Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Honor Within The Family (Lll06) Eg21319

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000077A

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to you
00:04 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:08 ♪♪♪
00:13 Doug Batchelor: If you want your children to grow up and be
00:16 honorable and serve God, you must be honorable and have
00:19 family worship.
00:21 The whole idea of honoring your father and mother is learned
00:24 through the Word of God, and it's implying that you're
00:26 teaching the Word of God in your family.
00:29 CC by Aberdeen Captioning 1-800-688-6621
00:33 Doug: We're in the midst of a series, actually first time
00:35 since I've been here, that is dedicated solely to
00:38 the Ten Commandments.
00:40 And so today, we're actually on the sixth presentation, but it's
00:44 commandment number five.
00:46 And we've just transferred from the first table of stones over
00:50 to the second table of stones.
00:52 The message title is dealing with honor in the family, Honor
00:57 Within the Family.
00:58 Now, in the Ten Commandments, you've got--you know, I was
01:04 gonna say something really silly, like the Lord is
01:06 brilliant, but it's sort of obvious, isn't it?
01:08 But it is brilliant the way that God designed the Ten
01:11 Commandments.
01:13 On the first table, you've got the relationship between man and
01:17 God.
01:18 It's the vertical relationship.
01:22 The first commandment, if you get the first commandment right,
01:25 "Thou shall not have any other Lord's before me," you will get
01:29 all the other commandments on this table right because if God
01:34 is first in your life, then you'll obey the way that you
01:37 worship him, the day that you worship him, the time, the
01:40 method, his name, that'll all be revered if you worship him
01:45 supremely.
01:46 Now, when you go to the second table, what is the first
01:50 commandment there?
01:52 "Honor your father and mother."
01:53 Now we're dealing with the horizontal relationships in the
01:56 remaining six commandments here.
01:59 If you get this one, right, if there--if things are right in
02:03 the family, all the other commandments would be right.
02:08 If you've got good parents and they're teaching their children
02:12 good truth, you're not gonna find in society that there are
02:15 problems with the lying, and adultery, and the coveting, and
02:18 the killing, and all these other things.
02:20 It's when you don't get the first one right that you have
02:23 problem with all the rest.
02:25 This commandment, probably more than any other, is the
02:28 foundation to the health and success of any culture because
02:34 the family is the most basic unit of a society.
02:39 And what we're talking about is not just children obeying
02:43 parents, we're talking about parents living in an honorable
02:48 way.
02:49 And it's the relationship between the parents, it's a
02:53 relationship of the children and the parents, and the parents and
02:57 the children.
02:58 It's really talking about honor within the family, reverence and
03:01 respect.
03:02 And so, that's our message today.
03:05 It's based upon this commandment.
03:06 You can find it in your Bible, of course, in Exodus 20, verse
03:10 12, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be
03:15 long upon the land, which the Lord your God is giving you."
03:21 You know, in every culture, for there to be a strong society,
03:26 one of the first things they need to do is they need to
03:28 understand that the authority for the children is not the
03:35 state, it's the parents.
03:39 This idea that it takes a village and that we all raise
03:41 each other's children, it sounds really nice but no.
03:45 In order for a culture to be healthy, we need to understand
03:49 that a family unit, the responsibility of those
03:53 children, belongs, first and foremost, to those who brought
03:58 them into the world, I'm talking about biologically.
04:02 They are made in the image of their parents, just as we are in
04:05 the image of God, that responsibility rests with the
04:08 parents.
04:10 That must be respected by the state, by the government.
04:15 And to some extent, you know, when children are minors,
04:18 they're under the authority under of their parents, there
04:20 still is an element of that respect.
04:22 But more and more, we're finding that the government's acting
04:25 like we're the ones who are gonna tell you how to raise your
04:29 children, instead of the parents having that decision.
04:33 Something else, I don't know if you caught it, it said, "Honor
04:37 your father and your mother."
04:38 There is an implied truth there that a family, according to
04:43 God's design, is not a father and a father, or a mother and a
04:48 mother, but it is a father and a mother.
04:51 That's God's plan.
04:54 And in the same way on the first table of stones, God is saying,
04:57 "Look, I'm the one who saved you, I made you.
05:00 And so, I want you to worship me."
05:02 At the foundation of our relationships with each other,
05:05 it begins with honoring your parents
05:08 because parents are a child's first concept of God.
