Series Code: AFP
Program Code: AFP000225A
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01:01 male announcer: This presentation is brought 01:03 to you by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry. 01:11 Doug Batchelor: "At that time of the end," by the way, 01:13 that's when we're living now, "the king of the South 01:17 will attack the king of the North." 01:20 Now, this may not happen next year. 01:22 It could happen in a month. 01:23 I don't know when it's gonna happen, 01:25 but I don't think the prophecy is gonna fail. 01:26 I think it's gonna happen. 01:30 announcer: For over 40 years, "Amazing Facts" 01:32 has been dedicated to sharing God's Word through media. 01:35 This program features highlights from some 01:38 of our best television broadcasts. 01:41 We invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition of, 01:44 "Amazing Facts Presents." 01:51 Doug: Our presentation today is gonna be the third and, 01:53 God willing, the final part in a three-part series dealing 01:59 with the subject of Islam, Christianity, 02:02 and prophecy and today's message is more specifically called, 02:06 "Critical Mass." 02:08 Join me in the book of Daniel for a moment, 02:11 and I'm not gonna stay here long, 02:12 but I just wanna introduce where I'm going. 02:14 Daniel 11, verse 40. 02:17 "And at the time of the end the king of the South shall attack 02:21 him," the king of the North, "and the king of the North 02:25 will come against him like a whirlwind, 02:28 with many chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; 02:31 and he will enter the countries, overwhelm them, 02:35 and pass through. 02:37 He'll also enter the Glorious Land, 02:39 and many countries will be overthrown," he's talking about 02:42 whole countries, "but these will escape from his hand: Edom, 02:45 Moab, and the prominent people of Adam--Ammon. 02:48 And they'll stretch out his hand against the countries, 02:51 and the land of Egypt shall not escape. 02:54 And they'll have power over the treasures of gold and silver, 02:57 and over the precious things of Egypt; 02:59 also the Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his steps." 03:03 Those are some verses that we're gonna delve into today. 03:06 It's very mysterious. 03:08 Says, "At the time of the end." 03:10 What is this talking about? 03:11 We know those verses there, from 40 to 45, 03:14 are very important, 'cause if you read the next verse, 03:16 "At that time Michael will stand up, 03:19 the great prince who stands over the sons of your people; 03:21 and there will be a time of trouble, 03:24 such as there never was since there was a nation, 03:27 even to that time." 03:28 Jesus speaks about this great time of trouble such as 03:31 there never has been. 03:33 "And at that time your people will be delivered," 03:36 the ultimate deliverance, 03:37 "every one who is found written in the book," the book of life. 03:39 "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth 03:42 will awake," a resurrection. 03:44 So, it's pretty clear that when Michael stands up 03:46 that it's over. 03:49 You get the resurrection. You get this time of trouble. 03:51 You get the great deliverance, so what's happening 03:55 just before that? 03:57 Well, I think it's gonna represent a showdown, 04:02 where the tensions that have simmered from the time 04:06 of Abraham and throughout the Christian era 04:10 are gonna reach critical mass. 04:12 But before we get there, I'm gonna ask you to join me 04:16 in the book of Revelation. 04:17 We're gonna go back where we left off last time. 04:19 Go, please, to Revelation. 04:21 It talks about the last three trumpets, 04:24 which are also identified with three woes. 04:27 Revelation 8:13, "I looked, and I heard an angel flying 04:30 through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, 04:33 'Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, 04:37 because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet 04:40 of the three angels that are about to sound!'" 04:42 So, the last three trumpets in the seven trumpets 04:45 of revelation, they're-- well, let me say this. 04:49 You got several sevens in Revelation. 04:51 Got seven churches. 04:53 Covers the history of the church from the time of revelation, 04:56 first coming of Jesus, to the second coming of Jesus. 04:59 It's a spiritual history. 05:01 You got the seven seals in Revelation. 05:03 It covers the political history that influences God's people 05:07 from the First Coming to the Second Coming, 05:10 and then you've got the seven trumpets. 05:12 They cover a military history from the First Coming 05:16 to the Second Coming: battles and forces 05:19 and powers that would be at odds. 05:21 And it's not talking about all the kingdoms 05:24 and all the wars of all the world. 