Participants: Fred Webb
Series Code: AIM
Program Code: AIM000473
00:16 Welcome to adventures in Missions with Gospel Outreach.
00:19 I'm Julie Saunders Keymer and if you are not familiar 00:21 with Gospel Outreach, we are layman's organization 00:24 that helps the Seventh-Day Adventists Christian churches 00:26 spread the love of the Lord Jesus Christ 00:28 in the 10/40 Window. 00:30 The 10/40 Window is an area 10 degrees 00:33 up to 40 degrees north of the equator 00:35 and it runs the gamut from Africa all the way to Japan. 00:39 It is heavily, heavily populated 00:41 and that's where we have our Gospel Outreach workers 00:44 and that's where we are going to go today 00:45 to one of the countries in the 10/40 Window. 00:48 And we have Fred Webb here. 00:49 And Fred, you are in charge of Gospel Outreach work 00:52 in the Philippines. That's right. 00:54 Well, welcome to Adventures in Missions. 00:55 Thank you. 00:56 So Fred, you go and you check in 00:58 with the Gospel Outreach workers 00:59 and they are contracted through the local mission, is that true? 01:03 Yes. 01:04 And so then they are checking in the missions 01:06 and all of that but then you also are involved 01:08 in encouraging the Gospel Outreach workers 01:10 and the processes? 01:12 Yes, I go once a year for two reasons, 01:15 one to make sure that the people are doing 01:18 what they are supposed to do. 01:19 Because the donors donate for us to be done 01:22 they want to know that their money is doing 01:25 what it supposed to do. 01:27 And the other reason of course 01:29 is to encourage and to get information 01:32 so they can come back and make this report 01:33 so that the donor see what's happening. 01:35 Absolutely, well why don't you share with us 01:37 some of the pictures that you have taken on your last trip? 01:40 Okay, we are gonna start of with a little map here 01:41 to show you where the Philippines are 01:43 in relation to China in north 01:45 and that big island down in the south here is Brunei. 01:48 South of--to the right of that is Indonesia, 01:53 Singapore is straight across to the left. 01:56 The Philippines is a group of islands, its 7,105 island. 02:01 7,105. I'm not sure if its high tide or low tide. 02:05 Okay. They are not all inhabited, I don't think. 02:08 But it's a large number of islands. 02:11 We are going to start out today on the island of Palawan. 02:14 Palawan is probably the most pristine island remaining. 02:17 Why do you say that? 02:19 It is not been damaged as much by humans. 02:23 It's more pristine, it's beautiful. 02:25 Andy Magbanua and his wife Bernadette 02:28 have been working with Gospel Outreach now for 16 years. 02:33 Now Andy doesn't have a college education. 02:35 He would like to but he didn't have the money 02:38 so he has never been able to finish college 02:40 but in 16 years, he and Bernadette 02:43 have raised up eight churches. 02:45 Wow, and here he is taking blood pressure pluses, right? 02:47 He is taking blood pressure that's the way he works. 02:50 He is hands on, he takes care of the needs 02:54 of the people, whatever they might be. 02:56 And I could tell you some miracle stories 02:57 but I don't think I have time today for-- 02:59 for one but--he has-- 03:04 We know the Lord is working. 03:05 He has done very, very good. 03:07 And Bernadette works with cute little kids. 03:11 Cute, little girl. And she is so good with them and she just-- 03:13 she gets the children coming and then the parents say, 03:16 we better go find out what these kids are learning. 03:18 And they come and Andy starts giving Bible studies, 03:21 next thing you know, they have another baptism. 03:24 Here Andy is giving a Bible study in a new area 03:27 that he is just gone to in January of this year. 03:30 This is area of Dumarao in the Northern part of Palawan, 03:35 near the larger town of Roxas. 03:38 Roxas. Now what do people do for work here? 03:40 Are they--do they fish, do they farmers? 03:41 Many of them are fishermen. 03:43 Yeah, farmers and fisherman, that's really all that is there. 03:47 This lady was a Seventh-day Adventist 03:51 but as she grew up, she married a fellow 03:55 who was not a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 03:57 and she eventually drifted away. 04:00 In her later years now she has been saying you know, 04:03 may be I should go back and-- 04:06 and join the Seventh-day Adventist church. 