A Sharper Focus

Face the Challenges, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000035

00:19 Hello, friends,
00:20 and welcome to another Wednesday night bible study
00:22 here in Thompsonville, that's Thompsonville, Illinois,
00:26 the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:28 And thank you for tuning in in our continual study.
00:31 The overall theme
00:33 is how to live a spiritual life in a natural body.
00:38 But tonight, we're going to continue in a lesson,
00:39 lesson number 11 on Face the Challenges.
00:42 Now each of us has challenges on a daily basis.
00:45 But what are the most important challenges
00:47 is really the question.
00:48 And tonight, we're going to answer that
00:50 and continue to the completion of our study
00:53 that we began a couple of weeks ago.
00:55 So if you'd like to get a copy of that
00:56 go to this following website,
00:58 don't put www, type ASF.3abn.org,
01:04 and download lesson number 11 and 12
01:08 because chances are we'll get an opportunity
01:11 to go to the new lesson tonight,
01:13 which is How to Carry My Cross.
01:16 We always talk about the cross,
01:17 and sometimes, when things in life don't go well
01:20 we say, "Well, that's my cross."
01:22 Really what is the cross
01:23 that God has called us to carry?
01:25 We're going to talk about that tonight also.
01:27 But get your Bibles, tune in,
01:29 invite your friends and family members
01:31 to join us for the study.
01:32 But before we do anything, before we even sing,
01:35 we invite the Lord's presence.
01:36 So bow your heads as we pray.
01:39 Our gracious Father in heaven,
01:40 we thank You, Lord, for the opportunity tonight
01:42 to open Your Word.
01:44 We also pray that You'll open our hearts.
01:46 We don't want to just gain Bible knowledge,
01:50 we want to gain the strength and the desire
01:53 to serve You, Lord, to not only understand more,
01:57 but to walk in the footsteps that you place before us
02:01 to reflect Your goodness and Your glory
02:03 and to strengthen our relationship
02:05 with You and with each other.
02:07 So Lord, as we continue in our discussion tonight
02:10 about facing the challenges,
02:12 may our hearts be calm,
02:14 and may we listen to the voice of your Holy Spirit.
02:16 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
02:21 Well, here at A Sharper Focus,
02:22 we always sing our theme song which is "Victory in Jesus."
02:25 And those of you that know it,
02:27 you'll hear the song and just listening along.
02:29 And if you know the song,
02:30 you can join us from where you are
02:31 whether here in the US or overseas.
02:34 Let's sing the song, "Victory in Jesus."
02:44 I heard an old, old story
02:48 How the Savior came from glory
02:52 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:56 To save a wretch like me
02:59 I heard about His groaning
03:03 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:07 Then I repented of my sins
03:11 And won the victory
03:15 Oh victory in Jesus
03:18 My Savior forever
03:22 He sought me and He bought me
03:26 With His redeeming blood
03:30 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
03:33 And all my love is due Him
03:37 He plunged me to victory
03:41 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:45 I heard about a mansion
03:49 He has built for me in glory
03:52 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:56 Beyond the crystal sea
04:00 About the angels singing
04:04 And the old redemption story
04:07 And some sweet day
04:09 I'll sing up there
04:12 The song of victory
04:13 Key change.
04:15 Oh victory in Jesus
04:19 My Savior forever
04:23 He sought me and bought me
04:26 With His redeeming blood
04:30 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
04:34 And all my love is due Him
04:38 He plunged me to victory
04:41 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:44 What did He do?
04:46 He plunged me to victory
04:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:56 Can we say amen to that? Amen.
04:58 Plunged us to victory beneath that cleansing flood.
05:02 That song is about baptism.
05:04 What it really means to not only join Christ
05:08 in our walk with Him through baptism,
05:11 but join Him in His walk with us
05:13 on a day-by-day basis.
05:16 Now we're continuing lesson number 11
05:18 entitled Face the Challenges.
05:21 And last week, we talked about all of the scriptures
05:25 that had to do with daily dying.
05:28 Had to do with what?
05:30 Daily dying.
05:32 If we don't die daily, we cannot live in Christ daily.
05:36 One of the greatest challenges we face on a day-by-day basis
05:40 is putting ourselves to death
05:41 so that Christ could be the one reigning
05:44 and living through us.
05:45 Isn't that right?
05:47 And so this entire topic that we've been talking about
05:49 how to live a spiritual life in a natural body is, in fact,
05:52 what each one of us is called to do
05:55 until the Lord replaces this vile body
05:58 and fashions it like unto His glorious body.
06:01 But now there's another aspect
06:03 to the living of the Christian life
06:06 other than just dying daily.
06:08 And this is the part that oftentimes is not talked about
06:12 when you hear sermons about motivational Christianity,
06:16 how to strengthen your portfolio,
06:18 seven highly effective habits of Christians,
06:21 what I call, icing Christianity.
06:24 It doesn't have any substance, doesn't have any meat to it.
06:28 It's just milk
06:29 and it never translates to solid food.
06:33 And there is a lot of that kind of preaching nowadays.
06:36 And so whenever a Christian
06:37 is walking in his or her life
06:40 and challenges or trials come along,
06:42 for those, as my good friend, Dr. Ranko Stefanowicz said,
06:47 "For those who only have a cliche,
06:49 'Oh, God is good all the time, all the time.'"
06:53 For those of us who only have that,
06:55 we have nothing when trials come.
06:58 And they are a lot of people that,
07:00 you know, as long as prosperity is fine,
07:02 and the bank account is well,
07:04 and the car hasn't stopped, and the kids are behaving,
07:07 and our future looks good,
07:08 and our stocks are performing the way we expect them to,
07:11 and the dog hasn't bitten anybody,
07:13 and my husband and our children
07:15 and wife and our children are doing fine.
07:17 As long as all those things are going well,
07:19 a lot of people say, "God is good."
07:22 But when the rain clouds come, and the storms come,
07:26 and the diagnosis is not good, and the doctor said,
07:30 "He has nothing more that he can do."
07:33 When it seems like no matter what you do,
07:35 your marriage is just not going to work,
07:38 and your children are following the wrong path,
07:40 and you pray for them, and you work with them,
07:42 and they just don't seem to make any kind of progress.
07:45 When your money is not in the bank
07:47 and your lights get turned off.
07:49 And your car breaks down in the middle of highway
07:51 when it's pouring rain.
07:53 You got to have a whole lot more
07:54 than God is good all the time
07:57 because even though God is good all the time,
07:59 all the time life is not good.
08:02 And so this is the part of Christianity
08:04 that's often the second half of the book of Hebrews 11.
08:07 We talk about faith, the substance of things hoped
08:09 for the evidence of things not seen.
08:11 People are fine,
08:13 you know, the first half of Hebrews is great.
08:15 But when you get to the second half
08:18 and they talk about being sawn asunder,
08:21 tortured in prison, thrown to the lions,
08:24 torn apart in the dens, those who suffered,
08:27 and walked around in goat skins and sheep skins,
08:30 and were destitute.
