Series Code: AFP
Program Code: AFP000223A
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01:01 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you 01:02 by the friend of the Amazing Facts ministry. 01:07 ♪♪♪ 01:11 Pastor Doug Batchelor: When Abraham is called to sacrifice 01:13 Isaac, God says, "Take your son, your only son." 01:18 What about Ishmael? 01:19 In Islam, they refused to accept that Abraham offered Isaac. 01:23 They say, "Abraham offered Ishmael." 01:28 male announcer: For over 40 years, 01:30 Amazing Facts" has been dedicated to sharing 01:32 God's Word through media. 01:34 This program features highlights from some 01:36 of our best television broadcasts. 01:39 We invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition 01:41 of "Amazing Facts Presents." 01:44 ♪♪♪ 01:49 Doug: Well today, we're beginning a new series on 01:53 something I have prayed and thought about discussing for 01:57 literally years, and I never have because I just wanted to 02:00 make sure that the truths were gelled in my own mind before I 02:05 had the confidence to share them with others. 02:08 You know, I feel a great responsibility as your pastor. 02:11 And the Bible talks about the Book of James, 02:14 "Don't be anxious to be many masters, 02:16 knowing you'll receive a more severe judgment or 02:19 fiercer condemnation." 02:21 And so, when you teach, you want to make sure you're teaching the 02:23 truth, because you're accountable for that. 02:27 And I have been studying for a few years and reading what 02:31 others have written about the subject of Islam. 02:37 And with things happening in the world today, 02:39 it's been prominent and in the news, 02:41 and we are wondering, as Christians, 02:44 does this factor somehow in prophesy. 02:47 And so, I've chosen to speak on this subject, 02:50 and the message today, dealing with "Islam, 02:54 Christianity and Prophecy." 02:56 It's going to be Part 1 in the series, 02:57 and it called "Sibling Rivalry." 03:00 Bible is full of stories of sibling rivalry, 03:03 all the way back from Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau. 03:09 You can read about Jesus and his brothers, 03:11 and David and his brothers, and Joseph and his brothers. 03:14 And you've got a lot of examples in the Bible, 03:18 even among the girls; Rachel and Leah. 03:21 You ever read about the arguments they had, 03:23 fighting over the same husband. 03:25 But one of the great examples of what has become a sibling 03:30 rivalry deals with the two oldest sons of Abraham, 03:37 the oldest being Ishmael and the second being Isaac, 03:41 and who was the rightful heir for that patriarchal blessing. 03:47 And the contest that begins in the Book of Genesis, 03:52 continues today in the world. 03:54 We're going to be looking at that in just a moment. 03:57 Now first, I'd like to just, you know, 03:59 state some of what is obvious. 04:01 Right now, there are about 7.4 billion people. 04:05 The nation of Islam or the people of Islam is, 04:09 a great nation of people. 04:11 They're about 7.4 billion people in the world today. 04:15 Christianity is by far the biggest religion at present, 04:19 with about 2.2 or 31% of all the people on earth. 04:24 Islam is in second place with 1.7 adherence, that's 23%. 04:31 Now, we've got to be very careful, 04:33 because well, they are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world 04:37 today, few things need to be clear. 04:40 Most Arabs are Muslims, but not most Muslims are Arabs. 04:48 The majority of Muslims are not Arabs. 04:53 Most Arabs are Muslims and the Muslim religion 04:56 did spring from Saudi Arabia and Mohammed, and it is largely, 05:01 it's got Arab routes that are connected with Ishmael. 05:04 We'll get to that in just a minute. 05:06 But the religion spread, and so today, 05:09 most Muslims are not Arabs. 05:11 The largest Muslim country, I've been there, 05:13 Indonesia, they're not Arabs. 05:17 And you go to Pakistan, and North India, 05:20 North Africa, and you're going find there's a whole 05:23 lot of Muslim people in the world that are not Arabs. 