Welcome To Anchors Of Truth from the 3ABN Worship Center. 00:00:12.30\00:00:17.56 When The Spirit Falls with Mark Finley. 00:00:18.00\00:00:20.81 Well we welcome you to this Anchors Of Truth series 00:00:22.20\00:00:27.49 coming to you live from the Worship Center here 00:00:27.52\00:00:31.06 in West Frankfort, Thompsonville. 00:00:31.09\00:00:33.92 And we're just so happy that you could join us 00:00:33.95\00:00:37.85 by television and by radio. 00:00:37.88\00:00:40.71 And of course, we are so happy that those that are here 00:00:40.74\00:00:44.93 in the auditorium are with us tonight. 00:00:44.96\00:00:47.95 We're looking forward to this series. 00:00:47.98\00:00:49.98 We've been anxiously awaiting Pastor Mark Finley's coming 00:00:50.01\00:00:54.86 to be with us and to present this five part series 00:00:55.26\00:01:00.45 on the Holy Spirit. 00:01:00.48\00:01:02.07 And I believe with all of my heart that we are 00:01:02.27\00:01:05.47 going to be blessed. 00:01:05.50\00:01:07.18 Most of you know Pastor Finley. 00:01:07.50\00:01:10.14 But he is a man of great experience in God's work. 00:01:10.17\00:01:14.70 He's been a pastor, he's been an evangelist, 00:01:14.73\00:01:18.13 and then he was the speaker and director of It Is Written. 00:01:18.16\00:01:23.44 He had the great pleasure and thrill of being one of the very 00:01:23.88\00:01:30.68 first to preach in the former Soviet Union. 00:01:30.71\00:01:35.38 He held a crusade right there in Moscow. 00:01:35.41\00:01:39.14 And the second crusade they held was right in the Kremlin itself. 00:01:39.17\00:01:44.56 And what a massive and beautiful event that was. 00:01:44.59\00:01:50.41 We look forward to hearing from him this few nights 00:01:50.44\00:01:54.40 that he's going to be here. 00:01:54.43\00:01:55.94 And we believe that we are going to receive the Holy Spirit 00:01:55.97\00:02:01.95 as we study about the Holy Spirit. 00:02:02.39\00:02:07.09 Before Pastor Finley comes, we're going to have 00:02:07.12\00:02:10.95 Dr. Yvonne Lewis sing for us that beautiful hymn, 00:02:10.98\00:02:15.65 In Christ Alone. 00:02:16.14\00:02:19.32 In Christ alone my hope is found; 00:02:36.62\00:02:42.31 He is my strength, my light, my song. 00:02:42.34\00:02:47.23 This Cornerstone, this solid ground; 00:02:47.26\00:02:52.69 firm through the fiercest drought and storm. 00:02:52.72\00:02:57.81 What heights of love, what depths of peace; 00:02:57.84\00:03:02.89 when fears are stilled, when strivings cease. 00:03:02.92\00:03:08.14 My Comforter, my All in All; 00:03:08.17\00:03:13.52 here in the love of Christ I stand. 00:03:13.55\00:03:20.37 In Christ alone who took on flesh; 00:03:26.01\00:03:31.80 fullness of God in a helpless Babe. 00:03:31.83\00:03:36.67 This gift of love and righteousness; 00:03:36.70\00:03:42.32 scorned by the ones He came to save. 00:03:42.35\00:03:47.29 Till on that cross as Jesus died, 00:03:47.32\00:03:52.56 the wrath of God was satisfied. 00:03:52.59\00:03:57.65 For every sin on Him was laid; 00:03:57.68\00:04:03.14 here in the death of Christ I live. 00:04:03.17\00:04:09.86 There in the ground His body lay; 00:04:28.97\00:04:34.45 Light of the world by darkness slain. 00:04:34.48\00:04:39.17 Then bursting forth in glorious Day, 00:04:39.20\00:04:44.83 up from the grave He rose again. 00:04:44.86\00:04:49.86 And as He stands in victory, 00:04:49.89\00:04:54.93 sin's curse has lost its grip on me. 00:04:54.96\00:05:00.39 For I am His and He is mine; 00:05:00.42\00:05:05.59 bought with the precious blood of Christ. 00:05:05.62\00:05:13.08 No guilt in life, no fear in death; 00:05:18.43\00:05:23.73 this is the power of Christ in me. 00:05:24.03\00:05:29.02 From a life's first cry to final breath; 00:05:29.05\00:05:34.40 Jesus commands my destiny. 00:05:34.43\00:05:39.23 No power of hell, no scheme of man, 00:05:39.26\00:05:44.66 can ever pluck me from His hand. 00:05:44.69\00:05:52.64 Till He returns to take me home, 00:05:52.67\00:05:57.60 here in the power of Christ I stand. 00:05:57.63\00:06:02.87 No power of hell, no scheme of man, 00:06:02.90\00:06:08.17 can ever pluck me from His hand. 00:06:08.20\00:06:14.92 Here in the power of Christ 00:06:18.45\00:06:26.84 I stand. 00:06:26.94\00:06:36.41 Amen. 00:06:40.52\00:06:41.89 I particularly like the phrase of this song that says, 00:06:41.92\00:06:45.16 "No power of hell, no scheme of man, 00:06:45.19\00:06:50.37 can pluck me from Christ's hand." 00:06:50.91\00:06:54.29 The ministry of the Holy Spirit is the ministry of Jesus Christ 00:06:56.07\00:07:01.10 in our hearts. 00:07:01.13\00:07:02.50 We're going to begin a five part series on the Holy Spirit. 00:07:02.53\00:07:07.05 Tonight, we'll look at the person of the Holy Spirit 00:07:07.08\00:07:10.14 and the work of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:10.17\00:07:11.68 Then we'll deal with the urgency of receiving the Holy Spirit. 00:07:11.90\00:07:16.51 We'll talk about true manifestations of the 00:07:16.84\00:07:18.76 Holy Spirit and counterfeit manifestations 00:07:18.86\00:07:20.91 of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:20.94\00:07:22.31 We'll talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit 00:07:22.34\00:07:24.31 and how God finishes His work with the outpouring 00:07:24.34\00:07:27.77 of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:27.80\00:07:29.17 So you won't want to miss one of these broadcasts. 00:07:29.20\00:07:31.77 Those of you who are here in the live audience, 00:07:31.80\00:07:33.70 you will want to be here every single night. 00:07:33.73\00:07:36.20 Let's pray as we open God's Word in this first topic, 00:07:36.23\00:07:40.03 The Holy Spirit And Its Role In Revival. 00:07:40.06\00:07:43.12 Father in heaven, we thank You so much 00:07:43.15\00:07:45.39 for the gift of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:45.42\00:07:47.12 And we pray Thee that as we study this precious gift tonight 00:07:47.32\00:07:51.45 that we would not merely enter into an intellectual exercise, 00:07:52.40\00:07:58.49 that this would be more than the study of the biblical truth 00:07:58.99\00:08:03.27 of the Spirit, as important as that is, 00:08:03.30\00:08:06.22 but that tonight we would have an experience 00:08:06.78\00:08:09.97 with God through the Holy Spirit that is far closer 00:08:10.00\00:08:15.47 and more intimate than we can possible imagine. 00:08:15.87\00:08:19.35 So come, touch our hearts. 00:08:19.98\00:08:22.61 Do something in our lives significant. 00:08:23.11\00:08:25.41 We pray Thee in Jesus' name, amen. 00:08:25.44\00:08:29.02 I had just finished preaching on The Holy Spirit and Revival. 00:08:29.72\00:08:34.56 And after the sermon, a man came up to me 00:08:35.39\00:08:38.25 and he said, "Can we talk?" 00:08:38.28\00:08:40.89 I said, "Sure. I'm always happy to talk." 00:08:40.92\00:08:44.77 And he said, "I have some questions for you 00:08:44.99\00:08:47.73 about the Holy Spirit." 00:08:47.76\00:08:49.43 "Well, what are your questions?" 00:08:49.78\00:08:51.41 And he went round and round and round 00:08:51.83\00:08:54.82 for the first 5 minutes. 00:08:54.85\00:08:56.22 I was waiting for him to come down for a landing 00:08:56.25\00:08:59.04 to ask me the question. 00:08:59.07\00:09:00.44 And after about five minutes, I said, "Now sir, 00:09:00.47\00:09:02.56 did you tell me you have a question?" 00:09:02.59\00:09:04.83 You know, some people after a meeting come up and 00:09:04.86\00:09:06.45 they say they have a question, but they want to 00:09:06.48\00:09:08.40 preach you a sermon. 00:09:08.43\00:09:09.80 They want to convince you of what they think is right. 00:09:09.87\00:09:12.82 So after this guy went round and round and round 00:09:12.85\00:09:15.43 and preached his little sermon to me, 00:09:15.46\00:09:18.03 I said, "Now by the way, did you have a question, sir?" 00:09:18.23\00:09:21.07 And he said, "Yes, I do. 00:09:21.74\00:09:23.17 Is the Holy Spirit a force or is the Holy Spirit a person? 00:09:23.57\00:09:29.95 Is the Holy Spirit a power that emanates from God 00:09:30.33\00:09:34.37 or is the Holy Spirit really a divine being?" 