05:15 They really represent God to the children.
05:18 You think about it, God is the one who created us,
05:24 he sustains us.
05:25 He cares for us, he provides us, he forgives us, he cleanses us.
05:29 And for a child, who is God to that child as they're growing
05:32 up?
05:33 I need to issue a disclaimer here.
05:35 I realized, as I talk about this subject, that, you know, we live
05:38 with all kinds of strange circumstances.
05:40 And some of you maybe have been adopted.
05:43 This is an uncomfortable subject.
05:44 Some of you maybe grew up in a home with just a single parent.
05:48 Some of you maybe you are test two babies, and you're raised by
05:51 some corporation.
05:52 I don't know, we're all kinds of different people out there, and
05:55 there's exceptions.
05:56 So, what we're talking about here is the ideal, does everyone
05:59 appreciate that?
06:00 This is the ideal, and I know all of us have different
06:03 deviations of that ideal in our families.
06:07 And some of us, we were raised by our mother and our
06:11 stepfather, or whatever.
06:13 But so we're talking about the idea, and I understand that I
06:16 just want you to wink at the areas where you realize it
06:18 doesn't perfectly fit your situation.
06:21 But for the normal child, their first concept of God is the
06:26 parents.
06:28 Matter of fact, it's interesting the evolution that children go
06:31 through.
06:33 When they're real little, the parents can do everything.
06:39 They look at their parents in wide-eyed wonder and they think
06:41 they're God.
06:42 They fear them, they respect them, they love them, they look
06:45 to them, they don't want to be away from them.
06:47 They get a little older, you know, and the kid'll say, "My
06:49 dad's the strongest dad in the world."
06:51 And then they get a little older, they get to be about 12
06:52 and they say, "Well, they know almost everything."
06:56 And then they get to be about 14, they say, "They don't know
06:58 very much."
07:01 And then they graduate high school and start college and
07:03 they think, "They don't know anything."
07:07 And then they get to 25 and something changes.
07:11 They call and ask for occasional advice.
07:15 And then they get to be about 30, and they got kids of their
07:18 own and their respect just begins to soar, and they start
07:23 to understand.
07:24 And then they get to be about 60 and they think, "You know, I
07:27 wish I could talk to them again, and I would have asked them more
07:31 questions."
07:33 But it's like it goes from this believing everything, to
07:35 believing nothing, to believing everything again.
07:37 It's kind of strange.
07:39 Have you observed that?
07:42 But they represent our first concept and that's why it's
07:45 important for children to honor their parents.
07:47 It's very important for children--for parents to live
07:51 honorable lives because your child's concept of God is gonna
07:56 largely come from your influence.
07:59 Now, maybe I should take a moment and talk about, what does
08:02 the word honor mean?
08:04 When we say honor our father and our mother, to honor in the
08:07 Hebrew, to honor means to make weighty, to give gravity and
08:13 importance to their, their being, to promote, to glorify,
08:17 to boast about, to revere, that's the Hebrew.
08:20 In Greek it's the word timoreo and it means to prize, to honor,
08:25 to value, also to revere.
08:27 Honor your father and mother.
08:29 By the way, that commandment we read it clearly in Hebrew and
08:31 clearly in Greek, there's no question about what it means
08:34 because we've got it coming from the words of Jesus and from
08:38 the Old Testament example.
08:40 Proverbs 10:1, the Proverbs of Solomon, "A wise son makes a
08:44 glad father, but a foolish son is the grief of his mother."
08:49 Proverbs 15:20, "A wise son makes a father glad, but a
08:53 foolish man despises his mother."
08:56 Proverbs 19:26, "He who mistreats his father and chases
09:01 away his mother is a son who causes shame and brings
09:05 reproach."
09:06 All through the Bible, the principle about revering, and
09:10 honoring, and respecting your father and mother is a pretty
09:15 basic principle.
09:18 Doug: Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most
09:20 fascinating, yet misunderstood, characters in Bible history.
09:24 A godly woman entrusted with one of the most awesome
09:28 responsibilities of any mother, but how are we to understand
09:32 that role and what does it mean to Christians today?
09:35 Does the Bible say that Mary became a goddess that should be
09:39 worshiped?
09:40 Do the Scriptures encourage followers of Jesus to pray to
09:43 Mary?
09:44 To answer these questions, Amazing Facts would like to send
09:47 you a special free resource called "The Mystery of Mary
09:51 the Mother of Jesus."
