Welcome to Anchors Of Truth, 00:00:13.01\00:00:15.04 live from the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:00:15.08\00:00:17.71 Hello friends, and welcome to the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:00:22.48\00:00:25.49 I can say to you, "Happy Sabbath." 00:00:25.52\00:00:27.16 For those of us who are here, we'd like to 00:00:27.36\00:00:28.99 welcome you with a hearty amen. 00:00:29.02\00:00:30.36 Can we all say amen to that, church? 00:00:30.39\00:00:31.73 We are here at the 3ABN Worship Center 00:00:32.33\00:00:34.06 where we know the Lord is going to bless our hearts once again. 00:00:34.10\00:00:38.53 This is the fourth message in a series of messages 00:00:38.83\00:00:41.60 by Pastor Taj Pacleb. 00:00:41.64\00:00:44.37 A young man that my wife and I had the privilege of meeting 00:00:44.47\00:00:47.21 when we were in Australia ministering there. 00:00:47.24\00:00:49.44 And he is a young man who is on fire for the Lord. 00:00:49.71\00:00:53.31 I've often said we can be on fire for the Lord 00:00:53.35\00:00:56.25 or eventually by the Lord. 00:00:56.28\00:00:58.25 So I know he's made the wise choice. 00:00:58.35\00:01:00.29 The Lord is revealed and reflected through his life. 00:01:00.32\00:01:03.56 And this young man is going to be ignited 00:01:03.59\00:01:06.70 to share the message entitled today, 00:01:06.80\00:01:09.36 The Smitten Rock. 00:01:09.66\00:01:11.00 The Smitten Rock. 00:01:11.33\00:01:12.67 I have some idea of what that's about, but I'm going to 00:01:12.70\00:01:14.40 let the preacher make it even clearer. 00:01:14.44\00:01:16.54 Taj Pacleb, he was born in Hawaii, but he is Filipino, 00:01:16.91\00:01:23.08 Mexican, and German. 00:01:23.11\00:01:24.55 Somebody say hallelujah. 00:01:24.58\00:01:26.05 His wife's name is Wati. 00:01:27.48\00:01:29.18 She's here with us today. 00:01:29.22\00:01:30.55 And she's Fijian and Tongan. 00:01:30.59\00:01:32.85 So in these two individuals, there are 00:01:33.19\00:01:35.12 five nations represented. 00:01:35.16\00:01:37.33 But they are not so much focused on where they are from, 00:01:37.53\00:01:40.80 they are focused on where they are heading. 00:01:40.96\00:01:42.76 Amen to that? 00:01:42.80\00:01:44.13 We also have a wonderful minister of music today, 00:01:44.17\00:01:46.90 Jackie Jewel, who is going to bless us in just a moment. 00:01:47.50\00:01:49.77 But we want to thank you for your prayers 00:01:49.80\00:01:51.67 and your financial support of this network 00:01:51.71\00:01:53.94 as we continue going and growing, preparing for 00:01:53.98\00:01:57.21 the coming of the Lord. 00:01:57.25\00:01:58.71 Now normally I would begin with prayer, but 00:01:58.98\00:02:01.12 the preacher wants to pray today. 00:02:01.15\00:02:02.48 And I'm going to leave that to him. 00:02:02.52\00:02:03.99 But right now our hearts are going to be warmed 00:02:04.12\00:02:06.76 as we are ministered by song, an original song 00:02:06.99\00:02:10.93 written by Jackie Jewel, entitled, 00:02:10.96\00:02:12.86 Jesus, No Other Name. 00:02:12.89\00:02:14.96 After the song, the next voice that you will hear 00:02:15.00\00:02:17.57 will be that of Pastor Taj Pacleb. 00:02:17.60\00:02:19.87 There is a name I love to hear, 00:02:31.48\00:02:41.46 a name so sweet it's music to my ears, 00:02:43.12\00:02:53.10 a melody that sounded true; 00:02:54.30\00:03:04.15 Jesus, no other name will do. 00:03:04.55\00:03:13.39 I'm sure He loves me, this I know; 00:03:14.46\00:03:24.33 His Word, the Bible, tells me so. 00:03:24.57\00:03:33.68 His love revealed beyond degree; 00:03:33.91\00:03:43.89 Jesus, no other name for me. 00:03:43.92\00:03:52.63 We love because He first loved us, 00:03:54.33\00:04:04.34 He came to seek and save that which was lost. 00:04:04.91\00:04:14.68 He gave His life to set us free; 00:04:14.88\00:04:24.86 Jesus, no other name for me. 00:04:25.43\00:04:34.14 He's calling each of us today 00:05:08.84\00:05:18.85 to show His love and seek His face. 00:05:19.61\00:05:29.29 He's coming back to bring us home; 00:05:29.52\00:05:39.53 Jesus will come and claim His own. 00:05:40.04\00:05:48.51 I'm sure He loves me, this I know; 00:05:49.11\00:05:59.12 His Word, the Bible, tells me so. 00:05:59.15\00:06:08.36 His love revealed beyond degree; 00:06:08.66\00:06:18.64 Jesus, no other name for me. 00:06:19.01\00:06:27.82 Jesus, no other name for me. 00:06:28.68\00:06:38.69 Amen. Good morning, family. 00:06:48.00\00:06:49.57 Aloha and happy Sabbath to you all. 00:06:50.54\00:06:52.77 I welcome you to the house of God this morning. 00:06:53.38\00:06:55.61 Thank you so much, sister Jackie, for that beautiful 00:06:55.64\00:06:57.85 special message in song. 00:06:58.11\00:06:59.78 This morning we have a very important Bible study 00:07:00.12\00:07:03.59 that will help us in our journey through this wilderness 00:07:03.62\00:07:06.72 of this world as we're heading to the Promised Land. 00:07:06.76\00:07:09.69 And friends, I truly believe with all my heart that we are 00:07:09.96\00:07:12.16 just on the borders of the heavenly Canaan. 00:07:12.19\00:07:14.73 And God wants to bring us home very soon, amen? 00:07:14.93\00:07:17.57 This morning's topic is entitled, 00:07:18.17\00:07:19.87 The Smitten Rock. 00:07:19.90\00:07:21.40 And I hope you brought your Bibles, 00:07:21.50\00:07:22.84 I hope you brought your notebooks. 00:07:22.87\00:07:24.21 I hope you brought a spiritual appetite, 00:07:24.24\00:07:25.71 because we're going to feast upon the 00:07:25.74\00:07:27.94 bread of life this morning. 00:07:27.98\00:07:29.31 I invite you to bow your heads with me 00:07:29.34\00:07:30.68 as we begin with a word of prayer. 00:07:30.71\00:07:32.05 Father in heaven, we thank You so much 00:07:32.41\00:07:34.38 for gathering us together as Your children 00:07:34.58\00:07:37.09 to study Your holy Word on this Your holy Sabbath day. 00:07:37.32\00:07:41.06 We ask that the power of the Holy Spirit would 00:07:41.39\00:07:43.26 fill this room and each living room of those who are 00:07:43.29\00:07:46.73 watching at home. 00:07:46.76\00:07:48.60 We ask, Lord, that You would please touch our hearts, 00:07:48.96\00:07:51.37 speak to our minds. 00:07:51.57\00:07:52.97 May we see You more clearly than ever before 00:07:53.17\00:07:55.87 as we receive a fresh revelation of Jesus today. 00:07:56.10\00:07:59.94 Bless us now as we study. 00:08:00.18\00:08:01.74 In Christ's name we pray. Amen, amen. 00:08:01.98\00:08:05.41 I invite you to take your Bible and open with me 00:08:05.45\00:08:07.12 to the book of Exodus. 00:08:07.15\00:08:08.58 We're going to begin in the third chapter 00:08:08.88\00:08:10.85 as we study our message this morning entitled... 00:08:10.89\00:08:13.72 We're going to Exodus chapter 3. 00:08:15.32\00:08:17.26 And as you're turning there, this morning's message 00:08:17.39\00:08:20.20 takes us back to a time when God's people were in the bitter 00:08:20.23\00:08:23.47 bondage of Egypt. 00:08:23.57\00:08:25.33 The kingdom that once offered an asylum for God's people 00:08:25.40\00:08:28.20 during the famine would become a prison house of forced labor. 00:08:28.24\00:08:32.11 Israel became slaves to another one's will. 00:08:32.51\00:08:36.21 Pharaoh would use them to build up massive monuments 00:08:36.24\00:08:39.21 to his pagan deities. 00:08:39.25\00:08:40.58 And during this time of bondage, freedom was a stranger 00:08:40.62\00:08:43.62 that they did not know. 00:08:43.65\00:08:44.99 And only the taskmaster's whip was their constant companion. 00:08:45.35\00:08:49.06 Oh how they longed for liberation! 00:08:49.19\00:08:51.89 With inexpressible yearning, God's people desired 00:08:52.06\00:08:55.06 a free nation with liberty and justice for all. 00:08:55.23\00:08:58.17 But the record tells us that generation after generation 00:08:58.37\00:09:00.90 passed off the scene, and their prayers for deliverance 00:09:01.00\00:09:04.64 was not answered. 00:09:04.74\00:09:06.07 The light of hope burning in their hearts was nearly 00:09:06.11\00:09:08.91 extinguished by the taskmaster's whip. 00:09:08.94\00:09:11.55 And under the yoke of Egypt, they were waiting 00:09:12.58\00:09:16.42 and waiting for the coming of a deliverer. 