Participants: James Arkuzinsky (Host)
Series Code: AFM
Program Code: AFM000016
00:56 Hi, I'm James Arkuzinsky, communication director
00:58 for Adventist Frontier Missions. 01:01 AFM sends missionaries 01:02 to some of the most difficult places in the world 01:05 to reach unreached people 01:06 with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 01:09 We are commissioned to take the good news to every nation, 01:12 every tribe, and every people. 01:14 The story you are going to witness today is one that 01:17 outlines the struggles of one missionary family 01:20 as they witness to an unreached people group 01:22 saturated with Muslim ideals 01:24 and mixed with animistic values such as Voodoo. 01:28 Their unwavering trust in God 01:29 through the most difficult trials 01:31 has won the respect in hearts of the Dendi people 01:34 that they were sent out to reach. 01:36 Michee and Elmire Bade as well as their two children 01:39 are serving as missionaries 01:40 with Adventist Frontier Missions. 01:42 Michee was a pastor in his home country of Ivory Coast 01:45 before being called of God to serve the Dendi people 01:48 in the country of Benin. 01:50 Early on in their service they discovered 01:52 the absolute necessity of frequent and earnest prayer 01:55 for they realized 01:56 they were not fighting against earthly powers. 01:59 As Ephesians 6:12 states 02:02 they were fighting against principalities 02:04 and rulers of darkness in spiritual places. 02:09 This led Michee to pray not just three times a day 02:11 as did Daniel 02:13 or five times a day as the Muslims 02:15 in his city are doing but seven times a day. 02:18 Whether there was a simple as culture shock 02:20 or his extremist physical and spiritual attack 02:23 with God walking by his side 02:26 Michee and his family turned each trial into victory. 02:32 Today's story begins with the Bade's arriving 02:34 in Benin in 2006 02:36 preparing for their journey across the country 02:38 to the city of Natitingoa. 02:40 Their journey was not 02:41 what they were expecting however. 02:43 Even a simple taxi ride 02:45 turned into an extreme travel experience. 02:48 So from Cotonou we decided to go to Natitingoa 02:52 and pay a visit to our missionary colleagues, 02:55 Suzy and Uli 02:56 who have been in Benin for almost 10 to 12 years. 03:01 By December 24, we decided to move to Kandi. 03:04 That was almost Christmas. 03:07 And many people were not traveling 03:09 so we waited almost two hours at the station. 03:13 And we entered a nine-seat, eight-seat taxi. 03:17 We thought that the number of seats was-- 03:21 the number of people to expect. 03:23 We didn't know that in Benin that was not the case. 03:27 So that's how the extreme travel started. 03:30 So a few hours after, the driver had more passengers, 03:37 and we began the trip. 03:41 It was on dirt road almost seven hours 03:45 going up north of Benin of Natitingoa. 03:51 And when we got to Kandi, we were so tired, dusty, 03:56 and we were in pain. 03:58 It was really difficult, that trip to Kandi. 04:04 Discomfort was only the beginning of their battle. 04:06 Dark spiritual forces considered the missionaries 04:09 a threat to their territory 04:10 and were always looking for opportunities 04:12 to attack God's servants. 04:15 Michee had yet to realize the seriousness of this threat. 04:19 Just after two weeks in Kandi, 04:24 the only way for us to get information 04:27 was to listen to the radio. 04:28 So I turned on my radio and was listening to the radio. 04:33 And I heard some challenging comments 04:36 about former Christians and former Muslims, 04:39 and also heard some voodoo priests making comments 04:42 that they can reproduce all the miracles 04:46 our Lord Jesus Christ did. 04:48 So I made some funny and smart comments. 04:52 I had no idea that voodoo spirits 04:56 will hear what I said in the privacy of our home. 04:59 They didn't like my comment. 05:01 So after what I said, 05:03 I was going to share with Elmire in the kitchen 05:06 what I heard on the radio 05:08 about what people had been doing. 05:10 And Eliora came and wanted to with me 05:13 so she held me by the hand, and we were walking 05:18 and a few minutes earlier, 05:20 the mother had just removed some 05:23 boiling water from the fire. 05:27 So the pot well parked, 05:30 carefully parked in a corner of the house. 05:33 And I was walking with Eliora 05:35 and I didn't know all of a sudden 05:37 I felt a strange power pulling my daughter's leg. 05:41 And before I knew, 05:43 her right leg just went straight into that water 05:48 and my daughter was screaming. 