A Sharper Focus

How To Be In Christ (Pt2)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000021

00:19 Hello Friends,
00:21 welcome to another Wednesday night Bible Study here
00:23 at "A Sharper Focus"
00:24 thank you so much for tuning in to our study continued on
00:28 how to live a spiritual life in a natural body,
00:31 we are continuing on the topic of what it means to be in Christ
00:35 so get your Bibles... get your pens,
00:37 get your family members stationed for the next hour
00:40 as we walk through the Word of God together
00:43 and if you'd like to get the copy of the lesson
00:45 to follow along, go to this website...
00:49 don't put www but put: ASF.3abn. org
00:53 and download Lesson Number 7, 007
00:58 which will be entitled, "In Christ"
01:00 and you can follow along with us
01:02 but we thank you because
01:04 one of the things that we've all discovered is,
01:06 we need to know what it means to be in Christ,
01:07 can we all say "Amen" to that?
01:09 Audience: Amen... amen.
01:10 And so, tonight we're going to once again continue our study
01:13 opening the Word of God... asking for the power of the Lord
01:16 and asking for the Spirit of God to open our hearts and minds
01:20 as we lean upon His mercy and His grace
01:23 so, before we do anything else, bow your heads with me
01:27 as we invite the presence of God to continue with us.
01:29 "Our Father in heaven,
01:31 we thank you Lord... for your goodness,
01:32 for your mercy and for your grace,
01:34 we do pray tonight, Lord, as we open the Word of God
01:37 that we would also open our hearts...
01:39 not just our ears...
01:41 we pray that there will be a connection made by your Spirit
01:44 and that the power that each one of us is in need of
01:47 will be imparted to us,
01:49 so, Lord, attend the meeting,
01:50 speak to those who are joining us
01:52 and may your purpose for each precious life
01:55 covered by your blood be accomplished tonight
01:58 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
02:01 Are you all ready to go?
02:03 Audience: Amen, yes...
02:04 Are you ready to go?
02:06 Audience: Yes... yes...
02:07 You know, just recently, I... we were on the road...
02:10 and I decided to carry my little small camera
02:13 because I have all this camera equipment
02:16 and I decided, "Well, sometimes it gets cumbersome
02:21 if all your camera equipment is bigger than your backpack
02:25 and... got a Cannon Camera and interchangeable lenses...
02:28 and for whatever reason, I decided,
02:30 you know, the last couple of trips we went on...
02:32 "I'm going to leave that home,
02:33 let my wife to take her camera
02:35 and I'll take my small, little, flat digital Nikon with me
02:38 and just take pictures
02:40 and I think that will be sufficient... "
02:42 but all of a sudden, one evening,
02:44 the camera was out of focus and it just wouldn't focus
02:47 and I was wondering,
02:48 "What on earth is wrong with this camera?"
02:50 I came to discover,
02:52 the reason why it was out of focus
02:53 is because dust had gotten into the camera
02:57 and all of a sudden,
03:00 this great gigantic spiritual lesson was born
03:03 which says to me,
03:04 "If ever our lives are out of focus,
03:06 something has gotten on the inside... "
03:08 Audience: Agreeing...
03:09 And I thought about that
03:11 and I think that gives even more support
03:13 to the title of our study tonight...
03:15 "In Christ"
03:16 Now, are we going to have some music tonight?
03:19 if you do... if we are... then let me know
03:21 so we could stop anywhere along the way
03:22 but we'll go ahead to our lesson tonight
03:24 but I want to begin with a quotation...
03:26 it's not going to be on the screen,
03:28 so I want you to prep your ears,
03:30 listen very, very carefully,
03:31 because one of the things we have to keep in mind is that
03:34 we are no different than the apostles were
03:37 in the day of Christ...
03:38 we are no different than the prophets were
03:41 in the day of the Old Testament,
03:42 each one of us fall into the very same category
03:46 because we are all people, we're all... what?
03:48 we're all people...
03:49 filled by the power of the Spirit of God.
03:52 One of the things I discovered is...
03:54 as they also had to learn...
03:57 is that unless they had victory in Christ,
04:00 there was no victory apart from Christ,
04:02 in the very same way
04:04 we have to consider that the victories that they had
04:08 were because they were in Christ
04:10 and the victories that we are going to experience
04:12 is because, we are... where?
04:13 In Christ...
04:15 So, let's begin tonight with a song,
04:16 right... "Victory in Jesus" let's sing that song together
04:20 and if you know the song and you'd like to join with us
04:23 as we sing that here... here in Thompsonville,
04:25 just go ahead and join with us,
04:27 our words will appear on the screen
04:28 and for you, there won't be any words
04:30 but I think we'll sing loud enough... so you can hear us,
04:33 let's sing this song together.
04:34 Music...
04:43 I've heard an old, old story, how the Savior came from glory
04:51 How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me
04:58 I heard about His groaning, of His precious blood's atoning
05:05 Then I repented of my sins and won the victory.
05:13 Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever
05:21 He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood,
05:28 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
05:32 and all my love is due Him
05:35 He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.
05:43 I heard about a mansion
05:47 He has built for me in glory
05:51 And I heard about the streets of gold
05:55 Beyond the crystal sea
05:58 About the angels singing And the old redemption story.
06:06 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
06:10 the song of victory.
06:13 Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever
06:21 He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood
06:29 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
06:32 And all my love is due Him
06:36 He plunged me to victory
06:40 beneath the cleansing flood.
06:44 He plunged me to victory
06:49 beneath the cleansing flood.
06:55 Amen.
06:56 Now let's go back to our title tonight
06:58 and I want you to listen to this quotation very carefully.
07:00 You would think that right after the day of Pentecost
07:04 those who are gathered there would be filled
07:07 with continual power to be victorious from day to day,
07:11 wouldn't you think that?
07:12 When you think of the story in the Bible
07:13 in the book of Acts chapter 2 it says,
07:15 "The Spirit of God was poured out in power
07:18 and 1,000s were being saved
07:21 day by day, moment by moment,
07:23 and you would think with such a powerful experience
07:26 such an evangelistic attendance by the Spirit of God
07:30 that those who were there
07:31 would go from one victory to the other to the other,
07:34 but I read this story and I discovered that
07:36 the very same battles we face
07:39 were the very same battles that they faced.
07:42 Pause...
07:43 But also, the very same victory that they had
07:46 is the very same victory available to us
07:49 can you say, "Amen" to that?
07:51 So, listen to this quotation,
07:52 it's taken from the book Acts of the Apostles
07:54 and I don't have it on the screen intentionally
07:57 so that you can listen carefully
07:58 it says, "Those who at Pentecost
08:02 were endued with the Spirit from on high,
08:05 were not thereby free
08:07 from further temptations and trial. "
08:10 In other words, when the Spirit of God came down
08:12 and filled their lives
08:13 from that point on,
08:15 they were not free from further temptations and trials,
08:17 listen very carefully,
08:19 "As they witnessed for truth and righteousness
08:23 they were repeatedly assailed by the enemy
08:27 who sought to rob them of their Christian experience. "
08:30 Now, let me ask you the question,
08:32 "Is that your experience?"
08:33 Come on, talk to me, is that your experience?
08:35 You know, I don't like quiet... is that your experience?
08:37 Audience: Yes.
08:38 Exactly... that is the battle every one of us faces
08:41 on a day-by-day basis
08:43 you may have a spiritual high on the weekend and say,
08:45 "Wow! what a powerful sermon, what a powerful camp meeting,
08:48 what a dynamic message,
08:49 man! the place was filled by the Spirit of God... "
08:52 and all of a sudden you go down into the valley
08:54 where the battle all of a sudden becomes real.