00:09:16.45\00:09:19.09 Many people wondered, "Why is God indifferent to our pain? 00:09:19.12\00:09:22.59 Why does He not care about us? 00:09:22.86\00:09:24.46 Has God forgotten us?" 00:09:24.49\00:09:25.96 "When will we ever be free," was the question that was 00:09:25.99\00:09:29.70 on the minds and hearts of God's people. 00:09:29.73\00:09:31.67 And friends, let me tell you, though heaven was silent, 00:09:31.87\00:09:34.37 heaven surely was not deaf. 00:09:34.54\00:09:37.07 God, in answer to their prayer, came down to bring 00:09:37.11\00:09:40.58 His people up. 00:09:40.61\00:09:41.94 Notice what the Lord said to Moses in Exodus 3:7. 00:09:41.98\00:09:45.91 If you're there and you're ready to study the Bible today, 00:09:45.95\00:09:47.98 would you let me know by saying amen? 00:09:48.02\00:09:49.68 Exodus 3:7, the Bible says... 00:09:50.62\00:09:52.75 Here we find, friends, this passage highlights five 00:10:06.90\00:10:10.84 powerful verbs that reveal God's actions towards His people. 00:10:10.94\00:10:16.75 Number one, the Bible says that the Lord truly has seen 00:10:16.95\00:10:19.98 the affliction of His people. 00:10:20.02\00:10:21.58 I'm here to tell you, friends, that the same God that 00:10:21.62\00:10:23.99 saw the affliction of Israel sees your affliction 00:10:24.02\00:10:27.02 this morning as well. 00:10:27.06\00:10:28.46 For we serve a God whose eyes are ever open 00:10:28.49\00:10:31.39 to the sufferings of humanity. 00:10:31.43\00:10:33.16 God has seen what has taken place to us in the darkness. 00:10:33.19\00:10:36.67 All things are naked and exposed to the eyes of God. 00:10:36.70\00:10:39.73 And if God's eye is on the sparrow, 00:10:39.77\00:10:41.84 surely it's upon you and me this morning as well. 00:10:41.87\00:10:44.87 We serve a God that sees our pain, friends. 00:10:45.04\00:10:47.44 But not only does He see our sorrow, 00:10:47.48\00:10:49.61 He also hears our cry. 00:10:49.64\00:10:51.68 That's the second verb. 00:10:51.71\00:10:53.05 God hears us. 00:10:53.08\00:10:54.42 I want you to know, friends, even though you might 00:10:54.45\00:10:56.52 have been praying and it seems like heaven is silent, 00:10:56.55\00:11:00.42 heaven surely is not deaf. 00:11:00.86\00:11:02.56 Heaven's ears are always open to the cry, 00:11:02.59\00:11:05.23 even the faintest cry of the weakest of God's children. 00:11:05.33\00:11:08.46 And when our lips don't know what to say, 00:11:08.56\00:11:10.87 God hears the cry of our hearts. 00:11:10.90\00:11:13.27 Because our needs speak more eloquently than our words. 00:11:13.30\00:11:16.81 We serve a God that sees our pain, He hears our cry. 00:11:16.84\00:11:20.18 Then the third verb, the Bible says God knows the experiences 00:11:20.21\00:11:24.85 that His people are going through. 00:11:25.15\00:11:26.68 He knows their sorrow. 00:11:26.72\00:11:28.05 You see, that word, "know," in English is somewhat 00:11:28.08\00:11:31.05 a very shallow word. 00:11:31.25\00:11:32.79 But in biblical terms, the word, "know," has a very deep 00:11:32.85\00:11:35.99 and profound meaning. 00:11:36.02\00:11:37.36 You see, friends, the word, "know," simply means... 00:11:37.39\00:11:39.59 It's not simply to know in an intellectual way, 00:11:43.26\00:11:46.07 but to know in an experiential way. 00:11:46.17\00:11:48.70 And I'll never forget, earlier this year 00:11:49.17\00:11:51.41 my wife and I, as well as sister Jackie and a whole team of us, 00:11:51.87\00:11:55.54 got the chance to go to the beautiful country of the 00:11:55.78\00:11:58.85 Philippines and the island of Palawan. 00:11:58.88\00:12:01.78 And we were on a medical evangelism missionary trip. 00:12:01.98\00:12:04.69 A team of doctors and medical volunteers were there with us 00:12:04.99\00:12:07.96 and we provided free service to hundreds of locals. 00:12:07.99\00:12:11.03 We had a free dental clinic, an eye clinic, health screenings, 00:12:11.06\00:12:14.20 and even minor surgeries by day. 00:12:14.23\00:12:16.36 And then in the evening we had evangelistic meetings 00:12:16.40\00:12:18.37 and we preached Jesus to them at night. 00:12:18.40\00:12:20.50 And so we combined, by God's grace, the healing ministry 00:12:20.70\00:12:24.31 and the preaching ministry of Jesus together, 00:12:24.34\00:12:26.98 because these two things should go hand in hand. 00:12:27.01\00:12:29.31 And I'll never forget, a part of the medical health clinic 00:12:29.34\00:12:32.91 there was a section where little boys 00:12:32.95\00:12:36.18 were getting free circumcisions. 00:12:36.22\00:12:37.75 Now in that country, the boys don't get circumcised 00:12:37.79\00:12:40.19 until they're about 9, 10, 11, 12 years old. 00:12:40.22\00:12:42.79 And so there was a line of young boys getting circumcised there. 00:12:42.96\00:12:46.33 And I made sure to stay away from that section. 00:12:46.36\00:12:48.73 Because for me, you know, I can't deal with blood 00:12:48.76\00:12:51.37 and flesh, and what not. 00:12:51.40\00:12:52.73 It's not something that I care to see. 00:12:52.77\00:12:55.37 And so I made sure I stayed away from that section 00:12:55.90\00:12:57.87 where the boys were getting circumcised. 00:12:57.91\00:12:59.67 But towards the end of that day, I mustered up some courage 00:12:59.71\00:13:02.74 to finally go and check it out. 00:13:02.78\00:13:04.65 And I saw that there was a boy on the table, 00:13:04.98\00:13:07.72 and the surgeon was about to make the initial incision. 00:13:07.92\00:13:11.25 And so I asked the surgeon how the procedure works. 00:13:11.65\00:13:15.16 And while the surgeon was speaking, I couldn't help but 00:13:15.19\00:13:17.79 notice that the boy on the table was covering his face. 00:13:17.83\00:13:20.73 He was groaning and moaning and he was biting a piece of cloth 00:13:20.96\00:13:24.43 as if he was in excruciating pain. 00:13:24.47\00:13:27.00 And when I saw the look on his face, I asked the surgeon, 00:13:27.24\00:13:29.90 "At what point do you anesthetize them?" 00:13:30.11\00:13:33.58 "At what point do you anesthetize them?" 00:13:33.98\00:13:35.94 You know what she told me? 00:13:35.98\00:13:37.31 "Oh, we don't do that. 00:13:37.35\00:13:38.68 Oh no, no, no. We don't do that. 00:13:38.71\00:13:40.22 It doesn't make a difference. Well we don't do that." 00:13:40.25\00:13:42.02 And she continued to speak, but at that point, 00:13:42.05\00:13:44.49 I could not hear anything else she said after that point. 00:13:44.52\00:13:47.39 All I could hear was the grunts and the moans of this little boy 00:13:47.86\00:13:52.39 as he buried his face in his hands on the operating table. 00:13:52.76\00:13:56.77 I saw his face. 00:13:56.97\00:13:58.77 I heard his cry. 00:13:59.43\00:14:01.54 And strangely, I actually began to enter into his experience. 00:14:01.70\00:14:06.51 I actually began to know what he was going through. 00:14:06.54\00:14:11.05 And friends, when that happened, my heart started hurting. 00:14:11.71\00:14:16.38 My breathing became heavy, my legs got weak, 00:14:16.92\00:14:19.95 and my head got light, and my face turned pale. 00:14:19.99\00:14:23.02 I went into a cold sweat. 00:14:23.06\00:14:24.76 I didn't know what was happening so I told the pastor, 00:14:24.79\00:14:26.80 "Pastor, you need to take me back to the hotel. 00:14:26.83\00:14:30.20 I can't handle this. 00:14:30.23\00:14:31.57 I'm struggling." 00:14:31.83\00:14:33.17 I was feeling sick. 00:14:33.34\00:14:34.67 And so the pastor was about to take me back to the hotel. 00:14:35.17\00:14:37.94 I took a few steps, I staggered, nearly fainted. 00:14:38.57\00:14:41.38 And they laid me down on one of the benches. 00:14:41.41\00:14:43.38 The pastor called the nurses to come together. 00:14:43.41\00:14:45.51 And they said that, "The pastor, the preacher, needs some help." 00:14:45.55\00:14:49.22 And so all the nurses left their patients to attend to me. 00:14:49.25\00:14:53.46 They laid me down on the table. 00:14:53.96\00:14:55.52 They began to fan me, they lifted up my feet, 00:14:55.56\00:14:58.33 and they examined my vitals. 