Sharper Focus, A

How To Be Delivered, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000011

00:20 Hello, friends and welcome to another "A Sharper Focus"
00:23 edition here in Thompsonville, Illinois
00:26 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:28 We thank you for tuning in.
00:29 My name is John Lomacang.
00:31 I'm the pastor here as well as the presenter for the series,
00:34 "How to live a spiritual life in a natural body."
00:38 That's what each of us is called to do,
00:40 as Christ calls us to a growing,
00:42 relationship with Him.
00:43 Thank you for tuning in.
00:45 We like to encourage you to spend the next hour,
00:47 to sit down and get your Bibles, get your friends,
00:50 get your family together, and we pray
00:52 that you'll be directed and guided by the Holy Spirit
00:55 as we study the word of God together.
00:59 Also want to say a special hello to those of you.
01:02 If you're in the Virgin Islands, my family is there.
01:04 If you're in the Bahamas, we have some good friends there.
01:06 Welcome you tonight.
01:07 And wherever you may be joining us from,
01:09 we hope that the Spirit of God will bless you
01:12 as we walk together through the study on
01:15 "How to be delivered."
01:17 And I'd like to welcome you with a hearty amen
01:19 from our local audience. Can you say, amen.
01:21 Amen. And every Wednesday night,
01:23 we get together to study our Bibles
01:24 and tonight is no exception.
01:26 But before we do anything,
01:27 before we have our prayer,
01:29 and before we have our song
01:30 and I will tell you where to find your study
01:32 on our website address.
01:34 Let's first begin with a word of prayer.
01:37 Our gracious Father in heaven,
01:38 we thank You so much that You call us
01:40 not through righteousness, but You also provide everything
01:44 we need to live soberly, godly,
01:47 and righteously in this present age.
01:50 Tonight as we study the Bible again,
01:52 as we study this all important topic,
01:54 we pray not only for an intellectual understanding,
01:56 but for a spirit connection to give us strength,
02:01 to live above the daily temptations
02:03 and to become more like Jesus.
02:06 This we ask in your precious name we pray, amen.
02:11 Now we have a theme--
02:12 I think it's becoming a theme song.
02:14 It's the song of victory in Jesus
02:15 and I think our local audience knows it pretty well.
02:18 Now the words will not appear on your screen,
02:20 but if you know the song, you can sing along with us.
02:22 The words will appear on our local screen.
02:24 But this is a theme song,
02:26 that's becoming one that we really enjoy,
02:28 because we're talking about
02:29 how to have victory in Jesus.
02:31 Follow along and sing with us.
02:39 Are you ready?
02:41 I heard an old, old story
02:45 How a Savior came from glory
02:49 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:53 To save a wretch like me
02:57 I heard about His groaning
03:00 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:04 Then I repented of my sins
03:08 And won the victory
03:10 Raise that chorus.
03:12 O victory in Jesus
03:15 My Savior, forever
03:19 He sought me and bought me
03:23 With His redeeming blood
03:27 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:31 And all my love is due Him
03:34 He plunged me to victory
03:38 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:42 I heard about a mansion
03:46 He has built for me in glory
03:49 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:53 Beyond the crystal sea
03:57 About the angels singing
04:01 And the old redemption story
04:04 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:08 The song of victory He changed
04:12 O victory in Jesus My Savior, forever
04:20 He sought me and bought me
04:23 With His redeeming blood
04:27 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:31 And all my love is due Him
04:35 He plunged me to victory
04:39 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:42 He plunged me to victory
04:46 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:53 Amen. Amen. That's our theme, victory in Jesus.
04:59 That's the only way to have victory.
05:00 Tonight as we continue in our topic,
05:02 I think we're winding this one up tonight,
05:05 "How to be delivered."
05:06 And the next time we have our live broadcast.
05:08 It would be alive, alive in Jesus, alive unto God.
05:13 How to live the resurrected life?
05:16 Now many of us hear about the first resurrection.
05:19 And what's the other one?
05:21 Second Resurrection.
05:23 But there is a resurrection before the first resurrection.
05:26 That's walking in the newness of life.
05:28 And we'll talk about that topic.
05:30 How to be alive unto God?
05:32 How to live the resurrected life?
05:34 And by the way, you'll discover
05:36 that until you die the death of Christ,
05:39 you can't live the life of Christ.
05:41 You got to die the death of Christ
05:44 before you live the life of Christ.
05:46 Now tonight before we go to question number 9,
05:49 which is the question, we're going to begin with.
05:51 I like you to turn your Bibles with me to Second Peter.
05:54 Second Peter, Chapter 2, and this is a passage,
06:01 not often associated with the topic
06:02 of righteousness by faith.
06:04 But it fits--it fits very well.
06:08 Second Peter, Chapter 2.
06:10 And we're going to look
06:12 at two particular verses, verse 7.
06:16 This is speaking about the destruction
06:18 of not only Sodom and Gomorrah,
06:21 but the angels that sin that were cast to the earth
06:25 and delivered in chains of darkness.
06:27 But as it pertains to Sodom and Gomorrah,
06:30 look at verse 7.
06:31 The Lord speaks about the one He delivered.
06:34 And he says in verse 7, and delivered righteous, who?
06:37 Righteous lot, who was apposed
06:40 with a filthy conduct of the wicked.
06:43 For that righteous man, dwelling among them tormented
06:49 his righteous soul from day to day by seeing
06:53 and hearing their lawless deeds.
06:55 You think about that. That's kind of like
06:57 living in a major city that's overrun with corruption.
07:00 When a person has a walk with Christ,
07:02 the things that you see.
07:04 It's amazing the way they said it that way,
07:05 tormented his righteous soul.
07:08 And when you listen to the news nowadays,
07:10 heard a very interesting story today,
07:12 but I'm not done yet, I'm gonna read verse 9.
07:14 Heard a very interesting story today about
07:15 a baby that was born, a stillborn.
07:19 I believe it was one of the Spanish countries
07:22 and the parents--obviously if the baby is born dead,
07:26 they gave the baby to the mortician
07:28 to prepare the baby for burial.
07:31 And I don't know how they do it,
07:33 because it's amazing that they went to see
07:35 the baby and the baby was already in the coffin.
07:37 They opened the coffin and the baby was alive.
07:40 That's good news, amen.
07:42 Amen. Its amazing how that happened
07:47 because in America by the-- time they put you in a coffin,
07:52 you'd already have been embalmed.
07:54 But the Lord is so gracious, He knows how to deliver.
07:59 He knows how to do, what?
08:00 He knows how to deliver.
08:02 The reason why we're talking about deliverance
08:04 is everyone of us day by day face challenges,
08:08 packaged in a very big world that's been around
08:10 since the entrance of sin is called temptation.
08:13 What's the word? Temptation. Temptation.
