system.
26:27 You know, if you've got money like that
26:28 and you want to waste it and stand before God
26:30 to give accountability of how you wasted money
26:32 when there are millions of people starving,
26:34 that's up to you.
26:35 However, I just had enough of it
26:38 and I have to turn it off pastor.
26:40 I did turn it off and say, "Let's get into Bible."
26:42 And I said to my wife, "Honey, have you noticed,
26:46 none of those houses
26:48 had any golden floors from end to end?"
26:52 They were all built on concrete foundations,
26:55 not 12 foundations made of 12 precious stones.
27:00 I had not seen a single gate on any of those properties,
27:03 Marlene, that was made of one pearl.
27:05 Come on somebody had to see what I'm heading with it.
27:08 And I thought to myself,
27:09 "Jesus died so that we could live there,
27:13 and we don't have to pay a penny for it."
27:15 Amen? Amen.
27:16 Oh, but there is something we have to pay,
27:19 we've got to be obedient, we've got to be humble.
27:23 The first thing I want to point out
27:24 about the message of the cross,
27:26 the message of the cross doesn't need display.
27:28 You don't need to get a big old gigantic cross.
27:30 And I've seen people they get crosses,
27:32 some guys get these big old honking crosses,
27:34 big old massive gold chains,
27:36 and they're walking around with a cigar in their mouth
27:38 and big old golden cross, "You know, I'm a Christian."
27:41 I don't think that is not what bear the cross means.
27:46 Or it's on the back of a jacket or on the side of a house
27:48 or spray painted on the building
27:49 that's not what the message of the cross is.
27:51 The message of the cross is humbling ourselves,
27:54 humbling ourselves,
27:56 being obedient even if it means dying.
27:59 Why did Jesus die?
28:00 Because He was obedient to the point of death.
28:04 So here is the first message of the cross,
28:06 I want you to get this.
28:07 I didn't give you space to write this down
28:09 but here it is.
28:10 The message of the cross calls us to be
28:14 so willing to be obedient that if it costs us our lives,
28:18 we're willing to go that far.
28:21 That's huge.
28:23 Because when the time comes
28:25 for persecution to arise again in places
28:28 where we find it so customary to just go to church
28:31 out of traditional habit,
28:33 you'll find that Christianity is going
28:34 to be really whittle down to those
28:37 who are willing to die,
28:38 and those who just were there for the choir,
28:40 over there for the palatial palaces.
28:42 It's going to be a time those who stayed around
28:45 and followed Jesus after that point.
28:47 That's why the disciples were hiding,
28:49 that's why they were hiding on the first day of the week.
28:51 They were not having a church service,
28:53 they were hiding for fear of the Jews,
28:54 they thought they were next
28:56 because they knew if their master died,
29:00 they're just a few steps away
29:02 from themselves also giving their lives.
29:04 Why do you think Peter denied Jesus?
29:06 Because he was not willing to die.
29:09 Didn't he say, "I'll even die for You."
29:11 But when the test came down to it,
29:13 Peter was unwilling to give his life,
29:15 he was going to his verbal accolade.
29:19 "I'll support, You Lord, and I'll even die for You."
29:24 "You will? All right."
29:27 Do you know Jesus?
29:29 Well, I'm getting into preacher now.
29:33 Excuse me if I'm preaching.
29:35 The point of the matter is the cross requires
29:37 humble obedience.
29:38 It means how willing and how obedient
29:42 are you willing to be is it to the point of death,
29:45 even the death of the cross.
29:47 Now I want to expand this
29:49 because the Lord is not saying to you,
29:50 "Honey, I'm willing, I'm obedient get some nails."
29:53 No.
29:55 It's a far deeper than that.
29:57 Let's go to question number three,
29:58 far deeper than that.
30:01 Number three.
30:03 Okay.
30:04 "How does the Bible describe those that were crucified?
30:09 How does it describe those that were crucified?
30:15 We're going to look at Galatians 3:13.
30:19 Galatians 3:13.
30:26 Lot of times, we think of Galatians...
30:30 Galatians is a powerful book.
30:34 I mean, they're all powerful, but Galatians is a book...
30:36 Lot of times people say, "Well, I'm going to study
30:37 the Book of Romans."
