Amazing Facts Presents

Should a Christian Vote?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: AFP

Program Code: AFP000181A

00:00 ...
01:00 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
01:02 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
01:07 [music]
01:11 Doug Batchelor: How many of you would say you believe there
01:14 is corruption in politics?
01:18 And so, should a Christian vote?
01:22 announcer: For over 40 years, "Amazing Facts" has been
01:26 dedicated to sharing God's Word through media.
01:29 This program features highlights from some
01:31 of our best television broadcasts.
01:34 We invite you to sit back and enjoy this edition of
01:37 "Amazing Facts Presents."
01:44 Doug: Well, our message today is one that has the potential to
01:49 be divisive, but I want it to be uniting.
01:55 Usually when you're talking about religion,
01:57 that in itself can be divisive.
01:59 And then if you add something that has a political overtone,
02:04 you've got the potential for fireworks.
02:08 And the sermon is very simply "Should a Christian Vote?"
02:12 The Bible says, Psalm 146, verse 3,
02:15 "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man,
02:19 in whom there is no help.
02:21 His spirit departs, and he returns to his earth;
02:24 in that very day his thoughts," and some versions say,
02:27 "his plans perish."
02:30 Now, I make it--need to make it clear I don't believe any
02:33 candidate is the supreme answer for the woes of the world.
02:35 There's only one Savior, and that's when God became a man.
02:39 But how do we as Christians relate?
02:42 We're right now in the throes of another intense,
02:46 a very inflammatory at times political season.
02:51 And I've received a lot of questions.
02:53 "Pastor Doug, how should Christians relate to the issue
02:57 of voting since there is so much corruption?
03:01 Should we just run the other direction?
03:02 After all, we're citizens of another kingdom."
03:04 Others have thought we ought to be using our influence for good,
03:08 and they would like to see every church become a polling station.
03:12 And so, you'd be amazed, even within our specific
03:16 denomination, people are polls apart,
03:20 pardon the pun, on this issue.
03:23 And so, I've prayed about this for years,
03:25 I've studied it, and looked into our church history a little bit,
03:29 and I'd like to share with you these different points.
03:32 And I'm just going to march through them.
03:33 And if you'd pray for me as I talk because I want
03:35 to make sure to be understood.
03:37 And this is in no way intended to be an endorsement for any
03:41 party or person.
03:43 I'm just talking about principles.
03:44 What are the Christian principles
03:46 and attitudes about this?
03:47 First and foremost, point number one,
03:51 we need to remember Christians are primarily,
03:54 primarily citizens of another kingdom.
03:58 Jesus made it clear, John 18:36,
04:01 "My kingdom is not of this world.
04:04 If my kingdom were of this world,
04:06 my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered
04:09 to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here."
04:12 Now, you notice he said, "Now my kingdom is not from here."
04:15 Will Jesus' kingdom someday reign supreme in this world?
04:19 But right now, there's a contest between two principle leaders,
04:23 Jesus being one, the devil being the other,
04:25 and a lot of people sort of in between.
04:28 Luke 17, verse 20, Jesus said, "The kingdom of God
04:32 does not come with observation; nor will they say,
04:35 'Look here,' or 'look there,' for indeed,
04:37 the kingdom of God is within you."
04:39 So, Jesus reigns in our hearts, he is our Lord,
04:43 he is our King.
04:44 But that said, is there anything wrong with a Christian feeling
04:49 some feelings, or having some emotions
04:52 or some ideals of patriotism?
04:55 I think not.
04:57 Loving the country you're from--and it's fun,
04:59 you know, as I travel with Mrs. Batchelor,
05:01 we go to allhese different countries in different parts
05:03 of the world, and people are always very happy to tell us
05:07 about their heritage and their food.
05:10 And, "Oh, we've got--in our country,
05:12 we've got the best food."
05:14 And if you're in their country and you say something about how
05:17 much you enjoy their country, or you say something to them
05:20 in their language--and everybody, you know,
05:22 we kind of feel a little bit defensive about our nation.
05:27 And that's not necessarily wrong.
05:29 How did Jesus feel?
05:31 Did he pray, "Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often."
05:35 And even Jacob, when he was carried off,
05:38 or when he and the family were in Egypt--Jacob died in Egypt.
05:43 What did he say about where he wanted to be buried?
05:45 He said, "I don't want to be buried in Egypt."
05:47 Why not?
05:49 I mean, you can get resurrected, get a new body.
05:50 Said, "No, take my bones back home."
