Participants: Bev Thompson
Series Code: AIM
Program Code: AIM000480
00:15 Again a bright hello from Gospel Outreach
00:19 here in College Place, Washington the studio 00:21 where we're producing another program 00:23 of Adventures in Missions stories. 00:26 I know you've been inspired by the stories 00:28 you've already heard, observed via this program 00:32 and today is going to be no exception. 00:35 I get to welcome my dear, 00:38 dear friend of few years now Bev 00:42 to the set of gospel outreach. 00:44 Beverly Thompson, Regional Director 00:48 for Gospel Outreach in some corner 00:50 of India in north. Thank you. 00:53 Yes, in Northeast India 00:55 this is from Calcutta up to Bhutan 00:58 and then over westward to south of Nepal. 01:03 Did you know where those 01:04 places were on the map before you went? 01:06 I didn't, I haven't even heard of Bhutan. 01:11 And now you've traversed the area several times. 01:13 Yes, I like to go to Bhutan and encourage the workers there. 01:18 How many workers in Bhutan? They are 10. 01:20 Now, are they in culture and everything similar 01:24 to the rest of India to the south? 01:27 You know, there are some similarities 01:29 but they have a culture of their own 01:31 and they are very proud of their culture. 01:33 And it is a monarchy, they have a king, 01:38 and they are very proud of their king. 01:40 And he is a very caring type of person 01:43 and he wants to preserve Bhutanese. Yeah. 01:48 Do you find as a westerner ready access to places like that? 01:55 For Bhutan it's a little bit difficult 01:59 because their government rules are that 02:03 you have to pay the government 02:04 so much money to be able to get a visa 02:07 to get into the country. 02:09 The visa isn't that much 02:10 but they require you to spent $250 a day in Bhutan. 02:15 Now that $250 goes to transportation 02:18 for lodging and for food. 02:21 Can it go to support gospel outreach workers? 02:24 I wish it would. 02:27 No, proselytizing is against the law. 02:31 And for trying to convert someone 02:34 you can be put in jail for 14 years. 02:37 So how is gospel outreach working 02:40 under this kind of environment? 02:44 My gospel outreach workers do 02:45 a lot home to home visitation 02:48 and come and see my aunty, 02:49 come and see my cousin in this kind of work. 02:54 And then when they know that you are a Christian, 02:56 there seems to be drawing card for Christianity, 02:59 because people there know 03:02 that our God works through prayers 03:05 and so when you have somebody 03:07 who will pray for you who is a Christian, 03:10 it is better than going to a witch doctor. 03:13 So while proselytizing is illegal, 03:17 being a Christian in Bhutan is acceptable? 03:21 It is, but you keep your Christianity inside your door. 03:25 Uh-huh.. 03:26 But anybody who comes inside your door is fair game. 03:30 A possibility, right. 03:32 Okay, we're going to place called Tarpin. 03:37 Tarpin is the name of the village in Sikkim area, 03:41 right next-door to Bhutan. 03:44 And Sikkim is that area between Bhutan and Nepal 03:48 and there is been, it's mountainous area 03:51 and countries are far over this little piece of land. 03:55 It has been in Tibet's hand before China took over Tibet. 04:01 And it's been in Bhutan's hand, it's been in Nepal's hand. 04:05 And currently it's in India's hand. 04:08 In fact I think it was in 2006 that China said, 04:13 okay, it belongs to India 04:15 because they had it before India. 04:17 So to get into this area 04:20 where we have this group of believers, 04:23 you have to get a special visa at the doorstep of Sikkim. 04:28 And we can show the first picture. 04:30 I'm just trying to-- just try to clear up 04:33 for a non traveler like me. 04:35 I travel some but not there, Sikkim. 04:40 Correct. Okay. 04:41 And what I am thinking because of some Indian origins 04:46 and routes nothing to do with the Sikh religion? 04:50 No, no, no. Okay. 04:52 So that's another part of India. That's right. 04:56 It's in the north but it's northwest 04:59 that they have the stronghold-- 05:00 All right, let's see your pictures, Bev. 05:02 Okay, we just did show while you were talking. 05:07 The border crossing 05:08 but I want to introduce you to the pastor there, 05:10 he is the taller man that Pastor Thompson 05:13 and the other man is a Gospel Outreach worker. 05:17 And he is the man who said, 05:19 I'm going to visit every, by God, 05:21 which is a house on these mountains 05:24 and we are going to introduce them to the love of Jesus. 05:29 And this has been a big part. 05:32 Now this to me is one of the most 05:35 beautiful little churches. I guess. 05:37 I believe it was built by Maranatha. 05:39 But we have a Gospel Outreach worker 05:43 who-there are two Gospel Outreach workers 05:46 who have certainly you might say 05:47 the headquarters with this church. 