Adventures in Missions

Polas School of Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bev & Sarah Thompson


Series Code: AIM

Program Code: AIM000479

00:16 Hello, everybody,
00:18 I'm delighted to be back with you here
00:21 on another "Adventures in Missions" program
00:24 where you hear the stories of Gospel Outreach.
00:28 You know about Gospel Outreach,
00:29 I think if you've been
00:30 tuning into these programs over the years.
00:34 But may be you are new
00:35 and so you will learn some wonderful things
00:39 about a frontline mission organization
00:42 that has some of the most delightful people
00:45 you will ever learn about.
00:47 And among those delightful people
00:49 are my guests in this program.
00:53 I kind to think of Bev as a sister of mine
00:56 because we have been rubbing shoulders around for a while.
01:00 Bev Thompson, she is our,
01:05 well I was going to say something different about that,
01:07 but you are the first lady regional director, right? Yes.
01:12 And we are pretty grateful for that
01:14 and you ought to be proud about that too.
01:17 She has discovered her gift beyond
01:20 the medical field to the preaching field even
01:26 and that may be a little scary to start with,
01:28 but God has blessed all the way,
01:31 and today we are extra blessed
01:34 to have your granddaughter
01:35 Sarah here with us.
01:37 Sarah, we are so glad you are here.
01:40 And listen you have gone along with grandma to India
01:43 where her Gospel Outreach team is.
01:46 This is your first time there? Yes, my very first time.
01:50 I might say, she didn't come along with me
01:53 and she had a terrible experience
01:55 transferring in Delhi.
01:57 But she met me in Calcutta.
02:00 And I think that's all we really need to say,
02:04 memories that she would
02:05 just soon put in the back of her mind
02:07 and never hear about again.
02:09 Yes, but as I was commenting
02:11 with someone else in a similar kind of vein.
02:16 It's those experience that are the memorable ones.
02:19 Yes, that's very true.
02:21 And after all they kind of help shape your life
02:27 and give you some direction,
02:29 may be to know how to avoid that
02:31 or may be to benefit from it.
02:34 So you don't need to go into that particular
02:36 but what was it like going to India.
02:39 Oh, man, it's completely different
02:42 from here in the States.
02:44 Coming from a little town
02:46 and you spend a lot of time here
02:48 and then you go over there and you travel.
02:52 The traffic is chaotic to say the least.
02:58 It's very exciting to ride over there
03:01 because you don't just drive,
03:04 you drive and you weave and it's just--
03:10 it's very exciting to travel over there.
03:12 So you had some rickshaw rides. Yes, yes.
03:15 And unbelievable encounters with animals
03:20 of various kinds including humans
03:23 in the road right in front of you. Oh, yes.
03:26 And so we were talking to you Sarah,
03:31 grandma had to work really heard to get you to go.
03:34 Well, she has been going year after year after year
03:38 and she took my two older siblings before.
03:41 And I hear all these stories all the time
03:44 and I hear like it's very dirty over there,
03:47 the traffic is very chaotic and all these stories
03:51 and they are all very interesting.
03:53 And at first I was like, man, do I want to go over there.
03:56 It's kind of scary and I have never been
04:00 on a mission trip by myself without my family
04:05 and or just with grandma and so I take a little prodding,
04:11 but once you get me with the idea,
04:15 I tend to go for that and so it was good.
04:19 I want you to be thinking,
04:22 we are going to talk to grandma now,
04:23 but I want you Sarah to be thinking about
04:28 a person or some persons that you encountered
04:32 that you are never going to forget.
04:34 Somebody you met, something happened
04:36 with a person or in some of your role or something.
04:39 Be thinking about that.
04:40 We will get back to you in a little bit about that.
04:43 Okay, let's a do a little Gospel Outreach
04:47 update here, Bev.
04:51 We always had new people joining us.
04:53 Gospel Outreach what, where, why so forth.
04:57 Give us your overview of Gospel Outreach.
05:00 Well, Gospel Outreach is where we have a mission
05:04 to spread the gospel to all the world
05:07 and that mission is accomplished
05:09 by hiring local people in faraway lands
05:13 to do the mission work themselves.
05:15 We don't send foreigners.
05:17 We just take donations to pay the salaries
05:20 of the local people to do the work for us.
05:23 And then what Gospel Outreach does is
05:27 many times in these developing countries,
05:30 there is temptations to use money in different ways
05:33 to other than what it was planned for,
05:36 so we have regional directors that go out
05:38 to an assigned region every year to make sure that
05:43 in the best of their ability to see that money
05:47 is been spent the way we are expecting it to be spent
05:50 and that the work is being done
05:52 that we are expecting to be done.
