Series Code: AFBA
Program Code: AFBA202427S
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00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. 00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; 00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, 00:13 should always be studied carefully. 00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God. 00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate 00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions. 00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. 00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this 00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747. 00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International, 00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor. 00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello friends, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 00:52 Would you like to hear an amazing fact? 00:55 A subsidiary of Airbus called Aalto has designed a solar 00:59 powered aircraft that has broken all records for sustained high 01:03 altitude flight. 01:05 It's called Zephyr. 01:06 And its fantastic engineering allows it to fly continuously 01:10 for up to 90 days at a time. 01:13 It soars above 60,000 feet way up in the stratosphere above 01:17 weather and regular air traffic. 01:19 The wings are covered with solar panels that charge during the 01:22 day and the ultra light aircraft flies with efficient propellers 01:26 on battery power through the night. 01:29 The latest Zephyr 8/S has a wing span of 82 feet but only weighs 01:34 a hundred and thirty pounds. 01:36 It can reach up to 76,100 feet and can lift a payload of 01:41 11 pounds. 01:42 You might be wondering, what's the practical purpose for such 01:45 an aircraft? 01:46 The plan is that they would serve as flying cellular 01:50 phone towers. 01:51 One of these soaring aircraft could cover as much territory as 01:54 200 land-based towers. 01:57 They're hoping future models can stay a law for up to 02:00 nine months. 02:02 You know, this is an amazing achievement, but actually 02:05 biologists have discovered that God created a little bird called 02:08 a common swift that can fly for ten months straight 02:12 without landing. 02:13 They eat and sleep on the wing. 02:15 Can you picture that? 02:17 And I understand the albatross, 02:19 it can go years without landing on land. 02:21 It may land in the water and need something, 02:23 but it doesn't touch land for years. 02:26 So, it's just incredible that they've actually got this 02:28 aircraft passer Ross that'll fly for 90 days now. 02:32 They're hoping for 300 days in a few years. 02:35 Jëan Ross: Well, pastor Doug, we've been on some long flights. 02:37 I know you have. 02:39 I think Dubai going to Australia, New Zealand is one of 02:41 the longest. 02:43 You know, 16, 18 hours is long, but 90 days in the air. 02:46 Good thing, people can't fly on that one. 02:48 But it's amazing what technology is doing just being able to fly 02:51 higher, and longer, and further. 02:54 And of course, we're only catching up with what God had 02:57 made where birds can fly for--what did you say? 03:00 Ten months? 03:01 Doug: Yeah, with--the swift can go ten months without landing. 03:04 They put little transmitters on it and they tracked some of 'em, 03:07 they just--they didn't land for ten months. 03:09 They'll swoop down and they'll scoop a little water off a pond. 03:12 They eat bugs out of the air. 03:14 They soar real high then they sleep as they spiral down. 03:18 And it's just incredible. 03:20 They just never land. 03:22 So, it's kind of interesting to me, you know, I'm interested in 03:24 solar power that they're now--and by the way, they said 03:28 that they need to thank people like Elon Musk and others that 03:31 have developed these ultra light high efficient batteries 'cause 03:35 they couldn't do this a few years ago, batteries were 03:37 too heavy. 03:38 But the batteries are getting so much more powerful and lighter 03:42 that now they can support an aircraft all through the night 03:45 and then it charges during the day 'cause they're up above 03:47 the clouds. 03:48 They'll have sunny days every day that they're up there. 03:50 It's kind of amazing. 03:52 By the way, you know, it makes me think about--the Bible 03:56 teaches that someday believers are gonna have 03:58 supercharged wings. 04:01 You can read in the book of 04:02 Isaiah chapter 40, verse 31, 04:04 "Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength: they 04:08 will mount up with wings like eagles; they'll run and not be 04:12 weary, they will walk and not faint." 04:14 Paul tells us in prophecy that when Jesus comes, we're gonna 04:18 soar up through the air to meet Him. 04:21 That's in 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 16, speaking of what we 04:25 call the rapture, it's not a secret, but it's a rapture. 04:28 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a 04:30 shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet 04:33 of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 04:36 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with 04:41 them in the clouds," though it's not a UFO, "to meet the Lord in 04:45 the air, and thus we will always be with the Lord." 04:48 Now, all Christians believe that the Lord's coming and we're 04:52 gonna go up. 04:53 Some believe that there's a secret rapture that takes place 04:57 before the tribulation. 04:58 And then of course, there're many Christians who believe that 05:01 we'll be caught up. 05:02 It's not a secret and it's at the conclusion of this 05:05 great tribulation. 05:07 So, we're gonna find out what the Bible says and we've got 05:10 a free offer on that subject tonight. 05:11 Jëan: We do. 05:13 It's a book entitled, "Anything But Secret." 05:15 Wanna know about what happens when Jesus comes? 05:17 Well, the Bible is pretty clear and we highlight those various 05:20 Bible verses in the book, "Anything But Secret." 05:23 If you'd like to receive it, the number to call for that 05:24 is 800-835-6747. 05:28 800-835-6747, that is our resource phone line. 05:33 You can ask for the book by name, "Anything But Secret," 05:35 or offer number 106. 05:37 Or if you have your cell phone, you can just dial "#250." 05:41 Say, "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book, "Anything 05:44 But Secret." 05:46 And of course, throughout the program Pastor Doug, we're gonna 05:47 be offering various resources. 05:49 It's free. 05:51 That'll help people in their study of God's Word. 05:52 So, you might wanna write that number down and call and ask, 05:56 it's free. 05:57 Share it to somebody else. 05:59 If you're outside of North America, I know we have a number 06:00 of people who are listening outside of the US. 06:02 If you'd like to read one of these free resources, just go to 06:05 the website, or .com 06:09 and you'll be able to read it right there. 06:11 Well, we're ready for the phone lines but before we go to the 06:14 phone lines, we always wanna start with the word of prayer. 06:17 Dear Father, we're are so grateful for this time where we 06:19 can open up Your Word and study. 06:21 Thank You for the ability to expand this Bible study around 06:25 the globe. 06:27 And so Lord, we ask Your blessing on our time together 06:28 today in Jesus's name, amen. 06:31 Doug: Amen. 06:32 Jëan: Our first caller this evening is, Gary, listening 06:34 in Illinois. 06:36 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 06:37 Gary: In Matthew 24:12, it says, "The end times will be 06:41 lawlessness and it will increase and perilous times will come." 06:46 And so, the president elect is a climate change denier, the 06:50 attorney general nominee for a long time under investigation 06:53 for sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, campaign fund misuse. 06:59 The secretary of health nominee is the vaccine denier. 