Anchors of Truth

The Physician's Prescription

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin Torossian


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000157

00:14 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth
00:16 live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:23 Hello friends and welcome to the 3ABN Worship Center
00:26 here in southern Illinois.
00:28 We say West Frankfort, Thompsonville.
00:30 If you lived down here, you'll discover that they're just a
00:33 hairline apart.
00:34 And we thank you for tuning in.
00:36 If you're tuning in for the first time tonight,
00:38 I just want to say you missed a wonderful Anchor message
00:41 to the Anchors series.
00:43 And our speaker is one who is blessed with a wonderful
00:47 ability to impart the Word of God.
00:49 And he's chosen a topic that is very urgent to the
00:53 day in which we live.
00:55 Last night's message was, Laodicea's Sindrome.
00:58 And that message is calling the people of God to hear
01:01 what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
01:04 Pastor Justin Torossian is going to be speaking again tonight
01:07 on the topic, The Physician's Prescription.
01:10 Now that we have accepted our condition,
01:13 how and where can we find the remedy.
01:16 We know the remedy is not just one that is written by
01:18 man's prescription, but truly the One who knows our condition.
01:22 Doesn't just tell us what our need is,
01:25 but also provides that need.
01:28 Now Justin is a native Californian, raised in the
01:31 northern California area above Napa Valley
01:34 in the Pacific Union College area.
01:36 I lived in northern California for some time.
01:38 And if you want to see beautiful country,
01:41 go to northern California to the Napa Valley.
01:45 He worked in the Central California Conference.
01:48 He had an opportunity to work as an associate with
01:50 Pastor Stephen Bohr.
01:51 And you know, Pastor Stephen Bohr is a part of
01:54 our 3ABN family.
01:55 Presently he is at Andrews University finishing up his
01:59 MDiv in ministry.
02:01 And we know that the Lord is going to bless him.
02:03 But he's not only an American in many ways,
02:06 but he's traveled to Australia, Indonesia, Palau,
02:09 the Philippines, Mexico, Germany, and Cuba
02:12 in evangelism, also working along with Share Him,
02:15 which is a program that is simply sharing Him;
02:18 that is, Jesus.
02:19 So tonight, stay tuned for the blessing that the Lord has
02:22 prepared for your heart.
02:24 And as the topic has encouraged, pray that you will hear
02:27 what the Spirit says to the church.
02:29 Now before I begin with prayer, we're going to have some
02:32 wonderful music tonight by someone who's no stranger
02:35 to me as the pastor.
02:36 And after prayer we're going to have her come.
02:38 Lisa Yeager, who is a wonderful minister of music,
02:42 not only playing the piano, but God has anointed her voice.
02:46 And after our prayer tonight, she's going to play the song
02:49 and sing it, Jesus Messiah.
02:52 And after her voice, the next voice that you'll hear
02:55 is that of Pastor Justin Torossian.
02:58 But let's bow and invite the Lord's presence to be with us.
03:01 Heavenly Father, we thank You that You've called us
03:04 not only to proclaim the message, but to proclaim
03:08 one that causes our hearts to be stirred
03:11 and to take a serious look at where we are
03:13 in our walk with You.
03:15 Father, there are those tuning in tonight that
03:18 don't know Jesus.
03:19 There are those that have had a relationship
03:22 with Him for many, many years.
03:24 But Father, whatever category, we pray that You will
03:26 speak to each heart, finding us where we are,
03:29 leading us to where You would have us to be.
03:32 Bless Your man servant tonight; Pastor Justin Torossian.
03:36 Anoint his lips, and may he speak to our hearts.
03:39 As he blesses us, Father, also bless him.
03:42 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
03:46 And now our music will be brought to us by Lisa Yeager.
03:49 And we know that you will be blessed.
04:04 He became sin, who knew no sin,
04:09 that we might become His righteousness.
04:15 He humbled Himself and carried the cross.
04:23 Love so amazing.
04:30 Love so amazing.
04:36 Jesus Messiah;
04:42 name above all names.
04:48 Blessed Redeemer.
04:54 Immanuel.
05:00 The rescue for sinners,
05:07 the ransom from Heaven;
05:12 Jesus Messiah,
05:19 Lord of all.
05:27 His body the bread, His blood the wine;
05:33 broken and poured out, all for love.
05:39 The whole earth trembled, and the veil was torn.
05:46 Love so amazing.
05:52 Love so amazing.
05:58 Jesus Messiah;
06:04 name above all names.
06:09 Blessed Redeemer.
06:15 Immanuel.
06:21 The rescue for sinners,
06:27 the ransom from Heaven;
06:33 Jesus Messiah,
06:39 Lord of all.
06:46 All my hope is in You,
06:52 all my hope is in You.
06:58 All my hope is in You, Lord;
07:04 the light of the world.
07:14 Jesus Messiah;
07:21 name above all names.
07:27 Blessed Redeemer.
07:33 Immanuel.
07:39 The rescue for sinners,
07:45 the ransom from Heaven;
07:51 Jesus Messiah,
07:57 Jesus my Savior.
08:04 Jesus Messiah,
08:14 Lord of all.
08:32 Good evening, brothers and sisters.
08:35 Are you happy to be in the house of the Lord tonight?
08:38 Amen. And if you're watching from home,
08:40 know that the Lord is in your home as well
08:42 and He is present where you are.
08:44 I'm happy to be here with you tonight and continuing
08:48 our series, this Anchors Of Truth called,
08:50 Called, Chosen, and Faithful.
08:54 Last night's message was an introductory message
08:59 to Jesus' message to the Laodiceans.
