Sharper Focus, A

The Sanctuary Sequence in the Book of Revelation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000020

00:18 Welcome to "A Sharper Focus."
00:20 This is our Wednesday night Bible study
00:22 here at the Thompsonville Adventist Church
00:26 and we are so glad that you could join us.
00:28 I don't know about you all
00:29 but this has been a hectic week.
00:31 Anybody else had one? Yes.
00:33 It has been crazy for me
00:36 and I know that there are some of you at home
00:38 who probably had the same kind of week.
00:41 Many, many challenges
00:43 and it's so good just to take a pause
00:46 in the middle of the week,
00:47 come in and just let the water of the word wash it, right.
00:51 Tonight, we are going to be talking about something
00:55 that this is not a new study.
00:58 This is something that the Lord taught me back in the year 2000
01:02 and I'm not sure that I've every taught it on 3ABN.
01:05 I did include this teaching in one of my books,
01:09 the book on prayer called "Pressing In To His Presence."
01:12 But tonight we are gonna be talking
01:15 about the prayer of surrender.
01:18 And I remember-- just open your Bibles if you will
01:22 to 1 Corinthians 6:17
01:27 1 Corinthians 6:17
01:31 and then we will open with prayer.
01:34 We're so glad that you could join us
01:37 those of you who are watching by television
01:39 or by internet or even the ones who are listening by radio
01:44 we are very pleased to have you
01:45 as well as our live audience here tonight.
01:48 But let me read this scripture to you,
01:51 1 Corinthians 6:17 says this.
01:55 "But he who is joined to the Lord
01:58 is one spirit with Him."
02:02 Let me ask you a question,
02:05 "Do you feel like you are one with God?"
02:10 Now while we think on that let's pray.
02:14 Our heavenly Father,
02:15 we are so thankful
02:18 for all that You do for us.
02:21 Lord, we are so blessed and we love You, Father.
02:26 We thank You for Your gifts of grace.
02:29 We thank You for salvation.
02:31 We thank You for Your Son,
02:33 for the Holy Spirit.
02:35 We thank You for Your word.
02:37 And, Lord, we come to you tonight
02:39 asking in the name of Jesus
02:42 that You would send your Holy Spirit
02:44 to be our teacher.
02:45 Father, I pray in the name of Jesus
02:47 You'll get me out of the way
02:49 and send Your spirit
02:51 to do Your work in each and every one of us.
02:54 Please give us ears to hear
02:56 what the Holy Spirit has to say.
02:58 In Jesus name, amen.
03:02 "He who is joined to the Lord
03:05 is one spirit with Him."
03:09 I remember it was in the year 2000
03:13 that this promise was one that I was claiming personally
03:18 and I was praying
03:20 and I was praying this back to the Lord
03:24 as His promise and I said,
03:25 "Father, thank You
03:27 that because of you I'm in Christ Jesus.
03:29 He's become my righteousness, my redemption,
03:32 my sanctification.
03:34 And He is my wisdom
03:36 and because I'm in Christ I'm one in spirit with You.
03:41 And then I don't know about you but just saying those words
03:46 made me realize how far off mark I really was
03:51 and I began to weep.
03:54 And I said, Father, I don't even understand
03:56 what it means to be one in spirit with You.
03:59 I want to be You say I am.
04:02 But He had been teaching me such great things
04:07 and I had been running in that teaching for sometime
04:10 and then somehow there have been about a two weeks
04:13 where I just, it was like I had run out of gas,
04:16 just the spiritual faultier.
04:18 Have you ever experienced that?
04:20 And suddenly I woke up and I realized
04:23 I'm not even doing
04:25 what the Lord had taught me to do.
04:28 So as I was praying and weeping before the Lord
04:32 I said, "Lord how is it that I can walk with you
04:36 so closely sometimes that I sense Your heartbeat?
04:40 And then at other times
04:41 I find myself distanced from you."
04:44 Frank, have you ever been through that?
04:46 Many times. Many times.
04:48 And it's just so amazing to me and suddenly as I was praying
04:54 the still small voice of the Lord,
04:56 how many of you know that the Lord
04:58 has impressed a thought upon your mind
05:01 by the power of the Holy Spirit?
05:03 Amen.
05:04 And that's His still small voice.
05:06 And suddenly this still small voice of the Lord
05:09 spoke to me and He said,
05:11 "I will soon explain the wall of resistance
05:17 that you're hitting.
05:19 I was excited.
05:20 Judy, I was so excited
05:22 because I thought, yes, that's exactly how I felt.
05:25 I felt like I had hit a wall.
05:28 So and couple of weeks went by
05:31 and I'm still praying every day,
05:33 "Lord, what is this wall of resistance?
05:37 When are You going to tell me?"
05:39 And one day I was claiming 2 Corinthians 3:18
05:44 and I was praying that promise back to the Lord
05:47 and saying "Father, I thank You that you taken
05:49 the veil from my eyes
05:51 and that because you have,
05:54 I'm beholding as in the mirror
05:56 Your glory and You are leading me
06:00 from glory to glory
06:02 by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
06:06 Then once again
06:08 I realized am I truly being changed
06:13 going from glory to glory.
06:14 What is glory?
06:16 When God talks about His glory what is He talking about?
06:20 He is talking about His character.
06:22 When Moses asked to see the glory of God
06:25 what happened was the Lord came down.
06:28 He hid Moses in the cliff of the rock
06:30 and He pass by and He started proclaiming His character.
06:36 So what 2 Corinthians 3:18 is telling us
06:39 is that if the Lord is leading us
06:42 by His spirit from glory to glory
06:45 He is leading us
06:46 from one level of God's character
06:49 to the next.
06:50 And once again
06:53 I began to weep before the Lord.
06:55 and I've said, "Father I just feel like
06:57 I'm at that wall and I don't understand
06:59 what this is all about.
