Participants: Frank Fournier
Series Code: AOT
Program Code: AOT000103
00:13 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:17 Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready, with Frank Fournier. 00:22 Hello friends, and welcome once again to the 00:24 3ABN Worship Center where we have been blessed 00:27 from meeting to meeting as brother Frank Fournier 00:31 has brought to us a message with the theme, 00:33 Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready. 00:36 But this message has a different meaning. 00:39 Actually the same theme, but it's about the universal issue. 00:43 What is the universal issue that people are going to 00:46 face in the last days? 00:47 I'm sure that when the message is done, 00:49 you will know unmistakably what that universal issue is. 00:53 But if you haven't heard about Frank Fournier before, 00:55 you don't know him, he is presently the president 00:58 of Eden Valley in Colorado. 01:01 He also is the president of ASI, which is a worldwide 01:05 organization of Adventist professionals 01:07 sharing Christ in the workplace. 01:10 I said to him a few days ago that is was a pleasure to 01:14 have him here at our 3ABN Worship Center. 01:16 Because every time I'd see him, he was always busy. 01:20 And quite a busy man he is. 01:22 Not only ministering here in the United States, but also 01:24 ministering around the world. 01:26 And I believe right after this series, he's off to Africa. 01:30 So this morning I know your heart is going to be blessed 01:32 as we expect the Word of God to go forth with power 01:35 and with strength, and pray also for the Spirit of God 01:39 to bless your heart. 01:40 Now normally I would pray, but I'm going to allow 01:43 our brother Frank Fournier to pray just before his message. 01:48 But this morning, I've also been asked to sing a song. 01:51 And because we're living in the last days, 01:53 the Lord encourages us to search our lives, 01:57 search our hearts, and see what the issues are in our own lives. 02:01 Jesus is soon to come. 02:03 Let the prayer of David become our prayer, 02:06 "Search Me, Oh God." 02:19 Search me, O God, reveal my heart; 02:26 expose my sin that it may be confessed. 02:37 Search me, oh God, unveil each thought; 02:43 and leave no hidden motive unaddressed. 02:55 Uncover every action born in pride; 03:03 show me the worldly ways I still embrace. 03:14 May every anxious thought be brought to light; 03:23 and each unspoken fear with faith replaced. 03:39 Search me, oh God, observe my life; 03:45 bring to my mind each idle word that I speak. 03:56 Search me, oh God, test my resolve; 04:03 and alert me where You find it weak. 04:14 Reveal all weakened walls within my soul; 04:23 show me potential dangers unforeseen. 04:33 Then clothe my conscience with Your holiness; 04:43 help me to guard it well and make it clean. 04:53 Search me, oh God, that I may walk in peace; 05:03 filled with the joy of knowing that all is well. 05:13 My heart surrendered and my conscience clean; 05:24 oh what a joy of knowing all is well. 05:33 Oh what a joy my tongue 05:36 can scarcely tell. 06:10 Good morning, everyone. 06:12 A blessing to be here this morning. 06:14 A blessing in my heart. 06:16 I hope that this morning you're here to receive a blessing. 06:19 I hope also that you're willing to use your Bibles, 06:21 because this morning we're going to use our Bibles. 06:25 We'll be talking about a universal issue. 06:27 Now you may have some other thing in your mind 06:29 when you think in terms of other, "universal issue," 06:32 but we are speaking about righteousness by faith 06:35 in relation to the third angel's message. 06:37 And there is one issue that everyone needs to grapple with. 06:42 There is one issue that needs to come to your heart 06:44 that we need to know how to deal with. 06:46 This is what we want to speak about this morning. 06:49 And so before we get started, I'm going to ask 06:52 everyone to bow their heads. 06:53 We're going to ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit 06:56 to communicate with our hearts. 06:57 This is what we need. 06:59 Heavenly Father, Lord, we're looking to You. 07:03 You are God. 07:05 You know everyone's need. 07:07 You know our hearts, You know the situations that we face. 07:12 We are so grateful that You are there, 07:14 and that in every difficulty You have Your way 07:17 prepared to bring relief. 07:19 We need relief from sin. 07:21 We need relief from the thralldom of sin. 07:24 Please come this morning as I speak. 07:27 I pray that You would take possession, 07:28 that You would speak to our hearts, 07:30 that You would glorify Yourself this morning. 07:32 Because we cannot do it without You. 07:34 We look to You, we thank You for it. 07:37 In Jesus' name, amen. 07:40 I'll have you turn in your Bibles to 07:42 1 Timothy chapter 4, 1 Timothy chapter 4. 07:45 But before we go there, I can recite a verse 07:49 that you all know by heart. 07:50 This is John chapter 3 verse 16. 07:53 "God so loved the world..." 07:56 Now which world is this talking about? 07:59 Is this talking about the Christian world that God loves? 08:01 Well not doubt that God loves that world. 08:03 Is this talking about the Seventh-day Adventist world? 08:06 There's no doubt that He loves that world too. 08:08 But this is not what it's talking about. 08:10 God so loved every individual in the world. 08:14 This is what it's talking about. 08:16 That He gave to every individual His Son. 08:19 "That whosoever would believe in Him should not perish, 08:22 but have eternal life." 08:24 Now I promised you that you would need to use your Bible. 08:27 I had you turn to 1 Timothy chapter 4. 08:31 We're going to look at verses 9 and 10. 08:33 This is 1 Timothy chapter 4, looking at verses 9 and 10. 08:38 And I want to emphasize the fact that God loves 08:41 everyone in the world, that He is dealing with 08:43 every soul in the world. 08:44 And when He gave a gift to the world, it was 08:48 directly given from individual to individual. 08:50 God gave you Jesus, His Son. 08:55 So we're in 1 Timothy chapter 4, we're looking at verse 9. 09:00 "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation." 09:05 So we're going to read something here that Paul demands that 09:09 we all should accept. 09:10 We want to accept this. 09:11 Verse 10, "For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, 09:15 because we trust in the living God," now notice, "who is the 09:20 Savior of all men, especially of those that believe." 09:25 Now everyone understands that Jesus is the Savior 09:28 of those that believe. 09:29 We all know that. 09:31 But did you notice that in the verse it says that 09:33 He is the Savior of those that believe, but also 09:37 all men besides. 