00:14:58.36\00:15:00.16 And after raising up my feet, giving me some juice to drink, 00:15:00.20\00:15:04.30 the blood came back to my head and I started feeling better. 00:15:04.47\00:15:08.20 And then I told them what I saw and what I heard 00:15:08.30\00:15:12.27 on the operating table. 00:15:12.31\00:15:13.84 And they told me that what I was experiencing was what is called, 00:15:14.31\00:15:17.95 vagal response. 00:15:17.98\00:15:19.51 How many of you have heard or know what vagal response is? 00:15:19.55\00:15:22.18 Well most of you don't. 00:15:22.22\00:15:23.55 I didn't know until I experienced it. 00:15:23.59\00:15:25.09 Well vagal response is basically a malfunction in parts of the 00:15:25.12\00:15:28.82 nervous system of the body that regulate 00:15:28.86\00:15:31.59 heart, rate, and blood pressure. 00:15:31.63\00:15:33.83 And so when the heart rate slows down, 00:15:34.06\00:15:36.40 the blood pressure drops. 00:15:36.56\00:15:38.53 And the result of the lack of blood in the brain 00:15:38.63\00:15:41.40 causes fainting and confusion. 00:15:41.44\00:15:43.87 Those were the symptoms that I was feeling. 00:15:43.91\00:15:45.67 And there are several things that cause vagal response. 00:15:45.71\00:15:49.38 One of them being empathizing with the pain of others. 00:15:49.41\00:15:54.55 And that's what I experienced for the first time in my life. 00:15:54.88\00:15:58.52 I actually entered into the experience. 00:15:59.05\00:16:00.79 Now there's a big difference between empathy and sympathy. 00:16:00.82\00:16:05.83 You see, to sympathize with someone, 00:16:06.09\00:16:08.33 it means that you... 00:16:08.43\00:16:11.50 But to empathize is a whole lot more profound. 00:16:15.70\00:16:18.34 To empathize is... 00:16:18.44\00:16:19.77 You see, to sympathize is like an outward spectator 00:16:35.62\00:16:39.46 looking in and saying, I can only imagine 00:16:39.49\00:16:42.36 what you're going through. 00:16:42.40\00:16:43.73 But to empathize is like an inward participant 00:16:43.77\00:16:47.14 looking out saying, "I know exactly how you feel." 00:16:47.17\00:16:51.34 You see, the surgeon sympathized with the boy 00:16:51.44\00:16:56.14 that she was circumcising. 00:16:56.18\00:16:57.55 She had sympathy. 00:16:57.98\00:16:59.31 But I had empathy for that little boy. 00:16:59.38\00:17:01.38 When I saw his face and heard his cry, 00:17:01.48\00:17:04.85 I began to feel physiologically like I was the one laying 00:17:04.89\00:17:09.82 on the operating table and like I was the one being circumcised 00:17:09.86\00:17:13.96 without being anesthetize. 00:17:14.00\00:17:16.00 And I could not handle it. 00:17:16.67\00:17:18.97 And by the way, friends, that wasn't true. 00:17:19.30\00:17:22.07 They do anesthetize the little boys before they 00:17:22.17\00:17:25.47 make the initial incision. 00:17:25.51\00:17:26.98 When the surgeon told me that they did not numb them, 00:17:27.08\00:17:30.21 she failed to tell me that she was just joking. 00:17:30.25\00:17:32.81 And I only found that out after I nearly fainted. 00:17:33.31\00:17:37.32 It was a very bad joke, but it makes for a good 00:17:37.35\00:17:41.09 sermon illustration. Amen? 00:17:41.12\00:17:42.66 Because you see, friends, what I was experiencing 00:17:43.83\00:17:46.16 as I looked upon that boy's pain is but a faint glimpse 00:17:46.36\00:17:52.67 of how God feels when He sees your pain. 00:17:53.03\00:17:56.34 God not only sympathizes with us as a passive spectator, 00:17:57.37\00:18:01.64 but our God empathizes with us as an active participant 00:18:01.98\00:18:07.38 in our pain. 00:18:07.42\00:18:09.25 God hears our cry, He sees our sorrow. 00:18:09.45\00:18:13.82 And He knows our pain, for He feels it in His own flesh. 00:18:13.92\00:18:18.09 The Bible says that He's a man of sorrows 00:18:18.13\00:18:20.60 and acquainted with grief. 00:18:20.63\00:18:22.40 You remember the story when Jesus went to the 00:18:22.76\00:18:24.73 tomb of Lazarus. 00:18:24.77\00:18:26.10 Lazarus was there sleeping in the grave, and Jesus knew that. 00:18:26.57\00:18:30.77 Jesus knew that Lazarus was sleeping. 00:18:30.81\00:18:32.91 Jesus knew that death was not the end. 00:18:32.94\00:18:35.04 And Jesus knew that He was just about to resurrect 00:18:35.08\00:18:37.81 Lazarus from the grave. 00:18:37.85\00:18:39.18 And though Jesus knew all those things, 00:18:39.21\00:18:41.85 we find the shortest verse in the Bible, 00:18:41.88\00:18:44.02 John 11:35, the response of Jesus. 00:18:44.05\00:18:47.52 The Bible says, "Jesus wept." 00:18:47.56\00:18:51.09 Why is He weeping? 00:18:51.86\00:18:53.19 He knows that Lazarus is just sleeping. 00:18:53.93\00:18:56.16 He knows that He's about to resurrect 00:18:56.56\00:18:57.93 Lazarus from the grave. 00:18:57.97\00:18:59.30 And so why this strange response if Jesus knows this? 00:18:59.33\00:19:02.80 Why is He weeping? 00:19:02.84\00:19:04.17 Friends, Jesus is not weeping for the dead. 00:19:04.21\00:19:06.27 He's weeping for the living. 00:19:06.31\00:19:07.84 Because He sees the pain upon the countenance 00:19:08.54\00:19:10.71 of the loved ones who have lost Lazarus. 00:19:10.75\00:19:13.45 He hears the grievous mourning and their bitter cries. 00:19:13.55\00:19:16.92 And when He saw the pain and heard the cry, 00:19:16.95\00:19:19.62 Jesus knew what they felt. 00:19:19.65\00:19:21.46 He actually entered into their experience. 00:19:21.49\00:19:24.46 Because our pain is His pain. 00:19:24.49\00:19:28.50 The pain that He saw upon humanity pierced His heart 00:19:30.10\00:19:36.00 with unbearable sorrow that caused His eyes to open up, 00:19:36.04\00:19:39.74 and a fountain of tears began to flow. 00:19:39.77\00:19:41.94 Friends, you need to know this morning 00:19:42.68\00:19:44.15 that when we hurt, He hurts. 00:19:44.58\00:19:47.32 When we weep, He weeps. 00:19:47.42\00:19:49.92 When you are in pain, God feels it in His own flesh. 00:19:50.15\00:19:54.39 No one else may understand what you're going through, 00:19:54.42\00:19:56.56 but God knows. 00:19:56.59\00:19:58.09 And He's the great God that can turn our sorrows 00:19:58.46\00:20:02.06 into sweet joy. 00:20:02.16\00:20:03.57 Weeping may endure for the night, 00:20:04.00\00:20:05.97 but joy comes in the morning. 00:20:06.07\00:20:09.04 The Bible says in Isaiah 63:9... 00:20:09.30\00:20:13.11 The Bible says in Zechariah 2:8... 00:20:17.08\00:20:20.12 When Saul the persecutor was persecuting the early church, 00:20:23.65\00:20:27.29 Jesus showed up to Saul, 00:20:27.46\00:20:30.06 knocked him off of the high horse. 00:20:30.16\00:20:32.06 And as Saul looked into that bright light, 00:20:32.59\00:20:35.16 the Lord Jesus spoke to him and said, 00:20:35.26\00:20:37.00 "Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" 00:20:37.03\00:20:41.30 He didn't ask, "Why are you persecuting My church?" 00:20:41.70\00:20:43.91 "Why are you persecuting Me?" 00:20:44.27\00:20:46.07 Because in the persecution of the church, 00:20:46.47\00:20:48.71 it was Jesus Himself that was being persecuted. 00:20:48.74\00:20:51.71 Jesus takes your pain personal, friends. 00:20:51.75\00:20:55.15 And so, my brothers and sisters, if you've lost a loved one 00:20:55.25\00:20:58.39 and your heart is broken, to cancer, 00:20:58.42\00:21:01.42 and you're incomplete without them, 00:21:01.72\00:21:03.39 Jesus knows. 00:21:03.43\00:21:04.79 If your children have died in a terrible accident 00:21:04.96\00:21:07.40 and you're wondering why, or maybe you're a single parent 00:21:07.43\00:21:09.86 trying to raise your kids and you're plagued with loneliness, 00:21:09.90\00:21:13.27 maybe your spouse has left you, 00:21:13.30\00:21:14.80 your fiancé has walked out on you, 00:21:14.84\00:21:16.60 your children disrespecting you, your parents abusing you, 00:21:16.64\00:21:19.87 and your friends are talking about you, 00:21:19.97\00:21:21.64 and you feel all alone; 00:21:21.68\00:21:23.18 I want you to rest in the reality that God sees 00:21:23.21\00:21:26.01 your sorrow, He hears your cry, and He knows your pain. 00:21:26.05\00:21:29.78 Weeping may endure for the night, 00:21:29.82\00:21:31.65 but joy comes in the morning. 