07:01 So I was praying so earnestly
07:05 and suddenly I saw a picture in my mind.
07:08 Has that ever happened to you when you're praying?
07:10 Has God ever showed you something?
07:13 You know, I'm a visual person
07:15 and when I see something it's amazing.
07:18 And so, as I was praying what I saw was this staircase
07:21 that went all the way up to heaven.
07:25 I assume it went to heaven.
07:26 It was beyond the clouds.
07:28 And I can see myself running along the staircase.
07:32 And, Johnny, I was probably,
07:34 maybe 25 percent of the way up what I could see.
07:38 And as I was running along
07:40 and I'm looking back over my shoulder,
07:43 I was running full force
07:44 and all of a sudden it was just,
07:47 I hit the wall.
07:50 And I stopped and I looked up and I'm six feet tall
07:55 but this wall was at least 60 feet high
08:00 and I stepped back and I looked
08:02 and what the wall was, was the next step.
08:06 I mean it was the front of the next step if you will.
08:10 So I'm praying and I said, "Lord,
08:12 what is this wall that I'm hitting?"
08:16 And if you don't hear anything else I say tonight
08:19 listen to this
08:20 because what the Lord said was
08:22 "The wall of resistance
08:25 that you're hitting
08:26 is the wall of self preservation."
08:31 Let me repeat that.
08:33 "The wall of resistance
08:35 that you're hitting
08:37 is the wall of self preservation."
08:41 See, for us to go from one level
08:43 of God's character
08:45 to the next we have to be willing to give up
08:49 a little bit more of self, don't we?
08:51 And it's so funny
08:53 how we can be willing to follow the Lord in certain areas
08:57 but there are some areas
08:59 that we are little protective of
09:01 and God was saying that's your problem.
09:04 That's that wall of self preservation.
09:07 So turn if you will to 2 Samuel Chapter 22.
09:11 I asked the Lord, I said, "Father,
09:13 how do I get over this wall?"
09:16 I mean, here's this, you know,
09:18 six feet, sixty feet
09:19 how do I get up to this next level?
09:22 And the Lord led me to 2 Samuel Chapter 22
09:28 and let's look at verses 29 and 30.
09:33 He said,
09:36 and this is actually David writing
09:39 and he says, "For You are my lamp, O Lord."
09:43 Doesn't the Bible say in Psalms 119:105 that
09:46 "The word of God is a lamp to our feet,
09:48 the light to our path."
09:49 And Psalms 119:130 says
09:51 that the entrance of His word brings light.
09:55 So he said, "You are my lamp, O Lord,
09:57 the Lord shall enlighten my darkness.
10:00 For by You I can run against a troop,
10:04 by my God I can leap over a wall."
10:10 So as the Lord led me to this
10:13 what I was impressed,
10:15 what the Holy Spirit impressed upon me was
10:19 that the only way to get to that next level,
10:22 to get over the wall
10:24 is that I had to be willing to surrender.
10:28 Now let me ask just the men for a second.
10:31 If I use the word surrender
10:34 just to any man on the street.
10:36 If I come up and say,
10:37 okay, you got to surrender
10:39 what is the man thinking?
10:41 What does that word mean to a man?
10:43 Lost the battle. He's lost the battle.
10:45 It's over.
10:47 It's, you know, this is end.
10:50 Now for the women,
10:52 if I come up to a woman on the street and say,
10:55 you must surrender
10:57 what's going through a woman's mind?
11:01 Well, the woman usually says is
11:03 "Somebody is gonna control me."
11:06 It's like,
11:07 you know, that's a frightening thought to surrender
11:10 because someone is gonna control me.
11:12 And yet, when we are talking
11:15 to the carnal person on the street
11:17 talking about the Lord we say,
11:18 what you got to do is surrender
11:20 and they are sitting there going wait a minute
11:22 that, you know, just wait a minute.
11:24 What do you mean surrender?
11:26 And even I would ask how do we surrender?
11:31 I was praying here the Lord showed me this
11:34 and God I don't know if He works with you this way.
11:37 Maybe I'm dull
11:38 but God will show me just a little bit at a time.
11:42 He let's me ruminate on stuff.
11:44 He will show me something
11:46 and He-- It's just something
11:49 that's kind of bubbling around in my heart
11:52 and then He will explain a little bit more.
11:55 And then the more earnestly I seek Him,
11:56 He explains even more.
11:59 So I was praying one day
12:02 and the promise of 1 John 2:6
12:06 is one that always kind of brings me up short.
12:11 Let's just turn there and look at that.
12:14 And I call it a promise because any commandment of God
12:20 is a promise of something that He will do in our lives.
12:24 And John writes in 1 John 2:6
12:27 "He who says he abides in Him"
12:31 in Christ
12:32 "ought himself also to walk just as He walked."
12:38 So I'm taking that as an affirmation.
12:42 You know, Isaiah 55:11 God says
12:44 that "His word does not return to Him void."
12:47 Jeremiah 1:12 He says,
12:48 "He watches over His word to perform in."
12:50 In Romans 4:17 says,
12:52 He is the "God who gives life to the dead
12:55 and calls things that are not as though they already were."
12:59 So I was praying this back to the Lord and I'm saying,
13:02 "Lord, I thank you
13:04 that I'm in Christ and I'm walking as He walked."
13:10 And I thought oh, no,
13:13 nothing could be further from the truth in my mind.
13:16 And I realized that I was calling things
13:20 that are not as though they were.
13:21 This is God's plan for my life
13:24 but I thought "Lord, it's not happening yet.
13:27 I'm not walking as Jesus
13:30 and You tell me that I should, that I must."
13:33 And so I was again getting a little bit weepy
13:38 and I'm not a weepy woman, right.