09:52 This easy-to-understand book delves into the biblical
09:55 principles to explain, in a respectful and loving way,
09:59 what her role was in her time, and in our time.
10:03 Explore Mary's fascinating family tree, discover the nature
10:07 of Mary and the miraculous conception, and understand
10:10 something of her relationship and interaction with Jesus.
10:14 To get your free copy, call the number on your screen, and ask
10:18 for offer number 865 or visit the web address.
10:21 And after you read this inspirational resource, make
10:24 sure and share it with a friend.
10:26 Well, let's get back to today's presentation and learn some
10:29 more amazing facts from the Word of God.
10:33 Doug: Not only will parents represent God to your children,
10:37 but their concept of marriage is gonna come from you.
10:41 Not only is it important that children honor their parents and
10:45 that parents live honorably, but parents must be very careful to
10:50 honor each other.
10:53 Because if a father does not honor his wife, your son
10:59 probably will not honor his.
11:02 If a mother does not respect her husband, your daughter will
11:06 probably not respect her husband.
11:10 And so, the model that the parents establish for those
11:14 children, what goes around will come around, history will repeat
11:19 itself.
11:20 Now, some of you might be thinking, "But pastor Doug, I
11:22 grew up in a family that was so dysfunctional.
11:23 My mother and father were not very honorable.
11:25 They didn't honor each other, and now it's causing me
11:27 problems."
11:28 By God's grace, you need to break the cycle for the next
11:31 generation, and it can happen.
11:34 You know, one of the things I'm amazed at when I read the Bible
11:36 is how some of these rotten kings had good kids, and how
11:42 some of the good kings had rotten kids.
11:45 And so, you can't always say, "Well, I'm a victim because of
11:49 the way I grew up, I can't help it."
11:52 You need to break the cycle.
11:54 "Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest
11:58 you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart
12:01 from your heart all the days of your life.
12:03 And teach them to your children and your grandchildren."
12:08 I don't have time to read you all the verses that talk about
12:11 teaching the Word of God to your children, here a little, there a
12:14 little.
12:15 Put it on the doorpost.
12:18 Put it in your house when you lay down, when you rise up.
12:21 One of the most important things if you want your children to
12:24 grow up and be honorable and serve God, you must be honorable
12:28 and have family worship.
12:30 The whole idea of honoring your father and mother is learned
12:33 through the Word of God, and it's implying that you're
12:36 teaching the Word of God in your family.
12:39 The Bible says these words should be taught to the children
12:41 and your children's children.
12:44 Bible says grandparents and parents teach them to the
12:49 children.
12:50 Colossians 3:21, "Fathers, do
12:53 not provoke your children, lest
12:55 they become discouraged."
12:56 There's a balance between disciplining your children and
12:59 nagging and badgering them so they're exasperated.
13:03 You need to know how to guide them, tell them what's right,
13:05 tell them what's wrong, and when they do something, right, tell
13:08 them, encourage them, thank them.
13:11 If you're not appreciative in the home, they won't be when
13:13 they leave the home.
13:15 And so, children will much more do what they see than what they
13:19 hear.
13:20 So, these things must be modeled.
13:22 Heard about a young boy that was talking to his father and he
13:24 said, "Dad, is it always true that parents know more than
13:28 their children?"
13:29 Said, "Yes, son, it's always true."
13:32 He said, "Dads always know more than their sons?"
13:35 Said, "Yes, son, dad, always--dad's always know more
13:37 than their sons."
13:38 It was quiet and he said, "Who invented the telephone?"
13:42 He said, "Well, Alexander Graham Bell."
13:45 "So, how come his father didn't invent it?"
13:50 Evidently, he knew somebody more than his father is the
13:52 implication.
13:55 You honor your mother and father by not staying a child forever.
14:01 The responsibility of parents is to basically train your children
14:07 for independence.
14:09 From the time they're born, they are utterly dependent and your
14:14 responsibility is to teach them to be independent, responsible,
14:20 good, honest, respectful.
14:23 And you know, there needs to be respect in the family.
14:29 You know, when kids grow up and they see mom and dad yelling at
14:34 each other, but they go out in public and they're nice, they'll
14:38 grow up thinking that yelling is the way that you handle things
14:42 in your families and in your personal relationships, just
14:46 whatever they see in the family ends up being reproduced.
