Participants: Pr. John Lomacang
Series Code: ASHF
Program Code: ASHF000022
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00:21 Hello friends. Welcome to another Wednesday night Bible 00:24 study here at the 3ABN worship center. Thank you for tuning in 00:27 to A Sharper Focus. Can we all say amen to that. (Amen) You 00:31 know, we are all hoping to focus more clearly, not only on 00:35 gaining knowledge but also strengthening our relationship 00:39 with the Lord who imparts this knowledge to us. Tonight we're 00:43 continuing on the topic The Truth About the First Day. 00:46 The Truth About the First Day and we've covered a number of 00:50 the questions. Thus far, we've covered 16, but we have to go 00:53 all the way up to 35 and I'll tell you in just a moment how to 00:57 get a copy of the lessons, where to download those. But before I 01:00 tell you about the website and before we sing our opening song, 01:03 our theme song, let's begin with a word of prayer. Loving Father 01:07 in heaven, thank you for your word. It is a lamp unto our feet 01:11 and a light unto our paths. We do pray tonight, Father, as we 01:15 open your word that you'll open our hearts that we would hear 01:19 what the spirit is saying to your people, to the church. 01:23 Lead us, strengthen us in our dedication to serve you and 01:28 represent you, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. 01:31 Now lesson number 32 can be found at the following website: 01:39 ASF.3ABN.ORG. Download lesson number 32 entitled The Truth 01:45 About the First Day. The truth About the First Day. This has 01:50 been a very good lesson study thus far and tonight we're going 01:54 unfold some more things. You know one of the big... We'll let 01:57 me prevent myself from going into the lesson; because if I 02:00 lay the foundation, then sing a song, you'll forget what I said. 02:04 So let's go ahead and begin with our theme song. Our theme song 02:08 tonight is Victory in? Victory in Jesus. Let's sing this song 02:12 together. ¤ ¤ 02:21 ¤I heard an old, old story how the Savior came from glory¤ 02:28 ¤How he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. ¤ 02:36 ¤I heard about his groaning, of his precious blood atoning¤ 02:43 ¤and I repented of my sins and won the victory¤ 02:50 ¤Oh victory in Jesus My savior forever. ¤ 02:58 ¤He sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood. ¤ 03:05 ¤He loved me e'er I knew Him, and all my love is due Him. ¤ 03:13 ¤He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood. ¤ 03:20 ¤I heard about a mansion he has built for me in glory. ¤ 03:28 ¤And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea¤ 03:35 ¤About the angels singing and the old redemption story¤ 03:43 ¤And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory¤ 03:50 Key change. ¤O victory in Jesus My Savior forever¤ 03:59 ¤He sought and bought me With his redeeming blood¤ 04:07 ¤He loved me e're I knew Him and all my love is due Him¤ 04:14 ¤He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood¤ 04:23 ¤He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood. ¤ 04:30 Amen? Amen. Wonderful song. Victory in Jesus. Tonight our 04:35 topic is The Truth About the First Day. Say that with me, 04:42 the Truth About the First Day. You know, we have covered 04:47 16 questions so far and in question number 16 there were 04:52 7 references. What we've done this far, let me give you the 04:55 foundation. I think it's important to lay the foundation 04:58 at the beginning of every discussion about this truth 05:02 about the first day topic. In America right now there are 05:05 many Christians that are very upset about what the Supreme 05:09 Court did. And what the Supreme Court did was they decided to 05:13 pass a law in favor of same sex marriage. Now I would ask the 05:17 question, Why are Christians so upset about something that was 05:21 ordained of God about 6,000 years ago; and here's why they 05:24 are upset and here's why we are upset. It's because they know 05:29 that what God did 6,000 years ago still applies today. They're 05:33 not saying well it was way back in the Garden of Eden so it's no 05:37 longer relevant. They're not concerned about the Egyptian 05:40 empire, the Babylonian, the Medo Persians, the Greeks, the Romans 05:44 They don't care about what culture has risen. They don't 05:47 care about what New Age philosophy has come to the 05:49 forefront. They're saying what God did in the Garden of Eden 05:53 6,000 years ago when he joined a man to a woman still stands 05:57 today. Amen? But there's something else that happened in 06:01 the Garden of Eden; not just the uniting of Adam to Eve, the 06:06 beginning of the human race, but God blessed the seventh day of 06:11 the week. What day did He bless? The seventh day. When you read 06:14 the Bible you don't find names like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 06:18 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. You don't find those 06:22 names. You find first day, second day, third day, fourth 06:26 day, fifth day, preparation day, Sabbath. That's what you find. 06:31 And the Sabbath in the Bible coordinates with sunset Friday 06:36 to sunset Saturday. Why do we say sunset/sunset. When you 06:40 look at the news next time on the weather, you'll notice they 06:45 say sunrise today was, and sunset today was. And the Bible 06:49 says in Leviticus chapter 23 verse 32, from evening to 06:54 evening you shall celebrate the Sabbath and in Genesis chapter 06:58 one the evening and the morning were the what day, first, second 07:02 third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and so on and so forth. 