08:14 Well, look at verse 9.
08:16 This is the verse that highlights
08:18 how God really cares about us.
08:21 He says then the Lord knows how to do, what friends?
08:25 How to deliver the godly out of, what?
08:29 Out of temptation and to reserve the unjust
08:33 under punishment for the Day of Judgment
08:37 or unto the Day of Judgment, whatever translation you have.
08:39 But the Bible says, the Lord knows
08:41 how to deliver the, what?
08:45 Godly. Do the godly need deliverance.
08:47 Now I want to reiterate this
08:49 just in case you haven't seen this before.
08:50 I want--I want to make this very clear.
08:52 God delivers three ways.
08:54 How many ways that I say?
08:55 Three. Three. One we come to Christ,
08:57 when we give our lives to Christ.
08:58 The first line of deliverance is deliverance
09:02 from the, what of sin?
09:05 Say it again, from the penalty of sin.
09:08 We're taken off death row.
09:10 That death sentence no longer reigns
09:12 over our heads.
09:14 But there is a second form of deliverance
09:16 that I believe this verse is talking about.
09:18 The second form of deliverance is deliverance
09:21 from the, what of sin?
09:23 From the power of sin.
09:24 The Lord knows how to deliver
09:26 the godly out of temptation.
09:28 Now let me ask the question.
09:30 Does temptation still exists?
09:33 So what makes temptation different for each person?
09:37 Someone tell me. What makes temptation
09:38 different for each person?
09:40 Okay, let me make it a different question.
09:44 Why is--why are people tempted by different things?
09:49 Because we're all different, that's a good answer.
09:51 Okay, good answer.
09:53 But let me get--let's get a little deeper into that.
09:57 Well, usually the environment or the thing
10:00 that you often yield to becomes
10:02 the line of your temptation, your environment, your society.
10:06 For example, there are some individuals
10:08 that are raised maybe in the home where there
10:09 is lot of alcohol and drinking and lot of carousing,
10:12 a lot of worldliness.
10:13 Then they grow up, they're tempted
10:15 from that kind of environment.
10:16 They're persons that are raised in home
10:18 where somebody smokes or drinks or takes drugs.
10:21 Well, that's the kind of temptation sometimes
10:23 that moulds their background.
10:25 But there are some people that live--
10:26 that were raised in completely healthy homes,
10:28 no alcohol, no drinking, no carousing, no drugs,
10:34 no bad movies, no profanity and they still have temptation.
10:37 Now let me ask you the question.
10:39 What about us a fourth or fifth generation Adventist,
10:42 are they still tempted?
10:44 Yes. Now the reason I asked--the reason
10:46 I asked that question because somebody
10:48 posed the question just few days ago.
10:51 Ask me the question, they said now
10:52 what if the mother and the father are delivered.
10:55 They're both baptized.
10:56 They're both sanctified.
10:59 Does their baby still face temptation?
11:03 Yes. And I thought to myself, really good try.
11:06 Because we still pass on the--
11:08 the only thing that we can't pass on is the nature
11:11 of our first father and his name is what?
11:14 His name is Adam.
11:15 So every one of us is continually tempted,
11:18 but the Lord knows how to deliver
11:21 the godly out of temptation, amen.
11:23 Amen. So he knows that--
11:25 when those temptations come, if we turn to Him,
11:27 He will do, what? He will deliver us.
11:30 Now, go to First Corinthians Chapter 10.
11:33 Some people say well, you know, I don't know,
11:35 temptation is really strong, I have heard that
11:39 and temptation is strong.
11:41 But who is stronger than temptation, somebody tell me.
11:44 God. That's right.
11:45 If God before us who can be against us.
11:48 First Corinthians, Chapter 10.
11:51 Want you see this verse.
11:53 This falls in the context of all the children of Israel.
11:57 First of all they were delivered from Egypt.
11:59 They were delivered from bondage.
12:02 When the Lord delivers us from the penalty of sin,
12:06 he delivers us from bondage to sin.
12:09 I believe its Romans 6:16 when Paul says,
12:12 do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves
12:16 are servants to obey, you are that one servant.
12:19 Some translation says, slave.
12:21 So sin holds us into slavery just as the children of Israel
12:25 were held in Egypt as slaves.
12:27 But as the Lord delivered the children from Israel,
12:32 He can deliver us from temptation.
12:34 Now is there--let me ask this question.
12:36 Is there such thing as a temptation
12:38 that we cannot resist? Yes or no.
12:43 I'm having a hard time getting
12:44 an answer on that one. Let's try it again.
12:47 Is there an irresistible temptation?
12:54 Ah, she said peeking at your Christmas presents.
12:58 That's a good answer in the month of April.
13:00 Ah, if you're not in Christ
13:08 and I think some of you are getting theological
13:09 and trying to put a scenario together in your head,
13:12 because without Christ, all temptations are overpowering.
13:17 But look at First Corinthians 10:31,
13:20 I like to--sorry not 10:31. 10:13.
13:25 But let's--let's look at verse 12
13:27 to just kind of get the flow.
13:29 First Corinthians, Chapter 10, verse 12 and 13.
13:32 It says, therefore let him who thinks he stands,
13:36 let's read the rest together.
13:38 Take heed lest he, what?
13:40 Lest he fall. So for those who stand
13:44 and you know what the Bible talks about
13:45 having done all the stands.
13:46 Stand therefore, having on the whole armor of God.
13:50 But it's possible that when you say okay, good,
13:52 I have got the standing thing really down path.
13:55 The Lord says, ah, be careful, let him who thinks
13:58 he stands take heed lest the, what?
14:00 Lest the fall. Lest he stumbles
14:02 in his own attempt to deliver himself from temptation.
14:06 But I like verse 13.
14:07 And I like us to read that together
14:09 with some fervor.
14:10 Here we go. What are the first two words?
14:12 No temptation. No temptation has overtaking
14:17 you except such as his common to man.
14:20 But let's get this now.
14:22 But God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted
14:27 beyond what you're able,
14:30 but with the temptation will also make a way of escape
14:35 that you maybe able to do, what?
14:37 Amen. That you may be able to bear.
14:39 So now let me ask the question again in light of this text.
14:42 Is there any temptation that we must fall prey to?
14:46 No. Absolutely not.
14:47 Absolute--there is not a temptation
14:49 and when you think about that,
14:51 it says to me that God, He does not allow the devil
14:54 just to come and overpower us.
14:56 He knows what we can handle.
14:58 He knows where there is a point of--well,
15:02 that's too much, that's too great.
15:04 I'm not gonna allow you to tempt my child
15:06 that way and-- that's a good news.
15:07 But He allows us to understand
15:10 that with these temptations there is always a door.
15:14 There's always a way to escape.