09:02 And tonight's message is the solution that Christ offers us.
09:08 It was the end of His life.
09:12 Christ has made His decision to go to the cross.
09:17 He had decided to go through with the sacrifice for mankind.
09:21 And He looked up into heaven and said these words...
09:27 He looked up into the sky, and the Bible says that He said,
09:30 "'Now My soul is troubled; and what shall I say?
09:34 "Father, save Me from this hour"?
09:36 But for this purpose I came to this hour.
09:39 Father, glorify Your name.'
09:43 Then a voice came from heaven, saying,
09:45 'I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.'
09:50 Therefore the people who stood by and heard it
09:53 said that it had thundered.
09:55 Others said, 'An angel has spoken to Him.'"
10:00 Friends, it's very interesting that that day there was
10:03 one crowd of people, but they heard two different things.
10:06 One group heard a voice from heaven, a message from on high.
10:11 The others just heard a noise, they heard it thunder.
10:14 What was the difference?
10:16 Why did some hear one thing and others heard another?
10:19 The answer is that spiritual things
10:21 are spiritually discerned.
10:24 The Holy Spirit is what made the difference.
10:27 And tonight, you'll either hear just noise;
10:31 the voice of a man booming through a microphone
10:33 and speakers, or you will hear the voice of God to your soul.
10:39 Do you want to hear the voice of God tonight?
10:41 So do I.
10:42 Why don't we ask for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom
10:45 to understand and to apply His will.
10:47 Let's pray together.
10:50 Our Father in heaven, we come before You asking that
10:55 Your Spirit would continue to be present here with us.
10:59 Lord, we have nothing to offer You.
11:02 And in the words of that hymn, nothing in our hand we bring;
11:05 simply to Your cross we cling.
11:08 Christ, we come before You tonight asking
11:11 that the same Spirit that inspired the holy prophets
11:14 in the writing of Your Word would be present with
11:17 each of us to help us understand that Word.
11:20 Lord, we pray that You would anchor us in the truth.
11:25 Thy Word is truth.
11:27 We pray these things in the precious name of Jesus,
11:29 our Lord and Savior, amen.
11:35 To briefly review what we've covered so far in our series,
11:39 Called, Chosen, and Faithful.
11:42 The message for our series comes to us from Jesus Himself
11:46 from the book of Revelation.
11:48 Now it's found in the first part of Revelation.
11:51 And last night we discovered together that Christ
11:53 appeared to John in vision as John was on the
11:56 island of Patmos.
11:57 And Jesus gave a message to His followers,
11:59 not only for the first century in the seven local literal
12:03 churches of Asia Minor, but that message extended
12:06 to His people down through time.
12:09 God chose those churches and wrote them in that order,
12:13 the messages to the churches in that order,
12:15 not in any random or haphazard way.
12:18 He did it because each of those churches
12:20 was going through something and experiencing something
12:23 that would be symbolic of seven time periods
12:26 of church history down through time until Jesus
12:30 would come again and will come again in the clouds of glory.
12:34 It makes sense, friends, that the last church on the
12:37 list that received a letter from Jesus through John
12:40 would be God's last day church.
12:43 We saw that the last church on the list is
12:45 none other than Laodicea.
12:48 Jesus' message to Laodicea, as we saw last night,
12:53 is specifically for us.
12:56 We are symbolic...
12:58 Or Laodicea is symbolic, rather, of us as God's last day people.
13:04 Last night we saw that Jesus' message to Laodicea,
13:08 starting in Revelation 3:17,
13:11 had some bad news.
13:13 Every gospel message begins with the bad news.
13:18 Jesus said...
13:31 We saw and we learned together that Jesus' choice of words
13:34 was not random at all, but very intentional.
13:38 He called Laodicea poor, even though they were
13:40 the Wall Street of the Middle East.
13:42 They were a banking capital.
13:44 One of the wealthiest cities.
13:45 And we learned some of how wealthy it was last night,
13:48 seeing that they built aqueducts to plumb in hot water
13:52 from Hierapolis six miles across the Lycus River valley.
13:57 They were filthy rich, so to speak.
14:00 But Jesus said, "You're spiritually poor."
14:03 Then Jesus said that they were blind.
14:07 This was also no coincidence, because Laodicea,
14:10 as we say last night, had a world famous
14:12 medical school there and an ophthalmologist;
14:16 there was an eye doctor.
14:17 And the school also manufactured medication and shipped it
14:20 across the Mediterranean.
14:23 But Jesus said, "Can't you see the irony?
14:25 Although you manufacture medication for the eyes,
14:28 you're spiritually blind."
14:31 We also learned that Laodicea would manufacture
14:35 black garments that were very, very popular.
14:38 Especially with ladies, as they were a glossy black soft wool.
14:43 And they were clothing the then known world
14:45 with these luxurious garments.
14:47 But Jesus said, "You're spiritually naked."
14:52 Friends, Jesus' description of Laodicea was terrible.
14:57 They're destitute, they're empty.
14:59 They had nothing positive said about them
15:02 in the entire message.
15:05 The bad news wasn't that they...
15:08 Well it was bad news, but it wasn't the worst news.
15:10 The worst news was not that they were wretched, miserable,
15:13 poor, blind, or naked.
15:15 The worst news was that they didn't even know it.
15:19 Laodicea thought that they were okay.
15:22 In the midst of their depravity they felt like they were fine
15:25 because of the things that surrounded them.
15:29 You know, it's all too possible for us to dangerously be going
15:33 in the opposite direction as where we need to go
15:36 and think that we're okay.