00:09:34.40\00:09:39.36 That question is incredibly important. 00:09:39.39\00:09:42.46 Now it's important for this reason. 00:09:42.66\00:09:44.47 If the Holy Spirit is merely a person, rather merely a power, 00:09:45.79\00:09:53.59 if the Holy Spirit is merely a power, and if the Holy Spirit 00:09:53.69\00:09:57.74 is not the divine third Person of the Godhead, 00:09:57.77\00:10:02.46 if the Holy Spirit is just some kind of impersonal force, 00:10:02.49\00:10:06.69 what will that lead me to do? 00:10:06.72\00:10:08.95 Look at it on the screen. 00:10:09.23\00:10:10.60 If the Holy Spirit is a mere influence or power, 00:10:10.63\00:10:12.91 we're likely to try to grasp this power and use it. 00:10:12.94\00:10:16.54 In other words, if I believe the Holy Spirit is simply a power, 00:10:16.86\00:10:20.45 then I'll be asking the question, 00:10:20.48\00:10:21.87 "How can I use this power? 00:10:21.90\00:10:24.47 How can this force empower me?" 00:10:25.08\00:10:29.64 But if the Holy Spirit really is the divine third Person 00:10:29.97\00:10:34.49 of the Godhead, I will be on my knees saying, 00:10:34.52\00:10:37.27 "Oh Jesus, fill me with that Spirit 00:10:37.30\00:10:40.92 and use me through the Spirit and by the Spirit." 00:10:40.95\00:10:44.41 So it makes all the difference in the world 00:10:45.27\00:10:48.42 what you believe about the Holy Spirit. 00:10:48.78\00:10:52.69 I was really interested in a statement that was made by 00:10:53.13\00:10:57.67 Bill Bright in the "Campus Crusade For Christ." 00:10:57.70\00:11:01.10 Bill said this, he said, "I'm personally convinced 00:11:01.13\00:11:04.46 that if today's Christians better understood 00:11:04.49\00:11:08.27 the Bible's basic teaching about the Holy Spirit 00:11:08.30\00:11:11.32 and then invited Him to release His power in their lives 00:11:11.35\00:11:15.16 each day, they would experience unprecedented 00:11:15.19\00:11:19.09 joy and personal fulfillment. 00:11:19.12\00:11:21.60 More than that, our verbal and non-verbal witness for Jesus 00:11:21.80\00:11:26.24 would sweep the world." 00:11:26.27\00:11:27.78 I'm interested in that statement by Bill Bright 00:11:28.08\00:11:31.11 where he says that if we allow ourselves to be filled 00:11:31.14\00:11:36.42 with the Holy Spirit, there'll be unprecedented power 00:11:36.45\00:11:40.54 in our lives, and unprecedented joy. 00:11:40.57\00:11:44.87 Would you like to experience unprecedented intimacy 00:11:44.90\00:11:49.48 with God in your own spiritual life? 00:11:49.51\00:11:52.28 Would you like to have an experience with God that is 00:11:52.90\00:11:55.55 far closer than you possibly could imagine? 00:11:55.58\00:12:00.47 Would you like to receive Christ's supernatural power 00:12:01.17\00:12:05.71 to live a victorious Christian life? 00:12:05.74\00:12:07.39 Are there sins in your life that you've struggled with? 00:12:08.31\00:12:11.85 Temptations that have seemed to just overwhelm you 00:12:12.18\00:12:16.82 that you wish you could get victory over? 00:12:17.02\00:12:19.36 Understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life 00:12:19.77\00:12:24.76 is the answer to victory. 00:12:25.06\00:12:27.42 Being filled with the Spirit is the answer to victory. 00:12:27.45\00:12:31.14 Overcoming sin in our life is not gritting our teeth 00:12:31.54\00:12:36.44 and clenching our fists and just hoping by some magic 00:12:36.47\00:12:42.56 formula of physical stamina that we can overcome. 00:12:42.59\00:12:48.27 The devil is stronger than we are. 00:12:48.77\00:12:50.87 What do you say? 00:12:50.90\00:12:52.27 But Jesus is stronger than the devil. 00:12:52.30\00:12:54.14 And understanding the power of the Holy Spirit 00:12:54.98\00:12:58.30 makes all the difference. 00:12:58.55\00:13:00.00 Would you like to be a powerful witness for Jesus? 00:13:00.03\00:13:02.76 Would you like to have the Holy Spirit working in your life 00:13:03.25\00:13:07.40 to enable you to touch others with the grace 00:13:07.75\00:13:11.65 and kingdom of God? 00:13:11.68\00:13:13.05 Understanding the Holy Spirit makes all the difference. 00:13:13.08\00:13:16.40 And that's what we want to study about this evening. 00:13:27.37\00:13:31.23 That's what we want to focus on in this presentation. 00:13:31.26\00:13:34.43 Who is the Holy Spirit? 00:13:34.46\00:13:36.24 How does the Holy Spirit work in an individual life? 00:13:36.44\00:13:39.52 And how can I be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit? 00:13:40.05\00:13:44.73 In the book, Gospel Workers, Ellen White makes 00:13:44.76\00:13:47.91 this penetrating statement. 00:13:47.94\00:13:49.99 Now that statement is powerful on two accounts. 00:14:01.46\00:14:04.44 First it says, "It is the Holy Spirit that quickens..." 00:14:04.65\00:14:07.66 That is, makes alive. 00:14:07.69\00:14:09.72 "...the deadened faculties of the soul." 00:14:10.00\00:14:12.28 So it's the Holy Spirit working in us that gives us 00:14:12.31\00:14:15.54 spiritual longings. 00:14:15.57\00:14:17.09 We would never come to Christ initially unless the Holy Spirit 00:14:17.12\00:14:20.88 was working in our life. 00:14:20.91\00:14:22.28 We would never desire to pray unless the Holy Spirit 00:14:22.31\00:14:25.07 was working in our life. 00:14:25.10\00:14:26.47 We'd never desire to read the Bible unless the Holy Spirit 00:14:26.50\00:14:28.96 is working in our life. 00:14:28.99\00:14:30.57 And we would never appreciate divine things unless the 00:14:30.75\00:14:34.57 Holy Spirit is working in our life. 00:14:34.60\00:14:36.26 So understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit, 00:14:36.46\00:14:38.59 understanding who the Holy Spirit is, 00:14:38.62\00:14:40.37 makes all the difference in the Christian life. 00:14:40.40\00:14:43.14 So let's look first this evening in this first presentation 00:14:43.44\00:14:46.95 at who is the Holy Spirit. 00:14:46.98\00:14:50.26 Is the Holy Spirit the divine third Person of the Godhead 00:14:52.94\00:14:56.74 that's eternal omnipresent everywhere? 00:14:56.94\00:15:01.04 Now that's a difficult concept to grasp. 00:15:01.89\00:15:05.50 And that leads some people to have this idea: 00:15:05.70\00:15:09.13 "If I cannot fully understand how the Holy Spirit can be 00:15:09.36\00:15:14.07 present everywhere and still be a divine Personage, 00:15:14.10\00:15:19.36 that must mean the Holy Spirit is some kind of power. 00:15:19.39\00:15:24.01 It must mean that the Holy Spirit is some kind of force 00:15:24.27\00:15:27.56 if I can't grasp it." 00:15:27.59\00:15:29.19 Because often we equate divine personality 00:15:29.22\00:15:32.64 with visibility. 00:15:32.67\00:15:34.04 In other words, in heaven, someday I believe I'm going to 00:15:34.07\00:15:37.34 see God the Father. 00:15:37.37\00:15:38.74 In heaven, I believe I'm going to see Jesus. 00:15:38.88\00:15:41.47 But will I actually see the Holy Spirit? 00:15:41.50\00:15:43.63 You know, the mind has this way of playing tricks on us. 00:15:43.66\00:15:47.36 That if I can't really grasp something in my mind, 00:15:47.39\00:15:51.35 then it must not be reality. 00:15:51.66\00:15:53.92 Now thinking of the Holy Spirit as a force rather than a 00:15:53.95\00:15:56.44 divine Being has two major problems. 00:15:56.47\00:15:58.71 Because I can't explain something, does that mean 00:16:06.07\00:16:08.74 that something which I can't explain does not exist? 00:16:08.77\00:16:11.98 Augustine said this once... 00:16:12.01\00:16:13.48 Now I recognize the word "Trinity" is not in the Bible. 00:16:19.44\00:16:21.80 The Bible uses the term "Godhead." 00:16:21.83\00:16:23.57 We use the word "Trinity" like we use other words 00:16:23.90\00:16:26.84 to describe reality. 00:16:26.87\00:16:28.63 We use the word "millennium." 00:16:28.66\00:16:30.26 It's not in the Bible, but the Bible talks in Revelation 20 00:16:30.29\00:16:33.36 about the thousand years. 00:16:33.39\00:16:34.76 So we use the word "Trinity" to describe, not three Beings 00:16:34.79\00:16:38.94 in one God, but three distinct separate Beings. 