Adventures in Missions

G.O. Training Center

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Manzoor Massey


Series Code: AIM

Program Code: AIM000467

00:16 Welcome to "Adventures in Missions"
00:17 with Gospel Outreach.
00:18 I'm Julie Sanders Keymer. And do you know what?
00:21 There are all sorts of carpenters in India.
00:23 But do you know what?
00:24 They need tools and that's what
00:26 we're going to be sharing with you,
00:28 how you can help provide tools for the carpenters in India.
00:32 Manzoor Massey, you're here again on Gospel Outreach.
00:34 What a pleasure. Oh. Pleasure is mine.
00:37 And Manzoor, share with us
00:38 where your district is with Gospel Outreach.
00:40 My district is in Southern India.
00:42 It is in the Andhra Pradesh region.
00:45 And this is the largest city nearby would be Hyderabad.
00:49 How many people in Hyderabad?
00:51 Oh. Probably, millions.
00:53 Wow. Wow.
00:55 And the Andhra Pradesh state,
00:59 Hyderabad is in the Andhra Pradesh state.
01:01 And we are about 4 hours away by car
01:05 where we are gonna be locating a center.
01:09 And today, I'll be talking to you about establishing
01:12 a comprehensive gospel outreach training center.
01:15 Because we have gospel outreach workers there
01:17 but they need training.
01:18 Well, we have all together 1,200 workers in India
01:22 and about 800 of them are in Andhra Pradesh.
01:25 And so this training center that we are gonna be talking about
01:29 is like building-- providing tools to our carpenters.
01:34 Imagine having 1,200 workers and no tools.
01:39 And these workers are very dedicated,
01:42 they are awesome workers.
01:43 They are doing great job.
01:45 But they could do probably 10 times more,
01:48 if they had the adequate training.
01:50 So we are gonna be building their scales and their training.
01:54 And we have been searching for the land.
01:56 And we already have sculpted the land.
02:00 Good. And in fact, I would like to show you a video
02:03 of some of the things we've been discussing.
02:05 Well, here we are in Ibrahimpatnam, India.
02:09 It is in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
02:12 And with me are several distinguished church leaders.
02:17 And representing various aspects of the gospel ministry section.
02:22 And today behind us,
02:24 you see a very beautiful parcel of land.
02:28 And we are going to discuss the concept
02:33 of developing Gospel Outreach Training Center.
02:37 As you know we have nearly 1,200 workers
02:40 in Southern Asia division.
02:42 And in some areas more than 80% of the baptisms
02:47 are as a result of the efforts
02:49 of these dedicated Gospel Outreach workers.
02:53 But one thing we have realized over the years
02:55 that they are dedicated,
02:57 they are very enthusiastic young people,
02:59 most of them, under the age of 40.
03:02 However, they lack training.
03:04 And so, in order to strengthen their hands,
03:09 the group here has developed the idea
03:11 of-- of developing a state of the art training centre.
03:16 This training centre will be a Multifaceted Training Centre.
03:21 In addition to training Gospel Outreach workers for the future
03:27 as well as strengthening the skills and training
03:30 and the knowledge of those who are already in the field.
03:33 We will also have general training
03:35 for woman's ministry and for youth department,
03:41 for laity and many other groups from the church
03:47 so God's work can move forward.
03:50 More training we do,
03:52 the better we equip our people
03:54 the more effective they can be in the cause of God.
03:58 And so we are very, very delighted today
04:01 that this is the land that you'll see all around us
04:04 in the South Andhra section is going to be
04:09 one of our key partners in making this project a reality.
04:14 And brother Dan Arthur and his family
04:17 is -- is gonna be a-- one of the major contributors
04:21 along with many of our other friends and supporters.
04:24 And we want to thank you today for joining us gentleman.
04:31 And God bless our discussion and our plans
04:35 so that His work could really move forward.
04:39 We know He is coming soon.
04:41 And in India we are 1.2 billion people.
04:45 And half of them, more than half of them
04:48 are under the age of 30.
04:50 So we are in the concept-- we are in the process
04:53 of developing a multifaceted innovative ways
04:57 to reach out to those who have not heard yet
05:00 the word about our soon coming Savior Jesus Christ.
