Participants: Mark Fox
Series Code: AMP
Program Code: AMP000025A
00:04 We are racing towards
00:05 the global crises at the close, 00:09 God is going to set up His Kingdom on earth. 00:13 Preparation for the tribulation and the translation 00:17 is to develop a character like Jesus Christ 00:20 to reach every hamlet, every village, every man, 00:24 every child, every person in India, 00:27 every person in South America 00:28 must hear these three angels' messages. 00:33 These are stories that illustrate 00:36 the kind of fabric of character and perseverance 00:39 that we need to go through the tribulation 00:42 just as certainly as they did. 00:44 The Bible makes it very clear 00:45 that we are living in an unusual hour, 00:47 the last grains of sand are trickling 00:50 through the hourglass of time 00:51 and the door of probation is about to swing shut. 00:58 Every summer in Spain: 01:15 I mean the pictures tell it all. 01:18 It is a no-holds-barred celebration. 01:26 And they are... hmmm... a little wild sometimes. 01:41 as they continue in the celebratory mood for one week. 01:49 But it's most noted for... what? 01:53 The Pamplona Bull Run. 02:13 and they have several of them. 02:19 * Be careful the crowd you run with! 02:28 in these eight bull runs, 02:37 and it is... I've done my homework... 02:43 This has a connection somewhere in the distant past 02:48 to the church... 02:49 it's a dangerous church tradition. 03:10 Come on now... moms and dads... 03:12 you've been telling that to your children, 03:14 could it be that in the book of Revelation 03:16 we need to understand how we need to: 03:24 Could it be there's something more dangerous 03:27 and potentially hazardous in just running with bulls? 03:31 Could it be that running with the wrong religious practices 03:36 in the wrong churches 03:37 can really cause you to get spiritually injured? 03:47 that are very popular and pleasing to the masses, 03:50 and Jesus warned even in His day 03:53 and it comes ringing down the corners of time 03:55 with relevance here in the twilight of our age, 04:05 So in the time of Christ, and it's also true today, 04:09 tradition was clashing with truth. 04:13 The Commandments of God 04:14 were clashing with the Commandments of men 04:17 and so Jesus declared, "In vain... they... " what? 04:22 "they worship me, teaching for doctrines 04:25 the commandments of men. " 04:27 You mean to tell me, 04:28 that you can actually be worshipping God... in vain? 04:33 Would you agree, 04:34 that ought to cause us to ask some questions 04:37 because Jesus is very serious when He says in John chapter 4 04:41 that He wants worshippers 04:42 who worship Him in spirit and in truth. 04:45 Can you say, "Amen?" 04:47 So are there... I ask you this question, 04:49 I've come here tonight to say something, 04:51 are there some popular, dangerous deceptions 04:54 now in the Christian church 04:57 and you'd better be careful the crowd you run with, 05:08 Sunday observance... 05:11 now please do not be offended 05:14 don't take my word for anything unless you see it 05:16 backed up with Scripture, history, current events, 05:20 Sunday observance is not found in the Scriptures. 05:25 "I can go to church seven days a week 05:27 if I want including on Sunday. " 05:29 That is not the issue... the issue is... 05:34 Does God's Word sanction and sanctify 05:38 the first day of the week and promote Sunday worship 05:42 or Sunday observance... Sunday sacredness? 05:46 It is foreign to Scripture. 05:48 Sunday observance, 05:50 although it is popular among the masses, 05:52 is not in the Word of God. 06:02 You have to ask the question, 06:04 "Do you want to run with that crowd 06:06 that is trampling on the Sabbath?" 06:08 Don't get me wrong, we should be friends to everyone 06:11 we're trying to win Muslims and Jews 06:13 and Christians of all persuasions, 06:15 but the question is, 06:16 "Should you regularly attend a church, 06:20 should you run with that crowd?" 06:23 No matter how popular and how convenient 06:26 or how many years you've gone there, 06:30 should you continue to run with that crowd, 06:32 even though it's church tradition, 06:35 but it clashes with the Word of God. 06:37 Should you run with the crowds 06:38 that are trampling on the Sabbath? 06:40 Take your Bible and turn with me to Isaiah 58, 06:42 Isaiah 58... are you ready to study tonight? 06:46 Isaiah 58... Oh! tonight's a special night, 06:49 "You will arise and have mercy upon Zion: 06:52 for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come. " 06:56 Psalm 102:13... I had to throw that in there somewhere 07:00 because you know what? This is your time. 07:01 All right... so we're looking there at Isaiah 58 verse 1, 07:05 "Cry aloud, spare not," that is... do not hold back... 07:09 "lift up your voice like a trumpet, 07:11 tell my people their transgression," 07:13 and, of course, God's people love to hear about that, 07:16 I don't think so... 07:17 "tell my people their transgressions, 07:20 and the house of Jacob their sins" 07:22 and one of the sins is spotlighted in verses 13 and 14, 07:27 listen to the language employed, 07:29 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath," 07:33 in other words, trampling on the Sabbath, 07:36 "from doing your pleasure on my holy day; 07:38 and call the Sabbath a delight, 07:40 the holy day of the Lord, honourable; 07:43 and shalt honour him, not doing your own ways," 07:47 notice... "nor speaking... " 07:48 nor finding your own pleasure, 07:50 "... nor speaking your own words: 07:51 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; 07:54 and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, 07:58 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: 08:00 for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. " 08:02 So my Bible tells me, 08:04 "Don't run with the crowd that are... " what? 08:07 "trampling on the Sabbath," 08:09 so, therefore, we know, the Bible says, 08:26 And as it continues it says, "and then I will receive you, 08:30 and I will be a Father to you, 08:31 and you shall be my sons and daughters," 08:43 Can we agree with that categorically? 