07:06 So the world began at the dark part and then the Lord said let 07:11 there be light. So when the sun rises we are already in the day. 07:15 When the sun sets, the day ends. Now let me give you an example. 07:19 When we hit 12 o'clock at night what do we call it, someone tell 07:23 me. We call it midnight. Which means if it's the middle of the 07:27 night, the night already began. When we hit 12 noon what do we 07:31 call it? Midday. Which means if it's the middle of the day the 07:34 day already started. The day doesn't begin at midnight any 07:38 more than the day begins at mid day. So from sunset one day ends 07:44 at sunset if one day ends another day begins. And so when 07:48 the sun set on the sixth day of the week the Lord ended his work 07:55 as he created and blessed the seventh day. But today the day 08:00 that God blessed, sanctified, hallowed and set remember to 08:05 keep holy in the fourth commandment has been replaced 08:08 and most Christians today honor the first day of the week, 08:12 Sunday as a holy day. Now what we want to do in this topic is 08:16 find out if we can find any support in the Bible for the 08:20 sanctity of Sunday. There are those that say we honor it, we 08:24 observe in honor of the resurrection. Well let me go 08:27 ahead and summarize this before we go to question number 17. 08:31 There are only 12 verses in the New Testament about the first 08:34 day of the week. How many did I say? Twelve. There's only 12. 08:38 We went through all 12 and found absolutely none of them, 08:42 Cynthia, that support the sanctity of the first day of the 08:45 week. Absolutely none. Now we found some that people tried to 08:49 twist. To follow up on what I'm saying, go to that website, 08:54 and download this very lesson number 32 and go 08:58 through all the Bible verses referring to the first day of 09:02 the week. Furthermore, we discovered that after the 09:07 resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the apostles and the 09:12 disciples still honored the seventh day as the Sabbath. 09:16 All through the book of Acts under question number 16, we 09:20 looked at seven references all referring to the Sabbath, the 09:25 day the apostles honored after the crucifixion, after the 09:29 resurrection. And so when we come to that conclusion we have 09:32 to discover and come to some conclusion that, here's the 09:36 point, listen carefully. If Jesus never nailed the 09:40 commandments to the cross, then they still stand today. What do 09:44 you say? If Jesus intended to get rid of the Sabbath or if 09:50 Jesus did get rid of the Sabbath the disciples and the apostles 09:54 would not honor that day. They would pick a new day. They would 09:57 honor the first day like many today honor the first day. 10:02 But what many Christians don't know is the first day of the 10:05 week is based on tradition. Say that together, based on 10:09 tradition. But here's my point. When tradition conflicts with 10:15 the Bible the Bible is always higher than tradition. All right 10:22 So what we're going to do tonight, since we went through 10:25 all 12 verses in the New Testament about the first day, 10:29 found none of them there including Revelation 1:10 which 10:32 said, I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, we discovered that 10:36 the Lord's day in the Bible is the Sabbath. It's in the lesson 10:40 there, you'll find that. And then we're going to look now at 10:44 Question number 17 to even find out more about the special 10:49 significance that the Lord added to the Sabbath. So let's begin 10:53 with question number 17 tonight. All right. Here we go. Question 10:58 number 17... 11:03 We're going to begin by going to Mark chapter 2 verses 27-28. 11:07 What special significance does the Bible connect to the Sabbath 11:12 Now the reason why these texts are chosen is because many 11:17 Christians have been taught that the Sabbath is a Jewish 11:21 institution. They have been taught if you keep the Sabbath 11:26 you got to be a Jew. Somewhere, somehow they got taught that the 11:33 Sabbath is just for the Jew. If that were the case then Adam and 11:39 Eve had to be Jews. But Adam and Eve were not Jews. He was just a 11:45 man, she was just a woman and God blessed the seventh day 11:50 right after He sanctified the marriage between Adam and his 11:56 wife Eve. Not only that, if the Sabbath was made for just the 12:02 Jews, then Abraham had to be a Jew. But Abraham wasn't a Jew. 12:08 He was a Babylonian. Genesis 26 and verse 5 says Abraham kept 12:14 my commandments, my statutes and my laws. And by the way, many of 12:21 you may or may not know that Abraham, through his seed, the 12:26 Jewish nation was born. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jacob renamed 12:30 Israel and then he had 12 sons, the children of Israel from 12:33 which we get the nation of Israel of the Jewish nation. 