05:14 So Manzoor what are we doing-- seeing here on the video?
05:18 Well, this is the training that we conducted this past February.
05:22 We had 600 workers who came in for training
05:28 and this is how we were housing them
05:31 and giving them water in very, very temporary make shift
05:37 types of arrangement when we go and do the training.
05:41 And imagine 600 people on a campus.
05:47 And we--we had make shift baiting area,
05:52 make shift places where we serve them water and dinning area.
05:57 So it was-- it was quite a challenge that I tell you.
06:02 I remember the last--
06:07 last activity we were having was the Sabbath service.
06:11 So when I was about to preach,
06:15 all of a sudden it started rain
06:17 and I said, "Well, you know, we're gonna pray
06:19 and rain may just go away."
06:21 Well, that wasn't God's will that day.
06:24 And so all of a sudden, the tent collapsed.
06:28 And you will see it in a video I think, they're gonna see it.
06:31 Oh, just the way that the water coming down.
06:32 The way the water.
06:34 And it was amazing to see
06:36 all the Gospel Outreach workers, 600 of them.
06:39 They picked up these chairs that they were sitting on
06:42 and like an umbrella
06:44 and they walked two blocks away to a cafeteria.
06:47 And so they settled down in a cafeteria
06:49 and that's where we had our church service eventually.
06:52 And here what you see in the video,
06:55 we generally conclude our training
06:58 by having a dedication service.
07:00 Oh, beautiful.
07:01 So with the candle light and we tell everybody
07:04 that you are the candle that God is asking you
07:07 to shine all over the--all over the places wherever you are.
07:12 They take that back with you. Yes.
07:14 And imagine you know seeing 600 people dressed in white
07:19 and carrying these candles, it was so inspiring.
07:23 I just wish I could just stay with them.
07:26 It was so, so beautiful.
07:29 And they are just doing marvelous work
07:34 under so many difficult circumstances.
07:37 Most of these people have bicycles.
07:39 And imagine riding bicycle for,
07:42 you know, 10, 15, 20 miles a day one way.
07:47 One way. Yes.
07:48 And then when the heat in the summer time,
07:51 the heat gets to be over 100 degrees
07:54 and still these folks work, work, work.
07:58 And you will feel that all your excusive are to disappear,
08:03 when you see the work
08:04 of these dedicated Christian young people.
08:07 And this is the tent we are talking about.
08:09 We generally rent a large tent,
08:12 because to house 600 people, we have no facility.
08:15 And so when you have no facility,
08:18 we get a tent by once in a while when the weather goes back.
08:22 Like here you find, it is the rainy
08:24 and our tent has collapsed.
08:26 All tents came down. That's right.
08:28 But by having a training centre that would
08:30 then have a location for the meetings
08:32 and people to stay and all of that.
08:35 Yes, and actually this is gonna be
08:37 revolutionizing our work in Southern Asia division.
08:41 And the concept is not just to have
08:45 the--the Gospel Outreach workers trained.
08:48 But the concept is to expand so that everybody
08:52 all the laity in that area is also trained.
08:56 So many of our members in our churches
09:00 are women and youth.
09:03 And youth have not been tapped it all their resources.
09:09 India has 1.2 billion people, 60 % under the age of 30.
09:14 Okay, say those number again so we can really count.
09:16 1.2 billion. Wow.
09:18 So that would be like more than three times
09:23 the population of the United States.
09:26 And yet the area is three times smaller geographically.
09:32 And so we have the population about 60%
09:36 almost 60% is under the age of 30.
09:40 Which means let's say young nation as a population
09:44 that we can only reach through young people and women?
09:48 The outreach to women can be most effective
09:52 when done through women.
09:54 And so they have a department
09:55 of woman's ministry at the division.
09:59 And we are hoping that these women,
10:02 they will be trained.
10:03 And when women are trained, rightly equipped,
10:08 they are the most powerful force.
10:10 Watch out. You better watch out.
10:14 The Lord is empowering.
10:16 Because of the cultural issues it is not possible for women--
10:20 for men to do effective outreach to women.
