Sharper Focus, A

Justification, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang


Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000007

00:18 Hello, friends, and welcome to another Wednesday night
00:21 "A Sharper Focus" edition.
00:22 My name is John Lomacang.
00:24 And if you've tuned in before,
00:26 welcome back to this very important topic
00:28 of "How to live a spiritual life
00:31 in a natural body?"
00:32 Now, the reality of it is,
00:33 each of us has a natural body
00:35 but God has called us to live spiritually,
00:37 and that is a challenge in everyone's life
00:40 and I must say in including mine.
00:42 And one of the reasons why this topic
00:43 is so vitally important to me is because
00:45 I wanna be stronger spiritually
00:47 so that I can reflect the glory of the Lord
00:49 as He intends for it to be reflected.
00:52 And, if you would like to come and join us
00:55 if you're not far away,
00:56 you can come and join us here
00:57 in Thompsonville, Illinois,
00:59 the biggest little city in the world.
01:01 Can we all say amen to that? Amen.
01:03 We believe that God is impressing
01:04 and impacting the world
01:05 from what's happening here at 3ABN
01:07 and we thank you for your prayers,
01:08 and your support of any kind
01:10 whether voluntary or whether financial.
01:12 Praise the Lord for what you do for this ministry.
01:15 Tonight I wanna encourage you to invite your friends,
01:17 get your Bibles, get your pens.
01:19 And after our opening prayer
01:21 I'll tell you how to get the lesson.
01:23 But before we go any further
01:24 we must invite God's presence.
01:26 He's the one who communicates this message for His glory.
01:29 Let's bow our heads.
01:31 Our Father in Heaven, we thank You so much
01:32 for Your goodness and for Your mercy.
01:35 We pray also that tonight Your Spirit
01:37 will come and open our hearts and minds
01:39 to understand this vitally important topic.
01:43 We are surrounded everyday
01:44 by challenges and trials and temptations.
01:48 And, so often our record reflect
01:50 that we fall and we even disappoints ourselves.
01:54 But tonight, Father, we wanna get an understanding
01:56 of not just that we are justified,
01:59 but how do we get justified,
02:01 how do we step into this wonderful
02:04 redeeming relationship with Jesus Christ.
02:06 Encourage our hearts and give us faith
02:09 to look onto Jesus,
02:10 the author and finisher of our faith.
02:12 In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
02:16 Now before we sing our song
02:17 which is "Blessed Assurance."
02:19 I hope you join us on that very familiar song.
02:21 If you'll like to follow us tonight on the lesson,
02:23 go to our website, we have a 3ABN website,
02:27 which is the acronym of the program's title
02:29 and click
02:35 on Lesson 3 and download that.
02:38 And if you've missed any of the former programs
02:41 after this program, you can go and click
02:43 on the links download the lesson
02:45 and catch up 'cause I believe
02:46 this is program number 6 or 7
02:48 in our series of "How to live
02:50 a spiritual life in a natural body?"
02:52 But before we go any further we like to sing.
02:54 You wanna sing tonight? Yes.
02:55 And we gonna sing that song an old hymn
02:57 "Blessed Assurance," because that's what we get
03:00 when we understand Christ has redeem us.
03:02 Let's sing together.
03:13 Here we go.
03:15 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
03:21 Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
03:27 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
03:32 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
03:38 This is my story, this is my song,
03:44 Praising my Savior all the day long
03:50 This is my story, this is my song,
03:56 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:02 Perfect submission all is at rest
04:08 I in my Savior am happy and blest
04:14 Watching and waiting looking above
04:20 Filled with His goodness lost in His love
04:24 (Together)
04:26 This is my story this is my song
04:32 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:37 This is my story this is my song
04:43 Praising my Savior all the day long
04:50 This is my story this is my song
04:55 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:01 This is my story this is my song
05:07 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:12 (Follow)
05:13 Praising my Savior all the day long
05:26 Amen. Wonderful song isn't it.
05:30 You know, I was thinking recently
05:32 about the prosperity gospel.
05:34 There are so many individuals
05:36 that want to prosper and I believe
05:38 that we can add ourselves to that category.
05:40 Can you say amen to that?
05:42 No one wants to fail, everyone wants to be prosperous.
05:46 But the prosperity gospel has done,
05:49 somewhat of that, as I refer to,
05:50 some damage to the actual truth
05:53 about what it means to be redeemed in Christ.
05:56 Now, it's good to have a financial portfolio
05:59 that will hold you over to the future
06:01 and it's good to have good plans
06:03 laid out all the things that you'd like to accomplish,
06:06 but tonight what I want to begin
06:08 by leading you to understand
06:11 is that the prosperity gospel
06:13 cannot really offer us prosperity
06:16 unless we understand what it means
06:18 to be redeemed and how we are justified
06:22 by the life of Christ and also how we still live
06:26 in harmony with the law of God.
06:28 Now, tonight, if you have your Bibles,
06:30 go with me to Psalms Chapter 1.
06:33 Psalms Chapter 1.
06:35 Somebody once pointed out
06:37 that the Psalms had no chapters.
06:39 They're songs and poetry.
06:42 But, just for the purpose of following carefully
06:47 they have divided them as chapters.
06:49 And tonight, what I want you to pay
06:51 particular attention to is the fact
06:53 that this passage is about prosperity.
06:56 But I want you to notice a couple of things today
06:58 because you cannot be prosperous
07:01 if you exclude the law of God
07:03 from your Christian experience.
07:08 You cannot be prosperous if you don't understand
07:10 that you are a person who needs to be redeemed.
07:13 So, follow along as we begin our study,
07:16 this is not one of the texts in our study,
07:18 but this is a vitally important platform
07:20 from which to catapult the topic tonight.
07:23 What's the first word? Together.
07:25 Blessed, and if you've
07:26 the New King James you can read along with me.
07:28 I'll read with some vigor and some encouragement.
07:32 It says, "Blessed is the man who walks
07:35 not in the counsel of the" who?
07:38 "Ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners."
07:42 "Nor sits in the seat of the scornful,
07:45 but his delight is in the," what?
07:48 "The law of the Lord, and in His law
07:51 he meditates," how often?
07:53 "Day and night."
07:54 First point about the prosperity gospel
07:56 you'll see prosperity later on in this passage.
07:59 You cannot really have a prosperity gospel
08:03 if the law of God has been deleted
08:06 from the life you live.
08:08 It's not possible.
08:10 It's not even possible.
08:13 Because without the law of God in your life
08:14 you will not understand that they're perimeters
08:16 of prosperity and then outside
08:18 of those perimeters of prosperity,
08:21 prosperity fails to exist.
08:23 A wonderful example, a parallel to that
08:24 is that you're driving on a highway.
08:27 You can drive 60 miles an hour or 65 miles an hour
08:30 but stay within the white lines, amen.
08:33 Stay within the perimeters.
08:35 Don't cross follow all the guidelines of the highway.
08:38 All the laws of travel.
08:41 Stay within those laws and you'll have prosperity.
08:44 Now somebody may not follow those laws
08:46 but your responsibility as it relates
08:48 to your relationship with Christ
08:49 is stay within the perimeters
08:51 of the relationship with Christ,
08:52 and He does not exclude prosperity
08:54 from the harmony that we can have
08:58 as we live in the confines
09:00 and the guidelines of His law.