12:37 So Abraham wasn't a Jew, but let me ask a question before I read 12:40 the text. Did Cain kill Abel, yes or no? I'm giving you the 12:47 answer. That's a rhetorical question. Did Cain kill Abel. 12:51 (Indistinct audience response) What was Cain guilty of? 12:55 Come on say it together. Murder. Well now wait a minute. How 13:01 could Cain be guilty of murder when Mt. Sinai was about 2,000 13:05 years in the future when the commandments were written on 13:09 tables of stone where thou shalt not kill... You follow me? Where 13:16 thou shalt not kill was one of those 10 commandments. So here's 13:21 my point. It must be clear that the commandments of God which 13:26 are a reflection of the character of God were in place 13:31 but then first written down on tables of stone at Mt. Sinai, 13:37 because Cain could not be guilty of murder unless there was a law 13:41 against committing murder. Thou shalt do no murder, thou shalt 13:47 not kill. So now going to Mark chapter 2 verses 27-28 and by 13:51 the way a New Testament verse, let's what Jesus said about this 13:55 day that's often connected to just the Jews. Here it is: Mark 13:59 2 verses 27-28. The Bible says... 14:14 OK. Question now. Who was the Sabbath made for? M-A-N. Let's 14:18 spell man, J-E-W. Am I incorrectly spelling that? 14:26 Man is spelled what, ready? J- E-W. Well how do you spell 14:32 man? Ready. (Audience M-A-N). The Sabbath was made for M-A-N. 14:38 Not J-E-W alone. It was inclusive, including the Jews. 14:45 Not exclusive to the Jews. Mankind is one of the ways that 14:49 the newer translations say it. The Sabbath was made for 14:53 mankind. Now what benefit do I get out of the Sabbath. When 14:58 Jesus rested at the end of his creation week and I rest, I am 15:02 now entering into His rest. Not only physically but I enter into 15:06 a spiritual rest, a spiritual relationship. It's a sign that 15:10 we are connecting on a spiritual level. So when the Bible says 15:14 the Sabbath was made for man one of the ways that the Greek 15:18 says it is the Sabbath was made for the good of man, for the 15:22 physical and spiritual good of man. So write that down. What 15:25 specific significance does the Bible connect to the Sabbath? 15:29 Made for the good of mankind. Made for the good of mankind. 15:33 Now let's look at another one. We're going to go to Luke 15:36 chapter 4 verse 16. This is a powerful verse. Luke chapter 4 15:41 verse 16. Reminds me of a story that Pastor C.A. told not too 15:45 long ago. We'll read the text and I'll share the story. Made 15:49 me giggle when I thought about what this lady said. But I'll 15:53 tell you. It's not a reference necessarily to the text but it 15:56 illustrates a particular point. Luke chapter 4 verse 16. 16:00 What special significance does the Bible connect to the Sabbath 16:02 Here it is... 16:19 Years ago there was an acronym, you know what an acronym is? 16:29 Letters that have a broader meaning to them. It was WWJD. 16:39 (Indistinct audience response). What would Jesus Do? I want to 16:40 modify that. I have another one. WDJD. What did Jesus do? 16:46 Now just imagine for a moment. We know that there's nobody 16:52 keeping the gate in heaven literally, not even Peter. 16:57 That's an old wives tale. That's fairy tale. But if you 17:01 ever were to be asked why you should be allowed in heaven and 17:06 you say Jesus I simply followed what you did. That would be a 17:11 good reason, what do you say? If you follow Jesus as an 17:16 example there's no way that you could be left out of the kingdom 17:21 So now today, let's fast forward that to 2015. Jesus comes to 17:25 town and as His custom always was He honors the Sabbath. 17:30 He looks around town and most churches are closed on the 17:35 Sabbath. And by the way, if you were taught that Sunday is the 17:38 Sabbath we'll change that in just a moment, because the 17:41 resurrection day and the Sabbath can't be the same day. Jesus, as 17:46 His custom was, and let's write this down, what special 17:50 significance, Luke 4:16, Jesus honored the Sabbath. Now why 17:55 did He honor it? He made it. It's just that simple. 17:57 He honored it because He made it If he blessed it, He honors it. 18:03 If he honors it, He further supports it. He further 18:06 emphasizes its great importance. Now this one is a really 18:10 powerful text and I went to the Amplified Bible. We could read 18:13 in the New King James or the King James version and I'll do 18:16 that first before I ask the guys to bring it up on the screen. 18:21 Or the ladies, whoever's at the graphics, because any given day 18:25 it could be a male or a female. All right. Don't bring the text 18:28 up yet. I'm going to read it in the New King James Version first 18:35 Go with me to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 8 and then verse 9. I'll 18:41 read it here in the New King James Version. And reads thus in 18:47 verse 8: For if Yeshua, many of us pronounce that Joshua, for if 18:53 Yeshua had given them rest then he would not afterward have 18:59 spoken of another day. And verse There remains, therefore, a 19:05 rest for the people of God. That's the way it reads in the 19:09 Bible. And the word Yeshua there means Christ. Joshua was a 19:13 representative by name of Christ He led them, in the absence of 19:17 Moses, into the promised land. We follow Yeshua, Jesus, into 19:21 the promised land. That's the beauty of going to heaven when 19:25 He comes back to take us. But it says in verse 9 there remains 19:28 therefore a rest to the people of God. Now some of you may have 19:32 heard of the Amplified Bible. Don't bring it us yet. Some of 19:34 you may have heard of the Amplified Bible. The Amplified 19:37 Bible is a beautiful translation let me tell you why. When this 19:41 Bible was put together, it was financed by individuals who 19:46 wanted to as clearly as possible communicate the Greek language 19:51 the way that it's actually written. In other words, in 19:54 English they wanted to communicate the meaning of the 19:56 Greek, so they put the Amplified Bible together. So therefore now 20:00 let's read the Amplified and see how it reads in the Amplified. 