A Sharper Focus

The Greatest Commission, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000028

00:18 Hello Friends and welcome to another
00:20 A Sharper Focus Wednesday night Bible Study here
00:23 in Thompsonville, Illinois,
00:25 at 3ABN Worship Center, we thank you for tuning in tonight
00:28 for joining us
00:29 for our continued study on the "Greatest Commission"
00:31 which everyone, I think, knows about
00:34 if they are Christians
00:35 but we're going to be talking about the expanded
00:37 deeper understanding of what it means to follow Christ
00:40 in the great commission.
00:41 If you would like to follow us in the lesson tonight,
00:43 go to this website, remember, don't put a: www
00:47 put ASF.3abn. org
00:51 and download Lesson 009, The Greatest Commission.
00:56 Lesson 009... go to your internet connection right now
01:00 or if you are one of those technical people
01:02 that have an iPad, it's in a pdf format...
01:04 you can download and follow us
01:06 and we do appreciate you inviting
01:08 your friends and family members to sit down right now
01:11 and join us for a walk through the Word of God.
01:14 God has a message for every one of us,
01:17 can we all say "Amen" to that?
01:18 And we're here tonight, we have our Bibles,
01:21 we have our pens... and...
01:23 but there's something we need
01:25 and someone we need beyond materials,
01:27 we need to ask for the presence of Christ to continue with us,
01:30 let's pray.
01:31 "Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this opportunity,
01:35 the Word of God is opened
01:36 so now we pray that You will open our hearts and our minds
01:39 and close the distance between our understanding
01:42 and our actions
01:43 and may we not just be desirous of gaining knowledge
01:46 but be desirous of joining with You
01:48 in the closing work of gathering souls into the kingdom
01:52 and so, be with us tonight Father,
01:54 make your Word clear,
01:55 may it be understood and may we find, in our hearts,
01:58 a passion growing for those that are lost.
02:02 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
02:05 Now, we always like to sing a song,
02:08 it's going to be on our screen, "Victory in Jesus"
02:10 you know, for some reason it's become our Theme Song
02:14 and we may change it later on when our topics change...
02:16 which eventually, that will take place
02:18 but tonight we're going to sing that song,
02:20 you can join along with us, "Victory in Jesus. "
02:22 Music...
02:31 I heard an old, old story,
02:34 how the Savior came from glory
02:38 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:42 to save a wretch like me
02:46 I heard about His groaning,
02:50 of His precious blood's atoning
02:53 Then I repented of my sins
02:58 and won the victory.
03:01 Oh victory in Jesus,
03:05 my Savior forever
03:09 He sought me and bought me
03:12 with His redeeming blood,
03:16 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
03:20 and all my love is due Him
03:24 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleaning flood.
03:31 I heard about a mansion
03:35 He has built for me in glory
03:39 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:43 Beyond the crystal sea
03:46 About the angels singing
03:50 And the old redemption story
03:54 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
03:58 the song of victory.
04:02 Oh victory in Jesus,
04:05 my Savior forever
04:09 He sought me and bought me
04:13 with His redeeming blood
04:17 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
04:20 And all my love is due Him
04:24 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood,
04:32 He plunged me to victory
04:37 beneath the cleansing flood.
04:42 Amen...
04:43 Well, we're going to continue tonight
04:47 and our topic is: The Greatest Commission
04:50 The Greatest Commission.
04:52 Now, when we began this topic last week,
04:55 we talked about being deployed...
04:57 it is amazing when we talk about deployment,
05:00 we went home that night and on the news
05:02 they were talking about people that were deployed
05:06 that had come back home and they had a big celebration
05:09 in West Frankfort
05:10 for all those soldiers that had been deployed from this area,
05:13 and I turned to my wife and said, "See there honey... "
05:15 it seems like whenever I talk about something,
05:18 I hear about it, maybe that day or the next day
05:20 which says to me,
05:21 the Lord is letting me know in very unique ways
05:23 that He hears what I say
05:25 and... then I was also talking just two days ago
05:28 about how important it is to handle things that are holy
05:33 and I said, "You know how it is in the military,
05:35 whenever someone dies
05:37 and that person has served in the Military
05:39 when they're folding that flag, they hold it with such care
05:43 like we should handle the Word of God
05:45 and they fold that tightly and guess what?
05:48 Today, I was at a Memorial Service
05:50 where they were folding the flag
05:52 and I said to my wife, "Honey, just couple of days ago
05:55 I mentioned that
05:56 and the Lord is showing me another way
05:58 that He hears what I say. "
05:59 Well, tonight,
06:00 we're talking about: The Greatest Commission.
06:02 What's the topic? The what?
06:04 The Greatest Commission.
06:06 You know, the greatest commission
06:07 is not to join the church,
06:09 some people may think
06:11 the greatest commission is to join the church
06:13 the greatest commission is not to join the church
06:16 any more than
06:17 the greatest commission for a Military man
06:19 is to go to Basic Training.
06:21 We're not called to the Military for Basic Training,
06:25 we're called to the Military for service...
06:29 say that word with me, what?
06:30 Service... service...
06:33 not in the Barracks and learning how to dodge bullets
06:37 and how to swim and how to rappel...
06:39 those are basic training maneuvers
06:41 we've got to always be ready to be deployed
06:44 and unfortunately in America the church has
06:46 gone through a tremendous impact,
06:49 you know so much of what happens in America is entertainment.
06:52 You think about the churches now-a-days,
06:54 you hear this word that's talked about quite a bit,
06:56 "Come and experience Jesus" experience...
07:00 and it's more like "experience"
07:02 rather than "Come and work for Jesus"
07:04 "Come and work for the saving of souls... "
07:07 and so what happens...
07:08 you get an arena with 30,000 people
07:10 that are there to experience
07:12 not to work for Jesus...
07:14 you get this mega- giga-churches that have great services...
07:17 wonderful music... great entertainment...
07:19 but can you imagine if the...
07:22 if the American Society caught the vision...
07:25 if the church in America caught the vision...
07:28 of what it means to be deployed for Christ
07:31 so they would understand baptism and joining the church
07:33 all together differently,
07:35 they'll say, "The reason I'm joining the church
07:37 is not to just become a member
07:39 but to become a laborer together with Christ
07:42 to get ready to be deployed in the field,
07:45 to save all those who are still lost...
07:47 who are still prisoners of war...
07:49 the war... the great controversy
07:52 and so, what we have to keep in mind
07:54 is what Jesus kept in mind when He understood
07:56 that He had an obligation
07:58 so tonight we're going to go to Question Number 11,
08:00 we've covered Question Numbers 1 to 10,
08:02 tonight we're going to begin with Question number 11
08:05 because there's an obligation
08:08 that so many Christians don't know about
08:10 and tonight, when we talk about that obligation
08:13 we pray that you will understand,
08:14 "Lord, am I fulfilling my obligation?"
08:17 And here is the answer,
08:18 if you're not working for the saving of someone else,
08:21 you're not fulfilling the obligation
08:23 that Christ has called you to fulfill.
08:25 Now, last week, before we turned to this text
08:28 and before we have the question,
08:29 we noticed that there was a word that was repeated
08:31 over and over... last week...
08:33 can we all say that word together?
08:35 What was that word?
08:36 Let's say it together...
08:38 "Sent... sent... "
08:40 the Father sent Jesus...
08:43 when the fullness of time had come,
08:44 God sent forth His Son... He sent Him...
08:47 and this obligation of being sent
08:50 was often repeated by Jesus.