09:02 Now, look at the next verse.
09:04 What will happen if we do not sit
09:08 where we should not sit but we live
09:10 within the confines of where we should live.
09:11 Look at verse 3. "He shall be like a," What?
09:15 "Tree planted by the rivers of water,
09:19 that brings forth its fruit in its season,
09:22 whose leaf also shall not wither,
09:25 and whatever he does" say, "shall prosper."
09:29 That's the prosperity gospel.
09:31 If you wanna have prosperity you've to understand
09:33 that God's law cannot be deleted from that gospel.
09:36 And the reason I say that is because
09:37 there are a lot of churches today
09:38 that teach that God's law has been nailed
09:41 to the cross and ever since Jesus died
09:43 there's no commandments any longer.
09:45 Well, that deletes and that negates
09:47 the very fact that we cannot be
09:49 preaching salvation from sin
09:51 unless there's something to define sin.
09:55 Now, look at the contrast between the Christian
09:57 who stays within the confines of God's law by His grace
10:01 as compared to the ungodly
10:03 who do not live in harmony with the law of God.
10:06 Look at the next verses.
10:08 Verse 4 to verse 6.
10:10 It says, "The ungodly are not so,
10:13 but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
10:16 Therefore the ungodly shall not" what?
10:20 "Stand in the judgment," you know why.
10:22 You'll see in just a moment
10:23 why they can't stay in the judgment.
10:24 "Nor sinners in the congregation
10:26 of the righteous.
10:28 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
10:31 but the way of the ungodly shall," what? "Perish."
10:34 Look at the contrast perish or prosperity.
10:39 The ungodly, there are things they can't do.
10:42 They can't sit where the righteous will sit.
10:44 They can't stand in the judgment.
10:46 Now, the reason why they cannot stand
10:48 in the judgment is because
10:49 the standard of the judgment
10:50 will be the commandments of God.
10:53 So, if you say that I don't,
10:54 if you say first of all,
10:55 there is no law of God
10:57 and I'm trying to live in harmony,
10:58 it's like deleting all the yellow lines,
11:00 erasing all the white lines,
11:02 getting rid of all the stop signs
11:05 all the merge signs,
11:06 all the exit signs and trying to travel
11:09 and have a successful journey.
11:11 It's not possible.
11:12 It's impossible as a matter of fact.
11:15 So, tonight we wanna begin by affirming
11:17 as we did in our last lesson
11:19 that God's Ten Commandments still exist,
11:21 what do you say?
11:22 They still exist, but they are not there to save us.
11:27 They are not there to save us.
11:29 Anymore than the speed limit
11:31 can save you if you hit somebody else's car.
11:34 They're there to guide us,
11:36 but they are not there to save us.
11:37 Now look at question number 1,
11:40 question number 1, and by the way
11:42 our topic tonight is "How to be justified?"
11:45 What's the title? "How to be justified?"
11:49 Very vitally important.
11:50 Question number 1 is as follows,
11:53 what must a sinner do to receive mercy?
11:58 What must a sinner do to receive mercy?
12:01 Proverbs 28 verse 13, go there with me.
12:04 Proverbs 28 verse 13.
12:08 When we lived in California,
12:09 that is when my wife and I lived in California,
12:13 we have raised nieces and nephews.
12:16 My niece, my sister's daughter,
12:18 when she lived with us,
12:20 we would give her chores to do.
12:22 You're going to Proverbs 28 verse 13.
12:24 We'd give her chores to do.
12:26 And her chore was to sweep the kitchen.
12:29 One of those responsibilities sweep the kitchen,
12:32 and we were always amaze at how fast
12:34 she swept the kitchen
12:36 and then, we'd say now
12:38 "People are coming over, clean up your room."
12:41 And she said, "Okay.
12:42 Don't open my door until I finish to clean up my room."
12:44 And we were always amazed that how quickly
12:46 she cleans up her room.
12:48 Now, let's read the text
12:49 and I'll tell you the end of the story.
12:52 What must a sinner do to receive mercy?
12:55 Here's what the Bible says,
12:57 Proverbs 28:13, "He who" what?
13:00 "Covers his sins will not prosper,
13:04 but whoever confesses and forsakes them
13:07 will have" What? "Will have mercy."
13:09 Now, let me finish the story.
13:11 The reason why my niece always
13:15 finished sweeping the kitchen so quickly
13:17 is because she swept the dirt under the refrigerator.
13:21 And we did not know,
13:22 we were in a practically brand new house,
13:25 beautiful neighborhood.
13:27 Wonderful, beautiful house.
13:29 Matter of fact even to this very day,
13:31 it still has the largest bathtub
13:32 we have ever had.
13:34 I mean, well, I can lay
13:35 in that bathtub stretch out.
13:37 I'm 6'2" ½ 6'3" on a good day.
13:39 I mean I can lay in that bathtub
13:40 stretch out from end to end.
13:41 We miss it.
13:43 But, we'd always wondered
13:45 how she finished cleaning the kitchen so fast.
13:48 In that beautiful house one day,
13:49 we found out that we had a mouse problem,i
13:52 I mean, there was a field behind our house
13:54 and all of a sudden we started noticing mouse
13:57 dropping everywhere, in the washroom.
13:59 One day, I was sitting in my office
14:01 on the second floor
14:02 and I heard this sound like this,
14:05 And I opened a box in my closet
14:07 and there was a mouse,
14:09 a mother mouse making a nest for her baby,
14:13 she had three baby mice in a box
14:15 of my business closet.
14:18 Now, how do you kill three baby mice,
14:20 I mean, really honestly.
14:23 They're cute but they shouldn't be in the house.
14:24 Amen, somebody. Amen.
14:26 And so, I'm thinking, oh!
14:28 And so where else are they,
14:29 all of a sudden my neighbor next door,
14:31 I heard him out in the backyard with a BB gun.
14:34 And he was just, pekhu pekhu pekhu--
14:37 and I'm thinking, what's going on.
14:39 So, I went outside and I forget
14:40 that Jeff has an-- I said, "What you're doing?"
14:42 He said, "Are you having a mouse problem,
14:43 we're having a mouse problem."
14:45 And I came to find out
14:47 there were holes all through the house.
14:49 And my niece didn't help much so,
14:51 how this fits into that story
14:53 is one of the mice ran behind the refrigerator.
14:57 So, what do you do to get rid of
14:58 a mouse behind a refrigerator?
14:59 You do what?
15:00 Pull the refrigerator, then we discovered that
15:03 the reason why my niece appeared to
15:05 be prosperous is she kept covering up
15:08 the garbage with the refrigerator.
15:10 And when we moved that refrigerator,
15:11 it seemed like a month and a half of dust.
15:14 And just rice grains and green peas,
15:18 and anything else that's on the kitchen floor.
15:20 What the Lord is in essence saying tonight is,
15:21 we cannot sweep our sins under the refrigerator,
15:24 because the Lord knows and understands
15:26 every facet every aspect of our homes, amen.
15:30 So, the Bible makes it very very clear.
15:32 You cannot prosper unless your sins are what?
15:36 What two things are we told in those verses?
15:40 Confess and, what else? Forsake.
