Series Code: AFDB
Program Code: AFDB000068A
00:04 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.
00:07 ♪♪♪ 00:09 Doug Batchelor: Iguanas, are they big lizards 00:11 or small dinosaurs? 00:13 Well, it depends on how you look at it. 00:15 These magnificent creatures are found mostly in Central 00:17 and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean islands. 00:21 Iguanas come in a broad spectrum of colors: blue, brown, green, 00:25 and they can even camouflage their skin, 00:27 allowing them to hide in the jungle. 00:29 Although they look fierce, iguanas are vegetarians, 00:33 and it's incredible of how resilient they are. 00:35 If attacked, to ensure a quick escape, an iguana can detach 00:39 its tail and later grow a new one. 00:41 If washed out to sea in a storm, they can inflate themselves 00:45 and swim incredible distances. 00:47 They can hold their breath up to 28 minutes, 00:49 putting even a crocodile to shame. 00:52 And iguanas love to climb buildings and trees, but on the 00:55 rare occasion when they do slip, it is incredible how hearty 00:58 they are, surviving the falls from heights 01:01 of 40 to 50 feet without injury. 01:03 Doug: While God made iguanas to be some of the toughest 01:06 creatures in his natural kingdom, he can also teach 01:09 Christians to be resilient when faced with fiery trials. 01:14 Sometimes, life is tough, but through God's grace, we can 01:17 learn to persevere in hard times and endure faithful to the end. 01:22 So join me now as we talk about what the Bible has to say about 01:26 the great tribulation. 01:32 Doug: Have you ever gone through a tribulation? 01:36 Have you ever gone through a great tribulation? 01:40 I remember reading once about a pilot heard 01:43 about one of these terrible forest fires and--I'm sorry. 01:46 There was as newspaper writer and the head of the newspaper 01:52 said, "You need to go get some photographs of this fire." 01:56 Well, the photographer went to try to get some photographs, and 02:02 the fire lines were all guarded; he couldn't get close enough. 02:04 So he told the paper and they said, "Look, 02:06 well call this airport, we'll secure a plane and pilot. 02:09 He can take you up, and from the air," that's before they had 02:12 those drones, "you could get some good shots of the fire." 02:16 And so, they made the arrangements; 02:18 he raced to the small airport. 02:19 Sure enough the plane was already there waiting 02:21 with the engine running. 02:23 He jumped up, he opened up the passenger side, 02:26 he threw his camera bag in the back. 02:28 He jumped in. He said, "Let's go, let's go." 02:30 The pilot taxied, took off, and he said look, 02:33 "I want you to go make some turns over by the fire." 02:37 And so the pilot went by the fire. 02:38 He said, "No, no." 02:39 He said, "You got to get down close." 02:41 And so he said, "All right," and he looked a little nervous. 02:43 The pilot went down and he said, "You got to get closer. 02:44 I want you to skim the treetops. 02:46 Stay away from the fire, but I want to get some great shots." 02:48 And he's clicking away, and the pilot's saying, 02:50 "Why are you taking so many pictures? 02:53 He said, "Well, I'm a photographer. 02:55 That's what I'm supposed to do." 02:57 The pilot said, "Well, you mean 02:58 you're not my flight instructor?" 03:02 He had jumped in the plane of a student pilot waiting 03:04 for his instructor to come out. 03:08 Now, that causes a tribulation. 03:13 And how do you get out of tribulation? 03:16 How do you survive tribulation? 03:18 Now, you know when I talk about the great tribulation, 03:20 I meet Christians, and while different Christians 03:24 from different denominations 03:25 have different views on the tribulation, 03:28 virtually all Bible reading Christians believe there is some 03:31 great tribulation coming that is clearly foretold in the future. 03:36 And people look upon it with different degrees 03:38 of concern or apprehension. 03:41 I'm not sharing this message with you to trouble anybody. 03:45 I don't lose any sleep at all worried about 03:48 the tribulation or the great tribulation. 03:51 But why don't we begin by reading what Jesus said, 03:54 some of the most clear statements on the subject. 03:57 Please turn in your Bibles to Matthew 24. 04:00 Matthew 24, I'll probably start with verse 3. 