30:39 Romans will mess you up if you're not deep enough,
30:41 but Galatians...
30:43 What we're going to say?
30:47 One of the quarterly. That's right.
30:48 Study the Book of Galatians,
30:50 that was a beautiful quarterly by the way,
30:51 very imperative to study that one.
30:53 But Galatians 3:13 is where we're going to start first
30:55 for the answer here.
30:57 All right, how did the Bible
30:58 describe those that were crucified?
31:00 Here's the answer.
31:01 Galatians 3:13 reads,
31:03 "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law,
31:09 having become a," what?
31:11 "Curse for us for it is written,
31:15 'Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.'"
31:19 Now follow this carefully.
31:22 The curse?
31:23 What's the curse? What's the curse?
31:28 Well, it may even goes deeper than that?
31:31 This is quite deep here.
31:33 Let's all put on our scuba gear,
31:36 we're going in.
31:38 When we were born,
31:40 we were born in a bad condition.
31:43 1 Corinthians 15:22.
31:45 "As in Adam," how many die?
31:47 "All die."
31:48 So we were born cursed, cursed to die.
31:54 And at that point, we didn't do anything wrong.
31:57 But if we stayed around long enough,
32:00 we'd realize
32:01 what bad predicament we really are in.
32:03 We were born cursed.
32:05 We were born with this nature
32:06 that we couldn't do anything with.
32:09 So we were born in a bad situation.
32:12 I don't use the phrase original sin
32:13 that has different connotations,
32:15 but we were born with a nature
32:16 that was out of harmony with the nature
32:19 that we need to be inhabitants of heaven,
32:22 couldn't go on with that.
32:23 That's why the Bible says, "Flesh and blood
32:25 cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven."
32:27 That's human flesh, that's sinful flesh,
32:29 that's carnal,
32:30 that's a carnal nature could not.
32:32 So now the cross then being the symbol of death,
32:39 the law, the wages of sin is death.
32:43 So where there is no law, there is no sin.
32:48 Where there is no sin, there is no need of death.
32:52 So where there is a law, there is sin.
32:54 The curse of the law means the law condemns you.
33:00 The law does what? Say that again.
33:02 Condemns us.
33:03 So when the Bible says, "The Lord has redeemed us
33:06 from the curse of the law,
33:08 the law says, 'Mike, you're going to die.'"
33:13 And Jesus says, "Wait a minute.
33:15 Mike, you don't have to die on the cross,
33:18 I already did that."
33:21 And so Mike accepts what Christ did
33:27 because Christ took what Mike did.
33:32 He took on that, He became that curse,
33:35 having become a curse for us, He took on that nature,
33:39 He came to the earth, and took on that nature.
33:41 Now go with me to 1 Corinthians 15.
33:43 I want you to get this because
33:44 your minds are opening up.
33:46 And while it's open, I want to fill it
33:49 with some really good stuff.
33:51 1 Corinthians.
33:54 All right?
33:56 And chapter 15.
34:06 Okay?
34:09 Okay, now we're going to go to...
34:14 We're going to talk about the two natures.
34:16 Start with verse 43.
34:17 I'm going to dive into the little ways.
34:19 Verse 43.
34:22 Talking about this whole concept of
34:24 why are we cursed,
34:26 why is that the cross
34:28 or the law sends us to the cross,
34:30 why is that there is a curse that comes upon us
34:33 because of the law.
34:34 Look at the two conditions here.
34:37 Verse 43 is what I said
34:38 speaking of the two conditions that we are faced with.
34:44 Let's look at the first one.
34:46 "It is sown in dishonor,"
34:48 that is the natural,
34:51 "it is raised in," what? "Glory.
34:53 It is sown in," what? "Weakness,
34:56 it is raised in," what? "Power."
34:59 Verse 44.
35:00 "It is sown a," what? "Natural body,
35:03 it is raised a," what? "Spiritual body.
35:06 There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body."
35:11 Notice that.
35:12 Now verse 45.
35:14 "And so it is written,
35:16 'The first man Adam became a living being.'
35:21 The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.'"
35:26 Look at the two conditions, we have this natural side,
35:28 we have this spiritual side,
35:30 we have this side of this dishonor.
35:33 But then we have the side of glory,
35:35 we have the side of weakness, we have the side of power.