15:43 So, after that we said to our niece,
15:45 now from now on, where we're gonna be looking?
15:48 Under the refrigerator.
15:50 But, the story has another ending.
15:52 She also cleaned her room up very, very fast.
15:54 So, one day my wife went in to the room
15:56 and she said and then another niece
15:58 came to live with us.
15:59 How did you finish cleaning this room so fast?
16:02 When my wife opened the closet,
16:03 and almost got covered in an avalanche.
16:06 Everything just fell out of the closet.
16:09 And they both looked at her like to say,
16:12 "Why did you open the closet?
16:13 It was clean until you opened the closet."
16:15 No, no. It was not clean.
16:18 But the opening of the closet
16:19 revealed how dirty it really was.
16:21 So, when the Lord looks inside of our lives
16:23 we may clean it up some ways
16:26 and hide from human eyes
16:27 those things that really exist,
16:29 but the only way that we can have mercy
16:31 is if we confess and do what else?
16:33 Forsake, and the wonderful story
16:35 about this is, God is not a God who's not merciful.
16:39 I mean, He wants to give us mercy,
16:41 but He does not extend mercy to those
16:43 who don't first confess and forsake.
16:47 I mean, would you give your keys
16:48 to a wayward child that wants to drive your car?
16:52 They're on the way out of the house
16:53 and they have a bag pack and a bottle of whiskey
16:55 sticking out and they got two cigarettes
16:57 in the mouth and say, "Mom,
16:58 I'm gonna hang out tonight.
16:59 I need the car."
17:01 Would you give that child your car?
17:04 Absolutely-- they say okay.
17:05 Now, I am not giving him my car keys. Okay.
17:08 I'm sorry. Okay, now give me the car keys.
17:11 Is that really a confession?
17:13 Because the Bible says confess.
17:14 And do what else? Forsake.
17:16 Don't just tell the Lord our issues.
17:18 Don't just say, here's my problem.
17:20 But the Lord says, okay, what you're gonna do about it?
17:23 Confess it and forsake it.
17:25 You don't give a person who's addicted to something
17:30 more fuel to keep that addiction going.
17:33 So, we must confess and forsake.
17:34 Those are the answers you'd put for number 1.
17:36 And let's go look at question number 2 now.
17:40 Confess and forsake
17:41 is what the sinner must do to receive mercy.
17:43 And by the way, Dan. Where's Dan?
17:45 Dan, Last week, I remembered Dan said,
17:47 "Hey, but God is a merciful God."
17:48 Hey, Dan, this lesson if I'd give another title to it,
17:51 "it's God's mercy." Can you say amen, Dan? Amen.
17:53 God is a merciful God.
17:56 He is a God that's full of mercy.
17:58 So often, you know,
17:59 we say the Old Testament God is a mean God,
18:01 the New Testament God is a loving God.
18:03 But, I wanna remind you in the New Testament
18:05 you find the Seven Last Plagues.
18:10 That's gonna be the worst scourge
18:14 kneaded out by God of Justice.
18:16 Question number 2, here it is.
18:17 What did David admit when he asked God
18:21 to extend mercy to him?
18:23 What did David admit?
18:24 This is really important.
18:25 Psalms 41 verse 4, is where you're turning.
18:28 Psalms 41 verse 4. All right.
18:32 Notice what he admitted.
18:33 This is really important.
18:36 Psalms 41 verse 4, reads as follows,
18:39 David, I said, "Lord, be merciful to me,
18:44 Heal my soul"
18:46 Let's read the rest together.
18:48 "For I have sinned," where? "Against You."
18:51 Now, a lot of us don't understand this.
18:53 The reason why David said he'd sinned against God
18:55 is because the law he broke
18:57 belongs to the government of God.
19:02 So, whenever we transgress,
19:04 whenever we live in transgression
19:05 we or live in sin,
19:06 we may injure somebody by our sin
19:08 or take something from someone
19:10 because of our sin or there may be residual,
19:14 residual, not benefits but residual impact
19:20 to someone else's life
19:21 because of something we've done wrong.
19:22 But the reality of it is,
19:24 all sin is a transgression of the law
19:27 that is connected to the government of God.
19:29 And David realized, in order to be saved
19:32 or in order to have a clean.
19:34 What's the word? Confession.
19:36 He can say, "I'm sorry,
19:37 but I didn't do anything to You."
19:41 He violated the law of God,
19:42 so he said, "For I have sinned against You."
19:48 So, here's why this is so important.
19:51 The Lord is the one who's gone to prepare
19:54 a home for everyone of us.
19:55 He's gone to prepare a home for everyone of us.
19:58 And by the way I don't want anybody
19:59 getting into heaven that's still having
20:01 an issue with sin.
20:03 Come on, talk to me.
20:05 What about you?
20:07 I don't want anybody who still has issues
20:09 in any category of sin
20:10 to be living next-door to me in heaven.
20:13 As a matter of fact, the Lord's made a promise.
20:14 He said, "Nothing will enter in that defiles."
20:17 Amen to that.
20:19 And so, in order for us to get ready
20:20 for that perfect environment
20:22 we have to understand that when we get
20:24 to that perfect environment
20:25 God is not going to abrogate
20:27 nor nullify nor release any of us
20:30 who are going to be in His government
20:32 from living there in harmony with His law.
20:34 The reason why it's going to be easy
20:36 to live in harmony with His law
20:37 is because the character of Jesus
20:39 will be perfectly reproduced in us.
20:41 And Jesus will be working out His will in us,
20:44 preparing us for that moment,
20:46 He's doing that everyday,
20:48 but when the time comes for us to be sealed.
20:51 Who remembers Revelation 22 verse 12?
20:53 There's some contrast. Don't turn.
20:55 Let me see if you remember.
20:56 I'll begin and I guess you could follow me.
20:58 "He that is unjust," what?
21:01 "Let him be unjust still, he that is filthy,
21:05 let him be filthy still, he that is holy,
21:07 let him be," what?
21:08 "Holy still, He that is righteous,
21:10 let him be," what?
21:11 "Righteous still,"
21:12 So, we're gonna live in a holy
21:13 and righteous environment and the unrighteous
21:16 and the filthy are not going to be there.
21:19 But it's about God's government
21:20 and so here's the answer to number 2.
21:23 What did David admit when he asked God
21:25 to extend mercy to him?
21:26 He said, I've sinned against God.
21:30 Remember Joseph?
21:32 When Potiphar's wife came after him.
21:34 He said, "How can I do this
21:36 great wickedness and sin against" who?
21:38 Sin against God.
21:39 Now, it really would have been
21:41 a sin against his own body.
21:43 It would've been sin against Potiphar
21:45 and a sin with Potiphar's wife,
21:47 but he acknowledged that every transgression
21:50 links us ultimately to the law of God,
21:54 to the government of God.
21:55 "How can I do this great wickedness,"
21:58 Joseph said, "and sin against God."
22:02 We're gonna get some mercy here tonight.
22:03 Have mercy. Question number 3.
22:07 Question number 3. Here it is.
22:11 "How does the Bible describe the condition
22:14 of one who receives mercy?"
22:17 I like this one. I like them all.
22:20 That's my problem. I like them all.
22:22 I like anything from the Bible.
22:23 What about you?
