Abundant Living

Plaque Attacks

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Curtis & Paula Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL00194A

00:01 When we were younger our arteries
00:03 were smooth, they were clean,
00:05 unobstructive of blood flow.
00:07 But as we get older with diet and lifestyle
00:10 they become obstructive with
00:11 something that we're going to talk about
00:12 today entitled Plaque Attack.
00:15 We will be right back.
00:43 Hi, welcome to Abundant Living.
00:44 This is Curtis Eakins, your co-host and my
00:47 lovely bride of 16 glorious wonderful
00:50 years, Paula Eakins. I don't know what's
00:52 the reason for the laughter at this time,
00:55 why are you laughing? Nothing.
00:56 Nothing? I was just funny as a co-host.
00:59 Hi. Okay, hi and your name would be?
01:02 You said Paula Eakins. Did I?
01:04 Yes, you did. Okay, just
01:05 wanted to hear you say it too.
01:06 You are doing mighty good today.
01:08 Absolutely. Your hair looks nice.
01:10 Thank You. Thank You.
01:11 Plaque Attack. We have been attacked by Plaque.
01:18 You know what it just amazes me.
01:20 You know people ask me all the time and say
01:22 why do you guys come up with these programs
01:24 you know these titles and I say,
01:25 I have nothing to do with these titles.
01:27 Curtis picks every single title because
01:29 every time I pick a title it's
01:30 way too long, it's like a sentence.
01:32 Well almost like a paragraph, but lengthy
01:34 sentence, okay just like that.
01:36 That's better, yes, but you always pick some
01:40 unique, saying so Plaque Attack
01:42 really kind of cute. You know and again,
01:46 this is part of a series, a clean heart series and
01:51 this is the third part of the clean heart series
01:53 entitled Plaque Attack and so we covered
01:56 the pressures on, blood pressure,
01:59 controlling cholesterol, now it's Plaque Attack
02:01 and next time when we meet, it would be
02:04 different strokes for different folks.
02:06 Well, alright. Plaque Attack and we
02:08 have been attacked by plaque.
02:10 Attack by plaque! Well I guess the question
02:11 is exactly, what is plaque?
02:14 Well plaque is debris or particles that adheres
02:17 to the artery wall. We have a picture of
02:20 plaque, so let's go to the screen at this time.
02:22 You see here of course now on the left side you
02:25 have an artery that's clean, free flowing of
02:28 blood and that's the way an artery should look.
02:31 Now of course on the right side is the build up
02:33 of that debris I was talking about,
02:35 which we call plaque. And so therefore with
02:38 that in mind, of course it narrows the artery wall,
02:41 and of course that can raises our blood pressure.
02:43 That wall right there is very elastic,
02:46 but when the plaque is there it becomes
02:48 very stiff and rigid. So it's not elastic anymore.
02:51 So therefore blood pressure goes up
02:54 and with that we have a very serious problem
02:57 before us, blood flow being impeded throughout
03:01 the whole system as well. So, a lot of foods can do
03:04 that and some foods in particular can create
03:09 more plaque on the artery wall.
03:10 Now, you have a little demo here on visual.
03:13 I just happen to have.
03:14 You just happen to have something.
03:16 I happen to have, because you know
03:17 when we do our classes in our community,
03:18 yes, people always ask me question,
03:20 how much fat is actually in certain foods,
03:23 okay, and how much plaque attack.
03:24 Now, do we need to hold on to our seat
03:25 for this one baby. Yeah, yeah we do.
03:27 Okay. This one is actually one taco.
03:31 Just, one taco. One taco,
03:33 one taco nine grams of fat.
03:36 Nine grams of fat in one taco, now keep in mind
03:39 folks, our arteries is the size of a spaghetti, yes.
03:43 So, that one taco, you know keep that in mind,
03:46 it can really clog up those coronary arteries.
03:48 Right, right, right. Well, let's do another one.
03:51 Now, this is a sausage and biscuit;
03:52 I have friends that say I love to get a
03:54 sausage and biscuit. Sausage and biscuit.
03:56 Early in the morning, 29 grams.
03:59 29 grams of fat. Now, lets make sure
04:02 we get those numbers correct now in
04:03 prospective, I mean three to four grams of
04:06 fat is really amount that is sufficient,
04:09 I mean we don't want to go over three or four or
04:11 five and you're talking about how much.