05:53 Joseph told the children of Israel on his deathbed,
05:56 "Don't bury me here. Bury me back where I was born."
05:59 He hadn't been there in 100 years.
06:01 Well, maybe 7 years, but he wanted to beuried back home.
06:05 My dad left Oklahoma at 15, and for some reason,
06:10 of all the places he lived, even though he was in Miami 30 years,
06:13 he had his body flown back to Oklahoma,
06:15 buried next to his folks.
06:16 Karen and Nathan just stopped at his grave a couple of weeks ago.
06:20 We're all kind of wired for a little bit of patriotism.
06:24 And it doesn't mean that the country does everything right,
06:27 but that's not necessarily wrong.
06:28 It's almost to some extent natural.
06:31 The concept of voting or choosing leaders
06:35 is actually biblical.
06:39 You can--let me just look at the definition for vote
06:41 for a moment here.
06:43 A vote is a formal indication of a choice between two or more
06:47 candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a
06:51 ballot, or a show of hands, or by a voice.
06:56 Now, we vote all the time even in churches.
06:59 Just a moment ago, we voted members in.
07:02 And when we have our nominating committee,
07:04 which is always a little bit of a challenging time,
07:08 we nominate people, we sift it down, we elect people.
07:13 And you see this principle in the Bible.
07:15 Look, for example, Deuteronomy 1:13.
07:18 Moses said, "Choose wise, understanding,
07:20 and knowledgeable men from among your tribes,
07:24 and I will make them heads over you."
07:26 Acts 1:23, New Testament. "And they proposed two."
07:30 They're trying to find a replacement for Judas.
07:34 "One called Joseph called Barsabas,
07:36 who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
07:40 And the lot fell to Matthias, but they chose the two
07:42 to cast lots for.
07:45 Acts 6:2, "Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven
07:48 men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,
07:52 whom we might appoint over this business."
07:53 And I don't know if they asked for nominations,
07:55 and one said, "Oh, how about Philip?"
07:58 And someone else said, "How about Stephen?"
08:00 And they nominated different people,
08:02 and the elders came together.
08:04 And I'm not sure how they did it,
08:05 but they finally came up with seven names.
08:09 And was that a good thing to pick those seven deacons?
08:11 But you--are you aware that one of the seven,
08:15 whose name was Nicholas of Antioch, a convert, he went bad?
08:21 You read in Revelation about the doctrine of the Nicolaitans
08:24 which thing I hate.
08:25 Nicholas started out good, full of the Holy Spirit,
08:29 but he went bad.
08:30 And so, from then on, the disciples said,
08:32 "We're not voting for anyone ever again
08:34 because they could go bad."
08:37 That's not really clear thinking.
08:38 They went bad.
08:40 Who made Lucifer? Was he a good angel?
08:45 His going bad was his responsibility.
08:49 Who picked King Saul to be king?
08:52 Now it is true the people said, "Give us a king,"
08:54 but the people didn't pick King Saul.
08:56 God picked Saul.
08:57 They had no idea who God was going to pick.
08:59 God picked Saul, filled him with the Spirit,
09:02 and for a while he was a good king.
09:04 But then Saul, pride went to him, he went bad.
09:08 So, did God make a mistake?
09:10 So, the point I'm making is you can't say,
09:13 "I'm never going to pick anybody for anything
09:15 because who knows what they might do."
09:18 Are we really going to go through life that way?
09:19 That's why you're saying, you know,
09:21 you don't want any risk or don't give anybody a chance.
09:24 And you, you know, sometimes have to make decisions based on
09:27 what you know at the time you make the decision,
09:30 and then you pray for the best.
09:32 People are going to be responsible for if they keep
09:34 their promises, right?
09:37 Sometimes, I'll meet people that are asking
09:38 for a little financial help.
09:40 And I'll say, "Now, are you going to use this for food?
09:42 Or are you going to the liquor store?"
09:44 "I'm starving."
09:45 I give it to them in good faith.
09:47 I don't always follow them around to find out
09:49 what happened.
09:51 If they go to the liquor store instead of the grocery story,
09:54 am I responsible, or are they responsible?
09:57 So, you're trusting the promise.
10:00 And so, that's another principle in life.
10:03 Should Christians allow political parties
10:05 to divide them?
10:07 There were times in the 1800s where political parties
10:12 were just extremely divided, something like today, right?
10:16 And people were going to church wearing buttons
10:19 for the Republican party, or the Whig party,
10:21 or the Democratic party, whatever the party was.
10:23 And they were campaigning in the aisles.