08:56 Do you have real battles every day?
08:59 Audience: Yes.
09:00 It says, "They were not by any means freed...
09:03 and the enemy repeatedly assailed them
09:06 and he sought to rob them of their Christian experience. "
09:09 But listen to this, now... the question is,
09:13 "What do they do to... to... to face these challenges...
09:16 what do we do to face the challenges?"
09:17 Listen to what they did,
09:19 "They were compelled... "
09:20 What word did I use?
09:22 Audience: "Compelled. "
09:23 Do you know what that word "compelled" means?
09:24 That word "compelled" means,
09:26 they were driven... they were pushed...
09:28 they were urged...
09:29 in other words, they realized there is no other answer
09:32 outside of me... and making up my mind
09:34 to go beyond just... standing here
09:37 failing and faltering in the failures.
09:39 They were compelled
09:41 to strive with all their God-given powers,
09:46 with how much of their powers?
09:47 Audience: All.
09:48 You know what the word strive means?
09:50 Does anybody know what football is all about?
09:52 do you think that the guy that has the football
09:54 is going to get to the...
09:55 is going to get to the goal by saying,
09:57 "I'm on my way, move out of my way... "
09:59 Laughter...
10:00 Do you think he's going to get there that way?
10:03 He's going to see every power in that stadium
10:06 assailed against him...
10:07 and he knows that just at any moment
10:09 "I have to prepare for the impact. "
10:11 That's what it's like in the Christian life,
10:14 the reason I want to talk to you this way tonight
10:16 before I dive into...
10:17 you know, as Christians...
10:18 sometimes, we can get caught in a rut,
10:20 you know what they say a rut is?
10:22 A rut is a grave in the making, okay...
10:25 you just continue to dig... all going back and forth,
10:26 back and forth till you're too deep to get out
10:28 but what you have to realize is that
10:31 the same things that you face on a day-by-day basis
10:33 is exactly what the disciples faced.
10:35 Think of who the disciples were, Peter, James, John, Thomas...
10:40 Paul the apostle came along later...
10:42 Barnabas, Timothy... they all were assailed with temptations
10:46 and about Elijah it says, "He was subject to like passions
10:50 just as we are. "
10:52 But it goes on, it says, "They were compelled
10:55 to strive with all their God-given power
10:58 to reach the measure of the stature of men and women
11:03 in Christ Jesus. "
11:05 In other words, they knew there was a measure here
11:07 that was in Christ,
11:08 they had to look at that and say,
11:09 "Lord, if I'm going to reach that,
11:11 I cannot face these day-by-day battles and say,
11:14 'Satan, leave me alone... '"
11:15 I got to say, "I've got to press... "
11:18 when Paul the apostle talks about the Christian battle,
11:20 he talks about it in the sense of a sports figure,
11:24 a runner... a football player...
11:26 a baseball player running for home
11:29 as though that next run is going to mean the World Series,
11:33 "I press toward... "
11:35 and so, when you wake up in the morning,
11:38 you know what, what many Christians need
11:40 is what the world has...
11:42 and that word... I'm going to spell it
11:45 and you tell me what it is, "PASSION."
11:48 Audience: Passion.
11:49 Passion... say the word with me, what?
11:52 Passion... the world lives with passion.
11:54 Now I may be fired up and the reason is,
11:57 I just got back from New York, a city of passion...
12:00 it's... it... it... it radiates from the streets.
12:03 It's in the traffic... it's in the stores...
12:06 it's in the Malls... it's all over the city...
12:08 you go to Times Square at night
12:10 passion... the lights are twinkling,
12:12 the sounds of salesmen,
12:14 the sounds of people buying, people singing, people dancing,
12:18 people selling, there's this passion...
12:22 but it's not a passion for good, it's a passion for evil.
12:25 One thing that's lacking in the Christian life is passion.
12:28 We... we... we live sometimes for heaven as though it's like,
12:31 "I hope He'd hurry up, I'm tired of waiting. "
12:35 Pause...
12:37 These men were compelled,
12:38 they... they used their God-given powers...
12:43 and they pushed,
12:44 so, when you think of the text, here it is,
12:47 "the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church... "
12:50 I'm saying it a little differently,
12:52 "the gates of hell will not prevail against the church... "
12:54 when you listen to that, what that means is,
12:56 the church is a church driven by passion
12:58 which means, the gates of hell are not strong enough
13:01 to resist the progress of the church going forward,
13:05 but... if the church is going forward on its tippy toes
13:08 rather than with its feet fully planted,
13:10 then the gates of hell could easily stop it
13:12 but it goes on,
13:14 It says, "Daily they prayed... "
13:15 They did... what... friends?
13:17 They prayed for fresh supplies of grace,
13:22 let me make a point,
13:23 "The grace you have tomorrow is not going to help you today"
13:26 and the grace you have today is not going to help you tomorrow
13:29 any more than the breakfast you had today
13:31 is not going to suffice for...
13:32 when you're hungry tomorrow morning, right?
13:34 They prayed for...
13:36 "Daily they prayed for fresh supplies of grace... "
13:40 why? "that they might reach
13:42 higher and still higher toward perfection. "
13:45 I need this power that God made available to me yesterday,
13:50 I need it again today, amen...
13:51 Audience: Amen.
13:52 So, the passion that they prayed for,
13:55 the power that God delivered to them
13:57 gave them impetus to say,
14:01 "Man! it was such a sweet day of victory yesterday,
14:04 I need to have the same kind of victory today. "
14:06 So they prayed for fresh supplies of grace
14:09 that they might reach higher and still higher
14:12 but where do they get it from?
14:14 Here's the next statement,
14:15 "Under the Holy Spirit's working,
14:19 even the weakest by exercising faith in God,
14:24 they learned to improve their entrusted powers
14:29 and to become sanctified, refined and ennobled... "
14:35 "Even the... " what? "Weakest... "
14:37 Say the word "weakest... "
14:39 So, are you ever weak?
14:40 Audience: Yes sir.
14:42 Are we ever weak? Audience: Yes.
14:43 Yes, the Lord says, "But in our weakness,
14:45 His strength is made perfect. "
14:46 So when you are assailed
14:48 and you feel temptations are coming, you feel weak...
14:50 God is saying, "Hey, now, you need to tap in
14:54 to what I'm making available to you...
14:56 if you're weak, I understand that... "
14:58 let's go on...
15:00 "The Lord made that power available... "
15:03 and then it says, "as in humility,
15:06 they submitted to the molding influence of the Spirit... "
15:10 when they did that humbly,
15:12 "they received of the fullness of the Godhead
15:16 and they were fashioned in the likeness of the divine. "
15:20 Let me break that down,
15:21 when the Spirit of God imparted power to them,
15:23 the Lord began to mold them
15:25 and all of a sudden, they began to see themselves
15:28 the way that God intended for them to be seen...
15:30 they began to see themselves
15:31 as divine sons and daughters of God...
15:33 children of God...
15:35 they didn't see themselves as failures anymore,
15:36 they saw themselves... "Now, wait a minute...
15:38 wait a minute... I... I...
15:40 I... not just feel like a child of God
15:41 but I am a child of God because He's imparted to me
15:45 the power that I didn't have yesterday. "
15:46 And lastly, I could read all this...