35:38 Now the cross being in the middle,
35:41 you have the dishonor and the weakness here,
35:44 then you have the cross here,
35:46 then after the cross you don't have the dishonor,
35:48 you have the glory and the power.
35:50 What did Jesus say when He was risen?
35:54 "All power is given unto Me
35:58 in heaven and in earth."
36:01 But let's keep going.
36:03 Verse 46.
36:05 "However, the spiritual is...?"
36:07 What is the very next word?
36:09 "Not first."
36:10 So when you're born, what's first?
36:12 The natural is first, the dishonor is first,
36:17 the corruption is first, the weakness is first.
36:21 All that is what we are born with,
36:24 we're born with corruption, we are born with weakness.
36:26 We're born in that natural condition.
36:28 And no matter how hard you try,
36:30 no matter how difficult you put effort forth,
36:33 you cannot work your way out of that condition
36:36 because that condition according to this text
36:38 that condition is the cursed.
36:40 That's the reason why you got to die.
36:43 So you ask yourself the question,
36:44 "How am I going to fix this? How am I going to fix this?"
36:49 Look at verse 47.
36:51 "The first man was of the earth,
36:54 made of dust.
36:55 The second Man is the Lord from heaven."
36:59 And I lover verse 48.
37:01 "As was the man of dust,
37:03 so also are those who are made of," what?
37:06 "Dust." Are we made of dust?
37:08 Yes.
37:09 How to live a spiritual life?
37:10 That's the natural body but get this now.
37:12 "And as is the heavenly Man,
37:15 so also are those who are," what?
37:18 "Heavenly.
37:20 And as we have borne the image of the man of dust,
37:22 we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.
37:27 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood
37:30 cannot inherit the kingdom of God
37:33 nor does corruption inherit incorruption."
37:35 One of the greatest reasons
37:37 why you should give people this text is because
37:39 when people say, "You die and go to heaven."
37:40 You can't because you're still in the natural,
37:43 you're still in the weakness,
37:44 you're still in the corruptible side,
37:46 you can't, you got to be changed.
37:48 And that's where verse 51 to 54 really comes in.
37:50 That's the context of verse 51 to 54.
37:54 We often think, "Well, all of a sudden
37:55 there's going to be this changed light
37:56 when Jesus comes."
37:58 Oh, what a big mistake.
38:00 The biggest mistake is to think
38:01 that the change is going to happen when Jesus comes.
38:03 The last change is going to happen when Jesus comes
38:06 is the changing of the body
38:08 but not the changing of the nature.
38:14 Do I need to move my ears out any further?
38:17 The nature is what gets changed now,
38:20 the nature is what gets taken to the cross now.
38:24 You're not gonna get up.
38:26 Now, obviously,
38:27 we're going to have the character of Christ,
38:29 but that cross is now,
38:30 there's going to be no cross in heaven,
38:32 that cross is on earth.
38:33 When Jesus comes, He's going to say,
38:35 "Oh, did you get baptized?
38:36 Well, let's do this real quickly,
38:38 so I could help you and give you a new nature."
38:39 That's the final product.
38:41 That's the glory part.
38:43 The justification, accepting Christ,
38:46 sins being forgiven,
38:47 sanctification, growing in Christ,
38:49 being saved from the power of sin,
38:52 but glory being saved from the presence of sin.
38:56 Did you get the picture now?
38:58 So by the time,
38:59 you are changed from corruptible to incorruptible,
39:01 from mortal to immortal,
39:03 that's the last phase, that's not the beginning of it.
39:06 Amen.
39:07 The beginning is now.
39:09 Let's go to the next question.
39:11 Question number four. The beginning is now.
39:16 How does the Bible further explain
39:17 the transaction of the cross?
39:20 There's a transaction there.
39:23 That's right.
39:25 Number three the answer to that is.
39:27 Thank you.
39:28 Number three, the answer is cursed.
39:29 That was the condition of those that were crucified.
39:32 They get that because they're cursed.
39:34 Last place you want to end up is on a cross.
39:36 But question number four takes us to 2 Corinthians 5:21.
39:41 How does the Bible further explain
39:43 the transaction of the cross?
39:47 You need to see this chapter
39:48 that we just read before this verse
39:50 really jumps out at you.