00:16:38.97\00:16:43.80 The Father is a Being, the Son is a Being, 00:16:43.83\00:16:46.42 the Holy Spirit is a Being. 00:16:46.45\00:16:47.82 That's the way we use it. 00:16:47.85\00:16:49.33 You know, one time one of the great religious philosophers 00:16:49.36\00:16:52.72 was walking on the beach. 00:16:52.75\00:16:54.12 And as he was walking, the tide was coming in. 00:16:54.15\00:16:56.31 And as this tide came in, he saw a little boy 00:16:56.34\00:16:59.00 who had dug a hole. 00:16:59.20\00:17:00.69 And he had a pail and he was running out to the sea 00:17:00.72\00:17:03.64 dumping water in the pail. 00:17:03.67\00:17:05.17 And this religious philosopher was walking along trying to say, 00:17:05.50\00:17:08.37 "How can I understand the Father, the Son, 00:17:08.40\00:17:10.22 and the Holy Spirit, three separate Beings? 00:17:10.25\00:17:12.16 And how can I understand the Holy Spirit's work in nature?" 00:17:12.19\00:17:15.26 He saw this little boy trying to put this water in the hole. 00:17:15.29\00:17:19.43 And he said to the little boy, "What are you doing?" 00:17:19.46\00:17:21.30 The little boy said, "You know what I'm going to do, mister? 00:17:21.80\00:17:23.85 I'm going to put that ocean in this hole." 00:17:23.95\00:17:27.16 And immediately, the religious philosopher thought, 00:17:29.45\00:17:31.47 "That's what I'm trying to do. 00:17:31.83\00:17:33.20 I'm trying to put the infinite wisdom of God 00:17:33.23\00:17:36.89 into this little brain." 00:17:36.92\00:17:38.69 By faith we understand that which the Bible says, 00:17:39.40\00:17:43.41 even if we cannot fully understand it. 00:17:43.61\00:17:47.29 And the Bible uses numerous terms to describe 00:17:47.67\00:17:51.20 the Holy Spirit as a Person. 00:17:51.23\00:17:52.60 It says you can grieve the Holy Spirit. 00:17:52.63\00:17:54.19 You can't grieve an influence. 00:17:54.22\00:17:55.59 It says the Holy Spirit pleads with you. 00:17:55.62\00:17:57.51 How can a power, a force, a non-being, plead? 00:17:57.91\00:18:01.44 The Bible says the Holy Spirit comforts you. 00:18:01.64\00:18:03.92 The Bible says the Holy Spirit teaches you. 00:18:03.95\00:18:05.77 Does a force teach you? 00:18:05.80\00:18:07.38 When you read the Bible clearly, the New Testament, 00:18:07.77\00:18:10.65 John chapters 14, 15, and 16, the Bible talks about 00:18:10.68\00:18:14.79 the Holy Spirit as a divine Being, a divine Personage. 00:18:15.09\00:18:18.23 It talks about the Holy Spirit as "Him," 00:18:18.26\00:18:20.09 the third Person of the Godhead. 00:18:20.12\00:18:22.77 We live in a world where many say, "Seeing is believing. 00:18:22.80\00:18:25.56 I can't see the Holy Spirit, so I don't believe it necessarily." 00:18:25.59\00:18:29.04 Well if you can't touch it, if it's not material, 00:18:29.41\00:18:31.95 if you cannot quantify it, the idea in many minds is 00:18:31.98\00:18:36.36 that it just does not exist. 00:18:36.39\00:18:39.48 But when you really think of it, that's not intellectual at all. 00:18:39.51\00:18:42.52 Because you don't have to understand everything 00:18:42.76\00:18:46.52 about something to appreciate the something we may not know 00:18:46.55\00:18:50.42 everything about. 00:18:50.47\00:18:51.84 Do you understand light waves in television tonight? 00:18:52.75\00:18:56.37 For those of you watching at home, can you explain to me 00:18:56.96\00:19:00.79 exactly how a TV picture is contained on a light wave 00:19:00.82\00:19:07.11 bringing this 3ABN program into your home? 00:19:07.14\00:19:09.03 Can you explain that? 00:19:09.06\00:19:10.43 Can you explain how there may be a hundred, two-hundred, 00:19:10.46\00:19:12.70 different things that people call channels? 00:19:12.73\00:19:15.23 And you have a little button like this and you push them 00:19:15.26\00:19:17.44 and they come on the TV screen? 00:19:17.47\00:19:18.94 Now please explain the mathematical 00:19:18.97\00:19:20.69 formula for that, huh? 00:19:20.72\00:19:22.17 Can you do that? 00:19:22.60\00:19:23.97 Can you explain the internet? 00:19:24.27\00:19:26.03 Can you explain the intricacies of having an iPad? 00:19:26.06\00:19:31.66 Can you explain all that? 00:19:31.69\00:19:33.06 Now you're never going to use a television again, 00:19:33.09\00:19:34.46 never going to use a computer again, 00:19:34.49\00:19:35.86 never going to use the internet again, 00:19:35.89\00:19:37.26 because you can't explain all that, right? 00:19:37.29\00:19:38.66 Is that right? 00:19:38.69\00:19:40.06 Not at all. 00:19:40.09\00:19:41.46 Can you tell me exactly what happens 00:19:41.49\00:19:45.80 when you eat Mrs. Finley's healthy granola? 00:19:45.83\00:19:49.89 Can you tell me about how the vitamin B gives you thiamine 00:19:51.03\00:19:54.28 so it stabilizes your nervous system? 00:19:54.31\00:19:56.19 Can you do that? 00:19:56.29\00:19:57.66 Can you tell me how... 00:19:57.69\00:19:59.46 And you're going to see Mrs. Finley on Hope Ch... 00:19:59.49\00:20:02.06 ...on 3ABN television... 00:20:02.09\00:20:04.09 You know, sometimes this old brain. 00:20:04.17\00:20:05.80 They all work together anyway. 00:20:05.99\00:20:07.36 You're going to see Mrs. Finley on 3ABN television 00:20:07.42\00:20:10.01 doing some of those cooking demonstrations. 00:20:10.67\00:20:12.04 How does all that work? 00:20:12.07\00:20:13.44 How does all that work? 00:20:13.70\00:20:15.07 But because you can't explain the benefits of granola, 00:20:15.63\00:20:19.22 that doesn't mean you're not going to eat it, right? 00:20:19.90\00:20:21.68 We accept all the time things that we cannot fully explain. 00:20:22.24\00:20:28.85 And it's true that way about the Holy Spirit. 00:20:28.88\00:20:32.02 There are two real problems about thinking 00:20:32.12\00:20:33.49 that the Holy Spirit is a force. 00:20:33.52\00:20:34.89 One, it's a human attempt to explain divine things. 00:20:34.92\00:20:37.46 But second, it's contrary to the Bible. 00:20:37.49\00:20:39.06 Now you say, "Pastor Mark, that's a pretty strong statement 00:20:39.38\00:20:41.80 that believing the Holy Spirit is simply a power. 00:20:41.83\00:20:43.75 Can you prove that from the Bible?" 00:20:43.78\00:20:45.41 Well let's look at three extremely plain 00:20:45.44\00:20:48.12 New Testament texts that describe the divine Trio 00:20:48.15\00:20:52.48 in the Godhead. 00:20:52.51\00:20:53.88 Let's look at them clearly. 00:20:53.91\00:20:55.28 Well one of course is Matthew chapter 28 verse 19. 00:20:55.31\00:20:57.44 Jesus says... 00:20:57.47\00:20:58.84 The name of the Father; that's not the name of some force. 00:21:06.62\00:21:09.56 The name of the Son; that's not the name of some force 00:21:09.59\00:21:12.89 or some power. 00:21:12.92\00:21:14.29 The name of the Holy Spirit. 00:21:14.32\00:21:15.69 So the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 00:21:15.72\00:21:17.12 If you say the Holy Spirit is simply a power or force, 00:21:17.15\00:21:19.38 non-personal, then you have to say that the 00:21:19.41\00:21:22.16 Father and the Son are. 00:21:22.19\00:21:23.65 And that would deny the existence of the living God. 00:21:23.68\00:21:27.57 I love the way Ellen White puts it. 00:21:27.60\00:21:29.49 She leaves no question about it. 00:21:29.85\00:21:31.77 Look there, here's the statement. 00:21:31.80\00:21:33.90 Can you read that with me, 3ABN audience? 00:21:33.93\00:21:36.00 And on television, 3ABN audience. 00:21:36.03\00:21:37.79 Read it together with me. 00:21:37.82\00:21:39.19 "Three living..." What, audience? 00:21:42.43\00:21:44.13 "Three living..." What, audience? 00:21:44.42\00:21:45.85 Persons. 00:21:46.16\00:21:47.53 Now notice how plain it is. 00:22:08.49\00:22:10.12 "There are three living Persons of the heavenly Trio." 00:22:10.15\00:22:13.90 We need not have any questions in our mind 00:22:14.00\00:22:16.49 about whether the divine Son of God is a living Person, 00:22:16.79\00:22:21.28 whether the Holy Spirit is, and whether the Father is. 00:22:21.31\00:22:23.97 Now look at Ephesians 2 verse 18. 