08:32 I like the Bible when it says
08:33 "Of whom the world was not worthy."
08:37 This is the kind of Christianity
08:38 we're talking about tonight,
08:39 the kind of Christianity
08:41 that is not the kind that leaves out suffering
08:46 because if you don't have more than
08:48 just 28 fundamental doctrines and a really good song,
08:53 you've got to have some substance,
08:55 you've got to have some promises.
08:57 And once again, I would say...
09:00 I had the privilege of doing a program
09:02 with Dr. Ranko Stefanowicz,
09:03 and he says, "A lot of times,
09:04 one of our greatest problems could be
09:08 just our little book of promises,"
09:12 because oftentimes we read the promises
09:14 but we fail to read was before it
09:15 and what's after it.
09:17 See, 'cause God never promised us...
09:20 Well, the song says, "I beg your pardon.
09:24 I never promised you a rose garden
09:26 along with the sunshine.
09:29 There's got to be a little rain sometime."
09:32 And oftentimes, Christians don't know about the rain.
09:35 They sit in their mega churches in their giga organs,
09:38 in their lavish lifestyles,
09:40 and everything is going just well.
09:41 But all of a sudden they fade when difficulty comes.
09:45 And so we want to talk about how to stay
09:48 because whether you know it or not
09:49 the road ahead of us for the Christian church
09:52 is a lot more difficult than it is right now.
09:55 And we're living in a time
09:56 where we have to test the fabric of our connection.
09:58 I said this in...
10:00 My wife reminded me today, before the Lord comes,
10:02 the devil is going to test the reason
10:05 why we are Christians.
10:06 Why are you a Christian?
10:08 And is that reason strong enough to carry you
10:10 through the difficulties that are going to come?
10:12 So we're going to begin with a text.
10:14 First our question is question number 24.
10:17 We're going to begin tonight talking about the suffering
10:20 and then the most beautiful part of the suffering.
10:24 Question number 24.
10:26 So if you have that lesson,
10:27 we're continuing on lesson number 11.
10:29 Hopefully, we'll transition to number 12.
10:31 But here's question number 24 tonight to begin our study.
10:35 "When it seems difficult to live the Christian life,
10:39 why should we persevere?"
10:43 I mean, what is there for us to go on.
10:47 What is there for us to keep pushing?
10:49 Why should we continue to go beyond the difficulty?
10:52 And the sad reality is more people give up
10:56 for lesser things in Christianity
10:59 than they do for things in the world.
11:01 I mean I want you to think about that.
11:04 And we just are living during the holiday season,
11:07 people will camp out for three days
11:09 to buy a television
11:11 and won't come to church on the warmest night.
11:17 But the day is coming
11:19 when people are going to be camping out
11:20 to get in the church
11:22 but the church is going to be closed.
11:24 People are going to be camping out one day
11:25 to hear the Word of God,
11:26 but Amos says, "They will seek it
11:28 and they won't find it."
11:29 So this is the time to be camping out
11:31 for things that endure.
11:33 People will stand in the rain
11:35 and stand and hold on to their partners
11:37 in their umbrellas
11:38 in a freezing stadium of 25,000 people
11:41 just to see a little oval pigskin ball
11:45 carried back and forth on a field
11:47 with men wearing tight shorts,
11:50 kicking this ball to a metal pole,
11:53 yelling for something that has nothing to do with them.
11:56 And they're yelling that they won
11:57 and they get not a single dime when the game is over.
12:02 But they won't come to study God's Word.
12:04 And the greatest challenge
12:06 is we are looking at life the wrong side,
12:10 the inside out, the upside down.
12:13 So let's look at what this text says,
12:15 "Why should we persevere when difficulty comes?"
12:19 Romans 8:18.
12:20 And I'm sure you've turned there already.
12:23 Okay, here it is on the screen.
12:26 "For I consider that the," what's the next word,
12:30 "sufferings of this present time
12:32 are not worthy to be compared with the glory
12:36 which shall be revealed in us."
12:39 So whatever you're going through right now,
12:41 when you compare that...
12:42 And this is the strange thing about this,
12:44 and I want you to catch this.
12:47 We are not going to be able to compare the sufferings
12:50 of the present time until the glory is revealed.
12:55 Now I want you get that.
12:57 This is really powerful.
12:58 You're not going to be able to understand
13:00 how broke you were until you get wealthy, right?
13:06 You will never know how much money you didn't have
13:09 until you get a lot of money.
13:12 You'll never know how terrible it was to be poor
13:16 until you get rich.
13:18 And in the very same way,
13:20 this glory that is going to be revealed in us,
13:24 this glory that is going to never fade
13:25 the glory of Christ, that is going to be complete,
13:29 that is going to be at its best place
13:32 when we are made completely in the image of Jesus.
13:35 Isn't that right?
13:36 So until that glory is revealed completely in us,
13:40 we would not be able to look back at the suffering and say,
13:42 "That was nothing compared to what I have now," right?
13:47 But so often, we let the suffering prevent us
13:49 from continuing in this journey as God polishes us,
13:54 and chisels us, and gets us ready,
13:57 ironing out the rough spots,
13:58 taking out the things that shouldn't be there.
14:00 You know, when a person is putting the sculptor together,
14:03 there's a lot of chiseling that goes on.
14:05 But by the time that thing makes it to the floor
14:08 and you stand there at this beautiful sculpture.
14:11 And many of us do it,
14:12 you know what we do when we see a marble sculpt,
14:13 you know what we do, we just can't hesitate,
14:15 we just touch it and run our fingers
14:16 along the finely smooth edges.
14:19 We have no idea how long it took to get that way.
14:23 So in life, we face things that are filing us down
14:26 until one day the smoother edges
14:29 will be so smooth so much like Jesus
14:32 that we will touch it trying to see
14:33 the residue of our former condition
14:35 and we won't even be able to find it.
14:39 But while we're going through that process,
14:41 some of us are so put off
14:42 by the chiseling that God allows us
14:44 to go through that we're not going to endure
14:46 to see the glory revealed in us.
14:49 That's why this is so vitally important.
14:51 You've got to have an eye of faith
14:52 to look beyond the prisons,
14:54 like the Christians during the Dark Ages.
14:56 And right now, you know, there are those
14:59 who are willing to stand up
15:00 in the midst of a burning fiery furnace
15:03 and give his or her life for Jesus.
15:07 But nowadays, all the temperature has to drop
15:09 a few degrees, and it's enough for us.
15:12 It's amazing, the suffering of this present time.
15:16 And what we're going through now
15:17 as a people is really nothing
15:19 in comparison to what many of the Christians
15:21 of the Dark Ages went through.
15:22 We have basic things that in the course of time,
15:24 you know, money will be solved when our check comes,
15:27 whatever the situation is, going to get fixed.
