Hello, friends, and welcome to another A Sharper Focus. 00:00:20.01\00:00:23.84 The one stop shopping for Wednesday night prayer meeting. 00:00:23.85\00:00:26.67 Can you all say amen to that? Amen. 00:00:26.68\00:00:28.69 You know, we've continued our study in the word of God 00:00:28.70\00:00:31.20 on how to live a victorious life. 00:00:31.21\00:00:34.91 How to live a spiritual life in a natural body, 00:00:34.92\00:00:37.50 which is the only one we have is a natural body. 00:00:37.51\00:00:40.07 We also discovered a number of things about 00:00:40.08\00:00:41.86 what the Lord can do when we simply 00:00:41.87\00:00:43.63 put our lives in his hands. 00:00:43.64\00:00:45.67 So welcome again tonight. 00:00:45.68\00:00:47.16 If you're friends are walking around the living room 00:00:47.17\00:00:49.10 or the church, invite them to sit down and get their Bibles 00:00:49.11\00:00:52.00 get their pens and a few things that 00:00:52.01\00:00:54.60 before we have our word of prayer, 00:00:54.61\00:00:56.16 we'd like to remind you of, 00:00:56.17\00:00:57.81 you can go to the website tonight 00:00:57.82\00:00:59.55 and download the lesson study for this night's meeting 00:00:59.56\00:01:03.55 and if we go as far as we hope to, 00:01:03.56\00:01:05.64 you can also download the upcoming lesson 00:01:05.65\00:01:08.19 on the topic of justification. 00:01:08.20\00:01:10.86 And the website is asf.3abn.org. 00:01:10.87\00:01:16.71 Don't put www, you won't find it. 00:01:16.72\00:01:18.99 ASF, A Sharper Focus, that's asf.3abn.org. 00:01:19.00\00:01:23.75 And download the lesson for tonight at 001. 00:01:23.76\00:01:27.43 If you already have 001, 00:01:27.44\00:01:29.25 get 002 on the topic of justification. 00:01:29.26\00:01:32.95 At that website, you could also find 00:01:32.96\00:01:34.46 our Facebook and Twitter link, 00:01:34.47\00:01:37.07 where you can upload your prayer request 00:01:37.08\00:01:38.52 and your questions that we hope to be able to address 00:01:38.53\00:01:41.25 on this program from week to week. 00:01:41.26\00:01:43.64 But before we go any further tonight 00:01:43.65\00:01:45.14 we always like to invite the Lord's presence to be with us 00:01:45.15\00:01:47.93 because without Him, we can't do anything. 00:01:47.94\00:01:50.18 So let's pray together. 00:01:50.19\00:01:52.17 Our gracious Father in heaven, we thank You, Lord, 00:01:52.18\00:01:54.24 that truly tonight as is the case every time 00:01:54.25\00:01:58.31 we open the word of God, we will be fed from bread 00:01:58.32\00:02:02.54 that is not baked in human ovens, 00:02:02.55\00:02:05.57 the word of life will permeate our hearts. 00:02:05.58\00:02:08.28 The bread of life will strengthen our limbs 00:02:08.29\00:02:11.25 to live to the glory and honor of Your holy name. 00:02:11.26\00:02:14.59 Father, each one of us wants to be victorious. 00:02:14.60\00:02:17.51 But exactly how that happens, we are still learning. 00:02:17.52\00:02:21.22 But one thing is for sure, 00:02:21.23\00:02:22.94 we can do all things through Christ 00:02:22.95\00:02:24.98 who strengthens us. 00:02:24.99\00:02:26.53 So Lord, be in our hearts tonight 00:02:26.54\00:02:28.42 as we listen to Your word. 00:02:28.43\00:02:30.03 In our minds as Your Spirit speak to us. 00:02:30.04\00:02:32.74 And in our bodies as You empower us to live those things 00:02:32.75\00:02:36.52 that we have learned and have accepted. 00:02:36.53\00:02:38.98 And we pray all the blessings that we shall receive, 00:02:38.99\00:02:41.87 in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. 00:02:41.88\00:02:45.94 Now we've been learning a lot, haven't we? Yes. 00:02:45.95\00:02:49.64 How to live a spiritual life in a natural body? 00:02:49.65\00:02:53.22 You know, one of the reasons why this topic 00:02:53.23\00:02:54.94 is so widely important to me is I like to once again 00:02:54.95\00:02:58.03 or every now and then remind myself of my obligations. 00:02:58.04\00:03:02.01 And some people may say, well, you're a pastor, 00:03:02.02\00:03:05.28 living the spiritual life maybe the easiest thing for you, 00:03:05.29\00:03:07.91 much more difficult for us. 00:03:07.92\00:03:10.23 But if I was a devil I'd come after the pastors first, 00:03:10.24\00:03:14.04 because the congregations become weakened by the leaders 00:03:14.05\00:03:17.44 that are not strong in the Lord. 00:03:17.45\00:03:19.41 So every now and then when I get so busy doing the Lord's work 00:03:19.42\00:03:22.76 I have to remind myself that the most important work 00:03:22.77\00:03:25.85 is not what I am doing for the Lord 00:03:25.86\00:03:28.20 but what the lord is doing in me through me, in us, through us. 00:03:28.21\00:03:33.32 And we learned a number of things about our condition 00:03:33.33\00:03:35.42 before the Lord and we're gonna learn about that again tonight 00:03:35.43\00:03:38.21 at the very beginning, because some of you 00:03:38.22\00:03:39.53 may not have been here to see this picture. 00:03:39.54\00:03:41.60 It's amazing what we look like when we come to the Lord. 00:03:41.61\00:03:44.08 But it's even more amazing what the Lord makes out of us 00:03:44.09\00:03:47.90 after He continues His work in us. 00:03:47.91\00:03:50.69 Now, if you've ever been involved in construction. 00:03:50.70\00:03:53.60 You know very well that when you come to a job site, 00:03:53.61\00:03:58.02 if you find a broken down, dilapidated house, 00:03:58.03\00:04:00.96 it's not gonna be changed overnight. 00:04:00.97\00:04:02.26 Am I telling the truth? Yes. 00:04:02.27\00:04:03.69 It's going to be a lot of hard work, 00:04:03.70\00:04:05.20 lot of diligent work on the outside 00:04:05.21\00:04:07.87 as well as on the inside. 00:04:07.88\00:04:09.51 In the very same way when we come to the Lord, 00:04:09.52\00:04:12.01 He works not only on our outside, 00:04:12.02\00:04:14.27 but He also works on our inside. 00:04:14.28\00:04:17.34 And just to remind you of how glorious that is. 00:04:17.35\00:04:19.43 Look at this picture briefly tonight I showed this last week, 00:04:19.44\00:04:22.59 but if you missed it, 00:04:22.60\00:04:23.80 that's the kind of house that represents us 00:04:23.81\00:04:27.89 like when we come to the Lord. 00:04:27.90\00:04:29.97 I mean, we need a paint job. 00:04:29.98\00:04:32.81 We need to mold removed, our wood is all but rotten. 00:04:32.82\00:04:37.78 You know, as a matter of fact the Bible says, 00:04:37.79\00:04:39.15 our righteousness is as, what? Filthy rags. 00:04:39.16\00:04:42.26 That kind of resembles this picture 00:04:42.27\00:04:44.04 and if you try to sell somebody that house, 00:04:44.05\00:04:46.62 they'll probably say to you, what's the price 00:04:46.63\00:04:47.98 and you mention anything above $10, 00:04:47.99\00:04:49.58 they'll say, you're out of your mind. 00:04:49.59\00:04:51.63 We don't look like we're valuable 00:04:51.64\00:04:53.29 when we first come to the Lord. 00:04:53.30\00:04:55.29 But the beauty of salvation is this, 00:04:55.30\00:04:56.95 the Lord sees us as we are 00:04:56.96\00:04:59.38 and He sees how we can be in Him. 00:04:59.39\00:05:01.53 What do you say? Amen. 00:05:01.54\00:05:03.04 He sees the work that is going to take place, 00:05:03.05\00:05:05.33 if we simply submit ourselves to the working hand of the Lord. 00:05:05.34\00:05:09.47 Now, that's the house before. 00:05:09.48\00:05:11.51 But this is the house after the work is done, 00:05:11.52\00:05:14.19 ain't that wonderful. Quite a difference. 00:05:14.20\00:05:16.80 Now which house would you prefer? 00:05:16.81\00:05:18.22 That one or that one, which one would you prefer? 00:05:18.23\00:05:21.03 That one. Oh, you guys missed it. 00:05:21.04\00:05:23.52 It's the same house in simply two conditions. 00:05:23.53\00:05:28.26 Same address, same location, same house in two conditions. 00:05:28.27\00:05:33.61 The point of the matter is if you show somebody 00:05:33.62\00:05:35.26 that's broken down or somebody that's polished up, 00:05:35.27\00:05:37.64 you ask the Lord which one would you prefer and you say, 00:05:37.65\00:05:39.75 both of them because He knows what we can be. 00:05:39.76\00:05:43.67 As we come in contact with the power 00:05:43.68\00:05:46.23 and presence of the Holy Spirit. 00:05:46.24\00:05:47.93 I will say that, that house has been delivered 00:05:47.94\00:05:49.93 from being demolished. What would you say? 00:05:49.94\00:05:52.81 Because if you left it in the condition 00:05:52.82\00:05:53.97 it was then before, it will maintain no value 00:05:53.98\00:05:56.63 and as time goes on, it will break down to the point 00:05:56.64\00:05:58.69 where it decays and you really can't live in it. 00:05:58.70\00:06:01.77 When you consider that concept, 00:06:01.78\00:06:03.27 the Holy Spirit wants to live inside of us. 00:06:03.28\00:06:07.80 Where does He wanna live? Inside of us. 00:06:07.81\00:06:10.37 But did you think he's gonna move into a messed up house? 00:06:10.38\00:06:12.86 He begins His work in there. Yeah, He starts His work there. 00:06:15.61\00:06:18.63 But He can do more when we invite Him in. 00:06:18.64\00:06:24.03 He works in various ways, one to convict us 00:06:24.04\00:06:26.56 of our need of being refurbished and born again. 00:06:26.57\00:06:30.10 And when He convicts us of our sin 00:06:30.11\00:06:31.81 and we accept the fact that we're sinners 00:06:31.82\00:06:33.46 and in need of a Savior, 00:06:33.47\00:06:34.91 then we invite the Lord to come in, 00:06:34.92\00:06:37.03 and the Holy Spirit begins to work, 00:06:37.04\00:06:38.66 cleaning us up one room at a time. 00:06:38.67\00:06:41.62 Which is sanctification and then finally 00:06:41.63\00:06:43.45 when we're in this finished perfect condition, 00:06:43.46\00:06:46.39 then we are all expressing the glory of the Lord. 00:06:46.40\00:06:50.05 How we will be after the Lord finishes His work. 00:06:50.06\00:06:53.16 Now, reality of it is we're between the first picture 00:06:53.17\00:06:57.24 and the second picture. 