Series Code: AFP
Program Code: AFP000224A
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01:00 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you 01:01 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry. 01:07 ♪♪♪ 01:11 Doug Batchelor: Many people believe that Muhammed 01:12 is inspiring. 01:13 And you might say, "But there's many things that he said 01:15 that are good and true." 01:17 That's true of every religion. 01:21 announcer: For over 40 years, Amazing Facts has been dedicated 01:24 to sharing God's Word through media. 01:27 This program features highlights from some 01:29 of our best television broadcasts. 01:32 We invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition 01:35 of "Amazing Facts Presents." 01:37 ♪♪♪ 01:42 Doug: We are continuing a series that will probably just 01:45 have about three parts to it, dealing with the subject 01:49 of Islam and Christianity in prophecy. 01:52 Last week, we talked about sibling rivalry and today 01:57 we're gonna be talking about From Mecca To Rome. 02:00 We explain these two great religions of the world, 02:02 largest religions of the world Christianity, 02:03 number one, about 2.2 billion. 02:06 Islam number two, 1.7 billion and there's varying numbers that 02:11 have been reported, but that's I'm picking a medium number. 02:15 It's anywhere between 1.5 and 1.8 billion Muslims 02:20 in the world. 02:22 While it is true most Arabs who are the people that descended 02:26 from Ishmael are Muslims, not all Arabs are Muslims. 02:30 There are some Arabs that have been Christians for 2,000 years. 02:34 There's Christianity when it spread through Egypt 02:37 and right now many of the Christians in Egypt 02:39 are being persecuted by the Muslims there. 02:42 And there are Arab Jews, believe it or not and I met them before. 02:48 And so, I just--and then also keep in mind that 02:53 of the 1.7 billion Muslims in the world, most are not Arab, 02:58 most of them are living in Pakistan, and north Africa, 03:03 and mostly Indonesia. 03:06 So, who are the Arabs? 03:08 If you go back to the Bible here if you look, for instance, 03:10 in Genesis 25, "Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac," 03:15 the son of promise. 03:16 "But Abraham gave gifts to the sons of the concubines," meaning 03:21 Hagar and Keturah, that he had; while he was still living." 03:25 So, he separated his substance* while he was alive like that 03:28 story of the prodigal son. 03:31 And he sent them away from Isaac, so there'd be no 03:34 confusion about what his plan, was to the country of the east. 03:38 They were sent to an area that is southeast of Israel, 03:44 better known as Arabia. 03:46 You can read in Genesis 25:18, speaking of the people 03:50 of Ishmael, "They dwelt from Havilah as far as Shur, 03:54 which is east of Egypt as you go toward Assyria." 03:58 I think most of you in your minds 03:59 have a little bit of geography. 04:01 Can you see the Middle East? 04:02 You know where Egypt is there by the Nile on the shores 04:05 of the Mediterranean? 04:07 You go east of Egypt, you end up in Saudi Arabia. 04:11 If you go through Saudi Arabia, almost no one went to Assyria 04:13 that way, you'd end up in Assyria. 04:16 This is the territory where the Arabs, 04:19 often called the Bedouins, found their home. 04:25 Where did Moses go when he was looking for refuge? 04:29 He fled to that same territory. 04:31 You can read in Exodus 2, verse 15, "When Pharaoh heard 04:35 of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. 04:37 But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land 04:41 of Midian; and he sat down by a well." 04:45 The people of Midian were--they're 04:48 the descendants of Keturah. 04:50 They intermarried 'cause they were all sent to the same place 04:54 with the children of Ishmael and so when we're talking 04:57 about Arabs today, you're talking about the people 05:00 who were the descendants of Abraham's third wife. 05:04 You got Sarah, Hagar, Keturah, Midian was one of those sons. 05:09 They are called the Midianites and sometimes 05:11 they're also called the Ishmaelites in the same phrase. 05:15 You remember last week, Joseph was sold to the Midianites 05:18 and it also calls them the Ishmaelites 'cause they 05:20 intermarried, and Esau married Ishmael's daughter. 05:24 So, there's a lot of kind of family 05:28 relationships happening there. 05:30 Those people grew into a great people, all related to Abraham, 05:36 better known as the people of the east at that time. 05:40 Here you can look in 2 Chronicles 9:14, 05:44 "Besides what the traveling merchants and traders brought. 