Participants: Mark Fox
Series Code: AMP
Program Code: AMP000018A
00:04 We are racing towards the global crises at the close.
00:09 God is going to set up His kingdom on earth. 00:14 Preparation for the tribulation and the translation 00:18 is to develop a character like Jesus Christ 00:21 to reach every hamlet, every village, every man, 00:24 every child, every person in India, 00:27 every person in South America 00:28 must hear these Three Angles' Messages. 00:34 These are stories that illustrate the kind of fabric 00:37 of character and perseverance that we need to go through 00:41 the tribulation just as certainly as they did. 00:44 The Bible makes it very clear 00:45 we are living in an unusual hour, 00:48 the last grains of sand are trickling through 00:50 the hourglass of time and the door probation 00:53 is about the swing shot. 01:00 How many have your Bible here tonight? 01:02 Can you hold it up? 01:03 And if you don't have your Bible 01:05 but you believe in the Bible, raise your hand. 01:07 All right, so we're all covered. 01:08 Anyway we're gonna have a great time exploring Bible prophecy 01:12 and in this edition of amazing prophecies, 01:16 our title this evening is what everyone, 01:19 let's thunder it out together, "The Mark of the Beast!" 01:23 One more time, "The Mark of the Beast!" 01:27 That infamous, mysterious number 666 01:33 that number is not used to promote gambling casinos, 01:38 have you noticed? 01:39 They use 777. Well, guess what? 01:43 That might be the flip side of 666. 01:46 So 666 has conjured up all sorts of images 01:50 and grotesque pictures and so forth about 01:54 this really familiar, popular, ominous number 666. 01:59 So what about the mysterious number of the Beast 666. 02:04 Well, if you're a UPS driver or a FedEx driver and you're-- 02:09 you know, you've your package and you need to drop it off 02:12 at a skyscraper of the building in Saint Louis or Kansas City 02:17 and you go there and oh, no, your worse nightmare, 02:21 you got to go up to the top of the building 02:24 and that building number is, what everyone? 02:27 666. 02:28 Feeling a little nervous. 02:30 Wish that you hadn't gone in for the day. 02:32 How about that highway? 02:34 Well, it's not 666, but it's close enough. 02:36 It's highway 66, well, may be it's little antiquated 02:40 but the infamous highway full of deadly crashes, 02:44 superstition and popularity 02:46 and good old Hollywood sensationalism. 02:50 Well, let's say you go to the Wal-Mart, 02:51 checkout and you just throw some things on there 02:56 and lo and behold, 02:57 how much did you say the total was, ma'am? 03:00 Yeah, $6.66. 03:03 Well, here's some gum, throw in some gum. 03:05 You see this number scares 03:08 the daylights out of many, many people. 03:11 Tonight, you'll learn the rest of the story. 03:15 It has everything to do with tonight's topic 03:17 but I got to leave you with a cliffhanger. 03:20 So let's continue. 03:21 Will the United States enforce the mark of the beast? 03:26 "She will be the first!" 03:28 "She will be the first!" 03:30 That's why you can't miss a beat. 03:31 You got to listen to every syllable tonight. 03:34 And so could the race toward a cashless society 03:39 make it easier for the government 03:41 to control buying and selling? 03:44 Could that happen, because my Bible tells me 03:47 in Revelation Chapter 13, let's go there quickly. 03:50 Revelation Chapter 13 contains the startling pronouncement, 03:56 the startling announcement, the dire prediction, 04:00 the ominous reality that will unfold just before Jesus comes. 04:05 Revelation 13:16, "He" speaking about the United States, 04:10 I'll prove it in an upcoming presentation. 04:13 "He causes or enforces all, both small and great, 04:18 rich and poor, free and slave, 04:20 to receive a mark on the right hand, 04:25 or on their foreheads." 04:27 So you can receive the mark of the beast 04:30 in two distinct places. 04:32 On the forehead or on the what? 04:36 On the hand. 04:37 And notice here verse 17, 04:40 "And that no one may buy or sell, 04:45 except one who has the mark or the name of the beast 04:51 or the number of his name." 04:55 So according to the scriptures, 04:56 the mark of the beast will be what? 04:59 Enforced. 05:00 That is crystal clear. 05:02 That is the prophetic scenario that we see spotlighted 05:07 in these packed verses. 05:10 How many agree these verses are packed? 05:12 How many agree, I mean, this is heavily concentrated. 05:14 I mean, this is prophecy stuff. 05:17 So I want you to notice here, in verse 16 it says, 05:20 "There's going to be something that is forced." 05:24 So whatever the mark of the beast is, 05:27 it will have everything to do with becoming 05:30 the law of the land and it will have teeth in it. 05:35 It will be enforced, legislated 05:41 and according to the word of God, 05:43 it's a mark, it's the forbidden mark. 05:46 It's a mark that God says, "Don't get it." 05:50 Because if you do, what will happen? 05:53 We'll get into that in a moment. 05:55 So could the race toward a cashless society 05:57 make it easier for the government 06:00 to control buying and selling? 06:03 Well, consider this fact. 06:06 "The deadly combination of financial chaos..." 06:10 Are we in the throes of that right now? 06:12 Yes, we are. 06:14 Global interdependency, 06:16 are we a global village of sorts? 06:18 You know, one nation sneezes 06:20 and the rest of the world catches a cold. 06:22 Are you with me? 06:23 And so, and modern technology-- listen, let me recap that. 06:28 "The deadly combination of financial chaos, 06:31 global interdependency and modern technology 06:36 are all converging, getting together, combining, 06:41 and coalescing and creating the right dangerous climate, 06:46 a right climate for a cashless society 06:49 and governmental control of your money." 06:53 Would you agree when the government 06:55 starts messing with your money? 06:57 We really are or all heads up. 07:01 So where's the money, honey? 07:04 Ah, that's so you know, the number one contention, 07:08 number one marriage problem. 07:10 You know, I do marriage seminars 07:11 and marriage counseling 07:13 and let me tell you that number one contender there 07:16 that causes heated debate is money. 07:19 So where's the money, honey? 07:21 Anyway, let me tell you something. 07:24 The Bible makes it very clear 07:26 that the government will stipulate 07:29 and they will specify that you must, in particular, 07:35 you must go along with this mark of the beast. 07:38 So it will be popular and persuasive and false. 07:43 And it will be enforced by, number one, 07:47 an economic boycott, economic sanctions 07:52 imposed upon those who would dare to dissent, 07:56 who would dare to be a Daniel 07:59 and not go along with the government 08:01 when false worship is enforced. 