00:06:57.25\00:06:59.94 That's the reality of it. 00:06:59.95\00:07:01.66 We're between where God found us 00:07:01.67\00:07:03.59 and where we're going to be. 00:07:03.60\00:07:04.80 So the question we begin tonight with question number 18. 00:07:04.81\00:07:07.80 If you have your syllabus, go to question number 18, 00:07:07.81\00:07:10.22 on lesson number 1. 00:07:10.23\00:07:11.78 We gonna try our best to get to syllabus number 2 tonight, 00:07:11.79\00:07:15.07 that is about justification. 00:07:15.08\00:07:16.27 But if we don't be with us, we'll get there next week. 00:07:16.28\00:07:19.42 Now, this is a very important topic 00:07:19.43\00:07:22.27 or more specifically, a very important question. 00:07:22.28\00:07:24.66 It begins with the very specific question. 00:07:24.67\00:07:28.22 Since we have been delivered from death, 00:07:28.23\00:07:31.63 what else is there? 00:07:31.64\00:07:34.47 Since we have been delivered from death what else is there? 00:07:34.48\00:07:37.86 And by the way delivered from death means justification. 00:07:37.87\00:07:41.07 What I'm going to do tonight is break down justification, 00:07:41.08\00:07:45.33 sanctification, and what's the last one? 00:07:45.34\00:07:49.50 Give me some more volume. 00:07:49.51\00:07:50.50 What's the last one? Glorification, there you go. 00:07:50.51\00:07:53.11 Justification, together what's the next one? 00:07:53.12\00:07:55.66 Sanctification. The final one is glorification. 00:07:55.67\00:07:58.62 In other words between the first house 00:07:58.63\00:08:00.05 and the second house God is still working in us. 00:08:00.06\00:08:02.77 Here's the breakdown of that. 00:08:02.78\00:08:06.35 If you look at the lives that we have-- 00:08:06.36\00:08:10.94 we're going to have in Jesus. 00:08:10.95\00:08:12.28 Or the lives we have in Christ is broken down, 00:08:12.29\00:08:15.06 salvation is broken down into 3 stages. 00:08:15.07\00:08:19.27 I call this the process of sanctification. 00:08:19.28\00:08:22.35 So if you're following along, if you're following along, 00:08:22.36\00:08:25.64 the first thing you'll put is justification. 00:08:25.65\00:08:30.63 Is what? Justification. We're gonna see this. 00:08:30.64\00:08:35.75 Justification, and here's the definition of justification. 00:08:35.76\00:08:40.81 Justification is, salvation from the, what? 00:08:40.82\00:08:46.45 The penalty of sin. 00:08:46.46\00:08:48.88 Salvation from the penalty of sin. 00:08:48.89\00:08:51.28 Let's not run pass that too quickly. 00:08:51.29\00:08:53.40 Because what happens is, if you think of the penalty of sin. 00:08:53.41\00:08:57.52 What is the penalty of sin? Somebody tell me. 00:08:57.53\00:09:00.33 The penalty of sin is death. 00:09:00.34\00:09:02.17 Or specifically the wages of sin is death. 00:09:02.18\00:09:05.95 So when you come to Christ, the first thing He does 00:09:05.96\00:09:08.57 when we accept Him is He saves us from the penalty of sin. 00:09:08.58\00:09:12.73 In other words, how many of us are worthy of death. 00:09:12.74\00:09:15.15 Someone tell me. All of us. 00:09:15.16\00:09:16.53 All of us, every one of us, 00:09:16.54\00:09:18.59 we're born into this world with a nature 00:09:18.60\00:09:20.60 that we inherited from Adam. 00:09:20.61\00:09:23.94 And the only thing that nature can do for us 00:09:23.95\00:09:27.33 is get us ready for death. 00:09:27.34\00:09:28.96 As in Adam, all die. 00:09:28.97\00:09:31.44 First Corinthians 15, verse 22. "As in Adam, all die." 00:09:31.45\00:09:37.37 But when we come to Christ, He takes us off death row, 00:09:37.38\00:09:41.14 thereby saving us from the penalty of sin. 00:09:41.15\00:09:45.18 In the upcoming lesson that we're gonna cover very soon. 00:09:45.19\00:09:47.57 Hopefully parts of it tonight, 00:09:47.58\00:09:48.88 but definitely on our next broadcast. 00:09:48.89\00:09:52.15 We're gonna see justification in a very intricate breakdown, 00:09:52.16\00:09:56.10 a very intricate process, and the reason I say that is 00:09:56.11\00:09:58.59 because a lot of times we get baptized 00:09:58.60\00:10:01.14 and don't know what to do next. 00:10:01.15\00:10:03.67 We get baptized intellectually, 00:10:03.68\00:10:05.27 what I mean by that is, we go through our fundamentals. 00:10:05.28\00:10:08.14 And we see what the Bible says about the Sabbath, 00:10:08.15\00:10:09.99 about the state of the dead, about the 2300 days, 00:10:10.00\00:10:13.33 about diet, about the Ten Commandments, 00:10:13.34\00:10:16.13 about how to live the Christian life. 00:10:16.14\00:10:17.57 And we see all those things and we see--well, 00:10:17.58\00:10:18.94 that's true that's what the Bible says. 00:10:18.95\00:10:20.96 Those are facts. Those will not change. 00:10:20.97\00:10:24.79 So the Lord is not going to change what's in His word, 00:10:24.80\00:10:26.81 what He wants to change is what. 00:10:26.82\00:10:29.58 He wants to change who? Us. 00:10:29.59\00:10:32.09 He wants to change our nature. 00:10:32.10\00:10:33.79 So, salvation from the penalty of sin 00:10:33.80\00:10:37.76 takes immediately from us the nature that we had, 00:10:37.77\00:10:42.73 the nature of Adam and clothes us with the nature of Christ. 00:10:42.74\00:10:50.25 What that does, it takes us off of death row. 00:10:50.26\00:10:54.04 In other words, death no longer reigns over our head. 00:10:54.05\00:10:57.06 The second one you wanna put down. 00:10:57.07\00:10:58.73 Well, the next stage of this is this. 00:10:58.74\00:11:01.02 Justification the penalty of sin has been removed when? 00:11:01.03\00:11:06.77 Immediately, so when you accept Jesus in your life, 00:11:06.78\00:11:11.67 death no longer hangs over your head. 00:11:11.68\00:11:15.90 That's a big chance for an amen right there. 00:11:15.91\00:11:17.89 Put your writing. When you accept Jesus, 00:11:17.90\00:11:20.74 death no longer hangs over your head. 00:11:20.75\00:11:23.65 That's a second chance for a good amen right there. 00:11:23.66\00:11:25.79 But all of you are great students, 00:11:25.80\00:11:26.87 so I'll let you write. I'll say, amen. Amen. 00:11:26.88\00:11:30.87 We are removed from sin immediately. 00:11:30.88\00:11:33.08 The penalty is immediately removed from sin. 00:11:33.09\00:11:35.32 In other words, if you're-- if you're on death row 00:11:35.33\00:11:37.91 in an actual prison, 00:11:37.92\00:11:39.56 in an actual cell, 00:11:41.56\00:11:43.20 that cell will no longer be inhabited by you. 00:11:43.21\00:11:46.22 Jesus takes you off of death row. 00:11:46.23\00:11:47.58 Your name is removed, blotted out. 00:11:47.59\00:11:51.08 From the record of those who are inline to die. 00:11:51.09\00:11:56.09 Notice how the Bible says this in Romans 00:11:56.10\00:11:58.31 and here's the Bible verse. 00:11:58.32\00:11:59.43 If you're following along, here's the Bible verse. 00:11:59.44\00:12:02.24 Romans 3, verse 24. Let's read that together. 00:12:02.25\00:12:05.45 Are we ready, here we go. 00:12:05.46\00:12:06.91 Being justified freely by His, what? 00:12:06.92\00:12:11.79 Grace through the redemption that is in, who? 00:12:11.80\00:12:16.42 In Christ Jesus. 00:12:16.43\00:12:19.08 The redemption is in Christ Jesus, 00:12:19.09\00:12:23.20 we're justified freely. 00:12:23.21\00:12:25.42 But now let's not go past that word very quickly 00:12:25.43\00:12:27.41 because a lot of times we see salvation is free, that's true. 00:12:27.42\00:12:31.16 Let me ask you a question, put this in the right context. 00:12:31.17\00:12:33.74 The house you saw, the first one and the house afterward, 00:12:33.75\00:12:37.36 would it take any money to change that house. 00:12:37.37\00:12:40.69 Would it take a lot of money, would it take a lot of work? 00:12:40.70\00:12:44.29 Okay. But if somebody decides to pay for your house 00:12:44.30\00:12:48.48 to be refurbished, would it cost you anything? 00:12:48.49\00:12:51.58 Would it cost a lot of money? Yes. 00:12:51.59\00:12:53.35 Okay. The point of the matter is salvation 00:12:53.36\00:12:55.99 is offered to you free of charge. 00:12:56.00\00:13:00.00 But salvation cost Jesus everything. 00:13:00.01\00:13:02.85 It's a free gift to you because gifts 00:13:05.86\00:13:08.57 you don't charge a person for a gift. 00:13:08.58\00:13:10.38 But the gift has a cost. 00:13:10.39\00:13:12.71 If somebody gave you a Mercedes Benz, 00:13:12.72\00:13:14.35 it's an expensive gift. 00:13:14.36\00:13:16.31 My wife and I know what that's like, 00:13:16.32\00:13:17.69 somebody gave us a brand new vehicle. 00:13:17.70\00:13:19.69 They gave us the keys and they said to us, 00:13:19.70\00:13:22.14 you don't owe me anything. 00:13:22.15\00:13:24.81 When Jesus gives us salvation, 00:13:24.82\00:13:27.02 Praise the Lord, it's paid for by Him. 00:13:27.03\00:13:30.38 And He says to us, we don't owe Him for that gift, 00:13:30.39\00:13:33.26 we don't owe Him anything. 00:13:33.27\00:13:34.63 But it does come with an obligation. 00:13:34.64\00:13:36.55 Because I remember the person when they gave this vehicle, 00:13:36.56\00:13:38.23 they said to us, all I want you to do is use it 00:13:38.24\00:13:41.79 for the work of the gospel. 00:13:41.80\00:13:43.99 Use it for the work of the gospel. 00:13:44.00\00:13:46.01 But that's justification in a nutshell. 00:13:46.02\00:13:48.35 Justified freely there's a verse that we always like to repeat. 00:13:48.36\00:13:52.77 Ephesians 2, verse 8 and 9, it says, 00:13:52.78\00:13:55.15 For by grace are you saved through, what? 00:13:55.16\00:13:57.70 Faith. And that not of yourselves it is the, what? 00:13:57.71\00:14:01.69 Gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. 00:14:01.70\00:14:05.91 Often times, we put salvation on the word faith. 00:14:05.92\00:14:08.82 For by grace are you saved through, what? 00:14:08.83\00:14:10.81 Faith. So when we ask somebody 00:14:10.82\00:14:12.32 how we're saved how we saved? By-- 00:14:12.33\00:14:15.93 Ah! I led you down the path 00:14:15.94\00:14:18.86 and you answer the question incorrectly. 00:14:18.87\00:14:20.72 How are we saved? By Grace. 00:14:20.73\00:14:24.23 We say by grace through faith. So how are we saved, by-- 00:14:24.24\00:14:29.42 By grace through faith. 