05:47 All the kings of Arabia brought gifts to Solomon, 05:51 silver and gold," they were very rich. 05:52 Queen of Sheba came down through the Arabian peninsula, 05:57 brought treasures and there is--it was a different climate 06:02 then and they had a lot of natural resources. 06:05 But you could also see there is war, 06:07 not only in the time of Gideon, look at Nehemiah. 06:10 Nehemiah 4:7, "This is what happened when Sanballat, Tobiah, 06:15 the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that 06:19 the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps 06:22 were beginning to be closed, they were very angry," because 06:26 to the south of Jerusalem, the Arabs had sort of annexed some 06:29 of that territory and now if Jerusalem was reestablished, 06:31 they were gonna lose it. 06:33 And so, there was a confederacy of the Arabs 06:36 that were fighting against Israel. 06:38 Now, what was happening with the Arabs religiously? 06:42 What I'm gonna say, I don't want it to seem unkind, 06:46 but a lot of the early Arabs were deep into moon worship. 06:49 And I was reading something from history here and this is a book, 06:52 a short history of the Arabs by Philip Hitti. 06:54 He said, quote, "Throughout the entire peninsula, the antiquated 06:59 paganism of the Arabians, which for the Bedouins centered 07:03 chiefly on the worship of a moon god as is likely to be the case 07:07 with a pastoral people in hot climates who find the coolness 07:11 of the night their friend and the sun their enemy." 07:13 So, it's natural for them to worship the moon because the sun 07:15 was--they didn't worship the sun for crops. 07:18 It was an enemy. 07:20 But they had finally reached a point in the religion where it 07:22 failed any longer to meet the spiritual demands of the people. 07:27 This was preparing the way for a new religion. 07:30 The pre Islam pagan Arabs worshiped the moon god 07:34 they called Allah. 07:35 Now Allah's a generic term for god so that shouldn't shake you. 07:39 By praying towards Mecca, Mecca was a holy sight even before 07:42 Muhammed, several times a day, making the pilgrimage to Mecca, 07:46 running around the temple of the moon god called the Kabah, 07:50 kissing the black stone that supposedly fell from heaven. 07:53 Later Muslims said it was given to Adam 07:56 and later Abraham built a temple. 07:58 "Killing an animal and sacrifice to the moon god, 08:01 throwing stones at the devil, fasting for the month 08:04 which begins and ends with the crescent moon." 08:07 Ramadan is all built around the moon. 08:10 "Giving alms to the poor, et cetera." 08:12 And if you read the news recently, you know that 08:14 modern-day Muslims practice many of these same rituals still 08:18 today, but they can be traced all the way back to the time 08:21 when it was involved in lunar worship. 08:24 So, this was the state of things of what had happened to 08:27 Ishmael's descendants, some of them converted to Christianity 08:32 during the time of Christ. 08:33 They had churches in Egypt. 08:35 Some of them converted to Judaism in Alexandria. 08:38 They were Arabs that accepted the Scriptures of the Jews. 08:42 There was a great deal of Christian and Jewish influence 08:45 among the Arabs because they lived in, 08:47 they were neighbors in proximity. 08:50 But then after 5:38 08:55 when the pope began to be a ruler, 09:01 a political force, as well as a religion, 09:03 and it seemed like idolatry had become institutionalized 09:11 and the Muslims had no respect for that that--they 09:14 were weren't Muslims yet, sorry. 09:15 The Arabs had no respect for that because many of them 09:17 did not believe in idolatry. 09:20 They became very dissatisfied. 09:22 It was in this environment that a man was born 09:28 that we know today as Muhammed. 09:29 He was born in 570, died June 8, 632 in Medina. 09:36 He was born in Mecca. 09:38 He's accepted by Muslims as the last of the prophets of God. 09:44 Now, Muhammed was orphaned at an early age 09:46 and he was raised under the care of his paternal uncle. 09:49 Periodically he would seclude himself in a mountain cave 09:52 for several nights of prayer. 09:55 At age 25, Muhammed wed his wealthy employer who was 15 10:00 years older than him. 10:01 She was 40, a merchant Khadija. 10:04 This marriage was from the most part, 10:06 happy and it was a monogamist marriage, 10:10 and she helped him in many ways 10:12 because she had some wealth. 10:14 And 25 years later when she died, he ended up taking several 10:19 wives, one of them as young as nine years old. 10:21 And it was during this time that he kind of went from a prophet 10:25 to a little bit of a politician. 