05:26 You wonder, "Does this prophecy talk about China 05:29 or the Inca Indians? 05:30 Or does it talk about the-- you know, 05:34 some of the other nations?" 05:37 No, it's dealing with the nations that would have a direct 05:40 impact on God's people and the proclamation of the gospel, 05:45 so it starts in Israel. 05:46 It expands from there, through Europe, 05:49 where the gospel spread and it became the foothold, 05:52 makes its way to America. 05:53 Are you aware that America sends out more missionaries than 05:56 any other country in the world? 05:58 That more mission dollars come from America than 06:00 any other country in the world, so it shouldn't surprise you 06:04 that these places that have been the guardian of the message 06:07 are the ones that are principally mentioned 06:09 in prophecy. 06:11 So then, these three prophecies, if you look, for instance, 06:15 we're gonna go next to the rise of Islam, and if you read 06:18 in Revelation 9-- go in your Bibles. 06:20 You turn a little bit over, and it's talking about that 06:23 next trumpet. 06:24 "And the fifth angel sounded: and I saw--" 06:27 This fifth angel is the first of the three woes. 06:30 "I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth. 06:33 To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. 06:35 He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit 06:39 like the smoke of a great furnace. 06:41 So the sun and the air were darkened because 06:43 of the smoke of the pit. 06:45 Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth." 06:47 Now, I read to you last week-- if you read in Judges chapter 6, 06:51 it talked about when the Amalekites and the Midianites 06:54 and the people of the East covered the land like locusts, 06:57 with their camels. 06:58 These are the people that comprise the Arabs, 07:01 and it describes them as locusts, 07:03 and they ate everything in the land. 07:05 That's why Gideon was threshing wheat secretly, 07:07 'cause there was no food. 07:09 The locusts ate it all, the Arab enemies at that time, 07:14 and so this would not be the first time there was a battle 07:16 between these two peoples. 07:18 So, here this smoke coming out of the pit is describing 07:21 the birth and the spread of the religion of Mohammed, 07:27 and this is the first trumpet or the first woe 07:31 of the fifth trumpet. 07:34 Most Christian expositors, Martin Luther, 07:38 Sir Isaac Newton, historian Edward Gibbon, 07:42 and many others all saw the fifth and the sixth trumpet in 07:46 Revelation 9 as the rise and the spread of Islam and its battles 07:53 with the eastern and western Christian world that was growing 07:58 there through Europe. 08:00 So, Revelation 9:1-12 is the fifth trumpet and the first woe. 08:05 It's the rise of Islam, and it says they would torment-- 08:08 there's a number associated with it. 08:10 They would be tormenting Christianity. 08:12 They didn't kill 'em. 08:13 They tormented them like the sting of a scorpion-- 08:16 it's not a deadly serpent-- for five months. 08:19 Now, when we look at these Bible prophecies 08:21 and there's a time period, what's the principle we use? 08:25 A day is a year. 08:27 A biblical month had 30 days. 08:30 That's why the 42 months comes to 1,260 days, 08:34 because they're 30-day months. 08:36 It's the only way those two could be reconciled. 08:38 That's 150 days in 5 months, right? 08:41 A hundred and fifty days. 08:43 A day is a year, 150 years, and it started in 1299 08:47 at the Battle of Béthune. 08:49 The Turkish Muslims began a persistent assault 08:52 on the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople. 08:55 In 1449, exactly 150 years later, 08:59 the conflict of the Eastern Roman Empire, 09:01 or Byzantine Empire. 09:03 It became a vassal state. 09:05 It submitted to the Ottoman Empire, 09:08 which was a Muslim power, exactly what the prophecy 09:13 said would happen. 09:14 Now, you go to Revelation 9:12. 09:17 It says--the angel doesn't want us to lose track, 09:19 so he says, "One woe is past. 09:22 Behold, two more woes," to make up those three, 09:24 "are coming." 09:26 These woes, the first two woes, are a battle 09:29 between Christianity and Islam. 09:30 Could it be the third woe is more of the same? 09:35 That's what I'm putting forth. 09:37 Now, if you read in Revelation 9:14, 09:40 it talks about four angels, and it says these four angels-- 09:43 and I'll read this to you. 09:45 "Saying to the sixth angel who has the trumpet," so this is 09:48 the sixth trumpet, he says, "'Release the four angels 09:52 who are bound at the great river Euphrates.' 09:56 So the four angels, who had been prepared," 09:58 and you got another time period here, 10:00 "for the hour and day and month and year, 10:03 were released to kill a third of mankind." 