- [Announcer] This presentation is brought to you by 00:00:02.16\00:00:04.03 the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry. 00:00:04.03\00:00:06.60 - Have you ever been so nervous, frightened, 00:00:08.44\00:00:10.74 or upset that you fainted. 00:00:10.74\00:00:12.67 About 15% of adults are apt to faint at the sight of blood. 00:00:12.67\00:00:16.31 And it's not uncommon for people to pass out 00:00:16.31\00:00:18.98 at weddings or other public ceremonies 00:00:18.98\00:00:20.75 that require prolonged standing or stress. 00:00:20.75\00:00:23.95 People have even been known to faint 00:00:23.95\00:00:25.95 in response to disturbing movies, or when they're 00:00:25.95\00:00:29.76 startled. The medical term for this is vasovagal syncope. 00:00:29.76\00:00:32.79 A condition caused by an extreme 00:00:32.79\00:00:34.73 and rapid drop in blood pressure 00:00:34.73\00:00:36.73 that causes an individual to temporarily lose consciousness. 00:00:36.73\00:00:40.44 In Daniel chapter eight, 00:00:40.44\00:00:41.94 we read that one of God's great prophets 00:00:41.94\00:00:44.11 had a similar experience, 00:00:44.11\00:00:45.77 when he saw something in vision that was so distressing, 00:00:45.77\00:00:48.74 he fainted from shock and was sick for days. 00:00:48.74\00:00:52.18 But what happened in this disturbing vision 00:00:52.18\00:00:54.48 that so troubled the prophet? 00:00:54.48\00:00:56.35 And what's the meaning of the terrifying image he saw? 00:00:56.35\00:00:59.92 How does this longest Bible time prophecy 00:00:59.92\00:01:02.12 relate to God's people and the anti-Christ? 00:01:02.12\00:01:05.16 You might be surprised how the answers to these questions 00:01:05.16\00:01:07.66 affect your life today. 00:01:07.66\00:01:09.93 So join me now, as we take a closer look 00:01:09.93\00:01:12.30 at this very important subject. 00:01:12.30\00:01:13.77 (wind swooshing) 00:01:13.77\00:01:16.67 Wanna welcome those who are watching 00:01:17.87\00:01:19.27 "The Panorama of Prophecy." 00:01:19.27\00:01:21.01 And tonight we're gonna live up to our name. 00:01:21.01\00:01:22.84 We're getting into some industrial strength, 00:01:22.84\00:01:25.55 Bible prophecy study. 00:01:25.55\00:01:27.38 It doesn't get any deeper than we're getting tonight. 00:01:27.38\00:01:30.92 So I hope that you'll take a deep breath and ask the Lord 00:01:30.92\00:01:34.46 for the Holy Spirit to just guide you 00:01:34.46\00:01:36.49 in this seminar as we proceed. 00:01:36.49\00:01:38.39 Just a little review very quickly. 00:01:38.39\00:01:40.56 As we talked about the sanctuary on earth 00:01:40.56\00:01:42.66 is modeled after a temple in heaven. 00:01:42.66\00:01:44.90 And so, when we're talking about the Bible temple, 00:01:44.90\00:01:48.70 you've got three tabernacles in the Old Testament. 00:01:48.70\00:01:52.57 First one, they built in the wilderness. 00:01:52.57\00:01:54.74 Moses instructed them to make it. 00:01:54.74\00:01:56.64 It was portable, called it the tabernacle. 00:01:56.64\00:01:59.31 That eventually kind of fell apart, 00:02:00.45\00:02:01.82 and David supplied the plans and the materials for his son, 00:02:01.82\00:02:05.15 Solomon to build the most glorious of the earthly temples. 00:02:05.15\00:02:10.23 That one lasted for about 400 years. 00:02:11.29\00:02:12.66 It was then destroyed by king Nebuchadnezzar, 00:02:12.66\00:02:14.56 the king of Babylon. 00:02:14.56\00:02:15.83 This is all in near history books in fifth grade, 00:02:15.83\00:02:17.80 it talks about that. 00:02:17.80\00:02:19.37 And after the Babylonian captivity, 00:02:19.37\00:02:22.84 the Persian king let them go back to Israel. 00:02:22.84\00:02:25.44 They rebuilt it, it wasn't near as glorious. 00:02:25.44\00:02:28.14 But Herod the Great came along 00:02:28.14\00:02:29.74 and he wanted to go and embellish it. 00:02:29.74\00:02:32.05 He spent years fortifying the earthly sanctuary. 00:02:32.05\00:02:35.68 And even during Jesus time, they said, 00:02:35.68\00:02:38.42 "You're gonna destroy this temple in three days, 00:02:38.42\00:02:40.19 it's taken us 40 and two years to build this temple." 00:02:40.19\00:02:43.32 Well, that was the one that Herod had renovated. 00:02:43.32\00:02:45.53 It was the temple of the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. 00:02:45.53\00:02:48.93 That was destroyed by the Romans, 00:02:48.93\00:02:51.20 and Jesus foretold that what happen. 00:02:51.20\00:02:52.73 Here's another prophecy. 00:02:52.73\00:02:54.47 Christ said, when the disciple showed Him the temple, 00:02:54.47\00:02:57.27 "See you not all these things? 00:02:58.31\00:02:59.87 There will not be left here one stone upon another, 00:03:01.28\00:03:02.78 that will not be thrown down." 00:03:02.78\00:03:04.05 He said, "This generation will not pass away 00:03:04.05\00:03:07.08 till all these things be fulfilled. 00:03:07.08\00:03:09.02 Bible generation is 40 years. 00:03:09.02\00:03:12.02 Remember, God wiped out that generation 00:03:12.02\00:03:13.72 because of their unbelief. 00:03:13.72\00:03:14.76 They had to wander for 40 years. 00:03:14.76\00:03:16.93 Jesus made that prophecy in 30 AD, 00:03:16.93\00:03:19.93 in 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the temple. 00:03:19.93\00:03:23.57 There has not been another earthly temple 00:03:23.57\00:03:26.07 since then to the present day. 00:03:26.07\00:03:28.34 But Jesus was very zealous about the temple. 