14:50 That's why it's so important to have this model.
14:51 We're to train them for independence.
14:54 You're not honoring your parents by staying at home when you're
14:58 25, not going to school, and you don't have a job.
15:02 Parents, you are not honoring God or helping your children by
15:06 letting them do that.
15:08 There comes a time where the best thing in the world you can
15:11 do for your kids is to practice some tough love and say, "Praise
15:14 the Lord, you're healthy, you're educated, there's the door,
15:19 seize the day.
15:23 You're gonna have an exciting life.
15:25 Send me a postcard when you get a job.
15:28 Keep in touch."
15:31 But you all know what I'm talking about.
15:32 Sometimes people don't understand--you know, the Bible
15:38 says in Genesis, "A man will leave his father and mother and
15:44 cleave unto his wife."
15:45 And some of you are thinking, "Well, I don't have a wife or a
15:46 husband yet, so I'm just staying at home."
15:48 No, no, you're probably not gonna get one either if you're
15:50 45, and still living with mom and dad.
15:53 And you gotta--folks are thinking, "You know, I can't
15:56 compete, he's still bragging about mom's cooking, and he's 30
15:58 years old, and he's living at home.
16:00 How could I ever compete with that?"
16:02 And if you want to be on the market and have your own home,
16:05 there comes a time when you gotta leave the nest.
16:07 And, you know, you even see this in nature.
16:10 When the little eagle is young, eagles are interesting because,
16:13 you know, they mate for life, they're very devoted companions.
16:16 The mother and the father both care for the chick, they work
16:19 together.
16:20 And they make their nests real fluffy when they're babies,
16:26 keeps the eggs from cracking.
16:27 The nest is made out of sticks, and rocks, and all kinds of
16:29 things, and bones and--but they get a lot of down, and fluff.
16:33 And as the chicks get older, pretty soon they get big and
16:38 they're crowding each other in their little nest and they're
16:40 stretching their wings, and they're flapping.
16:41 They get where the parents know, you know, they can fly, but
16:45 they're comfortable 'cause we're bringing them food every day.
16:48 You know what the parents start doing?
16:50 They start bringing less food, and they start getting hungry.
16:56 And then the parents start to scratch up all the down and they
16:59 throw all that soft stuff out of the nest, so they're not only
17:02 hungry, they're uncomfortable.
17:04 They have all these bones, and sharp sticks, and rocks in there
17:07 and they go, "What's happened, don't you love me anymore?"
17:10 And they're basically saying, "You got wings, you gotta learn
17:12 to fly."
17:14 The time comes when you gotta take the leap and yes, there's
17:17 risk and danger out there but, you know, you just can't stay at
17:19 home.
17:20 So, part of that honor relationship of parent and child
17:24 is that you know you're supposed to ultimately prepare them for
17:28 the time when they launch.
17:31 There needs to be a launch time.
17:34 Should children honor a dishonorable parent?
17:39 Now, whenever you talk about the subject about honoring mother
17:41 and father, someone will invariably say, "Well, that's
17:45 easy for you to say.
17:47 You don't know my father, you don't know my mother.
17:51 They are impossible.
17:53 They--the way they treated me growing up.
17:55 I was mistreated."
17:56 How do you deal with those situations?
17:58 Well, there may be areas where you say, "You know, I do try to
18:01 honor but there are the days when I just, you know, I can't
18:05 speak peaceably to them because they're so unreasonable.
18:08 And even after I'm an adult, they keep meddling in my life
18:11 and telling me what to do, or I can't talk to them.
18:13 Every time we talk, we fight."
18:14 And what do you do?
18:16 And you can fill in the blank, whatever your situation is, are
18:19 you, no doubt, in those situations?
18:23 You should always be honorable to their position as your mother
18:28 and your father.
18:29 You need to respect them for that.
18:31 If you cannot communicate peaceably, maybe you're a
18:34 Christian and they're not.
18:35 If they do not ask you to violate some command or
18:38 principle, respect them.
18:41 And if you have problems getting along, write letters if you
18:44 can't talk peacefully.
18:45 Write a note.
18:46 It's hard to argue with a note.
18:48 Write a note and say, "You know--" I've got a lot of people
18:51 I counsel with and they say, "You know, I just--I want to
18:53 honor my parents, but whenever I talk to them, it just--they
18:55 start to badger me and put me down, and it's just painful."