08:03 Can you say Daniel in the lion's den 08:05 that's how he ended up there. 08:07 He refused to give in to false worship 08:10 that was being enforced by the government 08:13 and he was under governmental surveillance. 08:19 You know, what he did when he was under that, that, 08:21 that scrutiny, that governmental surveillance 08:24 and that false worshiping of force? 08:26 You know what he did? 08:27 He just kept doing what he was doing, all along. 08:29 Kept going before the Lord at his window there, 08:32 would look up at the sky and by faith look up to God 08:35 and the Bible says, 08:36 "He would kneel down and pray 08:38 three times a day as was his custom." 08:40 Daniel 6:10. 08:41 How many agree? 08:43 When the devil gets mean, you just keep on praying. 08:47 And so listen carefully. 08:49 "Is the high-tech surveillance capabilities and usage 08:53 resulting in a trap that will be used to identify 08:58 and expose those who resist the Mark of the Beast?" 09:01 Now I'm giving some thought for presidency. 09:04 And so, in today's world would you agree 09:08 that enormous changes can happen overnight, 09:12 fast with rapidity, with wings on it? 09:15 Right, is that true? 09:16 I mean, the devil will have something overnight 09:19 and blow up in your face tomorrow morning. 09:22 How many agree the devil doesn't sleep? 09:24 Thank God, Psalms 1:21, the Bible says, 09:27 "The Lord does not slumber nor sleep." 09:28 Can you say amen? 09:30 "And greater is He that is in you 09:31 than He that is in the world." 09:33 1 John 4:4. 09:34 But the Bible makes it very clear 09:36 that end time cataclysmic, apocalyptic prophecy events 09:41 will happen with rapidity, 09:43 will happen in quick succession, 09:45 will happen with blinding speed, 09:48 one change following quickly after the heels of another 09:51 so that the average person will be dumbfounded, deluded, 09:56 deceived because they were not prepared for these events. 10:00 Number one, they weren't prepared for the events. 10:02 Number two, they weren't prepared 10:04 for the rapidity of the events. 10:07 But you, Bible says in Romans 13, 10:09 "Are not in darkness." 10:11 So that that day and that the events 10:14 leading up to that day will catch you by surprise. 10:17 The Bible says, "We're not of the darkness. 10:19 We're of the light." 10:21 And now knowing the time that it is now high-time to awake, 10:25 for our salvation is near than when we first believe." 10:28 Romans 10:10-11. 10:30 So the Bible makes it very clear 10:33 that just like a woman who at its birth-pangs, 10:36 it suddenly comes upon them. 10:38 They were told it was gonna happen 10:40 and then all of a sudden it happens 10:42 and the contractions 10:43 become more frequent and intense. 10:46 And all the mother said, "I know all about it." 10:49 Paul compared end events and the coming of the Lord. 10:55 He compared that end time events, 10:59 the developments in the social world, 11:00 the political world, the environmental world, 11:02 the economic world, the religious world. 11:04 These events, these developments 11:07 that would take place, 11:08 he compared it to the birth-pangs, 11:10 the birth pains of a woman who is ready to give birth. 11:13 And so the point is this, is that right now we're living 11:18 in an age of intensity and a rapid change. 11:23 Convulsions or contractions, take your pick. 11:27 All I know is in today's world 11:29 enormous changes can happen fast 11:31 and guess what? 11:32 The Mark of the Beast is going to catch the world by surprise, 11:38 stunning surprise. 11:40 But those who know Bible prophecy, 11:43 it pays to know Bible prophecy. 11:45 This is no trivia pursuit. 11:47 We're not gathered here in a nice cute little seminar 11:49 and just saying, "I know this now, 11:52 it's rather not just head information, 11:55 its heart transformation 11:56 and preparation for the tribulation." 11:59 That's what it is. 12:00 The Bible, may you say, 12:02 Mark, "We going through the tribulation?" 12:03 If we're not going through the tribulation 12:05 then this is all just nice to know. 12:07 But you really don't have to know, 12:08 'cause you won't be here. 12:12 People want to hear smooth things. 12:14 Tell me preacher that I'm not gonna go 12:15 through the tribulation. 12:17 You're not gonna go through the tribulation. 12:18 Thank you preacher, I love you. 12:19 Come over at my house any time. 12:23 Listen to me, Revelation 16:15 12:27 makes it very clear with clarity, 12:31 ringing clarity that we're going through the tribulation. 12:36 I was about to say I'm going through the depression. 12:37 Yeah, okay, here we go. 12:39 Revelation 16:15, "Behold, I am coming as a thief. 12:44 Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, 12:46 lest he walk naked, and they see a shame." 12:48 And it's in the context of the sixth angel, 12:50 the pouring out of his vial, 12:51 pouring out of his bowl of God's wrath. 12:53 The seven installments of God's wrath poured out 12:56 in the last days in the form 12:57 of the seven last scourges or seven last plagues. 13:01 And so as these bowls are poured out, 13:03 they're poured out and then Jesus comes as a thief. 13:08 Jesus just said, "Hold on to your garments, 13:10 " Christ righteousness. 13:12 How many agree we're nothing but nakedness? 13:13 But when we have Jesus, we put on Christ 13:16 that is we put on His robe. 13:18 Amen, we put on His perfection. 13:20 You do not stand before God in your own self. 13:24 You claim Jesus, you don't pray in your own name, 13:26 you pray in the name of Jesus and He presents you 13:30 before the father, faultless, before His throne of grace, 13:34 " Jude verse 24. 13:36 Do you know that he says in Isaiah 43:25, 13:40 "I will not remember your sins." 13:42 Micah 7:18 and 19 says, "That He will cast them 13:48 into the depths of the sea." 13:50 And someone said, "And I'll put a no-fishing sign up there." 13:54 Can you say amen about that? 13:56 And so listen, we're racing toward the Mark of the Beast 13:59 and we're gonna go through the tribulation 14:01 because the tribulation is purification and preparation 14:06 for your translation and your glorification. 14:10 Now that's simple, you might need to rewind and play that. 14:13 We're racing toward the Mark of the Beast. 14:16 So what is the Mark of the Beast? 14:18 Is it a government identification number? 14:21 Is it a barcode on a can in a grocery store? 14:25 Is it a number on a credit card? 14:29 God loves us so much, 14:33 He wants us to be fully informed 14:36 and prepared for the tribulation, 14:40 the mark of the beast 14:41 and the coming of Jesus Christ in the sky! 14:44 So what warning does God give about the Mark of the Beast? 