10:24 And in India men don't shake hand with the women.
10:27 They don't? Not--
10:28 Maybe in high educated circles
10:30 but in villages, no, you don't do that, you don't touch.
10:34 And so--but women can go and talk to other women.
10:38 It is so effective method to reach.
10:43 And we are training our workers
10:46 and we will be training them more in a consistent way
10:49 when the training centre is developed.
10:51 So you have the land, now you are working on
10:55 getting the building, the funding and all of that.
10:57 That's right and developing the curriculum
11:00 and forming the partnerships.
11:02 We have many other agencies that are doing some training
11:07 but it is not comprehensive and it's not consistent
11:11 and the resources are limited.
11:13 And we believe that working together
11:15 in pulling our resources, our talents and skills.
11:18 We could develop a more comprehensive training concept
11:22 and which will meet the need of our Gospel Outreach workers.
11:25 So what was it like for you--you said,
11:27 how much you enjoyed it?
11:28 What was it like for you to see the brothers there
11:31 as they were getting ready and the sisters
11:33 before they were getting ready to home?
11:35 Now that they felt trained, were they energized,
11:37 were they more in fire for the lord?
11:39 Well, to tell you how excited the group was
11:42 and how excited I was, you know,
11:44 I was greatly humbled and embarrassed as well,
11:48 because they all wanted to take pictures with me.
11:50 And then I said, "No, we're not gonna do that way
11:53 but we will take pictures with their groups.
11:56 So we have each conference delegates
12:00 then came together and we took pictures with them."
12:02 They were really-- they were excited.
12:05 They actually believe you, when you say something.
12:08 And that's a refreshing change. Yeah.
12:10 And one person asked me,
12:12 he said, "Why do you do this every year?"
12:14 I said, "You probably are the only ones who believe me.
12:17 When I speak in the United States,
12:18 they already know everything.
12:20 But here-- Oh, we act like we do.
12:22 Yeah. Yeah.
12:23 Well, we have lot of resources here
12:25 and people know, know a lot more.
12:28 Well, we take it for granted, Manzoor.
12:29 We take it for granted,
12:31 because we can go and download it on the internet
12:33 or find out or go to a class or whatever.
12:35 So they were energized to go back to their places
12:38 and share the love of the Lord.
12:40 Yes, they have set goals
12:41 and as I mentioned few years ago, a couple of years ago,
12:44 they had 53,000 baptisms in one year.
12:47 Oh, isn't that fantastic.
12:48 So the hunger for Jesus is phenomenal. It's huge.
12:53 And we want to train our people
12:56 that they will be able to link better with the communities
13:00 and be able to meet the communities felt needs.
13:03 Build these service bridges that people could walk over
13:07 and come and ask you more about Jesus.
13:09 Well, and that's what we ask you
13:11 as the viewers here of Adventures in Missions
13:14 and as a person who donates to Gospel Outreach.
13:17 We want to thank you for what you have given
13:19 and we do want to ask you to give more,
13:21 if you are able to do that and as you've heard about
13:24 the training centre in India that is so exciting--
13:27 great place for these people to be trained,
13:30 these Gospel Outreach workers
13:31 and what an opportunity for them.
13:32 But they do need a place to meet,
13:34 they do need a place that they are safe
13:36 and not having a tent collapse on them.
13:38 But we ask you to give of what you can.
13:40 You can go online to
13:44 And we also have our wonderful Adopt-A-Worker program.
13:47 And we'd like to share some more information with you about that.
13:50 Gospel Outreach began a mission 20 years ago
13:53 by asking one simple question.
13:55 In a world filled with famine, hunger and starvation,
13:59 what is Jesus waiting for?
14:02 In a world filled with earthquakes,
14:03 hurricanes and natural calamities,
14:06 what is Jesus waiting for?
14:08 The gospel tells us in Matthew 24:14,
14:12 "And this gospel of the kingdom
14:13 shall be preached in all the world
14:15 for a witness unto all nations,
14:17 and then shall the end come."
14:22 Inspired by those words, Gospel Outreach began
14:24 with one worker and over the past 20 years,
14:27 it's grown into an organization
14:29 with 2, 200 workers in 40 plus countries.