09:01 My Bible tells me, that there's a clarion call 09:05 from heaven's throne room that comes to every nation, 09:09 kindred, tongue and people, just prior to the Lord's coming 09:12 to prepare for the tribulation and prepare for translation 09:17 and here it is in Revelation 18 Revelation chapter 18 verse 4, 09:26 This is from the book of Revelation. 09:29 This is Bible prophecy, Revelation 18:4... 09:34 it's a command, it's an invitation, 09:37 it is mercy. 09:39 The word "church" means "the called out ones. " 09:43 So if God has a church in the last days, 09:47 it's comprised of those who have been... called out. 09:50 Would you agree, if you're a true believer, 09:53 you are called out from sin. 09:54 It doesn't mean you won't sin, 09:55 it just means... you don't want to knowingly, 09:57 willfully live in sin. 09:59 You've come out and you're separate from the world 10:03 Jesus said, "I have called them out of the world. " 10:06 They're in the world... but not "of the world" 10:08 John chapter 17. 10:10 The term "church" it means, "the called out one. " 10:13 The Lord has called us out 10:15 and so come out of any church teaching any error. 10:22 Some say that every church has some error... 10:25 and so... you know... just... there's no church 10:29 there's no true church... that is... 10:30 But think about it, 10:32 Revelation 22:18 and 19 makes it very clear 10:36 we should not add to the book of Revelation or take away from it 10:40 if you add to it, 10:41 the plagues will be added to you if you take away from it, 10:44 you're taken from the book of life. 10:45 So, would you agree, then there must be a people 10:48 that are not... by implication, 10:50 not adding and not taking away from it 10:53 and so that's the group of people, 10:56 that's the church... I want to be a part of 10:59 and so the Bible makes it clear John 17:17 11:02 "Sanctify them in thy truth: they word is truth. " 11:05 John 8:32, "You shall know the truth, 11:07 and the truth shall set you free. " 11:09 And Paul said, in Timothy he says 11:11 that God wants all men to come to a knowledge of the truth 11:14 and the Bible makes it clear in John 16 verse 13 11:17 "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, 11:20 he will guide you into all truth:" John 16 and verse 13. 11:25 And Jesus said in the gospel commission 11:27 in Matthew 28:18 to 20, He said, "I have all power, 11:31 go ye therefore, into all the world 11:34 and baptize, teach and baptize 11:37 in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit" 11:39 and you know what He said there 11:40 in the gospel commission, 11:41 in the context thereof, what did He say? 11:43 He said, "teaching them to observe" 11:46 or to obey "all things that I have commanded you:" 11:50 so Jesus said, "I want you to instruct, direct, 11:54 and teach doctrine... teachings, I want you to tell people 11:58 to obey these things. " 12:00 And part of that, included in that package of truth 12:04 is the book of Revelation, a revelation of Jesus Christ 12:07 and in Revelation 1 verse 3 it says, 12:10 "Blessed are those who read, hear and keep the things 12:13 that are written in this book for the time is at hand. " 12:16 Revelation 1 verse 3, so, the book of Revelation, 12:18 is for obedience, for following, 12:21 it's not about "head information" 12:23 it's about "heart transformation" 12:25 it's not "hear about Bible trivia" 12:27 it's "hear about preparing for eternity. " 12:30 Could you see the difference? 12:31 And so, there is a call out and a call in, in the last days. 12:37 John 10 verse 16, "Other sheep I have, 12:40 which are not of this fold: them also I must bring," 12:43 call them out, "and they shall hear my voice;" 12:46 calling them out, "and they... " 12:49 what it's about to say "other sheep I have, 12:50 which are not of this fold: them also I must bring 12:53 and they shall hear my voice and they follow me 12:56 and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. " 12:59 So the Bible makes it clear in John 10:16 13:01 Jesus uttered these words, He said... 13:04 what did He say? He's calling out His sheep 13:07 from different folds, He's calling them out, 13:10 the book of Revelation echoes that evacuation order, 13:14 for God's people to exit churches 13:17 and crowds of people that are trampling on His commandments. 13:21 It's the wrong crowd to run with 13:22 and so there's a call out, and there's a call in 13:25 into the one fold and so, 13:28 God is calling us into the Remnant fold, 13:31 the Remnant Church. 13:33 Revelation 12:17... "And the dragon was enraged 13:36 with the woman, and he went to make war 13:38 with the remnant of her seed. " 13:40 The Bible says the Devil was enraged with the woman, 13:42 the church, and went to make war 13:45 with the remnant of her seed 13:47 who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony 13:51 of Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:17. 13:53 That is the Remnant into which God is calling, 13:56 Jesus is calling his beloved sheep. 13:59 So therefore, God's people in the last days 14:04 must ask themselves the question, 14:05 "Am I part of the Remnant or am I not?" 14:08 Would you agree, we can't guess about that. 14:11 We can't speculate about that, 14:13 we got to know that we're part of God's Remnant church. 14:17 You know why? Because God is up to something. 14:19 You know why? 14:20 Because you want to hang around with the right crowd. 14:22 God wants us to love everyone but you know what 14:25 if you are in a church and they are telling you 14:27 you don't need to keep one of the commandments... 14:29 the Sabbath has been changed... 14:31 and what everybody else around there is hearing, 14:33 "The Sabbath has been changed now we're going to keep Sunday 14:36 in honor of the resurrection" 14:38 and everybody else is saying, "Amen" 14:40 how can you sit there and say, "Amen" when you know 14:43 that is not what your Bible teaches. 14:44 "Come out from among them and be ye separate says the Lord" 14:49 would you agree, you ought to hang around people 14:51 that when they say something from the Bible 14:53 it resonates in your heart 14:54 and you can say, "Amen" can you say, "Amen?" 14:56 So what does the Remnant church teach? 