07:04 So, my question is, is this political stuff or is perilous 07:07 stuff getting us full force? 07:10 Doug: All right, thanks for your question, Gary. 07:12 I would not limit the prophecy that says that, "Lawlessness 07:16 will abound," to a particular person or political party. 07:20 I think it's saying in general that around the world there 07:24 would be a disregard for God's law. 07:26 And so--and you see that, you know, just take a look for 07:30 instance of the law that says--seventh commandment, 07:32 "Don't commit adultery." 07:34 People around the world now, the Western civilization is 07:39 basically treating sex like shaking hands. 07:41 They--people don't get married, they don't believe in the 07:44 sanctity of marriage. 07:46 The idea of the sanctity of life with abortion, not respecting 07:51 that and--or euthanasia. 07:53 And you can just go through the commandments. 07:56 Not to mention the commandments to talk about man's respect and 08:00 honor for God in the first four commandments, but in the last 08:04 six commandments, "Thou shalt not covet." 08:06 There's more litigation and lawsuits now, today for 08:10 extraordinary amounts for trivial things. 08:13 People want millions of dollars. 08:14 So, it--there's greed, there's immorality. 08:18 So, there's a lawlessness and that kills the love of God in 08:22 our hearts. 08:23 And Jesus said, "Because the lawlessness will abound, the 08:25 love of many will grow cold." 08:27 And we see that happening today. 08:29 Jëan: You know, we do have a study guide that talks about 08:31 God's law. 08:33 It's called "Written in Stone." 08:34 It's about the Ten Commandments. 08:35 A lot of people might think, "Well, the Ten Commandments that 08:37 was for people back in the Old Testament, we're living in the 08:39 New Testament times," or, "We're under grace," so to speak, "we 08:42 don't have to keep the Ten Commandments." 08:44 But you'll discover if you get the study guide and read the 08:48 verses there that yes, God wants his law written upon the heart. 08:51 So, we'll be sending this to anyone who wants to learn more 08:53 about it. 08:55 The number is 800-835-6747. 08:57 You can ask for the study guide. 08:59 It's called, "Written in Stone" 09:01 and it talks about the Ten Commandments 09:02 and its importance even today in society. 09:05 Thank you, Gary. 09:07 We've got Glenn in Ohio. 09:08 Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 09:10 Glenn: Hello, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 09:13 Thank you for taking my call. 09:15 Doug: Yes, sir. 09:17 Glenn: There's a couple of scriptures that refer to being 09:19 saved as futuristic. 09:22 One of them says that, "Our salvation is nearer than when we 09:25 first believed." 09:26 And the other is Matthew 24:13 that, "He that endures to the 09:30 end, the same shall be saved." 09:33 Isn't it the truth that salvation is a futuristic thing 09:38 that they will be saved or is there a scripture in the Bible 09:41 that says that, "At conversion, people are saved?" 09:46 Doug: That's a great question. 09:47 And you know, the answer would be that when we first come to 09:51 Jesus, we are saved from the penalty of sin. 09:54 And during our life, we experience sanctification where 09:59 God gives us victory and we're saved from the power of sin. 10:03 And when Jesus comes, then we are saved, and this is future 10:07 from the presence of sin. 10:09 And so, you actually have different stages or facets of 10:13 salvation that are being referred to. 10:15 Christ began His ministry. 10:17 He said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." 10:19 Anyone listening to my voice right now can turn to Christ, 10:22 repent of their sins, confess their sins to God, ask 10:25 for salvation. 10:27 You become a citizen in His kingdom. 10:29 Well, then you begin, you know, battle against temptation, then 10:32 you need power from His Spirit to deal with the power of sin 10:36 and temptation. 10:37 And ultimately, as we endure to the end, we will be saved from 10:41 the presence of sin, never be tempted again. 10:43 So, that's why I think you're seeing these different 10:45 dimensions because it's talking about the different phases. 10:48 Jëan: We have a book that talks about that, it's called, "Three 10:50 Steps to Heaven." 10:51 And it explains this gift of salvation and how it works. 10:54 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. 10:56 The number is 800-835-6747. 11:00 You can also dial "#250" on your smartphone. 11:03 Again, it's called, "Three Steps to Heaven." 11:05 It is a great read. 11:07 It's a really good. 11:08 Makes it clear, very plain, this Gospel truth. 11:11 John Basco in Arkansas. 11:13 John, welcome to the program. 11:16 John Basco: Hello, Pastor Ross, Pastor Doug. 11:17 Thank you so much for taking my call. 11:20 I have a question about Deuteronomy chapter 12, 11:22 verse 15. 11:24 It reads, "Not withstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all 11:29 thy gates." 11:30 It goes on to say, "The unclean and the clean may eat thereof." 11:34 Is this saying that all meats are clean? 11:37 Doug: No. 11:39 Well, first of all, if you compare it to other scriptures 11:40 written by the same author, He says, "You shall not eat these 11:42 unclean animals, they are an abomination." 11:45 Clean and unclean did not only apply to animals, there were 11:48 people who are sometimes unceremoniously clean and 11:51 there's several things that could make you that way. 11:53 You may have just come from a funeral, you're 11:55 considered unclean. 11:56 If you had been involved in burying a dead family member, 12:00 there were other diseases you might have, or psoriasis, or any 12:04 kind of open wound, you were called unclean. 12:07 But he's saying that when it came to the feast, whether you 12:09 were clean or unclean, you could participate in eating of 12:12 this feast. 12:14 It's talking about the people. 12:15 Let's not talk about eating unclean animals. 12:16 And some folks have read this before and thought, "Oh, look at 12:19 here, it's a contradiction." 12:20 But no, he's talking about the people who are participating in 12:23 this feast. 12:24 Whether they are clean or unclean, they may eat of it. 12:27 Jëan: Okay, great, thank you. 12:29 We've got David in Florida. 12:31 David, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 12:34 David: Hi, good afternoon pastors. 12:37 Got a quick question for you. 12:39 Doug: Yes, sir. 12:42 John Basco: A couple of verses here, Daniel chapter 2:21, 12:46 Romans chapter 3, verse 1, and Hosea 8:2 to 4, referring to 12:54 setting up things and taking them down. 12:55 And is that still relevant today for like God raising the world 13:00 leaders up today and putting them in office? 13:03 Doug: Yeah, I think that especially in the book of 13:05 Daniel, let me read this for our listeners, this is Daniel 2:21. 13:10 And Daniel is saying this in the context of a vision that goes 13:14 through five world empires or phases of world empires. 13:18 I should say, the gold, the silver, the bronze, the iron, 13:22 the iron, and the clay. 13:23 And he says" He changes times in the seasons. 13:26 He removes kings and raise up, raises up kings. 13:29 He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who 13:32 have understanding." 13:33 So, yes, God is ultimately supreme. 13:37 That doesn't mean that every leader that is in power is in 13:41 power because they are good. 13:43 God says that sometimes He's allowed even wicked people to be 13:47 in leadership so they could chastise other countries. 13:51 And you know, I think God even used Attila the hun to kind of 13:56 humble Rome. 13:58 I mean, it doesn't mean that Attila was a good guy but, you 14:01 know, anytime God wants, He can blink and a world power, you 14:04 know, they can come to an end instantly. 14:08 So, God is ultimately supreme and sovereign. 14:14 And I think these verses are saying that--and we should 14:18 even pray. 14:19 Paul says we should pray for those that are in positions 14:21 of leadership. 