22:28 Okay. Joel Chapter 2 verse 13.
22:33 How does the Bible describe the condition
22:35 of one who receives mercy?
22:38 This is a text that has been often,
22:41 that people have often said it wrong.
22:43 Instead of saying rend they said, "Rend",
22:45 you know, tear, but look at what the Lord talks about,
22:47 there's a contrast here.
22:49 And let's read this together.
22:50 Joel 2:13 we just follows.
22:52 He said, "So rend your" what?
22:56 "Heart, and not your garments,"
22:58 what's the next word?
23:00 "Return to the Lord your God, for He is" what?
23:04 "Gracious and merciful, slow to" do what?
23:09 "Anger, and of great kindness,
23:12 and He relents from doing harm."
23:16 Wow, How does the Bible describe
23:19 the condition of one who receives mercy?
23:22 What does He do? He rends His heart.
23:25 Let me break that down for you.
23:28 You know, the Bible, thank you, Helen.
23:30 He's sorrowful.
23:31 When a person examines himself,
23:34 by the way let me make it very very clear.
23:36 Everyone of us knows when we do something wrong,
23:38 ain't that right.
23:40 And unless you have a stone heart,
23:46 unless your conscious has been deaden
23:48 by repetitive transgression there should be
23:51 some feeling of guilt in your heart
23:53 when you do something wrong.
23:54 Have you ever felt that before?
23:56 I mean, you wronged somebody
23:57 you do somethng, and after you do it,
23:59 you, and that's why the polygraph test
24:04 is so successful, because the heart responds
24:08 when the body gives out signals
24:10 that what it has done is wrong.
24:13 Frustration, quick impulse, you know,
24:17 how ever that happens I don't even know,
24:19 but the body has responses to iniquity,
24:21 to transgression to sin.
24:23 And so, one of the things
24:24 that the Lord is saying when you think about this,
24:26 this compare this is,
24:27 "Rend your heart not your garments."
24:29 And reason why in the days of old
24:31 you've heard of sackcloth and ashes.
24:34 Well, when people transgress
24:36 many of them express their transgressions
24:38 by tearing their garments.
24:40 Remember, in the judgment hall
24:43 when Jesus stood before the high priest
24:45 and the Sanhedrins and those who were prosecuting Him.
24:50 One of the high priests tore his garment,
24:53 but what the Lord would have preferred
24:57 is that he tore his heart,
25:00 because the tearing of His garment
25:01 did not release him from his guilt.
25:03 The Lord is saying, okay,
25:04 tearing of your garment is fine.
25:05 I see that you're upset,
25:07 but what I want you to do
25:08 is examine your heart open your heart
25:12 change the condition of your heart.
25:14 And so, and sometimes in anger
25:16 we've taken things and just tore it up.
25:18 Have you ever done that before.
25:19 Come on, have you ever done that before?
25:21 You get it, and we go,
25:23 or you write some thing and you just tear it up
25:25 and you shred it up.
25:26 The Lord wants us to examine our hearts.
25:28 But I want you to look at the text.
25:29 He says, "When you examine your heart,"
25:31 I'll read it again.
25:32 "Rend your heart not your garment."
25:34 The next word is, "Return to the Lord your God
25:37 for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger."
25:40 I like that, because a lot of times
25:42 God is portrayed as this guy
25:45 who has a searchlight like my little pointer here.
25:49 And he's looking around the room
25:51 like a heat seeker, ah, got you!
25:54 He knows what you do
25:56 but God is slow to get angry.
26:05 In the courts of justice on television they say,
26:10 "Don't rush to judgment, don't rush to judgment."
26:16 In other words, God allows the process
26:18 to carry itself through,
26:20 but He does not immediately say,
26:23 "Hanna, what did you do?"
26:26 He's slow to anger.
26:28 Aren't you, amen, Henna?
26:30 He's slow to anger.
26:32 He looks at it because, you know,
26:33 sin really before it injures God
26:35 it violates His law,
26:38 it's in contrast and in controversy
26:41 with His character.
26:42 But He knows the reason
26:43 why He's slow to anger
26:44 because He knows beyond that
26:46 your transgression has done you
26:48 more harm than Him.
26:51 So, He's slow to anger,
26:52 but on the other side of that
26:53 He's merciful and He's gracious,
26:56 He's kind.
26:57 And one of the part of this passage
26:58 I don't wanna run pass, it says,
27:02 "He relents from doing harm."
27:05 When we repent He relents.
27:09 Write that down.
27:11 When we repent, when we repent He relents.
27:18 In other words, when we change
27:19 our course He changes his course.
27:23 You cannot stand up in the courtroom
27:24 and I'd been so, you know the news.
27:28 I watch CNN and I watch ABC, NBC, Fox.
27:31 I'm not a news junkie.
27:33 I just like to be aware
27:34 of what's happening in the world.
27:36 And so, sometimes I'm at home,
27:37 working on something
27:38 and I just have the news going.
27:39 And then, you know, there's these stories
27:41 that's just really, you know, hurt you to the core.
27:44 And there's so much violence in the world today.
27:47 These senseless murders that were committed
27:49 a few weeks ago,
27:50 I believe this young boy went to school
27:51 for whatever reason and shot and killed
27:54 three fellow classmates.
27:58 How do you, how do you,
28:00 I mean, what do you do
28:01 with a young man like that,
28:03 let's say because he is so close
28:04 to 18 he'll be maybe prosecuted as an adult.
28:07 Now the parents are terribly angry,
28:09 but you look at this little boy
28:11 and you think, Lord, have mercy, I mean.
28:14 I've lost my son
28:16 but somebody's about to lose their son.
28:19 And I sat there and when we thought about this,
28:21 tears came to my eyes,
28:22 I said, "This is so tragic."
28:24 Because the law was at the click of a moment,
28:28 a single decision taken three people's lives and then,
28:34 after he came to realization, you know,
28:35 all he could say in court was, I'm sorry.
28:37 That's what he said, stood before the Judge,
28:39 "What do you have to say for yourself?"
28:40 "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry."
28:44 When you think about how God looks
28:45 at that young man and God says,
28:47 "Oh, if I can get to his heart."
28:50 When you look at those situations
28:51 although just as it does have its place,
28:56 God looks at that young man and says,
28:57 "There's still room for him to be forgiven."
29:01 Can you all say amen to that? Amen.
29:03 Because sometimes you looked at crimes
29:04 that are committed and we think
29:05 if I were the judge,
29:07 I'd throw the book at him.
29:09 But God says, "I'm slow to anger."
29:11 Because right now, one of the worse things
29:14 that young man is going through
29:15 is his own guilt, his own punishment.
29:18 If he gets life in prison
29:19 he has to live the rest of his life
29:21 thinking about the three young people
29:23 whose lives were senselessly snatched away
29:26 by just a single act in a very quick moment
29:29 of his life which takes me to question number 4,
29:32 which takes me to question number4.
29:38 The Bible. Here's the question.
29:40 "Before we ask for mercy,
29:43 what very important step must we take?"
29:46 This is powerful.
29:48 This is, you know,
29:50 by the way this is a non-denominational topic.
29:52 This is a topic that every church
29:54 should examine intently
29:56 because it's about our salvation.
29:57 What-- "Before we ask for mercy
29:59 what very important step must we take?"