15:16 If you have four walls, if there are four walls,
15:18 He will deliver you like He delivered
15:20 Daniel in a lion's den.
15:21 Which way was that?
15:22 Up. If you're in the fiery furnace,
15:25 He will deliver you like he did the Hebrews.
15:27 He goes in the furnace with you,
15:29 delivers you in that moment.
15:32 So He doesn't deliver you always from the moment,
15:34 but some times He delivers you, when?
15:36 In the moment.
15:39 He delivers us in the moment.
15:41 Now what I like to do is go to Second Corinthians.
15:44 What book did I say?
15:46 Second Corinthians, lay a little foundation
15:47 here and we're going to get through these questions tonight.
15:50 I know we haven't have enough time,
15:51 but I will lay some foundation here.
15:53 Second Corinthians and we're going
15:56 to look together at Chapter 1,
16:01 Second Corinthians, Chapter 1.
16:08 And let's look together at verse 10.
16:11 You want to write this down because
16:12 these kind of like our extra verses
16:15 just emphasizing how in the journeys of Paul.
16:20 This is particularly about Paul's trouble in Asia.
16:23 But what the Lord says about how
16:25 He delivered Paul applies to how He delivers us.
16:28 Look at verse 10. And it says,
16:32 "Who delivered us from so great a," what?
16:36 Death. "From so great a death and does deliver us.
16:40 Who did deliver us and does?
16:43 That's past and" what?
16:46 "Present. And it goes on in whom we trust
16:50 that he will still", what?
16:53 Deliver us. Did you get that?
16:55 He delivered us, He delivers us,
16:58 and He will deliver us, Amen.
17:00 He delivered us from our past,
17:02 He delivered us in our presence--in our present,
17:05 and He will deliver us in our future.
17:07 That's one of the only verses in Bible
17:08 where you find the word "deliver" three times.
17:11 He has delivered us. He is delivering us.
17:14 He will deliver us. Paul said it,
17:16 I have been a lot of problems,
17:17 I have been lot of situations.
17:19 Paul was in prison. He was whipped.
17:21 He was flogged. He was persecuted.
17:24 But in all of those, there is a particular passage,
17:26 I believe is in Psalms 34.
17:29 Let me peek at that here.
17:30 Psalms 34, verse 19. Yes, that's it.
17:37 Psalms 34, verse 19, which says
17:39 "Men you're the afflictions of the righteous,
17:42 but the Lord delivers him out of them all."
17:45 So does the Lord deliver?
17:46 Yes, he does. Now the reason
17:48 I laid the foundation with this is,
17:49 when we first give our lives to Christ in baptism.
17:53 Want to go to question number 9 tonight.
17:55 Let's look at this on the screen, question number 9.
17:58 And the question is how is the passion of Jesus
18:01 revealed in the cross?
18:03 I'll just read this first and then--
18:04 I'll finish this statement I was about to make.
18:07 How is the passion of Jesus revealed in the cross?
18:10 Go with me to Romans, Chapter 6.
18:14 Romans Chapter 6 and verse 8.
18:19 Romans, Chapter 6 and verse 8, okay.
18:22 If you're already there, that's great.
18:24 If not, I'll have it on the screen.
18:25 Romans, Chapter 6 verse 8
18:27 and here is what the Bible says.
18:29 Now what's the next word?
18:32 "If we died with Christ,
18:33 we believe that we shall also," do what?
18:36 "Live with Him." "Live with Him."
18:37 When Paul communicates this message,
18:40 he says if we died with Christ,
18:42 that is death, burial, resurrection.
18:47 One day we're going to reign with Him.
18:49 Revelation 20 talks about that.
18:51 They lived and reign with Christ a thousand years.
18:54 But this is far deeper than just
18:55 what's going to happen in the future.
18:57 Matter of fact go with me to
18:58 Galatians Chapter 2 and verse20.
19:00 The living-- he living part.
19:02 So if you want to put that down.
19:03 How is the passion of Jesus revealed in the cross?
19:06 If we died with Christ, we believe
19:08 that we shall also live with Him.
19:10 In other words, here is the answer.
19:11 He died so that we can live. All right.
19:14 He died so that we can live.
19:17 That's a good--that's a good thing.
19:19 Because if we died, we wouldn't live.
19:22 No man ever died and conquered the grave.
19:26 Outside of those that are specifically refer
19:29 to in the Bible and you know who they are.
19:31 But Jesus was the only one
19:32 that was victorious over death.
19:34 He's the only one that the Bible says,
19:35 he has the keys of death.
19:38 he others didn't have the keys.
19:39 They still needed the power of God
19:41 to be resurrected.
19:42 But Jesus said, I laid down my life
19:44 and I had power to do, what?
19:46 Take it up again. And so there's only one who does that.
19:49 But Galatians 2:20, is that where you are?
19:51 Yes. Okay. Let me wait till I get there.
19:54 You guys are fast. Okay, here we are.
19:58 Okay. Galatians.
20:03 Okay. I'm there.
20:09 You know lot of time the speakers
20:10 says if you're already there, say amen. But now I'm there.
20:14 Okay, now this is the question
20:16 about dying and living in Christ.
20:19 The whole kit and caboodle
20:21 right here contained in this verse.
20:23 It says, I have been crucified with Christ.
20:29 It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives, where?
20:34 In me. In me. And the life
20:36 which I now live in the flesh. I live by, what?
20:41 Faith. Faith in the son of God
20:43 who loved me and did, what?
20:45 Gave Himself for me. When you read
20:49 Isaiah 53:12, that's what it talks about.
20:52 He went as a lamb to the slaughter,
20:55 yet he did not open his mouth.
20:57 He went as a lamb to the slaughter.
20:59 You know one of the things that Satan tried to do,
21:02 to defeat the mission of Christ.
21:03 As he couldn't stop him in his earthly life,
21:07 he couldn't defeat him in the wilderness.
21:10 So one of the ways that--
21:11 And I don't know if you got this,
21:12 but when Christ was on the cross,
21:15 do you remember how they taunted him?
21:18 One of the things that they said to Christ
21:20 when He was hanging on the cross was what?
21:27 Save yourself. Save yourself. Yeah, come down,
21:29 save yourself. Now do you know that
21:31 if He had done that He couldn't save us.
21:34 So when you get this, when it says,
21:38 the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith
21:40 in the son of God who love me and gave himself for me.
21:43 He decided that He went to the cross for us.
21:48 He gave himself for us.
21:50 He couldn't save Himself and us.
21:55 Very interesting and I'll break
21:56 that down in just a moment.
21:57 So he decided without--to live with us,
22:02 to make provision for us to live with him.
22:05 He decided to die in our place
22:07 and open the door to salvation for us.
22:10 So when you think about the question.
22:11 What question was it, question number 9?