10:07 This represented a different woe, 10:09 a different phase of battles that lasted over 300 years 10:13 between Islam and Christianity, where now they started attacking 10:18 the Western Roman Empire, and they basically had already 10:22 swallowed up and conquered the Eastern Roman Empire. 10:25 This is the sixth trumpet, or the second woe. 10:28 Let's look at the time period here, and I'll have the numbers 10:30 up on the screen for you in just a moment. 10:33 You got a day and an hour. 10:37 You got an hour, a day, a month, and a year. 10:39 Well, an hour, even in the Bible there were 24 hours in a day. 10:44 You can read where Jesus said, "Are there not twelve hours 10:46 in a day?" 10:48 And so, you got 1/24 of a day, or 1/24 of a year is exactly 10:53 360 days to the Jewish year. 10:55 That's gonna be 15 days. 10:58 Then you've got a day, which is one day. 11:04 Then you got a month, which is 30 days. 11:05 And then you have a year, which is 360 days. 11:09 You add all that up and that comes to 391 years and 15 days. 11:15 This is incredible because if you start at that earlier 11:18 starting point of 1449, it extends to 1840, 11:24 and at that point the Ottoman Empire lost 11:27 its independence and authority. 11:30 It requested help from other European nations to continue 11:33 existing, and what's incredible this is one of the rare times 11:36 in history. 11:38 Most of the time we understand prophecy clearly, looking back. 11:42 Jesus said, "When this comes to pass, then you will know." 11:45 And so, we're always trying to use prophecy to say 11:47 what's gonna happen. 11:48 More times than not we say, "Oh." 11:50 After it happens we go, "Oh," 11:52 but this is one of the rare times in history 11:54 where somebody studied the prophecies and predicted 11:57 in advance what was gonna happen, and it happened. 11:59 How many of you have read about Josiah Litch? 12:02 And when he studied this prophecy back during 12:05 that great Millerite movement when they were anticipating 12:09 the Lord's coming, he predicted, using the day-for-year 12:12 principle, the Ottoman Empire was going to fall 12:15 and even predicted the date it would fall 12:18 based on the date it started, and it happened. 12:21 Well, that really inspired everybody else that 1844 12:23 was a good date, which it was. 12:26 They just had the wrong event. 12:28 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends. 12:29 In just a moment we'll return for the rest 12:31 of today's presentation. 12:33 Did you know the Bible has a prophecy that perfectly 12:37 predicted the time of Jesus's first coming 12:39 and even the time of his death? 12:41 No prophecy in Scripture is more vital, 12:44 yet few Christians are even aware of it. 12:47 Well, we have a free gift for you today that will help explain 12:50 this prophecy in detail. 12:52 It's titled "Right on Time." 12:55 In this fascinating study you'll also learn how God precisely 12:59 foretold the date of Jesus's crucifixion 13:02 and the powerful prophetic clues proving his return is near. 13:07 To get your free copy of, "Right on Time," 13:09 call the phone number on your screen and ask 13:12 for offer number 131, or visit the website. 13:16 And after you read this incredible resource make sure 13:20 and share it with your friends. 13:22 Well, let's get back to today's presentation and learn 13:24 some more amazing facts from the Word of God. 13:29 Doug: Go to Revelation 9, and we're gonna be reading 13:33 the verses from 13 on. 13:36 "Then the sixth angel sounded: and I heard a voice from 13:38 the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 13:41 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, 13:44 'Release the four angels who are bound 13:46 at the great river Euphrates.' 13:48 So the four angels, who had been prepared 13:50 for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, 13:53 were released to kill a third of mankind." 13:55 Now some are wondering, "What does that mean, 13:57 a third of all humanity?" 13:59 Well, it was maybe as many as a third of the soldiers 14:01 involved in the battles over this 300-year period, 14:05 or 391-year period. 14:07 That would have been more accurate 'cause the armies 14:10 of Christianity was decimated during this time. 14:14 "So the number of the army of the horsemen 14:16 was two hundred million." 14:19 Now, every commentator I've read on that said, 14:22 "We're making a mistake here." 14:25 Now, I don't know-- what does your Bible say? 14:26 King James is--yeah, and here I'm reading the New King James 14:31 that says "200 million," and many other versions put that. 14:34 The reason is that number is actually two myriads of myriads. 