10:28 Most of his early visions were very peaceful. 10:30 Later visions when he was fighting for power, 10:33 there was a little more violence involved. 10:35 Something, and this is from the book written by Ramon Bennett. 10:39 I'm reading a lot in preparing for this. 10:40 Islam revealed, page 48, as a young child, Muhammed was nursed 10:46 by a Bedouin woman by the name of Halimah and in his third and 10:50 fourth year as a child, had numerous fits which made Halimah 10:53 think he was demon possessed. 10:56 Later at age 40, he reported being visited by Gabriel 10:59 in a cave where he started to receive his first revelations 11:02 from God three years later. 11:05 Muhammed started preaching these revelations publicly proclaiming 11:08 God is one and that complete surrender--by the way, that what 11:11 the word "Islam" means connected with the word "Salome" 11:14 or shalom, Salome is how you say it in Arabic that the only way 11:21 acceptable to God and that he was the prophet 11:23 of God similar to other Bible prophets. 11:27 Early Muslim traditions records that when Muhammed was about 11:29 to receive a revelation from Allah, he'd often fall down 11:33 on the ground, his body would begin to jerk. 11:35 His eyes would roll backward. 11:37 He would perspire profusely, and they'd cover him 11:40 with a blanket during such episodes. 11:42 He'd come out of these visions and he'd say he had a message. 11:46 And this is from the book, "The Islamic Invasion," page 71. 11:50 Muhammed gained followers, a lot of followers who--he gained 11:55 a few followers early and he met with hostility from 11:58 the other Meccan tribes to escape persecution. 12:01 He had left Mecca, gradually he built an army 12:05 and he gained converts in Medina. 12:07 He returned to Mecca with 10,000 soldiers and was met 12:12 with little resistance, very little bloodshed. 12:13 He basically took the city. 12:15 It later became the center for the religion and that--the 12:20 Bedouins were spread all over Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. 12:24 They really didn't have a national religion. 12:27 Muhammed became the natural one to sort 12:29 of coalesce them all. 12:31 Some of them leaned towards the Jews and so he said, 12:35 you know, "I agree with the Old Testament." 12:38 Some of them leaned towards the religion of the Christians said, 12:41 "I agree with the teachings of Jesus." 12:44 But the problem was he said, 12:46 "You cannot trust their Scriptures." 12:48 The original Scriptures of the Christians and the Jews 12:50 were true, but they have been tampered with 12:53 and you can't believe them anymore. 12:56 And so, Islam teaches, not just what Muhammed said, 12:59 they still teach today, "Yes, we agree with the Bible. 13:03 We agree with the teachings of Jesus. 13:06 But the Bibles that you have today cannot be trusted. 13:09 There is no copy left of the Bible and the New Testament 13:13 that really contains the original. 13:15 It's all been corrupted so the only Scriptures 13:18 that can be trusted today are the Qur'an." 13:21 So, they kind of say, "Oh yes we agree," but they said, 13:24 "We don't agree with your Scriptures if there's 13:26 any conflict between your Scriptures and what we say." 13:31 And so, it sort of--he was trying to find a religion that 13:34 would bring them all together but not have them go to the 13:37 Scriptures for their truth. 13:40 And so, you'll find a lot of reference 13:41 to the other religions in the Qur'an. 13:45 Doug: One of the most common questions we get here at Amazing 13:48 Facts is regarding the mysterious identity of this 13:51 enigmatic character called the Antichrist. 13:54 People around the world are wondering, 13:56 who is the Antichrist? 13:58 Is it a political party or is this some evil fiend 14:02 that is the devil incarnate? 14:04 Well, we have a study guide that will definitely help you 14:06 understand this. 14:08 You might even find it a little shocking. 14:09 It's called "Who Is The Antichrist?" 14:12 And you'll be amazed to learn the Antichrist is alive 14:15 and in the world today. 14:17 To get your free copy, go to or call the 14:22 number on your screen and ask for offer number 125. 14:26 And friends, when you receive this free resource, 14:28 please read it and then share it with a friend. 14:31 We want to get the Word out because God's message 14:33 is our mission. 14:36 Doug: So, who wrote the Qur'an? 14:37 Most Muslims freely agree that Muhammed 14:39 was probably it literate. 