15:30 But the only real thing that we must concern ourselves
15:33 with is continuing to persevere
15:35 so that the glory that God intends to be revealed in us
15:38 comes through to completion.
15:41 So here's the answer.
15:42 "When it seems difficult to live the Christian life,
15:45 why should we persevere?"
15:47 Why should we persevere?
15:51 Ah!
15:52 The revelation of God's glory in us.
15:55 That's right.
15:57 I'm holding on for glory days.
15:59 And a lot of times,
16:01 people think of the glory days are at the back.
16:02 No, the glory days are ahead of us.
16:05 But I also want to tell you that,
16:06 while we're on the journey,
16:07 there are a lot of glory days even now.
16:09 The Lord gives us a lot to rejoice about now.
16:11 He is not waiting all of it.
16:13 He's not waiting for all of it to be in the future.
16:15 In other words, we are not always suffering,
16:17 we are not always going through hardship.
16:19 Every now and then,
16:20 God allows the light of all the blessings
16:22 that are to come in its fullness
16:24 to just shine through momentarily.
16:27 You know, even when it rains in the clouds,
16:30 we know out here in the Midwest,
16:32 sometimes, when storms are coming,
16:33 all those clouds begin to gather.
16:34 Every now and then, the clouds will just miss
16:37 and there's an opening, and the sun shoots through
16:39 and then goes back.
16:41 That's why we have that saying
16:42 "Behind every cloud there is a,"
16:43 what, "silver lining."
16:46 The glory of God is never diminished,
16:48 but the things of life, the sufferings of life,
16:50 sometimes causes that glory to be eclipsed
16:53 by suffering a difficulty.
16:54 So we have to endure
16:56 for the glory to be revealed in us.
16:58 Number 25.
17:00 "What promise does the Bible give
17:02 that focuses us away from this suffering?"
17:08 You know, when you think about that,
17:10 the suffering, and I'll get to this.
17:11 The suffering is not the issue,
17:14 rejoicing and joy is the real issue.
17:16 Go to 1 Peter 4.
17:20 Sorry, not 1 Peter 4.
17:21 Yeah, 1 Peter 4:12-13.
17:26 1 Peter 4:12-13.
17:30 What promise does the Bible give
17:32 that focuses us away from the suffering?
17:36 If the sculpture could say something it will be,
17:41 "Wait till he's done.
17:44 You just wait till he's done.
17:45 I don't look like much now but you wait till he's done."
17:48 Can you imagine what a job it is
17:51 when the person who is sitting there
17:53 at the pottery wheel and his hands and muddy,
17:56 and it just seems like mud is flying everywhere
17:59 and it looks like, "Why would anybody want to do that?"
18:01 But when they finish that
18:03 and they bake it in the furnace of affliction,
18:06 and it comes out, after they paint that
18:09 and then all the color bakes in,
18:11 and it just sparkles,
18:12 and they put it on the shelf and people say, "Wow."
18:16 And they don't realize it just started out as mud.
18:20 Amen.
18:21 And the Lord knows that.
18:23 He knows our frame that we are but dust.
18:27 We all start out that way.
18:29 But I tell you, in the hand of the potter,
18:32 it's amazing what he can do with just mud.
18:35 Wow. Look at the answer.
18:37 1 Peter 4:12-13.
18:41 "Beloved," let's read the next three verses together,
18:45 "do not think..."
18:47 Okay. Okay.
18:49 Do not think, first of all don't think so much
18:51 when difficulty comes.
18:53 And then the other thing is,
18:54 "don't think it strange
18:56 concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,
19:01 as though some strange thing happened to you."
19:06 What are the next two words?
19:08 "But rejoice to the extent
19:10 that you partake of Christ's suffering,"
19:13 and here is the key,
19:15 "that when His glory is revealed,
19:17 you may also be glad with," what kind of joy,
19:20 "exceeding joy."
19:22 Have ever seen people so excited?
19:23 My brother-in-law Cliff, when he gets excited,
19:25 he always goes like this.
19:27 "Yeah."
19:29 He always does that.
19:30 I always know when he is excited because he'd go.
19:32 I say, "What are you happy about?"
19:33 He does this.
19:35 Everybody has their thing they do when they get excited.
19:38 As a little kid, when I got excited,
19:39 I ran all through the house.
19:42 You know, children...
19:43 You got to do something when you're excited.
19:45 No, I've never seen an excited person say,
19:49 "I'm excited."
19:51 You know, I've never seen that
19:53 because there's always some indication
19:54 that what you heard just a moment ago
19:56 that made you happy is not, "I'm excited."
20:00 You know, you don't. That's not the way you do it.
20:02 And I can guarantee you
20:03 that when the glory of God is revealed,
20:05 notice this says, "That you may also be glad with,"
20:08 what kind of joy, "exceeding joy."
20:10 Heaven's not going to be quiet,
20:12 they are going to have a prayer session par none.
20:16 They are going to be so filled with joy
20:19 because they know that the suffering down
20:20 here was temporary,
20:22 but the joy is eternal.
20:24 Amen?
20:25 So what promise does the Bible give
20:26 that focuses us away from the suffering.
20:29 The focus is not the suffering,
20:31 the focus is rejoicing and exceeding joy.
20:36 That's what your focus, that's the way.
20:37 Look for the rejoicing, look for the exceeding joy.
20:41 That's what God wants us to focus on
20:43 because you think about it,
20:46 it is not a whole lot to rejoice about
20:48 when the furnace is heated seven times hotter.
20:50 I do not believe the Hebrew said,
20:51 "Oh, I'm so glad
20:53 they it heated it seven times hotter."
20:54 I don't believe that.
20:55 I believe their faith in God
20:57 was what focused them away from the suffering.
21:01 They said, "We're not going to serve you,
21:02 but even if He doesn't deliver us, that's okay.
21:06 We got this one."
21:08 I mean, really, you think about that.
21:09 That furnace heated seven times hotter.
21:12 It was to prevent them from being freed from the fire.
21:17 It's an amazing thought.
21:18 But when you partake of the joy,
21:21 the suffering means absolutely minimal.
21:24 I shouldn't say absolutely nothing,
21:26 but the suffering is minimal when you compare it
21:28 with what is coming down the road.
21:30 Number 26.
21:32 Number 26.
21:34 "Speaking of Paul the Apostle,
21:36 what kind of life was he to expect?"
21:40 What kind of life was he to expect?
21:43 One of the things that I teach in counseling is this.
21:47 One of the reasons why people don't get
21:49 what they asked for...
21:52 Well, I just gave you the answer.
21:56 People often expect something that they don't ask for.
22:00 Well, Paul didn't have to ask for what he got,
22:03 but what the Lord was in essence saying is
22:05 "Paul, this is what you need to expect.
22:08 If you're going to be a follower of Mine,
22:10 you need to expect this."
22:14 Notice, Acts 9:15-16.
22:18 Acts 9:15-16.