15:49 but it says simply,
15:51 "The lapse of time
15:52 hath made no change in Christ's promise
15:56 to send the Holy Spirit as His representative. "
16:00 In other words, "times have changed
16:03 but the promise of Christ hasn't changed
16:05 if He sent the power to them and the promise to them then,
16:08 the promise is made available to us today... " amen.
16:10 And then it says, and here's the key...
16:13 "If all were willing,
16:16 all would be filled with the Spirit,
16:20 wherever the need of the Holy Spirit
16:24 is a matter of little thought,
16:27 there is seen a spiritual drought,
16:30 spiritual darkness,
16:32 spiritual declension and then death. "
16:34 Whenever we don't pray for the Holy Spirit
16:36 to come into our lives day by day,
16:38 we have drought... darkness...
16:40 we start going down
16:41 and then death results
16:43 as a matter of that continual downslide.
16:46 So, either way, going on from victory to victory
16:48 or we're going down from death to death.
16:51 So which way... which one do we want?
16:53 Up to victory, right?
16:55 So, let's begin with our first question tonight.
16:57 I had to lay the foundation because a lot of times we think
17:00 and the reason I wanted to begin with that statement
17:03 for those of you who are watching and listening
17:04 to the Program...
17:06 the reason I began with that is... we have to understand
17:07 what this next Scripture really is all about,
17:09 this next Scripture is not some shoebox kind of Scripture,
17:12 it's not, "If any shoe is in the box, it's brand new. "
17:15 It's not that kind of Scripture,
17:17 here's the text, here's the question,
17:19 first question,
17:21 "What does it mean to be 'in Christ?'"
17:24 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 17,
17:26 "What does it mean to be 'in Christ?'"
17:29 And notice, I led into this by saying,
17:32 "This is not a shoebox text"
17:34 because all shoes come in a box, right?
17:37 So we're not shoes in a box, we're Christians in Christ,
17:41 "What does it mean to be 'in Christ?'"
17:42 A shoe in a box is dormant, it has no life,
17:45 that's why I said,
17:47 "This is not a shoe-in-a-box type of Scripture"
17:49 because when we are in Christ, we have everything but that...
17:52 here's what the Bible says,
17:54 and I want us all to read this together with some passion,
17:57 are you ready?
17:58 Here we go, it's on the screen,
18:00 "Therefore... " you're not reading...
18:01 "Therefore... " what?
18:03 "if anyone is in Christ, he is a... " what?
18:06 "new creation... " pause...
18:08 "old things have... " what?
18:10 passed away, behold... " what?
18:13 "all things have... " what?
18:15 "become new. "
18:17 Let's get this together,
18:18 "if anyone is in Christ, he is a... " what kind of creation?
18:20 New creation...
18:21 in other words, you should begin to see yourself
18:23 as someone new in Christ,
18:25 don't see yourself as an old warrior,
18:28 still on the battlefield
18:30 dying from one failure to the other,
18:32 see yourself on the battlefield new...
18:34 you know when the football seasons begins,
18:36 or even when the football game begins,
18:38 there are no marks on the uniforms,
18:40 those helmets are shiny,
18:42 have you ever looked at a football game?
18:43 when the light glistens off of the football helmet,
18:46 it's shiny... it radiates in all different directions
18:48 and if you're joining from Australia,
18:49 I know you don't play football with uniforms,
18:51 it's more like Rugby... they don't have any uniforms,
18:54 as a matter-of-fact, in Australia,
18:55 they say, "That's what you call real football... "
18:57 they say, "Americans are weak, we need all this protection... "
18:59 but... let's not settle that issue right now,
19:03 but the bottom line is simple,
19:05 when the game begins, there are no marks...
19:08 there are no scars... but once the competition begins,
19:11 whether it is rugby or whether it's American football,
19:15 the scratches show up,
19:16 the torn uniforms begin to show up,
19:18 the stains in the uniform begin to show up,
19:20 that's the same thing in the Christian life.
19:22 So, if you're not on the battlefield for the Lord,
19:25 you won't have any marks on your uniform
19:27 but if you realize
19:29 that we are on the battlefield for the Lord,
19:30 there are going to some marks on our uniform,
19:32 there are going to be some tears in our uniform,
19:35 there are going to be some scars on our skin,
19:37 there are going to be some bumps on our helmet
19:39 but, nonetheless, we've got to keep clearly in vision,
19:44 that we are still new in Christ.
19:47 So, what's your answer?
19:49 What does it mean to be "in Christ"
19:51 a new creation...
19:54 what has happened to the old things?
19:56 What's another word...
19:59 what's another phrase for "passed away"
20:00 what's another word for "passed away?"
20:02 Audience: Dead.
20:03 Dead... exactly... when you say,
20:05 you know, "passed away"
20:07 that means "dead. "
20:09 So, that means, the things in your past should be dead,
20:12 we should put them to death willingly.
20:14 How frequently should we put
20:15 those things of the past to death?
20:17 Everyday...
20:18 because they'll be there, like that old man of sin,
20:20 he still lives on earth,
20:21 he's going to be there... come and try to sell you
20:24 "old things in a new wrapper. "
20:25 So, day by day we have to understand
20:29 that is the reality of the battle in which we're living in
20:31 and we have to realize that, "Okay, if I'm going to make it
20:33 successfully be in Christ, I've got to... "
20:37 let me just... let me re-phrase something,
20:38 Do you know how you know what you need to put to death?
20:42 Here's how you'll know what you need to put to death.
20:46 The very thing that tempts you
20:48 during your day
20:50 is the very thing you need to put to death.
20:52 Not because in tempting you,
20:54 putting it to death really doesn't impact your life at all,
20:57 in other words,
20:58 if a German Shepherd's going to bite you,
21:00 no sense putting a chain around a Chihuahua.
21:02 You get the point?
21:03 So, there are some people that chain the things that
21:06 are not even a threat to them
21:08 and they boast about how they're victorious about that,
21:10 but what I'm telling you is,
21:12 "Look for the German Shepherds in your life... "
21:13 look for the things that really scar you,
21:16 things that really are a battle,
21:18 the things that you really cannot master
21:20 you say, "Lord, I need you
21:21 to put that German Shepherd on the leash
21:23 because I can't even handle it. "
21:25 Pause...
21:26 Until we get to the place where we realize
21:28 we can't handle sin,
21:29 we'll boast about all the Chihuahuas in our lives,
21:31 that are not a threat anymore.
21:33 Not only have those old things passed away
21:36 but how many things should become new?
21:40 Audience: All things.
21:42 You've got to have new... and I wanted to do this tonight
21:44 because I'll do this on the next study
21:46 when you use that word "new" in the Bible,
21:49 you'll find that "new" is a whole lot of
21:50 our Christian experience,
21:52 you know, we are new creations...
21:54 "old things have passed away
21:55 and behold all things have become new. "
21:57 We look forward to a new heaven and a... what? New earth.
22:01 Everything about the Christian life should be new
22:04 but until we realize that we're putting things to death,
22:10 we would not have the time and the appreciation
22:13 of those things that Christ has given us anew
22:15 and how...
22:17 we're going to talk about how to keep those things new
22:19 in just a moment.
22:20 So, what does it mean to be in Christ?
22:22 Old things have passed away, all things have become new,
22:25 all right, and we are new creations.
22:27 Question number two,
22:34 "How dependent on Christ are we for our spiritual survival?"
22:40 Acts chapter 17 verse 28 is where you're turning,
22:43 Acts chapter 17 and verse 28 and by-the-way
22:46 if you downloaded the lesson, you should be on Lesson Number 7
22:50 Question Number 2
22:52 and that lesson you can find at ASF.3abn. org
22:56 don't put: www
22:58 and download that syllabus to follow along
23:00 that is... if you're just joining us.