00:14:29.43\00:14:31.01 Who's extending that grace to us? 00:14:31.02\00:14:34.39 Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus. 00:14:34.40\00:14:37.54 We're saved by His work, not by our work. 00:14:37.55\00:14:45.08 The first stage of work if you wanna add this 00:14:45.09\00:14:46.57 as an extra note. He works for us. Justification. 00:14:46.58\00:14:51.08 He works for us. Justification. 00:14:51.09\00:14:54.72 But now let's go to sanctification, 00:14:56.78\00:14:58.86 and this is where the process is so widely important 00:14:58.87\00:15:01.32 to understand, because you know sometimes 00:15:01.33\00:15:02.96 we come to Christ and we say okay I'm a member 00:15:02.97\00:15:08.03 "In good and regular standing." 00:15:08.04\00:15:10.02 Whatever that means, because the standing is really 00:15:10.03\00:15:12.53 classified by God because we could live a good life in public 00:15:12.54\00:15:16.06 but how we live in private is something altogether different. 00:15:16.07\00:15:18.82 The Lord knows that life. 00:15:18.83\00:15:20.66 He sees us in private and he sees in public. 00:15:20.67\00:15:23.60 But justification is important when we understand 00:15:23.61\00:15:25.92 the obligation connected to justification. 00:15:25.93\00:15:28.32 But here's the next one. 00:15:28.33\00:15:30.05 The process of salvation as it relates to sanctification. 00:15:30.06\00:15:34.18 Sanctification, salvation from the power of sin. 00:15:34.19\00:15:39.55 So if you're following on line 2, 00:15:39.56\00:15:41.32 put salvation from sanctification equals 00:15:41.33\00:15:46.22 salvation from the power of sin. 00:15:46.23\00:15:49.63 How many of us need deliverance everyday? 00:15:49.64\00:15:53.64 Every one of us, every single day. 00:15:53.65\00:15:56.36 So unlike the terminology, once saved always saved. 00:15:56.37\00:16:00.02 You gotta understand so somebody asked me the question. 00:16:00.03\00:16:02.21 Am I saved, I'll say I am, I'm being, and I will be. 00:16:02.22\00:16:06.24 You find it exactly what I mean by that. 00:16:06.25\00:16:08.60 Is my house being worked on? 00:16:08.61\00:16:11.11 It is, it will be, 00:16:11.12\00:16:13.35 and finally the process is gonna be finished one day. 00:16:13.36\00:16:15.96 So the Lord saves us, He is saving us, 00:16:15.97\00:16:18.90 and He will save us. 00:16:18.91\00:16:19.96 You'll understand exactly what that mean. 00:16:19.97\00:16:21.25 Justification, He saves us, immediately taken from death row 00:16:21.26\00:16:25.63 immediately there is no more penalty of sin 00:16:25.64\00:16:28.24 hanging over our heads. 00:16:28.25\00:16:30.02 But sanctification, this is widely important. 00:16:30.03\00:16:31.83 We'll talk about that on our upcoming topics. 00:16:31.84\00:16:34.64 Salvation from the power of sin, 00:16:34.65\00:16:37.92 because the power of sin is still existing. 00:16:37.93\00:16:40.43 Is there sin in the world still? 00:16:40.44\00:16:42.73 Is there temptation? 00:16:42.74\00:16:44.53 Is temptation tempting? 00:16:44.54\00:16:48.60 And why is it tempting? 00:16:48.61\00:16:50.81 Because the devil knows exactly 00:16:50.82\00:16:52.22 which one to send our way. 00:16:52.23\00:16:54.51 What may tempt you, may not tempt you and vice versa. 00:16:54.52\00:16:58.03 He understands, he keeps records on us 00:16:58.04\00:17:00.16 and as long as we are in the world, 00:17:00.17\00:17:01.81 like Paul the Apostle said, "I fought a good fight, 00:17:01.82\00:17:04.30 I finished my course, I kept the faith." 00:17:04.31\00:17:07.04 The fight he fought was not against the devil. 00:17:07.05\00:17:09.67 He knew that he had to daily fight. I died daily. 00:17:09.68\00:17:13.95 Salvation or sanctification is also the power of sin 00:17:13.96\00:17:17.74 is broken how frequently? 00:17:17.75\00:17:19.79 Daily. That's what sanctification is, 00:17:19.80\00:17:22.18 when you wake up in the morning, 00:17:22.19\00:17:24.07 the power of sin is broken daily. 00:17:24.08\00:17:26.56 And it all depends on what you do in the morning. 00:17:26.57\00:17:29.63 The Lord that we serve is greater than the power of sin. 00:17:29.64\00:17:35.43 We can do all things through Christ 00:17:35.44\00:17:37.03 who gives us strength. 00:17:37.04\00:17:38.89 But the question is whether or not we want that strength. 00:17:38.90\00:17:42.09 That's a really important part, because, you know, 00:17:42.10\00:17:43.80 a lot of times, a lot of times 00:17:43.81\00:17:45.83 we--we wake up in the morning and we can't, 00:17:45.84\00:17:50.13 I don't wanna put this too harshly, 00:17:50.14\00:17:51.67 but sometimes people can't wait to keep on sinning. 00:17:51.68\00:17:54.12 Because they want to bed sinning. 00:17:56.01\00:17:58.11 And they wake up in the morning because sin 00:17:58.12\00:18:00.65 they've allowed sin to reign in their mortal bodies. 00:18:00.66\00:18:03.67 They've allowed sin to be on the throne of their hearts. 00:18:03.68\00:18:06.25 It's in their minds, based on what they're looking at, 00:18:06.26\00:18:09.02 what they're reading, what they're listening to, 00:18:09.03\00:18:10.89 the places they're going, the things that they're doing, 00:18:10.90\00:18:13.18 it's reigning in their lives. 00:18:13.19\00:18:14.72 So they wake up in the morning 00:18:14.73\00:18:15.92 and instead of putting Christ on that throne. 00:18:15.93\00:18:18.13 They leave self on that throne 00:18:18.14\00:18:19.35 because they enjoy the sin, the pleasures, 00:18:19.36\00:18:21.68 as Moses said, the pleasures of sin for a season. 00:18:21.69\00:18:24.54 So that has to be broken everyday, 00:18:24.55\00:18:26.40 but it's not gonna be broken 00:18:26.41\00:18:27.48 unless you invite the Lord to come in. 00:18:27.49\00:18:30.03 He'll break the power of sin through sanctification, 00:18:30.04\00:18:33.77 He'll break it daily. 00:18:33.78\00:18:35.40 Here's the text that goes along with that. 00:18:35.41\00:18:37.83 And these are just simply outlines. 00:18:37.84\00:18:39.82 Getting us to the point that we're gonna cover in 00:18:39.83\00:18:41.36 greater detail later on. 00:18:41.37\00:18:42.81 First Corinthians 1 and verse 18, 00:18:42.82\00:18:45.23 First Corinthians 1 and verse 18, 00:18:45.24\00:18:48.25 it says, For the message of the cross is, what? 00:18:48.26\00:18:53.71 Foolishness. Foolishness to those who are perishing, 00:18:53.72\00:18:57.67 but to us who are, what? 00:18:57.68\00:19:00.70 Being saved. Being saved. 00:19:00.71\00:19:02.23 This is the word process, being saved, 00:19:02.24\00:19:05.13 it is the power of God. 00:19:05.14\00:19:07.39 That's why the power of sin, 00:19:07.40\00:19:09.75 the power of God breaks the power of sin, 00:19:09.76\00:19:12.86 so which one is greater. 00:19:12.87\00:19:15.16 Which one is greater, the power of God 00:19:15.17\00:19:16.75 or the power of sin? The power of God. 00:19:16.76\00:19:18.83 Exactly. Amen. 00:19:18.84\00:19:20.53 But you know, you have something that 00:19:20.54\00:19:21.91 hangs around everyday 00:19:21.92\00:19:23.85 that could determine whether or not 00:19:23.86\00:19:25.07 you're victorious over the power of sin 00:19:25.08\00:19:27.44 or victorious through the power of God. 00:19:27.45\00:19:29.72 There is something hanging around everyday. 00:19:29.73\00:19:31.47 That's gonna be with you until the change comes. 00:19:31.48\00:19:34.24 Somebody tell me what it is? 00:19:34.25\00:19:37.01 It's the flesh. It's the mortal flesh. 00:19:37.02\00:19:39.67 So when Paul says, don't let sin reign 00:19:39.68\00:19:41.52 in your mortal body, 00:19:41.53\00:19:42.82 the reason why he's asking-- the reason 00:19:42.83\00:19:44.53 why he's encouraging us that ways 00:19:44.54\00:19:45.77 because sin can reign in our mortal bodies. 00:19:45.78\00:19:48.32 There's sin all around us. 00:19:48.33\00:19:49.67 Through the things that are being piped into the atmosphere, 00:19:49.68\00:19:52.10 on television, on the radio, 00:19:52.11\00:19:54.41 the things we may have in our homes. 00:19:54.42\00:19:56.32 Sin is everywhere and so in order 00:19:56.33\00:19:58.26 to have a victorious life, you sometimes 00:19:58.27\00:20:00.61 have to prepare your environment for daily battle. 00:20:00.62\00:20:06.02 So what should be the closest instrument to your bed? 00:20:06.03\00:20:08.72 Somebody tell me. The Bible. 00:20:08.73\00:20:10.67 Why--why is the Bible needed? What's the Bible called? 00:20:10.68\00:20:14.52 Sword. The sword, the sword. 00:20:15.06\00:20:18.50 The sword of the spirit which is in fact, 00:20:18.51\00:20:20.86 the word of God. We need the sword how often? 00:20:20.87\00:20:24.15 Everyday. You can have on the whole armor, 00:20:24.16\00:20:26.62 but without a sword. 00:20:26.63\00:20:28.50 Can you imagine, a soldier running into battle 00:20:28.51\00:20:30.19 with just his uniform? He's not ready. 00:20:30.20\00:20:33.83 You've to have the sword, and you have to learn 00:20:33.84\00:20:35.29 how to use the sword. 00:20:35.30\00:20:37.78 It's a two-edged sword. 00:20:37.79\00:20:40.24 Cutting both directions, powerful instrument. 00:20:40.25\00:20:44.99 That's how the power is-- that's how the power of God 00:20:45.00\00:20:47.56 is put into your life everyday. 00:20:47.57\00:20:49.96 How many of you like warm baked bread. 00:20:49.97\00:20:52.67 Let me see your hands. 00:20:52.68\00:20:54.26 You know, when bread is being baked 00:20:54.27\00:20:55.37 and you smell it through the house, 00:20:55.38\00:20:56.88 which is permeating the room, you smell that bread. 00:20:56.89\00:20:59.81 What--what happens in your mind, 00:20:59.82\00:21:02.54 what can't you wait for. 00:21:02.55\00:21:04.00 You can't wait until it comes out of the oven right. 00:21:06.17\00:21:08.48 You can't wait to taste it. 00:21:08.49\00:21:09.73 You can't wait to get that slice. 