10:25 And churches were breaking out into fights over politics.
10:29 And they didn't even know who the candidate was yet.
10:32 It was the party that they were fighting over.
10:34 As Christians, we shouldn't be doing that.
10:38 When someone says, "I'm convinced about this political
10:40 view," or someone says, "I'm voting this way,"
10:43 say, "Praise God, we're in America, and we're free
10:46 to make those choices."
10:47 Don't feel like you've got to twist everybody's arm
10:50 to think like you.
10:51 And to their master they will stand or fall, amen?
10:56 1 Corinthians 3, verse 3 and 4.
10:59 Paul said, "For you are still carnal.
11:02 For where there is envy, strife, and disions among you,
11:05 are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
11:08 For where one says, 'I am of Paul,' and the other
11:11 one says, 'I am of Apollos.'"
11:12 Here they were, it's like they were lining
11:14 up behind different apostles,
11:16 and turned it into a political campaign.
11:18 He says, "Are you not carnal?"
11:20 Now, I think when it comes to the issues that have some moral
11:25 relevance, it is important for Christians to vote.
11:28 So, you're going to hear me say several things that sound like
11:31 they're in favor of voting, and what I'm talking about is voting
11:35 for principles and issues that Christians should support.
11:40 I'll give you some examples of that in a moment.
11:43 Voting demonstrates that we respect the authority of the
11:46 political system in our nation established by God.
11:49 How do we get leaders, good or bad?
11:54 They're picked by the people.
11:56 Seventy percent of America is still Christian,
12:02 in spite of all that you hear in how values are changing. the press about
12:04 And they are changing.
12:05 I think I saw a new Pew research study that was done this week,
12:10 came out Wednesday.
12:13 that says 50% of those who stop going to church don't even
12:15 believe in God anymore.
12:17 And the way they gave the study, it almost sounded like 50% of
12:20 American's don't believe in God, but it's not what--that's the
12:22 way the press was reporting it, but it's not true.
12:26 Of those who leave church, 50% that have left church
12:31 don't believe in God.
12:32 But 70% in North America claim Christianity,
12:36 not to count all the other religions.
12:38 We're still a very religious country.
12:41 And so, if people don't represent their values in the
12:47 government, well, then you're going to kind of deserve
12:49 what you get because this is the government
12:51 that God's established in our country.
12:53 Let me read what Paul says.
12:55 Romans 13:1 and 2, "Let everyone be subject
12:58 to the governing authorities.
13:04 For there is no and the authorities that authority except for from God, exist are appointed by God.
13:07 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance
13:10 of God, and those who resist will
13:13 bring judgment on themselves."
13:14 And Romans 13:7, "Pay to all what is owed them: taxes to whom
13:19 taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed,
13:22 respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed."
13:26 In other words, be faithful to fulfill whatever your civic
13:30 duties are, whether it's taxes or whether it's sharing
13:34 your voice in your neighborhood association about
13:38 what should be used on the roof of the house.
13:41 I mean, there's all kinds of ways that we're involved
13:43 in civil responsibilities.
13:45 Now, you remember when the children of Israel were sent off
13:48 to Babylon because of their bad behavior,
13:52 they didn't like the idea of staying there.
13:54 But God said, "You're going to be here 70 years."
13:56 Jeremiah 29 said in verse 5 and 6,
13:59 "While you're there, build houses,
14:00 dwell in them; plant gardens, eathe fruit of them.
14:02 Take wives and beget sons and daughters;
14:05 take wives for your sons.
14:07 Give your daughters to their husbands so they may bear sons
14:10 and daughters, that you may be in increased,
14:12 and not diminished."
14:14 And then he went on to say in verse 7,
14:16 "And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be
14:19 carried away captive."
14:20 Now, they were sort of in a foreign land,
14:22 but he said, "You're going to be citizens of that country.
14:24 Be good citizens.
14:25 Even though you are really children of Israel,
14:28 be good citizens in the country that you're in.
14:31 Pray for the peace of that country."
14:34 In other words, do all you can do because in its peace,
14:36 you'll have peace.
14:38 What happens to that country is going to affect you.
14:40 So, we should be interested in what happens to our country
14:43 while we're still here.
14:44 While they were in Babylon, he said,
14:45 "You ought to care about Babylon.
14:47 Pray for Babylon because what happens to Babylon
14:49 is going to happen to you."
14:51 So, as Americans, as Christians, we sort of have,
14:55 like, dual citizenship.
14:58 We are principally kingdom of God,
15:01 children of Christ, but we've got to occupy
15:05 till he comes back.
