Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

Can You Prove God Exists?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFDB

Program Code: AFDB000055A

00:00 ...
01:02 male announcer: This presentation is brought to
01:04 you by the friends of the Amazing Facts Ministry.
01:10 Doug Batchelor: Evidence continues to mount that the
01:12 mystery of life can only be explained by some intelligent,
01:15 miraculous intervention.
01:17 Now more than ever, modern science confirms the extreme
01:21 complexity of life.
01:24 With 21st-century microscopes, for instance,
01:26 scientists understand that even the simplest cell is,
01:30 in effect, a virtual factory containing thousands of
01:34 exquisitely designed pieces of molecular machinery,
01:37 far more complicated than the International Space Station,
01:40 and functionally as complex as a small city at rush hour.
01:45 As we delve deeper into the cellular realm,
01:47 science reveals a virtual Lilliputian world so intricate
01:51 that if he could look through a modern microscope today,
01:54 Darwin himself would likely to admit the theory
01:57 of evolution was absurd.
02:00 In spite of the mounting evidence that only a divine
02:02 miracle can produce life, the modern world still refuses to
02:06 accept the Bible account that God suddenly created
02:09 life by speaking.
02:12 And it's that same power of his Word that is recreating millions
02:16 of hearts around the world today.
02:18 So, join me now as we look at some of the fascinating Bible
02:21 facts about the incredible evidence
02:24 of God's creative design.
02:30 Doug: I remember hearing a story about
02:32 a 2nd-grade teacher of an art class.
02:34 She told her young students, "You're now
02:36 free to draw whatever you want."
02:39 She gave them their paints and they began
02:41 to paint, and she'd go from one to another and give 'em
02:44 a little advice and ask what they were doing.
02:46 And she came over to this one boy and
02:47 he was really goin' at it.
02:48 He was painting furiously.
02:50 You ever seen a kid when he's into it?
02:51 And his tongue... kinda out of his mouth.
02:54 And she was lookin' at what he was doin',
02:56 and couldn't make heads or tails out of it,
02:58 and she said, "What are you painting?"
03:01 He said, "I'm painting God."
03:03 She said, "Well, nobody knows what God looks like."
03:09 He said, "Exactly, now they will."
03:15 And our message today is talking about a very important subject:
03:19 "Can You Prove That God Exists?"
03:24 "Can You Prove--?"
03:25 This is the big question.
03:27 This is one of the most important things
03:29 that people could ever talk about.
03:33 Now, you may have heard of the Large Hadron Collider.
03:37 The biggest and most expensive scientific experiment
03:40 in the world is located 300 feet beneath the countryside
03:45 on the border of Switzerland and France.
03:48 And I've been in that region before.
03:49 It is a 17-mile-long tunnel.
03:56 They used the same boring equipment they used for making
03:58 the Chunnel between France and England to bore this tunnel.
04:03 It's an instrument, but it is composed of a tunnel 17 miles
04:07 in a circle, filled with the most powerful electric-magnet
04:14 accelerators that scientists can muster.
04:18 It's operated by the European Organization
04:20 for Nuclear Research.
04:23 And the aim of it all is they're looking for the mystery of the
04:29 smallest part of matter that holds everything together.
04:34 They call it, named after some of the people who
04:36 theorized it, the Higgs boson.
04:39 It's nickname is--who knows? The God particle.
04:44 They've built this multi-billion-dollar instrument
04:50 to discover the God particle.
04:53 Well, they conducted a number of experiments between 2005
04:58 and 2017, and they say they believe that they've found it.
05:04 With 99% accuracy, they believe they've discovered the smallest
05:08 subatomic particle that allows all other particles
05:12 in the universe to bond together.
05:15 And they say, "If it wasn't for that particle,
05:17 nothing would exist."
05:19 And therefore, they call it, "The God particle."
05:22 Man searching for God in the smallest matter.
05:28 But is there a God?
05:32 Now, we're in church, so, you know, it's sort
05:34 of a rhetorical question here.
05:37 Do we believe there's a God? And if so, why?
05:40 How do you prove it?
05:41 Now, some of you have maybe seen some of the very
05:44 beautifully produced BBC nature programs by David Attenborough.