08:52 Now, let's look to Question Number 11.
08:54 Question number 11...
08:59 and the question is...
09:03 "To Whom did Jesus say He was obligated?"
09:07 John chapter 9 verse 4, let's turn there together...
09:11 John chapter 9 verse 4...
09:12 some of you guys are fast,
09:14 you already turned there... I like that...
09:15 We see where we're headed,
09:17 for those of you who don't have the Bible,
09:18 or may not be near one,
09:20 we have the answers that will appear on our screen.
09:22 To whom did Jesus say He was obligated and for what reason?
09:26 Here's the answer...
09:27 He says, "I must work the works of Him who... " did what?
09:31 "sent me while it is day;
09:35 the night is coming when no one can work. "
09:39 So, His obligation was... He says...
09:41 "I got to work for the One who sent me
09:43 because the time is coming... the hour is coming...
09:45 the night is coming... where you can't work... "
09:47 Now, you think about that
09:48 and this isn't in the context of gathering in the harvest,
09:51 the harvest during the times of the Bible...
09:54 they didn't have those big old Combines
09:57 with headlights on them,
09:59 that they could drive through the field at night
10:01 and could care less,
10:02 you know, those combines that have lights in four directions
10:04 and you hear this massive engine
10:06 and you don't see anything but just these lights...
10:08 like they're... like some kind of spaceship in the field,
10:10 they didn't have that in those days,
10:13 they had good old donkeys and horses
10:15 and a lot of times, the harvesting was done by hand.
10:18 Can you imagine trying to harvest by hand at night?
10:21 They couldn't do it,
10:22 the night had come and they couldn't work
10:24 and so the Lord said,
10:25 "Not only am I obligated to the One who sent me,
10:27 but I've got to work while it is day...
10:30 I've got to work while it is day
10:31 because the night's coming... "
10:33 and the reason why this is so vitally important...
10:36 when the night comes, it's going to be harder to work
10:38 because in the night it's harder to see...
10:41 in the night, it's harder to see
10:44 and Isaiah says to us that very soon
10:46 darkness is going to cover the inhabitants
10:49 and gross darkness is going to cover the people.
10:51 Now, are we getting close to that... yes or no?
10:54 We're living in a world where
10:56 darkness is being manufactured in the form of light.
11:00 Did you get what I'm saying?
11:02 So instead of proclaiming the gospel,
11:05 it's being replaced with things that do not amount to salvation
11:08 entertainment...
11:10 so darkness is being replaced with things that seem appealing
11:12 but the obligation to why we are being called
11:16 and why we are being sent is forgotten.
11:18 The obligation... and if you put the answer there,
11:21 "To whom did Jesus say He was obligated?"
11:22 Who did you put?
11:24 Audience: Him who sent me.
11:26 Right, "Him who sent me... "
11:28 or, He was obligated to His Father.
11:30 We also learned last week,
11:32 as a matter of fact, I'm not going to run ahead of myself,
11:35 because... if...
11:37 if Jesus is obligated to His Father who sent Him,
11:41 we know that in the commission
11:43 we are told to... "Go therefore, and do... " what?
11:47 "make disciples of... " how many nations?
11:49 "All nations... "
11:50 so, we're... we're invited to come...
11:52 but we're also commissioned to go
11:54 and make disciples of all nations...
11:56 now, one of reasons why my favorite Bible verse
11:59 is Romans chapter 13, verses 11 to 14,
12:01 it says, "And knowing the time,
12:03 that now it is high time to awake... "
12:07 see that word... "awake out of sleep:
12:10 for now is our salvation
12:12 nearer than when we first believed. "
12:14 The night is far spent...
12:16 in other words, the world is dark enough...
12:18 that's why the people of God operating in a dark environment
12:23 we've got to put on the armour of light...
12:26 so now, let's... let's look at this,
12:27 I got to show you this in the context of how the gospel began,
12:30 when you look at Ephesians...
12:33 sorry, when you look at the church of Ephesus,
12:35 in Revelation...
12:36 when the Church of Ephesus began...
12:38 it began at the brightest point in the church's history.
12:42 As a matter of fact,
12:43 the Bible talks about this White Horse... going forth...
12:45 conquering and to conquer...
12:47 but you have to ask yourself,
12:49 "At what point are we in the history of the church?"
12:51 We're at the last church...
12:53 so, let me ask you the question,
12:56 "If it's going to get dark,
12:57 would you say that we're existing
12:59 in the darkest part of church history?"
13:01 Yes or no?
13:03 We're existing at a time where Revelation says,
13:07 "The church is in such a condition
13:09 that they believe that they are rich
13:11 and increased with goods and have need of nothing... "
13:14 but they don't even know and understand their condition
13:16 and so when we see prosperity abounding all over the world,
13:19 and churches look like they are successful,
13:20 the Lord is, in essence, saying, "The real condition is...
13:23 I'm on the outside asking them to let me in. "
13:26 And if Christ comes in and we join with Him,
13:29 He comes in not to join us on the inside...
13:32 but to get us on the outside...
13:34 in the field where the work really is.
13:36 There's a song I sing,
13:38 "My house is full... but my field is empty... "
13:41 and when you follow that theme,
13:43 you clearly begin to see that we have to...
13:46 not settle for being in the church
13:48 but we've got to settle for being in the field.
13:53 I know guys that play basketball...
13:55 and you know, what they don't like
13:57 is to be on a team...
13:58 and not get a chance to play.
13:59 Pause...
14:01 I've seen football games and basketball games
14:04 where professional players...
14:06 here it is, they're in the NBA Finals...
14:07 National Basketball Association...
14:10 just in case you're in a foreign country
14:11 and don't understand what that acronym is...
14:13 and they want to play so badly,
14:15 but the coach... "Uh huh, not you... you go in the game. "
14:18 And although they win the championship,
14:20 they're never satisfied because they said,
14:22 "I didn't even get to play for two minutes... "
14:23 they get a trophy...
14:25 but that's not the case in the Christian world...
14:28 go with me to Revelation, that's not the case...
14:31 the Lord doesn't call us and put us on the bench...
14:33 Revelation chapter 22, look at what He says,
14:38 Revelation chapter 22 and we're going to look together
14:41 at verse... verse 12... this is not in the syllabus
14:45 but it fits right here.
14:46 All right...
14:48 the Lord doesn't call us and put us on the bench...
14:52 or... shall we say... "the pew... "
14:54 all right...
14:56 "And, behold, I am coming quickly;
15:00 and my reward is with me, to give to everyone
15:05 according to his work... according to his work. "
15:11 Going back to the scenario of the basketball or the sport,
15:14 only those who play in the game are going to get a trophy...
15:16 those who sit on the field or sit on the bench
15:19 are not going to get a trophy.
15:20 Now, let me ask you the question,
15:22 let's go back to that scenario,
15:24 if the coach says to all the players,
15:27 "You only get a trophy
15:30 if you play in the game... "
15:32 how many players would want to play in the game?
15:35 How many? Every single one of them.
15:37 What God is saying to the Church
15:40 is... "I'm only going to give a reward
15:42 according as your work has been. "
15:45 How many of us should be involved in the work of Christ?
15:48 How many of us? Audience: All...
15:50 And, you know, let me put this very clear...
15:51 not everyone is a...
15:53 not everyone is effective in giving Bible Studies...
15:55 not everybody is good at knocking on doors,
15:57 not everyone is good at preaching sermons...