14:39 The problem is the word "myriad" is an end-- 14:42 it's unprecise number. 14:46 Matter of fact, in the book of Acts, 14:48 I think it's chapter 20, it said, 14:50 "Myriads of people came to hear the word of God." 14:52 Well, it wasn't a hundred thousand, 14:55 so you'll see that word is sometimes used 14:57 as an indefinite number. 14:58 It may sometimes mean 10,000 and sometimes it can mean 100,000. 15:04 William Miller, who I agree with on this, 15:06 he believes that that number was saying 2 times 200,000. 15:11 That would be 400,000. 15:13 Well, it is interesting that in the siege of Constantinople 15:18 the--Mehmed had an army that numbered at least 350,000, 15:25 and so it's talking about this incredible army on horseback, 15:29 but it's not necessarily giving you a specific number. 15:34 And it says, "And thus I saw the horses in the vision," he used, 15:38 principally, cavalry, "and those who sat on them had breastplates 15:41 of fiery red, and hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow." 15:45 They did wear iron breastplates, and they did have blue garments. 15:50 "And the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; 15:53 and out of their mouths came fire, and smoke, 15:56 and brimstone." 15:57 Now, many of the-- many historians believe 15:59 this is describing the introduction of gunpowder. 16:04 The Muslims were some of the first who began to take 16:07 from the East the knowledge of gunpowder and use it in warfare 16:10 for cannons and arms. 16:12 They were primitive rifles, but they saw the smoke and the fire 16:16 and the brimstone firing out of the front of these horses, 16:18 and they'd turn around and fire behind them, 16:21 like a good Cheyenne soldier, and they'd see 'em coming 16:23 from the front and the back, and they'd hear the roar 16:26 of a lion they couldn't describe. 16:27 Arrows don't make that noise when you shoot them, 16:30 and so it's talking about it's like a roar coming, 16:33 and you can read this. 16:34 "Out of their mouths fire, smoke, and brimstone." 16:38 And I think that this is describing some 16:40 of the early firearms. 16:41 I've actually got pictures, I think, 16:42 that you can see here on the screen, 16:45 one artist's rendition of an early Ottoman cannon. 16:48 Yeah, there you have it, and then some of the smaller arms 16:51 of the--even the early paintings you can see that 16:54 the Ottoman soldiers, they did have primitive guns 16:57 that they used back then, and I thought, 16:59 "Well, maybe he was describing this in vision." 17:01 Now, we get to the seventh trumpet, 17:05 the third woe, and right now, friends, 17:07 just in case you're wondering, up until this moment 17:10 I've been talking about what's behind us. 17:12 Now I'm getting ready to talk about what's ahead of us, 17:15 or we're on the threshold of right now. 17:18 "The seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in 17:22 heaven, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms 17:25 of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign 17:28 forever and ever!'" 17:29 "And the nations were angry, and your wrath has come." 17:34 It's talking about a time of unprecipitated 17:36 international turmoil. 17:38 Not a nation, the nations. 17:40 "And your wrath has come," a time of judgment, 17:43 "a time that the dead, that they should be judged," 17:45 a time of judgment, "and that you should reward 17:47 your servants," 17:49 it's a time of reward, "and the prophets and the saints," 17:52 and that would be a resurrection. 17:53 This is similar with what's happening in Daniel 12 17:57 and the end of Daniel 11, "Those who fear your name, 18:01 small and great." 18:02 And so, with that introduction now, 18:03 I'm gonna jump to Daniel 11. 18:06 Now, I should tell you, as we go there, 18:07 I don't have time to read all 45 verses and expound on them, 18:14 but I'm gonna just show you--I'm gonna cherry pick a few verses, 18:17 I'll just be honest with you, that are pretty easy to 18:19 understand so that we can get to the verses we're considering. 18:23 For instance, if you look in Daniel 11, verse 2, 18:27 "And now I will tell you the truth: behold, 18:29 three more kings will arise in Persia, 18:31 and the fourth will be far richer than them all; 18:35 by his strength, and through his riches, 18:38 he will stir up against the realm of Greece." 18:42 You've heard of Artaxerxes and history calls him Xerxes I, 18:47 and this king--any of you ever heard the story about the 300 18:52 Spartan soldiers that were able to resist the Persian advance? 18:57 This is the Xerxes who had an army that they say numbered 19:01 somewhere between 600,000 and 1 million. 