05:51 And because he often talks about evolution,
05:54 some assumed he was an atheist.
05:58 But when asked if he was an atheist,
05:59 he said, "No, of course not."
06:03 And they said, "Well, you know, all that you
06:04 said about nature and evolution."
06:09 They says, "You're saying you believe in God?"
06:11 He said, "Well, I'm just sayin' it would be foolish for me to
06:13 say because," he said, "the universe is so big,"
06:17 and I'm paraphrasing.
06:18 "The universe is so big.
06:21 It's millions of lightyears across.
06:24 What we see is just so small, and we've learned
06:28 so much in recent years.
06:30 For us to say we know there is no God with the little
06:35 perspective of the universe that we have now is like an ant on
06:39 top of a termite hill saying, "I now understand the universe."
06:44 Which I thought was a humble and appropriate response.
06:48 So, could be why the Bible says, "It's the fool who says,
06:52 'There is no God,' with some certainty."
06:55 At least we should say, "Well, we don't know," or,
06:59 "I may not know," or at least admit you don't believe,
07:01 or say, "I don't want to believe."
07:04 The Bible even says, if you want to use the Bible,
07:07 it says, "You can look outside the Bible to believe in God."
07:10 Psalm 19:1: "The heavens declare the glory of God;
07:14 and the firmament shows his handiwork."
07:16 You can look up and see evidence for God.
07:20 Recently, Eric Metaxas, he wrote a bold article
07:23 for "The Wall Street Journal" titled "Science Increasingly
07:27 Makes the Case for God."
07:29 And he comes up with about seven different points where,
07:33 in just the natural world around us,
07:36 in the planet, in the solar system,
07:39 we see evidence that there must be a design,
07:42 or they'd be no life on earth.
07:44 First point, our planet is as exactly the right distance
07:49 from the sun so the temperatures on our planet
07:52 are conductive to life."
07:53 If we were a little close to the sun, we'd burn.
07:56 There's no life on Mercury. It's too hot.
08:00 We would be molten.
08:01 You get too far from the sun, and you're a ball of ice,
08:05 like some of the moons of Jupiter.
08:08 And so we're just precisely the right distance so the oceans
08:13 don't boil away, neither do they all freeze.
08:19 There's a very precise balance.
08:22 We are the perfect distance from our moon,
08:24 and it has the perfect orbit to create moving tides and
08:28 circulation of the air to avoid the stagnation of the seas.
08:32 And many plants and animals reproduce based
08:34 on the lunar orbit.
08:37 If the earth was a little too close to the moon as it swept
08:40 around the planet, we'd have this one continual tidal wave,
08:44 a perpetual tsunami wiping everything out.
08:47 But it's just the right distance where there's a gentle motion
08:50 of the tides that circulates the oceans
08:53 and helps create the climate.
08:55 And just, it's incredible the delicate balance that
08:57 the planets have on earth.
09:02 Metaxas argues: "This incredibly rare,
09:05 outlandishly unexpected process, given all the facts needed to
09:09 occur in just the right confluence of circumstances that
09:14 at least our solar system must have been
09:16 specifically designed and calibrated to give rise to us.
09:20 Otherwise, the odds of us coming to be would be so
09:24 infinitesimally small that it's unreasonable to believe it
09:28 could have happened by chance."
09:31 And not just that there would be a planet with a piece of life,
09:35 but look at the incredible diversity of life that coexists.
09:39 You start doing the math on that.
09:42 I'm getting ahead of myself 'cause math
09:43 is one of the reasons too.
09:45 Dr. Arno Penzias, still alive today,
09:49 Nobel prize winner for the discovery of microwaves,
09:51 he said, "Astronomy leads us to a unique event,
09:57 a universe which was created out of nothing and delicately
10:00 balanced to provide exactly the conditions
10:03 requires to support life.
10:05 In the absence of an absurd, improbable accident,
10:09 the observations of modern science seem to suggest,
10:12 underline, one might say, there is a supernatural plan."
10:16 Science really tells us.
10:18 You know, I always think it's funny if it wasn't so sad when
10:22 you see a different nature program and they speak as
10:27 though Mother Nature has a mind.