22:13 The passion of Christ is revealed in the cross.
22:16 He died that we might live. All right.
22:19 Look at question 10. Question number 10.
22:23 How is the transformation of baptism
22:26 described in scripture? How is it described?
22:31 Romans 6 verse 4.
22:41 Okay. Romans, the Book of Romans.
22:44 Romans Chapter 6.
22:47 All right. Romans Chapter 6, verse 4.
22:53 Okay. You know it's almost a continuation,
23:01 so you have to read verse 3 too, don't you think?
23:03 Because it starts with the word, therefore.
23:05 Are you ready? Look at verse 3.
23:07 We already know that we read verse 3 earlier,
23:09 but let's go and read it now.
23:10 It says, or do you not know that as many of us
23:13 as were baptized into Christ would baptize into his, what?
23:17 Death. Death. Therefore, in other words,
23:21 because of that we were buried with Him through, what?
23:25 Baptism. Baptism. Into what? Death.
23:28 Death. That just as Christ was raised from the dead by
23:32 the glory of the Father even so
23:37 we also should walk in what?
23:40 Newness of life. Newness of life.
23:41 I want you to get that word also.
23:43 That word also is powerful.
23:45 You know what it saying?
23:46 Let's go to Matthew, Chapter 20.
23:48 I want you to see what it means by also.
23:50 So if you want to put the answer there.
23:52 How is the transformation of baptism
23:55 described in scripture? We walk in the newness of life.
24:01 We died the death of Christ.
24:02 We walked in the newness of life.
24:04 Now, when it says also, that we should also
24:07 walk in newness of life. Matthew, Chapter 28.
24:10 This is something that sometimes
24:11 we don't-- we don't grapple.
24:14 When I was studying, this came out to me
24:16 in a very wonderful way showing what is available
24:18 to us on the other side of the new life.
24:26 We should also walk in the newness of life.
24:29 That means our new life is like his new life.
24:33 Verse 18, of Matthew 28.
24:36 Okay. Depending on the translation,
24:39 the word will either be authority or power.
24:42 Then Jesus came, Matthew 28:18.
24:44 Then Jesus came and spoke to them saying all, what?
24:48 All power or all authority has been given to me, where?
24:52 In heaven and where?
24:54 On earth. What happens is when you're in Christ,
24:57 there is a power available to you that is not available
25:01 to you outside of Christ.
25:03 And Acts 1:8 it says, but ye shall receive power,
25:08 after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you
25:11 and then you shall be witnesses to me
25:14 or witnesses of me.
25:16 But we can't be witnesses of Christ.
25:18 We can't do anything effectively
25:20 unless the power of Christ comes upon us.
25:22 So now to put it all together.
25:23 The reason why this lesson is so widely important is,
25:25 it's talking about baptism.
25:28 You see lot of people baptize,
25:29 but don't know what to expect on the other side of baptism.
25:32 So what happens is, we get baptized
25:35 and we join the church and we say.
25:38 Okay, now what.
25:41 I'm into an-- I'm in a church,
25:43 that's intellectually scripturally sound.
25:47 But I still have temptations.
25:49 What do I do?
25:51 So when you look at the life that Christ lived,
25:54 the temptations came.
25:56 Okay, let me ask you the question.
25:59 Did the devil tempt Him anymore after the cross?
26:02 Yes or no. No.
26:03 Why not?
26:07 Why not?
26:09 Because he lost the battle.
26:11 He tried everything to get Christ
26:13 from entering into that death.
26:15 And once Christ entered into that death,
26:18 to that burial, and that resurrection
26:20 that was the new and powerful life.
26:22 The life of all authority,
26:23 all power, he--forget it.
26:26 But the difference between Christ and us is this.
26:29 Christ was raised with a glorious body, right?
26:33 What do we still have?
26:35 Come on, what do we still have?
26:36 A mortal body.
26:38 See one day we will have a glorious body
26:40 just like His resurrected body.
26:42 Now but I want you to know, don't despair
26:44 because we can have the resurrected life
26:46 in the mortal body.
26:48 That's the beauty of the Christian life.
26:50 He's saying okay, don't be discouraged.
26:52 Christ has a glorious body.
26:57 But you have a mortal body.
27:00 Christ is resurrected never to die again.
27:03 You came forth from the watery grave,
27:08 but you still have to die.
27:13 I'll leave it there till we get to the question.
27:15 All right.
27:16 Let's go to question number 11.
27:18 We came from the watery grave,
27:20 when Christ came up out of the grave,
27:22 did He die anymore?
27:23 No more, He died once for all.
27:26 But when we come up--
27:28 when Christ came up out of the grave,
27:30 not the watery grave.
27:31 When Christ came up out of the tomb,
27:33 no more death.
27:34 When we come up out of the watery grave,
27:36 there's still a continual death.
27:39 This is powerful to get.
27:41 Very important, because if you say, there are some churches
27:43 that teach once saved, always saved.
27:45 Now, you know, when you fall into temptation,
27:48 you know, there is no such thing
27:51 as once saved, always saved. Right?
27:56 All right. Let's go to the next question.
27:59 Question number 11.
28:01 What spiritual disposition
28:03 must we maintain following baptism?
28:07 Let's go to Romans 6 and verse 11.
28:10 What spiritual disposition must we maintain
28:15 following baptism? Okay.
28:18 Let's go to Romans 6 and verse 11.
28:21 Romans 6 and verse 11. Want you to see this.
28:25 And its also on the screen. I think you know that by now.
28:29 All right, here it is.
28:32 The spiritual disposition we must maintain.
28:35 It says, "Likewise,
28:36 you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to," what?
28:40 "To sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
28:48 So if you're answering the question.
28:50 What spiritual disposition must we maintain?
28:55 Somebody give me the answer.
28:57 What spiritual disposition must we maintain?
29:02 Dead to sin. Say that together.
29:05 Dead to, what? To sin.
29:07 Dead to sin, either you're dead to sin
29:11 or you'll eventually be dead in sin.
29:14 You see Christ became sin for us.
29:20 Christ died not in sin. Christ became sin for us.
29:29 When He went to the cross,
29:30 He did not go to the cross in sin.
29:33 He took our sin to the cross.
29:35 You want to get that, because
29:37 if He went to the cross in sin,
29:39 He couldn't save was from sin. But He became sin for us.
29:44 Isaiah 53 makes it very, very clear,
29:46 as a lamb to the slaughter.
29:48 What happen-- what happened to the lamb?
29:50 Why was the lamb slaughtered?
29:52 Because the sins of the transgressor
29:56 was by confession transferred to the lamb.
30:02 That spotless lamb.
30:04 The lamb didn't do anything wrong.
30:06 Spotless, perfect lamb.