20:03 Now bring the text up for us. Here it is. 20:24 Now let's read verse 9 together. Now you can bring it up. 20:27 Here it is... 20:40 That's the way it is in the Hebrew. There remains a full 20:45 and complete Sabbath rest reserved for the true people of 20:50 God. Now why? When the children of Israel entered Canaan they 20:56 embraced the rest, the spiritual rest by entering into the land 21:01 of rest and weekly they embraced the spiritual rest by entering 21:06 into the day of rest. That's why the Bible says if He had 21:10 give them rest on any other _ He would not 21:13 afterward have spoken of another day. What that simply means was 21:17 if entering Canaan got rid of the Sabbath He would not have 21:21 still emphasized the Sabbath rest. That why it says there 21:24 still remains a Sabbath rest to the true people of God. So why 21:29 is that vitally important? Go with me the Ezekiel. Let me show 21:33 you something. This is not in our notes. This is just extra 21:44 credit. All right. Go with me to Ezekiel. OK. It's important to 21:54 understand. We're going to go to Ezekiel chapter 20 all right. 22:03 Now look up another text just so that you can follow me. OK. 22:10 Here we are. And I'm going to look at another verse here. OK. 22:16 Good. And we're going to look at Ezekiel chapter 20 and we're 22:22 going to look together at verse 12. Some of you theologians know 22:27 where I'm going. All right look at Ezekiel chapter 20 and verse 22:32 12. Moreover, the Lord says. In other words, furthermore I also 22:37 give them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that 22:43 they might know that I am the Lord who does what? Sanctified 22:49 them. The Sabbath is not just a day. It is a sign that I know 22:55 where my sanctifying power comes from. It connects me to the Lord 23:01 Amen somebody. So it's a sign of our relationship. Like an 23:05 anniversary is a sign between a husband and a wife. We have 23:10 presidents 23:11 that have holidays. People say well we think when you have a 23:14 holiday for this president or that president it's a sign. When 23:19 you honor presidents day you are recognizing mostly in our 23:22 country Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. It's a sign 23:25 about those presidents. Every day established has a special 23:30 indication, has a special significance. The Sabbath is the 23:35 sign, and let me use my pen as an example. Here I am, here's 23:39 the Sabbath and here's the Lord. It's a sign between us. When I 23:45 embrace this pen as the Sabbath, it's connecting me to my Lord. 23:50 The Sabbath is a sign between us This pen represents the Sabbath. 23:55 When I ignore it, there's no sign between us. When I get rid 24:00 of it, there's nothing that connects us. And what man has 24:04 done, He's gotten rid of it and put a tradition, like my remote, 24:07 between the two and the Lord's not holding onto that because 24:10 He says that has no connection to me. You can hold onto that; 24:12 that's your tradition. But I'm not connecting to the other end. 24:16 You see? So men have embraced the tradition and want the Lord 24:19 to accept it. He said no, put the tradition down and pick up 24:23 My Sabbath. Now I'll join hands with you. Amen somebody. This is 24:27 a special sign. So when men tell you take any day, God's not 24:32 telling you that. Right? Men are telling us that, not the Lord. 24:36 Let's go to the next question, number 18. Now. This question, 24:41 number 18, is so important because what it does and what 24:45 it's going to do, it's going to show you unequivocally one of 24:50 the events that helps us to see clearly these three days we 24:55 mentioned. We're going to see the entire crucifixion weekend 25:01 and we're going to be able to see between the holiday of 25:06 Easter; there's Easter, the resurrection day, there's Good 25:10 Friday, there's the day between. We're going to see all three of 25:15 these days so that if you ask the question, how do I know 25:18 which day is the Sabbath, the Bible makes it very clear. 25:21 Here's the question, number 18. 25:34 All right. Let's begin by going to Luke chapter 23, all right, 25:38 and we're going to start with verse 54. I know in my lesson I 25:44 put verse 53 but let me go to Luke chapter 23. I'm on my way 25:49 there. Slow down you fast people. Here we are. Luke 25:57 chapter 23. OK. Here I am. And we're going to begin with verse 26:03 54. And it will appear on the screen. All right. It says, here 26:12 it is... So let's put that. That day was the preparation... 26:22 Now verse 55... 26:46 Now get this. Take this slide away for a moment. They rested 26:50 on the Sabbath according to the commandment. I got to ask you 26:54 the question. What commandment? Somebody tell me. (Indistinct 26:57 audience response.) The 10 commandments or specifically the 27:00 fourth commandment. Even at the death of Jesus the women who 27:04 were followers of Jesus, they followed him from Galilee, they 27:08 rested. They had these fragrant oils for the embalming of his 27:12 body, but they rested on the Sabbath because they knew that 27:16 Thou shalt not do any work. So they rested on the Sabbath and 27:20 they were waiting for the Sabbath to pass so they can go 27:23 to the tomb and anoint the body of Jesus. So now so far let's 27:27 put the first day we found. The first day we found was the what? 27:31 Preparation. The next one, b., was the what Sabbath. We're 27:34 going to add the third one in just a moment. All right, let's 27:37 go to Luke chapter 24 and verse 1. Here it is again: 27:57 Now what next day did we find? What was it called? First day of 28:02 the week. Let's go ahead and make this clear. Preparation day 28:08 Sabbath day, first day. All right. I want to illustrate this 28:12 very clearly. I have not done this before but I need three 28:16 people up here real quickly, come