05:55 Last recollection,
05:57 there are 18 regions of Gospel Outreach ministry.
06:02 And so there are--
06:04 you have 17 counterparts in other regions. That's right.
06:08 And the region is blessed
06:13 with the service of local people
06:17 who are the gospel outreach
06:18 frontline workers. That's right.
06:20 And they are the only ones who get paid. That's right.
06:22 In the gospel outreach organization
06:26 and you and Sarah would be an annual team
06:29 or sometime you go more than once a year, I know.
06:31 Well, most of the time it's once a year.
06:34 But I have taken youth groups a couple of times,
06:36 so it makes it excellent.
06:37 And I appreciate so much your clarification
06:39 and I'd like our viewers to understand this,
06:43 it's not a matter of you participating
06:47 as part of the gospel outreach family
06:48 and sending support for gospel outreach workers.
06:52 You can be assured the likes of Beverly Thomson
06:56 will be going out there to make sure
06:59 that the investments that you are making
07:02 in this ministry accomplish the purpose
07:04 for which the dollars were given. That's right.
07:06 And so you kind of go as an auditor.
07:10 I'm far away from that name but yes.
07:13 Well, let's call it monitor then.
07:15 And you are making sure that your gospel outreach workers
07:21 are doing what they are supposed to.
07:23 But I think really you go more for your own inspiration
07:29 and to encourage them in the work they are doing,
07:33 because that mutual kind of relationship
07:37 will help produce better results.
07:39 That's right and you know it's been--
07:41 like they tell me when you come every year
07:44 and you see the workers,
07:45 this motivates the workers to do greater and greater,
07:49 preparing for me to come
07:50 so they can show the new souls that have come to Jesus Christ.
07:53 Now, when you go, you do some training
07:56 or seminars and so forth.
07:59 And with you I'm sure with your medical background,
08:03 you can do things in health education
08:06 as well as Bible studies and those kinds of things.
08:10 And we try to equip our gospel outreach workers
08:13 with the basic home health needs. Good.
08:16 There are lots of details
08:18 that viewers deserve to know about,
08:19 we just don't have time for it in these short programs.
08:24 In this particular trip, tell us where you went.
08:28 Well, I started in Chhattisgarh which is in the Central,
08:31 North Central area of India
08:33 and then I went way up to Bhutan area
08:37 and then I worked myself slowly back down to Varanasi
08:42 where I took the plane back to Delhi and home.
08:45 So, I really go to four different states and there are--
08:51 How many gospel outreach workers in your region?
08:53 About 130. Wow.
08:56 Is that a static number or is it growing or you need more?
08:59 Oh, we need more.
09:01 I come back with requests for more for all of the areas.
09:06 But where I see the work going the fastest,
09:09 that's where I get excited
09:10 and I want to really see if there is any possibility
09:13 of more funds coming in,
09:15 then we can divert it to those places
09:17 where they are really working fast and hard
09:19 and the people are receiving the message in a fantastic way.
09:23 So you followed grandma on all these circuitous route?
09:27 I just got there for ten days of it.
09:31 I was there for five, six and half weeks. Oh, wow!
09:36 Sarah was there for ten days
09:37 and we were in South Bengal. Yes.
09:40 And she went on the boat rides
09:43 on these things out to be, islands
09:46 and then we moved on to Ranchi
09:51 which is the name of a very large city in Jharkhand.
09:56 And that is where this story
09:58 that we are going to be telling you today picks up.
10:01 Okay, are you ready for pictures now already then?
10:03 I think so, yes.
10:04 Okay, let's take a look at some of the illustrations
10:07 that Bev has brought back.
10:10 Yes, those are the right ones.
10:15 This is a way out in the boonies, you might say.
10:21 Far from any city we traveled about
10:24 an hour and a half in a taxi.
10:26 And they have a market place for these outlying places
10:30 and this is how you might say
10:33 the villagers exchange their fruits,
10:37 vegetables, legumes, whatever they have for sale.
10:40 And from this marketplace you could actually see
10:43 our school and church.
10:46 So, when I visited last year, in this area.
10:53 This dear lady is taking her baptism
10:55 or vows and I saw her coming
10:58 and she was little bit crumpled over
11:00 and I wondered about her
11:02 and yes, we walked to the baptism pool
11:05 which is about a half kilometer away.
11:08 And then we had to walk back to the church
11:12 and here she is walking back to the church.
11:15 And you know, I had her in my mind
11:17 a lot as I was thinking about
11:19 coming back to pool again this time.
11:23 And there she is.
11:26 Can you see the little lady on the lower
11:27 right side with the white hair? Yes, yes.