00:22:24.00\00:22:25.90 Unites again the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 00:22:26.47\00:22:28.79 Here we have it. 00:22:28.82\00:22:30.19 So the Bible talks about the Father, the Son, 00:22:37.77\00:22:41.51 and the Holy Spirit in multiple passages linked together. 00:22:41.54\00:22:47.50 In fact, if you notice that throughout Scripture, 00:22:47.91\00:22:51.65 the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit cooperate to accomplish 00:22:51.68\00:22:57.28 heaven's purposes in the plan of redemption. 00:22:57.31\00:22:59.73 The Father designed the master plan of redemption 00:23:00.43\00:23:03.91 in heaven's counsel. 00:23:03.94\00:23:05.56 The Son left heaven and came to earth 00:23:06.22\00:23:09.26 to live the perfect life that we should have lived 00:23:09.86\00:23:12.44 and to die the death that we should have died. 00:23:12.47\00:23:14.98 Through His righteousness we are saved. 00:23:15.70\00:23:18.25 Our guilt is gone through Him. 00:23:18.28\00:23:20.34 But it's the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, 00:23:20.37\00:23:23.69 that draws us to Christ, that awakens within us 00:23:23.72\00:23:27.23 a desire to follow Jesus, and then when we accept Christ, 00:23:27.26\00:23:30.77 transforms our lives. 00:23:30.80\00:23:32.71 It is through the Holy Spirit that Jesus lives within us. 00:23:32.74\00:23:38.50 Notice 2 Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14. 00:23:38.53\00:23:42.98 Now this text is very, very plain. 00:23:52.62\00:23:55.04 It describes three things about the Godhead. 00:23:55.07\00:23:59.39 It talks about... 00:23:59.42\00:24:00.79 So when you look at Scripture clearly and objectively, 00:24:07.45\00:24:12.94 there can be no question that the Holy Spirit is the divine 00:24:13.39\00:24:17.25 third Person of the Godhead. 00:24:17.28\00:24:18.82 Tonight, wherever you are watching this telecast, 00:24:24.50\00:24:28.32 the Holy Spirit is working on your life. 00:24:28.35\00:24:30.96 You may not be a Christian, you may have come across 00:24:31.30\00:24:34.81 Three Angel's Broadcasting by accident, 00:24:34.84\00:24:37.50 but the Holy Spirit is working in your life. 00:24:37.53\00:24:39.62 It's no accident that you're watching this telecast. 00:24:39.90\00:24:42.90 God has drawn you to it. 00:24:42.93\00:24:45.02 And those of you in this live audience, 00:24:45.05\00:24:46.89 God has brought you here. 00:24:46.92\00:24:48.94 And during this presentation, you'll sense the ministry 00:24:48.97\00:24:52.20 of the Holy Spirit in your own life. 00:24:52.23\00:24:54.08 You'll sense Jesus drawing you closer and closer 00:24:54.11\00:24:57.21 and still closer to Him. 00:24:57.24\00:24:59.57 And this Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts. 00:25:09.27\00:25:12.81 This Holy Spirit comforts us in sorrow. 00:25:12.84\00:25:15.75 This Holy Spirit convicts us in sin. 00:25:15.78\00:25:19.02 This Holy Spirit leads us to righteousness. 00:25:19.05\00:25:21.98 This Holy Spirit teaches us. 00:25:22.01\00:25:23.68 In the book, The Coming of the Comforter, on page 41, 00:25:23.71\00:25:26.54 by Leroy Froom, notice this penetrating statement. 00:25:26.57\00:25:30.65 And to that statement, I say amen. 00:25:49.55\00:25:51.89 What do you say? 00:25:51.92\00:25:53.29 The Holy Spirit comes to earth to take the vacated place 00:25:53.32\00:25:58.56 of Christ who ascended back up into heaven. 00:25:58.59\00:26:02.11 Ellen White puts it this way in Testimonies To Ministers, 00:26:02.14\00:26:05.99 writing to pastors so they would be clear on this subject, 00:26:06.02\00:26:08.57 page 392, she says... 00:26:09.25\00:26:11.12 So when Jesus ascended to heaven, He promised His 00:26:25.97\00:26:29.97 earthly followers the gift of the Holy Spirit. 00:26:30.00\00:26:32.57 We need not fight the battle of Satan on our own. 00:26:32.60\00:26:37.21 I love this phrase that says, "with no modified energy." 00:26:37.57\00:26:40.63 The fullness of the Holy Spirit is yours tonight. 00:26:40.66\00:26:44.47 The fullness of divine power, the Christian life, 00:26:44.50\00:26:47.83 is not this battle, this struggle, against the devil 00:26:47.86\00:26:51.20 where I simply try to clench my teeth and 00:26:51.23\00:26:54.33 fight off the evil one. 00:26:54.36\00:26:56.05 As I open my heart to God, Jesus lives in me through His Spirit. 00:26:56.08\00:27:00.98 Jesus empowers me through His Spirit. 00:27:01.01\00:27:03.54 Jesus transforms me through His Spirit. 00:27:03.57\00:27:06.16 And things I never thought possible, victories I never 00:27:06.19\00:27:09.52 thought possible, are possible through the power 00:27:09.55\00:27:12.58 of the Holy Spirit living in me and living in you. 00:27:12.61\00:27:15.17 What do you say? 00:27:15.20\00:27:16.57 I love the way Jesus puts it. 00:27:17.53\00:27:19.55 Jesus says in John 14 verses 6 and 7... 00:27:19.58\00:27:22.09 Read it together with me please from the screen. 00:27:22.12\00:27:24.43 Jesus said to the disciples, "I'm going to ascend to heaven. 00:27:49.86\00:27:53.86 I'm leaving you. 00:27:54.56\00:27:55.93 But I'm not leaving you alone. 00:27:56.05\00:27:58.03 I'm not leaving you powerless. 00:27:58.23\00:28:00.53 I am going to send the gift of the Holy Spirit to you. 00:28:00.73\00:28:04.71 And the Holy Spirit will live in you." 00:28:05.01\00:28:07.57 And Jesus says, "I, through that Spirit, will live in you." 00:28:07.77\00:28:11.74 So the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us is the personal 00:28:11.77\00:28:16.65 presence of Jesus promised to those disciples. 00:28:16.68\00:28:20.44 And He says, "This Spirit will abide with you forever." 00:28:20.47\00:28:25.14 The first and second Person of the Godhead, 00:28:25.17\00:28:28.78 the Father and the Son, take up residence 00:28:29.61\00:28:33.67 in our hearts through the third member of the Godhead; 00:28:33.70\00:28:38.12 the Holy Spirit. 00:28:38.15\00:28:39.56 Now this is an incredible thought. 00:28:40.04\00:28:42.37 Christ in you, the hope of glory. 00:28:42.70\00:28:45.60 Jesus wants to dwell in you. 00:28:46.12\00:28:49.27 Jesus wants to live in you through His Holy Spirit. 00:28:49.78\00:28:55.88 My heart is to be a temple just as there is a temple in heaven, 00:29:02.66\00:29:08.52 a sanctuary in heaven. 00:29:08.76\00:29:11.04 And the Shekinah glory of God's presence fills that sanctuary. 00:29:11.37\00:29:16.80 So Paul says, "You are the temple of the Holy Ghost." 00:29:17.12\00:29:22.19 God, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, 00:29:23.05\00:29:26.77 longs to dwell in us and have His Shekinah glory 00:29:27.15\00:29:31.97 dwell through us. 00:29:32.00\00:29:33.80 Remember what Jesus said in that marvelous passage in Luke 11? 00:29:34.42\00:29:38.74 Where Jesus said, "If you then being evil 00:29:39.04\00:29:43.02 know how to give good gifts to your children, 00:29:43.05\00:29:46.77 so much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit..." 00:29:47.30\00:29:51.62 To those that do what? 00:29:51.65\00:29:53.35 To those that do what? 00:29:53.59\00:29:54.96 Are you on your knees asking God every day to 00:29:55.24\00:29:58.17 fill you with His Holy Spirit? 00:29:58.20\00:29:59.93 Are you saying, "Jesus, make my heart Your home. 00:30:00.46\00:30:06.04 Lord, make my life a temple. 00:30:06.29\00:30:09.15 Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit." 00:30:09.35\00:30:11.54 Ask, and it shall be given to you. 00:30:11.57\00:30:14.05 Seek, and you shall find. 00:30:14.08\00:30:16.33 Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 00:30:16.57\00:30:18.96 All the promises of God, Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 00:30:18.99\00:30:23.14 verse 19 and onward, are yes. 00:30:23.17\00:30:25.67 God's promises are not yes and no. 00:30:25.95\00:30:28.04 God's promises are yes. 00:30:28.07\00:30:29.68 Has God promised to give you, as a believer, the Holy Spirit? 00:30:29.71\00:30:32.43 Has He? 00:30:32.46\00:30:33.83 Has He promised that? 00:30:33.86\00:30:35.23 Is God a liar? 00:30:35.26\00:30:36.63 Is there anything impossible for God to do? 00:30:36.84\00:30:39.24 Yes there is. 00:30:39.95\00:30:41.32 The Bible says that. 00:30:41.51\00:30:42.88 Didn't you know that? 00:30:42.91\00:30:44.28 It is impossible for Him to... 00:30:44.69\00:30:47.04 You know, Pastor Finley was a teacher for a while. 