23:02 Okay, how dependent on Christ are we
23:04 for our spiritual survival?
23:06 Let's look at this, it says, "For... "
23:09 what are the next two words?
23:10 "For in Him... " get this...
23:12 "if anyone is in Christ... "
23:14 so when you're in Christ,
23:15 what happens when you're in Christ?
23:17 get this out... "for where?" In Him...
23:20 "we... " what? "live"
23:21 and what else? "move"
23:23 and what else? "have our being. "
23:25 If you're living and moving outside of Christ,
23:27 you're not living and moving,
23:29 you've ever heard the phrase, "movers and shakers?"
23:30 There are a lot of "movers and shakers"
23:32 in the world,
23:34 money movers... money shakers...
23:35 financial movers... financial shakers...
23:36 economic movers... economic shakers...
23:38 music movers... you name it...
23:39 the categories go on
23:40 we need to be "movers and shakers" in Christ.
23:43 It goes on by saying this,
23:46 "For in Him we live and move and have our being,
23:50 as also some of your own poets have said... "
23:54 and here's the reason why
23:55 we live and move and have our being in Him...
23:57 "For we are also His... " what?
23:59 "we are His offspring. "
24:01 Use the word that you understand,
24:02 we are children...
24:04 so if you're a child of God, where should you be living?
24:07 "In Him... "
24:08 you know, those of you who have parents,
24:11 when you're broke, who do you call?
24:13 okay, "Mom, I need money... "
24:19 "Dad, I need money... "
24:21 "Mom, my stomach hurts... "
24:23 "Dad, I have a headache... "
24:24 "Mom, I need this... " "Dad, I need that... " right?
24:28 If we would simply call on the Lord in the very same way,
24:31 "For our spiritual needs...
24:35 then our spiritual needs will be supplied. "
24:38 How much does God promise to supply us?
24:42 "And my God shall supply... " what?
24:45 "All our need according to His... " what?
24:48 "Riches and glory... "
24:49 Unfortunately, we read that text
24:51 and apply "financial supplies" to that,
24:53 we don't often provide...
24:56 we don't often look at that text as "spiritual supplies"
24:58 so, what do you need more?
24:59 Financial supplies or spiritual supplies?
25:02 Come on, somebody be honest and say, "both. "
25:04 Audience: Both.
25:06 Okay, right...
25:07 but the one that's going to make a difference is,
25:10 "spiritual supply"
25:11 because there are some people that are wealthy
25:14 but they have a... they are bankrupt spiritually.
25:16 We were in New York City and we were just bedazzled by...
25:20 you know,
25:21 we had been out of the city so long,
25:22 our eyes got re-acquainted
25:25 with the bedazzling sentiment of the city of New York,
25:29 lots of things that would keep your eyes busy,
25:32 lots of cars and buildings and stores and...
25:35 gadgets of every description,
25:37 you cannot walk down the streets of New York
25:41 and not be distracted...
25:42 your eyes will be somewhere,
25:44 you'll be seeing something
25:46 and the only way you'll remember what you see
25:49 is when you get home and your mind begins to play it back,
25:51 because you cannot take it all in at one time
25:53 you know, if you look at something long enough,
25:55 then you begin to record it,
25:56 but... but like a video camera,
25:58 you ever take videos when you go someplace,
26:00 and you're panning the entire horizon
26:02 and you see something that your eyes don't remember
26:05 but the video remembered that.
26:06 In the very same way,
26:08 the spiritual life is somewhat that way.
26:09 We are panning the horizon
26:12 but we're not being able to pull in all the things
26:14 that the Spirit of God has available for us
26:17 because the abundant provisions of Christ are far greater
26:21 than the bedazzling of provisions that you'll find
26:24 in any large city
26:26 but if we simply look at the horizon
26:28 that... when we say, "Okay, Lord,
26:30 how much can you provide for me?"
26:31 I tell you what...
26:33 we're going to be shocked when we get to heaven
26:35 and find out how much was really available to us...
26:36 pause...
26:38 not just spiritually... but physically
26:41 financially... and every other way
26:43 but here, we have to keep in mind
26:46 that "In Him, we live and move and have our being... "
26:49 in other words, Brothers and Sisters,
26:51 let's spend more time in our Father's will...
26:54 in our Father's presence...
26:55 that's why it's so important to study your Bible.
26:58 You know, people say,
27:00 "Well, how do you stay in the presence of Christ?"
27:02 Well, first of all, it starts in your mind,
27:05 because the Bible says,
27:07 "As a man thinketh in his heart... "
27:08 what? "so is he... "
27:10 if your mind is not where it's supposed to be
27:12 then your body can't be where it's supposed to be.
27:15 You can put your body where it's supposed to be
27:18 but if your mind is not there,
27:20 then your mind is somewhere else.
27:21 God's people are in church and their minds are somewhere else,
27:23 but if your mind...
27:24 if the mind of Christ is in your mind,
27:27 by you studying the Word of God,
27:29 having a relationship with Him...
27:31 then, all of a sudden,
27:32 your body and your mind are in the same place.
27:35 So, day by day, this has to be the foundation
27:38 upon which we find our strength
27:40 because as Paul describes it very carefully,
27:43 God wants to impart to us
27:44 something that we don't yet have.
27:46 Notice how He does this.
27:48 Question number 3:
27:50 So if you put the answer to number 2,
27:52 I hope you wrote it in,
27:53 because I think, the question was very clear
27:55 but Question number 3:
28:01 "How does Paul the apostle
28:03 describe Christian righteousness?"
28:08 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 21...
28:12 turn in your Bibles there...
28:15 it's Question number 3,
28:17 here's the answer on the screen.
28:19 Speaking of Christ, it says,
28:22 "For He made Him... "
28:23 that is... "God made Christ...
28:26 who knew no sin... to be... " what Friends?
28:29 "sin for us... " but look at the exchange...
28:32 "that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. "
28:37 This text has a transaction,
28:39 the Father and the Son decided together
28:42 "Okay, You've got to be where they are...
28:44 so they could be where You are. "
28:47 That's an amazing transaction.
28:49 "Until You are where they are, they won't be where You are. "
28:53 You get he connection?
28:55 "So, until I am where Trinity is Trinity won't be where I am. "
28:59 "Until I am where David is, David won't be where I am. "
29:04 Thus, you get that promise that Jesus says.
29:07 "I go to prepare a place for you,
29:09 and if I go and prepare a place for you,
29:12 I will come again and receive you unto myself... "
29:15 do you know the rest of the text?
29:16 "that where I am, there you may be also. "
29:20 Now, let's get the connection here,
29:21 "that we might become the righteousness of God in Him... "
29:26 until we become that...
29:27 He's not coming back to take us anywhere.
29:29 Pause...
29:31 Because in order for us to be where He is,
29:33 He has to be in us,
29:36 He has to be with us.
29:38 In other words,
29:40 we have to become the righteousness of God in Him...
29:42 and I'm going to get these,
29:44 I don't know if you're underlining these texts at all,
29:45 but so far, the first three texts
29:47 we've had... in... in... in...
29:50 "if anyone is in Christ... in Him...
29:51 we live and move and have our being... "
29:53 "Righteousness of God... in Him... "
29:55 it's all about being "in Christ... "
29:57 the title of our Study,
29:58 "What does it mean to be a Christian?"
30:00 "How does it mean to be victorious
30:02 over the trials of our daily life...
30:03 over the battles of our daily life?"