15:07 Now, this has been a struggle for the church through the ages.
15:09 You realize--you read the New Testament,
15:11 the apostles believed when Jesus said,
15:14 "I will come again," how long did you think they thought
15:17 that would be?
15:20 They thought at least by the destruction of Jerusalem,
15:22 that was it.
15:23 They equated the destruction of the temple
15:24 with the end of the world.
15:26 And New Testament closes, John says,
15:28 "Even so, come Lord Jesus."
15:30 Do you think John knew it was going to be another 1,900 years?
15:35 Matter of fact, Paul had to calm him down.
15:38 He had a little more insight, he said,
15:39 "Don't get all worked up thinking that the day of the
15:41 Lord is at hand.
15:43 Some things have to happen first."
15:45 Jesus said, "Occupy until I come."
15:49 As a Christian, you want to plan for 1,000 years,
15:52 and live like you might die tomorrow.
15:55 When it comes to being a citizen,
15:56 don't just think what's going to happen to me.
15:59 I don't know if you remember the story in the Bible where
16:01 Hezekiah, he was sick, and God work a miracle,
16:06 he healed him, and to prove the miracle,
16:08 the sun went backward 10 degrees.
16:10 How many of you remember that?
16:11 Isaiah 39, it's also in the Book of Kings and Chronicles.
16:16 Then the ambassadors came from Babylon to find out about their
16:19 God that had done this, the Jewish God.
16:22 And instead of Hezekiah showing them the God of Israel,
16:26 he showed them all his stuff.
16:27 Showed them his treasures, and his armory, and his jewels.
16:30 And Isaiah came to him later and said,
16:32 "What did they see in your house?"
16:34 He said, "Oh, I showed them all my stuff."
16:35 He said, "You didn't show them God?"
16:36 "No."
16:39 He said, "Thus sayeth the Lord, the day's coming when the
16:41 Babylonians will come, and they're going to take your sons
16:44 and make them eunuchs in the palace of Babylon."
16:47 That's like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
16:49 They're going to take all your treasures.
16:51 Everything you showed them is going to get carried off.
16:53 They're going to take your treasure.
16:54 Do you know what Hezekiah said?
16:56 "Good is the Word of the Lord.
16:58 At least there will be peace in my day."
17:00 Now, is that the right attitude? "At least I'm healthy*."
17:05 And so, when you're thinking about,
17:08 "Well, you know, I don't care about what the
17:11 government does with the environment.
17:12 As long as I still have resources in my day."
17:16 Now, don't take a political view in that.
17:18 I guess it's hard not to, huh?
17:22 But the idea who you're electing,
17:25 you need to also be thinking,
17:26 "What if I have kids and grandkids?
17:29 What kind of world will they have?"
17:31 Should you care as a Christian?
17:34 Think about the reason you're free now is because people died
17:37 for your freedoms in World War I, in World War II, right?
17:42 And so, people did invest. And people did vote.
17:46 And so, there were principles that have kept us free,
17:49 and I think we ought to be concerned about those things.
17:53 Voting for the right principles demonstrates we care about
17:56 who our leaders are.
17:58 1 Timothy 2, verse 1 and 2, "Therefore I exhort you
18:01 first of all that supplications and prayers,
18:04 intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
18:07 for kings and all who are in authority,
18:09 that we might lead a quiet and peaceable life
18:13 in goodness and reverence."
18:14 We should care that we might have a quiet and peaceable life.
18:18 Let me read something to you from Tubaio page 115,
18:23 "Christians should always submit to government authority as long
18:26 as the laws do not violate the commandments of God
18:30 or a biblical principle.
18:32 The act of voting, when exercised on behalf of justice,
18:36 humanity, and right is in itself blameless,
18:40 and may be at times highly proper."
18:44 You know, Mark Twain, who was not a Christian--he waffled
18:48 between being agnostic, atheist, and Christian.
18:51 If you read his writings, he freely admits that.
18:53 Here's what he said, "A Christian's first duty is to
18:56 God, and it follows as a matter of course that his duty to carry
19:00 out his Christian code to the polls and devote them.
19:03 If Christians should vote their duty to God at the polls,
19:06 they would carry every election, and do it with ease.
19:13 It would bring about a moral revolution that would
19:15 be incalculably beneficent.
19:18 It would save the country."
19:20 That's what Mark Twain said.
19:23 "It's a privilege. If not exercised, it can be lost."
19:26 Voting is a privilege that has been hard won.