15:39 I'll never forget, I was 11 years old
15:41 and my parents and I were driving with my best friend,
15:45 Scotty Broeder, down in the city of Fairfield.
15:47 And we were coming home from a shopping trip.
15:49 It was Fairfield in northern California.
15:51 Pastor and Mrs. Lomacang actually pastored
15:54 there for some years.
15:55 But we were driving there, and we pulled out of a
15:57 shopping complex onto the road.
16:00 And as we were slowly pulling out onto the road,
16:02 we noticed someone who was driving the wrong way.
16:06 So we started hearing horns honk,
16:08 and we started honking our horn.
16:09 My dad honked the horn to warn this guy that he was
16:11 going the wrong way.
16:12 And then a few seconds later we saw somebody else
16:15 going the wrong way.
16:17 And then another person going the wrong way.
16:20 And we thought, "Oh, we're going the wrong way.
16:23 We're on the opposite side of the road."
16:26 The Bible says in Proverbs 14:12 that, "There's a way that seems
16:30 right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death."
16:33 And praise the Lord this verse wasn't literally
16:35 fulfilled on that day.
16:37 We were fine.
16:39 But friends, it's all too easy to think that the problem
16:42 lies outside of us when really the problem lies with us.
16:47 It's all too possible to be going in the wrong direction
16:51 and think that we're okay.
16:53 And this was the case with the church of Laodicea
16:57 back in the first century.
16:58 And this is the case with us as God's people today.
17:03 It's too easy to think and feel like we're fine
17:06 when we are actually in terrible shape.
17:10 The nature of the disease of sin, as we saw,
17:13 is that we struggle to recognize our condition.
17:17 This is the bad news.
17:19 But the good news is that Jesus, as the heavenly Physician,
17:23 knows no disease that He cannot cure.
17:26 Praise the Lord for that. Amen?
17:28 We can praise God that Christ has never come across
17:32 a disease that He has not been able to cure.
17:36 Friends, He's not just the heavenly Physician,
17:39 but He's the heavenly Pharmacist who fills the prescription.
17:43 And did so at the cost of His own blood.
17:47 Jesus died in order to provide that prescription for us.
17:52 Friends, tonight our message is called,
17:54 The Physician's Prescription.
17:57 The Physician's Prescription.
17:59 We're going to examine together Jesus' solution
18:01 to Laodicea's sindrome.
18:04 Once again, you're going to need your Bibles.
18:06 I see that you brought them here tonight.
18:08 And if you're at home, feel free to go to your shelf,
18:11 unless you have your Bible next to you already.
18:13 We're going to be using our Bibles.
18:15 Many of the verses will be on the screen for the sake of time,
18:18 but not all of them.
18:19 So you may want a notepad and piece of paper to
18:22 jot down verses for reference for future study.
18:25 And definitely go ahead and grab your Bible.
18:29 Now our message tonight is a simple one.
18:33 None the less, a powerful one.
18:36 A message from Jesus is always powerful, amen?
18:40 Revelation 3 starting in verse 17.
18:44 I want to direct your attention to something just as we begin.
18:48 Now let's read verse 17 together, and I want you to
18:51 count with me the adjectives;
18:53 the descriptive words that Jesus gives of Laodicea here.
18:56 Are you ready?
18:57 Alright, here we go.
19:10 Okay, five, right?
19:12 Now we're going to go to Revelation 3:18,
19:15 and I want you to count with me how many solutions
19:19 Jesus offers in verse 18.
19:41 So we see Jesus gives three descriptions, or rather
19:46 three solutions, but five descriptions.
19:50 So the question comes, what is the solution to being
19:53 wretched and miserable?
19:56 Friends, tomorrow night our message is entitled,
19:58 Wretched, Miserable, Victorious.
20:01 And you're not going to want to miss it.
20:03 Be sure to join us tomorrow night to find out what it means
20:06 to be spiritually wretched and miserable, and the solution
20:09 that Jesus offers us.
20:10 In these two words we find a powerful truth.
20:15 And that is that Jesus grants us the victory
20:19 over sin and over death.
20:21 Tonight our focus is going to be on the part of Jesus'
20:25 prescriptive solution found in verse 18.
20:29 Revelation 3:18
20:32 Now can anyone tell me what this is a picture of?
20:37 Anyone?
20:39 That is quartz.
20:42 Quartz is often found around gold ore.
20:45 Quartz is commonly found around gold.
20:49 And this rock actually contains gold in it.
20:52 This is what gold often looks like before it's thrown into
20:55 the furnace and all the dross and the junk is melted away
20:59 and all you have left is pure gold.
21:02 So the question comes, what does gold symbolize
21:06 in Jesus' solution in Revelation 3:18?
21:11 He tells Laodicea, "I counsel you to buy from Me
21:13 gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich..."
21:16 So what does this gold symbolize?
21:19 Well one thing I love about the Bible is that the Bible
21:22 explains itself.
21:24 You know, God doesn't give us some cryptic message
21:27 that we have to have a PhD to understand,
21:30 or need special, you know, specialized training in.
21:37 The Bible is able to be understood by
21:40 the child as well as the scholar.
21:42 And there's enough depth and light there for all of us.
21:46 But 1 Peter 1:6-7 gives us the answer
21:51 of what gold is a symbol of.
21:54 Let's turn there together, 1 Peter 1:6-7.
21:59 Peter is writing here to the Christian believers who are
22:01 being persecuted for their faith.
22:03 And he told them...
22:27 So Peter here says that faith is symbolized by gold.
22:33 Not just any gold; gold that is purified in the fire.
22:37 So friends, here we see the Bible teaches that
22:40 this gold is a symbol of faith.