15:24 There is only one church 15:26 that meets all of these Biblical Specifications... 15:28 that is the Remnant church in the last days 15:32 and I believe and I humbly share it with you, 15:36 I believe that's the Seventh-day Adventist church 15:38 and I believe with all my heart though 15:41 that in the last days... I make it crystal clear 15:45 God has His true, sincere followers 15:48 in all different churches but God is up to something 15:52 my Bible tells me He's leading people out 15:54 and leading people in, 15:56 and then wherever you are in the process, 15:58 God loves you, He speaks to you. 16:01 He knows His sheep and they're known 16:04 by recognizing and responding to the voice of the shepherd. 16:09 "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me, 16:13 I know them, and they follow me. " 16:15 John 10 and verse 27. 16:16 You see, tonight Beloved, 16:18 we are either in one or the other! 16:21 We are either in the pure woman, the Remnant, 16:25 or we are in... well... the other woman 16:28 and that is our focus. 16:30 For centuries a World-wide hoax has been deceiving millions. 16:34 A mysterious power has been tampering 16:37 with the pure teachings of the Word of God. 16:40 Revelation reveals popular deceptions 16:43 that would be rampant, and widespread 16:46 even in the professed Christian Community 16:49 in the last days. 16:50 Come on now, didn't you have a hunch 16:52 that something is drastically wrong in the Christian fold? 16:54 I repeat, Revelation is God's protection 16:58 and prescription from last-day delusions. 17:01 "that serpent of old,... deceives the whole world. " 17:05 What book of the Bible? Revelation 12 verse 9. 17:08 Why do people... that's Eve, by the way, 17:11 that's Eve... all right... 17:12 anyway why do people end up receiving the mark of the beast? 17:17 The good bulk of them have been deceived. 17:20 They've been deceived into disobedience 17:24 and so the Bible makes it clear 17:27 the majority are going to be deceived 17:28 into receiving the infamous "Mark of the Beast. " 17:32 So what is Jesus seeking to do for His Sheep in the last days 17:35 to protect them, to guard them, 17:38 to keep them, would you agree... the shepherd 17:40 loves, cares, and treasures His sheep. 17:45 What is He doing? 17:47 He's leading them out from the wrong crowd. 17:51 God's people are in there, God's people are in there, 17:55 that means that if you're in a church 17:57 that is breaking the commandments of God, 17:59 you can look around 18:00 and you will see some Godly people there. 18:03 You will meet people there that love the Lord 18:06 just as much as you do, 18:07 but they may not know what you know, 18:10 they may not have heard the "Evacuation Order. " 18:20 You know what false teachings are compared to 18:22 with those who would perpetrate and propagate false teachings 18:26 among God's sheep? They're called "wolves. " 18:29 Didn't Jesus warn about wolves in sheep's clothing? 18:33 So there are false teachings that come 18:36 with a Christian veneer or under Christian cloak 18:39 and so it is with Sunday Observance. 18:41 The book of Revelation spotlights two women. 18:45 There's the pure woman... the Bride of Christ 18:49 and she offers an invitation. 18:52 Who gives the loving invitation to come to Christ? 18:54 "And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. " that's Revelation 19:00 chapter 22, I believe, it's verse 17. 19:07 God's Remnant Church. 19:08 They will preach the three angels' messages 19:12 now if you're new to this kind of lingo 19:15 you're like... what? three angels' messages? 19:18 God's book of Revelation... 19:21 special book for earth's final hour, 19:24 depicts God's last-day messengers of mercy 19:27 His last call... as three angels 19:31 doing a flyover of planet earth and they're all yelling out 19:34 with what kind of voice? With a thunderous, 19:37 compelling loud voice God is trying to picture there 19:40 how urgent these messages are 19:42 and they're going to go around the world swiftly 19:45 hence the angels are flying 19:46 and we see who is going to preach them. 19:49 Look at Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6. 19:52 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, 19:54 having the everlasting gospel 19:56 to preach to those who dwell on the earth, 19:58 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people," 20:00 worldwide in scope... messages to be preached... 20:02 "Saying with a loud voice," look now, 20:04 who is going to be preaching these? 20:06 Angel number two. 20:07 Look at Angel number two, that's verse 8, 20:10 "And another angel followed them saying, 20:12 Babylon is fallen, is fallen," 20:16 this message needs to go around the world. 20:19 That's the context, so it must be very, 20:22 very life and death oriented, 20:24 it has got to go around the world. 20:27 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, 20:29 that great city, because she made all nations 20:32 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. " 20:35 What in the world is this all about 20:38 this inflammatory language that is used here? 20:40 It's inspired, 20:42 it's end-time stuff, 20:44 and so the Bible makes it clear 20:46 who is going to preach these messages? 20:48 Verse 9... it's about a warning 20:50 about: following the beast, worshipping the beast, 20:53 and getting the mark of the beast, 20:55 and going to hell fire and getting the plagues before that. 20:57 Verse 12, God graphically describes a little profile, 21:02 a little snapshot here of His end-time people. 21:05 His church, His Remnant, 21:07 verse 12, let's read it together 21:08 here we go, see if you can keep up, 21:10 "Here is the patience of the saints: 21:12 here are those that keep... " most of the commandments... 21:15 "here are those who keep the commandments of God 21:19 and the faith of Jesus. " 21:21 Can I say this very kindly, very lovingly. 