11:31 That is her and so I asked about her
11:34 because you know, she just touched my heart
11:36 because she was quite crippled with hip flexion contractures,
11:39 the knee contractures.
11:41 So she couldn't stand up straight.
11:43 And I found out that she had been a witch doctor.
11:48 And people had come to her for healing
11:51 and for many various and sundry reasons.
11:55 And she would say, well, you have to kill a goat
11:57 and feed the people in the village
11:59 and then you have to bring me a chicken's foot
12:02 or who knows what and they would get healed.
12:07 Well, she accepted Christianity.
12:11 Now, what is she going to do?
12:12 She is not making a living by doing this kind of stuff.
12:15 Well, she isn't making any money either as a Christian.
12:19 But, instead of telling people to kill a goat
12:24 or get a chicken claw to get their sins removed
12:28 or to get healing of their body or mind whatever.
12:33 She says, I will have a prayer with you.
12:37 And she is like a missionary in her home now.
12:41 The people are coming to her home.
12:43 For prayer. For prayer.
12:45 Wow. What a blessing.
12:46 What a transformation.
12:49 And this is what is happening to the people in this village.
12:53 Now, you see the school teacher here on the right
12:55 they're all in the church here.
12:57 That school teacher was recruited
13:01 by the conference president
13:02 by going to Spicer Memorial College
13:05 and finding a teacher who is graduating
13:07 by saying we'd like to hire you
13:09 but we don't have any funds to pay your salary.
13:13 And are you willing to come
13:15 and you can recruit your own students
13:17 and set your own fee
13:18 and see if you can earn a living.
13:21 Well, he was very intelligent young man,
13:23 he came to this area
13:26 and visited every home in that village and told them.
13:30 If they would register their child to come to that school
13:34 that he would give them free tuition for summer school.
13:40 When I got there last year, he had 354 students
13:46 and so he have to have a teachers helper.
13:49 Well, in the mean time we had a donation for another school,
13:55 in fact it was four school rooms we had
13:58 and these four school rooms got built
14:00 with two toilets for boys and two toilets for girls
14:04 and plus a shower each
14:06 and with this I come in they have a 150 some students,
14:14 so they have to hire more teachers.
14:16 Well, the tuition for the--
14:18 of the children in this very poor region
14:21 is not sufficient to pay for four teachers,
14:25 so the conference there is helping them out some,
14:29 but this is a mission project
14:33 and we will tell you just a little bit more about
14:35 the mission project as we go on.
14:37 You can see, we have a bunch of kids there
14:39 and this is summer school, summer time.
14:41 And these children are also neatly dressed,
14:44 uniforms so do they have resources
14:47 in their families to provide that for the children?
14:50 Well, when you register a child to come to school,
14:53 they have to have the tuition and a uniform
14:56 and fees for books.
14:59 And so it is a stepping out process for the family
15:02 to be able to support their child to go to school.
15:06 But, they stood and perform singing songs
15:09 and saying memory verses and they were just beautiful.
15:13 Oh, there is Sarah? Yes.
15:15 What are you doing there Sarah?
15:17 I'm giving my sermon.
15:19 Oh, good. Good for you. On the Sabbath.
15:23 That's wonderful. Yes, it was really wonderful.
15:25 And look at the leis around your neck.
15:27 They probably adorned you with those, didn't they?
15:28 Oh, they did.
15:30 I got over there and I felt very honored
15:34 and appreciated because I go
15:36 and I'm just tagging along with grandma,
15:38 you know, and then they give her all the garlands
15:42 and then they come to me, I'm like, oh, I'm just,
15:45 I'm just following grandma here.
15:47 Hey, it pays to follow grandma. Yeah.
15:51 But let me tell you when somebody comes with me,
15:53 they don't just tag along.
15:55 I tell them ahead of time,
15:56 I don't have any deadwood come with me.
15:59 You have to have something prepared to give to the people
16:03 and so Sarah had prepared a sermon
16:05 on Sabbath keeping. Oh, wow.
16:07 And it was a very nicely put together sermon
16:10 and you see I was trying to also teach
16:13 the Gospel Outreach workers everywhere I went
16:15 that we wanted them to have a plan for every sermon.
16:19 You're going to have an introduction,
16:20 you're going to have 3 to 5 different parts of your message
16:25 and then you are going to have a summary
16:27 and an appeal because this is a spiritual thing.
16:29 So you become a homiletics teacher also.
16:33 And so Sarah gave an example with hers.
16:36 That's so wonderful.
16:38 She did a very good job. That was nice.
16:42 Then we had a baptism and this time you can see
16:45 there are two young ladies in uniform
16:47 on the right there. Oh, yes.