16:00 not everyone is doing
16:01 what somebody else could do comfortably,
16:03 but everyone... while we all can't do all things
16:06 all of us can do something.
16:08 Audience: Amen. Right?
16:09 If you could only do this... you can pass out a tract...
16:13 if your feet can walk, you can hang a door hanger...
16:15 you don't have to preach a sermon... but you know what?
16:18 A tract could preach the sermon you can't preach...
16:20 a door hanger could extend an invitation
16:24 that you make mistakes trying to verbalize...
16:26 "Would you like to come to our church
16:28 on Wednesday night at 7 to 8 o'clock
16:30 and be a part of our live audience?"
16:32 A door hanger could do that...
16:33 you don't even have to look people in the face,
16:35 so, while we all can't do a lot of things,
16:38 every one of us can do something
16:41 and the Lord has not called us to be inactive in His work.
16:45 Go with me now to Question Number 12...
16:48 okay... Question Number 12...
16:50 here it is...
17:00 there's something parallel to His life...
17:02 what is that parallel?
17:03 "What did Jesus draw between our lives and His?"
17:05 John 17 verse 18...
17:08 Some of you students have gone ahead... and that's good,
17:10 I like that... I see some pages well filled out
17:12 and by-the-way if you've just joined,
17:16 go to ASF.3abn. org and download Lesson 009.
17:19 All right, John 17 and verse 18 is where we have the answer.
17:23 This is amazing... now this is the...
17:26 this is the commission going down the line.
17:28 This is the orders from the General... to the Captain...
17:32 from the Captain to the Sergeant...
17:34 from the Sergeant to the Privates...
17:36 all right... the Captain sent the General,
17:40 I mean, the General sent the Captain,
17:43 now, the Captain commissions the Sergeant
17:46 and the Sergeant... the Pastor...
17:48 commissions... Audience: The PFC...
17:50 The PFC... Private First Class... exactly.
17:53 Everybody's got a position,
17:54 we've all got to extend this commission...
17:56 here's now... from the Captain...
17:59 to the General and the PFCs...
18:02 sorry... from the Captain to the Sergeant and the PFCs...
18:05 you can tell, I wasn't in the military...
18:07 it sounds horrible here what I'm trying to say but here we go...
18:10 John 17 verse 18... let's read this together...
18:22 Get this... the greatest commission
18:25 is not coming into the church,
18:27 I think we ought to change the sign
18:29 on the front of our entrance.
18:31 At least at each Sanctuary door
18:33 we should have a sign on the inside
18:35 and one on the outside.
18:37 As we walk into the Sanctuary, there should be a sign that says
18:40 "Enter to learn... "
18:42 as we're going out: "Exit to serve. "
18:45 What do you think about that?
18:48 it should be wonderful... huh...
18:50 Audience: Sounds good.
18:51 We ought to do it... as they're walking in the Sanctuary,
18:53 there should be a sign, "Enter to learn... "
18:55 and when they're leaving... "Exit to serve. "
18:57 Right... enter... missionaries enter...
19:01 Enter: Missionary training...
19:04 Exit: to missionary field.
19:06 Audience: Right...
19:08 It's a training ground,
19:10 it is not the "end all... " that "end all"
19:11 you don't take your car to the gas station and fill up and say,
19:14 "Huh... I'm just going to drive it home. "
19:16 Oh... and unfortunately so much that frustrates America
19:21 as we've got so much media,
19:23 you know that if you just watched Christian television,
19:25 you don't have to ever leave your house
19:27 because there are so many Christian channels
19:29 you can sit there and be perfectly fed.
19:31 Pause...
19:32 I was going to say something that I shouldn't say
19:35 so I'm not going to say it.
19:36 Laughter.
19:38 Audience: Well go ahead.
19:41 You know, the Bible says,
19:44 "Be not overcharged with surfeiting
19:47 and drunkenness and the cares of this life... "
19:50 and I looked at that word, "Surfeiting"
19:51 it's "overeating"
19:53 churches in America are guilty of overeating...
19:57 not physical food... but spiritual food.
19:59 We are so fed that we can't move.
20:02 Pause...
20:05 And we grade our Services based on how good the sermon is
20:09 not how good our service is.
20:11 And that's the sad reality of life.
20:14 "Who's preaching this Sabbath?" that's not the issue...
20:17 if we just got a tape recorder,
20:19 it's not about the sermon message,
20:21 it's about the service message.
20:23 Serving from Sunday to Friday...
20:25 you come to church on Sabbath still.
20:28 The reason why people come empty
20:30 is because there's nothing happening spiritually
20:32 as far as winning other people...
20:34 from Sunday to Friday.
20:36 So the answer is, to Question Number 12,
20:39 "What parallel did Jesus draw between our lives and His?"
20:42 What is it?
20:43 Sent into the world... sent into the world.
20:48 His Father sent Him into the world...
20:50 He sends us into the world.
20:53 Sent into the world.
20:55 All right.
20:57 Now, Number 13 is a bonus, because you all know that
21:00 all right... but I'm going to put that in there anyhow.
21:03 Number 13 is a bonus,
21:04 we have to understand this
21:06 still in the context of what we were just talking about
21:08 and by-the-way when you read the Bible,
21:09 you'll discover that it's not an easy field...
21:11 there in Luke 10 and verse 3 the Lord says,
21:14 "I send you forth as lambs among wolves. "
21:17 That's one of the reasons
21:19 why people often are afraid to go out into the world
21:20 because there are a lot of wolves out there
21:22 am I right?
21:23 And sometimes the wolves are in sheep's clothing.
21:26 Church members attacking church members...
21:30 the wolves are not supposed to be in the church...
21:33 the wolves are supposed to be in the world.
21:36 I believe there will be less wolves in the church
21:38 if there are more church members in the world.
21:41 Pastor, is that okay?
21:44 Pastor in audience: I'll buy that.
21:45 See, less in-fighting...
21:47 if we're out there fighting against the enemy,
21:49 we don't have time to fight against each other.
21:52 If you're on the battlefield, there would not be...
21:54 you know,
21:56 what's happening over there in Afghanistan right now...
21:58 where they're... what we're...
21:59 soldiers being killed by soldiers that they're training
22:02 because they're not out there fighting the enemy.
22:04 There would be less bullets for each other
22:06 if we're using the sword of God...
22:08 the sword of God's Word on the enemy,
22:10 and... okay, friendly fire... that's very much so...
22:14 and... to some degree it's not even friendly
22:16 because the devil makes... sometimes...
22:18 He makes us think that we are enemies of each other.
22:21 Number 13...
22:25 "What is the mission that Jesus sent us to accomplish?"
22:28 It's Matthew 28 verse 19 and verse 20.
22:32 He says it this way... and I know you know it...
22:34 so I'm going to go ahead and read it right away,
22:36 let's read this together, this is the great commission,
22:39 okay, here it is...
22:40 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... "
22:44 that's the first thing...
22:46 "baptizing them in the name of the Father
22:48 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
22:51 teaching them to observe all things
22:54 that I have commanded you;
22:56 and lo, I am with you... " what?
22:58 "always, even to the end of the age. "
23:02 And the church said, "Amen. "
23:04 That's the key,
23:05 He is saying, "I'm with you always... "
23:07 but notice what He didn't say,
23:08 He didn't say, "Go make church members of all nations... "
23:10 He said, "Go make disciples... "
23:13 Now, when the Bible speaks in the book of Acts chapter 5,
23:16 "The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved"
23:19 those who are added to the church,
23:21 were immediately added to the field...