on. Come on Hanna, come 28:20 on up here real quick. Yannik you're an Olympian, get up here 28:24 Come on. David get up here. Come hurry up real quick. Hurry up. 28:28 Wide shot. Good to have you Hanna. We do have people in our 28:32 audience. I'm not talking to the table. OK, get over here. You're 28:39 the yellow. OK, OK. So we have the preparation day, we have the 28:45 first day. Now what day was Christ raised on, do you know? 28:51 Raise your hand. Let's say the first day. What day was Christ 28:56 put in the tomb? What day? Preparation. What day was 29:00 Christ put in the tomb? Raise your hand. Preparation day. 29:05 What day did the women rest on? What day did they rest on? 29:08 Sabbath. OK put your hand up. What day? The Sabbath day. Now 29:12 get this. This is the day honored because of his 29:17 resurrection. The is the day that men have substituted for 29:22 this day. So watch what men have done. Bye Yannik. They've said 29:28 ah now you take the place... Don't go anywhere. I'm going to 29:34 have you come back. They say now that Hanna is the new day of 29:38 worship. But there's a problem. Hanna represents what day? 29:42 (Indistinct audience response) Get back over here Hanna. Yannik 29:47 get over here. Yannik represents what day? The Sabbath. So if 29:51 Hanna's the first and there are only seven days in a week, let's 29:55 start counting backwards. Mathematicians first, then the 29:59 last day is what? Seventh. The day before the seventh day is 30:02 the sixth. So you have the sixth you have the seventh, you have 30:07 the first. Wow! Do you know what? I'm going to show you this 30:11 in the next lesson we're going to study how Sunday became a 30:14 popular day of worship. Men, if you read the Catholic catechism, 30:20 they call this day now the eighth day. This day is now 30:25 called the eighth day. There is no eight-day week. Come on 30:29 somebody, say Amen. This day, which is the first in the Bible 30:34 is now called the eighth day. So you know when the confusion 30:38 comes in? When Easter comes around these two days are in 30:43 conflict. Stand in front of him. OK. I didn't tell 'em to do that 30:47 but this is where Christians get confused because some Christians 30:51 believe that this day is this day and some believe that this 30:54 day is this day. You were confused until you got it 30:59 cleared up, right? These days are not the same. So if we get 31:03 rid of this day, go ahead, then the Sabbath will stands. Amen? 31:07 Thank you David. Thank you Yannik. Thank you Hanna. Amen. 31:11 Can we say Amen? Don't get the days mixed up any more than we 31:15 got the people mixed up. But many pastors have told you it 31:18 doesn't matter. Well I tell you Yannik's Yannik, Hanna's Hanna 31:22 and David is David. What do we say. (Amen) You can't merge 'em. 31:26 You can't get rid of one in place of the other. And when you 31:30 try to do that Easter is the most confusing holiday of the 31:33 year. Because when Easter comes I'm sure some people go to 31:37 church on Sunday morning and say Happy Sabbath because they 31:42 were taught that. So many Christians I heard songs, every 31:46 day will be the Sabbath, Sunday would never change. There are 31:49 some popular artists that sing this, every day in heaven, 31:51 every day will be the Sabbath, Sunday would never end. 31:54 Popular artists, they put both words together. We couldn't do 31:58 it, we could not merge Hanna with Yannik. They just would not 32:02 mix. The Lord never got rid of one in place of the other. 32:06 Men made a change and we're going to show you from the 32:09 records of history how men did that. But we're going to take 32:13 another step now to question number 19, because this is 32:21 powerful, this is powerful. People are also taught that 32:29 something was made new. They say a new day of worship. The reason 32:34 for this question number 19 is huge. Look at question number 19 32:38 It is huge because many are taught that we honor Sunday now 32:43 or the first day of the week, we honor it in recognition of the 32:47 resurrection of Christ. But let me show you what the Lord has 32:51 established to honor the resurrection of Christ. Let's 32:56 go now to question number 19. Here it is. Question number 19. 33:10 Let's go now to Romans chapter 6. What book did I say? Romans 33:16 chapter 6. A powerful description of what the 33:22 Lord established to honor his resurrection. All right. We're 33:28 going to read Romans chapter 6, verses 3-5. OK. This is huge, 33:33 This is huge. Here it is... 34:08 This is huge... 34:23 Finally... 34:38 I got to take a breath here because what I'm about to reveal 34:42 to you has not been revealed in this context before. OK. Now I 34:45 have four questions: Are you ready for number 19? 34:50 The name of the service is what? Baptism. OK. The name of the 34:56 service is baptism. OK. From the verses we read, what was made 35:01 new? Someone look at the verses. I'm not going to give you the 35:07 spoon. What was made new? Tell me. What was made new? Say it 35:13 again. We are made new. The Lord wanted to create a new man not a 35:19 new day. Huge. Have you ever had that scripture used that way 35:27 before? The Lord instituted baptism not Sunday worship to 35:34 create a new man, not a new day. Look at the third question. What 35:41 was done away? What was done away? Verse 6. (The old man) 35:47 The body of sin. The body of sin The body of sin, that old nature 35:54 was done away with, not the Sabbath. You see how the devil 35:58 twists things up? The devil says the Sabbath was done away with. 36:02 The Bible says the body of sin was done away with, right? And 