Anchors of Truth

He Came Preaching

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000056

00:09 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth from Puerto Rico.
00:13 Jesus Came Preaching with Jim Gilley.
00:18 Have you ever had one of those experiences when you're
00:20 running just a little late and you really don't have time to
00:24 be stopped or hindered by anyone.
00:26 And it's at that particular time that someone
00:29 wants to have a conversation with you.
00:31 They give you that, "Hey, have you got a minute?"
00:33 And you really don't have a minute?
00:46 And he said, "You know, I saw your Bible."
00:49 Now you've got to change your face.
00:52 He said, "I saw your Bible and I wondered if you're a preacher,
00:54 because you had on a black suit.
00:56 And I wondered where you were going."
00:58 And so I explained to him that we're having some meetings
01:00 at the Bella Vista Church.
01:02 And he said, "I'm visiting in Puerto Rico.
01:04 I'm staying in a hotel with a casino.
01:06 I don't want any of that.
01:08 I'm only here for a week and I'm looking for
01:09 a place to find Jesus."
01:10 I said, "Well, that's the place."
01:12 So I gave him the address.
01:13 He said, "I know the hospital, I know the church.
01:15 I'll be there."
01:17 His name is Don Wright. He's Mr. Wright.
01:19 So would you pray with me, as you have time, that
01:22 Don Wright will find his way to the right place.
01:26 Because he's looking for Jesus.
01:28 I had enough time to find that out.
01:30 And I assured him that if he comes here, he will find Jesus
01:34 in this place.
01:35 My name is C.A. Murray and it is my privilege and pleasure to
01:38 welcome you to night number one of what we like to call,
01:42 Anchors Away.
01:43 When we take our Anchors away from our confines at 3ABN,
01:46 we call them, Anchors Away.
01:47 We are at the beautiful
01:48 Bella Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:50 About half way up the mountain next to the
01:52 Bella Vista school and the hospital.
01:54 A beautiful church, beautiful place,
01:56 and very beautiful people.
01:58 And our speaker this night is our president, our friend,
02:01 Pastor Jim Gilley who will bring the Word, we know, with power.
02:05 I was looking back through some statistics and I found
02:07 that the work began here in Puerto Rico
02:09 sometime in the late 1800's.
02:11 And by 1909, during the lifetime of Ellen White,
02:16 conferences had already been organized.
02:18 So the work has a long and beautiful history
02:20 in the island of Puerto Rico.
02:22 Some 35,000 members and 301 churches.
02:25 I found that on the internet.
02:26 And some beautiful people.
02:28 101 of those churches are here in the
02:30 West Puerto Rican conference.
02:32 And that's where we find ourselves this very night.
02:34 And so we ask you to sit back, relax, sit up, perk up.
02:38 Jesus is in the house.
02:39 And Jesus is coming soon.
02:41 And we will hear about that this night as our friend
02:44 Elder Gilley gives us the word of God.
02:47 But before he comes to us, I'm going to ask
02:50 Gladys Rodriguez-Soto to come and bring us the
02:52 prayer for the evening.
02:53 Then after that, you will hear from our pastor,
02:56 John Lomacang, who has a very beautiful song for us.
03:00 And then you will hear from Elder Gilley.
03:02 Gladys, if you would come.
03:08 Let us pray.
03:10 Dear heavenly Father, we thank You so much
03:14 for this opportunity to be able to spread Your word
03:17 through the technology that we have in our hands.
03:22 We ask You, dear Lord, to prepare the hearts of all those
03:25 viewers who will listen tonight and other nights to these words.
03:31 And that they may fall at Your feet
03:33 and give their hearts to You.
03:35 Bless Pastor Gilley, who will have the word tonight.
03:40 And please bless each one of our members
03:44 and everyone who is watching us tonight.
03:47 Bless also our Bella Vista Media Center and 3ABN
03:53 for the opportunity to spread the word of God
03:58 throughout the world.
04:00 Thank You, dear Jesus, for all Your gifts, amen.
04:06 I am remiss at not introducing Pastor Gilley's
04:09 wife, Camille, who is with him also.
04:11 And you'll be hearing more about this Bella Vista Media Center
04:14 this church has that is doing some very special things
04:17 for the Lord, as we come together from night to night.
04:19 But just now we ask our pastor, our friend,
04:22 Pastor John Lomacang, to bring us ministry in music.
04:41 My Jesus, I love Thee,
04:48 I know Thou art mine;
04:54 for Thee all the follies
05:01 of sin I resign.
05:07 My gracious Redeemer,
05:14 my Savior art Thou;
05:21 if ever I loved Thee,
05:27 my Jesus, 'tis now.