21:24 Those churches that have God's people in them 21:28 that are teaching, "You don't need to keep 21:31 the seventh-day of the week holy... 21:33 you don't need to worry about that... 21:35 all days are holy, or it doesn't matter, 21:38 or the law has been done away with, 21:39 or we're under grace, you don't have to worry about that... " 21:41 those that would perpetrate those lies, 21:44 my Bible tells me very plainly, 21:47 they cannot claim to be "Commandment keepers. " 21:50 And sometimes people say, 21:52 "Well, come on now, haven't you broken the commandments?" 21:55 I say, "Yeah... " 21:56 they say, "Well, can you keep the commandments?" 21:58 I say, "No, not in my own strength" 21:59 they say, "nobody can keep the commandments, 22:01 so Jesus kept it for us so we don't have to worry about it. " 22:04 My parents taught me, 22:07 "Don't believe everything you hear, that's being gullible. " 22:10 How many agree: we ought to question what we believe 22:12 until we can verify why we believe it? 22:15 What we believe and why we believe it. 22:18 Listen here, God's people are distinct, 22:22 they're different, 22:23 the Bible makes it clear 22:25 and this verse just seems to be in bold relief to me. 22:28 It leaps from the page. 22:30 God is going to have a people 22:32 preaching these three angels' messages 22:35 to the earth's remotest bounds. 22:37 My Bible tells me, it's urgent 22:40 that God will have a people 22:42 that are calling out "His People" 22:44 to come into the remnant, take a stand with them, 22:48 for the commandments of God 22:50 and the faith of Jesus, and it will require 22:54 and necessitate the patience, the perseverance, 22:57 the endurance of the saints, 22:58 now think about it, here's a group of people 23:01 in contrast to those worshipping the beast 23:02 and so forth... here is a group of people 23:04 that are standing for Jesus, faith in Jesus, 23:08 and they're standing for the commandments of God, 23:11 and while they're standing for Jesus and His commandments, 23:14 they're looking at Jesus standing for them, 23:17 they're looking at Jesus 23:21 aren't we called to look to Jesus? 23:23 Well, if you look up, we do it by faith, right? 23:28 Would you agree, you'd better keep your faith-eyes open, 23:30 and by faith we look up and we see 23:35 as we take a stand for Him, why? 23:37 Because I look up and I see Him standing by His Commandments. 23:40 Revelation 11 verse 18 and 19 23:45 says that the temple was open in heaven 23:48 and there was seen the ark of His covenant, 23:52 what is in the ark of the covenant? 23:54 The Ten Commandments. 23:55 What's on top of that? The Mercy Seat. 23:57 We're under grace, we're under mercy, 24:00 but it doesn't throw away that covenant. 24:02 How many agree, we're in the new covenant 24:04 where He writes it on the heart. Hebrews 8 verse 10. 24:06 Now follow along... follow along with the logic here 24:09 follow along... we're connecting dots here 24:12 it's a progression here, a line of reasoning. 24:16 "Come let us reason together Jesus said," Isaiah 1:18, 24:19 now watch this... watch this... 24:21 so the Bible makes it very clear that as we gaze by faith 24:26 into the Most Holy Place 24:30 where Jesus is interceding for us, 24:32 by faith I can hear Him saying my name, 24:34 "Father, Mark... 24:36 Mark Fox is claiming me as His Savior, 24:40 he surrendered his heart to me and he has faith in me 24:44 and he's given his heart to me" 24:46 and the Father says, "If he's yours, he's mine... 24:50 because what's thine is mine. " 24:52 Would you agree? We are one with the Father 24:54 through Jesus Christ. 24:56 And so the Bible makes it very clear 24:59 that Christ abides in us by faith 25:03 Ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 and so we have to have faith. 25:07 We can't wonder... "Oh Lord... where are... 25:09 no... no... no... you got the Word of God, 25:11 He dwells in us through the Word of God 25:13 you take that word into your heart, 25:15 that's Jesus... because Jesus is the Word, 25:17 you take His Word into your heart, 25:18 you believe it... that's Jesus in your heart, 25:20 and so the Bible makes it very clear 25:24 we keep our eyes on Jesus, 25:26 we keep our eyes on Jesus and He is standing by 25:30 His Ten Commandments. 25:32 I say, "If He's standing by His Commandments, 25:34 I'm going to stand down here for His Commandments. " 25:36 Does that make sense? 25:38 And so I want you to think about this, 25:40 Beloved, as we continue, 25:41 who will preach the truth at the time of the end? 25:43 God's Commandment-keeping people. 25:45 That's what the Bible teaches. 25:50 Because in sharp-stark contrast you have this group of people 25:53 that are not going to be the majority 25:55 but the minority... a remnant 25:56 that keep the commandments of God, 25:58 they stand different, 25:59 so people are down sometimes what they're not up on 26:03 so would you agree, if this is the Remnant, 26:05 if this is a smaller group 26:07 than the vast majority of professed Christians... 26:08 in the Christian churches, would you agree? 26:10 Maybe the other churches would be doing some name-calling 26:14 of this Remnant saying, "Oh, that must be a cult. " 26:16 You know why? 26:20 "Well... you know... seventh-day... 26:23 I mean, come on... that's weird, that's different. " 26:26 Thank God... God will have a people 26:29 that are willing to be different. 26:32 They are... the truly... "the called out ones. " 26:36 You know to be a true Protestant, 26:37 you've got to think about it, what's the root word? 26:40 Protest... and these days... 26:42 we've got to protest... protest more things 26:44 just about the Government, 26:46 how about... the Christian church? 26:48 Would you agree? There are some things that look 26:49 and just take a scan of what's going on 26:52 in the Christian churches today, and would you agree? 26:55 there are some things to protest... 26:56 and you protest by saying, 26:58 "I'm not going to be a part of it, I am coming out. " 27:01 That's strong language, would you agree? 27:04 When you come out from a church you've been attending 27:06 they're like, "What are you doing, 27:08 what are you crazy, 27:09 what have you been learning, you've been brainwashed?" 