09:38 And so we begin to see that in the plan of salvation, 09:42 God did not think only of those who would call themselves 09:48 Christians, who would adopt religion. 09:50 No, God considers Himself the Savior of all men. 09:54 We can see that also in 1 John chapter 2. 10:01 We're going to look at verse 2 in 1 John chapter 2. 10:04 I want you to notice what it says in this verse. 10:08 It says there that, "He is the propitiation for our sins." 10:13 "The propitiation," that's a huge word. 10:15 It simply means, the atoning sacrifice, talking about Jesus. 10:19 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 10:22 "And not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world." 10:28 When Jesus went to the cross, He went to the cross 10:31 with the sins of the whole world. 10:32 Every sin you have committed, every sin every heathen has 10:35 committed, every sin that every pagan has committed, 10:38 has gone to the cross of Calvary. 10:40 Jesus is the Savior of all men. 10:44 We can go now to Titus chapter 2. 10:46 Titus chapter 2. 10:48 You'll find that just before the book of Philemon and Hebrews. 10:52 Titus chapter 2, we're looking at verse 11. 10:56 "For the grace of God that brings salvation 11:00 has appeared to all men." 11:03 Now for whom has Jesus brought the grace of salvation? 11:07 To all men. 11:09 The grace has appeared to all men bringing 11:11 the gift of salvation. 11:13 This is the gospel, this is the good news. 11:16 And I wish everyone in the world would know it. 11:19 Now the apostle Paul expands on this in Romans chapter 8. 11:23 We're looking at verse 32 in Romans chapter 8. 11:27 Verse 32. 11:30 "He," talking about God the Father, "that spared not 11:34 his own Son, but delivered him up for us all..." 11:38 Notice for whom Jesus was delivered. 11:40 It's for every individual in the whole world. 11:43 Ah, but notice even more. 11:45 " shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" 11:51 Do you know this morning that you have all things? 11:54 Do you know that this gift has been given to everyone 11:57 in the human race? 11:58 Now it's hard for people in the human race to believe 12:01 that they have all things. 12:03 Because some of us seem to be poor as opposed to 12:05 some of us seem to be rich. 12:06 Ah, but let me tell you something. 12:08 The gift is given, and sometimes the gift is not claimed 12:12 as it has been given. 12:13 A gift that can be given can be refused also. 12:16 Or it can be neglected. 12:18 Or it could be that there are some people 12:20 who really don't know the gift of God. 12:22 They don't understand that with His Son, 12:25 He has freely given all of us all things. 12:28 I use to repine, I use to pine away, thinking, 12:31 "Why is it that some people are millionaires 12:34 and I am not? 12:35 Why can't I be a millionaire? 12:37 It seems to me that it would be a blessing 12:39 if I could be a millionaire." 12:41 Well friends, I don't complain about that any more. 12:44 Because I am a millionaire. 12:46 No, for sure, I don't have that kind of money in my pocket. 12:49 And it's in my mind, it use to be too bad that some 12:52 people had it that way. 12:53 Ah, but friends, God is the Judge. 12:57 He is able to take a lot of money and put it 12:59 in some people's pocket. 13:00 But it doesn't matter. 13:01 It doesn't mean that I don't have it. 13:03 I have it in trust in Jesus Christ. 13:06 And as far as I know, the Bible says, "My God shall supply 13:10 all my needs." 13:12 Now is it true? 13:13 Will my God supply all my needs? 13:16 Is this promise true? 13:17 Well friends, if I really believe it, 13:19 what would I worry about? 13:20 There would be absolutely nothing to worry about, 13:23 because I know that my God will supply all my needs. 13:27 Because with His Son, He's freely given me all things. 13:31 He's prepared for any eventuality in my life. 13:36 Now, if you really believe this promise, what would you have? 13:41 Why, you would have all things. 13:43 Well if you had all things, would that include eternal life? 13:47 Oh yes, it would. 13:48 Yes it would. 13:50 And I'll have you turn now to 1 John chapter 5. 13:53 1 John chapter 5. 13:55 And I want you to see a verse that the evangelical people, 13:59 they make hay with this verse. 14:01 And there's no doubt, there's no reason why they shouldn't. 14:04 It's a fantastic verse. 14:05 We're looking at 1 John chapter 5, 14:08 and we're looking at verse 11. 14:11 "This is the record, that God has given to us..." 14:14 Everyone in the human race. 14:16 "...God has given to us eternal life; 14:20 and this life is in his Son." 14:23 "He that has the Son has life. 14:26 He that has not the Son of God has not life." 14:30 "With His Son He's freely given us all things." 14:33 And now we can make the connection. 14:35 Because God so loved the world, He gave His Son. 14:37 In His Son He has given us all things. 14:39 And all things include eternal life. 14:42 The gift is yours. 14:44 You may have it right now. 14:45 It is given to you. 14:47 And it's simply... 14:48 All that it demands is that you receive it with gratitude; 14:51 and you have the gift of eternal life. 14:54 To me, that's a tremendous blessing to the individual 14:58 who understands it. 15:02 In the late 1980's and the early 1990's, 15:09 the Valuegenesis survey was conducted among young 15:13 Seventh-day Adventists. 15:14 I don't know how many they did the survey with. 15:18 But they began to find out that these young 15:20 Seventh-day Adventists did not have the assurance of salvation. 15:24 Now they conducted this survey, but they went around 15:28 scratching their heads wondering why should it be 15:31 that young Seventh-day Adventists don't have 15:33 the assurance of salvation. 15:35 And so in order to find out, they decided that they would 15:38 conduct another survey. 15:40 They would go back to the very same young people 15:42 and poll all of them again just to find out 15:45 why in the world that they felt that they could not have 15:50 the assurance of salvation. 15:51 So they went back to them and the typical answer was this, 15:55 "Our behavior does not measure up to what God requires." 16:00 Now wait a minute. 16:01 Why in the world would these young people 16:03 think that their assurance was based on their behavior? 16:08 Well it's not very hard to come to a conclusion to this thing. 16:11 These young people were a product of Adventist homes. 16:15 These young people were a product of Adventist schools 16:18 and Adventist churches. 16:19 And I'm here to tell you today that we, as leaders in this 16:23 church, have failed our young people. 16:25 Because somehow we've left them with the impression 16:29 that in order to have the assurance of salvation, 16:32 they must look to their behavior. 