Series Code: AMEN
Program Code: AMEN230007S
00:01 >> Adventist Medical Evangelism network motivates trains and
00:04 equips health professionals to share price with their 00:07 patients. In his presence, we and our patients find rest home 00:12 and powerful healing. Take hold of God's promised, abided his 00:16 presence and experience the surrender 00:20 to faithfully minister as he did. 00:22 [MUSIC] 00:27 [MUSIC] 00:31 >> Good morning, everyone. And happy South. 00:34 Welcome to our and then 2023 south of school. And back to 00:38 welcome each of you who are here in person as well as those 00:41 who are watching us live online. And I'd like us to open 00:44 with the word of prayer this morning. If you value has a 00:47 funny 00:48 define and haven't. Thank you so much for bringing us through 00:51 this past weekend for the opportunity to be here 00:53 together. We're shipping you and praising you. I pray that 00:57 as we go through our side, the school program this morning 00:59 that you speak to our hearts up to the participants and that we 01:04 would grow close. It's you and your presence this morning. 01:06 We previous things inches name in. 01:09 [MUSIC] 01:14 [MUSIC] 01:15 >> A part of the and the leadership team as a result of 01:20 many years mentorship in this organization. I came in as a 01:25 dental student and have continued to attend the yearly 01:29 conferences and involved in various ways throughout the 01:32 years. I believe in Mission Bay Men that is to hasten justice 01:37 returned by and using that a club Angeles a as a way of 01:42 sharing the good news with patients and colleagues. 01:45 And I find much inspiration and I don't I. 01:51 >> One of the stories that I wish there was a show tents 01:54 behind me to a normal with the same pitches. 01:57 >> And that has impacted the way that I practice on a daily 02:00 basis by and the mining and goal of health care providers, 02:05 not just a physical healing. 02:07 >> But to provide spiritual care as long I've been inspired 02:12 channel. 02:14 >> Also the host for as you possibly need to pay with 02:17 patients to delve deeper into what special concerns they 02:22 have. 02:23 I left concerns 02:25 and you'll be able to represent us and not just providing 02:30 excellent care. 02:33 [MUSIC] 02:38 [MUSIC] 02:40 >> So and then impacts people in many different ways. And one 02:44 of the things we like to highlight at the conference is 02:46 how coming to the conference or perhaps even watching the 02:50 conference virtually can impact and change someone's life. 02:54 This morning, we're going to have a progress note by Doctor 02:56 Andrew Martin who watched the conference virtually last year 03:00 and had a life changing experience. 03:12 >> Good morning in South. Happy Saturday to every one of 03:14 you. 03:17 It's my privilege to share what God has done in my life. 03:21 And like 03:23 he just said, I I'm a pediatric intensive missed and I did my 03:28 training in Detroit, Michigan. And if you don't know that 03:32 area, there's actually a lot of a Middle Eastern, huge Middle 03:37 Eastern population there. 03:39 I did finished my training there. I worked for 2 years and 03:44 then got called me and my husband to Long Island, New 03:48 York, where I currently work 03:50 last year, I couldn't attend a man conference but has been a 03:55 night. Could listening was not too many of those percent 03:59 Haitians online. And I really enjoyed all of them. 04:05 But one of the ones that really caught my attention was about 04:10 the one that doctor Marek Lopez did. He is also a pediatric 04:14 intensive. This team Works Loma Linda 04:17 and he talked a lot about high to minister to the patients in 04:22 the critical care unit, but also how to do a spiritual 04:26 history. 04:27 So empowered by that information. I started to pray 04:31 and ask I'd how could I be of not only help, but how can I 04:38 share God's love to the people and I'm praying about it. 04:43 I started to remember that I had been invited to give a 04:48 presentation in Detroit to that pediatric Felos and Tess. 04:54 I said many of the fellows are not Christian in many of them 04:59 actually are Muslim. And I knew the population that was going 05:04 to give the talk and I continue to pray about it. 05:08 And it was a presentation I had already given. It was about 05:12 equity in the pediatric medical profession. 05:16 And I started to remember we're just a picture of the Good 05:22 Samaritan statue at Loma Linda came to my mind 05:26 and I prayed about it and I decide I'm going to share that 05:30 story. So as I percent ID during that hour, at the end of 05:36 the percent Haitian, 05:38 I put the picture of that and Good Samaritan statue told them 05:44 where this story story was located in Luke 10 05:48 and I told him the story and I told them what is the meaning 05:53 of it was at the end of the presentation, 05:57 I prayed about it and I moved on. 06:01 And then shortly afterwards, one of my very good friends 06:05 contacted me and asked me if I could be I could help with 06:11 program that they were doing in Ohio in Dayton, Ohio, to the 06:16 different Spanish churches. They old all these different 06:19 teenagers, girls and they were going to do a special program 06:23 for them and they're going to have different booths. And one 06:27 of them was going to be about sexuality and not knowing who 06:31 to contact and helped talk about that subject. She said, 06:36 oh, my friend is a pediatrician and she could help. 06:39 So I agree. And I spent a considerable amount of time 06:44 making slight combining what the Bible says about love 06:50 relationships and sexuality. And I combined it with sexual 06:55 health. 06:57 The presentation went well and after I finished that, 07:03 I was surprised one of the church member said I attend in 07:08 Long Island, New York 07:09 invited me to pre cent topic about the sexual health. 07:20 But how can we pre cent this subject to the Hispanic 07:26 population of faith in the people in Long Island? 07:31 I agree to do that. And I prayed quite a lot about it. 07:35 And I started to remember about what Doctor Lopez had mentioned 07:40 in the previous Amen Conference. 07:43 So I pulled a craft some of the information that he said. 07:47 I grab some of the information that Loma Linda had about doing 07:50 a spiritual, a essentially a history. And I decided to 07:56 incorporate into my talk 07:58 and I went in it. Explain to them how important faith is for 08:04 anyone and how faith has positive consequences are not 08:09 consequences but positive health benefits to anyone and 08:15 we instead of shutting down and people's fates should up lift 08:20 them. The conference was aimed towards health professionals 08:25 and they were the ones who were providing how help to the 08:30 community, Hispanic community of faith there. And so I told 08:33 them about how faith is important and how we should up 08:37 lift that. 08:39 And then I also shared some Bible verses about sexuality 08:43 and waste. We can approach those conversations to people. 08:50 I was shocked people actually like to the presentation. 08:54 You know that this is the tricky conversation. Sometimes 08:57 said I prayed quite a lot about it. The people who have 09:00 presented ahead of me. 09:02 >> We're essentially a and woman who were Catholics and 09:07 they would go from church to church talking about the topic 09:11 of sexuality. And after I finished that presentation, 09:15 they approached me and they were very thankful that I had 09:19 shared that the information and they really liked the way that 09:23 I approached the subject and I per 8 o Lord, I hope and pray 09:29 that this may be helpful for them so that they can when they 09:34 speak to their to the other churches and these churches 09:38 were of different Christian, they might not get nominations. 09:42 And I pray that somehow 09:44 could change a little bit of their the way that they for 09:48 case that conversation into a more biblical sound way 09:53 after that common friends to the person who had invited me 09:57 to give it was very happy and told me that's exactly the 10:01 presentation I wanted you to give. 10:04 And somehow I realize that, you know, ultimately we are here us 10:12 a community and we're all God's community and the people who 10:18 have presented at a man in the past and even now 10:22 how they impacted me. And then I was able to with God's help 10:29 access to the calling and the bold and speak to these 10:34 communities who we're either struggling or didn't know Jesus 10:39 at all. I could share some of this information with them. 10:43 And I also thought of my friend and that I've been to this 10:48 church is that we're trying to gather all these girls together 10:51 for this talk about sexuality. But I did. And then this lady 10:56 at my church who had invited me and she specifically I wanted 11:01 somebody to speak about biblical account information 11:06 for health 11:07 and I praise God that God had used it free one in their own 11:13 capacity in their own work environment to try to bring you 11:18 to the community more than all sound fake and joy and hope to 11:27 the community. And I prey 11:31 after that. I completed that 11:35 the promise and I say a 51 11 11:38 and I read from the new King, James birth and social. My word 11:42 be that goes with from my mouth is shown not return to me for 11:47 Wade, but he shied complex. What I please initial prosper 11:51 in the thing for which I sent it. 11:53 [MUSIC] 11:58 [MUSIC] 12:01 >> As Christians, we're given the mission of sharing the 12:04 gospel to every nation to find opportunities, to inspire with 12:08 hope and healing. But how do we bridge the gap between the 12:12 physical and spiritual in a world that's becoming 12:15 increasingly secular 12:18 in seeking cutting edge medical advice on how to treat disease 12:21 and live healthy. Many often completely ignore the spiritual 12:25 component, which is essential. To wholesome live at a man we 12:29 believe in changing that 12:32 a man stands for Adventist Medical Evangelism network. 