10:29 "Look at how nature has designed this to happen
10:33 and that to happen."
10:35 And I'm going, "Does nature think?
10:36 You're saying that there is something out there
10:38 that's thinking and planning."
10:40 Clearly, there's a plan involved.
10:42 But they say, "Don't call it 'God.'
10:44 Whatever you do, don't call it 'God.'"
10:47 But obviously, I mean, just think about how
10:50 evolution could explain the intricacies of our bodies and
10:56 how a piece of skin would eventually start, through
11:00 exposure to light, turning into an eyeball.
11:03 Even Darwin said the eyeball mystifies him.
11:05 He can't find any scenario or scheme
11:07 where it would develop itself.
11:09 And that's just one of many.
11:11 Abiogenesis, or informally, the idea of life arising from
11:15 non-living matter such as simple organic compounds,
11:18 has never ben observed.
11:20 There is not a single solitary--no matter what you've
11:23 heard, there is not a single solitary case anywhere in the
11:27 observable world where we have seen life arising from non-life.
11:34 You cannot take a piece of rock and plant it and
11:39 get a sunflower plant.
11:42 Even a seed.
11:43 You can't make a seed, something simple.
11:46 Now, when they first started teaching this idea
11:48 of spontaneous generation, and the idea that life arises
11:51 from non-life, they'd look at a cell and say,
11:53 "Oh, you know, it looks like a little bit of--"
11:55 They were looking under primitive telescopes,
11:57 and all they saw was what you see in an egg.
12:00 They saw there's this wall. There's a protoplasm.
12:03 There's a nucleus.
12:04 And they said, "Maybe that could happen by itself."
12:06 But now, with their super microscopes,
12:11 they look at a cell, and there's a virtual city of factories
12:17 and activity and chemical reactions that are taking place,
12:22 and all these machines that are in there.
12:24 I'm using "machines."
12:26 They're biological, but they're moving around,
12:27 and they swim, and they propel themselves, and they talk.
12:30 They have language where they're talking to the
12:32 other machines and saying, "We need a little more of this.
12:34 No, less of that."
12:35 The cell has got so much going on.
12:37 The idea that lightning might hit a piece of water and develop
12:40 one of those is beyond absurd.
12:44 Biology in plants and animals is a miracle that
12:52 makes it very clear that there was a design involved.
12:55 There had to be a Creator.
12:56 And you are composed of billions of those little things
12:59 that are all talking to each other.
13:03 And do you realize you could have
13:04 one single fertilized cell--?
13:08 The moment after fertilization takes--
13:10 you got one cell of life.
13:11 Do you realize, in that one microscopic thing,
13:14 it's saying, "This is gonna be Bill.
13:17 He's gonna have red hair. He's gonna have green eyes.
13:21 His teeth are gonna be strong. His heart is gonna be average.
13:25 He's gonna be roughly this tall, and he's gonna
13:29 be quicker than most."
13:30 I mean, just all this interesting information,
13:33 "And Bill's gonna have freckles."
13:35 And it's all contained in the DNA of one single cell.
13:39 All that information's stored.
13:42 "God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creature according
13:46 to its kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth,
13:49 each according to their kind.'"
13:50 Do we observe evolution in the world?
13:54 Yes, microevolution, Darwin saw microevolution.
14:00 He saw finches on Galapagos that developed their beaks
14:03 differently so they could eat different kinds of food,
14:05 but they were all finches.
14:07 There is not a single example you can see anywhere in the
14:11 world of macroevolution, where a cat turns into an alligator,
14:17 'cause they are different kinds.
14:19 There are little cats and there are lions.
14:21 They're all cats. See what I'm saying?
14:25 Doug: Don't go anywhere, friends.
14:26 We'll be back in just a moment with the
14:28 rest of today's presentation.
14:29 Where do we really come from?
14:32 Are you the byproduct of random chance, or
14:35 are you a unique creation with a special purpose?
14:38 Today, many would have us believe that we're nothing more
14:41 than the offspring of primeval ooze.
14:45 But the Bible and science say something very different.