14:22 Jëan: And I think another thing to add to that Pastor Doug is, 14:24 it's true that God is ultimately in charge, but often He allows 14:27 people to receive the consequences of their choices. 14:31 Sometimes people make bad choices and they elect people 14:35 that bring pain and sorrow. 14:36 You look at the history of Israel, some of the kings that 14:39 were loyal to God, the whole nation was blessed. 14:42 But when kings were put in place that turned the people away from 14:44 God or rebelled against God, it seemed the whole 14:47 nation suffered. 14:48 So God does allow consequences to follow bad choices. 14:53 Doug: Absolutely. 14:54 Jëan: So we can't say every king or leader or president or 14:56 whatever it might be is always necessarily, that's specifically 15:00 the will of God. 15:01 Sometimes God will allow people to make choices that have 15:05 negative consequences. 15:06 Hopefully, so we can learn. 15:07 Doug: Sometimes a nation will get the leader it deserves. 15:11 Jëan: Yeah, that's true. 15:12 Doug: So, anyway, thanks so much, David. 15:15 I hope that helps a little bit. 15:16 Jëan: We've got Richard in Florida. 15:18 Richard welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 15:20 Richard: Hey, thank you pastors. 15:22 Pastor Doug, In your sermon 15:24 on Saturday, you said Jesus is Jehovah and that 15:27 caught me and I went, wow, so we baptized in the name of the 15:30 Father and of the Son, the third commandment. 15:33 You know, that's why I'm not take the name of the Lord, I got 15:36 in vain. 15:37 Our father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name, what is 15:40 the name of the Father? 15:42 Doug: Well, it seems that--first of all, keep in mind, Jesus said 15:45 that He and the Father are one and when God reveals Himself to 15:48 Moses and He says, "I am that I am." 15:52 And knowing exactly how to pronounce the sacred name 15:56 of God. 15:57 It's been everything from Jehovah to Yahweh. 15:59 But that is the same title that is used for Jesus as well as the 16:04 Father in different verses. 16:06 The Bible says there is no Savior but Jehovah and 'cause 16:10 Christ is Savior. 16:11 And it says, "Jehovah and Jehovah only knows the thoughts 16:14 of men's hearts." 16:16 Well, Jesus knew the thoughts of people's hearts. 16:18 So if you look in the Old Testament at a lot of 16:21 characteristics that God uses Jehovah uses to identify 16:24 Himself, you'll find that Jesus meets those criteria in the 16:28 New Testament. 16:29 So, the Jehovah of the Bible in the Old Testament is the 16:33 true God. 16:34 Well, the true God is the Father, Son and Spirit. 16:37 So Jesus is the same God that you find in the Old Testament. 16:41 It's not a different God. 16:42 Jëan: We have a book, it's called "The Name of God." 16:44 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and ask the 16:47 number is 800-835-6747. 16:50 You can dial "#250" on your smartphone. 16:52 Ask for the book written by Pastor Doug. 16:54 It's called "The Name of God." 16:56 And I think Pastor Doug you get into some other verses there. 16:58 Sometimes people say, well, you gotta pronounce God's name 17:02 a certain way or you gotta use the right title. 17:04 You get into all of that in the book and explain that-- 17:06 Doug: It goes into a lot of detail and I enjoyed that study. 17:09 I need to read it again because I probably forgot some of what 17:11 I wrote. 17:13 Jëan: All right, next call that we have is Andrew in Kansas. 17:16 Andrew welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 17:18 Andrew: Okay, so, my question was, do demons need to possess 17:22 a body to manifest in front of us? 17:27 Like just to--they need possess a body to like just look like 17:33 a normal person in front of us? 17:35 Doug: I don't believe so. 17:36 So, does the devil need to possess a living human in order 17:42 to reveal himself? 17:43 I don't think so because you read in, is it, 17:45 2 Corinthians 11? 17:47 Paul says "Satan himself is transformed into an angel 17:52 of light." 17:53 Meaning, you know, the devil is a devil of illusion. 17:56 He has power over light. 17:58 One of Lucifer's names was light bearer and he can create 18:03 illusions and I think his demons can create illusions and, you 18:09 know, we can project images on the wall and we can make 3d, 18:14 what do you call them allo gram, holograms-- 18:17 Jëan: Holograms. 18:19 Doug: We can create 3D holograms. 18:20 The devil's probably got better technology than we do. 18:23 So, I don't think he needs to have a human being to show 18:27 a demonic manifestation. 18:29 I think, he can create illusion. 18:31 We've all met people who have also been possessed. 18:34 That give us a picture of what the devil can be like. 18:37 Jëan: Yeah, the Bible does say in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12. 18:40 Paul says "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but 18:43 against Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of 18:46 the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in 18:49 high places." 18:50 So you get the idea there. 18:51 It's not flesh and blood. 18:53 Now, of course, an evil spirit, a demon can possess a person, 18:56 But evil angels are ever present trying to influence people, 19:01 trying to manipulate them to, sin. 19:04 Doug: Yeah, and we have a book we can send on. 19:07 "Did God Create a Devil" that will answer some of the 19:09 questions about how the devil works and tempts people 19:12 and manipulates. 19:14 Jëan: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. 19:17 The book is called, actually one of our study guides, "Did God 19:20 Create a Devil?" 19:22 And it goes way back in Bible time and explains the origin of 19:26 evil and Satan, you can dial "#250" on your smartphone and 19:30 ask for that. 19:31 It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?" 19:33 Next call that we have is David in California. 19:35 David, you're on "Bible Answers Live." 19:37 David: My question is I figure, okay, is the end of times when 19:41 Michael comes and it says, you know, the righteous will be 19:44 right, the dead and right would be right first and the 19:47 righteous one. 19:48 So I figured they've already been judged. 19:49 So, when does, it says when the the books will be open and all 19:55 will be in front of God and be judged, when does that happen? 20:00 Doug: At the end of the millennium. 20:01 There's what you would call a great white throne judgment. 20:05 Now, this takes place after the wicked try to take the city 20:09 of God. 20:10 You read about Gog and Magog, which is a, it's just a symbolic 20:13 name for the enemies of God's people. 20:15 They cover the earth like the sand of the sea, and they seek 20:18 to take the new Jerusalem and Christ rises above the city and 20:22 it just brings it all to a screeching halt and He makes 20:26 everyone's life pass before them. 20:29 And there's this great white throne judgment at that time. 20:33 And you know, the Bible says, we must all stand before the 20:37 judgment seat of Christ. 20:38 So even those in the city whose names are in the book and 20:41 they're declared innocent, fallen angels, good angels, the 20:45 wicked, everyone is present at that moment. 20:47 And that's when every tongue declares that Jesus Christ 20:50 is Lord. 20:51 But that's also the time, the way I understand it, of the 20:53 Great White throne judgement. 20:55 Jëan: Yeah, the Bible indicates that there is different phases 20:58 of the judgment. 20:59 We call what maybe the pre-advent judgment sometimes 21:01 called the investigative judgment that takes place before 21:04 Jesus comes because when He comes, He comes with this reward 21:07 to give to every man according to his deeds. 21:09 So, there's some kind of a judgment we believe that's 21:11 happening even now, that judgment began with the dead. 21:15 And now it's moving into, we don't know when the Bible 21:17 doesn't say, but it moves into the living and then 21:20 probation closes. 