16:34 But friends, it isn't true. 16:36 As a matter of fact, I would like to demonstrate 16:39 that this is absolutely unreasonable 16:41 to go thinking in those terms. 16:43 If you'll turn with me to Isaiah. 16:46 We're going to go to Isaiah chapter 64, 16:49 to a verse that everyone is familiar with. 16:51 We're going to look at verse 6 in Isaiah 64. 16:54 And I intend to prove, I intend to demonstrate, 16:58 that it is unreasonable to try to find assurance of salvation 17:02 in our behavior. 17:03 Because it cannot be found there, ever. 17:06 We're in Isaiah 64, we're looking at verse 6. 17:11 "But we are all as an unclean thing..." 17:15 Now, how many people does that take in? 17:18 How many people are as an unclean thing? 17:21 Well the Bible says we're all as an unclean thing. 17:24 And I believe that this means all the Christians, 17:26 and all the heathens, and all the pagans, 17:28 and all the people in the world. 17:29 Because of the sin of Adam, we are fallen human beings. 17:33 We are all as an unclean thing. 17:35 Well are you going to go looking to an unclean thing 17:38 to find assurance of salvation? 17:41 You'll never find it there because it isn't there. 17:43 Can you understand? 17:45 If you look at the rest of the verse, 17:46 it emphasizes it even more. 17:49 "...and all our righteousness's are as filthy rags..." 17:55 All our good behavior, all our best good works, 18:00 are as filthy rags. 18:02 Can you see? 18:03 Are we going to go looking to our behaviors to find 18:06 assurance of salvation? 18:07 Friends, when we go looking at our behavior, 18:10 the only thing we're ever going to find there is discouragement. 18:14 Because there isn't anything else there. 18:16 We're supposed to be looking to Jesus for the assurance 18:20 of our salvation, and nowhere else. 18:23 Do not go looking at your behavior thinking 18:26 that you're going to find any kind of encouragement there. 18:29 The closer we come to Jesus, the more faulty we will 18:32 appear in our own eyes. 18:35 Because the closer we come to Jesus, 18:38 the closer we come to perfection. 18:40 And the closer we come to perfection, 18:42 the bigger the contrast, of course. 18:44 Jesus being perfect, we being sinful. 18:47 We cannot possibly look to ourselves to find any, any 18:51 assurance of salvation. 18:54 That's for sure. 18:55 Now I would like to share with you a quotation 19:00 that is going to help us to understand that also, 19:03 I think, more clearly. 19:05 This is sixth Bible Commentary, 1078. 19:08 Listen to this. 19:09 "Religious services..." 19:11 Now isn't that a good thing? 19:13 Oh yes, it's a good thing. 19:14 That's why people are in church today. 19:16 "Religious services, the prayers, the praise, 19:21 the penitent confession of sin; all these good things 19:24 ascend from true believers." 19:26 I want you to notice here. 19:27 This is talking about true believers. 19:29 This is talking about the people who are saved. 19:31 This is talking about the people who are going to be in the 19:34 kingdom of heaven for sure. 19:36 And they are praying, and they are praising, 19:38 and they are confessing their sins, they're going to church. 19:41 All these things are good. 19:44 The next word, however, is, "But..." 19:47 Do you know what a "but" is? 19:49 This is a conjunction. 19:50 A "but" is always a conjunction between 19:53 a positive and a negative. 19:54 If I say, "Tammy, you have a beautiful face, but..." 19:58 Ah, then you know that you're in trouble. 20:01 But if I say, "Ah, you have a dirty car, but..." 20:04 Well then, something is redeemable there. 20:07 Can you see that a "but" is a conjunction between 20:09 a positive and a negative? 20:10 Well in this quotation here, we saw all these positives. 20:14 People going to church, confessing their sins, 20:16 praising the Lord, praying, doing all these things 20:19 coming from hearts of true believers. 20:21 "But..." 20:22 But what in the world. 20:24 What can be negative about that? 20:25 Watch. 20:27 "But passing through the corrupt channels of humanity 20:33 they are so defiled that unless purified by blood 20:37 they can never be of value with God." 20:39 Can you see it? 20:41 Even a true believer, his prayers, because he is 20:44 praying them, because his prayers are going through a 20:47 corrupt channel, become defiled and need to be 20:50 cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. 20:52 Nothing gets into heaven but by the cleansing 20:56 of the blood of Jesus Christ. 20:58 All our hope is in Jesus Christ. 21:00 All our hope is in the cross of Calvary. 21:03 There is no other hope. 21:04 We cannot possibly look at our behavior 21:07 and think that our behavior will give us any assurance. 21:10 I am here to tell you that no matter how perfect you live, 21:14 or how perfect you think you live, it is still coming short 21:18 of the glory of God. 21:19 It is still corrupted by going through a corrupt channel. 21:23 It is still not as perfect as it might be. 21:26 And if it's not as perfect as it could be, 21:28 then you would lose hope of salvation if you look there. 21:32 Our hope of salvation can only be found in one place. 21:36 And I believe it says that in 1 Corinthians chapter 3. 21:40 Go with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 3, a beautiful chapter. 21:43 We're going to look at verse 11. 21:48 "Other foundation..." 21:49 We're talking about the foundation of assurance here. 21:51 We're talking about the foundation of salvation here. 21:54 "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, 21:57 which is Jesus Christ." 22:00 There is no other foundation. 22:03 There is no other hope of salvation. 22:05 We cannot look at ourselves, we cannot look at our 22:07 good works, and think that we're going to find 22:10 assurance of salvation. 22:11 We need to look at Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 22:15 He is the foundation. 22:18 His birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection, 22:22 this whole package; Jesus came here and took on our life 22:27 as we have to live it. 22:28 He had the same equipment. 22:30 He lived a perfect life from the day that He was born 22:33 until the day that He died my atoning death. 22:37 And then when He resurrected, He resurrected victorious 22:40 over the second death. 22:41 He takes this package, He ascends to heaven, 22:44 He goes to His Father with this, presents it to Him. 22:47 And the Father looks at it and says, "It is enough. 22:50 Give the human race the gift of salvation. 22:54 Give it all to them." 22:56 Do you know that the human race has it all 22:58 if only they knew Jesus Christ. 