05:49 She was scalded, and I was scared. 05:52 And Elmire ran into the house. 05:55 She swathe skin that was off, and I knew something 06:01 foreign was really creating that scenario. 06:08 So before we rushed her to the hospital we prayed, 06:11 and I knew that a battle was already on. 06:16 And I knew we were to be careful with any comments 06:19 we make about voodoo spirits 06:21 and any festival about the voodoo religion in Benin, 06:27 the new country where we are in. 06:29 Voodoo spirits are nothing to be taken lightly 06:32 yet God mercifully intervened to save Michee's daughter 06:35 from further harm. 06:36 This experience led Michee to take his spiritual time 06:39 with God more seriously. 06:41 Now the battle was about to intensify. 06:44 Satan uses every means at his disposal 06:46 to hinder God's word and discourage His people. 06:49 At this time Michee was working hard 06:50 to reach the Dendi people by meeting with Muslim Imam's 06:53 to create an understanding 06:55 of religious tolerance in the city. 06:57 In the interest of learning more about Muslim culture 07:00 he decided to attend a Muslim festival 07:02 and photograph the event. 07:04 Not everyone was pleased. 07:22 After seven months in Benin, 07:26 I decided to attend the Ramadan festival. 07:30 Our Muslims brothers have fasted for 30 days 07:35 and they had a big prayer to end off the Ramadan. 07:40 And they also have a place where they go for that prayer 07:43 for the Ramadan fasting to be over. 07:48 So I decided to go with my neighbors 07:52 who asked me to help them with transportation. 07:55 So about 15 of them they loaded my truck 08:00 inside and outside and we left, and I had my camera. 08:06 I was taking pictures and making courage 08:09 when we go to the site. 08:11 Close to 5,000 people were at that prayer ground, 08:15 and because Muslims pray divided, 08:20 the women at the back and the men in front, 08:24 so we parked behind a women but I was with my friends, 08:28 almost 10 men 08:31 and we had to pass close to the women's side. 08:33 And a Shiite woman dressed in black 08:37 who hated me in town saw me coming 08:40 and started spreading rumors 08:43 that I have come to defile their prayer ground. 08:48 That I am a Christian why I am here with a camera? 08:52 Why am I taking pictures? 08:53 And she said I was too close to the women's side. 08:57 And before I knew, there was a big riot going on, 09:01 and those that came with me 09:03 were trying to reason her that I am their guest 09:06 and I have the permission to be there 09:09 from the head imam. 09:11 But before I knew, there were big fighting, arguing, 09:17 and Nasiru, my friend advised me that 09:22 it was getting too hot that somebody might be hurt. 09:26 They advised me to leave. 09:28 So I quickly packed my things and ran towards my truck 09:34 and headed back to home. 09:37 Persecution is not limited just to God's messengers. 09:40 Those who support God's workers 09:42 often come under attack as well. 09:45 Michee was thankful that Nasiru intervened 09:47 during the festival 09:48 but it made Nasiru the target of Satan's next assault. 09:52 So the first person to be hurt was Nasiru, my friend, 09:56 who defended me during the Ramadan crises. 09:59 And he woke up in the morning 10:02 and was feeling some sore on his right leg, some pain. 10:07 He went to the hospital and saw a medical doctor. 10:11 And the doctor, after some consultation 10:14 didn't see anything medically wrong. 10:17 He even did some injections, 10:19 and he told him there is nothing we can do for you. 10:23 So Nasiru left disappointed and with some of his relatives, 10:28 they decided to go to a witchdoctor. 10:35 And the witch doctor, after some incantations, 10:41 consulted with some spirit and the spirit revealed 10:44 that he was bitten by a spiritual snake. 10:49 Unfortunately, 10:50 after removing 14 teeth Nasiru didn't feel better. 10:54 So his pain went worse. 10:58 He barely went back home on his own. 11:02 He has to be held by his parents. 11:05 And I learned some few days 11:08 when I returned from my trip in Ouagadougou 11:10 that my friend Nasiru was really in severe pain. 11:14 I went to Nasiru, it was on Friday after vesper. 11:17 I said, "God, this is the Sabbath hours, 11:20 and Sabbath is made for man. 11:22 I'm going to pray for Nasiru 11:25 and I want You to make him accept 11:27 that I will pray for him." 11:29 So when go to Nasiru, 11:30 I could read he was in the courtyard 11:34 and his family members around him. 11:37 He was really in pain on his mat 11:40 with a bandage on his leg. 11:41 And when his parents saw me coming 11:44 they had a very dirty look at me because for them, 11:47 I was responsible for his misery, his pain. 11:51 So some of them left 11:53 because they didn't want me to be there. 