05:43 I love Thee because Thou
05:50 hast first loved me,
05:56 and purchased my pardon
06:02 on Calvary's tree.
06:12 I love Thee for wearing
06:19 the thorns on Thy brow;
06:25 if ever I loved Thee,
06:32 my Jesus, 'tis now.
06:48 I love Thee in life,
06:53 I will love Thee 'til death;
07:01 and praise Thee as long as
07:08 Thou lendest me breath.
07:14 I'll say when the death dew
07:20 lies cold on my brow;
07:30 if ever I loved Thee,
07:37 my Jesus, 'tis now.
07:52 In mansions of glory
07:59 and endless delight;
08:09 I'll ever adore Thee
08:16 in heaven so bright;
08:22 I'll sing with the glittering
08:29 crown on my brow;
08:39 if ever I loved thee,
08:45 my Jesus, 'tis now.
09:24 Thank you, Brother John.
09:26 I appreciate that.
09:28 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now.
09:35 Alright, that's a great song. I appreciate it.
09:39 A real old hymn that we all love and appreciate.
09:46 I love the old hymns. Don't you?
09:48 I really do.
09:50 Reading tonight, and I hope you'll turn with me
09:53 with your Bibles, to Mark the first chapter.
09:57 I love the book of Mark, because mark is concise.
10:02 He does not fool around with a lot of words.
10:05 You know, I sometimes look at a book that Camille's reading
10:09 maybe, and she'll say, "Oh, this is so beautiful
10:13 because it's so descriptive.
10:15 And you read all of these different things about this
10:19 place or that, and all of the different descriptions of it."
10:24 And I read that and I say, just tell me the facts.
10:28 Just cut to the chase.
10:30 Mark just cuts to the chase.
10:33 He tells you the facts.
10:35 He says here in Mark the first chapter beginning with verse 14,
10:39 "Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee,
10:46 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying,
10:51 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
10:55 Repent, and believe in the gospel.'"
11:00 Now that is quite a text.
11:04 Because he tells you an awful lot in just a very few words.
11:08 First of all, he gives you the setting.
11:11 John was now in jail.
11:15 John, the great preacher who had preached repentance.
11:19 John, the one who had been so much on the
11:22 tips of the tongues of the people, was now silenced.
11:29 He was not saying anything.
11:31 You see, the timing of Christ's ministry; so important.
11:36 The forerunner had come.
11:38 The forerunner had come and he had said,
11:40 "I'm not even worthy to unhook His shoes."
11:44 That was John the Baptist.
11:47 He had preached repentance.
11:49 And now he was in jail.
11:51 Christ did not begin His ministry until
11:56 John's ministry was cut short and stopped.
12:01 The timing; exactly the right time for Him to
12:07 begin His ministry.
12:09 And then we find something else.
12:11 The place that He began His ministry.
12:13 He began it in Galilee.
12:17 Now you have to understand a little bit about the geography
12:20 to understand why Galilee was so important for Him
12:24 to begin His ministry.
12:26 Understanding the geography of Israel and of Palestine
12:32 and of the area where Jesus was brought up is so very important.
12:37 Not long ago I heard a preacher, a wonderful preacher,
12:40 a great preacher.
12:41 But he's never been there and so he didn't understand
12:45 the geography.
12:47 And he was talking about the city of Samaria.
12:52 And there is not a city of Samaria.
12:55 Never has been.
12:57 There's a region of Samaria.
12:59 That's be like saying, the city of Puerto Rico.
13:04 Well, it's not the city of Puerto Rico.
13:07 There's San Juan, there's Mayaguez where we are.
13:09 I don't pronounce these names right.
13:11 You understand that.
13:12 I'm a Texan, so if I mess them up, you understand please.
13:17 But you see, understanding the geography helps you to
13:23 understand why Jesus would start in Galilee.
13:28 First of all, He had grown up in Galilee, in Nazareth.
13:31 Which is in the Galilee region.
13:35 He had grown up there. He had learned as a school boy.
13:39 Now I think He learned most of His lessons
13:41 at the foot of His mother.
13:42 But I don't have any question that He also attended
13:45 some school, had some reckoning.
13:47 Because He was a person who knew how to relate to people.
13:54 And I believe that He learned at the synagogue.
13:58 He learned from His mother.
14:00 He learned wherever He could learn.
14:02 He worked in Joseph's carpenter shop.
14:06 He knew how to build things.
14:11 Years later, I would imagine people would say,
14:13 "You see that chair?
14:15 Jesus built that chair.
14:18 He did that one Himself.
14:19 Look at the handiwork of that chair."
14:23 "Look at this table.
