Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Fruits & Nuts in the Family Tree

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000081A

00:04 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:07 ♪♪
00:14 Doug Batchelor: Through the sin of Adam we've all got big
00:17 problems.
00:18 We're tempted, we fall, we sin, but through the sacrifice
00:21 and the victory of Jesus we can be born again, adopted
00:26 into a new family that has life instead of death.
00:31 ♪♪
00:35 Doug: You know one of the most popular websites and it's also
00:38 become a billion dollar business right now is
00:44 It's the world's largest online collection of family history
00:47 records and they got three million subscribers.
00:53 There's other knock offs that do varying types of this where
00:57 people can kind of track their ancestry.
01:01 You know, I don't know why but as I've gotten a little
01:03 older I've been a little more interested in that.
01:06 About a year ago, Karen got me test.
01:13 I was always interested because my dad said, "Yeah, we're part
01:16 Indian.
01:18 We're part American-Indian."
01:19 And I always told everybody all my life.
01:22 Yep, I even, you know, my uncle lived with the Navajos.
01:25 I lived on the reservation.
01:27 I used to tell 'em, Yeah, I tried to figure it out when he
01:29 said it was a grandma was a Cherokee.
01:31 And so, Karen got me this DNA tests.
01:33 I couldn't wait to see the results how much Indian I
01:36 was and came back.
01:39 Took six weeks after spitting in a bottle to get the report
01:42 back.
01:44 And I have no Indian at all.
01:48 And my father and his brothers, they've told me all my life.
01:52 I didn't make it up.
01:54 You can ask Karen.
01:55 She talked to my uncles.
01:56 Yeah, yeah, Cherokee.
01:58 'Cause everybody says that, don't they?
01:59 There's people in government that say it.
02:06 Good thing I'm not running for public office, but because
02:09 yeah, it came up zero.
02:10 Now, it turns out I did have a little Indian from India,
02:14 but that's not what I thought.
02:17 I'm a hodgepodge from Europe and England, but mostly Jew.
02:22 European Jew it said.
02:25 Well, our message today is about fruits and nuts
02:28 and the family tree.
02:31 And someone said once I shook the family tree and several nuts
02:35 fell out.
02:37 And I think that we all know that it seems like every family
02:44 has an element of baggage, little bit of dysfunction,
02:49 varying degrees of challenges.
02:52 Child asks their mother, "How are people born?"
02:57 So, the mother being a Christian said, "Well, Adam got married
03:00 to Eve and they had babies and those babies grew
03:02 up and they had babies.
03:03 And eventually we came along."
03:05 And the child then went to the father and he was not
03:07 a believer and he said, "Well, years ago our ancestors were
03:11 monkeys that went through the jungle and gradually
03:13 they evolved into what we are today."
03:16 Child ran back to the mom and said, "Mom, you lied to me.
03:20 Dad said we came from monkeys."
03:22 She said, "No, I wasn't lying.
03:24 He was talking about his side of the family."
03:29 Now, I know when I first started reading through the Bible I
03:34 sometimes struggled going through the genealogies.
03:37 I don't know how you are but when you get
03:39 to the genealogies you kinda just mumble through the names.
03:41 Some of 'em are hard to say.
03:43 I used to say is this part of the Bible inspired?
03:47 Am I supposed to understand this?
03:49 And you find genealogies, you'll find it you know in Genesis
03:52 chapter 5.
03:54 And you get Chronicles, there's quite a bit of genealogy
03:56 in Chronicles.
03:57 You might be interested to know that the the chronicles are
04:01 written with a very specific purpose and it's actually very
04:05 valuable.
04:07 First of all, if you look in 1 Chronicles chapter 1, it's
04:10 tracing the genealogy all the way from Adam up to King
04:15 David.
04:16 It's the royal genealogy.
04:19 It's the genealogy of the king.
04:22 But then if you go to 1 Chronicles chapter 6, it's got
04:24 a different genealogy, it goes from Levi and it's the genealogy
04:30 of the priests.
04:32 I think it's interesting they were careful to separate
04:34 the king and the priest.
04:36 The church and the state.
04:37 They were separate genealogies.
