Sharper Focus, A

How to Grow in Christ, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000025

00:21 Hello, friends.
00:22 Welcome to another "A Sharper Focus" broadcast
00:25 coming to you live from the 3ABN Worship Center
00:27 here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:30 right across the county line
00:32 or the city line is 3ABN main building,
00:35 West Frankfort, just about a few feet apart.
00:38 But we are glad that you've chosen to tune it night
00:40 for our weekly Bible study on how to live a spiritual life
00:44 in a what kind of body?
00:46 In a natural body.
00:48 That's the challenge that God has given to all of us
00:51 because that's the challenge we are all going to have
00:52 until Jesus remakes us over like unto His glorious body.
00:57 We are called to be spiritual
00:59 while living in this natural body
01:01 and we're continuing our topic tonight
01:03 on "How to Grow in Christ."
01:05 So if you like to invite your friends and family members
01:08 to sit down for the next hour or so
01:10 as we can study God's word together.
01:12 If you like a copy of the lesson,
01:13 go to this website.
01:15 Don't put www,
01:17 just type in
01:22 and download lesson 008 or 008A
01:27 which is the spiritual lesson for tonight's topic
01:30 on "How to Grow in Christ."
01:33 And then make sure you have your Bibles and your pens
01:36 and you can follow along tonight with us
01:38 as we invite God to be with us.
01:40 Want to say hello to those
01:41 that are down there in Life Institute in Florida,
01:46 in Lady Lake, Florida
01:47 who are joining us via the internet
01:49 and also want to say hi to David Butler
01:51 who is normally here and he is down there,
01:53 one of our church members who just recently enrolled.
01:55 We are praying for you
01:56 and we want to just say hello to you
01:58 as you tune in with your friends
01:59 and fellow colleagues down there.
02:01 But before we go any further,
02:03 we always like to invite the Lord's presence
02:04 to continue with us,
02:06 so let's bow our heads together.
02:08 Our gracious Father in heaven,
02:09 tonight is an opportunity for us
02:12 to invite the Spirit of God to come and be our teacher,
02:16 to open our hearts and minds to the study of Your word.
02:19 Lord, everyone of us needs more strength
02:22 and there is a famine coming
02:24 that the world does not know of.
02:26 Men are planning in,
02:28 storing things that are physical
02:30 and transient and temporary.
02:33 But tonight, Lord, we turn to Your word
02:35 and we pray that You will bury it in our hearts
02:37 that we may be prepared for the days ahead of us.
02:40 So abide in our presence
02:41 we ask tonight in Jesus' name, amen.
02:46 Now before we go into our lesson,
02:47 we are gonna sing a song, it has become our theme song,
02:51 the song is "Victory in Jesus"
02:53 and we are gonna sing that locally.
02:54 If you know the song, you can sing with us.
03:00 Are you ready?
03:02 I heard an old, old story
03:06 How the Savior came from glory
03:09 How He gave His life on Calvary
03:13 To save a wretch like me
03:17 I heard about His groaning
03:21 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:24 Then I repented of my sins
03:28 And won the victory
03:31 O victory.
03:32 O victory in Jesus My Savior, forever
03:40 He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood
03:47 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:51 And all my love is due Him
03:55 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood
04:02 I heard about a mansion
04:06 He has built for me in glory
04:10 And I heard about the streets of gold
04:14 Beyond the crystal sea
04:17 About the angels singing
04:21 And the old redemption story
04:25 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:29 The song of victory Key change.
04:33 O victory in Jesus My Savior, forever
04:40 He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood
04:48 He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him
04:55 He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood
05:03 He plunged me to victory
05:07 Beneath the cleansing flood
05:13 Amen. Amen.
05:15 Well, tonight out topic is "How to Grow in Christ."
05:21 Not just how to grow, "How to Grow in Christ."
05:25 I made a statement a moment ago
05:27 and I believe I use the same illustration
05:29 for our last study
05:31 when we began studying this particular lesson
05:35 entitled "How to Grow in Christ."
05:37 A lot of the world doesn't know it,
05:39 but there is a famine coming.
05:42 And it's not a famine
05:43 because of a lack of money in the stock market.
05:47 It's not a famine for oil
05:49 but, you know, the word famine is always associated with food.
05:52 There is a famine coming
05:54 the Bible says in the Book of Amos.
05:55 There's a famine coming not for bread or for water
05:58 but for the hearing of the Word of God.
06:01 And today if I could take a survey
06:05 on how many Bibles are sold,
06:07 I'm sure the numbers will be millions
06:09 because the Bible is still
06:10 the number one selling book of all time.
06:13 But that's not the survey
06:14 that's gonna help us in the last days.
06:16 If we could take a survey
06:17 of how many people study their Bibles,
06:20 how many people read their Bibles every day,
06:22 how many people meditate on the Word of God,
06:24 then we will know
06:26 how many people are getting ready
06:27 for the famine that's coming.
06:28 So tonight's study is not so much
06:30 about how many people buy Bibles
06:31 or how many people owns Bibles
06:33 or how many homes have a Bible in it.
06:36 David didn't say, thy word have I hid in my cupboard,
06:38 that I might not sin against thee.
06:40 David said, "Thy word have I hid" where?
06:42 "In my heart, that I might not sin against thee."
06:45 And you will discover today as we study this lesson,
06:49 we've covered quite a bit of things,
06:50 I think one of the things
06:52 we talked about in our last lesson
06:53 is faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
06:57 So if you want to strengthen your faith,
06:59 you've got to have a source
07:01 and the source is the Word of God.
07:04 You will also discover that the Word of God
07:06 effectively works in those who believe it.
07:12 The Word of God is like ingredients
07:14 in a well baked bread or ingredients in a cake.
07:18 You can have all the ingredients,
07:19 but if you don't put it in it,
07:21 if you don't put the ingredients together
07:23 before you put the cake or the bread in the oven,
07:25 it's not gonna do anything.
07:27 The Word of God is like divine yeast,
07:31 but it doesn't work outside of us,
07:33 it works when it's planted in us.
07:36 And, you know, unfortunately in our world today
07:37 where the challenge is sitting down and finding time
07:41 to study the Word of God
07:42 because our minds are pulled in every direction.
07:44 Even down here in quiet old Southern Illinois.
07:47 I was mentioning to my wife
07:49 and someone else when I came into this evening
07:51 that I've been so busy every night of the week,
07:54 waking up early in the mornings and putting my mind
07:57 and get up for the challenges of the day.
07:59 You've got to really chisel out time
08:01 to study the Word of God.
08:04 You've got to chisel out time
08:06 to lay before you the Word of God
08:08 and find out that
08:11 unless you spend that thoughtful hour with God,
08:13 doesn't have to be an hour,
08:15 but an hour will go by very quickly
08:17 when you are studying God's word.
08:19 Sometimes many hours will go by,
08:21 but don't forget if you study in the morning,
08:23 try not to make your study late and make you late for work.
08:26 Because there are not many employees
08:29 or employers would say,
08:30 "So you studied your Bible, that's why you are late."
08:33 Make sure you choose your time wisely.
08:35 But tonight, we are gonna begin as we go to question number 11.
08:40 We've covered question numbers one to ten.