04:03 Jesus is--the disciples wanted to show him the buildings of the 04:06 temple, and afterward you shocked them with a statement 04:11 in verse 2, "Do you not see all these things, 04:14 'I say to you that not one stone will be upon another 04:17 that will not be thrown down.'" 04:20 That was flabbergasting to the apostles. 04:22 So they came to Jesus privately and listen carefully, verse 3, 04:25 "They ask him really two and half or three questions. 04:29 He comingles all of his answers together. 04:32 They said, "Tell us," and they came to him and privately 04:34 on the Mount of Olives, "when will these things be?" 04:38 Namely the destruction of the temple. 04:41 "What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world? 04:45 And Jesus answered and said to them, 04:46 'Take heed that no one deceives you. 04:49 For many will come in my name saying I am Christ 04:52 and will deceive many. 04:54 And you will hear of wars and rumors of war. 04:57 See that you are not troubled, for these things 05:00 must come to pass. 05:01 For nation will rise against nation, 05:03 and kingdom against kingdom. 05:05 And there will be famines, and pestilence, 05:07 and earthquakes in various places. 05:09 All these are the beginning of sorrows.'" 05:13 So he said the final sorrows are labor pains. 05:18 Before the great deliverance at the end, it's going to be 05:22 precipitated by some major plagues, earthquakes, wars. 05:27 "Then they will be deliver you up to tribulation," there's that 05:30 word again, "to kill you, and you'll be hated by all nations 05:35 for my name's sake, and many will be offended, and betray one 05:39 another, and many false prophets arise and deceive many. 05:44 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will 05:48 grow cold," and we see that even in our country. 05:50 How many of you remember growing up in a society where you never 05:53 even thought about locking at front door? 05:56 When I was a kid, and we lived in what's now Universal Studios, 05:59 Tujunga, California. 06:02 I mean neighbors had goats and things. 06:04 You'd never believe it if you went down there now. 06:06 Grandparents never locked the door when they left the house. 06:09 So it's hard to imagine. 06:10 Now everybody here got security cameras on your door 06:12 in case anybody rings the bell. 06:15 "Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken 06:18 of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place 06:22 (whoever reads, let them understand), 06:24 then let those who be in Judea flee into the mountains. 06:29 Let him who is on the housetop not go down and take anything 06:31 out of his house, and let him who is in the field 06:34 not go back and get his clothes." 06:36 He's talking about a time of urgency. 06:38 Something was going to happen where there was going to be 06:40 very little warning, and they were going 06:41 to have to run for their lives. 06:45 And then he says, "Pray that your flight," fleeing for your 06:47 life, "pray that your flight be not in the winter or on the 06:50 Sabbath," which is I think a good argument to remember. 06:54 He expected us to still 06:55 acknowledge the Sabbath now at the end of time. 06:58 "For they'll be great tribulation," 07:00 there's that phrase. 07:02 Not just tribulation, but what kind of tribulation? 07:04 Great tribulation. 07:06 "Such as has not been since the beginning of the world 07:10 until this time, no, nor ever shall be." 07:15 Now, that takes your breath away right there. 07:18 That could frighten a person. 07:21 I mean there's been so many just horrific things, and Jesus says, 07:24 "Oh, that's nothing." You can't imagine it." 07:27 Most of the time, you worry about things that 07:29 when they actually happen, they're not so bad. 07:33 And most of the pains and the worrying in anticipation, 07:35 when it finally happens, you think it wasn't anything. 07:39 But Jesus said, "You probably cannot over imagine 07:42 how bad it's going to be." 07:44 This great--when Jesus calls it a great tribulation, 07:48 such as not has been, think about all that's happened. 07:51 Think of black death in history, bubonic plague 07:55 such as has not been nor ever will be. 07:59 "And unless those days be shortened, 08:02 no flesh would be saved." 08:04 He says, "It's so severe that there'd be no flesh." 08:05 That's not believers or unbelievers. 