14:25 Jesus built this table.
14:28 Oh, what a carpenter He was."
14:34 I like a little music in the background when I'm preaching.
14:39 I appreciate that. That emphasizes it a little bit.
14:44 And then He also worshipped in the synagogue.
14:48 The synagogue was the center of the life of the people.
14:52 And He was there from the time He was a child growing up.
14:55 He knew all about it.
14:57 Don't think that He just showed up at the synagogue
14:59 when He was an adult.
15:01 He'd been going all of His life.
15:03 They knew Him.
15:04 When He came in, they said to Him, "We want You to read."
15:09 They knew He could.
15:11 They knew that Jesus understood what was going on.
15:16 So He lived, He thought, He spoke like a Galilean
15:21 because He had grown up there.
15:22 And so He began His ministry where He was familiar
15:27 with the people.
15:29 Where He was familiar with what went on.
15:32 But there's another reason why He went to Galilee.
15:35 Because Galilee was the most populace area
15:40 anywhere in all of Israel.
15:43 Josephus, in his book, his autobiography actually,
15:48 talks about there being over 200 cities of 15,000 or better
15:57 population in Galilee.
16:00 That means 3 million people.
16:04 I was there this past November.
16:06 Going next November, I hope.
16:09 And I will tell you, the excavations they're doing now
16:13 to some of those cities that weren't even done
16:15 the last time I was there.
16:18 All those towns, they're starting to excavate them.
16:21 And they're seeing that they were well populated.
16:27 Big population shift over the years.
16:29 Not that many people living in Galilee anymore.
16:33 At that time, Jerusalem had a good population.
16:37 It was large.
16:39 But when you added up all those cities of Galilee,
16:43 it was even larger.
16:45 Over 3 million in those 200 cities.
16:49 They had 19 fortified cities of the 200.
16:55 And they had an army, they had raised an army.
16:58 Josephus himself says he had raised an army because
17:01 he was the governor at that time of that region.
17:04 And he had raised an army of over 100,000 young people.
17:10 Young men that were in that particular army that protected
17:16 that northern region of the country.
17:20 So you see, this was a populated area.
17:23 This was an area that had the people.
17:27 First of all, Jesus was acquainted with it.
17:30 Secondly, there were people there.
17:33 And then thirdly, the character and the temperament
17:38 of those people were very likely to be receptive
17:43 to a new teacher and to new teachings.
17:47 You see, Jerusalem was different.
17:49 Jerusalem was kind of protected down there.
17:53 Judea was an area that was really not on the beaten path,
17:58 you might say.
17:59 You had to go off the beaten path to go to Jerusalem.
18:03 But Galilee was at the crossroads of the world.
18:09 I think it's very interesting even today for us to realize
18:15 how important that whole region is in the world.
18:22 Why do you think every time somebody sneezes over there
18:25 that you read about it in the news or that
18:27 you see it on television?
18:30 Every time there's any type of a small incident.
18:33 You see, if you actually look at that location between
18:36 Europe and between Africa, we right now are speaking to you
18:42 on a satellite that is operated by a company in Israel.
18:48 Now they also operate out of several other places,
18:51 including Pennsylvania.
18:54 And the one we're actually talking to you on now
18:57 is coming out of the headquarters for that
19:00 shooting up over North America is Pennsylvania.
19:06 But most of their satellites...
19:08 And I was there in November at RRsat that
19:11 operates these big satellites that we have,
19:14 all the ones for Europe and the ones for Africa,
19:17 and all of that area, shot from that one spot
19:22 up into the clouds.
19:24 Beaming the signals out into the sky.
19:29 Those satellites are covering Russia, Africa, Europe.
19:36 All of it from right there at the crossroads of the world.
19:42 So you see, it is still a vital and an important place.
19:48 And because those actual literal roads crossed in Galilee,
19:55 they were so acquainted with all the different philosophies.
19:59 They were acquainted with the different people.
20:02 They were an open people.
20:05 And when Jesus began to proclaim the gospel there,
20:08 it spread from that particular region.
20:14 Another thing that Josephus tells us is that these people
20:17 were fond of innovations.
20:20 They liked something new.
20:23 They were always ready for an insurrection.
20:27 They had a quick temper.
20:30 They were ready to respond.
20:32 If there was a rebellion going to take place, they were ready.
20:35 This is why they were so careful to make sure there were
20:38 plenty of Roman soldiers in that particular area.
20:42 In order to keep down any type of an insurrection.
20:48 They were never destitute of courage.
20:51 They said that a Galilean, it was more important for them,
20:57 according to the Talmud, honor was more important
21:01 to them than money.
21:03 More important than gain.