30:05 Let's say this together, "In Him"
30:07 together... "in Him"
30:11 "in Him... "
30:12 the submarine...
30:14 pause...
30:15 Christ can take you to depths of righteousness
30:18 that nothing else can take you.
30:19 No one else can take you
30:21 but if we're not in Him,
30:22 we're not going to have that experience.
30:23 So, what's the answer?
30:25 How does Paul the Apostle describe
30:27 Christian righteousness?
30:29 The righteousness of God.
30:32 The righteousness of God...
30:34 We don't have any righteousness,
30:36 pause...
30:37 I know right away your minds are going...
30:39 you're thinking about your righteousness...
30:41 and what are you thinking?
30:42 What are you thinking?
30:43 It is as... what? "Filthy rags"
30:45 we don't have any righteousness...
30:47 it's amazing,
30:49 so, the Christian righteousness comes from Christ.
30:53 Okay, Question number 4:
30:57 Oh... I kind of... went ahead of myself...
31:00 Question number 4:
31:09 Ephesians 1 and verse 7.
31:11 "What is the source of our redemption and how?"
31:16 Before we answer that,
31:17 I want to just talk about redemption really briefly
31:19 because sometimes, we think of that word...
31:21 and say... "redeemed... redeemed...
31:22 redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. "
31:24 Well, on many Army Bases, they have something called
31:29 "a pawn shop... " P A W N...
31:32 pawn... what do they do?
31:34 They pawn things...
31:36 you know, because they say,
31:37 "There's nobody more broke than a soldier... "
31:39 that's why they're always close to Army Bases...
31:41 Airforce Bases...
31:43 you know, "I'm going away for a six-week leave
31:46 or six-month leave,
31:47 I'm going to... kind of sell my television,
31:49 I need some extra cash...
31:50 you know, I'm in Iraq... really...
31:52 or wherever I'm going, I need extra cash... "
31:55 so they pawn their television, pawn their stereo,
31:57 pawn their bed... pawn their couch...
31:59 and what happens is, they get this little ticket...
32:03 they get this little ticket, well, that's not a ticket...
32:06 well, they get this little ticket,
32:07 sometimes it's a little orange ticket,
32:09 a little yellow ticket, a little green ticket
32:11 and that ticket has a value, it has a... what?
32:13 It has a value...
32:14 but you know what that value is called?
32:16 It's called a redemption value.
32:18 You've ever won something and they say,
32:21 "Your price is redeemable at the nearest... "
32:25 and they mention the store...
32:26 so, what happens is, when Jesus Christ came,
32:29 you got to get this, this is powerful...
32:32 He came with "redemption value"
32:35 that's why Peter said,
32:37 "We're not bought by corruptible things,
32:41 like gold and silver...
32:43 but with the precious blood of Christ...
32:47 as of a spotless Lamb...
32:50 so the redemption value is His blood.
32:52 We're not bought by gold and silver,
32:55 we're not bought by economies...
32:57 but... but in the world that we live today,
32:59 there's so much talk about economy...
33:00 economic instability, real estate instability,
33:03 rising and falling gas prices,
33:04 our minds are focused so much on that
33:06 that sometimes we are eclipsed and forget,
33:09 "Hey, wait a minute,
33:10 the most valuable resource in the entire existence of humanity
33:14 was expended to buy us back. "
33:17 So, let me go ahead and finish the picture,
33:19 the devil sold you
33:21 and put you in a pawn shop somewhere
33:23 and Christ says, "Wait, I've come to claim you"
33:26 so there you're on a shelf
33:27 and it appears... like somebody says,
33:30 "One man's junk is another man's... " what?
33:32 treasure...
33:33 We may be junk to the devil but we are treasures
33:35 in the sight of God... "Amen" for that...
33:36 Audience: Amen.
33:38 So the Lord comes...
33:39 Jesus Christ comes in with redemption value...
33:41 He buys us back...
33:43 He buys us back... and are added to the family of God
33:49 as sons and daughters of God
33:51 redeemed by a price that we will never be able to estimate
33:55 I would say,
33:57 maybe through the ceaseless ages of eternity
33:59 but what did Paul say?
34:01 What is our answer...
34:02 Ephesians 1 verse 7, here's what the Bible says,
34:05 now there it goes again,
34:07 what are the first two words we read?
34:09 "In Him... " we have what?
34:11 "redemption through His blood... "
34:14 get this now, what else do we get?
34:18 "the forgiveness of sins, according to... " what?
34:21 "the riches of His grace. "
34:25 Not His bank...
34:27 we think "bank... " He thinks "grace"
34:30 how much grace does God have?
34:31 Come on, does anybody know?
34:32 Pause...
34:34 Paul was sitting down counting it one day
34:38 and he got so tired, he said,
34:40 "Okay, your grace is sufficient for me. "
34:42 He couldn't count it.
34:44 Let me just even...
34:46 I got really blown away by this idea
34:49 somebody said, I hope I get it right...
34:51 "A billion dollars is so much... a billion dollars is so much"
34:58 that if I said, which one I'll pick on,
35:07 I get you all mixed up,
35:09 what's your name?
35:10 Corbana, you want a billion dollars?
35:14 Isn't it your birthday today
35:17 and you don't want a billion dollars?
35:18 Would five dollars be sufficient?
35:20 okay... okay... you'll take it... right?
35:23 It's your birthday and you don't want a billion dollars
35:25 but here, I'll give you a billion dollars
35:27 but there's one condition,
35:28 you have to count it.
35:30 Laughter...
35:34 You wouldn't live long enough to count it.
35:36 If you... if you counted a billion dollars...
35:38 I forgot what they told me how long
35:40 it would take you to count a billion dollars,
35:41 something like 3,000 years
35:42 if you did nothing but just sat down and counted it
35:45 and did nothing else... 24 hours a day 7 days a week
35:47 you couldn't live long enough to count a billion dollars.
35:49 So, if somebody says, "I'll give you a billion dollars
35:51 on the condition... you count it... "
35:53 say, "No... give it to me with no conditions"
35:55 come one say, "amen" somebody...
35:56 Audience: Amen.
35:57 But a billion dollars is nothing in God's economy
36:01 because when you think about His grace,
36:03 He has enough grace to cover every sinner from Adam
36:07 to the present... and the future.
36:09 So, when he says, "the riches of His grace"
36:13 from age to age, men have tried to count it
36:17 and they couldn't.
36:18 Noah started... "Noah found... " what?
36:20 "Grace in the eyes of the Lord... "
36:23 and it extended through Noah and Paul the apostle says,
36:25 "Man! He's got a whole lot,
36:27 I guess, His grace is sufficient for me. "
36:29 And from Paul... as Paul was laid to rest...
36:31 today... still... we read this text
36:34 and this text is in the Present Tense,
36:36 it's not Past Tense, I want you to get that,
36:38 this text is in the Present Tense
36:39 which means, right today... we have redemption,
36:43 we have forgiveness
36:44 because of the riches of His grace.
36:47 "For by grace are you saved through faith. "
36:53 What that means is,
36:55 you have to come to the realization...
36:57 by the... "Hey, if I'm going to be saved by grace through faith,
36:59 I got to realize there's enough grace to save me. "
37:02 And I want to give you the good news,
37:04 there's enough grace to save all of us... what do you say?
37:06 Audience: Amen.
37:08 So, the source...
37:10 you got to get this... the source...
37:12 they tried to... as a matter of fact...