12:36 And our goal is to continue Christ's method of medical 12:39 evangelism by combining physical and spiritual healing. 12:43 And now we've embarked on a new project in this endeavor to 12:46 produce multiple short videos that connect the latest 12:49 scientific medical knowledge with spiritual education, 12:52 showing how directly impacts are health. These short videos 12:57 will educate the viewer on cutting edge health advice and 13:00 inspire them to connect with God on their journey to a more 13:02 abundant life, the videos will cover a variety of relevant 13:06 topics such as cancer. The effects of forgiveness got 13:09 health and more with each video ranging only 5 to 20 minutes in 13:14 length. They are perfect for playing in a medical office 13:16 waiting room instead of wasting time in the waiting room. 13:19 Scrolling social media patients can now receive life changing 13:23 health advice that also points them to Christ. Along with the 13:27 videos we've created reference cards featuring QR codes 13:30 linking to each video. Providers can use these cards 13:34 to prescribe specific videos to patients or they can be used by 13:38 anyone is witnessing tool to share with family friends and 13:41 colleagues. The video series will be released in sets of 13, 13:45 which makes them excellent for using his health spotlights 13:48 near local church for a quarter or 2, including Evangelistic 13:52 series. These videos are a game changer because they connect 13:56 spiritual and physical well-being in a short appealing 14:00 way to give scientific credibility to God's laws of 14:03 health and point people to him as the source of life and 14:07 healing. 14:13 >> Good morning and happy 7th. 14:17 So if you've been here for at least the last day or 2, 14:20 you've seen examples of our men waiting room videos, he's 14:24 healthy, Dios a trailer which you just saw 14:27 and the purpose. The reason why we developed these videos is 14:30 because we realize that there is a missed opportunity for 14:34 witnessing oftentimes 14:36 when patients are waiting in clinicians waiting rooms and 14:39 they sit there and they squander that time either on 14:43 their phones or watching media, that's not very helpful to 14:45 them. 14:47 So we decided that if we created a series of videos that 14:50 can educate them regarding an important topic of health and 14:54 also embedded within it, 14:56 an argument for the importance of spiritual health has a valid 15:02 dimension of overall health, that this would open people's 15:05 hearts to talking about spiritual things with their 15:07 providers. 15:09 We're happy to say that we have partner with its eye, an 15:11 amazing facts in their leaves of autumn project where they're 15:16 going to be creating various cards with QR codes that link 15:19 to videos on certain topics and these men waiting room videos, 15:23 we'd it will be a part of that. 15:25 In addition to that, we will also be releasing our own card 15:28 deck. That prescribers can hand down as prescriptions in clinic 15:34 to say, you know, you struggle in this area of your life, 15:37 this is my recommendation to you and also watch this video 15:40 and hand him a cart. So please keep this project in prayer and 15:44 to stay tuned for more information about how you can 15:47 gain access to these videos and use him in your practice as 15:50 well. Thank you. 16:00 >> Next, we'll be having the samba school. I'm discussion, 16:03 which will be led this morning by Pastor Mark Family, who's 16:06 assistant to the General Conference, president and West, 16:09 the White. He's a third-year medical student at Loma Linda 16:11 University. Like to invite the not at this time. 16:20 We're absolutely delighted to share. 16:23 >> The 7 school lesson in his presence has little bit about 7 16:27 school this morning, 16:29 Wesson, I west as a medical student. What year you invest 16:32 less a 30 minute was the 3rd year medical student for 16:35 through those first 2 very challenging years. So I love 16:39 working with physicians and medical students. Dentists, 16:43 particularly in dialogue in Sabha school will spend about 16:46 15 minutes. Take a look at the lesson. After that. We will 16:51 divide this group into small groups will tell you exactly 16:54 where to go. We've got tables prepared in the back in one of 16:59 our classrooms will be questions on your table 17:03 that relate to the 7 school lesson today. 17:07 If you do not have the second school, some book that will 17:10 provide some extras for you. 17:12 After 30 minutes of discussion in our small groups, you'll 17:16 come back into this room and west and you and I can kind of 17:20 tie to lessen together. 17:22 Our title is in his presence. This has been the theme 17:28 of our conference this weekend. 17:33 When you think about in his presence, Jesus, Ali, of that 17:36 in the presence of God, 17:40 day by day moment by moment, saturated his mind with the 17:46 thought with thoughts of eternity filled his mind with 17:49 the word of God was guided by the Holy Spirit, 17:53 the gospel that reveals the presence of Christ more than 17:58 any other is the gospel of Luke know if you have your Bible and 18:02 I hope you do, please take it and turned to Luke the first 18:07 chapter, 18:08 Luke Chapter one. 18:10 And there's an interesting introduction in Luke One that 18:12 we sometimes miss. 18:16 Do you remember food for the Gospel of Luke was 18:21 written, too? 18:23 The Gospel of Luke was written to see off of this. We find 18:27 that in Luke Chapter one verse 3. 18:31 It seemed good to me. Also having had perfect 18:34 understanding of all things from the very first to write to 18:39 you and orderly account, most excellent sea off of this. 18:43 What this the awful this mean. It comes from 2 words feel 18:48 meaning God Soleil meeting. Love, Sophie, awful. This is a 18:52 lover of God. So what's the purpose of the book of Luke? 18:59 A physician 19:00 rights to see off a less 19:03 about loving God. So the great scheme of the fluke is how to 19:10 live in the presence of gaunt, how to develop a personal 19:14 relationship with God. 19:16 Now we find that in Christ's life, 19:19 Luke spoke more than any other gospel of the prayer life of 19:25 Jesus. 19:26 In fact, Luke spoke about she says prayer life, 10 separate 19:32 times as we look at the less and less that we are studying. 19:39 We talk in that first question 19:42 about 3 instances in the per life of Jesus. One in Luke 4, 19:47 1, in Luke 5, 1, in Luke 6. 19:50 Tell us a little bit about it. 19:53 Your impressions as you've read those passages. How is the Holy 19:56 Spirit impacted your mind as you look at the pro life of 20:00 Jesus? 20:01 >> Yes, thank you. I was looking at the diverse in Luke 20:05 Chapter 4, verse 14, one 14 specifically in 2 points came 20:10 to my mind. The first one was this in crisis communication 20:15 with the father and his relationship in prayer. It was 20:18 a two-way communication. 20:21 Now only he speak to his father having him pray. But he also 20:26 was led by the impressions in the how are the Holy spirit in 20:30 those first we see him being led by the spirit into the 20:34 wilderness. Listen to the voice of God and then be empowered to 20:37 come out and experience to share with others. That's the 20:40 first thing. The second thing I see in verse fined up to 5 20:43 specifically is that Christ received 20:47 power for service 20:51 as he went out to serve in the community as well, to heal, 20:54 to preach and teach people. He retreated back oftentimes to 20:59 a quiet place of prayer to receive strength to able him to 21:04 continue serving. 21:06 >> You know, as I look at a good chapter for kind of 21:09 picking up Adrian brother West and what you have said as I 21:14 look at Chapter 4 verse one, if you have your Bible, take a 21:18 look at look for first one. 21:20 It's a little strange text when you look at it at the beginning 21:24 and you don't place it in context. 21:27 It says then Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit 21:31 returned from the Jordan sits right after his baptism 21:35 and was led by the spirit into the wilderness. 21:39 Why with the Holy Spirit lead Jesus into the wilderness to be 21:44 tempted, 21:45 DeJesus, 21:47 consciously and voluntarily go into the wilderness to be 21:52 tempted. The place himself on Satan's ground. 21:56 Absolutely not. 21:59 Jesus went into the wilderness not to be tempted by the devil. 22:04 He went there to be alone with God to live in the presence of 22:09 God to prepare for his ministry. And then now Ellen 22:13 White makes quite a fascinating statement on that 22:17 that I picked up after we prepared the lesson, but I 22:20 think it's really meaningful. It's in the little book, 22:22 the story of Jesus page. 43, it says in going into the 22:27 wilderness, Jesus was led by the spirit of God. He did not 22:32 invite temptation. He wanted to be alone that he might 22:36 contemplate his mission and his work by prayer and fasting. 22:42 He was to brace himself 22:44 for the bloodstain half. He was to travel. 22:48 So Christ went into the wilderness not to be tempted by 22:52 the devil. 22:53 He was beginning his mission. 22:56 He went into the wilderness to be alone. 