Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Can The Saved Be Lost? (Eg)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000064A

00:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought
00:04 to you by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
00:14 Doug Batchelor: My friends that believe once saved,
00:16 always saved, they say, "So, once I am saved,
00:18 it doesn't matter what I do.
00:19 I could, you know, turn from the Lord and go back to the world,
00:22 and sin like the devil, but God's promised I am saved."
00:25 So, there's millions of people out there that have
00:29 this false security.
00:31 It is deadly.
00:37 Doug: Typically, you come to church,
00:38 and you hear the pastor talk about how the lost can be saved,
00:43 how the lost can be saved.
00:45 It's a wonderful message in the Bible,
00:47 and I think everyone here knows that but in case you don't
00:50 and you're lost, I want you to know you can be saved.
00:54 "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save
00:57 that which is lost."
00:58 Jesus comes to save the lost.
01:01 John 3:17, "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn
01:05 the world, but through Him the world might be saved."
01:09 1 Timothy 1:15, "This is a faithful saying and worthy of
01:13 all acceptance that Jesus Christ came into the world,"
01:15 for what reason?
01:17 "To save sinners."
01:19 Jesus comes to save the lost.
01:21 But our message isn't today that Jesus can save the lost.
01:25 That's part of the message.
01:28 The question we want to address today is,
01:30 Can saved be lost?
01:32 That's a very important question because whether you know it
01:36 or not, there are a lot of dangerous doctrines that are out
01:41 in the world.
01:42 Among Protestants, about 30% of Protestants believe
01:46 in predestination.
01:49 They actually believe in the-- it's, you know,
01:52 Calvinist or Reformed theology.
01:55 You've heard the expression, "Once saved, always saved."
01:58 Now, that's really a package of different beliefs.
02:01 And don't misunderstand, Calvin was a great reformer.
02:04 He was a tremendous theologian.
02:07 He wrote the book "Institutes of the Christian Religion"
02:09 when he was in his 20's.
02:11 He had an incredible mind, and he contributed a great deal.
02:14 But some things, they were coming out of such darkness
02:17 I believe that he misunderstood, that can be dangerous.
02:21 The idea that once you're saved, you can't be lost is,
02:26 I think, a dangerous belief.
02:27 Another part of that is the idea that Jesus's death on the cross
02:31 wasn't to save everybody, but he only shed enough blood
02:35 and only suffered enough for those he knew would be saved,
02:38 better known as the elect.
02:40 And then, the third, which I find the most egregious of all,
02:44 is the idea that God has predetermined who he's gonna
02:49 save and there are others that he has deemed he created
02:53 to be lost, and nobody really has any choice.
02:57 It's all only based on God's choice.
03:01 So, this fatalistic idea, it's almost like Hinduism
03:04 that's just, you know, "you are what you are,
03:06 you can't change your circumstances,
03:07 or you don't have a choice," I believe flies in the face
03:10 of what the Bible says when Joshua said,
03:13 'Choose ye this day who you will serve."
03:16 We very much do have a choice and we very much
03:18 do have responsibility.
03:20 And the choices we make every day do lend themselves
03:23 towards our ultimate destiny.
03:27 So, for any who might be fuzzy on the subject,
03:30 let's just make it clear what the Bible teaches.
03:35 And so, I've just got to the heart of the question,
03:37 can the saved be lost?
03:39 And there's other things we're gonna talk about in the process.
03:42 Now, you might think, well, as long as you're sincere,
03:45 it doesn't matter what you believe.
03:47 Wrong.
03:49 The Bible tells us Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone that says to me,
03:53 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven,
03:56 but he that does the will of my Father in heaven."
03:59 Now, my friends that believe once saved,
04:01 always saved, they sort of believe that once you're saved,
04:04 you get a new heart.
04:05 You're born again.
04:07 God said, "You know, I will never lose any that come to me."
04:09 And there's some key verses they have,
04:11 I don't want to undermine there are some verses that not
04:13 rightly placed or in the wrong context, it can confuse you.