04:08 The Lord is knocking on her heart. 04:09 If God sends somebody here I would accept. 04:12 Oh, really that's what she said? 04:14 And Andy Magbanua was assigned to work in her village. 04:18 And the rest is history. 04:19 And the rest is history, she is very active now 04:23 and encouraging her neighbors to come and join. 04:27 These are you can't see it very well there its kind of dark, 04:29 but these are the Gospel Outreach workers in Palawan. 04:33 They work together quite a bit 04:34 and they like to sing and so here 04:35 they are singing for the-- for the group 04:37 that met there on that day in the town. 04:41 This is the house that one of the members 04:45 interested people live in. 04:46 They are not members yet 04:47 they have only been there for one month 04:50 but they own the little hut 04:52 that you saw Andy is sitting in there 04:54 and giving the Bible study 04:55 and they have made this available to him and at no cost. 04:58 How nice, what's the population of this island, Fred? 05:02 Is it heavily populated is it? 05:05 I wouldn't say it's heavily populated 05:07 but yeah, there are several fairy large towns. 05:10 Roxas is a large town and Puerto Princesa, Brooke's Point. 05:16 So we are not talking a little -ator 05:18 or something like that, its pretty good size. 05:19 No, it's a long strength bearing Advent island if you-- 05:22 We saw the map. Saw the map there. 05:25 The man in the blue there 05:26 is also one of our Gospel Outreach workers 05:28 but not assigned in this area. 05:29 These two ladies are members of the kagawad. What's that? 05:33 I knew you would ask that question, its the city council. 05:38 It's what they call Barangay 05:40 and Barangay is just a small village. 05:44 The--the areas are divided up into municipalities 05:49 and then the Barangay's are parts of that municipality. 05:54 So, is that a paid position, a volunteer position? 05:56 It's an elected position. 05:57 Oh, it's an elected position, okay. 05:59 And so it's something they--they like to get into 06:01 and I presume that there is some pay that goes with it. 06:04 But, they were very happy to come 06:06 and represent the Barangay councils 06:09 to our meeting that day. 06:12 Here they all sitting around-- 06:14 oh no that's not a potluck yet 06:17 but its--they are there for the meeting 06:20 and we are giving some talks. 06:23 This is one of the kagawad, 06:24 is giving her talk to the people, 06:26 saying how much she appreciates 06:28 and how much she enjoys being there. 06:31 And of course they always ask me to say a few words 06:34 and I have to be translated. 06:36 So you don't have to say very much to take up sometime. 06:40 Well, this is to end. 06:41 The Filipino's they are joyful people, 06:43 they are happy they are-- 06:45 And very friendly and warm. Yes. 06:47 And they you know, when a white man shows up 06:50 in the village everybody wants to come see. 06:52 Yeah, who is this guy? 06:53 Yeah, and I'm usually taller than anyone they've seen before. 06:57 Oh, cute. And there are cute kids. 06:59 And, you know, boys would be boys 07:01 no matter where they are in the world. 07:02 He was climbing a tree out there 07:03 and he had mischief in all over his face. 07:05 Doesn't he? That's cute. 07:07 But our Gospel Outreach workers. 07:32 Very nice. 07:34 So, they as we see they like go out 07:38 and do some, serenading. 07:42 3 o'clock in the morning they will go out 07:44 and they will sing and they will wake up 07:47 the people at 3 o'clock in the morning 07:49 and sing for them and the people enjoy that. 07:51 They come out and they will-- 07:53 they come and open the door 07:55 and they listen to the music and-- 07:58 That's very kind Fred, because I'm not sure 08:00 if I had people show up at my door 3 o'clock 08:03 I don't know what to do. 08:04 They will even feed them at that time in the morning. 08:06 Bless their heart. 08:08 So, here they are standing outside, serenading. 08:11 I have been serenaded many times. 08:13 So, what time do the people get up there? I mean are they? 08:16 Normally they get up about 4 or 5 o'clock. 