22:24 Here it is.
22:26 "But the Lord said to him, 'Go, for he is a,'"
22:30 what, "'chosen vessel of Mine
22:34 to bear My name before Gentiles, kings,
22:39 and the children of Israel.'"
22:41 And here is the key.
22:43 "For I will show him how many things he,"
22:46 what, "must suffer for My name's sake."
22:51 When you read the promises of the beatitudes in Matthew 5,
22:55 the Bible says...
22:57 Well, let's go there.
22:58 Don't want to just tell you that. Let's look at it.
23:00 When you read the beatitudes of one preacher,
23:03 I think it was years ago,
23:05 Robert Schuller called it The-be-happy attitudes
23:08 because the word the blessed also means happy.
23:11 Bless it.
23:13 But let's look at this.
23:14 All right, Matthew 5...
23:22 and starting with verse 10.
23:27 "Blessed are those
23:28 who are persecuted for righteousness sake."
23:34 That's why the Lord says, "For my name's sake."
23:36 He is righteous.
23:38 If you are living a righteous life,
23:39 the world is not going to like you.
23:41 If you are living out of harmony with the world
23:43 and all you got to do is look at the media nowadays.
23:45 Just recently, there was something in the media
23:47 about a young man who decided that the life
23:49 he was living is not the life
23:52 that is in harmony with God's Word
23:53 now that God revealed His Word in this truth to him.
23:57 And I was amazed that although some commentators said,
24:01 "Well, he could have been more 'diplomatic'
24:05 about how he felt."
24:07 Sometimes, sin repulses you so much
24:09 that you don't have time to be diplomatic.
24:12 All you have time do is say,
24:13 "I don't want to be involved in that anymore.
24:15 I want to go in this direction."
24:17 And so he was so repulsed by the life
24:19 he used to live that he just said,
24:21 "Don't go down that road.
24:22 Don't fill your mind with filth any longer."
24:25 And what happened?
24:26 Persecution arose, but notice why it arose.
24:30 Look at that verse again, Matthew 5:10.
24:32 "Blessed are those who are persecuted
24:34 for righteousness' sake
24:37 for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
24:41 Blessed are you when they revile
24:43 and persecute you
24:45 and say all kinds of evil
24:47 against you falsely for my sake."
24:50 Here it is again.
24:51 "For my name's sake," at the end of Acts 9.
24:54 That's what's happening there.
24:55 It's happening not because of you,
24:57 but because you connected with somebody
24:59 that the world just does not like.
25:00 The devil does not like Jesus.
25:01 Once you say that you are a child of God,
25:03 the world says, "All right.
25:05 All right. All right.
25:06 You are our enemy."
25:09 Friendship of the world is enmity with God.
25:13 The world does not like you
25:14 because you are not of the world.
25:16 If we were of the world, it would love its own.
25:18 But look at the very next verse.
25:20 Verse 12.
25:22 What are the two words we see there?
25:24 Come on, say with me, "Rejoice and be,"
25:26 what, "exceedingly glad for great
25:30 is your reward in heaven
25:33 for so they persecuted the prophets
25:35 which were before you."
25:37 When you read Philippians,
25:39 the verse that we read a moment ago,
25:41 1 Peter 4:12-13,
25:42 you see those two words there again,
25:44 rejoice and glad and joy.
25:48 You see it there.
25:49 And so you've got to look beyond the present moment
25:52 almost to say to people in a righteous way,
25:55 "You just wait.
25:57 My time is coming.
25:59 All right?"
26:00 Prisoners of war, what keeps them going on
26:03 because they believed that
26:04 somebody is going to rescue them.
26:06 They know where their citizenship is
26:08 and they say, "They know we're here,
26:11 they know we're here."
26:12 When you think about the road that Christians walk,
26:14 those who are in the dens of lions,
26:16 those who are in the arenas in Rome,
26:18 those who in the future will be...
26:21 those who would have to face difficulty and adversity,
26:23 even some of us.
26:26 We've got to be comforted with the fact
26:28 that God knows we're here.
26:30 And our deliverance is coming.
26:32 That's why I like Isaiah 25:9.
26:34 "Lord, it shall be said in that day,
26:36 Lo, this is our God,
26:39 we have waited for Him, and He will save us.
26:42 This is the Lord,
26:44 we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."
26:47 There it is again, rejoicing, glad.
26:50 You got to look beyond the difficulty
26:52 because if you allow the difficulty
26:54 to be the supreme focus,
26:55 it wouldn't take very much to get you discouraged, right?
26:58 There is a whole lot of stuff to get you discouraged.
27:01 Right now, they're talking about the fiscal cliff.
27:06 The Lord has kept me through every other cliff.
27:11 I'm going to put my life in the Lord's hand.
27:12 What about you? Amen.
27:14 The Lord has kept us through recession, oppression,
27:17 and the list goes on, and on, and on.
27:19 For those who are Christians, we don't have to worry about it
27:21 because the Lord says, "Your bread shall be given you,
27:24 and your water shall be sure."
27:26 So if you're hungry, you got some bread,
27:28 if you're thirsty, you get some water, right?
27:30 You don't need a big backpack.
27:31 God will provide all of our needs.
27:34 So the answer to number...
27:37 What was it? Number 26.
27:39 "Speaking of Paul the Apostle,
27:40 what kind of life was he to expect?"
27:43 Life of suffering.
27:45 That's just a lot of the Christian.
27:46 There are so many questions
27:48 that are not told about the suffering that comes.
27:51 You know, we often think
27:52 the other person causes suffering,
27:54 but in fact, if you can see them,
27:55 they are not your enemy.
27:57 All right. Number 27.
27:59 We are moving right along.
28:00 I think we are doing well.
28:01 Praise the Lord for that.
28:03 Here it is, number 27.
28:05 "The Christian walk is one of loss and gain, but how so?"
28:12 One of loss and gain, but how so?
28:16 Go with me to Philippians 3.
28:18 Philippians 3.
28:22 And we're going to look at verse 8.
28:26 Philippians 3:8.
28:28 Every time I look at that word Philippians,
28:30 I think of Philippines 'cause it's just so close,
28:33 it's just so close.
28:35 So if you're joining us from the Philippines,
28:38 that's a book that we can claim.
28:40 Okay.
28:42 Okay, here we are.
28:44 I'm going to have it on the screen for you.
28:46 But I want to give you some additional part of that.
28:48 Not just what we've read.
28:49 Okay.
28:51 Philippians 3:8.
28:53 Let's read verse 8 first.
28:55 Here it is on the screen.
28:57 It says, "Yet indeed I also count,"
29:01 how many things,
29:02 "all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge
29:07 of Christ Jesus my Lord,
29:09 for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
29:14 and count them as rubbish,"
29:16 and I like this, "that I may gain," who?
29:20 See the world is focusing on gaining what?
29:23 We have to focus on gaining who?
29:26 The world is focused on gaining what?