11:55 And I just told Nasiru, 11:57 I just heard what is happening to him, 11:59 and I'm very sorry. 12:01 And I offered him money to go and see another doctor. 12:04 And I also told him that 12:06 I could pray for him if he wishes. 12:08 And to my surprise, Nasiru rejected the money 12:11 and said I should just pray for him. 12:13 And I quickly praised God in my heart 12:17 and put my left hand on his leg 12:20 and started praying 12:21 and claiming the promises of the Sabbath 12:24 that the Sabbath is made to refresh, to restore, 12:28 that God should show Nasiru and his family 12:31 that He really sent me to them 12:34 and He should make a miracle for Nasiru to be well. 12:37 And I left and went home 12:38 and I shared the experience with Elmire, 12:41 and we prayed for him again. 12:43 And to my surprise, early Saturday afternoon, 12:48 maybe by noon somebody knocked at my door. 12:51 When I opened here was Nasiru walking. 12:53 And I was surprised. 12:55 I told him, "How are you feeling?" 12:57 He said, "Better. Your prayer worked." 12:59 I aid, "Praise God!" 13:00 And I was so amazed. 13:03 I was thankful and I praised God 13:05 and Nasiru was very impressed that the prayer worked 13:10 so quick and so fast. 13:11 And he told me, "I will be with you again. 13:14 I will escort you again, 13:17 and I'm not afraid of any spiritual attack." 13:19 So that was very encouraging and we praised God together. 13:24 God does answer the prayers of His people. 13:27 He turned every attack Satan had thrown 13:28 at Michee's family and friends into a blessing. 13:31 Yet the spiritual attacks continued 13:34 and Satan redoubled his efforts and preparation 13:36 for a decisive confrontation. 13:39 One of the things we also learned 13:42 under the spiritual attack was that even our accusers 13:46 could manipulate the bandits. 13:48 That will sound crazy, 13:49 but that's almost what happened. 13:54 It was seven. 13:55 We were only three hours from Kandi, 13:58 and after taking some gas Elmire suggested 14:01 that we should sleep in Parakou. 14:05 And I refused because I wanted to reach at Kandi that night 14:09 and rest at once. 14:11 And we decided to drive to Kandi that night. 14:17 Just 30 minutes after, 14:19 I saw a roadblock and I saw people moving around 14:24 many cars that were parked. 14:26 And they were not policemen, 14:27 so we knew they were armed robbers. 14:30 So when I noticed that they saw that we stopped 14:34 and we were looking at them I started reversing the truck, 14:39 and they were running after us and shooting at us, 14:43 but we fell into a ditch. 14:46 And the bandits surrounded us, 14:47 and they were mad at us because we tried to escape. 14:52 We'll be right back with our program in just a moment 14:55 but first we would like to give you some insight 14:57 into the country of Benin and the Dendi culture. 15:00 The Republic of Benin the West African country 15:04 roughly the size of Pennsylvania 15:06 is boarded by Togo, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, 15:11 Niger and the Atlantic Ocean. 15:13 Once the seat of the powerful Dahomey kingdom, 15:15 Benin became a French colony in 1900 15:18 and gained independence in 1960 subsequently 15:21 becoming the first African country 15:23 to successfully transition from a dictatorship 15:26 to a pluralistic political system. 15:29 Today the population is roughly 9.8 million 15:32 and French is the official language. 15:36 The Dendi people are located in the northern most region 15:38 of the country, 15:39 mainly in the lush plains of the Niger River. 15:42 Some of the Dendi live in the high grass areas 15:44 bordering the Sahara Desert but there is little water 15:47 and sparse vegetation. 15:50 Sizable communities can also be found in nearby countries. 15:53 Today, many Dendi live in 15:54 rectangular mud brick houses with corrugated tinned roofs. 16:00 Farming is considered noble labor among the Dendi 16:03 and is for men only. 16:04 Men are often employed to ten commercial crops 16:07 such as cotton. 16:09 The women have gardens around the home 16:10 in which they grow tropical fruits. 16:13 They also cultivate carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, 16:17 and various types of squash. 16:19 Most of the garden work is done by family members. 