08:43 And if you download the syllabus,
08:44 you should have a syllabus
08:45 that takes you all the way to question number 29.
08:48 Question number 29,
08:53 the study of the Word of God
08:56 and we are gonna look at question number 11.
09:03 And by the way,
09:04 this is leading into the last thought
09:06 we had in 1 Thessalonians 2:13
09:10 that talks about those who study the Word of God,
09:14 those who are of Thessalonica, they study the Word of God,
09:18 not as the word of men
09:19 but in fact as it is the Word of God.
09:22 You know, lot of people say, "Who wrote the Bible?"
09:24 And somebody would say, "Well, men wrote the Bible."
09:27 But we also know that holy men of God wrote,
09:32 holy men of God spoke as they were moved by who?
09:37 By the Holy Spirit.
09:38 So the author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit,
09:41 the penmen are men
09:44 that God choose that are holy men,
09:47 not corrupt men, not men that were tipsy,
09:50 not men that were inebriated, not men that were carnal,
09:54 not men that were worldly.
09:55 God choose men that he imbued with His spirit
09:58 and let them to write to be the penmen
10:00 as the Holy Spirit was the one that affected the thought
10:03 that is in the Word of God.
10:05 And let me just add one more thing
10:06 before we go to question number 11.
10:09 Lot of times people say, "Which translation is best?"
10:12 Just want to ask that question very quickly.
10:14 Now, one of the oldest translations
10:16 is the King James Version
10:18 and some people are more comfortable
10:19 with the King James Version.
10:21 I use both but in our study
10:22 we usually use mostly the New King James Version.
10:26 Some of the thoughts have been sharpened
10:28 and some of the words that were not effectively
10:31 are translated in the King James
10:33 were correctly in the proper context
10:35 in the New King James Version and some people use the NIV.
10:39 I don't strongly recommend that
10:41 because a lot of the verses have been cut short
10:43 and sometimes omitted altogether.
10:45 But here's the key
10:48 and this is what I want to communicate
10:49 on the basis of the thought.
10:51 When the Spirit of God communicated to men and women
10:54 that were included in the Word of God.
10:56 There were no women writers by the way.
10:58 When the Bible was written by these holy men,
11:01 the thought like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
11:04 they write about the same experience
11:05 but sometimes they use slightly different wording.
11:08 But if you look at the thought,
11:09 the thought is exactly the same.
11:11 So if you stand at the corner of an accident
11:14 and there are four men on four corners
11:16 and the accident is in the intersection,
11:18 each of them is gonna give a different perspective
11:21 of what happened in that intersection.
11:23 But if you look at the thought,
11:24 make sure the thought is in the proper context
11:27 of the entire picture that is given there
11:30 which we often refer to as the context.
11:33 Now as we lead into question number 11,
11:36 this is about a man that came to Jesus,
11:38 a man by the name of Nicodemus.
11:40 What was his name? Nicodemus.
11:42 He was a wealthy man,
11:43 but he was afraid to come to Christ during the day time,
11:45 so he came to Him by night.
11:47 And one thing he learned is what each of us needs to know
11:51 and let's go to the question first.
11:53 Question number 11,
11:55 "What is necessary for mankind
11:57 to have access to eternal life?"
11:59 "What is necessary for mankind
12:02 to have access to eternal life?"
12:04 The answer is found in John 3:3 and you will begin to see
12:08 how this leads into the very foundation of the Word of God.
12:13 John 3:3 is where you are turning for the answers.
12:16 Get your pens out so you would write in.
12:18 "What is necessary for mankind
12:20 to have access to eternal life?"
12:21 John 3:3 reads as follows
12:23 and this is Jesus speaking to Nicodemus.
12:25 So when you see the word him, it's Nicodemus.
12:27 "Jesus answered and said to him,
12:31 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is..."
12:34 What is the next two words?
12:36 "Born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'"
12:40 Let's not run past that too quickly.
12:43 In order for your eyes to be sharp
12:45 and to see the things that God want you to see.
12:48 Some people would read the Bible
12:49 like they read a regular novel
12:51 or like they read a magazine or like they read a book
12:55 that they bought in or rented from a local store
12:58 or borrowed from a local library.
13:00 You can't read the Bible that way,
13:03 because the Bible is saying unless a man is born again.
13:07 What's the phrase?
13:08 "Born again, he cannot..."
13:11 What's the next word?
13:12 "Cannot see."
13:14 So what we have to do is not just be born again,
13:16 but you will discover in just a moment
13:19 what that born again is all about.
13:21 You can't just say I'm born again.
13:23 Born again is not a phrase
13:24 that we say, "Well, I'm born again."
13:26 You got to be born of something
13:29 and in order for us to be able to see,
13:32 we have to be born again.
13:34 So somebody may look at the Bible text and say,
13:35 "Well, I don't see that."
13:37 Well, you know, what I often say,
13:38 "Well, maybe you are not born again."
13:41 Because a natural person
13:43 doesn't receive the things of God
13:45 for they are spiritually discerned.
13:48 So in order for us to benefit
13:49 from the study of the Word of God,
13:51 let me even go to another level.
13:53 Sometimes we have professors and I was in a,
13:56 when I was taking the electronics in school,
13:59 I had a professor that used to be a priest
14:02 and then he became an atheist.
14:07 And we had discussions in our class sometimes
14:09 about things that didn't even make any sense.
14:11 For example he says, "What if I can recreate,
14:14 what if the black hole
14:16 can be recreated one mile above earth's atmosphere,
14:20 he said then we can go light years into the past
14:23 and light years into the future
14:24 if we can go through the black hole."
14:26 You know, the class sat with their mouth wide open.
14:29 And I thought, "Oh, great speculation."
14:31 So I said to him, "Doctor, can I ask you now."
14:35 I don't want to say his name.
14:36 "But can I ask you--
14:38 Let's talk about something that makes more sense to me.
14:40 Why do people die?"
14:42 And he said "Well, all machinery
14:43 eventually breaks down."
14:45 And I thought, okay, I see where this is heading,
14:47 I said, doctor, are you and he is an atheist.
14:50 I said, "Are you married?" He said, "Yes, I'm married."
14:52 I said, "Why are you married."
14:54 And he said, "What do you mean?"
14:55 I said, "Well, why do you have to be married?"
14:59 And he kind of said, "Well, it's a good thing to do."
15:02 And I said, "Who said?"
15:04 And he said, "Okay."
15:07 And I said, now I got really pointed.
15:08 I said, "Now, doctor, what if,
15:10 what if I committed adultery with your wife,
15:13 is that a bad or good thing?"
15:15 He said, "That's a bad thing."
15:16 I said, "Who said?"
15:18 Now I wanted to shock him.
15:21 You know, when you hear that, that's a shocking statement
15:23 especially when you include yourself in the scenario.
15:26 And so he, he with the class were shocked.
15:29 I said, "Well, who said?"
15:31 And, you know, he was stunted.
15:33 And we continued for about 40 to 45 minutes.
15:35 We had a two and half hour class.
15:37 We had this back and forth and he entertained
15:39 that he likes a challenge and I'm a New Yorker,
15:42 so that kind of fits into that scenario.