14:41 There's no indication in history that he wrote. 14:44 And so about 19 years after he died, 14:46 the religion continued to grow. 14:50 There was some fight about who was to be his successor 14:55 and that's where you get the difference between 14:57 the Sunni and the Shia. 14:58 Now, Sunni Muslims represent about 80% 15:01 or 85% of the Muslims in the world. 15:04 The Shia contests the lineage, and the power, and the 15:08 authority, and there are some differences in their beliefs 15:11 but they all came to believe the Qur'an 15:13 would have most beliefs in common. 15:16 They say the Qur'an is the Word of God 15:18 around which their religion is based. 15:21 The Qur'an is 20% smaller than the New Testament, 15:24 as far as the number of words. 15:26 There are a number of parallel passages 15:28 between the Old Testament and the Qur'an. 15:30 There are some places where the Qur'an actually quotes 15:33 some of the teachings of Jesus. 15:36 You'll find references to Abraham 70 times in the Qur'an. 15:39 Moses name occurs 40 in 34 chapters. 15:44 You've got references to David, Solomon, Saul, Elijah, Job. 15:49 Jonah, though it's a small book in the Old Testament, 15:52 figures prominently in the Qur'an and the fall of Adam 15:57 is cited five times. 15:59 That is a big difference. 16:00 In the Qur'an they say the fall happened in a place 16:03 called paradise that was not on earth and Adam and Eve 16:06 were later consigned to earth after the fall. 16:09 So, their creation account is different. 16:11 You'll find some of the teachings like an eye for an eye 16:14 talks about where Jesus said, "A house built upon the sand." 16:18 So, it's easy to see that Muhammed was at least acquainted 16:22 with some of the teachings of the Old and New Testament from 16:25 listening because a lot of it is incorporated there. 16:29 Doesn't go through stories like we do. 16:31 They're just little soundbites, some are shorter, 16:33 some are longer. 16:35 And I don't know if you've read the Qur'an. 16:37 I haven't read it all but I've read a lot of it. 16:40 There's a lot of conflict between the Qur'an 16:43 and the Bible. 16:44 You cannot reconcile the religion 16:46 of the Qur'an with Scripture. 16:48 And I say this very gently because I know there's a lot of 16:51 my friends in ministry and other Christians that are saying 16:54 there's really no difference between Christians and Muslims, 16:58 that we all come from Abraham and we all worship the same God. 17:02 I respectfully disagree. 17:04 I think that, you know, you don't--you could believe there 17:07 are good people in many different churches 17:09 but you don't compromise your convictions about, is it true? 17:14 And so, let me just give you a little list here 17:18 of what some of the differences are. 17:20 You've got Qur'an and the Bible portray different gods. 17:24 The Bible says salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. 17:28 John 14:6 while the Qur'an says only through Islam 17:32 and the obedience through Allah and to his prophet Muhammed 17:34 can one be avoiding the blazing fire. 17:37 That's from the Qur'an 385. 17:40 The Qur'an denies Jesus's death and resurrection. 17:44 That's pretty fundamental to Christian faith. 17:48 They say that our Bible's been corrupted, it never happened. 17:50 It was changed. 17:51 The Jews didn't really crucify him, and you find that 17:54 in the Qur'an 4:155 through 159. 18:00 They say Allah just made it appear to the Jews 18:01 as if Jesus was crucified. 18:03 The Qur'an denies the Triune God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 18:07 And, you know, you can understand 18:08 their confusion on that. 18:10 I've talked to some of my Muslim friends about this. 18:12 I said, "You guys believe in many gods." 18:13 They said, "No, we believe in one God." 18:15 "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one." 18:16 There's no one God, no question about that. 18:19 But the word "one" biblically means united. 18:22 It's not a numerical quantify. 18:24 Our God, Father, Son, and spirit is united, 18:27 he's one, not like all these--this pantheon of gods 18:31 the Greeks had always fighting with each other. 18:33 The Bible says we are saved by grace, that we can be saved 18:36 through faith alone, not by works, lest any man should 18:39 boast, of course, in Ephesians 2:8 and 9. 