22:45 You know, as was her practice, Ellen White echoed this biblical
22:49 reality a number of places, but I'd just like to
22:51 share two of them quickly with you.
22:54 From Christ's Object Lessons, page 158, she says...
23:03 Friends, that gold that Jesus wants to offer us
23:06 is faith that is motivated, that is actuated,
23:09 that is moved by love.
23:11 In another place she said this,
23:13 Testimonies to the Church, volume 2, page 36...
23:28 Now why did she say that love takes the precedence of faith?
23:33 It's simple. Because the Bible says so.
23:36 In the famous love chapter by the apostle Paul,
23:39 1 Corinthians 13...
23:42 Let's turn there together, 1 Corinthians 13.
23:44 Paul tells us something that explains to us why
23:50 love takes the precedence of faith.
23:53 1 Corinthians 13 starting in verse 2.
24:18 Friends, love and faith must be combined.
24:21 They cannot be separate from one another.
24:24 You know, Ellen White echoes this, what Paul is saying here.
24:28 He's actually saying that you can die for your faith,
24:31 but if your motivation was not love for God,
24:35 then your death meant nothing.
24:37 This is what Paul was saying.
24:38 She echoes this in, Acts of the Apostles, page 318,
24:42 where she says...
25:04 That is some strong words.
25:06 But it's just what we read in 1 Corinthians 13:2-3.
25:11 Love and faith must be combined.
25:13 And I want to clarify that though we may seem
25:16 to have all the faith in the world, if love is not the
25:19 foundation of our faith, it means nothing.
25:21 Someone can even face a martyr's death
25:23 and that doesn't means that they're guaranteed
25:26 the kingdom of heaven.
25:27 But I want to say, this is in stark contrast to those
25:31 faithful men and women of God who would not deny Christ
25:34 down through the ages of history, especially
25:36 in the Dark Ages, down through time and even today
25:40 in many parts of the world where people are persecuted
25:42 for their faith, but they love God so much
25:45 that they would rather die than deny Him.
25:49 Friends, this is the kind of faith that Jesus
25:51 wants to offer us.
25:53 This is the kind of faith that is symbolized
25:56 by the gold, that pure gold.
25:59 It's faith that is combined with heavenly love.
26:04 These two combined.
26:06 This is the type of faith Christ wants to offer us.
26:10 This is what is symbolized by the gold in
26:11 Revelation 3:18.
26:14 Now Jesus says three things about the gold.
26:17 He says that they are to purchase it,
26:20 that it is to be tried in the fire,
26:23 and last of all He says that it will make those who buy it rich.
26:27 I want to ask you something.
26:30 How is it that Jesus told Laodicea to buy from Him
26:35 gold when He just told them that they're poor?
26:38 It almost sounds like telling somebody with
26:40 broken legs to run.
26:42 How is it that Laodicea being poor can buy something;
26:46 much the more buy gold, which is the standard of money?
26:51 You know, the church is poor.
26:55 The only thing that Laodicea can pay is to pay attention.
27:00 Jesus, in a parallel passage to this, Isaiah 55:1...
27:05 I invite you to turn there with me in your Bibles.
27:08 Isaiah 55:1
27:12 Here Jesus says...
27:30 Friends, Jesus has paid the price to provide us the gold,
27:35 the eye salve, and the spiritual robe that He's offering us here
27:39 as the solution to our dilemma.
27:42 Now notice with me that it doesn't say, "without cost."
27:46 It says without price, but not without cost.
27:50 Though the price has been paid by Christ for us to
27:52 receive this faith and love combined,
27:55 to receive true faith in the Father,
27:58 though the price has been paid to receive the gold of the
28:02 Physician's prescription, it's going to cost us something.
28:06 It's going to cost us everything we have and everything we are.
28:11 We can give ourselves to God.
28:13 And this is what He requires of us.
28:16 Now friends, I want to quickly dispel a deception of Satan.
28:21 The devil is out there convincing the world,
28:25 and I bought into this in my younger years
28:27 when I left the Lord for a couple of years,
28:30 the idea that in order to come to God,
28:33 in order to give your life to Him,
28:34 that you're going to have to give up something.
28:37 You're going to have to surrender
28:38 something that's worthwhile.
28:40 Friends, this is a lie.
28:42 There is no greater life than serving God.
28:46 There is no greater life.
28:47 The Bible tells us, He says, "Delight yourself in the Lord
28:51 and He will give you the desires of your heart."
28:54 Serving God is the greatest adventure.
28:57 We can't really give something up.
28:59 Because God only asks us to give up something
29:02 if He's going to give us something
29:04 that's infinitely better.
29:05 God supplies us with something infinitely better than
29:09 whatever it is that we surrender to draw closer to Him.
29:15 Jesus said that the gold, besides the fact that
29:18 they needed to purchase it, He said that the gold
29:21 would make them rich.
29:24 You know, for my missions class at Andrews University
29:27 at the seminary a couple of months ago,
29:29 we read an article called, "What is Poverty Anyway,"
29:32 written by a missiologist.
29:35 And the article was powerful.
29:38 This missiologist was suggesting that poverty,
29:41 although in our minds poverty is typically thought of as
29:43 being a deficit of goods or a deficit of money,
29:47 he was suggesting that poverty is deficit of any kind.
29:51 So if you're afraid, it's a type of poverty because
29:55 you're poor when it comes to peace and joy and assurance.
29:58 Now under this definition, many people in the developing world
30:02 who we would consider poor when it comes to
30:05 material possessions, are wealthy when it comes to
30:09 family, relationships, loving relationships with each other,
30:13 and having a faith in God.
