Adventures in Missions

Falakatta School

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bev Thompson & Shirley Panasuk


Series Code: AIM

Program Code: AIM000481

00:16 Welcome to Adventures in Missions with Gospel Outreach.
00:18 I am Julie Sanders Keymer. And you know what?
00:20 I have some ladies here.
00:22 And they are kind of the modern day Paul and Barnabas
00:24 and I hope that you will enjoy meeting them as much as I have.
00:28 And welcome Bev Thompson and Shirley Panasuk.
00:31 Thank you, it's a privilege to be here.
00:33 Well, welcome. So maybe you are not Paul and Barnabas
00:35 but we can call you Pauline and Barbie
00:37 or something like that.
00:40 But you two did go on to trip together
00:42 and Bev, you are the director here at Gospel Outreach
00:45 of what district and tell us a little bit about it.
00:48 This is Gospel Outreach's region number two.
00:50 But that is really from about Kolkata
00:53 and the eastern part of India up to and including Bhutan
00:58 and then the narrow section of Sikkim between Bhutan and Nepal.
01:02 I do not go into Nepal but I go all the way over
01:06 and south of Nepal down into the central part.
01:10 Wow, wow. And a very heavy populated place in the world.
01:13 It is heavily populated. We only have
01:16 130 Gospel Outreach workers in this large area right now
01:20 but we're sure hoping and praying for more.
01:22 And that's one reason why we're here to help the viewers
01:25 and the people who are involved with Gospel Outreach
01:26 be able to know what's happening in your area
01:29 and if the Spirit is inclining them to give
01:32 that's what we like them to do.
01:33 And the whole thing is we want to see Jesus.
01:37 And I just believe that because of Gospel Outreach
01:40 we're going to see Jesus sooner.
01:42 And this is the way everyone can get involved
01:45 even though you don't need to go as a missionary
01:47 far away to another land. Yes.
01:50 You could do it from your home by just offering the money
01:53 because we don't send missionaries,
01:55 we empower the local people to get out
01:58 and do it by giving them a salary
02:00 then they don't have to go and do the gardening work.
02:03 But they can get out of that
02:05 and do the gardening for Jesus Christ.
02:07 Well, and that's so big, isn't it?
02:08 Because for you or me to go there it would be language study
02:13 and all of that but these people know the culture,
02:16 they are Christians they are visiting with the people, so--
02:18 And it's not a big priority
02:23 but when I go I go to eat, to live,
02:27 and I usually loose a few pounds
02:30 and I believe Shirley lost a few pounds this time, too.
02:35 But when we get back home to my regular diet
02:37 I get back to my normal weight and all is well.
02:40 But, yeah, it's a different food, different culture,
02:43 different language, and we don't have to go through all of that.
02:47 Yeah, and for the Lord to use the people there in that area.
02:50 So tell us you went on a trip
02:52 and, Bev, you usually go in February
02:54 to see the Gospel Outreach workers
02:56 and this year Shirley went with you.
02:58 Yes, and I was so excited when she asked me
03:02 would l like to go and I said well, let me ask my husband
03:06 and I ask my husband and he said go for it.
03:10 Good. So there we were
03:12 and it was just the most wonderful adventure if you will.
03:17 It was spiritual, it was so spiritual
03:21 because there were just so much going on
03:23 there were church dedications, baptisms,
03:26 just miracles happening along the way.
03:31 If we sat here and told you about all the miracles
03:33 we wouldn't have time but it was just a real blessing
03:37 and I got to see first hand what was happening
03:41 and I'm now excited to tell everybody
03:44 support Gospel Outreach because it's worth it.
03:48 Praise the Lord. And that's what this is all about.
03:50 That's why we do Adventures in Missions here
03:52 that's carried on many different cable and television channels
03:56 so people can know what's going on here.
03:58 So why don't you share with us ladies, what you wearing.
04:01 You both look beautiful and tell us about your outfits.
04:05 Well, first I want to say
04:07 I usually don't choose anything myself.
04:10 Somebody else's always gifting me
04:12 with these beautiful clothes. So nice.
04:15 And this was the first place we went to in Chhattisgarh
04:18 I was gifted with this lovely little Punjabi.
04:21 It has some very beautiful embroidery work on the borders.