36:10 now, this is huge, what should we no longer do? Be slaves to 36:15 sin. We should no longer be slaves to sin. But you've been 36:20 taught we should no longer honor the Sabbath. You see how the 36:25 devil has mixed this up? Here it is: The name of the service, 36:29 together, baptism. What was made new? We are. Not a new day. 36:34 What was done away with? Sin, the body of sin was done away 36:38 with. What should we no longer do? Be slaves to sin. It didn't 36:42 say we shall no longer honor the Sabbath. It said we shall no 36:46 longer be slaves to sin. You have been taught, and many 36:49 and I want to tell you the largest church in the world, the 36:52 Catholic church, I gotta be clear. Not the people. I love my 36:55 family, 90 percent of my family is Catholic. So I'm telling you 36:59 out of a heart of love. All Catholics have been told by the 37:03 Pontiff, whether Frances, Pope Paul or Benedict, go all the way 37:09 back, they were all taught that Sunday is a new day. The Bible 37:14 says we receive a new life. They were taught that the Sabbath 37:19 was done away. The Bible says the body of sin was done away. 37:24 They were taught we walk in a new day. The Bible says we walk 37:28 in a new life. You get the difference? And the service is 37:33 not called a day of worship, it's called baptism. That's what 37:37 the Lord instituted in honor of His resurrection, baptism, that 37:41 when you come up out of the watery grave, you walk in a new 37:45 life, you don't accept a new day Can we all say Amen to that? 37:48 This scripture has often been left out of the equation. But 37:52 when I was studying this lesson, Louise, the Lord said, John go 37:56 to Romans 6. They've been told that there's a new day but it's 38:00 a new life. They've been told the Sabbath was done away with, 38:03 but the body of sin was done away with. They were told to 38:06 walk in a new day of worship, the Lord says, I want you to 38:09 walk in a new life. Say Amen. It's huge. The difference is 38:13 magnificent. It's the difference between tradition and God's 38:17 word. Now, now. Let's go to some of the favorite verses in the 38:21 Bible. This lesson is probably one of the most potent ones I've 38:24 ever covered. Because what I'm going to do now in the next two 38:27 questions is I'm going to show you what Sabbaths were a 38:33 shadow. There's a favorite verse in the Bible. Let's go to 38:37 question number 20. There's a favorite verse in the Bible 38:42 that many theologians use to try to get rid of the Sabbath. And 38:47 let's look at it. Let's not skip a single verse. Question number 38:52 20. Here it is: 39:06 Let's go now to Colossians chapter 2 verses 16 and 17. 39:10 Colossians chapter 2 verses 16 and 17. This is a favorite verse 39:14 You know what amazes me is many clergy and leaders and 39:18 traditionalists try to find verses in the Bible to support 39:22 what they already believe, rather than letting the Bible 39:25 teach them what to believe. They go in with a preconceived idea. 39:30 As one of my favorites, Dr. Pundit, said don't ever say to 39:34 anybody that they are not biased everybody's biased. You're not 39:38 going to meet a single person that's not biased. But if you 39:43 are an inquirer, he said you need to be an inquiring inquirer 39:49 A person that wants to honestly learn. And we should be so 39:53 subject to God's word that the word of God, we should be 39:58 willing to allow the word of God to destroy any preconceived idea 40:03 that's out of harmony with it. Isn't that right? After all how 40:07 many people buy GPS's and throw it out when it says make a left 40:11 and you think you should go right? How many people bang on 40:16 the door of the cockpit when we say I think California's over 40:20 there and the pilot's going over there? You've got to trust 40:23 something and I want to tell you, we can still trust God's 40:26 word. What do you say? So now let's go to this favorite text. 40:31 Colossians chapter 2 verses 16-17. I'm turning there because 40:35 I want to read it with you. this is a favorite passage. I'm not 40:39 leaving any stone unturned. OK. Here we are. It's on the screen. 40:44 Here we go. These verses, here it is, gotcha. Colossians 2 40:49 Here it is on the screen. Here it is... 41:15 Now this is the passage where the devil pops up his head and 41:19 says, that's it, that's it, that's the one that gets rid of 41:22 the Sabbath. Let me say, like the kids said in my neighborhood 41:27 growing up, Nah-uh. We're going to find out now, because we need 41:31 to know, food, drink, festivals, new moons, Sabbaths, shadows. 41:36 Write this down. Was the creation Sabbath a shadow that 41:40 needed to be discontinued? Now I don't want you to answer this 41:45 yet, because what we're going to do now... You know the answer's 41:50 no right? What we're going to do now is we're going through 41:55 all of the shadow Sabbaths, so that you can see what was a 42:00 shadow. Now what's a shadow? What's a shadow? I wish I could 42:05 clear the shadow. I got a shadow. If you follow my shadow 42:12 it leads to me, right? Which means that the shadows had to 42:19 lead somewhere. The shadows had to lead somewhere, and based on 42:24 the text the shadows, these were shadows of things to come but 42:29 who was the substance. And the word the Bible uses is Christ. 42:35 Christ was the substance. So here's the point. All these 42:40 things had to be a reflection of who was to come. Let's go now 42:46 and break down the reflections. We're going to go to question 42:51 number 21 and I'm purposefully leaving question number 20 open 42:55 although I know the answer is no. I'm purposefully leaving 42:59 question number 20 because I want to be an inquiring inquirer 43:03 I don't want to say anything that you might say you're only 43:06 saying that because you keep the Sabbath. I want the Bible to 43:11 speak. Question number 21. Here it is now. Question 21... 