30:16 Yet many of us here in the west may be wealthy when it comes to
30:19 material possessions, but poor when it comes to
30:22 loving relationships, and poor when it comes to faith.
30:26 I'll never forget the first time I went to a developing country.
30:30 I was 17 years old.
30:32 And we went on a mission trip with our high school.
30:35 It was our senior class trip and we went to this country.
30:40 And I'll never forget, we'd been working in the barrios,
30:43 the poor neighborhoods, for some time.
30:46 And by the end of the week, I asked my professor, I said,
30:49 "How is it that these people have virtually nothing,
30:54 but they're so happy?"
30:57 And I'll never forget his words to me.
30:59 He said, "Justin, it's often not until Jesus is all that we have
31:05 that we finally realize He's all we'll ever need."
31:08 Friends, if we have Christ, if we have each other,
31:12 if we have a loving church family, friends, we have
31:15 greater wealth than all of the world's wealth combined.
31:19 And we can be spiritually rich.
31:22 And you know, this is what the world is
31:25 longing and looking for.
31:26 They're looking for a people who are a mixture from
31:30 different socio-economic backgrounds.
31:32 A mixture from different cultures, different ethnicities,
31:35 different ages.
31:37 And all of these people getting along and sharing
31:40 genuine love and selflessness with each other.
31:43 This is what will testify to the world the fact that
31:45 Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and Savior.
31:48 Write this down and check it out later,
31:50 John 17:20-21.
31:53 Jesus explains that the strongest argument
31:57 in favor to the world of the fact that God the Father
32:00 had sent Him as the Messiah was the unity of His followers.
32:04 John 13:35, He said, "By this shall all men know that
32:08 you are My disciples; by your love for one another."
32:13 Friends, this is the greatest wealth
32:16 that we could possibly have.
32:17 And when this happens, the world will look and see, and say,
32:22 "How is it that you people are treating each other so lovingly,
32:27 so selflessly?
32:28 How is it?
32:30 This is contrary to human nature.
32:31 It's so different than anything we've ever seen."
32:34 Friends, we'll be able to look at them and say,
32:36 "You know, it's not because of anything good in me.
32:39 But it's because of what God has done and is doing in my life."
32:43 Friends, this will be a testimony to the world
32:46 that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind.
32:51 Do you want to be rich in that kind of love?
32:53 Amen. So do I.
32:56 Before we move on to the eye salve, Jesus tells Laodicea
32:59 something important about the gold of faith and love combined.
33:04 He said that it would be tried by fire.
33:08 In order for the gold to go from this to this,
33:13 it needs to go through a fire.
33:16 Now when we hear the words, "go through a fire,"
33:19 many of us think of those Hebrew boys in Daniel chapter 3.
33:22 Those boys who decided that they would not bow down
33:26 to this idol that King Nebuchadnezzar had made.
33:29 They would not bow down and break the second commandment
33:31 of God, even in the face of death.
33:34 Because of it, they were thrown in the fiery furnace.
33:38 And we know that God didn't deliver them from the fire.
33:42 He delivered them in the fire.
33:44 Jesus was there with them in the fire.
33:46 And friends, there's a difference.
33:48 God doesn't always deliver us from the trials in our life.
33:52 But He delivers us often through them.
33:55 In that fire, the only thing that was burned up
33:58 were the ropes that bound those three Hebrew boys.
34:02 And it was in that fire that they walked more closely
34:04 with Jesus than they had ever walked before.
34:08 Friends, if we're going through trials and difficulties
34:10 in our lives, God wants us to look to Him in those times.
34:15 He wants us to cling to His righteous right hand
34:19 so that in those experiences our characters can grow
34:22 to be more and more like His.
34:26 You know, maybe you're going through trials as you're
34:28 hearing this message just now.
34:30 Maybe you're going through something in your life that
34:33 is the greatest challenge that you have ever faced.
34:36 And you're wondering, "Where is God?
34:39 Lord, where are You? Why have You deserted me?"
34:42 Friend, God has not left you.
34:45 He is by your side.
34:46 Trust in His word and know that He is with you in the fire.
34:51 He is going through this with you.
34:54 Remember, remember this one thing about the gold.
34:58 In that it is tried by fire.
35:00 The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God
35:05 cannot keep you.
35:06 The will of God never leads us where the grace of God
35:09 cannot keep us.
35:10 If there's a trial, if there's a difficulty
35:12 that we're going through, if we have given our lives
35:14 to Him, we can trust that it has gone through Christ first.
35:18 And that He has only allowed that which He knows
35:21 He can strengthen us to make it through,
35:24 and that will enable us to reflect His loving
35:27 character all the more.
35:30 Friends, God does not allow us to go through the fires
35:33 of adversity to cause needless pain,
35:37 but in order to lead us to look to Him.
35:39 And like that gold, to refine us, to get rid of the junk and
35:44 the habits, the little things that are pulling us down.
35:48 Friends, He wants to refine us even through our difficulties;
35:51 to purify our faith like gold.
35:55 I love the way that William Penn, founder of the state of
35:57 Pennsylvania, said it.
35:59 He said, "No pain, no palm..."
36:09 Friends, whatever we have to go through on this earth,
36:12 there is no price too high to earn heaven, by God's grace.
36:16 Amen?
36:17 Christ has made it possible for us.
36:20 And friends, all we need to do is reach out and
36:22 grasp His hand in faith.
36:24 There is no price too high to spend eternity with our Savior,
36:28 our Redeemer, and our soon coming King.
36:31 Ellen White said it this way in, Last Day Events, page 154...