04:18 They say, "So once I am saved, it doesn't matter what I do.
04:21 I could, you know, turn from the Lord and go back to the world
04:23 and the sin like the devil, but God's promised I am saved
04:27 and I'm gonna be there."
04:28 And Pastor Ross and I hear it all the time when people call
04:30 in with Bible questions.
04:32 They say, "Well, I was saved back when I was nine years old.
04:35 I gave my heart to the Lord."
04:37 They say, "I haven't been walking with the Lord
04:38 for 20 years now, and I've got this drinking problem.
04:41 And I'm having an affair, and I want to know--"
04:43 And we're going, "Brother, you are not saved."
04:45 "Oh, I was saved. I was saved."
04:47 We're going, "No, you're not.
04:49 'Cause Jesus said, you'll know them by their fruit.
04:52 So, there's millions of people out there that have this
04:56 false security that is deadly.
05:00 That's as bad as having a defibrillator
05:02 with a dead battery.
05:04 You know what I mean?
05:05 Clear.
05:07 Wait, nothing's happening.
05:08 Wouldn't that be a bad time to find out there's no power?
05:12 And so, this is what's gonna happen.
05:15 "Many will say to me in that day,"
05:16 what day's he talking about?"
05:18 The day of the Lord, the great judgment day.
05:20 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name,
05:23 and cast out devils in your name,
05:25 and done many wonderful works in your name?'
05:27 And I'll declare to them, 'I never knew you
05:29 depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.'"
05:34 So, it doesn't matter what a profession is if a person's
05:37 practicing lawlessness, then are they really converted?
05:43 Is the question.
05:45 Well, I want to first do this in sequence.
05:46 Let's address the big question that I started with, did Jesus,
05:50 in his sacrifice, only die for the elect,
05:54 a certain group, or did he die for everybody?
05:59 2 Corinthians 5:15, "And he died for all,
06:04 that those who live should no longer live for themselves,
06:07 but for him who died for them."
06:09 John 1:29, "The next day John the Baptist saw Jesus coming
06:13 and he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God
06:15 that takes away the sin of the elect."
06:18 Is that what he said?
06:19 The sin of who? The whole world.
06:22 First John 2:2, "And he himself is the appropriation
06:26 for our sins, and not ours only but for the whole world."
06:30 I mean, if God wants to say the whole world,
06:33 if that was inadequate, what other words would he use?
06:36 The whole, whole world.
06:37 What else could he say?
06:39 He's trying to make it clear for everybody.
06:40 He's not talking about this planet and the dirt.
06:43 He's talking about the people.
06:44 So now, is salvation available to everybody?
06:48 That's the other question.
06:49 They say, "No, he didn't die for all.
06:51 It's just available for the elect."
06:53 Romans 5:18, "Therefore, as through one man's offense,
06:58 judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation,
07:02 even so through one man's righteousness,
07:04 at one man's righteous act, Jesus's sacrifice, the free gift
07:09 came to all men, resulting in justification of life."
07:14 Romans 10:12, "For there is no distinction between Jew
07:18 and Greek, for the same Lord is over all is rich
07:22 to all who call upon Him.
07:24 For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
07:27 Is that clear?
07:29 Anybody who calls on the name of the Lord.
07:31 Now, some Calvinists will take that verse,
07:33 all you gotta do is call on the name of the Lord
07:35 and you're saved.
07:37 So, you pray, you call on the Lord,
07:39 you're saved and then go on and live the way you want.
07:41 That's not what that verse is saying.
07:43 Calling on the Lord means those who have a life
07:45 of calling upon God.
07:47 And so, it's an ongoing behavior.
07:50 1 Timothy 2, verse 3 and 4, "For this is good and acceptable in
07:55 the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved."
08:00 It's not just a few elect that are gonna be saved.
08:02 He doesn't want anyone to be lost.
08:05 So, this idea that God said, "Well, you know, I've gotta--
08:08 I've gotta make some sinners out there."