18:42 The Qur'an states, and that's in 23:102 that in the judgment, God 18:48 will kind of balance, he'll put your good deeds in one side of 18:51 the balance, your bad deeds on the other and you need to have 18:53 more good deeds than bad deeds and you'll make it. 18:56 My dad sort of believed that, the Qur'an version, God was 19:00 gonna add everything up like that's--it's not based on how 19:03 many good works we do that we're saved, amen? 19:05 The Bible says to make disciples of all nations 19:09 and do it with gentleness and respect. 19:12 But for Muslims, there's a very different approach prescribed 19:15 in the Qur'an. 19:16 It says quote, "Fight and slay the pagans 19:19 wherever you find them. 19:20 Seize them, beleaguer them. 19:22 Lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. 19:25 But if they repent and establish regular prayers and practice 19:29 and regular charity, then open the way for them 19:32 and I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. 19:35 "Smite thee above the neck, 19:38 smite their fingertips off of them." 19:42 It's interesting that a few years ago, we would have thought 19:46 when you read in the Bible about those who are beheaded 19:49 for their faith in Jesus, that was just a metaphor. 19:54 We thought that with the French Revolution and the guillotine 19:56 beheading was pretty much gone as a means of execution 20:00 and we've all seen that's been revived in pretty grizzly ways 20:04 in some of these terrorist activities 20:07 makes you wonder again. 20:09 And I could go on. 20:10 There's just so many differences that just there's really 20:12 not time to cite them between the two religions. 20:16 And so, the Bible and the Qur'an are very different books 20:21 and the religions are very different. 20:22 Is Allah and Jehovah, are they the same God? 20:28 Now, you gotta be careful. 20:30 This is a loaded question. 20:32 Let me see if I can answer this carefully. 20:35 You cannot deny that the Arabs and the Jews spring 20:40 from the same ancestor of Abraham, 20:44 that there are trappings and treats that are similar. 20:47 I mentioned, you know, they practice circumcision. 20:50 They say there's one God, and you can find similar roots 20:54 but you cannot reconcile the picture of God 20:57 that is worshiped by the Muslims with the picture of God 21:00 that is worshiped by Bible Christians. 21:03 For example, 1 John 2:22, "Who was a liar but he that denies 21:10 that Jesus is the Christ?" 21:12 Well, they deny that Jesus is the Christ. 21:13 He is Antichrist. 21:16 "Who denies the Father and the Son? 21:19 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; 21:22 he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." 21:25 And you might say, "But there's many things 21:27 that he said that are good and true." 21:29 That's true of every religion. 21:31 I find wonderful things in Hinduism. 21:33 I love it when I go to India 21:34 because I can find good vegetarian food. 21:38 There's wonderful things in every religion. 21:39 There's wonderful things in Buddhism. 21:41 There are truths in Buddhism about peace. 21:44 There are truths in all kinds of different religions, 21:47 that doesn't mean they are the truth. 21:49 Matter of fact, if you're the devil, the way that you deceive 21:52 people is by mingling elements of truth that resonate with 21:56 people and then you bring in the deception that's deadly 22:01 and this is what I believe is the case. 22:02 Does that mean they'll be no Buddhists in heaven or Muslims 22:06 in heaven? 22:08 Or--no, I think God is reaching out to hearts 22:11 all over the world. 22:12 And there are good people in many religions, 22:14 and we got some nasty people in our religion 22:17 so we're not talking about people, right? 22:19 We're talking about, what is the truth? 22:22 Revelation is dealing with the battle in the last days about 22:26 what is the truth, amen, are we together on that? 22:29 All right, I talked about the Qur'an a little bit, 22:33 but I want to just give you an overview, 22:35 and this is not an exhaustive list. 22:36 I took a list of--it was much longer and shortened it. 22:39 The word "Islam" means surrender or submission. 22:43 Again, it comes from the word "Salome," 22:45 Salome which is similar to peace. 22:48 I've been in some countries 22:49 where the way you say hello is that. 22:51 And by the way, the way you say God, a Christian in Indonesia 22:56 in church calls God Allah. 23:00 So that's why I said it's a trick question. 23:02 The word "Allah" just means God. 23:04 So if you're in a Christian church in Indonesia, 23:08 you will be praising and singing to Allah. 23:11 Now, that might make you squirm a little bit, 23:13 but that is their word for God. 23:14 There's nothing wrong with that. 23:17 The word "Muslim," you might wonder what the difference 23:19 between Islam and Muslim? 