29:29 I got stuff I want to sell.
29:31 And the longer I hold on to it, the less value it has.
29:35 Isn't that true?
29:36 And we have Craig's list, we have Angie's list,
29:38 we have whoever else's lists.
29:41 What are the other lists that are out there?
29:44 eBay, we got all these lists.
29:46 And every time you go on these lists,
29:48 they're selling used stuff
29:50 because people have so much stuff in their houses.
29:53 As you look at this, Paul is saying,
29:56 "I suffer the loss of all things.
30:00 I'll give it all up as long as I can gain Christ."
30:04 So here it is once again,
30:05 don't focus on the things that we gain,
30:07 but focus on the one that we gain.
30:11 I've never seen the Lord's face,
30:13 but I'm promised in revelation that one day,
30:15 I will see His face.
30:16 And I tell you,
30:17 for one who likes astronomy and every now and then,
30:19 I get off of my astronomy kick,
30:21 and I get on the Internet.
30:22 Cheri and I, I go through all these space pictures,
30:25 I love the pictures of space.
30:27 You know, because I've never been there.
30:29 Then I look at certain shapes,
30:30 you know, the Horsehead Nebula and the...
30:32 I don't want to start now.
30:34 But some of them look just awe-inspiring.
30:36 And I'd read the calculations,
30:38 Larry, of what the scientists say,
30:40 what the astronomers say,
30:41 from the tip to that part is 20 light years away.
30:45 And I'm thinking, "Just that piece alone?
30:48 What about all the stuff around it?"
30:50 And then they say
30:51 that there are possibly billions of galaxies.
30:54 And I think, "You know, I'm kind of
30:55 done with this galaxy.
30:57 I want to see a new one."
30:58 Anybody here who's...
30:59 I think I'm going to need eternity.
31:01 If there are billions of galaxies,
31:02 Larry, I need to see more than this.
31:04 So I don't mind if I lose this
31:08 'cause I got so much more to gain.
31:09 Amen.
31:11 We don't just gain Christ,
31:13 but we gain access to everything that He owns.
31:17 That's why when we transition...
31:18 I can't wait to get to the next lesson
31:20 because when we transition into that,
31:21 it's powerful to see what He was willing to give up
31:24 to make available to us.
31:27 I was just so imbued by the study today,
31:29 I have two books that I read continually
31:32 and I have them both highlighted,
31:33 one is the Life of Victory and His Cross and Mine,
31:37 both of them written by a man by the name of Mead MacGuire.
31:41 That's the foundation for much of my study.
31:43 Beautiful.
31:44 It's just wonderfully illustrated,
31:46 a wonderful Bible text helping us to understand
31:48 as simply as we can the beauty of the righteousness of Jesus
31:52 and what He was willing to do to tie us
31:55 in to the plan of salvation.
31:57 I almost went running ahead of myself,
31:58 so I got to stop my mind.
32:00 All right.
32:01 But here's the key to question number 27.
32:05 The Christians walk is one of loss and gain, but how so?
32:09 Be willing to lose all things as long as you gain Christ.
32:13 Give it all up for Christ.
32:14 You want to put that answer.
32:16 Give it all up for Christ.
32:19 Wow.
32:24 Number 28, here we are.
32:27 "According to the Bible,
32:29 what is the main source of the suffering?"
32:33 According to the Bible,
32:35 what is the main source of the suffering?
32:39 This is something that we have to come face to face with
32:42 because sometimes, things occur in our lives
32:46 that could have been avoided,
32:48 but because we had a different drive
32:51 than what God wanted us to have,
32:53 we went on a road that we shouldn't have gone down
32:55 and we end up suffering for something
32:57 that we could have avoided.
32:59 Notice this, very important, all right?
33:01 Hebrews 2:8 is where our answer is found.
33:04 Hebrews 2:8.
33:09 According to the Bible,
33:10 what is the main source of the suffering?
33:12 Here is the answer.
33:14 "For in that He Himself has done," what, "suffered..."
33:19 And what's the source?
33:22 Hope. Did not put on the screen.
33:24 Hebrews 2:8.
33:28 Okay, well, let me go there.
33:30 Let's go to James 1:12-15.
33:33 I thought I had that.
33:35 That was the text I want to read.
33:37 Eighteen.
33:38 Did I miss a one there?
33:41 I missed the one. Go to 18.
33:43 Thank you, ladies and gentleman.
33:45 Hebrews 2:18.
33:48 Okay.
33:49 That's beautiful.
33:51 Good thing you have your Bible.
33:52 You'd be in no man's land.
33:54 Here we are, Hebrews 2:18.
34:01 Okay, here we are.
34:02 "For in that He Himself has done," what,
34:06 "suffered being," how, "tempted.
34:10 He is able to do," what, "aid those who are tempted."
34:15 So what is the main source of our suffering?
34:19 What's the main source of our suffering?
34:20 Temptation. James brings this out.
34:24 He expands on the fact that that's the reason
34:27 why many of us sometimes suffer.
34:29 We suffer because we yield to the temptation.
34:32 I tell you, each of us has a story
34:34 to tell about the suffering that we could have avoided.
34:37 And I could open up the doors,
34:39 the gates to say about all the things
34:41 I could have avoided by not yielding to the temptation.
34:45 Christ, His suffering was not based on the fact
34:51 that He yielded to the temptation.
34:54 We're going to transition
34:55 in just a moment to that very...
34:57 Why did He suffer?
34:58 If the reason for much of our suffering is temptation,
35:01 why did Jesus suffer?
35:04 We're going to see that in just a moment, okay?
35:06 But let's put that down.
35:07 According to the Bible,
35:09 what is the main source of suffering?
35:10 Hebrews 2:18.
35:12 The main source of it is what?
35:14 Temptation. Go with me to James 1.
35:18 James 1. Here we are.
35:23 That's the very next book.
35:25 James 1:12-15.
35:33 Well, so much writing in my Bible,
35:34 I have to look at it carefully to see through it.
35:36 Okay, there it is.
35:38 James 1:12, starting with verse 12.
35:42 And it reads as follows.
35:44 "Blessed is the man who endures,"
35:46 what, "temptation,
35:49 for when he has been proved,
35:50 or when he is tried,
35:52 he will receive the crown of life
35:55 which the Lord has promised to those
35:57 who to do," what, "love Him."
35:59 So if you endure temptation,
36:01 what does it mean to endure temptation?
36:03 It means don't allow the temptation to pull you in.
36:05 It means don't allow the gripping of the moment
36:09 because there is no such thing as a temptation
36:13 that we must yield to.
36:16 It gets difficult.
36:17 The longer you stand there, the longer you say now,
36:20 "Should I yield or should I not yield?"
36:23 The longer you stand there, the more you consider it.
36:25 You've got to do one of those Elijah moves,
36:26 you've got to run.
36:29 You've got to do it, Joseph, you've got to run.