39:51 2 Corinthians 5:21 reads as follows.
39:53 Here it is on the screen.
39:55 "For He made Him
39:58 who knew no sin to be," what?
40:01 "Sin for us."
40:02 That's the first side.
40:04 "That we might become
40:06 the righteousness of God in Him."
40:11 Now if you want to put a comma,
40:13 a good place to put a comma
40:14 would have been right after the word God
40:15 because if any man be in Christ...
40:17 2 Corinthians 5:17.
40:19 "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
40:22 Old things had," what? "Passed away.
40:24 Behold, all things had become," what?
40:26 "New." So what passes away?
40:27 Here's what passes away.
40:29 I want you get what passes away.
40:30 The dishonor passes away, the weakness passes away,
40:34 the natural body passes away,
40:35 all of that stuff
40:37 that we were born with passes away.
40:39 And by faith now, I want you to catch this,
40:42 by faith who are we?
40:44 By faith who are we?
40:46 I just read the text.
40:48 I just quoted it.
40:49 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a," what?
40:51 "New creation."
40:54 So who are we in Christ?
40:55 Let's say it again, a new creation.
40:59 That means if you walk around the house
41:01 looking for the old creation
41:03 by faith,
41:05 we can say, "I'm new in Christ."
41:06 When a person gives his or her life to Christ
41:09 and is baptized and comes forth.
41:11 They come forth...
41:12 Let's go to Romans 6.
41:14 They come forth to a different kind of life
41:16 that's why it's so important for us...
41:19 That's why it's so important, Romans 6.
41:22 Okay?
41:26 That's why it's so vitally important for us
41:29 that we understand what happens when we're baptized.
41:31 Lot of people say, "I'm a member now."
41:33 If all you are is a member,
41:34 then you're really no different than what you were.
41:36 You could be a member
41:38 but there's something bigger here,
41:40 this cross has made a difference.
41:41 When I say thank You, Lord...
41:43 That's why it's so important to understand
41:45 what happens when you go down in the watery grave.
41:48 Romans 6.
41:50 And let's look together at verse 4, okay?
41:53 Romans 6:4.
41:56 Well, verse 2.
41:58 Romans 6:2.
42:00 Well, Romans 6:1.
42:02 You got to get the context.
42:03 Is that okay?
42:05 Okay, "What shall we say then?
42:06 Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?"
42:08 What's the answer?
42:09 "Certainly not!
42:11 How shall we who," what is the next word?
42:12 "Died to sin live any longer in it?
42:15 Or do you not know..."
42:17 Paul is asking,
42:18 "Don't you know
42:19 that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus
42:22 were baptized into His death?"
42:24 When you're baptized,
42:25 you're baptized into that death.
42:27 That's where Galatians 2:20 comes in but let's go on.
42:31 "Therefore, we were buried with Him
42:33 through baptism into death,
42:36 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
42:40 by the glory of the Father,
42:43 even so we also should walk in," the what?
42:47 "Newness of life."
42:49 Some got killed,
42:51 you can't have a new life unless the first one is gone.
42:54 That's why the next verse is beautiful.
42:56 "For if we have been united together
42:58 in the likeness of His death,"
43:01 what's the next word?
43:02 "Certainly we shall be
43:04 in the likeness of His resurrection."
43:06 Well, how do I know that?
43:07 "Knowing that this, that our old man was," what?
43:14 "Crucified with Him,
43:15 that the body of sin might be done away with,
43:18 that we should no longer be," what?
43:20 "Slaves to sin.
43:21 For he who has died has been freed from sin."
43:25 Now, ah, pause, and you're thinking.
43:31 Is there sin in the world still?
43:33 Is there still temptation in the world?
43:35 So what sin have you been freed from?
43:42 You've been freed from the penalty of sin.
43:46 Come on say it again.
43:48 The curse.
43:49 What was a curse?
43:51 Death.
43:52 You've been taken off a death roll,
43:54 can I get an amen anywhere?
43:56 Amen.
43:57 So you no longer...
43:58 So there is no fear...
44:00 There should be no fearfulness of the coming judgment
44:03 because the penalty of sin
44:04 no longer reigns over the head of anyone
44:06 who gives his or her life to Christ.
44:08 That's no longer over you.
44:10 You have been freed from that.