00:30:47.59\00:30:49.24 You know I'd get you on that one, right? 00:30:49.27\00:30:50.76 So is there anything impossible for God to do? 00:30:51.86\00:30:54.03 The Bible says, "It is impossible for God to lie." 00:30:54.76\00:30:59.08 Will God lie to us? 00:30:59.11\00:31:00.48 Did He promise us the Holy Spirit? 00:31:00.91\00:31:02.66 Will He send the Holy Spirit as He's promised as we ask for it? 00:31:03.09\00:31:06.66 Can you by faith say, "Jesus, You promised me Your Holy Spirit 00:31:07.13\00:31:10.95 and I feel so powerless in my life. 00:31:10.98\00:31:13.18 But You stand behind every promise You've made. 00:31:13.49\00:31:16.45 And I accept by faith that the Holy Spirit is coming 00:31:16.48\00:31:19.54 from heaven for me right now." 00:31:19.57\00:31:22.31 The Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. 00:31:22.34\00:31:24.51 And it will be poured out just before Jesus comes 00:31:24.54\00:31:27.39 in abundant power again. 00:31:27.42\00:31:29.24 We're going to be studying about that in this series. 00:31:29.27\00:31:31.87 Look, here's a marvelous statement again 00:31:31.90\00:31:34.89 from the pen of Ellen White. 00:31:34.92\00:31:36.29 Now I don't want you to miss the last sentence, 00:32:03.19\00:32:04.77 so read it with me. 00:32:04.80\00:32:06.17 Do you grasp the significance of that? 00:32:13.59\00:32:15.61 What if you knew tonight that Jesus was going to come 00:32:16.33\00:32:22.22 right here in this auditorium? 00:32:22.86\00:32:24.80 What if you were living 2000 years ago 00:32:24.83\00:32:26.86 and you could go on a walk with Jesus? 00:32:27.27\00:32:29.58 What if you were living 2000 years ago 00:32:29.82\00:32:33.02 and Jesus put His arm around you sitting on the shores of Galilee 00:32:33.05\00:32:37.68 and said, "I have something to tell you." 00:32:37.71\00:32:39.45 Would that be thrilling to actually have a personal 00:32:39.90\00:32:43.09 audience with Jesus, to actually have Jesus talk to you? 00:32:43.12\00:32:46.75 But notice our statement. What does it say? 00:32:47.10\00:32:49.54 "Their union with Him through the Holy Spirit 00:32:49.89\00:32:52.96 was closer than when He was with them personally." 00:32:53.38\00:32:57.69 Jesus has something amazing that He wants to do through you. 00:32:58.18\00:33:03.44 Is it possible that in the Christian life at times 00:33:04.40\00:33:07.83 we have less than God wants to give to us? 00:33:08.42\00:33:11.75 I read a story some time ago about a man who, all his life, 00:33:11.95\00:33:15.48 wanted to go on a cruise. 00:33:15.51\00:33:16.88 You know, one of these luxury cruises. 00:33:16.91\00:33:18.28 He was a poor man, didn't have much money. 00:33:18.31\00:33:20.37 And he said, "Before I die, I want to go on a cruise." 00:33:20.40\00:33:23.23 So he saved for about 20 years from the time he was in 00:33:23.26\00:33:25.43 his 20's to his mid 40's. 00:33:25.46\00:33:26.93 And he chose the Mediterranean cruise he wanted to go on. 00:33:26.96\00:33:30.30 Now he was only worried about one thing. 00:33:30.85\00:33:32.45 He bought the cruise tickets but he didn't have enough money, 00:33:32.75\00:33:37.39 he thought, to eat in that great dining room. 00:33:37.42\00:33:41.82 And so he would walk into those huge buffets on the cruise 00:33:42.06\00:33:45.57 and he would smell the food. 00:33:45.60\00:33:47.02 But he had brought a lot of cheese and crackers with him. 00:33:47.46\00:33:50.54 So the first day, he ate cheese and crackers. 00:33:50.57\00:33:52.64 The next day, he ate crackers and cheese. 00:33:53.11\00:33:54.96 And the third day, just to vary his diet, he ate only crackers. 00:33:55.32\00:33:58.21 By the fourth day, he looked to see if he had any money left. 00:33:58.50\00:34:01.46 And he found that he had saved a little money for souvenirs. 00:34:01.78\00:34:04.83 But the wafts and the smells from that buffet 00:34:04.86\00:34:08.66 were so great that he went down and said to them, 00:34:08.69\00:34:11.25 "How much would it cost if I ate in the buffet just for today?" 00:34:11.28\00:34:16.01 And they said, "Could we see your ticket, please." 00:34:16.04\00:34:17.41 They looked at it and said, "Didn't you know 00:34:17.44\00:34:19.06 that when you signed up for this cruise, 00:34:19.26\00:34:20.70 all the food was free?" 00:34:20.73\00:34:22.19 He was living on cheese and crackers 00:34:23.84\00:34:26.83 when he could have been feasting on the banquet hall. 00:34:27.33\00:34:30.21 Are you living on cheese and crackers in your Christian life? 00:34:31.23\00:34:33.83 You feel powerless, you feel defeated. 00:34:36.62\00:34:39.13 And you feel at times alone. 00:34:39.91\00:34:42.69 You need comfort, you need strength, 00:34:43.07\00:34:45.42 you need hope, and you need courage. 00:34:45.45\00:34:47.63 When you committed your life to Christ, 00:34:48.12\00:34:50.12 Christ committed His life to you. 00:34:50.56\00:34:52.60 When you made a decision to follow Jesus, 00:34:53.22\00:34:55.30 He promised to give you the Holy Spirit. 00:34:55.33\00:34:58.11 Not a few drops, but in abundance. 00:34:58.81\00:35:01.84 I don't want to live on cheese and cracker 00:35:02.33\00:35:05.03 in the Christian life... 00:35:05.06\00:35:06.43 ...when I can feed on the banquets of eternity. 00:35:07.68\00:35:12.28 I don't want a few drops of rain and live a half-hearted 00:35:12.77\00:35:16.94 Laodicean complacent Christian life 00:35:16.97\00:35:19.64 when through the grace of Jesus I can be filled 00:35:20.05\00:35:23.52 by His Spirit. 00:35:23.84\00:35:26.55 Isn't that your desire as well? 00:35:26.58\00:35:28.49 I love the statement in Review and Herald, 00:35:28.73\00:35:30.45 November 29, 1892. 00:35:30.48\00:35:33.05 So the work of the Holy Spirit is what? 00:35:48.92\00:35:50.78 It's immeasurably great. 00:35:50.94\00:35:53.19 This is for you, this is for me. 00:35:53.63\00:35:56.33 These are promises that Christ Himself has given to us. 00:35:56.36\00:36:00.23 Now what is the work of the Holy Spirit? 00:36:00.26\00:36:01.73 We've seen that the Holy Spirit is the third Person 00:36:01.76\00:36:04.31 of the Godhead. 00:36:04.34\00:36:05.71 We have seen also that the Holy Spirit is not some force 00:36:05.74\00:36:08.11 or power, but it is the divine presence of Christ in the soul. 00:36:08.15\00:36:12.10 We have noticed as well that God wants to give the Spirit 00:36:12.30\00:36:14.93 in abundance. 00:36:14.96\00:36:16.33 He wants us to live an abundant Christian life. 00:36:16.36\00:36:18.48 What is the work of the Holy Spirit? 00:36:18.51\00:36:20.14 What does God want to do in your life 00:36:20.17\00:36:22.10 through the work of the Holy Spirit? 00:36:22.13\00:36:24.03 What promises are yours and mine through Jesus Christ, our Lord, 00:36:29.32\00:36:34.20 and the grace of the Holy Spirit? 00:36:34.23\00:36:35.98 What promise does He make to you? 00:36:41.04\00:36:42.63 Not for tomorrow, not for next month, 00:36:42.66\00:36:44.79 not for next year, but for tonight. 00:36:44.82\00:36:47.33 Look at this text, John 14 verse 16. 00:36:50.48\00:36:53.55 Here we go, let's read it together. 00:36:53.58\00:36:54.95 At home, the 3ABN audience, let's read. 00:36:54.98\00:36:56.36 The local audience, let's read. 00:36:56.39\00:36:57.76 So the Holy Spirit is your what? 00:37:04.91\00:37:06.94 Is your what, everybody? Helper. 00:37:06.97\00:37:08.52 Now that word in the Greek, the word is "paraclete." 00:37:08.55\00:37:11.69 Can you say that word with me tonight? 00:37:11.98\00:37:13.84 Now what does the word "paraclete" mean? 00:37:15.95\00:37:18.72 The word "clete" is a word that comes from, "called." 00:37:19.16\00:37:23.91 And the word "para" is, "alongside of." 00:37:24.11\00:37:26.50 So the word "paraclete" is, "one that is called 00:37:26.70\00:37:30.43 alongside of us to help us." 00:37:30.46\00:37:33.69 So here's the Holy Spirit. 