27:11 "No, the light has gone on, the light is turned on... " 27:18 and Jesus said, 27:19 "Walk in the light while you have the light. " 27:21 So, what about this other woman... in Revelation 17? 27:25 it's this harlot woman. 27:31 Are you ready for this? 27:37 Think about it, 27:41 would you agree? That's strong lingo. 27:43 Think about it: 27:57 If you want more... I'll give you more... 28:42 You want more... here's more... 28:44 Now in the book of Revelation: 28:52 Would you agree? God is not happy with harlotry 28:57 among His people. 28:58 While they say, "We love you God" 29:01 trampling on His Commandments is harlotry. 29:06 It's wrong... the Christian church... sleeps. 29:11 That's not real as that they have been hearing 29:17 alluring things from that other woman. 29:20 They have been hearing a pack of lies. 29:23 Smooth teaching. 29:26 Today, you are being taught 29:28 "You're not going to go through the tribulation, 29:31 don't worry about that. " 29:32 "We don't know who the Antichrist is... 29:34 if you think you know it, 29:36 it's because you were left behind. " 29:38 Smooth teaching. 29:41 If you want smooth teaching, they'll give it to you. 29:44 It doesn't matter which day you keep 29:46 and then they'll try to quote some Scriptures 29:48 that are taken out of context 29:50 and then they become the Preacher. 29:51 And so, this woman, this woman has global impact. 30:06 How many agree? It's important these days 30:08 to look at the warning labels. 30:24 Second Angel's message... goes around the world 30:28 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," 30:32 What does it mean... Babylon is fallen? 30:33 Revelation 14 verse 8, it means that churches today 30:37 have fallen from the Word of God, 30:39 they've fallen from the Commandments of God, 30:42 they've fallen from "pure" teachings, 30:45 Paul predicted, 30:46 "some shall depart from the faith" 1 Timothy 4:1. 30:50 Did the Apostle Paul give the same warning? 30:53 "falling away" in the Greek it's Apostasia. 30:57 Falling away... that is Apostasia, 30:59 or departure from the true original faith 31:01 delivered to the saints. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and 7. 31:09 and guess what, 31:13 in the Bible... it's in caps. 31:15 So it must be... a little important. 31:23 The Tower of Babel. 31:29 They did not believe that they could trust in God, 31:33 they thought, hmmm... "He let it... " 31:36 you know... "He let people be destroyed 31:39 He had people destroyed... before us, 31:43 our forefathers and foremothers, 31:44 by a flood, by the great global deluge, 31:48 no problem... if he tries that again, 31:50 no problem, we'll have a tower that goes 31:53 right above the clouds and we'll save ourselves. " 31:55 The Tower of Babel is a citadel of apostasy. 31:59 It's a monument of rebellion. 32:02 It's a beacon of apostasy and idolatry... 32:08 they were going to save themselves. 32:10 The Tower of Babel is based on man-made interpretation 32:14 man-made tradition, man's way of saving himself, 32:17 and all false teaching at its core 32:21 is man... asserting himself above God. 32:24 False interpretation, false teaching is all about 32:30 diminishing Jesus and exalting man. 32:33 Every bit of false teaching. 32:35 They were attempting to save themselves. 32:38 That's why the true gospel is about us 32:42 recognizing that we are nothing apart from Christ 32:45 but trusting that Jesus Christ alone 32:48 is worthy of our worship and our adoration 32:52 because He is a complete Savior. 32:54 I don't need Mary, I don't need saints, 32:56 I don't need the Pope, 32:58 I don't need anyone to save me except Jesus 33:02 and so it was based on man's works and opposition 33:05 of faith in God, and you remember, 33:08 God confounded their languages, didn't He? 33:11 You know: 33:22 It will babble... but it's so cute. 33:25 It just doesn't make too much sense 33:28 and you got to listen really close 33:30 did I hear "bottle" in there somewhere? 33:34 Of course moms are more efficient with this 33:38 you know, dads are trying to figure it out... 33:41 they're scratching their heads. 33:43 Mom says, "he needs a change and needs a bottle 33:46 and needs a nap and he'll be fine. " 33:48 "Babylon" stands for confusion. 33:59 Wouldn't you agree? That is downright confusing. 34:15 This is big stuff. 34:20 We're going to look at 12 clues. 34:25 are you ready? Here we go... 34:27 Revelation 17... let me read it to you. 34:30 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls 34:33 came and talked with me saying, 34:35 Come I will show you the judgments of the great harlot 34:37 who sits on many waters 34:39 with whom the kings of the earth 34:40 committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth 34:43 were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. " 34:46 Now, when I grew up if anyone called another woman 34:49 a harlot or whore or something like that, 34:51 let me tell you, Number 1: it was very cruel, 34:54 Number 2: if it was really... 34:56 if it really got around, if it went viral... so to speak, 35:00 let me tell you, that woman's reputation 35:02 was forever ruined in that school. 35:04 God stands up boldly 35:07 and calls the churches 35:10 that are trampling on His commandments, 35:12 twisting truth, and preaching and promulgating 35:16 false teachings, He says, "harlots" 35:19 "whores," and who is in there? 35:22 My people. 35:26 Would you agree? This is inflammatory language 35:28 that my God uses. 35:30 My God believes in tough love sometimes. 35:34 Come on now, if you're parents 35:36 you know what that tough love is all about. 35:38 "I love you but you're not going to be able to 35:40 use the car for a year" 35:41 All right... maybe that's a little harsh, all right, anyway, 35:44 I want you to notice this, it says here, 35:48 can you imagine this woman is getting in bed 35:51 with these kings, she is fornicating with them, 35:55 this needs to be applied spiritually, 35:58 in other words, the Church and the State 36:01 are mixing so much so, they're both corrupt. 36:04 A corrupt Church and a corrupt Government. 