05:25 And so we've got to be very careful, 05:28 and we also have to be careful to understand that we do see 05:31 that there is a lot of terrorism in the world, 05:34 and a lot of it, a lot of the suicide bombings are connected 05:38 with the religion Islam. 05:39 Matter of fact, couple of studies that I read, 05:42 and there's others you can find. 05:43 2013 Study by the Brookings Institute found that 77% of 05:48 terror attack plots in the United States were 05:52 motivated by Islam. 05:54 A 2015 Study from the Institute for National Security Studies, 05:59 and that's based in Israel, so to give you fair perspective, 06:02 found that 99%--99.5% of all suicide attacks globally were 06:10 motivated by Islam. 06:12 They found that out 452 suicide attacks during 2015--of course, 06:18 the data is not all in on 2016. 06:20 This is just last year. 06:21 Out of 452, 450 were perpetrated by Muslim extremists. 06:28 So people think about these things and you read it in the 06:31 headlines, and it's, people become frightened. 06:34 They say, "Oh, do I have to be afraid of 06:36 the religion of Islam." 06:38 Keep in mind, that out 1.7 billion, 06:43 the vast majority are nice, peaceful people. 06:46 But there is something that is definitely going on. 06:49 You cannot deny that the terrorism is springing from 06:53 a religious foundation. 06:56 Those who are extremist, there's religious reasons for it. 07:00 That's why we have not been able to achieve peace 07:02 in the Middle East. 07:04 And the recent Secretary of State basically threw his hands 07:06 in the air and walked away, not only dealing with Syria and 07:11 what's going in Israel, because the problems are so deeply 07:14 rooted because they are religious issues, 07:18 and as long as the Jews, and the Christians, 07:22 and the Muslims base their faith on different books--whereas Jews 07:28 and Christians have pretty much the same book. 07:30 We have the New Testament but the 07:32 Muslims put the Qur'an as a priority. 07:35 They also claim some value in the Bible, 07:37 but not the same way that we do. 07:40 So there is--there are documents of constitution. 07:43 The religions are different and they can't change that. 07:45 You just don't see it going away unless they change their book. 07:48 It's entrenched. 07:51 And the battles that you're going to see going on in the 07:54 world today, go way back. 07:57 So to understand this, and when you consider that the two 08:01 primary religions in the world are Christianity, 08:04 and Islam is more than 50%, and they are growing faster than 08:08 Buddhism and Hinduism, which are the other prominent religions. 08:12 There are only about 16 million Jews in the world, 08:14 compared to the other religions, they're very small, 08:16 but they're an amazing people, in that, 08:19 they have a great deal of influence on the finances 08:22 of the world and media. 08:24 I'm just stating the fact that I'm a Jew. 08:26 And it's a small country, got a lot of technology, 08:30 a lot of brain power, a lot of influence. 08:32 But when you think about the numbers, 08:34 Judaism is a very small number compared to the billions you 08:38 find in Christianity and Islam. 08:41 So to think last day prophecy is not going to factor in these 08:45 religions, I think is reckless. 08:47 So we're going to go into that. 08:49 But before we do, you got to go back in order to understand it, 08:52 because the ancient stories have a bearing on future events. 08:58 We're going to way back. 08:59 We're going to go to the Book of Genesis. 09:01 And I'll think you'll find in study--go to Genesis 12, 09:04 and we're going to be reading verse 1 to 3. 09:06 Now, after the tower of Babel fell, 09:10 God then calls someone by the name of Abraham. 09:13 "And God says to Abraham, 'Get out of your country, 09:16 from your family, from your father's house, 09:19 to a land that I will show you. 09:21 I will make a great nation.'" 09:23 Don't miss the phrase, great nation. 09:25 It's coming up again. 09:27 "I'll make a great nation of you and I will bless you and make 09:30 your name great, and you will be a blessing. 