04:13 29, 29, this is a sausage and biscuit,
04:15 sausage and biscuit combination.
04:17 Yes, alright, yes 29. Okay, that's amazing.
04:18 Okay, now, this is the one
04:20 I think is going to really hurt
04:21 Okay hold on to, you see for this one folks.
04:23 Yeah, you know hold on, hold on.
04:24 Now this one we're doing that.
04:25 Now, well you got three all together in that.
04:27 Three together. Okay. This one here
04:28 is actually a burger. A burger.
04:30 This is a nice large burger.
04:31 Now, it's one of those famous burger that most
04:32 people heard of it, we're not going
04:34 to mention the name. No, no.
04:35 Was a famous restaurant. How about, how about,
04:37 how about 40 grams. 40 grams, let's hold
04:40 that, make sure they see that, 40 grams,
04:42 hold it still baby. 40 grams.
04:43 And turn it, yeah so you can see all three of them.
04:45 Yes, on the screen, all three 40 grams.
04:47 40 grams of fat for just that one famous
04:52 fast food burger with cheese, I think,
04:55 now we're not even talking about the French fries.
04:57 Well, I think that thing that's so amazing here,
04:58 that is exactly right, we're not talking about
05:00 the French fries and we're not talking about
05:02 the shake that usually goes with that as well.
05:04 You know, a lot of people are just not
05:07 understanding when we're talking about
05:09 plaque buildup, how much plaque is actually,
05:11 I mean how much fat is in the lot of the foods
05:13 that we eat, hidden fats. Right.
05:15 You know that they're in the foods we actually
05:17 eat and they're causing problems for us as well.
05:19 Yes, okay, alright. Now, the saturated fat
05:22 in the foods can also create plaque
05:24 in artery wall as well. There are three foods
05:28 that I hate and show it as above all other foods
05:31 as the most artery clogging saturated fat.
05:35 Okay, food number three is whole milk.
05:37 Now, whole milk is going down about 210
05:39 percent since 1970 now people are buying one
05:42 percent, two percent there's also zero percent
05:45 milk, going to soy milk and almond milk.
05:49 Food number two, that's the most artery clogging
05:51 saturated fat ounce for ounce, pound for pound
05:54 is ground beef. And ground beef has
05:57 gone down about 30 percent since 1970 and
06:01 people will understand about that, and ground
06:03 beef is really going down and chicken is
06:04 going up, but of course we did a program on
06:07 problems with pork and yes, so we're not, yes,
06:09 yes, going to deal that. But now food number one.
06:12 Ounce for ounce, pound for pound,
06:16 that's the most artery clogging
06:19 saturated fat is, cheese.
06:24 Mercy. I just heard some.
06:26 Yes you did. Yes, yes I did.
06:27 Yeah I did, you did, you did.
06:29 Yeah may be. To boot, cheese has
06:32 about two to three hundred milligrams of
06:33 sodium per ounce and we're talking about
06:38 a clean heart series, we're talking about
06:41 plaque attack and so therefore with that in
06:43 mind those three foods by themselves can
06:46 really reek havoc along the artery wall and can
06:49 build up that plaque in there as well.
06:51 So, those three foods now there is some
06:52 substitute for each one of those three foods,
06:54 let's quickly talk about that.
06:55 Well you know the thing is that because
06:57 of the fat there's so much information is out
06:58 there about heart disease and high blood
07:02 pressure then of course the manufacturers are
07:04 making a lot of more substitutes
07:05 how they look like. That's true.
07:07 Act like, smell like, taste like.
07:08 The original things for their substitutes for
07:11 cheeses, we have done those on our program.
07:12 That's why the soy cheeses.
07:14 Soy cheeses, rice cheeses,
07:17 almond cheeses all those are actually on the
07:18 market now, and some of those can melt too.
07:20 Some of those can melt. Some do not melt,
07:21 just have to. That's right, yes.
07:23 They'll actually have it on the label,
07:25 it will say on there, right, a melting cheese.
07:26 Yeah, okay. Then also as far as
07:29 you milk stuff is concerned,
07:30 there now of course your almond milk,
07:32 your rice milks, your soy milks, that's true,
07:35 a lot of combinations of those out there as well,
07:37 no cholesterol whatsoever. Zero cholesterol.