04:39 There was a civil calendar.
04:41 There was a religious calendar.
04:43 And you may know that one reason God I think blessed America,
04:47 we're that lamb with two horns, because we had a separation
04:50 of church and state.
04:52 Doesn't mean that the state is not informed by the church
04:55 and the church is not informed by the laws of the land, but we
04:58 kept them two distinct things.
04:59 Where you find that in the Bible?
05:02 But you also as you read through the genealogies
05:05 of the kings, you find some interesting characters.
05:08 Some were good, some were not so good, some were terrible.
05:11 And even among the priests, you got Nadab, and Abihu, and--and
05:13 Phinehas.
05:17 So, the Bible gives a very faithful record and even
05:20 in those family trees they had a few fruits and nuts.
05:25 But if you look at the family tree of Jesus, you're gonna find
05:28 out he has an interesting family tree.
05:30 Some of you open up your New Testament and you get bored
05:34 right away.
05:35 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son
05:38 of David, the son of Abraham.
05:41 Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, Jacob begot Judah.
05:45 Now, right there I haven't gone very far.
05:47 Abraham who had an affair with his wife's maid
05:52 with the encouragement of his wife, beget Isaac who played
05:57 favorites with his two sons.
06:00 Who beget Jacob who dressed up like a sheep so he could
06:02 deceive his father and work with his mother as a conspirator
06:07 to steal the birthright.
06:09 And he then had Judah, who slept with his daughter-in-law
06:14 and ended up having twins because he didn't want to give
06:17 his sons to her.
06:18 Now, I haven't gone very far in Jesus's family tree,
06:22 but something I'm noticing right away is they had a little
06:25 dysfunction going on and yet these are the holy
06:30 ancestors of Jesus.
06:32 Now, they were godly people.
06:33 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
06:34 But you read in their lives and in spite of their commitment
06:38 to God and loving the Lord, they seem very human.
06:42 And you can just keep on going down and all you could talk
06:45 about Rahab, who she had a cottage business you might
06:51 say.
06:53 And then you've got David and we've heard ad nauseam
06:56 about David's lying, and deception, and murder,
07:00 and yet he's an ancestor of Jesus.
07:03 So, we're learning that God's family is made up of imperfect
07:08 people that God made perfect through the plan of salvation.
07:15 And it's not just here in Matthew.
07:16 When you look at the genealogy of Jesus, you can see that
07:21 there's something very interesting happening.
07:23 In Matthew, you've got that genealogy.
07:26 Matthew's genealogy is the line of Jesus written for the Jews
07:33 that leads to the father that was very important, leads
07:35 to Joseph the father.
07:37 Luke a physician said, "Well, technically Jesus was conceived
07:41 of the Holy Spirit.
07:42 So we got to trace the bloodline through the mother."
07:45 So, Luke's bloodline is written for the Gentiles and it goes
07:48 through the mother.
07:49 And you know he takes it all the way back.
07:51 It doesn't just go to Abraham, it says the son of Nathan,
07:55 the son of David, the son of Jesse, the son of Obed,
07:57 the son of Boaz, the son of Salmon, and you keep on going
08:00 back as the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son
08:03 of Adam, the son of God.
08:05 They follow the same geology until you get to David and then
08:09 Luke now follows from David to Mary going through Mary's
08:14 father-in-law, rather Joseph's father-in-law, Mary's dad,
08:19 and then Matthew was following it from David
08:23 to Joseph because that would be the important lines.
08:25 People have wondered why there are two different genealogies.
08:28 There was a reason for that just like I showed you there was
08:30 a genealogy for the king and the priest.
08:32 Luke is for the Gentiles, Matthew's for the Jews.
08:35 One is going through the father.
08:36 One is going through the mother.
08:38 But as you read through the different characters
08:41 not all of them are mentioned, but as you read
08:44 through the different characters there are some really
08:46 interesting stories about these people that reminds us how human
08:51 they are.
08:53 And the Bible is pretty clear we are all family.
08:59 All of us are family.
09:01 Now, we're family because we're humans and in spite of some
09:06 people to think we all descended from monkeys, the Bible's pretty
09:10 clear that's not the way it happened.