16:49 And a couple of those others were parents of children
16:53 that were in the school
16:55 and I think this is very significant
16:57 because the teacher actually went to five villages,
17:02 five of the closest villages
17:04 and they have representatives of every village in that school.
17:10 And not only that 17 kilometers away
17:14 there is a group of kids that wanted to come
17:17 but they didn't have transportation,
17:21 they didn't have lodging.
17:23 So the teacher said, you come and stay with me
17:26 and they bring their mat
17:28 and the teacher sleeps with 12 students
17:32 and in the morning they roll up the mats
17:34 and put them to the side and they have class.
17:36 Right in the classroom? Yes.
17:38 And so you will see this is you might say
17:40 this baptism is representative of the work
17:44 that a school does in that community.
17:47 All right, we got to hurry with your pictures
17:49 I'm afraid we are going to miss out on something.
17:52 This is on the way to the baptism.
17:55 Everyone goes to the baptismal pond
17:57 and here the children are leading the procession
18:00 and then the drummers and everyone singing
18:04 and then we gather at the poolside.
18:07 Shall we gather at the river? This is a pool though a pound.
18:11 Oh, he's got this place.
18:15 Anyway, this is looking down on the pound
18:17 from the people that are collected there
18:21 and then the baptism. Isn't it beautiful?
18:23 And you know, with the shimmering
18:25 of the light on the water,
18:27 it makes the water look clean It's beautiful.
18:31 If you could see it otherwise it was brown
18:33 but it was beautiful
18:35 and when the person goes down into the water,
18:38 you can see the cascade around their head,
18:40 it's just like a hallow around their head
18:42 that God is blessing them as they do it.
18:47 There were young men and young women,
18:50 there were some that were older also.
18:52 And see the reflection of them there
18:55 I think of how they reflect Jesus Christ. Wow, beautiful.
18:59 Beautiful and when we got back to the church,
19:04 we went to the back part of the church
19:06 and we had another donation from another classroom,
19:10 so this is classroom number 5
19:13 and they wanted me to dedicate it,
19:15 inaugurate it or dedicate it.
19:17 And so this is the building and it has one class room
19:22 and they said we have it built
19:23 so that we can add three more classrooms to this.
19:27 And with the hope and prayers that will have more donations
19:31 for the classrooms and in a place
19:33 where you see this message going
19:35 because of the school.
19:38 I say great, this sounds like a wonderful place too.
19:40 Bev, I got to interrupt you just--
19:42 just briefly here
19:43 because I want our viewers to know that
19:47 what you do with, for, through,
19:52 Gospel Outreach makes a powerful difference.
19:55 Evidence by that beautiful classroom
19:58 and we have seen the pictures of the students
20:01 who are involved
20:02 and the culmination in the baptism.
20:06 It is a whole picture, a beautiful picture.
20:09 I'm going to have to ask you to rush along now
20:11 because I'm going to get back to Sarah
20:13 for a little story before we end.
20:15 Okay, so they dedicated the church
20:17 and you can see the ribbon is flying two directions,
20:19 so I have cut the ribbon here
20:21 and we had a picture inside the classroom
20:24 with the president and treasurer of the conference
20:28 and the school teacher next to me there.
20:33 And here you will see a rickshaw on the campus.
20:37 Now, let me tell you, the rickshaw was a donation
20:41 and we have two gospel outreach workers there
20:44 and they are really busy, busy people.
20:47 One drives the rickshaw
20:50 so that he can carry students that live a little distance
20:54 but want to stay at home.
20:56 And so, here it's a Sabbath afternoon,
20:59 and they are filling the rickshaw with kids
21:02 all from one village
21:03 because we are going to have a branch Sabbath school.
21:05 Now, just look at the kids piled in there.
21:08 I don't think I saw them all
21:10 but there were 12 that I counted
21:12 and I saw a last one goes through
21:15 the back window of the rickshaw
21:17 and somebody helped him get in there
21:19 and they are just squished inside.
21:23 But then while they were on their way setting up
21:25 for the branch Sabbath school
21:26 we had the welcome for the people
21:29 who had been baptized then.
21:30 Look at they have put garlands on the people
21:33 and then after they put the garlands
21:35 they give them the Bible
21:37 and their baptismal certificate right there
21:40 and these baptized people now
21:42 really feel part of that community.
21:45 They are told that they are
21:46 but they are also welcomed in this way
21:49 and there is that beautiful bunch of people
21:50 who are baptized with the school teacher
21:53 in the foreground.
21:54 So the school is a strong evangelist outreach
21:59 in that community.