08:18 Okay, so, this is-- 08:20 They go to bed early when the light go out. 08:21 When the lights go, time to go to bed so. 08:25 So, here they are sitting around sinning 08:27 after they have been invited into the house. 08:29 And they will continue to sing 08:30 and they will have a worship service there and here is the-- 08:36 Gospel Outreach workers giving a bible study. 08:38 I love that, talk about inviting yourself 08:40 over with all your friends. 08:41 Yeah. I love it. 08:44 Come, join us at your house. 08:45 Yeah, exactly and hey, 08:47 let's study the word of the Lord. 08:50 But, again working with the youth is a-- 08:52 is a big thing and they enjoy getting together, 08:56 he does not only-- not only something's like this 08:59 but he takes them out and they have enjoyable times 09:03 in the beach and playing games 09:05 and this really keeps the young people going. 09:08 That's fantastic, well, and it 09:10 and it builds friendships and all of that. 09:14 Okay, we are going now to Central Luzon Conference, 09:17 which is on the main island of Luzon 09:20 and this is where Manila is located. 09:22 Oh, good. 09:23 Just to the-- just to the right 09:25 of where it says conference there those large letters. 09:28 That's where Manila is. 09:29 That's where Manila is located on Manila bay 09:32 and there we have--we have a work among the Aeta people 09:36 but not only among Aetas, couple of years ago, 09:41 three years ago I think it was, 09:42 they decided to hold some meetings 09:44 in the town called Ko Lanta. 09:47 They ended up working with a group of ladies 09:50 who were ladies of the night. 09:54 When I came there a few months later 09:56 I was asked to speak for their church service 09:59 and it was being held in a videoke bar 10:02 and the audience was these former prostitutes. 10:05 Well, praise the Lord you were preaching 10:07 to those ladies the word of the Lord. 10:10 And those I said former prostitutes. Yeah. 10:12 They gave up their livelihood 10:14 and accept Jesus as their Savior 10:16 and we are core of beginning a new church. 10:18 But they probably had other friends 10:20 who they can minister to too. 10:21 Right. Well, this is one of those ladies. 10:24 Okay. And she now has a husband and a family 10:28 and they are living-- they were giving 10:32 this piece of property and place to live, 10:34 a beautiful piece of property 10:36 with lots and lots of potential. 10:37 Given by who? 10:39 They are just allowed to live there just as caretakers. 10:42 Well, okay. And their house isn't very nice 10:44 but its, its acceptable. 10:47 He is very industrious man and she lost her--her living. 10:51 So now he has to provide and so he rising, 10:55 these are lima beans down in the valley there 10:58 and of course the banana plant on the side, 11:01 but there is a river, not a river 11:04 but a canal running near by 11:06 that has a deep high border 11:09 on the edge of the bank on the canal. 11:11 So he is digging this trench by hand. 11:12 It's about six feet deep now, 11:14 he has to go down about another two feet 11:18 and so he can channel water over there, 11:20 so he is building a dam to dam up the water 11:22 so that he can irrigate his, his garden. 11:24 Very industrious man. Wow. 11:27 And he had some beautiful produce, beautiful stuff. 11:30 But on Sabbath they load into their little bicycle, tricycle 11:34 and he carry's the family off to church. 11:37 They have this young lady living with them 11:40 to help take care of the children. 11:41 I don't know if you noticed in the former prostitutes arm 11:46 she has one arm, that doesn't straighten out. 11:50 But, so she finds it difficult to do some of her work 11:53 because she can't straighten that arm out. 11:55 So they have a lady that lives with them 11:56 which is very common there in the Philippines. 