00:21:09.74\00:21:12.19 Now I've heard somebody wants that 00:21:12.20\00:21:15.28 I ran into a very healthy person once. 00:21:15.29\00:21:18.20 And they said well it's not good to eat the bread, 00:21:18.21\00:21:20.68 when it's very warm just out of the oven. 00:21:20.69\00:21:23.59 You tell that to a kid. 00:21:23.60\00:21:25.79 That's one he wants it. 00:21:25.80\00:21:27.19 When it comes out, you could just kind of poke your finger 00:21:27.20\00:21:29.38 and it kind goes down and comes back up. 00:21:29.39\00:21:31.62 It just--mm-- it's just calling you, 00:21:31.63\00:21:34.73 it's just saying eat me. 00:21:34.74\00:21:38.39 It's right in front of you. 00:21:38.40\00:21:39.71 Think of the word of God as the bread of life. 00:21:43.12\00:21:47.26 If the word of God is by your bed and you wake up 00:21:47.27\00:21:49.66 in the morning with a hunger 00:21:49.67\00:21:51.66 and a thirst for spiritual things, 00:21:51.67\00:21:54.41 you will be filled. But if you don't hunger 00:21:54.42\00:21:56.75 and thirst after righteousness, 00:21:56.76\00:21:58.48 you'll be filled with something else. 00:21:58.49\00:22:00.64 That's the fact of the matter 00:22:00.65\00:22:02.08 and brethren, the reason why this is so widely important, 00:22:02.09\00:22:04.19 is this is what's getting us ready for eternal life. 00:22:04.20\00:22:07.02 How many of us want to live eternally. 00:22:07.03\00:22:09.00 Every one of us, we all want to live eternally. 00:22:09.01\00:22:10.79 This is what God has given to us 00:22:10.80\00:22:12.67 to get us ready for eternal life. 00:22:12.68\00:22:14.54 We're not gonna slide out of a bar 00:22:14.55\00:22:16.43 and slide into heaven the very next day. 00:22:16.44\00:22:19.06 We're not going slide off a lose life 00:22:19.07\00:22:21.71 into a completely victorious life the next day. 00:22:21.72\00:22:24.15 And by the way something we're gonna also 00:22:24.16\00:22:25.33 talk about the Lord determines 00:22:25.34\00:22:27.17 how much work needs to be done in the house. 00:22:27.18\00:22:30.24 The reason I mentioned that is because 00:22:30.25\00:22:31.69 we've a couple of examples in the Bible 00:22:31.70\00:22:33.58 where they were those who accepted the Lord that day, 00:22:33.59\00:22:36.69 died that day, and were assured of being 00:22:36.70\00:22:39.30 in the kingdom when Jesus comes. 00:22:39.31\00:22:41.21 Am I right. Mm-hmm. 00:22:41.22\00:22:42.50 The thief on the cross. 00:22:42.51\00:22:44.11 How long did it take him to be sanctified? 00:22:44.12\00:22:48.15 How long did it take him to be justified? 00:22:48.16\00:22:50.25 Sanctification is not always a lifetime thing. 00:22:52.52\00:22:57.29 But sanctification is a work of a lifetime. 00:22:57.30\00:22:59.79 It's not always a lifetime thing. 00:22:59.80\00:23:02.37 But it lasts for a lifetime. 00:23:02.38\00:23:03.87 In the case of marriage, sanctification is instant. 00:23:03.88\00:23:08.15 Because your relationship is sanctified. 00:23:08.16\00:23:09.79 Sanctify doesn't only mean being made holy, 00:23:09.80\00:23:13.35 but sanctified means being set aside as holy. 00:23:13.36\00:23:17.60 We'll discover that when we talk about 00:23:17.61\00:23:18.77 sanctification in greater detail. 00:23:18.78\00:23:20.68 But we're being saved and the power of God 00:23:20.69\00:23:24.28 is what's saving us everyday 00:23:24.29\00:23:25.77 and finally we get to the picture of the house 00:23:25.78\00:23:27.32 that we like the best. 00:23:27.33\00:23:29.80 The third one, glorification. 00:23:29.81\00:23:32.65 Glorification, salvation from the what of sin? 00:23:32.66\00:23:39.36 From the presence of sin, 00:23:39.37\00:23:41.84 salvation from the presence of sin. 00:23:41.85\00:23:44.12 One day there won't be anymore temptation. 00:23:44.13\00:23:48.11 But until then there will be temptation. 00:23:48.12\00:23:50.99 So in order for you to live in a hostile environment 00:23:51.00\00:23:54.68 and by the way, 00:23:54.69\00:23:55.91 the world is the hostile environment to the Christian. 00:23:55.92\00:23:58.18 If the world is a place that you totally comfortable with it, 00:23:58.19\00:24:00.92 something's wrong. Did you know that? 00:24:00.93\00:24:04.83 Because the Bible says, 00:24:04.84\00:24:05.93 "friendship of the world is enmity with God." 00:24:05.94\00:24:09.29 If you're very comfortable in the world, 00:24:09.30\00:24:11.27 something is wrong but if you're finding yourself 00:24:11.28\00:24:13.74 to be a stranger in the world, 00:24:13.75\00:24:15.32 it's a good thing because Abraham said, 00:24:15.33\00:24:17.61 "he was a stranger and a pilgrim in the earth." 00:24:17.62\00:24:21.11 But the devil wants to design the world 00:24:21.12\00:24:22.50 to be something that appeals to us. 00:24:22.51\00:24:25.33 But here's the point, if Christ is in you, 00:24:25.34\00:24:27.67 then the world cannot be appealing to you. 00:24:27.68\00:24:30.05 But if Christ is not in you that old man is alive 00:24:30.06\00:24:33.17 and the world is appealing to him, 00:24:33.18\00:24:34.72 and he keeps you pulled in that direction everyday. 00:24:34.73\00:24:37.39 Glorification is the salvation 00:24:37.40\00:24:39.29 that we will experience from the presence of sin. 00:24:39.30\00:24:41.67 One day there will be no more sin. 00:24:41.68\00:24:43.77 So in other words, the next definition, 00:24:43.78\00:24:46.10 glorification. Glorification. 00:24:46.11\00:24:51.33 The presence of sin has been eradicated how long? 00:24:51.34\00:24:56.79 The presence of sin has been eradicated how long? 00:24:56.80\00:24:59.71 Eternally. There's no more sin. 00:24:59.72\00:25:03.07 That's the world that all of us are looking for. 00:25:03.08\00:25:06.12 Can I get an amen tonight. Amen. 00:25:06.13\00:25:08.52 We all looking forward as Peter says, 00:25:08.53\00:25:12.33 "A new heavens and a new earth 00:25:12.34\00:25:15.11 wherein dwelleth righteousness." 00:25:15.12\00:25:18.10 So one day there will be no more liquor stores, 00:25:18.11\00:25:22.20 there will be no more drug dealers, 00:25:22.21\00:25:24.15 no more loud music, no more crime, 00:25:24.16\00:25:26.81 no more violence, no more hospitals. 00:25:26.82\00:25:29.33 How many more do I need to mention. 00:25:29.34\00:25:31.78 There will be no more traces of sin. 00:25:31.79\00:25:33.52 Can you think of an environment 00:25:33.53\00:25:35.28 that way there's no more sin, 00:25:35.29\00:25:36.98 no more death, no more suffering, 00:25:36.99\00:25:39.27 no more heartaches, no more kidnappings, 00:25:39.28\00:25:41.20 no more drive by shootings, 00:25:41.21\00:25:42.93 no more killing of animals inadvertently. 00:25:42.94\00:25:46.73 I had a terrible experience today. 00:25:46.74\00:25:49.59 I was on my way to radio. 00:25:49.60\00:25:51.79 That is the 3ABN radio and I was getting there 00:25:51.80\00:25:54.61 and my wife needed fuel in her vehicle 00:25:54.62\00:25:57.83 and she was down to just 3 miles remaining on the-- 00:25:57.84\00:26:01.23 and I knew that if she tried to drive 00:26:01.24\00:26:02.99 from 3ABN radio to the gas station. 00:26:03.00\00:26:05.52 She may end up breaking it down 00:26:05.53\00:26:06.97 somewhere along those roads, so she said, 00:26:06.98\00:26:08.29 I only have 3 miles left. 00:26:08.30\00:26:09.65 It says, I only of 3 miles left on my mileage indicator. 00:26:09.66\00:26:16.06 When she left home, she had ten miles left. 00:26:16.07\00:26:19.04 When she got down to the turn of the church 00:26:19.05\00:26:21.35 she had 7 miles left. And that's not 3 miles. 00:26:21.36\00:26:25.15 When she got from the church to 3ABN radio, 00:26:25.16\00:26:26.83 she had 3 miles left and I knew I said, 00:26:26.84\00:26:28.74 she's not gonna make it. 00:26:28.75\00:26:30.22 So I filled up a gas tank and went there on my way 00:26:30.23\00:26:32.62 going as fast as I could, you know, 00:26:32.63\00:26:36.32 that gas can I don't want to spill on the car, 00:26:36.33\00:26:38.82 turned the corner on the Marvel Lane, 00:26:38.83\00:26:41.55 heading toward radio and I heard this. 00:26:41.56\00:26:43.84 And I looked back and I saw a little animal roll 00:26:46.22\00:26:48.69 and I felt horrible. 00:26:48.70\00:26:51.33 I felt awful. 00:26:51.34\00:26:53.16 I said, oh, I just--I just went over an animal. 00:26:53.17\00:26:57.67 And my wife and I, we have acclimated to the country life. 00:26:57.68\00:27:02.22 We are now bonafide country bumpkins. 00:27:02.23\00:27:05.04 We feed the squirrels, the raccoons, 00:27:05.05\00:27:07.27 the possums, the groundhogs when they come around. 00:27:07.28\00:27:10.00 We feed the birds of all kinds. 00:27:10.01\00:27:11.87 We enjoy doing that and when I went back, 00:27:11.88\00:27:14.04 I said to myself, I'm not gonna look, 00:27:14.05\00:27:17.07 I thought it was a rabbit. I went back and I-- 00:27:17.08\00:27:19.61 as I'm driving by--I just 00:27:19.62\00:27:21.39 glanced down very quickly to see what it was. 00:27:21.40\00:27:24.55 It's a groundhog, a little one. 00:27:24.56\00:27:27.68 And I felt, you know, I just think about it 00:27:27.69\00:27:29.91 and it just bothers me. 00:27:29.92\00:27:31.65 Because I love animals and I remember 00:27:31.66\00:27:33.71 while there was one day when I hit 2 squirrels 00:27:33.72\00:27:35.65 in one day, and I was broken up for about 3 days. 00:27:35.66\00:27:39.52 Now I'm struggling through 00:27:39.53\00:27:40.52 this killing of this little groundhog. 00:27:40.53\00:27:42.24 He was just on his way home. 00:27:42.25\00:27:43.29 He was probably trying to get there for lunch 00:27:43.30\00:27:45.42 and I think to myself I would love it 00:27:45.43\00:27:47.15 when the day comes where there will be 00:27:47.16\00:27:48.29 no more death of even animals. Amen. 00:27:48.30\00:27:52.70 That's what, that's what gonna happen 00:27:52.71\00:27:54.01 when Jesus comes and eradicates sin eternally. 00:27:54.02\00:27:57.03 We'll be able to play with the groundhog 00:27:57.04\00:27:58.84 in one hand and pet the lion in the other. 00:27:58.85\00:28:01.53 Ain't that wonderful? 00:28:01.54\00:28:02.53 When Jesus eradicates sin eternally. 00:28:02.54\00:28:05.33 That's what glorification is. 00:28:05.34\00:28:07.11 Sanctification, He eradicates the power daily. 