05:50 And these members that but we have a church, 05:56 we need a school for our children, 05:58 there is no schools for a long ways around here. 06:01 The government hasn't school. 06:02 No government school, no school. 06:05 And if we can only have a school, 06:07 so these members put up the school. 06:10 Can you imagine us calling that a school? 06:13 That is a four room school. On the side of a mountain. 06:17 On the side of a mountain. Can you imagine. 06:20 Now this is looking in that-- we're looking across, 06:23 you see the blackboards on two large blackboards 06:27 and one partial one there. 06:30 I took this last year but this year when I went, 06:33 there were teachers in there 06:34 I just couldn't find my picture for 06:36 to show you the teachers with the students. 06:38 But they are actually in this room teaching 06:41 and those boards are up 4 feet high 06:45 and the teachers can be seen above it. 06:47 And it's open air. 06:49 Now can you imagine what happens 06:50 in December and January? 06:52 Well, I've already been thinking about that. 06:54 The foothills of the Himalayas, it is cold, cold, cold. 06:58 And so-- They don't have snow days there? 07:02 No snow days but they get snow. 07:05 They do get snow in this area. 07:07 But these people have asked for a real school. 07:12 You know, they called it, 07:13 we need a real school for these people. 07:15 But when we got there this time 07:17 I was so disappointed, we got there at sunset 07:19 and we have to quickly take 07:21 some pictures of the members in front of the church. 07:25 And then we have to walkout behind 07:27 with flashlights 07:28 because we had to see what had been build. 07:32 We had a donation for a clinic. 07:35 And so we walked way in the back there, 07:37 it's difficult to see maybe 07:39 but this is in front of the two room clinic. 07:42 And we have a dedication service, 07:47 they had waited for me to come to dedicate it 07:49 and they have two people to come to run the clinic. 07:54 And I thought it was very interesting. 07:56 They have been to a self supporting mission 07:59 where they have taught them 08:01 seminary fundamental beliefs as well as healthcare. 08:07 Now in the flashlight we are doing 08:08 the ribbon cutting ceremony. 08:12 So the whole thing is, it's really in the dark? 08:14 Yes, it's in the dark. 08:16 And it's just a thrilling experience to be there 08:20 even in the dark to do this 08:22 ceremony for opening the clinic. Interesting. 08:25 Now that clinic was established built 08:29 under the auspices of Gospel Outreach also? 08:31 Yes, because the donation came through me 08:33 because they had previously asked me for a clinic 08:37 and I was little wary at first that, 08:39 but when I asked them who will you going to have here 08:41 to man the clinic. 08:43 Well, they want to do home health treatments. 08:46 Oh, that's another story. 08:49 So yes, now they are showing us another room. 08:52 There's two rooms for the clinic there 08:54 and there is a door and two windows in each room. 08:59 And then they took us into the church 09:01 and they showed us 09:03 when they told the government people 09:05 that they are going to have this new clinic. 09:07 They gave a solar light and battery for the clinic. 09:13 And now we're saying hello 09:15 to all of our Gospel Outreach workers in Sikkim. 09:17 These are the Sikkim band of Gospel Outreach workers. 09:22 We have three ladies there. 09:25 The man in the center with the sachet like across him, 09:30 he is the one that you saw in the field 09:31 at the beginning of the talk. Oh, yes. 09:34 And this message is going to Sikkim 09:38 because of these workers there. 09:40 I want you to look at the terrain of this. 09:43 I was up at the school 09:44 and looking down and there was a building-- 09:46 On the roof up there. How is it? 09:48 Yes, that's how steep it is. 09:52 And to see people willing to do all of this on the hillside. 09:59 Back to the school. Yes. 10:02 We are some dollars away from making 10:07 that building a real school 10:08 or does it need to be at build some place else. 10:10 What's the challenge there? 10:12 Okay, this property is donated to the Lord. 10:16 A man had a family member die and will him property. 10:23 And they have dedicated this to God. 10:27 The church has been put on it, 10:28 they build the school on it and then the clinic. 10:34 Last year they showed me the property 10:37 and it's 7 acres there. 10:42 When I was there they said, 10:43 well, we got to have groundbreaking ceremony 10:45 because we know the money is here. 10:47 So there we are breaking the ground 10:50 with everyone that was around 10:51 when I was there last year. 10:53 But there is no flat ground there? 