36:48 Friends, God is saying to us in the words of the beautiful hymn,
36:52 I invite you to sing it with me if you know it.
36:55 When through fiery trials our pathway shall lie,
37:01 My grace all sufficient shall be thy supply.
37:07 The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
37:12 thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
37:19 Friends, any adversity, any trial that we go through,
37:23 is nothing but a fire that God is leading us through
37:27 to purify our characters.
37:29 His goal is not to cause any needless pain to any of us,
37:32 but to refine us, to refine our faith that it may be like gold.
37:39 Remember, His will will never lead us where His grace
37:43 cannot keep us.
37:45 The next part of the Physician's prescription
37:47 in Revelation 3:18 where Jesus says to Laodicea
37:52 at the end of verse 18, He says to them,
37:58 "...and anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see."
38:02 Now we know that Laodicea was only partially blind.
38:06 You may ask, "Well how do you know that?"
38:08 Because eye salve doesn't help someone who's completely blind.
38:12 Laodicea had partial blindness.
38:15 When I was a boy, my parents and I loved driving up to
38:18 Tahoe in Northern California.
38:20 I learned to ski at a very young age.
38:23 And my father and I would ski together.
38:25 My mom would hang out in the lodge.
38:26 And after a long day on the lifts together,
38:30 at 4:30 we would get back in our car and drive to go back home
38:34 to Angwin on a Sunday afternoon and evening.
38:38 And inevitably, as we were driving the roads,
38:41 little specks of muddy water would splash onto our windshield
38:45 one by one, and we wouldn't recognize it until
38:48 our windshield was clouded over.
38:51 Now of course, we would stop and fuel up on gas.
38:54 And when we would, my dad and I would hop out and
38:57 we would grab paper towels and a squeegee
39:00 and we'd clean off that windshield.
39:02 We'd get back in the car, and we'd all start driving
39:05 and say, "Wow, we didn't realize how dirty that
39:07 windshield was until we cleaned it.
39:09 We can see so much better now."
39:12 Now if any of you have had glasses or contacts
39:16 and you've been fitted for them, you also know what it's like
39:17 to be partially blind.
39:19 You remember when that right lens clicked into place and
39:23 everything just became clear.
39:26 Laodicea was partly blind.
39:32 Now in the Bible, eyesight is representative of understanding.
39:37 Psalm 119:18 is one example of this.
39:40 David says...
39:44 David's prayer was that God would help him
39:46 understand His word.
39:47 And that should be our prayers as well.
39:50 Now this kind of language isn't just limited to the Bible.
39:54 Think about it, we still use it today.
39:56 When you're explaining something to someone and
40:00 they don't understand, and finally they get it,
40:03 they say, "Ah, I see.
40:05 Ah, I see."
40:07 So it's reflected in our language even today.
40:09 Now scientifically speaking, it is light that enables us to see.
40:14 And light is also a symbol of what enables us to understand.
40:18 That's reflected in modern language.
40:20 If someone comes to a slow but sure understanding of something,
40:23 we say, "It dawned on them."
40:25 Right?
40:27 And we see these little caricatures of people
40:29 when they understand something and they realize something,
40:32 there's a light bulb above their head.
40:34 So light is symbolic of understanding
40:41 even in our language today.
40:43 Now we see this as a biblical reality as well.
40:46 Psalm 119:130
40:49 That beautiful chapter, the longest chapter in the Bible.
40:51 And it's about the law of God.
40:54 Psalm 119:130 says...
41:04 So the Bible, as God's word, is the light
41:06 that enables us to see.
41:08 But Laodicea's problem, and our problem as Laodicean Christians,
41:13 is that we are partly blind.
41:16 Our vision is skewed.
41:18 Even with the light that God's Word is,
41:21 we cannot fully understand it unless we receive the
41:25 eye salve that He offers us.
41:28 The eye salve is symbolic of wisdom and grace
41:31 that God gives us to help us understand the Bible.
41:34 And this wisdom and grace is given to us by
41:37 the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit.
41:40 Now I want to say something.
41:42 Contrary to a lot of the junk that comes out of Hollywood,
41:46 there is no power in the physical object of the Bible.
41:51 If the devil appeared to you right now, and you had no
41:54 living faith in the Bible, but you pulled it out
41:57 and started reading it hoping that it would cause him to flee,
42:00 he would grab it out of your hand and
42:01 start reading it back to you.
42:03 There is no power in the physical object of the Bible.
42:07 Furthermore, neither is there power in the information
42:11 in the Bible.
42:12 And before you deem me a heretic, let me explain.
42:15 The information in the Bible by itself has no power.
42:20 This is why we see secular university professors
42:23 who are so called Bible scholars who are actually atheists.
42:27 Because they're treating the Bible like a piece of
42:29 human literature rather than the living Word of God.
42:33 Friends, when it comes to the Bible, we need more than
42:36 a knowledge of it.
42:38 We need a living faith in it.
42:41 This is what is a necessity.
42:45 You know, years ago Pastor Joe Crews preached a sermon
42:48 called, Missing Heaven by Eighteen Inches.
42:51 And this brings a mental picture of somebody just,
42:54 you know, barely reaching out on the ground
42:57 sprawled out and just having missed the Pearly Gates
43:00 as they close, right?
43:02 But the reason he titled this sermon this was because
43:04 eighteen inches is the average distance from the human head
43:07 to the human heart.
43:09 Friends, many people will miss heaven by eighteen inches.
43:14 It is not enough to have a head knowledge of God's Word.
43:17 We must have a living faith in it.
43:21 Brothers and sisters, if all we have is a mental
43:24 knowledge of the truth, it's insufficient.