00:37:34.06\00:37:35.43 You're struggling with sin, you're struggling with 00:37:35.46\00:37:37.57 some temptation. 00:37:37.60\00:37:38.97 The Holy Spirit is called alongside to give you strength. 00:37:39.00\00:37:41.34 Here is somebody that is sorrowful. 00:37:41.54\00:37:43.80 The Holy Spirit is called alongside of you to give you 00:37:43.83\00:37:45.94 courage and hope. 00:37:45.97\00:37:47.44 Here's somebody that feels lonely. 00:37:47.47\00:37:49.18 The Holy Spirit comes to fill your heart with the 00:37:49.21\00:37:51.85 presence of Jesus to give you that sense of love and intimacy. 00:37:51.88\00:37:55.07 So the Holy Spirit is the divine third Person of the Godhead 00:37:55.10\00:37:59.15 who is called alongside each one of us. 00:37:59.18\00:38:02.29 Now this is a very interesting word. 00:38:02.49\00:38:04.71 In Leon Morris' commentary in The Gospel According to John, 00:38:05.27\00:38:08.34 page 665, Leon Morris makes this very, 00:38:08.37\00:38:12.51 very penetrating statement. 00:38:12.54\00:38:14.44 He says... 00:38:14.47\00:38:15.84 In the days of ancient Rome, when a person was tried, 00:38:23.93\00:38:26.78 they all would be appointed a paraclete; 00:38:26.81\00:38:30.42 one who would come. 00:38:30.62\00:38:31.99 The paraclete would provide them food in prison. 00:38:32.02\00:38:34.43 The paraclete would provide them a robe if they were cold. 00:38:34.46\00:38:36.99 He would provide them a wash basin. 00:38:37.02\00:38:38.68 The paraclete would be one that was appointed by the Roman court 00:38:38.71\00:38:43.65 to meet the needs of the prisoner. 00:38:43.86\00:38:46.40 So Jesus borrows that very word and He says, 00:38:46.43\00:38:49.09 "I'm going to go away, but I'm going to send the Holy Spirit. 00:38:49.12\00:38:52.12 And He is going to be by your side to meet 00:38:52.38\00:38:56.43 your deepest needs." 00:38:56.46\00:38:58.23 You and I are never alone. 00:38:58.27\00:39:01.44 The gift of the Holy Spirit is there to meet our deepest needs. 00:39:01.67\00:39:05.52 Lying on a hospital bed with few weeks to live, being diagnosed 00:39:05.55\00:39:11.37 with cancer, the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen you. 00:39:11.40\00:39:14.15 Going through some natural disaster and tragedy, 00:39:14.18\00:39:17.24 the Holy Spirit is there. 00:39:17.27\00:39:19.00 The Holy Spirit is there throughout our life. 00:39:19.03\00:39:21.93 In our times of joy, in our times of happiness, 00:39:21.96\00:39:25.05 in our times of jubilation, we're on the mountain peak, 00:39:25.08\00:39:28.31 the Holy Spirit is there to say, "Hallelujah, praise God. 00:39:28.34\00:39:31.21 Look what has happened in your life." 00:39:31.24\00:39:32.61 In the times when we walk through the valley 00:39:32.85\00:39:34.29 of the shadow of death, the Holy Spirit is there 00:39:34.32\00:39:36.46 to give us hope, to give us confidence, 00:39:36.49\00:39:38.20 to give us courage. 00:39:38.23\00:39:39.60 I thank God that we are not alone in this world. 00:39:39.63\00:39:43.09 That the Holy Spirit works with us and beside us. 00:39:43.30\00:39:45.97 Now the Bible says, "And I'll pray," John 14 verse 16, 00:39:46.00\00:39:49.52 "the Father and He'll give you another Comforter, 00:39:49.55\00:39:51.75 that He may abide with you forever." 00:39:51.78\00:39:53.23 The word "comforter" is an interesting word as well. 00:39:53.26\00:39:55.90 If you look at this word "comforter," 00:39:56.38\00:39:58.68 what a fascinating word. 00:39:58.71\00:40:01.27 For example, in Latin... 00:40:01.56\00:40:03.52 So if you take the Latin derivation, Jesus said, 00:40:12.56\00:40:16.16 "I've come to give you a Comforter." 00:40:16.19\00:40:18.68 In Latin, "comforter" means, someone who'll strengthen you. 00:40:18.71\00:40:22.30 In every step we take in the Christian life, 00:40:22.76\00:40:26.17 the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, the personal presence 00:40:26.68\00:40:30.93 of Christ is there to strengthen us. 00:40:30.96\00:40:34.52 Jesus has never lost a battle with Satan yet. 00:40:35.26\00:40:40.68 Not one. Not one. 00:40:41.15\00:40:43.42 There never has been a time that Jesus has fought against Satan 00:40:43.71\00:40:48.87 and Satan has won and Jesus has lost. 00:40:48.90\00:40:52.13 Right? 00:40:52.16\00:40:53.53 As you and I open our hearts to Jesus, 00:40:55.40\00:40:57.62 as the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, 00:40:58.10\00:41:00.45 the Paraclete comes alongside of us 00:41:01.31\00:41:03.91 to supply every one of our needs. 00:41:03.94\00:41:06.09 The great Comforter comes to strengthen us. 00:41:06.12\00:41:09.59 Are you struggling with something tonight? 00:41:09.62\00:41:11.52 Some attitude, some habit? 00:41:12.48\00:41:15.14 Something that you cannot seem to overcome? 00:41:15.76\00:41:21.57 Open your heart to the Holy Spirit. 00:41:22.00\00:41:25.00 The Holy Spirit will enter into your life. 00:41:25.52\00:41:28.64 The Comforter will come and strengthen you 00:41:29.05\00:41:33.09 through divine supernatural power. 00:41:33.12\00:41:36.26 What we are powerless to do, the all powerful God can do. 00:41:36.29\00:41:42.00 We are weak, but He is strong. 00:41:42.40\00:41:44.55 We are frail, but He is almighty. 00:41:44.58\00:41:46.80 We are not invincible, but He is invincible. 00:41:46.83\00:41:54.48 We come and He strengthens and encourages us. 00:41:55.19\00:41:58.86 Look, Christ's Object Lessons, page 96, read it with me please. 00:41:59.14\00:42:03.32 What a hopeful sentence. 00:42:03.35\00:42:04.77 "None are so vile, none have fallen so low..." 00:42:04.80\00:42:10.83 "None are so vile, none have fallen so low," 00:42:31.16\00:42:34.40 that without the Holy Spirit cannot be transformed. 00:42:34.43\00:42:38.21 Whoever you are, wherever you are, 00:42:38.53\00:42:42.11 the Spirit is for you. 00:42:42.14\00:42:44.21 To change you, to make you over again, 00:42:44.24\00:42:46.93 to transform your life. 00:42:46.96\00:42:48.42 Who is the Holy Spirit? 00:42:48.45\00:42:49.90 What does the Holy Spirit do in our life? 00:42:49.93\00:42:51.66 The Holy Spirit comforts, the Holy Spirit strengthens, 00:42:51.69\00:42:55.12 the Holy Spirit meets our needs. 00:42:55.15\00:42:56.93 Also, the Holy Spirit is our personal Teacher. 00:42:56.96\00:42:59.39 As we open God's Word, the Bible calls the Holy Spirit... 00:42:59.87\00:43:02.80 What? The Spirit of truth. 00:43:02.83\00:43:05.35 So the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. 00:43:05.55\00:43:07.79 I thank God that when you and I open the Bible 00:43:08.02\00:43:11.90 and turn the pages of the Bible, we are not left alone 00:43:12.53\00:43:17.03 to figure out complex meanings of Scripture. 00:43:17.06\00:43:20.33 But when you come to the Bible with a sincere heart, 00:43:20.66\00:43:23.92 understanding God's Word is as much a matter of the heart 00:43:23.95\00:43:29.53 as it is of the mind. 00:43:29.56\00:43:31.13 You can approach the Bible thinking that you will 00:43:32.55\00:43:38.04 know everything about it, and you can approach it 00:43:38.07\00:43:41.32 arrogantly, and be baffled by what you read. 00:43:41.35\00:43:45.01 Didn't Jesus say to the scribes and Pharisees 00:43:45.04\00:43:47.77 who spent all their lives studying God's Word, 00:43:47.80\00:43:50.18 didn't He say, "The truth is hidden from the wise 00:43:50.21\00:43:53.48 and the prudent, but revealed unto..." What? 00:43:53.51\00:43:56.02 "...babes." 00:43:56.05\00:43:57.42 And you remember what Jesus said in John 7 verse 17 00:43:57.45\00:43:59.78 when He put it this way, when He said, 00:43:59.81\00:44:01.82 "If any man will do my will," John 7 verse 17, 00:44:04.00\00:44:09.48 "If any man will do my will, he shall know of the doctrine." 00:44:09.51\00:44:14.22 How do we know truth? 00:44:14.73\00:44:16.11 By having a willingness to do whatever Jesus wants us to do. 00:44:16.49\00:44:20.97 When you approach the Bible with an open spirit. 00:44:21.31\00:44:24.87 And every day as I open God's Word in the morning 00:44:24.90\00:44:27.41 and in the evening, I say, "Jesus, teach me. 00:44:27.44\00:44:29.53 Jesus, You be my teacher. 