08:08 He's not even seen human or animal. 08:10 Said no life would survive. 08:13 "But for the elect's sake, those days will be shortened." 08:16 Okay, so I think we all agree that there's going 08:19 to be a great tribulation. 08:21 Can you say amen? 08:23 Want to make sure we got that point nailed down. 08:25 Now what does the word tribulation mean? 08:27 What is a tribulation? 08:29 Tribulation, in Greek anyway, it's about 47 times in the 08:33 Bible, it comes from the word "thlipsis" or "thilibo." 08:38 It means to crush, to press together, to squash, the hem in, 08:42 to compress, to squeeze, to afflict. 08:46 It's originally expressed, it's talking about some sheer 08:49 physical pressure on man. 08:51 Now, thlipsis is a strong term. 08:53 It doesn't refer to a minor inconvenience. 08:56 It's talking about real hardship. 08:58 Now, Jesus said there's going to be a time of real hardship. 09:01 Now, now this is an important point I want you to grasp, 09:04 because I'm going to start unpacking it. 09:06 I want to have you catch this. 09:08 There are really for different kinds of tribulation 09:11 that are encompassed in Matthew 24 in these verses. 09:15 How many? Four. 09:17 And I'll itemize them for you very quickly. 09:19 There's a tribulation for Israel, a tribulation of the 09:23 church, a global final tribulation, and then he's also 09:28 talking about individual or personal tribulation. 09:32 For instance, when Jesus said, "There won't be one stone left 09:34 upon another in the temple, he was talking about the fall 09:37 of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, 09:40 and that is the first tribulation. 09:42 Let's talk about that. 09:43 Look in Matthew 23, verse 35. I'm going back one chapter. 09:48 When he's pronouncing the woes on the scribes, 09:51 and the Pharisees, and hypocrites, 09:53 and those who had rejected the prophets. 09:55 He says in very striking denunciation, "That on you may 10:00 come all of the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the 10:05 righteous blood--from the blood of righteous Abel." 10:08 Now, he wasn't even a Jew. 10:09 He's just saying there's going to be pent-up judgment 10:11 that's going to be poured on this generation. 10:14 "From the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, 10:18 the son of Berechiah." 10:19 Now, that Zechariah is not totally Zechariah, 10:21 the son of Berechiah. 10:23 That's another name for Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada. 10:26 "Who you murdered between the temple and the altar. 10:29 Assuredly, I say to you that all these things 10:31 will come on this generation." 10:33 Now, Jesus in Matthew 24 also talks about, "This generation 10:37 will not pass away till all of these things be fulfilled." 10:40 What is a Bible generation? 10:43 It's 40 years. And how do we know that? 10:45 When the generation that came out of Egypt did not have faith, 10:48 he said that generation would die in the wilderness. 10:50 They wandered 40 years. 10:53 And you look, David reigned for a generation. 10:55 He reigned 40 years. 10:57 Solomon reigned 40 years. 10:59 King Saul, first king; 40 years. 11:01 Moses' life is divided in three generations: 40 years in Egypt; 11:05 40 years in the wilderness; 40 years leading people 11:09 from Egypt to the borders of the promised land. 11:11 So 40 was a pretty well-established number 11:13 for a biblical generation. 11:17 Now, Jesus made this prophecy interestingly enough in 30 A.D. 11:22 What would be 40 years later? 11:24 70 A.D. 11:26 How many of you know that in 70 A.D., 11:27 the Romans destroyed the temple? 11:29 So this first tribulation, he describes a terrible ordeal that 11:35 the new Jewish nation went through when they rebelled 11:37 against the Romans. 11:39 And you can read about this and Flavius Josephus' 11:42 "History of the Jews." 11:44 He talks about the Roman wars. It was awful. 11:47 When Titus, our first, that's being in Titus, they besiege 11:52 Jerusalem, and there was terrible starvation in the city, 11:55 and finally the city was burned, and the temple was destroyed. 11:59 And usually you'd take some prisoners of war, but the 12:01 soldiers were so angry that they had been put out for three years 12:07 now by trying to squelch this Jewish rebellion, that they went 12:12 in and indiscriminately men, women and children, they just 12:15 butchered them, and blood ran through the streets. 