00:28:07.12\00:28:09.80 Justification, He removes the penalty immediately. 00:28:09.81\00:28:13.52 Look at the text, the glorification text. 00:28:13.53\00:28:16.05 One of the favorite ones in the Bible. 00:28:16.06\00:28:17.57 Isaiah 25 verse 9. 00:28:17.58\00:28:19.54 Put that down for the Bible verse. 00:28:19.55\00:28:21.79 For the Bible verse, 00:28:21.80\00:28:23.38 And it will be said in that day: 00:28:24.98\00:28:27.40 "Behold, this is our God We have waited for Him, 00:28:27.41\00:28:32.02 and He will save us. 00:28:32.03\00:28:35.44 He will save us from what? 00:28:35.45\00:28:37.22 From what? From what? The presence of sin. 00:28:37.23\00:28:41.63 No more devil. Amen. No more evil angels. 00:28:41.64\00:28:45.44 No more thoughts entering our minds 00:28:45.45\00:28:47.32 while we're praying, no more struggling 00:28:47.33\00:28:49.62 with feelings when we see people 00:28:49.63\00:28:50.93 that we can't get along with. 00:28:50.94\00:28:53.43 No more arguments, no more controversy. 00:28:53.44\00:28:58.75 You guys should be shouting right now. 00:28:58.76\00:29:01.92 Hallelujahs should be going up in air. 00:29:01.93\00:29:07.29 But it is hard to think of that kind of world. 00:29:07.30\00:29:10.09 It's hard to think of that kind of world. 00:29:10.10\00:29:12.97 Paul the Apostle though gives a wonderful description 00:29:12.98\00:29:16.23 as he writes to Titus. 00:29:16.24\00:29:18.12 In the book of Titus, he gives a wonderful description 00:29:18.13\00:29:21.78 of where we were before Jesus. 00:29:21.79\00:29:24.56 What happened in the process of getting us to Jesus. 00:29:24.57\00:29:27.93 And what happens after we come to Christ. 00:29:27.94\00:29:30.74 Which leads us to question number 19, 00:29:30.75\00:29:33.46 question number 19. 00:29:33.47\00:29:35.55 How does Paul the Apostle explain justification? 00:29:35.56\00:29:40.34 Go with me to Titus Chapter 3. 00:29:40.35\00:29:43.28 Titus Chapter 3, and we're going to look 00:29:43.29\00:29:46.81 together beginning with verse 3 00:29:46.82\00:29:50.90 all the way down to verse 7. 00:29:50.91\00:29:55.83 That's a long one. 00:29:55.84\00:29:57.36 But I tried to find a way to cut out pieces of it, 00:29:57.37\00:30:01.06 but it's too much good stuff to cut it out. 00:30:01.07\00:30:04.06 Titus Chapter 3, verse 3 to 7, 00:30:04.07\00:30:07.10 question number 19, the question is, 00:30:07.11\00:30:09.15 how does Paul the Apostle explain justification? 00:30:09.16\00:30:13.99 Here it is. 00:30:14.00\00:30:15.30 Now you got to follow this carefully 00:30:16.79\00:30:17.96 because he's talking about us. 00:30:17.97\00:30:19.64 For we ourselves were also once, what? 00:30:19.65\00:30:23.36 Foolish, disobedient, deceived, 00:30:23.37\00:30:28.02 serving various lusts and pleasures, 00:30:28.03\00:30:31.23 living in malice and envy, hateful, 00:30:31.24\00:30:34.47 and hating one another. Ain't that powerful? 00:30:34.48\00:30:39.30 That's amazing, I mean, that's a description 00:30:39.31\00:30:41.19 that just shows us who we are, 00:30:41.20\00:30:43.53 that's the truth about everyone of us. 00:30:43.54\00:30:46.06 That's how we used to be, 00:30:46.07\00:30:47.63 before Jesus that's how we used to be. 00:30:47.64\00:30:49.36 What's amazing and--as I'm hoping 00:30:49.37\00:30:50.77 that we're not that way after Jesus. 00:30:50.78\00:30:53.20 But some of us maybe, may still need deliverance 00:30:53.21\00:30:55.81 from some of those things. Let's go on. It continues. 00:30:55.82\00:31:00.69 But when the, but when the, what? Kindness. 00:31:00.70\00:31:03.90 Kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 00:31:03.91\00:31:09.61 not by works of righteousness which we have done, 00:31:09.62\00:31:12.64 but according to his mercy He saved us, 00:31:12.65\00:31:17.63 through the washing of what? 00:31:17.64\00:31:19.67 Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 00:31:19.68\00:31:24.40 whom He poured on us, how? 00:31:24.41\00:31:27.20 Abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 00:31:27.21\00:31:30.44 that having been. What? 00:31:30.45\00:31:32.68 Justified by His grace we should become heirs 00:31:32.69\00:31:37.32 according to the hope of eternal life. 00:31:37.33\00:31:40.63 That's a whole lot to digest. 00:31:40.64\00:31:41.82 But I want to go back and just point out a few things. 00:31:41.83\00:31:44.88 When Paul communicates that, 00:31:44.89\00:31:48.95 he talks about the mercy of God. 00:31:48.96\00:31:54.81 The washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit. 00:31:54.82\00:31:58.51 He talks about salvation being poured out on us. 00:31:58.52\00:32:02.27 What word did He use to show that God is not a stingy God 00:32:02.28\00:32:07.32 when it comes to His salvation? 00:32:07.33\00:32:08.88 What's the word He used there? 00:32:08.89\00:32:11.23 Abundantly. In other--in other words what? 00:32:11.24\00:32:14.66 Poured. Have you ever washed your car before. 00:32:14.67\00:32:18.17 As some of you drive to the car wash, I know that. 00:32:18.18\00:32:20.40 But if your car has ever been really muddy before. 00:32:20.41\00:32:22.67 Anybody ever had a really muddy car? 00:32:22.68\00:32:24.72 I mean a really, really muddy car. 00:32:24.73\00:32:26.40 Where you couldn't just wash it off. 00:32:26.41\00:32:28.11 But you've to go take that really strong 00:32:28.12\00:32:30.20 what you call those steam washers. 00:32:30.21\00:32:34.69 And after you've gone through the mud, 00:32:34.70\00:32:36.12 which you know I have an experience, 00:32:36.13\00:32:38.29 I remember one when we where building a house 00:32:38.30\00:32:39.75 not too far from here and it was a cold wintry day 00:32:39.76\00:32:43.04 and we had to get the trusses put up and it was raining 00:32:43.05\00:32:46.34 and the ground was not even ready yet. 00:32:46.35\00:32:48.70 And that is all the mud and the clay was there. 00:32:48.71\00:32:52.10 And my job was to stand on the ground 00:32:52.11\00:32:54.53 and hold on to this very thick rope 00:32:54.54\00:32:56.98 and guide the trusses as the crane put them in place 00:32:56.99\00:32:59.85 and guys were standing on the roof in the rain 00:32:59.86\00:33:02.88 hoping that they would not slip. 00:33:02.89\00:33:04.88 Hoping that they wouldn't fall 00:33:04.89\00:33:07.33 and I was standing in mud, in mud. 00:33:07.34\00:33:10.76 And when our day was done 7 or 8 hours later, 00:33:10.77\00:33:13.38 I had on 3 coats, the last one was waterproof. 00:33:13.39\00:33:17.52 Had on waterproof boots, had on pants 00:33:17.53\00:33:19.79 that I didn't mind getting wet with another pair of pants 00:33:19.80\00:33:21.72 over that to keep the rain off as much as I could? 00:33:21.73\00:33:24.53 When I finally got out of that and I tried to drive that, 00:33:24.54\00:33:28.25 there was mud caked up behind the wheels. 00:33:28.26\00:33:30.32 There was mud all over the vehicle, 00:33:30.33\00:33:31.82 my boots were so muddy 00:33:31.83\00:33:32.92 that I had to leave them in the garage. 00:33:32.93\00:33:34.89 I couldn't even get to my car with those boots. 00:33:34.90\00:33:36.73 I had to put red blue tarp in the car to get in 00:33:36.74\00:33:39.08 because I was fearful that the cakes of mud 00:33:39.09\00:33:41.38 would get all over my vehicles. 00:33:41.39\00:33:43.30 That's how sin is. 00:33:43.31\00:33:45.08 We're in the muck and mire of sin. 00:33:45.09\00:33:47.45 But God and His mercy pours on us abundantly His grace 00:33:47.46\00:33:51.13 and cleanses us from our sins. 00:33:51.14\00:33:53.35 Let think about that a little bit. 00:33:59.02\00:34:01.53 He pours his grace on us abundantly 00:34:01.54\00:34:05.16 and cleanses us from our sins. 00:34:05.17\00:34:08.18 You know the devil's plan for our lives is. 00:34:08.19\00:34:10.46 You know what his plans are? 00:34:10.47\00:34:12.63 His plans are to join him in the lake of fire. 00:34:12.64\00:34:17.12 That's his plan. 00:34:17.13\00:34:19.28 And he wants us to get there by making us think 00:34:19.29\00:34:21.92 that we don't really need the power of Christ 00:34:21.93\00:34:24.02 in our lives day by day. 00:34:24.03\00:34:25.64 That we don't really need God to deliver us now, 00:34:25.65\00:34:28.45 I mean, we want to be delivered but eventually. 00:34:28.46\00:34:31.47 And the deception of sin is that it can be 00:34:31.48\00:34:34.76 something we play with so long. 00:34:34.77\00:34:37.58 That we can't get away from it. 00:34:37.59\00:34:39.80 It could be something we tease so long, 00:34:39.81\00:34:43.24 kind of like children, like they like to tease dogs. 00:34:43.25\00:34:45.47 Have you ever seen kids do that. 00:34:45.48\00:34:47.03 You know, dog is ferocious, he's going to go like this 00:34:47.04\00:34:49.80 and he's just snarling and growling and 00:34:49.81\00:34:53.83 heard the story of a man who made chains. 00:34:53.84\00:34:57.38 And he made chains particularly for a local prison, 00:34:57.39\00:35:01.77 because they had discovered that the chains 00:35:01.78\00:35:03.92 that they were buying, there was a flaw in the chains 00:35:03.93\00:35:06.39 that is where they were being soldered 00:35:06.40\00:35:07.67 or where they were being not the word soldered, 00:35:07.68\00:35:09.79 what's the word, welded. 00:35:09.80\00:35:11.92 And prisoners were breaking away because they found 00:35:11.93\00:35:14.08 that there was flaws in the chains and they would 00:35:14.09\00:35:16.23 work that eventually till the welding broke off 00:35:16.24\00:35:19.20 and prisoners found their way out. 00:35:19.21\00:35:21.55 This man prided himself of making the best shackles, 00:35:21.56\00:35:24.90 the best chains. 00:35:24.91\00:35:27.68 Because he knew nobody would getaway from this chains. 00:35:27.69\00:35:31.07 Problem was he wasn't not only making chains, 00:35:31.08\00:35:33.79 but he was living a life of sin. 00:35:33.80\00:35:35.57 And that sin eventually caught up with him. 00:35:35.58\00:35:37.61 He got put in jail, got locked up. 00:35:37.62\00:35:40.64 But he knew, Ah! 00:35:40.65\00:35:43.27 Those chains were faulty in jail. 00:35:43.28\00:35:46.93 Until he ran into one of the chains he made. 00:35:46.94\00:35:49.19 Now think about that really carefully, 00:35:51.54\00:35:53.92 we can sometimes be designing our own chains. 