19:31 You know, a lot of countries don't have the freedom
19:33 that we have.
19:34 Since America, more and more countries have had democratic
19:38 representation, and there have been many wars that have been
19:41 fought, a lot of blood that has been shed to give the right of
19:44 the vote to the people.
19:45 You've heard the expression, "If you don't use it,
19:48 you may lose it."
19:50 I don't know if you're aware that during the deliberations
19:54 concerning the constitutional convention in 1787,
19:57 they were held in strict secrecy.
19:59 So consequentially, while that was happening,
20:01 all the citizens had their ears to the window and the door
20:04 to find out what the founding fathers were going
20:05 to come up with.
20:07 I know the declaration was 1776, but the constitutional
20:10 convention was 1787.
20:12 One lady in Philadelphia named Powell,
20:15 when they opened the doors and they came out,
20:17 she said right away to Franklin, "Dr. Franklin,
20:20 what kind of government are you giving us,
20:22 a monarchy or a republic?"
20:24 And without even hesitation, he said,
20:27 "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."
20:31 If you can keep it.
20:32 Because he recognized that the tendency of corruption in
20:36 government, they'll want to monopolize the power.
20:39 And if we don't use the vote, you lose it.
20:43 Not voting is actually a form of voting,
20:46 as it will influence the outcome.
20:48 We need to take responsibility for our actions
20:52 and our inactions.
20:54 I've heard people say, "Well I'm afraid to vote because
20:57 then I might be linked to anything these people
20:59 do wrong in office."
21:01 Well, you also might be linked bnot voting.
21:04 And so, that idea of just omitting responsibility makes me
21:10 think about that parable in Luke 10.
21:12 It says, "Now by chance a man fell among thieves,
21:15 and a priest walked by.
21:16 And he saw that a crime had just been committed."
21:18 And he thought, "Well, I don't want to get involved."
21:21 "And he passed by on the other side."
21:24 And I don't believe that Christians should always be
21:27 crossing the road and passing by when policies and leadership
21:32 is being chosen.
21:33 I think as far as possible, we ought to pray for wisdom,
21:36 and make intelligent choices, and do what will be the best for
21:39 the proclamation of the gospel.
21:42 Jesus said, "Occupy until I come."
21:45 They were--you know, sometimes Jesus said,
21:47 "He who is not with me," this is Luke 11:23,
21:50 "is against me.
21:51 He who does not gather with me scatters."
21:52 You might say, "I don't want to get involved."
21:54 Jesus says, "No, you can't.
21:55 Sometimes, you have to be involved."
21:56 And as a citizen in a country where things are happening,
22:00 I think sometimes--I'm not talking about campaigning and
22:02 getting involved in policies, but at least use that one vote
22:07 that you've got for policies and principles of good.
22:10 Edmond Burke said, "All that is required for evil to prevail is
22:16 for good men to do nothing."
22:21 One of the things about voting we shouldn't pass by quickly
22:24 is that voting supports the equality of all people
22:28 and their right to speak.
22:31 That's something that is very valuable for Christians.
22:33 Deuteronomy 10, verse 17, "For the Lord your God is God
22:38 of gods, a Lord of lords, a great and awesome,
22:41 who shows no partiality or takes bribes.
22:45 He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow.
22:49 He loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing."
22:52 Rich and poor, doesn't matter to God.
22:54 Acts 17, "And he has made of one blood all nations of men for to
22:59 dwell on the face of the earth, and has determined their times
23:02 before appointed in the bounds of the habitation."
23:05 Acts 10:34, "Peter opened his mouth and said,
23:08 'Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.
23:12 But in every nation, he that fears him and works
23:15 righteousness is accepted with him.'"
23:17 One of the things amazing about America
23:20 and the vote is that every person,
23:22 assuming you're old enough to vote,
23:24 because it is an important decision and you need to be
23:26 informed, everyone gets a vote.
23:31 It doesn't matter what your race is,
23:32 doesn't matter what your gender is,
23:35 doesn't matter how much money you have.
23:36 A millionaire doesn't get two votes, gets one vote.
23:39 Poor person, one vote.
23:42 That says something about the equality of every human
23:46 that I think is precious.
23:48 I'll close with an amazing fact.
23:50 You know I like history.
23:52 When the Lewis and Clark expedition went,
23:56 they were sent by Thomas Jefferson across the United
23:59 States in like 1803 to 1805.
24:03 Theyere looking at land they'd never seen before.
24:06 And after incredible struggles, they finally made it.
24:09 They thought they were going to take a boat
24:10 all the way to the Pacific.