22:58 And it's in those moments of alone us that we prepare for 23:02 mission 23:03 as a busy medical professional 23:07 spending that time with God in the morning 23:11 living in the presence of God prepares us for the challenges, 23:17 the difficulties, the problems that will face that day 23:23 is a life as a medical student. You have a lot of time on your 23:27 hand. Oh, yeah. A lot of time that you spend a lot of time in 23:30 this warm California weather in the Jacuzzi and you're able to 23:36 get out. Enjoy life, play some golf and oh, yeah, it's pretty. 23:41 Yeah. Yeah. West practically, how do you as a busy medical 23:49 student ever have enough time for your devotion, Ys? 23:53 >> It's a challenge, honestly. And what I say is I I always 23:57 seek to consecrate myself to God 24:01 every single morning 24:02 spend time in prayer and in the scriptures. But I have to be 24:06 honest is not as much time they spent before medical school. 24:09 But one thing that this lesson is help me to to identify is 24:12 that no matter how much time I still got in the morning, 24:16 I can remember he's with me throughout the entire day. 24:19 I can be in prayer. He communicate with him. Listen to 24:22 his voice all throughout the day. So my devotional time yes 24:25 happens in the morning. I spend time with him in the morning by 24:29 I only see to remember that no matter what I'm doing is I 24:32 walked the hospital, walked to the clinics, walk-in the 24:34 classrooms 24:36 that God is with me and I can talk to him at a time of the 24:39 day. 24:40 >> You know, let me show you something that's meaningful in 24:41 my own life. My life tends to be busy. I have a YouTube 24:46 channel with 220,000 subscribers. We have to produce 24:50 new programs every week. I have a separate school lesson 24:53 that I produce every week. 4, our channel and for the 24:56 general conference constantly writing. We now have a daily 25:01 radio program Monday to Friday across North America. So life 25:06 is busy. And here is something that I found helpful when I go 25:10 to bed at night, 25:11 I put my Bible and a little stand next to my bed is when I 25:15 get up in the morning before I get out of bed, I get 2 25:20 pillows, brace myself in bed and read 3 to 4 chapters of the 25:24 Bible and every morning religiously, a man and going 25:27 through, you know, I started the year by determining to read 25:31 the New Testament through on a monthly basis. Now, I can say 25:36 that the chief that every month, but that's one of the 25:38 projects. Last week I was working through Roman's ruins 25:42 4, 5, 6, 7, What I have found in my own life is that if I get 25:47 out of bed 25:49 and I begin looking at something called a cell phone, 25:53 no, I know you may be too little too young to know what a 25:55 cell phone is. But the U.S. older folk, you know, with 25:59 digital technology has yes. Haha. So if I get out a bit and 26:04 start looking at my cell phone, I will see those 15, 20 e-mails 26:08 that came in the night before. I will see them text messages. 26:12 So for me personally, 26:14 no, I don't fall asleep, but I do this but went up for me 26:17 personally when I wake up in the morning. 26:20 Best thing for me to do is prop those pillows in the back. 26:23 And if I if I'm in a hurry, I see my Bible. That's right next 26:27 to me. And so I can live in the presence of God in that quiet 26:32 moment in the morning, which makes all the difference for me 26:36 personally, I'm in our lesson. We defied it up into 3 sections 26:41 first living in the presence of God. 26:43 Then as you go down to about question number 4, we talk 26:47 about surrender 26:50 surrendered to God's presence. That's the word surrender is 26:54 kind of a vague word. What does it mean to you as you look at 26:59 the biblical concept of surrender? What does that mean? 27:03 Yes, very good question. 27:05 >> And I think to me it means 27:09 doing that, which God has told you to do individually, 27:14 especially when it's difficult and illustrate that 27:19 me going to medical school 27:22 is in my mind, a picture of surrender. 27:25 I've been in ministry for several years and has excess in 27:29 the low had led. 27:31 I discovered the power of medical evangelism. 27:36 I was like this has to be what I do the rest of my life. 27:38 A man I thought I need to get us a physician to come and join 27:42 our team and work with us on a daily basis. 27:44 Now it's hard to find and was finally convicted me West. 27:48 I want you to go back to medical school. 27:51 I don't know. How could that possibly be? It's got a 10 27:53 years of of of training in time and extra school. And 27:58 but over the course of a year and a half, 28:01 I'm going back and forth and back and forth. 28:05 I said, Lord, I know for sure if this we're going to do 28:07 thanks to Westies I want you to do. 28:10 I said Lord that we want to do dropping everything and go 28:12 forward. Even though I don't really want to argue that I was 28:15 going to be difficult going to do what you call me to do. 28:18 >> You know, that is a tremendous 28:23 illustration 28:24 of being torn. You're pulled one way. Then you put the other 28:28 way and then you sense the will of God, you sense the 28:33 convicting will got somebody someone's how do I know the 28:36 will of God 28:38 reading God's word 28:40 listening to God's voice, getting wise counsel and 28:44 watching the providence is of God. 28:47 I think one of the best examples in the Bible of 28:50 surrender is Jesus in Gethsemane. So let's go to 28:54 that, Matthew. 26 and I'm going to have you read it for us, 28:59 Wes Matthew Chapter. TWENTY-SIX. 29:02 And this is an example, 29:04 I think of surrender. And we can discuss a little bit about 29:08 the meaning of surrender and the deeper meaning, 29:11 Matthew, the 26th chapter 29:13 and to let you the down read first, 39, Matthew. 26 verse. 29:20 39, OK? 29:22 >> And he well, a little further. And Phil on his face 29:25 and prayed saying 29:26 my father, 29:28 if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, 29:33 not as I will, but as that. And then again, in first 42 29:39 and you went away again and a second time and prayed saying 29:42 my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I 29:47 drink it, thy will be done. 29:50 >> And then first, 44. 29:53 >> And then he left them and went away again and prayed the 29:57 3rd time. 29:58 >> Saying the same words. So notice the things that stand 30:01 out west in that text. 30:04 First Jesus comes to his father and has a very honest 30:09 discussion with him. So one of the things about prayer is that 30:14 prayer is not something that's a ritualistic Formalist 30:17 experienced. It's a relationship with God. 30:21 As Allan Whyte says Paris opening your heart to God as a 30:24 friend. 30:25 So in first, 39, we find my father if it's possible. 30:29 Let's this cup pass from me. 30:32 So the cup, 30:34 the cross Calvary's Mountain Gold Office. He'll nails 30:39 through his hands a crown of thorns upon his head. 30:43 But more than physical suffering bearing the second 30:46 death as he goes to the cross, the hiding of the father's face 30:50 receiving 30:52 in the condemnation for the sins of humanity. 30:55 But notice what he says not as I will, but issue will a man so 31:01 surrender has to do 31:04 with the surrendering or the giving up of our will for God's 31:09 will. And here's how you know, you're surrender to God fully. 31:13 If you are willing to give up the thing you want the most for 31:18 the sake of Christ in his cause, your fully surrendered. 31:22 But if when God leads in one direction through the 31:26 convictions of his spirit, 31:28 you fight against God, you battle against God and you're 31:32 unwilling to give that thing up. 31:35 You know, you're not fully surrendered. 31:37 A friend of mine preached a sermon. My mentor and Old 31:40 Adventist preacher in the title of his sermon was the problem 31:45 that solves all problems. 31:48 The problem that solves all problems and the problem that 31:53 solves all problems is the problem of the wheel. 31:56 Because once you surrender, your will fully to Christ, 32:00 then you don't have to worry. God points out something in the 32:02 area of diet. You. So my wheels already surrendered to the 32:05 Lord. I'm yours. Got points out a certain direction that he 32:08 wants you to go in life. You say God, I'm already 32:11 surrendered to you, yours. But if I have to battle God on 32:15 every single point 32:18 they had in my life will be a constant struggle. 32:22 I noticed as well, a statement 32:25 that Ellen White makes regarding the will its path 32:30 found on the top of page 9, 32:33 the top of page 9. 32:36 It says the warfare against self is the greatest battle 32:40 that was ever for it 32:42 yielding of self surrendering. All to the will of God requires 32:46 a struggle, but the soul must submit to God before it can be 32:50 renewed. In holiness, 32:52 we live in the presence of God when we do not have known 32:57 wheeling cherish sins that we hang on to. 33:02 And then once we make that surrendered, leads us to the 33:05 greatest joy, which kind of leads us to our last. 33:09 The question today we're down there by question 11. The talks 33:13 about living in the presence of God, a sum 16 0st 5 to 11. 33:19 What you get out of those versus. 33:20 >> Powerful versus I mean, incredible versus that 33:23 highlight how much we receive. We were in the presence of God. 33:28 But I think from my mind that the most powerful thing, 33:31 there are the positive statements that he makes an 33:34 inverse 10 11 were says I will. 33:39 I hear that. I know that God whatever's promised there. 