00:21:31.69\00:21:33.76 So hang on, we're almost home. 00:21:34.19\00:21:37.06 In this verse, Exodus 3:7, we find the first three verbs. 00:21:38.03\00:21:45.13 God see, He hears, and He knows. 00:21:45.47\00:21:49.00 But then we go to the next verse, verse 8, and we find the 00:21:49.17\00:21:52.31 the last two verbs. 00:21:52.34\00:21:53.68 The verbs that tell us what God actually does 00:21:53.71\00:21:56.31 concerning our pain. 00:21:56.51\00:21:57.85 Notice what it says in verse 8. The Bible says... 00:21:57.88\00:22:00.88 So here we find, friends, God sees... 00:22:17.47\00:22:20.34 And then He actually does something about it. 00:22:23.00\00:22:25.47 The Bible says He comes down. 00:22:25.51\00:22:27.74 Why? So that He can bring us up. 00:22:28.04\00:22:31.68 You see, our God always takes the initiative. 00:22:32.01\00:22:34.48 Jesus came down to earth to bring us up to heaven. 00:22:34.65\00:22:38.05 Love came down to bring us up. 00:22:38.19\00:22:40.46 And so, my friends, if you feel yourself down and out, 00:22:40.49\00:22:43.12 let Jesus lift you up and bring you in. 00:22:43.16\00:22:46.46 Because, you see, what God is about to do for literal Israel 00:22:46.80\00:22:50.70 in a literal way, He wants to do for spiritual Israel 00:22:51.43\00:22:55.24 in a spiritual way. 00:22:55.34\00:22:56.81 I want you to notice, friends, when you study the Bible 00:22:56.97\00:22:58.61 carefully, you notice that Egypt represents sin. 00:22:58.64\00:23:03.78 Egypt is a type of sin. 00:23:04.38\00:23:06.08 We are all slaves to sin. 00:23:06.11\00:23:08.32 We're under the dominion and the power of sin. 00:23:08.35\00:23:11.49 And we, like the Israelites, don't have it within us 00:23:11.52\00:23:14.72 to make ourselves free from Egypt. 00:23:14.76\00:23:17.76 We can't do it. 00:23:17.86\00:23:19.19 We need something outside of ourselves. 00:23:19.23\00:23:21.46 We can't free ourselves from the bondage of sin. 00:23:21.50\00:23:24.10 And so we need the Lord. 00:23:24.83\00:23:27.54 And that which finally broke the hold of Pharaoh upon the Jews 00:23:27.84\00:23:31.41 is the same thing that breaks the yoke of sin 00:23:31.61\00:23:34.64 upon us all. 00:23:34.94\00:23:36.28 It was the death of the first born son. 00:23:36.75\00:23:39.91 You see, that tenth plague is the plague that finally 00:23:40.38\00:23:43.32 broke the hold of Pharaoh upon the Jews 00:23:43.42\00:23:46.05 and made him willing to let God's people go free. 00:23:46.39\00:23:49.66 The death of the first born is a symbol of the cross. 00:23:49.86\00:23:53.19 Jesus, friends, who is the true first born Son, 00:23:53.29\00:23:55.73 died for you and me so that we might go free. 00:23:55.76\00:23:58.80 The innocent died to free us from the penalty of sin, 00:23:58.83\00:24:02.50 from the power of sin, and even the presence of sin. 00:24:02.54\00:24:05.24 And what happens is this, friends: 00:24:05.27\00:24:06.84 Once we accept by faith the death of the first born, 00:24:06.88\00:24:10.71 Jesus Christ, and we're under the blood of the Lamb, 00:24:10.75\00:24:13.55 we place that blood upon the doorpost of our hearts, 00:24:13.58\00:24:16.18 it is then that we pass over from death into life, 00:24:16.22\00:24:20.56 from slavery into salvation. 00:24:20.59\00:24:23.22 It's all in the blood. 00:24:23.26\00:24:25.03 But then after that, you know the story, 00:24:25.79\00:24:27.50 the Israelites came out of Egypt. 00:24:28.46\00:24:30.93 And now God led them through the waters 00:24:31.07\00:24:34.04 of the Red Sea. 00:24:34.07\00:24:35.40 And in the waters of the Red Sea is where the 00:24:35.44\00:24:38.31 enemies of God's people were swallowed up. 00:24:38.34\00:24:41.04 And we've been told that the Red Sea crossing 00:24:41.08\00:24:43.01 was a symbol of baptism in 1 Corinthians chapter 10. 00:24:43.04\00:24:46.58 You see, when we've accepted the death of the first born 00:24:46.85\00:24:49.05 in our hearts, the next logical step is the outward expression 00:24:49.08\00:24:53.12 of an inward experience. 00:24:53.15\00:24:54.66 And it comes from going through the waters of baptism. 00:24:54.69\00:24:58.26 That's where all our enemies are swallowed up. 00:24:58.79\00:25:00.56 That is, the outward enemy is taken care of. 00:25:00.60\00:25:03.23 But friends, notice that after Israel went through the Red Sea, 00:25:03.43\00:25:06.90 they were not in heaven yet. 00:25:07.40\00:25:08.97 They did not arrive. Why? 00:25:09.00\00:25:10.44 Because baptism is not a graduation. 00:25:10.47\00:25:12.27 It's a new beginning. Can you say amen? 00:25:12.31\00:25:13.81 They still had to wander in the wilderness. 00:25:14.18\00:25:17.25 And that wilderness represents the world. 00:25:17.75\00:25:19.78 This world is not our home, we're just passing through. 00:25:19.81\00:25:22.22 We're on our way to the Promised Land. 00:25:22.25\00:25:24.49 Now baptism, the lesson is simple. 00:25:25.02\00:25:26.79 At the Red Sea, God dealt with the outward enemy, 00:25:27.12\00:25:30.63 but afterward in the wilderness there was still a warfare 00:25:30.66\00:25:34.46 against self that had to be fought. 00:25:34.50\00:25:36.93 The lesson is simple. 00:25:37.03\00:25:38.37 Baptism doesn't guarantee that all our struggles are finished. 00:25:38.40\00:25:42.70 After baptism there's still a warfare against self 00:25:42.97\00:25:45.97 that must be fought in the wilderness of the world. 00:25:46.01\00:25:48.88 And as we walk with the Lord by faith through the wilderness, 00:25:49.28\00:25:52.28 He gives us victory unto victory. 00:25:52.58\00:25:55.08 You see, Israel was justified at the Red Sea. 00:25:55.12\00:25:57.95 But God wanted to sanctify them in the wilderness 00:25:57.99\00:26:01.26 to prepare them for the Promised Land, 00:26:01.29\00:26:03.19 to make them righteous by faith before they entered 00:26:03.22\00:26:06.36 into the land of Canaan. 00:26:06.39\00:26:07.80 And this is the struggle of the Christian. 00:26:08.03\00:26:10.90 To be in the wilderness but not have the wilderness in us. 00:26:11.00\00:26:15.74 The Lord said we're in the world but not of the world. 00:26:15.90\00:26:18.07 Just like a boat should be in the water, 00:26:18.11\00:26:20.38 but when the water gets in the boat, you've got trouble. 00:26:20.41\00:26:22.44 Isn't that right? 00:26:22.48\00:26:23.81 We're in the world, but not of the world. 00:26:23.85\00:26:25.18 We're wandering through the wilderness. 00:26:25.21\00:26:26.75 We're heading to the Promised Land. 00:26:26.78\00:26:28.32 The glorious future is ahead of us. 00:26:28.35\00:26:30.15 The best is yet to come. 00:26:30.19\00:26:31.82 And friends, we're almost home. 00:26:31.85\00:26:33.99 Now while in the wilderness their faith was tested. 00:26:35.02\00:26:39.46 Notice what happens as we jump to Exodus chapter 17. 00:26:39.69\00:26:43.67 I want us to notice this very potent story in the Bible. 00:26:44.50\00:26:47.90 In Exodus the 17th chapter, the faith of God's people 00:26:48.20\00:26:52.17 was severely tested. 00:26:52.21\00:26:53.54 Notice what happens in Exodus 17:1. 00:26:53.58\00:26:56.85 The Bible says... 00:26:57.25\00:26:58.58 You see, the wilderness was a dry and thirsty land 00:27:14.86\00:27:18.30 with only bitter waters. 00:27:18.33\00:27:19.97 Which shows that the wilderness of this world 00:27:20.34\00:27:22.04 has nothing to satisfy the quench of our souls. 00:27:22.07\00:27:24.77 Only bitterness, only disappointment. 00:27:24.81\00:27:27.18 Now these, God's people, they were on the right path. 00:27:27.21\00:27:30.55 They exited Egypt, they were heading to Canaan. 00:27:30.95\00:27:33.62 They were on the right path. 00:27:33.65\00:27:35.15 And God was leading them through the wilderness. 00:27:35.18\00:27:36.99 And friends, listen, if God is truly leading us, 00:27:37.02\00:27:39.59 then He also obligates Himself to provide for us. 00:27:39.62\00:27:43.79 But it seemed like God wasn't there. 00:27:44.19\00:27:47.40 No water for the people to drink. 00:27:48.26\00:27:50.53 Now friends, was there really no water? 