09:34 And I'll bless those who bless you, 09:35 and I will curse him who curses you. 09:37 And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed." 09:42 This is a Messianic promise. 09:45 This a promise that Abraham would be the family, 09:48 the tribe, through which the Messianic line, 09:51 the line of Jesus would come through Abraham, 09:55 but there was a problem. 09:56 So you got to now to Genesis chapter 16. 10:00 And if you read in Genesis 16, verse 1, 10:02 "Now Sarah, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. 10:05 And she had an Egyptian maidservant 10:07 whose name was Hagar." 10:09 Sarah has this idea. 10:10 She says to Abraham, "Well, I can't have children, 10:12 but I don't want you to be childless. 10:14 Since Hagar is my maidservant, I'll have 10:17 her work as a surrogate, you know. 10:20 She can bear children for me." 10:23 "So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. 10:26 And when she saw that she had conceived, 10:29 her mistress became despised in her eyes." 10:33 Now, I've underlined that. 10:35 Right here, you see, now keep in mind, 10:37 Hagar is going to be the mother of Ishmael, 10:41 who ends up being the first Arab, 10:43 father of the Arabs; Sarah, the mother of Isaac. 10:49 Can you imagine now, Sarah, who she's the wealthy one, 10:53 she's the real wife, Hagar is a surrogate, 10:57 she's bearing children for Sarah, 10:58 but she's here own baby. 10:59 Sarah can't have any and Hagar has conceived, 11:02 she beginning to have here tummy show, 11:04 and there's Hagar strutting around, 11:05 rubbing her belly, and she's looking at Sarah and saying, 11:09 "Too bad you can't have any children, 11:11 and God must have cursed you." 11:13 And when Sarah dealt harshly with her--so now the animosity 11:16 is not just coming from Hagar towards Sarah, 11:18 it's coming from Sarah towards Hagar. 11:20 You see, it's going both ways. 11:22 "And when Sarah dealt harshly with her, she runs." 11:25 I don't know if that means she beat her or what happened. 11:28 She fled from her presence and Hagar takes 11:32 off and she heads for the hills. 11:35 "Now the angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water 11:39 on the way to Shur. 11:42 And the angel of the Lord said to her, 11:43 'Return to your mistress, and submit 11:46 yourself under her hand.'" 11:48 Well, that must have been tough. 11:50 And the Angel of the Lord said, 'I will multiply your 11:54 descendants exceedingly, 11:56 so that they will not be counted for multitude.'" 11:59 You might make a note of that, 12:01 'cause that's what God had promised about Isaac. 12:04 "And the Angel of the Lord said to her, 12:06 'Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son, 12:10 and you will call his name Ishmael, 12:12 because--the word El in the Bible means God. 12:16 Ishmael means God hears. I've heard your cry. 12:20 She's, you know, you can't blame Hagar. 12:22 If I was a servant in Egypt, I got handed over by the Pharaoh 12:25 to this guy named Abraham, speaks a different language, 12:28 I have struggled with the language, 12:29 then she hands me over to Abraham and says, 12:32 "You're supposed to have a baby for me." 12:33 And so here I have a baby and I'm thinking, 12:35 "Maybe I'll get a promotion. 12:37 I won't, you know, I won't just be a slave. 12:39 I'll be at least a concubine. 12:41 And Sarah gets all upset and beats me, and what have I done?" 12:46 You know, you can understand. 12:47 Hagar's not feeling good about it, 12:51 and Sarah's thinking, "Now, what I done that 12:53 I can't have a child?" 12:56 "You're with child, you'll bear a son. 12:58 Call his name Ishmael, because 12:59 the Lord has heard your affliction." 13:01 Notice, verse 12, "He will be a wild man. 13:05 His hand will be against every man, 13:09 and every man's hand against him. 13:12 And he will dwell in the presence of all his brethren." 13:15 That sounds like a conflict. 13:17 There would be some animosity 13:20 between Ishmael and other people. 13:24 And he'd dwell in the midst of his brethren, 13:28 but they would have a hard time assimilating with other people. 