36:32 And you can't look behind you.
36:34 You've got to run.
36:36 But it continues.
36:38 Most important factor right here,
36:40 "Let no one say,"
36:42 verse 13, "when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God,'
36:46 for God cannot be tempted by evil
36:48 nor does He himself tempt anyone."
36:52 Be very careful when you say,
36:53 "Well, I guess God was just testing me."
36:55 No, He doesn't.
36:56 Here's the reason why we consider it as a test.
36:59 Hebrews 2:14,
37:01 "But each one is tempted
37:03 when he is drawn away
37:05 by his own lust or desires and enticed.
37:10 Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to," what,
37:14 "sin and sin,
37:17 when it is full grown, brings forth death."
37:21 You know, you got to see weeds full grown,
37:27 you got to understand that whatever we sow,
37:29 we're going to reap.
37:31 We got to understand that where there are roots,
37:34 there is eventually going to be fruits.
37:37 And I heard this recently or I say recently
37:40 because I've lost track of time,
37:43 but I remember saying once that when a person says,
37:49 "You don't just end up where you end up
37:53 and not know how you got there
37:55 because every destination has a beginning."
37:59 So for you to end up somewhere and say,
38:01 "I don't know how I got here,"
38:03 you are either sleepwalking
38:04 or you're unconscious, or you're in a coma.
38:08 But for most of us, we don't end up where we end up
38:11 and did not know how we got there.
38:13 What the real issue is, we end up where we end up
38:16 and we're embarrassed
38:17 that we're caught that we got there.
38:21 You follow what I'm saying, Pastor Jim?
38:22 So we get to where we are
38:24 and we say to people when we get caught,
38:26 "I don't know how it happened."
38:30 A fruit shows up long after the root.
38:34 So when the text says, "Each one is tempted
38:37 when he is drawn away by his own desire and enticed."
38:42 So by the time a thing becomes...
38:44 By the time the fruit shows up,
38:46 the roots were planted a long time ago.
38:48 And Ellen White says,
38:49 "Long before there is a fruit, there's a root."
38:52 So be very, very careful
38:55 with the kind of roots you put down
38:57 because the roots you put down will produce fruit.
39:03 Remember that.
39:05 Let's go to the next one.
39:07 According to the Bible,
39:09 what's the main source of suffering?
39:10 Temptation.
39:11 Endure it, stand firm in the face of it.
39:15 Number 29.
39:16 "How does the Bible reveal that suffering is not optional?"
39:21 This is an amazing thing
39:23 because, you know, you either suffer for not doing wrong
39:25 or you suffer for doing wrong.
39:27 It's like kind of a two-edged sword.
39:29 It's going to come one way or the other.
39:32 But I rather fall into the hand of the God
39:34 who pulls me through the suffering
39:36 of not doing wrong,
39:38 then having to be dragged through the suffering
39:40 of having done wrong.
39:43 Two sides.
39:44 We're going to go to the book of 2 Timothy 3:12.
39:50 How does the Bible reveal that suffering is not optional?
39:53 It's not optional.
39:55 Here it is.
39:58 "Yes, and all who desire to live," how,
40:02 "Godly in Christ Jesus will," what,
40:04 "suffer persecution."
40:07 Jesus said it so wonderfully, I believe in John 16,
40:09 He says, "If they do this to a green tree..."
40:13 What will they do to a tree that does not bear fruit?
40:17 If this happens to Christ who never did anything wrong,
40:20 if temptation and trial comes to the person
40:24 who is never fallen prey to sin,
40:27 why is it so unusual for us to experience the same thing?
40:31 If we desire to live godly in Christ Jesus,
40:33 the Bible says, eventually as Pastor CA said,
40:37 "Have you suffered before?"
40:38 And some people said, "No." He said, "It's coming."
40:41 That's a fact of the matter.
40:42 If it hasn't arrived, it's on the way.
40:46 All that desire to live godly...
40:48 I like the way that King James says it,
40:49 "All who live godly in Christ Jesus
40:52 shall suffer persecution."
40:53 Not just the desire, but if you live godly,
40:55 it's going to come.
40:56 It came for Christ and it will come for us.
40:59 But now look at 1 Peter.
41:01 1 Peter 3:17. 1 Peter 3:17.
41:06 Continuing in the study.
41:12 You got to decide which suffering is most appropriate
41:15 for Christ's sake or for your own evil doing.
41:19 1 Peter 3:17.
41:22 "For it is better," what's that word?
41:26 Say that again it is what, better,
41:29 "If it is the will of God...
41:34 For it is better, if it is the will of God
41:37 to suffer for doing good than for doing," what, "evil."
41:41 Now which one do you think is the will of God,
41:44 suffering for doing good or suffering for doing evil?
41:48 For doing good because the Lord knew
41:51 that Christ will go through suffering.
41:53 Christ knew that He would go through suffering.
41:55 But He suffered for doing good
41:58 rather than for doing, what, evil.
42:00 So...
42:05 to do right will bring some suffering,
42:09 but it's a lot better than doing wrong.
42:12 Go to 2 Timothy 2:12, just turn over a few pages.
42:17 Look at that, one turn and I'm there.
42:20 One turn and I was there.
42:24 2 Timothy 2:12.
42:27 Just want to pull that little verse out.
42:29 He is speaking to the elect.
42:32 And by the way, I want to include verse 10 in this.
42:37 Whenever you see the word therefore...
42:44 there is a whole preface that is established before that.
42:46 But I want to give you the time
42:48 to read the therefore and earlier.
42:50 I'm going to read Timothy 2:12.
42:53 And it reads as follows, "If we do," what,
42:56 "endure, we shall also do," what, "reign with Him."
43:03 I saw the Olympics,
43:04 I think most of the world saw it,
43:06 not too many months ago.
43:08 And I've never been invited to the Olympics,
43:12 I don't know why.
43:15 Not as a participant that is,
43:17 I could go if I want to just be a spectator.
43:21 And those ladies and men that get out on the field,
43:25 they run their hearts out and they sweat.
43:27 And sometimes, the moment they cross the finish line,
43:30 it seems like some of them just want to fall to the ground
43:32 out of sheer exhaustion.
43:34 But do you know why they run so hard?
43:37 Because they're looking at the podium,
43:39 they're looking at the glory,
43:41 they're looking at the representation
43:42 of their country,
43:43 they're looking at all the fans that are there,
43:46 the great cloud of witnesses that are saying,
43:48 "You can do it. You can endure. Go on.
43:51 Maybe pain your legs now,
43:52 but it's nothing compared to the medal
43:54 you're going to get when you stand on the podium."
43:56 Christians ought to have
43:58 somewhat of the same kind of attitude.
44:00 It may be difficult in the day-by-day battle.
44:03 It may be difficult in the day-by-day life.
44:05 But look at the podium.
44:07 When you stand there on that glorious day,
44:09 and the Father mentions your name,
44:13 and you come forward,
44:14 and He places a crown of victory on your head
44:18 which really belongs to Him.