23:03 If only there were enough missionaries in this world 23:06 that would go out there and tell the world 23:10 the gift that they have in the Son of God. 23:13 What a blessed gift that it is and how we all 23:18 ought to be reveling in it. 23:20 If you'll turn with me to Romans chapter 5 now. 23:23 We're going to see the same thing again, only in 23:26 another verse in the Bible. 23:27 We're in Romans chapter 5, we're going to look at verse 18. 23:31 The theologians, at least some theologians, 23:34 say that Romans chapter 5 is the most complete, 23:39 the most beautiful, the most simple gospel 23:44 as it has been written. 23:45 I'm not so sure that's so. 23:47 Sometimes it's quite controversial here. 23:49 Nevertheless, I can show you something very simple. 23:52 We're looking at Romans chapter 5, 23:54 we're looking at verse 18. 23:57 "Therefore as by the offence of one..." 23:59 We're talking about Adam here who offended. 24:02 "Therefore as by the offence of one, judgment came upon 24:06 all men to condemnation." 24:08 And so, in Adam all men are made sinners. 24:11 All men are condemned. 24:13 And all men must die the second death. 24:15 So can see that in verse 12 if you want to look at verse 12. 24:19 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, 24:24 and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, 24:28 for that all have sinned." 24:30 This is what we get in Adam. 24:32 Now we go back to verse 18. 24:34 In the middle of the verse in verse 18, it says, 24:37 "Even so..." 24:38 That is, by the same measure. 24:41 Watch now. 24:42 The second half of verse 18. 24:44 By the same measure, "by the righteousness of one..." 24:48 Who is that one, do you think? 24:50 Ah friends, it's Jesus Christ. 24:52 " the righteousness of one the free gift came upon 24:56 all men unto justification of life." 25:00 So, by Christ, by one act of righteousness at the 25:05 cross of Calvary, the free gift comes upon all men. 25:09 What is the free gift? 25:11 Ah, you all know. 25:14 The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life. 25:19 And it comes to all men. 25:22 It's amazing. 25:23 If only all men would receive it. 25:25 In first Selected Messages, 343, paragraph 1, it says, 25:30 "He.." Talking about Jesus. 25:33 "He took in His grasp the world over which Satan claimed to 25:36 preside as his lawful territory, and by His wonderful work 25:41 in giving His life," watch now, "He restored the whole race 25:45 of men to favor with God." 25:48 Because Jesus went to the cross of Calvary 25:51 and paid the penalty for every sin that was ever committed, 25:55 then God from heaven looks down and accepts the 25:58 whole race of men in favor with Himself. 26:01 Oh, that does not mean that everyone is going to be saved. 26:05 But it does mean that the gift has been given to all. 26:08 And God loves every man so much so that He gave His Son 26:12 so as to save all men. 26:15 Now I'd like to look more closely at the plan of salvation 26:19 even yet if we can. 26:20 Turn with me to Genesis chapter 2. 26:23 We're going to Genesis chapter 2. 26:28 We're going to start with verse 17. 26:31 As you know, God created Adam and Eve and He put 26:34 Adam and Eve in the garden paradise of God, 26:39 the Garden of Eden. 26:40 And there He gave them absolutely everything 26:43 they could possible want. 26:45 They could need absolutely nothing ever. 26:47 But there was a problem with the situation. 26:49 And the problem was this. 26:51 Adam and Eve had no way to demonstrate their love for God, 26:56 because they had no choices to make. 26:58 They could not sin because they knew nothing but good. 27:01 And the garden afforded them no choice. 27:05 And so God decided to give them a choice so that 27:08 they could show their love. 27:09 By the way, Jesus said, "If you love Me, 27:11 keep My commandments." 27:13 So God said, "What they need to show their love 27:15 is that they would keep My commandments." 27:17 There was no commandments there, except one. 27:20 He decided to tell them, "Don't eat from this tree. 27:22 That's the only commandment I give you. 27:24 You don't need this tree. 27:26 You've got everything else you could possible want. 27:29 Don't eat from there, you'll be fine." 27:31 Well, that's in verse 17. 27:33 Let's go to Genesis chapter 2, we're looking at verse 17. 27:38 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, 27:40 thou shalt not eat of it. 27:42 For in the day that you eat thereof thou shalt surely die." 27:47 That was God's pronouncement. 27:50 He gave them the tree, "Don't eat from that tree. 27:52 Because that very day that you eat, you will die." 27:56 Now here's the question. 27:58 Did Adam and Eve eat from the tree? 28:01 Oh yes, they did eat from the tree. 28:03 But here's the real question. 28:05 Did they die in that day? 28:08 Now someone will say, "Well no." 28:12 "Well yes, they began to die." 28:14 "Well they died spiritually." 28:15 Do you know that those three answers are all correct? 28:18 They did begin to die that day. 28:20 I believe the Hebrew says, "In dying thou shalt die." 28:23 In other words, "You're going to begin to die that day." 28:27 So Adam lived to be 930 years before he died. 28:32 Do you know that they also died spiritually that day? 28:35 The book of Ephesians chapter 2 says we are born dead. 28:39 Dead in sin and in trespasses. 28:41 We need to go from death to life in order to be born again, 28:45 because we died that day. 28:47 Ah, but in the end they did not die that day. 28:51 They did not die in the fullest sense of the word. 28:54 When God told them, "In the day that you eat, 28:56 you're going to die," He meant He would 28:58 send them back where He got them. 29:00 He would destroy them. 29:02 That's what He meant, "that day." 29:04 But He didn't do it. 29:06 Now that leaves us with a theological problem. 29:10 If God did not destroy them that day, 29:14 does that make God a liar? 29:16 Didn't He say that He would do it? 29:18 Why didn't He do it that day? 29:20 What changed? 29:22 The answer to that question is found in Revelation chapter 13. 29:27 We're in Revelation chapter 13. 29:30 It's a strange place to go for the answer to that question. 29:33 The question is asked in Genesis chapter 2. 29:36 We go all the way to Revelation chapter 13 29:39 where we find the beast, and the mark of the beast, 29:42 and an image to his name, and the number of his name, 29:44 and 666, and all of these confusing symbols. 29:47 And in the middle of this chapter, we find the 29:50 answer to our question. 29:52 Why did Adam and Eve not die that day? 29:56 We're looking at verse 8. 29:58 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him," 30:02 talking about the beast of Revelation 13, 30:04 "whose names are not written in the book of life," now watch, 30:09 "of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." 