22:01 That's right and here we are
22:03 at the branch Sabbath school in the village.
22:05 They have put the tarp down.
22:06 What did you see that was
22:07 the most interesting there, Sarah?
22:10 I really enjoyed seeing how the school kids
22:14 they led with the song service,
22:16 and then their peers would come trickling in
22:19 from the villages and they'd sit by them
22:21 and they try to sing along
22:23 and then they would see a whole bunch of bystanders
22:25 would come and they were all curious
22:27 and it really is an outreach
22:30 because the curiosity of all these people
22:34 are just pecked with like, people coming in stories and--
22:39 Well, it becomes the most important thing
22:41 in the village. Yeah.
22:42 One of the things that they told us with the opening
22:45 which to all of these villages was
22:48 don't drink alcohol
22:50 and this picture shows you how the woman brew their own
22:53 and come out and sell it
22:55 and sometimes this is the only way they make money
22:58 and it is so sad,
23:00 but this is one of the opening wedges
23:02 for our people in these villages
23:04 is to have a health message to give to them.
23:07 And here again you see the bystanders
23:10 and those that are coming out to see
23:12 the branch Sabbath school
23:13 and the school teacher is standing there
23:15 with that group of men.
23:16 He is in a white shirt and he is telling
23:18 the children story there.
23:20 Oh, really. And everyone is hearing it.
23:22 And here the children are singing
23:25 and kids that don't know anything at all,
23:27 they have gathered around
23:28 and the ones that are standing are the students
23:32 and I wanted you to see also,
23:35 look at the heals of the little boy that standing.
23:38 He is the student, he is got a big hole in his sock.
23:41 Hole in his sock.
23:43 Now, has he taken his shoes off
23:44 to come on to that mat? Oh, yes, in reverence yes.
23:49 And the children there, they are very, very poor.
23:52 You can see that they don't have clothes that fit them.
23:55 I'm going to let you show a few more pictures.
23:57 This is it. And this is it.
23:59 Yes. okay.
24:00 Just look at the smile on that face
24:02 and I think about those children are the ones
24:05 that are missing out in going to school,
24:07 because their parents don't have enough,
24:09 but they get to learn about Jesus,
24:11 because they bring the message to them
24:14 every Sabbath afternoon.
24:16 But it isn't just this one village,
24:19 it's the five villages that the kids go to school
24:24 at our school there.
24:25 It is those five villages
24:26 they go to every Sabbath afternoon
24:29 to take a branch Sabbath school.
24:31 Can you imagine? It's hard.
24:34 Sarah, you have been thinking
24:37 who, who is in your mind
24:40 that you're never going to forget?
24:42 I have to say, it's the school teacher
24:45 at this school in Polas.
24:48 He takes these kids out to all the different villages
24:53 and he is on fire and he goes
24:56 and he doesn't do it
24:58 just because he is getting paid. It's a good job.
25:00 He does it because he loves God
25:02 and he is going out there and he gets to the kids involved
25:05 and the youth involved
25:07 and so everybody is involved in there
25:11 and he goes out on Sabbath afternoons
25:13 and I think about my Sabbath afternoons.
25:15 What do I do and go to church
25:17 and then take a nap or something
25:20 or go to the mountains or something
25:22 but he is going out there and--
25:25 I understand how he is one faithful
25:28 and impressive person
25:30 to bring a dozen children into the school
25:33 and to sleep there, so that they can have
25:37 a benefit of a Christian education.
25:40 Well, thank you, Beverly, always glad to be
25:43 where you are and to hear your exciting stories.
25:46 I got to tell you Sarah, to be with your grandma
25:49 and just see the smile on her face
25:51 and enthusiasm that she exhibits
25:54 would sell this story to anybody.
25:56 And I want to thank you for helping.
25:58 Salute to our folks who are viewing right now
26:01 and we are glad all of you have joined us
26:03 for this Adventures in Missions program.
26:06 And I'm sure you are saying to yourself right now.
26:09 I'm not going to miss another one of those program
26:11 and we do want you too.
26:12 We want you to be a part of this family.
26:15 You see on the screen right there the address,
26:17 name, telephone number all of that information.
26:19 Ask for a copy of the newsletter to come to you
26:22 or you can get it online of course
26:24 and thank you for your support.
26:27 Your support helps build school,
26:29 helps develop all of this ministry
26:33 that Beverly and Sarah have told us
26:35 about today in this program.
26:37 And I want to thank you for being a part of this
26:40 very important 21st century ministry
26:44 where God is finding people
26:47 and doing things that we wouldn't have
26:49 dream possible a little while ago.
26:52 But He is able and we are grateful.
26:55 See you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17