00:03:29.60\00:03:32.11 This was His idea. The plans came from God. 00:03:32.11\00:03:35.48 That's why at the beginning of His ministry, 00:03:35.48\00:03:37.38 when Jesus was teaching and He went into the sanctuary, 00:03:37.38\00:03:41.42 He often taught in the temple. 00:03:41.42\00:03:43.49 You remember the story of the woman caught in adultery, 00:03:43.49\00:03:45.29 John chapter eight, He was teaching in the temple. 00:03:45.29\00:03:47.69 They brought Him this woman. 00:03:47.69\00:03:49.32 And He was very zealous of the temple. 00:03:49.32\00:03:51.79 And when He would go for the various feasts, 00:03:51.79\00:03:54.10 most of Jesus ministry was up around Galilee, 00:03:54.10\00:03:56.36 but He'd come to Jerusalem for the Jewish feasts. 00:03:56.36\00:03:59.33 They had turned the temple into a flea market. 00:03:59.33\00:04:02.77 It had turned into a bazaar, it was like a circus. 00:04:02.77\00:04:06.61 Because Josephus tells us 250,000 people 00:04:06.61\00:04:10.48 came to Jerusalem for the Passover. 00:04:10.48\00:04:13.62 And they'd get there, because they're traveling, 00:04:13.62\00:04:15.52 they can't bring their sheep and their goats. 00:04:15.52\00:04:17.52 They would sell them, and it was a great business. 00:04:17.52\00:04:20.52 They would sell sacrifices. 00:04:20.52\00:04:22.36 And people were buying oxen and goats and sheep 00:04:22.36\00:04:25.73 and doves at exorbitant prices. 00:04:25.73\00:04:29.73 And then they'd say, "Oh, you can't buy things in the temple 00:04:29.73\00:04:31.77 with the Roman money. 00:04:31.77\00:04:33.17 That's unclean, 'cause it's got Caesar's picture on it. 00:04:33.17\00:04:35.97 You have to now convert it to the temple money. 00:04:35.97\00:04:38.71 Then you can buy it with the temple money. 00:04:38.71\00:04:41.31 Of course there is a currency exchange cost." 00:04:41.31\00:04:44.81 And they were robbing the people. 00:04:44.81\00:04:47.25 And Jesus walked in and He saw that spectacle. 00:04:47.25\00:04:49.55 He was outraged. 00:04:49.55\00:04:50.89 And this leads us into our study for tonight, 00:04:50.89\00:04:52.85 which is called "Cleansing the Sanctuary." 00:04:52.85\00:04:56.32 Jesus did this twice during His earthly ministry. 00:04:56.32\00:04:59.23 And it also reminds us of a cleansing 00:04:59.23\00:05:01.46 that happened in the earthly temple 00:05:01.46\00:05:03.53 and in the heavenly temple and in the church, 00:05:03.53\00:05:07.97 very important study. 00:05:07.97\00:05:09.54 So, when Christ walked into the sanctuary, 00:05:09.54\00:05:11.41 and you'll find this in Matthew, Mark, Luke, 00:05:11.41\00:05:14.81 they all talk about this. 00:05:14.81\00:05:15.84 John talks about this experience. 00:05:15.84\00:05:17.75 And He saw all this carrying on. 00:05:18.55\00:05:20.35 He said, "Take these things away! 00:05:20.35\00:05:22.52 Do not make my Father's house a house of merchandise." 00:05:22.52\00:05:26.42 The Bible says the temple was to be a house of prayer, 00:05:26.42\00:05:28.86 not just for Jews. 00:05:28.86\00:05:30.33 Solomon said, "For all people." 00:05:30.33\00:05:33.16 It's not just the Jewish God. 00:05:33.16\00:05:34.76 He's the God of all people. Amen. 00:05:34.76\00:05:37.47 And He said, "It's supposed to be 00:05:37.47\00:05:38.57 a house of prayer for all nations, 00:05:38.57\00:05:40.07 and you've turned it into a den of thieves." 00:05:40.07\00:05:42.67 And Jesus, just by His word, it tells us 00:05:42.67\00:05:45.54 He made a whip of chords, 00:05:45.54\00:05:47.08 but it doesn't say He whipped anybody. 00:05:47.08\00:05:48.64 He stood there with that whip 00:05:48.64\00:05:49.84 and they looked at Him as judge 00:05:49.84\00:05:51.18 and they were overcome with terror. 00:05:51.18\00:05:52.98 It's like they were looking into the eyes of the almighty 00:05:52.98\00:05:55.65 and everybody went scampering out. 00:05:55.65\00:05:58.75 And Jesus went by and He threw over their money tables 00:05:58.75\00:06:01.42 and all the money went clanging down to the floor. 00:06:01.42\00:06:03.63 All the animals were kicked out of their cages 00:06:03.63\00:06:06.06 and they went stampeding out of the sanctuary. 00:06:06.06\00:06:09.06 And in a few minutes, they were all gone and it was quiet. 00:06:09.06\00:06:12.97 And then it says, "The children." 00:06:12.97\00:06:14.27 He wasn't mean, 'cause the children came in 00:06:14.27\00:06:16.17 and they sat and listened to Him 00:06:16.17\00:06:17.57 and the children were singing. 00:06:17.57\00:06:19.67 And so, I think people think Jesus went around the temple 00:06:19.67\00:06:22.21 and He started beating and whipping people. 00:06:22.21\00:06:23.91 It's not what happened. He just spoke. 00:06:23.91\00:06:26.41 But He cleansed the sanctuary 00:06:26.41\00:06:27.68 from all the worldliness that had come in. 00:06:27.68\00:06:30.65 In the Old Testament, they had a service 00:06:31.72\00:06:33.19 where they cleansed the sanctuary from the sins 00:06:33.19\00:06:36.02 that had been symbolically stored there through the year. 00:06:36.02\00:06:38.93 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 00:06:38.93\00:06:41.50 God wants to cleanse that sanctuary. 00:06:41.50\00:06:43.53 Jesus often healed people, didn't He? 00:06:43.53\00:06:45.53 Said He wants us to have an abundant life. 00:06:45.53\00:06:47.90 The church, what? 00:06:47.90\00:06:49.37 Know ye not the ye, plural, are the temple of God. 00:06:49.37\00:06:52.57 Paul said to the church, 00:06:52.57\00:06:53.84 "Whoever defiles that temple, him will God destroy." 