00:44:29.56\00:44:31.42 Jesus, come with Your Holy Spirit to teach me." 00:44:31.45\00:44:36.00 Opening God's Word, I say, "Lord, I cannot 00:44:36.03\00:44:39.90 understand this Book, I can't understand 00:44:39.93\00:44:42.61 Your plan for my life, unless You become my teacher. 00:44:42.64\00:44:46.21 Lord, You teach me. 00:44:46.24\00:44:48.02 Lord, You instruct me with Your Word." 00:44:48.05\00:44:50.24 Steps To Christ, page 114, says, "We can obtain 00:44:50.27\00:44:54.15 to an understanding of God's Word only..." 00:44:54.18\00:44:56.50 What does the word "only" mean? 00:44:56.53\00:44:57.90 No other way. 00:44:57.93\00:44:59.30 "...through the illumination of the Spirit by which 00:44:59.33\00:45:00.99 the Word was given." 00:45:01.02\00:45:02.39 If you are a truth seeker tonight, and you've 00:45:02.42\00:45:05.55 turned on Three Angel's Broadcasting, 00:45:05.58\00:45:08.02 open God's Word with a sincere spirit. 00:45:08.05\00:45:11.11 Whatever your belief system has been before, 00:45:11.14\00:45:14.49 say, "Jesus, I need Your Spirit to teach me. 00:45:14.52\00:45:17.89 Lord, my heart is open. 00:45:17.92\00:45:19.41 And Lord, if You teach me by Your Word, 00:45:19.44\00:45:22.06 whatever You ask me to do, I will do that." 00:45:22.09\00:45:26.16 I've conducted evangelistic meetings around the world 00:45:37.79\00:45:40.88 for 45 years now. 00:45:40.91\00:45:42.28 I've stood on the great platforms of the world in 00:45:42.31\00:45:45.21 inter America, South America, Europe, Asia, the former 00:45:45.24\00:45:49.39 Soviet Union, Africa. 00:45:49.42\00:45:52.15 We've seen thousands come to our meetings. 00:45:52.18\00:45:54.25 And here is what I have discovered. 00:45:54.28\00:45:56.78 If you have a longing for truth, God's going to reveal it to you. 00:45:57.32\00:46:01.18 But if you come to the Bible with a spirit of debate, 00:46:01.58\00:46:04.54 if you come to the Bible with a spirit to prove yourself right 00:46:04.57\00:46:08.06 and everybody else wrong... 00:46:08.09\00:46:09.85 I have seen even Christians... 00:46:10.42\00:46:12.34 Dare I say the next thing? 00:46:13.50\00:46:15.44 Dare I not say the next thing? 00:46:16.43\00:46:18.57 I have even seen some Seventh-day Adventists 00:46:18.93\00:46:21.76 that have approached the Bible with a spirit of, 00:46:22.54\00:46:25.70 "I know it and nobody else does. 00:46:25.73\00:46:27.75 And I've got this light that I want to prove 00:46:27.78\00:46:29.35 everybody else wrong." 00:46:29.38\00:46:30.75 I will say to you tonight, very openly, 00:46:31.02\00:46:34.53 every one of us, this man included, 00:46:35.28\00:46:38.60 must come to the Bible with an open spirit 00:46:39.03\00:46:42.77 and an open heart, and the willingness to be taught 00:46:42.80\00:46:45.95 by the Holy Spirit. 00:46:45.98\00:46:47.35 And if we are, God promises to be our Teacher. 00:46:47.47\00:46:52.57 I love the way Psalms puts it. 00:46:52.95\00:46:54.47 Psalm 119 verse 107. 00:46:54.50\00:46:56.41 Read it together with me from the screen again. 00:46:56.44\00:46:58.36 Now don't miss this, don't miss this. 00:47:05.49\00:47:07.81 Any so called revival that is focusing on emotionalism 00:47:08.30\00:47:13.46 and sentimentalism is not the genuine revival that 00:47:13.85\00:47:19.98 Christ is going to send through His Holy Spirit. 00:47:20.01\00:47:22.48 What did David pray? 00:47:22.89\00:47:24.26 "Revive me, O God, through Your..." What? 00:47:24.29\00:47:27.59 "...Word." 00:47:27.62\00:47:28.99 And if you have a worship service that is largely filled 00:47:29.02\00:47:32.10 with high powered, high generating music 00:47:32.89\00:47:35.68 that ramps people up to some emotional hype, 00:47:35.71\00:47:39.70 and they spend three and a half minutes, four or five minutes, 00:47:39.99\00:47:42.61 with some ditty from the Word of God, 00:47:42.64\00:47:44.39 I say to you tonight that it is not the genuine revival, 00:47:45.15\00:47:49.06 that it does not come from heaven. 00:47:49.09\00:47:51.04 All genuine revival leads us back to God's Word. 00:47:51.34\00:47:55.42 All genuine revival leads us back to God's truth. 00:47:55.45\00:47:58.56 All genuine revival leads us humbly to our knees, 00:47:58.59\00:48:02.60 that says, "Oh Jesus, teach us from Your Word." 00:48:02.63\00:48:07.85 I pray this prayer... 00:48:10.10\00:48:11.94 We do not look to a man sitting in Rome by the Tiber River 00:48:44.44\00:48:50.87 as the Vicar of Christ. 00:48:51.41\00:48:52.87 We look to the throne room of God. 00:48:53.27\00:48:57.64 We look to the sanctuary in heaven. 00:48:57.97\00:49:00.46 And we open our hearts to receive the outpouring of the 00:49:00.82\00:49:04.83 Holy Spirit, first to change our lives, 00:49:04.86\00:49:08.97 and second to reveal the truth He wants for us. 00:49:09.00\00:49:12.46 I've seen God do that all over the world. 00:49:12.95\00:49:14.88 One night, I was preaching in Moscow. 00:49:15.58\00:49:18.34 Preaching in the Kremlin auditorium. 00:49:19.09\00:49:21.74 You know, Nikita Khrushchev once made this statement. 00:49:22.77\00:49:26.54 In fact, he was speaking in Kiev in Ukraine. 00:49:26.57\00:49:29.28 I preached in that auditorium as well. 00:49:29.31\00:49:31.28 And Nikita Khrushchev, he gave a lengthy speech 00:49:31.83\00:49:36.12 about dialectic materialism. 00:49:36.15\00:49:38.94 He talked about humanism. 00:49:38.97\00:49:40.42 This was given in the 1950's, the early 1950's. 00:49:40.92\00:49:43.15 And Khrushchev said, "Humanism will triumph over the world. 00:49:43.18\00:49:47.81 Christianity will be stamped out." 00:49:48.11\00:49:50.28 And then he said, "In 25 years, there will not be one Christian 00:49:50.31\00:49:55.49 in the former Soviet Union." 00:49:55.52\00:49:57.10 Then he laughed and he said, "Oh, there'll be one. 00:49:57.67\00:50:00.39 And when he dies, we'll stuff him, take him up to Moscow, 00:50:00.73\00:50:04.88 and put him in a museum so future generations 00:50:04.91\00:50:07.99 can know what a Christian looked like." 00:50:08.02\00:50:10.09 I walked into that same former KGB prison, 00:50:11.97\00:50:16.22 which is now a cultural center built over the prison 00:50:16.25\00:50:19.30 in Ukraine, stepped on those same boards 00:50:19.33\00:50:22.54 where Khrushchev made that statement, 00:50:22.57\00:50:25.07 and preached to thousands and thousands 00:50:25.36\00:50:28.21 in the former Soviet Union. 00:50:28.24\00:50:29.73 And you know what I thought to myself? 00:50:29.76\00:50:31.65 What would Khrushchev have thought 00:50:31.68\00:50:33.46 if he knew that the Word of God had been preached 00:50:33.49\00:50:36.28 in the Kremlin auditorium where you have the 00:50:36.31\00:50:38.70 palace of Communism. 00:50:38.73\00:50:40.46 If I didn't believe in the state of the dead, 00:50:40.67\00:50:42.45 that the dead know not anything, I'd think Khrushchev was 00:50:42.48\00:50:44.45 turning in his grave. 00:50:44.48\00:50:45.85 But I know that's not true. 00:50:46.30\00:50:47.67 He's going to have to wait until Jesus 00:50:47.99\00:50:49.86 when he see something in the panorama skies 00:50:50.60\00:50:52.86 and he's going to be amazed, in the final judgment. 00:50:52.89\00:50:55.86 I was preaching in the Kremlin. 00:50:56.69\00:50:58.07 Two sessions a night, 6500 people every session. 00:50:58.48\00:51:01.85 Between the first and second session, I went into my 00:51:02.15\00:51:05.08 little room to get a little Russian Borscht, 00:51:05.11\00:51:08.34 to get some energy for the second session. 00:51:08.37\00:51:10.55 I was younger in those days and needed energy. 00:51:10.58\00:51:12.56 Now I'm old and don't need any. 00:51:12.59\00:51:14.18 So you know, I was eating my Borscht and 00:51:15.64\00:51:18.11 a man burst into the room. 00:51:18.40\00:51:20.44 Beard, scruffy beard, a guy late 20's or early 30's, 00:51:20.78\00:51:23.60 scar down the side of his face. 00:51:23.63\00:51:25.21 And I thought, "Wow, who is this guy?" 00:51:26.16\00:51:27.91 He was ranting in Russian. 