11:58 But of they go to church-- 12:00 Of they go while when the Lord Jesus comes like 12:02 He healed the man in Luke 6 with the shriveled arm 12:05 and the lady too will-- will be healed by the lord 12:08 when He comes back. 12:09 Well, we want to thank you Fred, for this tour 12:11 and we want to encourage you 12:13 to be involved with Gospel Outreach 12:15 and you can be involved through 12:17 our Adopt-A-Worker program for about a $150 12:20 you can adopt a worker and you can learn 12:22 what's going on with that worker 12:24 and what they are doing in that areas 12:25 as they share the love of the Lord. 12:27 And we have some information for you. 12:30 Gospel Outreach began a mission 20 years ago 12:32 by asking one simple question, 12:35 in a world filled with famine, hunger and salvation, 12:38 what is Jesus waiting for? 12:41 In a world filled with earthquakes, hurricanes 12:43 and natural calamities, what is Jesus waiting for? 12:48 The gospel tells us in Matthew 24:14, 12:51 "And This Gospel of the kingdom 12:52 shall be preached in all the world 12:54 for a witness unto all nations, 12:56 and then shall the end come." 13:01 Inspired by those words Gospel Outreach began 13:04 with one worker and over the past 20 years 13:06 he is grown into an organization 13:08 with 2,200 workers in 40 plus countries. 13:12 Gospel Outreach is an independent 13:14 Seventh-day Adventist lay ministry 13:16 run entirely by volunteers. 13:19 Gospel Outreach works with the organized church 13:22 to sponsor Bible workers in the 10/40 Window. 13:25 Now, what exactly is the 10/40 Window? 13:29 The 10/40 Window is a region of the eastern hemisphere 13:32 located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator. 13:36 What makes this region special? 13:39 97% of all the people in the world 13:41 who have never heard the name of Jesus live here. 13:45 Now, how exactly does Gospel Outreach work 13:47 to reach these people? 13:50 We do this by working with the church 13:51 as it places trained indigenous workers in new territories. 13:55 Sending out disciples just as Jesus did. 13:58 When a Bible worker sponsored by Gospel Outreach 14:01 enters a new village, 14:02 it's estimated that in the first year 14:04 an additional 300 individual will be baptized 14:08 and commit their lives to Christ. 14:10 Individuals who had never heard 14:12 the amazing story of God's love 14:14 are getting to meet Jesus for the first time. 14:17 Now how can you help? 14:20 Bible workers rely on sponsorships to support them 14:22 and their families as they share 14:24 the unconditional love of God. 14:27 This is why Gospel Outreach 14:29 is introducing Adopt-A-Worker program. 14:32 Together with the church 14:33 we identify new workers in areas that need to reached. 14:37 That is why it's our goal to introduce 14:39 a million new people to Jesus in the next three years. 14:42 All that is remaining for this work 14:44 to began is your financial help. 14:47 In return we will keep you updated 14:49 on the exciting progress of your worker, 14:52 sending you stories and pictures of the lives 14:55 changed by your donations. 14:57 There are three ways you can get involved. 14:59 You can be a prayer partner for Gospel Outreach 15:01 by praying for our Bible workers. 15:04 Second, become an ambassador 15:06 for our Adopt-A-Worker program 15:07 by telling your family and friends 15:09 about how they can make a difference too 15:11 and finally sponsor a Bible worker. 15:14 Call or visit the website today. 15:17 So now you know a bit about Gospel Outreach 15:20 and now that you know what Jesus is waiting for, 15:23 the final question is what are you waiting for? 15:29 And you can be involved by giving to Gospel Outreach 15:32 and we would ask you and encourage you to do that 15:34 and if you have we want to say thank you 15:36 and we pray that the Lord will impress upon you 15:39 if this is what you should be doing 15:40 because we have been hearing wonderful reports 15:42 from Fred Webb of the Philippines 15:44 and the people who are using out the donors money 15:48 to spread the work of the Lord. 15:49 And you know Fred, to have you or me 15:52 go there to take the time to learn the language 15:54 and to be culturally what, entrenched with these people. 15:57 It's inefficient. It is. 15:59 Because you and I can do things at home 16:02 but they can't do and so we are all working together 16:06 to share the Lord's love with the people around all of us. 16:09 And I think it's a very effective program, 16:11 because the people know the culture, they can-- 16:13 it is go right to work. 16:14 Absolutely. Okay, so, let's go back to more pictures. 