21:22 You have the Second Coming of Christ. 21:23 And then at the end of the 1,000 years, you have the wicked, 21:26 those who didn't make it to heaven, their judgment where 21:29 they stand before God in the Great White Throne. 21:31 We have, I'm thinking two study guides that get into this. 21:34 The one is called "Case Closed." 21:36 It talks about this judgment as well as another study guide 21:39 called "1,000 years of Peace." 21:41 And that talks about the millennium as well as the 21:43 judgment at the end of the millennium. 21:44 So you can call and ask for both of them. 21:47 The number is 800-835-6747. 21:50 Ask for the study guide. 21:51 It's called "Case Closed" and also for the one "1,000 years of 21:56 peace and a lot of verses and a lot of good information there. 21:59 Thank you, David. 22:00 We've got Patty in Idaho. 22:02 Patty welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 22:04 Patty: Hi, good evening pastors. 22:06 I have a question as far as elective medical procedures and 22:11 specifically, my situation is over this past year, I've lost a 22:16 significant amount of weight and so I've been looking into skin 22:21 removal surgery and even though it's not medically necessary, to 22:25 have the surgery, you know, the extra skin makes me very 22:29 insecure and uncomfortable. 22:31 And I'm just curious what the Bible would say about these 22:34 elective medical procedures, if God would view this as vain and 22:39 something I did this to myself. 22:41 So I kind of need to put up with it or I mean, if He would 22:45 understand the, insecurities that come along with that. 22:48 Doug: Sure, great question. 22:50 And I would say that, you know, you don't want to do anything 22:53 that's gonna put your health at risk but there is certainly 22:57 nothing wrong. 22:58 I mean, why do we comb our hair in the morning if Christians 23:00 should care about trying to-- take care of their appearance. 23:04 I brush my teeth not only to clean them. 23:06 I want them to be white and, you know, if you need to do some 23:12 kind of cosmetic surgery to, to improve your appearance and it's 23:17 not doing anything that's going to injure your health and it'll 23:20 make give you more security. 23:22 There's, nothing wrong with that. 23:24 Jëan: And as I said, as you mentioned, pastor, like they 23:26 could be, you know, long term, they, it's good to take care of 23:30 that if there's extra skin, remove it. 23:32 Doug: Yeah, congratulations on losing all that weight. 23:34 Jëan: Yeah, that's something to be celebrated. 23:36 Doug: Yeah. 23:37 Jëan: So, all right. 23:38 Thank you, Patty. 23:40 We got Mary in Washington. 23:41 Mary welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 23:43 Mary: Thank you, for taking my call. 23:45 I'm calling about the text that talks about a woman should cover 23:51 her head before she prays. 23:53 Doug: Yeah, 1 Corinthians. 23:54 Mary: And I'm wondering if that's just something for the 23:57 Bible times or if that's any reference for today. 24:00 And if that refers to having your head with long hair or what 24:07 do you have? 24:08 Doug: First of all, we wanna be careful not to build a doctrine 24:10 on one verse. 24:12 And in this passage where Paul is talking about reverence, you 24:17 have to ask yourself, is he saying that every woman in every 24:20 culture in all time is supposed to cover her head when 24:23 she prays? 24:24 Or is he saying one place he says in the same passage, a 24:27 woman, God gives a woman hair as a natural covering and he 24:31 doesn't say her head needs to be covered all the time. 24:34 He says, you know what, she's praying in public. 24:36 And then later in the verse, he says, "For we have no 24:38 such tradition. 24:40 He uses the word tradition." 24:42 So I would say, you know, whatever your culture is, the 24:45 tradition is of respect, you wanna honor that. 24:48 I think Paul was talking about a cultural tradition and he wanted 24:53 to have the women be showing signs of respect. 24:57 For example, when Pastor Ross and I were in Israel together, 25:00 it's probably been three years now. 25:02 You know, we go into a church, we take our hats off. 25:06 When we went to the wailing wall, they said put your hat on 25:10 because that's why the Jews wear a yarmulke when they go into. 25:13 And so custom to whom customs do. 25:16 If you walk in the typical American church, barefoot, 25:19 they'll say, you know, no shoes, no service. 25:22 But well, we don't say that. 25:23 But you know, but if you go to the churches in Asia, they say 25:27 take off your shoes. 25:28 We went to a church in India where there are like 30,000 25:30 pairs of shoes and we have given no line of and we're not 25:34 exaggerating there was at least 25,000 pairs of shoes. 25:37 So they take off their shoes as a sign of respect. 25:40 It seems like this passage would fall in the category as 25:44 respecting the tradition of submission to God and the 25:48 relationship between husbands and wives that might vary from 25:52 culture to culture. 25:54 So, and I would always tell a person that, you know, if you're 25:58 convicted, there's certainly nothing wrong with a woman 26:01 covering her head. 26:02 When we go to Russia, a lot of the women there in the orthodox 26:06 churches, they still cover their head. 26:07 In India, the women still cover their heads. 26:10 And when Karen was there, she dressed like the women there. 26:13 So you wanna do whatever is gonna be respectful. 26:16 Any thoughts on that? 26:18 Jëan: Absolutely Pastor Doug, you know, it's 26:19 always interesting. 26:20 It's, it's good when you go and we go and we 26:22 preach in different churches. 26:23 It's good for us to kind of find out what is acceptable culture 26:27 there for reverence because the last thing you wanna do is do 26:30 something that might be acceptable in North America 26:34 and you do it there and they say, well, they're not being 26:36 reverent, they're not respecting the Word of God or the preaching 26:38 of the word. 26:40 So, we gotta be sensitive to that. 26:41 Doug: That's right. That's good advice. 26:42 Well, friends, you hear the music that doesn't mean 26:44 we're leaving, it means we're taking a break. 26:46 The best is yet to come. So, stay tuned. 26:48 We'll be back with more Bible answers in a minute. 26:54 male announcer: Stay tuned "Bible Answers Live" 26:56 will return shortly. 27:05 announcer: "Amazing Facts" changed lives. 27:13 Candace: Well, it was the year 2000 Tony and I had been wanting 27:17 to go north and be near Canada where his family was and 27:20 Washington was looking awfully green and pretty. 27:23 We did venture north and everything fell into place. 27:25 We even got to build a home and become homeowners for the 27:28 first time. 27:29 Tony: When we got to Washington, we fluttered church to church. 27:34 We had gotten hurt. 27:35 Some things were said some things were done to my son. 27:38 It was really painful and then I started traveling and it drove a 27:43 wedge between Candace and I was drinking so much on the road 27:49 that when I got home, I would be just yelling at the top of my 27:53 lungs at my kids because they didn't do something. 27:57 But yet I was hiding behind this corroded life of 28:00 pure selfishness. 28:02 It was killing my marriage. 28:03 It was killing my kids from the inside. 28:06 female: I remember just being there being a lot of like fights 28:10 and my dad getting angry. 28:13 The more that my dad would leave, the harder 28:16 it became. 28:18 Tony: Coming home was harder than going on the road. 28:21 I was like, I can't wait to go back on the road again. 28:23 Oh, my word. 28:24 I get to do what I want when I want whenever I want. 28:26 I just relied on her to be the spiritual side of the family. 28:29 You pray for him, you take him for the church, you teaching 28:32 Jesus, You do that because I'm not, I don't want to. 28:38 Candace: I was a terrified person trying to find a balance 28:42 to make him happy, not get angry with me and get angry with 28:45 the children. 