08:10 Or I've heard people say, "Well, you know, Jesus said,
08:14 I'm saving the the apostles, except for Judas,
08:17 'cause somebody had to be the fall guy,
08:19 that the prophecies might be fulfilled."
08:21 So, Judas had no choice.
08:23 No, Jesus-- God knew he would do it,
08:26 but he did it because of his choice.
08:29 Or you read the verse where it says,
08:31 "And God hardened Pharaoh's heart."
08:34 So, God is looking down from heaven he's going,
08:36 "Let me see, who will I save?
08:38 Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, you can be the Pharaoh,
08:40 I'm gonna harden your heart.
08:41 No matter what happens, you are not gonna repent
08:43 because I'm not giving you the capacity to repent.
08:46 You're just gonna be lost because it makes for good story
08:50 so Pharaoh, you're lost, so I'm hardening your heart."
08:53 Keep reading, you gotta compare Scripture with Scripture.
08:56 You'll find it says many more times,
08:58 "Pharaoh hardened his heart."
09:02 See, it's the way that God hardened Pharaoh's heart
09:05 it's simply saying that the circumstances that God sent,
09:08 because Pharaoh was proud, it hardened him.
09:11 It's like someone said one time, "The sun can shine on wax,
09:16 and it will melt it.
09:18 The sun can shine on clay and it will harden it."
09:21 It's the same sun, it's shining on different substance.
09:26 So, if a person has a proud heart,
09:28 the circumstances that might humble one king like David or
09:32 Manasseh, they humbled themself, when the circumstances came,
09:36 will harden somebody like the pharaoh.
09:39 And so, it really is, what is the substance?
09:43 Does that make sense?
09:44 John 3:16, Who knows that on?
09:47 "That whosoever believes in Him might not perish,
09:51 but have everlasting life."
09:53 Go to 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning
09:57 His promise, as some men count slackness."
09:59 Talking about, why is it taking them so long to come back?
10:02 So, he hasn't forgotten his promise.
10:03 "But he's longsuffering toward us,
10:05 not willing that any should perish."
10:09 And so, yeah, there's a battle between good and evil.
10:11 It is not God's will that innocent people suffer.
10:15 It's not God's will that the devil rebelled.
10:18 None of the evil is God's will.
10:20 If you want to know God's will, you look in Genesis,
10:22 chapter 1 and 2, and you see a perfect paradise
10:25 with creatures made in his image, completely happy.
10:29 They're living in bliss, everything is good,
10:31 good, very good.
10:32 That's God's will.
10:34 When the devil came in and he brought the sin,
10:36 that's not his will.
10:37 He doesn't want you to perish, which is why he sent Jesus
10:40 so you have an option.
10:43 But he can't force love and he can't change your heart.
10:45 That's something we must do.
10:47 That leads us to the big question,
10:50 once saved, always saved?
10:52 Once a person is saved, can they then be lost?
10:55 Now, I'll tell you why this doctrine developed,
11:01 and there are two extremes.
11:03 Who wants an experience where you come to Jesus to be saved,
11:07 but you just never feel you're good enough.
11:09 And every time you think a bad thought,
11:11 or do a wrong thing, you say, "Now I'm lost.
11:13 I'm sorry, Lord.
11:14 Now, I'm saved.
11:15 Oh, but what if I do something wrong, now I'm lost.
11:17 Now I'm saved, now--" Repent, confess,
11:19 repent, confess, sin, repent, committed sin,
11:21 and you're going back and forth and it's like,
11:23 you can go crazy like that.
11:25 You have no assurance.
11:27 So, theologians who said, "Does God want us to always be living,
11:32 and wondering, and hoping, that we might be saved
11:35 and always in doubt."
11:36 You're miserable 'cause you're just always wondering,
11:38 "Did I do something wrong?"
11:39 And there's no peace, there's no assurance.
11:42 And they said that that can't be the answer so it must be
11:44 that once you are saved, you can't be lost.
11:47 That's the only way you would have that assurance
11:49 and that security.
11:51 They call it eternal security, is one of the names
11:54 for once saved, always saved.
11:56 Well, that's the extreme solution.