36:06 Would you agree, "Watch out, 36:08 when the corrupt church has the arm of a corrupt Government 36:13 to use to get its dogmas in force. " 36:17 Notice here in verse 3, "So he carried me away 36:21 in the spirit and into the wilderness: 36:22 and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast 36:26 which was full of names of blasphemy 36:28 having seven heads and ten horns 36:30 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet... " 36:32 I mean... she's decked out... you know, dressed to kill... 36:35 as they say, this woman of the night, 36:37 "and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, 36:40 having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations 36:44 and the filthiness of her fornication: 36:46 and on her forehead a name was written," 36:49 all caps now, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, 36:51 THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS 36:53 AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 36:55 I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, 37:00 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: 37:02 when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. 37:05 The angel said to me, why did you marvel 37:07 I will tell you the mystery of the woman, 37:10 and of the beast that carries her, 37:11 which has the seven heads and ten horns. " 37:14 Look now at verse 9: 37:15 "Here is the mind which has wisdom. 37:17 The seven heads are seven mountains 37:19 on which the woman sits," now look down at verse 12, 37:23 "the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, 37:25 who have received no kingdom as yet; 37:27 but they receive authority for one hour 37:29 as kings with the beast. " 37:31 Now look here at verse number 15 "then he said to me, 37:35 the waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, 37:38 are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. " 37:41 Verse 17: "For God has put 37:45 into their hearts 37:46 to fulfill his purpose, to be of one mind, 37:48 and to give their kingdom to the beast, 37:49 until the words of God are fulfilled. " 37:51 Key verse that unlocks and decodes this cryptic, 37:56 symbolic language, "and the woman whom you saw 38:00 is that great city, 38:03 which reigns over the kingdoms of the earth. " 38:06 Are you ready to do some detective work now? 38:09 Number 1: this is the Babylon of the New Testament. 38:15 Number 1: she is a corrupt woman 38:17 that represents a corrupt church. 38:20 The harlot woman of Revelation 17 38:22 represents a false system of religion 38:25 I believe as many scholars 38:28 and many preachers and teachers have taught, 38:32 many Protestant Reformers believed 38:34 but it's not popular say-so today, 38:37 it's not politically correct, I believe... it's the Papacy. 38:40 I believe it's the Roman Papal Power. 38:43 I believe it indeed is the Catholic Church. 38:46 I say that with sensitivity, 38:48 does God have His sheep in the Catholic Church? He does. 38:50 Does He have His sheep in the Protestant Church? He does. 38:53 Is God up to something? 38:55 In 1825 in the occasion of the Jubilee 38:58 Pope Leo the 12th struck a medal 39:00 bearing on one side his own image 39:02 and on the other side, 39:04 that of the church of Rome 39:05 symbolized as a woman holding in her hand, 39:07 in her left hand... that is... a cross... 39:10 and on her right... a what? 39:11 a cup with a legend around her "SEDET SUPER UNIVERSUM." 39:16 the whole world is her seat. 39:21 What a striking quote. 39:22 "Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop. 39:25 Clue number 2: she's clothed in purple, 39:28 scarlet, precious stones and pearls. 39:31 What would that represent? A wealthy and luxurious church 39:35 and taking a quote here now 39:37 from: "The Woman Rides the Beast" 39:40 by Dave Hunt, "Most of Rome's wealth 39:42 has been acquired through the sale of salvation. " 39:45 "The Roman Catholic Church 39:46 is by far the wealthiest institution on earth. " 39:50 Do a little homework on that. 40:04 Church plus State, 40:05 the woman... which is the church rides the beast, 40:09 and for the "Mark of the Beast" to be enforced 40:12 which we have confirmed 40:14 is the National Sunday Law that's coming, 40:16 the Mark of their authority, they claim is Sunday Observance 40:19 because the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath 40:21 from Saturday to Sunday, the Bible predicted it, 40:24 they admit it, history confirms it, 40:27 the Bible condemns it, I don't accept it 40:29 and so this woman... 40:32 this woman wants to control the State. 40:36 She's seated also upon many waters... 40:39 she enjoys the popular support of earth's multitudes. 40:42 Here's Esquire Magazine: 40:45 "How the Pope will Change the World" 40:49 Oh... you could... as a matter of fact... 40:51 one of you e-mailed me, I was watching by television, 40:53 e- mailed me all sorts of proof positive, 40:57 pictures and so forth, 40:58 that proves that the "deadly wound" has been healed. 41:01 They have garnered popular support 41:05 Number 5: she holds a cup with the wine of her fornication 41:08 false doctrines and policies which deceive the nations. 41:12 This cup represents false teachings. 41:14 Can millions of wonderful people, 41:16 wonderful people, sincere people, innocent people, 41:19 can they be deceived, can they be misled? 41:34 Now think about it, 41:36 This "mother" has persecuted, 41:39 she is drunk with the blood of the saints 41:42 and the martyrs of Jesus. 41:43 That's Mystery Babylon. 41:45 But Mystery Babylon is merely a replay 41:48 and a repeat performance, as it were, 41:51 of ancient Babylon under a Christian cloak. 41:54 History, unfortunately, repeats herself. 41:57 Babylon persecuted God's people 42:00 Daniel will tell you all about it 42:02 when you go to heaven, you can tell him, 42:03 "Can you tell me about Daniel in the lions' den?" 42:06 It's more than a cute story. 42:08 This man was thrown into a pit of lions... why? 42:13 because he disobeyed the laws of the land 42:19 and so even though it was the Medes at the time 42:23 and you know, King Darius, 42:24 it was still there in Babylon where he was. 42:27 And why? Because God's people refused false worship. 