13:33 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends. 13:34 In just a moment, we'll return for the 13:36 rest of today's presentation. 13:39 You know, the Bible clearly speaks of a sinister, 13:41 religious political power that will arise in the last days to 13:45 unite the people of the world against the followers of Christ. 13:49 How close are we to this or is this beast power already out 13:54 there working in the shadows? 13:56 Well, we have a free gift for you, 13:58 that'll answer these prophecy questions and many more. 14:01 It's titled, "Coming One World Church." 14:05 This book will present proof that many last day prophecies 14:08 are now being fulfilled in current events. 14:11 Learn how to identify and avoid falling prey to the final 14:15 deceptions of this evil of this evil power. 14:18 To get your free copy of "Coming, One Word Church," 14:21 call the number on your screen and ask 14:24 for Offer Number 138 or just visit the website. 14:28 And after you read this resource, 14:29 make sure and share it with a friend. 14:32 Doug: Well, let's back to today's presentation, 14:34 and learn some more amazing facts from the Word of God. 14:39 Abraham then has a vision where God appears to him and he says, 14:44 "I'm going to give you a son. 14:46 And Abraham's going, "Well, you did give me a son. 14:47 His name is Ishmael." 14:50 And God is saying, "No, I'm going to give you a 14:52 son by your wife. 14:53 I never told you to take another wife. 14:56 I told you was going to make you a father of a multitude and you 14:59 lost faith, and thought you were going to help me out. 15:02 And you accomplished by works, what was supposed 15:05 to happen by faith. 15:07 You accomplished by carnal means what was supposed to 15:10 happen by spiritual, miraculous means." 15:13 He says, "I'm going to give you a son through Sarah." 15:17 And so God blesses Sarah, she gets pregnant, has a baby. 15:21 "And Sarah saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, 15:25 whom she had borne to Abraham, scoffing, 15:28 and Sarah said to Abraham," boy, they just had a blowup. 15:32 "Cast out," you know what that word, cast out means? 15:35 Divorce. 15:37 "Cast out this bondwoman and her son, 15:41 for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, 15:45 namely with Isaac. 15:48 And the matter was very displeasing to Abraham, 15:51 in his sight because of his son." 15:54 Ishmael's his son, and the father loves his son. 15:56 Remember when Abraham prayed, "Lord, what about Ishmael?" 16:00 He cared about him. And God then speaks to Abraham. 16:05 Says, "Do not let it be displeasing in your sight 16:08 because of the lad, because of your bondwoman. 16:12 Whatever Sarah says to you, listen to her voice, 16:16 for in Isaac, your seed shall be called." 16:19 So do you see right away what the difference is? 16:21 The promised see, the Messiah, was going to come not through 16:25 Ishmael, but through Isaac. 16:27 And we're going to go to the New Testament and look at that. 16:30 "Yet I will also make a nation of the son of the bondwoman, 16:33 Ishmael, because he is your seed." 16:35 He sent away, "He rose up early in the next morning. 16:38 He took bread and a skin of water, he 16:40 put it on her shoulders. 16:41 He gave her the boy to Hagar, and sent her away." 16:44 He gave her some finances, but instead of going to a town, 16:47 she's all broken hearted. 16:48 She goes out into the wilderness. 16:51 "She departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba." 16:54 And God heard the voice of the lad, 16:57 and that means, not only, he's 13 years old, he's intelligent. 17:00 She's not only crying and praying; he is praying, 17:05 Ishmael, and crying. 17:08 'Cause it's not--God didn't just hear her voice, 17:10 he heard the voice of the lad. 17:12 "And the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, 17:16 and said to her, 'What ails you, Hagar? 17:19 Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. 17:25 Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand. 17:28 I will make him a great nation.' Then God opened her eyes, 17:32 and she saw a well of water. 