11:59 That's also the other problem, the idea,
12:01 "Okay, I'm saved now, I can do whatever I want."
12:06 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends, in just a moment,
12:08 we're going to return for the rest of today's presentation.
12:11 You know, the power of choice is an amazing gift from God,
12:14 but when a person is saved, do they choose God
12:17 or does he choose them?
12:20 And once a person is saved, do they still have the freedom
12:23 to reverse that decision?
12:25 Well, this is probably one of the most deeply discussed
12:28 concepts in the Bible.
12:30 But if we're confused about what really constitutes
12:33 true salvation, well, that could be the most expensive mistake
12:37 we ever make.
12:39 Fortunately, you don't have to be confused about the good news.
12:43 Amazing Facts would like to send you a special gift called,
12:46 "Can a saved man choose to be lost?"
12:49 This is a short but very insightful book
12:52 for anyone who has questions about the once saved,
12:55 always saved teaching that's now exploding through
12:57 the Christian church.
12:59 It'll help you to find clarity and lasting meaning for
13:01 your life, while inspiring you with the goodness
13:04 and the fairness of God's kingdom.
13:06 So, don't wait, friend.
13:08 To get your free copy, call the number on the screen and ask
13:10 for offer number 112, or visit the web address.
13:14 And after you read this incredible resource,
13:16 make sure and share it with a friend.
13:19 Well, let's return to today's presentation and learn
13:21 some more amazing facts from the Word of God.
13:26 Doug: "No matter what I do, I have peace, I'm saved,
13:29 but don't you dare tell me otherwise
13:30 'cause you're gonna shake me.
13:31 You're gonna take away my peace and my security."
13:34 And so, that's the other extreme.
13:36 Now, you know, I have a lot of Baptist friends believe
13:38 in eternal security, and they're very godly people.
13:41 They don't try to exploit it, but I've also preached
13:44 in some Baptist churches where people said,
13:46 "You better not go along with a sermon 'cause
13:48 the football game starts at 12."
13:51 And so, you know, you and I saw them gathering outside
13:54 and smoking right after church, and then go home
13:57 and drink beer and watch football.
13:58 And they say, "Yeah, I was saved at 12 years old,
14:00 I gave my heart to the Lord."
14:02 But they're not living for God.
14:05 And so, you've got these two extremes of people
14:07 that are constantly in fear.
14:09 They're always looking at their works.
14:12 And you got the other group that they're they say,
14:14 "Once I was saved and I'm saved by faith,
14:16 it doesn't matter what I do."
14:18 Now, I want to make it clear, we are saved entirely
14:20 by grace through faith.
14:22 We are not saved by works, but that is not a license
14:25 to live a life of sin.
14:26 So, I'm just gonna tell you straight up, yes,
14:29 if you are not continuing to daily walk in the Lord,
14:31 you can lose that assurance and you can lose eternal life.
14:36 Let me give you some verses.
14:38 Galatians 5, verse 4, "You have become estranged from Christ,
14:43 you who attempt to be justified by the law;
14:46 you have fallen from grace."
14:48 Now, no matter what you think about grace and the law there,
14:50 Paul says grace-- these are people,
14:52 he's writing to the church in Galatians.
14:53 You can fall from it.
14:55 Now if you've fallen from grace, are you saved?
14:56 If you're only saved by grace and you've fallen from grace,
14:58 are you still saved?
15:00 No.
15:01 So, Paul said it.
15:02 Mark 13:13 Jesus said, "He that endures
15:06 to the end will be saved."
15:10 So, when do you finally know?
15:12 At the end.
15:14 You've got to continue enduring.
15:16 Now, that doesn't mean you can't have peace that you're saved.
15:19 And I'll explain that because the word "saved"
15:21 is used different ways.
15:23 Paul said, 1 Corinthians 9:27, "But I keep my body under
15:27 and I bring it into subjection, lest, that by any means
15:31 when I preach to others, I myself should be a castaway."
15:34 Paul was saying, "I need to continually bring
15:36 my body into subjection."