15:45 But what I'm saying here
15:46 is that those things that he was talking about
15:49 that were natural didn't make sense to me
15:51 because my mind is focused spiritually.
15:54 Those things that I talked about spiritually
15:55 didn't make sense to him
15:57 because his mind is focused naturally.
15:58 So here is the first parameter,
16:01 what you want to write down for number 11.
16:03 What is necessary?
16:05 You must be born again.
16:08 Must be born again.
16:09 And in your study you want to put,
16:11 unless you cannot see.
16:14 If you are not born again you can't see.
16:16 So some people may study the Sabbath said,
16:18 "I can't see that."
16:19 Well, there is the answer.
16:21 When you are born again, your eyes will be opened.
16:26 Now let's go to number 12.
16:28 Let's go to number 12 because being born again
16:30 is not enough, you have to understand
16:32 the context of being born again.
16:33 What does it mean to be born again?
16:35 Question number 12, here it is.
16:37 "What is the context of our new birth experience?"
16:41 "What is the context of our new birth experience?"
16:44 The conversation continues with Nicodemus
16:47 as Jesus answers the question.
16:49 He says in verse 5,
16:50 "Jesus answered, 'Most assuredly,
16:53 I say to you, unless one is born of the..."
16:57 Oh, let me go to the text.
16:58 "One is born of the water and the Spirit,
17:01 he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
17:04 You have to be born of the water
17:07 and of the Spirit.
17:08 Let's break that down briefly.
17:09 Water is baptism.
17:12 That's the death,
17:13 the burial and the resurrection to walk in the newness of life.
17:16 But you have to be born of the water
17:18 and of the spirit.
17:19 Now why?
17:21 Because without having the spiritual new birth,
17:23 you cannot have spiritual eyesight.
17:25 So let's go back to tying it down to the text.
17:27 And you will see why that was relevant to question
17:31 lead in to the very next question that's coming.
17:35 The spirit does something that cannot happen naturally.
17:39 Let me give you my own experience.
17:41 Sometimes I'm studying the Bible
17:43 and I'm able to go, I look at a particular text
17:46 that I've read many, many times before
17:48 but on this particular occasion
17:50 I said, "Lord, I really want to understand
17:52 and so I spend little more time in prayer."
17:56 And when I get up off my knees
17:57 and I read that, all of a sudden
17:59 it's like I have--
18:01 I start seeing things that I never saw before.
18:06 And I stand back and even to my amazement,
18:08 sometimes when I'm doing my seminar,
18:09 I would go to my wife and say,
18:11 "Honey, let me read this text to you
18:12 but we read this a thousand times before
18:14 but listen to it in a different way."
18:17 And I said, I just didn't see that.
18:21 And it's not that I wasn't born again
18:22 but sometimes when you really plead for the Spirit of God,
18:26 He responds by giving you that anointing
18:29 opening your eyes as the Revelation says,
18:32 Revelation Chapter 3 says, "We have to pray this prayer.
18:37 Anoint my eyes with eyesalve that I may see."
18:41 So sometimes our eyes are open but they are not anointed.
18:45 So you have to pray not just for your eyes to be opened
18:47 but for your eyes to be what?
18:48 Anointed.
18:50 Because in this day and age our eyes are--
18:51 You know, if you walk down the streets of New York City,
18:53 particularly in Times Square, your eyes are everywhere.
18:57 I would challenge anybody to try to study your Bible
18:59 while they sit in Times Square.
19:01 You couldn't do it
19:02 because your eyes are distracted.
19:04 But as we're going to lead in,
19:05 born again, born of the water and of the spirit.
19:08 Now let's go to question number 13
19:10 to see why this is so significant.
19:13 Why this is so significant.
19:14 So if you want to add in the answer for number 12.
19:16 What is the context of our new birth?
19:19 What are you gonna write down?
19:21 Water, baptism, spirit, spiritual.
19:27 When it says spirit, that means you are now spiritual.
19:30 You're walking in a spiritual life.
19:32 You're walking in a spiritual relationship.
19:35 You are not walking in a natural relationship,
19:37 you are walking in the spirit.
19:39 And let me just emphasize that
19:40 because a lot of times people say
19:42 I'm in the spirit, right.
19:44 You know, that's so simple to say,
19:48 but if you say you are in the spirit,
19:49 you have to understand that.
19:51 If you are in the spirit and you read the Bible,
19:54 nothing you read should offend you.
19:57 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
19:59 If you read, if you love me, keep my commandments.
20:01 Let's go there.
20:02 I want to show you something.
20:03 John 14, John Chapter 14, I want you to see something.
20:07 Show you how the Spirit of God works.
20:10 John Chapter 14,
20:12 this is not in the syllabus but that's all right.
20:16 Look at how the spirit works.
20:20 John 14:15,
20:24 all right.
20:26 It's good to start at verse 14
20:27 because it kind of leads into that.
20:29 Lot of times people wonder
20:30 why their prayers are not answered.
20:31 Let's look at verse 14 and 15 and 16 it says,
20:35 "If you ask anything in My name..."
20:37 What does Jesus say?
20:38 "I will do it.
20:40 If you love Me..."
20:41 What did He say?
20:43 "Keep My commandments."
20:44 Look at the continuing thought.
20:45 And if you're keeping His commandments He says,
20:47 "And I will pray the Father,
20:50 and He will give you another comforter or another Helper,
20:53 that He may abide with you for..."
20:55 How long? Forever."
20:57 That who is that comforter?
20:58 Look at the very next verse.
21:00 "Even the Spirit of truth,
21:04 whom the world cannot receive,
21:08 because it neither sees Him nor knows Him,
21:13 but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be..."
21:17 Where? "In you."
21:18 So what happens is now,
21:19 if the spirit of God is abiding in your life, he is there,
21:22 because you are obedient.
21:24 You are what? You are obedient.
21:26 Go with me to Acts Chapter 5, want to tie this together.
21:29 So if somebody says I love the Lord
21:32 but they don't want to keep His commandments
21:33 and they are not ignorant of the Commandments of God
21:37 then there is a problem there.
21:40 Acts Chapter 5
21:43 and we are gonna look together at verse 32.
21:47 Acts 5:32
21:49 I want to dive into this the work of the Spirit of God
21:52 very effectively here not just in the study of God's word
21:55 but notice what the apostle says
21:57 in verse 32 of Acts Chapter 5.
22:00 And it says, "And we are His witnesses,
22:03 that is of these things,
22:05 and so also is the Holy Spirit
22:09 whom God has given to those who..."
22:11 Do what? "Obey Him."
22:14 So you don't just say I'm in the spirit.
22:18 You are in the spirit if you are obedient.
22:21 You don't say I want the spirit.
22:24 The spirit works in various ways.
22:26 One to convict us,
22:27 the second one to give us that new birth experience
22:30 and the third one to empower us
22:33 with the gifts of God's Holy Spirit.
22:37 But He is not just gonna abide in your life
22:39 if you say, "Well, I just want to read God word,
22:41 God's word and I will pick and choose
22:43 what I want to accept,
22:44 in what I want to live in obedience too."
22:46 He would not empower your mind, He would not empower your life
22:49 because He gives, He has given to those who obey.
22:53 Those who obey.