00:06:53.84\00:06:57.45 Tells about this anti-Christ power 00:06:57.45\00:06:59.08 that sits over the temple of God, a defiling influence. 00:06:59.08\00:07:03.12 And then the Bible tells us that 00:07:03.12\00:07:05.19 He's got a temple in heaven. 00:07:05.19\00:07:06.65 Christ cleanses them all. 00:07:07.46\00:07:09.99 He is the great temple cleanser. 00:07:09.99\00:07:12.76 So, we've learned last night, it's in Psalm 77, verse 13, 00:07:12.76\00:07:17.30 "Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary. 00:07:17.30\00:07:20.87 Who is so great a God as our God," Psalm 77:13. 00:07:20.87\00:07:25.41 So, we're gonna take a look at a prophecy 00:07:25.41\00:07:28.01 that was given to the prophet Daniel, 00:07:28.01\00:07:29.88 that you'll find in Daniel chapter eight. 00:07:29.88\00:07:32.28 If you have your Bibles, I invite you to turn there. 00:07:32.28\00:07:35.32 And these are two prophecies 00:07:35.32\00:07:39.09 between Daniel eight and Daniel nine, 00:07:39.09\00:07:40.72 that ends up being the longest time prophecy 00:07:40.72\00:07:43.49 through history, and it talks about 00:07:43.49\00:07:45.46 the cleansing of the sanctuary. 00:07:45.46\00:07:47.66 "In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar 00:07:47.66\00:07:50.27 a vision appeared to me, to me, Daniel, 00:07:50.27\00:07:53.00 after the one that appeared to me the first time." 00:07:53.00\00:07:55.30 That's in chapter seven. 00:07:55.30\00:07:56.77 "I saw in the vision, 00:07:56.77\00:07:57.87 and so it happened while I was looking, 00:07:57.87\00:07:59.51 I was in Shushan in the Citadel, 00:07:59.51\00:08:01.54 which is in the province of Elam. 00:08:01.54\00:08:03.35 And I saw in the vision that I was by the River Ulai, 00:08:03.35\00:08:07.38 and then I lifted my eyes and saw, 00:08:07.38\00:08:09.15 and there was standing beside the river, 00:08:09.15\00:08:10.82 there was a ram that had two horns 00:08:10.82\00:08:14.06 and the two horns were high, 00:08:14.06\00:08:15.82 and one was higher than the other. 00:08:15.82\00:08:17.76 And another one came up last. 00:08:17.76\00:08:20.43 And I saw the ram pushing towards the westward, 00:08:20.43\00:08:22.96 northward, southward, so that no animal could withstand him 00:08:22.96\00:08:26.20 nor was there any that could deliver from his hand, 00:08:26.20\00:08:29.20 but he did according to his will and became great. 00:08:29.20\00:08:31.81 And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat 00:08:31.81\00:08:35.24 came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth 00:08:35.24\00:08:38.55 without touching the ground, 00:08:38.55\00:08:40.42 and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes. 00:08:40.42\00:08:43.15 Then he came to the ram that had the two horns, 00:08:43.15\00:08:46.05 which I saw standing beside the river 00:08:46.05\00:08:48.29 and ran at him with furious power. 00:08:48.29\00:08:50.73 And I saw him confronting the ram 00:08:50.73\00:08:52.89 and he was moved with rage against him 00:08:52.89\00:08:55.00 and attacked the ram and broke his two horns. 00:08:55.00\00:08:57.43 And there was no power in the ram to withstand him, 00:08:57.43\00:09:00.50 but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him. 00:09:00.50\00:09:03.51 And there was no one that could 00:09:03.51\00:09:04.71 deliver the ram from his hand. 00:09:04.71\00:09:06.74 Therefore the male goat grew very great, 00:09:06.74\00:09:09.38 but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, 00:09:09.38\00:09:13.18 and in its place, four notable ones came up 00:09:13.18\00:09:16.25 towards the four winds of heaven." 00:09:16.25\00:09:18.05 Meaning north, south, east, west. 00:09:18.05\00:09:19.65 "And out of one of the four horns that came up in this goat 00:09:19.65\00:09:24.23 was a little horn that grew exceedingly great 00:09:24.23\00:09:27.56 towards the south and towards the east, 00:09:27.56\00:09:29.16 and towards the glorious land. 00:09:29.16\00:09:30.87 And it grew up towards the host of heaven, 00:09:30.87\00:09:33.37 and it cast some of the hosts 00:09:33.37\00:09:34.90 and some of the stars to the ground and trampled them. 00:09:34.90\00:09:37.97 He even exalted himself 00:09:37.97\00:09:39.91 as high as the prince of the host, that's Christ. 00:09:39.91\00:09:42.98 And by him, the daily sacrifices were taken away 00:09:42.98\00:09:45.98 and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. 00:09:45.98\00:09:49.22 Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn 00:09:49.22\00:09:52.82 to oppose the daily sacrifice." 00:09:52.82\00:09:55.02 And here's the main thing. 00:09:55.02\00:09:56.46 He cast truth down to the ground 00:09:56.46\00:10:00.66 and he did all this and he prospered. 00:10:00.66\00:10:03.06 Then I heard the holy one speaking to the other holy one." 00:10:04.37\00:10:06.70 These angels that are talking in Daniel's presence. 00:10:06.70\00:10:10.07 "How long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices 00:10:10.07\00:10:13.38 and the transgression of desolation?" 00:10:13.38\00:10:15.48 You've heard of the abomination of desolation. 00:10:15.48\00:10:17.85 "The transgression of desolation 00:10:17.85\00:10:19.45 and the giving of both the sanctuary and the host 00:10:19.45\00:10:22.42 to be trampled underfoot. 00:10:22.42\00:10:24.12 He said unto me, 'For 2,300 days, 00:10:24.12\00:10:26.96 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.'" 