Abundant Living

Building Better Bones 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Paula Eakins, Curtis Eakins


Series Code: AL

Program Code: AL00152A

00:01 What role does sunlight play in building bone mass?
00:04 And what about physical activity,
00:06 how does that play a role in building bone mass as well?
00:09 Those issues will be addressed
00:11 in this program entitled "Building Better Bones Part 3."
00:15 We'll be right back.
00:44 Hi, welcome to "Abundant Living."
00:46 I'm glad you invited us to your living room once more
00:48 and my name is Curtis Eakins and this is my beautiful wife--
00:53 Paula Eakins. Very good. You cue in just on time.
00:57 Okay, looking mighty good today,
00:58 we're dressing alike too, aren't we?
01:00 Yes, yes. Okay, I guess we think alike.
01:02 I was gonna say, there some people do say
01:03 that when we go on a trip, they say,
01:05 you know, you're always in my bedroom
01:07 or you're always in my living room.
01:09 But we say, as long as I don't have to pay rent or mortgage.
01:11 Yes, yes. That's fine.
01:13 I don't know about, should we be in their bedroom,
01:14 that's means they have a TV in their bedroom
01:16 which may not be a good idea-- Don't go there--
01:17 But we're not mentioning any names though.
01:19 Don't go there. Okay, we won't go there.
01:20 Now, we're talking about exercise, osteoporosis.
01:25 That's right, we're trying to build those bones folks.
01:27 "Building Better Bones part 3" and now of course,
01:29 we've talked about this topic
01:31 a couple weeks ago and last week as well.
01:33 So let's give a quick review again.
01:35 We're talking about calcium and calcium's role
01:38 in bone matrix and building bone mass.
01:41 And we talked about the calcium foods.
01:42 What are those calcium foods, honey?
01:44 Oh, we talked about the fact
01:46 that from things like the collard greens,
01:48 we talked about our foods like-- Kale.
01:51 Beans, the tofu, all of them-- matter of fact total cereal.
01:55 We've talked about that as well. That's right.
01:57 All those have a high calcium amount in them
01:59 and they're very, very good for us.
02:01 Okay, and we emphasized a week before last
02:03 about the animal protein, animal protein simply
02:07 stripped calcium from the skeletal system.
02:09 So we're talking about plant protein not animal protein.
02:12 We're also talking about the supplementation.
02:14 Why people are taking supplements, Calcitonin,
02:17 Fosamax, non-hormonal type drug.
02:21 You have inflammation of the esophagus,
02:23 Evista, it's a hormone type drug.
02:25 You have blood clot, so those supplementations
02:28 do have some drawbacks and people may be doing that,
02:31 but again it has some drawbacks with those medications.
02:35 So we're emphasizing a more of a healthier lifestyle.
02:39 Make some modifications to one's lifestyle.
02:41 We're just avoiding the animal proteins
02:43 and now taking in those calcium rich foods as well.
02:46 Well, we mainly also got into the whole thing
02:48 about talking about women and menopause
02:50 and post-menopause is when you loose most of your bone mass.
02:54 And we've talked about-- talking to a compound pharmacist
02:58 versus using the Prempro, Premarin which are estrogen
03:03 replacements that you put patch or pill.
03:05 And we talked about how important it was
03:08 that there were some side effects
03:09 that actually came from those individuals
03:11 who were on Prempro and Premarin.
03:13 And so we talked about the compound pharmacists.
03:15 Right, okay.
03:16 And then get a whole of compound pharmacists.
03:18 These are pharmacists that do nothing but natural protocol
03:20 and they can go to our website, hseminars.com and or--
03:24 I would be glad to give them
03:26 some additional information on that.
03:27 So we're switching from a conventional type medicine
03:31 which is drugs to traditional type medicines
03:34 which is natural remedies.
03:35 That's what we're emphasizing today
03:37 and also on other health programs here on 3ABN as well,
03:40 emphasizing traditional type medicines.
03:43 Now, we're going to talk about first of all,
03:45 we're going to emphasize two major things
03:47 that can build bone mass, building better bones.
03:51 One is physical activity.
03:54 Now before we go to our first and last graphic,
03:57 let me qualify this statement first of all
03:59 and the author as well.