37:14 I heard about this massive magma lake... below Yellowstone
37:20 it's called the Super Volcano,
37:23 and Geologists and Seismologists
37:26 have tried to estimate
37:28 how much magma is really down in those magma chambers
37:31 below Yellowstone National Park,
37:33 well, what really blew me away is... usually they say...
37:37 this is the largest volcano in the world,
37:38 it's called the "super volcano"
37:40 and we pray that it does not erupt in our day
37:42 Pause...
37:44 because it's the largest volcano...
37:45 they say... it will erupt for many, many, many years
37:49 because it's connected by chambers to other volcanos,
37:51 but here's my point,
37:53 just to have some fun, when you go home,
37:56 ah...
37:57 the mouth of a volcano
37:59 is usually something that you could see, right,
38:01 when you look at the volcano, it's like this,
38:02 you see the mouth of the volcano because there's...
38:04 Audience: A large hole...
38:06 Right... you can see the mouth of most volcanos,
38:08 Yellowstone... if you stand by the lake
38:13 or some of those mineral pools,
38:15 you're in a valley,
38:17 well, if you stand there and you begin to look...
38:18 if you turn around 360 degrees and look...
38:21 and you see the rim of the mountains
38:23 as far as your eyes can see,
38:24 that... you're standing in the mouth of the volcano.
38:29 Pause...
38:30 It's inestimable...
38:32 they can estimate it from side to side
38:35 but you're looking in the great distance...
38:36 "Oh, I see the tip of the rim of those... that mountain...
38:39 and I see the rim of that... I see the rim of that... "
38:41 Seismologists would say,
38:43 "If you see the rim and it's all around you...
38:45 that means you're in the mouth of the volcano. "
38:48 Pause...
38:49 They say, "We have no idea how much magma is there,
38:52 it's inestimable... "
38:54 When I think about that, I think,
38:55 "But that's just Yellowstone... "
38:57 if you think about the grace of God...
38:59 there's enough grace of God for planets far beyond our size...
39:04 far beyond our limited space on this little ball called "earth"
39:07 His grace is sufficient... and it has no depth...
39:10 "Amen" to that...
39:11 Audience: Amen.
39:13 No depth... no depth whatsoever...
39:14 that is... no bottom to it.
39:16 The grace of God has a depth so great
39:19 that we will never exhaust its supply.
39:22 Question number... so what do you put for Number 4?
39:25 What is the source of our redemption...
39:27 What's the source of our redemption?
39:30 Audience: God...
39:32 The riches of His grace.
39:34 The riches of His grace...
39:36 we know it's Christ...
39:37 but... the riches of His grace is the source.
39:40 That's why I'm talking about the source.
39:42 How rich is the source?
39:44 You cannot estimate it.
39:47 The supply is just far beyond
39:49 the value that we can ever estimate.
39:52 Number 5... is that where we are?
39:54 Number 5... let's go on...
39:56 "When we have Christ, how much more do we need?"
40:02 Don't rush ahead of yourself, okay,
40:04 we're going to turn to Colossians 2
40:07 and we're going to look at verse 9 and 10.
40:11 Colossians 2 verse 9 and 10,
40:14 I laid the foundation with Yellowstone
40:16 and tried to talk about
40:18 all the supplies that I could even muster up in my mind...
40:21 but this text is really going to open it up really wide...
40:24 it's going to blow it open so to speak,
40:26 all right...
40:27 Colossians 2 verse 9 and 10, in answer to the question,
40:31 "When we have Christ, how much more do we need?"
40:33 Here is the verse.
40:34 Colossians 2 verse 9 and 10, it says,
40:37 there it is again, "For... "
40:39 what's the next two words Brethren?
40:41 "in Him dwells... "
40:42 what's the next word?
40:44 "all the fullness of the Godhead... " how?
40:49 "bodily; and you are complete in Him,
40:53 who is the head of all principality and power. "
40:59 I could spend another 15 minutes on this one... but I won't...
41:03 I'll suffice it to simply say,
41:04 "In Christ dwells all the fullness"
41:08 dwells all the... what? "fullness... "
41:11 It's amazing how all of that... and you got to...
41:15 you got to hear me out briefly here,
41:19 all of that...
41:21 we're talking about... it cannot be...
41:23 if we decided to store God's fullness in the earth,
41:27 pause...
41:29 there wouldn't be room...
41:30 yet, the beauty of this text is,
41:35 this God... who in Him all the fullness of the Godhead
41:40 dwells in Christ,
41:42 He's saying, "I could still dwell inside of your life...
41:46 I could still dwell in this human frame,
41:50 I can still come and live in your life
41:53 and in your heart... I can still abide in you... "
41:56 in the very same way, to put this together...
41:59 let's all take a breath together,
42:01 inhale... are you ready? On the count of three...
42:02 one... two... three... inhale...
42:04 now, where did that come from?
42:06 Where did that come from?
42:08 Pause...
42:09 Where did that come from?
42:10 Is there... is there... H...
42:13 not... I say, it's just water...
42:15 co2... that's carbon and two parts oxygen...
42:18 okay, that's what we're breathing...
42:19 where is it?
42:21 Somebody tell me, give me an answer,
42:22 where is it? Let's try that again,
42:24 one, two, three... let's inhale...
42:26 where is it coming from?
42:29 Where is it? Somebody tell me, huh...
42:32 now, where is it?
42:33 Where is the source?
42:35 Huh, come on... help me out...
42:39 we know... you got...
42:40 don't get theological... get obvious... where is it?
42:42 It's all around us...
42:44 it's a... now can you run fast enough
42:46 so that there's a place that you can get to
42:48 where you can't breath?
42:49 No, because everywhere you run to
42:51 there's going to be breath, right?
42:53 So what if you were the fastest man on earth,
42:55 can you run beyond the speed of breath?
42:57 Or the speed of the...
42:59 everywhere around us, there's that supply existing...
43:04 I'm trying to find something to compare
43:06 all the fullness of the Godhead with.
43:09 This entire planet... every place you go on this planet,
43:12 you're going to be able to breathe...
43:14 pause...
43:15 because it's everywhere.
43:17 The fullness of God
43:19 dwells completely in the body of the person Christ Jesus.
43:23 Now, when Jesus walked this earth,
43:25 in the form of a man
43:27 we looked at him like we'd look at Brother John Dinzey,
43:30 Brother Dick Hutchinsen, Brother Glen...
43:33 and we look at this... we look at this human frame
43:37 and we look at Him and think...
43:40 "Is it possible that all the fullness of the Godhead
43:43 could dwell in that short space?"
43:45 Pause...
43:47 Is that trying to estimate the power of a nuclear weapon?
43:51 It's small but it's powerful...
43:53 yet in Christ...
43:55 there's a greater power that resides in Him,
43:58 the fullness of righteousness, the fullness of godliness,
44:02 the fullness of victory,
44:03 the fullness of deliverance,
44:05 it all dwells in Christ... the fullness is there...
44:08 so, now, let's ask the question,
44:10 well, let me just tell you the story,
44:11 in the West Indies,
44:15 in the country of Trinidad there's a pitch lake,
44:17 pause...
44:18 you know what pitch is?
44:20 Does anybody know what pitch is?
44:22 Let me use the American word, "Tar... "
44:23 okay... because I saw the look... it went...
44:26 "pitch?"
44:28 Not pitching... but pitch...
44:30 and for years, people had been scooping out this pitch...
44:35 and exporting it all over the world
44:37 what happens when they go back the next day?
44:40 Filled up again...
44:42 the hole that was dug yesterday filled up again...
44:46 they don't know where the supply...
44:48 they don't know the extent of the supply...
44:49 but that's in this little small earth.