23:20 Muslim technically means anyone or anything that surrenders 23:23 itself to God, which means by definition even a tree 23:27 or an animal can be a Muslim in that it surrenders 23:30 to the will of God. 23:31 That's from their writings, not from mine. 23:34 Studies show, I already mentioned that about 23:36 1.7 billion people in the world identify with Islam. 23:41 There are five pillars of practice in Islam 23:44 and here they are, A, declaration of faith 23:47 in one God and that Muhammed is the prophet of God. 23:52 Two, formal prayer five times a day. 23:55 C, there's a poor tax that is due, 2.5%. 23:59 They're getting discounted on our tithe, actually. 24:02 Two point five percent of one's excess wealth is given to the 24:06 needy once a year. 24:08 Fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. 24:11 They fast all day and then they eat quite a bit after dark, 24:14 which isn't that healthy, I think. 24:16 Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once if you're physically and 24:21 financially able to. 24:23 And I don't know if you've ever heard about if you go to Mecca, 24:27 there's a grand mosque there. 24:28 They just did a bunch of renovation work. 24:30 I don't know if you heard. 24:31 They made two layers. 24:33 So many people who were there, they're getting killed 24:34 in the crush 'cause there's so many Muslims, 24:36 used to be a smaller group would come, 24:38 they'd walk seven times around this simple cube. 24:42 It's about 45 feet by 45 feet by 50 feet in the eastern corner 24:46 of this cube. 24:47 The cube has four sides going to the four corners of the globe. 24:52 The eastern corner has a big silver plaque and in the plaque 24:56 is the black stone and every Muslim wants to kiss that stone 24:59 after you walk around it seven times counterclockwise, 25:03 to kiss the stone and that will help absolve you of your sins. 25:07 It sounds a little bit like, you know, idolatry and you kind of 25:13 salvation by works in any event, but they had an accident a few 25:18 years ago while they were building two layers. 25:20 They couldn't get all the people around. 25:22 They've had several crushes where people have been crushed 25:24 trying to get to kiss teaching stone 'cause millions of people 25:26 have gone thousands of miles and thought, 25:28 "Am I gonna get close enough?" 25:30 They're all fighting their way in, and I don't know 25:31 if I'd want to kiss the stone after a thousands 25:33 other people kissed it. 25:34 And so, a crane fell a couple of years ago. 25:37 They were building two or three layers so people could go around 25:40 the cube like a cake and many layers and a crane fell on them, 25:45 I think over a hundred of people were killed in Mecca 25:47 from that terrible accident a few years ago. 25:50 But so, it's the holy city there. 25:53 Six articles of faith and this is the one God. 25:56 I've mentioned this already, the six articles of faith 26:01 are different from the five beliefs. 26:04 One God, all of the prophets of God are true. 26:07 The original Scriptures revealed to Moses, 26:09 David and Jeremiah, you know what? 26:12 Or to Jesus, the original Scriptures. 26:14 Since we don't have any original Scriptures, 26:15 you can't trust your Bibles so that's sort of a moot point. 26:19 They believe in angels, the day of judgment hereafter, 26:22 and destiny. 26:24 They believe in the concept of vicarious atonement that Jesus 26:28 died for the sins of humanity, but they believe you're 26:32 responsible really for your works in the day of judgment but 26:36 they don't look to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. 26:39 So, they don't really have a redeemer in that religion, 26:43 but what's gonna save people is a relationship with Jesus. 26:49 That's why I hope you're close to the Lord and while all these 26:53 different voices are saying, "We've got the truth 26:55 and we've got the Scriptures," you've gotta know 26:56 who only has the truth. 26:58 Jesus said, "Thy Word is truth." 27:01 announcer: Did you know that Noah was present 27:03 at the birth of Abraham? 27:05 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room, but he was alive and 27:08 probably telling stories about his floating zoo. 27:11 From the creation of the world to the last day events 27:14 of revelation, is a free resource 27:17 where you can explore major Bible events and characters. 27:20 Enhance your knowledge of the Bible 27:22 and draw closer to God's Word. 27:25 Go deeper. 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Revised 2018-07-13