30:14 Who is the Lamb? 30:15 Ah friends, everyone knows that the Lamb in the Bible is Jesus. 30:20 And it says here that He was slain from the 30:22 foundation of the world. 30:23 Now wait a minute, wait a minute. 30:25 I thought Jesus died at the cross of Calvary 30:27 just 2000 years ago. 30:29 Oh friends, that's true. 30:30 Jesus died at the cross of Calvary just 2000 years ago. 30:34 But the pain that He suffered at the cross of Calvary 30:37 did not begin 2000 years ago. 30:39 But it began with the very inception of sin. 30:43 You see, when Adam took the fruit from Eve's hand 30:46 and took a bite out of it, the blow was coming from heaven. 30:50 Adam would have been destroyed except that Jesus 30:53 stood between Adam and the blow that was coming from heaven, 30:56 took the blow upon Himself, and became the Lamb slain 31:00 from the foundation of the world. 31:04 Now here's the question. 31:07 Where would you be today had Adam been killed that day? 31:13 Why, you wouldn't be today. 31:15 You wouldn't exist. 31:16 Can you see that the only reason you have life 31:20 is because of the cross of Calvary? 31:22 There is no other reason. 31:24 The only reason you have life today, the only reason 31:28 any individual has life today, is because of the cross 31:32 of Calvary. 31:33 I wish everyone in the whole human race 31:35 would understand this, would grasp the significance of this. 31:39 The only reason we have any life today. 31:42 If Jesus had not gone to the cross, we would not exist. 31:46 But it goes deeper than that. 31:48 Do you know that every loaf of bread is stamped 31:51 with the cross of Calvary? 31:52 Do you know that every water spring is stamped 31:54 with the cross of Calvary? 31:56 Do you know that every ray of sunshine is stamped 31:58 with the cross of Calvary? 31:59 Do you enjoy anything? 32:03 Do you know that when Adam and Eve sinned, 32:06 they forfeited every blessing. 32:08 Even life itself. 32:10 Including everything that would come with life. 32:13 But we don't have to go to Adam and Eve to look at that. 32:15 We can look at ourselves and know that we have sinned. 32:18 And every time we sin, we forfeit every blessing. 32:21 We forfeit life. 32:22 We forfeit every blessing that we enjoy. 32:25 Ah, but did you eat today? 32:29 Are you married? 32:30 Do you have a wife? Do you have a husband? 32:31 Do you have children? Do you have grandchildren? 32:34 Do you enjoy the house you live in? 32:35 Do you enjoy the car you drive? 32:37 Do you enjoy the clothes that God has provided for you 32:40 and the food that He has provided for you? 32:41 Friends, this world is full of pleasure. 32:44 Full of innocent legitimate pleasures. 32:47 And they're all blood bought at the cross of Calvary. 32:50 Had there been no cross, there would have been no pleasure. 32:54 Had there been no cross, there would have been nothing 32:57 for us to enjoy, nothing. 32:59 But everything we enjoy comes from the cross of Calvary. 33:02 Now doesn't it follow, if I have forfeited every blessing, 33:10 including life; if I have life, and if I have a car, 33:14 and if I have money in my pocket, and if I have a wife, 33:17 and if I have children, and if I have everything that I enjoy, 33:20 if God has given to me all of these things, 33:23 seeing that I have forfeited them all, 33:25 don't you suppose that the gift of eternal life 33:28 is included in all of this? 33:29 Is He going to give me all these blessings 33:32 and not give me the other? 33:33 Oh no, no. 33:34 God has already paid the price. 33:36 He's already given us the gift. 33:38 The gift is ours if only we would understand. 33:44 Listen, if everyone here today, if everyone here today, 33:49 understood what I am trying to say, we would be 33:53 so filled with gratitude that we would reciprocate 33:58 in such a way that we would turn the world upside down 34:01 in no time at all. 34:02 Paul understood this. 34:04 If you go with me to Galatians chapter 6, 34:08 Galatians chapter 6, we're going to see 34:12 how Paul exclaims what he understands here in verse 14, 34:18 in Galatians chapter 6. 34:20 It's a fantastic verse. 34:21 And I keep thinking about it. 34:23 It just ruminates in my head over and over and over again. 34:28 Galatians 6, we're looking at verse 14. 34:31 "God forbid," he says, "that I should glory, save in the 34:36 cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is 34:40 crucified unto me, and I unto the world." 34:43 Now really, friends, I don't know what Paul understood. 34:48 But I can tell by looking at the verse that he understood 34:52 something about the cross of Calvary that I don't understand. 34:55 Because once he was through understanding the 34:58 cross of Calvary, the world meant nothing to him. 35:02 The whole world was eclipsed by the cross of Calvary. 35:05 He wanted nothing to do with it. 35:07 Nothing to do with it. 35:08 And when he was not wanting anything to do with the world, 35:11 the world turned around and was repulsed by Paul 35:15 because he was so different. 35:16 He was just like Jesus. 35:18 You know that the world was repulsed by Jesus, don't you? 35:21 Yeah. 35:23 Because He wouldn't sin. 35:24 Because He was so pure. 35:26 Because in His presence they felt more faulty. 35:30 Because the contrast was too great. 35:32 And the same experience was going in through Paul's life. 35:36 And it was because of the cross of Calvary. 35:39 He understood something that I don't understand. 35:44 He understood something that I want to understand. 35:47 Don't you want to understand? 35:49 Is it possible, do you think that it would be possible 35:52 that if we got on our knees today and we pleaded with God 35:56 to open our minds, to unfold all that is found in the 36:00 cross of Calvary, that we would be the same once we saw it? 36:04 Oh no. 36:05 But why is it that Paul could see it and that we can't? 36:10 Do you think God wants to communicate this thing? 36:12 I believe that He does and I believe we should pray for it 36:15 every day, every day, every day. 36:18 Everyone should have the assurance of salvation. 36:22 Because it is not based on our behavior. 36:26 It is based on the birth, and the life, and the death, 36:29 and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 36:31 He did it for all that all may enjoy it. 36:33 And there's no reason in the world why every individual 36:37 in the world is not enjoying perfect assurance of salvation. 36:42 Do you have it? 36:44 Oh, I hope so. Oh, I hope so. 36:48 Now at one time, I preached this sermon and I ended 36:52 just right here. 36:55 Once I had ended, one very good friend of mine 36:58 came to me and he said, "You know, everything 37:00 that you're saying is true. 37:02 I really appreciate the sermon. 37:03 You did a good job. 37:05 But it's incomplete, it's unbalanced. 