19:00 I say, "All right, well, then say--write them a note, tell
19:03 them you love them, you respect them, and just do it through the
19:05 mail.
19:06 It just creates one little layer of separation where you can
19:08 show, 'I respect you, I want to communicate with you but when we
19:12 talk, it just isn't--'" You know, and there may come a
19:15 time--there are cases where you need to cut off communication
19:20 because it is so toxic, but it doesn't mean you do it in a
19:24 disrespectful way.
19:25 You hear what I'm saying?
19:27 There is one of the kings in the Bible that had to make his
19:29 mother, he had to basically fire her from being Queen because she
19:33 was worshiping pagan idols in the temple.
19:36 And so, you know, sometimes you have to break that off.
19:39 But as far as possible, even the parents who are sometimes
19:43 difficult, respect them, honor them.
19:46 They're your parents, amen?
19:50 That doesn't mean that you need to, once you become an adult,
19:53 it's nice to listen to their advice, you don't always have to
19:56 follow it.
19:57 They don't have to meddle in your lives, but be respectful.
20:01 Remember them, write them an occasional note, make a phone
20:05 call.
20:06 I heard about a woman that called her rabbi and she turned
20:09 60.
20:10 She thought it was time to make out her will.
20:12 She says, "There's two things I want you to help me with."
20:15 She said, "I want to make sure that I'm cremated.
20:17 It's more affordable."
20:20 And she said, "Then I'd like you to take my ashes, and could you
20:22 sprinkle them all around Macy's?"
20:26 He said, "Well, I got the first part, but help me understand the
20:28 second part."
20:30 She said, "Yeah, I just want to be sure my daughters will come
20:32 and see me at least twice a week."
20:36 "Honor your father and mother that your days will be long upon
20:40 the land."
20:41 This is a commandment that actually has a promise in it,
20:44 did you notice that?
20:47 It tells us that your days will be long upon the land.
20:51 It says it a couple of different ways.
20:53 You look in Deuteronomy 5 where the Ten Commandments are given
20:56 there, it's different than you find in Exodus chapter 20.
21:00 "Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has
21:03 commanded you, that your days may be long, that it may be well
21:07 with you in the land where the Lord your God is giving you."
21:11 Why does God promise a blessing?
21:12 By the way, that was in our Scripture reading also,
21:15 Ephesians 6:1, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, that
21:19 is right.
21:20 Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment,
21:22 with promise that it may be will with you that you may live long
21:27 upon the earth."
21:29 Long life is promised in this commandment, why?
21:33 Couple reasons.
21:34 One, is God will bless you for it.
21:36 The other is, your parents have learned the things they help you
21:39 stay out of trouble.
21:42 Your parents, when your mother and your father say, "Here are
21:44 the car keys, do not drive fast," you honor them, your days
21:48 will be long upon the land.
21:51 You dishonor them, they may not be as long.
21:55 When you disobey, they're giving you advice all the time to try
21:58 and keep you alive.
22:00 And it's interesting that in the countries that have the longest
22:04 life expectancy, they have the best regard for their elders.
22:09 You know, what country has the longest life expectancy?
22:12 Japanese.
22:14 Do they honor their elders there?
22:16 It was amazing when they had that tremendous earthquake a few
22:19 years ago to see the wonderful tender care that people took for
22:24 the elders that were displaced by all of this.
22:27 And they were so conscientious, and so careful to because they
22:32 have--they're trained from infancy to have high regard for
22:36 their elders.
22:37 They even take it too far in some cultures, they got ancestor
22:39 worship, but they're very careful to respect their elders.
22:44 Honor your father and mother that your days might be long.
22:48 You know, there's sin in the world today and the reason
22:49 there's sin in the world today is because our first parents did
22:55 not honor their father.
22:58 Adam and Eve, when they disobeyed God, they disobeyed
23:02 their Heavenly Father, look at all the trouble that it caused.
23:05 Death enter the world from disobeying a parent.
23:10 And people's lives are often shortened, one, by the curses
23:13 that God sends, the other through practically not
23:16 listening to the good information and advice our
23:18 parents give us.
23:19 But he promised your days will be long in the land.
23:21 He was bringing them into the Promised Land.
23:23 He said, "If you want to live and have a long life and a
23:26 peaceful life, honor your parents, and I'll do that for
23:29 you."
23:31 You know, this is a wonderful commandment that has a promise
23:33 in it.