14:48 Revelation 14, Revelation 14, the very center, 14:52 the very heart of the Book of Revelation, 14:55 right there, 22 chapters, right there in the middle. 14:58 Revelation chapter 14 we read verse 6, 15:02 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of Heaven, 15:05 " God is describing with symbolic language 15:08 his end time warning messages. 15:11 These are his-- this constitutes 15:13 and comprises his last call, his last messages of mercy. 15:18 How many agree? This is it. 15:19 This is it. This is closing time. 15:22 This is the end time. This is the prophetic time. 15:26 This is the sealing time. This is the judgment time. 15:29 And the Bible says here, 15:31 "Then I saw another Angel flying 15:33 in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting gospel 15:36 to preach to those who dwell in the Earth, 15:38 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people." 15:40 Saying with a loud voice, compelling voice, "It's urgent, 15:44 Fear God and give glory to Him 15:46 for the hour of His judgment has come." 15:48 All right, now notice the next part of this purpose 15:52 and we're gonna contrast it with verse 9. 15:56 "And worship Him..." 15:59 What's the key word there? Worship. 16:01 "Him who made..." 16:03 What would you call the person who made us? 16:06 Our creator. 16:08 "Worship the creator who made heaven and earth 16:11 and the sea and the springs of waters." 16:12 Now drop down to verse 9 and see if you can notice 16:18 a stark sharp pronounce bold relief 16:22 contrast to what we just read. 16:25 Worshipping the beast, all right, 16:27 let's put that up on the board, so to speak. 16:28 Worshipping the beast on one side 16:31 and the extreme polarity on the other end is what? 16:36 Verse 9, "Then a third angel followed them 16:40 saying with a loud voice, 16:43 'If anyone worships the beast..." 16:47 not the creator, but the beast, "and his image 16:51 and receives his mark 16:53 on his forehead or on his hand..." 16:55 All right, what's gonna happen? What are the consequences? 16:58 "He himself shall also drink of the wine 17:00 of the wrath of God." 17:01 ' What is the wrath of God poured out in the last days? 17:03 The seven last plagues, 17:05 Revelation 15 and 16 makes that clear. 17:07 "Which is poured out full strength 17:08 into the cup of his indignation, 17:10 he should be tormented with fire 17:11 and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, 17:14 and in the presence of the Lamb. 17:15 And that smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever 17:18 and they have no rest day or night..." 17:19 to what? 17:21 "Give in, cave in either by default or decision 17:25 they worship the beast and his image 17:28 and whoever receives the mark of its name." 17:30 How many agree this is a dire warning? 17:33 This is a straight shooting. 17:36 Undiluted powerful message from a loving God who says, 17:42 "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, 17:45 it's closing time." 17:48 Verse 12, "Here is the patience, 17:52 the endurance of the saints, here those who 17:55 keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." 17:59 So what's gonna unfold? What's gonna unravel? 18:03 I'll tell you what's gonna happen? 18:05 The law will be of the land the government will say, 18:09 "You must worship the beast." 18:13 And that will clash against worshipping the Creator 18:18 and keeping the law of God instead of the law of the land. 18:24 Now I believe that we must respect our government. 18:28 We must pray for our president. 18:30 The Bible says in Roman Chapter 13 18:33 that God would have us to respect and to honor 18:39 our government as long as 18:41 it doesn't contradict our conscience. 18:44 But in this case, guess what? 18:47 You got to stand up and say, "Now that's about enough. 18:51 I'm willing to honor my government, 18:53 but when my government says, 18:55 'You must receive the mark of the beast,' 18:57 I don't care how Christian it looks. 18:59 I don't care how popular it is. 19:01 I don't care how much you threaten me with death 19:05 or what kind of economic boycott 19:07 or economic sanctions you impose upon me, 19:09 no matter what you say as for me and my house, 19:13 serve the Lord, " Joshua 24:15. 19:17 So it's a matter of the fabric of your-- a test of the fabric 19:19 of your faith and to see who really can say, 19:23 "I love the Lord more than anything." 19:26 That will be tested. 19:28 The great showdown test in the last days is, 19:32 who really has faith in Jesus that leads to loving obedience. 19:37 Who has the endurance of the saints, 19:40 keep the commandments of God and the genuine faith of Jesus. 19:44 'Cause if you have faith in Jesus He'll give you endurance 19:47 to obey when they tell you disobey God 19:52 and go along with the laws of the land. 19:54 Can you see, it's a clash of laws. 19:58 God's law, man's law. 20:00 It's a clash of worship. 20:02 Worship the creator or worship the beast. 20:04 How many can see 20:05 the Book of Revelation is a catalogue, 20:07 a string, a litany of one contrast after the other. 20:12 Save, lost. Babylon, Jerusalem. 20:15 Heaven, hell. Sea of glass, lake of fire. 20:19 666, 777. 20:21 All throughout the Bible. 20:23 The Book of Revelation is a book of contrast. 20:25 So you got the mark of the beast 20:28 and the seal of God. 20:30 So I want you to notice here, you have Christ and antichrist. 20:34 Dragon, Lamb. 20:36 So I want you to notice here, I want you to notice here 20:39 what the Bible makes clear. 20:41 What warning does God give about the mark of the beast? 20:43 Do not get the mark of the beast. 20:46 Do not worship the beast 20:47 or you will get the mark of the beast. 20:49 So who overcomes the mark of the beast? 20:53 Who's gonna be preaching the warning 20:55 about the mark of the beast? 20:56 Don't miss this. 20:58 Let me say it is just as plain as I've-- 21:00 The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:2-4, it says, 21:04 "Make it plain." 21:06 All right, let me make it very, very plain. 21:10 God does not make it complicated to know the issues 21:17 at stake in this life 21:20 and death confrontation in the last days. 21:23 Would you agree you cannot guess 21:26 about life and death issues? 21:30 So the question is this, who overcomes? 21:33 Who resists the mark of the beast? 21:35 Those who are preaching the warning. 21:37 Would you agree, they're ones who are not gonna get 21:39 the mark of the beast because they're identifying it 21:42 and warning people don't go along with it. 21:45 Who are they? How can they be identified? 21:49 Verse 12, it's right there. 