28:46 For some strange reason, I don't know how to explain it, this 28:49 amazing idea drops in my heart. 28:52 I really need to find a church on Saturday because then 28:55 Saturday, I could really just like have time with God and then 28:57 Sunday could be all about getting ready for Monday. 28:59 A couple weeks later, this postcard comes in the mailbox. 29:04 It just said Most Amazing Prophecies. 29:07 And I looked at the postcard and it had 29:11 and I watched one after another after another. 29:13 When I got to number seven, it was about the Sabbath. 29:16 I just got on my knees and completely rededicated my heart 29:18 to Jesus. 29:20 And from pretty much the middle of December to the end of 29:22 January, I spent Sabbath in at home. 29:25 I would turn on 29:28 I don't know how I came across it, but I would listen to that 29:31 and get out my Bible. 29:32 And I was like, this is my church. 29:33 One of the commercials at the end of "Amazing Facts" 29:37 or whatever will say 29:40 And I thought, "You know what, I wanna check 29:41 out" 29:42 So I clicked on there. 29:44 And then off to the right hand side, there was a spot that 29:46 said, "How can I find a Sabbath keeping church?" 29:49 So I clicked on it. 29:51 Hey, there's Mount Vernon. 29:52 Mount Vernon is only about 20 miles south of me. 29:55 I could, go there. 29:57 So I go inside and I'm sitting there and then a gentleman 30:00 comes up. 30:02 He's like, "Hi, what's your name?" 30:03 And his wife and his kids. 30:04 "How did you find us?" 30:06 I told him my story and he goes, "Would you like to 30:07 get baptized?" 30:09 Just about a week and so later on the ninth, I was baptized. 30:13 Tony: In here. 30:14 I'm on the road and I'm traveling and I'm drinking and 30:17 doing the business. 30:19 I'm earning money and it's coming home and it's keeping my 30:21 wife at home with the kids. 30:22 But our relationship was extremely strained because the 30:25 things I was being involved in, on the road, this is, May now 30:31 and I'm on a airplane flying home. 30:34 I've been watching my wife, I've watched my son, my eight year 30:38 old daughter at this time has already been baptized. 30:40 All four of them are in this radical relationship with these 30:44 people at this church. 30:45 And the one thing that bugged me the most was this Sabbath thing 30:49 like there has to be something missing here. 30:51 And so I had this list of scriptures. 30:53 I had two Bibles with me. 30:55 I traveled with and I started to read and then it hits me just 30:59 your, my eyes just opening up to discover that I had never ever, 31:04 ever honored God on His day. 31:07 Oh, we went to church. 31:09 We, were children and family pastors and here I'm in this 31:13 airplane and God's Word is speaking to me. 31:17 I came home and got on my knees and asked my wife to forgive me. 31:21 And that day my life was radically changed. 31:25 As the kids saw. 31:27 female: My parents are two completely different people than 31:29 they were ten years ago. 31:31 When we all came together as one family, as one unit, nothing was 31:35 going to separate our family anymore. 31:36 We were more close than we were before. 31:38 Tony: What Amazing Facts has done for my family. 31:42 Oh my word. 31:43 The fact that we're talking like this right now is a miracle. 31:48 My girls to hug me, my son to hold me. 31:53 I am such a blessed man. 31:59 ♪♪♪ 32:09 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where 32:12 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his 32:16 plan to save you. 32:18 So what are you waiting for? 32:19 Get practical answers about the good book for a better 32:23 life today. 32:26 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. 32:29 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the 32:32 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. 32:36 and 8 p.m. Pacific time. 32:39 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this 32:41 evening's program call 800-835-6747. 32:46 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 32:51 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live." 32:57 Doug: Welcome back listening friends to "Bible Answers Live" 33:01 and some maybe have tuned in along the way. 33:03 This is a live international interactive Bible study. 33:06 And we just would love to have you call with the 33:09 Bible question. 33:10 If you have one, if you've not called before, we try to give 33:12 preference to first time callers to welcome you to the family. 33:16 And we're gonna go back to the questions in just a minute. 33:18 My name is Doug Bachelor. 33:20 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross. 33:21 And Pastor you mentioned the phone number. 33:23 Let me mention it again. 33:25 If you want to call him with your Bible question. 33:26 It's 800-463-7297. 33:30 It's 800-GOD-SAYS it's 800-463-7297. 33:35 We've got Dan in Texas. 33:37 Dan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 33:39 Dan: Yes. Hi. 33:41 Pastor Doug and pastor John, I really appreciate your ministry. 33:45 Doug: Well, thank you. 33:47 Dan: Is there biblical scriptural evidence or to prove 33:52 that Christ kept the Sabbath after resurrection? 33:56 Doug: First of all Jesus, He died on Friday afternoon, 34:01 He rested in the tomb through the Sabbath. 34:03 He died just before the Sabbath and He rose right after it 34:06 was over. 34:07 So it's like He rested from His work of saving man. 34:09 The disciples refused to embalm His body, at least they didn't 34:13 finish embalming His body because it's as they went home 34:17 and kept the Sabbath according to the commandment, came back 34:19 Sunday morning to finish. 34:20 If you're a Jew, you had three days to do complete the burial. 34:24 And then of course, He rose Sunday morning, then He appears 34:29 to the disciples on earth over a period of 40 days. 34:33 And He taught them along the way that I think the closest you 34:36 could come is revelation chapter 1 where it says John is in the 34:40 Spirit on the Lord's Day. 34:42 And the only day that is called the Lord's Day in the Bible 34:45 would be the Sabbath day. 34:47 If you read in Isaiah 58 it says, calls it the Sabbath of 34:51 the Lord, "On My holy day." 34:53 And in the commandment, it says it's His day. 34:58 So, that would be the only thing I can think of Pastor Ross 35:02 because it doesn't tell what day He did different things. 35:04 Jëan: And after Jesus rose from the dead, He didn't spend as 35:08 much time with His disciples as He did before. 35:10 In other words, they traveled with Jesus. 35:13 Christ was with His disciples 24 hours a day. 35:16 He was teaching in the synagogues. 35:17 That didn't occur after the resurrection. 35:19 He appeared at different times to the disciples. 35:21 On the very day Sunday after the resurrection, He appeared to the 35:25 disciples that evening. 35:26 And then He told them He would meet them again in Galilee. 35:29 So they journeyed up to Galilee and then Jesus appeared to 35:31 them there. 35:33 So we don't see the same type of time that Christ spent with 35:37 the disciples. 35:39 It doesn't mean that He didn't appear on the Sabbath. 35:40 The Bible just doesn't say. 35:42 Doug: Well, it does tell us also in Isaiah, "Speaking of the 35:45 future that in heaven," it says, "It will come to pass it from 35:49 one Sabbath to another. 35:50 All flesh will come and worship before me." 35:52 So that's in the future. 35:54 He says, all flesh, not just Jews will come and worship 35:57 before Him on the Sabbath. 35:59 So I think there's good evidence there. 36:02 Jëan: And of course, there's no evidence in scripture of Jesus 36:04 ever changing the day of worship after the resurrection. 36:08 You'd think that would have been noted in a big way if that would 36:11 have happened, but that didn't. 36:12 All right, we got Brad in California. 