15:38 Paul said, "I die daily."
15:40 Now if once you're saved, you're always saved,
15:42 why would you need to die daily?
15:44 But Paul said, "Daily I must deny myself."
15:46 Jesus said, "Whoever takes up his cross
15:48 daily denies himself and follows me."
15:51 Those are the terms of Jesus, "Daily take up your cross,
15:54 deny yourself, follow me."
15:56 And if you should cease to daily have that ongoing relationship,
15:59 you're--it's dangerous.
16:02 Hebrews 10:26, "If we sin willfully,"
16:06 and that there means if we continue to live a life of sin,
16:09 doesn't mean if you once sin.
16:12 "But if we sin willfully after we've received the knowledge of
16:15 the truth," all right, so he's talking right now to somebody.
16:17 "They received the knowledge of the truth."
16:20 But they turn from it for willful, ongoing sin.
16:24 "There no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
16:26 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment
16:29 and fiery indignation that will devour the adversaries."
16:33 Go--same chapter, Hebrews 10:35, "Therefore do not cast away
16:39 your confidence, which has a great reward.
16:42 For you need endurance."
16:45 He that endures will be saved.
16:47 "So that after you've done the will of God,
16:49 you may receive the promise."
16:52 "So, what in the world is going on here, Pastor Doug,
16:55 can we have any peace?"
16:58 The secret to the Christian life is you've got to keep moving.
17:03 A lot of Christians think you come to the Lord,
17:04 you say a prayer, that is done with now.
17:07 You come to the Lord and you are saved from your past sins,
17:11 you are justified, that is true.
17:15 You are saved by grace and justified when you come
17:18 to the Lord.
17:20 When you get off your knees after you've asked them
17:21 to forgive your sins, you have salvation, of justification.
17:25 But you have not been saved yet from the power of sin
17:29 in the world.
17:30 The devil is gonna be there tempting you.
17:32 And so, you continually day by day,
17:34 you've got the freedom to choose.
17:37 And we are encouraged all through the Scriptures
17:40 to continue choosing God.
17:42 But can we have peace?
17:45 Where does the word "confidence"come from?
17:49 When you say con means with, fidelity or fidence means faith,
17:55 with faith.
17:56 He who believes and is baptized will be saved.
18:00 Can you have security?
18:04 If you believe.
18:05 John 3:36, "He who believes in Son has everlasting life."
18:10 Now, isn't that a good promise?
18:12 What does it mean to believe?
18:14 That's a big question.
18:16 Some people think that means just believe that he exists
18:19 or believe that he died, believe that he lived,
18:21 believe that he rose.
18:23 All those things I just mentioned,
18:24 does the devil believe all of those?
18:26 Does the devil believe that God lives?
18:29 He knows it better than you, used to see him in his glory.
18:32 Does the devil know that Jesus came to earth?
18:34 Does he know that he died for our sins?
18:36 Does he know that he rose again?
18:38 He does. He knows all that.
18:40 He even knows he loves you.
18:41 It's not gonna save him.
18:44 It's a kind of belief where it means the word "believe" means
18:47 to be live.
18:49 The word believe means to be live.
18:51 It means to live in something.
18:54 It's not just the mental assent 'cause James said
18:56 the devils believe like that.
18:59 It means saying, "I'm willing to do your will, Lord."
19:05 You know, the reason that it's important to understand
19:08 that God can give us power not only to justify us,
19:13 but he can give us power to save us from the power of temptation
19:17 and sin, is when you know that God will do his part,
19:22 you have more security.
19:24 What is righteousness by faith?
19:29 When you believe that God hears your prayer for forgiveness,
19:32 and you are justified, and you believe that the moment
19:34 you prayed, that he forgives all your past sins,
19:37 and he gives you power, and he is gonna begin creating
19:39 a new heart in you, that gives you confidence that,
19:43 "Hey, I've got eternal life."
19:46 If you have eternal life, how will that motivate you
19:48 to be different?
19:50 If you know that God says, "I am the author and the finisher of
19:53 your faith, I will stay with you if you continue to turn to me.