21:06 And chivalry was important to the Galilean.
21:11 Peter was the personification of a Galilean.
21:16 With his good traits and his bad traits,
21:20 you see the Galilean in Peter.
21:26 And this is the place where Jesus began His ministry.
21:34 Now you know, when a leader begins a ministry,
21:37 he needs to put into just a few words his message.
21:44 You get too broad a message, you get too many things
21:47 going on, and it's not clear.
21:50 I'm not going to get into politics.
21:52 By the way, I hate to admit this, I don't think I have
21:55 voted in a presidential election in at least 20 years.
22:00 I really don't think I have. Why?
22:02 Because I don't think any man has the answer to the problems.
22:05 I just don't think they do.
22:07 And I've thought that for a long time.
22:09 I've not felt like putting my stamp on anybody.
22:13 Now that may be a weakness.
22:16 If it is, you can go ahead and condemn me.
22:18 But I have prayed for every single one of them.
22:22 And I pray for our President right now.
22:25 And I pray for our Congress, and I pray for our Senators.
22:28 But I have not found anybody yet, and I don't think I will
22:34 before the Lord comes, that I can actually say,
22:37 I'm going to vote for this person or that person.
22:39 I just don't.
22:40 But I'm extremely interested in presidential politics.
22:44 I like to watch it.
22:46 It goes back to when I was a kid.
22:49 I remember the first time that I got really interested
22:53 was watching, actually, the democratic convention
22:58 when John Kennedy all of a sudden, this was 1956,
23:04 almost made a run.
23:07 And I turned to my dad and I said, "That man is going to
23:10 be President someday."
23:11 My dad said, "No, no." He said, "He's Catholic.
23:13 They'll never elect a Catholic."
23:15 Four years later, he was president of the United States.
23:19 But I remember that. I remember it so well.
23:23 I remember listening to all of these different politicians.
23:26 And usually, clear back, if you go clear back to Roosevelt,
23:32 it was, The New Deal.
23:35 You go to Lyndon Johnson, it was the...
23:37 What was it, the New Frontier? Or something like that.
23:41 New Society? The Great Society.
23:45 Whatever it was, he had a motto. Two or three words.
23:49 We've had some motto's happen in this particular
23:56 campaign that's going on right now, in the primary.
24:00 You remember one of them.
24:02 999, do you remember that?
24:06 That was a motto.
24:07 It stuck in your mind, see.
24:10 Very few words but it's sticking in your mind.
24:15 Jesus came forth with a message.
24:20 And His message was simple.
24:23 It was, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
24:30 Repent.
24:31 And if you look at this, you see the imperative
24:35 and the indicative of Jesus.
24:37 And the imperative was, "I'm saying to you, woe," He said.
24:43 To Korazim and Bethsaida, Tyre and Sidon, and to Capernaum.
24:49 He said, "If Sodom and Gomorrah had been preached to like you
24:54 were preached to, they would have been saved."
24:59 You see, Jesus had a specific message of repentance.
25:07 You know, we don't really sometimes understand
25:09 what repentance is.
25:11 We don't really understand it.
25:13 If you break down the word, metanoia.
25:17 It's an interesting word.
25:19 Meta means after.
25:21 Noia has to do with thought.
25:23 So repentance is like an afterthought,
25:27 in that you repeat it.
25:29 You do something and you have an after thought.
25:33 That's what noia repentance is.
25:36 Pronoia is a forethought.
25:39 By the way, pronoia is better than metanoia.
25:44 If you can avoid something ahead of time,
25:47 it is so much better.
25:49 Noeo means the mind.
25:51 We get paranoia, that means an abnormal thought.
25:59 And so we get this noia, comes from repentance;
26:03 turn around.
26:05 Repentance is not some morbid self accusation.
26:11 It's not just a dread of hell.
26:14 That's not what repentance is.
26:17 Sometimes people think that you can repent
26:21 simply by just being sorry for your sins.
26:26 It's more than that.
26:27 More than that.
26:29 It contains four elements that we're going to look at.
26:33 First of all, the realization that one's actions were wrong.
26:40 Number two, sorrow for the wrong doing.
26:45 Number three, a changed attitude towards life.
26:50 Number four, a change of action.
26:54 These are all involved, these four things.
26:57 Very important as far as repentance.
27:02 Now when I was a young man growing up,
27:05 I had a couple of friends.
27:08 We were all the boys that were in the church.
27:11 My brother was a little younger.
27:13 He had one or two friends that were younger.
27:17 I had one or two friends that were about the same age.
27:19 Except one was a little older.
27:32 We really had a lot of fun together.
27:38 Now we looked forward to prayer meeting night.