14:33 Gospel Outreach is an independent
14:35 Seventh-day Adventist lay ministry
14:37 run entirely by volunteers.
14:40 Gospel Outreach works with the organized church
14:42 to sponsor Bible workers in the 10/40 Window.
14:46 Now what exactly is the 10/40 Window?
14:50 The 10/40 Window is a region of the eastern hemisphere
14:53 located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator.
14:57 What makes this region special?
14:59 97% of all the people in the world
15:02 who'd never heard the name of Jesus live here.
15:06 Now how exactly does Gospel Outreach work
15:08 to reach these people?
15:10 We do this by working with the church as it places
15:13 trained indigenous workers in new territories,
15:16 sending out disciples just as Jesus did.
15:19 When a Bible worker sponsored by Gospel Outreach
15:22 enters a new village,
15:23 it's estimated that in the first year,
15:25 an additional 300 individuals will be baptized
15:29 and commit their lives to Christ.
15:31 Individuals who have never heard
15:33 the amazing story of God's love
15:35 are getting to meet Jesus for the first time.
15:38 Now how can you help?
15:40 Bible workers rely on sponsorships to support them
15:43 and their families
15:44 as they share the unconditional love of God.
15:48 This is why Gospel Outreach is introducing
15:50 our Adopt-A-Worker program,
15:52 together with the church we identify new workers
15:56 and areas that need to be reached.
15:57 That is why it's our goal to introduce
15:59 a million new people to Jesus in the next three years.
16:03 All that is remaining for this work to begin
16:05 is your financial help.
16:08 In return, we will keep you updated on the exciting
16:11 progress of your worker
16:13 sending you stories and pictures of the lives
16:15 changed by your donations.
16:17 There are three ways you can get involved.
16:20 You can be a prayer partner for Gospel Outreach
16:22 by praying for our Bible workers.
16:25 Second, become an ambassador for our Adopt-A-Worker program
16:28 by telling their family and friends about
16:30 how they can make a difference too.
16:32 And finally, sponsor a Bible worker.
16:35 Call or visit the website today.
16:38 So now that you know a bit about Gospel Outreach
16:41 and now that you know what Jesus is waiting for,
16:43 the final question is what are you waiting for?
16:50 And what are you waiting for
16:51 you have heard of the need you have seen the need.
16:53 And our prayer is that you will be able to help
16:56 with Gospel Outreach work here
16:58 as brothers and sister in the 10/40 window
17:01 and specifically in India.
17:02 Well, we are here talking with Manzoor
17:04 are sharing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ
17:06 with people in the villages in the market place
17:08 wherever they can find someone to share
17:10 and they are doing that.
17:12 Well, Manzoor, we're talking about the training centre
17:14 that is going to be built in your area of India
17:17 and what will the impact
17:20 of this beyond the work for the Lord in India?
17:24 Well, I would like to first summarize the--
17:28 what will be included in the training centre.
17:32 The first thing we will do is to develop pastoral care concept.
17:37 Our-- there is a specific skills
17:41 that our workers need in the area of pastoral care.
17:44 And the second one will be how to give Bible studies.
17:48 When you were talking to people of different religions
17:51 and different cultural backgrounds,
17:54 you never contradict what they already know,
17:58 you don't criticize their religions,
17:59 and you don't criticize their current practices.
18:02 and we show them how--
18:04 and what is the good acceptable art of giving a Bible study,
18:08 how can lead people to Jesus through the word of God.
18:11 Yes, 'cause we have to be respectful.
18:12 We have to be respectful.
18:14 Then we talk to them about listening skills,
18:18 sometime we talk and we are only learning
18:23 when we're not talking,
18:25 when we're talking, we're not learning.
18:27 And so we teach our people how to listen and learn
18:31 because as they visit people, they need to listen,
18:34 they can understand their needs,
18:36 they can understand their difficulties and challenges
18:39 and then the next thing we teach them is
18:42 how to meet some of those needs
18:44 so they could really make their lives better.
18:49 And if you work on improving people's lives,
18:54 then you're gonna gain acceptance into their heart.