30:09 The sins transferred to that lamb
30:12 and then the lamb now innocent as it was,
30:14 couldn't fight, I think,
30:17 I can't remember who told me this,
30:18 but whoever was I think they had a very good point.
30:22 They said that, "When you turn a lamb over,
30:26 when you turn a lamb over, it just stops fighting."
30:30 There's some mechanism in the lamb
30:32 that just stops fighting,
30:35 but what's even more amazing to me is that,
30:38 when the sin of the transgressor
30:40 was confessed on the head of a lamb,
30:42 the lamb wasn't turned over.
30:45 If you follow this ceremony,
30:46 I want you to get this talks about the awful nature of sin.
30:53 Eye contact wasn't maintain with the lamb
30:56 as his throat was slit.
31:00 And a bowl was placed below the throat of a lamb
31:04 as the blood dripped out
31:06 and the transgressor kept his eyes
31:08 fixed on that lamb until the lamb's fleeting eyes
31:12 just let him to the point of death.
31:17 And I could imagine
31:18 when that person went home that day,
31:22 after confessing his sin on that lamb,
31:25 he must have felt awful.
31:28 I mean, how would you feel,
31:30 really, think about it, how would you feel?
31:32 And you think to yourself,
31:35 I've been doing this for-for years.
31:41 An awful feeling that where there is no shedding of blood
31:45 there is no remission of sin.
31:49 And then Christ comes, spotless lamb as Peter says,
31:54 "Without spot and without blemish."
31:57 And then He goes to the cross.
32:00 And then He shed His blood.
32:04 Our sins are transferred to Him.
32:06 Jesus went to the cross as sin, not in sin.
32:13 You may wanna write that down. You can chose to or not.
32:17 He went to the cross and survived a death
32:20 that we couldn't survive.
32:25 He went in a tomb and came out,
32:29 where we could not have come out.
32:31 No man ever came out victorious from a grave.
32:34 All those who had been crucified in Rome,
32:36 everyone of them when they were taken down
32:38 from the cross remained dead in their tombs.
32:41 Every single one of them.
32:43 But Christ was the only one
32:44 that came forth from the tomb victoriously
32:46 and then this gracious news of His victorious resurrection
32:52 was spread abroad in the ears of many witnesses,
32:56 but what made it even more powerful was that
32:58 when it got to the apostles.
32:59 I'm gonna give you the whole beauty of this.
33:01 When it got to the apostles, it's so infused them.
33:07 That they were so in filled by the spirit of God
33:09 that they turned the world upside down.
33:14 I believe, that when we live the resurrected life,
33:17 when we live the resurrected life,
33:19 Christ can do in us,
33:20 what He did in the lives of the apostles.
33:23 He can turn the world upside down.
33:25 But He could never do that
33:26 if we, if we live our lives each day
33:28 in the river on the bank, in the river on the bank.
33:31 There's some that believe we'll be,
33:33 you know, sin, forgiveness, sin,
33:35 forgiveness, sin, sin, sin, forgiveness,
33:37 forgiveness, sin, forgiveness, sin,
33:38 ain't that ridiculous life.
33:40 That's like, that's like a,
33:41 oh man, I was-- I had been a Christian
33:43 for x amount of years
33:44 and I'm still struggling with the very same thing.
33:48 Jesus came that we might have life
33:49 and have it more abundantly, John 10:10.
33:51 So that abundant life means,
33:53 He delivers us not just from the power,
33:55 not just from the penalty of sin,
33:56 but also from the power of sin.
33:59 That's why it's no longer,
34:00 I who lives for Christ who lives where? In me.
34:03 So when you think about that,
34:04 he says, since I have done all that for you,
34:06 what I want you do, here's the disposition
34:08 I want you to maintain.
34:10 Consider yourselves dead indeed to sin,
34:15 but alive unto God.
34:17 We're gonna talk about that topic coming in a--
34:18 What does it mean to be alive unto God?
34:20 So if you write in the answer down,
34:23 here's the question, if you write it.
34:24 What spiritual disposition
34:26 must be maintain following baptism,
34:28 what is it? Dead to sin.
34:33 Alive unto God.
34:36 In other words that last life is gone,
34:38 this new life has come.
34:39 How do you treat new things?
34:41 How many of you? Tell me somebody.
34:42 How do you treat new things?
34:46 Really carefully, don't you?
34:48 Don't you get nervous when you get that first scratch
34:50 on something that you got brand new?
34:53 Car one day.
34:55 Years ago, I think it was 1994,
34:56 when we got our first Nissan Maxima,
34:58 well, we only had one Nissan Maxima.
35:00 We got our first car we were living in California.
35:03 And most people have boxes in their garage,
35:06 right, right? Yeah.
35:10 And my wife is driving the car
35:12 and I know my wife likes hidden stuff,
35:15 even still to this very day.
35:17 In all the space in a garage, and she is like hidden stuff,
35:19 just makes her feel like she's home.
35:21 Anyway, so she's driving the car into the garage
35:25 and there's a lot of space and the boxes.
35:28 You see the boxes, they're there,
35:29 they're not going anywhere.
35:31 They're terrified when she comes in the garage.
35:35 And she, week or week, maybe two weeks after,
35:40 hits the boxes and I get a dent in the front fender.
35:44 And she said, "Ah, it's nothing."
35:47 Come on guys, any of you, is it nothing?
35:52 Oh, it's huge.
35:54 You know why, because that beautiful dent less car
36:00 had been marred.
36:01 You think, of something that's brand new is precious.
36:04 I think that when it comes, let me change that,
36:07 when it comes not I think,
36:08 but when it comes to the new life,
36:10 we have in Christ, we have to protect and guard it,
36:12 what do you say?
36:13 Protect and guard it more than we protect something
36:16 that's temporal like a car
36:17 or brand new iPhone or brand new television
36:20 or when you wear your first--
36:22 when the first time you wear those new shoes,
36:23 you walk ever so tenderly.
36:25 You avoid everything from getting a nick,
36:27 am I telling the truth?
36:29 But when you get the first nick,
36:30 it's like okay, forget it.
36:31 My shoes have broken in.
36:33 The new life in Christ is something
36:35 that's new everyday,
36:36 that's why we got it how often,
36:38 everyday. Let's move on.
36:40 You see this, I want to try to get this lesson done tonight.
36:42 And we're moving at a very good pace.
36:44 If you're following along, on the syllabus,
36:46 it's question number, question number 12, right?
36:51 You know, I forgot to do something,
36:53 or maybe our viewers maybe wondering all,
36:55 what does he looking at?
36:56 I did not remembered to tell you,
36:58 you would get a copy of the lesson tonight.
37:00 If it's not too late and you can forgive me.
37:02 Go to our website
37:09 and download lesson number 4
37:12 entitle "How to be delivered."
37:15 It just dawn to me,
37:16 the Lord just knock on the back of my head.