44:11 That is, you now
44:12 in the likeness of His resurrection.
44:14 Was Jesus fearful of dying again
44:16 in the likeness of His resurrection?
44:17 Absolutely not.
44:18 He came forth with the glory and the power,
44:22 the very thing that Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15
44:24 is on the other side.
44:25 The glory, shown dishonor raised in glory.
44:29 See, the glory comes after.
44:32 So if we don't have the message of the cross,
44:35 if we don't have the experience of the cross,
44:38 if we don't take our sin to the cross
44:40 and die with Christ,
44:42 we can't live with Christ.
44:45 If we don't accept His death,
44:47 we surely can't accept His resurrection
44:49 because what comes first, death or resurrection?
44:52 Death comes first.
44:54 You've got to be in the death
44:55 before you be in the resurrection.
44:56 So often people get baptized
44:58 because they understand 28 fundamentals,
45:01 and they don't understand the cross.
45:04 So they go in ignorant of the teachings,
45:07 come out intellectually sound of the teachings,
45:10 but they don't understand the transaction of the cross.
45:13 Something happened here,
45:15 "He made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us,"
45:17 transaction that we might become
45:19 the righteousness of God in Him that's how we do it in Christ.
45:24 Amen?
45:25 Without Jesus in the mix, then we're just very educated,
45:28 very well-tuned people
45:31 that understand what the 28 fundamentals mean.
45:33 "I believe the message of the cross.
45:35 Well, I understand all the teachings.
45:36 Yes, you die and go to the grave
45:38 and all the other stuff that comes along with that."
45:40 The message of the cross is far deeper than that.
45:43 And let me tell you why this is important to me,
45:46 and why it should be important to every one of us.
45:48 When you really understand what happens there,
45:50 you should not live a fearful Christian life.
45:52 You shouldn't walk around and say...
45:54 I know what you're going to send me,
45:56 you're going to write me and send me that text.
45:58 Oh, that quotation from Ellen White
45:59 where we say we should never say we are saved.
46:02 But that's only one portion of what she said,
46:04 but she also points that we should have that assurance.
46:07 C.D.
46:09 Brooks, I like the way he says, "I am saved, I'm being saved,
46:13 and I'll be saved."
46:15 Right?
46:16 I'm saved from death,
46:18 I'm being saved from the power of sin,
46:20 I will be saved from the presence of sin.
46:23 That's a salvation is,
46:24 not a one-time, once saved,
46:25 always saved because there's still sin
46:28 that's why I asked you, is there still sin?
46:29 So what have you been saved from?
46:30 If somebody says, "Are you saved?"
46:32 Say, "Yes, I am, I'm being, and I will be.
46:35 They'll get so confused, they'll say, "I'll be back."
46:38 Not only let me help you understand what I mean.
46:41 And so I asked, "Are you saved?"
46:43 They say, "Yes." I said, "Saved from what?"
46:46 "Well, I accepted Jesus when I was 16 years old,
46:48 1923 on 2 o'clock in the afternoon."
46:51 You ever hear that?
46:53 "I remember when I was 22 years old,
46:54 I accepted Jesus, and He came into my life."
46:56 "Okay, are you saved?" "Yes."
46:57 "From what?"
46:59 Help them understand that
47:00 because too often people
47:02 are exercising a faith of the Christian life
47:06 but continuing to mumble, bumble,
47:08 and stumble failing to realize
47:11 what is really made available to them.
47:12 That power, that glory, that's on the other side,
47:14 it's important for every one of us.
47:16 I need it too.
47:17 Amen for that.
47:20 He took what belongs to us
47:21 so that we can receive what belongs to Him.
47:24 That's question number four.
47:26 Number five. Let's move on quickly.
47:27 We have a lot of questions here.
47:29 Number five, what does Isaiah the prophet tell us
47:34 the cross accomplished?
47:36 What does Isaiah tell us the cross accomplished?
47:38 We quoted that earlier. We can go right to that.
47:40 That one is a very familiar passage
47:42 but don't let the familiar understanding of that
47:45 cause you to miss its message.
47:47 Isaiah 53:5.
47:49 I want to go right to this one
47:51 not just in the interest of time,
47:52 but I want you to see this
47:54 we talked about earlier
47:55 and this is to reiterate.