00:27:50.93\00:27:52.83 It only seemed that way. 00:27:53.80\00:27:56.14 And the reason is because God was seeking 00:27:56.40\00:27:58.24 to stretch their faith. 00:27:58.27\00:27:59.67 You see, before this, God had given the Israelites 00:27:59.77\00:28:02.41 plenty of evidence that He had power to control the elements. 00:28:02.44\00:28:06.98 He's the one that turned the water of the Nile into blood. 00:28:07.25\00:28:11.65 He's the one that opened the Red Sea and 00:28:11.69\00:28:13.32 closed it on their enemies. 00:28:13.36\00:28:14.89 He's the one that turned the bitter waters of Marah sweet. 00:28:14.92\00:28:18.06 He rained down bread from heaven. 00:28:18.09\00:28:20.03 And if God can rain down bread from heaven, 00:28:20.06\00:28:22.50 surely He can rain down water as well. 00:28:22.53\00:28:25.17 You see, the Israelites had sufficient evidence 00:28:25.20\00:28:27.74 that the God that was leading them 00:28:27.77\00:28:29.40 had the power to control all the elements. 00:28:29.50\00:28:33.54 And Israel, though they had this evidence 00:28:34.01\00:28:37.68 that God was more than able to provide for them, 00:28:38.35\00:28:41.05 with this sufficient evidence to believe 00:28:41.45\00:28:44.25 they had no reason to doubt. 00:28:44.29\00:28:46.52 But unfortunately, their faith rested not upon the evidence 00:28:46.99\00:28:51.03 of God's past leading or His present promises, 00:28:51.06\00:28:55.26 but rather they began to focus on the difficulties 00:28:55.30\00:28:58.77 of their present circumstances. 00:28:58.80\00:29:01.04 And as a result, you can read the rest of the story later on, 00:29:01.07\00:29:03.71 but they began to murmur and complain and doubt God. 00:29:03.84\00:29:09.01 How many of us are so prone to do the same thing? 00:29:09.04\00:29:12.25 Our minds are so quick to doubt. 00:29:12.55\00:29:14.62 Our hearts are so prone to wander away from God. 00:29:14.78\00:29:19.35 Oh my friends, don't tell God how big your mountains are. 00:29:19.52\00:29:22.09 Tell your mountains how big your God is. 00:29:22.12\00:29:24.29 There's no mountain too big that God can't move it. 00:29:24.69\00:29:27.33 But in forgetting the blessings of the past, 00:29:27.90\00:29:30.57 they began to complain of the circumstances of the present. 00:29:30.73\00:29:33.84 They began to grumble and murmur against God 00:29:33.94\00:29:36.04 and the man of God. 00:29:36.07\00:29:37.41 They threw out all evidence of God's watch-care for them. 00:29:37.44\00:29:40.38 Now they're doubting God's promises. 00:29:40.41\00:29:42.24 They're actually judging God of having evil 00:29:42.28\00:29:44.91 intentions against them. 00:29:44.95\00:29:46.65 They're blaming God for their present suffering. 00:29:46.75\00:29:48.98 And their murmuring would lead to murder. 00:29:49.38\00:29:52.05 They're ready to stone Moses. 00:29:52.35\00:29:54.29 Here we find God's people in a selfish, sinful, 00:29:54.36\00:29:57.76 and scary position. 00:29:57.79\00:29:59.36 They're blaming and fighting and going against the very one 00:29:59.39\00:30:03.03 that was leading them, the only one that could save them. 00:30:03.47\00:30:07.47 Now how would God respond to this rebellious 00:30:07.80\00:30:10.97 ungrateful people? 00:30:11.01\00:30:12.34 Not by giving them what they deserved, 00:30:13.54\00:30:16.88 but by giving them what they needed. 00:30:17.38\00:30:20.15 They needed water to drink. 00:30:20.52\00:30:22.28 I'm so thankful, friends, that God is a merciful and 00:30:22.62\00:30:25.15 gracious God. 00:30:25.19\00:30:26.52 Slow to anger and abundant in goodness and truth and mercy. 00:30:26.55\00:30:30.23 God, instead of giving these sinful rebellious people 00:30:30.26\00:30:33.03 what they deserve, which is death, He gives them 00:30:33.06\00:30:35.36 what they need, which is life. 00:30:35.40\00:30:37.73 Notice what He told Moses to do in verse 5. 00:30:37.77\00:30:40.74 Exodus 17:5 00:30:40.77\00:30:42.57 So what does God do, friends? 00:31:09.00\00:31:10.40 God tells Moses to take the rod and to smite 00:31:10.70\00:31:15.17 or to hit the rock. 00:31:15.20\00:31:16.54 Friends, this is an active parable, an object lesson, 00:31:16.57\00:31:19.74 a visual aid about the great plan of salvation. 00:31:19.77\00:31:23.14 The rock is smitten and Israel is saved. 00:31:23.18\00:31:26.38 And friends, we know that rock is none other 00:31:26.41\00:31:29.38 than Jesus Christ. 00:31:29.82\00:31:31.35 In 1 Corinthians 10:4, the Bible says that, "All did drink 00:31:31.69\00:31:36.93 of that same spiritual drink..." 00:31:36.96\00:31:38.86 The rock provided water for the people to drink. 00:31:44.37\00:31:47.00 Jesus provides water to save us from spiritual dehydration. 00:31:47.04\00:31:50.91 And friends, when you drink water, water has many 00:31:50.94\00:31:53.68 blessed benefits. 00:31:53.98\00:31:55.98 When you drink water, water cleanses us. 00:31:56.08\00:31:59.18 Not only inwardly, but outwardly. 00:32:00.62\00:32:02.35 You take a bath in water. 00:32:02.55\00:32:04.02 You drink water and it cleanses you. 00:32:04.05\00:32:05.55 Which shows us that the only way we can be clean 00:32:05.59\00:32:07.92 is by the cleansing of our Lord Jesus Christ. 00:32:07.96\00:32:11.26 Can you say amen? 00:32:11.29\00:32:12.63 We can't make ourselves clean, friends. 00:32:12.66\00:32:14.90 We are filthy with sin, but Jesus the Rock makes us clean. 00:32:15.16\00:32:18.53 Not only that, but the water strengthened the Israelites 00:32:18.80\00:32:20.94 in their journey to the Promised Land. 00:32:20.97\00:32:22.67 We don't have power or strength in or of ourselves. 00:32:22.90\00:32:25.31 It's only as we drink of Christ, the Rock, 00:32:25.51\00:32:27.88 that we have power to make it through. 00:32:28.04\00:32:29.91 Water not only cleanses us and strengthens us, 00:32:29.94\00:32:32.41 it also satisfies us. 00:32:32.45\00:32:34.25 And Jesus is the only one that can quench 00:32:34.52\00:32:37.39 the thirst of our souls. 00:32:37.42\00:32:39.05 And water saves us from dehydration. 00:32:39.39\00:32:41.69 Jesus is the only one that can save us from spiritual drought. 00:32:41.92\00:32:45.06 Water came from the rock. 00:32:45.26\00:32:46.59 But what does this water represent? 00:32:46.63\00:32:49.00 Well we don't have to guess, because the Bible tells us. 00:32:49.16\00:32:51.30 I want you to notice in Isaiah 44:3... 00:32:51.43\00:32:54.10 Please write it down. 00:32:54.14\00:32:55.50 Isaiah 44:3, the Bible says... 00:32:55.60\00:32:57.91 So the water represents the Spirit, 00:33:11.12\00:33:14.32 the blessings of the Holy Spirit that comes from the Rock, 00:33:14.62\00:33:18.36 Jesus Christ. 00:33:18.39\00:33:19.73 And so the Lord promised to us that He will provide His Spirit, 00:33:19.76\00:33:23.97 His blessings, so that we can endure the weariness of the 00:33:24.17\00:33:27.57 wilderness and so that we can make it to the Promised Land. 00:33:27.60\00:33:30.74 But what needed to happen in order for water 00:33:30.97\00:33:34.74 to come out of the rock? 00:33:34.78\00:33:36.75 Moses had to take the rod, and with the rod 00:33:37.25\00:33:41.08 he had to hit the rock. 00:33:41.12\00:33:43.55 Well what does this rod represent? 00:33:43.79\00:33:45.69 Notice what it says in Psalm 89:30-32. 00:33:45.95\00:33:50.33 The rod is a symbol of God's judgment. 00:33:50.73\00:33:52.89 Notice what it says, Psalm 89:30-32. 00:33:53.06\00:33:55.60 You see, friends, the rod was used for 00:34:15.12\00:34:17.72 punishment and judgment. 00:34:17.75\00:34:19.25 Every time Moses lifted up the rod over Egypt, 00:34:19.42\00:34:23.02 a plague fell from heaven. 00:34:23.06\00:34:25.73 And so the rod represents the judgments of God. 00:34:25.83\00:34:28.23 You also us a rod, maybe not one like this, 00:34:28.26\00:34:30.73 but a rod to bring correction to an erring disobedient child. 00:34:30.77\00:34:34.44 That's why the Bible says, "Don't spare the rod." 00:34:34.47\00:34:38.14 And friends, when Moses hit the rock 00:34:39.61\00:34:41.91 with the rod of God's judgment, it was a symbol of the cross. 