00:10:26.96\00:10:28.86 Okay, we read it and now we're going to 00:10:28.86\00:10:30.83 review what we just read, but you've got the biblical. 00:10:30.83\00:10:33.53 I wanted you to get it right from the Bible, 00:10:33.53\00:10:35.60 context for all of this. 00:10:35.60\00:10:37.77 Question number one. 00:10:37.77\00:10:39.17 Daniel had an amazing vision 00:10:39.17\00:10:41.04 in which he saw a ram with two horns. 00:10:41.04\00:10:43.97 Who does this ram represent? 00:10:43.97\00:10:46.04 Now the good news is, later in Daniel chapter eight, 00:10:46.04\00:10:49.28 you can see Daniel 8:20, an angel comes along and he says, 00:10:49.28\00:10:52.61 "I'm gonna help explain the vision." 00:10:52.61\00:10:54.62 So it's not like we went to the newspaper 00:10:54.62\00:10:56.85 to find out what it means. 00:10:56.85\00:10:58.09 There's no doubt about what it means. 00:10:58.09\00:10:59.79 An angel in the same chapter says, "Here's what it means." 00:10:59.79\00:11:02.96 So that makes it pretty definite, don't you think? 00:11:02.96\00:11:05.89 The ram that you saw having the two horns, 00:11:05.89\00:11:09.36 they are the Kings of Media and Persia. 00:11:09.36\00:11:13.13 Media and the Persians came up later, 00:11:13.13\00:11:14.80 but Persia became much bigger. 00:11:14.80\00:11:16.74 Most of the history talks about it as the Persian empire. 00:11:16.74\00:11:20.18 Next question, Daniel then saw a goat 00:11:21.21\00:11:24.75 with a great horn between his eyes. 00:11:24.75\00:11:27.52 What does this mean? 00:11:27.52\00:11:29.28 Before I go to the answer, 00:11:29.28\00:11:31.22 it's interesting if you know your Bible. 00:11:31.22\00:11:32.89 Daniel chapter seven, he has a vision of four animals. 00:11:32.89\00:11:37.76 You get a lion and a bear and a leopard and a strange beast. 00:11:37.76\00:11:40.90 They are all, according to the Jews, unclean animals. 00:11:40.90\00:11:45.00 Now you get to Daniel chapter eight 00:11:45.00\00:11:47.67 and these are clean animals. 00:11:47.67\00:11:49.10 The Jews were all shepherds. 00:11:49.10\00:11:50.84 A goat, ram, they were clean animals 00:11:50.84\00:11:52.67 that they used to have in their flocks. 00:11:52.67\00:11:54.74 When Babylon was in power, they persecuted the Jews. 00:11:54.74\00:11:59.15 The Persians and the Greeks, 00:11:59.15\00:12:03.25 they allowed them to, most of the time 00:12:03.25\00:12:04.79 they allowed them to practice their religion. 00:12:04.79\00:12:07.22 So Daniel saw this goat with a great horn between his eyes. 00:12:07.22\00:12:10.06 Who is he? 00:12:10.06\00:12:11.13 The male goat is the kingdom of what? Greece. 00:12:11.13\00:12:15.53 And the large horn that is between his eyes 00:12:15.53\00:12:17.80 is the first king. 00:12:17.80\00:12:20.10 Now, this is really phenomenal when you think about it, 00:12:20.10\00:12:22.44 because when Daniel's making these prophecies, 00:12:22.44\00:12:26.01 the likelihood that Greece was gonna rule the world, 00:12:27.41\00:12:30.21 would've been unlikely when Daniel made the prophecy. 00:12:30.21\00:12:33.38 Philip, the king of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, 00:12:33.38\00:12:36.95 he wasn't even alive then. 00:12:36.95\00:12:38.89 And so, the notion that they would, 00:12:38.89\00:12:40.19 at some point rule the world, they were just tribes 00:12:40.19\00:12:42.89 up in the north of the Mediterranean there. 00:12:42.89\00:12:45.99 And then later they foretell 00:12:45.99\00:12:47.10 that Rome is gonna rule the world. 00:12:47.10\00:12:48.90 Rome wasn't much beyond Romulus and Remus. 00:12:48.90\00:12:51.53 These twin brothers that were supposedly reared by wolves. 00:12:51.53\00:12:55.04 They were just some tribes that were primitive. 00:12:55.04\00:12:57.34 The idea that they would rule the world, you know, 00:12:57.34\00:12:59.51 right now, if I made a prophecy and said, 00:12:59.51\00:13:00.94 "Yeah, 300 years, Tasmania is gonna be the world power. 00:13:00.94\00:13:04.48 Nothing against any Tasmanians here, 00:13:05.55\00:13:07.32 but I mean, who would predict that? 00:13:07.32\00:13:09.78 And so, you have to realize, we know that Daniel 00:13:09.78\00:13:13.02 foretold these things before they happened. 00:13:13.02\00:13:14.92 The very fact he got the kingdoms right, 00:13:14.92\00:13:16.99 is one reason it's such a remarkable book. 00:13:16.99\00:13:19.23 (inspiring music) 00:13:19.23\00:13:20.73 Don't go anywhere, friends. 00:13:20.73\00:13:21.96 In just a moment we're going to return 00:13:21.96\00:13:23.57 for the rest of today's presentation. 00:13:23.57\00:13:25.57 You know, the ancient Hebrew sanctuary 00:13:25.57\00:13:27.87 was a fascinating structure, 00:13:27.87\00:13:29.84 filled with symbolism regarding the coming Messiah 00:13:29.84\00:13:32.71 and the sacrifice that He would make 00:13:32.71\00:13:34.41 to offer salvation to all of humanity, 00:13:34.41\00:13:37.21 but just what were these symbols? 00:13:37.21\00:13:39.11 What exactly do they represent? 00:13:39.11\00:13:40.65 And what important messages do they have for us today? 00:13:40.65\00:13:44.19 We have a special free resource 00:13:44.19\00:13:45.82 we'd like to give you concerning this mysterious topic. 00:13:45.82\00:13:48.76 It's called "God Drew the Plans." 00:13:48.76\00:13:51.29 This fascinating, but easy to read study guide 00:13:51.29\00:13:54.13 will help you find a deeper understanding of God's temple 00:13:54.13\00:13:57.10 in heaven and on earth. 