13:41 Usually if I'm going to cry,
13:42 it's in the presence of the Lord.
13:44 And
13:46 so as I was crying out to the Lord
13:48 and saying, "Father, I know I'm falling so short.
13:51 I'm not walking as Christ walked."
13:54 Once again I pressed in and as I was praying
13:58 what I saw was this little bitty sugar ant
14:02 just that miniscule tiniest of ants
14:06 and next to that was this huge elephant
14:10 and this is what the Lord impressed upon my mind.
14:14 He said, "Shelley,
14:15 in your limited human strength
14:19 you could be compared
14:20 to this little tiny sugar ant.
14:23 That's your capacity.
14:25 That's your strength
14:27 whereas My power
14:30 could be compared to this elephant
14:32 that's millions of times larger.
14:35 And, child, when I ask you to surrender
14:40 I'm not asking you to try to do this in your power.
14:46 I'm asking you to be yoked with Me
14:48 and draw on My power."
14:51 Now just get that picture in your mind for a second.
14:54 Think of a little tiny sugar ant
14:56 with this big elephant and it's yoked.
14:59 Now here's its little legs going on.
15:00 Who is carrying the load?
15:04 Who is carrying the load if they are yoked together?
15:07 The elephant is.
15:09 So see, when we are yoked to Christ
15:11 God's plan for our life
15:14 and Oh, I pray that
15:17 those of you who are watching at home will hear this
15:20 that God's plan for our lives is that we learn
15:23 to be totally dependent upon Him.
15:26 And so He says to me
15:29 if you will surrender to My power
15:33 My grace will be sufficient for you
15:35 for My power will be made perfect in your weakness.
15:39 So as this progressed along and God is teaching me
15:45 one day I was praying Psalms 16:11
15:48 and I said, "Father, You said
15:51 that You will show me the path of life
15:54 and that I will find joy in Your presence forever more."
15:58 And I said, "If I'm supposed to be walking
16:01 in Christ footsteps
16:03 You got to show me this path to follow."
16:08 And what I heard in my mind was this.
16:11 "If you want to follow in My Son's footstep
16:16 you must walk in the path of His passion."
16:21 So what was the path of Christ passion?
16:25 He began at the Garden of Gethsemane
16:30 and then it progressed to the hill of Calvary
16:34 and then it progressed to that empty tomb.
16:38 So what I want to share with you tonight
16:42 is a prayer of surrender.
16:46 It's a method of surrender,
16:48 something that can get through our mind
16:50 so that we even understand what surrender is all about
16:53 and it follows those three steps.
16:56 The Garden of Gethsemane,
16:58 the hill of Calvary and that empty tomb.
17:02 So let's look at those.
17:04 If you will please turn to Luke 22:42.
17:09 When Jesus was in the garden the passion of His heart
17:16 is expressed in Luke 22:42.
17:22 And every morning as we get up
17:26 we should also if you,
17:28 as it were visit our own little Garden of Gethsemane.
17:32 In Luke 22:42 Jesus said,
17:36 "Lord, not My will but thine be done.
17:40 Your will be done in My life."
17:43 Now as God was teaching me this,
17:47 every morning I would get up
17:49 and I would pray "Not my will but Yours be done."
17:52 And one morning I got up
17:54 And, Clinton, I prayed this way.
17:56 I said, "Oh, Lord, I'm willing to do Your will."
18:01 And, you know, what I heard?
18:03 No, you're not.
18:06 Who do you think that was?
18:08 The devil or the Lord?
18:10 You know, I think it's God.
18:13 Because if I were willing to do His will,
18:15 I would be doing it.
18:17 And there were areas
18:18 that I was still preserving to myself.
18:21 But when I heard that "No, you are not"
18:24 it was enough to make my knees
18:26 kind of knock together in tremble
18:27 and I said, "Lord,
18:29 at least I'm willing to be made willing."
18:31 He said, "That's all I ask."
18:33 So turn to Philippians 2:13 if you will.
18:37 Philippians 2:13,
18:39 while we are in the garden
18:45 in the morning when we are praying
18:47 in surrender if we pray
18:50 "Lord, not my will but Yours be done"
18:54 we should pray and claim this promise.
18:58 Philippians 2:13 says,
19:01 "It is God who works in you
19:04 both to will and to do His good pleasure."
19:10 You realize those are two separate stages,
19:13 God first works in us to will
19:18 and then once He lines our will up with His.
19:22 Have you ever noticed how gently God can change us?
19:25 You know, I had a friend who, he was a Catholic
19:30 and, you know, how he became converted?
19:33 He went to confession
19:35 and the priest told him to go home
19:37 and read a certain Psalm
19:39 and he went home
19:40 and that was the first time he read the Bible.
19:42 He read that Psalm
19:44 and I don't remember which one it was
19:46 but he found the Lord in that Psalm.
19:49 And he really became a converted man.
19:54 But one thing that was interesting is
19:56 he hated Christian music
19:59 and he said, "I won't do this,
20:01 I just can't listen to that Christian music."
20:04 So he always listened to a certain station.
20:06 He lived in Dallas.
20:08 He always listened to a certain station
20:10 and he said that he was driving down the road one day,
20:14 he had been a Christian for several months,
20:16 maybe six months
20:18 and as he is driving down the road one day
20:21 he is singing along to this song
20:24 just singing his heart out
20:27 and all of a sudden he realizes it's a Christian song.
20:32 He knows all the words.
20:34 He's not even aware
20:36 when he started listening to Christian music.
20:39 And that's the way the Lord works in us, doesn't it?
20:42 He sometimes work so gently inside of us.
20:46 But Philippians 2:13 says that God will work in us to will.
20:51 When we say, "Lord not my will but Yours be done."
20:55 If we will pray that, God will begin to line us up
21:01 through His word,
21:03 through other Christian council,
21:05 just through prayer and hearing the still small voice.