21:52 Put your finger on it. 21:53 Get your highlighter out. 21:55 Get your pen out, underline it. 21:58 Put your memory cap on. 22:00 Remember this one. Memorize it. 22:02 This is one of the most important scriptures 22:05 for the last days. 22:07 Here is the patience of the saints. 22:09 Here are those who keep the commandments of God 22:12 even when it's against the law to keep His law. 22:17 Here are those who have the faith of Jesus 22:20 in a time when everyone claims their faith in Jesus 22:23 but it's a down right counterfeit. 22:27 So what is poured out upon those who receive 22:30 the mark of the beast? 22:32 Revelation Chapter 15:1-2 22:35 "Then I saw another sign in heaven, 22:36 great and marvelous, 22:38 seven angels having the seven last plagues, 22:40 for in them, the wrath of God is complete 22:42 and I saw something like 22:43 a sea of glass of mingled with fire, 22:45 and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image, 22:48 over his mark, over the number of his name, 22:50 standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." 22:53 So the Bible makes it very clear. 22:55 If you have victory, 22:56 you will stand on the sea of glass. 22:58 If you do not have victory, but you are defeated by the devil, 23:03 by the beast, if you are defeated then you get 23:07 the mark of the beast, then the Bible says, 23:09 "You get the seven last plagues and ultimately you go 23:12 to the lake of fire, where there's weeping 23:17 and gnashing of teeth. 23:19 Bible makes that clear. 23:21 If you go to the sea of glass, 23:23 'casue you had victory or you go to the lake of fire, 23:25 because you had defeat. 23:27 I'd rather go up than down. 23:28 Can you say amen? 23:30 So the Bible makes it very crystal clear. 23:33 That God's wrath as the seven last plagues 23:36 poured out in the last days. 23:37 Would you like to see just one-- 23:39 Let me give you a little glimpse here 23:41 of just one installment, the first plague. 23:45 Chapter 16:1, "Then I heard another loud voice 23:48 from the temple saying to the seven angels, 23:51 'Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.' 23:55 So the first went, poured out his bowl upon the earth 23:58 and a foul, a foul and loathsome 24:01 that is a severe and malignant loathsome, 24:05 sore," like painful boils or something comparable, 24:09 "came upon the men who had the mark of the beast 24:12 and those who worshipped its image." 24:14 So who is targeted? 24:16 Who's on the hit list of these angels 24:20 pouring out the bowls of God's wrath? 24:23 Those who got the mark are the ones 24:26 that are marked for the plagues. 24:28 And so the Bible makes it very clear, 24:30 "Worship the beast, get the mark of the beast, 24:33 get the seven last plagues." 24:35 And just one of them is this deadly, 24:38 malignant, sore, painful. 24:41 Can you imagine the ramifications of that? 24:44 Can you imagine a fallout from that? 24:46 Can you imagine the ripple effect among the hospitals? 24:49 You know, where who knows, how many millions of people 24:51 come down with these boils and they go 24:53 and there is no relief. 24:56 No matter what shots they get, there is no relief. 25:01 Can you imagine the chaos, the social upheaval, 25:07 the economic collapse that would ensue 25:09 just from this first installment? 25:12 How many agree Hollywood can't catch up with this stuff? 25:17 So listen, listen carefully, seven last plagues. 25:23 I got a question for you. 25:24 Is this really serious stuff or it's a con? 25:28 You see the devil wants worship and when he came to Jesus 25:34 in the wilderness, what was Jesus doing? 25:40 He was praying. 25:42 Some people think, "You know, if you pray then, you know, 25:45 they hope the devil will leave you alone." 25:47 I don't think so. 25:50 The devil showed up when the Lord was-- 25:55 Jesus was seeking His Father with fasting. 25:58 How many agree that's one way you seek 25:59 and seek God is through fasting and prayer? 26:02 Fasting for 40 days, praying for 40 days 26:06 in a very intense intentional purposeful way 26:10 and the devil showed up as if an answer to prayer. 26:16 It came down as a beautiful angel. 26:19 By the way, there's a beautiful angel, but he's a fallen angel, 26:23 but he can still make it appear 26:25 that he's still that unfallen angel. 26:28 He can masquerade as anybody he wants, matter of fact, 26:32 get into that in future presentations. 26:35 I want you to notice here. 26:37 The mark of the beast will be 26:39 the ultimate deception of the enemy. 26:43 He will have the mark of the beast 26:45 look like its Christian. 26:49 While the beast is known as the antichrist 26:54 which appears to be a Christian power. 26:59 So beloved just how popular will the mark of the beast be? 27:04 Revelation 13:8, Revelation 13:8, 27:08 are we learning something here tonight? 27:10 Verse 8, "All who dwell on the earth will worship him, 27:13 whose names have not been written 27:14 in the book of life of the Lamb 27:15 slain from the foundation of the world." 27:17 The whole world will be held captive 27:21 under the sway of the evil one, the wicked one in the last days 27:25 with the exception of who? 27:29 Of a minority, of a smaller group. 27:35 Look at that group spotlighted, of course they were spotlighted 27:38 there in Revelation 14:12 and so-- by the way, 27:42 if you're in Revelation 14:12 and Revelation 12:17, 27:46 they're the people who will overcome. 27:49 Look at Revelation 12:17. 27:52 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman, 27:54 the church and he went to make war 27:57 with the rest of her offspring, the remnant, 27:59 who keep the commandments of God 28:01 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." 28:03 How many can see the parallel? 28:05 The echo from Revelation 14:12, this, 28:07 this-- there's a connection. 28:09 You can connect the dots between these two passages. 28:12 That's how we learn truth. 28:14 The truth just like you're afraid, John 8:32, 28:16 how do you learn truth, 28:17 by comparing scripture with scripture, 28:19 line upon line, precept upon precept. 28:20 Amen. 28:22 It's not how smart you are, it's rather, 28:23 do you have a little bit of time, 28:25 where you can read scripture and say, "Wait, wait a minute, 28:27 I just read that," and then you make the connections 28:30 and thank God for concordances that can help you 28:32 to make it even faster. 28:34 Can you say amen? 28:35 Now listen carefully. Listen carefully. 28:38 My Bible tells me that there's gonna be an attack 28:42 on the law of God and my Bible tells me 28:45 there will be an attack, 28:46 a very frontal assault on the remnant. 28:50 That's why it requires, here's the patience, 28:53 the endurance of the saints 28:54 because they're gonna come under attack. 