00:13:57.10\00:13:58.87 And even better, show you how to build 00:13:58.87\00:14:00.94 a forever relationship with Jesus, our savior, 00:14:00.94\00:14:04.17 and true high priest. 00:14:04.17\00:14:05.91 To get your free copy, call the phone number on your screen 00:14:05.91\00:14:09.04 and ask for offer number 129 or visit the web address. 00:14:09.04\00:14:13.18 And after you read this incredible resource, 00:14:13.18\00:14:15.72 make sure and share it with a friend. 00:14:15.72\00:14:18.09 Well, let's get back now to today's presentation 00:14:18.09\00:14:20.96 and learn some more amazing facts from the Word of God. 00:14:20.96\00:14:23.79 And he says, "The big notable horn." 00:14:25.19\00:14:27.96 You know, you've probably seen rams and sheep 00:14:27.96\00:14:29.76 fighting before they butt each other. 00:14:29.76\00:14:31.37 And typically, the one was the best rack of horns wins. 00:14:31.37\00:14:34.70 But this big notable horn, that is the first king, 00:14:34.70\00:14:39.04 which is no doubt, Alexander the Great, 00:14:39.04\00:14:41.61 because he dies early. 00:14:41.61\00:14:42.91 It says, "And when he is strong, he's suddenly broken. 00:14:42.91\00:14:45.15 In his prime, Alexander the Great dies." 00:14:45.15\00:14:48.22 Just about the same age as Jesus, I think he was 32. 00:14:48.22\00:14:51.22 He conquered the world, 00:14:52.05\00:14:53.29 but he became depressed when a soldier said 00:14:53.29\00:14:55.42 they didn't wanna march any farther and conquer anymore. 00:14:55.42\00:14:58.46 And he had a drunken feast in Babylon. 00:14:58.46\00:15:01.30 We don't know if he died from poisoning, from alcohol, 00:15:01.30\00:15:06.10 many speculate malaria, 'cause he did not die right away. 00:15:06.10\00:15:09.40 And as he was dying, his young wife Roxana, a Persian gal, 00:15:09.40\00:15:12.97 she said, "Who will rule in your place?" 00:15:12.97\00:15:14.74 She was actually pregnant at the time. 00:15:14.74\00:15:16.81 She was wondering, you know, is your son's not even born. 00:15:16.81\00:15:19.35 Is he gonna rule? 00:15:19.35\00:15:20.68 And Alexander said, "The strongest will rule," 00:15:20.68\00:15:23.45 which is what happened. 00:15:23.45\00:15:24.72 He died, his empire was divided among his four generals. 00:15:24.72\00:15:29.22 And that's our next answer. 00:15:29.22\00:15:30.56 Says, "And as that broken horn, horn was broken, 00:15:30.56\00:15:33.56 so that forced it up in its place. 00:15:33.56\00:15:35.53 Four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation, 00:15:35.53\00:15:38.20 but not according to his power." 00:15:38.20\00:15:40.00 So you've got the four divisions of the Greek kingdom, 00:15:40.00\00:15:44.27 and that's Ptolmys, Seleucus, Cassander, and Lysimachus. 00:15:45.61\00:15:50.41 And so, these four generals basically carved up the kingdom 00:15:51.75\00:15:55.45 to the four winds, north, south, east, west. 00:15:55.45\00:15:58.95 And there was a lot of strife and the Greek influence 00:15:58.95\00:16:03.96 still spread around the world for years. 00:16:05.09\00:16:07.00 Then a little horn sprouts up. 00:16:07.00\00:16:09.36 What did this little horn represent? 00:16:09.36\00:16:11.77 Now this little horn is the antichrist power 00:16:11.77\00:16:14.27 that you find other places in Daniel. 00:16:14.27\00:16:16.60 He's in Daniel chapter seven. 00:16:16.60\00:16:18.27 He's also found in Daniel chapter 11. 00:16:18.27\00:16:20.91 And he is the power that Christ is talking about 00:16:20.91\00:16:23.14 when he talks about the abomination of desolation. 00:16:23.14\00:16:26.48 This is one that speaks great words against the Most High, 00:16:26.48\00:16:29.78 wears out the saints of the Most High. 00:16:29.78\00:16:32.39 And ultimately, what do you call it? 00:16:32.39\00:16:36.36 He establishes the mark of the beast 00:16:36.36\00:16:40.03 and begins to persecute those that will not worship 00:16:40.03\00:16:42.86 the way that they're commanded to worship. 00:16:42.86\00:16:45.23 This little horn sprout up from one of the four. 00:16:45.23\00:16:48.04 What does this horn represent? 00:16:48.84\00:16:51.14 Well, we know that in the one of the northern, 00:16:51.14\00:16:54.68 western empires of Greece, 00:16:54.68\00:16:57.55 it kind of transitioned power to Rome. 00:16:57.55\00:16:59.65 And you can read about this in Acts 18. 00:16:59.65\00:17:01.02 What was the ruling power when Jesus was born? 00:17:01.02\00:17:03.89 "Claudius Caesar commanded 00:17:03.89\00:17:05.82 all the Jews to depart from Rome." 00:17:05.82\00:17:08.92 Rome were the ones that imprisoned John 00:17:08.92\00:17:11.76 when he gave the vision. 00:17:11.76\00:17:12.79 He had been imprisoned by the emperor. 00:17:12.79\00:17:15.16 And so, then you got the Roman power, 00:17:15.16\00:17:18.07 but the Roman power does not stay 00:17:18.07\00:17:21.04 purely political pagan power. 00:17:21.04\00:17:24.27 Christianity began to explode through the Roman empire. 00:17:24.27\00:17:27.88 Tells us that this little horn power 00:17:27.88\00:17:30.25 goes through a transition. 00:17:30.25\00:17:32.38 "In this horn, were like the eyes of the eyes of a man, 00:17:32.38\00:17:36.05 and a mouth speaking pompous words." 00:17:36.05\00:17:39.85 And it says, "He shall be different from the first ones." 00:17:39.85\00:17:43.22 Just like when you get down to the legs 00:17:43.22\00:17:45.83 in Daniel chapter two, the legs are iron, 00:17:45.83\00:17:48.40 but the feet are iron with clay. 00:17:48.40\00:17:50.70 In this vision, you've got another power, 00:17:50.70\00:17:52.40 but it's not quite the same, 00:17:52.40\00:17:54.54 because it's a commingling of religion and government. 