30:04 Psalms Chapter 32 and verse 5.
30:06 Look at what David did.
30:08 Psalms 32 and verse 5, this is beautiful.
30:11 David said, "I acknowledge my sin to You,
30:15 and my iniquity I have not," What?
30:18 "Hidden, I said, "I will confess
30:21 my transgressions to," who?
30:23 "To the Lord," and he said,
30:26 "And You forgave the iniquity of my sin"
30:30 isn't that powerful.
30:32 So, what step must we take?
30:34 And you've already read at Psalms 32.
30:37 But I want you to notice the beginning of that.
30:39 What must we do?
30:40 What very important step must we do
30:43 before we ask for mercy?
30:45 We must do what? Say it again. Acknowledge.
30:49 He said, "I acknowledge my sin to You."
30:54 You know what bothers me more than anything else,
30:58 is when they have a videotape of a crime
31:00 and they use a word like this,
31:02 "The alleged crime." You remember that.
31:04 You've ever hear that.
31:05 You know the alleged shooting
31:07 and they got videotapes
31:08 from five different angles of a guy
31:09 with a machine gun blowing people away,
31:11 he gets arrested, the alleged shooting.
31:13 I'm thinking who's in that video.
31:16 The alleged criminal. The alleged crime.
31:19 Alleged is a legal word because, you know,
31:22 in America they say you are innocent
31:24 till proven what?
31:25 Guilty. That depends on the crime.
31:28 Not gonna guarantee you that.
31:30 In certain crimes you are guilty
31:31 till proven innocent.
31:33 But in the government of God
31:34 he's saying if you simply acknowledge
31:37 your sin to me
31:39 because your sin is not hidden.
31:40 Go with me to Hebrews Chapter 4.
31:42 So, one of the things what must we do,
31:44 what step must we take?
31:46 If you wanna write the answer down.
31:47 We must acknowledge our sin.
31:50 You have to acknowledge your sin.
31:52 One of the hardest things to do
31:54 is for a person to acknowledge
31:55 that he or she has done something wrong.
31:58 It's a tough thing to do, to acknowledge it.
32:01 Hebrews Chapter 4.
32:04 I wanna show you a beautiful passage.
32:06 One of the reasons why we have,
32:08 have to acknowledge.
32:09 David also said, "And my iniquity
32:12 I have not hidden."
32:14 Do you know that you can't hide sin from God?
32:18 How many knew that?
32:20 How much does God see?
32:22 What about if the lights are off,
32:24 does He still see?
32:25 What about if you're 15 feet underground,
32:28 does He still see?
32:29 David the Psalmist said,
32:30 "If I go the farthest part of heaven, you're there.
32:32 If I go to the deepest parts of hell, you're there.
32:34 If I go to the depths of the sea, you're there."
32:37 And look at what Hebrews,
32:38 the writer of Hebrews points out.
32:40 Hebrews 4, beginning with verse 13.
32:44 This is not on the, this is not on the syllabus,
32:47 but this is very important passage for us
32:48 to look at in light of the fact that David said,
32:51 "I will confess because I can't hide it from You."
32:57 Can you imagine standing before God,
32:58 He knows you did, you say,
32:59 "I didn't do it."
33:02 If you say you didn't do it
33:04 you can't ask for mercy,
33:06 ibecause you're saying you're innocent.
33:08 Therefore you don't ask for mercy
33:10 if you're innocent,
33:11 you ask for justice if you're innocent, right.
33:14 If I'm innocent of it, the law demands you let me go,
33:18 but David said, "I acknowledge my sin,"
33:21 and he said, "I will confess my transgression to the Lord."
33:25 Because, hey, it's not hidden.
33:27 Look at verse 13 so vitally important.
33:29 See whenever you fall into sin,
33:31 don't lie to the Lord,
33:32 because when you lie to the Lord
33:33 you put yourself in the wrong light
33:35 and God cannot allow His mercy
33:38 to be extended to somebody
33:39 who won't admit that they're wrong.
33:41 Verse 13, "And there is no creature
33:44 hidden from His sight, but all things are," what?
33:48 "Naked and open to the eyes of Him
33:52 to whom we must give account."
33:55 But, I didn't stop there because
33:57 although God sees everything
33:58 I want to give you some hope.
34:01 See, you know, like your parents sa y,
34:03 "I saw you."
34:06 You're fearful, but He said but the parents said,
34:09 "I saw you, however, I love you."
34:12 And if you confess
34:15 the punishment is not gonna be
34:16 as bad as it would be if you lie to me.
34:19 You know that's true.
34:20 Do you know that's true?
34:21 God will not punish us
34:24 'cause He said a moment ago
34:25 in the book of Joel,
34:27 not in the book.
34:28 "I will relent. I will relent."
34:31 He says, "If you confess, I will relent."
34:34 In other words, what you could have gotten,
34:38 it's not gonna be that bad.
34:39 Now, how many of you have ever had parents
34:42 that traditionally gave you spanking
34:45 but sometimes would not?
34:47 Come on, confess.
34:49 Good for the soul, maybe hard on the backside.
34:53 You know, if you've a parent like that,
34:54 there are some parents that just,
34:55 I had a grandmother that would,
34:58 we could be, she could be on the phone
35:00 and she'd promise us a spanking
35:02 and it'd be like six hours later
35:03 and she never forgot,
35:05 and you get it.
35:07 But the once who confess "Grandma, I'm sorry.
35:11 I promise I won't do it again."
35:13 She said, "I know you won't do it again."
35:14 I remember living in Long Island.
35:17 She took care of some neighbors.
35:19 She did housecleaning, an old lady from Trinidad.
35:22 She did housecleaning every now and then
35:24 we'd go to the where she worked in Long Island.
35:26 And I remember very, very,
35:29 one one very unforgettable instance.
35:32 She was on the phone talking to somebody
35:34 about some very important business
35:35 and we all just went haywire.
35:39 We went haywire throwing things
35:40 at each other through the kitchen,
35:42 yelling and she's saying, quiet down.
35:43 And we just piped it up even more
35:46 and she said, she leaned the phone,
35:48 when I got off this phone
35:49 every one of you's getting a spanking.
35:52 But when she got off the phone
35:53 she didn't do it
35:55 and few hours passed by,
35:59 we thought, hey, she just said
36:01 she's gonna spank us,
36:02 but it's not gonna happen.
36:04 That night I never forget it.
36:07 I was kneeling down,
36:09 do you know what position you're in
36:10 when you're kneeling down?
36:11 Come on, talk to me.
36:13 I was kneeling down,
36:16 getting ready to say my bedtime prayers.
36:20 I was in the perfect prayer punishment position.
36:24 And at the beginning of my prayer
36:27 I felt the hand of justice.
36:30 Well I don't wanna tell you where she hit,
36:32 but I guess you can figure that out
36:34 and it took a while,
36:35 I thought I had gotten away.
36:37 You see the Lord is gracious
36:39 He's long suffering,
36:41 but you'll find out as we get
36:42 further into the study unless you confess
36:45 God will not extend to you mercy.
36:48 If you think that you've gotten away,
36:49 oh in just a matter of time
36:50 you'll understand that God's justice
36:52 and God's government stands on truth
36:54 and whatever you do there is a payment.