19:04 That is a massive, massive army. 19:07 He invaded Greece, but he didn't succeed in taking it, 19:09 and he was very rich, and this is what is 19:12 being described here in Daniel 11, verse 2. 19:16 And jump over now to verse 3, Daniel 11:3, 19:20 "Then a mighty king will arise, who will rule with great 19:24 dominion, and he will do according to his will. 19:29 And when he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken 19:31 and divided towards the four winds." 19:33 Who do you think this is talking about? 19:35 That's right. 19:36 It's Alexander the Great, who was a mighty king, 19:38 incredible general, very young, considering what 19:41 he accomplished, and he came from the North. 19:45 Matter of fact, several of these kings, 19:47 you're gonna find out, are coming down from the North. 19:49 All right, talked a little about Alexander the Great. 19:51 Go in Daniel 11 to verse 20. 19:55 It says, "There will arise one in his place who imposes taxes 19:57 on the glorious kingdom." 20:00 Well, this is really easy to figure out, 20:02 because you find the answer to who this is right there 20:04 in Luke 2:1, 20:07 "Came to pass in those days there went out a decree 20:10 from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed," 20:15 and that's exactly what Augustus Caesar did. 20:17 Matter of fact, it's mentioned twice in the Bible. 20:19 Look in Acts 5:37, "After this man, 20:23 rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing." 20:26 It was so big. 20:28 The taxing he did was, sort of, a universal taxing that it had 20:30 a high point in history, so the Jews referred to it, 20:33 "Oh yeah, the days of the taxing." 20:36 And Augustus Caesar, he basically took a census 20:40 of the whole kingdom so that he could accurately impose taxes 20:43 on everybody and talks about him in Daniel 11, 20:49 so now we've transitioned, you can see, 20:51 to where the Romans have replaced the Greeks 20:53 in the North. 20:55 Then you get to Daniel 11:25, "He will stir up his power and 20:59 his courage against the king of the South with a great army. 21:03 And the king of the South will be stirred up to battle 21:06 with a very great and mighty army; and it shall not stand, 21:09 for they will devise plans against him." 21:11 Many commentators believe this is describing when now the 21:15 Roman power has transitioned into the Roman church 21:19 after Augustus Caesar, about the time of Justinian. 21:22 That Christianity was legalized during the time of Constantine 21:26 and now it's transitioning more into a spiritual kingdom in 21:29 the North that's fighting with a spiritual kingdom in the South, 21:33 Islam, that had taken the Holy Land, 21:35 namely, the Crusades are being described here. 21:40 Mighty armies crossing the ocean. 21:41 The king of the North against the king of the South, 21:44 but don't miss that it starts out talking about political 21:47 battles and kingdoms, but when you get into the time of Jesus, 21:53 it starts turning into spiritual kingdom, 21:57 'cause the nation of Israel-- Christ said, you know, 22:00 "My kingdom is not of this world." 22:03 He said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand," and now it became 22:05 a battle for who has the truth. 22:09 The whole purpose of the beast power--have you read Daniel 8? 22:11 Cast the truth to the ground and practice and prosper. 22:16 Cleansing of the sanctuary is restoring of truth about God, 22:21 as well as many other things, so it's--this is all dealing with 22:24 the big battle for the truth, 'cause the truth is what saves. 22:28 It's the gospel that sets people free. 22:31 Now we're getting to the main passage that we can-- 22:34 we considered earlier. 22:36 "Now at that time," this is a prophecy of the end time, 22:40 "at that time of the end," by the way, 22:44 that's when we're living now, "the king of the South 22:47 will attack the king of the North." 22:51 All right, I think the king of the South is Islam. 22:56 I just look at what's happened through history. 22:59 The first woe. 23:00 The second woe, it was the spread of Islam. 23:02 The third woe. 23:04 Why did the prophet separate out those three woes? 23:08 Is the battle between the sons of Ishmael and the descendants 23:12 of Isaac, that are now the two great religions 23:15 of the world today, and it is a very powerful, 23:18 wealthy, growing religious power, 23:21 but it's not the truth. 23:24 And something is gonna happen. 23:25 Now, if you say, "Pastor Doug, 23:26 what's the attack gonna look like?" 23:28 I don't know. 23:31 Some might have thought it was the twin towers, 23:33 but I think it's gonna be bigger than that. 23:34 Something is gonna happen. 