14:49 But how can you know for sure whether evolution
14:52 or Genesis are true?
14:54 What does the fossil record really say?
14:56 And what about Noah's flood?
14:58 To shed more light on this and answer these questions,
15:00 "Amazing Facts" wants to send you a special free resource,
15:04 and it's called "How Evolution Flunked the Science Test."
15:07 This brief book puts the propaganda of evolution
15:10 on the defensive by exposing the
15:12 shocking loopholes in their theory.
15:14 This powerful tool will help you to harmonize science and faith
15:18 so that you can boldly stand on the Word of God.
15:21 To get your free copy, call the phone number on the screen and
15:24 ask for offer number 169 or visit the web address.
15:29 And after you read this incredible resource,
15:31 be sure and share it with a friend.
15:33 Let's return now to today's presentation and learn some
15:36 more amazing facts from the Word of God.
15:40 Doug: Then you've got mathematics.
15:44 Now, I'll admit, I'm a little bit out of my league now because
15:46 it wasn't my best field going through school.
15:49 I did very well in history, but not so good in math.
15:53 But I do remember Isaac Newton, who was considered among the
15:56 greatest mathematicians
15:58 as well as physicists of the 17th century.
16:01 Other physicists sought his help in finding mathematical
16:04 equations that would help predict the workings
16:06 of the solar system.
16:08 He found these answers in mathematical laws,
16:12 and he did that in the laws of gravity based
16:14 on his discovery of calculus.
16:17 All the space missions depend on Isaac Newton's science of
16:22 calculus to predict how they can orbit these vehicles and use the
16:27 gravitational pull of a certain amount of
16:30 mass to then sling them back.
16:33 Whether it's a satellite going off,
16:35 like the Voyager 1 and 2 that have now left our solar system,
16:38 they basically were able to sling themselves using the
16:42 force of gravity after orbiting these planets.
16:46 Or the lunar missions that return back to earth,
16:49 all those mathematical equations,
16:52 they give us great dependability to say,
16:54 "This is the law.
16:55 This is how the law works. It does not vary.
16:57 It does not alter."
16:59 And, I mean, for me, deep math is what we call the
17:03 multiplication table, but it still works there.
17:07 Seven times seven, that's one I still remember because you need
17:10 it for Bible prophecy, is always forty-nine.
17:14 Do you know, it is the same in any language of the world.
17:19 Doesn't matter your culture, doesn't matter your religion,
17:22 7 times 7 is 49.
17:24 And so, there is actually great interest in math as explaining
17:29 God because math is much deeper than the multiplication table.
17:33 The argument is that mathematical laws,
17:36 in order to be properly relied upon,
17:38 must have attributes that indicate an origin in God.
17:42 They are true everywhere. That means they're omnipresent.
17:45 They're true always. They are eternal.
17:47 They cannot be defied or defeated.
17:49 That means they're omnipotent.
17:52 They're rational and they have language characteristics.
17:54 That makes them personal. Notice what I just said.
17:57 Math is omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal.
18:02 It's omniscient, it has a personal relationship.
18:05 It sounds like it expresses the mind of God.
18:08 Albert Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing
18:13 about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
18:19 I mean, even in the math that God has written.
18:21 Then you've got the concept of good and evil.
18:26 Actually, this is the point that many people turn to to say,
18:27 "There can't be a God."
18:29 They say, "If there was a God, why do so many
18:30 innocent people suffer?
18:31 If God is all-powerful, all-knowing,
18:33 why's there so much evil in the world?
18:35 And evil in the world proves there is no God."
18:37 And I'd say, "No, actually, evil proves there is a God,
18:40 not that God is evil.
18:41 But the reason you know that there is
18:43 evil is because God is good.
18:45 How do you know a line is crooked unless
18:48 you knew what straight was?
18:51 The reason you are even able to identify evil is because there
18:56 must be a definition for good.
18:59 And what is that definition?
19:01 You know, the Bible says, Jesus said,
19:03 "Only God is good."
19:05 Matter of fact, in English, we get the word "God" from "good."
19:10 When you tell a person, "Good morning," it used to originally
19:13 be, "God morning," 'cause "God" and "good"
19:17 are synonymous together.