04:25 And then they always have a scarf to match
04:27 and this is a beautiful scarf. It's gorgeous.
04:29 And it almost looks like little mirrors on the front of it.
04:33 They are, they're little mirrors that are embroidered on.
04:37 Very, very pretty. And, Shirley, you wearing an--
04:39 This was also a gift. We went out to see a school
04:45 and on the way back we stopped in this little town
04:50 and we were summon to come along with the pastor
04:53 and his wife and next thing we knew we were in a shop
04:57 and I was supposed to pick out a dress.
05:00 And I was so touched by this.
05:03 Not only that but the fact that the husband was along
05:08 and there he sat very patiently while we tried it on.
05:13 Wow, that's impressive.
05:15 And even made comments is to that they look nice
05:19 or didn't look nice. Sure.
05:20 His wife of course was doing the bargaining so to speak.
05:25 And it was just, you know, they are just so generous people.
05:30 And that's a true great gift
05:31 when everybody is involved in the giving part of it.
05:34 Yes, yes. Well, great.
05:35 Well, why don't you share a little bit about
05:37 the reason for your visit and what you did
05:40 over in that area of the world?
05:42 Well, first of all I go for the purpose of seeing
05:46 as many Gospel Outreach workers as I possible can
05:49 in their field of work doing something that they usually do.
05:53 And sometimes I can just sort of tell
05:57 if they are putting on something
05:59 but in this area I know there was nothing put on.
06:04 Because I see the response by the people
06:07 and you know that they are friends.
06:10 And so I'd like to roll some of our pictures
06:12 now we can talk just a little bit about it.
06:14 Sure, take us to India.
06:17 This area, it's the end of the dry season
06:22 but its spring time and we start out in a village
06:28 and I just want to give you a taste of village life here.
06:34 The vehicles are not like we ordinarily see.
06:38 The cow going down the road in the opposite direction.
06:42 They do drive on the opposite side of the road to what we do.
06:48 Probably the British influence. It is, yes.
06:51 Oh, look at the food.
06:52 And the cars get just about as close as they dare.
06:56 Yes, and you are praying the whole time,
06:58 right, Shirley? That's right.
07:00 But we want to show you these beautiful vegetables
07:03 and some fruits as we were going down the road.
07:05 Is that cauliflower? Cauliflower.
07:07 Beautiful cauliflower. Gorgeous.
07:08 It was potato season and so there was lots of potatoes out.
07:13 And onions and they always use the purple onions.
07:17 But you know what?
07:19 Shirley would say to me where are these vegetables.
07:24 Radishes, carrots, we didn't get to see many on our dishes.
07:30 Like when you were eating. Yeah.
07:32 Okay, what were they serving you?
07:34 Well, that was always so color fledge we could hardly tell.
07:37 They put it in the curry.
07:38 And you couldn't taste anything but the spice.
07:41 And when we were up in North Bengal at Falakata
07:47 the pastor's wife did try.
07:49 And she did a wonderful job of having something different
07:53 at each meal. Wow.
07:55 In fact at one point we won't see it here perhaps
07:59 it was something like a cereal
08:03 and I had brought some dry powdered soymilk.
08:08 And we showed them what we ate for breakfast.
08:11 Oh, interesting. Were they so curious?
08:12 Yes. And they were delighted to try it.
08:16 And they said, oh, this is good.
08:20 How interesting I would say I love Indian food so...
08:23 The other thing was this when Shirley
08:26 and I went up into Bhutan they--it was mushroom season.
08:30 Oh, yes. I love mushrooms.
08:32 And so we carried back a whole kilo of mushroom.
08:36 Well, they didn't know what to do with all of these mushrooms
08:39 and so I told how to fix that
08:40 you just use about a teaspoon of oil in the pan
08:43 and you have a bunch of chopped onions
08:46 and then you put the mushrooms in with them
08:49 and bring them to a steam
08:52 and then put the lid on them for 3 minutes
08:54 and a little bit of salt and they are ready.
08:58 Well, the first day she served these two us
09:01 as they came back tasting like the regular
09:03 greasy masala onion curries. And so I try to be polite
09:09 and next morning I said, would you like me to cook the mushroom
09:12 the way I would do at home. Sure.
09:14 Oh, she would be delighted,
09:16 so I said, I want just a teaspoon of oil
09:19 and she says, oh, only that little bit.