21:08 He begins to line us up where His desires become our desires.
21:15 Now that doesn't mean
21:17 that it's going to actually be put into action yet.
21:21 I remember when I first started watching 3ABN
21:24 I would watch Dick Nunez and that exercise program.
21:29 And I would sit back in my lazy chair and think,
21:31 "Boy, I really need to start exercising.
21:34 You know, I really need to start exercising."
21:36 And the Lord began to change my desire
21:39 and I thought I need to really get serious
21:41 about this exercising.
21:43 But as long as I just sat back and watched,
21:47 God wasn't gonna force me to get up.
21:49 I mean, He started putting that desire in my heart
21:52 but He didn't force me to get up and do it.
21:54 So, if God is working and it's to will
21:58 there is something that happens before God works in us to act.
22:02 And I believe what that is,
22:03 it's just when we take one step of faith.
22:07 As He changes our will,
22:09 if we will take one step of faith
22:12 the power of the Holy Spirit will show up
22:16 and He empowers us to do His will.
22:20 So that, when we are in the Garden of Gethsemane
22:24 that's what we-- I mean, that's kind of our symbolic
22:27 Garden of Gethsemane, if we will pray
22:29 "Lord, not my will but Yours be done"
22:33 and just let Him know.
22:34 Father, please work in me
22:37 to will and to do Your good pleasure."
22:39 That's your promise.
22:41 And we need to remember as Philippians 2:5-8 says
22:44 that we need to have this same humble mind,
22:50 the same attitude of Christ Jesus
22:53 who was willing to make Himself nothing
22:57 and become obedient
22:59 even to the point of the death on a cross.
23:02 Amen.
23:04 So that takes us
23:06 to the second step of surrender.
23:11 And if we are following Christ path of passion,
23:15 that second step was the hill of Calvary.
23:18 Pleas turn to Luke 9:23.
23:24 Luke 9:23.
23:29 When we are ready for God to do a work in us,
23:36 I forgot one scripture I wished I've added in--
23:39 if you go back to the garden in Psalms 143:10,
23:44 David wrote in Psalms 143:10,
23:47 "Teach me to do Your will, lead me by Your good spirit."
23:51 And when we get to that point that we are willing to do this
23:54 then if symbolically we are ready to go on
23:58 in following Christ path of passion
24:01 go to the hill of Calvary.
24:03 Luke 9:23 Jesus says what?
24:06 "If any man would come after me,
24:09 let him pick up his cross when he is baptized."
24:15 Is that what He says?
24:16 "Let him pick up his cross every Sabbath."
24:20 No.
24:22 "Daily."
24:23 Okay, what does it mean to pick up your cross?
24:29 Have you ever heard somebody say this
24:33 "Oh, bless her heart
24:36 she is married to that no good scoundrel.
24:39 She has got those three children
24:41 and she is having to raise them all by herself.
24:43 But we've all got her cross to bear."
24:47 Ever heard anybody talk like that.
24:49 We've got this cross to bear?
24:52 That is a pitiful application of what Jesus is saying.
24:59 During Jesus' day, Yannick,
25:01 if Jesus said to one of His disciples
25:04 you've got to pick up your cross daily.
25:07 What did it mean when you picked up the cross?
25:11 What was about to happen
25:12 if you picked up a cross during Jesus' day?
25:15 You're gonna be crucified.
25:18 You are going to your death.
25:21 So what Jesus is saying here
25:23 is "If you want to be My disciple,
25:26 you got to die to self daily."
25:30 Isn't that interesting?
25:31 Daily you have to pick up that cross.
25:34 I think the reason we have to die daily
25:38 is because that old flesh nature of ours
25:42 is so capable of rearing its ugly little head, isn't it?
25:47 So Christ wants us to purposely think about
25:52 "Yeah, I've got to die self today."
25:55 And, you know, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31
25:58 "I die daily, brothers, I mean it."
26:02 Turn to Romans 8:13 please
26:05 because as we are praying this
26:07 we will see why it is so important.
26:11 Jeremiah 13:23, the Bible says, God says,
26:18 that we can't change ourselves anymore than an Ethiopian
26:22 can change his skin
26:24 or leopard can change its spots.
26:27 So we can't really crucify our own sin nature by our self.
26:33 Let's look at this, we need a co-executioner.
26:36 So Romans 8:13 says this,
26:40 "For if you live according to the flesh
26:45 you will die,
26:46 but if" by whom?
26:50 "By the Spirit
26:52 you put to death the deeds of the body,
26:55 you will live."
26:56 Look at that scripture again.
26:58 If by the Spirit you put to death."
27:04 You don't have the power to do it except by the spirit
27:09 but the spirit will not exert his power
27:13 without your corporation.
27:15 So it is by the spirit you put to death
27:19 the misdeeds of the flesh.
27:22 So when we are thinking of this idea
27:26 that we have to pick up our cross daily,
27:29 it's because we need to die to self
27:33 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
27:36 Please turn to Galatians Chapter 5.
27:40 You know, I remember once I was in Roswell, New Mexico
27:42 and I was sharing this teaching
27:45 and it was so funny
27:49 I gave a bunch of scriptures
27:51 on how we have to crucify our flesh.
27:57 And this lady came up to me afterwards and she said,
27:59 "That's just the meanest teaching I've ever heard."
28:03 And I thought did you get this scripture.
28:05 Let me give you the scripture list again.
28:08 Let's look at Galatians 5:25.
28:10 Paul had a lot to say about crucifying the flesh.
28:15 Actually we will begin with Galatians 5:24.
28:18 He says, "Those who are Christ's
28:22 have crucified the flesh
28:24 with its passions and its desires.
28:28 If we live by the Spirit,
28:31 let us also walk by the Spirit."