37:18 They're turning to what,
37:19 and they're not turning to anything
37:21 because they don't have it in a procession.
37:23 Okay, question number 12 question number 12,
37:27 here's the question.
37:29 "How has the mission of Jesus
37:31 made it possible to die to sin?
37:34 How has the mission of Jesus
37:36 made it possible to die to sin?
37:40 Matthew 1 and verse 21,
37:42 I think we all know this one by heart.
37:44 So I like us to read this together,
37:45 its gonna be on the screen. Here we go, are you ready?
37:48 "And she will bring forth a Son,
37:51 and you shall call His name Jesus,
37:54 for He will save His people," how?
37:58 "From their sins." Not in their sins.
38:05 I just recently, I got some very discouraging news,
38:10 can't even share with you in great detail,
38:12 but let me just put it in a general context.
38:14 I'm really perturbed that so many,
38:17 that our Christians and our Christian singers
38:22 and are in the Christian industry
38:24 are living double lives.
38:28 You know what, to be more specific
38:29 and I need just to be very, very candid about this.
38:31 There was a particular singer that,
38:35 I really enjoy that person's music.
38:36 I'm just going to be very general about it.
38:38 And I found that, that person is living
38:40 a dual sexual life.
38:42 And it's so, it's just so agitated me to the thing,
38:46 that can't be true.
38:48 That just can't be true, found it was true.
38:53 And it's just so discouraged me,
38:54 just so kind of, kind of,
38:56 not shook my faith, but thought.
38:59 Can't somebody, be a Christian
39:01 and live a Christian life,
39:03 because the whole intention of being saved from sin
39:06 is not thinking that living in sin
39:09 is an acceptable thing to God.
39:11 Jesus saves us how? From sin.
39:14 Is there gonna be sin in heaven? No.
39:19 Jesus died to sin once for all.
39:21 When He comes back, Hebrew said,
39:23 "He's coming back, without sin, apart from sin."
39:26 So if we're going to be victorious,
39:28 we have to find through Christ,
39:30 we can be delivered from sin,
39:32 but the challenge in this modern age is this.
39:35 In our world even in many Christian circles,
39:37 many Christian's denominations,
39:39 you can live any or how.
39:41 That's why it's not uncommon for people,
39:42 that to be in churches in there,
39:44 you know, they're singing songs for church
39:46 and then on in, the next day during the week
39:47 they're singing songs in the world.
39:50 They're getting a Grammy award this weekend
39:51 and on next weekend they're in weekend church singing.
39:54 And that person is exalted and that was denominations
39:57 and they live a life and they live promiscuously
40:01 and homosexuality and all these perverted lifestyles
40:05 and they're singing in the name of Jesus
40:06 and I'm thinking can somebody give evident
40:09 that Jesus can save us from sin?
40:11 So this whole life being delivered
40:13 is the serious thing.
40:14 You can't just name the name of Christ.
40:16 You got to show that Christ is the one
40:18 who can give us victory, what do you say? Amen.
40:22 He came to save His people from their sins.
40:25 Question number 13, okay.
40:28 Why is it imperative to die the death that Christ died?
40:32 Why is it imperative to die the death that Christ died?
40:37 Why is it imperative?
40:38 The word imperative means, important,
40:41 extremely important.
40:44 Question number 13 and that is,
40:46 John Chapter 12 verse 12, verse 24 and 25,
40:51 John 12 verse 24 and what else verse 25.
40:58 Okay, here we are. Here we are.
41:04 "Most assuredly, I say to you,"
41:07 what's the next word?
41:09 "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground," and what?
41:14 "Dies, it remains alone,"
41:16 or abides alone as the King James Version says,
41:19 "But if it dies," that's just,
41:21 "It produces," what?
41:23 "Much grain or much fruit.
41:26 He who loves his life will lose it,
41:29 and he who hates his life in this world
41:33 will keep it for eternal life."
41:37 But what has to happen in order for there to be fruit?
41:40 What has to happen in order for fruit to show up?
41:43 You got to do what? You got to die.
41:46 Now how many of you ever planted anything?
41:49 Okay, when I was in elementary school,
41:52 it was so exciting when our class project was,
41:56 go home and tell your parents take you to the store
41:59 and buy you some seeds. Not some flower seeds.
42:04 But they'll say,
42:08 'cause you can plant a some flower seed.
42:11 Anyway, buy yourself some seeds
42:14 so the teacher would say, "Get some rose flower seeds."
42:17 And they'll be we'll do that
42:19 at the beginning of the school year
42:21 and we'll water that all school year long
42:23 and at the end of the school year,
42:24 she said, "When graduation comes
42:26 or when you go to the next grade
42:27 'cause you know how its in elementary school
42:29 and I want, I went to public elementary schools
42:31 and then I went to Adventist school.
42:32 You know, how does an elementary school
42:34 you have a graduation every year
42:35 from third to four to fifth to sixth
42:36 and so on and so forth.
42:37 And they said, now what we're doing is
42:38 we're planting the gift
42:40 that you're gonna give to your parents
42:41 at the end of the year.
42:42 But you planted at the beginning of the year.
42:45 Notice, when you first plant that,
42:47 it's quiet discouraging when you're watering it
42:49 and nothing is happening.
42:51 My wife reminded me of how important it is,
42:53 not to look at something,
42:54 you think that there is no life in it.
42:56 We had a plant that we brought back
42:57 from the Virgin Island,
42:58 I think it was the maybe a little Aloe vera plant
43:03 and she had it on it, on the sink in our house
43:07 when we lived in Anaheim, California.
43:09 And one day while we were cleaning up the house,
43:12 you know, you dusted everything real quickly.
43:13 I've dusted in a corner and, you know, spraying Windex
43:16 and just going real fast in sliding
43:18 and I broke a leaf.
43:21 And it-- it was a little leaf
43:23 and I just--was it Aloe vera,
43:27 may be not and Aloe vera, another plant.
43:30 And a little stem of a leaf fell off
43:34 and I just let it lay it on the counter
43:36 and my wife came home
43:38 and I was just about to throw it out
43:39 and she said, "Don't you throw away my plant."
43:43 And I said, "This thing, and it was a little,
43:46 it look like a vein that was missing from the body.
43:52 A little, you've ever seen,
43:53 you know, what I'm talking about?
43:54 It just looks like there's nothing in it.
43:58 She said, "Don't you throw my plant away."
44:00 And I said, the plant is right there,
44:01 this is just, this is just, broke off of the plant,
44:04 throwing it away.
44:05 She got a little plastic cup of water, Dixie cup.
44:11 Put some water in there just small little
44:13 and--not to drown it, but just, just put it in there.
44:17 And I'm thinking, you know, our guys are-just crazy.