22:55 Now look at question number 13, all right.
22:57 Question number 13
23:00 and we have 29 questions,
23:01 we may not get to them all tonight
23:03 but that's what wonderful about a continuing study.
23:06 "What other component is necessary
23:09 for the new birth to be effected?"
23:12 "For the new birth to be effected?"
23:16 Not effective but effected.
23:17 In other words or the new birth to happen,
23:19 for it's really be something that you experience.
23:22 What is necessary?
23:24 What are the necessary components--
23:26 We are look at the text here in 1 Peter 1:23,
23:31 1 Peter 1:23.
23:33 Now remember, so far we have discovered
23:35 we are born of the water and of the spirit, okay.
23:39 But that's not the end of your birth.
23:41 See this topic is about how to grow in Christ.
23:44 If that's all you are born of the water--
23:46 In other words, I'm baptized but I'm walking in the spirit.
23:49 The Lord says, that's not the end of it.
23:51 You got to walk in something else.
23:52 You have to understand
23:54 that your birth is far beyond just baptism,
23:58 far beyond just saying Holy Spirit come into my life.
24:01 The evidence of the spirit of God
24:03 coming into your life is encapsulated
24:05 in this very next verse.
24:06 Look at 1 Peter 1:23,
24:09 the Bible says, having been, read that with me.
24:13 "Having been..." What?
24:14 "Born again, not of corruptible seed but..."
24:18 Of what?
24:19 "Incorruptible, through the word of God
24:23 which lives and abides forever."
24:27 Now get this.
24:28 What is being said here,
24:30 Peter is saying that the incorruptible seed
24:34 is made available to us through the Word of God.
24:37 Now remember the Parable of the Sower?
24:40 It's in Matthew Chapter 13.
24:42 What was the sower sowing? Seed.
24:45 What did the seed represent?
24:47 The Word of God.
24:49 Get it now.
24:51 The seed, there is nothing wrong with the seed
24:54 but if you remember the parable in Matthew 13 very carefully.
24:57 Some seed fell on good ground
25:01 but some seed fell on shallow ground.
25:04 Some that is stony ground.
25:06 Some seed fell on thorny ground
25:08 and some seed fell on shallow ground.
25:11 What happened is the thorny ground
25:13 the cares of this life chocked the word.
25:16 Some seed fell on shallow ground.
25:19 Let me make the application.
25:21 There is some people that listen to the Word of God.
25:22 They heard the word of God preached
25:24 and one week they are completely in the world,
25:26 the next week they are fired up
25:27 and ready to do anything for God
25:29 but they go out like fire cracker,
25:33 because the Word of God hasn't taken root way
25:35 down inside of them.
25:37 The third category is the other one
25:40 sometimes that I say shallow ground,
25:42 thorny ground and stony ground
25:46 that means
25:47 what happens if you try to put seed in stone,
25:49 does it go through?
25:51 Now, this is where as a preacher,
25:53 I've come to the point of acceptance.
25:55 I can preach God's word for the next two millenniums
25:58 and there are some people
26:00 whose heart I will never penetrate.
26:03 And the Lord is saying one of the hardest jobs
26:04 of teaching God's word,
26:06 preaching God's word and sharing God's word
26:09 is there are those whose hearts are like stone
26:14 and it will never penetrate
26:16 because they have not been born again.
26:18 Remember the prayer in Psalms Chapter 51,
26:22 the Lord said to David,
26:23 I'm gonna take out your heart of stone
26:25 and give you a heart of what?
26:27 Flesh.
26:28 When the heart is softened, then the seed can penetrate,
26:32 then the seed can have roots that are tapped down deep.
26:35 But right here we are finding
26:37 that the incorruptible seed comes from the Word of God.
26:40 The point of the matter is
26:41 there is nothing wrong with the Word of God.
26:43 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
26:45 There is nothing, there is nothing wrong
26:47 with God's word,
26:48 the problem is the condition of the heart.
26:51 So if you answer the question
26:54 "What other component is necessary
26:55 for the new birth to be effected?"
26:57 That is the what?
26:59 That is the incorruptible seed- the Word of God.
27:06 The incorruptible seed
27:07 because when the sower was sowing,
27:09 if you read that story in Matthew 13,
27:10 the sower was sowing just fine.
27:12 There is nothing wrong with the seed,
27:14 but it was where the seed was falling
27:16 and the sad reality is in the statistics
27:19 that are listed here in that chapter,
27:21 if you come away with that story
27:22 being an application even in a parabolic setting,
27:26 you discover that 75 percent,
27:29 75 percent of those who heard the word,
27:33 it did not affect any change in their lives.
27:36 So if you look at the churches nowadays
27:38 and you say, "Well, what's happening?"
27:40 This is sad.
27:41 This is sad but I don't like to apply it
27:43 but it's saying chances are 75 percent of those
27:48 who ever hear the Word of God in their life,
27:52 75 percent of those according to that parable,
27:56 there will be no change effected in their lives.
27:58 There maybe a momentary change like the shallow ground
28:02 but you will discover no roots.
28:05 And when the trial comes, boom, they are gone.
28:09 So we have to understand the Word of God,
28:11 there is nothing wrong with the Word of God,
28:12 all right.
28:13 Number 14, number 14,
28:17 "How does the Bible convey
28:19 the victorious strength of the Word?"
28:24 "How does the Bible convey
28:25 the victorious strength of the Word?"
28:28 1 John 2:14 is where we are turning.
28:31 "How does the Bible convey
28:32 the victorious strength of the Word?"
28:35 You know, the Word of God is a book
28:37 that has victory in it
28:39 and when you apply it to your life,
28:40 it's like, I'm gonna give you an example.
28:43 We have in the 3ABN Worship Center
28:45 in the back of our stage,
28:46 we have a big box
28:49 that has to have about 300 batteries in it at least,
28:53 and there are batteries added every week.
28:55 But you know what?
28:56 They don't look any different from the brand new batteries
28:58 that we buy.
28:59 Now we used to sort in a little container
29:02 and that container had label on it bad and good.
29:06 And I always noticed that there were more bad batteries
29:09 than there were good batteries.
29:11 But let me just make this point.
29:13 You couldn't tell by the outside
29:15 because it said Alkaline Energizer or Duracell,
29:19 they both have the same external label.
29:22 So it's impossible by looking at a person from the exterior
29:26 to determine what's happening on the inside.
29:29 Why were those batteries bad, somebody tell me?
29:31 Why were those batteries labeled as bad?
29:35 Ran out of juice or what's happening, what else?
29:38 What's the word, another word for juice?
29:40 Okay.
29:42 No energy.
29:44 Okay.
29:45 Useless. Okay.
29:47 Running or ran out of power.
29:49 It didn't have enough power to get the task
29:52 that it was designed for accomplish.
29:55 So you can put, you can put,
29:56 well, I don't know if you could this in series
29:59 but that battery no matter how much you say,
30:00 "Come on, batteries, let's do it.
30:03 Let's come on, you look like just any other battery.
30:05 Let's try it again."
30:06 You put that battery in...
30:09 Brothers and sisters, it's not how we look on the outside
30:12 so much as we are empowered
30:15 by the Spirit of God from the inside.