28:34 And the only way we can walk by the spirit
28:36 not running ahead of him,
28:39 not lagging behind him
28:41 is if we have crucified our flesh
28:46 with its passions and its desires.
28:48 Now, let's look, excuse me.
28:50 Look at Galatians 2:20.
28:55 Galatians 2:20.
29:01 Paul says,
29:03 "I have been crucified with Christ,
29:06 it is no longer I who live,
29:08 but Christ lives in me,
29:10 and the life which I now live in the flesh
29:13 I live by faith in the Son of God,
29:15 who loved me and gave Himself for me."
29:18 I want to encourage you to claim that promise
29:21 because as-- praise the Lord, Yannick.
29:24 Amen.
29:26 As we claim these promises and pray 'em back to the Lord,
29:29 I think God really does do a work
29:31 to make certain that His word doesn't return void.
29:34 Now look at Galatians 6:14.
29:39 In Galatians 6:14 Paul writes
29:45 "But God forbid that I should boast
29:47 except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
29:50 to whom the world has been crucified to me,
29:54 and I to the world."
29:57 By Christ if we are in Christ dead to self
30:03 the world should be crucified to us
30:06 and we are crucified to the world.
30:07 Let me ask you a question for those of you at home.
30:10 Are you crucified to the world
30:13 or does the world is it crucified to you
30:16 or does it have a strange pull on you?
30:20 You know, we can tell
30:22 by the types of television programs we watch.
30:25 How we spend our money.
30:28 What we do with our leisure time.
30:31 You can tell a lot about what kind of pull
30:34 that the world has on us.
30:36 But Paul wrote to the Colossians
30:39 in Colossians 3:3 and he said,
30:42 "You have died, and your real life
30:47 is now hidden with Christ in God."
30:51 Let's look that up.
30:52 I love to hear these pages...
30:58 turning
31:00 because all of these I can't think
31:03 and find a scripture at the same time.
31:06 I mean, I can't talk and think about
31:07 where to turn at the same time.
31:09 Colossians 3:3 he says,
31:11 "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."
31:16 He is not talking about your natural death.
31:20 He is talking about dying to self here.
31:23 So that's what happens when you get up in the morning
31:27 and you pray and say,
31:29 "Lord, not my will but Yours be done.
31:32 And, Father help me to pick up my cross today.
31:35 To be crucified to self.
31:38 But now when the Lord was teaching me this,
31:41 it was interesting.
31:43 Sometimes as God is teaching you something
31:46 it can become so intense
31:49 that what I was doing was--
31:53 He took me through a season of deep repentance.
31:58 Have you ever noticed that the closer you get to the Lord
32:01 the more you're aware of your own sin?
32:04 You know, it's like when you think of Isaiah
32:09 who said, "Wow, it's me.
32:11 For I'm a man of unclean lips
32:14 and I live amidst the people of unclean lips."
32:18 Isaiah wasn't--
32:20 I mean he was a prophet
32:23 but as he had that temple vision
32:26 when he is praying in the temple
32:27 and pressing into the presence of the Lord
32:30 when he saw the Lord high and lifted up
32:34 and the closer you get to God,
32:36 it's like the brilliance of His Shekinah glory
32:39 just kind of shows us how really dingy we are.
32:44 So, when He is pressing into this presence,
32:50 Paul is saying here
32:52 "You have died to self
32:55 and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
33:01 So we've gone from the hill of Calvary
33:03 and oh, I lost my train of thought there,
33:06 is that here I'm, I'm praying
33:08 and God is taking me through this deep repentance
33:12 but I linger there a little too long.
33:16 You know, when we ask God for forgiveness
33:20 my favorite scripture is 1 John 1:9
33:22 that "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
33:26 and cleanse us of all unrighteousness."
33:29 And sometimes we can get so morose
33:33 looking at our sinfulness
33:35 that we forget that we are clothed
33:37 with the cloth of Christ's righteousness.
33:40 And so we have to accept by faith.
33:43 I don't think there is anything wrong
33:44 with the season of repentance
33:46 but I lingered there too long
33:48 to where the Lord was kind of booting me out
33:52 of that garden to the point where He was saying,
33:55 "Child, I didn't stay on the cross forever."
33:59 And the next is we're following this path of passion.
34:04 Our next step is to come to that resurrection morning,
34:10 that empty tomb.
34:11 Please turn in your Bibles to Luke 11:9.
34:17 Luke 11:9.
34:31 Luke 11:9,
34:36 Jesus says in this verse,
34:40 "Ask, and it will be given to you,
34:43 seek, and you will find,
34:46 knock, and the door will be opened to you."
34:51 In the Greek these verbs
34:54 ask, seek, and knock are linear verbs.
34:58 They are verbs that have continuous action.
35:02 So a better translation of the scripture
35:06 of what Jesus was saying
35:08 is ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you.
35:15 Seek and keep on seeking and you will find.
35:20 Knock and keep on knocking
35:24 and the door will be open to you.
35:27 Now, look down to verse 13
35:31 because here He explains in context
35:35 what He is telling us to ask for.
35:38 He says in verse 13, "If you being evil,
35:41 know how to give good gifts to your children,
35:45 how much more will the heavenly Father
35:49 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and keep on asking."
35:56 Let me ask you a question.
35:59 Did you ask the Lord today
36:01 to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
36:05 That is part of walking in surrender.
36:08 That's part of dying daily to self
36:11 and you should never leave home without Him.
36:14 You know, I remember
36:16 when the Lord first taught me this
36:19 I was, oh, God brought me so close to Him.
36:24 And every morning I would get up
36:25 and I would pray
36:27 and I would say, Lord, not my will, but yours be done.
36:29 Teach me Your will today.
36:31 Help me to pick up my cross
36:32 and die to self by the power of your Holy Spirit.
36:36 You know, to be crucified to the world
36:38 and the world to me."