23:24 that's why the gospel went to the world so quickly
23:27 in a short period of 34 years,
23:30 because the church is being filled quickly
23:32 because the world was being worked...
23:34 the fields were being worked...
23:36 1,000s were being converted in a day
23:39 and we're blessed here at 3ABN
23:41 to have the satellite going 24 hours a day
23:43 but even here we need more people on the field
23:45 even here we need more people in the community.
23:48 It's not about just receiving
23:49 but it's about going out there
23:52 and joining Christ in the world.
23:54 There's something else that you get
23:56 when you join Christ in this missionary field.
23:59 So what is the mission that Jesus sent us to accomplish?
24:01 "Make disciples of all nations. "
24:03 That's the answer to Number 13...
24:05 make disciples of all nations...
24:07 not just baptizing...
24:09 baptizing is just a factor in the phase of it
24:11 but make disciples of all nations.
24:13 Right... and the disciple...
24:16 a part of the word "disciple" is the word: discipline...
24:18 so there are those who don't have a discipline...
24:22 have you been in the military?
24:23 If you have a job that requires specifics...
24:26 you understand "discipline. "
24:28 All right, Number 14... here we go...
24:36 "What reason did Jesus give
24:39 for calling His disciples to service?"
24:43 We're turning to John chapter 20 and verse 21...
24:49 John chapter 20 and verse 21...
24:51 This one fits right into the very next text very well...
24:54 We got to understand...
24:56 you know when you go to somebody's house,
24:57 if somebody says, "Hey, I'd like you to come over"
25:00 what do you usually ask?
25:02 Huh...
25:04 huh
25:06 ah ha ha... he says, "What time?"
25:08 I usually ask, "What for?" Laughter...
25:10 I ask, "What for?"
25:12 "Having dinner... "
25:13 you know, because I could show up
25:15 and they could give me a paint brush
25:16 and I'd say, "I didn't know you want me to paint... "
25:18 you know...
25:19 I want to know why I'm going...
25:20 if they said, "Come on over to paint... "
25:22 I'd go ready to paint...
25:23 but if I know I'm going to go over to have dinner,
25:25 I'd be dressed differently, am I right?
25:26 You see what I'm saying?
25:28 so your first question should be in the sequence of events,
25:30 "What for?"
25:31 not "What time...?"
25:32 huh ha... or... you know...
25:35 or some people ask, "What should I bring?"
25:37 Because you know that the context of the conversation
25:40 of the question is, about lunch...
25:42 "Why don't you come over Sabbath afternoon... "
25:44 we usually ask, "Should I bring something?"
25:46 But if somebody says,
25:47 "Why don't you come over Sunday around 2 o'clock?"
25:49 "For what?"
25:50 "Well, I'm having a Leaf-Raking Party... "
25:53 then you know, the question is not...
25:55 "What time?"
25:57 because you probably don't want to be there
26:00 but it's amazing... the Lord... the Lord...
26:03 has... has extended to His disciples a specific invitation
26:07 and this text reveals it wonderfully.
26:10 Here it is, John 20 and verse 21.
26:12 "Jesus said to them again... "
26:15 What did He say to them?
26:17 "Peace to you!"
26:19 When you read that it says,
26:20 "Don't be upset... "
26:22 that's what it's in essence saying,
26:23 "Don't be concerned as the Father has sent me,
26:26 I also do... " what? "send you... "
26:29 the reason why He says, "Peace to you... "
26:31 it's a salutation...
26:32 that is often extended...
26:34 but the other aspect of that is,
26:35 "Be not afraid... be not concerned...
26:39 don't be concerned about those to whom you go... "
26:42 because, you know what?
26:44 It was not an easy field for the disciples to work.
26:46 The apostles were told,
26:48 if they go to somebody and they're not received...
26:50 that they should shake off the dust
26:52 and just keep on going.
26:54 Right... if a person is trying to sell vacuums
26:56 and that's the way he's going to make his money,
26:59 does he... does he get discouraged
27:01 if somebody doesn't answer the door, what does he do?
27:03 What does he do?
27:04 Go to the next door...
27:06 what about somebody selling books for commission
27:08 what do they do? Go to the next door...
27:10 because somebody's going to open the door.
27:12 The Lord is, in essence, saying to His disciples,
27:14 "The Father sent me and now I'm going to send you. "
27:17 Now, let's read one of the most
27:20 missed Bible verses in the Bible,
27:23 so if you answer Question Number 14,
27:26 "What reason did Jesus give
27:28 for calling His disciples to service?"
27:30 He said, "The Father called me to service
27:32 I'm calling you to service
27:34 let's do this together... "
27:35 "The Father called me... I'm calling you. "
27:39 "The Father sent me... I'm sending you. "
27:42 All right... now, Number 15...
27:45 I'm going to try to cover as much as I can tonight,
27:47 we're doing pretty good... we've got 30 minutes...
27:49 I'm moving at a good pace.
27:51 All right, we've got 29 questions,
27:54 and I don't think we'll cover them all tonight,
27:56 but let's go to Question Number 15
28:00 and here it is...
28:07 You know, sometimes we think
28:10 that the Lord calls us to wait for Him to come...
28:12 and you know what?
28:14 One of the reasons why...
28:17 this is a strange thought
28:20 but I want you to understand the context of it,
28:22 I heard a very good friend of mine...
28:24 a preacher... has a very large church...
28:27 and he said, as he travels around the world
28:30 he's painfully aware
28:32 that there are certain places in the world,
28:34 still to this day...
28:35 that have not heard the name of Jesus.
28:38 They call it the 6... 80... Corridor...
28:41 or the 60... 40... window... or something like that...
28:46 most of... most of the Asian countries...
28:50 the Middle Eastern countries where Christianity is outlawed
28:53 or not even allowed...
28:55 I had a chance to... about a few months ago
28:58 we had a conversation... as Moses...
29:01 Moses Primo's son... had come home from Asia
29:05 and there was an Asian man working in the field
29:09 where Jesus was not even talked about
29:11 and there was a lady who came to him
29:13 that had worshipped many, many other different gods...
29:15 didn't understand about the message of Christ,
29:18 she came to know about Christ, brought her friend with her
29:22 and we... thank God for Skype...
29:25 and we Skyped him... he was talking to us from...
29:27 from our tomorrow...
29:28 he spoke to us from his yesterday...
29:31 here in the foyer... and he said,
29:33 he was waiting... he said, "It's going to be about a year
29:36 before I even get a person close to being converted. "
29:39 Well, Moses Primo Junior had just left a few weeks before
29:42 and just a few weeks later,
29:43 he called this young man on Skype
29:45 and he said, "Do you know that the women that came
29:47 a couple of weeks ago, are getting ready for baptism"
29:49 can you say, "Amen... " Audience: Amen.
29:51 Now, the reason I tell you that story is because
29:53 he thought it was going to be about a year
29:55 before these people... who had worshipped many other...
29:59 many other idols and different gods,
30:01 he says, "There's no way
30:03 that I'm going to break down this wall
30:04 as quickly as I think I could or as I'd like to... "
30:07 but this is what we have to keep in mind...
30:09 the God who calls us is working while He calls us.
30:13 He's working on those hearts
30:15 so there are people that are just waiting
30:17 for somebody to come
30:20 and add that last piece to the puzzle
30:22 to the understanding of what salvation really is.