04:00 This author is named Ellen G. White
04:03 and she has made a profound statement
04:05 when it comes to exercise and bone mass.
04:09 She is a prolific health educator and writer
04:12 and the fourth most translated author in the entire world,
04:15 first in this country according to the Library of Congress.
04:19 And she made a profound statement
04:21 pertaining to this topic.
04:23 Let's go to this first and last graphic
04:25 and this is what she says, the book is
04:27 "Selected Messages II," page 321.
04:30 She simply put, folks, "Bone will acquire solidity
04:36 and strength in using them."
04:41 Now, this is remarkable because keep in mind
04:44 this is a person who had a third grade education
04:49 and back in the 1800s
04:51 and understanding the bone matrix that,
04:54 she understood that from inspiration
04:56 we believe to many people around the world
04:58 that when we engage in some type of physical activity,
05:02 it will strengthen the bones and make them more solid.
05:05 So we're gonna emphasize that.
05:07 Having said that let's bring that as a springboard
05:10 and talk about your personal experience so far
05:12 as exercises are concerned.
05:13 I see you have your weights there,
05:16 what you call those weights?
05:17 They're weights too, they're just wrist weights.
05:19 Wrist weights, okay.
05:20 Let's talk about your personal experience
05:21 because you've been doing some physical activity on your own,
05:25 some personal training and may be you want to tell
05:27 our audience who is your personal trainer,
05:29 or may be you want to reveal that as well.
05:32 Well, my personal trainer
05:34 is none other than my husband over here.
05:35 Oh, that is me?
05:37 That's right, yeah, that is me.
05:38 Yeah, okay, God bless you.
05:40 Anyway. Okay.
05:41 Okay, well, for a long time I was walking
05:43 and have been involved in walking programs.
05:45 And walking is very, very good,
05:46 but you have to do more than just walk.
05:49 So I discovered that when one day
05:51 we were on catching the plane
05:53 coming back from one of our trips in.
05:54 "USA Today" had an article on the whole front page
05:57 it was talking about America, the obesity problem
06:00 and also the issue of not getting enough exercise.
06:03 And they had a very small print at the bottom of that article
06:06 Americaonthemove.org and I thought I go to website
06:09 and see what's going on.
06:11 Because like most women, you know,
06:13 we always want some kind of a challenge,
06:14 not the same thing over and over again.
06:16 And for about five years,
06:17 I have been involved in a lot of walking.
06:19 And then I discovered from doing a lot of reading
06:21 and also going to a site that strength-bearing exercise
06:24 is also very, very key and for women
06:26 going through menopause, post-menopausal women.
06:29 We talked about how you lose most of your--
06:31 lot of your bone density at that particular time. Okay.
06:34 And I spoke last time about how I went to have a test done.
06:37 This was to see the bone density,
06:39 this lady was going-- T-score.
06:41 T-score and I put my foot into
06:43 this weight measuring device. Okay.
06:47 Okay and when I got done she said,
06:48 believe or not, you actually have
06:50 the bone density of a 22 year old woman.
06:52 Now, I want you to know that
06:54 it wasn't because I had built bones up
06:55 through my life because I had not.
06:57 I had eaten mainly through my lifespan,
07:00 lots of meat, milk and eggs and cheese and all that.
07:02 And so of course after coming to the health message
07:06 coming to the Lord, you know,
07:08 getting involved in health. Okay.
07:10 I began looking at other ways to improve my health
07:13 and that's when I started along with exercising, walking,
07:16 strength-bearing exercises, okay.
07:19 Now, that's pretty simple to do, believe it or not.
07:21 There are all kinds of things out there
07:22 in the market now, okay.
07:24 I have just a couple things I thought I let you see
07:27 that I use while I am here.
07:29 Okay, now you may want to tell the audience,
07:30 where did you purchase those wrist weights?
07:34 Well, I am not sure whether you are familiar or not
07:35 but everybody that knows when we travel,
07:37 they always ask me, where do I get my stuff from?
07:40 And there is a dollar store,
07:42 I am sure there is a Dollar Store
07:43 in your neighborhood, Susan.
07:44 Oh, the Dollar Store.
07:46 And the Dollar Store that's where I got these,
07:47 these are one pound weights and believe it or not,
07:49 all you do is actually put the weight put it on
07:50 and it actually is equal to one pound weight.