12:17 And those who survived, the majority were crucified. 12:21 Josephus says, "You couldn't find a tree around Jerusalem. 12:23 It had been cut down and made into crosses." 12:27 And a few that survived that were then taken and sent to work 12:29 in the mines in northern Africa for the Romans, 12:32 and it was just a terrible tribulation. 12:38 We know that they're talking about this time. 12:40 You can read for instance in Luke 23:29, 12:44 speaking of the same time. 12:45 He says, "For indeed the days are coming in which they will 12:47 say, 'Blessed are the barren wombs that never bore, and the 12:50 breasts which never nursed.'" Christ said these words on his 12:53 way to the cross talking to the Jewish women that were weeping. 12:57 He said, "Do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves because 13:00 a terrible judgment is coming to the nation. 13:04 Luke 21, verse 20, "But when you see Jerusalem 13:08 surrounded by armies." 13:09 Now, did you notice a difference? 13:12 The abomination of desolation in Matthew 24, he says, "that when 13:16 you see the up abomination of desolation stand in the holy 13:19 place, let those that be in Judea, flee in the mountains." 13:21 Luke is more specific. 13:23 He says, "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, 13:26 let those that be in Judea flee into the mountains." 13:30 "Let those who are in Judea flee the mountains. 13:31 Let those who are in the midst of her, depart. 13:34 Let those who are in the country not enter her. 13:36 These are the days of vengeance. 13:38 Woe to those who are pregnant, those who are nursing babies 13:40 in those days," for obvious reasons, "for they'll be great 13:42 distress in the land and wrath upon this people." 13:46 So again, now that's talking about the tribulation that came 13:49 on Israel, and in Jerusalem, in particular, during that time. 13:55 "They'll fall by the edge of the sword. 13:57 They will be led away captive into all nations, and Jerusalem 14:01 will be trampled by the gentiles until the times 14:04 of the gentiles are fulfilled." 14:06 So are we in agreement that at least part of the tribulation 14:08 that is foretold is speaking to the Jewish nation 14:12 and what happened with the fall of Jerusalem? 14:14 It came right on time for 40 years later. 14:17 But it's broader and more comprehensive than that. 14:20 There's also a tribulation that comes historically 14:23 to the church. 14:25 ♪♪♪ 14:26 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends. 14:28 In just a moment, we're going to return for the rest 14:30 of today's presentation. 14:32 Have you ever noticed that when things are going along smoothly, 14:36 we rarely learn very much? 14:38 It's always in the storms of life that we do the most 14:41 growing, and it's the trials that test the strength and the 14:45 weakness of all convictions, but the wisest thing is when we can 14:50 learn from the trials and experience of others. 14:53 "Amazing Facts" would like to send you a very special gift. 14:57 The gripping, powerful, moving, true story of a family exiled in 15:01 Siberia, a family forced to confront the truths of the Bible 15:05 under some of the worst persecution imaginable. 15:08 What followed next is miraculous. 15:11 This inspiring book called Deathwatch in Siberia, 15:14 will both stir and encourage you to persevere 15:17 in your study of God's Word. 15:19 So don't wait, friend. 15:20 To get your free copy, call the number on the screen, 15:23 and ask for offer number 114 or visit the web address. 15:28 And after you read this incredible resource, make sure 15:31 and share it with a friend. 15:32 Well, let's get back to today's presentation 15:35 and learn some more amazing facts from the Word of God. 15:39 Doug: It's the church age of tribulation. 15:42 You can read for instance in Matthew 24, verse 9, 15:44 "They'll deliver you up to tribulation and kill you. 15:47 You will be hated of all nations." 15:50 So this is something that is universal. 15:53 If you read in Revelation chapter 11, 15:56 it talks about a specific time of tribulation when it talks 16:00 about the two witnesses. 16:01 Represents the Word of God. 16:04 It says, "Leave," and this is Revelation 11, verse 2, 16:07 "But leave the out the court, which is outside the temple, 16:09 and do not measure it, for it has been given to the gentiles. 