33:42 God will absolutely do. 33:45 If I can know that I shall the Dow, that I'm doing these 33:48 things. God will provide the everlasting joy everlasting 33:52 peace assurance 33:55 inheritance in the kingdom of God. 33:57 I know. I believe that he will take care that promise and 34:01 believing that 34:03 drives me too. 34:04 >> Service drives me Toby is drives me to wanting to do at 34:08 exactly what the cause. I love some 16 11th that would show me 34:11 the path of life. Invite presence is what 34:15 invite presidents is light on this joyfulness of joy. We're 34:21 going to decide we up into our groups. We have simply 34:25 summarized 3 aspects of our 7 school lesson, one living in 34:29 the presence of God by a daily devotional life to surrendering 34:34 to God's will so that we will not forfeit his presence. 34:38 And 3, the joy of his presence in Fy presence is fullness of 34:43 joy. 34:45 We'd like to have groups of anywhere from 8 to 12. 34:50 You have tables in the back. 34:52 There are tables. If you go out these stores and go down the 34:57 hall to the right, they'll be people that will direct you to 35:00 the large classroom where there are more tables. 35:04 Use this time 35:06 to share together to review the lesson together 35:10 on your table. There will be questions that will have liked 35:15 ABC, D E different 35:18 questions for different groups. Then we'll come back here and 35:23 Wes and I will summarize at the end of the class and appoint 35:28 somebody has a a group discussion guide and somebody 35:33 that can share what you have in your group. If you do not have 35:38 the booklet for 7 school lessons, then please pick one 35:44 up at the table over there. And this is the book on the 35:46 lesson today. Let's praise. We break up our class 35:50 father in heaven. How we thank you with all of our hearts 35:54 that we can live in the joyous presence of Christ each day. 35:59 Guide us now in our discussions. 36:01 Help us not 36:02 fritter away this time 36:05 with idle chatter, 36:06 but help us 36:08 not be in the halls 36:10 but in class discussing the things of the Turnage II on 36:15 this Sabbath morning. And May we be richly blessed as we get 36:20 insights from others to live in the presence of God in Jesus 36:25 name. Amen. 36:27 You're dismissed. Will bring you back in. Probably 25 36:30 minutes. God bless. 36:32 >> So we're going to continue. Said the school for our viewing 36:36 audience and we're thankful you're with us before we dig 36:39 into the lesson, I must allow each one of my friends here, 36:42 didn't it? Just it just themselves and who you are, 36:45 where you're from. And and we're going to last. 36:48 >> My name is Laurel Guthrie, and I'm surgeon. Just finished 36:52 surgical oncology fellowship. And I've been here in 36:54 California for the last 11 years. 36:57 My name is Jacqueline ointment, and I am a geriatric dentists, 37:02 and I also practice and the Loma Linda area. 37:06 >> My name is Adrian Beta, a second-year emergency medicine 37:09 resident in Cincinnati. 37:11 >> Wonderful. Thank you for joining us all here today. 37:13 Our first look at our first question today. That first 37:17 question is regarding 37:19 our prayer lives and how we are able to in our busy schedule 37:24 still be able to maintain a connection with God. 37:29 So we talked a little about that in the early discussion. 37:31 Pastor feeling myself about kind of what we do to make that 37:35 time 37:37 with God. How about you guys? Any any tips and tricks that 37:39 you guys have played in your lives to maintain a prayer 37:42 life, your busy schedule. 37:49 >> Why stop praying once once you leave the chamber audience 37:52 with the most high, right? 37:55 I'm actually there's a couple things that being a 37:58 professional and having not as much time to myself has kind of 38:03 led me into. And one is some there's purpose in the morning 38:07 over zoom at 06:00AM. So I've been able to join those 38:11 sometimes. And sometimes when I want to have my own time with 38:14 alert, I do that. 38:17 Then one time at work. I actually for my patients pair 38:21 as well. And so I know that we you know, we don't have to 38:24 confine the spirit of God in the spirit of prayer to our our 38:28 room or wherever we do our worship. But we can walk with 38:32 him and allow him to bless other people to their prayers. 38:36 And there is some some evidence that I was going to school. 38:39 There's a paper that was read to me in my religion class. 38:43 And it said that a lot of patients actually expect their 38:46 medical professionals to pray with them as part of a whole 38:50 person care which greatly surprised me. 38:53 And I thought 38:55 there's a lot of her a lot of need and bringing Christ into 38:58 the sick room are into that, you know, dental sweeter 39:01 surgical suite, wherever it maybe I'm is a way to continue 39:05 being in his presence in prayer. 39:10 >> I can also say something about that. I think being a in 39:13 residency in training and then also being and in the work 39:16 environment, it's very hard to prioritize these things that 39:20 are actually most important. And one of the ways that I've 39:23 been able to do that is just making it the first thing in 39:25 the morning. 39:27 Taking that time to spend in prayer and giving guide the day 39:31 saying, Lord, can you just organize my day for me? There's 39:34 more things that I have time to do in my day and I'm going to 39:38 let you organize my day. 39:40 And I have to be so stressed about hurrying, 39:43 you know, finishing everything that needs to be done, 39:46 but he can organize. And he does. It's really, really 39:49 wonderful. And he's able to do that. 39:51 And I've also I got a couple of friends that I pray with almost 39:56 every day on kind of a group call and that support network 39:59 is really powerful. It's been a huge blessing. 40:03 >> One of the ways that I try to incorporate prayer, I feel 40:06 like it's at least for now that it's a habit I wake up in the 40:09 morning. I usually do remember to pray and how might those 40:12 chance. But as the day goes along and it gets really busy, 40:14 I think that's when I use the struggle to like stay 40:18 connected. And one of the ways that I try to improve that is 40:22 but just having Q throughout the day, so the commute and I 40:25 try to make it happen as soon as I get my car, stay with a 40:27 prayer that says they get to work. I said for there and the 40:30 normally I try to whenever I stop for lunch by the fight to 40:33 stop for lunch, I try to make that a time before I eat and 40:36 having just little points throughout the day that I know 40:38 I'm going to have it kind of is as the day goes on just to stop 40:42 a little while because when the day gets really busy, I think 40:45 the last thing that I might think about that when I have 40:48 Bilton set points that you pray when you do this, I think 40:51 that's something over time frame or throughout the day at. 40:54 >> Thank you all for sharing wonderful tips on what you guys 40:57 do that to make a practical and keep your prayer life 41:00 consistent. Our look at question 3 now and this 41:03 question has to do with how we experience God's presence for 41:07 the power 41:08 of the Holy Spirit. I would want to be willing to reach for 41:12 me, Lou. Shafter 11 verse 9 to 13, 41:17 Luke Chapter 11, verse 9 to 13. 41:21 Read that. Thank you. 41:23 >> All right, Luke 11, 9 to 13. It says 41:26 so. I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and 41:31 you will find 41:32 not. And it will be open to you 41:35 for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks fines 41:39 and to him who knocks it will be opened 41:42 if his son asks for bread from any father among you, will he 41:45 give him a stone or if he asks for a fish? 41:49 Will he give him a surfeit instead of a fish 41:52 or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? 41:56 If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your 41:59 children? How much more will your heavenly father give the 42:02 holy spirit to those who ask him? 42:05 >> How the worst? So the question here is from this 42:08 versus what is the relationship between prayer, the presence of 42:13 God 42:14 and the Holy Spirit? How have you guys seen that in your own 42:18 lives, religious between prayer, the presence of God and 42:21 the Holy Spirit? 42:24 >> Well, reading list this past a few things come to mind. 42:27 One is about God's promise as a kind of have much choice over 42:31 the years and thinking about faith. I realize that faith is 42:34 not just believe in God is going to do what you've asked 42:36 him to do. But I believe in God has to do what he said he's 42:39 going to do 42:40 and read this passage. He makes it clear like if you're 42:43 seeking, you're asking he's going to come through Bill. 42:45 He's promising. Here is the Holy Spirit. I think that 42:48 initial connection is when we pray, we ask God for the Holy 42:51 Spirit we can. We can write it down and we can we come back 42:54 and it will give us the Holy Spirit. 42:56 Another thing like that comes to mind in terms about the 42:58 process of getting the Holy Spirit in prayer and all that 43:01 is that it uses the word seek 43:04 and speaking as an active wait, it's different and then waiting 43:07 which is more passive. It's more active and then looking 43:10 and watching seeking is like it's it's an active citizen, 43:14 active thing that you have to to do Dalian and here might be 43:17 that if we see take that time. We talked with the previous 43:20 question in prayer and making dedicated time throughout the 43:23 day that seeking action will not be forgotten by God. 43:27 He will write that with the Holy Spirit. 