37:08 You've spoken about what Jesus has done for our salvation, 37:13 but you know it doesn't end there. 37:15 In the book, Steps To Christ, page 82, 37:17 it explained all of that which you preached today. 37:21 But do you know what the next paragraph says? 37:23 It says, 'But more than this, Christ changes the heart.'" 37:28 Well friends, that is more than this. 37:31 Christ does change the heart. 37:33 As a matter of fact, I'm hoping one of these day 37:36 that I can preach that message too. 37:38 And I'm going to try right now to share 37:41 a little bit more with you. 37:42 If you'll turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 3. 37:45 Is behavior unimportant because we cannot 37:50 base our salvation on it? 37:52 Because we cannot find the assurance of salvation there? 37:55 Ah friends, no, no. 37:57 Salvation is important. 37:59 And sanctification is even more important. 38:03 It's important that we know where to base 38:06 the assurance of our salvation. 38:08 And it is not in our behavior. 38:09 But that does not make our behavior unimportant. 38:13 It doesn't. Oh friends, it is important. 38:16 "Our sanctification is God's object in all 38:20 His dealings with us." 38:22 That's a quotation from third Selected Messages, 38:24 page 202, paragraph 2. 38:27 "Sanctification is God's object in all His dealings with us." 38:32 Whether Jesus went to the cross, it was the purpose 38:35 of sanctifying to Himself a people. 38:38 When Jesus resurrected from the grave, it was for the 38:41 purpose of sanctifying to Himself a people. 38:44 Everything that Jesus does in your life today. 38:46 Does He deal with you? 38:48 Oh yes, He has all kinds of providences surrounding 38:51 your life because He wants you to become more 38:54 and more and more like Jesus. 38:57 All of that is important. 38:58 Ah, but it's not the door to heaven. 39:01 It's not the key that opens the door either. 39:04 Our salvation is based on Jesus alone. 39:07 We're in 1 Corinthians chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11. 39:13 "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, 39:17 which is Christ Jesus." 39:20 No other foundation. 39:21 The foundation of salvation, the foundation of assurance, 39:24 is right there; it's in Jesus alone. 39:26 There is no other. 39:28 But now we go on to look at sanctification in verse 12. 39:32 "Now if any man build..." 39:34 We're talking about character building now. 39:36 We're talking about changing, we're talking about improving. 39:39 We're talking about becoming more and more like Jesus. 39:43 "Now if any man build," if any man become 39:46 more and more like Jesus, he needs to build on the 39:49 foundation using gold, silver, precious stones, 39:53 or wood, hay, or stubble. 39:55 Now the choices are ours. 40:00 What are we using to build our character building with? 40:03 Is it precious stones or is it hay? 40:07 Verse 13, "Every man's work shall be made manifest." 40:11 It'll be revealed. 40:13 "For the day shall declare it, because it shall be 40:16 revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work 40:21 to see what sort it is. 40:22 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, 40:27 he shall receive a reward." 40:30 Ah friends, listen, we are saved by the life, 40:35 the birth, the death, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 40:39 Ah, but we are rewarded according to our behavior. 40:44 Isn't that great? Isn't that something? 40:47 Yeah. 40:48 We do not build a character in order to be saved. 40:51 We build because we are saved; as a result of being saved. 40:55 The fruit of salvation is that we become, 40:58 we have the power of grace to become more and more 41:01 and more like Jesus. 41:03 Now a very strange verse, verse 15. 41:06 That's the very next verse. 41:08 It says, "If any man's work shall be burned," 41:11 or destroyed, "he shall suffer loss. 41:15 But he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire." 41:19 Isn't that weird? 41:21 Here's an individual with no works, no good behavior, 41:25 no reward; but he ends up standing on the foundation, 41:28 the rock Christ Jesus, and he is still saved. 41:32 We're told by Ellen White that Solomon was saved as by fire. 41:37 That's what she says. 41:38 This is what she's referring to. 41:39 Solomon had wasted his life. 41:41 Oh, he had begun as a true child of God. 41:44 And he did a mighty work for God for many years. 41:47 Then because of his wives he was turned into a pagan worshiper 41:51 and he lost his way. 41:53 He came back at the end, but he was saved by the 41:56 skin of his teeth. 41:57 He was saved as by fire. 41:59 Well friends, I'll tell you what. 42:01 That isn't what I want. 42:02 No, no. No, no. 42:04 I want stars in my crown. Don't you? 42:07 I want gold in my character building. 42:10 I want to reflect the love of Jesus Christ. 42:12 I want to reflect the faith of Jesus Christ. 42:15 I want precious stones. 42:16 I want to shine for Jesus. Don't you? 42:19 I do. 42:24 And I want all that, not in order to be saved. 42:26 Because it doesn't work that way. 42:28 I want all of that because I want to glorify God. 42:34 I want to be a blessing. 42:35 I want to be a witness to the people around me. 42:38 I want to be instrumental in the hands of God 42:42 to bring about Revelation chapter 18 verse 1 42:45 where it says that the whole world will be lightened 42:49 with the glory of God's character. 42:52 Where will this character be? 42:53 Ah, but it's going to be in the persons of His saints. 42:57 There's going to be a people, we know through the 43:00 three angels messages, that are developed called the 144,000, 43:04 who are without fault before the throne of God. 43:07 They have the character of God in their foreheads. 43:10 They sing a new song. 43:11 They are without guile in their mouth. 43:13 They are not corrupted by false doctrine anywhere. 43:16 They are God's true people. 43:18 That's what I want. 43:19 I want that experience. 43:21 I want to be used of heaven to preach the 43:23 gospel of Jesus Christ. 43:25 This is what I want. 43:26 I was thinking about that. 43:28 You know, I have a personal mission statement 43:31 that I repeat to myself. 43:32 And I repeat it as often as I can so that I can keep 43:35 myself in tune with it. 43:37 A personal mission statement, and it goes like this. 43:40 "I aim to live, at all expense to myself, to honor 43:46 and glorify God and to bless and give joy to others." 43:51 That's my mission statement. 43:54 "I aim, at all expense to myself, to honor and 43:58 glorify God and to bless and give joy to others." 