00:17:54.54\00:17:58.47 It is religious and civil. 00:17:58.47\00:18:00.54 Now, what happened? 00:18:00.54\00:18:01.61 Just giving you a quick overview of history 00:18:01.61\00:18:02.98 so that everybody knows. 00:18:02.98\00:18:04.25 As Rome was first established, you know, 00:18:06.38\00:18:10.35 Christianity began to spread quickly 00:18:10.35\00:18:12.15 through the Roman empire. 00:18:12.15\00:18:13.66 Even in Paul's day, he said that 00:18:13.66\00:18:16.32 "The gospel's gone into all of the earth." 00:18:16.32\00:18:19.16 But then as the Christians grew, 00:18:19.16\00:18:20.96 they began to be persecuted. 00:18:20.96\00:18:22.40 The devil wanted to wipe them out. 00:18:22.40\00:18:24.10 Christianity was declared (speaking in foreign language), 00:18:24.10\00:18:26.37 because there was so much connection 00:18:27.50\00:18:28.94 between Christians and Jews. 00:18:28.94\00:18:30.21 They both used the same holy book. 00:18:30.21\00:18:32.31 And when the Jews rebelled against Rome, 00:18:32.31\00:18:34.81 the Romans said, "Christians and Jews 00:18:34.81\00:18:36.48 are forbidden religion," and they were terribly persecuted. 00:18:36.48\00:18:39.65 You've heard about how Nero fiddled as Rome burned, 00:18:39.65\00:18:42.75 and he blamed the Christians, 00:18:42.75\00:18:44.29 and Christians were burnt at the stake 00:18:44.29\00:18:46.35 and they were fed in the lions 00:18:46.35\00:18:47.66 and they died in the coliseums, 00:18:47.66\00:18:49.02 were slaughtered by gladiators. 00:18:49.02\00:18:51.16 And the devil hoped to 00:18:51.16\00:18:52.89 wipe out Christianity through persecution. 00:18:52.89\00:18:55.60 But the more they persecuted them, the more they grew. 00:18:55.60\00:18:58.73 So then the devil came up with plan B. 00:18:58.73\00:19:01.77 He said, "If I can't destroy them from the outside, 00:19:01.77\00:19:04.34 I will destroy them from the inside. 00:19:04.34\00:19:06.57 I'll legalize it, and I'll dilute Christianity. 00:19:06.57\00:19:09.81 I'll commingle it with some of the pagan religions." 00:19:09.81\00:19:12.91 And with the conversion or at least the pretended conversion 00:19:12.91\00:19:15.62 of Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor. 00:19:15.62\00:19:17.72 He legalized Christianity. 00:19:17.72\00:19:19.59 His mother, Katherine claimed to be a Christian. 00:19:19.59\00:19:21.92 He said he was gonna conquer under the sign of the cross. 00:19:21.92\00:19:25.43 Everybody suddenly wanted to be a Christian. 00:19:25.43\00:19:27.66 And all the pagans in Rome, they began to say, 00:19:27.66\00:19:32.40 "Well, you know, we wanna be Christians." 00:19:32.40\00:19:33.94 And they knew almost nothing about it. 00:19:33.94\00:19:36.10 Constantine ordered his army 00:19:36.10\00:19:37.61 to march through the Tiber River and he said, 00:19:37.61\00:19:39.77 "Now you're all baptized, you're Christians." 00:19:39.77\00:19:41.98 He didn't really understand the teaching of baptism. 00:19:41.98\00:19:44.61 They didn't know. 00:19:44.61\00:19:45.85 Jesus said, "Go teach and baptize." 00:19:45.85\00:19:47.28 They weren't taught. They had no idea. 00:19:47.28\00:19:48.85 They went into the water, dry pagans, 00:19:48.85\00:19:50.62 and they came up wet pagans. 00:19:50.62\00:19:51.72 They didn't know. 00:19:51.72\00:19:53.32 And a lot of the pagan priests, 00:19:53.32\00:19:54.56 didn't wanna lose their status. 00:19:54.56\00:19:56.06 And they said, "We'll convert to Christianity." 00:19:56.06\00:19:58.56 And they said, "But what do we do with all our idols?" 00:19:58.56\00:20:00.86 All over Rome. 00:20:00.86\00:20:02.20 I think one historian said, "There were more idols in Rome 00:20:02.20\00:20:05.37 and than there were shingles on the roofs." 00:20:05.37\00:20:07.64 There were idols everywhere. 00:20:07.64\00:20:08.74 You can read about that. 00:20:08.74\00:20:09.54 And Paul writes about it in, 00:20:09.54\00:20:11.64 or Luke writes about it in the book of Acts. 00:20:11.64\00:20:14.48 So they had idols of Mercury and Jupiter, 00:20:14.48\00:20:16.71 Apollos and Venus and Diana of Ephesus. 00:20:16.71\00:20:21.78 And they said, "What do we do with our idols?" 00:20:22.88\00:20:24.25 They said, "Well, we can win more people from paganism 00:20:24.25\00:20:26.42 if we give them Christian names." 00:20:26.42\00:20:28.22 So, this was a big transition that happened 00:20:28.22\00:20:31.63 that it talks about. 00:20:31.63\00:20:33.56 Question number four. 00:20:33.56\00:20:34.86 Daniel was told that this little horn 00:20:34.86\00:20:36.77 would defiled the sanctuary. 00:20:36.77\00:20:38.70 How long till it would be cleansed? 00:20:38.70\00:20:41.40 All right, we gotta stop for a moment 00:20:41.40\00:20:42.67 and reestablish, for any that didn't catch it, 00:20:42.67\00:20:45.47 what that sanctuary is. 00:20:45.47\00:20:46.94 In the Old Testament, 00:20:48.41\00:20:49.68 when God told Moses to build a sanctuary, 00:20:49.68\00:20:51.21 he said, "It's patterned after the one in heaven." 00:20:51.21\00:20:53.82 So you got the model, sanctuary on earth, 00:20:53.82\00:20:55.92 the tabernacle, and you got one in heaven. 00:20:55.92\00:20:57.69 How many is that? 00:20:57.69\00:20:58.89 Two, one in heaven, one on earth. 00:20:58.89\00:21:00.79 That was destroyed. 00:21:00.79\00:21:02.09 Then there was Solomon's temple. 00:21:02.09\00:21:03.76 Then you've got the one in heaven. 