44:22 So everyday, periodically that two three days there,
44:25 she change the water, put some fresh water
44:27 and fresh water and one day few weeks down the road,
44:31 I saw little shoot come out.
44:34 And then another shoot come out.
44:38 Now I thought amazing, do you know
44:41 after about maybe six or seven months
44:43 she gave that at away to somebody as a plant.
44:48 And I thought just to think
44:49 I looked at this feeble weak thing
44:51 and I thought it was dead.
44:53 You know, what's so good about that brethren,
44:55 Jesus looks at us, broken, separated from the father,
44:59 look fledgling as though there's nothing in us.
45:02 And Christ says, the devil says,
45:04 throw them away and Christ says,
45:05 "Not my plant."
45:09 Unless I grain wheat falls in the ground
45:11 and die it abides alone.
45:14 So when we die, that's what this text is all about.
45:17 When we decide as sinners to die to sin
45:21 and live in Christ,
45:23 we may look fledgling and a whole percept
45:25 that very beginning but He plants us
45:27 in the soil of His righteousness.
45:29 Can you say amen to that?
45:31 And just look at the parable of the sow,
45:32 that's exactly what that means.
45:34 He plants us in the soil of His righteousness
45:36 and as time goes on,
45:38 He'll discover that the grain,
45:40 it begins to produce fruit,
45:42 it begins to produce righteousness,
45:44 but if you think that it has no power in itself,
45:47 then you cast it away.
45:49 So here is the answer, what question was that,
45:51 question number 13.
45:53 Why is it imperative to die to death that Christ died?
45:57 Somebody give me the answer.
45:58 Why is it imperative to die the death that Christ died?
46:06 To produce fruits.
46:08 In order to produce fruits.
46:11 You've got a die unless a grain
46:13 or wheat falls in a ground and die,
46:15 it abides alone.
46:17 So in another words, you'll be out there
46:19 trying to row up by yourself and the Lord says,
46:21 "This is lot easier than that,
46:23 just give your life to me."
46:25 There's some people that say, well,
46:26 I would give my life to Christ,
46:28 but I got to get some things cleaned up first.
46:30 No, come as you are.
46:32 And He'll do the cleaning up.
46:34 Because we can't, we cannot ended up ourselves
46:37 get ourselves together.
46:38 Christ does all that, He puts us
46:40 and how fitting it is,
46:42 that my wife put that plant in the water.
46:44 What is Jesus called? "The water of life."
46:47 Isn't that amazing?
46:48 You think that, a glass of water so insignificant.
46:51 It quenches our thirst,
46:52 yet in that water there's enough,
46:55 there's enough chemical development by God,
46:59 to take whatever is in that plant
47:03 and cause a germination of life to come
47:07 to that plant and then eventually fruit
47:09 and then eventually a full grown stiff nice plant.
47:13 Amazing how it begins,
47:14 but it has to fall on to the ground and die.
47:17 Number 14, let's move quickly to number 14,
47:20 all right, here it is.
47:22 After being delivered what daily decision
47:25 must we make and why?
47:29 This is a three part question,
47:30 First Corinthians 15:31, First Corinthians 15:31.
47:34 Turn there fast, saints.
47:36 I hear the pages turning and by the way,
47:38 you know, where I'm going next,
47:39 just look at the next text, okay.
47:41 First Corinthians 15:31, Paul says,
47:44 "I affirm, by the boasting in you
47:48 which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord,"
47:52 together, "I die daily."
47:55 Man, that so get this now
47:59 if we don't die daily, what happens?
48:02 We live. Did you get that?
48:04 If we don't die daily, what happens? We live.
48:10 But if we die daily, who lives?
48:12 Correct, it is no longer I, who live.
48:16 If we die--Galatians 2:20 that's a perfect text.
48:18 Put that right next to First Corinthians 15:31,
48:21 put dash Galatians 2:20,
48:23 because if I die daily Christ lives.
48:28 If I don't die daily I live.
48:31 Paul says, this is a great,
48:33 "I die daily, it is no longer I who live," right.
48:37 That's the secret of the victorious.
48:39 That's the secret of living above the power of sin,
48:41 by putting self to death.
48:43 And you know what, let me just encourage you here
48:45 we're gonna get to the next ones very quickly.
48:47 I think we'll get it done.
48:48 Go to Roman 6 in verse 12 for the next answer, okay.
48:52 First of all you have to die daily,
48:53 put that first thing down.
48:54 You have to die, do what?
48:55 Die how often? Die daily.
48:57 First thing. Next thing, Roman 6 in verse 12.
49:00 I'll tell you what I'm gonna say
49:01 in a moment here.
49:02 Roman 6 in verse 12, I'm talking like a New Yorker,
49:04 listen like New Yorker, here we are.
49:06 "Therefore do not let sin reign in your," what?
49:10 "Mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts."
49:14 What's the act of words here?
49:17 That shows you have a choice.
49:20 Say it again, do not let,
49:24 do you have a choice, yes or no?
49:27 Chose you this day, whom you'll serve.
49:29 You can modify that and it says,
49:31 when you wake up in the morning
49:32 chose you today whom you will serve.
49:35 Joshua 24:15, you got to make a choice.
49:37 So it says, do not let.
49:39 Say that together, do not let.
49:41 You got to make that choice, you know,
49:42 why because if you don't make the choice
49:44 to not let sin reign, it's gonna reign.
49:48 How do you not let it reign, by dying to self?
49:52 When you die to self, who's alive in you?
49:54 Christ is alive in you.
49:57 Okay, I'm gonna give the other one,
49:58 okay, Roman 6 verse 12, the third part.
50:01 First of all, I die daily secondly do not let,
50:04 but there's something you must do
50:06 instead of just the death part and do not let.
50:07 But there's something positive about this.
50:10 Here it is, "And do not present
50:12 your members as instruments," of what?
50:15 "Unrighteousness to sin,
50:17 but present yourselves to God as being," what?
50:21 "Alive from the dead, and your members," as what?
50:26 "Instruments of righteousness to God.
50:30 Notice the difference, first of all you die,
50:33 secondly you do not let,
50:35 but thirdly you-- the thing that you've used
50:38 for wrong, you now give it to Christ,
50:40 say Lord, here it is.
50:41 Use it as an instrument to righteousness.
50:44 Brothers and sisters, we can be
50:45 instruments of righteousness to Christ.
50:48 He can work in us.
50:50 He can work through us.
50:51 So now we can either use that hand to perform sin
50:55 or use that hand to live righteously.
51:00 Do not let, sin reign in your mortal body.
51:04 Now why, because the mortal body
51:05 would naturally pull us in the direction of sin,
51:08 that's exactly what the mortal body does.
51:10 It pulls us in the direction of sin.
51:13 Let's look at the next one, number 15.