00:35:53.93\00:35:57.67 Because we play with sin like it's something 00:35:57.68\00:36:00.23 that really is not going to hold us and bind us. 00:36:00.24\00:36:05.15 But when you read these texts, 00:36:05.16\00:36:06.42 these texts should permeate our soul that-- 00:36:06.43\00:36:09.67 I mean when I was studying this overtimes it brought 00:36:09.68\00:36:11.77 tears to my eyes to think that the Lord loves me so much. 00:36:11.78\00:36:15.01 Building a mansion for me to get me out of this world. 00:36:15.02\00:36:17.83 But there are so many people whose lives are so filled 00:36:17.84\00:36:19.77 with the pleasure of sin, 00:36:19.78\00:36:21.73 that they hear these things in a roll off like-- 00:36:21.74\00:36:24.53 like a swan in a lake. 00:36:24.54\00:36:26.09 It just kind of rolls off and we're hoping that 00:36:26.10\00:36:28.97 when you hear these, 00:36:28.98\00:36:29.97 these messages of God's abundant grace 00:36:29.98\00:36:31.94 that it doesn't roll off your back with a simple thank you. 00:36:31.95\00:36:36.44 Somebody gave you a car, you wouldn't just say thank you. 00:36:36.45\00:36:38.67 Would you? Somebody came and bought your house 00:36:38.68\00:36:41.14 and gave you a mansion. 00:36:41.15\00:36:42.14 Would you just say, I appreciate it, 00:36:42.15\00:36:43.34 I need a place to live. No, we wouldn't. 00:36:43.35\00:36:46.07 The Lord is saying to us 00:36:46.08\00:36:47.33 the devil's plans for our lives is to destroy us. 00:36:47.34\00:36:49.77 I've come that you might have life 00:36:49.78\00:36:51.04 and have it more abundantly, also have eternally, amen. 00:36:51.05\00:36:55.37 Let's go to the next question. Question number 20. 00:36:55.38\00:36:58.57 How does Dr. Luke record the message of justification? 00:36:58.58\00:37:03.17 How does he record the message, 00:37:03.18\00:37:06.05 the message of justification? 00:37:06.06\00:37:07.63 Acts, Chapter 13, verse 38 and verse 39. 00:37:07.64\00:37:13.51 Acts, Chapter 13, verse 38 and verse 39. 00:37:13.52\00:37:20.67 Turn the Bible, we could see on top of this. 00:37:20.68\00:37:23.45 Acts Chapter 13, 00:37:23.46\00:37:25.16 verse 38 and verse 39. 00:37:29.19\00:37:36.05 Here's what the Bible says, 00:37:36.06\00:37:38.59 "Therefore let it be known to your brethren, 00:37:38.60\00:37:42.70 that through this Man, that is, Jesus has preached to you, 00:37:42.71\00:37:47.32 that through this Man Jesus is preached to you 00:37:47.33\00:37:50.62 the forgiveness of sins and by Him everyone who believes 00:37:50.63\00:37:57.23 is justified from all things from which you could 00:37:57.24\00:38:02.49 not be justified by the law of Moses." 00:38:02.50\00:38:06.72 Now let me stop and talk to those of who boast 00:38:06.73\00:38:10.04 in keeping the commandments. 00:38:10.05\00:38:12.46 This is really important. 00:38:12.47\00:38:14.66 The commandments cannot save us. 00:38:14.67\00:38:17.45 Did you read the text? 00:38:19.71\00:38:20.87 Through Moses, the Jews were given ceremonial laws 00:38:24.54\00:38:28.20 which God communicated to Moses to write down. 00:38:28.21\00:38:31.26 But those couldn't save humanity. 00:38:31.27\00:38:33.57 It was simply an object lesson to remind them 00:38:33.58\00:38:36.55 that the Savior Christ Jesus was going to come one day. 00:38:36.56\00:38:39.99 But even after the ceremonial laws 00:38:40.00\00:38:41.96 were done away with, 00:38:41.97\00:38:43.44 the Ten Commandments still continues. 00:38:43.45\00:38:45.45 And the Ten Commandments cannot save us. 00:38:45.46\00:38:48.32 By the law is the knowledge of sin. 00:38:48.33\00:38:51.25 Anybody has a mirror in their house. 00:38:51.26\00:38:53.29 You look in the mirror everyday? 00:38:53.30\00:38:56.32 Hope you do. 00:38:56.33\00:38:58.62 Unless you won't know what your condition is. 00:38:58.63\00:39:01.05 If you look into the perfect Law of Liberty. 00:39:01.06\00:39:03.40 Go with me to James, extra credit, here we go. 00:39:03.41\00:39:06.95 James, what book did I say? James. 00:39:06.96\00:39:11.12 The Lord tells us everyone of us needs a mirror. 00:39:15.95\00:39:19.17 Amen for mirrors. 00:39:20.20\00:39:22.45 Always try to keep one nearby not that I'm looking in myself 00:39:22.46\00:39:24.94 but I want to know, I want to know, my condition. 00:39:24.95\00:39:28.88 All right? 00:39:28.89\00:39:30.34 okay. 00:39:32.30\00:39:33.78 James Chapter 1 00:39:37.10\00:39:38.99 and we're gonna look down to verse 22, 00:39:44.30\00:39:51.07 let's start with 22. All right. 00:39:51.08\00:39:55.08 This is important, that's why I'm hoping that 00:39:55.09\00:39:57.04 it's getting beyond your ears. 00:39:57.05\00:39:59.04 I'm hoping it's getting to your heart. 00:39:59.05\00:40:00.68 Verse 22, it says, But be. 00:40:00.69\00:40:03.56 What of the word? Doers. 00:40:03.57\00:40:05.32 Doers of the word and not what? 00:40:05.33\00:40:07.21 Hearers only deceiving, who? 00:40:07.22\00:40:09.89 What's the hearer? 00:40:09.90\00:40:11.33 A hearer is somebody who listens to someone being preached. 00:40:11.34\00:40:14.80 A hearer is somebody who listens to sermon after, 00:40:14.81\00:40:16.96 sermon after, sermon after, sermon after sermon 00:40:16.97\00:40:19.34 and doesn't do anything, the sermon suggests. 00:40:19.35\00:40:22.38 Doesn't even say, Lord, I need the strength to live in harmony 00:40:22.39\00:40:24.69 with what I just heard. 00:40:24.70\00:40:26.20 That's why it's cheap when a person says-- 00:40:26.21\00:40:28.61 now let me put this in right context. 00:40:28.62\00:40:30.19 It's encouraging for a preacher to hear, 00:40:30.20\00:40:32.07 hey, good sermon pastor. 00:40:32.08\00:40:33.80 But you know, what's even more important than that, 00:40:33.81\00:40:35.61 that you live, they say, Lord, 00:40:35.62\00:40:37.74 I need strength to live in harmony 00:40:37.75\00:40:40.08 with what I just heard because I can't do it naturally. 00:40:40.09\00:40:43.70 How to live a spiritual life in a natural body? 00:40:43.71\00:40:47.15 You can, you can have a whole bank of sermons 00:40:47.16\00:40:49.70 from every great preacher in the world and still be lost. 00:40:49.71\00:40:53.17 You can have all the C.D. Brookes sermons, 00:40:53.18\00:40:54.45 all the Henry Wright sermons, all the Mark Finley sermons, 00:40:54.46\00:40:56.36 all of--the list goes on and on. 00:40:56.37\00:40:58.73 You can have Doug Batchelor's entire series, great sermons. 00:40:58.74\00:41:02.16 But if you don't have the power of Christ in your life 00:41:02.17\00:41:04.28 you'll just be a sinner, 00:41:04.29\00:41:06.01 being lost with all this knowledge. 00:41:06.02\00:41:08.27 And there's nothing worse than having all the ammunition 00:41:08.28\00:41:13.43 to show you the way of salvation 00:41:13.44\00:41:15.42 and chose to be lost anyhow. 00:41:15.43\00:41:18.05 But it continues. 00:41:18.06\00:41:19.55 I wanna emphasize the hearers of the word. 00:41:19.56\00:41:21.86 But now, go down to verse 23, 00:41:21.87\00:41:25.55 For anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, 00:41:25.56\00:41:30.40 he is like a man observing his natural face in, What? 00:41:30.41\00:41:34.72 In a glass or in a mirror, for he observes himself, 00:41:34.73\00:41:39.01 he sees who he is, he looks at his life. 00:41:39.02\00:41:41.81 Goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 00:41:41.82\00:41:48.70 But he who looks into the perfect Law of Liberty. 00:41:48.71\00:41:52.00 God's commandment, nothing wrong with it. 00:41:52.01\00:41:54.38 And continues in it and is not a forgetful hearer 00:41:54.39\00:41:58.82 but a doer of the word, this one will be, what? 00:41:58.83\00:42:02.97 Blessed in what he does. What does that mean? 00:42:02.98\00:42:07.73 First of all, if you have Bible studies that's good. 00:42:07.74\00:42:11.06 But you've to pray for God to give you the strength 00:42:11.07\00:42:12.76 to live in harmony with what you just study. 00:42:12.77\00:42:15.66 If you hear sermons, that's good, 00:42:15.67\00:42:17.86 but you've to pray for the Lord to say okay. 00:42:17.87\00:42:19.92 The pastor reminded me, the preacher reminded me, 00:42:19.93\00:42:22.23 the teacher reminded me of something I must do. 00:42:22.24\00:42:24.60 Give me the power and the strength 00:42:24.61\00:42:26.10 to live in harmony with it. 00:42:26.11\00:42:27.73 Because we just hear it, 00:42:27.74\00:42:31.00 it's like hearing a siren that the building is on fire 00:42:31.01\00:42:34.13 and you stay in the building. 00:42:34.14\00:42:36.66 It's like hearing train whistle and you cross the tracks. 00:42:36.67\00:42:40.09 But sin is so deceptive that when the natural man 00:42:44.59\00:42:48.26 is in control, people can hear sermons 00:42:48.27\00:42:51.59 and not even move. 00:42:51.60\00:42:54.23 And not even be changed by it. 00:42:54.24\00:42:57.36 Like my favorite preacher, Elder Brooke said, 00:42:57.37\00:43:00.54 "sun could melt butter, but hardens clay." 00:43:00.55\00:43:05.11 The same sun, the Sun of Righteousness-- 00:43:05.12\00:43:07.05 the glory of Jesus can be preached 00:43:07.06\00:43:09.35 and it doesn't do a thing but harden the clay. 00:43:09.36\00:43:11.81 It's condition of the heart. 00:43:11.82\00:43:13.10 The word can be sown but is falling into shallow ground, 00:43:13.11\00:43:16.64 stony ground, thorny ground. 00:43:16.65\00:43:19.63 It's amazing that 3 out of the 4 conditions 00:43:19.64\00:43:21.89 that Jesus talks about He said the word profited 00:43:21.90\00:43:24.36 nothing in these 3 lives because the problem is not the word. 00:43:24.37\00:43:27.81 The problem is not the sower, 00:43:27.82\00:43:29.46 the problem is the condition of the human heart. 00:43:29.47\00:43:32.03 So what do we have to pray for? 00:43:32.04\00:43:33.05 We have to pray for the Lord to change our hearts. 