00:34:42.11\00:34:46.72 In the wilderness of the world, Israel murmured, rebelled, 00:34:47.02\00:34:50.42 and blamed God, and even sought to kill the man of God. 00:34:50.45\00:34:54.06 You see, the rod should have fallen upon Israel. 00:34:54.16\00:34:57.39 The judgments of God should have fallen upon the people of God. 00:34:57.43\00:35:01.03 But instead of falling upon Israel, it fell upon the Rock. 00:35:01.06\00:35:04.97 The Rock took their place. 00:35:05.30\00:35:08.24 The Rock was smitten so that Israel could be saved. 00:35:08.90\00:35:13.88 And friends, Jesus took our punishment 00:35:14.61\00:35:17.78 So that we could have His peace. 00:35:18.28\00:35:19.85 He took our beating so that we could have His blessing. 00:35:20.72\00:35:24.25 The innocent One is condemned so that the guilty ones 00:35:24.72\00:35:28.76 can go free. 00:35:28.96\00:35:30.29 Well how many of you are thankful for Jesus? 00:35:30.39\00:35:32.26 It's a very simple story, friends, 00:35:32.56\00:35:34.36 but illustrating a profound gospel truth. 00:35:34.80\00:35:38.53 I should have died. 00:35:38.80\00:35:40.14 The rod should have fallen upon me. 00:35:40.34\00:35:42.57 But it fell upon the Rock instead. 00:35:43.07\00:35:44.97 Remember when Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane? 00:35:45.41\00:35:48.18 The angry mob came with the soldiers, 00:35:48.48\00:35:50.85 with torches, and weapons, looking for their victim. 00:35:50.88\00:35:53.98 And when Jesus revealed His glory to them, 00:35:54.02\00:35:56.22 they all fell back, and then they tried to arrest Him. 00:35:56.25\00:35:58.75 And Jesus said in John 18:8, "If you seek Me, 00:35:58.79\00:36:02.82 let these go their way. 00:36:02.86\00:36:06.83 If you're coming for Me, let these, My disciples, 00:36:07.60\00:36:11.03 let them go." 00:36:11.07\00:36:12.40 You see, just as God said to Pharaoh, 00:36:12.43\00:36:15.07 Jesus said to the angry mob, "Let them go. 00:36:15.27\00:36:19.74 Take Me instead." 00:36:20.51\00:36:22.04 The rod should have fallen upon us, 00:36:22.98\00:36:25.28 but it fell upon the Rock instead. 00:36:25.85\00:36:27.72 The first born Son. 00:36:28.72\00:36:30.12 He was smitten so that we could be saved. 00:36:30.79\00:36:33.89 And that's why it says in Isaiah 53:4-5, 00:36:34.19\00:36:37.26 notice what the Bible says... 00:36:37.63\00:36:39.03 I love what it says in the book, Desire of Ages. 00:37:02.35\00:37:04.45 It says on page 25, "Christ was treated..." 00:37:05.39\00:37:08.62 You see, friends, because of His sacrifice, we have water 00:37:31.88\00:37:34.98 to cleanse us, to satisfy us, to strengthen us, 00:37:35.02\00:37:37.95 and to save us in our journey to the Promised Land. 00:37:37.99\00:37:40.62 And that's what happened for God's people here in Exodus 17. 00:37:40.66\00:37:43.73 And so the story tells us that for the next 40 years, 00:37:43.76\00:37:46.90 water continued to flow to satisfy the thirst of our souls. 00:37:46.93\00:37:52.97 The Rock is smitten; Israel is saved. 00:37:53.47\00:37:56.87 But I want us to notice now as we fast forward 40 years later. 00:37:57.61\00:38:02.11 Israel is now on the borders of Canaan. 00:38:02.48\00:38:05.88 They're just about to enter into the Promised Land. 00:38:06.05\00:38:09.02 They are almost home. 00:38:09.05\00:38:11.05 So close. 00:38:11.49\00:38:13.12 And if you go to Numbers chapter 20... 00:38:13.72\00:38:16.02 You can write it down at least. 00:38:16.12\00:38:17.63 Read the whole chapter later on. 00:38:17.66\00:38:19.63 But in Numbers the 20th chapter, they're right there 00:38:19.66\00:38:22.10 on the borders of Canaan. 00:38:22.30\00:38:23.70 They're almost home. 00:38:23.77\00:38:25.10 And just before they enter into the land of Canaan, 00:38:25.13\00:38:28.07 they experience a great time of trouble. 00:38:28.10\00:38:30.87 Numbers 20:2 tells us that there was no water 00:38:31.37\00:38:36.11 for the people to drink. 00:38:36.14\00:38:37.88 Now the question is this: 00:38:38.58\00:38:40.82 Why did the water stop flowing when they were on the borders 00:38:40.98\00:38:45.89 of the land of Canaan. 00:38:45.92\00:38:47.69 Well friends, here's the reason. 00:38:48.56\00:38:49.89 Just before they're about to enter into Canaan, 00:38:50.43\00:38:52.86 days before, in fact, God instructed the Israelites 00:38:53.16\00:38:57.03 to go and purchase water in Edom. 00:38:57.07\00:39:00.10 And from where they were when God told them to do that, 00:39:00.67\00:39:03.74 the direct route to the land of Canaan 00:39:04.31\00:39:06.54 was actually directly through Edom. 00:39:06.57\00:39:09.14 Thus, the drying up of the waters was an evidence 00:39:10.01\00:39:14.35 that they were almost home. 00:39:14.42\00:39:16.05 That's why they had to buy water from Edom. 00:39:17.35\00:39:19.35 They're on the borders of Canaan. 00:39:20.32\00:39:21.66 God is about to bring them to the land flowing with 00:39:21.69\00:39:23.39 milk and honey. 00:39:23.43\00:39:24.76 Therefore, they don't need the water from the rock anymore. 00:39:24.79\00:39:26.80 They're almost home. 00:39:26.83\00:39:28.16 God buy water from Edom. 00:39:28.20\00:39:29.53 That's the direct route to Canaan. 00:39:29.56\00:39:31.40 In other words, before you enter into the Promised Land, 00:39:31.43\00:39:34.10 your faith is going to be tested. 00:39:34.50\00:39:35.97 And that's why, notice in Deuteronomy 2:3-4, 6-7, 00:39:36.44\00:39:41.04 here's what it says. 00:39:41.08\00:39:42.41 "I have provided for all your needs. 00:40:18.81\00:40:21.02 I have taken care of you in the wilderness. 00:40:21.05\00:40:23.39 But now I want you to go all the way through the Promised Land. 00:40:23.65\00:40:26.62 And so I'm instructing you to go and buy water 00:40:26.65\00:40:28.99 from your brethren, the children of Esau." 00:40:29.02\00:40:31.49 Friends, notice the powerful parallel. 00:40:31.53\00:40:33.29 Just like Jacob had to meet his brother Esau 00:40:33.40\00:40:37.30 before he could inherit the promise, 00:40:37.33\00:40:39.70 now the children of Jacob, Israel, must face the children 00:40:40.34\00:40:44.61 of Esau before they inherit the Promised Land. 00:40:44.64\00:40:49.58 And that which has been is that which shall be. 00:40:50.48\00:40:53.95 For, friends, we are on the borders of Canaan. 00:40:54.78\00:40:57.99 We are almost home. 00:40:58.35\00:40:59.82 And in these last days we will experience a similar test 00:40:59.85\00:41:03.69 where the waters stop flowing. 00:41:03.73\00:41:05.89 And in that time of trial, we're going to have to keep 00:41:06.09\00:41:09.00 moving forward, knowing and trusting that our bread 00:41:09.03\00:41:12.63 and our water will be sure. 00:41:12.67\00:41:14.94 It's the final trouble before the Lord comes. 00:41:15.07\00:41:17.97 It's the cross that precedes the crown. 00:41:18.01\00:41:20.08 It's the crucifixion that comes before the resurrection. 00:41:20.11\00:41:22.64 It's the rain that precedes the rainbow. 00:41:22.68\00:41:25.01 It's the pit and the prison that comes before 00:41:25.05\00:41:27.68 the heavenly palace. 00:41:27.72\00:41:29.05 It's a time that will try men's souls to the utmost. 00:41:29.08\00:41:31.95 A time that we will be forsaken by man 00:41:31.99\00:41:34.46 and seemingly forgotten by God. 00:41:34.49\00:41:36.96 The Bible calls it, the time of Jacob's trouble. 00:41:36.99\00:41:40.56 And friends, during that time, we need not be afraid. 00:41:42.46\00:41:46.53 Our bread and our water will be sure. Amen? 00:41:47.00\00:41:50.87 Remember, when that time comes, friends, 00:41:51.31\00:41:53.21 it's not a cause for complaint. 00:41:53.44\00:41:55.01 It simply means that we are almost home. 00:41:55.04\00:41:57.75 And the question comes to us this morning: 00:41:57.78\00:41:59.88 Has the water stopped flowing for you? 00:41:59.91\00:42:02.12 Maybe you're at that time in your own personal life 00:42:02.95\00:42:05.19 right now where things are getting too hard to handle. 