30:18 Born of the water and of the spirit.
30:20 So let's look at the answer here to question number 14.
30:22 "How does the Bible convey
30:23 the victorious strength of the Word?"
30:25 Here's the answer, 1 John 2:14,
30:29 "I have written to you, fathers,
30:32 because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
30:36 I have written to you, young men,
30:38 because you are..." What?
30:40 "Strong, and the word of God abides in you,
30:46 And you have overcome the wicked one."
30:51 "How does the Bible convey
30:52 the victorious strength of the God's Word?"
30:55 How does it convey it?
30:58 Look at that text.
30:59 How does it convey it?
31:02 The Word of God abides in you.
31:06 Now...
31:10 I'm using some crude illustrations here tonight.
31:12 Nobody is afraid of an empty gun.
31:15 The devil is not afraid of an empty Christian.
31:18 That is, if your mind is not equipped
31:19 by the Word of God,
31:21 remember now, when Jesus was faced by the tempter.
31:24 When Satan came and tempted Jesus,
31:26 Jesus didn't say, "Leave me alone."
31:30 Say it again, Dan. It is written.
31:32 That's right. It is written.
31:33 Now, if Jesus needed that to defeat the enemy
31:38 because the enemy is not concerned about our words.
31:40 That's why I say to people whenever I'm having studies,
31:43 I say, well, somebody once said to me
31:48 "Why is it that every time I ask you a question
31:50 you say the Bible says?
31:52 Can't you just tell me what you think?"
31:54 And I said to them, "What I think doesn't matter."
31:56 Isn't that right.
31:57 My word has no authority at all.
31:59 I can say, well, and that's the problem nowadays,
32:01 lot of times people put authority on the man,
32:03 on the word of man and not on the Word of God.
32:06 The key here is what overcomes the world,
32:09 what overcomes the wicked one
32:10 is the fact that the Word of God abides
32:13 and in this particular context when the apostle says that
32:17 God spoke to the fathers and he speaks to the young men,
32:21 he is saying that you both will overcome the wicked one
32:24 because the Word of God abides in you.
32:27 So here's the key.
32:28 If we are gonna be victorious on our day by day basis,
32:30 where does the Word of God have to be?
32:33 In us.
32:35 In us living and abiding and powerful
32:39 and quick as we found out in Hebrews Chapter 4 last week.
32:42 "The Word of God is powerful and quick,
32:44 sharper than any two-edged sword."
32:47 So the enemy when he comes and he sees that sword,
32:50 that flashing towards so he can't go any further.
32:54 That two-edged sword that the enemy is afraid of
32:56 is the living and abiding Word of God.
32:59 But it doesn't abide on your shelves,
33:01 it doesn't abide in your iPad or your iPod or on your laptop,
33:04 it abides where?
33:06 In us, inside of us.
33:07 And how does that happen?
33:08 You got to chisel out that time to read the Word of God.
33:11 Now if you don't have an entire hour,
33:14 spend at least sometime.
33:15 Get yourself a Bible text.
33:18 Get something in there
33:20 because if you put the Word of God in your mind,
33:23 that means it's less room for the devil.
33:30 And he can't really find a whole lot of space
33:33 because the Word of God as I mentioned to you earlier,
33:35 the Word of God is kind of like yeast.
33:37 When it enters the bread what happens?
33:40 It expands.
33:42 And you will find that throughout the day,
33:44 sometimes that text that you read in the morning,
33:46 you discover how it all of sudden
33:48 pops up in the relevant situations of your life
33:51 during the day.
33:52 But if it's not there, you can't recall that.
33:55 And by the way, the Holy Spirit promises
33:57 to bring back to our remembrance
33:59 what we have learned.
34:01 So in other words,
34:02 if there is no money in the bank,
34:04 you can't take it out, right.
34:07 Don't go to the bank and say, I like to get $200 out.
34:11 And they say do you have an account here?
34:12 I sure do.
34:13 Can I see your card?
34:15 Could you swipe your card?
34:16 Could you put your pin number and show?
34:17 Oh, your balance is zero.
34:19 But I do have an account, right.
34:21 Yeah, but you don't have anything in it.
34:23 So you may have a mind
34:24 but unless there is something in it,
34:26 you are not getting anything out, right.
34:27 The Spirit of God is that teller.
34:30 The Spirit of God is that person
34:31 that's behind that financial institution.
34:33 Let me put the application together.
34:36 God has a financial institution,
34:39 financial institution,
34:41 financial institution, that is never broke.
34:44 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
34:47 But He promises that if you deposit in that,
34:50 if you put your money there,
34:52 when the time comes to draw it out,
34:54 there will be something there.
34:56 In other words, if you invest in your mind His money,
35:01 His divine investments, when the time comes,
35:04 you can withdraw something.
35:06 Kind of round about way
35:08 but I think you got the point, right.
35:10 The Word of God must abide in us.
35:12 Now number 15, number 15.
35:15 We are moving at a good pace.
35:17 Number 15,
35:19 "What can the Word of God accomplish
35:22 when we consume it?"
35:24 My good friend Pastor Batchelor few years ago,
35:28 and by the way I want to encourage you
35:29 to tune in tomorrow night for 3ABN Live.
35:32 This is a live program
35:33 and Thursday night live
35:35 Pastor Batchelor is going to be here
35:37 but he wants, you know,
35:38 when he talked about the word devour in Revelation
35:40 "fire came down from God out of heaven,
35:43 and devoured them."
35:44 The word devour and consume are synonymous
35:46 and he said if you want to find out what devour means,
35:48 invite me over and have Mexican food.
35:52 So and in the very same way,
35:56 you know, we can,
35:58 we are people in America
35:59 that look forward to Thanksgiving.
36:03 Thanksgiving is not too far away.
36:07 Thanksgiving, this word consume
36:08 really comes into relevance, doesn't it.
36:11 People eat until they can't eat any longer.
36:13 But the question tonight is,
36:15 we have natural food and we have spiritual food
36:18 and there is a difference.
36:19 Look at the answer
36:21 here in Psalms 119:9 to the question,
36:24 "What can the Word of God accomplish when we consume it?"
36:27 It says, "How can a young man cleanse his way?
36:32 By taking heed according to..."
36:34 What? "Your word."
36:36 Now when you look at the question,
36:37 "What can the Word of God accomplish when we consume it?"
36:41 What does it do?
36:43 Cleanse. Cleanse.
36:46 Cleanse. The Word of God is a cleanser.
36:50 "How can a young man cleanse his way?
36:52 By taking heed according to..."
36:54 How? "Your word."
36:55 Now, this is particularly speaking to the young men
36:57 in the context,
36:59 but do you think it applies to every one of us?
37:01 It applies to every one of us
37:02 because the Word of God is a cleanser.
37:04 You know what that means?
37:06 This is a powerful illustration,
37:07 I must say so myself and here it is.
37:10 We naturally, our minds naturally are magnets to things
37:14 that are not clean...
37:17 right.
37:19 Our hearts are corrupt, our minds are corrupt.
37:22 Our righteousness is as what?
37:23 Filthy rags.
37:25 We are like vacuum cleaners and we suck in dust
37:27 and none of that dust is good.
37:29 It's a natural thing, it's a natural process.