16:12 And they were tread down the holy city 42 months." 16:16 We just read that from Luke. 16:17 Now, what is it? Forty-two months. 16:20 A Jewish month has 30 days. 42 months is 1260 days. 16:28 "And I'll give power to make two witnesses, 16:31 and they will prophesy in sackcloth, 1260 days ." 16:37 Sackcloth was like a potato bag, and if you prophesied it through 16:40 that, it's muffled. 16:42 If you put a light under a potato bag, some light comes 16:45 through, but it's obscured. 16:47 It's diminished. 16:49 And it's basically saying that the church during this time 16:51 period would still do a work, but it's going to be oppressed, 16:55 it's going to be obscured. 16:56 It's going to be muffled, and stifled and strangled. 16:59 And it says, "These two witnesses." 17:01 The two witnesses some say are Moses and Elijah. 17:05 Symbolically or metaphorically that's true. 17:09 They represent Moses and Elijah, the law and the prophets. 17:11 Another term for the Word of God, which is dual in nature; 17:15 it's new in Old Testament. 17:17 It's a sword with two edges. 17:19 Ten Commandments have two stones, right? 17:22 And so the law and the prophets, commandments of God, 17:26 and the testimony of Jesus. 17:27 The Word of God was going to be oppressed 17:29 and persecuted during a vast age. 17:32 A day in prophecy is how long? A year. 17:37 "I have appointed thee a day for a year," God said to Ezekiel. 17:40 So it says, They'd be at church age period of great persecution 17:44 for 1260 not days, years, where the church flees 17:50 into the wilderness but they still do a work. 17:53 So this was a time of great tribulation. 17:56 So you've got persecution that happens, 17:58 tribulation for Jerusalem and Israel, 18:00 tribulation for spiritual Israel or the church. 18:04 Now, I want to go to the third category of tribulation, 18:07 and that's the one that's ahead of us know. 18:09 So far, we we've looking at great tribulation behind us. 18:12 Now, we're looking at the great tribulation ahead of us. 18:15 Cheer up, it's going to get worst. 18:18 But I'm not worried about it; I'll tell you why in a minute. 18:22 Jesus says in Matthew 24:13, "Because lawlessness will 18:26 abound, the love of many will grow cold, but he that endures 18:29 to the end, there's going to be a great tribulation that must be 18:33 endured to the time of the end. 18:35 They will be saved." 18:37 What is the great tribulation in the last days? 18:41 In a word or few words, it's the seven last plagues. 18:46 When you read in Revelation chapter 16, verse 1, 18:48 "Then I heard a voice out of the temple 18:50 saying to the seven angels, 18:52 'Go pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth." 18:57 And as you read in Revelation 16 about the seven last plagues 19:01 that are poured out on the earth, I mean it's pretty bad. 19:05 It's talking about men being scorched with great heat, it's 19:08 talking about people being afflicted with noisome sore 19:11 because they worship the beast and his image. 19:13 Talks about the waters being turned to blood, 19:15 both ocean and freshwater supply. 19:18 Now, you look at those pictures of the four horsemen of the 19:21 apocalypse, and everyone pictures this: the plagues 19:24 and the death, and it's going to be a terrible time 19:28 that is going to happen. 19:30 Jesus said, "A time like there never has been." 19:34 Read, for example, in Daniel 12--by the way, 19:36 Christ in Matthew 24 is quoting this verse in Daniel. 19:39 Daniel 12, verse 1 and 2, "And there will be a time of trouble 19:43 such as never been, ever since there was a nation, 19:46 even to the same time." 19:48 Now, is he talking about a great time of trouble 19:50 or tribulation for the Jews? 19:53 For the church? 19:54 Let's keep reading. 19:56 "And at that time, your people shall be delivered. 19:58 Everyone who is found written in the book," that's the book of 20:00 life, "and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth 20:04 shall awake," what's that? 20:06 The resurrection. 20:07 "Some to everlasting life, and some to shame 20:09 and everlasting contempt." 20:11 So we know the great tribulation just before the second coming 20:15 and the resurrection is still future. 20:18 It happens when probation closes. 