30:25 If we add the piece... they'll say,
30:26 "Okay, that's all I need to know
30:28 now I know exactly which direction to move in. "
30:31 So, when we read this text now, Question Number 15,
30:33 "How does Paul the apostle
30:35 describe the reason for salvation?"
30:36 Let's go to Ephesians 2 and verse 10...
30:38 Ephesians 2 and verse 10
30:41 because verse 8 and 9 are very powerful and very popular,
30:45 verse 8 and 9 says,
30:46 "For by grace are we saved through faith... "
30:48 and that not of ourselves...
30:50 it is the gift of God... not of works... "
30:51 we often stop there and say,
30:53 "See, I don't have to work to be saved. "
30:55 No... but when you're saved, you have to work.
30:58 Come on say that...
31:00 "When you're saved, you have to work... "
31:02 you don't work to be saved...
31:04 you are saved to work.
31:06 Pause...
31:07 We got to get that...
31:09 "For we are His workmanship,
31:14 created in Christ Jesus... " for what?
31:18 "good works, which God prepared beforehand
31:22 that we should walk in them. "
31:24 You ever get a job and when you get the job,
31:26 you ask for the job description?
31:29 By-the-way, jobs are not handed out
31:30 unless there's a job to fulfill.
31:32 When you go to put in an application,
31:35 one of the questions you ask is, "Do you have any jobs?"
31:38 And when the answer is, "yes... "
31:40 "in what area?"
31:42 and then you put your application down
31:43 to be considered for the position,
31:44 well, you know what?
31:46 The wonderful thing about the church is...
31:48 there is a job for everybody who applies...
31:51 can you say, "Amen" to that?
31:52 Not a single person is going to come into the church
31:55 and God says, "You know what?
31:56 If you had come a month earlier
31:58 I could have used you to save somebody's soul. "
32:01 The beautiful thing about the Christian Church is:
32:04 No matter how late or how early you get in there,
32:07 there's a job for everybody. "
32:09 There's not a single church on this earth
32:12 that doesn't have a job for someone to do.
32:15 There's not a single part of the world
32:17 where the Lord can't send us to do a work...
32:21 in some venue... somewhere...
32:22 so the church has a job...
32:24 and what this text is, in essence, saying is,
32:26 before God even called us, He had a work for us to do.
32:30 Our good friend, David Butler, his wife is right here...
32:35 she's been solo for... how long has it been?
32:38 About a month now, her husband is down at LIFE...
32:41 down there in Florida...
32:43 and when we spoke to him, it wasn't too long ago,
32:46 it wasn't too long ago
32:48 that he came out of the gangs and the streets
32:49 in a life that's completely opposite
32:52 to the one that God is preparing him for right now
32:54 and his heart cry is, "I can't believe
32:58 that God could use somebody like me. "
33:02 Well, you know what friends?
33:03 God can use anybody... can you say, "Amen" to that?
33:07 Every one of us is disqualified, that's why Paul says,
33:10 "Christ in you... except you be disqualified...
33:13 except you be reprobate... "
33:15 So, it's not about what we are capable of
33:18 but it's what God is capable of doing through us...
33:23 He works through us... and according to Ephesians
33:27 I believe it's chapter 3 verse 20,
33:30 "He is able to do exceedingly abundantly
33:36 above all that we can ask or think,
33:39 according to the power that is at work in us. "
33:43 So, there's a power working inside that...
33:47 that fixes us up... that cleans us up...
33:50 that straightens us up... and that fills us up
33:54 and does through us something that we never thought possible
33:56 and the reason why God does it
33:58 is because the work that He sends us forth to do,
34:00 was ready before He even called us
34:04 so, now what He does... He knows what He wants us to do
34:07 so He gets us ready for the work
34:09 that He already had in mind...
34:10 He doesn't hire us and say,
34:12 "Now, let me see, what could I do with you?"
34:14 "What kind of skills do you have?"
34:16 No... that's why it's ridiculous,
34:18 sometimes we take this "Spiritual Gift Test"
34:20 to see what kind of gift we have...
34:21 I had never heard of a disciple taking a "Spiritual Gifts Test "
34:24 I heard of praying... "Lord, use me... "
34:27 I heard them responding to the call of God... fishermen...
34:31 Jesus said, "Well, I don't want to jump ahead of myself... "
34:34 all you got to do is respond to the call of God...
34:36 you don't have to take a test...
34:38 those are good for some things...
34:40 but for the most part... for the most part...
34:43 you just have to be willing...
34:45 you have to be... what? Willing...
34:47 sometimes you come to a job site and a house is being built
34:50 and your neighbor's house is the house that's being built
34:52 and you go to your neighbor, "Can I help you do anything?"
34:55 "Well, what can you do?"
34:56 "Anything... teach me how to hammer...
34:59 teach me how to saw...
35:01 I'm willing to do anything. "
35:02 That's how we have to be... come to Christ and say,
35:05 "Lord, I'm willing... " or sometimes, we have to pray...
35:07 "Lord, make me willing to be willing... "
35:10 because He has a work for every one of us.
35:12 So, here's the answer to Number 15,
35:14 "How does the Apostle describe the reason for salvation?"
35:17 The reason for salvation is one single word...
35:20 starts with the letter "W" ends with the letter "K"
35:23 what's the work?
35:25 Audience: Gospel...
35:27 Ah... He creates us for what?
35:29 "Work... " we don't work to be saved,
35:31 we are saved to work,
35:34 let's get that, right...
35:36 that's the answer... we are saved to work...
35:40 we don't work to be saved.
35:42 all right... Number 16...
35:45 moving right along...
35:46 Number 16... all right...
35:52 here's the question...
35:55 This is an eye-opener...
35:58 this is an eye-opener.
36:01 Number 16...
36:04 all right...
36:06 and we are turning together
36:08 to John chapter 6 verse 28 and verse 29.
36:15 Okay...
36:18 pause...
36:20 this is a revolutionary text,
36:22 when I read this... in preparation for this...
36:25 you know... you read the Bible through...
36:27 but sometimes you don't get it
36:28 until you go back again
36:30 and read a text that you didn't get before,
36:32 but when you begin to address a specific topic
36:34 like, when you go to Home Depot
36:36 you pass the Tools Section many times before...
36:39 but all of a sudden, when you get a project...
36:41 now, that tool stands out,
36:42 "Oh, that's the kind of Router I need... "
36:45 "Hey, that's the kind of power saw I need. "
36:48 You've seen it before, but now you have a project,
36:50 all of a sudden it jumps out,
36:52 well, this is how this text fits.
36:53 All right, here... here it is...
36:55 John chapter 6, verse 28 and 29
36:57 speaking of the question,
36:58 "Besides sharing the gospel,
37:00 what does the Bible describe as work?"
37:02 Here it is... "Then they said to Him... "
37:04 look at this...
37:05 they asked Jesus, "What shall we do,
37:08 that we may work the works of God?"
37:11 That's a good question isn't it... right?
37:12 That's a willing heart.
37:14 "What shall we do that we may work the works of God?"
37:16 Look at what Jesus says,
37:17 "Jesus answered and said to them... "
37:19 this is powerful...
37:21 "This is the work of God,
37:23 that you believe in Him whom He sent. "
37:30 "This is the work... "
37:32 it begins with what?
37:34 Believing in whom?
37:36 In Jesus... the work begins by believing in Jesus,
37:41 "You want to work? Start here...
37:43 believe in the One who sent me. "
37:45 Believe in the One whom God sent.
37:47 That's why, Jesus said to the Jews,
37:49 "You believe in God... believe also in me... "
37:52 The reason why they would not work for Jesus,
37:55 they believed in God...