43:30 >> I love this Texan. If you look at though, the previous 43:32 versus to that as we read them all summarize it quickly, 43:36 though, that the previous tax talk about the story right of 43:40 this person that goes to a friend at night or midnight, 43:42 right, asking for a piece of bread for friend came to visit 43:45 them. 43:47 And at first 43:49 the difference is no, 43:50 I'm not going to give the rent, 43:52 but then the the guys I'm going to swing around and hang out 43:56 and because of him waiting and being there, he actually got 43:59 what he received. 44:00 Now, we know the guy doesn't operate like that. Exactly. 44:03 But think that the illustration here is really powerful. 44:05 The Bible says in certain version that he was shameless 44:08 in his action, right? What was the shamelessness of his action 44:12 was acts shameless? Well, because he stay there. 44:17 I just think about that in relation to the presence of got 44:20 we just sit in the presence of God. We know that we're going 44:23 to receive what we've asked for him. 44:26 And if we from a name you take a little longer than we hoped 44:29 for to take, it may not happen, right? We ask that they remain 44:33 in God's presence. The blessing to promise will count. 44:39 >> I was just going to share that. I'm what you mentioned 44:42 about knowing someone sitting in someone's presence is really 44:46 important because of what happened to me recently is that 44:49 there was something a friend of mine needed. And I went to 44:52 another friend of mine, and I asked them for help. And they 44:55 immediately said yes, and it was such a blessing. And it got 45:00 me thinking, you know, I had no hesitation and being bold to 45:04 ask them 45:05 because I knew how kind and generous their heart was. 45:09 And that's our heavenly father. And I realize, too that, 45:12 you know, yes, what is the relationship between prayer, 45:14 the presence of God in the ministry, the Holy Spirit. 45:17 It's everything I was. There was a period of my life. 45:19 I was dry dry as a bone and had nothing left to give because I 45:23 was so taken up by school and service and all of these things 45:26 with in school. 45:28 But then I realized during a Christmas break, I said I'm I'm 45:31 broken and empty. I'm not feeling the way I should. 45:34 And I've got no joy. And I started reading the history of 45:37 healing and the scriptures and God showed me I was burned out 45:42 and that I needed to take some time with him. And I asked for 45:45 his spirit. I said, Lord, I don't have joy, but you're 45:46 free. Spirit brings joy, please give me your spirit and heal 45:50 me. And God said, yes, I will do this and what's more. 45:53 He led me to serve. Started going to the homeless 45:56 ministries, helping with different things. Got to 45:58 restore my heart. I was so happy that quarter and I 46:01 continued my joy. So sometimes you know that the relationship 46:05 into it between prayer, presence of God in the holy 46:07 spirit, it's one of the same. 46:10 It's one of the state and its healing. 46:13 >> That's really powerful. Asked you misses everything. 46:15 And this is healing is restoring. It gives us the life 46:18 that we need 46:20 with a powerful thought. Now, I think about that whole 46:23 thought of how the Holy spirit powers that the Holy Spirit is 46:25 life. Ali straight brings healing. I want to touch on 46:28 briefly the idea of surrender 46:31 because you know it all the fluffy good feelings of like 46:36 joy are great. But what happens when 46:39 we're asked to do something that kind of goes against our 46:42 national inclinations. Have you ever experienced before? 46:46 Tell me about, you know, an experience or weight with this 46:48 means to the topic of surrender? 46:52 >> Well, one thing that comes to mind is interacting with 46:55 patients. 46:56 Often we interact with patients at a time when we're feeling 47:00 really tired ourselves or hungry or 47:04 a variety of things. I'm just tired of being around people 47:08 maybe 47:09 and God asks us to continue to give his compassion to our 47:15 patients and those times and sometimes he asks us to pray 47:18 with our patients. And in order to do that, we have to 47:22 surrender our own thoughts and desires our own 47:26 tiredness, our hunger and allow the holy spirit to work through 47:30 us to do that service for patients. And I've had that 47:34 experience myself where I'm like, Lord, I'm too tired. 47:36 I really need to go eat something. I don't want to go 47:38 back and talk to this patient. 47:41 Having surrendered like other family was talking about 47:43 earlier, having that baseline of everything I am belongs to 47:47 God. 47:48 God is able to use us and encourage us along that path. 47:55 There was an instance where 47:59 >> I. 48:00 >> Okay. So back and I didn't are saying for many years 48:03 before moving into the field of dentistry, which is where I 48:05 felt like God always called me but moving into that field and 48:09 transitioning, there was very difficult because I knew 48:13 nursing and got a given me that ability. And I was going to a 48:16 completely unknown field where I felt 48:19 so inadequate. Like when you're new you to feel new. 48:23 And I remember thinking, God, you've called me out for my 48:26 profession. Just like he called the disciples from being 48:29 fisherman. They gave up everything they knew to follow 48:32 you. So I feel like I'm starting again, too. But I 48:35 realize that surrender doesn't mean like the squashing your 48:39 desires 48:41 and trampoline on forever and just being in. It doesn't 48:43 matter and doing what God wants me to do. The thing is God 48:46 knows what makes you Happy S and where you work best, 48:50 where you function best. And when we surrender something 48:54 to the Lord, 48:55 he keeps it safe. Where we send him our treasure. He can keep 48:59 it where moss still eat. Thieves don't steal. 49:03 And if we surrender heart's desires, maybe even you know 49:06 that that that relation relationship interest, maybe 49:11 that financial problem, maybe whatever it might be. We 49:15 surrendered to him. We're not giving it up. 49:18 We're allowing him to keep it safe. 49:22 >> I think about surrender, I think about trust 49:25 and how essential it is to surrender. And I think about 49:28 here in Luke, 22 in first for the 2 way, Jesus as father, 49:34 if thou be willing to move this got. So it doesn't request that 49:37 he demonstrates trusts and says, nevertheless, not my will 49:41 but thine be done. And I don't think you can say that if you 49:44 don't have trust in the person, you're saying that you had a 49:46 patient last week in the men's department who had some 49:50 symptoms, went to doctor Google and was convinced of us in 49:52 diagnosis and came in a sense you just for doctors to write 49:55 prescriptions. And so we did some tests I discussed with us 49:59 like I don't think that's what you have. Here is why I do 50:02 think you have this and this is the treatment plan that I would 50:05 recommend. 50:06 And we sat there for a while. She made her case. But why 50:08 should go said something different? And we went back and 50:10 forth a little bit at the end, a total. I really think this is 50:13 the best best best path forward for your treatment. And she 50:16 stopped for a second. 50:18 She looked and he says, you know, Doc, I trust you. 50:21 She paused for a second that, you know, I trust you and she's 50:24 like come one a to do. 50:25 And it was in that moment that I realized that whatever 50:28 happened next, he would listen to. She had for my interaction, 50:32 developed a sense of trust. Even that short moment, I 50:35 thought if you don't have that trust with it, we're telling 50:37 God, you know, it got really think this is what I need. 50:39 I need this job and this promotion, Andy, this 50:41 experience and got a saying, 50:44 I know that's what you think. I have something else few 50:46 unless we have trust for guide. It will be hard to surrender. 50:49 All of our our thoughts, all of our opinions, all of our plans. 50:53 It's hard to surrender that until we develop that trust. 50:56 >> Amen. And actually a perfect segue into this next verse. 51:00 I trust rain too much trust in what got us said. Let's turn to 51:04 John Chapter 15 51:06 and verse 11, 51:08 John 15 and verse 11 and says they're these things. I've 51:12 spoken on to you 51:14 that in my joy may remain in the EU and that might your joy, 51:18 maybe 4 51:19 in verse 12 says this is my commandment that you love one 51:22 another as I loved you. So 51:25 guys promises his joy. He wants to give it says that we have to 51:28 have a relationship with him to trust him in order to know 51:31 that, hey, this is going to actually 51:33 come to pass. So staying on that that topic of trust and 51:37 believe in a god of said, what is your experience with that? 51:41 How how have you learned the trust act 51:45 and to to to rely upon him when things may not seem like 51:48 they're going? 51:53 >> Well, I guess I can start 51:57 a lot of things that come to mind about trusting God when 52:00 things are not going well. And one of the things that 52:03 comes to mind is just talking about the promises of God and 52:07 really do we believe that what God says is true. Do we have 52:11 that trust in him to be able to say, even though I don't feel 52:17 like it's true, this is what the scripture says. And 52:20 therefore, I'm going to believe and act upon that. And I mean, 52:23 this verse here saying, you know, these things I've spoken 52:26 to that you're my joy may remain in you and that your joy 52:28 may be full. This is an example of something that what if I'm 52:31 not feeling joyful and do I trust and believe that what God 52:35 has said is actually true for me. 52:37 Am I going to believe this verse and act accordingly and 52:40 say even though I don't feel joyful, this is God's promise 52:43 and he's going to make it happen. 