07:53 All right, each one of one pound.
07:55 Now, you can put those also on your ankles as well.
07:56 On your ankles also.
07:58 So when you're walking it adds more weight and yes--
08:01 And it only cost a dollar. Just a dollar.
08:02 Okay. Dollar Store.
08:04 So along with that you can also increase it by putting one more,
08:06 you know, because now you got two pounds on, okay.
08:08 Or you can pick up the can, you can pick up the can,
08:10 you could actually take your regular cans you have at home,
08:13 your soup cans, your spaghetti cans,
08:15 and you can actually use those
08:16 to actually do weight lifting as well.
08:18 Then of course I have that's my next step
08:20 which is now actually bringing the real weights in.
08:22 Okay. And these are five pound.
08:24 now these are for women now, okay.
08:25 So women, you suggest may be start off,
08:28 may be three pounds.
08:29 You want to start of with a two or three pounds weight
08:31 to start of with and then you want to move up
08:33 as you begin, you want to increase all right.
08:36 Now, I know I have got some girlfriends who told me
08:38 that they were still on a three pound weights.
08:40 It was like three years from the time.
08:42 Oh, its time to move up.
08:44 And it was like let's move on up, okay.
08:45 So you want to move up
08:47 and you want to make sure you don't do anything
08:48 that's going to hurt yourself.
08:49 So it's good you either have a personal trainer.
08:51 I sort of say like Curtis, but not Curtis.
08:53 You get a personal trainer or you know,
08:55 you might want to get some--
08:56 they've got all kind of tapes out
08:58 now you can get even at the library
08:59 which you can try and see what happens with that
09:02 or you can get your personal trainer.
09:04 But you don't want to lift
09:05 more than you need to be lifting, okay.
09:07 And lot of that information is out here right now.
09:09 Now there are some rules of thumb
09:10 as far as doing any type of--
09:13 we call this resistant type training activity, okay.
09:16 Where, what's happening and what happens with it
09:18 in relationship to this program "Building Better Bones"
09:21 is that when you do resisting type training
09:24 it helps to burn or burn muscle but not but muscle but burn fat.
09:29 But it strengthens the muscle. Absolutely.
09:31 And since muscle is attached to the skeletal system
09:34 then the skeletal system becomes stronger
09:36 and less risk of someone falling and fracturing their bones.
09:41 So that's where that comes in resistant type training.
09:43 Now you do your arms, you do your legs.
09:45 You have a pulley there too.
09:47 Total body, and also I had this one is another pulley
09:49 that you can actually get also from your local store.
09:52 You know, your regular store like the--
09:54 well I am not going to call any source out
09:55 because I won't give any credit.
09:57 But anyway these have little handles on them
09:58 and they come in weights also.
10:00 They come in, this is like a--
10:01 this one here is like equal to a one two pound weight, okay.
10:05 And It has to do when you just step on
10:06 and then you actually weight, you know,
10:08 measure or lift weights according to that.
10:11 The further out your legs are,
10:12 the more strength you can actually get.
10:14 So this is for your biceps, okay.
10:16 So you're standing on that pulley there with your feet
10:19 and then you just pull up with your biceps, all right.
10:22 Okay I think also again a lot of times,
10:24 a lot of people may fracture their hip.
10:27 Therefore we want our legs to be stronger.
10:29 I think you can lay on the side on the floor
10:31 and then one leg would be up this way
10:33 and you are just practicing,
10:35 strengthening your hip and your thighs well
10:37 and that can strengthen your thigh muscles as well.
10:40 Well, now more than ever the whole thing about exercising
10:43 and also strength-bearing exercise is so key
10:46 and there is so much information out there about.
10:48 I mean almost any magazine, newspaper that you pick up,
10:51 you will see it and then you also have
10:52 all these exercises there available as well, okay.
10:55 Okay, now again just before we leave the exercise program
10:59 you've mentioned walking, because you started
11:00 a walking program with "America On the Move"
11:03 and go to our website we'll talk more about though email us.
11:06 How you can get on "America On the Move"
11:08 and walk around the United States,
11:10 which you did just recently last year.
11:12 I know somebody said,
11:14 "She did not walk around United States." Now, it is true.