19:21 So, in order to protest against evil,
19:24 a person must first have some transcendent idea
19:27 of what is good.
19:29 People around the world agree that evil
19:31 must be restrained and punished.
19:32 Even atheists agree with that, most of 'em.
19:35 Why?
19:37 If it is survival of the fittest,
19:41 then what would it matter?
19:45 Why is there any right or wrong? Is there any purpose to life?
19:50 Why would atheists teach in a university?
19:55 What good is knowledge?
19:56 They say, "Oh, it's good to be informed."
19:58 Why?
20:00 How do you have any definition of what "good"
20:01 and "bad" is unless there is some moral value,
20:04 unless there's a God?
20:05 Do you see what I'm saying?
20:07 So, all of it is gonna eventually come back to there
20:10 needs to be an original model for morals,
20:14 for right and wrong, and that's gonna indicate that
20:16 there's a God, there's a Creator.
20:18 I was driving home from work two days ago,
20:21 and during rush hour, and I came upon,
20:24 at a light, a group of Geese.
20:28 There were probably a dozen of 'em that were--I pulled out my
20:31 camera and snapped this.
20:33 It's very busy traffic.
20:36 You can see, there was actually three--one
20:38 of 'em's not in the picture.
20:40 Three adult geese where shepherding probably eight
20:43 or ten baby geese through very busy traffic.
20:48 Now, at this point, you see the light is red.
20:49 The light wasn't red the whole time.
20:51 And yet, what do you think the cars did?
20:54 Why did the cars stop and let these dumb goose cross the road?
20:59 Doesn't evolution teach survival of the fittest?
21:03 Shouldn't we prove that we, with our cars,
21:05 are more intelligent than they are and just,
21:08 you know, render them extinct?
21:12 Why did everybody wait?
21:13 And I bet some of them were atheists.
21:17 They waited for the goose to cross the road.
21:20 [laughing]
21:22 Because you know what?
21:23 Everybody has sort of a built-in intrinsic understanding.
21:27 There is a self-evident truth of certain things
21:31 being right and wrong.
21:34 And we all knew intrinsically it would be wrong to hurt those
21:41 innocent creatures, and especially when you saw
21:42 the parents putting their lives on the line
21:44 to try and get their flock across the road.
21:48 Winston Churchill said: "Men occasionally stumble over the
21:50 truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as
21:53 though nothing had happened."
21:55 The evidence is there if a person wants to know,
21:57 "Is there a God?"
21:59 And man, I think, is an example of that.
22:04 "What a piece of work," Shakespeare said,
22:06 "what a piece of work is man!
22:07 How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty,
22:10 in form and moving how express, how admirable,
22:13 in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a
22:16 god--the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!"
22:21 Humans think in the abstract.
22:24 We're able to record and communicate,
22:25 now digitally record.
22:28 We're free moral agents. We've got personalities.
22:30 We're virtually unpredictable, unlike goldfish and ants.
22:36 People are so unique because the Bible says,
22:40 Genesis 1:26: "God said, 'Let us make man in our image,'"
22:45 clearly, man is the dominant species on the planet.
22:48 You can see what he's made from, the heavens.
22:51 "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
22:54 and the birds of the air, and the cattle,
22:55 and over all of the earth."
22:58 Man has learned more in the last 200 years.
23:03 We didn't know about microbes and microwaves and radio waves
23:07 and light waves, and there's so much that we've learned,
23:10 to think that, just in this one generation.
23:14 God also has made us for a relationship,
23:19 which is proof of God, and God wants to have
23:21 a relationship with us.
23:22 Jeremiah 31:3: "The Lord has appeared to me of old,
23:26 saying, 'Yes, I have you with an everlasting love;
23:29 therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.'"
23:33 But do you know what some of the best evidence is?
23:36 It's in Jesus.
23:40 I know he is a biblical character,
23:41 but history also records Jesus.
23:44 You will find him recorded in history.
23:48 In our recent tour of Israel, our guide was an expert on
23:51 Flavius Josephus, who quoted that Jesus was a real character
23:56 who lived in a real time who was crucified.