00:51:27.94\00:51:29.66 You know, when somebody is saying something in a 00:51:29.69\00:51:31.11 foreign language, you always wonder what are they saying. 00:51:31.14\00:51:35.08 You know, I don't understand this. 00:51:35.11\00:51:36.48 I thought the guy was going to attack me; who is he. 00:51:36.51\00:51:37.88 And he had his hands going. 00:51:38.05\00:51:39.42 My translator stood up quickly between us. 00:51:40.04\00:51:42.36 I was thankful for that. 00:51:42.88\00:51:44.25 And you know, the guy said... 00:51:44.69\00:51:47.11 My translator started translating and he said 00:51:47.42\00:51:48.79 to the man, "Slow down. 00:51:48.82\00:51:50.19 I've got to translate for Pastor Finley." 00:51:50.22\00:51:51.59 The man said, "I was sitting in the audience tonight. 00:51:51.62\00:51:52.99 Something happened in my heart. 00:51:53.02\00:51:54.44 I cannot explain it. 00:51:54.78\00:51:56.76 But there was this strange feeling. 00:51:57.67\00:51:59.61 I need to know Jesus. I need to know Jesus. 00:51:59.71\00:52:02.33 I can't leave this place without knowing Jesus." 00:52:02.36\00:52:04.28 Who was doing that in this man's life? 00:52:04.31\00:52:06.09 In the Kremlin auditorium where Communism was exalted, 00:52:06.33\00:52:11.12 where atheism was propagated, where it was said that there was 00:52:11.15\00:52:16.01 no God, here now is a young criminal who had been 00:52:16.04\00:52:19.31 in and out of court 28 times, who was known as the 00:52:19.34\00:52:22.27 thief of Moscow, but the Spirit of God worked in his life. 00:52:22.30\00:52:26.08 He opened His heart to Jesus. 00:52:26.63\00:52:28.30 We talked about Jesus. 00:52:29.27\00:52:30.74 We talked about the grace of God. 00:52:31.26\00:52:33.09 We talked about the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:52:33.46\00:52:35.60 We talked about how the fact that Jesus could come 00:52:36.04\00:52:38.03 and change your life through His Holy Spirit. 00:52:38.06\00:52:39.75 And that man knelt that very day on that floor, 00:52:39.78\00:52:42.33 cried his eyes out. 00:52:42.36\00:52:43.73 He gave his heart to Jesus. 00:52:43.85\00:52:45.22 A year later, I came back to Moscow. 00:52:45.25\00:52:46.91 There was a choir singing and my host said, 00:52:47.20\00:52:49.53 "Pastor Mark, you're going to love this choir. 00:52:49.56\00:52:51.39 They all were baptized in your last evangelistic series here." 00:52:51.42\00:52:54.50 I sat there looking at the choir and there was this 00:52:55.05\00:52:56.69 one guy that was just singing, beaming. 00:52:56.72\00:52:58.33 I said, "Who's that guy?" 00:52:58.36\00:52:59.73 "You don't know him? 00:52:59.76\00:53:01.13 He's the guy that broke into your study. 00:53:01.16\00:53:03.43 He was the thief of Moscow transformed 00:53:03.73\00:53:06.01 by the grace of God." 00:53:06.04\00:53:07.41 What He's done for others, He can do for you. 00:53:08.01\00:53:10.66 You may be an Adventist Christian, 00:53:11.72\00:53:13.50 you may be a Christian of a various denomination. 00:53:13.96\00:53:16.38 But God has more for you through His Holy Spirit. 00:53:17.03\00:53:20.30 You may not be a Christian at all, but Jesus is speaking 00:53:20.57\00:53:23.08 to you through His Holy Spirit. 00:53:23.11\00:53:25.22 You know, a number of years ago, there was an Arab that was 00:53:25.49\00:53:31.17 called, the birdman of the desert. 00:53:31.20\00:53:34.22 The birdman of the desert. 00:53:34.51\00:53:36.36 This man could get home from any place in the Sahara Desert. 00:53:36.86\00:53:43.20 I mean, this guy could be miles, and all you could see was 00:53:43.86\00:53:47.75 desert sand, desert sand, desert sand; he could get home. 00:53:47.78\00:53:51.18 Never lost his way. 00:53:52.24\00:53:53.82 And they said, "How do you know?" 00:53:54.54\00:53:57.63 And one day, he took his robe and flapped it open. 00:53:58.04\00:54:01.79 And as he did, he came and showed them 00:54:02.19\00:54:07.73 in his hand a pigeon. 00:54:07.76\00:54:09.63 And this pigeon was tied to a long string. 00:54:11.13\00:54:14.22 And he said, "This is a homing pigeon. 00:54:14.83\00:54:16.49 Wherever I am in the desert, I throw him up. 00:54:17.20\00:54:19.52 And as I throw him up into the sky with this long string, 00:54:19.94\00:54:23.25 he begins to fly toward home. 00:54:23.28\00:54:25.20 And I just follow. 00:54:25.23\00:54:26.60 I just follow him and I get home." 00:54:26.63\00:54:29.05 The divine heavenly Dove will lead you home. 00:54:31.85\00:54:37.01 Listen to the convictions of the Holy Spirit on your heart. 00:54:37.90\00:54:42.58 Develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. 00:54:43.92\00:54:46.90 When the Holy Spirit convicts you to do something, 00:54:47.65\00:54:50.42 don't say, "Oh, that's not important." 00:54:50.89\00:54:52.41 Don't deny that inner voice of the Holy Spirit. 00:54:52.99\00:54:56.42 Day by day, open your heart to the Spirit. 00:54:57.05\00:54:59.62 Ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit. 00:55:00.23\00:55:02.65 And Him to convict you of any sin that might be in your life. 00:55:03.77\00:55:07.91 Ask Him to teach you and to instruct you. 00:55:08.83\00:55:12.10 I love the way that old song puts it. 00:55:12.40\00:55:14.45 Holy Spirit, Light divine; 00:55:15.01\00:55:18.97 shine upon this heart of mine. 00:55:19.54\00:55:24.52 Chase the shades of night away, 00:55:24.78\00:55:27.51 and turn my darkness into day. 00:55:27.87\00:55:31.51 Is that your prayer? 00:55:31.54\00:55:32.91 Oh Holy Spirit, shine upon this heart of mine. 00:55:32.94\00:55:37.24 Chase the shades of night away, 00:55:38.29\00:55:40.37 and turn my night into day. 00:55:41.24\00:55:43.21 Would you like to open your heart to the Holy Spirit now? 00:55:43.41\00:55:45.56 God's going to touch somebody right now in this audience. 00:55:46.00\00:55:48.21 God's going to touch somebody watching on 3ABN. 00:55:48.24\00:55:51.32 Would you like to open your heart to the Holy Spirit? 00:55:52.07\00:55:54.10 Would you like to say, "Jesus, convict me of anything 00:55:54.73\00:55:57.55 in my life that's not in harmony with Your will 00:55:57.58\00:56:00.94 through Your Holy Spirit." 00:56:00.97\00:56:02.34 Would you like to say, "Jesus, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. 00:56:03.01\00:56:07.30 Lord, I'm struggling with some temptation. 00:56:07.80\00:56:09.50 Empower me by Your Holy Spirit." 00:56:09.53\00:56:11.40 Maybe you're right on the verge of making a decision for truth. 00:56:12.48\00:56:15.44 Maybe you've been watching 3ABN. 00:56:15.67\00:56:17.50 And as you've watched it, you've heard these programs 00:56:18.08\00:56:20.45 and you're convicted. 00:56:21.01\00:56:22.44 But right now, you want to say, "Jesus, teach me Your truth 00:56:22.65\00:56:26.54 through the Spirit and empower me to take 00:56:26.57\00:56:28.88 the next step in my life. 00:56:28.91\00:56:31.06 Strengthen me." 00:56:31.09\00:56:32.64 Would you like to say tonight, "Jesus, my heart is totally 00:56:32.91\00:56:36.83 open to the Spirit." 00:56:36.86\00:56:38.31 Maybe you're a Christian. 00:56:38.50\00:56:39.87 Maybe you're a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. 00:56:39.95\00:56:41.96 But you want a fuller, more intimate, 00:56:42.23\00:56:45.45 closer experience with Jesus than you've ever had before. 00:56:45.48\00:56:49.87 Would you like to say, "Jesus, abide in my heart 00:56:50.30\00:56:53.22 through Your Holy Spirit." 00:56:53.25\00:56:54.62 Why not do that as we pray. 00:56:54.65\00:56:56.23 Dear Father in heaven, thank You for the Holy Spirit. 00:56:56.26\00:57:01.90 Thank You for the divine third Person of the Godhead 00:57:02.11\00:57:04.98 that gives us comfort and hope, that strengthens us, 00:57:06.18\00:57:09.92 that encourages us, that empowers us, 00:57:09.95\00:57:13.14 that teaches us. 00:57:13.17\00:57:14.54 Oh, fill us with Your Spirit. 00:57:14.57\00:57:17.20 In the name of Jesus, we believe it. 00:57:17.83\00:57:21.13 Our Savior and Lord, amen. 00:57:21.65\00:57:24.49 God bless you tonight as you go. 00:57:26.72\00:57:29.81 Go with the sense of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 00:57:30.01\00:57:33.40