28:55 Why? 28:57 Because they still want a champion and carry 28:59 the torch of loving obedience to God's law. 29:03 No matter how politically incorrect it may be. 29:07 So I want you to notice here-- 29:08 How many would like to be in that group of verse 17? 29:11 You want to be in that group? 29:12 Do you even know what's a remnant? 29:14 So the majority will never go 29:16 along with all of the Ten Commandments. 29:19 They never will, they never have, they never will. 29:21 According to the word of God, the law of God is under attack 29:25 in the last days and it will appear Christian 29:31 to change that law, revise that law, 29:33 modify that law and end up 29:36 not really keeping the original law, 29:38 the genuine but going along with the counterfeit. 29:42 So in the last days, there will be a widespread delusion, 29:48 a rampant deception that will sweep across the globe 29:52 in regard to when it's even now a foot in regard 29:56 to the Ten Commandments of God. 30:00 How many can see that the pivotal, 30:01 central issue in the last days, 30:03 worship the creator or worship the beast? 30:06 Keep the commandments of God or keep the commandments of men 30:10 that clash with the commandments of God. 30:14 Sudden changes are about to catch the world by surprise. 30:18 Amazing Bible prophecies are fast fulfilling. 30:21 Do ancient prophecies predict the sudden economic collapse? 30:24 Will the Middle East crisis erupt into World War III? 30:28 Are we living on the eve of Armageddon? 30:31 How will the final moves of the antichrist affect you? 30:34 What is the future of the United States of America? 30:37 How will natural disasters 30:39 assure in the mark of the beast? 30:41 Now you can watch the entire Amazing Prophecy series 30:46 of 32 hopeful messages on DVD. 30:49 Don't guess about the future, know the future. 30:53 The complete set of DVDs 30:54 is available for a gift of $60 or more. 30:57 Call us at 1-855-336-Free or you can send a cheque 31:03 or money order to Forever Free Ministries, 2001 Munro Park, 31:07 Corinth, Texas, 76208. 31:11 You can also visit us online at 31:16 Why would people go along with the mark of the beast 31:20 even after hearing the strong warnings? 31:22 Because the Bible says that people are deceived. 31:25 Look now at Revelation, Revelation chapter, it's here, 31:32 Chapter, Chapter 20:10, 31:38 "The devil who deceived them 31:40 was cast into the lake of fire in brimstone, 31:43 where the beast and the false prophet are 31:46 and they will be tormented 31:47 day and night forever and ever." 31:49 So the Bible makes it very clear. 31:50 The beast, the dragon and the false prophet, 31:52 the false trinity, are known for what? 31:55 For their track record of deception. 31:58 And so the Bible makes it very clear, when the devil, 32:02 who is Lucifer in heaven, 32:04 he decided to launch his campaign of lies 32:09 in heaven and smear the character undermine 32:13 and malign the character of God. 32:16 How many agree the devil was on a political campaign? 32:18 He wanted votes in heaven 32:20 and one-third of the celestial host 32:22 made the fatal decision to side with this fallen angel, 32:27 this good-angel gone bad 32:29 and they were kicked out of heaven. 32:31 This is all right there in Revelation Chapter 12, 32:35 and they were thrust out from heaven. 32:37 But then Adam and Eve said, 32:38 "Well, you can come down here if you want." 32:42 And Adam and Eve opened the door 32:44 and the floodgates of hell 32:47 and the host of darkness came rushing in 32:49 but Jesus came down here to rescue anybody 32:52 who is not wanting to go along 32:55 with sin and self and the devil. 32:58 How many are determined that you want to be rescued? 33:03 Now, listen to me. 33:05 They still walkway though. 33:08 Devil still wants what it wanted in heaven. 33:12 He wants to be first. 33:14 He wants to be worshipped. 33:16 But he's got very cunning over 6,000 years. 33:20 Crafty and he has been fine-tuning and orchestrating 33:27 his final web of deception. 33:30 How many agree he's held back his big one for them? 33:34 That's why beloved, you and I need to study this scripture. 33:38 So I want you to notice here, people will be deceived 33:42 and if they're not deceived, 33:44 they will give into the pressure. 33:47 Remember Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego on the plains of Dura 33:50 King Nebuchadnezzar had, had told everyone, 33:57 "I want you to bow down and worship this golden image, 34:01 " that was erected there, on the plains of Dura. 34:04 It was made of gold, it was dazzling. 34:07 Spectacular image that you could see for miles and miles 34:13 and miles and let me tell you some thing. 34:15 He said, "I want everybody to bow down, 34:18 at the cue of the music, I want everyone to bow down 34:21 when they hear the Babylonian music." 34:23 I'm gonna agree that devil still has his Babylonian music? 34:26 Anyway, and everybody is to bow down 34:30 and worship this image and if you don't, 34:33 you see that fiery furnace that we used to help 34:36 make this image in the first place, 34:39 you're going there. 34:40 So there was forced worship 34:45 and there was Babylonian music 34:49 to help them feel comfortable to go against conscience. 34:54 Devil still uses music to loll people into a spiritual slumber 35:00 and to help their conscience feel comfortable with sin. 35:05 I'm gonna agree, you got to make sure, 35:07 you can discern heavenly music from the devil's music. 35:10 Because I'm here to tell you that just because you may 35:13 attend a church doesn't mean that it's only 35:15 heavenly music in that church, 35:16 now that's a whole another sermon. 35:18 But listen to me carefully. 35:20 Listen to me carefully because who is one of their 35:23 chief leaders in music in heaven 35:27 and now he's come down here, 35:28 and let me tell you something, 35:30 he's fallen and his music is fallen. 35:33 So listen carefully to me. Listen carefully. 35:36 On the plains of Dura, 35:37 everyone was to bow down and give homage to the image. 35:45 And in the last days everyone is gonna be called 35:48 to bow down to the image. 35:51 Keep that in mind because I have 35:52 an upcoming presentation 35:54 that we will deal with the image 35:56 that's gonna be setup in the United States of America 35:59 and the rest of the world 36:00 is gonna follow setting up that image. 36:02 It has everything to do with the mark of the beast 36:04 'cause you got to know 36:05 who the beast is, what's the mark, 36:06 what's the image, what's the number, 36:08 what's the name? 36:09 Amen. 36:10 So give into the pressure or be deceived. 36:12 By the way, Adam was not deceived. 36:17 The Bible says, "Eve was deceived. 