19:56 You may fall, but turn right back to me,"
19:59 and see if he doesn't grow you.
20:01 That should give you confidence.
20:03 I remember reading when they were building the
20:05 Golden Gate Bridge, at first they had no safety precautions,
20:09 and 23 men slipped and fell to their deaths in the water below.
20:16 Finally, they thought, "You know, we need to do something,"
20:18 'cause it was in the early stages.
20:20 They'd already lost 23 men, and a guy named Strauss helped
20:24 develop, he was an engineer, a net that was spread
20:28 all the way across.
20:30 They'd never had a safety device like this on a big project.
20:33 They built a net at $100,000.
20:35 And for us, it would be like $10 million today,
20:37 that went across the entire span.
20:40 You know what they discovered after they put
20:42 the net under there?
20:43 First of all, the net saved like 19 men.
20:45 But the other thing they noticed was once the net showed up,
20:49 the men, because of their confidence,
20:52 were a lot braver and the work went a lot faster,
20:56 and it was a lot more successful because the men had security.
21:00 Now, do you hear what I'm saying?
21:02 Because you cannot say, "Once saved, always saved,"
21:04 doesn't mean you cannot have security in your relationship
21:07 with the Lord.
21:09 You've just gotta be careful about being presumption.
21:11 I've used this illustration before.
21:13 Karen and I got married.
21:15 We've actually got witnesses to the wedding today.
21:17 You make very restrictive vows.
21:21 You promise to keep yourself only unto that other person,
21:24 and we love each other.
21:26 We made those promises.
21:29 Now, if I want to, I could break that promise tomorrow.
21:32 I could break it today.
21:34 I am free.
21:36 I never have, God willing I never will.
21:40 I don't worry about it.
21:41 I don't worry about her because when you've got love and faith,
21:46 you can have confidence.
21:48 But that doesn't mean we don't have the freedom.
21:53 See what I'm saying?
21:54 And so, this is how it is in our relationship with the Lord.
21:57 He loves you. He accepts you.
22:00 He adopts you, and he'll never let go of you.
22:02 But you can let go of him.
22:03 His love for years non-failing.
22:05 Life and death cannot separate you from his love.
22:08 My Calvinist friends say, "That means you can't be lost."
22:10 No, it means he will not stop loving you,
22:13 but you are still free 'cause you can't force love.
22:16 The idea once God saves someone he takes away their freedom,
22:19 what does that mean, you're a robot now?
22:21 That's not loving anymore.
22:24 "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest you fall."
22:28 So, you want to have confidence, but you don't want
22:31 to have arrogance.
22:33 You need to have faith, but be careful.
22:35 Again, Hebrews 4:1, "Therefore since a promise remains
22:38 of entering his rest, let us fear lest any of us
22:41 seem to come short of it."
22:43 We need to be God-fearing and yet have peace.
22:47 See, there's a balance here in the Christian life.
22:49 Romans 10:13,
22:51 "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
22:55 And if we are calling on God, he promises to save us,
22:58 but we need to press on.
23:01 Revelation 3:5, "He who overcomes will be clothed
23:04 in white raiment," again, he's speaking to the church,
23:07 "and I will not blot his name from the Book of Life."
23:11 Now, why would Jesus even say that unless it was possible
23:14 for a name to be taken from the Book of Life?
23:16 If your name, once put in the Book of Life,
23:18 could never be taken out, why would he say that?
23:21 Matter of fact, Exodus 33, didn't expect me
23:24 to go to the Old Testament.
23:25 Exodus 32, verse 33, "And the Lord said to Moses,
23:30 'Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot him out
23:33 of my book.'"
23:34 So, even in the Old Testament,
23:36 this is what Jesus is referring to here in Revelation 3,
23:38 God's enters a person in his book,
23:41 when you come to Christ and you're justified,
23:43 you're saved, your name is entered in the Book of Life,
23:46 but then you must press on through sanctification
23:49 and faith, and you have the victory, amen?