42:30 You remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 42:32 while Nebuchadnezzar was ruling. 42:35 They threw them into the fiery furnace 42:38 because they refused to go with the crowd. 42:42 They would not bow to the golden image. 42:46 Number 7: This is all part of it, 43:06 and it has only been in my lifetime, 43:09 when the position of the Roman Catholic Church 43:11 has changed its language during its Mass. 43:15 How many remember there was a time 43:16 when it was all in Latin, you went there 43:18 you didn't even know what they were saying 43:21 but because of pressure, they finally gave in. 43:24 You see the stance of the Roman Papal power 43:27 has been... "You don't need to know the Bible, 43:30 we'll tell you what to believe, 43:32 we know the Bible, don't you worry about it, 43:35 we've got church creed, church dogmas, 43:37 church catechisms and so forth, 43:39 you don't need your own Bible, you just listen to your priest" 43:41 how many are thankful for the Bible? 43:59 What is this? 44:01 This meeting between Reagan and the Pope? 44:06 I'm going to tell you what it was, 44:08 Spiritual fornication. 44:11 The head of the harlot woman 44:15 going to bed with political leaders 44:19 and here's another picture that says it all. 44:22 We go on... here's another picture that says it all. 44:27 "The deadly wound is healed: 44:30 and all the world wonders after the beast. " 44:33 You say, "But I'm a protestant, I'm not a Catholic. " 44:36 If you are part of a church 44:39 that is trampling on the commandments of God, 44:42 would you agree, this is being influenced 44:46 by the Papacy and the deadly wound being healed 44:50 is impacting Protestants today. 45:04 I'm here to tell you that we have a U.S. Ambassador 45:09 that we send to the Vatican. 45:11 That is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution 45:17 that stipulates, 45:18 we should not favor one religion over another. 45:22 The Methodist Church doesn't get a U.S. Ambassador, 45:26 the Seventh-day Adventist Church 45:28 doesn't get a U.S. Ambassador, no... 45:30 the Catholic Church... the Vatican... 45:32 because you see what the Vatican is... 45:34 it's the combination of Church and State 45:36 with no separation. 45:39 Some decry... saying, 45:42 "We don't need any separation between Church and State, 45:44 Brothers and Sisters, we do not need a theocracy. 45:48 We do not need the church ruling and forcing everyone 45:53 to worship a certain way, doesn't the Bible say, 45:57 "Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely. " 46:02 Revelation 22. 46:03 This is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution. 46:16 I mean... this is... this is prestige... 46:20 Pomp, power, "Man of the Year" 46:26 Time Magazine, spokesman, 46:29 of the Antichrist of the harlot woman. 46:46 What city was reigning over the kings of the earth 46:49 when John received this revelation, 46:51 when he wrote these words? 46:52 It was Rome... mighty, iron monarchy of Rome. 47:01 Everybody say it together, 47:02 "All roads lead to... Papal Rome" 47:05 Now, think about it, the woman is "that great city" 47:09 Rome... 47:15 Very powerful... and so... 47:42 which church is headquartered on a city of seven hills 47:49 and reigning during the time when John received this amazing, 47:54 stupendous revelation? 47:55 Rome... The Roman Catholic Church 47:59 is situated in the proverbial city of seven hills. 48:19 I find that absolutely astounding. 48:23 Number 12: She's clothed in purple and scarlet. 48:27 These are the ceremonial colors, 48:30 by the way... if you're wearing them tonight, 48:31 please don't feel self-conscious... I wear it too. 48:34 "clothed in purple and scarlet... 48:36 the ceremonial colors of the Catholic hierarchy 48:39 and main colors of the attire of cardinals. " 48:42 If you want proof, there it is. 48:43 Go ahead... e- mail me your attachments 48:57 Where is that taken from? 49:01 "The woman... " you want another snap shot? 49:03 There it is... 49:35 Would you agree, this is the Mother Church 49:39 and let me ask you the question, 49:46 There can be no... this is unequivocally, 49:49 there is no shadow of a doubt, would you agree? 49:52 we did no guesswork here tonight. 49:54 All we did is look at 12 clues that present overwhelming 49:59 clinching evidence that the Roman Catholic Church, 50:03 the most popular, professed Christian Institution 50:06 in the world... is the harlot. 50:09 The Mother Harlot Church. 50:13 Can the majority be wrong? 50:18 I'm not done yet. 50:20 The Bible is not done yet. 50:23 Who are the daughter churches? 50:26 You see, the Bible says, "She's the mother of harlots. " 50:33 So, Mystery Babylon is a family name. 50:38 Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots. 50:42 She's got a whole family 50:45 and this mother who has daughters 50:49 they are very similar, maybe different names 50:54 of the brands of the denominations, but nonetheless, 50:57 trampling on the truths of God's Word, 51:01 mixing some truth with error. 51:03 Who are these daughter churches? 51:06 Would you agree? 51:07 There was no guesswork about the mother, 51:09 there's no need to guess about her daughters. 51:12 It was clear about the mother, it's clear about her daughters. 51:16 God says, "Come out of the Mother church, 51:19 and come out of the daughter churches 51:23 that are teaching truth mixed with error. 51:28 It's the wine of Babylon that's intoxicating, 51:33 that blurs things, 51:36 God gives the Ten Commandments, it's very clear, 51:40 but when people have been sipping the wrong cup, 51:43 the Commandments... it becomes a little hazy, 51:46 it becomes, "Well, do we need to keep that or... 51:49 I'm not so sure. " 51:51 How can we guess about the Ten Commandments of God? 51:55 Would you agree, the devil has pulled a fast one on us. 51:59 They are the Protestant Churches who are still teaching 52:03 some of her errors and creating some of their own! 52:06 It does matter what you believe! 52:11 It matters... and sometimes people say, 52:15 "Well, it's just a matter of interpretation... " 52:17 Matter of interpretation? 