52:47 >> And then we said in that, do I believe it's 2 for me? 52:51 This many times we look at versus a was that true for 52:54 maybe not for me. And I found 2 that sometimes and misses right 52:59 talks about may be imagining up our difficulties 53:04 and idolizing our trials focusing on then wearing 53:08 ourselves out of the arms of God. 53:10 And I thought, oh, my word. 53:13 >> Do I rethink things like probably rethinking things 53:16 right now because says the higher than our highest that's 53:20 higher than any of our ways. His head thoughts and his waist 53:23 supersede them. So I said, OK, you know, the lord new, he 53:26 create my mind to think of every possibility. But his mind 53:29 is already gone through those and a million more. I can leave 53:33 that worry to him. I can leave all that to him. And it's 53:36 beautiful to these one morning. I was feeling a little bit down 53:39 and I had had a a difficult weekend. And incidentally, 53:44 the the prayer, WhatsApp groups and everything were blowing up 53:48 this weekend, there was something happening that I just 53:51 felt like, you know, that use trying to discourage everyone 53:54 at the same time. And that's the fun part about being part 53:56 of prayer groups. You know, things are the you know, 53:59 you know that they got it working anyways. I am. 54:02 I went to the to the word and God just poured out his 54:06 blessing through his promise to his word. And I started reading 54:09 and this piece just came over me. I have not had the whole 54:11 weekend and I was like large, do this. Forgive me. I should 54:14 have done this before. Why did you wait so long to read your 54:16 wedding and promises? Some tense? We end where we should 54:19 start. 54:21 And I'm just just or even, you know, friendly reminder every 54:24 to everyone including myself, start with the Lord, start with 54:27 his promises, read until he can read no longer until the peace 54:31 of God comes prey until you're actually praying. So you've 54:34 gotten through the preliminaries and you're 54:36 actually speaking with the Lord. 54:37 >> Yeah, I I think that I've experienced a lot of or had 54:41 experiences where 54:44 I was being led by my feelings, as you mentioned 54:48 and not being led by the word I can remember and experience 54:52 couple years ago in medical school 54:54 and going through a difficult time, you know, difficult in my 54:57 studies, difficult family life and things this nature and as 55:01 wondering like God, even leave me here to this point 55:05 and questioning, why was that your voice I was hearing or 55:08 that someone else was I was hearing was my own voice that I 55:11 was hearing or was it really you? 55:14 And at that moment had to go back back to the anchor, 55:18 the anger, which is the word of God. 55:21 If we take got as word and remember that our feelings are 55:25 not lord, but he is lord and his word is true and no matter 55:30 how I feel 55:32 his word is truth. And that is what Imus rely upon believe in 55:36 it. Even if I'm not feeling that that moment feelings are 55:39 fleeing. His word is sure his worst dance forever and I can 55:43 trust in that meant. 55:45 >> Just comes to mind. We're talking a little bit earlier 55:48 about art 55:49 society these days and how there's a lack of trust, 55:52 the things we hear, the things we see, the things we read 55:56 are often not true. 55:58 And we may be getting trained to not actually believe what we 56:02 read. And that may translate to our our reading of Scripture 56:07 and may God help us to 56:10 focus on his word and really apply that to our lives. 56:15 I I just want to recognize that sometimes it's easier to say 56:20 these words than to actually apply them 56:23 and the mental picture. That's in my mind when I 56:26 and not feeling joy and I am impressed to claim a promise 56:29 likes is here. And John, 15 U.S. 56:33 like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute 56:36 that sort of risk really risking something on God's 56:41 promises. 56:42 And the truth is that when we really risk on God's promises, 56:45 when we put whole weight on them, he comes through, he 56:50 catches us and our problems keep falling. 56:54 >> And I just like to share one 0st based on, you know, what we 56:57 do said on on that topic. He said up till now you've 56:59 asked for nothing 57:01 ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full. 57:04 So just reaching out some hence, lord, help me save me. 57:07 That's enough. But you're absolutely right with what you 57:10 said. 57:11 >> Iverson remembers and elation that says be not weary 57:15 in well-doing for in due season. We shall reap if you 57:18 think not 57:20 holding on those promises like knowing that it's going to get 57:23 better. Joy will come in the morning 57:26 and we will have satisfaction in the presence of God because 57:28 he is sure his promise and he's not. 57:31 There's no point being here and God is not come through on his 57:33 word and we can't trust what he says. 57:36 This whole Christianity thing is is it's really 57:39 shot in the dark. It's really it's really hopeful. Wishful 57:42 wanderings and nothing. Sure, untrue. But it's God's word is 57:46 true. 57:47 What I believe it is we can take it to the bank trust as it 57:51 is true and no matter when the promise is fulfilled, we know 57:54 it will be fulfilled 57:56 by the grace of God. 57:58 >> And I think each of us have had experiences of testing 58:01 God's word for cells and finding that he actually does 58:05 through on his promises. 58:07 If anybody here is listening and has never tried 58:10 to claim one of God's promises for yourself, try it, 58:13 God will come through for you. 58:16 >> A man, all the promises of God are yes and amen. The glory 58:20 of God by him. I'm grateful for that. So as we bring our 58:24 session here are section here to a close in our little group. 58:27 I want to go to to the the last question. We're going to 58:30 discuss that question. Number 9. 58:32 And it cut ties in with talking about the promises of God. 58:35 That sure is that we have when we're in God's presence, 58:39 he will give us 58:40 absolute joy. 58:42 So I know they each have versus RFP may have a few verses he 58:45 want to share and this emerges in the lesson here. So I think 58:49 someone has Exodus. 33. 58:52 >> Yeah, I can read Exodus. 33 verse 14 58:56 Exodus. 33 14 says and he said 59:00 my presence will go with you and I will give you rest. 59:06 That is so powerful. I mean, yeah, this is an incredible 59:09 verse. I I love this for so much tonight. Kind of developed 59:12 a hobby of making scripture songs out of my favorite 59:15 promises. And this is one of those that I have. I made a 59:18 little song. So it will just play over and over in my head. 59:21 So I can remember it. 59:22 But really one of the reasons that this promise is so 59:26 meaningful to me right now is that I am getting ready to go 59:30 on a journey kind of like, you know, Moses was getting ready 59:32 to go on. A journey are in process on a journey when this 59:38 exchange happened between Moses in the Lord. And 59:41 we've got basically was having a conversation with Moses like 59:45 these children of Israel are being too bad. I'm not going to 59:47 go with you. You know, you take them up to cannon. And Moses is 59:49 like, if you don't go with me, I'm I'm not going. We can't go 59:52 without you. 59:55 They have this beautiful conversation and got says my 59:58 presence will go with you. I will give you rest because I 01:00:01 know you by name 01:00:04 in my situation. You know, I'm getting ready to serve 01:00:07 internationally in the mission field and international medical 01:00:11 work and around the time that I was deciding what to do, 01:00:15 whether or not I was going to serve in this particular 01:00:17 location. I started having a lot of concerns about burning 01:00:22 out and going to a place where the needs are unending and 01:00:27 realizing that I didn't have the resources needed to be able 01:00:30 to work in a place like that and got brought it so 01:00:32 forcefully to my mind, this particular verse, my presence 01:00:36 will go with you and I will give you rest. And so this is 01:00:38 actually an example of that promise that I'm claiming right 01:00:41 now, 01:00:42 not knowing how it's going to be fulfilled. 01:00:45 He has said I will give you rest and I do not know how that 01:00:48 will happen in the place. I'm going to serve. But I 01:00:51 believe that it's the case by God's grace. He will fulfill 01:00:54 his promise. 01:00:55 >> What a powerful story, 01:00:57 an illustration of how like without knowing what's coming 01:01:00 in the future. 01:01:02 Guys, give me a promise. And when things get difficult 01:01:05 because it got to the Cup for Moses many times. 01:01:09 But he knew 01:01:11 that product voice that he heard. 01:01:13 I will be with you. You have peace. And if you go to a few 01:01:17 verses down, we see that he revealed himself to him. 01:01:19 So beautiful physical Laurie's character 01:01:23 by God's grace, most couldn't reflect that character. 