37:31 We hold on to things that are not clean.
37:33 So the Lord says,
37:34 "Hey, I've got a way to clean out your thoughts.
37:38 If you put My word in there, it will clean it out."
37:40 Isn't that wonderful?
37:42 If you put the scouring pad of God's word in your mind,
37:46 you will discover,
37:47 you couldn't even say those words
37:49 that used to be there
37:51 or think those thoughts that used to be there.
37:52 Why?
37:54 Because you are storing up good things
37:56 and it's pushing out the bad things.
37:58 Think of the Word of God as a long tube,
38:00 if you push in the good things in one end,
38:02 it's gonna push the bad things out the other.
38:05 So the cleansing process that all of us needs
38:07 is not so much say, "Ah, man,
38:10 why am I sitting here in church
38:12 and my mind is everywhere else?"
38:15 I can almost guarantee you
38:16 that those who are not spending time
38:17 storing God's word in their minds,
38:20 their minds tend to wander a lot more
38:22 on things that don't pertain to God's word
38:24 than a person whose mind is so has been trained
38:28 to continue studying God's word.
38:30 If you think, now think about it,
38:31 if you read computer books everyday all day,
38:34 work on a computer, service computers,
38:36 what would you think about
38:37 when you are walking around the streets?
38:39 Computers, right.
38:40 If you had a regimen of studying God's word,
38:42 not necessarily not doing anything else
38:44 but if you had a regimen
38:45 of studying God's word day by day,
38:47 you know what happening?
38:48 You are storing this word, you are storing this word,
38:52 you are putting your stock and it's increasing day by day
38:55 and what happens you will discover
38:57 that those thoughts that used to be there naturally,
39:00 they are not even allowed to come in.
39:04 Now look at this illustration,
39:06 the Word of God is sharper than any two edge what?
39:08 Sword.
39:09 What happened when Adam and Eve sin,
39:11 what did the Lord used to keep them out of the garden?
39:13 Sword.
39:14 Sword keeps sin out.
39:16 The sword of God' word keeps sin out.
39:20 That's why the angel use,
39:21 the angel didn't just stand there.
39:24 When Jesus comes back, what is he gonna have?
39:28 What's gonna come out of his mouth?
39:29 The Word of God.
39:30 Is this gonna be a sword the Bible says.
39:32 And the sword is what? The Word of God.
39:34 Sword in the garden, sword in the Word of God,
39:38 sword in fact in Revelation that sharp sword,
39:42 that is the Word of God.
39:43 So if you want to, if you want to have your ways cleansed,
39:46 you got to have your mind filled by the Word of God.
39:50 Because, you know, what I tell you what?
39:51 It's hard to read God's word one minute
39:54 and be profaned the next.
39:56 It's not possible.
39:57 It's hard to read God's word one minute
39:59 and think terrible thoughts the next.
40:01 It's hard to read God's word
40:03 about how to treat your brother and your sister
40:04 and then treat your brother and your sister
40:06 opposite to what you just read a moment ago.
40:10 Because the Word of God is living,
40:12 the Spirit of God is working in your life.
40:14 He is abiding in you
40:15 and He will activate like yeast is activated,
40:18 whatever is in your life will be activated
40:19 and you will find that your thoughts.
40:21 How can a young man cleanse his way?
40:24 We will find that our ways are being cleansed.
40:26 But if we are saying away from the Word of God,
40:28 what's happening to our ways?
40:30 What's the opposite of being cleansed?
40:33 Corrupted, that's right. Corruptible.
40:35 See, the word of God is an incorruptible seed
40:38 and what does it do?
40:40 It cleanses our way.
40:42 You get that? Nothing wrong with it.
40:43 But the reason why there is so much corruption in the word
40:46 is because the Word of God is omitted.
40:51 Number 16,
40:54 "What evidence does the Bible give
40:55 to reveal the power of God's Word?"
40:58 "What evidence does the Bible give
41:00 to reveal the power of God's Word?"
41:04 I talked about this a moment ago
41:05 and some of you are already on top of this.
41:07 So I'm just gonna go and turn there Psalms 119:11.
41:10 You theologians already know the answers.
41:12 You want to read the text with me?
41:13 Are you ready? Here we go.
41:14 Psalms 119:11 the Bible says, "Your word have I..."
41:18 What?
41:20 "Hid in my heart, that I might not..."
41:21 What? "Sin against You."
41:24 We are the quoting the King James Version.
41:25 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
41:27 that I might not sin against thee."
41:30 I know that by heart.
41:31 But thy word, your word have I hidden in my heart.
41:35 The word hidden there is not concealed but stored.
41:41 That's the difference.
41:42 You don't want to hide God's word,
41:43 you want to store God's word.
41:46 So when people come around and say,
41:47 "Man, doesn't seem like you have whole lot of food."
41:49 I said, don't get fooled,
41:51 you are looking for physical food,
41:52 but I got a whole lot of spiritual food.
41:55 And the reason why that's widely important
41:57 because we began by saying a famine is coming.
42:00 If a famine for the Word of God is coming,
42:01 you better make sure you have a lot of Word of God stored up
42:05 because when the famine comes
42:07 and you're not allowed to carry your Bibles.
42:09 Like it happened in Paris, France in the 1700s
42:12 where the Word of God was banned.
42:14 It happened during the Dark Ages
42:16 where the Word of God was taken from the common man.
42:18 If it happened during the Dark Ages
42:21 and people were put to death for having the Word of God.
42:23 If it happened in France
42:25 where the Word of God was outlawed
42:27 and burned in bundles.
42:28 If it happened in communist Russia
42:30 which is now no longer communist
42:32 where the Word of God was prohibited,
42:34 it's gonna happen again
42:35 but this time on a worldwide scale.
42:38 Every country, every continent,
42:40 that's why this is a critical hour.
42:42 We are doing what God wants us to do
42:44 by studying God's word together, amen.
42:47 We are storing it up.
42:49 Okay, number 17 that's where we are.
42:54 "How was the Christian church strengthened at its inception?"
42:58 "How was the Christian church
43:00 strengthened at its inception?"
43:04 All right.
43:09 We're gonna turn to the Book of Acts 20:32,
43:13 Acts 20:32 question number 17.
43:17 "How was the Christian church strengthened at its inception?"
43:21 Now I want you to get this.
43:22 The way that it was strengthened at its inception
43:24 is the way that it's gonna be strengthen
43:26 just before the church triumphant.
43:29 What they need, what the church needed
43:30 when it started is what the church still needs today.
43:32 Am I right?
43:34 Here's the answer, Acts 20:32.
43:37 I like to hear those pages turning
43:38 even thought we have it on the screen.
43:41 Acts 20:32 the Bible reads as follows,
43:44 "So now, brethren,
43:46 I commend you to God and to the word of His grace,
43:52 which is able to..."
43:54 Do what?
43:55 "Build you up and give you an inheritance among all those
44:00 who are..." What?
44:01 "Sanctified."
44:03 What is the Word of God able to do?
44:06 Sanctify you and do what else?
44:08 Build you up.
44:10 I'm...
44:14 You know, bodybuilding is one thing
44:16 but spiritual bodybuilding is something all together
44:18 that last a lot longer.