27:42 Not just for the prayer meeting, although that was part of it.
27:48 But mostly so we could be together.
27:49 We especially looked forward to prayer meeting night
27:52 one time a month.
27:55 Because it had a church board afterwards.
27:58 And sometimes those church board meetings
28:00 would go on and on and on.
28:02 That was great.
28:05 Because we would find something to do outside that was fun.
28:12 I can remember that we usually would try to make sure
28:16 somebody had a few balloons along.
28:19 And we would fill them with water.
28:22 And then we would wait for a car to come by
28:25 and we would through those balloons and hit the cars.
28:31 And now the fun began because, especially in those days,
28:35 it seemed like every car we ever hit the driver would
28:38 throw on the breaks.
28:39 We would start running.
28:41 And often the driver would get out and chase us.
28:45 This day and age, we don't do that.
28:47 If they get away with a wet car, they just go on.
28:50 Afraid something else might happen if they
28:52 get out of the car.
28:53 Not in those days.
28:55 They would chase you down and try to punish you
28:58 if they possibly could.
29:00 Now we were fast and I don't remember them ever catching us.
29:04 I do remember one guy.
29:06 He was in a convertible.
29:08 And we all three hit him with balloons.
29:14 And then we started running.
29:16 Now that's when the excitement starts when you start running.
29:18 Your heart is pounding, you know.
29:20 And you're trying to get away.
29:22 And we ran into a garage, somebody's garage
29:25 down an alley about half a block from the church.
29:27 And we were lying there breathing so hard.
29:31 I was just sure he could hear us breathing.
29:33 And here he comes down the alley.
29:36 And he looked in there.
29:39 But somehow he didn't see us.
29:42 And then he went on.
29:44 Now a couple of times Jimmy Don came to see me,
29:48 it seemed like we were always throwing something.
29:52 I remember one day we were throwing rocks at cars.
29:57 But we were being very careful to throw only at the tire,
30:02 the hubcap.
30:05 Not the car itself.
30:07 Just trying to see if we could hit the tires.
30:11 Well, one of those rocks came up.
30:14 They use to have the little side mirrors on the cars.
30:18 On the side. Not mirror, but glass.
30:22 A little, you know.
30:24 And it hit that and broke it.
30:28 And we immediately walked away like...
30:31 It really was an accident. We meant to hit the tire.
30:35 And it just kind of did that and hit the side of the car.
30:39 So we hid.
30:41 And then we thought, no we better not.
30:43 So we walked real nonchalant down by my dad
30:47 who was doing some painting on the house.
30:50 And the man pulled in the driveway.
30:54 And that cost my dad. He had to pay.
30:59 And I remember what it was.
31:01 It was like 15 bucks, something like that.
31:04 That was quite a little bit of money at the time.
31:08 And dad had to pay for that.
31:10 He told the man where to go to get it fixed.
31:13 Then he took that out of my hide a little later on.
31:21 He was about to the place where he said maybe Jimmy Don
31:26 couldn't come over anymore because
31:28 we always got into trouble.
31:30 And then we moved down into the country a little ways.
31:33 We got down there and I went out one day.
31:38 Jimmy Don was there and we were out around the place.
31:42 We were living on a pretty good size acreage, you know,
31:45 out in the country.
31:46 And we found a nest of chicken eggs.
31:52 And I knew that they were never going to hatch because
31:54 we didn't have a rooster.
31:56 And so I knew they would be very ripe.
32:02 Very rotten.
32:05 And we got those eggs, we went over by the highway,
32:10 we got under the bridge.
32:12 I got on one side, he got on the other side.
32:15 We saw a car coming down the road.
32:18 And I pitched mine, he pitched his.
32:20 Now people were driving down the road and their window was open.
32:27 One of those eggs went in the window.
32:29 I'm not sure which one.
32:31 The other hit like on the windshield.
32:34 This man had just washed his car.
32:37 They had just gotten dressed up to go out to eat.
32:40 We didn't know that.
32:41 Of course we just saw a car coming down the road.
32:43 We found this out later when he came back to our house.
32:47 And my dad had to pay for a car wash.
32:53 And my dad had to pay to have the dry cleaning done.
32:57 I remember both of those that he paid for.
33:01 And again, he took Jimmy Don home
33:04 and he took the cost out of my hide.
33:09 I paid for it.
33:11 Now I had done something wrong.
33:14 I didn't really repent.
33:17 I was sorry we were caught.
33:20 But it wasn't really true repentance.
33:24 Now once my dad applied his belt, it did become
33:30 a little bit more like true repentance.
33:33 Because I suddenly realized I had really done something wrong.