43:22 Let's begin by going to the book of Leviticus. Let's all turn 43:25 there because I'm only giving you some. There are very many. 43:29 But I'm going to give you only some. All right. While you're 43:34 going to Leviticus, I'm turning there now, OK. Can we say thank 43:40 the Lord for His word. No I said say thank the Lord for His word. 43:46 I want to let you know the board has approved the words Thank you 43:52 Jesus. OK. Here it is. I'm in 23 now. Here we are, OK here 43:58 we are. Now I'm only giving you some. There are so many. But 44:03 let's begin to break down these shadows. Because, this is huge. 44:08 You can't have a shadow unless that shadow is connected to a 44:15 substance. Anything that casts a shadow has to have substance. 44:21 So Jesus was saying until I come here are the shadows letting you 44:26 know I am going to come. Let's look at the first one. Leviticus 44:30 chapter 23, verse 39. All right. Look at this. I'm going to give 44:34 labels and titles to each one of these. Here it is. Leviticus 23 44:38 verse 39. Here it is... 44:56 Now this brings out two of the Sabbaths. Let me go to the next 45:00 verse, the continuation of the verse. It says... 45:14 Now notice it says a Sabbath rest, a Sabbath rest. What 45:18 Sabbath rest was this? What Sabbath rest was this? Go back 45:22 to the beginning of the verse. I'm going to turn there myself. 45:26 The beginning of the verse, here it is: This is called the 45:32 gathering in of the fruits or the first fruits, the first 45:39 fruits, and this was a seven... The Bible had seven. They had 45:45 seven months rest, seven days of rest, which was a seven-day 45:50 Sabbath. They had a first day Sabbath, they had an 8th day 45:55 Sabbath. These were feasts and this was the feast of first 46:01 fruits. Write that down. So here we go on Leviticus 23:39. What's 46:07 the first day mentioned? The 15th day. That's at the 46:11 beginning of the verse. Also on the what? Fifteenth day of the 46:15 seventh month. Now that was a Sabbath. The 15th day. No not 46:19 that verse, not that verse yet. We're just looking at all of 46:23 verse 39. On the 15th day. So in question number 21 under the 46:27 first reference on a. put 15th. I'll bring that up on the screen 46:31 so my people in the audience here can see. Here on the 15th 46:37 day. All right. Of what month? Seventh month. Write that down 46:42 for b. Fifteenth day of the seventh month of the sabbatical 46:48 month was when they gathered the fruits. It was called the feast, 46:54 it was a feast for seven days. So a. is 15th day; b. is seventh 46:59 month. These are shadow Sabbaths This was a gathering in of the 47:03 fruits. It's also called the feast of first fruits. It's at 47:07 harvest time, the seventh month. Now let's go to the very next 47:11 verse. And then you have on the first day, there shall be a what 47:15 Sabbath rest. And on the what? Eighth day there shall be a 47:20 Sabbath rest. These are feasts that were specifically ordained 47:24 for the Jews to honor. These were feasts that they honored 47:28 during this seventh month. So in the seventh month they had a 47:33 15th day Sabbath, a first day Sabbath and a 8th day Sabbath. 47:36 It was all called Sabbath. You know what the word Sabbath 47:41 simply means? It means holy convocation, it means holy 47:45 convocation. You gotta know this because what happens here is 47:49 when people connect these with the 10 commandments, you get 47:54 confused and if you're not careful, you merge them 47:57 together. In the very next question we'll see why we cannot 48:01 merge them together. All right? So on question 21, first one you 48:07 have a. 15th, b. seventh month, c. first day, d. eighth day. 48:12 Those are four Sabbaths right there. Now let's go to the very 48:17 next verse. Leviticus chapter 23 and we're going to look at 48:22 verse 27 and verse 32. Here it is. Now you can bring the text 48:26 up. Verse 27. It says... 48:36 ...write that down and let's keep reading the verses. 48:43 and it says, you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering 48:48 made by fire to the Lord. Now look at verse 32. Here it is. 49:15 Now which one was this? We got the answer in the verse before 49:19 that. Somebody tell me, what celebration was that? Day of 49:24 Atonement. When was it? When was it? On the 9th day of the 49:29 what month? Ninth day of the 10th month. So now here's the 49:35 answer. Under Leviticus chapter 23 verse 27 put Day of Atonement 49:40 under a. and put 9th day, 9th day, 10th month under b. 49:48 9th day, 10th month under b. Here it is. On the 9th day of 49:56 the month at evening and it was under the 7th month. So here you 50:04 are. You had the day of Atonement, the 9th day of the 50:10 7th month. That's another shadow Sabbath. This happened once a 50:12 year. The Jews had a Day of Atonement service. What was the 50:17 purpose of that service. The cleansing of sin. Every day they 50:21 sacrificed for their sins. They took the life of a lamb, 50:22 sprinkled the blood but once a year they called it the day of 50:26 Atonement where the sins were not just confessed, they were what? 50:30 Blotted out. I was forgiven every day but my sins were 50:36 blotted out once a year on the Day of Atonement. That was in 50:41 the 7th month, the 9th day of the 7th month was called the Day 50:48 of Atonement. Let's go to the next one. Chapter 23 verse 24. 