16:17 All right, we are gonna show you two very important men. 16:21 The man on the right is Frank Stanyer 16:23 who was a founder of the-- 16:25 the brains behind Gospel Outreach. 16:28 The man on the left was his partner 16:30 and worked with him at the very beginning. 16:32 His name is Edgar Pangilinan. 16:35 Edgar, is still Gospel Outreach worker 16:38 and very much involved with Gospel Outreach there. 16:41 He has eight people working with him 16:44 and he is kind of their leader and he does an excellent job. 16:49 Frank lives just around a corner from Edgar 16:51 and they partner together quite frequently. 16:55 Frank went with us on one of our trips this time, 16:58 up to the little church in Villa Maria 17:01 that was built by Gospel Outreach. 17:02 What a nice Church. 17:04 And it is very cheaply done 17:06 because the construction workers were the Gospel Outreach workers 17:09 and the local people. 17:11 They didn't hire contractor to come in, they did themselves. 17:13 Back in the day they raised a barn in America, 17:15 they are raising a church in the Philippines. 17:17 And they did a good job. 17:18 But not all the churches are quite that nice. 17:20 This one is in-- in Pinatubo area 17:24 which is relocation centre for the displaced Aeta's 17:30 when Mount Pinatubo blew off. 17:32 They lost their homes 17:33 and so this is one of their relocation centers. 17:36 Well, I like that church, Fred. 17:37 We have the money in hand to build a nice church there 17:41 but they haven't been able to get permission 17:46 to have real property 17:48 that they won't be taken away from them. 17:49 So, they built this temporary church 17:52 just to get that until they get permission 17:54 to build a good one. 17:55 So what is that on the side, is that bamboo? 17:57 Yeah, that's--that's what they call this a sawali, 18:01 its split bamboo that's woven. 18:03 Ah, that's beautiful. 18:04 And it's--it's nice and I like it 18:06 because it lets the air through. 18:10 In one of our villages where we started out 18:13 in Nebu Club has now become a resort area 18:18 and they have this large statue of Christ. 18:20 I have it picture with my wife and in front there 18:22 just to give some idea of how big it really is. 18:24 It's huge. 18:26 In that same area they have one of the longest 18:28 I think it is the longest zip line 18:31 at least in the Philippines. 18:32 It's probably at least a half a mile to a mile long. 18:36 Fred, do you know why they put that statue of Christ there? 18:41 No, I don't really. Interesting, that's wonderful. 18:44 But the people are largely Christian, 18:47 Philippines is the only real Christian nation in Asia. 18:50 In Asia and Korea. 18:53 They are heavily populating in Korea. 18:55 So, zip line right under the Statue of Jesus. 18:57 It goes actually down the other side of the hill. 18:59 But this is the kind of the view you would have, 19:01 if you were zipping down that line. 19:03 Gorgeous. I dint do it, I have a fear of that kind of thing. 19:05 I was just gonna ask you Fred, come on did you do it? 19:08 Children are children every where, 19:10 these three little girls where just as cute as 19:13 they could be and I couldn't resist taking a picture of them. 19:16 They had some little snacks 19:17 they were eating and they were-- 19:19 eat a little bit and they run around and play. 19:21 How cute. 19:24 We have a program we call it Adopt-A-Worker 19:26 that we just heard about. 19:27 Well, this man standing in front with a pointer 19:30 is one of those. His name is Anchois. 19:34 And he is working in a village where there has been 19:38 no Seventh-Day Adventists presence before. 19:41 And one of the problems he has 19:42 is they don't know how to read and write. 19:43 These are Aeta tribal people and he believes 19:47 and I believe as well that in order to make good Christians 19:50 they need to be able to read the bible. 19:52 For themselves. Right. 19:53 And so he is teaching them how to read and write. 19:57 And here is standing with some of the leaders 19:59 in the group that he has assembled there. 20:03 This lady is the leader. 20:06 She is the most prominent one there 20:08 and she is giving us some of the products 20:10 that she has raised. 