01:01:27 Powell Powell promised a for sharing that. 01:01:32 >> I wanted to veer a little bit from the 01:01:36 Bible verses that were set for us. And just to share a quick 01:01:39 testimony, you know, 01:01:42 it is so beautiful to go overseas. And while we prepare, 01:01:45 maybe that's where God has called many people to go. 01:01:47 Well, we prepare and we are here. There are so many people 01:01:50 that are hurting. And on this instance, last 01:01:54 Wednesday, a friend of mine asked me, Hey, can you come 01:01:58 with a group of friends to go to this gentleman's house 01:02:01 minutes? Family are going through a lot. He has recently 01:02:04 given a start, the Lord he wants to get baptized, but he 01:02:06 is going through spiritual darkness because of his past. 01:02:09 There's a lot of warfare. There's a lot of tangible 01:02:11 things he knows about, you know, spirits in the double 01:02:14 always everything basically. And they said, would you come 01:02:19 and join us as we pray for him that God would strengthen? 01:02:22 And, you know, though, he falls that he can get up again. 01:02:26 And so I went and we were we prayed with us, the gentleman 01:02:31 and he had questions. And one thing that we talked about was 01:02:38 the power of choice. 01:02:40 And there's so many things we can choose and this world. 01:02:44 But the only choice that matters is our choice to 01:02:47 believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, to believe in his son 01:02:51 and through that we have eternal life and there's a 01:02:54 person do an Emmy 30st 1920. I'd like to read it for us. 01:02:59 It says 01:03:00 I call Heaven and Earth to witness against youth this day 01:03:03 that I have set the for the life and death, the blessing 01:03:07 and the curse, therefore Choose Life that Thou Mayest Live Thou 01:03:12 and thy seed to love Jehovah thy God to obey his voice and 01:03:16 to Cleveland to him for he is my life and the length of thy 01:03:20 days the town is to own the land, which Jehovah swear into 01:03:24 thy father's to Abraham and Isaac 01:03:28 and to Jacob to give them. 01:03:30 And I read this first because it just kept coming into my my 01:03:33 choose life. Choose life, choose life. And he's, you 01:03:36 know, dealing with depression, always, you know, attacks. 01:03:38 And that to me saying that he's not enough for what hope does 01:03:41 he have? You know, he's fallen again. How can he get back up? 01:03:45 But just to read the story soon, as I read this, I looked 01:03:47 up at him and I saw his face and it was glowing. And his 01:03:51 eyes had such a twinkle in such hope. And his complete face was 01:03:56 changed. And I could feel the lightness in the room. I knew 01:04:00 the spirit was there, the holy spirit and not any other. 01:04:03 And so it just an encouragement to anyone listening. You know, 01:04:07 if you have doubts, if you have depression, if you have 01:04:10 troubles, choose life, let God help you choose Christ and and 01:04:16 pull through it, serve someone else and God will give you the 01:04:20 understanding and the joy that you may be once had a knot in 01:04:24 our liking. 01:04:27 >> We'll just a few moments left. I know that there's not 01:04:29 another verse that and I want to share, please. 01:04:32 >> Yes, so the first to DA sticks out to me and from this 01:04:35 last question is to the right in the 31 and for 6, 01:04:39 it reads be strong and of good courage. Fair, not nor be 01:04:43 afraid of them for the Lord. That guy, he is the death go 01:04:46 with the he will not feel the north to safety. 01:04:50 And I think this is such an empowering first. Lets us know 01:04:54 we're never going to be alone. Yes, we're never going to be 01:04:56 without whenever you have to face meeting on Iran now, 01:04:59 I don't know. I feel we all have that one friend who's hard 01:05:02 to reach 01:05:03 when you text and take a little while to get back to you. 01:05:05 If you call them, you know, they'll call you back when they 01:05:08 get a moment. If you don't have that friend, you probably are 01:05:10 that French. But one thing that except in this first he's got 01:05:14 as they can clean, making it very clear. He's not. That 01:05:17 friend is the friend that when you call he's there right away. 01:05:20 When Euna situation need somebody's help out. He's a 01:05:23 reliable friend. You can always call on whatever your situation 01:05:26 is. 2 o'clock in the morning. You're in distress. Me. 01:05:28 Somebody help you out got is that friend who always takes up 01:05:31 the phone is always available to never put in a situation 01:05:34 that had to go through a loan. And I think that's one of the 01:05:36 benefits just being in his presence known in that that's a 01:05:39 presence. You have access to any time. 01:05:41 >> Amen. Hallelujah. 01:05:43 Thank you all for sharing. I think that I've learned a lot 01:05:46 from you and encourage by you. Hopefully you at home and also 01:05:49 been encouraged and bless as we have open guys were and are 01:05:53 sharing from the word as we continue our sabha school 01:05:55 lesson. I play all of us can experience the power to join 01:06:00 the peace that comes from being in God's presence. 01:06:05 >> Welcome back from your discussion, period. 01:06:11 If you're finding your way in, 01:06:14 we are delighted that you are back with us. 01:06:32 You know, I used to think that preachers 01:06:35 we're quite for a boost in their discussions. 01:06:40 But when I meet with the group of medical 01:06:43 personnel 01:06:44 and medical professionals, 01:06:46 I've had the opportunity west to go from table to table. 01:06:51 And while the discussions with just outstanding and I know you 01:06:56 had a good discussion up here in front 2. 01:06:58 >> Yes, it was a an amazing blessing to hear the 01:07:01 experiences that 01:07:03 theological insights 01:07:05 and the powerful, a blessing, the promise of Gaza been in 01:07:09 those that discuss the less this morning. 01:07:10 >> We would invite you to take your seat as soon as possible 01:07:15 and also invite you to 01:07:18 focus your attention here. 01:07:23 We want to thank you for your discussions 01:07:26 as I win from table to table in the room out here, 01:07:32 I noticed immediately 01:07:35 the active discussions that were taking place. 01:07:41 So let's pray 01:07:43 that the Lord 01:07:45 will give us 01:07:47 real wisdom in the next few minutes to practically apply 01:07:52 our lesson. 01:07:54 Could you please stand as we pray in reference to God 01:08:00 if our discussions could be? So if you'd be so kind that our 01:08:03 discussions with cease 01:08:06 because we're going to pray 01:08:11 our father in heaven, 01:08:16 how we thank you 01:08:19 that as much as we long to be in your presence, 01:08:23 you long to be in our presence even more 01:08:28 that you are God that seeks us 01:08:31 even in the busy in this 01:08:33 in the hectic 01:08:35 rush of life 01:08:38 that your God, 01:08:40 who like the Good Shepherd seeks after 01:08:44 his Lord, his lost sheep. 01:08:47 And we're reminded 01:08:49 of the story of the woman at the well and some area 01:08:55 who was seeking 01:08:57 4 01:08:58 living water, 01:09:01 a relationship that would satisfy her inner needs 01:09:05 and how you spoke to her heart 01:09:08 filling that inner Floyd. 01:09:11 We sense that every one of us 01:09:14 I have this longing to be in your presence. This longing to 01:09:18 know you better as we spend these for the last few moments 01:09:21 wrapping up to 7 school lesson. 01:09:24 Speak to our hearts. Dress closer to you. 01:09:29 We pray in Jesus name. Amen. 01:09:33 You may be seated. I'd like direct your attention to your 01:09:37 sabbath school lesson quarterly 01:09:39 for this in his presence moment. 01:09:43 And we're going to look at number 01:09:45 Page 13. So please find your seats as quickly as you can. 01:09:50 We only have a few moments 01:09:52 for this last part of this at a school lesson. 01:09:55 So we're looking here at the last part of pick up on Page 01:09:58 13, the bottom of the page. How many of you have your 7 01:10:03 school booklets? Can I see them, please? 01:10:05 All right. Get ready. Are you ready to read with me? 01:10:08 We're going to read together. 01:10:10 This last paragraph, starting with our life is to be found up 01:10:14 with the life of Christ. If you're ready to read, 01:10:17 lift up your book, let's so we can see them, 01:10:20 OK, let's read together. 01:10:22 Our life 01:10:24 is to be found up 01:10:26 with the life of Christ. 01:10:29 We are to draw a constantly from him 01:10:32 partaking of him, 01:10:34 the living bread that came down from heaven 01:10:38 drawing from a fountain ever fresh 01:10:41 ever giving 4th. It's abundant treasures. 01:10:45 If we keep the Lord effort before us 01:10:48 allowing our hearts to go out and Thanksgiving and praise to 01:10:52 him, 01:10:53 we shall have a continual freshness in our religious 01:10:57 life, 01:10:58 our prayers. 01:11:00 We'll take the form of a conversation with God 01:11:04 as we would talk with a friend. 01:11:07 He will speak to us his ministries personally often 01:11:11 they'll come to us a sweet and joyful sense of the presence of 01:11:16 Jesus. 01:11:17 Now west. As I read that statement, I noticed this, 01:11:21 it says are for our prayers, will take the form of our 01:11:24 conversation with God as we talk with a friend. But some of 01:11:28 the elements of friendship that, you know, we talk about 01:11:31 prayer is talking to God as a friend. But 01:11:34 what are some of the elements of a friendship that you see? 01:11:37 What what does that concept of being a friend with God 01:11:41 communicate to you? 01:11:43 >> To me, communique, son, aspect of being real being 01:11:46 honest, the open feeling that you don't have to be reserve. 