07:40 And then of course in the meat kingdom
07:42 we've done a lot on ABN and Abundant
07:44 Living show, and on our other shows we've
07:46 done on ABN, what we looked we showed other
07:49 substitutes for beef, for chicken or for fish.
07:53 So, they're all out there, they're all a part of it,
07:55 now I guess someone is asking a question about
07:57 that plaque buildup, so what kind of,
07:59 I mean what kind of test can you take that would
08:02 show that there is plaque buildup in this system.
08:05 Okay and this is very good question because
08:08 a lot of people who may be watching right now,
08:11 who have plaque already built up in their
08:14 artery wall and don't even know
08:15 because it's a silent disease.
08:19 Okay, okay. There are no symptoms
08:20 until a cardiovascular event happens such as
08:23 heart attack and stroke, therefore by that time in
08:26 most cases, a lot of cases it's too late,
08:29 it become very crippling, so there are some tests.
08:32 There is one in particular, that's the safest most
08:34 standard test to determine the plaque in
08:36 artery wall, the coronary arteries of the
08:38 heart, is the heart scan, CT heart scan and that's
08:43 done there, several facilities throughout the
08:46 country and there's like sound waves and they
08:49 can tell whether or not there is plaque in the
08:51 coronary arteries. There's one test done
08:54 and you've done this lifeline, a company
08:57 does testing as far as plaque in different areas
09:00 as well, let's talk about that too, honey.
09:02 Well, I know that, all those versions,
09:04 I know that he did one actually on my neck.
09:07 You did at carotid artery.
09:08 He did the other one in aorta area.
09:11 And then they did the leg. That's right.
09:12 And praise God, praise God,
09:14 everything came out really well.
09:16 They, that group comes around now and then in
09:19 almost any community, you can tell they're
09:21 coming in and the price to have it done is not
09:23 that expensive, yeah, very good, comparing
09:25 to going to the hospital having to do that.
09:27 Yeah, the American Heart Association has a
09:28 Physician's Statement as far as testing plaque,
09:32 and let's go to the statement at this time.
09:34 It says here, the American Heart Association's
09:36 Physician's Statement, the majority of
09:38 published studies have reported that coronary
09:41 calcium plaque predicts coronary disease events
09:45 beyond standard risk factors.
09:49 Let me explain what that means.
09:51 Standard risk factors is such as monitoring or
09:54 determining your cholesterol, okay,
09:56 your blood pressure, those are standard risk
09:58 factors, Doppler machine okay,
10:01 but determining the calcium in a plaque
10:04 because a lot of the plaque is made up of calcium.
10:08 So, when they determine the amount
10:10 of calcium, they also can determine the
10:12 amount of plaque in the artery wall,
10:14 that's why they say that test done with the heart
10:17 scan, CT heart scan, one of the best tests
10:19 available to determine the plaque in the
10:22 coronary arteries of the heart.
10:24 So, therefore that's one good test we can use,
10:26 that way nothing will sneak up on us 'cause
10:28 people maybe watching right now,
10:30 who may have plaque in artery wall may be 80
10:33 or 90 percent clogged and don't even know it.
10:36 We just met somebody last week who had 3
10:39 arteries clogged 95 percent and don't even
10:42 know it, just walking around.
10:43 So just one hamburger or French fries,
10:46 one meal can tilt the scale and a
10:49 cardiovascular event can happen at that time.
10:50 Well, this is also a part of that preventive
10:52 medicine as well. You know of having
10:54 that physical done and, seeing exactly where
10:56 you stand ahead of time, now you know
10:58 you talked about that coronary. Yes.
11:01 Heart problem, what about, is there
11:02 anywhere else where an individual can have
11:05 problem with plaque buildup?
11:09 Absolutely, in the legs particularly in the legs,
11:12 it can be anywhere but when we call this
11:14 peripheral arterial disease,
11:17 for short PAD, alright.