18:58 And coming to Jesus must change everything about a human being.
19:02 It's true.
19:04 They should become more educated
19:06 about their personal health, about their family life, and...
19:11 Jobs. About their job and everything.
19:13 And so that's one of the ways
19:15 that we're asking them to build the service bridge.
19:19 We also teach them to do adult literacy.
19:22 Because if people can read and write,
19:24 they could become co-workers with you
19:28 and that could significantly
19:30 expand your ministry to other areas.
19:34 And there are a lot of illiterate people?
19:36 Oh, lots of people who could learn how to read and write.
19:40 And this almost opens somebody's eyes.
19:44 And then we teach them how to connect people
19:47 to existing resources
19:49 to enhance their personal life and their family life.
19:54 There are many resources available in the community
19:57 but our people are not educated
19:59 and they don't always think about them.
20:02 But our Gospel Outreach workers can connect them.
20:06 If there are resources available for healthcare,
20:08 they should be able to connect them for that.
20:10 And if there are jobs available,
20:13 they should be able to connect our people to the jobs.
20:17 And when you connect somebody to the job,
20:19 oh, I tell you, you have gained them for life. True.
20:22 And so then we also teach them public speaking,
20:26 how to be a better speaker.
20:30 And sometime that skill is lacking.
20:36 So speaking and writing are very, very important two skills.
20:40 Everybody ought to know how to speak, how to write,
20:44 because communication is the key to transfer information
20:48 from you to the other people.
20:50 And another very important concept that really should go
20:55 as number one that is how to love people.
20:58 A huge.
20:59 The ministry of Jesus is a love ministry.
21:01 And if you genuinely love people then you begin to serve them.
21:07 Once you serve them,
21:09 they want to fellowship with you.
21:11 They want to know what you have that they don't have.
21:13 That's right and so these are some of the skills.
21:17 And we will also teach them how to coordinate activities
21:21 with other service organizations.
21:24 For example, the rotary club. Huge.
21:26 Rotary Club does so many things in the community.
21:29 Yeah, it sure does.
21:30 And how can we interact with local rotary clubs
21:33 and other service organizations and this will help them become
21:40 part and parcel of the community.
21:42 And you know what it is, Manzoor. It's communication.
21:45 It's communication. It's community.
21:47 It's the love that you're saying that comes from the bible
21:50 and it's sharing that with other people.
21:52 Absolutely. It's huge.
21:53 And there are multitudes
21:55 and multitudes in the value of decision.
21:57 The potential is unlimited, you know.
22:02 Think about so many brothers and sisters out there
22:05 who don't know the Father, you know.
22:07 Oh, yes. It's mind boggling.
22:09 Mind boggling. Mind boggling.
22:10 But what a great idea to have a training center
22:13 and to have a place where people can come
22:14 and learn and be energized?
22:16 I'm sure for the Gospel Outreach workers to be there
22:18 and to interact with their-- you know,
22:20 their fellow Gospel Outreach workers to then go and say,
22:23 "Hey, what's going on in your area
22:25 and maybe I can try that in mine."
22:26 So the training will be manifested one.
22:29 The existing workers will come there, month at a time.
22:32 They will learn something, go back in practice,
22:35 then they come back, you know, they'll come six times.
22:38 And then the new workers will come six months straight
22:41 and they will learn the skills we have taught the other people.
22:45 And then the department heads from the division unions,
22:48 they can bring in their constituents.
22:50 For example, youth department
22:51 can bring all the young people there. Sure.
22:53 And train them region by region. Sure.
22:56 And woman's ministry can bring all the women
22:59 and teach them how to interact within their own community.
23:03 And there'll be another one that's called laity building,
23:06 the leadership building among laity.
23:09 And that's big.
23:10 Oh, laity is the key to spreading God's word.
23:13 That's big. Now sometime people say,
23:14 "Well, you know they're not educated so how can they help?"
23:19 But listen, their target population is the people
23:22 who are not educated and they do communicate.
23:25 And they do work with them. Yes.
23:27 So what we teach them,
23:29 they can share with the people within their own circle.
23:32 So there is no barrier to using anybody's skills whatsoever.