44:52 We have oil supplies
44:53 that we don't know the extent of that supply,
44:55 we have pitch... we have bauxite...
44:58 the earth is so rich with minerals,
45:01 yet, this earth is too small
45:03 when it comes to be dimensionally the place that
45:07 the fullness of God can dwell
45:09 because David the Psalmist said,
45:10 "Wait a minute... wait a minute,
45:11 if I go to the uttermost parts of the heaven... "
45:14 what did he say?
45:16 "You are there... "
45:17 "If I make my bed in the grave... "
45:19 what... "You're... "
45:21 "If I go to the depths of the sea... "
45:22 what? "You're there... "
45:23 now if you go to the depths of the sea,
45:25 you're not going to find pitch there,
45:26 you're not going to find gold there...
45:28 if you go to the uttermost parts of the earth...
45:29 you're not going to find pitch there,
45:30 here's my... here's the story now, I want you to get this,
45:32 wherever you go...
45:33 the grace of God is available to you...
45:35 wherever you go,
45:37 the power of God is available to you, why?
45:39 Because all the fullness of God
45:41 dwells in the person of Christ
45:42 and He's trying to make that available to us.
45:44 So, let's narrow that down to your day-by-day life,
45:47 let's make it practical...
45:48 let's go to the: "A's" and "B's" and "C's" of where we live.
45:51 when you wake up tomorrow morning,
45:53 how much of the power of God is available to you?
45:56 Somebody tell me... how much?
45:59 Why is it that we don't have it?
46:01 Why is it that we don't have it...
46:03 Come on, tell me again, we don't ask...
46:07 Didn't Matthew say, "We have... "
46:09 well, James...
46:11 "We have not because we... " what? "ask not... "
46:13 And when we ask,
46:15 he said, "we ask for the wrong reason"
46:16 that we may spend it in ways that are some...
46:20 we say, "Lord, I need money... "
46:21 I wish we would plead for God's righteousness
46:23 like we would plead for money...
46:25 "Lord, I need a place to live, Lord, I need a job... "
46:28 If we would plead for God for spiritual things
46:30 as we do for temporal things, we would have that experience,
46:34 we would have that deliverance...
46:35 do you wake up in the morning...
46:36 now, what if God said,
46:38 "I'm just going to supply you enough air for you to pray. "
46:41 Audience: Laughter...
46:42 "And when you pray, you've got to ask me for more air
46:44 and I'll send it to you... "
46:46 how many of you will pray, come on, raise your hand...
46:47 we'd all pray...
46:49 okay, now, the reason I said that
46:51 "Prayer... " Ellen White says,
46:53 "is the breath of the soul"
46:55 it's more valuable than your bread you eat,
47:00 so, if God says,
47:01 "Every morning I'm going to give you enough breath to pray...
47:03 you've got 15 seconds... "
47:05 "I ain't praying... " Feep...
47:08 "Oh, Dave died because he wouldn't pray... "
47:11 Now we're smiling but that's why many of us die
47:15 because we don't pray.
47:17 We don't ask God for the supplies
47:20 so we struggle in our own humanity
47:22 because it's just a breath away.
47:27 The supply of God is a breath away.
47:31 "Ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find,
47:35 knock and the door will be... " what?
47:37 "opened... "
47:38 as a matter of fact, God takes it to the next level,
47:40 He says, "You may be knocking
47:42 but I've been knocking long before you started knocking,
47:44 'Behold I stand at the door and... '" what? "knock... "
47:46 He said, "I have more of a desire to have...
47:49 I have more of a burning desire
47:50 to have a relationship with you
47:52 than you have a burning desire to have one with me
47:54 so since you're not going to knock... I'll knock. "
47:56 Amen...
47:58 That tells me that we have a Savior that is not sufficiently
48:01 waiting to have a relationship with Him,
48:03 He wants to have one with us
48:04 and while we have to really put this effort into practice,
48:08 because we're living under the last church...
48:10 the church of Laodicea
48:11 and one of the conditions of the church of Laodicea...
48:14 it's a compiled condition...
48:16 we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked
48:20 and you know what's sad about that is,
48:22 we don't even know it
48:23 and when you think of Revelation chapter 3,
48:25 the last church... when you get down to,
48:26 "Behold I stand at the door and knock... "
48:28 what the Lord is necessarily saying...
48:29 it's not just the personal invitation
48:31 to open the door and come in...
48:32 but what He's saying to His last-day church,
48:34 he's saying, "You guys think you got it all together,
48:37 but if you let me in,
48:39 you'll really find out how to get it all together. "
48:42 It's really an indictment, Revelation 3 verse 20 and 21
48:44 is really an indictment to the last-day church
48:47 a church that's so prosperous... has so much materialistically
48:51 so much provisionally,
48:52 so much fame and fortune and earthly coverage
48:55 that we fail to realize
48:58 that our need is right here on Ground Zero.
49:00 Ain't that true?
49:01 Our need is right here on Ground Zero,
49:04 so, if we only had enough breath to pray
49:07 for more breath... would we pray? Yes.
49:10 Let me encourage you, that's how we find our source
49:13 by asking for it and God will impart to us
49:16 exactly what we need
49:18 because in Him dwells all the fullness,
49:20 we don't have it because we don't ask.
49:23 Question Number 6: let's go on to this one.
49:32 "What test has the Lord established
49:35 to prove that we are in Him?"
49:36 And by-the-way,
49:37 proving it is... proving it to us,
49:39 not to Himself because He already knows.
49:41 All right... what test?
49:43 We're turning to the book of 1st John 2 and verse 5,
49:48 okay, 1st John, chapter 2 and verse 5.
49:52 Here it is on the screen if you are following along
49:56 with your syllabus or your lesson,
49:59 1st John 2 verse 5, reads as follows,
50:02 "But whoever... " does what?
50:05 "keeps His word,
50:06 truly the love of God is... " what?
50:10 "perfected in him.
50:11 By this we know that we are... "
50:13 what? "in Him... "
50:15 Now, let's not run past that, I can't run past any of them
50:17 what does the Bible say, how do we know...
50:21 how do we know that we are abiding in Christ?
50:25 If we do what... if we do what?
50:28 If we keep His Word.
50:29 Keeping His Commandments is added on to that
50:34 but it says, "whoever keeps His Word...
50:36 truly the love of God is perfected in Him. "
50:38 What that is necessarily saying,
50:40 it's not that you should love God,
50:42 but the love of God is just... so... it's...
50:45 when something is perfected, it's complete.
50:48 If the love of God is... is abiding in us...
50:51 you know what that in essence is saying?
50:53 Let me give you an illustration...
50:55 whatever you love, you're going to make time for
50:57 that's what that's saying.
50:59 Fault will say, "I've got to go
51:02 my show is coming on, I've got to go...
51:03 I'll talk to you later, I've got to go... "
51:04 We have a guy that plays basketball till 8:30...
51:06 he never goes beyond 8:30...
51:07 "I got to go, my show is coming on... "
51:09 "Come on, one more game... "
51:10 "I've got to go... "
51:11 He is loyal to that show... he's in and out...
51:14 "Whatever we're going to do, hurry up, I've got to go...
51:16 8:25... I'm done... "
51:18 "One more game... " got to go...
51:19 Laughter...
51:21 Would to God that we had the same dedication...
51:24 "Got to go... got to go... it's time for me to pray...