36:14 Brad, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 36:16 Brad: Hi, thanks for taking my call. 36:18 Doug: Yes, sir. How can we help? 36:20 Brad: I have a question. 36:21 It's 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9, when it talks about 36:26 idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God. 36:30 What exactly is meant by idolaters in that context? 36:35 Doug: Yeah, well, the sin of idolatry, it's mentioned in the 36:38 Ten Commandments in the second commandment. 36:41 "You'll not make unto you any graven images, the likeness of 36:44 anything in the heaven above or the earth beneath or the waters 36:47 under the earth, you'll not bow down yourself to them nor 36:50 serve them." 36:51 And it goes on to say, "For I'm the Lord, your God. 36:53 I'm a jealous God." 36:54 So, idolatry is forbidden from cover to cover in the Bible. 36:59 That means anytime we're worshiping material things or 37:02 any likeness of God, and we're putting it in the place or 37:07 making a God of it. 37:08 Now, that would mean, you know, praying to a statue or praying 37:11 to a painting. 37:12 And you know, even a porcelain figurine of Mary, some people 37:17 pray to that's making idols out of things and worshiping them. 37:22 God says, "I am everywhere I am a Spirit." 37:24 He fills heaven and earth. 37:26 Any plastic, concrete, stone, gold representation we make of 37:31 God is gonna belittle our concept. 37:35 And John tells us, keep yourself from idols, my little children, 37:39 the beast power causes the world to worship the image of 37:44 the beast. 37:45 And so you can find from Genesis to revelation that God tells His 37:49 people do not worship idols. 37:51 We serve a living God. 37:53 We're to love people and that some people love things. 37:57 So idols for people today may not be a Buddha that they're 38:00 praying to. 38:02 It might be a Ferrari. 38:04 Jëan: All right, thank you, Dan--oh Brad rather. 38:07 We got Carlos in Pennsylvania. 38:08 Carlos welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 38:10 Carlos: Good evening, Pastor Batchelor and Pastor Ross. 38:12 How are you today? 38:14 Doug: Doing great. Thanks, Carlos. 38:16 And your question. Carlos: Awesome. 38:17 On the account of John 20 between I know that between Mary 38:21 Magdalene and Thomas Jesus went to heaven to present Himself as 38:26 a sacrificial lamb. 38:29 And I know that in 1844 Jesus went to the most holy place to 38:32 intercede for us. 38:34 Now, my question is about Hebrews 9:12. 38:39 I know that Hebrews 912 is speaking about that time frame 38:42 between the encounter of Mary Magdalene and Thomas. 38:47 The new King James version says that Jesus went to the most 38:53 holy place. 38:54 But the King James version says that Jesus went to the 38:57 holy place. 38:59 So the big question is when Jesus ascend to heaven, did He 39:04 go to present Himself as a sacrificial lamb? 39:07 Did He go to the most holy place or to the holy place? 39:10 Doug: It's easy to say that Jesus when He ascended, went 39:13 into the presence of the Father who would be in the most holy 39:18 place to inaugurate the earth, the heavenly sanctuary. 39:23 When Moses built the earthly sanctuary, normally the priest 39:26 only goes in once a year, except when it was first built. 39:30 Moses went in to Sprinkle all the implements with blood, to 39:33 consecrate them to inaugurate it if you would say and to activate 39:38 it for lack of another word. 39:39 When Christ ascended to heaven, He had His sacrifice 39:42 declared adequate. 39:44 He went before the father pled His blood activated the heavenly 39:47 temple if you will. 39:49 And that would have been in the very presence of God, but He 39:51 continued His work for us in what we would call the first 39:54 apartment for the next 1800 years. 39:57 Jëan: And I think as you mentioned there, the word most 40:00 is sort of added in the new King James version. 40:03 The King James version just says Holy Place. 40:06 Doug: The original Greek says that. 40:07 Jëan: That's right for the Texas receptor. 40:09 So, you know, holy place. 40:11 Well, there's two compartments, the holy and the most holy. 40:13 So, that was sort of add a little bit with translators. 40:16 And as you mentioned, Pastor Doug, there is an anointing. 40:19 But if you keep reading in the Bible, you find that especially 40:22 to revelation chapter 4 describes God the Father and He 40:26 is in the first compartment of the heavenly sanctuary, talks 40:29 about seven burning lamps before the throne. 40:31 We know that to be the candlesticks. 40:33 And then you're reading Daniel chapter 7, there is movement, 40:35 the ancient of Days goes from the holy to the most holy. 40:38 And then one like the Son of man, which is Jesus follows the 40:41 Father in the court is set and the books are open and judgment 40:45 takes place. 40:46 So there is movement in the heavenly sanction. 40:47 Of course, it illustrates the plan of redemption and what God 40:50 is doing for those who are trusting in Him. 40:53 Doug: Yeah, and we have a lesson that talks about the the 40:56 sanctuary and the judgment. 40:58 Jëan: You think of another one. 40:59 God drew the plans talking about all the-- 41:01 Doug: The one that more deals 41:02 more about cleansing of the sanctuary. 41:04 Jëan: That would probably be the one. 41:06 Yeah, right on time talks about the judgment. 41:08 Yeah, if you'd like to learn more about it, the number to 41:10 call is 800-835-6747. 41:13 And the study guide is called "Right On Time" talking about 41:16 the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. 41:18 Daniel 8:14, you can dial "#250" on your smartphone and just ask 41:23 for that and we'll send you a digital download. 41:25 Beverly in Florida. 41:27 Beverly, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 41:29 Beverly: Hello, thank you for taking my call. 41:33 2 Corinthians 11:20 and Proverbs 4:23. 41:40 I was married to a narcissistic man for 13 years who nearly 41:43 destroyed me. 41:45 And now there is a woman in our church who is doing the same 41:53 thing and I don't know 41:59 if I should flee this type of person 42:04 because above all else guard your heart because all you do 42:08 flows from it. 42:10 Or is this something that I'm supposed to endure? 42:15 Doug: Well, you know, if you're in a bigger church, it's a 42:17 little easier to avoid contact with one person that may be 42:20 giving you a hard time. 42:22 If you're in a small church, it becomes more difficult. 42:24 keep in mind even Jesus had a Judas in His little church there 42:29 of 12 apostles. 42:31 So, sometimes you're gonna have your love muscles challenged by 42:36 people that may not be very lovable. 42:38 And God loves these people, even narcissistic people I think can 42:42 be converted. 42:43 So, we're all, you know, we all struggle with selfishness. 42:46 So, what you should do exactly. 42:48 I don't know. 42:49 Hopefully it's not the pastor, which means you can go to 42:51 the pastor and say, "What do you recommend?" 42:53 They probably know the person and know the ins and outs and 42:56 get some counsel. 42:58 I've got a book that we don't mention often, but it talks 43:01 about this and it's called "How To Survive And Thrive In Church" 43:05 because sometimes we thrive in church and sometimes you say, 43:08 "How do I survive in church?" 43:09 Because there's challenges. 43:11 So, if you'd like, I think we can send you a free copy 43:14 of that. 43:15 It's a small book, but I think it would be helpful 43:17 for your situation. 43:18 Jëan: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. 43:22 And again, ask for the book, "How To Thrive And Survive 43:25 In Church." 43:26 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks 43:28 and you'll be blessed by reading that. 43:30 Next caller that we have is Rebecca from Michigan. 43:33 Rebecca welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 43:34 Rebecca: Hello, how are you doing? 