11:20 And we have a picture of that, see what PAD
11:23 looks like, of course on the left, this is the leg
11:26 now, there's a nice blood flow
11:29 unobstructive of any plaque at all but now on
11:32 the right side this again in the legs we have that
11:35 plaque build up in the artery there and so with
11:38 that in mind when a person walks the
11:41 symptoms are leg pain, pain in the thigh,
11:45 pain in the buttocks, because the blood flow
11:48 is simply impede because of the built up
11:51 plaque in the legs, so it's very excruciating
11:54 and about one third of people will have this
11:57 type of pain, sometimes people don't have it,
12:00 but again if you have pain in the legs by
12:03 walking and sometimes it stops when you stop
12:06 walking the pain subsides,
12:08 normally you have plaque also in your
12:09 coronary arteries as well. So it kind of goes
12:12 hand in hand. So but again it can
12:15 be anywhere in the body but normally in
12:16 the legs as well and we have some in our work
12:18 book, some botanical medicine that people
12:21 can use to reduce that leg pain when they're
12:25 trying to walk. Okay, go over those
12:28 symptoms again, you said, that you said, yeah,
12:30 pain in the legs, pain in the thigh,
12:33 in the buttocks, sometimes in the feet
12:36 and in the toes, remember now there is
12:38 a lack of blood flow going through legs as well.
12:41 So, therefore with that in mind blood flow is
12:42 not going to reach down to the toes as well so
12:45 therefore and a person is a diabetic,
12:47 it just makes it objectionably very
12:50 difficult for blood flow because you have also
12:53 the high blood sugar which also causes
12:56 neuropathy, dating of the nerves, alright,
13:00 so these are some, now sometimes a lot of
13:03 people may not have this symptom that's why
13:06 its good to have this checked as well and this
13:09 one we are doing that, you know September is
13:12 the PAD, Peripheral Arterial Disease month,
13:15 awareness month, and they have a company
13:18 called Legs For Life, and A Society for
13:22 Interventional Radiology have testing sometimes,
13:27 these testing's are free and just go to website,
13:30 a Society for Interventional Radiology,
13:33 go to the website, you see if any sites
13:36 in your area and a lot of these times,
13:37 a lot of these sites are free for testing any
13:41 Peripheral Arterial Disease in the legs as well
13:44 and normally during the month of September
13:46 because this is best September,
13:48 Awareness month for PAD.
13:50 Okay, I guess the next question if you don't
13:53 take care of it, if it goes unchecked,
13:56 what can happen? Well, naturally
13:59 of course is plaque builds up on the artery
14:02 wall, it makes the artery wall very stiff and rigid,
14:07 there by number one, the blood pressure goes
14:09 up, blood pressure goes up, there is more stress
14:12 on the kidneys, blood pressure goes up,
14:15 there's more risk of stroke because the
14:18 pressure against the artery in the brain
14:21 creates tiny breaks in the blood vessels of the
14:25 brain there by you have a stroke.
14:27 So, with that in mind there is a picture of a
14:31 plaque rupturing. Let's look at this picture
14:34 at this time so again you have a plaque on both
14:37 sides of the artery wall and with that in mind
14:40 sometimes some plaques are vulnerable,
14:42 meaning that they more prone to a rupture
14:46 and when they rupture they're going to rupture
14:48 a blood clot, now blood clot forms which will
14:52 include any blood flow. So, of course if there is
14:55 a coronary artery then of course you will have
14:57 a stroke, the coronary arteries you going to
14:59 have a heart attack, when a leg of course
15:01 you will have a server case of claudication,
15:04 which is very severe a leg pain is what it is?
15:07 Okay. And so with that in mind becoming
15:09 unchecked then this very serious promises
15:12 with that and again a lot of people are walking
15:14 around with PAD, Peripheral Arterial
15:18 Disease, eight million people and don't even
15:21 know it, because two thirds do not have any
15:24 symptoms, that's why its good to have this
15:26 check and normally as we get older we have
15:28 these type of diseases in the coronaries or also in
15:32 our legs as well, that's why it's very important
15:35 as far as this plaque is attacking the body
15:40 and with that in mind it doesn't have to be,
15:43 man's original diet is what everybody,
15:48 well, you tell me honey? Well you know I always
15:49 say this, when it comes to trying to figure out
15:52 what the original diet is, all we have to do is go
15:55 back to the very first book of the Bible.
15:57 I've said it before in our programs and I will say
15:59 it again, God put everything in place
16:03 before he did his crowning act,
16:05 which was male and female and so
16:08 everything was in place in the
16:09 very first book of the Bible.