44:02 This is why I live, this is why... 44:04 Now friends, that's a high bar. 44:06 I don't know if you can tell. 44:08 And I am not, I am not deceived in this matter 44:12 thinking that I have reached that high bar. 44:14 Oh no. No, no. 44:16 I am not at all, in my own estimation, 44:19 feeling like I am like Jesus. 44:21 Ah, but never the less, it is my goal in life. 44:25 This is my mission. 44:27 This is all I live for. 44:28 I want to be a blessing to others and I want 44:31 to glorify God. 44:33 Do you? 44:34 Oh, I hope so. 44:35 Friends, there's no other reason to be a Christian. 44:39 There's no other reason. 44:41 Now, I want to share something with you that you might think 44:46 does not apply with the rest of the sermon. 44:49 It's a quotation that I'm going to share with you. 44:52 And you will think, "Well, why is that coming in now? 44:55 It has nothing to do with the subject." 44:57 I will disagree with you. 44:58 It has everything to do with the subject. 45:00 And I believe we can go there in a second. 45:03 This is second Selected Messages, page 288, 45:05 paragraph 0. 45:07 "If the sick and suffering will do only as well as they know 45:13 in regard to living out the principles of health reform, 45:16 they will, in nine cases out of ten, recover 45:20 from their ailment." 45:21 Did you catch what I just said here? 45:23 If the sick and suffering will only do as well as they 45:26 know to do in regard to health reform, they will recover. 45:29 Nine cases out of ten. 45:31 Now isn't that an amazing promise? 45:33 It's an amazing promise. 45:35 But friends, it's more than an amazing promise. 45:37 It's a fantastic principle. 45:39 It's a principle and it works. 45:42 God isn't telling anyone here how much they need to know. 45:45 There's a lot more that we could know about 45:48 the principles of health reform. 45:49 What He's telling us here is that if we would surrender 45:53 our lives to Him and live out our lives to the best of our 45:57 ability, doing the best that we know to do with what we know. 46:01 He's not saying we need to know, we need to read the whole 46:04 encyclopedia of health reform in order to be healthy, 46:07 in order to recover from our ailments. 46:10 He says, "I'll work with you. 46:11 I'll work with you, if you will only do as well 46:14 as you know to do. 46:16 I will see to it that you recover." 46:18 Well friends, now here's the question. 46:21 Would that work in other aspects of life? 46:25 Would that work in the marriage relationship? 46:28 Would that work if you have financial problems? 46:31 Would that work if you were fighting a spiritual battle? 46:34 Friends, this is the secret of successful living. 46:37 But it isn't the door to salvation. 46:39 It isn't the key that lets us in. 46:42 Jesus said, "I am the door." 46:45 If any man gets in some other way, he's a thief and a robber. 46:49 There's only one way into the kingdom of heaven, 46:52 and that's through Jesus Christ. 46:54 It isn't through what we do. 46:55 It isn't through what anybody else will do either. 46:58 Ah, but we can live life successfully. 47:02 And what a blessing that is. 47:03 I would like to succeed in life, wouldn't you? 47:07 I don't know anyone that would like to fail in life. 47:10 I would like to succeed at everything that I do. 47:13 In raising my children. 47:15 What does God say? 47:16 If you will do the best that you know to do 47:19 in regard to raising your children. 47:22 Search the counsel of God. 47:24 Read the book, Child Guidance. 47:26 And do the best that you know how to do. 47:28 And God says, "In nine cases out of ten, 47:30 I'll see your children through." 47:31 If we raise up a child in the way that he should go, 47:34 God says, "When he is old, he shall return to what 47:36 he has learned when he was young." 47:38 And if we are in love with a spouse and trouble comes 47:42 between us, is it possible that if we will do the 47:45 best we know how to do; read the book, Adventist Home, 47:49 do what God says, do it with all your heart, 47:52 what does God promise? 47:54 In nine cases out of ten, He says, 47:56 "I can recover this thing." 47:58 And so we could go to our diet and even be like Jesus. 48:01 Oh friends, I want to be like Jesus. 48:04 Read the Scriptures. 48:06 Read "Desire of Ages." 48:07 Read "Steps to Christ." 48:08 Read "Mount of Blessings." 48:09 Keep on reading; keep imbibing Jesus. 48:12 The more and more you will receive of Jesus, 48:15 the more and more you will reflect His image. 48:18 This is how it works. 48:19 Do what you know to do to the best of your ability, 48:24 and God promises, in nine cases out of ten, 48:26 He can see us through. 48:28 Salvation is not by faith through works, 48:33 or plus works. 48:35 Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, 48:39 in Christ alone. 48:41 It is a gift from God. 48:43 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 48:47 Works are the fruit of that wonderful gift. 48:52 And then we are rewarded accordingly. 48:55 And we're told in the Scriptures in Matthew chapter 19 48:58 verse 28 and 29, that we are saved by faith 49:02 and we are rewarded according to our works 49:05 a hundred fold in this world, it says. 49:08 And in the world to come, eternal life, 49:10 eternal happiness, eternal youthfulness, 49:14 eternal growth in Jesus Christ. 49:17 What a blessing. What a blessing. 49:19 And I've seen this in action. 49:23 My wife and I went to Lesotho. 49:24 We had received a call in a little country called Lesotho. 49:28 Now some of you may not know where this country, 49:30 Lesotho, is found. 49:32 But if you went to South Africa, you looked at the country of 49:36 South Africa, in the very middle of South Africa 49:38 there's a little landlocked country there called, Lesotho. 49:42 A doctor by the name of Richard Lukens, and his wife, 49:45 Dr. Lorna Lukens, had started a mission there 49:48 in a little valley where there were 3000 indigenous people. 49:53 And they had started a clinic in this valley. 49:57 Richard and Lorna decided that they would 49:59 come back to America and that they would 50:01 send their children to school. 50:03 They had to come back to America. 50:04 So they gave us a call. 50:05 We went over there with our teenagers because we thought 50:08 we needed to give them an education also. 50:11 But a different kind of education. 50:12 What a blessing it is, both sides. 50:14 I don't say anything wrong with either side. 50:16 By the way, my children are still in the church; 50:19 Richard's children are still in the church. 50:21 And so God works with us all. 50:24 Well, when we got there, the chiefs decided to call a meeting 50:28 and they called us in. 50:30 And they said to Richard Lukens, who is a doctor, 50:32 "Listen, the only reason we allowed you to be in this valley 50:36 is so you could start a clinic. 50:39 And you started a clinic, you've done a great job. 50:42 Now you're going away and you're bringing in some other people. 