36:20 Eve was deceived." 36:22 That's what Paul said in the Book of Corinthians, 36:24 "She was deceived." 36:26 So what happened? 36:28 She was deceived in her mind. 36:31 Adam wasn't deceived, he knew what was going on, 36:35 but even though his heart, his mind was not deceived, 36:39 what did he do? 36:40 He put out his hand under the pressure, 36:42 "I don't want to lose my wife, give me the apple." 36:45 An apple, poor apples. 36:46 We don't know what kind of fruit it was. 36:50 And I want you to think about that. 36:53 In other words, you can sin in two different ways, 36:57 deception... 37:00 ...or knowingly disobey. 37:05 One, deceived. 37:07 I'm gonna agree the devil deceives people into sin. 37:10 That's one of the ways he catches people. 37:13 That's why truth shall set you free. 37:16 That's the name of our ministry, 37:18 Forever Free Ministries for good reason. 37:20 It's based on that John 8:31 to 36, 37:23 "If the sun sets you free, you're free indeed." 37:24 How many of you want to be freed of the mark of the beast? 37:28 Now listen, my Bible tells me that in the last days, 37:33 last days, it's gonna be two groups of people, 37:36 those who are saved, those who are lost. 37:38 Those who worship the beast 37:40 and those who worship the creator. 37:41 And those who worship the beast, 37:43 there's two groups there. 37:44 Those who are deceived and go along 37:46 with the mark of the beast, 37:48 just like Eve was deceived or they're like Adam, 37:51 "Oh, I got to be able to buy or sell. 37:52 I know it's wrong, but I'm gonna do it anyway." 37:55 How many can see there's a difference there? 37:57 Some receive the mark on the forehead, 38:00 deceived and some receive it on the hand and say, 38:02 "Well, you weren't deceived, but you knew better. 38:03 You just gave into the pressure." 38:06 And so what are the three-- and by the way, 38:08 the seal of God, you can't get it in the hand, 38:12 because you don't follow God out of pressure, 38:15 you follow God out of truth. 38:18 You've made an intelligent decision, 38:21 "I will follow Jesus Christ." 38:25 You don't get saved by default. 38:27 You don't get saved like you kind of go along 38:29 with the pressure. 38:31 You've to make an intelligent decision, 38:33 "I will follow my Jesus." 38:35 So what are the three discoveries that we must make 38:38 in order to understand this issue? 38:40 And we'll see how far we can go. 38:42 Three discoveries, the beast, the seal of God, 38:45 the mark of the beast. 38:46 Now why do we study the beast first? 38:48 Why don't we just get in, 38:50 right into the mark of the beast? 38:51 Because if you don't know who the beast is, 38:54 you're just relegated to sheer guess work 38:58 about what is the mark of the beast. 39:00 You must first categorically be able to pin down 39:05 with pinpointed precision and accuracy, 39:08 "Who is the beast?" 39:10 Then you must ask before you identify 39:14 the mark of the beast, 39:16 you must look what is the antithesis of that. 39:18 What's the extreme opposite of the mark of the beast? 39:20 The seal of God. 39:22 The devil has a counterfeit for every truth of God. 39:28 True worship, worship the creator, 39:30 keep his commandments. 39:31 Counterfeit worship, worship the beast, 39:34 go along with changed commandments. 39:35 Is that clear thus far? 39:37 Are you with me thus far tonight? 39:39 Now listen carefully, three discoveries, the beast, 39:42 the seal of God and the mark of the beast. 39:44 So who is the beast? Who is the beast? 39:47 There's so much conjecturing, so much applying 39:49 guess work about that. 39:50 Lets look at 10 clues. 39:53 A power arising from pagan Rome, 39:55 "The dragon, Pagan Rome..." 39:57 Now these are all primarily taken from Revelation 13. 40:01 "The dragon, Pagan Rome, gave him his power, his seat, 40:05 capital seat, and great authority." 40:07 Now the Protestant Reformers categorically asserted 40:15 and boldly proclaimed that the papal Roman system 40:21 was the antichrist. 40:23 I don't expect you to subscribe to that unless you see 40:27 the overwhelming, clinching evidence. 40:31 Clue number one and this is taken, 40:33 you can just read it and you can see those 10 clues 40:38 and then you can ask, 40:39 "Well, what's the only power 40:41 that meets all of the prophetic specifications?" 40:45 All right, "The dragon, Pagan Rome, gave him his power, 40:51 and his seat that is his capital seat 40:53 and great authority." 40:55 Revelation 13:2. 40:57 So therefore, who did the dragon, Pagan Rome, 41:02 give its capital seat to? 41:04 It says, "Well, Mark, what do you mean? 41:06 Dragon? Pagan Rome? 41:08 I thought the dragon was the devil." 41:09 It is, but because the Pagan Roman Empire was so identified 41:14 with destructive tactics 41:16 and maneuvers of the devil himself, 41:19 the same term is used synonymously in this context. 41:24 Clue number two, 41:26 A religious power that is worshipped. 41:28 "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast 41:31 and they worshipped the beast." 41:33 Notice, the key issue is worship. 41:37 Hear again, dragon can refer to the devil 41:40 and or it can receive-- refer to Pagan Rome. 41:44 After all, who was it 41:46 that issued a decree to kill all babies, 41:50 a little babies that were very infant 41:54 and during the time of Jesus to try to annihilate Jesus? 41:57 It was Roman Herod, 41:59 who authorized the crucifixion of Christ 42:01 who washed his hands and said, 42:03 "You know, do what you're gonna do. 42:04 It's not my fault." 42:05 It was the spineless wishy-washy Pilate. 42:09 Notice there was a corrupt church 42:11 putting pressure on a corrupt government. 42:14 And let me tell you something, it'll be a corrupt church 42:16 putting pressure on a corrupt government 42:18 to enforce the mark of the beast. 42:20 Now I just let the bird out of the cage. 42:21 Well, let's continue. 42:23 I want you to notice here that it's a religious power 42:27 that is worshipped. 42:29 Roman soldiers put Jesus to death, 42:31 Roman soldiers guarded his tomb, 42:32 Roman Coliseum witnessed the demise 42:35 of many wonderful Christians. 42:37 Now listen, "They worshipped the dragon which gave power 42:40 unto the beast, they worshipped the beast." 42:43 So what religious power 42:44 are we talking about in 300 A.D. 42:47 You want some history, here it is, 42:48 Constantine relocated, 42:51 Roman Emperor Constantine 42:53 relocated in a political maneuver, 42:55 relocated his capital seat from Rome to Byzantium 43:00 and renamed Byzantium, Constantinople, Constantinople. 43:05 All right, there you go, history channel buffs. 43:08 All right, so the beast is not a person. 