44:20 See, He wins the victory and He gives us the crown.
44:22 Isn't that right? Isn't that wonderful?
44:24 He wins the victory, but He gives us the crown.
44:27 So if we endure...
44:28 It says, "If we endure, we shall also reign with Him."
44:33 And it's a whole lot more enduring than a gold medal,
44:36 or a silver medal,
44:37 or a bronze medal from the Olympics
44:39 because when the next Olympic comes around,
44:40 somebody is going to break that record.
44:42 But nobody is going to take my name
44:44 out of the Book of Life.
44:45 I'm looking forward to my crown, what about you?
44:47 So here it is.
44:48 How does the Bible reveal that suffering is not optional?
44:50 It's going to happen.
44:51 You're going to either suffer for good
44:53 or you're going to suffer for evil.
44:55 It's better to suffer for the will of God
44:57 and for doing good
44:58 because it brings a reward,
45:00 a lasting reward rather than suffering for evil.
45:04 And number 30.
45:06 Wow, number 30.
45:08 The last one before our transition into question
45:10 on lesson number 12.
45:13 "Why is it that Christians face suffering
45:17 even when they live right?"
45:22 Why is it that Christians face suffering
45:25 even when they live right?
45:30 Who said that?
45:32 Very good point.
45:34 But some people often say, "Why me?"
45:38 And the question is really what?
45:39 "Why not me?"
45:40 See, why me? Why not me?
45:43 Why not me? Here's the answer.
45:45 Why is it that Christians face suffering
45:47 even when they live right?
45:50 Okay.
45:52 And we're going to look at Philippians 1:29.
45:58 This is an amazing text.
45:59 I read this before,
46:00 but in the context of the question,
46:02 it jumps out at me and says,
46:03 "Okay, stop trying to avoid it."
46:06 Listen to this, "For to you,
46:09 it has been granted on behalf of Christ,
46:12 not only to do," what, "believe in Him,
46:16 but also to," do what, "suffer for His sake."
46:21 It's like joining in the military.
46:22 How many have been in the military before?
46:25 If you've been in a battle, it's like joining a battle,
46:28 getting into the army, Larry, and say, "I want to come home."
46:31 "Why?" "They're shooting at me.
46:34 It's not fair."
46:36 And the general will say, "It has been granted to you
46:39 on behalf of the United States
46:41 that you suffer for your country.
46:43 That's why you are in battle."
46:45 Are we in a war?
46:47 Is it going to be some bullets flying?
46:49 A whole lot more than that,
46:51 but that's the lot that we have.
46:53 We are soldiers in the army of Christ.
46:55 Paul says, "Endure hardship as a good soldier."
47:00 So here's the answer.
47:02 It's our lot.
47:04 It has been granted to us.
47:06 If you're going to reign with Christ,
47:07 you got to go through the valley.
47:09 I think David has put it together so wonderfully
47:12 in Psalms 23.
47:14 Once you say, "The Lord is my Shepherd,"
47:16 everything he says after that,
47:19 belongs to your experience,
47:21 including the valley of the shadow of death,
47:24 including prepare a table before you
47:25 in the presence of your enemies.
47:27 But also, you have the still waters and the green pastures.
47:30 But the end result of that entire journey...
47:32 Once you can say, "The Lord is my Shepherd,"
47:34 you're going to go through all those experiences
47:36 and the end result is what?
47:40 For how long? Isn't it worth it?
47:42 Yes.
47:43 I mean, if the Lord is my shepherd,
47:44 I know where I'm headed.
47:46 If I got to go through the storm, the rain,
47:47 the clouds, the ice, the snow,
47:49 the lack, the deprivation,
47:51 long as I make it to the house, that's all that really matters
47:56 'cause, you know, that we do the same thing.
47:58 We sometimes, when Thanksgiving comes around...
48:00 We've had a very mild Thanksgiving
48:02 here in the Midwest.
48:03 When we were in Florida,
48:05 we had even better one down there.
48:06 But there are some people, when the seasons come around,
48:08 sometimes, it gets really snowy,
48:10 and freezing rain,
48:11 and the day before Thanksgiving,
48:12 it just gets all in climate
48:14 and traffic is bumper to bumper,
48:17 and people will get out on the highway
48:19 and endure a hardship for a turkey.
48:26 And the only thing they're thinking of is
48:28 "Corn bread, cranberry sauce."
48:31 They're thinking of food.
48:33 They go through all that to eat.
48:36 If they could go through all that to eat,
48:38 I can go through all of this for Jesus, what do you say?
48:41 I mean, the heaviest travel day of the year.
48:45 Now I know, it's more than just food,
48:47 we want a fellowship with our family
48:48 and get together and thank God
48:50 for all the good He's done.
48:51 I know that's a big part of it.
48:53 But you're not going to somebody's house
48:54 just to thank God for what He's done
48:55 without some food, right?
48:58 That's the apex of thanksgiving.
49:00 We're going to have the Thanksgiving
49:01 and God has got some food waiting for us.
49:03 So I don't mind going through the difficulties
49:04 as long as I end up
49:06 in the house of the Lord for how long?
49:08 Forever.
49:10 Now that ends question number 30 and lesson 11.
49:15 Now we're going to transition for the next few moments
49:18 into lesson number 12, which is entitled,
49:21 How to Carry My Cross.
49:24 How to Carry My Cross?
49:25 You should have a copy of that.
49:27 And if you haven't received a copy of that,
49:30 go to the website ASF.3abn.org,
49:34 and you'll be able to get a copy of that.
49:36 You know what's exciting about this lesson?
49:38 My wife and I had been to Africa a couple of times.
49:42 We went to...
49:43 The first time, we went to Zambia with Maranatha
49:47 to build churches and schools there,
49:50 or churches more so the first time,
49:52 second time, we went to build schools in Zimbabwe.
49:56 And there is a bridge
50:00 between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
50:04 And that region of the world, they call it,
50:07 it's called no man's land because when you leave Zambia,
50:12 you have to cross the bridge which is over Victoria Falls.
50:17 And as long as you're on that bridge,
50:18 you are in neither country.
50:20 You're not in Zambia and you're not in Zimbabwe.
50:22 As long as you're on that bridge,
50:24 you are nowhere.
50:25 You are nowhere.
50:27 You are on earth but you're nowhere.
50:29 You got to make it to the other side.
50:30 Now I want you to get this
50:32 very, very carefully 'cause this lesson is powerful.
50:34 We're not going to finish it tonight
50:35 but I want to lay the foundation
50:36 so that you can go home and you brink at her.
50:41 A person from Zambia,
50:43 a Zambian can leave Zambia on his way to Zimbabwe.
50:49 And he's in no man's land.
50:50 But while he's in no man's land,
50:52 he still has his identity,
50:54 he is still a person from Zimbabwe.