16:21 In addition to farming, 16:23 the Dendi also raise some livestock. 16:26 Unfortunately, 16:27 the Dendi suffer times of drought, 16:29 and malnutrition is problem for many of them. 16:34 Benin is one of the least-evangelized country 16:36 south of the Sahara and the Dendi 16:38 are one of approximately 70 ethnic groups 16:41 who make their home there. 16:43 They trace their origin 16:44 to the eighth century kingdom of Za. 16:47 They embraced Islam as early as 1010, 16:49 but it was mixed with their original beliefs in animism. 16:53 Today the Dendi people are almost entirely Muslim. 16:58 Every town has a mosque. 17:00 Many communities have imams or religious leaders 17:03 who teach Islamic philosophy and lead Muslim ceremonies. 17:07 Even though Islam introduced new elements 17:09 to the Dendi culture, 17:11 it left the underlying framework of custom 17:13 and tradition virtually untouched. 17:15 Spirit possession, magic, sorcery, 17:19 ancestor worship and witchcraft remain 17:21 core components of Dendi belief. 17:24 In fact, Benin is considered to be 17:26 the birth place of the voodoo. 17:30 Currently, there are some Christian resources available 17:33 in the Dendi language. 17:35 However a majority of these people have not 17:37 heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. 17:40 Adventist Frontier Missions is working to establish 17:43 Seventh-day Adventist Church planting moments 17:45 among people groups such as the Dendi. 17:47 They have never been exposed to the message of Christ. 17:51 Each missionary AFM sends conducts 17:54 an in-depth study of the culture 17:55 and language of their target people group 17:58 in order to more effectively share the gospel and win souls. 18:02 Once a core group of believers has been established 18:05 they are trained to be spiritual leaders 18:08 in their own culture. 18:09 In this way a Christ centered culture can develop 18:13 without importing western world views. 18:16 Michee and his team have had success 18:18 using this model of evangelism. 18:20 But we're getting ahead of our story 18:22 as you recall Michee and his family were returning 18:25 to Kandi when they encountered a group of bandits. 18:28 We started reversing the truck, 18:31 and they were running after us and shooting at us 18:35 but we fell into a ditch. 18:38 And the bandits surrounded us, 18:39 and they were mad at us because we tried to escape. 18:42 And they started beating us and we saw many people 18:46 that were already on the bush, 18:48 in the bush, on the floor. 18:50 So we also joined the people. 18:52 Because Eliora was with us, I took Eliora from Elmire. 18:57 I was the only on lying on my back facing the sky 19:00 because I put Eliora on my chest. 19:05 So I started praying. 19:07 Elmire was singing and every other person was quiet. 19:13 So I was praying in my heart, God, please do something. 19:16 Forgive me and please don't let anybody get hurt. 19:21 And I opened my eyes and I saw a shooting star 19:26 passing from west to east 19:29 but few minutes after I saw another shooting star 19:32 passing from east to west. 19:34 So I understood that it was a message from God 19:35 that He's there. 19:36 He's seen what is going on that we should be at peace 19:39 He will intervene. 19:46 And as I was thinking, 19:48 I saw a flashing light from a car, 19:53 and I knew that it was the police. 19:56 And I saw the bandits running all over. 19:59 And I said God has answered our prayer in just few minutes 20:03 but we had been there for almost an hour in that bush. 20:07 And the bandits just left. 20:10 So we joined the police car and went to Kandi. 20:14 And some other policemen 20:17 took our truck and drove to the station 20:20 and when we got to Kandi they called me 20:25 I went and picked the truck. 20:28 I noticed that my camera with all the pictures 20:31 that I took at the Ramadan festival were gone. 20:34 My PDA, where I also copied them was gone. 20:37 Elmire's camera, our passports, our cell phones, 20:42 our wallets, everything was gone. 20:45 So when we got home that night we prayed about it. 20:49 We couldn't sleep. 20:51 We spent some minutes at the police 20:54 telling what happened and recording our deposition. 20:59 And we became very quite for sometime 21:03 because the rumor in town was already that we were punished. 21:09 People heard that my camera was gone, so they were happy. 