52:19 You'd better believe it's a matter of interpretation 52:22 and the Bible says, 52:23 "if you add to it... you take away from it" 52:25 it can cause you your eternal salvation. 52:28 Now at times of ignorance, God winks at it. 52:31 Acts 17 verse 30 52:33 but God wants to lead people into a knowledge of the truth 52:36 and He's calling His sheep out of those folds 52:40 that are teaching half-truths that make a whole lie. 52:42 God is up to something. 52:45 He is leading His people out of the churches that are teaching 52:51 smooth things and He's leading them 52:53 to hear... are you ready? 52:56 Sobering truth... the truth will sober you up 53:02 because you will realize on judgment day 53:05 Matthew 7 says, let's go there, very quickly, 53:09 were some sobering Scriptures, Matthew chapter 7... 53:13 Matthew chapter 7... Thank God for the Word of God. 53:17 Matthew chapter 7, 53:19 Mathew 7 looking there at verse 13, 53:22 "Enter by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, 53:26 and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, 53:29 and there are many who go in it," in by it... 53:31 "because narrow is the gate, and difficult" 53:34 or confined is the way, 53:35 "which leads to life and there are few who find it. " 53:38 How many want to be among the remnant? 53:40 Now look... drop down to verse 21, 53:42 "Not everyone who says to me," this is sobering... 53:45 "Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven; 53:48 you got my attention... 53:49 but he who does the will of my father in heaven. " 53:52 the part of the will of God, 53:54 the Word of God contains the Ten Commandments. 53:57 How many agree? That's part of the will of God. 53:59 Those Ten Commandments tell us what's right and wrong 54:02 and I want you to notice here 54:05 many will say to me on that day, 54:08 "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, 54:11 cast out demons in your name, 54:13 and done many wonders in your name? 54:15 And then I will declare unto them, 54:17 I never knew you: depart from me, 54:18 you who practice... " what? 54:20 "lawlessness. " 54:22 What's that? Breaking the Law of God... 54:24 Lawlessness... 54:25 now I want you to notice here... 54:29 God's people in the last days 54:32 are going to have a bold, straight message. 54:35 You see when people are sober, 54:39 they are able to walk a straight line. 54:41 When people have been drunk by the wine of Babylon, 54:44 it's hard to walk a straight line 54:45 "I don't think I need to keep the Sabbath, 54:47 I think it's done away with... " 54:49 but the truth, straight and narrow truth, 54:56 gives us a clear vision, 54:59 Jesus is standing by His Ten Commandments. 55:02 Jesus is coming again, Jesus is pleading His blood, 55:09 and Jesus is calling me out, Jesus is calling me in, 55:15 "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, 55:18 them also I must bring. " 55:19 I need to close, let's go to Revelation 18, 55:22 Revelation 18 verses 1 and onward... 55:27 "And after these things I saw another angel 55:30 coming down from heaven having great authority: 55:32 and the earth was illuminated with the glory of God there... 55:35 and he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, 55:38 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen," 55:40 that's the Roman Catholic Church 55:42 and the Apostate Sunday-keeping churches in the last days 55:48 it says, "Babylon is fallen is fallen, 55:50 and has become a dwelling place of demons, 55:53 and a prison for every foul spirit, 55:55 and a cage for every unclean and hated bird. " 55:57 This is how God feels about false teachings. 55:59 "For all the nations have drunk 56:00 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, 56:02 and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, 56:05 and the merchants of the earth have become rich 56:06 through the abundance of her luxury. 56:08 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, 56:11 Come out of her... " come out of her, 56:14 "come out of her, my people... " 56:16 tender, endearing, personal, passionate, 56:20 "Come out of her, my people," evacuation orders... 56:23 exit orders, part of the gospel, 56:25 last call, in the last days, 56:27 to God's people, He says, 56:29 "Come out of the Roman Catholic Church, 56:30 come out of the Sunday-keeping churches... " 56:33 "But I'm the Choir Director," and "I'm the preacher there," 56:36 Thank God today, 56:37 many are coming out and coming in. 56:40 My Bible tells me, "God is up to something. " 56:44 God says, "Forget the former things, 56:45 behold I will do a new thing;" Isaiah 43 and verses 18 and 19. 56:50 In closing, "Listen, come out of her, my people, 56:53 lest you share in her sins, 56:55 and lest you receive of her plagues. " 56:56 My Bible tells me if you remain in Babylon, 57:00 you will receive the plagues that Babylon will receive. 57:04 You mean to tell me, "My people" 57:07 believers, Christians, are going to receive the plagues 57:11 if they don't evacuate from churches 57:13 that they have discovered, 57:14 and then shocked with the revelation... 57:17 are teaching false teachings, if they don't leave, 57:20 they are a participant in sin, 57:22 because now they're not flying, now they know better. 57:24 Would you agree the truth sets us free 57:28 if you know it, by following it. 57:31 Not just knowing it here, how many agree? 57:33 You got to know it here, 57:35 the truth must go from your head to your heart 57:37 and to your feet, can you say, "Amen. " 57:40 Although sudden and alarming changes 57:43 are sweeping across the globe, 57:45 you and your family can be prepared 57:47 to face the future with confidence. 57:49 The complete set of Amazing Prophecies on DVD 57:53 are available for a gift of $60 or more. 57:56 Call us at 1-855-336-FREE 58:01 or send your check or money order 58:03 to: Forever Free Ministries, 2001 Munro Park, 58:07 Corinth, TX, 76208. 58:15 If you would like to Mark Fox hold 58:17 an Amazing Prophecies Seminar 58:19 or a Marriage Seminar Weekend in your church, 58:22 contact us today at: 58:23 markfox@ foreverfreeministries. org. |
Revised 2015-10-15