11:17 What happened not around the United States per say
11:20 but on his website the first program I got involved in
11:23 was a six week program where they had the United States map
11:27 and you began at New Jersey
11:28 and then every time you walk so many steps,
11:30 the name of the goal-- the goal is actually 2500 steps
11:34 to start off with and then you add 500 steps.
11:37 You know a one time after they keep on adding
11:39 until you get to 10,000 steps a day, all right.
11:42 And so after the six week I got a certificate
11:46 saying that I had actually reached my goal,
11:48 you put your numbers in the calendar
11:49 and they calculate for you and then you know where you are.
11:52 Then after that was over I started a second program
11:55 which was a six month walking program.
11:58 And believe it or not starting in New Jersey
12:00 coming all way down to map to Florida across to California,
12:04 all way up to Washington,
12:06 back across through Canada back into United States,
12:09 down to the other end and guess what?
12:10 When I finished I had actually accomplished
12:12 over one million, one hundred and seventy eight steps
12:16 and you get a big certificate once again congratulating you.
12:19 It's a so much tough, and I like that,
12:21 I like the challenge something to do.
12:23 Curtis was actually involved both of us lost waist,
12:26 inches in our waist and all that kind of stuff after it was over.
12:29 And it was really a fun thing to do. It is, okay.
12:32 All right, americaonthemove.org.
12:34 Okay, and the reason why we emphasize the physical activity
12:36 because we are trying to build better bones. Absolutely.
12:39 When the skeletal system is stressed,
12:41 when it makes contact it strengthens itself.
12:45 So walking helps that.
12:47 There was a clinical study that was published in The Journal
12:49 of the American Medical Association,
12:51 where it was 77,000 women ages 34 to 77 years of age,
12:57 and they walked four times a week.
13:00 People in that group had a 41 percent
13:02 less risk of hip fractures.
13:04 Now get this folks, now this is amazing.
13:07 The faster they walked the lower the risk of a hip fracture.
13:12 So if you walk three miles an hour
13:14 which is a nice pace then you can get benefit from that.
13:17 But now if you walk five miles per hour
13:20 which is about 50 minutes per mile
13:22 then your risk of getting a hip fracture lowers drastically.
13:27 So the faster you walk, the better your risk
13:30 of not getting a hip fracture as well.
13:32 So it's very important as far as that's concerned.
13:34 Well, I want to say to there with that Curtis,
13:35 the thing about the same thing.
13:37 I do meet a lot of women who say,
13:38 "I do walk, I walk everyday."
13:41 Well, if you're walking everyday,
13:42 now you needed to add the strength-bearing exercise
13:44 Right, the combination-- Right, combination.
13:46 Now, there is also someone out there saying
13:48 you know what, I can't walk you know,
13:50 I have got some kind of problems going on.
13:52 And we tell people you know what,
13:54 you can start up by just taking a ball, put it in your hand
13:57 and you can just squeeze that ball, this exercise okay.
14:00 You can put a ball under your feet
14:02 and you can roll the ball under your feet, exercise.
14:04 You might not be able to walk that far,
14:06 because perhaps that there's some kind of problem going on.
14:08 But you know what?
14:10 You can walk a few spaces in your house
14:12 go back to your chair and then from near
14:14 go out that door, go down to the corner,
14:16 walk back to the house.
14:18 Anything is possible especially when you ask the Lord God. Amen.
14:22 You know, that is so important, okay.
14:25 Well, let's talk about for instance about Vitamin D.
14:28 How does vitamin D and exercise go together?
14:30 Okay, as I made a statement sometime ago,
14:33 we are now what we eat,
14:35 we are what we absorb, all right.
14:37 Now we eat the food that has calcium in them,
14:40 we absorb that calcium.
14:42 However, if we do not have sufficient amount of Vitamin D
14:47 then that calcium cannot be absorbed adequately.
14:50 Now from the plant based diet
14:52 there is no vitamin D in a plant based diet.
14:56 It's actually not of vitamin,
14:58 it's more of a hormone basically.
15:00 So, how do we get Vitamin D?
15:02 Well, you have to look out folks to the sun.
15:05 Well, if you're in a house you will be looking at the ceiling.
15:07 But go outside and look up.
15:09 The sunlight, God has created the sun
15:12 to provide the Vitamin D.
15:13 Now how this process work is simply awesome.