43:37 Doug: Doing good. 43:39 Thank you for calling. 43:40 Rebecca: I have a question. 43:42 In 2 Samuel chapter 22 verse 30. 43:44 I'm doing a Bible study and stump was the meaning of it? 43:48 Doug: It says, "For by You I can run against a troop; by my God, 43:52 I can leap over a wall." 43:54 Well, David was saying that God gives him strength in a war to 43:59 go against another army. 44:00 And of course, David was exhibit a of that and God giving him 44:03 strength to go against the giant. 44:06 And the Bible says that David was eventually promoted to be 44:09 the armor bearer for Saul. 44:11 And then he became one of the captains of the armies for 44:14 King Saul. 44:15 And to our knowledge, David never lost a battle. 44:17 There's no record of his losing a battle, but he always wanted 44:21 to battle trusting God. 44:23 And he's saying, "God is the one who gives me the strength to 44:25 leap over an enemy's wall and to run against the troop." 44:30 So, for us today, we're not usually charging over fields and 44:35 fighting against Philistines. 44:36 For us today, we have different armies that we fight against. 44:39 It's God gives us strength to fight against difficulties and 44:45 tribulations and sometimes spiritual battles. 44:48 So the Lord will strengthen us against those enemies. 44:52 Jëan: And of course, back in Bible times to go to war 44:55 involved physical strength, your life was dependent upon how 44:58 strong and and fit you were when you had, you know, hand to 45:02 hand combat. 45:03 So here David, he's saying, "The Lord gives me the physical 45:05 strength I need to be victorious." 45:08 And I think you can apply that spiritually in our lives. 45:10 God will give us spiritual strength to be victorious. 45:14 And maybe we find ourselves in a situation where we need extra 45:17 physical help. 45:18 We can cry out to the Lord and say, Lord help me and He can 45:20 help us. 45:22 Doug: Yeah, I can, I think while you're talking, I was thinking 45:23 of several examples that in a battle where Jonathan was going, 45:27 the men were so faint that they couldn't go on. 45:31 Jonathan had a little honey and it gave him strength. 45:33 And when Gideon and his soldiers were fighting, they asked some 45:37 people for bread, they said, "The soldiers are hungry. 45:39 Can you give them something to eat so they can 45:40 continue pursuing?" 45:42 And there's one passage that says that they were weary yet 45:45 still pursuing the enemy. 45:48 So there's several stories where David actually to leave one 45:51 third of his army because they were exhausted when they went 45:54 against the Amalekites and Ziklag after they 45:56 conquered Ziklag. 45:58 So, they did on a real basis, struggle with having the 46:02 endurance to fight because it was pretty grueling back then. 46:06 Next call that we have is Grace in California. 46:08 Grace welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 46:10 Grace: All right. Thank you. 46:12 My question is about Daniel chapter 9, and the 70 46:17 week prophecy. 46:19 I was wondering why do people say that in the seven week, 70 46:24 week prophecy in AD 34 that the probation closed for the Jews 46:30 and the gospel went to the gentiles when I don't see 46:33 anything in the chapter that says this. 46:36 Doug: All right. 46:37 If you go to Daniel chapter 9, and Daniel is praying about, you 46:42 know, "When will the Messiah come? 46:43 When will the people be delivered from their captivity 46:45 in Babylon?" 46:47 Gabriel appears to him and he gives him one of the most 46:49 amazing prophecies in the Bible. 46:51 He says, "Seventy weeks are determined for your people." 46:54 Then he gives a starting point. 46:57 And keep in mind, 70 weeks, of course, has got 70 times 7. 47:01 It's 490 days, but in prophecy a day is a year, nothing important 47:07 happened 490 days after this prophecy. 47:10 But he says, "From the going forth of the command to restore 47:13 and build Jerusalem." 47:14 You find that in Ezra chapter seven. 47:17 And it's a command of Artaxerxes and it's well established. 47:21 It was given in 457 BC. 47:24 He said there would be 70 weeks until that was allotted for the 47:28 Jewish nation to embrace and proclaim the Messiah. 47:32 And of course, it says, but seven days before that, it's in 47:37 the same prophecy, the Messiah is gonna be anointed seven years 47:43 before 34 AD Jesus was baptized. 47:46 He preaches personally for three and a half years. 47:49 In the midst of that last week, He is cut off and He makes a 47:52 sacrifice cease. 47:53 Vale was rent in the curtain temple when He died. 47:57 Then He preaches another three years says in Hebrews chapter 1 48:00 "Through those who heard Me." 48:02 He says, "I will confirm the covenant through those who 48:05 heard Me." 48:06 In 34 AD, three and a half years later, Stephen then preaches to 48:11 the Supreme court. 48:12 The Sanhedrin tells about Christ but they plug their ears, 48:15 they gnash their teeth, they do to Stephen what they had done to 48:19 Jesus three and a half years earlier. 48:21 They take him out, clothes are laid down at the feet of Saul. 48:24 He is executed and he prays for the forgiveness of those who 48:28 kill him just like Jesus. 48:30 At that point, the official time for the Jewish nation was up. 48:37 Well, that doesn't mean that God doesn't have a plan for 48:38 the Jews. 48:40 Don't misunderstand but their Job in accepting the Messiah as 48:43 a nation that was cut off. 48:46 Now, Christ said, "If you do not accept it, I will take it to 48:49 a nation that brings forth the fruits." 48:51 Right in that same chapter, it says that the apostle Paul, he's 48:56 converted, the disciples go everywhere preaching the gospel. 49:00 Paul becomes an apostle to the gentiles and now the gentiles 49:04 embrace the gospel. 49:05 But that--it was a pivotal time when Stephen was stone the 49:08 first murder. 49:09 Jëan: And you know, Grace, you mentioned--we're in the chapter 49:11 that actually talk about the Jews? 49:13 Well, it's right there in verse 24 Daniel 9:24 where the angel 49:16 says, 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your 49:21 holy city. 49:22 Now, of course, the angel is talking to Daniel. 49:24 Daniel's people are the Jews. 49:26 So it's quite clear from the-- 49:28 Doug: The tribe of Judah, the holy city was Jerusalem. 49:29 Jëan: That's right. 49:31 So I hear the angel is saying there is a 70 week or 490 year, 49:35 seven times 7, 70 times 7, 490 a time period that God had given 49:39 to the Jewish people as a whole, as a nation. 49:42 Now, of course, as Pastor Doug said, that doesn't mean 49:44 individual Jews can't be saved. 49:46 But the purpose that God had raised up Israel, unfortunately, 49:50 they rejected their Messiah, they rejected Jesus and as a 49:53 result, rejecting his, rejecting Him, they rejected His 49:58 protection and the Romans came and destroyed the city in 70 AD. 50:01 So that's all contained in this prophecy. 50:03 Very interesting, very important prophecy. 50:05 Doug: And Jesus said they'll not be left one stone upon another 50:08 and all that happened. 50:09 Now keep in mind Grace, I am Jewish. 50:12 I mean, I'm very loyal. 50:13 I think there's gonna be a great revival among the Jewish people. 50:16 But the principal purpose of the Jewish nation was to be the 50:19 guardians of the scripture and to introduce the Messiah to the 50:22 world which they did at Pentecost. 50:25 But as a nation, the leaders rejected Him, not everybody 50:28 because some of the priests and Pharisees accepted Him like Paul 50:31 and Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramathea. 50:34 But the nation as a whole, they said, "We have no king 50:37 but Caesar." 50:39 At the trial of Christ. 50:41 Jëan: You know, we got a study guide and I think Grace 50:43 you'd really enjoy. 50:44 It's called "Right On Time" and it talks about this time 50:46 prophecy in Daniel chapter 9. 50:47 The number to call is 800-835-6747. 