36:56 The wages of sin is what? A spanking.
36:59 That's right, but let's finish,
37:01 because I want to give you some hope.
37:02 Look at verse 14 of Hebrews Chapter 4.
37:05 Although things can be seen by God nothing hidden,
37:07 he goes on verse 14 by saying,
37:09 "Seeing then that we have a," what?
37:12 "A great High Priest who has passed
37:16 through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,
37:19 let us hold fast our" what?
37:22 "Our confession."
37:23 "For we do not have a High Priest
37:25 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,"
37:27 praise the Lord for that,
37:29 "But was in all points tempted as we are,
37:32 yet without sin."
37:34 But look at the encouragement to the sinner.
37:36 Verse 18, verse 16 is powerful.
37:40 It looked like verse 18 when I took my glasses off,
37:42 but it's verse 16 when I put them back on.
37:45 Look at this, "Let us therefore come,"
37:47 say the next word, how?
37:48 Boldly. "Boldly before the throne of" what?
37:52 "Grace, that we may obtain" what then?
37:55 Mercy. "Mercy and find grace to help in" what?
37:58 "Time of need."
37:59 Have you needed grace this week?
38:01 Have you needed mercy?
38:03 The Lord says, when you do wrong,
38:05 let me encourage you,
38:06 when you do something wrong,
38:07 God says, "Come, come boldly."
38:10 In other words, God clears the way
38:12 that you can come unhindered.
38:13 There's something called the running to.
38:17 It'll come to me in a moment but God is in essence,
38:19 He removed all the obstacles so that
38:21 when the times comes for you
38:23 to run to Him for mercy,
38:25 He says, "Come on. Come on, son.
38:26 Come on, daughter. Come boldly."
38:28 He gives you access.
38:30 He doesn't say,
38:31 "What are you coming here for, you sinner?" Amen.
38:35 He says, "Come boldly. Come as you are."
38:38 I've made it very, very clear
38:41 that's how God is. He's our strong tower.
38:43 That's right. He's our strong tower.
38:46 We can run into Him and be saved.
38:49 So, when you sin don't think that you have done
38:51 something that God doesn't know you've done.
38:54 He said, "I know you did it. Confess it.
38:56 Run to me, come to me boldly"
39:00 And notice, he didn't say come to me boastfully.
39:02 He says, come to me boldly.
39:04 You know what that means,
39:05 come to me with determination.
39:06 Make your mind up to get here
39:09 as quickly as you can
39:10 and what does he say he'll do?
39:13 We will obtain mercy and find grace
39:15 to help in our time of need.
39:16 Brethren, you know, the best time
39:18 to run to God is when you transgress,
39:20 when you sin, when you fall.
39:22 You know why, because if you don't run right away,
39:24 sometimes you get to the point
39:25 where guilt takes over and guilt begins
39:27 to put obstacles in your way.
39:29 As a matter of fact, one of the reasons
39:31 why people often times stay away from church
39:32 is because they do something wrong.
39:35 And I hear phrases like this.
39:37 I was getting my life together.
39:40 Do you know why you can't get
39:41 your life together, Glenn.
39:42 Right, Glenn, you can't get your life together.
39:44 Who can get our lives together?
39:46 The Lord. He puts it back together.
39:48 We can't fix it up, he says, come as you are.
39:53 Come unto me all you who are weary
39:56 and heavy laden and what will I give you?
39:58 Rest. I will give you rest.
39:59 So he says, come as you are.
40:01 That's why the next part is so vitally important.
40:03 So, look at question number 5,
40:05 and this is a, I don't think
40:07 we'll get to number 16 tonight.
40:10 But the wonderful thing is,
40:11 this program continues to go on.
40:13 But question number 5 is a series of six questions
40:17 contained in question number 5.
40:20 All right, "Which of the following statements
40:22 are true about mercy?"
40:24 I'll put that on the screen.
40:26 "Which of the following statements
40:27 are true about mercy?"
40:29 And I'm gonna give you some
40:30 true and false suggestions or choices.
40:32 Here's the first one.
40:35 The conditions of applying mercy.
40:37 Mercy sets aside the requirements
40:39 of the law, true or false?
40:41 False. Okay.
40:43 Check it on your paper.
40:44 I'm not gonna tell you whether your answers are right yet.
40:46 Check, true or false. Okay.
40:50 Mercy sets aside the requirements of the law,
40:52 write down true or false.
40:53 Put your answer, whatever you,
40:55 and we'll check to see how many of you
40:56 got it right in the moment.
40:57 Second one. Mercy sets aside the penalty of the Law.
41:01 True or false?
41:02 You just write it down.
41:03 Don't tell your neighbor that you've got the answer.
41:04 This is a quiz.
41:06 Okay. Mercy sets aside the penalty of the Law.
41:10 The third one under number 5.
41:13 Mercy allows the innocent to go free?
41:17 True or false?
41:18 Write that down, check it off.
41:20 Mercy allows the innocent to go free?
41:23 True or false?
41:25 Okay.
41:28 Don't tell anybody what the answers are.
41:30 And if you don't know, guess.
41:32 This is not a salvation test.
41:35 Just to get you. Here's number 4.
41:38 Mercy is applied to satisfy the demands of the law?
41:41 True or false?
41:42 Mercy is applied to satisfy the demands of the law?
41:47 True or false?
41:51 Okay.
41:53 Okay, number 5, under number 5.
41:57 Mercy can only be applied to the guilty?
41:59 True or false? True or false?
42:06 And the last one, under number 5.
42:09 Mercy is applied to those who agree with the law?
42:15 Mercy is applied to those who agree with the law?
42:19 Okay. Okay, ready now?
42:21 Now, for those who are watching
42:23 I'm gonna give the answers.
42:24 You may have checked your syllabus.
42:25 Here's the question, I'll ask you true or false.
42:28 Mercy sets aside the requirement of the law?
42:30 How many put true?
42:33 How many put false?
42:34 The answer is false.
42:36 Mercy does not set aside the requirements of the law.
42:40 The requirements of the law still stand.
42:44 Okay. Mercy sets aside the penalty of the law?
42:48 True or false? Which one is it?
42:50 How many put true?
42:52 How many put false?
42:54 The answer is true. The answer is true.
42:57 Mercy sets aside the penalty.
42:58 Let me explain that.
43:02 When you come to the Judge,
43:05 and you say, "I am not guilty.
43:10 You're demanding justice."
43:14 When you say, I am guilty
43:15 what are you asking for?
43:17 Mercy. What does that mercy do?
43:21 It sets aside the penalty
43:23 that you would have gotten
43:24 had you had the court later
43:27 on prove you to be guilty.
43:29 Then you would had the stage of,
43:32 they call the penalty phase of the trial.
43:36 But once you say that you are guilty,
43:38 then you can ask for mercy.
43:39 Be merciful to me, a what? Sinner.
43:43 That's what the tax collector asked for.
43:46 This was last week.
43:47 I just wanted to see if you were following.
43:49 Be merciful to me a sinner,
43:51 but if you didn't say you were guilty,
43:54 there would be no reason for me
43:56 to even think about giving you mercy.
43:58 All right. The third one.
44:01 Mercy allows the innocent to go free? True or false?
44:04 False. True or false?