20:11 Yeah, looks like an eggplant. That was an eggplant. 20:13 They are the long, long eggplant Japanese style. 20:17 I like that better than the other. 20:20 Their water source is quite away from their village, 20:22 that's one of the problems. 20:23 They have to carry their water from down below 20:25 and it's about I would say half a mile from a village. 20:29 So you are telling me that there is a well 20:32 in the middle of that picket. 20:33 No, there is water running out of the crown there, 20:36 you see that one coming cross at an angle. 20:38 And so that's where they go get their water. 20:39 Yeah, there is water coming out of that bamboo. 20:41 Wow. But it's a long ways in a village. 20:45 This is Jimmy and he is been giving Bible studies 20:48 in a village there and this young couple 20:50 have prepared themselves for baptism 20:53 and they are going to be baptized. 20:56 As I was there they were holding evangelistic meetings 20:59 in a meeting in a village near by 21:01 and here they are setting up equipment. 21:04 You know, they show up in town with computers 21:07 and a video projector and a generator and-- 21:11 You are like where in the world 21:12 did that come from when you. 21:14 And they draw the cards. Wow. 21:17 They usually start out with a children's program, 21:21 here is Linda that's Edgar's wife 21:23 who is telling a story for the children, 21:25 then after the children's program 21:26 they have a preaching service for the adults. 21:29 This is a mother and daughter combo, 21:31 the mother on the right. 21:32 Rosetta is in her mid 70's still going strong 21:36 as the Gospel Outreach worker. 21:38 Her daughter Rosell has been with them now 21:41 for I think about eight years. 21:44 She graduated with a degree and education. 21:47 Could have a good job but she says I like this 21:51 and so she is continue to work with that. 21:53 They are giving a health lecture. 21:55 Sitting on bamboo. 21:57 This is a pastor of a Barangay church 22:01 that is in that same village 22:03 and he is very friendly and very nice 22:04 and we have hopes that one day 22:06 we might be able to win him over. 22:08 He seemed a very friendly and not at all prejudice. 22:10 Well, we'll be working together 22:12 on behalf of the Lord, how great is that? 22:14 Right, they live in kind of primitive situations 22:17 when they go out to these places 22:18 but they are both men and woman involved in the team 22:21 so they have a little private tent so they sleep in. 22:23 On concrete now. Yes, on concrete. 22:28 They had a baptism while we were there 22:31 and we went out to the baptismal site 22:34 and there was a long by river, 22:37 we had a little hard time finding it 22:38 but it was a nice site for baptism. 22:41 And there were I think there were 11 baptized that day. 22:48 Here is the baptism itself 22:50 and we have just a short video of baptism. 22:52 Oh, good. 22:55 They first have the prayer 22:57 and do the through the whole ritual that we do, 23:01 but you know baptism is a special time 23:02 when the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit 23:04 are all present and it's a very sacred time and I-- 23:08 I just enjoy watching baptisms. 23:12 And it--it just brings pleasure to the hearts 23:16 of anyone who is been working. 23:18 Because each of those people 23:19 there are have accepted Jesus. 23:20 That's right and after the baptism 23:22 they have a prayer and then they lined up 23:24 on the shore for people to come along and to greet them. 23:29 But that's not the end and doing this baptism 23:32 we had a little distraction. 23:34 It was right beside a gravel quarry 23:37 and they were working. 23:38 While you can see this guy appear 23:39 from top of the hill dumping rocks over the edge 23:43 and kind of distracted a little bit, 23:46 at least it distracted me because I'm interested in fun. 23:49 It is sure, there you go. 23:51 And after the baptism they usually have a meal 23:55 so here they cook the rice and over the three stones 23:58 and then they pot there 23:59 with a kind of a tan colored stuff that's jackfruit. 24:03 And jackfruit they are big, they are big. 24:05 And it's a largest fruit in the world. Yes, its huge. 24:07 They are probably, well the average 24:10 would be probably about two feet long 24:11 and about a foot in diameter. 