33:38 And you see, repentance is when you turn around.
33:42 You turn around.
33:43 You're no longer going the way you were going.
33:46 You're going this way, you're going the wrong way.
33:49 And then you come to your senses and you turn around
33:54 and you head the other way.
33:56 Now tonight, we were coming here to the meeting.
34:01 We got the directions from the gentleman at the hotel.
34:06 I don't know whoever taught him how to give directions.
34:09 But we followed those directions to a tee.
34:15 And we did not come anywhere near this church.
34:20 We were a long way away.
34:21 We called Pastor John.
34:24 He got a hold of Brother Dennis.
34:26 Brother Dennis drove and met us and brought us here.
34:30 When we realized we were going the wrong way, we repented
34:34 and turned around and went back.
34:38 And we were told how to go back.
34:40 They said, "Go back."
34:41 And they gave us a place, "Go back to there and
34:44 stay there," they said.
34:47 "We'll meet you there and bring you on."
34:51 And, wow, was it good to have somebody leading the way.
34:56 I hate to tell you what Camille said.
34:58 But she said, "I won't go back to the hotel with you
35:02 unless we're following somebody."
35:04 That road that we were on was quite a road.
35:09 And I repent that I got on the wrong road.
35:15 You see, we must see our need of repentance.
35:22 Now when Jesus was talking, you would think that He was
35:25 going into the bars and talking about repenting.
35:28 You would think that He was going out and finding
35:31 those who were operating in sin.
35:34 No, He went to the synagogue.
35:37 He went to the religious leaders.
35:40 He went to the Pharisees.
35:43 And He said to them and the Sadducees and the scribes,
35:47 and He said, "Repent."
35:51 Now you know, they never thought they needed to repent.
35:54 They were religious people.
35:57 Why would they need to repent?
36:00 Because they are so good.
36:04 I will tell you today, you don't hear many sermons
36:07 about repentance.
36:08 You may have never heard one.
36:10 You may be hearing the first you've ever heard.
36:13 You may have heard them before.
36:15 And people think that those who need to repent
36:18 are those who are stealing, killing, committing adultery.
36:22 Sure they need to repent.
36:25 But these are not the ones that Jesus was talking to primarily.
36:30 Primarily, Jesus was talking to religious people.
36:37 You see, I'm a Pharisee.
36:40 I'm a religious person.
36:42 Paul said he was the Pharisee of the Pharisees.
36:47 But you see, real sin, if you really understand what sin is,
36:51 you know that we all need repentance.
36:56 Because sin is not just stealing, killing,
37:01 and committing adultery.
37:05 Sin involves pride.
37:08 Pride of opinion even.
37:10 Certainly the Lord tells us that it's the greatest
37:13 pride of all.
37:15 See, nobody ever kicked you out of the church
37:17 for having an opinion.
37:20 They'll never disfellowship you for that.
37:23 They might disfellowship you for a nasty divorce,
37:26 or something like that.
37:27 But they won't for having pride of opinion.
37:32 Jesus says these sins are the sins we have to repent from.
37:41 You see, when He found the woman taken in adultery,
37:43 He was kind to her.
37:47 He restored her in kindness and in love.
37:54 But He reserved His hardest words for religious people.
38:00 Not just because they didn't accept Him,
38:04 but because He knew of the pride in their heart.
38:09 Religious pride.
38:11 It was religious pride that eventually put Him on the cross.
38:16 The thief on the cross cried out to Him.
38:20 But you don't find any of those Pharisees crying out to Him.
38:27 You don't find that.
38:30 Why?
38:31 Because they did not feel their need.
38:34 Religious pride, more than anything else,
38:40 put Jesus on the cross.
38:43 You may be the elder of the church, but my friend,
38:48 if you have not repented of the pride in your heart
38:53 and turned away from that and sought Jesus,
38:59 then you do not know what true repentance is.
39:07 You see, I believe with all of my heart that we do
39:11 need to repent.
39:16 And this is not something that we can do just on our own.
39:19 You see, we're not to trust Christ because we repent,
39:23 but we trust Christ to make us repent.
39:30 We're not to come to Jesus because we have a broken heart,
39:34 but to come to Christ that He may give us a broken heart
39:41 and sorrow for sin.
39:44 We're not to come to Him because we're fit
39:46 to come to Him, but we're to come to Him because we're
39:50 unfit in every way to come to Him.
39:55 You see, our fitness is our unfitness.
39:59 Our qualification is our lack of qualification.
40:05 And we must come to Him.
40:08 We do not repent in order to be saved,
40:12 but we repent because we have received His salvation.