00:42:05.22\00:42:08.52 The enemy is breathing down your neck 00:42:08.56\00:42:10.93 and the wilderness of your experience is getting too hot. 00:42:10.96\00:42:13.96 Well I want to encourage you, friends, hold on. 00:42:14.00\00:42:16.40 We're almost home. 00:42:17.10\00:42:18.43 Hold on, we're almost home. 00:42:19.00\00:42:21.87 You see, Israel should have rejoiced 00:42:22.60\00:42:25.24 that the waters stopped flowing. 00:42:25.91\00:42:28.51 That which should have been a cause of rejoicing 00:42:29.44\00:42:32.91 instead was a cause of a bitter devastating disappointment. 00:42:33.11\00:42:37.12 And now Israel falls back into the same sins 00:42:37.29\00:42:41.32 they committed 40 years before. 00:42:41.36\00:42:43.02 They forgot God's leading in the past. 00:42:43.16\00:42:45.03 You see, these individuals, they saw the glory of God. 00:42:45.06\00:42:48.36 They experienced His mighty arm bringing them 00:42:48.40\00:42:50.90 through their trouble. 00:42:50.93\00:42:52.27 They ate of the heavenly bread and drank of the water from 00:42:52.30\00:42:55.27 the rock for the past 40 years, and they knew better 00:42:55.30\00:42:57.81 than to doubt God's care. 00:42:57.84\00:42:59.17 They knew. 00:42:59.21\00:43:00.54 But even after knowing the truth, they still doubted 00:43:00.58\00:43:02.94 and complained. 00:43:02.98\00:43:04.31 And so what does God do now? 00:43:04.35\00:43:06.51 How will He respond? 00:43:07.38\00:43:08.72 Well God instructs Moses, you can read it in Numbers 20, 00:43:09.32\00:43:12.45 to do something similar that he did 40 years before. 00:43:13.22\00:43:16.59 Similar but different. 00:43:16.99\00:43:18.33 God tells Moses, "Take the rod and gather the people, 00:43:18.36\00:43:23.20 and don't hit the rock; simply..." What? 00:43:23.53\00:43:26.20 "...speak to the rock. 00:43:26.33\00:43:27.84 And the water will flow out abundantly." 00:43:28.37\00:43:31.47 The same source; the rock. 00:43:31.64\00:43:34.34 But a different method this time. 00:43:34.58\00:43:36.11 Don't hit the rock, just speak to the rock. 00:43:36.28\00:43:38.41 And the lesson is very simple. 00:43:38.45\00:43:39.81 Jesus does not have to die twice. 00:43:39.85\00:43:42.05 He only had to die once. 00:43:42.08\00:43:43.65 And because of His death, in order for us to have the 00:43:43.69\00:43:45.75 water of salvation all we have to do is speak to the Rock. 00:43:45.79\00:43:48.89 To pray, and God will give us the water of life. 00:43:48.92\00:43:52.39 You see, in this moment God is seeking to give His people 00:43:52.63\00:43:55.36 an object lesson, a visual aid, of His love. 00:43:55.40\00:43:58.70 But you know the story. 00:43:58.87\00:44:00.20 Moses now does something that will expel him 00:44:00.74\00:44:05.41 from the Promised Land. 00:44:05.74\00:44:07.08 Moses responds to the fussing and fighting and 00:44:07.38\00:44:10.38 grumbling and whining and complaining Israelites, 00:44:10.41\00:44:12.61 he responded with frustration and irritation. 00:44:12.65\00:44:15.88 And he says in Numbers 20:10, "Must we fetch water for you 00:44:15.92\00:44:20.89 out of this rock?" 00:44:20.92\00:44:22.29 Here Moses, the man of God, lost his cool. 00:44:23.12\00:44:25.59 He took matters into his own hands. 00:44:25.83\00:44:28.53 And now he's assuming authority that belongs to God alone. 00:44:28.66\00:44:32.20 And in a fit of anger and in a fit of rage, 00:44:32.23\00:44:34.97 instead of speaking to the rock, he hit the rock twice, 00:44:35.00\00:44:39.04 the Bible says. 00:44:39.07\00:44:40.41 He hit it when he only needed to speak to it. 00:44:41.28\00:44:44.55 And as a result of taking his frustration out on the rock, 00:44:45.11\00:44:50.65 this singular sin prevented Moses from entering 00:44:51.25\00:44:56.89 the Promised Land. 00:44:56.96\00:44:58.29 Now, why is it such a big deal? 00:44:58.99\00:45:00.93 I mean, the punishment of not entering into the Promised Land 00:45:02.30\00:45:06.80 doesn't seem to fit the crime. 00:45:07.37\00:45:08.97 I mean, he just hit a rock. 00:45:09.00\00:45:10.61 What's wrong with that? 00:45:11.14\00:45:12.64 Well, friends, here's the reason. 00:45:13.78\00:45:15.11 God could not deal with the sin of the leader 00:45:15.91\00:45:19.35 the same way that He dealt with the sins of the follower. 00:45:20.22\00:45:22.88 Because Moses had much more light. 00:45:23.32\00:45:26.25 In fact, notice what it says in the book, 00:45:26.69\00:45:28.46 Patriarchs and Prophets, on page 420. 00:45:28.49\00:45:30.73 It says this... 00:45:30.93\00:45:32.26 Jesus said, "To whom much is given, much is required." 00:46:10.77\00:46:15.97 And so even though Moses did something that seems so small, 00:46:16.40\00:46:19.47 I mean he just hit the rock, because of that 00:46:19.51\00:46:21.78 he was bitterly barred from the Promised Land, 00:46:21.81\00:46:24.51 because his sin was more grievous. 00:46:24.55\00:46:27.25 Because he knew God. 00:46:27.28\00:46:31.09 It was done after knowing truth. 00:46:32.39\00:46:34.32 And though the force of the object lesson was 00:46:35.59\00:46:38.13 seemingly destroyed by Moses hitting the rock 00:46:38.16\00:46:40.30 the second time, there is another lesson 00:46:40.33\00:46:43.47 that is still to be learned. 00:46:44.33\00:46:45.90 And this lesson is spoken of in Hebrews chapter 6. 00:46:46.47\00:46:51.71 I want you to notice in Hebrews 6:4, 00:46:51.81\00:46:55.21 though Moses hit the rock the second time and 00:46:55.24\00:46:57.35 seemingly destroyed the visual object lesson, 00:46:57.38\00:46:59.91 here's the other lesson that we learn. 00:46:59.95\00:47:01.38 Hebrews 6:4, the Bible says this... 00:47:01.42\00:47:04.75 Friends, have you been enlightened? 00:47:32.51\00:47:34.02 Have you received the truth of God? 00:47:34.95\00:47:37.29 Have you heard the message of Jesus? 00:47:37.75\00:47:39.95 Have you been walking with the Lord? 00:47:40.29\00:47:42.32 Experiencing His power? 00:47:42.79\00:47:44.56 Oh friends, when we come into that realization, 00:47:44.79\00:47:47.10 when we come into that personal encounter with the Lord, 00:47:47.13\00:47:49.73 and yet after that we openly rebel against Him, 00:47:49.76\00:47:53.44 it's like we're crucifying Jesus afresh. 00:47:53.47\00:47:56.37 Because sin, friends, is all the more painful to God 00:47:56.84\00:48:00.38 when we, like Moses, have received much light. 00:48:00.41\00:48:04.25 You see, it's not the open sinner that hurts God the most, 00:48:04.91\00:48:09.38 but rather it is the inconsistent Christian 00:48:10.49\00:48:12.85 that brings pain to His heart the most. 00:48:13.29\00:48:16.46 You see, if an enemy stole something from me, 00:48:16.93\00:48:19.26 that wouldn't hurt as much as if a family member 00:48:19.76\00:48:22.26 stole something from me. 00:48:22.30\00:48:23.67 And so too when we come to know the Lord, and yet after that... 00:48:24.73\00:48:28.24 I'm not talking about the things that we struggle with. 00:48:28.27\00:48:30.17 But I'm talking about the things that we know are wrong 00:48:30.21\00:48:32.37 and yet we still want to do it, we're crucifying Jesus afresh. 00:48:32.41\00:48:36.48 Just like Moses, we're hitting the rock the second time. 00:48:36.51\00:48:40.05 When we doubt and complain after God has given us 00:48:40.35\00:48:42.88 all the evidences in the world of His love, 00:48:42.92\00:48:46.35 we too are smiting the rock the second time. 00:48:46.39\00:48:49.62 We're shaming our Lord before the universe 00:48:49.66\00:48:51.79 and we're giving the devil an opportunity to bring reproach 00:48:51.83\00:48:55.50 to Christ. 00:48:55.86\00:48:57.27 Oh my friends, have you fallen after knowing truth? 00:48:58.03\00:49:01.40 Perhaps you're a pastor, or an elder, or a Bible teacher, 00:49:01.44\00:49:04.74 a canvasser, or some spiritual leader, 00:49:04.77\00:49:06.71 and you got tired of wandering in the wilderness. 00:49:06.74\00:49:09.34 Your faith has grown dim and your love has grown cold. 00:49:09.38\00:49:12.31 You've lost your first love, and the wilderness of the 00:49:12.35\00:49:14.78 world has worn you down, and the waters stopped flowing for you. 00:49:14.82\00:49:18.42 And you, instead of just speaking to the rock, 00:49:18.45\00:49:20.59 communing with Christ, you have hit the rock. 00:49:20.62\00:49:22.89 From standing on the mountain of victory 00:49:22.92\00:49:25.39 you have fallen into the valley of immorality. 