37:56 but they didn't believe in Christ
37:58 so they could not join Him.
38:00 Now, here's the key... here's the key,
38:01 if you believe in Christ
38:03 and you know that Christ walked the earth,
38:04 even atheists... believe in Jesus...
38:07 Pause...
38:09 I've got to get my sermon Sabbath...
38:12 it's about James... the second half...
38:14 I'm not going to tell the whole world what my title is,
38:17 but my title is... "The Faith of Demons... "
38:18 Laughter...
38:20 this is a powerful text...
38:22 because in order to do the work
38:25 that God sent His disciples to accomplish...
38:28 they had to begin by believing in Jesus,
38:32 He says, "You want to work?
38:34 Begin by believing... "
38:35 huh... yeah...
38:39 and you know why He said that?
38:40 Because He is saying to them,
38:42 "You want to know what the work is?
38:43 Let's start with 'Believe... '"
38:44 if you could get to the place to believe in me,
38:47 then you'll realize the next step is,
38:49 "All things are possible to him that believes... "
38:53 can you do it? I'm not sure...
38:55 Well, whom are you working with... me...
38:57 Okay now, can you do it?
38:58 Well, the question is, "Can I do it?"
39:01 and "Is there anything impossible for God?"
39:03 there's nothing hard for God...
39:05 so, if you know that Jesus is the Creator of the world,
39:08 let me ask you,
39:09 "How many of you would long for the opportunity
39:14 to work with One who never, ever failed?
39:18 Audience: Raises hands...
39:20 If you say, "Hey, let's go out and...
39:21 let's go out and...
39:23 let's go out and canvas this neighborhood... "
39:24 whom are we going with?
39:26 "You go with Jesus... I'll go with Paul...
39:28 all right, here... you go with Paul...
39:30 I'll go with Jesus. "
39:32 I'd go with Jesus any day, what about you?
39:34 So, what do you have to keep in mind...
39:36 now, the reason I'm saying it
39:38 with such compassion and passion here is
39:41 that when we read Matthew 28:19 and 20,
39:44 the verse that we have read a million times,
39:46 we are working with Jesus, He says, "Lo, I am with you... "
39:49 How often? "Always... "
39:51 so even though you don't see Him...
39:53 He says, "I'll never leave you and I'll never forsake you... "
39:56 so when you're knocking on the door,
39:58 when you're passing out a tract...
39:59 when you're trying to give Bible Studies,
40:02 there's an unseen guest that's always there
40:05 and He's tapping on your shoulder
40:07 He's talking in your ear...
40:09 I've had Bible Studies and my wife can tell you
40:11 sometimes people put me on the spot and ask me a Bible question
40:14 and I lose my appetite for food...
40:16 the next three hours, I'm talking about the Bible.
40:18 I understand what Jesus meant when He says,
40:20 "My food... my meat is to do the will of my Father. "
40:22 When I get to talking about the Bible,
40:24 food doesn't matter...
40:26 after Sabbath Communion Service...
40:28 I was out there another hour and a half talking Bible...
40:31 and when I came in... all the food was gone.
40:32 Laughter...
40:34 But I felt full...
40:36 "Ah... that was a good Bible Study... "
40:38 and I had already been here since 9 o'clock...
40:40 taught Sabbath School... did Communion Service...
40:42 since 8 o'clock...
40:45 see... from 8 o'clock...
40:46 I'm out there now... 1:30... still talking to somebody
40:49 getting here by 2:30... quarter to 3:00...
40:51 no food left... but I'm full.
40:52 That's the beauty of spending time with Jesus.
40:55 You don't get hungry... but, you got a hunger for Jesus
41:02 not to get hungry for other things.
41:05 If you're hungry for righteousness you'll be filled
41:08 but if you're hungry for everything else,
41:10 you're going to be hungry.
41:11 I was listening to news the other day
41:13 and this favorite actor...
41:15 this famous actor in the United States...
41:17 he's a world-wide name, Arnold Schwarzenegger...
41:19 and they asked,
41:21 "Arnold, what is the secret to your success?
41:24 I mean, after all these years" and they mentioned his age...
41:26 he said, "I'm 60 something... "
41:28 he said, "but my life has just begun... "
41:29 and they said, "Arnold, what is the secret to your success?"
41:34 and he said this, "You got to stay hungry... "
41:37 didn't Jesus say the same thing?
41:40 If you hunger and thirst after righteousness,
41:45 you will be... what? You will be...
41:47 you got to stay hungry...
41:48 Jesus is not just hungry for spiritual food
41:51 but, you know what? He was hungry for souls...
41:54 He was hungry for souls...
41:56 He says... "My... my meat... " food...
41:59 "is to do the will of the Father that sent me. "
42:02 That's what I'm hungry for...
42:03 even on the cross... "It is done... " wow!
42:08 Didn't mean to preach...
42:09 was I preaching? Didn't mean to preach.
42:11 Pause...
42:12 Here's the answer...
42:14 So... so the answer to Number 16 is,
42:16 "Besides sharing the gospel
42:17 what does the Bible describe as work?"
42:19 The first work is, believing in Jesus...
42:21 the first work is believing in Jesus...
42:22 I want to make that clear
42:24 because a lot of times people think the first work is
42:26 trying to figure out what the work is.
42:27 No, the first work is believing in Jesus...
42:30 I'm always... I'm always somehow...
42:32 kind of put out by people that ask,
42:34 "You know what... I'm trying to figure out
42:36 what the will of God is for my life. "
42:37 That's a question like,
42:40 "Did you get an e-mail today from God...
42:42 did He tell you what the will is?"
42:43 Well, in the Bible when you read the will of God,
42:46 one of the things he says, "This is the will of God... "
42:48 one of the things is, "Be thankful in all things...
42:50 that we rejoice all the time. "
42:52 But if you simply follow Jesus,
42:54 can you imagine, He calls James and John
42:56 the sons of Zebedee... two fishermen...
42:58 he says, "Follow me... " and they said,
43:00 "Lord, we will follow you but what do you want us to do?"
43:03 Pause...
43:04 The Bible says, "How long did it take them?"
43:07 Immediately...
43:09 immediately...
43:10 and then the work was very clear
43:12 because they believed in the One who extended the invitation.
43:15 Number 17... is that where we are?
43:17 Okay, Number 17...
43:23 "What does the Bible cite as evidence
43:26 that we believe in Jesus?"
43:28 John 14 and verse 12, John 14 verse 12...
43:33 oh, this is wonderful, right now there's a message...
43:35 right now there's a work going on around the world
43:38 and I praise the Lord that here at 3ABN,
43:40 we are involved in that work.
43:42 There are people in the mission field in Africa and in Asia
43:44 and in South America and in Europe,
43:46 there are missionaries that are at Maranatha
43:49 and building churches in Africa...
43:50 there's a whole lot of work going on around the world,
43:53 and people are in Asia and Asian Aid...
43:56 people are building schools in Bangladesh
43:59 and in South America,
44:00 there's a work going on all over the world,
44:02 NAPS... exactly...
44:05 National Association for the Prevention of Starvation...
44:08 there are people working...
44:09 this is a working church
44:10 but still we need more people in the field.
44:12 Look at this beautiful text,
44:15 "What does the Bible cite as evidence
44:17 that we believe in Jesus?"
44:18 John chapter 14 verse 12, here it is on the screen...