47:57 What does Isaiah the prophet tell us the cross accomplished?
48:01 "But He was wounded for our transgressions,
48:04 He was bruised for our iniquities,
48:07 the chastisement,"
48:08 that word chastisement, the whipping He took,
48:11 "for our peace was upon Him,
48:13 and by His stripes we are," what?
48:15 "Healed." What did the cross accomplish?
48:20 Say it again, Bud, who said heal?
48:24 Okay, Dan.
48:26 Healing.
48:30 If you think of all the healing
48:31 that Jesus extended to the multitudes,
48:36 He didn't just healed them physically,
48:38 He healed them mentally.
48:42 Lot of times, we're locked into the vacuum there.
48:48 You see clearly,
48:49 the healing that the stripes brought
48:51 was the healing that was far deeper
48:53 than anything they could imagine.
48:55 It wasn't just the taken up off the bat,
48:57 but they went away with rejoicing
48:59 healed by His stripes.
49:01 So if you answer the question here to number five,
49:04 what does Isaiah the prophet tell us the cross accomplished?
49:06 It accomplished, what?
49:08 Healing.
49:09 Healing from the sin,
49:11 as well as the condition of the sin.
49:14 The condition of it was the impact
49:16 not just on the destiny but on the daily life,
49:22 not just the destiny but on the daily life.
49:25 All right.
49:27 Okay, number six.
49:35 Okay, here it is.
49:40 We went ahead of ourselves,
49:41 but I want to go back there
49:43 because it was important to get that.
49:46 What does the Bible describe
49:48 as our first place of unity with Christ?
49:53 What does it describe
49:54 as our first place of unity with Christ?
49:59 Go back to Roman 6:5.
50:03 Say that again, honey?
50:05 Our first place
50:06 that we are united with Christ is in death.
50:10 Before you could be united with Him in life,
50:12 you have to be united with Him in what?
50:14 Death.
50:16 That sounds very unusual.
50:18 Well, what good is there for me?
50:20 Well, if you think about what Satan was put out of,
50:24 what Lucifer when he lost his estate
50:28 because sin could not abide
50:30 in the glorious courts of heaven.
50:32 So it was either
50:35 remain in the character that I created you in
50:38 but if you change your character,
50:39 then this is not the place that you can continue to abide.
50:42 So why is he abiding in death now?
50:44 Why is he waiting for his day of destruction?
50:46 Why is he looking forward to the second death,
50:48 not looking forward to it,
50:49 but why is that his appointment?
50:53 It's because he did not accept the place
50:55 that Christ had placed him in that perfect character,
50:57 in that perfect unity with Christ.
50:59 As a result of that now,
51:01 our unity with Christ first begins in death.
51:05 Let's look at that again.
51:07 "For if we have been united together
51:11 in the likeness of His death,
51:17 "For if we have been united together
51:19 in the likeness of His death,
51:22 certainly we also shall be
51:24 in the likeness of His resurrection."
51:28 Now not to run past that too quickly,
51:31 but I want to ask a few questions.
51:35 It was a long time before I realized
51:38 who my dad was but...
51:41 I'd always wondered what he looked like.
51:43 I always wondered if I walked past him
51:45 that I would notify,
51:46 if I would recognize anybody as being my father,
51:49 because I didn't even know who he was naturally.
51:52 In the very same way,
51:54 when we are identified with Christ,
51:56 when we are connected with Christ,
51:57 when Christ becomes our father,
51:59 there's a connection there
52:01 that brings with in more than just the benefits of the life
52:07 but there should be some evidences
52:08 of our connection, right?
52:12 Some people say, "You know,
52:13 you have your father's eyes."
52:15 Or, "Your voice sounds like your dad."
52:19 Or, "Your handwriting, it's like your mom's."
52:21 There are some evidences there.
52:23 Go with me.
52:25 Let me turn, then I'll tell you where it is, okay?
52:31 Okay, here we are.
52:33 Galatians 5.
52:47 Galatians 5.
52:52 And let's look together at verse 16.
53:03 Galatians 5 and starting with verse 16.
53:08 Well, could I just give you verse 13 very quickly,
53:10 verse 13, it gives me the context of it.
53:13 You know, lot of times,
53:14 if you read just the verse itself,
53:16 you don't get what's before and what's after it.