00:21:04.86\00:21:05.66 How many is that? Two, right. 00:21:05.66\00:21:08.86 Then that was destroyed by the Babylonians. 00:21:09.93\00:21:11.83 And then you got the temple of Ezra, Nehemiah, King Herod. 00:21:11.83\00:21:15.30 That's the one Jesus taught in. 00:21:15.30\00:21:17.64 You got one on earth, one in heaven. 00:21:17.64\00:21:20.18 How many? Two. 00:21:21.28\00:21:23.21 And then that was destroyed, and now how many are there? 00:21:24.61\00:21:27.48 Two, 'cause Jesus said, 00:21:29.22\00:21:31.42 "Destroy this temple made with hands 00:21:31.42\00:21:33.22 and I will make one without hands in three days." 00:21:33.22\00:21:35.42 But He spoke of His body, the church. 00:21:35.42\00:21:38.19 So, does God still have a sanctuary on earth? 00:21:38.19\00:21:41.16 Has that sanctuary been defiled 00:21:42.30\00:21:44.17 by the devil and false teachings? 00:21:44.17\00:21:46.03 Has the truth been cast to the ground? 00:21:46.03\00:21:48.50 The sanctuary in heaven, whenever you pray 00:21:48.50\00:21:51.14 and you ask God to forgive your sins, 00:21:51.14\00:21:52.44 Christ takes your sins, 00:21:52.44\00:21:55.01 and He pleads them before the Father. 00:21:55.01\00:21:58.18 But there's a time coming 00:21:58.18\00:21:59.31 when there's no more sin in the universe. 00:21:59.31\00:22:01.88 The sanctuary on earth, the church, 00:22:01.88\00:22:03.55 and the sanctuary in heaven are going to be cleansed. 00:22:03.55\00:22:05.99 And there's a process in that cleansing. 00:22:05.99\00:22:08.86 And He wants to cleanse you. 00:22:08.86\00:22:10.49 See, Jesus cleansed the temple. 00:22:10.49\00:22:12.16 First temple that needs cleansing is? 00:22:12.16\00:22:14.23 Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, 00:22:14.23\00:22:16.60 and the Lord wants to cleanse that, amen. 00:22:16.60\00:22:19.07 Let me just give you a couple more verses on this. 00:22:19.07\00:22:21.84 For those who missed it, speaking of the beast's power, 00:22:21.84\00:22:24.67 there will come a falling away. 00:22:25.64\00:22:27.84 It's when the truth is cast to the ground. 00:22:27.84\00:22:29.71 "The man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 00:22:29.71\00:22:33.08 who opposes and exalts himself 00:22:33.08\00:22:34.75 above all that is called God or worship, 00:22:34.75\00:22:36.99 so that he sits as God in the temple of God, 00:22:36.99\00:22:39.45 showing himself, he is God." 00:22:39.45\00:22:41.66 And then we just read in 1 Corinthians 3:17, 00:22:41.66\00:22:44.13 "If any man defiles the temple of God, 00:22:44.13\00:22:46.26 him will God destroy. 00:22:46.26\00:22:47.76 For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." 00:22:47.76\00:22:50.80 How did Jesus feel when they defiled the temple? 00:22:50.80\00:22:53.03 He chased them all out, didn't He? 00:22:53.03\00:22:55.37 Ephesians 2:19, "Now therefore, 00:22:55.37\00:22:57.74 you are no more strangers and foreigners, 00:22:57.74\00:23:00.08 but fellow citizens with the saints." 00:23:00.08\00:23:01.81 It doesn't matter if you're a Jew or Gentile. 00:23:01.81\00:23:04.08 "And of the household of God. 00:23:04.08\00:23:05.78 And we are built on the foundation 00:23:05.78\00:23:07.55 of the apostles and prophets, 00:23:07.55\00:23:09.15 Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone, 00:23:09.15\00:23:11.75 in whom the whole building fitly framed together, 00:23:11.75\00:23:14.86 grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 00:23:14.86\00:23:17.56 in whom you are builded together for a habitation of God." 00:23:17.56\00:23:21.23 God not only wants to dwell in you, your body temple. 00:23:21.23\00:23:24.37 God wants to dwell in His people, the church temple. 00:23:24.37\00:23:27.04 You still with me? 00:23:27.04\00:23:28.00 First Peter 2:5, "You also as lively stones, 00:23:29.40\00:23:32.57 living stones, are built up into a spiritual house, 00:23:32.57\00:23:35.68 a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices 00:23:35.68\00:23:38.81 acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." 00:23:38.81\00:23:41.72 And then you go to Revelation three. 00:23:41.72\00:23:43.62 "He who overcomes I will make him a pillar 00:23:43.62\00:23:46.19 in the temple of my God." 00:23:46.19\00:23:47.79 Now, I don't wanna go to heaven and be a pillar. 00:23:47.79\00:23:50.46 If you just want, all day long, you're pillar, 00:23:50.46\00:23:53.60 or is he talking about you are gonna be part 00:23:53.60\00:23:56.26 of the household of God in that kingdom? 00:23:56.26\00:23:59.63 So when the antichrist power defiles the sanctuary 00:23:59.63\00:24:03.61 and when he sits in the temple of God, 00:24:03.61\00:24:05.31 showing himself that he is God, 00:24:05.31\00:24:07.28 that temple that needs cleansing 00:24:07.28\00:24:08.98 is the temple on earth, is people. 00:24:10.08\00:24:12.01 And there's a cleansing that happens 00:24:12.01\00:24:13.38 in the temple in heaven. 00:24:13.38\00:24:14.65 Let's go back to our vision, Daniel chapter four, 00:24:14.65\00:24:16.79 and this is question four. 00:24:16.79\00:24:18.05 Daniel was told that this little horn, 00:24:18.05\00:24:21.22 and of course it's in Daniel eight, 00:24:21.22\00:24:23.12 this little horn would be filed the sanctuary. 00:24:23.12\00:24:25.63 How long until it would be cleansed? 00:24:25.63\00:24:27.93 We showed that to you twice now. 00:24:27.93\00:24:29.76 "For 2,300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." 