09:22 And she said, I use this and there was a dipper
09:25 that had about fourth of a cup of oil in it.
09:29 Yeah, so that's typical.
09:30 I knew then why they tasted like greasy mushrooms to me.
09:34 And then I said a little bit of salt
09:38 and then she pulled out her masala
09:41 and she said a little bit of this?
09:42 I said, no, no, no, just little salt.
09:45 And I put the lid on it.
09:46 And all then they tasted them it was entirely different.
09:50 Different. Sure well, see you were sharing.
09:52 You were sharing that.
09:53 We are accustomed to our flavors with our fruits and vegetables
09:56 and they're accustomed to their masala and their seasoning.
09:59 So they really can't taste the vegetables.
10:01 Sure. So where are we here, ladies?
10:03 This is not Forbury school.
10:05 This is a fabulous school upright on the edge of Sikkim.
10:10 They have about 1,200-1,400 student at this boarding school.
10:17 And this is a Friday evening, it's vespers time
10:20 and the children are marching into the church.
10:24 And the girls all come in first and then the boys
10:28 and there's all these line up of kids
10:30 and you say, where are they going to sit?
10:32 Oh, they figure it out. Yeah.
10:35 There in Indian culture there's always room for one more.
10:37 True. That's right.
10:38 Look at this church. It is just packed
10:41 and the young people are in the front leading the song service.
10:45 And they are packed in on those benches there.
10:48 And they are singing. Yeah.
10:49 The girls are on one side, the boys on the other.
10:52 So is this a boarding school? Yes.
10:53 Okay and so are these kids--
10:56 do these kids come from Christian homes?
10:58 Are these kids from Hindu home, is a mixture?
11:01 Probably about half of them at this school are Adventists
11:04 and the rest are non-Adventists,
11:07 but the parents are wanting them to have this education
11:10 because of this school is known for its quality education
11:14 and passing their examination. Oh, I love this little drums.
11:19 They always sing with drums. Yes.
11:22 If they don't have a drum in their church it isn't complete.
11:27 You know certain like in America if you don't have a piano
11:29 an organ, you know? Right. Sure.
11:31 It's their typical instrument that they have.
11:32 Oh, the kids-- look at those girls,
11:34 beautiful girls. Yes.
11:35 So were you there for--
11:37 oh, looks like a sunset through those windows.
11:39 Were you there for some meetings then here at the school?
11:41 Oh, it was just a regular school week.
11:45 And this was Friday night and so they were having vespers.
11:48 And I believe Wade Brooks gave a message that night.
11:52 I had given the message the night before.
11:55 And it was just a real fun experiencing
11:59 all these kids come together and squeeze in.
12:02 You know, I also felt like I needed ear plugs
12:05 because the music was so loud in that church,
12:08 but it was so beautiful.
12:10 They were praising the Lord. I love it.
12:12 Well, we have Pauline and Barbie
12:14 our modern day Paul and Barnabas here
12:17 and they are sharing about their trip
12:19 that they took to northeast India
12:21 and if you're feeling called to help
12:24 with the Gospel Outreach work in this area of the world
12:26 we would encourage you to pickup the phone,
12:28 go online and to donate.
12:30 If you go visit our website you can donate securely and safely.
12:34 It's and if you like to give us a phone call
12:38 we'd love to talk with you.
12:40 Our phone number is 509-525-2951.
12:44 If you like to send us a check,
12:45 our address is Gospel Outreach,
12:47 P.O. Box 8 in College Place, Washington, 99324.
12:50 We also have a Canadian address.
12:52 You can reach us in Canada at Gospel Outreach Canada,
12:55 P.O. Box 32035 in West Kelowna, B.C.
12:59 where the postal code is V4T 3G2 in Canada.
13:04 And if you like to request our newsletter it is free.
13:08 It's called Adventures in Missions.
13:09 So please do let us know if you like to receive that.
13:12 Gospel Outreach is working in 50 nations with 100 missions
13:16 and about more than 2,000 men and women workers.
13:20 If you would like to call our Canadian phone number
13:22 it's 778-754-2079.
13:25 But as Bev mentioned Gospel Outreach
13:28 hires local workers in the countries in the 10/40 Window
13:32 and that's from 3 degrees north up to 40 degrees
13:35 above the equator
13:36 and that runs all the way from West Africa to Japan.