09:11 We are all related to Adam and Eve.
09:13 And then if you think we lost track from that point, we're all
09:16 related to Noah.
09:20 Acts 17:26, we all have common DNA.
09:24 "He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell
09:28 on all the face of the earth, and He has determined their
09:31 preappointed times and the boundaries of their
09:33 dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord and hope that they
09:37 might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far
09:40 from every one of us."
09:42 Through the Holy Spirit, we all kind of get the DNA of Jesus
09:46 transplanted, but we are all related to each other.
09:50 And if you have a car accident and you need a blood transfusion
09:52 the people in the hospital are going to look at the blood type,
09:56 and they're not going to look and say, "Wow, I wonder are they
09:58 Hispanic, or are they Anglo, or they Chinese," and they don't
10:02 care.
10:04 They just want to know is it oh by the way I know what Jesus's
10:06 blood type was.
10:08 Called B+.
10:12 So, they're just going to want to know are you O+ or whatever
10:15 you are.
10:16 Do you have the right blood type because now if they give you
10:19 lizard blood it'll kill you.
10:22 It's gotta be human blood because we're all related.
10:25 Just as long as it's the right blood type.
10:28 Romans 5:12 problem is that through one of our ancestors we
10:36 acquired a disease.
10:38 "Through one man's sin," Romans 5:12, "sin entered the world
10:41 and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because
10:45 all sinned."
10:46 Now, that doesn't sound fair.
10:48 I was doing a little research.
10:50 Do you know there are certain diseases that are particular
10:52 to certain races.
10:55 You've heard of sickle cell anemia anemia.
10:57 It is more prominent among African Americans, though
11:01 there are some Latin Americans that get it.
11:03 Cystic fibrosis is more prominent among Jews.
11:06 There are several diseases that Jews principally get and you see
11:10 around the world that there are certain diseases that are more
11:12 kind of isolated in certain groups, partly because of their
11:17 isolation.
11:18 There's not enough outside genes that come in and they can get
11:22 genetic deficiencies.
11:24 There are certain diseases that certain breeds of dog get
11:28 because through inbreeding over years.
11:31 They don't get the genetic makeup that they should
11:34 initially have.
11:36 And so, we because we're related to Adam, we've got a problem.
11:42 See, Adam and Eve originally were made in God's image
11:45 but through sin, the DNA, the gene somethin' was damaged.
11:50 Before Adam was motivated by love and after sin
11:53 the compass needle flipped around and now we're motivated
11:55 by self.
11:57 And every human that is born, how many have sinned?
12:02 We've all got this disease.
12:06 We've got a problem.
12:07 Through one man's sin sin entered the world and all have
12:10 sinned.
12:12 Romans 5:14, "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even
12:17 over those who had not sinned.
12:18 According to the likeness of the transgression of Adam,
12:20 who is a type of Him who is to come."
12:22 Death reigned.
12:24 He's talkin' about even through the that Old Testament
12:26 time up to Moses and beyond then.
12:29 So, we've all got this hereditary problem that has
12:33 caused sin.
12:35 And it affects us in our relationships in our home.
12:39 You know a lot of the biggest disputes in the Bible, you know
12:41 where they are?
12:43 It's called friendly fire alias family feuds.
12:48 announcer: Don't forget to request today's life changing
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13:22 Doug: You'll see it in the Bible, Cain killed Abel.
13:26 David's son tried to kill him.
13:28 His king tried to kill him.
13:30 Jesus's brothers didn't understand who he was.
13:34 You can see that there's rivalry that goes on between Jacob.
13:39 Esau threatened to kill Jacob.
13:41 Happens in the families even in the Bible.
13:44 Heard about a husband and wife celebrating 60 years
13:47 and the local paper came by and they said, "That's
13:49 commendable.
13:50 To what do you attribute your long and happy marriage?"
13:54 And the husband said, "Well, when we got married we made
13:56 an agreement that I would make all of the major decisions
13:59 and she would make all of the minor decisions.
14:02 And wouldn't you know after 60 years of marriage, we've never
14:04 had to make a major decision."
14:09 So, that's how they got along.