10:56 No, they had to bring in a bulldozer 10:58 and have it flattened out. 10:59 They said, now we have this large flattened area, 11:02 we can have camp meeting on it. 11:07 And then there is a place there for parking, 11:10 there is a place for having games 11:13 if they want some games. 11:15 And they have made a wall of stone. 11:18 It's about 3 feet high and the wall of stone supports 11:23 that clinic on the top of that. 11:27 These people you might say are really on fire for God. 11:32 They love the Lord and they want 11:36 to see the message go in that area. 11:38 And so again they are using a school 11:40 as a means for getting this message out, 11:43 they are using a clinic. 11:44 I got an email from the worker there 11:48 and he told us how the husband 11:52 and wife team have come for the clinic 11:55 and they are doing treatments every day 11:57 and they are-- it's like the beginning 12:02 of a new message of health, education, 12:05 and health treatments with home health. 12:07 So you are explaining to us 12:10 that there is no education 12:12 provided to the people 12:13 about the government in this place 12:15 and there must be no healthcare either. 12:18 It's a long ways away. 12:20 But not there. No. 12:22 But Gospel Outreach with the whole message 12:26 that God has entrusted to us. 12:28 Can they establish a place, a service among these people 12:35 that they wouldn't get anywhere else 12:36 but from Gospel Outreach? That's right. 12:38 Well, that's wonderful. 12:40 And I think the message is going 12:42 because God is using these facilities. 12:46 And that's why, you know, 12:47 we are open for donations for another school 12:51 and we're looking at four classrooms, 12:53 and the four classrooms will cost probably $12,000. 12:59 For four classrooms is all. 13:02 And that is probably a building that could be closed to be 13:06 more sufficient for winter weather? Yes, yes. 13:11 Now are there dwelling houses heated? 13:14 No, no. 13:15 Those people-- 13:17 I wanted to remark on the video that's going on. 13:20 Okay, please. 13:21 They are welcoming us not with garlands this time 13:24 but with scarves. 13:26 And you can see all of us are receiving the scarf 13:31 and I have mine, It's very precious to me 13:33 because of the people in this area 13:36 and the way the message is going in this area. 13:41 The people are so giving 13:43 and so thankful for whatever you do 13:46 and when they have that church by Maranatha 13:49 and then they have the school 13:51 that they themselves built and then they have the clinic, 13:55 the Gospel Outreach has helped to put up 13:57 and now they're just saying one more thing 14:00 we can really use a real school. Bless their heart. 14:05 With this in mind they have given me a gift. 14:08 And this is the Sikkimese extra warm jacket 14:13 like that ties in the front. 14:15 Plus like a-- it's like a saree that goes underneath it. 14:21 But they want to reach out and the thing is that 14:26 I told them that we have a donation, 14:29 we're hoping that somebody is going to come through 14:31 with the donation for the school 14:34 and this was their response. 14:35 They stood and applauded with cheers 14:39 and thanksgiving, beautiful. 14:44 So this is kind of a new dimension of ministry 14:48 for Gospel Outreach. 14:50 Formally our Gospel Outreach workers 14:53 were holding Bible studies, praying with people, 14:57 preparing for evangelistic series 15:00 which is certainly a part of the ministry 15:02 and very much in order, but here among the Bhutanese 15:06 and among the Sikh folks in order to get 15:13 I don't know a relationship with them perhaps. 15:16 We need to work from an educational 15:17 and a health point of view. 15:19 Well, you know, the Bible says over and over and over again 15:24 lot about helping the poor people. 15:27 And those that don't have what we can have. 15:30 And I think about this every time I go to Tarpin. 15:33 And I see how little they have 15:36 and how they're willing to put up 15:38 with everything that is imaginable. 15:42 And be thankful that they're gonna have that little bit. 15:47 And, you know, with their desire to have a school. 15:50 Yes, our Gospel Outreach workers 15:52 still go door to door 15:54 and they are just using this as another means 15:58 by which they can reach more people 16:01 that can be more interested in receiving the gospel. 16:05 And so we have many more people 16:08 who are brought to Jesus Christ 16:10 because of the extra things that come. 16:13 Now we don't usually say Gospel Outreach build schools, 16:17 Gospel Outreach build churches. No, this is not our key focus. 16:21 Our key focus is still number one 16:23 Gospel Outreach workers, 16:25 they are the ones that are sending it. 16:27 But every so often when we have people 16:29 who are supporting Gospel Outreach workers, 16:32 this is the next step of support for Gospel Outreach workers. 