20:20 Now, what do I mean by that? 20:22 There will be a period of time just before Jesus comes back, 20:26 when the lost cannot be saved. 20:28 Life will go on, but it's too late for everybody. 20:31 The saved are saved and the lost are lost. 20:34 Revelation 22, Jesus said, "He that is clean let him 20:37 be clean still. 20:38 He that is filthy, let him be filthy still." 20:41 You know, right now, we're just so thankful 20:43 that God is so merciful. 20:45 His mercies endure forever. 20:47 He is so patient, but you can reach a point of no return. 20:51 In Noah's day--and Jesus said, "It will be as it 20:53 was in Noah's day." 20:55 In Noah's day, there was a period of time when all the 20:57 animals got on the ark, Noah and his family got on the ark, 21:01 and the doors open, and he made his final appeal; 21:03 made his altar call. 21:04 Nobody came, and the door was shut. 21:08 Did it start raining right away? No, seven days went by. 21:13 The lost outside the ark were doomed. 21:17 Their probation had closed. 21:18 There was no hope for their being saved. 21:20 The door was shut. 21:22 They still got up for several days, and they enjoyed their 21:25 business, and they ate, and they drank and they married, 21:27 and they build, and they did whatever they normally did. 21:29 And God supplied the sunshine, he supplied the produce 21:32 of the field, and they all laughed at Noah 21:35 and didn't realize it was too late. 21:37 Probation had closed. 21:39 And so, it's talking about then, this great time of trouble 21:42 before the second coming. 21:44 And then I told you that there's of course personal tribulation. 21:47 Let me just touch on that quickly. 21:49 Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to me--to you rather, 21:53 that you might have peace. 21:56 In the world, you'll have tribulation. 21:58 Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." 22:00 So Jesus said, "I'm sharing these things with you, 22:03 that in me, you may have peace. 22:06 In the world, you'll have tribulation 22:08 but be of good cheer." 22:10 He says, "Have peace and be of good cheer. 22:11 I've overcome the world." 22:13 So when you hear about great tribulation, 22:14 if you are in Christ, cheer up. 22:20 The worst it gets, it means the sooner he's coming, 22:23 so you don't need to be afraid. 22:26 2 Timothy 3:12, "Yes, all who desire to live godly in Christ 22:31 Jesus will suffer persecution ." 22:33 "Pastor Doug, can you please, is there a loophole here somewhere? 22:36 How can I be a Christian and escape persecution?" 22:40 I'm sorry, friends. 22:41 That's not an option. 22:43 If you're hiding your light under a bush, 22:45 well then, you're not a Christian. 22:48 "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, 22:51 for so they did of the false prophets." 22:53 If you're wanting an easy life, life is tough. 22:57 But if you're going to make someone mad, make the devil mad. 23:01 Don't make Jesus mad, 'cause the devil's going 23:02 to lose and Jesus is going to win. 23:04 You want to be on the winning team. 23:05 So there's going to be problems in life. 23:07 You may as well make up your mind 23:09 that you're going to be on God's side. 23:10 Amen? 23:12 "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood," Ephesians 6:12, 23:15 "but against principalities, against powers against rulers 23:18 of the darkness of this age, against spiritual 23:21 hosts of wickedness in heavenly places." 23:25 Tribulation, when God allows us to individually go through 23:28 tribulation, it might be for a health problem facing. 23:31 Some go through family issues that are very serious, 23:34 that represents a tribulation. 23:36 You might be in a country that's in a war. 23:40 It might be a terrible financial problem 23:42 that has caused a crisis in your life. 23:44 All kinds of tribulations happen, but you know what? 23:47 Tribulation produces character. 23:50 Romans 5:3-4, "And not only that, 23:54 but we glory in tribulations." 23:57 How many of you look forward to tribulation with glory? 24:00 "We glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation 24:04 produces perseverance; and perseverance, 24:06 character, and character, hope." 24:09 How many of you want hope? 24:11 How many of you want character? 24:13 How many of you want tribulations? 24:16 Well, he said we should rejoice in it 24:18 because that's what it produces. 