51:26 I've got to go... I've got to go,
51:28 I need to pray... "
51:30 "I've got to go... I've set a schedule with God
51:35 and it's time for my Bible Studies
51:36 because I'm getting weak, I've got to go. "
51:38 That's what that is saying,
51:41 "If God's love is abiding in our soul,
51:44 then, we could keep His Word. "
51:48 But we read this text by saying, "If we keep His Word,
51:50 then the love of God is perfected in us... "
51:52 no, that's not what it's saying,
51:53 it says, "If we are so filled by God,
51:55 we can't wait to hear what He has to say to us next. "
51:59 Like people can't wait... "Oh, my show...
52:02 oh, this is the finale... " phew...
52:04 And so the devil puts the finale on... on Wednesday nights,
52:08 "Season closer... two hours tonight... "
52:13 "When does it come on?"
52:14 "From 6:00 to 8:00... "
52:16 And for those of you who don't record it,
52:18 you say, "Oh, I ain't going to Prayer Meeting tonight,
52:20 because this is the finale... "
52:21 "Desperate Housewives"
52:23 Laughter...
52:25 And then we become desperate Christians
52:28 watching that foolishness.
52:30 We got to realize that we are in desperate straits
52:33 without spending time with the Lord
52:35 and I'm talking to myself too
52:36 because sometimes we all get so busy,
52:38 you know, we're doing God's work
52:39 but we fail to realize that God wants to do something in us.
52:42 He doesn't just want us to have good records...
52:44 "Lord, I've passed out 64 tracts...
52:46 50 visits this week...
52:48 you know... I...
52:49 Wednesday night Prayer Meeting, I prayed... my sermon... did...
52:51 you know, I had Sabbath School...
52:53 I taught Sabbath School... did Communion Service. "
52:54 "Ah... pretty good resume of all the things you did for me...
52:56 now...
52:58 you didn't give me a chance for me to do anything for you
53:00 because while you're so busy working in my vineyard,
53:03 I didn't have time to work in your life. "
53:04 Pause...
53:06 This whole lesson is about us being in Christ...
53:09 not Christ... just being in us...
53:10 "Christ in us" is the hope of glory... yes...
53:13 but "us in Christ" is the hope of "fitting in glory"
53:16 so Christ doesn't just want us to be involved in His activity,
53:19 He wants to be involved in our lives.
53:21 He wants to be there, molding us and shaping us
53:24 and fitting us for that eternal abode
53:27 which in the simple language,
53:29 "He wants us to get ready for the kingdom
53:31 but it starts on a day-by-day, daily basis. "
53:34 That's the ABCs of what it means to be in Christ
53:37 and I tell you...
53:38 if the love to Christ is so brimming over in us,
53:40 we'll make time to provide ourselves
53:43 that diet that we need... that spiritual diet
53:45 because I tell you what...
53:46 the natural man will look for the natural diet,
53:48 but the man that wants to be spiritual...
53:50 the young woman who wants to be spiritual...
53:52 will look for that spiritual diet.
53:54 Let's go to the next question,
53:55 so, "What has the Lord established
53:57 to prove that we are in Him?"
53:58 That's Question number 6:
54:00 and I'll tell you this as the answer...
54:01 you may think, "because we keep His Word... "
54:03 No... if He... if He is abiding in us...
54:06 if He is perfected in us...
54:08 if He is residing in us...
54:10 then we can keep His Word...
54:11 so why don't you put there,
54:13 "What test has the Lord established
54:14 to prove that we are in Him?"
54:16 "If He is in us...
54:17 if He is in us,
54:19 if He is in us... " because you know,
54:22 Christian activity is one thing pray...
54:25 the Pharisees thought they had it all down...
54:27 "I pay tithe of everything... I... mint and anise... I...
54:30 I just... I... I do all the stuff... "
54:32 Even the rich young ruler said,
54:34 "I've done all this since I was a young person... "
54:35 the Lord said, "You still haven't got it together yet. "
54:37 "What do I yet lack?"
54:39 He said, "One thing... "
54:42 what's separating us from Christ, come on everybody...
54:45 let's confess...
54:47 one thing...
54:48 and I can guarantee you,
54:50 that one thing has everything you need
54:52 usually... it's prayer and Bible Study...
54:54 and they're not separate fruits...
54:56 they go together... hand in hand.
54:58 Number 7... okay, question number 7...
55:07 "What does living in Christ demand of us?"
55:13 Oooh... this one is going to kind of wake us up,
55:17 "What does living in Christ demand of us?"
55:19 1st John 3:3...
55:21 let's try to fit this in, we have 2 minutes and 40 seconds
55:23 before we are off the screen...
55:26 and... for those of you watching...
55:28 next week we begin Vacation Bible School...
55:30 for Kids' Time it's going to be right here
55:32 at the same location... same time...
55:34 so we'll be back on the week following that.
55:36 Okay, 1st John 3:3 reads as follows,
55:39 let's read this together, are we ready... passion...
55:42 "And everyone who has this hope in Him... " does what?
55:46 "purifies himself, just as He is... " what? "pure"
55:51 that almost seems ironic,
55:53 how can you purify yourself if you are pure?
55:55 It's like, let me give you an illustration,
55:57 mother cleans the house and she says,
55:59 "Keep it clean... "
56:00 Christ cleans us up and He says... what?
56:03 "Keep it clean... "
56:05 How do we keep it clean?
56:06 By our choices...
56:08 by the things we know we must do...
56:12 He cleans us up... justification...
56:15 but sanctification is... keeping it clean...
56:18 staying clean...
56:20 we're at the sanctification part in our studies,
56:22 we want to know how... not just to be cleaned up...
56:24 I preached a sermon...
56:25 you may want to ask for a copy if you contact our church at
56:28 tvsdac. org
56:30 very quick... quick advertisement...
56:32 that's our church website...
56:33 it's called... "filled up... fixed up... and filled up. "
56:37 Christ doesn't just want to fix us up...
56:39 He wants to do what, Friends? Fill us up...
56:42 so, the purifying aspect...
56:44 why is it so vitally important?
56:46 Simple illustration...
56:48 would you put Kool-Aid in a dirty glass?
56:51 Audience: People are shaking their heads...
56:54 And give it to somebody to drink?
56:56 Laughter...
56:58 No...
56:59 have you ever been to people's house or a restaurant
57:01 and you see... you know, you got a knife and a fork
57:02 on the table there and it has spots on it
57:04 and you say, "Could you give me a new glass?"
57:06 And it's not terribly dirty but you know
57:08 you don't want to put anything in that
57:09 because you see spots.
57:11 Well, Brethren... the Lord is looking at our lives
57:13 and He says, "There are some spots there... "
57:15 I want to put my Holy Spirit in you,
57:17 I want to fill your life up on a day-by-day basis,
57:19 if we do the essentials...
57:20 as you're listening here tonight if we do the essentials
57:22 by beginning our day with one powerful thing,
57:25 prayer and Bible Studies...
57:27 end our day... prayer and Bible Studies...
57:30 I was told by my dear brother...
57:32 Elder T. Marshall Kelly said...
57:34 when he traveled with Elder Cleveland...
57:36 Elder E. E. Cleveland...
57:37 every hour on the hour...
57:39 Elder Cleveland... no matter if he was driving
57:41 or wherever he was, he'd stop...
57:42 every hour on the hour it's time to pray...
57:45 he said, "You're a brilliant person... "
57:48 he said, "No, I'm not brilliant...
57:49 it's Christ in me that causes all these things to show... "
57:52 so, friends, if Christ is in your life,
57:54 everything that's out of focus
57:56 will be brought into a sharper focus
57:58 if Christ is there...
57:59 God bless you... let us pray.


Revised 2018-01-30