36:40 And I remember when about this time
36:44 that the Lord was teaching me this,
36:46 I had been practicing this for a couple of years.
36:51 I was invited to come to do a program on 3ABN
36:54 and that was exalting His word.
36:56 Well, they also asked though,
37:00 they thought that this had already been arranged.
37:02 Somehow it was one of those things where they thought
37:05 they had contacted me and I hadn't been contacted.
37:09 So it ended up being a kind of rushed job.
37:12 And they call me 17 days before the program began
37:16 and said, "By the way could you write
37:19 a companion book to go with this program?"
37:22 I had 17 days to write a book.
37:25 So I told my sister
37:27 and I just love my sister to death.
37:29 But I told my sister,
37:32 now I was running the ministry out of the home
37:35 and she was in the habit of calling me
37:38 four or five times a day.
37:40 And I told her, I said now, Sunny, I can't talk to you
37:44 four or five times a day
37:46 because I've only got 17 days to write this book.
37:48 So here's what we are gonna do.
37:50 So let's pick a time how about five o'clock every day.
37:52 I will call you and don't you call me
37:55 unless it's an emergency.
37:58 Well, next day phone rings.
38:00 I pick it up and say "Is this an emergency?"
38:02 "No, I was just lonesome I need to talk to you."
38:05 I said, "Honey, I can't talk."
38:08 Then about three hours later the phone rings.
38:11 I pick it up. "Is this an emergency?"
38:13 "No, I just need to talk to you.
38:16 I'm just lonesome."
38:17 And I said, "Honey, I can't talk."
38:19 well, I have to explain something first.
38:21 Well, my sister is really connected with the Lord.
38:25 She is amazing
38:26 but if she is one of those valleys where she is,
38:30 she is a very bold witness which is connected to the Lord.
38:33 But if she is in a valley experience
38:36 then she can be sometimes a little drama queen
38:40 and she knows I say this about her.
38:42 But anyway, so here I was,
38:46 I had prayed so hard that morning to surrender
38:50 and I was riding for the glory of the Lord
38:53 and she calls me, this is about the fourth time
38:56 and I picked it up and I said, "Sunny, I cannot talk."
38:59 And she says, "Fine, I don't have a sister anymore.
39:02 You don't love me.
39:04 Just forget about it."
39:05 And, you know, what happened
39:08 to this sweet surrendered Christian?
39:11 I said, "I don't love you
39:16 I let her have it with both barrels.
39:19 You don't respect me
39:21 and you keep interrupting up, asking out.
39:23 I let her have it."
39:26 Then I hung up
39:28 and I began to write for the glory of God, right.
39:32 I wrote for an hour
39:34 and when I finished that part
39:36 that I was writing and was reading it,
39:38 it was scripturally accurate.
39:40 I said, it didn't take away from what was up here
39:44 but there was no anointing
39:46 on this writing.
39:48 It was dry
39:50 because I had quenched the spirit.
39:53 I was no longer surrendered to God.
39:56 So I had to go through this process of surrender
39:59 all over again.
40:01 And what do you suppose Lord made me do?
40:06 Had to call my sister and apologize.
40:09 So surrender isn't just a one time thing.
40:12 That's why Jesus says ask and keep on asking.
40:16 Ephesians 5:18 tells us that
40:18 we are ever to be filled with our Holy Spirit.
40:24 Turn to Philippians 3:10
40:27 and you will see why this is so important.
40:29 Philippians 3:10.
40:38 This, I love the scripture.
40:40 If I can find it I'll share it with you.
40:42 There it is.
40:45 Paul is speaking
40:48 and he is talking about the righteousness
40:50 which is from God by faith and in verse 10 he says,
40:55 "That I may know Him
40:57 and the power of His resurrection,
41:01 and the fellowship of His sufferings,
41:04 being conformed to His death."
41:08 Isn't that amazing?
41:10 This is, this is Paul's,
41:12 this is all that Paul wants to know
41:15 is to know Jesus Christ
41:18 and the power of His resurrection.
41:21 And as we pray to surrender to God saying,
41:25 "Lord, not my will but Yours be done.
41:28 Work in me to will and to do Your good pleasure.
41:31 Teach me Your will.
41:32 Help me pick up my cross and die to self.
41:34 And, Lord, now, I'm asking to be feel afresh
41:38 with the power of the resurrection."
41:42 And this is how we walk in Christ footsteps.
41:45 This is how we become one in spirit with Him.
41:51 Now the final point
41:52 that I would like to make is Psalms 24
41:56 as far as the final point.
41:58 Let's see, we still have some time.
42:01 Psalms 24:7, 8.
42:05 When you pray this, if you,
42:11 your only thing once you've asked for the Holy Spirit
42:15 your responsibility is just to open up your heart
42:20 and let the King of glory come in.
42:24 He says in Psalms 24: lets look at verses 7, 8,
42:28 "Lift up your heads, O you gates!
42:32 Be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
42:34 And the King of glory shall come in.
42:37 Who is this King of glory?
42:40 He is the Lord strong and mighty,
42:42 the Lord mighty in battle."
42:45 So as you pray in and say,
42:47 Lord, fill me with your spirit afresh today.
42:51 Your only job is to open up your heart
42:55 and let the King of glory come in and He will.
42:59 Now let me ask you something,
43:02 this is, I really went through that faster than I ever have
43:06 and we've got 14 minutes left on a live program.
43:09 So let's talk about, "How do we know
43:14 when we're filled with the Holy Spirit?
43:16 Why is it so important to be filled with the spirit?"
43:21 Because that's how we become yoked to the Lord
43:25 when we surrender, give control of our life.
43:27 We become yoked to Christ.
43:31 And Ephesians 3:16 just came to mind.
43:34 Let's turn to Ephesians 3:16.