51:16 We're gonna make it, I think, we're gonna make it.
51:19 Okay, here we are.
51:21 And if not, we'll just finish next time.
51:24 Number 15, "What consistent choice
51:28 must we make to reflect the Lord in our lives?"
51:34 What consistent choice must we make
51:37 to reflect the Lord in our lives?
51:42 First Corinthians 4 and verse 10, all right.
51:47 On your page, on your paper says,
51:50 sorry, it's Second Corinthians 4
51:51 and verse 10, all right, that's where we're going.
51:54 On the screen it says, First Corinthians,
51:55 that's Second Corinthians.
51:56 So you want to make that,
51:58 make that change, it's Second Corinthians 4
51:59 and verse 10, here we are.
52:01 What's the first word?
52:03 "Always carrying about in the body
52:09 the dying of the Lord Jesus, that,"
52:13 this is powerful, "That the life of Jesus
52:17 also may be manifested in our bodies."
52:21 Did you get that?
52:22 If you have died to yourself and you're still alive,
52:27 there's only one way that you are alive.
52:29 Who's living in you?
52:31 The Lord is living in you.
52:34 Always carrying about in the body,
52:36 the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:38 that the life of Jesus also maybe manifested
52:41 in our bodies.
52:42 It is no longer I who live for Christ who lives where?
52:44 In me. Christ in you, the hope of glory.
52:48 You think about that in a very real way.
52:50 I have a little remote here,
52:52 it works really great, but if I take those batteries out,
52:55 you can use it for anything.
52:58 You can use it for anything,
53:00 because it looses its usage.
53:03 But if you put the power in it,
53:05 it becomes a powerful remote.
53:07 It does what God intend,
53:08 what the manufacturer intends,
53:11 for it's duty it has a button here,
53:12 I haven't used that button in a long time button,
53:13 better I not press it now.
53:15 I do something unusual in my presentation,
53:18 but let's go to number 16,
53:20 so the answer is number 16, number 15.
53:23 What consistent choice must we make
53:25 to reflect the Lord in our lives, what?
53:29 What consistent-- always remembering that,
53:32 this body is, it belongs to the Lord,
53:35 just remember this body is not ours.
53:37 You are not your own.
53:39 Carry about that thought, this body,
53:41 the body of sin is dead.
53:42 Now give it to Christ,
53:43 so that His life maybe manifest in our bodies.
53:46 Number 16, here it is.
53:49 To maintain our Christian walk
53:50 how should we respond to temptation?
53:54 Now these are very,
53:55 these are very elementary things.
53:57 Here that it's so widely important.
53:59 How should we respond to temptation, all right?
54:05 Mark 8 and verse 34 to 35.
54:10 I begin with the word whoever.
54:13 I begin with the word whoever,
54:14 I know, it has a lot more before that,
54:16 but I begin with the word whoever.
54:19 Are you ready, here we go.
54:20 "Whoever desires to do," what?
54:24 "Come after me, let him," what?
54:27 "Deny himself, and take up his cross,
54:31 and do," what?
54:32 Follow Me, for whoever desires
54:35 to save his life will," what?
54:38 "Lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake
54:43 and the gospel's will," what?
54:45 "Save it," so you got to make a decision,
54:47 this life, you know, what brethren,
54:48 I have seen a lot of things,
54:49 but there is nothing I've seen on this planet,
54:50 that I want to trade for eternal life,
54:52 nothing, nothing really.
54:54 I mean, I like astronomy, not astrology, astronomy.
54:58 And I see so much out there,
55:01 every now and then I look up
55:02 that stall or a cloudless sky
55:03 and I see Arian and say, wow Arian,
55:07 isn't that where Jesus is supposed to come from?
55:10 Man, I can't wait to go past Arian, anybody else?
55:13 Then sometimes they say, well, now,
55:15 tonight if you look careful enough,
55:16 you can see Venus, or you can see Saturn,
55:19 or you can see Jupiter way look up a certain degree.
55:22 And I'm thinking man, one day we're gonna,
55:24 we're gonna just sail right past, that's amen.
55:27 I'm looking forward to that, I don't know about you,
55:28 but I'm looking forward to that.
55:30 But I know that if the devil defeats my,
55:34 if the devil defeats me,
55:35 I'll never get off this planet alive.
55:38 Matter of fact, they won't get it off-
55:40 get off this planet at all.
55:43 So I've got to loose my life
55:47 for the sake of the gospel
55:49 and for the sake of Jesus and I'll save it.
55:54 Number 17, let's get really brave here, number 17.
56:00 What will happen if we compare
56:02 ourselves to Christ's righteousness?
56:04 Job 42 verse 5 and 6.
56:08 here it is, on the screen,
56:09 Job 42 verse 5 and 6.
56:12 I might just leave one for next week,
56:13 just to make it interesting.
56:15 And by the way, if you're following
56:16 the live programs, next week is
56:18 an Anchors series, right?
56:21 So next Wednesday night,
56:22 we won't have A Sharper Focus,
56:23 but we'll have a special speaker
56:25 for our Anchors series, that's five parts.
56:27 So join us still on next week
56:29 at 7'O clock for the continuation.
56:32 God always says something good here
56:33 at 3ABN for you.
56:34 So stay tune at 7'O clock.
56:36 What will happen and here is Job 42 verse 5 and 6.
56:40 "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear,
56:43 but now my eye sees you.
56:47 Therefore I do," what?
56:49 "Abhor myself, and do," what?
56:51 "Repent in dust and ashes."
56:53 What will happen if we compare ourselves
56:55 to Christ's righteousness, what happens to us?
56:58 I Abhor myself.
57:01 It's like the olden days, when we used to turned on
57:03 a black light and then we say,
57:08 man, our suit looks clean
57:09 and somebody will hold it up next to the black light.
57:12 And you see all the dirt all the soil,
57:15 matter of fact, somebody wants it,
57:16 if you want-- if you think
57:17 your house is really clean,
57:19 just get a black light and go like this
57:20 all over your kitchen counters,
57:21 all over your carpet.
57:23 Brethren, I tell you what,
57:24 was so beautiful about Christ,
57:25 is when He cleans us up,
57:27 He shows, He shines His light of righteousness on us,
57:30 that the shame and the sin of our nakedness
57:33 and our formal life does not appear.
57:34 Praise the Lord for that.
57:36 So we'll continue talking about the Sharper Focus,
57:38 how important it is to be delivered from death.
57:42 How important it is to live our lives a daily in Christ.
57:45 How important it is to know that Christ
57:47 not only calls us for membership,
57:50 but He calls us for righteous fellowship.
57:53 If you'll invite Christ into your life,
57:54 you will understand how you can have
57:57 a sharper focus in Christ.
57:58 God bless you till we see you again.


Revised 2014-12-17