43:28 In fact, it's less than insufficient,
43:30 worse than insufficient.
43:31 It's demonic.
43:34 The Bible says that even the demons believe, and tremble.
43:37 It's not enough to have a knowledge of the Bible.
43:41 We need to have a living faith in God's Word.
43:45 The Bible teaches that information without application
43:49 results in greater condemnation.
43:52 But praise God that biblical information
43:55 with Spirit led application results in life transformation,
44:00 and ultimately in salvation.
44:02 And friends, this is what the eye salve of
44:05 God's Word symbolizes.
44:07 The wisdom and grace to understand the Bible
44:10 and to apply it to our lives.
44:12 And it comes through the third person of the Godhead,
44:15 the Holy Spirit Himself.
44:19 Friends, the gold represents faith and love combined.
44:23 We saw that it's faith that is tried and tested by fire.
44:28 Faith that has a living experience with God
44:31 because it's been through difficulties.
44:34 As we just learned, the eye salve represents our
44:36 understanding and application of Bible truth
44:40 by the Holy Spirit.
44:42 Bible information, point number two, Bible information
44:45 with Spirit led application results in life transformation.
44:50 Friends, do you want your life to be transformed
44:53 by the Word of God?
44:54 Amen. So do I.
44:56 The Holy Spirit can make it a living reality in our lives.
45:00 The last description that Jesus gives is that the church
45:04 is wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.
45:08 Now the answer to the church being wretched and miserable
45:13 we're going to see the solution to tomorrow night
45:16 in our message.
45:17 Tonight we've seen what the gold symbolizes
45:20 and what the eye salve symbolizes.
45:22 So all we have left for tonight is the answer
45:25 to spiritual nakedness.
45:29 Now before we examine the solution, we really have to
45:32 understand the problem.
45:33 What does it mean that we are spiritually naked?
45:37 We find an important detail in verse 18 of Jesus' message.
45:42 And it's actually in part of the solution.
45:44 Another detail about being spiritually naked,
45:46 He says there...
45:56 So what is connected, according to Jesus,
45:58 to Laodicea's nakedness?
46:00 Shame.
46:02 When was the first time that someone was ashamed of
46:05 their nakedness in Scripture?
46:07 Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden.
46:09 We know that Adam and Eve...
46:11 And we don't have time to get into this in depth.
46:13 But study it out later.
46:14 Write down this verse, Psalm 104:2.
46:22 You know, Adam and Eve were clothed with garments of light.
46:26 Because the Bible says in Genesis 1:27 that they were
46:29 made in the image of God.
46:30 Psalm 104:2 says that God clothes Himself
46:33 with light like with a garment.
46:35 Now in the Bible...
46:37 And by the way, if you want further study on that,
46:40 there's an excellent series by Pastor Stephen Bohr called,
46:43 The Robe of Life, that is available through 3ABN,
46:46 as well as Secrets Unsealed.
46:48 And it will go into more depth than we are able to tonight
46:53 on the robe of righteousness that Jesus wants to offer us.
46:56 Now in the Bible, robes represent character.
47:00 What do they represent?
47:02 Character.
47:03 We see this in Isaiah 64:6, among many other places.
47:08 There, the Bible says, "...and all your righteousnesses
47:13 are as filthy rags."
47:18 Here, the Bible tells us that "all our righteousnesses
47:21 are as filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities,
47:25 like the wind, have taken us away."
47:28 When it says, "righteousnesses," here, it means our righteous
47:30 deeds, our righteous actions.
47:33 The best things that we can offer, without the help of the
47:36 Holy Spirit, are worthless in the sight of God.
47:39 Robes represent character.
47:42 And we see this here.
47:44 Now when Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their robes of light.
47:46 Genesis 3:7
47:49 Genesis 3:7 tells us this.
47:52 That right when Adam and Eve sinned,
47:55 it says that they knew that they were naked.
48:06 Friends, they literally tried to cover themselves
48:09 with the works of their own hands.
48:13 And when God came to them, we see in verses 9 to 11
48:16 that when God asked Adam what had happened,
48:18 he blamed Eve.
48:19 And he blamed God because he said, "The woman
48:21 which You gave me..."
48:23 Then when He asked Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.
48:25 And also inadvertently blaming God because
48:28 God made the serpent.
48:30 So friends, they tried to justify themselves.
48:35 And you know, I use to read this and think,
48:37 "What is wrong with Adam and Eve?
48:39 Don't they know that God knows everything?
48:42 Who are they trying to fool?"
48:43 Right?
48:45 They were justifying and trying to explain away their sins
48:48 when God knew.
48:50 But friends, don't we do the same thing?
48:52 Don't we try to make excuses for our sins?
48:56 Don't we try at times to excuse our sins
49:00 and maybe the sins of our children or grandchildren
49:03 when we dismiss lying as fibbing or just being imaginative?
49:08 Or maybe by making jokes when we swear,
49:11 and saying, "Pardon my French,"
49:13 when we curse and take God's name in vain?
49:16 Friends, when we excuse our sins and make light of our sins,
49:20 we are tying God's hands from forgiving us.
49:25 Because God cannot cure us of something that we don't admit
49:29 we have a problem with.
49:30 God can't take something away if we do not confess
49:34 the sin to Him.
49:36 And when we justify ourselves, we're preventing God from
49:40 justifying us and from forgiving us.
49:43 We're preventing God from transforming us
49:45 and changing our characters.
49:48 You know, the Bible says there that when God came
49:54 to Adam and Eve, He did not do it with a vindictive spirit.
49:59 You know, Adam and Eve stood there physically naked
50:02 and spiritually empty.