44:21 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
44:24 he who believes in Me... "
44:27 don't rush... because what we just read before
44:30 was... "the work is to believe... "
44:32 get what happens after you believe...
44:34 "he who believes in Me,
44:36 the works that I do he will do also;
44:40 and greater works than these he will do,
44:44 because I go to My Father. "
44:45 Isn't that... "Amen... " Audience: "Amen. "
44:47 Now get that... the text before was...
44:48 "This is the work that you believe
44:50 ah, now that you believe,
44:52 you're going to do greater works than I'm doing. "
44:54 Now, I don't know if that makes you rejoice or not
44:56 but I will be...
44:57 I would be amazed to even be said
44:59 that I am doing greater works than Jesus.
45:02 Pause...
45:04 That blows me away when He says, "You see what I'm doing,
45:07 you're going to be doing greater things than this... "
45:09 pause...
45:11 "because I'm... I'm out of here... "
45:12 in other words, "I'm leaving... "
45:13 and when the Lord empowered His church,
45:15 the reason why He said, "they'll do greater works"
45:18 is because there are more of them,
45:20 now, we talk about the 7 to 10 million
45:22 or 20 million we have in our...
45:23 how many do we have in our church?
45:24 20 million...
45:26 if... if... if just four million were always on the streets...
45:32 if 1/5th of them were always on the streets
45:36 can you imagine... how... how much the church will grow?
45:40 If half of them... oh Lord... the world would be evangelized
45:45 almost in a matter of months.
45:47 So, the church has to catch a vision,
45:51 we cannot just finish the work by remote control,
45:54 it's a good thing to have... television is a beautiful thing
45:57 but it should begin there... it should not end there...
45:59 all right...
46:01 He says, "If you believe... greater works than these"
46:03 so here is the question...
46:04 "What does the Bible cite as evidence
46:06 that we believe in Jesus?"
46:07 What does the Bible cite?
46:08 Pause...
46:10 Ah... what does the Bible cite
46:14 as evidence that we believe in Jesus?
46:16 Our works...
46:19 our works...
46:21 if you believe... you'll be working
46:25 you cannot...
46:27 this is from here to Sabbath...
46:30 you cannot believe and not work.
46:32 It's just not possible...
46:34 You can't say, "I'm a believer... "
46:36 and you don't work...
46:37 really?
46:38 "So, you believe in Jesus and what did Jesus do?"
46:41 "And He came to work for the salvation of men... "
46:44 "And you believe in Jesus... " "Yeah... "
46:45 "Do you work for Him?"
46:47 "Well, now I'm waiting for Him to come back... "
46:48 "Well, you know what's going to happen when He comes back?
46:51 He's going to ask you for an account of what you did
46:52 and then you're going to get a reward according to what you did
46:55 and if you're not doing anything you're not getting a reward. "
46:57 Isn't that simple?
46:58 Isn't that how we get paid?
47:00 We get paid for the work we do
47:02 but if you don't do the work are you going to get paid?
47:04 He's coming back and my reward is with me
47:06 I'm giving out paychecks when I come back
47:08 according as your work shall be
47:12 and that's what He's in essence saying,
47:14 "I'm going to go to my father...
47:15 I'm turning it over to you,
47:17 I got it started and you're going to cover the earth
47:19 with the glory that I've given to you
47:21 and the work is going to be greater than the work I did
47:24 when I was here. "
47:25 Look at this quotation... under Question Number 18...
47:28 and I'll give the questions and I'll read the quotation...
47:35 one of my favorite books: Christ's Object Lessons
47:38 a lot of the parables are listed there...
47:42 "Each is to work in co-operation with Christ
47:46 for the salvation of... " what?
47:49 "souls...
47:50 Not more surely is the place prepared for us
47:53 in the heavenly mansions than is the special place
47:58 designated on earth where we are to work for God. "
48:03 Did you get what that's saying?
48:04 The Lord is preparing a place for us in heaven
48:06 but before we get to that place He's prepared,
48:09 He's prepared a place for us to work down here. "
48:11 We're going to rest there...
48:13 we're going to do what down here?
48:14 Work down here...
48:16 He says, "I've got a place up there for you...
48:18 but before we get to that place,
48:20 I got a place for you down here. "
48:22 Isn't that right?
48:24 That's why no pastors...
48:26 my brother, pastor... he's retired...
48:28 but he can't retire...
48:29 because you can't retire if you believe in Jesus...
48:32 see, they can get "re-tired... "
48:34 they put more tires on and keep going...
48:37 see... that's the beauty of it...
48:39 you may not be in "official work"
48:42 but there's no such thing as,
48:43 "breathing the breath of God and not still working for Jesus"
48:46 It's just... you got to... you got to do that
48:49 because that's what we're called to do...
48:50 "If I've given you energy, if I wake you up in the morning,
48:53 do something to advance the cause of God... "
48:55 praise God for that...
48:57 oooh... I'm excited about today's study
48:59 but don't mind me...
49:01 okay, we're on at Number 19... this is beautiful...
49:05 we're covering quite a bit today...
49:06 yeah... and I'm doing "House Calls" all week long...
49:09 oh, I'll tell you, we did a powerful topic today,
49:12 I won't mention much about right now to take your time,
49:14 but let's go to Number 19...
49:16 I'll mention it afterwards as we're closing...
49:17 all right... Question Number 19...
49:24 "What was the prayer that Jesus shared with His disciples?"
49:28 Matthew 9 verse 37 and 38...
49:32 Matthew 9 verse 37 and 38,
49:35 we got past the "sent" part,
49:38 we now know that you cannot be called of God
49:40 and not be working for God...
49:42 it's just an oxymoron...
49:43 a football player does not get a uniform and is sent home,
49:46 it's just not possible...
49:47 even when he's sick... he's on the bench...
49:50 unless his legs are broken or he can't even think
49:53 but if he's in...
49:55 I've seen basketball players and their arms are in casts
49:58 where are they sitting? On the bench
50:00 because they're paid to be on active duty...
50:03 they could do some...
50:05 even if they're there... and they can't play in a way...
50:06 you know what I see in the game?
50:08 They're encouraging the other team players,
50:09 "Shoot the ball... " and... can't do anything...
50:12 they can't play... but they're there encouraging the players.
50:15 That's why it's so vitally important
50:17 not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together...
50:20 encourage one another while it is yet day.
50:22 Here it is... Matthew 9 verses 37 and 38 is the answer
50:26 here it is...
50:27 and by-the-way, the question once again is,
50:29 "What was the prayer that Jesus shared with His disciples?"
50:32 "Then He said to His disciples,
50:36 'The harvest truly is... '" what?
50:38 'plentiful...
50:40 but the laborers are... '" what?
50:42 'few... Therefore... '" here's the prayer...
50:45 "pray... the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers... " where?
50:52 "into the harvest. "
50:53 When you pray at night,
50:55 this ought to be a prayer that we commit to ourselves
50:57 and by-the-way, let me make this clear...
50:59 don't pray this prayer
51:00 unless you are willing to be one of those
51:02 that is sent out into the harvest...
51:03 We could say, "Lord... send out
51:05 Brother So-and-So and Sister So-and-So
51:07 but I need to be home...
51:08 so... that... my...
51:10 you know, I don't like... I don't like cold weather.
51:12 Uh huh... I'm not... I don't know how to do this
51:15 so send out Brother So-and-So
51:17 who's been a Bible Worker for 15 years
51:19 but don't send me out. "
51:20 You know, you'll say, "Lord, I'm willing to go... "
51:22 that's how our story is...