13:39 It is heavily populated
13:41 and people there need to know the love of the Lord.
13:43 So your money given here to Gospel Outreach
13:46 will go towards that mission of sharing Jesus Christ
13:49 with the people in this area of the world.
13:52 So, Bev, and Shirley why don't you take us back now to India.
13:56 And we'll go on to the next segment of our movie
13:59 and we can show you a little bit more.
14:01 This was in Falakata and I was interviewing--
14:06 There are six teachers here in this lovely school.
14:09 And we have come to give them a little like
14:13 vocational Bible school or mini Sabbath school.
14:16 And Mrs. Mundell, and Mrs. Kishore,
14:20 have been giving this program for the children.
14:23 And I found it most interesting
14:25 because the children are eager to learn.
14:28 Health is a subject that everyone is interested in.
14:31 Interested, yes.
14:32 And it is not saying this is my religion
14:36 and you need to believe it.
14:39 But we're all interested in very best of health for everyone.
14:43 And Mrs. Mundell did such a lovely job
14:47 of children singing. Yes.
14:50 And then the coloring books,
14:53 it gives an opening way.
14:54 Again the children are interested.
14:57 They do a good job of coloring. Yes.
15:00 How often do you do a vacation Bible schools
15:03 or a little programs for children,
15:06 Mrs. Mundell and Mrs. Kishore?
15:10 Every Sabbath we have this coloring
15:14 and teaching memory verses for children.
15:19 I'm thinking about those little toys
15:22 that I brought for you to give out for memory work.
15:25 Yes.
15:27 I think of the many children in my church
15:30 who donated them to me. Yes.
15:33 And again this year when I have come my church members
15:37 with their children or their grandchildren
15:40 they have brought their toys to church
15:43 and for me to bring here. Okay.
15:46 And we had so many toys
15:50 that my friend Shirley Panasuk who came with me.
15:53 Okay, so nice. Thank you.
15:55 She filled her suitcase and I filled my suitcase.
15:59 When children--when parents listen their children
16:02 repeating one sentence memory verse also,
16:05 they are filled with joy. They are very happy.
16:09 And when I was calling them on the stage
16:13 they were smiling and those children who were not there,
16:17 they were searching outside when they were outside the pandal
16:22 or they were not on the stage,
16:24 they called their children to repeat
16:26 memory verses on the stage.
16:28 They are motivated when they are told that coming year again
16:34 those who will repeat the memory verses,
16:36 Lords prayer and Ten Commandments,
16:39 they will be getting this gift.
16:41 I say then they are really happy.
16:44 And I'm so much thankful to you
16:46 that you have given some gifts for them
16:51 to motivate and that creates more interest in them.
16:58 Thank you and you know,
16:59 Mrs. Mundell doesn't know English
17:01 so she can not speak to us today.
17:04 But she is a key person in child evangelism here
17:09 and we're thankful for the work that you're doing.
17:13 I'm so much thankful to those who have now donated
17:18 some toys and stickers for the children
17:22 who learned the memory verses and Ten Commandments.
17:26 That is a very useful gifts for the children.
17:29 And they are motivated when they receive those things
17:32 and they are taking more interest to learn
17:35 the memory verses and Ten Commandments, Lords Prayer.
17:39 And it is a one kind of instrument
17:43 I will say to motivate the students.
17:46 So I'm really thankful to those who have donated,
17:50 to Mrs. Beverly Thompson. Thank you so much.
17:55 What a privilege it is to be a part of Gospel Outreach.
17:59 Whether you're a Gospel Outreach worker out in the field
18:02 or you're a donator to Gospel Outreach
18:05 you're part of the mission
18:07 of spreading the gospel to all the world.
18:09 And I'm thankful that I'm a part of Gospel Outreach too
18:13 because I've the privilege of coming here
18:15 and seeing what is being done.
18:17 God is so good and I believe that Jesus is coming soon
18:21 and very soon and sooner
18:23 because we have Gospel Outreach workers out here
18:27 spreading the gospel.
18:28 God be with you as you continue to serve God
18:32 by helping the--adopting a work for Gospel Outreach
18:38 or just donating, thank you.
18:41 Wow, that was powerful to see those two ladies there
18:44 who were sitting with you, Bev.
18:45 Oh, such a wonderful people.