17:35 And she went and filled the skin of water, and 17:37 gave the lad drink." 17:38 So God was with the lad and she never went back to Egypt. 17:42 He was in the wilderness, and he became an archer. 17:45 He became a skilled hunter. 17:47 "And he dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran, 17:50 and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt." 17:53 So Ishmael ends up being the father of the Arabs, 17:57 which of course, is where you get Islam, 18:00 and Isaac becomes the father of the Jews, 18:02 and subsequently, the Christians, 18:04 through which Christ came. 18:06 Look at some of these parallels, Genesis 21:17, 18:09 "God heard the voice of the lad, heard him cry. 18:13 I will make him a great nation." 18:15 It also says, regarding Isaac, "I am the God of your father. 18:21 Do not fear to go down to Egypt. 18:23 I will make of you a great nation," 18:25 actually said that to Jacob. 18:26 So you got two great nations have come out of Abraham, 18:29 springing from 12 sons. 18:32 The number 12 in the Bible represent church. 18:36 It's a religion, religious leadership. 18:38 Twelve apostles. Jesus used that number. 18:41 He could have picked 11, 14. 18:44 So you got a religion that comes from Ishmael, 18:47 and you got a religion that comes from Isaac. 18:51 Says your offspring would be innumerable. 18:54 ""I'll multiply your descendants," Genesis 16:9-10. 18:59 You can see the dark green colors on the map represent 19:03 the concentrations of the world where 99%, 19:07 up to a hundred percent are Islamic, 19:10 and these are the countries that all flowed out from Saudi 19:14 Arabia, that kind of engulfed some of these great empires. 19:18 We read also in Genesis 26, to Isaac he said, 19:22 "I will make your descendants multiply 19:24 like the stars of heaven. 19:25 I will give your descendants all these lands." 19:27 But what he says to Isaac, he does not say to Ishmael. 19:31 Here's the difference. 19:33 To Abraham he says, "In your seed, 19:35 all the nations of the world would be blessed." 19:37 To Isaac he says here in Genesis 26:4, 19:40 "And in your seed all the nations of the earth 19:43 would be blessed." 19:44 The blessing would come, the truth, 19:47 because if you don't have truth, you don't have a blessing. 19:49 The truth, the Messiah who is the truth, 19:52 are you with me, the truth that the Jews were 19:54 the guardians of the Word. 19:56 Paul says, "God committed to the children of Israel, 20:00 the oracles of truth." 20:02 Doesn't mean they always kept it, but they had it. 20:04 Genesis 28:14, then God repeats the promise to Jacob, 20:09 "Also to your descendants, they'll be like the dust of the 20:12 earth; and you'll spread abroad, and in you and in your seed all 20:16 the families of the earth shall be blessed." 20:18 So he only says this to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, 20:21 and that's interesting. 20:23 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all three had 20:26 wives that had trouble getting pregnant. 20:30 You know about Sarah, we just read that. 20:32 The Bible says, Rebecca was barren, 20:35 and Isaac prayed and God opened her womb and she had twins. 20:39 And the Bible says Rachel had problems having a child. 20:43 And Jacob prayed, and eventually she had Joseph, 20:46 and later Benjamin. 20:47 Died giving birth to Benjamin. 20:49 They all had problems having children. 20:51 The other thing is because their children were born as a result 20:55 of prayer and intercession and promises. 20:58 Spiritual births. You got that? 21:01 There's something about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 21:03 These promised children are spiritual births. 21:05 There's a lesson for us there. 21:07 The other thing is where did they get their wives? 21:10 They kept bringing their wives out of Mesopotamia 21:13 to the Promised Land. 21:15 Abraham said, "Don't take a wife for Isaac from the local girls. 