43:12 It is a religious political power 43:15 that would have a man in a succession 43:18 of religious kings that would speak for it. 43:21 So Revelation 13:8 says, 43:23 "All who dwell on the earth will worship him." 43:25 This power is a universal system of worship. 43:29 Is the antichrist, man of sin inside or outside 43:32 the Christian church? 43:33 Paul said, 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, 3 and 4, 43:36 Acts Chapter 20, 29 and 30. 43:40 Paul said, "It would be in the church, 43:44 in the Christian community.' 43:47 Clue number three, a blasphemous power. 43:49 "Upon his heads the name of blasphemy." 43:52 Revelation 13:1. 43:55 By the way, what constitutes biblical blasphemy? 43:58 Jesus was falsely accused as committing blasphemy 44:01 when he claimed in Luke Chapter 5, 44:04 I believe it's verse 21 there, "To forgive sin." 44:08 But Jesus can forgive our sin. 44:10 Amen. 44:11 But a man that claims that prerogative that belongs 44:15 exclusively to God and his son Jesus Christ 44:19 that would be blatant blasphemy. 44:22 Does the Papal Roman system claim that its priest 44:26 can forgive your sins and do they claim 44:29 for example that Mary can hear your prayers 44:32 and help you in your salvation? 44:34 Do they claim that Mary is a mediatrix? 44:36 Now I know that this may be shocking in the extreme 44:39 and please if you are Roman Catholic here tonight, 44:42 I'm here to tell you, I personally believe 44:45 there are many Roman Catholics that love Jesus Christ 44:49 and believe in Jesus Christ and I believe will be saved. 44:53 But I believe there are many Roman Catholics 44:55 and I believe there are many Protestants 44:57 who will not make it to heaven. 45:00 God is the judge. 45:01 But I must judge from scripture what is being taught. 45:05 Can you say amen? You understand that? 45:07 So let me just tell you that if you're looking down 45:10 on Roman Catholics, 45:12 you must also ask yourself the question. 45:15 "Is everything all right in Protestantism?" 45:18 The answer is what? No. 45:21 So let me just tell you this, would you agree 45:24 Roman Catholics and Protestants, 45:26 if they're truly honest they must say, 45:28 "You know what, we're brothers and sisters. 45:30 We must get the truth and be delivered 45:33 from whatever false teachings 45:35 there are in the Catholic church, 45:36 in the Protestant churches." 45:38 And I believe we must be willing to make changes. 45:40 Can you say amen? 45:42 "So upon his heads the name of blasphemy." 45:44 Revelation 13:1. 45:46 Clue number four, a persecuting power. 45:48 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, 45:50 and to overcome them." 45:51 Revelation 13:7. 45:54 Historians say that 50 to 100 million precious souls 46:00 lost their lives during the Dark Ages. 46:04 They spent hundreds of years, centuries... 46:11 stained by blood. 46:14 Why? 46:16 Because of the demise, 46:18 because of the orchestration of the papal system. 46:23 They said, "If you don't go 46:24 along with these church dogmas and creeds, 46:27 you are heretic and you're only good enough to die 46:32 and to be burned at the stake." 46:34 That's what happened. 46:36 That was the holocaust that most have forgotten about. 46:40 We remember the holocaust of the Jews and rightly 46:43 so 6 million precious Jews lost their life. 46:46 My beloved, one of the history's 46:49 best kept secret is what happened during the Dark Ages, 46:54 50 to 100 million people and children lost their lives 47:01 because of the Roman papal system. 47:06 No wonder, no wonder, Bible prophecy deals so much 47:11 with exposing who the antichrist beast is. 47:15 So it's a world-wide power. 47:17 "All the world wondered after the beast." 47:21 Number six, a dominating civil and religious power. 47:24 "Power was given him, the beast over all kindred's, 47:27 tongues and nations." 47:28 Revelation 13:5, clue number seven, 47:30 a power which receives 12 reigns over the hour 47:34 of reign of terror 1260 years 47:38 before its power is temporarily broken. 47:42 So, "He was given a mouth, speaking great things 47:46 and blasphemies, 47:48 and it was given unto him 47:49 to continue forty and two months." 47:52 So here we have a time prophecy in Bible prophecy. 47:56 Now this is 42 months, 30 days in a biblical month. 48:01 Forty-two times 30, 48:02 in case you don't have your calculator, 48:04 I've got the answer upon on the board, 48:05 no problem, 1260 days. 48:09 However in Bible prophecy, one day equals a literal year. 48:16 I have appointed thee each day for a year. 48:20 It can be that way 48:22 in the context of symbolic Bible prophecy. 48:24 It depends on the context. Ezekiel 4:6. 48:28 So therefore, we're talking here about 1,260 years. 48:32 So we're not talking about one man being the antichrist, 48:35 we're talking about a succession of popes 48:38 that would be speaking for this antichrist system. 48:43 Now very clearly, the Bible makes it very clear 48:47 that this would, this entity, this institution, 48:51 this religious apostate system 48:53 would receive unprecedented power. 48:56 It got unprecedented power in 538 AD 49:02 when Justinian made a decree to make the bishop of Rome, 49:07 the pope of the Roman pope, 49:09 to make him the head of all churches, 49:13 the definer of doctrine for everybody 49:16 and the corrector of heretics. 49:20 That ushered him this wave of religious persecution 49:25 and absolute violence in the extreme. 49:28 And so there was a Roman decree 538 AD, the papacy got power. 49:35 But then 1260 years later, what would happen? 49:39 It would lose power. 49:42 Got power then power was broken temporarily. 49:46 The pope was captured in 1798 when Napoleon was sick 49:53 and tired of the exploits 49:54 and the dark deeds of the papacy 49:56 and he sent his General Berthier 49:58 down to the Vatican, 50:00 captured Pope Pious VI, 50:03 pulled them away from the Catholic altar-- 50:08 the altar of mask 50:09 and pulled off his pontifical ring 50:12 and pound him and took him into captivity 50:15 where he died in Valence, France 50:18 about a year and a half later. 50:19 Everybody said, "The last pope has reign." 50:21 They didn't read the rest of the story. 50:24 When the Bible prophecy is stipulated, 50:27 it would receive a deadly wound, 50:29 but the deadly wound would be healed. 50:34 Did Jesus receive a deadly wound, 50:37 that is to say death, and did He ever come back? 50:41 Did He have a special reign of love 50:45 for three and a half literal years 50:48 and this antichrist would have a deadly reign 50:52 doing the opposite of the Lamb 50:55 for three and a half prophetic years. 50:57 All the parallels are absolutely amazing. 51:00 Clue number eight, a power which receives a deadly wound. 51:03 "I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death." 