00:43:33.06\00:43:34.91 Wasn't that David's prayer? 00:43:34.92\00:43:36.79 He said what, create in me, create in me what? 00:43:36.80\00:43:39.82 Clean heart, oh God and renew a what? 00:43:39.83\00:43:42.23 Right spirit within me. A right spirit, 00:43:42.24\00:43:47.40 not just a spirit, but a right spirit within me. 00:43:47.41\00:43:51.26 So we have to look at God's law 00:43:51.27\00:43:52.51 and say there's nothing wrong with God's law. 00:43:52.52\00:43:54.21 But there's got to be something wrong with me. 00:43:54.22\00:43:57.31 And when these things are heard by us 00:43:57.32\00:43:58.87 and I look at and I said, Lord, 00:43:58.88\00:44:00.60 I know there's a lot of work that needs to be done 00:44:00.61\00:44:02.19 in my life. Thank you, Lord, 00:44:02.20\00:44:03.76 for that work that you are doing. 00:44:03.77\00:44:05.36 Question number 21, question number 21, here it is. 00:44:05.37\00:44:09.07 What is the means by which we are justified? 00:44:11.68\00:44:14.56 We talked about this earlier, 00:44:14.57\00:44:15.62 I'll just put on the screen right away. 00:44:15.63\00:44:16.93 Well, I think we know this one by heart. 00:44:16.94\00:44:18.84 What is the means by which we are justified? 00:44:18.85\00:44:21.75 For by grace you have been saved through faith 00:44:21.76\00:44:24.54 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, 00:44:24.55\00:44:31.37 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 00:44:31.38\00:44:34.59 So I can even say, I saved myself because I haven't. 00:44:34.60\00:44:38.37 I can't save myself. 00:44:38.38\00:44:40.44 I could only make the decision to go to the doctor. 00:44:40.45\00:44:42.98 I can't remedy my condition. 00:44:42.99\00:44:45.25 I can only make the decision to put myself 00:44:45.26\00:44:47.13 in the hand of a qualified physician. 00:44:47.14\00:44:49.89 And Jesus is the master physician. 00:44:49.90\00:44:51.87 You know what that means, this is not a condition of sin 00:44:51.88\00:44:53.92 that Jesus cannot remedy--remedy us from. 00:44:53.93\00:44:57.00 Somebody once said to me, 00:44:57.01\00:44:58.75 well the Lord doesn't know what I've done. 00:44:58.76\00:45:00.72 I mean, I have done some terrible things I wonder 00:45:00.73\00:45:02.39 if God is going to forgive me. 00:45:02.40\00:45:03.60 There's nothing that we can do that the Lord 00:45:03.61\00:45:05.35 can't forgive us from. Amen. 00:45:05.36\00:45:09.31 But the question is do we want to be forgiven. 00:45:09.32\00:45:12.02 Eventually, that's the deception. 00:45:12.03\00:45:14.82 I've gone there a few times for particular reason, 00:45:14.83\00:45:18.35 it is important that we understand that 00:45:18.36\00:45:19.89 time is never on our side. 00:45:19.90\00:45:23.26 When is the day of salvation? 00:45:23.27\00:45:24.96 Today. When is the time of salvation? 00:45:24.97\00:45:27.30 When is the acceptable time? Now. 00:45:27.31\00:45:29.32 Today is the acceptable time, now is the acceptable time. 00:45:29.33\00:45:32.65 Now is the day of salvation. 00:45:32.66\00:45:35.12 We got to ask the Lord to come and do this work today. 00:45:35.13\00:45:37.23 Can you imagine the thief on the cross saying. 00:45:37.24\00:45:39.81 I do accept you as a Lord, 00:45:39.82\00:45:41.10 but don't know about the salvation. 00:45:41.11\00:45:44.69 He knew He didn't have a lot of time. 00:45:46.52\00:45:48.92 He accepted the Lord then, he got the assurance then, 00:45:48.93\00:45:52.26 and when the Lord comes he will be 00:45:52.27\00:45:53.89 in the kingdom with the Lord. 00:45:53.90\00:45:55.55 So this grace that God gives us this gift. 00:45:55.56\00:45:58.07 And often times you know in the Christian Life 00:45:58.08\00:45:59.99 in the Christian world so much today is being 00:46:00.00\00:46:02.45 has replaced the preaching of the gospel 00:46:02.46\00:46:05.19 or the preaching of salvation with portfolios 00:46:05.20\00:46:08.65 and prosperity and all the--all the foolishness 00:46:08.66\00:46:12.57 that doesn't give the person the power 00:46:12.58\00:46:15.01 that they need to find out how to be delivered. 00:46:15.02\00:46:18.04 You know people just think, well, 00:46:18.05\00:46:19.73 I'm gonna struggle all my life until Jesus comes 00:46:19.74\00:46:22.49 and then I'm going to slide in. 00:46:22.50\00:46:23.82 I believe that you don't have to struggle, 00:46:23.83\00:46:25.52 the word of God shows that we can be delivered. 00:46:25.53\00:46:28.27 Don't have to have a cavity that's gonna be 00:46:28.28\00:46:29.77 with you all your life, the Lord can deliver your life, 00:46:29.78\00:46:32.14 fill you with His Holy Spirit. 00:46:32.15\00:46:34.25 Question number 22. 00:46:34.26\00:46:35.82 I'm gonna try to get you some of the second lesson 00:46:35.83\00:46:37.42 before we end tonight. 00:46:37.43\00:46:39.39 Question number 22. 00:46:39.40\00:46:42.73 What is another explanation given for justification? 00:46:42.74\00:46:48.48 You'll notice we're starting to teeter 00:46:48.49\00:46:50.27 into the topic of justification. 00:46:50.28\00:46:51.82 What is another explanation? 00:46:51.83\00:46:53.45 Go with me to the book of Romans Chapter 5. 00:46:53.46\00:46:57.56 Romans Chapter 5. And we're gonna spend 00:46:57.57\00:47:00.00 a lot of time in Romans in our next lessons 00:47:00.01\00:47:02.97 because Romans Chapter 1 all the way to Romans Chapter 5 00:47:02.98\00:47:07.47 talks about justification in a beautiful way. 00:47:07.48\00:47:10.46 Then Romans Chapter 6 talks about that transition 00:47:10.47\00:47:13.07 of being baptized, entering into a new relationship 00:47:13.08\00:47:15.57 with the Lord. And Romans 7 00:47:15.58\00:47:16.96 talks about the reality of being confronted 00:47:16.97\00:47:20.26 with the fact that we have a spiritual God, 00:47:20.27\00:47:22.52 but we have a natural body. 00:47:22.53\00:47:25.00 Look at Romans and what it says. 00:47:25.01\00:47:27.15 Romans Chapter 5 and verse 10, 00:47:27.16\00:47:30.61 here's what the Bible reads. Wow, wow. 00:47:30.62\00:47:35.88 It's one of my favorite texts, 00:47:35.89\00:47:37.53 I got a lot of them but this is one of my favorites. 00:47:37.54\00:47:40.26 For if when we were. What? Enemies. 00:47:40.27\00:47:43.12 Enemies. You got to get this. 00:47:43.13\00:47:47.36 "For if when we were enemies 00:47:47.37\00:47:49.32 we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, 00:47:49.33\00:47:53.68 much more, having been reconciled, 00:47:53.69\00:47:56.98 we shall be saved by His life." 00:47:56.99\00:48:00.36 And that's powerful, let me break that down. 00:48:00.37\00:48:03.05 Because you know we read that and we say okay. 00:48:03.06\00:48:05.07 Okay, when we were enemies, we were reconciled. 00:48:05.08\00:48:07.72 Let me tell you a brief story here which I have-- 00:48:07.73\00:48:10.30 have you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation? 00:48:10.31\00:48:13.71 The Emancipation Proclamation in short was 00:48:13.72\00:48:16.28 when slavery was abolished. 00:48:16.29\00:48:18.16 They were emancipate, they were set free. 00:48:18.17\00:48:20.76 The announcement went out to bill a sign, 00:48:20.77\00:48:23.02 all slaves have been set free now, 00:48:23.03\00:48:25.11 and they no longer abound to their masters. 00:48:25.12\00:48:30.44 In the very same way, the master that holds us 00:48:30.45\00:48:33.28 as slaves is this nature that we receive through Adam. 00:48:33.29\00:48:37.62 But notice what it says. 00:48:37.63\00:48:38.68 It says, for if when we were enemies we were reconciled, 00:48:38.69\00:48:42.09 that means, even before we were set free, 00:48:42.10\00:48:45.49 the bill was signed for us to be set free. 00:48:45.50\00:48:50.04 Let me go farther back in that. 00:48:50.05\00:48:51.76 Jesus died more than 2,000 years ago. 00:48:51.77\00:48:55.05 He paid the price for our sin more than 2,000 years ago. 00:48:55.06\00:48:58.63 He redeemed us more than 2,000 years ago. 00:48:58.64\00:49:01.66 He did that, even while we were enemies. 00:49:01.67\00:49:06.46 So if He made the provision then through the death of a son 00:49:06.47\00:49:10.97 and we did not accept Him, then how much better 00:49:10.98\00:49:15.57 will our lives be after we accept Him. 00:49:15.58\00:49:19.14 That's what it's saying. 00:49:19.15\00:49:20.37 If He made the provision for us before we accepted Him. 00:49:20.38\00:49:23.91 And things were gone fairly well, 00:49:23.92\00:49:26.00 how much better would our lives would-- 00:49:26.01\00:49:27.76 how much better would our lives be after we accept Him. 00:49:27.77\00:49:31.58 It'll be a lot better. 00:49:31.59\00:49:34.10 Is that an understatement? 00:49:34.11\00:49:36.31 Are you guys here tonight? Is that an understatement? 00:49:36.32\00:49:40.65 If you--I got to use a natural illustration 00:49:40.66\00:49:44.64 here to get--to get this to sink in. 00:49:44.65\00:49:47.10 I want to get this to really sink in. 00:49:47.11\00:49:49.94 How many of you would like to be a millionaire for a day? 00:49:52.38\00:49:57.06 Come on, put your hands up. 00:49:57.07\00:49:58.56 You're not telling the truth if you're hands are down. 00:49:58.57\00:50:01.03 How many of you would like to be a millionaire for a day? 00:50:01.04\00:50:03.21 Oh work with me on this one. 00:50:05.86\00:50:08.26 Okay, if somebody said to you today. 00:50:08.27\00:50:10.36 Today, I'm taking you on a shopping spree with me 00:50:10.37\00:50:14.25 and there is no limit financially to what you can buy, 00:50:14.26\00:50:19.21 but you only have 24 hours to buy 00:50:19.22\00:50:22.46 whatever you want and after the 24 hours is done 00:50:22.47\00:50:25.84 if you have purchased it, you can have it. 00:50:25.85\00:50:29.10 So what would be the first thing that happens to you? 00:50:29.11\00:50:33.88 You would go into materialistic overload. 00:50:33.89\00:50:37.67 Am I telling the truth? Yeah. 00:50:37.68\00:50:39.27 They say, it doesn't matter what you buy. 00:50:39.28\00:50:43.29 You can buy whatever you want within 24 hours. 