16:10 People say God doesn't care about what we eat?
16:12 Yes he does, because in the first book of the
16:13 Bible Genesis 1:29, and that's grains and seeds,
16:16 they will be your meat, your food, alright, and
16:19 then after sin of course Genesis 3:18 which
16:22 God then allowed us to have the vegetation.
16:25 That's the herbs that feed, plant of the earth.
16:27 So you know once again when we think
16:29 about it, if it wasn't important he could have
16:30 put it in Psalms and Revelation, that's true,
16:32 okay but he put it in the first book of the Bible,
16:34 that is the manual, that is the manual just like
16:37 trying to get I always say this is a big joke,
16:39 that everybody thinks is a joke, it's not really a
16:41 joke, but if Curtis were to buy me a brand new
16:45 BMW pink, that's my favorite color.
16:47 Okay, now wait a minute, this is the self
16:49 supporting ministry though.
16:52 Once again God can do anything without fail.
16:54 Well, that's true too. So, get me a BMW,
16:57 and if he gives me this car then I am going to
16:59 have to read the manual.
17:00 That's true. To know how to
17:02 operate it, and when I need to put the gas in
17:03 and then get the oil changed and everything
17:04 and so with that in mind the manual becomes
17:06 very important to me if I want to keep this car
17:09 and I want it to be in good running order,
17:11 what the creator God put in the first book of
17:14 the Bible, the original diet.
17:16 He put it there and it is the manual, if you want
17:19 to know how to live right? Read the word of God,
17:21 that's what I love about that, okay God's love
17:24 letters to us, to come straight out of the
17:25 world, all the mysteries, all the things we need to
17:27 know to take care of that body system.
17:29 Yes, yes. You know because after
17:31 all, the temple, the body is the temple.
17:34 Yes, it is. Where the Holy Spirit
17:35 dwells, we said Christ is our personal savior,
17:37 that's where the Spirit of God moves into
17:40 place and so therefore we don't want to corrupt
17:42 or put things into that body system
17:44 that is not good for us. Yeah, and I think we
17:48 are right on the mark honey
17:49 because we have a sense of duty.
17:50 Yes. A sense of obligation, First Corinthians 6:19
17:53 and 20 What? Know ye not that your
17:56 body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
18:00 Ye not of your own, you belong to God.
18:03 That's right, that's right. Ye are bought with the
18:04 price of Jesus shed blood. Yes, yes.
18:08 Therefore, as someone says anytime you see
18:12 the word, therefore in the Bible, there must be
18:15 therefore what? Therefore glorify God
18:21 in your body which is God's.
18:22 And so with that in mind we have a sense
18:24 of duty, a sense of obligation to take care
18:25 of our body and not wait until a
18:27 cardiovascular event happens but we need to
18:30 make some lifestyle adjustments,
18:33 lifetime modifications and have certain tests
18:36 done, we should have our blood pressure
18:39 in our head, yeah, we should know our
18:41 cholesterol, we should know our glucose,
18:44 those kind of things, so therefore nothing
18:46 can sneak up on us, or at least we can reduce
18:49 the risk of something major sneaking up on
18:52 us because we have these numbers we know
18:53 where we stand, so that's what it's all about,
18:56 so its time we go into the kitchen.
18:57 Yeah and we need to take care of ourselves.
18:59 Yes, we do. The more mature we
19:01 become of age, the more we need to really
19:03 check on ourselves and make sure that
19:06 everything is going to be alright, you know it
19:07 doesn't make sense to raise you know have a
19:09 relationship your marriage and have you
19:11 cheering in your children, that's true,
19:13 and all that, everybody grows up, everybody is
19:14 growing, you and your husband are there and
19:16 then all of the sudden you can't have a good time.
19:18 That's true. Okay, and you don't
19:20 have to, you know if you are not married,
19:21 you need to take care of yourself.
19:23 You need to take care of yourself.
19:25 Now, in that kitchen, talk about taking care yourself.
19:28 We are going to be doing a recipe,
19:30 this is I know is one of my favorites and Curtis'
19:32 favorite as well, it's actually called a
19:34 Tomato Salsa, get your paper and your pencil
19:38 and meet us in the kitchen.


Revised 2014-12-17