44:20 You don't have to look like Mr. Universe
44:21 because the strength comes not from you
44:23 but the strength comes from what?
44:25 The Word of God which lives and abides forever.
44:28 So if the Word of God built up the early church
44:31 and you know some of the stories,
44:32 you know, when the Bereans, the Bereans studied God's word,
44:36 the Thessalonican's study God's word.
44:38 And matter of fact, whenever the word was preached,
44:40 they didn't take what the preachers said.
44:42 What did they do?
44:44 They went home and checked it out.
44:48 Okay, I heard what you said
44:49 but let me make sure it's in God's word, right.
44:52 But that doesn't happen in a whole lot nowadays.
44:54 You see, you will discover that
44:56 whenever the Word of God is the measuring point,
44:58 whenever the Word of God is the place that people examine
45:02 what is being said publicly against.
45:04 When you measure what a person says,
45:06 and I always encourage people, don't take my word for granted.
45:10 Measure it by the Word of God.
45:11 When the Word of God is the measuring rod,
45:14 12 inches is always 12 inches, it doesn't vary at all.
45:18 Three feet always three feet.
45:20 The Word of God is the measuring rod,
45:21 that's why when you get down to Revelation Chapter 11,
45:24 you find this phrase, you find this phrase,
45:27 "Measure the temple
45:28 and those that worship in there."
45:30 What are they measuring them?
45:32 How they measuring them?
45:33 They are measuring them by the standards
45:35 that are divine.
45:37 They are measuring those that worship
45:38 by a divine standard.
45:41 We are not being measured.
45:43 We are not being measured by human standards.
45:45 We are being measured by what?
45:47 Divine standards.
45:49 Measure the temple
45:50 and those that worship there, okay.
45:53 The Word of God.
45:55 Now let's go to number 18.
45:56 So if you want to put the answer
45:58 "How was the Christian church strengthened at its inception?"
46:00 What did you put down?
46:02 By the word of God that was able to build them up,
46:06 revealed His grace and also sanctify.
46:10 It built them up,
46:11 revealed His grace and also sanctified.
46:15 By the way the word sanctified means
46:17 it set them apart.
46:19 They were not like everybody else.
46:21 You will discover that...
46:25 You will discover that those who study their Bible
46:28 are often in good company
46:30 when they are around other people
46:31 that studied their Bible.
46:34 I won't tell you who this story is told up
46:36 but I remember somebody telling me the story
46:38 that when they were growing up, they were rebellious
46:40 and their rebellion let them out of the church
46:44 and they hung around with friends
46:45 of a different denomination and their friends,
46:50 you know, when the Word of God is in your life,
46:51 you can't really run away from God's word.
46:53 When God's word is there, been planted there,
46:55 there are very few things that you can do
46:57 against the Word of God.
46:58 And the friends that they were hanging around
47:00 that was of a different denomination
47:02 has said to this person,
47:04 "You need to go back to your church
47:06 because you don't fit in."
47:09 You know what happens?
47:10 I know growing up there were certain things
47:11 I was taught in my mind
47:13 even though there was no one to tell me do or not do.
47:16 One particular example was,
47:18 I was, on Sabbath I was trying to go off a baseball practice
47:21 when I was in high school in New York City.
47:24 And I hid my baseball glove over my face
47:27 because I was on the bus
47:28 where most of the people that go to church
47:30 travel on that city bus.
47:31 Most people in New York don't have cars
47:33 so they were traveling on the city bus
47:34 and I had to take two buses and both of those buses
47:37 would go through all the neighborhoods
47:38 where people, Adventists were going to church
47:41 and I said, "I can't let them see me"
47:43 so I hid my face with a glove, baseball glove.
47:47 When I got to my destination
47:49 it was what had been hidden in my mind from young,
47:53 that Saturday which was a Saturday to me
47:55 which really was God's Sabbath and I knew different,
47:58 I couldn't hit the ball,
47:59 I couldn't swing, I couldn't catch,
48:00 I couldn't run, I was tumbling over myself
48:03 because what was in here
48:04 had so built a defense against what I was doing
48:08 that I couldn't deny what was in here.
48:09 So I just went home and said, forget,
48:10 I'm not gonna try that again.
48:12 And there was no one to tell me not to do it.
48:14 When our football, we had a football dinner,
48:17 I know I don't look like it
48:19 but I played football for short time,
48:21 in the short time that's why I still have my faculties
48:24 but I remember going to--
48:25 I was invited to our school's football dinner
48:27 which was held on Friday night.
48:28 There was no one to tell me not to go
48:31 but I couldn't do it
48:32 because of what was in here.
48:34 It's amazing.
48:36 Basketball dinner.
48:37 I never got my basketball jacket,
48:38 never got my basketball school emblem on my jacket.
48:40 Why?
48:42 Because I just couldn't go, my feet couldn't go
48:44 because what was in here.
48:45 That's why it's so important
48:47 to hide God's word in your head, amen.
48:48 Amen.
48:49 Wonderful. Wonderful.
48:51 Look at number 18,
48:52 "What else has God designed
48:53 the study of His word to accomplish?"
48:55 "What else has God designed
48:58 the study of His word to accomplish?"
49:02 He has designed the study of His word
49:03 to accomplish many things but what else?
49:06 Not just build us up but something else.
49:09 And we touched on this in the last text
49:12 but we will see it right here.
49:13 Okay? Ready?
49:14 Here's the answer.
49:16 We all know this text by heart.
49:18 "Sanctify them by..."
49:19 What?
49:21 "Your truth. Your word is truth."
49:24 You know, that word truth is a word
49:26 that's not used a lot nowadays.
49:28 People say that's your interpretation.
49:32 People say, well, that's what your church teaches.
49:34 But I tell you what, if you study the Word of God,
49:37 whatever you study in the Word of God is truth.
49:40 It's what? T-R-U-T-H, truth.
49:43 So when people say, "Well, you know,
49:45 our church is nondenominational,
49:46 we don't teach doctrines."
49:47 You know what I always ask?
49:49 Do you use the Bible?
49:50 Oh, yeah, we use the Bible.
49:52 Then you cannot be a church that doesn't teach doctrine.
49:54 Because anything you teach in the Word of God,
49:57 the word doctrine simply means teachings,
49:59 that's all it means.
50:01 So if you are teaching from the Word of God,
50:03 you are teaching doctrines
50:04 because everything you teach in the Word of God
50:07 says something about the character of God
50:10 and the life of Christ.
50:12 And there's no such thing as studying the Word of God
50:15 and not teaching doctrine.
50:17 So if you are going to a church
50:18 that say they don't teach doctrine,
50:20 run for your life, run for your life.
50:23 If they say they are nondenominational
50:25 we teach, you know,
50:27 when I hear that phrase nondenominational,
50:29 it's like buckshot.
50:30 You know, whatever you want, it's here.
50:33 It's kind of like going to a bank and say,
50:34 "I would like to have $100 in change."
50:36 You know they ask you, what do they ask you?
50:40 "What denomination?"
50:41 And you say, "No denomination."
50:45 Does it make sense? No.
50:47 No, what do you mean no denomination?
50:49 I just want $100 in change.
50:50 What denomination? No denomination.