24:13 And they boil it? 24:14 I have never seen them prepare like that. 24:16 Well, when its green before it gets ripe 24:18 then they chop it up and even the seeds are good. 24:23 And they boil it and cook it and of course 24:25 they season it a little bit. 24:27 And that's what they use for the food. 24:28 Of course when the fruit gets ripe, 24:30 then its fruit and it's sweet. 24:32 Interesting. I like it and some people don't. 24:34 It gets sticky on your lips 24:36 so you can glue your lips together. 24:40 Then they set the table. Perfect. 24:42 That table is made of banana leaves, 24:45 just lay it on the ground and their plates 24:47 they just dump the rice out on the banana leaves-- 24:49 How clean. 24:51 And everybody reaches in with the fingers 24:52 and you know if I try to eat that way, 24:56 I have it all over my face. 24:57 I tried one time, I went to a-- to a native social 25:01 and everybody was eating rice with their fingers. 25:03 What choice did I have? 25:04 There were no utensils since so I tried 25:06 but ended with all around my mouth. 25:08 Hey that makes cleaning easy. 25:12 So, we enjoy our work in the Philippines. 25:14 I can see that. 25:15 It's great to be able to travel around and meet 25:18 and see these friends that I have come acquainted with 25:21 and we just enjoy every minute of it. 25:24 So what's your biggest need in your territory, Fred? 25:26 More workers. And that means? 25:28 Adopt-A-Worker. And that means? 25:32 More money right? Need more money. 25:33 Yeah, and we see that and you know, 25:36 you hear from all these organizations 25:37 about we need more money, 25:39 we need more money but it is true 25:41 and there are many advise who may be can eliminate 25:45 some things in our daily life's but we can be able to give. 25:48 I'm told at $6 we will a soul. Wow. 25:52 So how many of you could give up a pizza 25:55 to win one soul for Jesus. 25:56 Yeah, yeah. 25:57 And the efficiency of this organization is fantastic 26:01 because none of the office workers, 26:03 none of us are paid. 26:05 All volunteered? All volunteered. 26:06 Yup, absolutely. 26:07 We are sitting here in a studio with lots of people in here 26:10 that are volunteering, we are all volunteering our time 26:13 and so that's what is all about. 26:14 But that is something that you need 26:16 and how about prayer. 26:18 Oh, we always need prayer. 26:19 Good, well thank you for being here 26:21 and I would like to encourage you 26:23 on behalf of Gospel Outreach. 26:25 You have seen the pictures, you have seen the needs, 26:27 you have seen the people who have to go 26:29 and where they get the water, 26:31 in a stream with a bamboo and all of that and the man 26:34 who is having to irrigate his lima bean crop. 26:37 You have seen the need 26:38 and so many people live like this 26:40 and they need to know the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. 26:43 So, we would encourage you 26:45 to learn more about Adopt-A-Worker. 26:47 Please visit our website at 26:50 and you can find out how you can be involved 26:53 by supporting an Adopt-A-Worker through Gospel Outreach. 26:56 For Adventures in Mission and for Gospel Outreach 26:58 I'm Julie Saunders Keymer and may the Lord bless you. 27:16 I need to spread the gospel here at home. 27:19 Where is the tent for the Window anyway? 27:22 Those people are too far away. 27:25 Some one else can tell them about Jesus. 27:28 May be they could just watch TV. 27:31 Nearly three billion people to reach, my head hurt. 27:36 There is nothing I can do, I give up. 27:40 What's the point of trying? 27:41 I can't make a difference. 27:44 Actually you can make a difference. 27:46 And Jesus asked you, to go to all the world. 27:50 Where? All the world. 27:53 How can I go? I have commitments. 27:56 You can pray. 27:58 You can volunteer your talents. 28:03 You can tell others. 28:06 You can give money to sponsor Bible workers. 28:09 Millions of people are searching for hope and meaning. 28:12 But they won't find it without you. 28:14 Be the spark. 28:16 Like the fire. 28:17 Finish the work. 28:18 Finish the work. 28:20 Be the Spark! |
Revised 2014-12-17