23:39 They're educated, they'll reach the educated,
23:41 they're young, and they'll reach the young people.
23:43 They're women, they'll reach the women.
23:44 And if they know nothing,
23:47 they will go ahead to reach those people who are illiterate.
23:51 And you put the Holy Spirit all in that and wow.
23:54 Absolutely, not by might,
23:56 not by power, but by my spirit says God.
23:59 Absolutely.
24:00 It's God's work and God is going to do it.
24:03 In Jeremiah, He says,
24:04 "Your ear will hear the voice behind you,
24:08 'This is the way, walk in it.'"
24:10 We can do that.
24:12 Manzoor, I'd like to have you look at the camera
24:14 and I'd like to ask you to appeal to our viewers
24:17 for the need of this training center.
24:20 Well, I am so excited about it and it is such an awesome,
24:26 awesome concept that we are part of such a big family,
24:30 the Seventh-day Adventist family and the Christian family
24:34 that is all around the world.
24:36 We are all in this together. We are all homesick for heaven.
24:41 We want to see Jesus come soon.
24:43 And there are so many brothers and sisters
24:46 who still don't know the Father.
24:48 And Father is standing there with arms stretched.
24:51 He is longing to hug and embrace
24:54 and welcome all of our brothers and sisters
24:57 from around the world.
24:58 And so whenever we have opportunity,
25:01 we want to participate, some must pray honestly
25:05 and make it in matter of prayer that God will remove
25:09 all the barriers from the path of our Gospel Outreach workers,
25:14 because many of them are working under
25:16 trying circumstances and under hard shapes,
25:19 under persecution and that your prayers will keep them safe.
25:24 And many must go, because if you can take off
25:27 from your work and go for a week,
25:30 two weeks, a month, two months, you would be sharing your life
25:35 and come back so energized
25:38 that your own spiritual climate will be so,
25:42 so wonderfully changed.
25:44 And some must give and those of us who can afford,
25:48 we must contribute to this work and it doesn't matter how much.
25:54 God is looking for a happy giver,
25:57 a cheerful giver as the Bible says.
25:59 And I suggest people do their family budget,
26:04 their personal budget in four steps.
26:07 The first one you write down everything
26:09 that you spent your money on last month
26:12 and then you take you take a red pen and red line
26:15 everything that you could have lived without.
26:18 I tell you, you will find lots of things
26:21 that we could have lived without.
26:22 Then you take a blue pen and go over the list
26:26 that's remaining and blue line everything
26:29 that you could have waited for, and then the third time,
26:33 you take a yellow pen and you take a look at that list again
26:41 and again go through what can you still
26:45 postpone for little while,
26:47 because you don't have to have it right now.
26:49 And I tell you then whatever is left
26:51 that is your really budget.
26:53 And you differentiate between your needs and your wants,
26:57 and this will actually tell you what your needs are.
27:00 If we are need driven, God has promised us
27:04 He will meet our needs.
27:05 And He will do that, He will do that.
27:07 Well, thank you so much
27:08 for sharing about the training center.
27:10 And we thank you for watching "Adventures in Missions"
27:12 and on behalf of Gospel Outreach,
27:14 I'm Julie Sanders Keymer and may the Lord bless you.
27:17 I need to spread the gospel here at home.
27:20 Where is the 10/40 Window anyway?
27:23 Those people live too far away.
27:26 Someone else can tell them about Jesus.
27:28 Maybe they could just watch TV.
27:32 Nearly three billion people to reach, my head hurt.
27:37 There's nothing I can do.
27:39 I give up. What's the point of trying?
27:42 I can't make a difference.
27:44 Actually, you can make a difference.
27:47 And Jesus asked you to go to all the world.
27:51 Where? All of the world.
27:54 How can I go, I have commitments?
27:57 You can pray.
27:59 You can volunteer your talents.
28:05 You can tell others.
28:07 You can give money to sponsor Bible workers.
28:10 Millions of people are searching for hope and meaning.
28:13 But they won't find it without you.
28:15 Be the spark.
28:16 Light the fire. Finish the work.
28:19 Finish the work. Be the spark!


Revised 2014-12-17