23:59 Now, if a person doesn't believe,
24:04 and they're just believing a lie,
24:05 and the apostles got together and said,
24:07 "Here, I'll tell you what.
24:09 Let's create our own religion.
24:10 Maybe we can use it to raise money.
24:11 And let's say this guy really rose from the dead,
24:14 and let's say he did all these miracles.
24:16 Let's make this whole thing up."
24:18 You know, if you get a few people that know that there
24:20 is a conspiracy, it doesn't last long.
24:22 Somebody leaks, somebody caves in.
24:27 I remember a few years ago meeting Chuck Colson.
24:30 He was part of the Nixon Watergate scandal.
24:34 He was one of the insiders.
24:36 And there was a conspiracy, and they admitted it.
24:39 And Colson, who was also an attorney,
24:41 he went to jail for his crime.
24:43 He was converted in jail.
24:44 And he tells how, as soon as they realized--they all said,
24:51 "We'll stand for the president.
24:53 We're gonna deny everything."
24:54 But as soon as they realized they were goin' to jail,
24:56 and the attorney generals began to interview 'em,
24:58 it didn't take very long for one of 'em to say,
25:00 "I'll turn on all the others if you'll spare me."
25:03 They were so ready to lie, and tell the truth,
25:07 whatever they had to do to save their skin.
25:09 They all ended up turning and confessing.
25:12 But with the apostles, they never changed their story.
25:18 They were stoned. They were beaten.
25:20 They went into strange countries.
25:21 They were tortured.
25:23 They came away from the torture and they kept saying the same
25:25 thing, that Jesus was the Son of God,
25:28 even to the point of being beheaded like Paul,
25:33 or crucified like Peter.
25:35 If it was a made-up story, all the evidence would say,
25:40 "Wow, that is the best trick that's ever been pulled in
25:43 civilization, that they could keep it together."
25:46 Every one of 'em put their lives on the line that
25:48 "we were witnesses of these things."
25:51 And that's how John ends the Bible.
25:53 He says, "I, John, saw. These things are true."
25:57 So, if you believe the Bible, there's no question.
26:00 But even if you're just gonna look at history,
26:03 Christ said, "The things that I teach,
26:07 they'll never be forgotten.
26:08 It's gonna go into all the world."
26:10 How did he know that? He was an uneducated carpenter.
26:14 It happened, didn't it? So, in Christ.
26:18 The idea that someone would live a perfect,
26:19 sinless life and show so much love,
26:23 that's further evidence that God is a living God.
26:26 And so, friends, I would like to submit to you that--you know,
26:30 I would like to close actually with a Scripture:
26:33 "Lord, you have been our dwelling place
26:35 in all generations.
26:37 Before the mountains were brought forth,
26:39 or ever you have formed the earth and the world,
26:42 even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God."
26:47 God is eternal. Amen, friends?
26:54 announcer: Don't forget to request
26:55 today's life-changing free resource.
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27:17 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
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27:23 and most important, to share it with others.
27:28 Doug: Hello, friends, Pastor Doug Batchelor
27:30 here with "Amazing Facts."
27:32 When Susan's and Michael's whirlwind relationship led to a
27:35 wedding, they had no idea how hard married life could be.
27:39 Before they knew it, they were on the stormy
27:42 path towards divorce.
27:44 But that's when God led them to an "Amazing Facts'' broadcast,
27:48 and there they saw the biblical view of marriage
27:51 as presented in knowing Jesus.
27:53 Finally, they understood what it mean to love sacrificially like
27:56 Christ, and today, Susan and Michael are joyfully married,
28:00 sharing what they learned with others.
28:03 Now you, friend, have an opportunity to help someone
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28:46 Roseville, California 95678.
28:51 Thank you for studying the Word of God with me today,
28:53 and I hope that you'll plan now to join me against next week as
28:56 we discover more amazing facts from the Word of God.
29:06 announcer: And thank you for your continued support
29:08 as we take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
29:11 We hope you'll join us next week as we delve deep int the world
29:14 of God to explore more amazing facts.
29:25 announcer: This presentation was brought to you by the
29:26 friends of the Amazing Facts ministry.


Revised 2018-12-03