53:17 Let's start with verse 13.
53:20 It says, "For you, brethren, have been called to," what?
53:25 "Liberty."
53:26 That's freedom, another word for liberty is freedom.
53:28 "Only do not use liberty
53:32 as an opportunity for the flesh,
53:36 but through love serve one another."
53:40 How to live a spiritual life in a natural body?
53:43 After the Lord frees us,
53:44 we still have this natural body.
53:46 But He said, "You've been set free.
53:47 But now that you've been set free
53:49 don't use that as...
53:51 Since you're not on death row any more,
53:52 don't feel that you could do what you did before
53:55 and not mess up this relationship.
53:59 Don't feel that since you're not fearful
54:01 that there's a death date set for you
54:02 when you were on death row
54:03 that you're now going to live anyway
54:05 and there's no consequences to that."
54:06 He said, "Don't use your freedom
54:08 to mess up your life."
54:09 That's why when people quote this text,
54:11 you might see my mouth moving...
54:13 Let's quote it together.
54:18 "He who the Son sets free is free indeed."
54:25 But if you go to John
54:26 and you read the text,
54:31 "For if the Son,
54:32 therefore shall make you free,
54:35 you shall be," what?
54:37 "Free indeed."
54:38 If you go to John 8,
54:39 I want you to see this very quickly.
54:41 We have about...
54:42 We're going to get this.
54:50 John 8:36.
55:04 Okay, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free,
55:08 you shall be, " what?
55:09 "Free indeed."
55:10 And verse 32.
55:12 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall," what?
55:17 How many times that we say set?
55:20 The truth shall set you free.
55:24 Setting me free and making me free
55:26 is not the same thing.
55:29 When people are set free from prison,
55:31 you know, they have this big, old, high technical word,
55:34 it's called recidivism rate.
55:38 Write that one down.
55:40 Recidivism rate, you know what that means?
55:42 That means the percentage of those
55:44 who end up back where they were.
55:46 The recidivism rate is very high, why?
55:49 Because they've been set free physically,
55:52 they have not been set free, what?
55:53 Mentally.
55:55 They've still got a prisoner's mind.
55:56 There's some people that have been bound
55:58 for so long, they say,
55:59 "You know, I'm a whole lot more comfortable in there,
56:02 than I am out here."
56:04 And in the very same way,
56:06 "For those who are set free spiritually..."
56:09 Some people have lived in sin so long
56:11 that unless they understand
56:13 what that freedom and that liberty is all about,
56:15 their recidivism rate is huge,
56:17 they go back to that
56:19 because they have not learned,
56:21 they have not learned the life of freedom.
56:24 That's why it's important when a person
56:26 gives his or her life to Christ,
56:27 they begin to practice differently
56:29 and live differently
56:31 and speak differently and think differently
56:37 because as I was going to read in Galatians,
56:39 you see that the flesh in the spirit
56:42 it talks about all the sins of the flesh,
56:44 but then it says,
56:46 but now the fruit of the Spirit is, what?
56:47 Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,
56:49 meekness, patience, all that other good stuff.
56:51 If we don't begin to learn that other side
56:53 that comes after the cross,
56:54 then we have this recidivism rate
56:56 that's going to be high.
56:57 And after we accept all this intellectual knowledge,
56:59 we say,
57:01 "I understand what the message is
57:03 but no change in the life."
57:04 And we end up back there and wonder how do we get there
57:07 because we haven't understand that there's a process
57:09 that not just sets us free
57:11 but that makes us free.
57:16 And the message of the cross
57:18 takes us to the cross as the first place of unity,
57:21 not just the likeness of His death,
57:24 but the likeness of His resurrection.
57:27 I don't want to be just set free,
57:29 I want to be made free.
57:32 I don't want to go back to where I was before,
57:35 I want to stay on this side,
57:37 the life that the person
57:39 who has been set free in Christ experiences.
57:42 So if you're studying this lesson
57:43 about what freedom really is
57:45 about the message of the cross,
57:47 how to carry your cross.
57:49 The message is simply this,
57:50 carry your cross day by day,
57:53 putting self to death day by day,
57:56 living in the power,
57:58 and the wonder of the cross,
57:59 and then your life will be in Sharper Focus.
58:03 God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-05