43:41 I wish you guys were mike so that we could have a little
43:46 discussion going back and forth here.
43:49 But Ephesians 3:16 says this.
43:55 Paul is saying that he prays "That God would grant you,
43:58 according to the riches of His glory,
44:02 to be strengthened with might
44:06 through His Spirit in the inner man."
44:09 How are you going to be strengthened with might?
44:13 My power, My grace is sufficient for you
44:16 for My powers make perfect
44:18 in your weakness it's with
44:21 when the Holy Spirit isn't dwelling you
44:24 and in your inner man here's what he goes on and says.
44:28 That's not only how you strengthen with might he says
44:32 that "Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."
44:37 Jesus, when He went to heaven,
44:41 He is not a spirit being anymore.
44:43 He was resurrected.
44:46 He is perfectly God
44:48 but He is perfectly man as well.
44:50 So he took a human body back to heaven with Him.
44:54 So that means He is a little bit limited
44:55 as far as being able to be physically.
44:58 He can't be in more than one place at one time.
45:01 So how does He dwell in our hearts?
45:04 Through faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.
45:08 And when that happens,
45:10 you will be rooted and grounded in love.
45:16 Rooted and grounded, if you want to know
45:18 if somebody's spirit filled
45:21 see if they are rooted and grounded in love.
45:24 That means the root of everything they do,
45:26 the motivation is love.
45:30 See, God is holy and God is love.
45:36 The spirit is holy and he is the spirit of love.
45:41 And let's look at Romans 5:5.
45:45 Romans 5:5,
45:48 actually we will come back to there
45:50 maybe but I want to show you something real quick.
45:53 Romans 5:5...
46:02 says this.
46:05 Romans 4, okay.
46:09 "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God
46:13 has been poured out in our" spirits
46:18 or "into our hearts" how?
46:20 "By the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
46:25 What's the most important commandment?
46:27 Mark 12:30, Jesus said,
46:30 "Love the Lord, your God with all your heart,
46:33 with all your soul, with all your strength
46:36 and all your mind."
46:39 I can't do it.
46:41 I can't love God with all of my heart,
46:44 soul, mind and strength not my own power.
46:49 I can't love God the way He wants me to
46:52 until I surrender to Him
46:55 and let His Holy Spirit be poured out into my heart
46:59 and then the love of God is poured into my heart.
47:03 He also says that we are to love our neighbor as our self.
47:08 Glen, I love you but I can't love you as I love myself
47:15 without the power of the Holy Spirit.
47:18 You know, sometimes every time I go somewhere I will pray.
47:22 I shouldn't say every time, 99 percent of time.
47:24 Sometimes I forget but I will pray every time I go--
47:28 99 percent of the time that I go somewhere and I'll say
47:31 "Lord, please help me to open my heart.
47:35 Pour out Your love for these people
47:38 that I may love them as I love myself.
47:41 And it's amazing how God does that.
47:46 You know, how we can have these Christian bonds, isn't it,
47:48 it's exciting.
47:50 So when we are filled with love this is how we know
47:53 we are filled with the Holy Spirit.
47:55 Now turn back, we'll finish Ephesians 3:16 carrying on
48:01 and then I'm gonna show you one more scripture
48:03 and we will pray.
48:07 So he has said again, Ephesians 3:16 he is praying
48:11 "That God would grant you,
48:12 according to the riches of His glory,
48:14 to be strengthened with might
48:17 through His Spirit in the inner being,
48:19 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
48:22 that you, being rooted and grounded"
48:26 you are gonna be secure "in love,
48:28 may be able to comprehend with all the saints
48:31 what is the width, the length, the depth and the height
48:35 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge,
48:39 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
48:42 How you're filled with the fullness of God
48:44 when you are filled with His love.
48:47 And he says, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly
48:50 abundantly above all that we ask or think,
48:54 according to the power that is at work within us."
48:58 And who is that power?
49:00 The Holy Spirit.
49:02 "To Him be glory in the church
49:04 by Christ Jesus to all generations,
49:07 forever and ever.
49:08 Amen." Amen.
49:11 Now, I want you to turn please to 1 Thessalonians,
49:14 one of my favorite scriptures.
49:17 You know, we hope that you at home are enjoying this study
49:21 and we hope that you are in a cool, nice spot
49:25 because we are without air-conditioning tonight
49:28 so we are all just kind of sweltering, aren't we?
49:33 All right, we have a special guest with us tonight
49:36 Frank Fournier and I told Frank before we started.
49:38 "If I got the vapors and fainted
49:40 he'd come up here and finish."
49:43 All right, let me show you this scripture because I love it.
49:47 We're gonna actually began
49:48 1 Thessalonians 3
49:52 and let's look at verse 12.
49:56 Paul is writings to the Thessalonians
49:59 and here's what he says,
50:01 "May the Lord make you increase..."
50:04 Who is gonna give the increase?
50:06 The Lord.
50:07 "May the Lord make you increase and abound in love
50:11 to one another and to all, just as we do to you."
50:15 He wants God to make us increase and abound in love.
50:19 Why?
50:21 Let's look at why that's in verse 12.
50:24 "So that" here's the purpose
50:29 he may establish your hearts
50:32 blameless in holiness
50:36 before our God and Father
50:38 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
50:41 with all His saints."
50:43 Do you realize what that scripture is saying?
50:46 It says, may the Lord make you increase and abound in love
50:49 so that He may establish
50:53 your hearts blameless in holiness.
50:58 What he is saying
51:00 if I can just distil that is to,
51:06 as you increase in love, you increase in holiness.
51:12 That's what it's all about.
51:15 If we would learn to love by the power of the Holy Spirit,
51:22 God is love, His spirit is the spirit of love
51:26 and as we love by His spirit
51:29 and learn to love our neighbor as our self,
51:33 learn to love God with all of our
51:35 hearts, soul, mind and strength,
51:37 we will increase in holiness.