21:18 She was must be a believer in the true God." 21:19 He said to Eliezer, his servant, "Go get a wife from my people, 21:24 and bring her to the Promised Land." 21:26 It's important because Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, 21:29 have all got their wives out of Mesopotamia and brought them 21:31 to the Promised Land, and then God says, 21:33 "Babylon has fallen. 21:34 Come out of her, my people." 21:36 God calls his church out of Babylon, 21:38 spiritual Mesopotamia to the Promised Land, 21:41 the new Jerusalem. 21:42 See what I'm saying? 21:44 And children of Israel were carried away captive to Babylon, 21:48 and they came out of Babylon in the days of Cyrus, 21:51 and came back to the Promised Land. 21:52 That's the whole story of Ezra and Nehemiah. 21:55 So this is carrying through history. 21:57 It's going to happen in last day prophecy as well. 22:00 Now, I want you to notice, there's a number of parallels 22:03 between Isaac and Ishmael. 22:06 Isaac comes into the world as a result of faith. 22:11 Ishmael comes into the world by natural means 22:14 as a result of works. 22:16 God had promised, a promised, miraculous child 22:19 to Abraham and Sarah. 22:21 They couldn't wait. 22:22 They said, "We're going to help out. 22:23 We're going to do it by works." 22:25 It represents the carnal son, whereas you've got Isaac 22:29 is the spiritual son. 22:30 The interesting thing is Isaac then has two boys, 22:32 and Esau is the carnal sin. 22:35 He's willing to sell his birthright for a pot of beans. 22:39 But Jacob is the one through whom the truth comes. 22:42 He is the spiritual son. He wants the blessing. 22:44 He tells Esau, he says, "You can take all of dad's possessions. 22:49 You can get the inheritance." 22:50 Matter of fact, when Jacob came back into the Promised Land, 22:52 he gave things to Esau. 22:55 And he said, "You keep it." 22:57 Says, "I want the spiritual blessing," 22:59 and he got that, didn't he? 23:00 The father put his hands him and he blessed him. 23:03 And so, there's a big debate, because I don't know if you're 23:07 aware of this, only Isaac is called the only son. 23:12 When Abraham is called to sacrifice Isaac, 23:15 God says, "Take your son, your only son." 23:18 What about Ishmael? 23:21 Is "God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son." 23:24 You know, it's 'cause Isaac was a type when he went up on the 23:27 mountain as a sacrifice. 23:28 He was type of Christ. 23:30 Just like Moses was never supposed to strike the rock 23:32 twice, he messed up the symbol. 23:33 Abraham was not supposed to have a child of the flesh. 23:36 He was just supposed to have the child of the promise. 23:39 Something else that's interesting is in Islam, 23:42 they refuse to accept that Abraham offered Isaac. 23:45 They say Abraham offered Ishmael. 23:49 Now, see, you can't believe both Qur'an and the Bible, 23:52 because there's major conflicts in the teachings there. 23:55 You read the Book of James, 2:21, 23:57 "Was not Abraham, our father, justified by works 24:00 when he offered Isaac." 24:02 You have to reject the Old and the New Testament to 24:04 believe the Qur'an. 24:06 It says it was Isaac. It was not Ishmael. 24:09 That was the son. Look at some of the differences. 24:11 One is a hunter; the other is a farmer and a shepherd. 24:15 Isaac planted and God gave him a hundred-fold. 24:18 God names Isaac and Ishmael. 24:22 They both were named by God, but the name of one comes from the 24:25 father and the name of the other comes through the mother. 24:28 Ishmael dies surrounded by family. 24:31 Jacob and Isaac died surrounded by family. 24:34 Isaac goes east to get his wife; Ishmael goes West to 24:39 Egypt to get his wife. 24:41 They're opposites. 24:43 Isaac's wife is chosen by the father; 24:46 Ishmael's wife is chosen by the mother. 24:49 You know, maybe, I'll close by taking you to Galatians 4. 24:53 Listen to what Paul says. 24:55 We're jumping to the New Testament. 24:56 Paul says what happened to Ishmael and Isaac is an allegory 24:59 that applies to us today. 25:02 Paul says, "Tell me the truth, you who desire to be under the 25:05 law, do you not hear the law? 25:08 For it is written that Abraham," and of course, 25:10 Genesis was called part of the law. 25:11 "Abraham had two sons: one by a bondwoman, 25:14 the other by the freewoman. 