44:07 Who said true?
44:09 Who said false? False.
44:13 Mercy does not allow the innocent to go free.
44:19 If you're innocent you don't need mercy.
44:20 There you go, Dan.
44:22 If you're innocent you don't need mercy.
44:24 Because innocence, the law's now applied.
44:28 Innocence means justice is being served.
44:31 You go free.
44:34 The guilty need mercy.
44:38 The innocent don't need mercy.
44:42 And I know somebody may say,
44:44 "but why isn't mercy a --
44:46 weren't you made innocent after mercy was applied?"
44:48 No, you're covered by God's grace.
44:54 You're covered by God's grace.
44:56 You are not, you are not innocent.
44:59 So, you say to your parent, I did it.
45:02 And they say now, "what agreement did we make?"
45:05 My wife.
45:07 My wife and I with one of our, I forgot which set of nieces.
45:11 Some many of them.
45:14 Oh! One particular niece who said okay,
45:16 I think it was my sister's daughter who said, "Okay.
45:18 What I want you to do is write down a list of things
45:20 that we should do.
45:23 You write down the penalties, the things that we should do
45:26 if we catch you doing something you shouldn't do.
45:28 You go ahead and write down your punishment."
45:31 And she had it above her bed head.
45:33 And the funny thing about that is she chose her punishment.
45:36 So, we said now, "when anything happens and we choose
45:38 something from your list, don't get mad at us
45:40 because we chose the punishment, right."
45:44 Now, would I be looking at that list if she was innocent?
45:47 Yes or no?
45:49 Absolutely not.
45:50 So, we are declared.
45:52 We are declared justified and if we were innocent
45:56 we don't need justice.
45:58 As a matter of fact go with me, oh!
46:01 This is a text I want you to see.
46:02 Go with me to John 9.
46:04 John Chapter 9.
46:05 I'm gonna give the other answers.
46:06 Let's finish the next three and we'd to see this.
46:08 So, we're up to number 4. Here's the other question.
46:10 Mercy is applied to satisfy the demands of the law?
46:15 True or false?
46:17 False, exactly.
46:18 The blood of Jesus Christ is applied to satisfy
46:21 the demands of the law.
46:22 Somebody has to die.
46:24 The law does not ever say death is no longer necessary
46:28 because the Bible says, "where there is no shedding of blood,
46:30 there is no remission of sin."
46:32 The wages of sin has always been, will always be death.
46:36 All right. John 9.
46:38 You hear what I said.
46:40 John 9.
46:41 Okay, I'm on my way there.
46:43 You guys are faster than the speed of thought.
46:46 Okay, here we go. I'm preaching while you guys are turning.
46:50 Here it is, John 9.
46:52 The reason why this is very important.
46:55 This by the way I've preached this not too long ago.
46:58 I call this one of the most, one of the most protested
47:01 miracles of Jesus.
47:02 When Jesus healed a blind man and the Pharisees kept saying,
47:05 "Tell us who healed you?"
47:07 And he said, "Jesus heal me."
47:09 He said, "But how did He do it?"
47:11 "He spat on the ground.
47:13 He picked up a clay. He put it on my eyes.
47:15 He told me to go to the pool and wash.
47:17 When I went I came back seeing."
47:20 "But how did He do it?" "I told you how He did it."
47:23 So, because his story wasn't good enough
47:25 they went to his parents "Is this your son?" "It is."
47:28 "Could you tell us how he was made to see again?"
47:30 They said, "He's of age, go ask him."
47:32 Good answer. See.
47:34 So, they came back to this man over and over and over again,
47:36 so they finally had their chance with Jesus.
47:39 Now, we're gonna work our way to verse 41.
47:41 Now, look at verse 36.
47:44 All right.
47:47 And... Verse 36.
47:50 "Jesus heard that they had cast him out,
47:52 and when He had found him," in verse 35
47:54 "Jesus heard that they had cast him out,"
47:56 he was rejoicing he went to the temple rejoicing.
47:58 That's what you should do when Jesus heals you, right.
48:01 I mean John Chapter 9 verse 35.
48:03 John Chapter 9 verse 35, "Jesus heard that they had
48:06 cast him out, and when He had found him, He said to him,
48:11 "Do you believe in the Son of God?"
48:13 He answered and said, "Who is He, Lord,
48:16 that I may believe in Him?"
48:17 And Jesus said to him, "You have both seen Him
48:21 and it is He who is talking with you."
48:25 And in verse 38.
48:26 Then he said, "Lord, I believe!"
48:28 And he did what?
48:29 Worshiped Him.
48:31 And Jesus said, "For judgment I have not,
48:34 for judgment I have come into this world,
48:36 that those who do not see may see,
48:40 and that those who see may be made blind."
48:43 And here's the point.
48:45 Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him
48:48 heard these words, and said to Him.
48:50 They're saying to Jesus now, you gotta get this.
48:52 They are saying to Jesus, "Are we blind also?"
48:58 Get this.
49:00 And Jesus said to them, "If you were blind,
49:02 you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.'
49:06 Therefore your sin remains.
49:07 You know what the problem in the story is.
49:09 You know what the issue in the story is?
49:11 They didn't confess their condition.
49:14 They didn't confess their condition.
49:16 Now, what is the condition of the Last Day Church Laodicea?
49:18 What's the condition?
49:20 Wretched, miserable, poor, blind and what else?
49:24 Naked.
49:25 Same thing, and so here we are in the last church
49:28 of Revelation's Seven Churches.
49:30 Unless we confess our condition,
49:32 Jesus can't do a thing for us.
49:34 He says, "Okay. You say you can see, then you're fine."
49:38 Since you say you can see,
49:40 your sins will still hang around.
49:42 But if you say that you are blind like this blind man,
49:44 said, you will know that I am able to restore you,
49:48 not only recover your sight
49:49 but I'm able to redeem you from your sin.
49:52 And they walked away without redemption
49:53 because they said, "We could see.
49:55 We don't need you, Lord.
49:56 We've got it perfectly taken care of."
49:57 And you'll find it over and over in the Bible
49:59 whenever a person says they got it down path,
50:01 Jesus said, "I can't do anything for you."
50:03 I can't do anything for you.
50:05 So, here's my message towards tonight.
50:06 If we walk away from this study and say,
50:08 "Well, this makes sense to me but I'm not really that bad."
50:14 What happens?
50:15 Jesus says, "Because you say you have no sin
50:17 your sin remains.
50:19 Because you say you don't really need me,
50:22 then I can't do anything for you."
50:24 So, the mission of Jesus is thwarted in our lives.
50:28 Because He said, "The Son of Man has come to seek
50:31 and to save that which is" what?
50:32 "That which is lost?"
50:33 Luke what?
50:34 Luke 19:10, a text we taught our niece.
50:37 She remembers to this very day when we speak to her and said,
50:39 "Luke 19:10 means what?"
50:41 and she repeats that.
50:42 Now, let's look at the last two,
50:44 the last two on our sixth part.
50:47 Number 5, Mercy can only be applied to the guilty?
50:50 True or false?
50:52 True.
50:53 Mercy can only be applied to the guilty.
50:56 And therefore number 6, Mercy is applied to those
50:59 who agree with the law?
51:01 True or False?