50:53 Please give me nondenominational change.
50:55 You are not gonna get anything back.
50:57 Am I telling you the truth?
50:58 They say, "Sir, here's your $100 bill
50:59 would you please leave?"
51:01 Because whatever we give,
51:02 it's gonna be in some denomination.
51:04 Am I right?
51:05 $50, $20, $10, $5, $1 and then quarters,
51:07 half a dollars all way down to one penny,
51:09 but there is some denomination.
51:11 The Word of God is there not to confuse you
51:13 but to establish you on the truth.
51:15 "Sanctify them by Your truth.
51:17 Your word is in fact truth."
51:19 Now let me share with you this quotation.
51:21 It's not in your lesson.
51:22 It's not there, it's between question 17 and 18.
51:25 It's solely on the screen tonight,
51:26 so those of you who are viewing
51:28 and if you are listening by radio,
51:29 listen very carefully.
51:31 This comes from a devotional book called
51:33 "A Call to Stand Apart" page 69.
51:37 Listen to this quotation. It's a powerful quotation.
51:39 It says,
51:40 "There is nothing more calculated to energize the mind
51:44 and strengthen the intellect than the..."
51:47 What?
51:48 "Study of the Word of God."
51:51 Get this.
51:53 "No other book is so potent, that's powerful,
51:58 to elevate the thoughts,
52:00 to give vigor, that is life,
52:03 to the faculties, awaken the faculties,
52:05 as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible."
52:11 No other book.
52:12 "If God's Word were studied as it should be,
52:17 men would have a breadth of mind,
52:19 that is they will be spiritually deep,
52:21 a nobility of character,
52:23 and a stability of purpose
52:26 that are rarely seen in these times."
52:29 You want to find somebody that's well furnished.
52:31 You want to find somebody
52:33 that's not just intellectual but sound.
52:35 I was talking to my wife today
52:37 about how uncouth I was when I was younger
52:41 and I look back on my life and some of the things I did
52:43 and some of the things I said and I said,
52:45 "Honey, man, boy, I've come a long way."
52:48 And, you know, it's important for us
52:50 sometimes to take inventory as to where we were
52:52 and where we are.
52:54 I'm not talking about a month ago
52:55 or week ago or year ago
52:56 but go away back sometimes and say,
52:58 "Man, look at where I'm now
53:01 compared to where I used to be."
53:03 And you know what has made the difference?
53:05 The study of God's word.
53:07 The entrance of God's word gives light.
53:11 Now I think we will maybe able to cover
53:13 one or two more tonight
53:15 but let's move on to the very next one.
53:17 Number 19, number 19.
53:21 So if you want to be ennobling and strong
53:23 and have a stable character and a diligent mind
53:27 and a purpose that is something that is rarely seen in society,
53:31 study God's word and live by what it says.
53:34 Question number 19,
53:36 "How does Jeremiah describe
53:38 the experience of studying God's Word?"
53:41 How does he describe
53:43 the experience of studying God's Word?
53:48 Jeremiah 15:16,
53:53 Jeremiah 15:16.
53:57 This is a beautiful text.
53:58 This is the young Jeremiah by the way.
53:59 When we think of the word Jeremiah
54:01 and we think of 85-years-old, 75 years.
54:03 No, Jeremiah was a young man.
54:06 He was a young man.
54:07 Look at what he says in his youth.
54:08 He says, "Your words were found..."
54:11 In other words, he picked up God's word
54:13 and what did he do?
54:14 He said, "I ate them,
54:17 and Your words was to me the joy
54:21 and rejoicing of my heart,
54:23 for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts."
54:28 You know, what he is in essence saying,
54:29 if we reverse that he said,
54:30 because I love You so much and love Your name,
54:33 I realize that eating Your word is the only thing
54:36 that's gonna give me joy and make me rejoice.
54:39 You know, what he in essence saying,
54:41 he says, I say, I know You and I bear Your name
54:43 but I'm trying to find,
54:45 if I try to find joy and rejoicing
54:46 outside of Your word, I'm not gonna find it.
54:49 So here's what he says and let's just break this down.
54:51 Okay, I'm called by Your name
54:55 and You are the Lord of host
54:58 and I have been trying to find joy and rejoicing
55:01 every place else but I couldn't find it.
55:05 But when I found Your word,
55:08 go to the context now, Your words were found.
55:11 I was looking every place else but I couldn't find it.
55:14 But Your words were found and what did I do?
55:18 I ate them.
55:19 And Your words was to me the what?
55:22 Joy and rejoicing of my heart.
55:26 People spend so much time on things
55:28 that you don't have to spend,
55:31 people spend money on things
55:32 that don't really bring satisfaction,
55:34 don't bring joy and rejoicing.
55:36 God is saying the word is free right now.
55:39 We handle the free Word of God
55:42 as though it doesn't have any value
55:44 and we pay large money for things
55:46 that don't have any value.
55:48 When in fact, Jeremiah says,
55:50 "Man, this stuff tastes good and it brings me joy
55:53 and it makes me rejoice."
55:54 Amen, to that.
55:56 I think one more, one more, number 20.
55:59 This is a short one.
56:01 This is last one for tonight, number 20.
56:03 "What description does David give
56:05 to planting God's Word in our minds?"
56:08 What description does he give, Psalms 126:5, 6.
56:12 Psalms 126:5, 6.
56:18 I hear the pages turning.
56:19 Psalms 126:5, 6, here's what the Bible says.
56:23 David says,
56:25 "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
56:28 He who continually goes forth weeping,
56:32 bearing seed for sowing,
56:34 shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
56:38 bringing his sheaves with him."
56:40 I don't want you to miss this.
56:42 This is like the evangelist.
56:43 Those of you that are joining us from Life
56:46 or anyone of these schools
56:47 where you are studying your Bible
56:48 or colleges or universities
56:50 if you are studying God's word what is being said here
56:53 is "Do not be weary in well doing,
56:56 for in due time you will reap, if you do not faint."
57:00 If you are sowing God's word,
57:01 He is saying one day it's gonna produce the harvest
57:04 that you never thought it will produce
57:06 and it says and you
57:07 because of your diligent label will come rejoicing
57:10 and the harvest of souls
57:13 will come bringing in the sheaves.
57:16 So let me encourage you, friends,
57:18 those of you that are tuning in,
57:19 those of you that are watching and listening,
57:21 let me encourage you.
57:22 The study of God's word is something
57:24 that you cannot overestimate.
57:26 It is the book that will bring light.
57:28 It is the book that will bring joy.
57:30 It is the book that will bring rejoicing.
57:33 It is the book that will bring hope.
57:35 It is the book that will transformed,
57:37 it will give you depth of mind, nobility of character.
57:41 You will be able to walk in society today
57:42 and people will say,
57:43 "Now there is a trustworthy individual.
57:45 There is a person whose mind is balanced.
57:48 There is a person whose life tells
57:49 that he is more than just what he says
57:52 but he lives his testimony."
57:54 So continue studying God's word
57:56 and you will discover when you do that,
57:58 the truth of God and the life of Christ
57:59 will come into a sharper focus.
58:02 God bless you.
58:04 Let's pray together.


Revised 2016-05-09