16:36 Well, I think the scripture is clear 16:40 on the commission to believers 16:43 that we have to meet people 16:44 where they are with response to their needs 16:48 because well, in the James it says, 16:53 it doesn't do much good to go 16:55 and talk to people and say be warmed, 16:58 if we haven't given them a cloth or a garment 17:02 to assure them that we can understand 17:04 and care about that. That's right. 17:08 This region of Sikkim you say is a small little... 17:13 Well, it's probably I'm trying to think 17:17 maybe not even the size of Nevada. Oh. 17:23 Well, that's larger than I was imagining when you... 17:25 I would say it's half the size of Nevada. 17:28 I'm not from the east, so I can't give a smaller state. 17:32 And is it ruled with the monarchies as is Bhutan. 17:36 No, because now it is part of India. Ah, surely. 17:39 But they have a border crossing to get into Sikkim. 17:42 There is a definite line, 17:44 you cross this line you have to have a visa. 17:46 And they take my passport and photocopy it 17:49 and they put a stamp in it to say 17:51 that I have permission to go into Sikkim. 17:55 Now where you cannot do proselytizing in Bhutan. 17:59 Is that true also of Sikkim? 18:01 Different states in India have different laws 18:05 and some laws are very strict 18:08 and sometimes they are on paper and not practiced. 18:12 And as it is in Bhutan, 18:14 they have a law against proselytizing. 18:17 But every person is their own policeman 18:22 and so your neighbor can turn you in. 18:25 And they are a well banded group of people. 18:30 There are differences in the culture in Bhutan 18:33 and that they have large group of Nepalese in the South. 18:39 And you might say that the Nepalese are not duke 18:44 which is the main part of Bhutani people 18:48 that are true Bhutanese 18:50 at least that's what they call themselves 18:51 the true Bhutanese 18:53 But some of the Bhutanese have come from 18:55 Tibet and China, 18:57 others from Nepal, others from India. 19:00 But the main group there that called themselves 19:03 Bhutanese are group and they speak Zonka language 19:10 and so it's opening a new area when we get into Bhutan. 19:15 So how many Gospel Outreach workers in Sikkim? 19:17 Sikkim we have 10. Oh. 19:20 As we have 10 in Bhutan. Okay. 19:22 Do you have anymore pictures today? 19:24 I think that was-- Oh, yes we do. 19:27 This is singing in the church there 19:32 the workers, there is the man in the black and white shirt 19:37 and he is the one that brought the church to that property 19:45 and then help to build the school. Yes. 19:48 And you might say he and his wife 19:51 are background to the school. 19:53 And he is your Gospel Outreach worker there too? 19:58 He is in charge of that area. Oh, okay, okay. 20:02 Now this is inside the church. This is inside the church. 20:05 The ladies sit on one side and the men sit on the other. 20:09 Look at the next picture. 20:15 The people there have many children that seems 20:20 and the children are just wide eyed and eager to learn, 20:23 eager to learn and there is just something 20:30 about those people that are so hungry for the Lord. 20:34 As you think back on your visit to Tarpin 20:38 and I remember you showing me 20:39 some pictures of this unique area before 20:46 and that's the steep area that it is. 20:49 As you think of those folks, 20:51 you've shown a several people here, 20:54 but tell me about one person or one individual 21:01 that you met in this Tarpin region 21:04 that has impressed you, 21:05 the worker of course but who has impressed you there. 21:10 As somebody who has really been 21:13 captured by the Spirit of Jesus? 21:16 Well, you know, that's a little bit difficult 21:18 because I feel like the children are 21:22 as much on fire as anyone else. 21:24 Interesting. And it's igniting the people. 21:28 It is just everyone is on fire for the Lord. 21:32 Everyone wants to have a school. 21:34 Everyone wants to have this clinic. 21:36 Everyone is bringing their people to that area, 21:39 so that they can learn more about Jesus. 21:42 The little church and I hope I'm not misusing a term 21:47 it was darling, this little church, 21:50 they're nestled in this mountainous area 21:54 and to think-- and it's probably 21:56 the only Christian church in that region, 21:59 is that true? Oh, yes, yes. 22:02 And so it becomes indeed 22:04 a light house. That's right. 22:05 That makes a dramatic difference in the lives of these people. 22:09 And now to add the clinic along with the school, 22:12 the people's whole lives can expand 22:15 and enlarge based upon these dimensions of human life 22:19 that apparently were not of any concern before. 22:23 You've got the message. Yes, Dan. 22:28 This part of the world are hungry for Jesus Christ. Wow. 22:31 And, you know, it's like I said before, 22:34 Christianity has a power with God through prayer. 