40:19 We do not hate sin and hope to be saved,
40:22 but we come to Jesus asking Him to help us to hate sin
40:30 and to turn away from sin.
40:35 You see, repentance is something that is so difficult sometimes
40:41 to put your finger on.
40:43 It does not save you.
40:46 But you can't be saved without it.
40:49 But just repenting doesn't save us at all.
40:54 But we have to repent in order to be saved.
40:58 Repent and confess and turn away, and walk with Jesus;
41:07 turning our direction completely.
41:11 The Bible says in Acts the 17th chapter and verse 30,
41:14 "And the times of this ignorance God winked at;
41:17 but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent."
41:22 If you go in the book of Revelation and you read the
41:25 seven churches, eight times it says, "repent."
41:34 "Repent or I'll remove My candlestick," Jesus says.
41:40 And these seven churches represent every aspect
41:44 of our church today.
41:47 Every aspect is still represented.
41:49 Even though it was represented at that time,
41:51 you look at it and it all, especially Laodicea,
41:55 but all of them represent our churches, or church.
42:03 And sometimes even us individually today.
42:06 And Christ says, "Unless you repent," He says, "I will
42:11 remove My candlestick."
42:16 You see, we sometimes get the idea that if we just
42:21 turn around and go the other direction,
42:26 confess, do the best we can to live, that this is what
42:30 Christ is talking about.
42:32 But no, what Christ is talking about is for Him to take
42:35 full charge of our life.
42:38 Full charge.
42:40 When we repent, it will not gain anything for us
42:46 unless we depend upon Him for eternal life.
42:52 That's the only way that we can have life.
42:54 You see, the law demands a penalty.
42:58 Somebody does a crime and he is sorry for it.
43:05 And he goes to the warden and he says, "You can let me out
43:11 because I am sorry for my sin.
43:15 I confess it, I'm sorry for it. Now let me out.
43:21 Just open the gates, tell them to open the gates,
43:23 and I'll be headed on back home."
43:27 And the warden will say to him, "Well, I'm very happy that
43:29 you're sorry, but you're going to have to pay the penalty."
43:33 Somebody has to pay the penalty.
43:36 You see, every sin that I've ever committed,
43:39 every sin that you've ever committed,
43:42 the penalty has to be paid.
43:46 Either you pay it yourself at the end of time
43:52 in the destruction of the wicked, or else Christ,
43:56 you allow Him to pay it on the cross.
43:59 But it has to be paid.
44:01 One place or the other.
44:04 There is absolutely no sin that is ever committed
44:10 that does not have to be paid for.
44:13 Either by ourselves or by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
44:22 And so, we must actively handle repentance through faith.
44:30 And without faith, there's no genuine repentance.
44:33 It's a two-headed coin.
44:35 You have a coin that's got heads and tails on it.
44:39 You can't flip a coin to somebody and say,
44:41 "I'm only flipping tails to you."
44:44 They get both, heads and tails.
44:47 Repentance on one side, faith on the other.
44:51 They go hand and hand together.
44:56 The human mind is made up of intellect, which is our mind.
45:01 The human being is made up of the mind,
45:04 it's made up of emotions which is the heart,
45:07 of the volition which is our will.
45:10 These three things, and all three of these,
45:14 must be involved in our repentance.
45:21 And we must determine that we will turn away,
45:26 that we will give our lives to Jesus Christ our Lord.
45:31 William Cowper, it's spelled Cowper,
45:36 is a man from England.
45:39 William Cowper's mother died when he was young.
45:44 And he had a very horrible life with his father and stepmother.
45:51 They sent him off to school.
45:53 His father was an attorney and he sent him off
45:57 to become an attorney.
45:58 But William was not at all cut out to be an attorney.
46:03 And he had a nervous breakdown right at the time
46:09 of the final test to become an attorney.
46:14 He was institutionalized.
46:16 They thought that he would never ever recover.
46:23 But there was a man there.
46:25 A man that was kind and loving and loved the Lord.
46:35 He actually took the book of Romans,
46:37 Romans the 3rd chapter, and he read it to William.
46:44 He read those texts to him and then he asked him
46:47 to read them again himself.
46:51 Romans the 3rd chapter verses 21 through 26
46:56 are the verses that he read.
47:00 And he gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
47:07 When he was well, they placed him with a family.
47:13 He lived quite well with the family.
47:18 And later, the family moved to Olney in England.
47:24 And he moved with them.
47:27 Now in Olney, he began to go to a chapel where there was a
47:32 man by the name of John Newton, who was the preacher.
47:38 John Newton's story and William Cowper's story
47:41 in many ways parallel.
47:43 Except that John Newton also was a sea captain.
47:48 But these two men began to write songs together.