23:53 So, he doesn't want us to live in fear.
23:55 1 John 3:18, "There is no fear in love.
23:58 The perfect love casts out fear."
24:01 God has promised in Hebrews 13, verse 5,
24:04 "I will never leave you or forsake you."
24:07 "Being confident," Philippians 1:6,
24:09 "Of this very thing, he that has begun a good work
24:11 and you will complete it."
24:13 God gives you so many promises not to be discouraged,
24:15 not to think he doesn't want to save you.
24:17 He's desperate to save every one of us,
24:19 but you need to cooperate.
24:21 Don't--there's two ditches you can fall in,
24:24 one is get discouraged and say, "I'm never gonna make it,"
24:26 the others say, "Once I'm saved, I can't be lost."
24:28 You need to be mature and biblical
24:32 about what it means to be saved.
24:34 So, God wants us to have some assurance, doesn't he?
24:37 He doesn't want us to live in fear.
24:39 Ezekiel chapter 33.
24:42 He says in verse 12, "Therefore, O son of man,
24:44 say to the children of your people,
24:46 'The righteousness of the righteous will not deliver him
24:50 in the day of his transgression; as for the wickedness
24:53 of the wicked, it will not-- he will not fall because of it
24:56 in the day of his--he turns from his wickedness;
24:59 nor shall the right just be able to live because
25:01 of his righteousness and the day that he sins."
25:04 That's pretty clear.
25:06 "When I say to the righteous that he will surely live,
25:08 but he trusts in his own righteousness
25:11 and he commits iniquity," this is describing the
25:13 "Once saved, always saved" people.
25:15 He says to the righteous, "You'll live, I've saved you.
25:17 You're forgiven."
25:18 "But he trusts in his own righteousness and commits
25:20 iniquity, none of his righteous works shall be remembered;
25:24 but because of the iniquity that he has committed,
25:25 he shall die.
25:27 Again, when I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,'
25:30 if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right,
25:33 if the wicked restores the pledge,
25:35 gives back what he has stolen, and walks in the statutes
25:38 of life without committing iniquity,
25:40 he shall surely live; he will not die.
25:43 None of his sins that he has committed will be remembered
25:46 against him; he shall surely live."
25:48 God is telling us he' covering the two extremes,
25:52 right, and that wonder is he's saying,
25:53 "Look, if you follow me, you can live."
25:56 Now, we're saved by his grace because if we're gonna get
25:58 what we deserve, we're all doomed, right?
26:01 Penalty for sin is death, none of us has hope.
26:03 So, if anyone makes it, it's grace for everyone.
26:06 But when you are saved by grace and you accept that,
26:10 embrace that by faith, the Bible says we should walk
26:13 in a newness of life, amen?
26:21 announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
26:23 free resource.
26:24 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
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26:40 And be sure to select a digital download option
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26:44 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
26:46 with Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want,
26:50 and most important, to share it with others.
26:56 announcer: What if you could know the future?
26:58 What would you do?
27:02 What would you change?
27:05 To see the future, you must understand the past.
27:09 male: Alexander the Great becomes king when he's only 18,
27:11 but he's a military prodigy.
27:14 male: A hundred and fifty years in advance,
27:17 Cyrus had been named."
27:20 male: Nebuchadnezzar built this city as a showcase
27:22 to the entire world.
27:24 male: Rome was violent, they were ruthless,
27:28 they were determined.
27:32 announcer: This intriguing documentary,
27:34 hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor, explores the most striking
27:37 Bible prophecies that have been dramatically fulfilled
27:40 throughout history.
27:43 "Kingdoms In Time," an extraordinary adventure
27:47 through the Bible's most amazing fulfilled prophecies.
27:50 Are you ready?
28:00 announcer: Don't forget to request today's free offer.
28:01 It's sure to be a blessing.
28:03 announcer: And thank you for your continued support as
28:05 we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
28:08 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep
28:11 into the Word of God to explore more amazing facts.
28:25 announcer: This presentation was brought to you
28:26 by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.


Revised 2019-04-01