50:56 And I hope I'm saying it correctly, Zimbabwean.
50:58 I hope that's the way they say it.
51:01 A person from Zimbabwe
51:04 could leave Zimbabwe on his way to Zambia
51:08 and he's in no man's land, but he still has his identity.
51:11 He's a Zimbabwean, still has his classification.
51:18 He was from Zambia, he is from Zimbabwe,
51:21 but they're now both nowhere,
51:23 yet they are both still connected to their countries.
51:27 So if they meet on the bridge, they meet in no man's land.
51:32 And they can't say
51:35 that they are connected to that place
51:37 because according to the geological demographics,
51:42 it's nowhere.
51:44 It's nowhere. It's neither of the countries.
51:46 You're on your way to one, you're leaving the other.
51:49 When you think about what Jesus has done,
51:51 and this lesson is going
51:52 to really bring it out beautifully.
51:55 There was a meeting place called the Cross.
52:01 In the eyes of the demographics of what I just laid out,
52:05 it's no man's land.
52:08 It's between earth and heaven.
52:10 When John says, "And if I be lifted up from the earth,
52:16 I will draw all men unto Myself."
52:19 Jesus was lifted up from the earth,
52:22 but He wasn't in heaven yet.
52:24 He was not on the earth.
52:25 He was not on terra firma.
52:27 He was lifted up from the earth,
52:29 made to hang on a cross, no man's land.
52:33 Now I want you to get this.
52:34 Did He lose His citizenship classification
52:39 while He was hanging on the cross?
52:42 Yes or no. No.
52:43 So was He still the Son of God? Yes.
52:46 Even on the cross? Yes.
52:47 Was He in heaven? No.
52:49 Was He on the earth? No.
52:51 He was on the cross.
52:52 He was in proverbially no man's land.
52:55 He was still the Son of God.
52:58 What you're going to discover in this lesson
53:01 is that the experience that we have as Christians
53:06 is an experience brought together
53:08 by the proverbial Cross called no man's land.
53:13 Neither of us lose our classification,
53:15 both of us maintain our classification,
53:18 yet when we meet there... an amazingly...
53:22 I'm going to even use the word.
53:23 Ellen White sometimes to express something
53:25 that's so glorious,
53:26 you can't find the words for it,
53:27 she says, "It was terribly wonderful."
53:30 You can't think of terribly wonderful.
53:32 But wonderful is not enough, it was terribly glorious.
53:36 We met in a place
53:39 that didn't belong to the person
53:41 that we met there.
53:43 Now I want you to get this.
53:46 Did the cross belong to Jesus?
53:49 Yes or no.
53:52 I'm not going to answer you. I want you to tell me.
53:55 Did the cross upon which Jesus died belong to Jesus?
54:00 No.
54:02 Okay.
54:04 Glad to hear that.
54:06 Who did that cross belong to?
54:08 It belonged to us.
54:10 So the question is why did He go out there?
54:12 Why was He willing to go up on that cross?
54:16 Let me go back to my illustration.
54:18 You see this...
54:19 I got to laid this down because you'll miss
54:21 the whole beauty of this entire...
54:22 If I spend just the next few moments setting this up,
54:24 you'll see the beauty of this.
54:26 Jesus was willing to leave everything behind
54:31 to meet us in no man's land.
54:34 As citizens of the earth and a citizen of heaven,
54:37 He met us in the bridge between Zimbabwe and Zambia,
54:40 and said, "I'm from heaven.
54:42 Where are you from?"
54:43 "I'm from earth."
54:45 "Hey, why don't you come with me
54:46 and you can be from Zimbabwe and come to Zambia.
54:51 But the most beautiful thing
54:53 is you can be from Zambia and come to Zimbabwe."
54:55 Now get this.
54:57 He can be from heaven and come to come to earth.
55:00 That's something He is able to do.
55:03 But until we meet Him in no man's land,
55:05 we can't go from earth to heaven.
55:08 And my point is this,
55:09 the cross is the great meeting place
55:11 that's so misunderstood.
55:14 When we say phrases like,
55:16 "I believe in the old rugged cross.
55:18 I will cling to the old rugged cross.
55:20 I'm going to carry my cross for Christ's sake.
55:22 This is my cross I must bear."
55:24 Oh, my brother and sisters,
55:26 after you go through these first nine questions,
55:27 which we won't get through all tonight,
55:29 you're going to discover,
55:30 the cross is so much more beautiful
55:32 than we actually give it the classification to be.
55:35 As I was studying this, I had to stop and...
55:39 And I've been preaching for 25 years.
55:41 I had to stop.
55:42 Pastor Jim and say," Wow!
55:45 I hadn't thought about it that way."
55:47 He was very much the Son of God
55:50 when He went and came into no man...
55:52 When He crossed the border,
55:56 when He crossed the point of no return,
55:59 He met us at no man's land.
56:02 So He can meet us and take us to a place
56:04 that we've never been.
56:05 We have to leave our country.
56:06 And when we leave our country,
56:08 we have the same classification,
56:09 sinners meet savior at a place
56:13 that really belongs to us, the cross,
56:15 and takes us to a place that we've never been.
56:18 So when you think about carrying this cross...
56:20 As you study this tonight,
56:21 and I think, I'll try to do maybe one or two questions
56:24 just to whet your appetite.
56:25 Let's go to question number one
56:26 just to see we can get it here tonight.
56:28 Question number one.
56:29 All right, here it is.
56:31 "What condition does Jesus attach
56:33 to being a follower of Christ?"
56:37 Matthew 10:38.
56:39 Matthew 10:38. Here it is.
56:42 Are you all ready to read that?
56:43 Since it's on the screen, I'll move a little faster.
56:46 Matthew 10:38 reads as follows.
56:49 Let's read this together.
56:51 "And he who does not do," what,
56:54 "take His cross and follow after me is," what,
56:58 "not worthy of me."
57:01 I want you to think on that until the next week
57:03 because one thing you'll discover in the Bible,
57:05 there were those who said to Jesus,
57:07 "That is your cross,"
57:09 but Jesus never said, "That's My cross."
57:13 Jesus never claimed the cross is His.
57:16 People said that's His cross.
57:20 But what did Jesus say?
57:21 He who does not take His cross, it's your cross.
57:27 It ain't mine?
57:28 So the question is why was I willing to hang on
57:31 to something that didn't belong to me?
57:32 You will find out next week.
57:34 Why was He willing to cross the border of beauty,
57:38 of perfection, of eternity, of sinlessness
57:43 and meet us at the cross called no man's land?
57:47 Because He wanted to invite us someplace
57:49 that we have never been.
57:51 He wanted to get us ready for a process that,
57:53 soon and very soon, we're going to understand
57:56 the great beauty of it.
57:57 So, friends, if it doesn't make sense now,
57:59 continue studying God's Word.
58:01 And one day, it will become a sharper focus.
58:04 God bless you.


Revised 2018-10-29