47:54 They wrote a hymn book called, Olney Hymns.
47:59 I think there are 379 or 380 hymns in there.
48:03 And something like 66 of those were written by William Cowper.
48:10 Cowper's life had changed.
48:13 He had hated God when his mother had died.
48:16 He blamed God because people had told him that
48:19 God had taken his mother to heaven.
48:25 And it was part of the reason that he had
48:29 this nervous breakdown.
48:31 Now he had accepted Christ.
48:36 His life had been changed.
48:39 Completely and totally changed.
48:43 And now he was writing hymns.
48:48 Just like John Newton's life had been changed
48:50 and he wrote hymns like Amazing Grace.
48:53 Cowper wrote a hymn that is in our hymnal.
48:59 And it's called, "There Is A Fountain" filled with blood,
49:08 flowing from Immanuel's veins.
49:11 I'm going to ask Pastor John if he would come right now
49:18 and sing that song that William Cowper wrote.
49:21 There is a fountain filled with blood.
49:24 You see, the only way that we can repent is if
49:27 Jesus Christ helps us to repent.
49:30 True repentance has to come from Him.
49:33 It can't come.
49:34 We can't build it up ourselves.
49:36 We can't be just sorry for sin.
49:39 It has to be a repentance that we receive from Him.
49:44 And we must claim the cross of Jesus.
49:49 We must be bought by the blood.
50:10 There is a fountain filled with blood
50:19 drawn from Immanuel's veins;
50:27 and sinners plunged beneath that flood
50:34 lose all their guilty stains.
50:42 Lose all their guilty stains,
50:50 lose all their guilty stains.
50:58 And sinners plunged beneath that flood
51:05 lose all their guilty stains.
51:13 The dying thief rejoiced to see
51:21 that fountain in his day;
51:29 and there may I, though vile as he,
51:36 wash all my sins away.
51:44 Wash all my sins away,
51:52 wash all my sins away.
52:00 And there may I, though vile as he,
52:07 wash all my sins away.
52:19 Ever since by faith I saw the stream
52:27 Thy flowing wounds supply;
52:35 redeeming love has been my theme,
52:43 and shall be till I die.
52:50 And shall be till I die,
52:59 yes it shall be till I die.
53:06 Your redeeming love has been my theme,
53:14 and shall be till I die.
53:25 Yes it shall be
53:31 till I die.
53:53 Thank you, John.
53:55 You see, my friend, it's only by the blood.
53:59 Only by the blood.
54:02 Coming to Him, receiving Him.
54:06 You see, even our righteousness, the Bible tells us,
54:09 are as filthy rags.
54:12 We wonder how that can be.
54:13 We know our sins are as filthy rags.
54:17 But you see, He was even talking to those who are Pharisaical.
54:22 And He was saying to us, "Your righteousness
54:28 is righteousness of your own.
54:32 It's not from Me."
54:34 Every moment of every day that we walk,
54:39 we must walk with Him.
54:41 When Peter got out of that boat and he started walking on water,
54:45 he was walking on the water.
54:47 Which is impossible.
54:50 And you see, the Christian life is impossible,
54:54 except with Jesus.
54:57 By looking at Him.
55:00 The minute Peter took his eyes off Jesus,
55:04 for whatever reason; fear, doubt, pride, whatever,
55:11 he went down.
55:13 For whatever reason we take our eyes off Jesus.
55:19 We have absolutely no strength of our own.
55:24 Because even our goodness, which will sometimes
55:29 really deceive us, is not good enough.
55:34 It must be the goodness of Christ
55:38 always and forever, in us and through us.
55:44 It must be Him.
55:46 Jesus alone. He is the only way.
55:51 I walked life's path with an easy tread,
55:53 I wondered where pleasure and riches led.
55:55 Until one day in a quiet place
55:59 I met the Master face to face.
56:02 I met Him and knew Him and blushed to see
56:08 that His eyes full of mercy were fixed upon me.
56:12 And then I turned my eyes upon Jesus,
56:16 looked full in His wonderful face,
56:20 and the things of earth grew strangely dim
56:25 in the light of His glory and His grace.
56:30 Father in heaven, tonight we thank You
56:35 that You have told us the way.
56:38 That we should repent and come to You,
56:42 and trust in You.
56:44 To rely upon You, Lord, as the only way to life eternal.
56:54 Help us to turn from pride, to turn from that sin
56:59 which so easily besets us.
57:00 Which is the sin of trying to save ourselves.
57:05 And help us to let You save us.
57:09 In Jesus' wonderful and powerful and loving name we ask it, amen.
57:18 And amen.


Revised 2014-12-17