00:50:43.30\00:50:49.11 Now would you go out and buy a pencil, 00:50:49.12\00:50:50.63 come on, talk to me. 00:50:50.64\00:50:53.91 Would you walk into the store and ask, 00:50:53.92\00:50:55.48 what's the price of that? Would you ask that? 00:50:55.49\00:50:58.37 Because they just said to you no matter what you want, 00:50:58.38\00:51:02.17 you could--I'm footing the bill. 00:51:02.18\00:51:05.16 So you walk into the store and the first item you get is-- 00:51:05.17\00:51:08.58 I like to get a box of doughnuts and you turn to the guy 00:51:08.59\00:51:12.87 and say that's gonna be $15 dollars, is that okay? 00:51:12.88\00:51:15.41 And he says to you, you didn't get what I just said to you. 00:51:15.42\00:51:18.38 You missed what I just said to you. 00:51:18.39\00:51:20.28 I just said to you, there is no limit, 00:51:20.29\00:51:22.69 you just get it and I'll pay for it. 00:51:22.70\00:51:25.38 So you try the next store and you go on 00:51:25.39\00:51:27.65 and you say. I really like these shoes. 00:51:27.66\00:51:30.80 But they're pretty expensive. 00:51:30.81\00:51:32.48 And he says did you just get what I said. 00:51:32.49\00:51:34.96 I didn't ask you about the price of the shoe. 00:51:34.97\00:51:37.04 I said to you pick the store. 00:51:37.05\00:51:41.42 And you walk in timidly and say, 00:51:41.43\00:51:42.74 can I have-- want to get like. 00:51:42.75\00:51:45.61 Can I get 3 pairs of shoes? 00:51:45.62\00:51:46.75 And he says, you just still didn't get it. 00:51:46.76\00:51:51.56 And when the shoes come up and you ask-- 00:51:51.57\00:51:54.61 you make a mistake and what's the price. 00:51:54.62\00:51:56.04 He says, he taps you remember it doesn't matter. 00:51:56.05\00:51:59.48 I've made the provision. 00:51:59.49\00:52:01.69 You see, what's happening here, 00:52:01.70\00:52:03.31 then all of a sudden at the 23rd hour, 00:52:03.32\00:52:05.59 you it all of a sudden hits you. 00:52:05.60\00:52:07.94 And you say can you buy me Mercedes? 00:52:07.95\00:52:10.03 He said, sure you can but you got one hour. 00:52:10.04\00:52:12.15 Can I get me a plane? 00:52:12.16\00:52:13.73 Sure you can, you got an hour. 00:52:13.74\00:52:15.65 Can I buy me a fifty storey penthouse building? 00:52:15.66\00:52:19.44 Of course, you can, 00:52:19.45\00:52:20.74 you got an hour to get whatever you want. 00:52:20.75\00:52:22.27 And you know what happened, 00:52:22.28\00:52:23.34 when the last ten minutes are around, 00:52:23.35\00:52:25.25 all of the sudden it finally sinks in 00:52:25.26\00:52:26.97 that there is no limit and you go nuts and realize, 00:52:26.98\00:52:29.66 what if I--what if I--what if I caught this 23 hours later. 00:52:29.67\00:52:35.01 How much more would I have? My point is this. 00:52:35.02\00:52:38.98 We've got to get this now. 00:52:38.99\00:52:41.15 We gotta realize that if you reconcile 00:52:41.16\00:52:44.15 as while we were enemies and He says to us. 00:52:44.16\00:52:46.48 You've got a blank check to salvation. 00:52:46.49\00:52:49.02 You've got a blank access to everything 00:52:49.03\00:52:51.13 that is in my possession. 00:52:51.14\00:52:52.77 You're my son, I'm your Father, 00:52:52.78\00:52:55.00 there's no limit to what I can do. 00:52:55.01\00:52:57.21 How does Paul say it. 00:52:57.22\00:52:58.47 He can do exceedingly, come on now, 00:52:58.48\00:53:00.58 abundantly above all that you can ask or think 00:53:00.59\00:53:05.40 according to the power that is at work where? 00:53:05.41\00:53:08.45 In us. So what's, what's my illustration. 00:53:08.46\00:53:12.27 A true illustration and it fails into comparison 00:53:12.28\00:53:16.21 to what the Lord is making available to us. 00:53:16.22\00:53:19.17 It pales because the Lord is not just making things 00:53:19.18\00:53:21.67 on this Earth available to us. 00:53:21.68\00:53:23.45 Everything outside of this world is available 00:53:23.46\00:53:26.90 because He's the Lord of Heaven and Earth. 00:53:26.91\00:53:29.90 And even what the Bible hasn't written yet. 00:53:29.91\00:53:31.96 He's making us accessible to that. 00:53:31.97\00:53:34.07 So when we think about salvation brethren 00:53:34.08\00:53:35.89 the door to that scenario that I just painted to you 00:53:35.90\00:53:38.82 is the door called salvation. 00:53:38.83\00:53:40.83 It's called what? Salvation. 00:53:40.84\00:53:42.86 But we got to get out of this mess. 00:53:42.87\00:53:46.04 In order to have that limitless, abundant, 00:53:46.05\00:53:49.50 non-focused on material life that God intent for us to have. 00:53:49.51\00:53:54.13 Unfortunately, the world narrows it down to materialism. 00:53:54.14\00:53:56.89 The Lord is saying, oh, you don't even know what. 00:53:56.90\00:53:59.20 Eyes have not seen, Paul says, ears have not even heard. 00:53:59.21\00:54:02.13 It hasn't even entered into your heart. 00:54:02.14\00:54:04.75 The things that God has prepared for those that love Him. 00:54:04.76\00:54:07.88 But the door is the plan of salvation. 00:54:07.89\00:54:11.67 The door is the plan of salvation. 00:54:11.68\00:54:13.23 We will be reconciled, we will be saved by His life 00:54:13.24\00:54:16.26 and the phrase I like the most, 00:54:16.27\00:54:17.67 the most in this is the phrase much more. 00:54:17.68\00:54:20.07 What's the phrase? Much more. 00:54:20.08\00:54:22.87 There's much more to the story than we can even see 00:54:22.88\00:54:26.19 in the feeble words of humanity. 00:54:26.20\00:54:27.83 Question number 23, question number 23. 00:54:27.84\00:54:31.31 What does justification accomplish for us? 00:54:31.32\00:54:35.39 What does justification accomplish for us? 00:54:35.40\00:54:39.96 It accomplishes for us, what? 00:54:39.97\00:54:42.50 Let's just read it. 00:54:42.51\00:54:43.62 I don't want to jump ahead myself. 00:54:43.63\00:54:44.90 We're turning now to Colossians, 00:54:44.91\00:54:49.06 Colossians 1, verse 21 to verse 22. 00:54:49.07\00:54:56.92 Let me turn there with you. 00:54:56.93\00:54:59.81 I have it on the screen but I just wanna, 00:54:59.82\00:55:01.47 I wanna go through the exercise 00:55:01.48\00:55:02.78 of knowing exactly where you are. 00:55:02.79\00:55:03.90 Because I may want to read something more 00:55:03.91\00:55:06.25 than what I have on the screen. 00:55:06.26\00:55:07.44 Colossians 1 verse 21 and verse 22. 00:55:07.45\00:55:14.21 Another very important text, 00:55:14.22\00:55:15.78 almost similar to the one that we just read. 00:55:15.79\00:55:18.19 Almost similar to one we just read. 00:55:18.20\00:55:20.19 Here it is. 00:55:20.20\00:55:21.46 Okay, first two words are what? 00:55:22.27\00:55:25.70 And you. Say, and me. 00:55:25.71\00:55:28.03 And me. And me. Us, me. 00:55:28.04\00:55:33.15 And you, who once were alienated and enemies 00:55:33.16\00:55:38.31 in your mind by wicked works, yet now. 00:55:38.32\00:55:44.13 Speak it right now. 00:55:44.14\00:55:45.13 Yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through what? 00:55:45.14\00:55:51.75 Death. For what purpose, to present you how, friends? 00:55:51.76\00:55:56.73 Holy and blameless and above reproach in His sight. 00:55:56.74\00:56:02.01 Can you say Amen to that? Amen. 00:56:02.02\00:56:03.57 You know what God is saying there. 00:56:03.58\00:56:06.21 I'm gonna go back, I know they saw it on the screen 00:56:06.22\00:56:07.93 but I wanna break this down just for you 00:56:07.94\00:56:09.21 who are right here in the room. 00:56:09.22\00:56:11.38 You who are once alienated and enemies in your mind 00:56:11.39\00:56:14.28 by wicked works. 00:56:14.29\00:56:15.28 You know what that's saying, 00:56:15.29\00:56:16.45 our minds are so messed up that we can even, 00:56:16.46\00:56:18.77 God it was like trying to, it was like a mosquito 00:56:18.78\00:56:21.11 trying to get through a very strong plate-glass window, 00:56:21.12\00:56:23.99 just bouncing, bouncing, bouncing. 00:56:24.00\00:56:26.18 And some people take longer to convert than others. 00:56:26.19\00:56:28.67 Do you know why? Because their minds are filled, 00:56:28.68\00:56:31.55 their minds are alienated and enemies by their wicked works. 00:56:31.56\00:56:38.93 But does the Lord cast them away. 00:56:38.94\00:56:40.40 Yes or no? No. 00:56:40.41\00:56:41.97 He looks at the worse condition 00:56:41.98\00:56:43.69 and this is a pretty bad condition. 00:56:43.70\00:56:45.24 He looks at the worse condition and He says. 00:56:45.25\00:56:48.04 And He says, yet now He has reconciled 00:56:48.05\00:56:53.07 in the body of His flesh through death. 00:56:53.08\00:56:57.53 To present you how? Holy. 00:56:57.54\00:56:59.76 Can we be holy? Yes. 00:56:59.77\00:57:01.39 Who wants to be holy? Amen. 00:57:01.40\00:57:02.97 Blameless and above reproach in the sight of God. 00:57:02.98\00:57:06.81 Do you know what the judgment is all about? 00:57:06.82\00:57:09.36 We're living in the hour of judgment, 00:57:09.37\00:57:11.10 the judgment is simply this. 00:57:11.11\00:57:13.01 The devil is accusing us before God. 00:57:13.02\00:57:16.48 And if he can prove, 00:57:16.49\00:57:17.58 if he can say that they're not worthy, 00:57:17.59\00:57:19.87 they're not worthy. 00:57:19.88\00:57:22.11 And that sticks, then we'll lose eternal life. 00:57:22.12\00:57:25.49 But because of the righteousness of Jesus 00:57:25.50\00:57:28.06 everyone of us can have salvation, 00:57:28.07\00:57:31.48 and be holy and be blameless and be above reproach 00:57:31.49\00:57:35.50 because of what Jesus had done for us. Amen. 00:57:35.51\00:57:39.56 And so as we continue studying A Sharper Focus. 00:57:39.57\00:57:41.94 The focus that we all must have is not just 00:57:41.95\00:57:44.54 the focus on what the Bible says, 00:57:44.55\00:57:46.28 but a focus to see Jesus Christ even more clearly. 00:57:46.29\00:57:50.78 He wants to change our lives. Transform our lives. 00:57:50.79\00:57:54.58 Take us from where we were to where He can 00:57:54.59\00:57:57.09 have that abundant experience in our lives. 00:57:57.10\00:57:59.14 So continue trusting the Lord and one day 00:57:59.15\00:58:01.56 you'll have that Sharper Focus. God bless you. 00:58:01.57\00:58:04.82