24:20 If you want the character, and if you want the hope, 24:24 the trials will come. 24:25 That's what develops it. 24:27 Now, I told you that word "thlipsis", tribulations, 24:31 it's got an underlying meaning of something being squeezed 24:34 or placed under pressure beneath a great weight 24:37 such as in squeezing olives. 24:40 And what do you get when you press the olives? 24:42 Olive oil. That's a good thing. 24:44 And in Bible times when they made grapes, 24:46 they were tribulated. 24:49 They were pressed, they were squeezed, and you got the wine. 24:53 These are two biblical symbols, but you get the good things. 24:56 You get the sweetness as a result of the tribulations. 24:59 James 1, verse 2 and 3, "My brethren, 25:02 count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing 25:06 that the testing of your faith produces patience." 25:10 Count it all joy. 25:12 If you're going through trials, say, 25:13 "All right, Lord. You know what? I'm going through a trial." 25:17 I'd say something like this, I'd say, 25:18 "All right, Lord; thank you." 25:20 I have to choke it out sometimes because you don't feel thankful 25:21 at the time, but you have to trust him and you thank him. 25:23 Bible says, "Thank the Lord in all things. 25:25 "Thank you, and Lord whatever it is you are trying to teach me, 25:29 help me to learn it now so I won't have 25:31 to repeat this class." 25:34 I mean it's like you know, fifth grade 25:37 was the best three years of my life. 25:41 You don't want to repeat that class. 25:44 And so, don't be amazed when you go through trials. 25:48 1 Peter 1:6, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now 25:52 for a little while, if need be you've been grieved by various 25:55 trials, that the genuineness of your faith being much more 25:59 precious than gold or diamonds that perishes, 26:02 though it be tested by fire, may be found to praise, and honor, 26:07 and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 26:10 How many of you want to be found pure and ready when Jesus comes? 26:14 It's through the tribulations and the trials that we go 26:17 through, that that's prepared. 26:18 God cleanses his people through fiery trials. 26:23 You can read in Matthew 3, verse 10, 26:26 "Even now the axe is laid at the root of the tree. 26:29 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down 26:32 and thrown into the fire." 26:33 He said, "I baptize you with water," John the Baptist 26:36 speaking, "unto repentance, but he is coming after me is 26:39 mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. 26:43 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." 26:46 How many of you want the baptism of the Holy Spirit? 26:50 But what if God's baptizing you with the fire of the Spirit 26:52 means fiery trials? 26:54 Do you still want the Holy Spirit? 26:56 Paul says, 1 Corinthians 3:12, "Now if anyone builds this 26:59 foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, 27:02 straw, each one's work will become clear for the day 27:05 will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire. 27:09 The fire will test everyone's work of what sort it is." 27:13 If you want to be prepared for the great tribulation, then we 27:16 need to learn to survive the storms that come into our lives 27:19 now, and embrace the things that transform us. 27:22 Amen? 27:27 announcer: Don't forget to request today's 27:28 life-changing free resource. 27:30 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail, 27:32 you can download a digital copy straight to your computer 27:35 or mobile device. 27:36 To get your digital copy of today's free gift, simply text 27:39 the keyword on your screen to 40544, or visit the web address 27:44 shown on your screen. 27:46 And be sure to select that digital download option 27:48 on the request page. 27:50 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word 27:53 with "Amazing Facts," wherever and whenever you want. 27:56 And most important, to share it with others. 28:01 announcer: And thank you for your continued support, 28:04 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 28:07 We hope that you'll join us next week as we delve deep 28:10 into the Word of God to explore more amazing facts. 28:13 ♪♪♪ 28:22 ♪♪♪ 28:24 male announcer: This presentation was brought to you 28:25 by the friends of the Amazing Facts ministry. |
Revised 2019-04-29