23:35 The children of Israel learn to be faithful.
23:37 There's a story in the Bible, I don't have time to read the
23:39 whole thing.
23:41 But you look in your Bibles in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 35,
23:44 it talks about the Babylonians had surrounded Jerusalem.
23:50 They were about to destroy the city, judgment was coming.
23:53 Jeremiah was told by the Lord, "I want you to call the
23:57 Rechabites, bring them into the temple."
24:01 So this family, this tribe of rehab, who is the son of
24:05 Jehonadab, who is a friend of Jehu, that's another history,
24:10 they were brought into the temple.
24:11 And Jeremiah had some wine poured into pitchers and set
24:16 cups down in front of the leaders of the Rechabites who
24:18 were there in the city, he said, "Have a drink."
24:22 And they said, "No, we'll not drink."
24:24 And he said, "Why not?
24:26 Have something to drink, thus saith the Lord."
24:28 And they said, "No, because our father Rahab," Rahab, that's how
24:33 you say it, "he commanded us never to build a house, never to
24:39 drink anything from the vine, and to live in tents and he said
24:45 we'd have long lives if we followed his advice,' and for
24:48 several generations, they had followed their father's advice,
24:51 and none of the Rechabites ever drank wine.
24:55 And Jeremiah said, "Thus says the Lord, because the Rechabites
25:00 have not disobeyed the Lord, that when Jerusalem is
25:03 destroyed, I am gonna preserve them because they obeyed their
25:07 father and their mother."
25:09 And he said, "They will never fail to have a person to stand
25:13 before me because they've shown respect for their elders this
25:16 way."
25:17 And so, before Jerusalem was destroyed, God made Jeremiah act
25:21 out this whole scenario and basically test them, and they
25:24 would not drink wine, even though their father was long
25:26 dead.
25:27 They said, "Because he commanded us and we've not done it for
25:28 generations.
25:30 And he said don't build a house and only reason we're in the
25:32 city now is 'cause Nebuchadnezzar surrounded the
25:34 city."
25:35 And said, "But we live in tents as our father commanded."
25:37 And God said, "Because you obey your father, I'm gonna bless
25:40 you.
25:41 I wish my people would obey their Father."
25:44 And so, honor your father and mother, first and foremost, it's
25:49 talking about God.
25:50 You know, God is portrayed as our Father in heaven, and he
25:53 also sometimes uses the verbiage of a mother.
25:55 Says, "As a hen protects its chicken under its wing, so I've
25:59 loved you.
26:00 Can a woman forget her nursing child?
26:03 How can I forget you?"
26:04 So, God loves us with the love of a father and a mother.
26:07 And if you want your days to be long, I don't mean just long in
26:10 this world, if you want your days to be long and the earth
26:12 made new, we need to learn to honor our Father in heaven,
26:17 amen.
26:22 announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
26:24 free resource.
26:25 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, you can
26:28 download a digital copy straight to your computer or
26:30 mobile device.
26:31 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text
26:35 the keyword on your screen to 40544 or visit the web address
26:39 shown on your screen.
26:41 And be sure to select the digital download option on the
26:44 request page.
26:45 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
26:48 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
26:51 important, to share it with others.
26:57 announcer: What if you could know the future?
26:59 What would you do?
27:02 What would you change?
27:05 To see the future, you must understand the past.
27:09 male: Alexander the Great becomes king when he's only 18,
27:12 but he's a military prodigy.
27:15 male: A hundred and fifty years in advance, Cyrus had been
27:18 named."
27:19 male: Nebuchadnezzar built this city as a showcase
27:22 to the entire world.
27:25 male: Rome was violent, they were ruthless, they were
27:29 determined.
27:33 announcer: This intriguing documentary, hosted by Pastor
27:35 Doug Batchelor, explores the most striking Bible prophecies
27:39 that have been dramatically fulfilled throughout history.
27:43 "Kingdoms In Time," an extraordinary adventure through
27:47 the Bible's most amazing fulfilled prophecies.
27:51 Are you ready?
28:01 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:03 It's sure to be a blessing.
28:04 And thank you for your continued
28:06 support as we take the gospel of
28:07 Jesus Christ to the world.
28:10 We hope you'll join us next
28:11 week as we delve deep into
28:13 the Word of God to explore
28:14 more amazing facts.
28:19 ♪♪♪
28:25 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by
28:27 the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2019-05-08