24:11 They had to carry their boat over the mountains,
24:13 and finally abandon the boat, and nearly starved to death
24:15 getting over the Rockies and the Sierras,
24:18 and came down into the valley up there in Southern Washington.
24:23 And they had to decide, "We're going to have to
24:29 spend the winter here."
24:31 They said, "Do we spend--" There were 33 of them,
24:34 including captains Clark--Meriwether Lewis
24:38 and William Clark.
24:39 And they said, "Do we stay on the coast,
24:42 where we might see a ship, probably a little warmer
24:45 climate, but it's going to rain more,
24:47 we're going to be wet all the time?
24:48 We don't know if there will be more food here
24:50 or more food inland.
24:51 And really they said, "If we're inland,
24:53 we're not going to see if a ship comes to get supplies."
24:55 There are very few ships that came through back in the 1800s
24:59 because, I mean, they hadn't even settled California.
25:00 And they said, "Well, what do we do?"
25:03 They said, "Let's vote."
25:05 And so, there were 33 of them.
25:09 There was an Indian girl named Sacajawea.
25:12 There was a slave named York. Captain Clark, Captain Lewis.
25:18 And they said, "Everybody gets one vote."
25:20 And that was the first time in American history basically that
25:23 they had equality for everybody because slaves did not get a
25:26 vote right away, women did not get the vote right away.
25:29 That was the first time.
25:31 And they all voted. They said, "Let's stay on the coast."
25:33 All but one said, "Let's stay on the coast."
25:35 But they all went with the popular vote.
25:38 And the neat thing is, because they stayed together as one
25:41 unit, they all survived the trip there and the trip back.
25:46 Someone said once, "If you want to go fast, you go alone.
25:50 But if you want to go far, you go together."
25:54 And so, I don't know about you, but I'd like to go far.
25:57 And so, we need to go together.
26:00 Remembering principally that we are citizens of a better kingdom
26:04 than any that's in the world today, amen?
26:10 Doug: You know, friends, everyone is interested
26:12 in what the Bible says about the future.
26:14 And we know Bible prophecy talks about some of the ancient
26:17 kingdoms like Babylon, Medo-Persia, Rome.
26:20 But you might be surprised to learn the Book of Revelation
26:23 in chapter 13 talks very specifically
26:26 about the United States of America.
26:29 And we have a study guide that explains it all.
26:31 We'll make it available to you for free.
26:33 If you'd like to get this free resource,
26:35 visit, or call the phone number on your screen
26:40 and ask for offer number 181.
26:43 And once you get your free offer,
26:45 make sure and read it, and then share it with someone else
26:48 because God's message is our mission.
26:52 announcer: Can't get enough "Amazing Facts" Bible study?
26:55 You don't have to wait until next week to enjoy more
26:57 truth-filled programming.
26:59 Visit the "Amazing Facts" media library at
27:04 At, you can enjoy video and audio presentations,
27:09 as well as printed material, all free of charge 24 hours a day,
27:13 7 days a week right from your computer or mobile device.
27:17 Visit
27:27 announcer: "Amazing Facts" began in 1965
27:30 with a God-inspired concept.
27:33 Joe Cruz: Hello, this is Joe Cruz on the "Amazing Facts"
27:35 broadcast, facts which affect you.
27:38 announcer: Each radio broadcast would begin with an
27:40 amazing fact from science, nature,
27:43 or history, followed by a Bible message that touched the hearts
27:46 of listeners from every walk of life.
27:49 The program was an instant success,
27:52 and the ministry soon began expanding to include
27:55 Bible lessons.
27:56 In 1986, Amazing Facts added the medium of television to its
28:00 growing outreach efforts, offering soul-winning
28:03 evangelistic messages for viewers around the world.
28:07 In 1994, Pastor Doug Batchelor assumed leadership of the
28:12 ministry, adding the Bible Answers Live call-in radio
28:15 program, and new ministry TV programs began airing on
28:19 multiple networks around the world.
28:22 For 50 years, the driving vision of Amazing Facts has been the
28:27 bold proclamation of the everlasting gospel.
28:30 And with a team of evangelists circling the globe,
28:33 and thousands of men and women being trained through the
28:36 Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism program,
28:38 AFCOE, the ministry is helping God's church
28:42 see a rich harvest of souls.
28:44 Amazing Facts, God's message, our mission.
28:49 [music]
28:52 [music]
29:02 [music]
29:12 [music]
29:22 announcer: This presentation was brought to you
29:23 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2016-10-14