01:11:51 You can be vulnerable in the conversation because as a 01:11:54 friend to talk to a friend, you share your innermost Austin, 01:11:58 then sometimes and share things that are difficult that are 01:12:01 exciting. But you share a lot of things. And I think that's 01:12:04 very important to be really open and honest with GAAP 01:12:08 number 2 01:12:09 offensive cannot be a one-way communication. Ask me both 01:12:13 ways. I think prayer. We often forget that we often we have to 01:12:17 listen 01:12:19 to God as well as a part of the conversation of prayer. 01:12:22 >> You know, when I first began to think about that, in fact, 01:12:25 in recent years, I thought a lot about that 01:12:29 come in. That prayer is a communication with God as a 01:12:31 friend. And I thought, you know, there are some problems 01:12:33 with that. 01:12:34 And I need to overcome those problems because they don't 01:12:37 overcome those problems. I'm not real about the problems 01:12:40 that then I can never have that meaningful, deep conversation. 01:12:44 If we say that prayer is a conversation with God is a 01:12:47 friend which it is. 01:12:49 Here are the problems. If I have a friend, Wes, typically I 01:12:54 can see that front. 01:12:55 You and I are friends when we have a conversation. I see you. 01:13:00 But the problem is out, she got. So it's hard to talk to 01:13:03 somebody you don't see. 01:13:05 The second issue is you've mentioned it when you and I 01:13:09 have a dialogue, you speak back to me 01:13:12 and we we share together 01:13:15 and so. 01:13:16 >> Seeing got as a friend, I don't see him physically 01:13:21 and how she took back to me. 01:13:24 How many of you have for knelt down to pray 01:13:28 and your mind has wandered in prayer. Can I see your hands? 01:13:33 How many of you who didn't raise your hand or honest, 01:13:38 OK, 01:13:39 how do you overcome this idea 01:13:44 that when you kneel down, 01:13:46 you don't see God. 01:13:49 How do you overcome the idea of him talking back to you? 01:13:54 There are some things that I have found my own prayer life 01:13:57 living in the presence of God that are very helpful. At least 01:14:00 to me. 01:14:01 The first is this. 01:14:03 The Bible become subject matter for prayer. 01:14:09 What do I mean by that? Let me give you a very practical 01:14:12 example 01:14:14 for me. 01:14:16 Prayer in the study of the Bible are so intertwined 01:14:21 that at times they become one. 01:14:24 Let's one of the most meaningful experiences I've had 01:14:28 in my devotional life is praying through the songs. 01:14:32 So I will give you an example of that. 01:14:36 So 01:14:39 I will begin to read in some 32 01:14:43 coach, God in prayer very often in the morning. I will say 01:14:48 Ward, 01:14:49 as I read your words, speak to me 01:14:52 and I want to talk back to you with the words of divine 01:14:56 inspiration 01:14:58 and let you impress me with the word of God. So I can live in 01:15:04 the presence of God who inspired the holy spirit to 01:15:08 write the word of God. 01:15:10 So for example, some 30 to bless it. Is he who is 01:15:14 transgression is forgiven. 01:15:18 I read that Tex and I say Lord, I know the word. Bless it in. 01:15:21 Hebrew is Asher. 01:15:23 And it means happy content satisfied. 01:15:26 And I know ward that when I hide my sins and I failed and 01:15:31 they're not forgiven, 01:15:33 then I have a lack of pace. 01:15:36 Lord, I want to confess now and I'm a confessed specific 01:15:39 things. Things who's seen is covered 01:15:43 Lord that sanctuary language since covered with the blood of 01:15:46 Christ. I thank you, Jesus, that you cover my scenes with 01:15:50 your blood. I thank you that in Christ there is no 01:15:54 condemnation. I think you that that that you're not going to 01:15:58 impute iniquity to me in for us, too. Lord, when I keep 01:16:02 silent, my bones grow old. When I want to keep silent, 01:16:05 there's that I feel not physically mentally 01:16:09 spiritually, a pain in my body in my life and in a grown all 01:16:14 day long. Your your hand is heavy upon me. 01:16:19 My fight Halladay. I lose energy when I'm filled with 01:16:22 guilt and shame. But when I acknowledge my son to you, 01:16:25 when I confessed my transgression verse 5, you 01:16:28 forgive my iniquity gourd 01:16:31 for 7. You become my hiding place. You preserve me from 01:16:35 trouble. You surround me with songs of Deliverance. Thank 01:16:38 you, Lord. That not only do you forgive me, but you reinstate 01:16:41 meteor presses and I can sing the songs of Deliverance. 01:16:44 So for me when I bought Land Bible study and prayer, it 01:16:50 makes all the difference in the world. And then secondly, 01:16:55 when it 01:16:56 I've learned to pray out loud. 01:17:00 >> You know, when you study the pro life of Jesus in Matthew, 01:17:04 26, it says Jesus fella, Disney's saying. 01:17:09 >> Father, 01:17:11 let this cup pass from me, but I will be done. He read he was 01:17:14 5 or stated 9. It says he cried out to God with strong tears in 01:17:19 crying, 01:17:21 Jesus prayed aloud in the loop 11 when the disciples came to 01:17:27 Jesus, the disciples came to Christ and they stuck, heard 01:17:32 him praying and they said war teach us to pray like you 01:17:36 prayed because they heard him for a west. And that's why so 01:17:39 Jesus prayed about it is that we always said frail. I know we 01:17:42 can pray silently anytime, anyplace and many times. 01:17:45 It's more appropriate to pray silently 01:17:48 when you pray aloud. Here's what happens. Your brain has to 01:17:53 gear up to so that the words for Billy come out of your 01:17:57 mouth. You think the thought and then you expressed the 01:18:00 thought 01:18:01 when your mind begins to wander in the brain goes a different 01:18:05 direction. You stop speaking aloud and therefore, you know, 01:18:10 immediately and can bring it right back. 01:18:13 Our high calling page 130. If you're taking notes are high 01:18:17 calling Page one 30 learn to pray aloud. Ellen White says 01:18:22 We're only God can hear you 01:18:24 now somebody set the pastor. Wait a minute. I don't want to 01:18:27 pray lout 01:18:28 because it's 01:18:30 the devil. Can't read my thoughts. 01:18:35 If I pray out loud, 01:18:39 he's going here. When I say he's going get a strategy 01:18:41 against me. 01:18:43 Some look, I think my prayers, 01:18:45 you can sink your present. You want. 01:18:49 Do you think that the devil is near you when you're praying? 01:18:54 I love what it says. And second selected messages 01:18:58 at the sound of for if in prayer, 01:19:02 all the Devils host, Trimble Son Flees. 01:19:06 So when you are praying, Wes, 01:19:09 all the Angels of God and circle you, 01:19:12 that's not where the devil wants to be. He's getting out 01:19:15 of there because the good angels are going to beat him 01:19:17 back. Right? 01:19:19 So don't worry if you want the most meaningful prayer life 01:19:23 possible. 01:19:24 First 01:19:26 set aside a time to pray. Always have your regular time. 01:19:31 If you want to live in the presence of God, combine your 01:19:35 prayer life with the word. If you want to live in the 01:19:39 presence of God learn too 01:19:42 allowed 01:19:44 and you'll sense the freshness of your spiritual life. You'll 01:19:48 since a new vitality to sense a nuke power in your life. 01:19:54 West close us out with a final thought and prayer. 01:19:58 >> My final thought comes from Zephonites chapter 3 verse 17. 01:20:02 It says the Lord thy God in the midst of the is white 01:20:08 with the is my son is with me. 01:20:11 That's pretty powerful. Think about that. The Lord, thy God 01:20:13 in the midst of thee he's there with you, is it 01:20:18 he will save and will rejoice over you with 01:20:22 joy and seeing a man 01:20:25 I think about this verse. I think about the joy and 01:20:29 happiness that comes into God's mind when he thinks about being 01:20:34 with you. 01:20:36 And it was to illustrate that 01:20:38 I come home from busy dace gone early in the morning. Come back 01:20:41 sometimes late at night. I can be assured of one thing 01:20:44 when I come home. 01:20:45 The my little son, Nathan, he's 4 years old. When I opened that 01:20:48 door, 01:20:50 Ryan to me that that is all out. Give me a big hug. Is a 01:20:53 inside seen shouting being so happy? 01:20:56 Well, I think about how happy my son is to see me. When I 01:20:59 walk in the door, 01:21:00 how much more happy is my father and have it 01:21:03 whenever I enter into his presence and then he would 01:21:06 Joyce's. He sings. He can now wait to be with you. 01:21:12 So as you enter the gosh, friends remember that God's 01:21:15 heart is full of joy. Just to think about spending time with 01:21:20 you 01:21:21 West. Pray for us to find and have me. Thank you. 01:21:26 We thank you because Jesus has given us access 01:21:31 to everlasting life. 01:21:33 We thank you. The Holy Spirit has been sent us to fill us to 01:21:37 empower us 01:21:38 and to allow us to experience the power and presence 01:21:43 of God at all times. 01:21:45 We pray now your father in heaven 01:21:48 that we would take advantage of your presence. 01:21:53 We know you're always here, but sometimes we don't always 01:21:56 recognize it. 01:21:58 Help us to welcome your presence to dwell in your 01:22:00 presence and us be saturated in your love, your power and your 01:22:06 goodness. 01:22:07 Maybe share that with each other today 01:22:10 as we go from here near power, exude from last of the come in 01:22:13 contact with we thank you and pray this in Jesus name. 01:22:17 Amen. Amen. 01:22:18 [MUSIC] 01:22:23 [MUSIC] 01:22:28 [MUSIC] |
Revised 2023-11-21