51:06 It happened in 1798, that's what happened. 51:09 "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. 51:12 He that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword." 51:15 Revelation 13:10. 51:16 The deadly wound was inflicted in 1798, 51:19 exactly 1260 years from 538 A.D. 51:23 I believe that Bible is inspired 51:26 and one of the reasons I believe it is inspired 51:29 is because of what you're hearing tonight. 51:31 Bible prophecy proves divine accuracy of scripture. 51:40 Clue number nine, a power whose deadly wound is healed. 51:44 So it would have a setback and a comeback, 51:48 kind of a death and resurrection. 51:50 Do you see how the devil is counterfeiting Jesus, 51:54 His life, death, burial resurrection, ascension? 51:59 Didn't he say, "I want to be like-- 52:00 I want to be the Most High." 52:03 "Deadly wound was healed 52:05 and all the world wondered after the beast." 52:07 So what events confirms the dramatic resurgence 52:09 and healing of the papacy? 52:11 In 1870, the papal state, 52:15 the papal state was taken away from the Vatican. 52:20 But then in 1929, it got it back 52:24 and it made front cover news, 52:27 for example, in this San Francisco chronicle. 52:30 A matter of fact, 52:32 headline read, "Mussolini and Gaspari, 52:35 " Gaspari, representative of the Vatican, "Mussolini, 52:39 " you've all heard of Mussolini, 52:40 "Mussolini and Gaspari sign, " yeah, yeah, 52:44 "historic Roman pact, heal wound of many years." 52:51 Do you know that some time you could just hold your Bible, 52:54 I said some time, I should say all the time, 52:56 you can hold the Bible in one hand 52:58 and the newspaper or the internet news 53:01 or CNN or Fox news with your remote 53:03 and you can say, "I read it and there it is. 53:06 I read it and there it is. 53:07 I'm reading and there it is." 53:09 How many agree, 53:11 this is the news behind the news, 53:12 because the bias news, 53:14 the liberal news will not always 53:15 tell you all of the news? 53:17 Are you with me tonight? 53:18 So the papal states which were stripped from the papacy 53:21 were restored to them in 1929. 53:23 The deadly wound was being healed. 53:26 The Vatican was having a resurgence. 53:29 So talk about a resurgence, let's fast forward to our day. 53:35 Former President George W. Bush, 53:37 who I respect to some degree, 53:40 I better because I'm in Texas as well. 53:42 I live in the Dallas area and so 53:44 but let me tell you something, 53:45 I was just absolutely amazed, 53:50 amazed that George W. Bush 53:53 would offer an unprecedented, 53:58 flamboyant welcome to the spokesman 54:03 of the apostate religious system, 54:05 the antichrist. 54:07 I'm talking red-carpet, you can see in this picture, 54:09 red-carpet and all. 54:12 The deadly-wound is being healed. 54:15 Former pope was called man of the year. 54:19 Now let me tell you this, 54:21 I will not judge this particular person 54:23 in term seem like a very loving individual and so forth, 54:27 but I must judge the office that he held and I must judge 54:32 what he talked, 54:33 because I want to go to the scriptures. 54:35 The pope in the holy land. What brought them together? 54:39 Honor, thy Father. 54:41 Now there's another major point, 54:42 the beast has a number. 54:44 A power with a man at the top whose official title or name 54:46 has a numerical value of 666 the name of the beast 54:50 or the number of his name." 54:51 Revelation 13:17. 54:53 So a man would speak for the beast power 54:56 and so what is the official name or title 55:01 given to each successive pontiff in Latin and of course, 55:06 we're dealing with a Roman power. 55:08 So this name would have a numerical value 55:11 in Roman numerals of 666 and so here you have it. 55:14 Here you have it. 55:16 Its Vicarius Filli Dei which is Vicar of the son of God. 55:20 That's the highest ranking official title or name 55:23 given to the pontiff and you add it up 55:26 and I don't have time to go through every single value 55:29 of every single respective letter, 55:33 just for an example though, a V is five, an I is one, 55:36 a C is a 100 and Vicarius tallies up to 112. 55:41 Filli, the I there or I should say 55:44 the L there is 50 anyway the D is whooping 500, come on now. 55:49 this is stirring up your memory of Roman numerals. 55:51 Anyway it adds up to what everyone? 55:53 666. 55:56 So beloved I'm here to tell you that there are ten clues 55:59 on the antichrist beast of Revelation 13 56:01 that we've looked at. 56:03 It's a Roman power. 56:05 By the way, all roads lead to papal Rome. 56:08 A Roman power. A religious power. 56:12 A blasphemous power. 56:13 A religious power dominating civil power. 56:16 A world-wide power and a persecuting power. 56:21 A power having supremacy for 1260 years, 56:24 spanning the Dark Ages. 56:25 The power that receives the deadly wounds, 1798. 56:28 A power whose deadly wound is healed, watch the news. 56:30 And a power with a mysterious number 666. 56:33 Is there any doubt that the Roman papal system 56:37 is the antichrist beast. 56:39 If that is clear, say clear. 56:43 So therefore, does the Roman papal system 56:46 fulfill all the 10 characteristics 56:48 of the beast power? 56:50 It does. 56:51 It's the most popular Christian system in the world. 56:54 It is antichrist. 56:55 The whole world will follow the beast 56:57 in some kind of worship. 56:59 You're either gonna worship creator 57:01 and keep his commandments or worship the beast 57:04 and go along with the changed commandments. 57:06 Take your Bible and turn with me 57:08 to Revelation Chapter 22. 57:11 We have to close. Revelation chapter 22. 57:15 Revelation 22, we will continue this message 57:19 in our next message tomorrow night 57:22 in terms of this part-2. 57:23 So lets look at Revelation 22, looking at verse 14. 57:28 Lets read it together. 57:30 "Blessed are those who do his commandments 57:33 that they may have the right to their tree of life 57:35 and may enter through the gates into the city." 57:38 You want to enter those gates then let them come 57:41 through the gates of your heart. 57:44 Al though sudden and alarming changes are sweeping 57:46 across the globe you and your family 57:49 can be prepared to face the future with comforts. 57:52 The complete set of Amazing Prophecies on DVD 57:56 are available for a gift of $60 or more. 57:59 Call us at 1-855-336-Free or you can send a cheque 58:05 or money order to Forever Free Ministries, 58:07 2001 Munro Park, Corinth, Texas, 76208. 58:14 If you would like to have 58:16 Mark Fox hold an Amazing Prophecy seminar 58:18 or a marriage seminar weekend 58:20 in your church contact us today, 58:22 markfox |
Revised 2015-09-17