51:23 my wife and I wanted to be in the ministry in 1987
51:26 but we said, "Lord, we're not going to California...
51:29 you send us wherever you want... but not California...
51:32 not going there... "
51:34 and we stuck in Florida...
51:36 it was not until... right, Honey...
51:38 it's in our book, "Abandoned But Not Alone"
51:40 Pacific Press... advertisement...
51:42 it was not until we said,
51:45 "Lord, we will go anywhere including California... "
51:49 that the phone call came.
51:50 You can't limit God... you got to say,
51:53 "Lord, I'm willing to go wherever I want to go"
51:54 and Brother Dave, right now, is saying,
51:56 "I don't know where God's going to send us
51:57 but wherever He sends us, I'm willing to go. " Amen...
51:59 That's the sign of a converted heart...
52:01 I will go wherever you send me...
52:03 and He's new in the faith... just about a year
52:06 or a little more than that
52:08 or just about... October will be a year...
52:10 baptized a year ago...
52:11 transformed life... family and the church school
52:14 and wife is serving... Godly wife...
52:16 you got to be willing,
52:17 "Wherever you want me to go Lord, I'm going... "
52:20 and that's why our prayer ought to pray,
52:22 ought to be, "Lord, we pray that the Lord of the harvest
52:25 sends laborers into His harvest... "
52:27 and more specifically,
52:28 we've got to pray that the Lord will send us.
52:30 Now, you may not be able to go... physically...
52:33 you may not be able to walk the streets...
52:34 not everybody is able to do that
52:36 but some people can make the phone calls...
52:38 you make the Bible Study contacts... you get their names
52:40 and somebody could be back there at the phone calls...
52:43 that cannot go outside... maybe it's because it's dark
52:46 or they don't drive they could say,
52:48 "Okay, I'll be willing to make the phone calls
52:49 and set up the appointments
52:51 for those that can go and give the Bible Studies. "
52:53 Everybody can do something, amen.
52:55 We got to put this church together like a business.
52:58 We can't handle it like a service...
53:01 we got to put together like a business...
53:03 the business of the Lord,
53:04 all right, everybody's got to be employed in some capacity.
53:07 So, what's the answer here, we've got to pray.
53:10 Pray... send out laborers...
53:12 pray... send out laborers.
53:14 All right now, this one...
53:16 Number 20 is an eye-opener
53:19 because it destroys the places of neutrality.
53:22 It destroys the idea that there is such thing
53:25 as a neutral Christian.
53:26 There is no such thing as a neutral Christian
53:28 any more than you can drive a car in neutral.
53:30 Right...
53:32 you're not driving a car in neutral...
53:35 somebody is pulling you or pushing you...
53:37 that's right...
53:38 if you're in neutral... you're going downhill...
53:40 huh...
53:42 Audience: If you're pulled down in California...
53:43 That's right...
53:45 if your car is in neutral,
53:46 you didn't get any gas mileage, you're in trouble.
53:49 As a matter-of-fact, you can be in neutral
53:52 and you're engine is not even on
53:53 so, you don't have to be neutral to have a good engine.
53:57 Anyway, let's stop taking that to the nth degree here
54:00 but here is the question... Number 20...
54:06 "Into what two categories does the Bible divide everyone?"
54:10 and in specifics... I mean
54:12 everybody who is breathing on this planet right now,
54:15 is in one of these two categories
54:17 and the Christian should never be in the wrong category.
54:20 Here it is, Matthew 12 and verse 30,
54:23 Matthew 12 and verse 30...
54:26 let's read this together...
54:28 come on, let's use some power on this, are you ready?
54:30 Here we go...
54:32 "He who is not with Me is against Me,
54:35 and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. "
54:39 Have you ever seen people trying to rake leaves on a windy day?
54:43 It's the worst thing to do...
54:45 now, I used that illustration for a very important point,
54:50 that's why the angels are holding back the winds
54:54 because Satan wants to use these winds of strife
54:58 to blow away all those
55:01 who are possible candidates for salvation
55:03 so, the Lord knowing that you cannot gather leaves
55:05 on a windy day...
55:07 neither can you work effectively for souls
55:10 while the world is melting apart
55:12 in turmoil and destruction before us,
55:15 so, He's holding back the winds so that we have the time now
55:19 to gather with Christ...
55:20 and... and... you know, all you got to do is scatter abroad...
55:23 does not help those who are gathering...
55:25 right... if somebody opens up a.. you know, their billfold...
55:31 by accident... billfold is an old word...
55:33 their wallet... and they got a lot of ones...
55:35 and the wind starts blowing,
55:37 you got to gather with them
55:39 and if you don't gather with them,
55:41 they'll say, "You didn't even help me, you just stood there"
55:43 right...
55:44 "all the... my money's flying everywhere...
55:46 what do you do... you're just standing there. "
55:47 You don't have to ask questions...
55:49 there are certain things you don't need questions
55:51 to be asked for, you just got to step in and help
55:54 but the Lord is, in essence, saying to the church,
55:57 "If you're not gathering with me you're scattering abroad... "
55:59 you cannot be... there's no third category...
56:02 indifference has to be replaced with commitment,
56:05 there is no such thing as a neutral Christian... why?
56:09 Because Christianity destroys neutrality
56:11 or neutrality destroys Christianity.
56:14 There's no such thing as a neutral Christian.
56:17 Years ago, I heard this really ridiculous statement
56:19 some of you heard of Jackie Gleason...
56:20 it's old... it's old...
56:22 you know, Norton and Jackie Gleason
56:23 had a conversation one day and Norton said...
56:25 Jackie Gleason says... he was taking the Driving Test
56:27 and he says, "Norton, what's the yellow line for?"
56:29 He wanted to make sure and pass that...
56:31 He said, "The Yellow Line... now that's simple...
56:32 that's for the motorcycles. "
56:34 Laughter...
56:36 there's no such thing...
56:38 you don't drive on the yellow line...
56:39 it is either to separate you
56:40 going in one direction or the other...
56:43 there's no...
56:44 there are no yellow lines in the Christian life, right?
56:46 nobody stands on the yellow line,
56:48 you're either gathering with Christ
56:50 or you're scattering abroad.
56:52 That's why this topic is so vitally important...
56:55 the greatest commission...
56:56 and let's end on this one,
56:57 let's end on this one...
56:59 Number 21... "What designated purpose
57:01 does Jesus have for His followers... "
57:04 "What designated purpose does Jesus have for His followers?"
57:08 Matthew 4 and verse 19 is our final text.
57:11 "Then He said to them... "
57:13 are you ready to read this together with me...
57:15 "Follow me and I will make you... " what?
57:18 "Fishers of men... "
57:19 Brethren, the greatest commission
57:22 is to join Jesus in becoming fishers of men...
57:25 don't concern yourself with cleaning the fish...
57:28 dedicate yourself to catching the fish...
57:31 dedicate yourself to winning souls for Christ...
57:35 there's no greater commission
57:36 than to know that the kingdom will be furnished with souls
57:40 because of the diligent work that you've joined Christ in...
57:43 there'll be no greater joy
57:44 than to turn around in heaven and see
57:46 your neighbors and friends there
57:47 because you responded to the call of God
57:49 and the commission of God on your life
57:51 and so, as we talk about this greatest commission...
57:54 understand... the call is on your life...
57:56 and when you respond to the call,
57:58 whatever is not clear will come into a sharper focus,
58:02 God bless you, let us pray.


Revised 2018-02-07