23:36 You know, right now the leaders of the Western world are 23:38 very conciliatory towards Islam because they know that if 23:43 there's an incident--that the feelings between the people 23:48 of these varying religions, these two principle religions, 23:52 are growing threadbare, and if there is some major 23:56 assault--what would it take? 24:00 I don't know, but I'm saying that there could be some event 24:04 that would trigger--you know, if the flow of oil is somehow 24:09 cut off, people will put up all kinds of things on the news. 24:14 People will watch about different terrorist things that 24:16 are out there happening to other people. 24:19 I heard someone say once, "When you're out of a job 24:22 it's a recession. 24:23 When I'm out of a job it's a depression." 24:26 And as long as it's out there somewhere--but if all 24:29 of a sudden you can't buy stuff at the store, 24:32 and you can't get your gas at the pump, 24:33 you're gonna--and someone in politics says, 24:35 "You know, we need to get a force together. 24:37 We need to get a coalition from Europe, 24:40 and we need to put an end to this," folks are gonna go, 24:43 "Yeah, if it's gonna put gas in my tank let's do it." 24:48 And if we're outraged because we feel like Christianity 24:52 is being attacked or our way of life is being attacked, 24:55 but something is gonna where it says the king of the South 24:58 will do something to provoke, some major incident, 25:01 the king of the North. 25:02 Don't know exactly what that will be, 25:04 but the king of the North is not gonna sit by anymore 25:07 and talk about peace. 25:08 You read here it says, "The king of the North will come 25:11 against him like a whirlwind." 25:13 You know, my guess is that when this coalition of powers 25:19 from the North, Christian coalition different from 25:22 the other Christian coalition, that a confederacy. 25:29 They're gonna say, "Israel is our friend." 25:32 And because, you know, if there's this great Islamic 25:36 struggle against the West, there will probably be an attack 25:40 on Israel at the same time, and they will use that as an excuse 25:43 to protect our Jewish friends. 25:46 They will enter the Promised Land literally. 25:48 I really think that may literally happen. 25:51 I tell you there is nothing more--that a lot of 25:54 Arab countries--not all, but many of these Arab people 25:57 and countries would love to see Israel displaced. 26:01 They won't even acknowledge them as a nation. 26:04 That would be a good excuse for this military to come in and 26:08 create a beachhead there. 26:10 "The North will come against him," 26:12 I'm in Daniel chapter 11, still verse 40, "like a whirlwind, 26:17 with chariots, and horsemen, and many ships." 26:19 This can't be understood. 26:20 Now, I doubt, you know, we're gonna have chariots. 26:22 There'll probably be Humvees and tanks and, 26:24 you know, they're trying to describe moving massive 26:28 military, but a great confederacy of military. 26:32 Many ships and a navy will enter the countries. 26:36 Not country, countries. 26:38 This might be some of the Islamic countries, 26:41 but you realize it's not just terrorism that's happening 26:45 in Europe and America. 26:46 It's in Africa. It's in India. 26:48 It's in Indonesia. It's in the Philippines. 26:50 Everywhere I've gone in the world, 26:51 they are having friction with their Muslim neighbors. 26:57 Now, this may not happen next year. 26:59 It could happen in a month. 27:00 I don't know when it's gonna happen, 27:02 but I don't think the prophecy is gonna fail. 27:04 I think it's gonna happen. 27:06 announcer: Did you know that Noah was present at 27:08 the birth of Abraham? 27:09 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room, 27:12 but he was alive and probably telling stories 27:14 about his floating zoo. 27:16 From the creation of the world to the last-day events 27:19 of Revelation, is a free resource where 27:22 you can explore major Bible events and characters. 27:25 Enhance your knowledge of the Bible and draw closer 27:28 to God's Word. 27:30 Go deeper. 27:31 Visit 27:35 ♪♪♪ 27:46 ♪♪♪ 27:56 ♪♪♪ 28:06 ♪♪♪ 28:17 Doug: The heavens were parted for him. 28:18 The Holy Spirit came down. 28:19 This is what God wants you to experience. 28:22 If you come to Christ, your sins are washed away, 28:25 you become a new creature. 28:26 It's a land of beginning again, and how many of you wish 28:28 you could get a new start? 28:32 announcer: "For I was hungry, and you gave me something 28:35 to eat. 28:37 In as much as you do it to one of the least of these, 28:40 my brethren, you did it to me." 28:42 ♪♪♪ 28:51 announcer: For life-changing Christian resources, 28:53 visit or call 1-800-538-7275. 29:01 ♪♪♪ 29:11 ♪♪♪ 29:23 announcer: This presentation was brought to you 29:25 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry. |
Revised 2018-07-13