18:49 Mrs. Mundell, in darker outfit. She basically does
18:55 child evangelism and the thing is this when parents see
19:00 their children getting up there and doing memory versus
19:04 and performing in front of other people.
19:07 They get so proud of their children, I would too.
19:11 But then it makes them want to know more
19:14 about what are they studying?
19:17 What are you indoctrinating my child with?
19:20 And they want to know
19:21 but then they get interested in that.
19:24 They really know that God answers prayers
19:29 that we pray and you know, this is powerful tool
19:34 for the people there
19:36 because their God's don't answer them.
19:38 Or heal them or promise to comeback
19:41 or have something better.
19:43 And forgiveness of sins.
19:44 Yeah, huge, huge.
19:46 But you just said it so well and for these
19:49 little children to know at that young age
19:52 the difference from the God's like you said,
19:55 that are just stone and--
19:57 You know, it's interesting reading
19:58 in the Bible how like in the Old Testament
20:00 you hear about all the gods of stone
20:02 and everything and sometimes
20:03 you don't hear in the western part of the world.
20:05 We don't really often times, you know, we look at money
20:08 and things like that which true can be idols.
20:10 But when you travel to that area of the world
20:12 and you actually idols in a temple
20:14 and things like that, where people actually have
20:16 those things in their homes.
20:18 You know, graven image or carved the statue,
20:21 it really brings a lot of that home to
20:22 what the Bible talks about.
20:24 And they may have a little image
20:26 that they made a little shelter for it
20:28 and put it in there and decorated.
20:30 Sometimes with flowers and then they will refresh them
20:33 the next day with more flowers.
20:34 Shrine in the homes. Yes.
20:36 But for so many of these people who haven't heart
20:38 about the love of the Lord and the forgiveness like you
20:40 said Bev, and God's grace and all of that is huge.
20:43 So you have one more video to share with us.
20:45 Yes.
20:48 And this is Mrs. Mundell,
20:53 at a public school not far from our Falakata school
20:56 which is large Raymond memorial Adventist school.
21:01 But here at this public school
21:03 they have brought a branch Sabbath school.
21:09 And she is teaching them a song here.
21:16 And then now Mrs. Kishore is telling them the Bible story
21:21 of creation and she ends with Adam and Eve
21:25 and they have a little coloring book
21:27 that they handout to each of the children.
21:30 And there's the acronym for Adam with the vegetables
21:34 or fruits or things to say, A is for-apple is for A,
21:40 Adam is first letter in his-- and they are trying to teach
21:43 them a little bit of English and D is dog and A is apple.
21:48 And M is for mouse.
21:54 And then they handout these coloring books
21:56 and this is a real gift to the children there.
21:58 Oh, absolutely.
22:00 And you will notice that she is handing out
22:02 one crayon at a time to the children.
22:05 This is all the crayons they have for the kids.
22:08 And so they will color what they want
22:09 with one color and put it down
22:12 and wait for somebody else to be finished
22:14 and be able to trade crayons.
22:16 You know, isn't that the thing that is so amazing.
22:18 We take so many things for granted here
22:20 in our western world countries
22:22 where we can go to Wal-Mart and buy crayons for--
22:25 And if they break we throw them away.
22:28 Right, exactly.
22:29 They use them.
22:31 That allows more children to use a crayon.
22:34 Now do these children learn English in school or they?
22:37 In the public school usually not but it is incentive
22:40 to learn because English medium school is
22:44 what they call it in English medium.
22:46 But we are preparing them for higher education.
22:50 Right, sure.
22:51 Now I want to show this picture of the planting
22:53 because when we serve these little children
22:56 we're planting a seed for a lifetime.
23:00 And so Mrs. Mundell out there doing child evangelism.
23:04 It's just like these planter he is weeding his patch,
23:08 but God is good and He is helping to spread this
23:12 gospel through the children to the parents
23:15 and then it's going to be a lifetime for the children
23:17 to have this experience of having Jesus
23:19 is their life knowing the power of prayer,
23:22 knowing the God who answers prayer
23:25 and forgives our sins.
23:26 What a marvelous message she has.
23:28 Absolutely.
23:29 And it's up to us to share.
23:31 It's up to God then to nurture to water,
23:34 to continue to bring all of this.
23:37 You know, and we're just told to share.