50:51 Ask for the study guide, it's called "Right On Time" you can 50:54 also dial "#250" with your smart phone and just ask for it 50:58 by name. 50:59 Yvonne in California. 51:01 Yvonne, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 51:03 Yvonne: Hi, thank you for answering, Doctor Doug and Jëan. 51:07 Doug: Yes. 51:09 Yvonne: I have just one question. 51:11 Ephesians 1:13. 51:15 Summary it says, "If you believe and you have heard the gospel," 51:23 the last part says, "You were sealed by the Spirit 51:28 of promise." 51:29 Now, is this the same in revelation when God's people are 51:35 gonna be sealed in the forehead, the mark of the beast is on 51:40 the forehead? 51:41 Doug: Everybody that has the seal of God will have 51:44 the Holy Spirit. 51:45 But if you think about it from the time of Jesus until now, 51:49 when Paul wrote this, every believer has had the privilege 51:53 of having the seal of the Holy Spirit in their heart. 51:57 Christ, you know, it says, "Be baptized and you'll receive the 51:59 gift of the Holy Spirit." 52:01 And so, you know, every believers had that, but there's 52:04 something special in the last days that becomes a mark in 52:09 the life. 52:10 It's more distinguishing and that's something above and 52:12 beyond just the Holy Spirit while every believer will have 52:15 the Spirit. 52:17 And, you know, there are people who are marked for destruction 52:21 in the Old Testament, but that's not the mark of the beast in the 52:24 last days. 52:25 There's something more distinctive. 52:27 We do have a lesson that talks about the mark of the beast and 52:30 the seal of God. 52:31 And, I think it's by the same title. 52:34 Jëan: Called, "The Mark of the Beast." 52:36 And it gets into that, that's what it's called. 52:38 We have study guides. 52:39 Doug: Read it sitting down. 52:41 Jëan: Deep study. 52:42 The number to call is 800-835-6747. 52:45 It's called "The Mark of the Beast." 52:47 talks about the Seal of God in the forehead in the last days 52:50 and the Holy Spirit just important study. 52:52 Thank you, Yvonne. 52:54 We've got, Brett in Oklahoma. 52:55 Brett welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 52:57 Brett: Hello. 52:59 Doug: Hi Brett. 53:00 Brett: So my question is, how can I teach the truth to other 53:08 people and it be more effective without making them feel so 53:15 judged because I get the same response 95% of the time. 53:21 And it's, you know, don't, you know, "Who are you to judge me." 53:25 Or, "Check the blank in your own eye." 53:28 Or, you know, and, it just seems like, and I don't, you know, 53:34 this is just my opinion and I hope it's everybody else's too. 53:38 I don't think it's a character issue as far as for me because 53:42 I'm not demeaning. 53:44 I like to make sure that my character is, you know, soft 53:48 spoken and that I'm kind and things like that, you know. 53:52 So I don't really know if I, if it's an error that I'm making. 53:56 Doug: So, let me ask you a question. 53:59 If you're sharing Christ with somebody, how do you introduce 54:03 the subject? 54:04 Brett: I guess the doctrinal topic or so that can really vary 54:13 depending on what it is. 54:15 But I mean, if I, yeah, so, but I, so it's kind of hard for me 54:21 to answer that question, I guess, but-- 54:23 Doug: And you're finding that people are offended or they 54:25 think you're judging them when you talk about the love of God? 54:28 Brett: Not necessarily the love of God. 54:30 It's more of the doctrinal stuff because a lot of the people that 54:34 I talk to because I'm kind of new to getting more out there 54:41 and getting out of my bubble and really talking to more people 54:45 about it. 54:46 Doug: I think the key is that you want to witness to people 54:50 who are open and you pray for wisdom and tact to know what 54:54 to say. 54:55 If you float the spiritual subject to them and they put up 54:59 the hand and they resist. 55:00 Well, don't push. 55:02 It's kind of like fishing. 55:03 You gotta wait till they're coming towards the boat before 55:04 you reel them in. 55:06 You don't wanna, you can't fight people. 55:07 Jesus never. 55:08 You know, He said, "Please come and follow Me." 55:10 And they might say yes, some said no. 55:12 So you, you need to see if you find people that are open and 55:16 then you ask them, "You know, could I study with you or can we 55:19 have a conversation." 55:21 And some are gonna resist but don't be discouraged because 55:24 Christ said, "The harvest is great. 55:26 The laborers are few." 55:27 People out there want to know the truth. 55:29 There is training you can actually take. 55:31 Amazing Facts, offers an online course called AFCO. 55:35 It's The Amazing Facts College of evangelism. 55:38 And you can take this online training and it tells you got 55:41 a whole course and win some witnessing. 55:43 How can you be a witness in a positive way and engage people 55:48 and not scare them off and how to evaluate a different people 55:53 and different approaches for different people? 55:55 Jëan: Yeah, the course you're thinking about past today is 55:56 called "Amazing Disciples." 55:58 And it's following in the footsteps of Christ and applying 56:01 the principles that Jesus used in reaching people with 56:03 the gospel. 56:05 Like He had a different approach when He spoke to the woman at 56:06 the well and when He said to John and the other disciples, 56:09 "Follow Me" and Peter. 56:11 So you know, learning from Christ's way of reaching people 56:14 to try and be more effective in sharing our faith. 56:17 Doug: Yeah absolutely. 56:18 And so Brett could go right to the Amazing Facts website and 56:22 search Amazing Facts. 56:24 Jëan: Call the amazing disciples and you just go to 56:26 Amazing Facts. 56:28 We have a training link says AFCO and you can get all the 56:30 information you need. 56:32 It's for anyone, it's translated into different languages. 56:34 I think it's in Spanish. 56:35 So a very helpful course. 56:37 Doug: Yeah absolutely. 56:38 You'll be blessed by that Brett because you know what it does 56:40 take a little bit of training, Jesus walked with disciples 56:44 three and a half years to teach them how to be 56:46 positive witnesses. 56:48 Jëan: And we've got Sarah listening in New Jersey. 56:50 Sarah we have about a minute. 56:52 Welcome. 56:53 And your question. 56:55 Sarah: Hi, good evening. 56:56 I was studying my status school the lesson the other day and I 56:59 came across Lazarus's name and I got to thinking about Lazarus. 57:04 You never hear his name again. 57:06 And I know you're only, we only appointed to die, but once so he 57:12 could have died again. 57:15 So, I'm wondering, did he go to heaven with Jesus? 57:18 Doug: Let's jump in there real quick and see if we can answer 57:21 before we run out of time. 57:23 You know, the scripture that says in Hebrews, "It's appointed 57:26 unto man once to die. 57:27 And after that, the judgment." 57:29 Paul is not saying there was never any exception to that 57:31 because Elijah resurrected a boy, he died, was raised and he 57:36 probably died again. 57:38 Elisha died, resurrected a boy who died again. 57:41 Lazarus was resurrected. 57:43 We don't know how long he lived, but he ultimately died again. 57:47 I don't think that all of them were taken to heaven with Jesus 57:50 when He ascended. 57:52 So, that's sort of a general statement when there are a few 57:54 rare exceptions where it says, "It's appointed unto a man once 57:57 to die." 57:58 Enoch and Elijah never died. 58:00 There are exceptions. 58:01 Hey, friends make an exception for us and give us a call again 58:04 next week for another edition of "Bible Answers Live." 58:10 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. 58:12 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before 58:16 Bible Answers live is produced by Amazing Facts International. 58:20 A faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California. |
Revised 2025-01-23