14:14 And something else that we've noticed is that we have family
14:19 resemblance.
14:21 Whenever I see families traveling I always look
14:25 at the kids and then I look at the parents and I try to just
14:27 for my own entertainment see who looks like who.
14:31 Do we tend to bear things similar to our parents, there's
14:36 likenesses that happened there.
14:38 Someone said the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.
14:43 I remember hearing one time about during World War II, you
14:47 know they took children out of the city 'cause bomb--
14:50 London was being bombed by the Nazis just relentless
14:54 bombing.
14:55 And so, many of the children were taken out into the country
14:57 and put in homes to try to preserve the children because
15:01 so many adults had to work in the city.
15:03 They were dying from the daily bombings of the Nazis.
15:06 And many of the children were separated from the parents
15:08 for years and some of the parents died and they
15:10 never got reunited.
15:12 And there were large orphanages and there's one family that had
15:15 like five children in it.
15:17 After the war was over they were trying to find out if either
15:20 their parents had survived.
15:21 And they understood they had lost their mother, but someone
15:25 had gotten word that the father was alive.
15:28 So, the son went into London to look for the father, found
15:32 the father was in a hospital.
15:33 He was recovering.
15:34 Told the father the brothers and sisters were all okay,
15:37 and he was going to bring back word, and he came back and he
15:40 told his siblings, "Father's alive."
15:42 Some of these kids were young.
15:43 They hadn't seen their father in five years and they said,
15:46 "What's he like?"
15:48 And the older brother, he smiled and he said, "Well, they tell me
15:52 he's the spitting image of me."
15:56 When God sent Jesus into the world part
16:00 of the reason Christ came was to show us what the Father's
16:03 like.
16:04 Amen?
16:06 So, He said, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
16:09 He wants us to know that He is the image of the Father.
16:13 Christ became one of us.
16:16 The Bible says in Philippians 2:7, "But He made Himself of no
16:20 reputation taking the form of a bondservant and coming
16:24 in the likeness of men."
16:26 If God had come through Jesus with all of His glory and His
16:29 dazzling brightness and power we couldn't have born it but He
16:32 came so much like a man that when He was walking among man
16:36 they had no idea that He was any different.
16:38 Bible says, "There's no outward form or comeliness that we
16:41 should desire Him."
16:42 Hebrews 4:15, "We do not have a High Priest who cannot
16:46 sympathize with our weakness, but He was in all points tempted
16:50 as we are yet without sin."
16:53 So, then we read on here.
16:56 In Galatians chapter 3 now it tells us that after Christ came
17:05 He came to provide adoption for us.
17:08 The Bible says, "For you are all children of God by faith
17:13 in Jesus."
17:14 We become adopted into this new family.
17:18 Continuing with Romans chapter 5, verse 18, "Therefore as
17:23 through one man's offense," Adam, "judgment came on all men,
17:27 resulting in condemnation."
17:29 'Cause we all sinned, "Even so through one man's righteous
17:34 act," Jesus coming, his dying on the cross, "The free gift,
17:38 the cure came to all men, resulting in justification
17:44 of life."
17:45 The sin of Adam resulted in death.
17:47 The sacrifice of Jesus offers us life.
17:49 Now, I just want to pause right here and emphasize a point.
17:52 How many of you believe that because of the fall of Adam that
17:56 you're having problems today?
17:58 Is that real to you?
17:59 Do you struggle with sin?
18:01 I don't see too many hands going up and I see your heads nodding.
18:03 You're just-- is it real?
18:05 You really know that because of what happened to Adam it
18:08 affects my life today.
18:09 I know it.
18:11 Yeah.
18:12 It's like Paul said, we struggle with this nature inside.
18:17 The sacrifice of Jesus liberating you from that disease
18:22 is just as real through faith.
18:26 This is what Paul is saying and when you catch this,
18:28 friends, this is the message of righteousness by faith.
18:32 Through the sin of Adam we've all got big problems.
18:35 We're tempted, we fall, we sin, sin brings all kinds of misery
18:38 in its wake, but through the sacrifice
18:41 and the victory of Jesus, we can be born again, adopted
18:47 into a new family that has life instead of death.