51:39 Isn't that exciting?
51:41 To me this is an extremely exciting scripture.
51:45 So in summation let's talk about this one more time.
51:50 If you want to walk in surrender
51:54 it's an easy process.
51:56 Just pray, follow the path of Christ passion.
51:59 And what's that first stopping point?
52:02 The Garden of Gethsemane.
52:04 So symbolically in the morning think about that.
52:07 Just throw up your hands and say,
52:09 "Lord," Luke 22:42
52:12 "Not my will but Yours be done."
52:15 "Oh, Lord, work in me"
52:17 "To will and to do Your good work."
52:21 "And, Lord, I pray..." Psalms 143:10
52:24 "That you will teach me Your will,
52:27 that You will lead me by Your Spirit."
52:29 And Philippians 2:5-8,
52:31 "That You will give me the mind of Christ.
52:35 Give me that same humble attitude as Christ had
52:39 that I would be willing to be obedient
52:42 even to the point of dying on the cross."
52:44 And then your second step is what?
52:48 You go to the hill of Calvary and it's Luke 9:23 "Lord,
52:53 help me to pick up my cross today
52:56 and I want to crucify this flesh."
52:59 As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31
53:01 "I want to die daily so that I may live for You."
53:06 "And then pray," Galatians 5:24, 25
53:10 "Lord, help me to be crucified to self and to live
53:15 since I live by the spirit, to walk by the spirit."
53:18 Not running ahead, not behind.
53:22 And pray those scriptures
53:24 and then the most important part
53:27 is to remember that
53:30 resurrection morning is just over the hill here
53:34 and you need to pray and ask the Lord.
53:36 Luke 11:9 and 11:13
53:40 is "Lord, I'm asking, I'm seeking, I'm knocking.
53:44 Fill me with Your Holy Spirit."
53:46 And then just open up your heart
53:48 and let the King of glory come in
53:50 and when you do,
53:52 God will fill your heart with love.
53:55 And as you increase in love, you will increase in holiness.
54:00 Amen? Amen.
54:02 Do you all have any questions?
54:04 Is there any prayer request?
54:06 We wish that and hopefully someday soon,
54:09 we'll be able to take live prayer request.
54:11 This is a live program
54:13 and we want you to know if you are a viewer of 3ABN
54:19 we thank you so much
54:21 for sending in your prayers and your request
54:23 and we get many through the pastoral department.
54:26 We get lot of letters and we want you to know that
54:28 we take everyone of those prayer requests seriously
54:32 and we pray over them throughout the week
54:35 and just know that you are very special to us
54:38 and your prayer requests
54:39 are very special to us and to the Lord.
54:41 Does anybody here have a special prayer request?
54:47 My neighbors.
54:49 For your neighbors.
54:50 Okay, we will pray for your neighbors.
54:52 Anything special? Sharon and Dwaine.
54:53 Sharon and Dwaine, we will pray for them.
54:55 Yes, Frank?
54:57 I have the keynote address of ASI Convention.
55:02 You do indeed.
55:03 So Frank Fournier who is by the way if you don't know
55:06 he is the president of ASI.
55:08 He is visiting with us.
55:09 Had the pleasure of interviewing him today
55:11 along with Judy and Clint, Barn and Clinton.
55:16 We are so glad that you are here.
55:18 Parents of Mark Bond
55:20 and grandparents of all those beautiful children.
55:24 So we will pray
55:25 that you do need this prayer, amen.
55:27 Any others?
55:30 Well, we know that many of you at home,
55:33 some are facing difficulties with finances,
55:37 maybe it's your health, maybe it's your spiritual walk
55:41 and we are gonna pray right now, okay.
55:44 Heavenly Father, oh, Lord,
55:49 we are so grateful to You, Father God,
55:53 for all that You are doing in our lives
55:55 and even the things of which we are unaware.
55:59 Father, we come in the name of Jesus tonight
56:02 and we do pray that You will help us, Lord,
56:05 to express our love for You by obeying Your word.
56:12 You said, if we loved You, keep Your commandments
56:16 and we pray Lord that we will do that.
56:19 And we come this night asking that You will help us
56:22 to put this word into practice, Lord,
56:25 and to remember that it's not just a one time thing
56:29 but, Father, sometimes we have to surrender
56:32 hour by hour or even minute by minute.
56:35 Lord, we want to lift up the neighbors to You,
56:40 the people who are having difficulty.
56:42 Father, we lift up people around the world,
56:45 people who are having financial problems
56:48 or maybe problems with their children, Father,
56:50 or problems, Father, that with unemployment.
56:56 We pray that You will be their Jehovah-Jireh
56:59 who meets all of their needs
57:00 according to Your glorious riches.
57:02 And we lift up the people around the world
57:04 who are suffering for Your name sake, Father,
57:07 and we pray You will be a wall of fire around them
57:09 and the glory in their midst.
57:11 And, Father, we especially want to lift up
57:13 Frank Fournier to You
57:15 and we thank You, Father, for appointing him as
57:19 and calling him to be president of ASI.
57:22 And he has that keynote address, Lord.
57:25 I pray You will prepare him.
57:26 Fill him with Your spirit
57:28 and prepare him to address Your people.
57:33 Lord, we ask for all of us
57:35 help us to walk in Christ footsteps.
57:39 We ask this for the glory of Your name.
57:43 We ask in the name of Jesus
57:45 and receive in the name of Jesus, amen.
57:48 Amen. Amen.
57:49 So thank you all so much for joining us tonight
57:52 and our prayer is
57:53 that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
57:55 the love of the Father
57:56 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:58 will be with you always.
57:59 Bye-bye.
58:01 Thank you.


Revised 2016-04-11