23:39 Shirley, what was the biggest impact
23:41 on this trip on you.
23:43 Oh, it's just to see all the children
23:45 and to see the eagerness that have to learn
23:49 and how the parents are so excited
23:52 that their children are learning something.
23:55 And you know, actually the parents are learning
23:57 from the children because many of these families--
24:02 I'm a life long Adventist and so I don't know
24:06 and I went to public schools, but these families don't know
24:09 about the love of Jesus and they learn through
24:11 their children, learn about Adam and Eve
24:13 and what happened to Adam and how a Savior
24:16 had to come to this world and die.
24:19 Wow, that's just a big wow in their lives
24:22 and they just can hardly comprehend it.
24:25 It's just-- it's exciting to see
24:28 these precious children learning.
24:30 When you see at the changes that Christianity brings
24:33 to the homes and to the lives of these people it is one
24:37 of the most thrilling experiences that I have
24:39 also, every time that I go there we see
24:42 these kinds of experiences happening.
24:45 I just say praise God.
24:48 Just think of the privilege that I had of being raised
24:51 in America with Christian, dedicated Christian parents.
24:57 Now we're going to give this to them.
25:00 To them, exactly.
25:01 Well, because it's like finding your favorite food
25:04 or your favorite place to shop or your favorite,
25:07 whatever you want to share that but this is even to
25:10 the outmost to the extreme that yes,
25:12 especially as lifelong Christians.
25:14 Especially we should the ones who are
25:18 the most changed and the most excited
25:20 and that's where I thinkgoing and seeing
25:22 these people who are learning things for the first time
25:24 it almost inspires us to be even more on fire.
25:28 Oh, it does. Yes.
25:29 I'm so inspired since I've comeback.
25:32 I just can't--I can't stop talking about it.
25:35 I told my husband on the phone,
25:38 have you got all night to hear me.
25:41 Be prepared I've a lot of words to go when I get home.
25:44 And it was just like, oh.
25:47 But you know, when you hear us
25:49 and the excitement, the joy that we have in seeing this.
25:53 I think about the joy that our viewers can have
25:56 by seeing this, even this program
25:59 to know that, their money is going to be going
26:02 to support the Gospel Outreach work
26:04 to just spread this gospel.
26:06 And we just showed you a little nutshell of one lady
26:09 who is doing child evangelism but I've 130 in my region
26:14 of Gospel Outreach workers and we need to find people
26:17 who will adopt them and pay their salary
26:20 for at least a year.
26:21 And this is our mission to see this message
26:25 go to all the world
26:26 and people here can help to do that.
26:28 Yes.
26:29 And you heard it here on Adventures and Missions
26:32 with Gospel Outreach that you to can be a part
26:35 of this of sharing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ
26:37 in this 10/40 Window
26:39 and specially here as we've heard about India
26:42 from our modern day Pauline and Barbie
26:45 who headed off to India.
26:46 And we just pray that whatever the Lord is
26:49 impressing up on you to give to Gospel Outreach
26:52 and we want to say thank you for that.
26:53 So when you pick up the phone and go to our website
26:55 we'll say, thank you for your donation.
26:57 On behalf of Adventures and Missions
26:59 and Gospel Outreach and thank you ladies,
27:00 for being here.
27:02 I'm Julie Sanders Keymer and may the Lord bless for you.
27:16 I need to spread the gospel here at home.
27:19 Where is the 10/40 Window anyway?
27:22 Those people live too far away.
27:25 Someone else can tell them about Jesus.
27:28 Maybe they could just watch TV.
27:31 Nearly three billion people to reach, my head hurt.
27:36 There's nothing I can do.
27:38 I give up.
27:40 What's the point of trying?
27:42 I can't make a difference.
27:44 Actually, you can make a difference.
27:46 And Jesus asked you to go to all the world.
27:50 Where?
27:51 All the world.
27:53 How can I go, I have commitments?
27:56 You can pray.
27:58 You can volunteer your talents.
28:04 You can tell others.
28:06 You can give money to sponsor Bible workers.
28:09 Millions of people are searching for hope
28:11 and meaning.
28:12 But they won't find it without you.
28:14 Be the spark.
28:16 Light the fire.
28:17 Finish the work.
28:18 Finish the work.
28:21 Be the spark!


Revised 2014-12-17