18:51 Through Adam there's a death penalty, through life there--
18:56 through Jesus there is life that comes.
18:58 That's good news.
18:59 You know this is the story of the gospel.
19:01 It says in Romans 8:14, "For as many as are led by the Spirit,
19:05 these are the sons of God.
19:08 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again
19:10 to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom
19:16 we cry out, 'Abba, Father.'
19:19 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are
19:22 children of God."
19:24 And I know you might think well, aren't we all children of God?
19:25 No, Jesus said to some of the religious leaders,
19:28 "You're of your father the devil."
19:32 Not everyone is a child of God.
19:33 I mean, we're all children of God in that He loves
19:35 everybody, but you're not adopted into the family unless
19:39 you're born again in the family.
19:42 It says, "By which we cry, 'Abba, Father,' the Spirit
19:45 Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children
19:47 of God and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint
19:52 heirs with Christ."
19:53 What is an heir?
19:55 An heir is someone that inherits.
19:59 You know, I remember reading about a couple of boys that were
20:03 registering at a new school one day.
20:05 They were about seven years old and the teacher was writing
20:07 down their names.
20:08 They were brothers and she asked their birthdays.
20:10 One said, "I was born April 7."
20:11 The other one said, "I'm born April 21."
20:12 He said, "Wait a second.
20:14 I've heard of twins that were born on different days, you
20:16 know, within a few hours, but you guys can't be twins.
20:18 You don't look like twins."
20:20 And she said, "How can this be?"
20:22 And they said, "We're adopted."
20:24 And the teacher without thinking she said, "Just curious, which
20:26 one?"
20:28 And they said, "We don't know.
20:31 Dad says he loves us both and he can't remember."
20:36 So, when we're adopted into the family, God looks
20:40 upon us with the same love as His Son.
20:44 What he said to Jesus at His baptism, "This is My beloved Son
20:47 in whom I'm well pleased."
20:49 He says that to us.
20:51 "To Timothy, my own son in the faith," what's
20:54 the language of the apostles?
20:56 It's the language of a family.
20:59 Matthew 12:46 through 50, while Christ was talking
21:02 to the multitudes His mother and His brothers stood outside
21:05 seeking to speak with Him.
21:07 And they said, "Look, you know, we're family.
21:08 We have priority.
21:09 Tell these people we want to talk to You.
21:11 Get over here right now."
21:12 "And Jesus said to him the one who beckoned Him, 'Look, your
21:16 mother and your brother,' they said, 'are standing outside.'
21:19 He answered and said, 'Who is My mother and who are My brothers?'
21:24 He stretched out His hand towards His disciples.
21:27 He said, 'For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven
21:31 they are My brother and My sister and My mother.'" When
21:36 you're adopted into his family it's because we obey a different
21:41 constitution.
21:42 We want to follow His Word.
21:45 Now, what do we get?
21:46 Are there any benefits of being adopted and being part of His
21:49 family?
21:50 Peter asked what we all think.
21:52 Peter began to say, "Lord, we've left everything to follow you,
21:55 what will we have?"
21:57 And Jesus answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you there
22:01 is no one who has left house, or brothers, or sisters,
22:05 or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands."
22:10 Sometimes when a person made a decision to be a Christian,
22:13 they were alienated from their family.
22:16 They were shunned.
22:18 And if you are a Jew and you accepted Christ after that great
22:20 persecution arose you could lose your property.
22:23 You realize one reason the genealogies are in the Bible
22:26 is because property was held by families.
22:29 You were not supposed to take your your inheritance of your
22:32 land sell it to another tribe.
22:34 You read the story of Naboth's vineyard, the King Ahab said
22:38 to Naboth, "I'd like to have your property."
22:40 Says, "I can't the law says it's my family's."
22:43 You couldn't lose your family inheritance.
22:44 So, the genealogy really was a deed and your genealogy
22:49 in Christ gives you an inheritance to a land doesn't
22:52 it?
22:53 "You'll receive hundredfold more, a hundred times more now
22:58 in this time-- houses, and brothers, and sisters,
23:01 and mothers, and children, and lands with persecutions," he
23:05 puts in, "and in the age to come eternal life."