50:55 Here it is. OK. Together. 51:28 Going on. So now what is that called? OK, and what day was it 51:33 supposed to be on. The first day of what month? Seventh month, 51:39 exactly. Now why the first day of the 7th month. Because the 51:44 blowing of the trumpets was always a warning of the day of 51:48 Atonement. So the trumpets were blown and the Lord said it shall 51:51 be a Sabbath rest. When the trumpets began to blow the 51:55 people went to rest and prepare themselves for the day of 51:58 atonement. And it was called a Sabbath rest. Now let me ask 52:01 Christians today, how many Christians have the blowing of 52:04 the trumpets in your church? How many Christians celebrate the 52:06 Day of Atonement? How many Christians have the feast of 52:08 first fruits? None of us. Because these are all 52:12 foreshadowing the work that Jesus would do. And when was 52:15 this? When was this? The 7th month the first day of the month 52:21 Write that down for Leviticus 23 verse 24. Blowing of the 52:26 trumpets on the 7th month the first day of the month. Notice 52:31 how you can get confused. If you don't read your Bible carefully 52:35 you can have a pastor that lumps all this together and makes you 52:39 think just pick a Sabbath and that's why people do that, 52:42 because they don't see the shadow Sabbaths. They miss them. 52:46 These are all pointing to the work of Christ. Now let's look 52:49 at the next one, all right? We're going to go now to 52:55 Leviticus chapter 23 verses 4 and 5. And here it's going to 52:59 appear on the screen. Now here it is. 53:21 What's supposed to happen. So let's write that down. What day 53:26 is it supposed to be? The 14th day of the first month, the 53:31 Passover, the Lord's Passover, is a Sabbath, a shadow Sabbath. 53:35 Because today, do we honor the Passover, yes or no? What's in 53:40 place of the Passover? Somebody tell me. The Communion service. 53:44 Jesus, during the time of Passover, when the lamb was 53:49 about to be killed for the Passover, the Lamb of God was 53:54 being nailed to the cross and the Jews were about to take the 53:58 life of the lamb, the lamb got away. The curtain was torn from 54:01 top to bottom. Read it in Matthew chapter 27 and the Lamb 54:05 Christ Jesus was being crucified Can you say Amen. So this was 54:09 normally the real lamb giving His literal life, His throat 54:14 being cut, his blood being shed. How are we forgiven. We overcome 54:20 by the blood of the Lamb. A shadow. That little lamb pointed 54:24 to the Lamb Christ Jesus. So when John the Baptist in John 54:28 1:29 said behold the Lamb of God the reason why they knew was 54:32 because for 1500 years they'd been killing the shadow lamb, 54:36 but the real Lamb showed up, Christ Jesus. Come on somebody. 54:41 It's a shadow. So every time they celebrated Passover it was 54:45 to point them to Christ. That's why it was such a travesty when 54:49 Jesus came. He came to His own people that he had given these 54:55 shadow Sabbaths and they didn't even recognize Him. Who are you? 55:00 Before Abraham was, you am? You're not even old enough. They 55:05 didn't recognize the Lamb of God That was the travesty. But the 55:10 devil has turned it around now and he wants Christians today to 55:14 ignore what God established from the beginning and try to find 55:17 another way to Christ. The only way to Christ is through 55:21 obedience. Let's get the last one now. Leviticus chapter 23 55:26 and verse 6. Here it is. All right. Here it is. And on the 55:34 what day? 15th day of the same month, and what month was that? 55:41 First month. Is the feast of unleavened bread to the Lord. 55:48 You must eat what? Unleavened bread. What do we use unleavened 55:54 bread for today? Somebody tell me? The communion service. 55:59 Now you ought to know that the unleavened bread is a shadow of 56:04 the Bread of Life. When Jesus came to the disciples, to the 56:11 Jews, there in John chapter 8. They saw Him and He said, your 56:16 fathers gave you bread in the wilderness. You remember that? 56:22 And they said of course they did. He said well I am the true 56:27 bread that came. Moses couldn't give you bread, but My Father 56:32 has given you bread. I Am the true Bread. The bread in the 56:37 wilderness pointed to Jesus the Bread of Life. Can you say Amen? 56:40 Let me show you. The water in the sanctuary service, the water 56:44 in the laver where the priests washed their hands was a shadow 56:49 of the Water of Life, Jesus. The lamb being slain was a shadow 56:55 of the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. Right 57:01 The candelabra in the sanctuary was a shadow of Jesus the Light 57:06 of the World. The high priest, who was a man, who was sinful, 57:11 who had to confess his own sins before he participated in the 57:16 services, was a shadow of our High Priest who is sinless. What 57:21 do you say? That was a weak amen Amen. We have a High Priest that 57:26 doesn't need to create a sacrifice because He is the 57:31 sacrifice. You see friends, we are going to continue and you'll 57:35 see in the next study why the shadow Sabbaths which were added 57:39 because of sin, cannot replace the Sabbath which was instituted 57:44 before sin. That's the comparative nature right there. 57:47 I know it's a challenge to understand some of these things 57:51 but if you keep on studying allowing the word of God to be 57:54 your guide, you'll see that it's a simple thing to honor what the 57:57 Lord has established. So don't stop now because I believe if 58:01 you keep going, one day it will come into a sharper focus. |
Revised 2017-05-23