51:03 True. That's right. They said, Okay, I was speeding.
51:07 As a matter of fact, I heard story of a pastor
51:10 who got stopped by highway patrolman.
51:12 He said, "How fast were you going?"
51:15 He said, "well, when I saw you I was going 86 but I slowed
51:19 down to 80, when I saw you I was going 87
51:22 but I slowed down to 85."
51:23 He said, "I caught you at 85."
51:26 He said, "But I was going two miles faster."
51:28 And the highway patrolman said,
51:29 "but why are you admitting that?"
51:31 He said, "Because you and I are in the same business."
51:35 He said, "It is my job to teach people
51:37 not to violate the law.
51:38 It's your job to uphold the law.
51:40 Now, before you write a ticket, I'm gonna make
51:43 a commitment to do my part and making sure people
51:46 don't violate the law.
51:47 But if they do I'm gonna extend mercy to them."
51:49 "Now, officer, I am guilty but can you extend mercy to me?"
51:56 Well, this worked really well because this person was a,
52:00 I wanna be very vague.
52:01 This person was a visible personality
52:03 and the police officer said,
52:05 "If I gave you a ticket my mother will be upset.
52:07 I've watch you on television every week."
52:10 And so, he extended mercy.
52:13 But not that he was not guilty,
52:17 I am saying that case there was some preferential treatment.
52:21 But he acknowledged that he was speeding
52:24 that was the biggest part.
52:25 If he said to the police officer, "I wasn't speeding."
52:29 You know what he would have said,
52:30 "You know, sir, ashamed of you.
52:32 I watch you -- my mother watches you every week.
52:34 She's gonna be really upset to know that you wouldn't
52:36 even admit that you are wrong."
52:39 But because he came out and confessed,
52:41 isn't that wonderful, amen.
52:43 So, when we come to the Lord and we confess
52:45 that we do need the Lord, our eyes are opened,
52:48 we see our condition and then
52:50 and only then can we receive graciously the mercy of God.
52:55 Look at number 6.
52:57 Now, this is getting into a different phase of a very,
53:00 very vitally important one.
53:01 Number 6.
53:04 Here's the question.
53:07 What did the apostle Paul say when he was
53:09 confronted with his guilt?
53:12 What did he say when he was confronted with his guilt?
53:15 Look at the answer in Romans Chapter 7 and verse 24.
53:19 And I want you to read this one with me,
53:21 it's on the screen.
53:22 Are you ready? Here we go.
53:23 "O wretched man that I am!
53:26 Who will deliver me from this body of" what?
53:30 "Death."
53:32 What was he crying for? He was crying for what?
53:34 He was crying for deliverance.
53:36 Who's going to deliver me?
53:38 So, what did the apostle say
53:40 when he was confronted with his guilt?
53:41 What did he say about himself?
53:43 What condition was he in?
53:45 He was wretched.
53:47 You know the reason why there are so many people
53:49 that are not in wretched conditions in the world,
53:51 that are just living a sinful life, you know why?
53:54 Because they don't admit that they're even sinners.
53:59 That's why people can go from one transgression
54:01 to the next to the next to the next
54:02 over and over and over again
54:04 and don't even admit that they need the Lord.
54:06 You know why, Because they looked
54:07 themselves as good enough.
54:08 I heard people say, "I've a good neighbors."
54:11 And somebody once asked me,
54:12 "Now, my neighbors are not Christians.
54:15 They don't go to church.
54:17 They don't confess Jesus, but they're really nice people.
54:22 Wouldn't they be saved?"
54:23 and I look at people and I say, "I appreciate the fact
54:26 that you have law abiding neighbors.
54:29 But salvation is not by our good.
54:31 Salvation is by Jesus' righteousness."
54:35 Amen.
54:36 So, you may be able to finagle yourself through
54:39 the situations of life, but Jesus didn't come to save
54:44 people that are good by their own works.
54:46 Because if we look at our conditions as Adam
54:49 handed it down to us.
54:50 First Corinthians 15:22 says it this way,
54:53 "As in Adam how many of us die,
54:56 all of us die" so, if you are a son or daughter of Adam
55:01 you need to be delivered from death.
55:03 That's why the next topic we're gonna be covering
55:05 after we finish this one is, how to be delivered.
55:08 Say that with me, how to be delivered.
55:13 We know that justification is available.
55:15 We know to be justified is available.
55:17 But then, how do we get delivered?
55:20 How can God deliver me?
55:23 Because Paul says, "Who's going to do it?
55:26 How am I going to get delivered?"
55:29 So, the answer would be here what did Paul the apostle say
55:31 when he was confronted with his guilt,
55:34 he said he was a wretched man.
55:37 And you know why that's vitally important?
55:38 Unless we see our real condition we'll never know
55:41 that we'd really need a Savior.
55:43 You know, I consider myself
55:45 a person that dresses fairly well.
55:47 And some people dress really well.
55:49 And there are some people that dress really ostentatious.
55:51 Can you imagine me walking up to the Queen of England
55:53 with her perfectly coordinated outfit and say
55:55 you know, what, Queen Elizabeth, you're a sinner, you need Jesus.
56:00 This is a head of a monarchy.
56:02 I would probably tremble in my shoes
56:04 to know what will happen after that statement.
56:07 Am I right?
56:08 I may get instantly arrested, slammed to the ground,
56:12 but I tell you what?
56:13 No matter how good we may look to ourselves,
56:15 everyone of us needs to acknowledge our condition
56:20 if there's any hope of us ever being forgiven
56:23 and admitted into a perfect environment
56:26 such as the Kingdom of God.
56:27 Amen.
56:28 So, Paul looked at that and he says,
56:30 "I wonder if I can be forgiven."
56:32 And the reason I don't wanna go pass this question
56:34 for tonight is something very vitally important.
56:37 Paul looked at his condition.
56:39 And by the way when you read Romans Chapter 7
56:42 this is something that you must acknowledge.
56:43 When you read Romans Chapter 7.
56:45 Romans Chapter 7 is the experience of a man
56:49 after he was converted.
56:51 This is amazing.
56:53 Romans Chapter 7 is the experience
56:55 of a Christian man after his conversion.
56:59 Look at the things he struggled with.
57:01 So when you struggle it is not unusual.
57:03 God knows that Christians struggle.
57:05 Can you say amen to that.
57:07 And the struggle does not begin
57:09 until you admit that you need a Savior
57:13 and then, you know what He does,
57:14 He turns on the light.
57:17 What kind of light is it, somebody remembered?
57:19 What kind of light is it?
57:21 Come on, say it again. What kind of light is it?
57:23 Marvelous light.
57:25 It's a light that shows us in our true condition
57:27 and when Paul walked into that marvelous light
57:31 of God's righteous, the marvelous light of His word
57:35 he saw his condition and he knew that he needed Jesus.
57:37 Well, friends, we're gonna continue in our study
57:40 of how to be justified, how to experience God's mercy.
57:44 If you didn't get the lesson, go to
57:49 and download that and follow us,
57:51 but until we see you again, remember this,
57:53 God is long suffering, and abundant.
57:54 He is merciful, He wants to forgive us of our sins
57:57 cleanse us from unrighteousness.
57:59 Until we see you again, may the Lord Jesus Christ
58:02 be your Savior. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17