15:17 If you understand this, then you cannot believe
15:20 that there is no such thing as evolution
15:22 because there had to be a creator God.
15:24 When sunlight strikes the skin,
15:28 the cholesterol in the skin changes to pre-Vitamin D
15:35 and the body's temperature continues that change
15:38 until it becomes Vitamin D from cholesterol.
15:42 So it works both ways, number one the blessing is,
15:45 cholesterol is lowered by the sunlight
15:48 and then number two, their body makes Vitamin D by the sunlight.
15:53 When the Vitamin D is in the skin
15:55 and the tissues then when we eat foods that contain calcium
15:58 then the calcium can be absorbed
16:01 there by we have stronger bone matrix.
16:03 Now we're emphasizing,
16:05 you only need about 15 minutes per day is all you need.
16:10 You want to make sure that the skin,
16:11 arms, legs, and face is mostly exposed.
16:14 Now the ultraviolet rays do not penetrate clothing as well,
16:19 particularly dark colored clothing.
16:21 But, again light color clothing you may get some
16:23 ultraviolet rays but again for both, for best benefits
16:27 you want to make sure that the skin is completely exposed.
16:30 Also those who put on suntan lotion,
16:33 it has a harder time penetrating suntan lotion the vitamin D,
16:38 I mean, the sunlight from the rays of the sun.
16:41 Also the rays of the sun
16:43 do not penetrate glass to ultraviolet B rays.
16:47 Now you get the heat, but you do not get
16:49 the ultraviolet rays from the sunlight through glass,
16:52 you get the heat and that's all you get.
16:53 So again we're emphasizing 15 minutes a day
16:57 and that can last up to several days that Vitamin D
17:00 and can be stored in the liver, so again we emphasize
17:02 and there is something new under the sun
17:05 and that sunlight phototherapy.
17:07 The timeframe is a good time for the sun.
17:09 Yes, timeframe another good point.
17:11 We're emphasizing between the hours of nine and three.
17:16 Remember now the sun has two rays,
17:19 Ultraviolet A, Ultraviolet B.
17:24 It's the B rays that we need from the sun
17:27 that gives us this powerful effect from the sunlight.
17:31 Now, in the winter time we get less of the ultraviolet rays
17:35 because there is less sunlight.
17:37 So those individuals who live--
17:40 let me say this 'cause this is aired worldwide
17:42 if you live at the 38 north degree latitude
17:47 which means in United States
17:49 if you live in the cities of Washington D. C,
17:52 Cincinnati, Ohio, St. Louis, Missouri,
17:57 San Francisco, if you live in those cities
18:00 and above in the winter time you are not really making
18:03 sufficient amount of Vitamin D from the sunlight.
18:06 Okay, in the winter time,
18:09 but now those who are 50 and below
18:13 store Vitamin D up to six months.
18:16 So since there is six months of winter time
18:18 if you get enough Vitamin D in the summer time
18:21 it can last us through the winter time
18:23 that we make new Vitamin D come March.
18:26 So God has all worked out,
18:27 it's just simply amazing of this Vitamin D.
18:31 So those who let's say live north of that in the winter time
18:35 you are not really getting a lot of Vitamin D
18:36 but you want make sure that you get
18:38 sufficient amount of Vitamin D in the summer time
18:40 to last you through those winter months, all right,
18:42 It's very important for them.
18:44 But one thing I like is this.
18:45 You know, a lot of times you wake up
18:47 and it look like a cloudy day. Yes.
18:48 When you get on a airplane and you go up pass the clouds
18:51 that's where the sun is,
18:52 so what you're actually saying is that,
18:53 you want us to get the sun on us
18:57 and then of course like I said before
18:59 the Son of God in you. Amen.
19:02 Those two use are real good compatible team together. Okay.
19:05 The sun and the Son, okay.
19:07 Amen. All right.
19:09 Well once again we have talked a lot.
19:11 We've done three programs talking about
19:13 the whole issue of osteoporosis
19:15 and if you want to get these tapes
19:16 you must get that you see on your TV set,
19:19 1800 number to call in and ask for these particular programs,
19:24 this series we have been doing lately, okay.
19:25 And once again we have a recipe coming up.
19:28 This is a new recipe from our global vegetarian cookbook
19:31 and it is actually call a Mock Tuno Melt, stay by.


Revised 2014-12-17