25:16 But he who was of the bondwoman, Ishmael, 25:19 was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman, 25:23 Isaac, through promise, which things are symbolic. 25:29 For these are the two covenants," one true, 25:32 one false, "one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, 25:37 which is Hagar." 25:38 Is anyone saved under the bondage of Hagar? 25:42 Well, I'm telling you what Paul says it's bondage. 25:46 "For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia." 25:49 Where? Arabia. 25:51 Where does Mohammed have his vision? 25:55 Where is Islam born? Saudi Arabia. 26:00 "And corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, 26:02 and is in bondage with her children. 26:04 But the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all. 26:08 For it is written, 'Rejoice, O barren, 26:11 you who do not bear. 26:12 Break forth and shout for you who are not in labor. 26:14 For the desolate has many more children, 26:17 than she who has a husband.' 26:18 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. 26:24 But, as he who was born according to the flesh, 26:25 Ishmael, then persecuted him who was born according to the 26:29 Spirit, even so it is now. 26:31 Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? 26:33 'Cast out the bondwoman and her son, 26:35 for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son 26:39 of the freewoman. 26:40 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, 26:43 but of the free.'" 26:44 What does this mean? 26:46 Well, in our day and age, I think as we near the end of 26:48 time, you're going to an increasing polarization 26:52 in the world between these two great ideas, 26:57 these two great families. 26:59 Now, if you're a Christian, your faith springs 27:02 from Isaac and Jacob. 27:05 If you're an Arab, your faith is springing. 27:08 It has its roots in Ishmael and Mohammed. 27:12 And you can see in the world today, 27:14 these are the two principal religions that are being very 27:16 aggressive about sharing their faith, 27:18 and I believe things are going to reach critical mass in the 27:21 end of time, and it's going to result in the final events, 27:25 but I don't want to get ahead of myself now, 27:28 because wait, there's more. 27:34 male announcer: Would you like to know God's plan for our 27:35 broken world as revealed in Bible prophecy? 27:39 Want practical, trusted solutions for 27:41 your biggest challenges? 27:43 Freshly updated and redesigned, Amazing Facts Bible study 27:47 guides, provide 27 Bible-based topical lessons with beautiful 27:51 graphics and straightforward answers that are enlightening, 27:54 encouraging and easy to understand. 27:56 Each study guide leads you toward real relevant Bible 27:59 answers for the most important questions in your life. 28:02 male announcer: How can I have healthier relationships? 28:05 When an how will Jesus come again, and so much more. 28:09 male announcer: Don't leave your future to chance. 28:11 Transform your life with truths from the Amazing 28:13 Facts Bible study guides. 28:15 Prefer to watch while you read, our brand now "Prophecy 28:18 Encounters" DVD series, makes the perfect companion set. 28:22 Don't wait. 28:23 Order your study guides and DVD set today by visiting 28:25 or by calling 800-538-7275. 28:32 female announcer: Let's face it. 28:34 It's not always easy to understand everything 28:36 you read in the Bible. 28:37 With over 700, 000 words contained in 66 books, 28:41 the Bible can generate a lot of questions. 28:44 To get biblical, straightforward answers, 28:46 call into "Bible Answers Live," a live nationwide call-in radio 28:50 program, where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor and ask 28:53 him your most difficult Bible questions. 28:55 For times and stations in your area or to listen to "Answers" 28:59 online, visit 29:05 ♪♪♪ 29:24 male announcer: This presentation was brought to you 29:25 by the friend of the Amazing Facts ministry. |
Revised 2018-07-13