23:10 And God promises to pull His family together near the end.
23:13 Some of you are praying for loved ones.
23:16 Some of us got kids and they do, and all of us are very proud
23:22 of our kids until they act foolish and then we don't
23:24 believe in heredity anymore.
23:28 But we all have kids we're praying for.
23:31 The Bible says, "I will say to the north," Isaiah 43:6,
23:34 "'Give them up' and to the south, 'Do not keep
23:37 them back.
23:39 Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends
23:42 of the earth.
23:43 Everyone who is called by My name who I have created for My
23:46 glory.'" God says that He will save thy children.
23:53 You know, in Christ, we are all blessed with the blessings that
23:56 God gave Abraham.
23:58 You know God told Abraham in Genesis 12, I will bless
24:01 those who bless you and I will curse him, who curses you.
24:04 And in you, in your seed, in your families, all the Earth
24:08 will be blessed and then you jump to the New Testament.
24:10 That's Genesis, Old Testament, go to the G in the New
24:13 Testament.
24:14 That's Galatians.
24:16 It says, If you are Christ's then you are Abraham's seed
24:18 and heirs.
24:19 You are adopted into the family and you are an heir, what's
24:22 an heir get?
24:23 An inheritance and you are heirs according to the promise.
24:27 All the blessings that God made and promised to Abraham belong
24:30 to you.
24:32 He promised him a city not made with man's hands, didn't he?
24:36 He promised them a place in the Promised Land.
24:39 "Though your sins be as scarlet, They will be white as snow;
24:42 Though they be red like crimson, They will be like wool."
24:47 Who was it Billy Graham, or it was Billy Sunday used to say, "I
24:51 don't know, how a black cow eats green grass and make yellow
24:54 butter and white milk, but I believe it."
24:59 And Jesus is telling us that He's offering us the antidote.
25:02 Now, when we come to Christ through faith, and we believe
25:06 in His sacrifice, the Bible says that you can be born again.
25:10 You are adopted.
25:11 You are washed in the blood and you are part of the family
25:15 in heaven.
25:16 And I'm so glad that we have a family here and you know even
25:19 in our family, we know we've got some fruits and nuts
25:22 in the family tree, amen?
25:24 But we're family.
25:26 Did the disciples sometimes argue among themselves who was
25:28 the greatest but when they put aside their differences God
25:32 poured out the spirit and they changed the world.
25:34 ♪♪
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26:31 Doug: Hello friends, Pastor Doug Batchelor here with Amazing
26:33 Facts.
26:35 When Susan's and Michael's whirlwind relationship led
26:37 to a wedding.
26:39 They had no idea how hard married life could be.
26:42 Before they knew it they were on the stormy path
26:44 towards divorce, but that's when God led them to an Amazing Facts
26:49 broadcast.
26:50 And there they saw the biblical view of marriage as presented
26:54 in knowing Jesus.
26:55 Finally, they understood what it meant to love sacrificially
26:58 like Christ and today, Susan and Michael are joyfully married
27:02 sharing what they learned with others.
27:05 Now, you friend have an opportunity to help someone
27:07 today and to make an eternal difference for more people
27:10 like Michael and Susan.
27:12 Your simple investment of faith in Amazing Facts will keep
27:16 growing and reaching more people with God's life changing Word.
27:20 Would you prayerfully consider sending a gift today to help
27:23 others know Christ and the wonderful truth that
27:26 you've learned?
27:27 And it's easy to make a donation.
27:28 Give us a call at 877-506-1751.
27:34 The number again 877-506-1751 or just visit
27:41, or send your gift to P.O.
27:46 Box 1058, Roseville, California 95678.
27:52 Thank you friends for watching Amazing Facts Television.
27:55 Don't forget share with others the amazing Bible facts, you're
27:58 learning here every day.
28:00 ♪♪
28:05 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:07 It's sure to be a blessing.
28:09 And thank you for your continued support as we take the Gospel
28:12 of Jesus Christ to the world.
28:14 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep into the Word
28:18 of God to explore more amazing facts.
28:21 ♪♪
28:24 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the friends
28:27 of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2019-12-09