21:12 They also learned that I lost all the pictures, 21:14 so they felt that their prayers were answered, 21:19 and we were very sad. 21:22 Michee story didn't end there, 21:24 God was about to turn the tables again 21:26 working behind the scenes to convenience leaders in the town 21:29 that Michee had been sent by God 21:31 with a message they needed to hear. 21:33 Well, the vindication part of the story 21:36 is where I really praise God and I was so happy 21:40 because we serve an awesome God. 21:43 After two months, when everybody else almost forgotten 21:47 what's happened I had a police call. 21:51 They found out my camera and some stuff that belonged to me 21:54 and so they called me to come and identify them. 21:57 So I went and I saw my camera, 22:01 I saw my PDA and I checked, 22:06 the card was still in, all the pictures were intact 22:10 and I was surprised. 22:13 I was saying in my heart, God, You are wonderful. 22:16 So I returned to Kandi with the news 22:20 and people were kind of saying that's not possible. 22:24 After two months? 22:25 He retrieved his camera with all the pictures in? 22:29 Well, that was a time for us to praise God 22:31 and to show that our God was more powerful. 22:34 And He really-- I mean, assured us 22:39 that we need to trust Him, 22:41 and He will be in charge of how the mission projects will move. 22:47 Michee's efforts have not been without results. 22:50 He and his family have been working with the Dendi people 22:52 since 2006 and in spite of both spiritual and physical attacks 22:57 they have established a Seventh-day Adventist 22:59 presence in Kandi. 23:02 In 2011 they held their fist baptismal for new believers. 23:06 Since then 29 have joined 23:08 this growing company of Seventh-day Adventist. 23:12 Often members come to the church 23:14 after hearing firsthand accounts 23:15 about answered prayers, 23:17 deliverance from spirits and miracles. 23:20 They come seeking freedom from spiritual harassment. 23:23 Michee and the church members gather around these people 23:26 and ask for God's divine intervention. 23:28 God has really opened doors for us to reach our Muslim friends 23:33 through our deliverance ministries. 23:35 We've had imams sending, in secret, 23:39 their children to us to pray for them because of their-- 23:43 they had been demon possessed. 23:45 We've had Muslim women coming to us with their children. 23:49 We've been invited in Muslims homes. 23:52 And the deliverance ministry has put us 23:55 also in a very hectic spiritual warfare. 24:00 The resulting testimonies of deliverance and peace 24:03 help spread the news of a church 24:05 encouraging more people to visit. 24:07 To encourage growth from a single church 24:10 to a church planting moment 24:12 Michee has began training members in leadership roles 24:14 such as elders, deacons, song leaders 24:17 and Sabbath school teachers. 24:19 He also teaches techniques in person evangelism, 24:22 Christian living and healthy lifestyle among others. 24:28 The faith dialogue center has become a center of influence 24:31 in the Kandi community. 24:32 It is well known for being a place of open discussion 24:35 between Muslims and Christians 24:37 where both feel welcome and at ease. 24:40 Due to the rapid growth of the church membership 24:42 the Faith Dialogue Center has become too small to accommodate 24:45 the members and the Muslims are starting to see it 24:48 as an exclusively Christian building. 24:51 For these reasons the Dendi mission project 24:53 is seeking funds to build a new church building. 24:57 To enhance security and prevent property encroachment 25:00 the Dendi project is constructing 25:01 a wall enclosing the Faith Dialogue Center. 25:05 Thanks to the generous gifts of donors like you 25:07 the construction on this project 25:09 is expected to be completed this year. 25:13 The Dendi are not the only unreached people group 25:15 waiting to hear the gospel. 25:17 Over 6,000 others will never hear of Jesus 25:20 unless someone goes to tell them. 25:23 If you feel called to be a missionary 25:25 please give us a call at 800-937-4236. 25:31 AFM missionaries also need your prayers and financial support. 25:35 We invite you to support the Dendi project 25:37 or similar ones that target other unreached people groups. 25:41 Simply send your gifts to Adventist Frontier Missions, 25:45 P.O. Box 286, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 49103. 25:50 That's P.O. Box 286, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 49103 25:56 or you may call us at 800-937-4236. 26:01 That's 800-937-4236. 26:05 You may also visit us online at 26:09 Giving is easy and secure. 26:12 Thank you for helping to reach the unreached 26:14 with the gospel of Jesus Christ. |
Revised 2014-12-17