22:40 And the people know it and it makes the difference. 22:44 When they have a sickness they go to the witch doctor 22:47 or to the medicine doctor, that is the religious leader 22:53 and they have to kill a goat or kill a sheep, 22:56 or kill a chicken any of these kind of things 23:01 and then supposedly get this blessing, 23:04 so that they will be healed. This is their believe pattern. 23:08 These are animist people, 23:09 the people that believe that a tree is the God, 23:12 that a stone is the God 23:15 and then when they get their hearts to Jesus 23:18 and let Him do the work 23:21 what a difference it makes in their lives. 23:23 And so they will come to the Christians 23:26 after they've gone to the witch doctor, 23:28 after they've gone to the medical doctor 23:31 and not had helped. 23:32 And you have to realize that in this part of the world 23:35 when they go for the medical service, 23:38 many times there are people along the way 23:40 that are giving money under the table 23:43 and then I'll treat you. 23:46 And it's supposed to be free for the people, 23:50 but now the workers along the way take money 23:53 otherwise they don't get treated. 23:55 And so the poor person really is falling between the cracks. 24:01 But they go to these people 24:02 and then they say what can I do, 24:04 I'm going to die. Then they come to a Christian. 24:10 Beverly, were you the first regional director 24:15 for Gospel Outreach of this area 24:17 or was it somebody before you? 24:18 Actually Wally Mandigo was first there 24:22 for a short time before me. 24:25 We had not got into Bhutan yet, 24:28 we have some workers in India 24:32 that we're going across the border, 24:34 but this seems to be a practice that many churches have done. 24:38 And so we did not really have an entrance into Bhutan 24:43 until after I saw these problems. 24:47 And another thing that 24:48 you are impressing me with is the establishment 24:52 of the permanence with these people. 24:54 We just didn't come to see you 24:56 into kind of have a tourist experience. 24:59 We came to live with you 25:01 and we want your lives to be different 25:03 because of Jesus, right. That's right. 25:05 So, Beverly, I want to thank you 25:07 so much for who you are. God bless you dear. 25:11 And for what you do indeed, 25:16 I am sure that maybe 15 or 20 years ago 25:20 you really had no idea 25:23 that you would be an international missionary 25:25 the way you have been. 25:26 And to travel as a many times 25:30 a single woman going among these people 25:33 and God is certainly been with you protected you-- 25:35 God is good. 25:36 And inspired you with more and more experiences 25:41 that you've been back to inspire all of us. 25:44 And so I just want to assure you 25:47 that you are very special in Gospel Outreach. 25:50 Thank you and, you know, 25:51 I think about a friend who asked me, 25:53 well, this time what would you grade your visit 25:56 as on a scale of 1 to 10. 25:59 And I just have to say 26:01 for the most part it was 10, 10, 10. 26:04 Bless your heart. 26:05 Well, I think and I'm going to say this 26:09 for our audience all of us. 26:11 With the spirit in which a servant like Beverly goes 26:18 you can't miss a 10. No. 26:20 Because Jesus is all about who we are, 26:26 why we are, where we're going and-- 26:28 And it's all about Jesus. Intrusting Him. 26:30 He gives us all these experiences, 26:33 even the little thing you talked about 26:35 in an earlier program with Sarah that 26:37 didn't go just the way you wanted it to 26:39 but it was such a blessing to you, to her, 26:42 and to so many other people. 26:44 And, Beverly, you are blessing to us 26:46 and all of Gospel Outreach family. 26:49 Thank you all for being a part of this. 26:51 You'll catch the address and all of that information. 26:53 We want you to be in touch 26:55 and if there's anyway that you can join this family, 26:58 we want you to do that. God is good. 27:16 I need to spread the gospel here at home. 27:19 Where is the 10/40 Window anyway. 27:22 Those people live too far away. 27:25 Someone else can tell them about Jesus. 27:28 Maybe they could just watch TV. 27:31 Nearly three billion people to reach, my head hurt. 27:37 Just nothing I can do. I give up. 27:40 What's the point of trying? I can't make a difference. 27:44 Actually you can make a difference. 27:46 And Jesus asked you to go to all the world. 27:50 Where? All the world. 27:53 How can I go, I have commitments. 27:56 You can pray. 27:58 You can volunteer your talents. 28:04 You can tell others. 28:06 You can give money to sponsor Bible workers. 28:09 Millions of people are searching for hope and meaning. 28:12 But they won't find it without you. 28:15 Be the spark. Light the fire. 28:17 Finish the work. Finish the work. 28:21 Be the Spark! |
Revised 2014-12-17