50:45 Well, the only reason we would accept these other people 50:48 is if they will keep the clinic going." 50:51 Well, piece of cake. 50:52 My wife has a grade 10 education, 50:54 I have a grade 10 education. 50:56 That's 20 years together. 50:57 I guess we can keep a clinic going, can't we? 51:00 Well no, not exactly. 51:02 That's not how it works. 51:03 Well we did decide that we would keep the clinic going. 51:06 And there were many other circumstances. 51:09 We were in close connection with Maluti Hospital 51:12 and we had doctors helping us all the time. 51:14 And so, my wife... 51:15 And the one thing you need to understand is, my wife 51:18 has huge aptitude towards knowing what to do 51:22 in any kind of situation. 51:24 And so she was well adapted to this situation. 51:28 Dr. Lukens stayed back four months and he taught my wife 51:32 everything he could teach her in four months. 51:34 How to pull teeth, and how to suture wounds, 51:37 and how to dispense medicine, and how to deal with 51:39 venereal diseases, and how to deal with all kinds of things. 51:42 There was one thing he didn't teach her, however. 51:44 And she had to learn it in a different way. 51:47 One night, it was midnight, we were in bed sleeping, 51:52 and all of a sudden we heard a racket outside. 51:55 All kinds of noise. 51:56 Now you have to understand, Lesotho is called, 51:59 the kingdom in the sky, because it's built on top of mountains. 52:03 The Drakensberg mountains on one side or the Maluti mountains 52:06 on the other side. 52:07 And my driveway was up and down like this. 52:10 I had cemented two tracks, cement tracks. 52:13 And what was happening is, there was an ox cart 52:16 coming down this cement track. 52:18 It was making all kinds of noise. 52:20 We went out to meet them, whoever they were. 52:23 And when we got out there, we found out that 52:25 there was a woman in the ox cart ready to be delivered. 52:29 What to do? 52:31 The woman said to my wife, "You must deliver my baby." 52:34 Well, Richard had not had the opportunity 52:36 to teach her how to deliver babies. 52:38 My wife said to the woman, "But, but, but... 52:40 I don't know how to deliver babies. 52:43 I don't know what to do. 52:44 There's a hospital 12 kilometers from here. 52:46 Why don't you go there and they can deliver your baby for you." 52:50 But the woman said, "Well, I'm in an ox cart. 52:54 I won't get there in time. 52:56 I am ready to deliver now. 52:58 You must deliver my baby." 53:01 Well I went down into the little library that the 53:04 doctor had left behind, and I found a book. 53:06 And amazingly, I found a book with a chapter 53:09 on how to deliver babies. 53:13 And then I lit all the lanterns, because we had no electricity. 53:17 And I boiled water in order to deliver the baby. 53:19 Not knowing that you don't need to boil water to deliver babies. 53:23 But they do it in the movies, and so I boiled some water. 53:27 My wife came in there, I gave her the book. 53:31 And with the book in one hand, she delivered her very first 53:34 baby with the other hand. 53:37 But here's the issue. 53:39 My wife has delivered... 53:41 I can't tell you because we never counted them. 53:43 My wife has delivered scores of babies, scores of babies. 53:47 I don't know how many babies. 53:48 Maybe a hundred, maybe more, babies. 53:51 And do you know that my wife never lost one. 53:56 Not even one. 53:57 How can that be? 53:58 She delivered babies in the back of pickups, 54:00 she delivered babies on the ground outside, 54:02 she delivered babies in smoky huts, 54:05 she delivered babies at our house all over the place. 54:08 She delivered in all kinds of situations. 54:10 She delivered babies that were breach, 54:12 she delivered babies with the cords wrapped around their neck. 54:14 She has delivered babies that she had to give 54:17 artificial resuscitation to. 54:20 And she never lost one. 54:22 Do you know why she never lost one? 54:26 Because she didn't know how to deliver babies. 54:28 That's why. 54:30 Every time someone would come to us in order to have 54:33 a baby delivered, my wife would get on her knees 54:36 and she would say to God, "Listen, I did not come here 54:39 to hurt anyone. 54:41 I came here to be a blessing. 54:43 Don't send me anything that I can't handle." 54:45 Well friends, God allowed all kinds of situations 54:49 to come to her. 54:50 And do you know that she never lost one. 54:55 That's an illustration of the plan of salvation. 54:58 Can you see it? 55:00 Can you see it? 55:04 She didn't know how; she didn't lose one. 55:08 We cannot save ourselves. 55:09 We cannot heal ourselves. 55:11 We need not be lost. 55:16 God is willing to work with what we give Him. 55:21 He says, "If you'll only do as well as you know to do in any 55:25 given line, in nine cases out of ten I'll see you through." 55:30 This is His plan. 55:32 The door to salvation is in Jesus Christ alone. 55:35 There is no other door. 55:37 We find our assurance in what Jesus has done 55:39 at the cross of Calvary. 55:41 We find our assurance in His perfect life, 55:43 in His atoning death, in His victorious resurrection. 55:46 He find our salvation in Him alone. 55:49 There is no other salvation. 55:51 Ah, but once we have grasped the salvation of God, 55:56 then we want to reciprocate. 55:59 Then we want to, out of a heart full of gratitude, 56:02 we want to please God. 56:04 We want to be a blessing in this world. 56:07 We want to be like Him. 56:09 We want to be a witness in this world. 56:11 We want to be involved in the last great warning to the world, 56:15 where the whole world is lightened with the glory 56:18 of God's character. 56:20 Is there anyone in this audience that would like to say, 56:24 "Yes, this is what I want. 56:26 I understand." 56:28 Ah friends, may God bless you. 56:31 May God bless all of you. 56:34 Shall we bow. 56:36 Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love. 56:41 Thank You for the plan of salvation. 56:44 Thank You for helping us to see that our salvation 56:47 is in Jesus alone. 56:49 Ah, but we can grow from there, eternally grow. 56:53 And we'll put no hope in anything that we do, 56:56 but in only You. 56:58 Father, You are so good. 56:59 We thank You with all of our hearts. 57:01 And we would like to ask You that You would help us 57:04 to see as the apostle Paul saw in that verse, 57:09 Galatians chapter 6 verse 14; to glory in nothing but 57:14 the cross, because at the cross alone we can find the answer 57:18 to all the problems in life. 57:20 We want to have no glory in the world. 57:23 We want the world not to like us at all either. 57:27 Thank You. In Jesus' name, amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17