50:05 They were condemned to die.
50:07 And this was the result of cutting themselves off
50:10 from God who is the source of life.
50:12 They were facing forever being blotted out of existence.
50:17 Satan no doubt said, "Aha, they're mine."
50:21 But friends, praise the Lord that as soon as there was sin,
50:25 there was a Savior.
50:27 Christ stepped in and He said, "No, I will take their place.
50:31 I will die in man's stead.
50:33 Let Me die in man's place and let them go free."
50:37 Friends, praise the Lord for Jesus.
50:39 There was the first animal sacrifice offered there.
50:44 The first animal sacrifice, it was an innocent lamb.
50:49 And this lamb pointed forward to Jesus Christ,
50:52 the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
50:55 And you know, that lamb was not only the first creature to die
50:58 on planet earth, it was the first creature to die
51:02 in the universe.
51:04 Think about it.
51:06 This is why Jesus is called the Lamb slain from the
51:09 foundation of the world.
51:11 Because this lamb pointed forward.
51:13 It pointed Adam and Eve's eyes to the future time of hope
51:16 where Jesus the Messiah would come and die in their place.
51:21 Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation
51:24 of the world who takes away the sins of the world.
51:29 Praise God for Jesus and the gift that He offers us.
51:35 The Bible says that after this, God saw Adam and Eve
51:40 in their fig leaf garments, a symbol of their
51:42 self justification, and these were not enough.
51:47 God clothed them.
51:50 And they needed it.
51:51 Genesis 3:21
51:54 Genesis 3:21
51:57 After that animal sacrifice, that sacrifice of the lamb
52:01 that pointed forward to Jesus, God covered them
52:05 as only He could.
52:07 Also for Adam and his wife, the Bible says...
52:18 Friends, God gave them a physical symbol
52:20 of a spiritual reality.
52:23 You see, before, they had garments of light which was
52:25 an outward reflection of the inward reality
52:27 that they were pure and walking with God.
52:30 But when those disappeared, only God could solve the problem.
52:33 And He did so with a physical symbol of a spiritual reality
52:38 that Jesus would cover them.
52:41 The transformation of life that could take place
52:44 thanks to Christ and His future sacrifice.
52:47 Friends, the good news is that the blood of Jesus,
52:51 the robe that He offers us doesn't just cover us
52:54 in our sins.
52:55 Can you imagine a child playing outside and getting filthy,
52:58 and them coming home and their parent just meeting them
53:01 at the door and saying, "Oh here, just wear this jacket."
53:04 And covering them up and saying, "Come on into the house."
53:07 Of course not.
53:09 And friends, it's no different with God.
53:11 He doesn't just cover us in the robe of Jesus' righteousness
53:14 and imagine that we're okay and say, "You know,
53:18 I know you're messed up, but for the sake of Jesus
53:21 I'm going to let you into heaven."
53:23 No.
53:24 The blood of Jesus not only offers us pardon for the past,
53:28 but power in the present to be cleansed from our sins,
53:32 to be transformed in character, to be more like Jesus,
53:36 that we can be prepared not just to get into heaven,
53:40 but to fit into heaven.
53:42 This is what God's robe of righteousness does.
53:47 My favorite quote right now outside the Bible is this one.
53:51 From Christ's Object Lessons, page 311 paragraph 4...
54:33 Christ's righteousness does more than just cover us up.
54:37 It transforms us.
54:38 It changes us.
54:40 Jesus took our filthy, blood stained, sinful robes on Himself
54:46 so that He could gives us the pure white robes
54:49 of His righteousness.
54:50 And did you know that He did this spiritually,
54:54 but this was physically illustrated in His life.
54:58 Remember with me at the end of Jesus' life.
55:01 Now first of all, Isaiah 1:18 says...
55:14 Now remember with me, at the end of Jesus' life, what happened?
55:18 Let's go there together, Matthew 27.
55:22 Jesus was surrounded by soldiers who mocked Him,
55:28 who spit in His face and pressed down on His head
55:30 a crown of thorns.
55:32 But before this, the Bible says...
55:46 Friends, this was a symbol, a physical symbol,
55:49 of the spiritual reality that the sins of the world,
55:52 your sins and my sins, were being laid upon
55:54 the shoulders of our Redeemer.
55:57 Friends, Christ took our robe of impurity, our scarlet robe,
56:04 so that He could give us the pure white robe
56:06 of His righteousness.
56:08 Christ hung naked on the cross between heaven and earth
56:12 so that we could be clothed.
56:14 He wore the crown of thorns so that we could
56:18 wear the crown of life.
56:21 Friends, He wants to clothe us with His robe of light.
56:25 Christ paid a debt that He did not owe
56:28 because we owed a debt that we could not pay.
56:32 Praise the Lord that the Physician offers us
56:35 the spiritual prescription with His own life.
56:40 Friends, Christ gave His all for you and me.
56:44 No matter what trial we may be going through,
56:48 no matter what difficulty, Christ wants to fill us with
56:52 His spirit, He wants to walk with us through those trials.
56:56 Friends, do you want to say tonight, "Lord, You gave
56:59 Your all for me.
57:01 I want to give my all for You."
57:04 You want to say, "Lord, I give myself to You tonight."
57:07 Amen. Let's pray together.
57:14 I invite you to join me in song if you know it.
57:17 Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul;
57:24 thank You, Lord, for making me whole.
57:32 Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
57:39 Thou great salvation so rich and free.
57:48 Father, we thank You, we thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus.
57:54 Thank You so much, Lord, that You bore our sins...


Revised 2015-12-09