00:24:29.76\00:24:34.84 So we got this time period. 00:24:35.77\00:24:37.17 How did Daniel respond when he saw the little horn 00:24:38.47\00:24:40.88 power persecuting God's people and obscure the truth? 00:24:40.88\00:24:45.08 At the end of this vision, when he sees the persecution, 00:24:45.08\00:24:47.52 he sees what the future of God's people are. 00:24:47.52\00:24:49.78 Daniel's an old man at this point. 00:24:49.78\00:24:52.15 Daniel 8:27, he says, "I, Daniel, fainted 00:24:52.15\00:24:55.96 and I was sick for days, and I was astonished by the vision, 00:24:55.96\00:25:00.53 but no one understood it." 00:25:00.53\00:25:02.03 He knew the part about Greece and Persia and Rome, 00:25:02.03\00:25:06.00 but he didn't understand this anti-Christ power, 00:25:06.00\00:25:09.24 this little horn power that was gonna persecute. 00:25:09.24\00:25:11.87 So, before the angel can finally 00:25:11.87\00:25:15.01 give it all to Daniel, he faints. 00:25:15.01\00:25:17.61 Which means, the angel has to come back 00:25:17.61\00:25:19.85 and give him one of the most important things, 00:25:19.85\00:25:21.48 which is what? 00:25:21.48\00:25:22.82 Starting point for the time period in the prophecy. 00:25:22.82\00:25:25.19 "At the beginning of your supplications," 00:25:26.32\00:25:28.09 go to Daniel chapter nine now. 00:25:28.09\00:25:29.92 I started reading too soon. 00:25:29.92\00:25:31.53 I want you to go to Daniel nine, 00:25:31.53\00:25:33.60 and here is the second part of this prophecy. 00:25:33.60\00:25:37.43 Daniel fainted, so the angel comes back 00:25:38.73\00:25:41.40 and Daniel offers his prayer saying, 00:25:42.54\00:25:44.04 "Lord, how long will Your people 00:25:44.04\00:25:46.11 be captives here in Persia?" 00:25:46.11\00:25:48.31 He was reading the prophecies of Jeremiah. 00:25:48.31\00:25:50.28 He said, "When are they gonna go home? 00:25:50.28\00:25:51.68 When is the Messiah gonna come?" 00:25:51.68\00:25:53.45 Is the prayer of Daniel's heart. 00:25:53.45\00:25:55.78 "At the beginning of your supplications, 00:25:55.78\00:25:57.69 the command went out and I've come to tell you." 00:25:57.69\00:26:00.09 So the angel comes to explain this vision 00:26:00.09\00:26:02.26 in Daniel chapter nine, 00:26:02.26\00:26:03.89 and it's going on with the vision of Daniel chapter eight. 00:26:03.89\00:26:06.83 (inspiring music) 00:26:06.83\00:26:09.70 - [Announcer] Don't forget to request today's 00:26:11.37\00:26:12.90 life changing free resource. 00:26:12.90\00:26:14.97 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, 00:26:14.97\00:26:17.07 you can download a digital copy 00:26:17.07\00:26:18.51 straight to your computer or mobile device. 00:26:18.51\00:26:20.98 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, 00:26:20.98\00:26:23.71 simply text the keyword on your screen to 40544, 00:26:23.71\00:26:27.78 or visit the web address shown on your screen. 00:26:27.78\00:26:30.59 And be sure to select the digital download option 00:26:30.59\00:26:33.02 on the request page. 00:26:33.02\00:26:34.32 It's now easier than ever for you 00:26:34.32\00:26:36.19 to study God's Word with Amazing Facts, 00:26:36.19\00:26:38.79 wherever and whenever you want. 00:26:38.79\00:26:40.76 And most important, to share it with others. 00:26:40.76\00:26:43.57 Did you know that Noah was present at the birth of Abraham? 00:26:46.03\00:26:49.44 Okay, maybe he wasn't in the room, 00:26:49.44\00:26:51.97 but he was alive and probably telling stories 00:26:51.97\00:26:54.54 about his floating zoo. 00:26:54.54\00:26:56.58 From the creation of the world, 00:26:56.58\00:26:58.18 to the last day events of Revelation, 00:26:58.18\00:27:00.52 Biblehistory.com is a free resource 00:27:00.52\00:27:03.12 where you can explore major Bible events and characters, 00:27:03.12\00:27:06.52 enhance your knowledge of the Bible, 00:27:06.52\00:27:08.56 and draw closer to God's Word, go deeper. 00:27:08.56\00:27:12.19 Visit the Amazing Bible Timeline, at biblehistory.com. 00:27:12.19\00:27:16.23 - [Announcer] Have you ever skipped a meal? 00:27:17.50\00:27:19.13 Not a bad idea if you need to watch your waistline, 00:27:19.13\00:27:21.80 but there's a heavenly food 00:27:21.80\00:27:23.10 you should never skip, God's Word. 00:27:23.10\00:27:25.31 Yet, how can you dive in daily when you're so busy? 00:27:25.31\00:27:28.41 Amazing Facts has you covered, 00:27:28.41\00:27:29.98 and it's as easy as signing up for our daily devotional 00:27:29.98\00:27:32.85 and verse of the day, both sent directly to your inbox. 00:27:32.85\00:27:35.75 Ready to bless, inspire, and inform you. 00:27:35.75\00:27:38.75 To start receiving the Amazing Facts daily devotional 00:27:38.75\00:27:41.62 and verse of the day, visit amazingfacts.org 00:27:41.62\00:27:44.49 and click on Bible study in the main menu. 00:27:44.49\00:27:46.96 You'll be glad you did. 00:27:46.96\00:27:48.23 - [Announcer] Don't forget to request today's free offer. 00:27:53.90\00:27:55.94 It's sure to be a blessing. 00:27:55.94\00:27:57.74 And thank you for your continued support, 00:27:57.74\00:27:59.77 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 00:27:59.77\00:28:03.01 We hope you'll join us next week, 00:28:03.01\00:28:04.75 as we delve deep into the Word of God 00:28:04.75\00:28:07.18 to explore more amazing facts. 00:28:07.18\00:28:09.72 This presentation was brought to you by 00:28:22.33\00:28:24.23 the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry. 00:28:24.23\00:28:26.70