00:49:25.43\00:49:28.13 And now you feel like, "Man, I've shamed my family." 00:49:28.23\00:49:31.50 You've misrepresented your church, 00:49:31.53\00:49:33.13 you've disappointed your friends, 00:49:33.17\00:49:34.67 you've disgraced your calling, you've hurt your Lord, 00:49:34.70\00:49:37.21 and you've made a big fool out of yourself. 00:49:37.24\00:49:39.14 And now you feel like you've gone too far, 00:49:39.17\00:49:41.18 your mistakes are too big, your sin is too great, 00:49:41.21\00:49:44.01 and you have no way to get up. 00:49:44.05\00:49:45.58 And you feel like all hope of recovery is lost, 00:49:45.61\00:49:48.18 and you feel like you are forever barred 00:49:48.22\00:49:50.09 from the Promised Land. 00:49:50.12\00:49:51.45 Oh friends, I've got good news for you. 00:49:51.49\00:49:53.09 Though Moses hit the rock the second time, 00:49:53.12\00:49:55.62 water still came out. 00:49:55.66\00:49:58.66 Water still came out. 00:49:59.76\00:50:03.87 God still had mercy upon His people. 00:50:04.60\00:50:08.40 And He still had mercy on Moses. 00:50:09.57\00:50:11.87 Because even though Moses was barred from the earthly Canaan, 00:50:11.97\00:50:15.78 because of his repentance and confession, 00:50:15.81\00:50:18.58 coming to the Lord, God brought him to the heavenly Canaan. 00:50:18.61\00:50:23.22 And even though we fall short, God sees, hears, 00:50:24.25\00:50:30.89 and knows our sins. 00:50:31.69\00:50:33.56 But He is come down to bring us up. 00:50:34.26\00:50:37.90 And so I want to encourage you, friend, if you're out there 00:50:38.83\00:50:41.74 wandering in the wilderness of the world 00:50:41.77\00:50:43.71 and you have sinned and rebelled against God 00:50:44.64\00:50:46.88 even after knowing the truth; 00:50:46.91\00:50:48.48 pastor, elder, some spiritual leader, 00:50:48.51\00:50:50.65 and you have fallen and you feel like all hope is lost, 00:50:50.68\00:50:54.12 you're hitting the rock the second time like Moses did. 00:50:55.15\00:50:57.49 Come home, 00:50:58.45\00:50:59.79 and drink the water that still flows from the rock. 00:51:00.26\00:51:03.63 Amen? 00:51:03.86\00:51:05.19 Our sins put Jesus, the Son of God, on the cross. 00:51:05.59\00:51:11.13 But Jesus paid it all. 00:51:11.90\00:51:13.44 He paid our debt in full. 00:51:15.10\00:51:16.91 And the door of mercy is still wide open. 00:51:18.01\00:51:21.04 And God is still giving people time to get ready 00:51:21.84\00:51:25.65 for the Promised Land. 00:51:25.68\00:51:27.08 Oh my brothers and my sisters, the devil knows your name, 00:51:27.62\00:51:32.62 but he calls you by your sin. 00:51:33.66\00:51:35.76 But you know, that God knows your sin, 00:51:37.06\00:51:40.73 but He calls you by your name. 00:51:41.60\00:51:43.20 He's a God that's abundant in mercy. 00:51:44.20\00:51:47.64 My friends, when you look at the cross, Jesus died, 00:51:48.50\00:51:52.84 He said, "It is finished." 00:51:53.48\00:51:56.51 And even after He died, it was done. 00:51:57.18\00:52:00.32 The Rock was smitten, and now the water flows freely 00:52:00.35\00:52:03.82 so that all could be saved if they choose. 00:52:03.85\00:52:07.12 But then you know the story of how the soldier came 00:52:09.19\00:52:11.83 and speared Jesus in the side. 00:52:12.39\00:52:14.80 Why would he do that? 00:52:15.33\00:52:16.83 He was already dead. 00:52:17.37\00:52:18.70 Why hit the Rock the second time 00:52:19.10\00:52:21.07 when He was already smitten the first? 00:52:21.10\00:52:23.27 Oh friends, you understand why they did that, right? 00:52:23.51\00:52:25.57 They wanted to make sure that He was dead. 00:52:26.04\00:52:28.81 So when the soldier speared Jesus in the side, 00:52:29.84\00:52:33.68 they really speared Him under the ribcage to the heart, 00:52:34.45\00:52:37.75 to make sure that that Man on the cross was dead. 00:52:37.92\00:52:41.66 And from the heart of Christ, the Rock, water and blood 00:52:42.49\00:52:50.57 began to flow. 00:52:50.97\00:52:52.30 But why blood and water from the heart of Christ? 00:52:53.10\00:52:57.54 Because science has shown that when a person experiences 00:52:58.57\00:53:02.44 an extreme case of mental, psychological, 00:53:02.48\00:53:07.02 and emotional agony, stress, and pain, 00:53:07.32\00:53:11.49 their heart can actually break. 00:53:12.19\00:53:15.19 And when that happens, the red blood cells and the plasma, 00:53:15.96\00:53:19.59 the clear liquid, separates. 00:53:19.63\00:53:22.76 And so, friends, when you see blood and water 00:53:23.37\00:53:27.27 flowing from the heart of Christ, it tells us 00:53:27.30\00:53:30.21 the cause of His death. 00:53:30.24\00:53:31.81 That Jesus did not die from the physical pain, 00:53:31.84\00:53:35.68 but rather He died from the mental, emotional, 00:53:35.98\00:53:39.41 and psychological agony of being rejected by us, His children, 00:53:39.45\00:53:44.09 and even seemingly forsaken of His Father. 00:53:44.12\00:53:47.32 We broke the heart of God. 00:53:48.19\00:53:51.46 But water still came out. 00:53:53.09\00:53:56.26 His heart was broken for you... 00:53:57.57\00:53:59.23 ...so that He could heal your broken heart. 00:54:00.77\00:54:04.14 Is your heart broken this morning? 00:54:05.01\00:54:06.68 Give to Jesus all the broken pieces of your heart, 00:54:08.24\00:54:13.35 and He will make it whole. 00:54:13.92\00:54:16.58 Perhaps the mistakes and sins of your past 00:54:17.22\00:54:19.99 have soiled the garment of your life. 00:54:20.29\00:54:22.19 Maybe you, like Moses, have struck the Rock 00:54:22.22\00:54:24.39 over and over again with your sins. 00:54:24.43\00:54:26.23 Remember, friends, the Rock took your place. 00:54:26.26\00:54:29.56 He was smitten so that you could be saved. 00:54:29.96\00:54:32.03 So this morning, my appeal to each one of us 00:54:32.43\00:54:35.37 is that we need to come to the Rock. 00:54:35.40\00:54:37.01 We need to lay down our rods. 00:54:37.04\00:54:39.31 Lay down that which you're using to hurt God. 00:54:40.14\00:54:43.04 Lay down your pride, your sin, your selfishness, 00:54:43.08\00:54:46.25 your alcohol, your drugs, your bitterness, 00:54:46.28\00:54:48.72 your unforgiving spirit, your doubt. 00:54:48.75\00:54:50.45 Friends, God wants us to lay down our rods 00:54:50.49\00:54:52.92 and come and speak to the Rock, 00:54:52.95\00:54:55.82 and drink the cleansing water of life. 00:54:56.66\00:55:01.66 What are you hurting God with? 00:55:03.00\00:55:04.73 What sin in your life are you still clinging to despite 00:55:05.67\00:55:09.37 all that God has done for you? 00:55:09.54\00:55:11.44 Friends, I know for me, I have caused God so much pain. 00:55:12.91\00:55:17.65 I don't want to cause Him pain. 00:55:19.01\00:55:20.52 I want to bring Him joy. 00:55:21.38\00:55:22.75 Friends, we're almost home. 00:55:23.18\00:55:24.59 We're on the borders of Canaan. 00:55:25.15\00:55:26.72 Let's lay down our rod. 00:55:27.36\00:55:29.32 Let's speak and commune with the Rock, 00:55:29.99\00:55:32.29 drink of the water, and let's go home. 00:55:32.83\00:55:35.73 This morning as your heads are bowed, 00:55:36.50\00:55:40.00 as your eyes are closed, as your heart is open. 00:55:40.67\00:55:44.14 We should have been crucified, but Jesus took our place. 00:55:45.24\00:55:49.78 Would you please lay down your rod 00:55:50.55\00:55:53.58 and come to the Rock this morning? 00:55:54.42\00:55:56.25 Surrender your life to Christ, 00:55:57.05\00:55:58.89 as you listen to the words of this song. 00:55:59.15\00:56:01.16 Listen carefully. 00:56:01.62\00:56:02.96 I was guilty with nothing to say, 00:56:04.69\00:56:14.50 and they were coming to take me away. 00:56:15.30\00:56:25.28 But then a voice from heaven 00:56:26.38\00:56:32.39 was heard that said, "Let her go. 00:56:32.49\00:56:40.20 Take Me instead." 00:56:40.93\00:56:49.10 See, I should have been crucified. 00:56:49.37\00:56:59.31 I should have suffered and died. 00:57:00.78\00:57:08.92 I should have hung on the cross in disgrace, 00:57:11.16\00:57:20.94 but Jesus, God's Son, took my place. 00:57:21.10\00:57:30.15